I have been playing around with the new AI software kits out there. I have made all sorts of pictures, comics, PDF’s, videos, clips and the like. Some of which are good. Some of which are bad. This is my first movie attempt.
It’s about 2 minutes 40 seconds long.
I made my first Film Noir Movie
I opened up a new YouTube channel and made this 2 minute movie using AI. Please tell me what you all think.
I think that it stinks.
But, not bad for a first try.
What are those people indulging in when they assert that India is positioned to surpass China as an economic powerhouse?
There are two types of people. Either they are totally blind and deaf or they are dumb as hell. That thinks this way. Of course there are brain dead Indians or Chinese and China hating westerners living under a huge rock who can think that way.
But let me clarify, I think well of Indians and India and their history and culture. They have a great culture and are highly intelligent people who made wrong choices and got enslaved 300 years by the despicable British.
But what is worst is that the Indians are foolish enough to let the white Aryan Caucasian a free pass to fxxked them up after independence for another 50 years by allowing their economy to be wrecked via the so call rules based international order that impoverished them further. China on the other hand won’t let the west a day after 1949! That is the difference between India and China!
Be the Rufus
You’re an 19 year old kid. You’re critically wounded, and dying in the jungle in the Ia Drang Valley, 11-14-1965, LZ X-ray, Vietnam. Your infantry unit is outnumbered 8 – 1, and the enemy fire is so intense, from 100 or 200 yards away, that your own Infantry Commander has ordered the MediVac helicopters to stop coming in.
You’re lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns, and you know you’re not getting out. Your family is 1/2 way around the world, 12,000 miles away, and you’ll never see them again. As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day.
Then, over the machine gun noise, you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter, and you look up to see an un-armed Huey, but it doesn’t seem real, because no Medi-Vac markings are on it.
Ed Freeman is coming for you. He’s not Medi-Vac, so it’s not his job, but he’s flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire, after the Medi-Vacs were ordered not to come.
He’s coming anyway.
And he drops it in, and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load 2 or 3 of you on board.
Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire, to the Doctors and Nurses.
And, he kept coming back … 13 more times.
And took about 30 of you and your buddies out, who would never have gotten out.
Medal of Honor Recipient, Ed Freeman, died 16 years ago at the age of 80, in Boise, Idaho. May God rest his soul. How come we didn’t hear anything about this hero’s passing?
Being a father
What do mediocre employees do that the best employees don’t do?
I used to live in Washington, D.C. years ago. Every other morning the radio station played DC101 and we listened to the Greaseman. I hate all drive time DJs, I just want to hear music but I really hated this guy. His catch phrase was, “Habba-doo-gee Habba-doo-gah”.
Then one day a guy called in and asked the Greaseman how to keep a job. That he had been an idiot and lost several jobs in a row and had his license pulled and how he had gotten a job bartending that was walking distance and he wanted to really try to do well and not lose this job but he didn’t know how.
The Greaseman dropped his phony radio voice and and said something like the following, “I am going to give you two pieces of advice. First if your shift starts 6, show up at 5.45. Take the fifteen to have a chat with your coworkers, wash your hands, get your head in the game. When your shift starts you are ready to work. Bosses hate people who clock in but aren’t ready to do any work yet. They notice that shit.”
“Two, look at all the other bartenders. You want to be the second best dressed bartender there. If you try to be the best dressed, well maybe the other bartenders will think, ‘Look at this new guy trying to be better than all of us.’ But if you aim for the second best you will fit in with the other workers and the boss will still think, ‘Here’s a guy who knows how to be professional.’”
I was like, “Wow, that was actually pretty good advice from someone I thought was an idiot.” I still think it was pretty good advice.
Being a CEO
What is something a guest in your house did that made your jaw drop? How did you react?
My daughter has a very close female friend. They went right through school together and to this day remain good mates. The friend ,(s), went off to uni and while on a holiday back home, stayed overnight at our house. On Saturday morning I had been for an early run and was in the bath ,we had no lock on the door and had this rule if the door is closed someone is probably in there. So the door opens and (s) walks in , naked as the day she was born, says Hi to me and sits down and takes a piss. This is a girl I have known since she was 4 years old and was such a shy little girl, then at 18 was OK with being naked in front of me and me being bollock naked in the tub. If my jaw dropped any lower I may have drowned.
