
MM introduces some of his art

The question is not PH since PH is just a US puppet.

The question is whether USA will continue to provoke China, using PH.

Ukraine wanted to stop the war. One month after the war broke out, Ukraine & Russia already reached a peace deal. But USA & UK stopped Ukraine from ceasefire. Evidence of the US interference of the peace already surfaced as of 2024, by more than 1 source.

Same here for PH under Marcos. USA will continue to make PH provoke China. PH cannot stop.

China already cut off PH’s resupply to the junk ship. Some 60 days already. PH must resupply its soldiers. Either air-drop or military speed boat again. Hence, there will be more conflicts in weeks to come.

I wont be surprised if there is “war with primitive weapons” & physical “wrestling” in future.

We must keep in mind: US politicians have no morality. In 2020 during pandemic, USA staged an anti-Chinese-vaccine & anti-vaccination campaign in PH, southeast Asia, Central Asia & Mideast.

In a pandemic when we must put aside differences & focus on saving life, USA could stage such campaign to kill people. Unbelievable.

In the Syrian war, Syria accused USA of using bio weapons though USA accused Syria doing the same. Regardless Syria used it or not, USA as a world “leader” should not use bio weapon at all.

Hence, I wont rule out if USA thru PH will use bio weapon this time.

I hope I am wrong.

Terrifying !!! Russia successfully demonstrates the Satan II hypersonic missile, NATO panics

  • She was 19.
  • She was hired as our copy room clerk.
  • Part Time.
  • It was her first job.
  • She had never lived alone.
  • She met a bragging wastrel who promised her the world.
  • It was her first boyfriend.
  • Her primary motivation to marry him (6 weeks after meeting him) was to get out from under her controlling parents, and to celebrate having a new job and new boyfriend.
  • She signed an apartment lease without new husband, because he had no credit and wouldn’t pass the background check. Later proved to be helpful.
  • She financed a car, without the husband as co-signer, who had no credit, and no job, and thus wouldn’t be approved — and the salesmen sold it to her anyway. An overblown, expensive, GTO.
  • She got bashed about by said husband when they fought.
  • She said she was kicked by her Uncle’s horse. Every week. In the face.
  • This all took place in a six-month period, culminating in her tearfully asking for our law firm’s help to:
    • Divorce said husband, because she couldn’t afford the legal fees.
      • We did.
    • Help her qualify for health care to figure out what to do about pregnancy.
      • We took her to Planned Pregnancy. She wasn’t pregnant. Small mercies.
    • Prevent her car from being repossessed because she couldn’t afford the car payments.
      • We didn’t. Told she could keep this overblown muscle car which HE picked out, or have her apartment, which SHE picked out. Choose wisely.
    • Stop or halt the eviction because she couldn’t afford the rent.
      • We did. She kept the apartment, with a roommate from an advertisement.
    • Help get a restraining order because he was abusive.
      • We did.
  • She worked one more year, before taking him back in her life.
    • She came us to us and asked if we could help — again.
    • Can we help evict him from her apartment, because he won’t leave, and roommate won’t stay and pay rent while he’s there.
      • We could. We didn’t.
    • Can we help her get her money back — she had bailed him out of jail but he skipped on bail, and now she was liable.
      • We could not.
    • Could we help prevent her wages from being garnished for their joint taxes, which they had not paid.
      • We could not.
    • Instead she was terminated from her employment for a long list of infractions which all centered around racing to his aid during business hours, taking his calls during business hours, bringing in and sending his mail with our postage meter, etc.
    • Sixty (60) days later: She asked if we would please not challenge the Unemployment Claim, by saying she was fired for cause and for theft (postage, supplies and more), so as not to jeopardize her claim for unemployment. Please? Please.
      • We could lie for her. We didn’t.

