
MM has Coronavirus

After China has “opened up” on it’s restrictions, many of us inside of China are getting sick. Last Tuesday, my little girl failed a random temperature check in Kindergarten and we took her home. Oh Lordy! Was she miserable. Poor little kid.

Running high fever, and absolutely unhappy. But by the end of the day, she was fine.

However, I was the guy taking care of her, and I caught it from her.

Yesterday, I wasn’t feeling well. I was sore all over. Achy. Tired. And on top of that, I had to visit a couple of factories in Foshan. (About a three hour drive away.)

A massive cold front hit. 4° instead of our perennial 30° and I was not a happy camper.

We had our big meals, and at night drank the beijiu and got sloshed. Crashed in the hotel room, and I was miserable. I had the headache from Hell, and could not sleep. My body felt like I had been lifting weights for a week and I was sore all over.

I’m back home now.

I’m following the Chinese government advice and “sheltering in place” voluntarily because I don’t want to give it to anyone else.

Now, I have had three “dead host” vaccines, and so did my entire family, but yeah, we got this virus.

They say it’s not bad.

I beg to differ.

I don’t have a runny nose, coughing, or anything like that, but all my internal organs feel “off”. Like they are strained. I’m operating at 22% right now.

I feel confident that things will go back to normal in a few days.


It might be a coincidence, but my Quality Director did not share the breakfast this morning with us. He was called home.

His wife’s oldest sisters’ grandson (a one year old boy) died last last. It happened suddenly and no one knows what happened.

This situation is only just developing…

I am going to give MM a break while I heal up. Just remember, everyone, to be the best you can be. And remember that I believe in you.


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Hey MM,
All the best and “gute Besserung” to you and your family. You have to have full focus on recovering your health now. Take the time it needs – this, too, shall pass.

Bas Greuter

Today, being sick is the new dying. These vaccines do nothing other than filling someone’s pockets. If Einstein were alive he would have to change his famous quote. There are no words for the behaviour of humans today.
If even Euromomo is changing the data on the excess deaths in Europa for 2022 then the rabbit hole is even deeper as the Kola well. Embrace the absurd. I wish you and your family a quick recovery. It will probably last 10 days. Better believe in yourself.


Wishing you a swift recovery.

It really does feel “off” doesn’t it?

For me it was over in four to five days. Although there have been lingering effects.

Please take all the time you need and really let yourself rest.

Ohio Guy

I agree with Feal. In fact, I called off of work friday night because I felt wayyy off. Severe lethargy, achey aches. Rest was all I could do. You get yourself well, MM. And your beautiful family too.

Rod Cloutier

I was laid out in January for 4 weeks with Covid. They gave me Mono-clonal antibodies to fight it off, and it eventually worked. Couldn’t work had to stay on oxygen for the whole time, even at night sleeping. It was awful. Get well soon !


Hope you are on the mend mate. I slept for 22 hour straight when I got Covid but did not feel that bad really, for myself it was like a cold, nothing more. Love to you and your mob mate and again get well soon.


I thought you said Covid didn’t actually exist and it was just the flu. People are getting sick from the vaccines.


Now that CYN is exactly 1 month ahead, am sure China is still on high vigilance, guarding against another bio attack from America.


Hey MM, hang in there. You’re basically healthy and will find yourself feeling better soon. I hope you get some good rest, keep hydrated and find yourself quite well in no time.


Stay Strong

When I got infected with COVID19, it was from the vaccine I was forced to take by my abusive, Hegemon-Suckup of a friend, and it lasted for about a day before the headaches, fever, knotted stomach, and sporadic pangs disappeared.

I believe in You.


I hope you get better soon, Sir. Take care.