I am fucking tired
Forgotten Chicken
Forgotten Chicken is a great fast and easy recipe! I have made this with chicken tenders, and it’s great. This is also known as “No Peek Chicken.”

- 1 1/2 cups white rice, uncooked
- 1 can cream of mushroom soup
- 1 can cream of celery soup
- 1 soup can water
- Chicken breasts or thighs
- 1 envelope dry onion soup mix
- Mix rice, soups and water.
- Pour into a greased 9 x 13 inch baking dish.
- Lay chicken on top of rice mixture.
- Sprinkle chicken evenly with onion soup mix.
- Cover tightly and bake for 1 1/2 hours at 350 degrees F.
Check this out
I tried this. Very cool. But takes a while to generate.
What would your course of action be if you saw a healthy, able-bodied individual get out of a vehicle that they just parked in a handicapped parking space?
Mind your own business.
About 20 years ago, I was in a downtown area with my friend and her young son. My friend has MS and sometimes has trouble walking long distances. She has a permanent handicapped placard from her state. It was hanging in my car, and we parked in a short term parking space. So, here we are, two women apparently healthy, with a small child, and this jerk of a guy comes up and asks me which one of us is handicapped.
Usually I don’t think of the great answer until 2 a.m., but I found my tongue as I walked around to open the trunk…
“Not that it’s any of your business, but it’s her.”
…I open the trunk to reveal the stroller AND the wheelchair…
As I’m unfolding the stroller..
“For now, she’s going to steady herself by pushing the baby in the stroller. If she gets tired later, we’ll come back and she can hold him in her lap, and I’ll push the both of them in the chair. IS THAT OK WITH YOU?”
I’m still proud of that.
Just because a disability is not visible to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. If you have the person in question’s full medical history, feel free to contact the authorities.
What is the kindest thing you’ve ever seen a tourist do?
We were at a flea market that isn’t advertised. People have to either live in the area or hear of it from someone who does. A little bit of everything is sold there; nothing is expensive.
It was dusty and hot, with a mishmash of cotton cloth used as overhead cover, held together by clips and ropes, held up by mostly bamboo poles.
We gladly sat down on a rickety wooden bench, ordered homemade lemonade and rested.
Not far from us was a family of four, sitting on two worn out rattan mats. Grandmom and grandad (that’s what the kids with them called them) arranged fresh veggies for sale at the front of the mat while the kids (a teenaged boy and a younger little girl) sat behind them, cleaning more veggies and fruit.
The grandparents were poor farmers, that was evident from their clothes, their weathered skin, the way they spoke, their eyes. The children, wearing clothes that were too small, old but clean, were probably living with them so their parents could work in Bangkok. It happens a lot here.
Then I heard Australian English. Two couples of backpackers walked by, chatting. How they found this market, I will never know.
Maybe six meters away, one of the young men stopped his friends and looked back at the veggie vendors. All four returned and squatted down in front of the mats.
I was about to see if I could translate for them when the grandson began to do his best. I smiled.
The next few minutes were pure joy. The Australians were asking the Thai names of veggies and then gave the English names. Lots of smiles and laughter. They bought some of everything, then tried to pay more than the asking price.
Grandmom was having none of that; she added extras to their bags.
They took their leave but returned, taking clothes and shoes from their backpacks and insisting on sharing with the whole family. The area around us went silent (unheard of in Thai markets).
The two things I remember the most: the teenager’s huge eyes when he was given a pair of running shoes, and the little girl’s delighted laughter when she put on a pretty pink shirt that was big enough to be a dress for her.
Grandmom, wiping tears, tried to give them more veggies.
Meanwhile in China
How many times have you had to fight for your life as a police officer?
I’ve been in some scrapes, but only one in which my life depended on winning the fight.
I made the mistake of letting a subject in too close to me. By the time I saw him pulling the gun from his waistband it was too late to pull my own. I could only grab his hands and make sure the barrel of his gun did not point across my body.
For a few seconds it was quite intense. As my backup strolled up I yelled, “GUN!” at which time my backup, well, — BACKED UP. Then he hid behind a gas pump, pulled his gun and pointed it at the subject and I as we wrestled for the gun. It became a little more intense then, knowing I was in this alone. I guess had I been shot my backup would have avenged my death.