UPDATE: November 6, 2019. I’m surprised at the number of views and comments this answer has generated. It prompted me to do a wee bit of digging to see how she fared. I found her on Facebook in short order — using her maiden name. 25 years later — she looks wonderful physically. Album after album of photographs of happy life events with friends and family, and group photos of her participation in amateur competitive sports. Many photos of her on trips with her mother and father. Sad photos after the loss of her father. Not a single photo or mention of “him” — the husband we knew. But sadly, photos and memories of the death of her life partner, a boyfriend with whom she had been living with for many years, it seems. Many testimonials as to his good character, from her friends, family and co-workers, and positive comments from his family as well. It sounds as if they had a good life together. I’m glad she is having what appears to be a good life, sorry she had tragedies. Glad they were not of her making. Hope I’m not sharing too much of her private life here, but should she ever find this thread — I’ll try to make plans for lunch.

Road Trip To Fingoli

Submitted into Contest #6 in response to: Write a story about a road trip taking place 300 years from now. view prompt

Holly Pierce

I stare out the window, the tall buildings blurring before my tear-streaked face. My anger bubbles inside me, boiling flames licking at my broken heart. The frowning face of my younger sister mimics the discontent within me.The government had promised. We deliver the mutated DNA samples, we earn our freedom. Yet again, we find ourselves moving to a distant, unknown city. Yet again, my heart aches for the comfort of my old home. In my entire life, I have never before loved a place so much as Hawaine.I nervously bounce my robotic leg, as we leave the newly restored cities of the old United States and drive across the endless ocean. I drift off to sleep to the sound of the ocean waves slapping our car, to the beat of my anguished heart.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I awake three hours later, and find, much to my surprise, we have crossed about half of the warm, shallow waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Up past the rows of seats, I catch a glimpse of the City of Atlantis, previously thought to be lost. 200 years ago, the Atlantic Ocean’s waters became considerably shallower, which was when the City of Atlantis was rediscovered.A few minutes later, we retract the claws protruding from the base of our car, and float to shore. I gladly follow my older brothers out of the car and immediately fall to the ground. I always forget how dizzy I am after a long car ride.Quickly, before I forget, I take my water purifier from my belt and remove the lid. I fill the container to the brim with the salty ocean water. The bell dings exactly two minutes later, alerting me that the water is safe to drink. I quickly add the water to the dehydrated spaghetti before it cools down. I share the pasta with my twelve year old sister, Emma, who has been sulking since we left Hawaine.Matt and Mark share a small cake to celebrate their birthday, and they blow out their nineteen candles. I give each of them their presents, under the watchful eye of the government officials escorting us. For Matt I bought a new pocket knife from the Amazons in Batalla, not a weapon according to government standards. For Mark, I bought a book originally written a little more than 300 years ago, in the year 2019.Our final destination is Fingoli, a small island off the coast of Eurasia. We’re told the average temperature is 90°F, but due to the island being formed within the last twenty years, it is unlikely the average will continue to be stable. Apparently, there are barely any trees, and it is deemed unlikely we will come upon another human. Even the mutated sort.I look over at Mark, resting his new book on his six mechanical legs as he reads the first few chapters. Three years ago, when all of us were still in the military, Mark had an accident which resulted in him losing his legs. Rather than cry about it, he searched for days on end for the perfect parts and built himself six new legs, weaponized and ready to fight. Mark notices me staring and slides a bookmark in between the pages of his new book.“So, what are you thinking about in that tiny little brain of yours, little sis?”“You’re hilarious. Just remembering when we were in the military. You know, when we weren’t being ‘escorted’ to a random place in the middle of nowhere by government officials who stole our weapons.” This earned me a nasty glare from the leader of the group, but I just grin at him and turn away. Matt turns to look at me, and quickly looks at the ground.

Mark says, “Right. Well, those days are long over. No sense dwelling on the past, or you might miss the future.”

I try to hide my confusion at Mark’s words, because this was the code phrase we’d been using since we were little, meaning hide and run away.