I had to make him drop the gun (the bad guy, that is). I whacked his hand against the gas pump and it fell to the ground, then he did too.
My Chief read my report and gave me a commendation letter. I still have it somewhere. He said he and the politicians were impressed by how I handled the situation. He wrote, “…you could have used your own gun, your K9, your ASP baton, your Taser or your OC spray, and instead you disarmed the subject using the least amount of force available.” I felt like a complete idiot. I never bothered to tell him I would have used ALL of those things if I had the opportunity.
So, guys. Don’t make the same mistake I made. Keep that tactical distance. Or have a good backup.
Texas Declares Biden Administration To Be In VIOLATION
What is the best random conversation you overheard?
This wasn’t something that I overheard, but my cousin did.
He was sitting on a train and overheard two girls talking, roughly in their early 20s. One of the girls had been asked to house sit for a family friend who was away for 2 weeks and also look after their pet German Shepherd.
Things were going well for the first few days until she woke up one morning and the dog had died in its sleep.
This was in central London in the height of summer, and the girl didn’t own a car. The owners wouldn’t be back for about 8 days so she couldn’t just leave it in the house until then incase it started to rot. She read online that she should store it in a cool place, but there wasn’t anywhere suitable at their house as it was a very big dog. She also didn’t have many friends in the area and had no access to a car, so she had no idea what to do.
She googled where the nearest vet was who might be able to store the body until the owners returned, but it was two stops away on the tube. Even if a taxi agreed to transport a dead dog, she couldn’t really afford to pay £20 for a London taxi, so she put the dog in a suitcase and took it on the tube.
A man offered to help her carry it down the stairs as she was struggling, and asked what on earth she had inside that made it so heavy (about 30kg). She was a photography student, so told him that she studied photography and had a lot of camera equipment inside. They chatted a bit about it and got on to the tube.
At the next stop, the man got off, but just as the doors were closing, he grabbed the suitcase and ran off towards the escalators as fast as he could. He was obviously a petty criminal who thought he would cash in on the camera equipment. Before she knew what had happened, the doors had shut and she was on her way to the next station.
I’m not sure if they ever got it back, but there aren’t many greater images than the thought of this man returning home thinking he had hit the jackpot, only to open the bag and see a dead German Shepherd staring back at him.
Feminist Icons
21 interesting facts about human behavior:
- 70% of people like old songs because of the memories attached to them.
- When a person dies, they have 7 minutes of brain activity left, it’s the mind playing back the person’s memories in a dream sequence.
- Psychology says that playing video games makes you more creative.
- Most people type faster when there’s someone they like.
- You appear more attractive to a person when you make them laugh or smile.
- 80% of women choose silence to express pain. You should know she is truly hurt when she chooses to ignore you.
- People with sarcastic personalities are more honest with their friends.
- Overthinking is a special form of fear. It gets even more dangerous when anticipation, memory, emotion and imagination are added together.
- The happier you are, the less sleep you would require to function in everyday life. Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.
- The average woman smiles 60 times a day. An average man smiles only 10 times a day.
- When people refuse to tell you what’s wrong, you tend to think that it’s probably your fault.
- Intelligent men and women are more easily annoyed by people in general.
- Women and men experience the same kind of emotions but women are more honest with them.
- Life becomes more meaningful when you understand the fact that you will not get the same moment twice in your life.
- What we wear tends to affect how we behave.
- Introverts tend to have more thinking capabilities than extroverts.
- Eat bananas, because bananas contain a special chemical which can make a person happy.
- Pretending not to care is the habit of those who care the most.
- When you become really close to someone, you can hear their voices in your head when you read their text.
- Being sarcastic can add upto 3 years in your life.
- Appreciating someone can boost their confidence and motivate them to do better things in life.
The Expectations of a Modern Woman
What is the most powerful supernatural warning you have received?
Yes, I remember a very strange thing that happened in a sort of mundane way. This happened around the late 1980s or early 1990s. I can’t remember the exact date now.
I had an appointment at the dentist, and went out to my car. It was a 10 minute drive to the dentist.
It was pouring with heavy rain. I got in my car, started it, and then realised my wipers weren’t working. I fiddled with the switch, but no -they wouldn’t work at all. It would have been impossible to drive through those conditions with no wipers.
There had NEVER been any problem with them, so their sudden refusal to operate was quite strange.
I went back in the house and phoned the dentist. I knew I’d be charged a late cancellation fee, but oddly, the receptionist said they’d had a cancellation, so there was no rush. “Just get in when you can in the next forty five minutes or so” she told me, “And there won’t be a charge.”
I was pleased by that . No pressure about timing.
I went back to the car, and tried the wipers again. Nope -not working.
I just sat there for a moment or so, then tried again, and suddenly they sprang into life!
I was, by then, about 15 minutes over my scheduled appointment time. But that didn’t matter so much now.
I drove out and about a couple of miles away there was a turning onto the main road, so I turned….
…And headed straight into a pile up of cars; a big car accident which had obviously just happened. I pulled over to see if any help was needed but someone told me they had already called emergency services.
That accident had happened within the previous 10 minutes obviously. A number of vehicles were involved. It was quite horrible to have to weave my way through it all, knowing people had to be injured, or perhaps even killed. But I had to, in order to not block the road for emergency vehicles about to arrive.
So I continued. But as I drove I began to wonder why I had been stopped from driving out, by my “broken” wipers (which, by the way, never ever broke down again and worked perfectly until the end of that car’s life.)
And as time went by, I began to wonder if something, some force, something I had no name for, had protected me that day? And why?
Something quite strange had happened that day.
I don’t feel I was “warned”. I feel I was quite clearly protected from harm, or possible death.
So one thing I learned is this: When things appear to go very frustratingly wrong in your day and you start to get annoyed about it, just stop and wonder. What might you be protected against? You don’t know. Keep an open mind.
Truth is a tough sell
What did your kid do that you had to punish them for, but couldn’t help but laugh at later?
I got a call about the “dentist’s visit” my daughter was leaving high school for. It was very strange since I was not aware of any dental appointment. I looked into it and was told that she had given the school a handwritten excuse note supposedly from me. I had not written any note.
The school was concerned because she had been having so many dental and doctor appointments that year.
It turned out she and her friend had been writing notes for each other to get out of school all year long. They had also signed a bunch of forms at the beginning of the school year so the signatures on the notes would match the signatures on file. The other mother and I had signed those forms, but the girls told the school secretary they’d lost the first sets they were given. The unsuspecting secretary gave them packets of replacement forms which the girls then signed and turned in.
I had to punish my daughter, but I secretly admired the amount of thought and preparation she and her buddy had put into the project.
Separate Vocals and Instruments from Songs!
06 Things everyone should avoid to tell people
- Don’t tell people your failures. They will always see you as a failure and never give you the opportunity.
- Don’t tell people your plans. They will sabotage you.
- Don’t tell people your next big move. Move in silence, take action, and shock them with your results.
- Don’t tell people your income or the source of your income. Always make them wonder.
- Don’t tell people your weakness. They will use them against you.
- Don’t tell people your secrets. Only a fool reveals secrets.
Traditional Woman Destroys Woke Feminist
Have you ever found something in your child’s backpack that enraged you?
I have to give my broom riding ex wife credit for this.
I have full custody but I completely missed something the ex caught one morning in texts from our daughter who had stayed at one of her friends’ house. We thought it was a safe place. We had never had any trouble with our 14 or 15 yr old daughter.
She texted her mom asking if she could pick her up later than agreed on that day. Her mom called me and said text our daughter, something is strange it doesnt sound like her.
I thought it was slightly different but definately her so I wasnt worried. Whats the problem?
She sounds high or drunk. Her texting is weird.
I picked her up myself and she smelled strange in the car but seemed normal.
I checked her bag as she took a shower and found two empty pint whisky bottles and a vape pipe. Complete and total shock.
Big fight after her shower but she has never been caught with anything again or made us suspicious. She was never allowed to hang out with that girl again. The parents didnt say anything to their daughter and busted her sneaking out to meet older boys with cars and alcohol the next night. We took ours’ phone, she couldnt warn her.
That girl straightened up too, I saw her at her job a few years later and she was very nice and mature acting. I was impressed with her.
It’s As BAD As We Thought… (Finally Some Honesty!)
Did an accidental diagnosis a medical condition save your life?
‘My friend’s life’
He generally never says no to anything, and so he always ended up paying for all our colleagues’ coffee bill, whenever we ordered. But he always did it smilingly. He is the quietest radiologist I know of, and one of the most capable.