“At midnight, wake all of us up and we can watch the stars shine their light on us.” continued Mark. I was hard-pressed containing my reaction to the oddity of the words coming from Mark’s mouth. Maybe he wanted all of us to wake up and escape.

“Okay, will do. How’s the book?”

Mark held up his copy of Lost in the Jungle, “It’s pretty good I guess. So, this guy gets lost on a tour of this rainforest, and it’s in this place called South America. One of the old continents, perhaps. Apparently, he has limited supplies or something.”

When I read the book, it was about a photographer lost in South America, not a guy lost on a tour. Mark is definitely trying to tell me something. We have limited supplies, we’re lost, in a way, and we are sort of on a tour with the officials.

Mark whispers to me, “I’ll give the signal.”

I glare at him and laugh to make it look like another one of his jabs.

“Can we explore please?” Emma whines.

“Sure Emma.” I walk beside her toward the city, where most of the crumbling buildings stare sadly at the slowly sinking sun.


I wake up on a hard marble floor, freezing cold. I look around. It’s pitch black. The face of my watch emits an eery light, and the time is 11:57 p.m., three minutes before the time I need to wake everyone up. Mark is already awake, quietly packing our things into a burlap sack. I shake Jamie, our aunt, awake and quietly explain the situation. Matt stands up, and he wakes Emma up. Matt picks up the burlap sack, and quickly hides our small robot. Kyle, our uncle, sits up and we start whispering instructions on how to escape. We silently creep out of the immense hall and run for the car. I hear a shout behind me, and turn to see what happened. One of the guards has Kyle.

Kyle yells, “Keep going! Don’t stop no matter what.”

Tears stream down my face and I continue sprinting for the car. I hear a strangled moan next to me, and I see Mark on the ground, his arm twisted in an unnatural position. He pushes Emma forward and I yell,

“Emma! Sprint. Run as fast as you can.”

Both of us look away from Mark and Kyle and run for the car. Emma screams when she falls, and I quickly set her back on her feet. I start to run out of breath as we near the halfway point of our sprint.

Barely ahead of me, Jamie slows down and takes Emma’s hand. All of us run as fast as we can, when Matt runs toward us from the car, slightly out of breath. This strikes me as odd, considering he just sprinted to the car and back. I push the thought from my head and listen to what Matt says.

“All the entrances to the car are blocked by guards. They’re just behind me. We have to run away.”

We turn to run in the other direction, only to find we’re surrounded by guards and government officials, pointing their high frequency rifles at our heads. Kyle and Mark are viciously shoved inside the circle along with the rest of us. Jamie walks toward the outer edge of the guards, Emma with her, and over half the rifles are pointed at her and Emma. She shoves Emma behind her and quickly backs away. Matt simply walks out of the circle, and someone hands him a rifle.

Matt says, “The government hired me to detain you if I learned of any escape plans. In return, I would get my old job back.”

We stare at him in shock, betrayed by our own family. I can’t believe Matt would be this selfish. Tears pour down my face as Mark stares in horror at his twin.

“You are under arrest for failing to comply when imprisoned by government officials. Put your hands up or we will shoot.” Matt’s voice is as cold as ice. Mark rushes toward him, fist raised as Matt raises his gun, finger on the trigger.


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Maybe nothing. But you could get tetanus, and once you get it, even if they manage to save you, you may still wish you had died. Dying of tetanus may be the most painful way to die on the planet.

Here is a painting done in 1809 of a person dying of tetanus. Painting done by his doctor. The position is called opistothonus.

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main qimg 8488fa461f18d91f9e70bb2f6a45f5f5 lq

Why does he look like this? Your muscles ‘fire’ to contract, i.e., shorten. Then a chemical in your muscles is released to relax your muscles. What the tetanus toxin does is to prevent that chemical from being released, so your muscles fire, contract, and NEVER LET GO.

Back muscles are stronger than stomach muscles, so you arch your back. Eventually, only the back of your head and your heels touch the bed.