It was late in the evening, and he did not have lunch yet. Not the right time for the General Electric (GE) salesman to request him to ‘do demo a new portable ultrasound system’.
‘Sir just 5 minutes, the company insisted on your comment sir, please’.
As usual, he couldn’t say no.
With the last patient gone, he looked for some hospital orderly to lie down on the patient bed to check the new ‘portable ultrasound’ machine.
Hungry, and looking for a way to solve his predicament, he succumbed to the most primordial reflex. He lifted the right end of his neatly tucked shirt and placed the ‘ultrasound probe’ on to his own abdomen to check for the clarity of the machine.
What shocked him was not the clarity of the ultrasound machine but the fact that his right kidney showed a clear ‘mass’ at the lower pole; a diagnosis of ‘Renal Cell carcinoma – RCC’ That was the diagnosis that he would make on seeing such an image for any patient, including himself, with a radiology MD name board on his white coat.
‘Good machine’ he softly commented and left.
Instead of going for lunch, he went to his colleague in a nearby hospital. By evening urology consultation was taken and the next day he was inside the operating room in a green dress, undergoing partial nephrectomy.
We waited outside. No one ordered coffee.
The biopsy confirmed cancer, but fortunately, he was cured.
Because it was detected very early.
Now I know why his room has the picture of an ultrasound machine hung on the wall; instead of the usual lord ‘Ganesha’.
The mouse might be good at smelling money, but the ultrasound is better in picking up unseen diseases early and save a catastrophe, something that no money can buy.
Some Real Talk
How would you handle uninvited guests the DAY of your wedding, that absolutely can’t be accommodated for? “Oh, so-and-so’s wanted to come so I brought them!”
I was a caterer for for 10 years and specialized in weddings. My last weekend serving food for weddings before moving out of state was my most challenging! There were 2 receptions for 300 people each and an extravaganza for 700 people and all were on the same day. My partner was at one, our most experienced employee oversaw the 2nd one and I had the 700 person nightmare. We had some hiccups but they all went well. We always had sufficient food for people who showed up after not responding. We had servers with champagne or sparkling cider at the end of the receiving line. We knew how many glasses they had available to help keep count of people served. Most weddings were buffet so we only had out enough plates for the people they’d signed a contract for. Often we had to bring out more plates. It was appalling how many times the parents of the bridal party tried to get out of paying for the extra people. A wedding is no place to bring uninvited people.
Girlbosses are the WORST.
What office rule made you say “Really?”
I used to work for a multi-billion dollar consumer goods company. There were several rather stupid policies in place.
One of them simply didn’t make any sense at all. It was a “clean desk policy.” You were only allowed one or two pictures on your desk, your computer, and an in/out basket. At the end of the day, you had to put anything that wasn’t approved away, and that happened to also include whatever you had in your in/out basket. Yes, that had to be empty at the end of the day. No staplers, tape dispensers, pens/pencils, etc. could be left on your desk.
Our offices around the world were set up as “open offices.” There were no cubicles, nor were there any enclosed offices. The only rooms with doors were meeting rooms and, of course, the restrooms. Desks were arranged in pods based on department, and you could see clearly from one corner of the building to the other.
Whenever the big-wigs were coming from the main headquarters, HR would scurry around and enforce the clean desk policy. They would badger, bully, and berate us to the point where they even took the offending items off our desks and threw them away. Everything had to be perfect for the big-wigs.
Here’s where the stupidity of the policy comes into play: the big-wigs never visited after hours when the office was in full compliance with the policy. They visited during office hours which was when everyone had papers strewn all over their desks because they were at work!
Strong Points from Arthur Kwon Lee
Damn! This is great.
Is China ready for WW3 against the USA?
China is a peaceful nation, but it is not a pacifist nation.
They are also not idiots. They see the actions of the United States, and like President Putin, have concluded that no one in America is in control. It is completely running amuck, on “auto pilot”, going through the motions, and seemingly desirous of “suicide by cop”.
There was a time when the United States, with it’s “allies”, were roughly matched in military ability against China. That was right after world war 2, when the American military was at it’s strongest, and the Chinese nation, and military was at it’s weakest. That was back in 1950. And when the United States started bombing China during the “Korean War”, they unleashed a dragon. And the Allied forces were horribly mauled.
Since then, well, China has been getting ready. REALLY READY.
To understand what is going on, you must study Chinese military history. Because once you do… then you realize just how fucked the United States is right now. Is there anything that the United States can do right these days? From abandoned cities, to homeless tent cities, to breath-taking inflation, and mind-boggling corruption.
Do you think that it is because the American “system of democracy” hit some “bumps in the road”, or that since 2008, the United States have been fighting world war 3 against China? And China, if you read history, ALWAYS destroys the aggressor nation from within.
You all must remember that…
- China has the oldest military in the world.
- It has the oldest navy in the world.
- It has the oldest marines in the world.
- It has the largest military in the world.
- It is peer capable with the best military technologies, including stealth, cloaking, and AI robotics.
But China doesn’t want to use these forces. It wants peace.
But, you know, if some imbecile decides to bomb China / Taiwan… well, the radioactive clouds over America will take decades to dissipate.
Oh, China is ready.
And, so is Russia.
Have you ever faced a situation when you intuitively did the right thing?
Many years ago when my husband and I were first married, I was a college student while he was working as the grunt guy for a used restaurant equipment shop to pay the bills. We stopped at Sears while doing errands. When I got out of the car, I looked down and saw a ring.
I thought it was a junk ring that a child would wear or something. I don’t know why but I picked it up and threw it on the dash before I closed the car door and went into the store.
Sometime later, while my husband was driving us to another errand, I picked up the ring and looked closer. I thought that it might actually be real. I couldn’t believe it. I mean why would a real ring be in the parking lot of Sears?
However, I took it in with me while we went into the next store and stopped at the jewelry counter. We showed it to the clerk who looked at the stone with one of those eye glass things. He confirmed that it was a real diamond.
We ended up going back to Sears to report the ring to their security, who called the police, and we had to wait around for them to show up. They took the ring and filed a report. It took several hours and we weren’t sure if the hassle was worth it.
However, we found out a few days later that an older couple had come into Sears looking for the wife’s wedding ring. Apparently, she had taken off her ring to put on lotion while her husband was driving and then she had gotten out of the car with the ring still in her lap. They didn’t realize the ring was gone until later.
We were glad that I had impulsively picked up what I thought was a piece of junk and threw it on the dash of the car. A wife got back her wedding ring and we had an unusual story to tell.
Alien Bodies Confirmed After Testing to be NON Human
Check it out.
What is it like to work in a Chinese factory?
I once was the Managing Director of a Consumer products division in DongGuan, China. This is how we ran it. Here’s some points that are off the top of my head.
[1] All employees sign a contract of employment. It lists the working hours, conditions and length of contract. Most contracts were 2 – 3 years long. If the employee breaks the contract, they lose accrued benefits, and social welfare benefits. If the company breaks the contract, they risk substantial fees, and penalties. [2] Working hours were 8:30am to 6:00pm with a two hour lunch & nap time. Six working days. Sunday was off. [3] Everyone has a free room in a dorm. The rooms had a bed, small kitchenette with refrigerator, television, and free wifi. It included a small table, and chair. Shared bath down the hall, and a common room with sofas, kitchen, microwave, and large screen television. [4] Everyone got free meals. This included breakfasts, lunch and dinner at the canteen. Plus periodic special moments, like fee watermelon, ice cream, or Jaozi spectacular. The management and supervisory staff ate in a upstairs dining hall, the regular workers ate in a hall (or outside) next to the kitchen. [5] We had a shared bus that ran to and from the factory into town. You could arrange pickups, or meet their fixed discharge and pickup schedule. The driver lived in the dorms. Ran a regular schedule but could be pulled out for special trips on request. [6] Supervisory staff had slightly larger quarters, a special common room, and some other minor perks. [7] Time management was conducted by thumb-scan. Presently the factory uses facial scanning. [8] No dress code, except for safety concerns. Employees washed their clothes in the (dorm) floor washing machines and hung their clothes on their dorm porches. Typically, employees wore tee shirts, and trousers with tennis shoes. [9] Average age of the workers was somewhere between 30 – 45. The guards were all retired males, and the cleaning ladies and cooking staff were also (generally) older if not retirement age. [10] Families. Some employees had children, or extended family. The children were permitted to live in the dorms, and were monitored and looked after by the factory community. The guards had the responsibility to make sure that the children went to school safely. Visitors often asked about the toy scooters, and what-not in the parking lot and yard. But that’s why. [11] Sickness. Illness was treated with serious concern, and we would assign staff to help the person see a doctor and make sure that they got the medicines that they needed. [12] Special holiday. Once every six months we had a special holiday, where the factory took a trip to a park, or amusement center. The employee would have to contribute towards the cost of the bus ride, but the meals and fees were all paid by the company. [13] CNY Holiday. The company shut down for CNY which generally lasted ten days. About half of the employees opted for a full month off. This was negotiated in their contract. Leading up to the holiday was a hectic time. We would then host a nice big dinner, and a KTV visit(s) where the yearly bonus would be handed out. Bonuses were equal to one months salary.I’ll tack on more info as I think about it. But this should give you an idea of what it is like working in a factory in Dongguang.