If you are in really good shape, it’s even worse. Your leg muscles can contract so strongly that they will BREAK. YOUR. THIGH. BONES, the strongest bones in your body.

Imagine a ‘Charley Horse’ in every muscle in your body, 24 hours a day, for days on end. And there is almost nothing that can be done to spare you. Eventually, your diaphragm contracts, and never lets go, so you quit breathing.

Getting to this blissful stage often takes 3 days. 3 days of the worst pain imaginable.

(BTW, we know the chemical that’s released, and can give it to you, but then, you stop breathing, which presents another set of problems.)

Personally, I think the vaccine is the way to go, but hey, to you anti-vaxxers out there, it’s your call. Just don’t do this to your kids, please.

BTW, the bacteria that causes tetanus, Clostridium tetani, is a common soil living bacteria. It’s in the ground everywhere. It’s NOT rust that causes tetanus, but a rusty nail indicates it’s likely been in contact with the soil for a period of time, and thus likely has C. tetani on it.

C. tetani is an anaerobic bacteria, meaning Oxygen is poisonous to it. If you get a scratch, tetanus is possible but unlikely, because of the Oxygen in the atmosphere. But a puncture, like from a nail, creates an oxygen-free atmosphere deep in the wound, perfect for C. Tetani. This is why puncture wounds are taken so seriously.

Today, Tetanus can be ‘treated’, but even with the best treatment, 2/3 of patients still die, and those that survive typically spend 8–10 WEEKS in the hospital, mostly on a ventilator and in a induced coma, followed by 4–6 months in rehab. Personally, I think getting the vaccine is easier.

BTW, there is a variation of this disease called infantile tetanus. New borns can get it from, for example, non-sterile scissors used to cut their umbilical cord. I will spare you the pictures.


In 2018, a kid on a farm in Oregon fell and got a cut on his head. A cut, not a puncture. But farms are thriving in C. tetani.

His mom washed it out, then sewed it up herself (note that she is not a medical professional).

About a week later, kid started getting sick, and rapidly went downhill. They took the kid to the ER, where they diagnosed tetanus.

LOTS of tetanus anti-toxin was administered, but it was too late, and the kid developed full-blown tetanus. Kids recover faster, so he only spent 59 days in the hospital, about 45 of them in an induced coma and on a ventilator. Then rehab for a month.

But here is the kicker. As the kid was being discharged from the rehab facility, the doctors tried to vaccinate him, and his mother REFUSED any and all vaccines.

If I was the kid, I would have stuck my fist in her mouth, rolled up my sleeve, and told the doctor, “Give me everything you’ve got!”

The bill was over $800,000. Not sure who is paying, but I doubt it’s the mom!

Wonder why medical care is expensive? One $25 shot every ten years versus an $800,000 hospital bill. (That $800,000 spent on treating this one kid in the hospital would have vaccinated 32,000 people.)

The tetanus immunization is good for 10 years. Is YOURS up to date?

A visit to Sears with Mom in 1977

Oh, I am sure that it can.

But the problem is that China does NOT want to fight the Philippines. The United States wants the fight. Not China.

Well, the Philippines voted in the current jackass-in-chief and from my sources it appears (regardless of what the media “reports”) he’s very unpopular. He has breathed life into domestic corruption to astounding levels, cozies up to the United States which now regulates the average Filipino the rank of sub-human in the eyes of Americans, and is prepping the island chains for long extended Vietnam-style warfare.

Don’t you think it would just be better to tell the United States to “bugger off”, and let the Filipino people get on with their lives?

So now you have a rabid anti-China media bombarding the islands with all sorts of anti-China propaganda, and provocations against China galore.

What do you think is gonna happen?

That somehow the PLA is going to hop into ships and storm the beaches of the Philippines like the Japanese did in World War II. Is that what you believe?

Pssst… here is what is gonna REALLY happen.