Chinese billboard
Only in China.
To Die for Beef Roast
This is one of the best roasts you will ever taste. Carrots, potatoes and celery can also be added, if desired.

- 1 beef roast (any kind)
- 1 envelope Hidden Valley Ranch salad dressing mix
- 1 envelope brown gravy mix
- 1 envelope Italian dressing mix
- 1/2 cup warm water
- Place roast in slow cooker.
- Mix contents of all 3 envelopes and sprinkle over roast.
- Pour water into the bottom of the slow cooker.
- Cover and cook on LOW for 6 to 7 hours.
American food makes you fat.
Has anyone rented a car with unlimited mileage and then really driven it with “unlimited mileage”? What was the response when you returned the car to the rental agency?
In 2010 I drove across the USA with my family.
Rather than drive my own car, I wanted to rent a car so we could have it replaced if there was a problem on the road. We had a lot of plans and couldn’t afford to lose time. We wanted a nice, large SUV with unlimited miles.
Hertz would not offer unlimited mile SUVs but I could get a minivan. So, I booked that, disappointed. I called the local airport rental place to tell them my plans, and to ask if I could reserve a specific vehicle make and model even though that was against policy. When I explained why, the manager’s eyes lit up. “We don’t offer unlimited milage SUVs, but you can upgrade the minivan contract to SUV fur a small fee and the unlimited miles feature follows!” She then let me and the kids explore the 4 SUV models of the time, and we picked a Chevy Traverse. We agreed on a Thursday pickup.
As we were packing in the days leading up to the rental, we thought we’d get the car a day early and start loading so we could take off sooner. Since we had a special arrangement, I called the location and asked about an early pickup. The person who answered said the manager was out that day but said to come down and see what they could do.
I arrived at the SJC airport location on Wednesday, and the rental lot was nearly empty. My heart sank. I suspected they would not honor the deal. I walked in, braced for bad news. When I introduced myself, they recognized me immediately. “Oh, you’re the cross-country guy! Come with me.”
We walked to the back of the rental shack and there was a Chevy Traverse, with a big OUT OF SERVICE sign on the dashboard.
“We got this car on Monday, but we couldn’t rent it because it had mechanical problems.” He opened the door and pulled the sign off the dashboard with a flourish and a grin. “OK, that should fix it. Now we can rent it.”
I went on to clock 7,800 miles over 5 weeks. They didn’t bat an eye when I returned it.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Sings About Rainbows
This AI is fucking amazing!
Hey MM… hopefully that ‘bite’ of your movie will be followed by the rest o the 2+ hour s of the entire project !!!
Waiting with baited breath-
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear Hug
One of the Characters HAS to be ‘Ed Freeman’ !!!!
This may not be supernatural but we were driving in our motorhome to my 50th High School reunion in St.Louis from our home in Georgia…we stopped over in Paducah, KY and spent the night in a campground…the next morning, I mistakenly filled up the fuel tank with gas instead of diesel thereby disabling our diesel motorhome on the side of the Interstate, just outside Paducah…to make a long story short, we then got towed to the nearest Mercedes dealership which was in Nashville. TN…needless to say, we did not make to my 50th reunion…
But we always thought that the Universe stepped in to prevent us from proceeding because we might have been destined to wreck or some sort of bad outcome was in store for us if we had driven on into St. Louis..
Yes. That is EXACTLY what I would have thought. -MM