China will render it inert.

  • China is gonna launch missiles. Lots of them. Lots and Lots and Lots. Maybe nuclear, but probably not, against all those military bases. It is going to make a mess of them. Really tear them all up. They are gonna look like Swiss cheese.
  • China is also gonna tear apart all the bigger ports and airports. No one will be able to get in or out. Clean slate erasure. Like a giant picked up a mountain and dropped it on those sites.
  • But all this being said, the average Filipino will be spared, unless they (though raw bad luck) walked in upon a missile barrage. They will be left alone.
  • China will not engage the locals. They do not want to.
  • China will not fight to take over any land in the Philippines. They do not want it, at all.
  • But the harsh reality is that China will render the military forces in the area extinct, and after the erasure of the bases let the Philippines move on with their lives.

So, the Chinese “solution” to the Philippines “problem” is to “defang it”.

Not to capture it, acquire it, seize it, or convert it to communism. Just to render it inert, and try to spare as many Filipinos from a life of war-torn poverty as possible.

Now, that being said, depending on how entrenched the ruling oligarchy is inside the Philippines, the following options are on the table. But it is a question if they are going to be implemented.

  • China could then turn it into a proxy state. Like the United States has with Marcos.
  • Or, China could turn it into a protectorate. Along the lines of Mongolia or perhaps Tibet.
  • Or, China could carve it up and balkanize it. Thus making it’s threat vector smaller. Make turn it into five or six individual nations.
  • Or, China could seize all the ruling families, kill them, and make it a client state of China.

In this grand game of Geo-politics, China is playing a very involved long-term strategy of peace and friendship. While the Western colonial powers are doing everything in their simplistic silly minds to stop it. But, if a war does break out, the highest probability would be for the Philippines to be rendered inert. And then observed from afar.

And that is the truth, and the reality.

Dark Pumpernickel Bread

This is a dense European-style bread with unusual grainy texture. It should be very healthy because of the ingredients, as well as having a rich, delicious taste. It’s excellent warm with gobs of sweet butter.

Dark Pumpernickel Bread
Dark Pumpernickel Bread



  • 4 packages active dry yeast
  • 3/4 cup blackstrap molasses
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons dry powdered coffee
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons dry cocoa
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 5 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup dry powdered milk
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 1/2 cup canola or peanut oil
  • 1 1/2 cups dark rye flour
  • 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 1/2 cups cracked wheat flour
  • 1 cup wheat germ
  • 1 1/4 cups buckwheat flour
  • 1 1/4 cups gluten flour
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons caraway seed


  • 1 egg white
  • 2 teaspoons water
  • 1/2 teaspoon instant coffee



  1. Mix yeast, molasses, powdered coffee, cocoa, sugars, powdered milk, hot water and oil thoroughly in a mixing bowl, then add remaining ingredients.
  2. Mix thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Place dough ball on kneading board with 1 cup white unbleached flour and knead vigorously 12 to 15 minutes, adding more white flour as necessary. If using an electric mixer with dough hook, knead while adding white flour little by little. Dough will be slightly sticky and moist, but will begin to take on an elasticity and glossy appearance.
  3. Oil mixing bowl and roll dough in bowl until all of surface is coated with a thin cover of oil. Cover with a warm damp towel and place in a warm draft-free place for 1st rise, which may take from 1 1/2 to 2 hours as this dough is a slow riser.
  4. When dough has doubled in size, remove to floured kneading board and punch down to remove as much gas as possible. Divide dough into 3 to 6 loaves and place on greased baking sheet sprinkled with yellow cornmeal. If using Teflon baking sheets, no greasing is necessary, but cornmeal should be used. Space loaves far enough apart to allow for expansion. Brush each loaf with glaze.


  1. Mix well. Use a soft pastry brush to apply glaze so as not to depress loaves. Sprinkle with caraway seed and coarse salt. Place again in draft-free warm place and allow for 2nd rise until loaves are about double in size, which will take about 1/2 the time of the 1st rise. Bake in a moderate oven (350 to 375 degrees F) for about 50 minutes to one hour. If loaves seem close to scorching after 50 minutes, but loaves are not done, turn off oven, leaving door closed for last 10 minutes. To test for doneness, pick up a loaf with a hot-pot mitten and thump bottom. If the sound is “hollow,” the loaves are done.
  2. Cool on a wire rack or eat warm.


May be frozen and kept for several months or more.

Image: Me wearing a blue polo shirt:

I have had two sudden heart attacks. One earlier this year ( 2022 ) one several years ago.

The one thing I remember is saying “I don’t feel very well.”

Then nothing.

I don’t remember black, I don’t remember my life passing before my eyes.

It was nothing. No magical ride to meet loved ones in some mystical place.

Lights out. Over.

Then blackness came as I was revived. The being pushed and pulled then sound of voices as the people reviving me did their stuff.

Then as they roused me, questioning, a battery of questions.

Now I don’t know if I actually and technically died. But in my case it was quick from being aware of everything around me to nothing.

I hope that this answers the question.

It may not be an answer some are looking for but it’s the best answer that I personally can give.. After all it’s as close to death as I have gone so far.

All the best.

China Philippine clash, this incident caused an uproar in the Philippines. Many people ask, where has the US Pacific Fleet gone? The USS Roosevelt had been wandering in the South China Sea for almost two months, and finally left before the 15th and exited the South China Sea. It’s probably just a coincidence, just assumed as so.

This incident has made us see a truth clearly , the so-called “US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty” is useless. If something really happens, the Americans will run away first.

The Hill and Fox News added fuel to the fire, saying that the US-Philippines treaty is there and the United States must fulfill its obligation to defend the Philippines. But Congress and the US military seemed to remained silent. The so-called creation of “support from the international community” is just an illusion for the Philippines, that is, the United States “helped” with words but without any actual action.

When the Chinese Coast Guard boarded and seized Philippine military supplies and personnel, something related to US military actions also occurred.

This incident was deliberately downplayed by the US government and media, and even in our country we can’t find much information about it.

The US military in Okinawa is quietly carrying out a phased withdrawal operation!

The 19,000 U.S. Marines currently stationed at the Okinawa base will be transferred in batches to places farther away from China. What does this indicate? This shows that the US military’s ability to intervene in East Asia is becoming increasingly inadequate!

According to the plan, starting from December this year, 5,000 people will be transferred to the mainland United States and Hawaii to defend the mainland; another 4,000 people will be transferred to Guam, and it is planned to be completed before 2028. In this case, the size of the Marine Corps stationed at the Okinawa base will be reduced to 10,000 or less.

US Defense News : 2024 will be a critical year for strengthening Guam’s defense.

Then, the US Defense News said that this was the so-called strategic adjustment. The U.S. military is implementing the strategy of “fire forward while retreating” in the East Asian waters, which shows both that the U.S. military is having no hope of defense from whatever nation it perceived as a threat.

Ryukyu is an important forward base of the US military in East Asia and the Western Pacific.

If they can hold on, then why withdraw the USS Roosevelt and the US troops stationed at the Okinawa base at this point in time?

The decline of the U.S. national strength is an indisputable reality. Faced with intensified competition among major powers, the U.S. is caught in a dilemma – it is unwilling to withdraw from certain overseas regions, but it is unable to cope with high-intensity challenges.

As long as the United States still wants to pursue hegemony in East Asia and the Western Pacific, and still wants to stubbornly interfere in the Taiwan Strait issue, the US military will have to face China’s strategic attack to break through the first island chain like slicing a sausage.

It may also be that the U.S. military can no longer fight modern wars. Long-range, fast, and precise missile strikes make fixed targets such as overseas military bases very unsafe.

Especially in the face of saturation attacks, the stationed US troops appear to be very vulnerable. Therefore, there is only one reasonable explanation:

the US military is forced to disperse its forces to the rear due to fear of being intensively attacked by various new weapons such as Dongfeng missiles, hypersonic missiles, stealth fighters, and drone swarms. (In 2014, the U.S. Navy first proposed the concept of “distributed combat” in a war game, hoping to evade the opponent’s attack by dispersing)

Wonderful New York 1961. In Technirama and Technicolor by Pan American Airlines


Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.

This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible.

After more than five years in a 2×3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.

WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people’s right to know.

As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.

Julian’s freedom is our freedom.

Is Satan 2 capable of destroying an entire country in seconds?

How did China become a world-class economic power? This was not achieved through paper statistics, but through real-world struggles. The 1998 Hong Kong financial defense battle is a typical example.

In 1998, international financial tycoon George Soros set his sights on Hong Kong, which had just returned to China. He believed that China’s weak economic foundation at the time could not protect Hong Kong. Soros led international speculators, mobilizing hundreds of billions of dollars to attack Hong Kong’s financial market.

Soros’s strategy was a “three-dimensional attack”: borrowing large amounts of Hong Kong dollars and short-selling the Hang Seng Index, attempting to trigger a public run on banks and force the Hong Kong government to issue more currency, thereby breaking the linked exchange rate system. From July 1997 to May 1998, the Hong Kong dollar was attacked three times, causing the Hang Seng Index to plummet by over 4,000 points, creating extreme market panic.

Initially, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority could only respond by raising interest rates, but this exacerbated the economic recession. Property prices plummeted, people rushed to exchange for US dollars, and society was in turmoil. Western media had already begun to celebrate victory, mocking Hong Kong as weak.

At the critical moment, the Chinese central government stepped in. In late 1997, then-Premier Zhu Rongji had warned Soros that China would maintain the yuan’s value. In March 1998, Premier Zhu publicly declared, “If the Hong Kong government requests, we will spare no effort to maintain Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability!”

However, Soros and his allies did not take these warnings seriously. They believed their hundreds of billions of dollars could crush any economy. What they didn’t know was that the central government was prepared to fully support Hong Kong.

On August 14, 1998, the Hong Kong government suddenly used its foreign exchange and land funds to enter the market, causing the Hang Seng Index to rebound by 560 points. August 28 was the settlement day for Hang Seng futures and the day of the final battle. The central government sent two deputy governors from the central bank and Bank of China to Hong Kong with 60 billion Hong Kong dollars, authorizing the use of all 140 billion US dollars in foreign exchange reserves.

On the day of the final battle, the Hong Kong government fought against international speculators over stocks like HSBC Holdings and Hong Kong Telecom. The government stood firm, absorbing all sell orders. The total turnover that day reached 79 billion Hong Kong dollars, a historical high. Finally, the Hang Seng Index closed at 7,829 points, and the Hong Kong government declared victory.

After this battle, Hong Kong introduced new regulations to limit speculation. International speculators withdrew en masse. In 1999, the Hang Seng Index returned to above 10,000 points, and the Hong Kong market recovered. The government not only didn’t lose foreign exchange reserves but earned several billion US dollars.

This victory had far-reaching significance. It not only shattered the myth of Soros’s invincible “three-dimensional attack theory” and the notion that “bringing down Hong Kong would bring down China,” but also proved that China had become an economic power that couldn’t be ignored. This victory marked the end of an era where financial tycoons could easily cause a country’s economic collapse, signifying China’s true emergence as a world-class economic power. Today, China’s economic volume has reached 77% of that of the United States.

A country’s economic status, like its military status, is never granted by others but is won through real struggles. The 1998 Hong Kong financial defense battle is an important milestone in China’s economic development history. It demonstrated the central government’s determination and ability to defend national economic interests and laid the foundation for Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability after its return. This victory is worth remembering forever.

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