More poking the Dragon, and Outrage in Ukraine. What’s next?

Let’s begin with this screenshot to keep us grounded.


Ignorance abounds in the West.

Hey, do I LOOK fucking Chinese, you dumb fuck, piece of shit, asshole, jack-off, idiot.

The anti-China propaganda is so complete that it appears that [1] A war is imminent, and [2] A dumbed down American population will be unable to innovate at any appreciable level.

Fuck this shit. Let’s go through today’s mix of stuff.

That depends on where you got your information from.

SKP mall, Beijing

SKP mall, Beijing

Xin Tiandi, Shanghai

Xin Tiandi, Shanghai

XuJiaHui, Shanghai

XuJiaHui, Shanghai

Apparently real-world Chinese are living in an alternative reality where they are having normal Christmas as usual.

While the Chinese from known anti-China medias are suffering under ‘Chinese authority’s Christmas ban’. LOL. You have to be an IDIOT to believe the bullshit that flows out of American “news”.

Photo from Epochtimes supposedly depicting authority’s repression of the public.

Photo from Epochtimes supposedly depicting authority’s repression of the public.

Next time when you want to get news, avoid American and Western media. News reporting isn’t on their agenda.

Political attacks and information manipulation are.

I’m Algerian so I think I’m qualified to answer this. Short answer: I love them and many other Algerians do too.

What I like the most about Chinese people is the way they do business with us. They come, they build whatever they were told to build ,and when they finish, they leave. You might be wondering what’s so special about that? Well, this is not what we are used to. France has been our biggest “partner” for a long period and it has been tough for us. Let me explain – when France decides to do business with us we always lose.

France: Oh you want to produce cars – Renault can help you .

Algeria: Oh cool.

France: Oh – by the way, no other car manufacturer is allowed to produce cars in Algeria for 3 years.

Algeria: Ok cool.

France: …and while we are at, if we don’t sell all our bullshit cars, that no other country accepts, the Algerian government should buy them.

Algeria: Sure mom – it’s people’s money anyway.

France: by the way I don’t like how religious your country is. Change that – now.

Algeria: Sure mom – anything else?

France: I heard you are expanding your train network. Here’s a bankrupted train company that can sell you train wagons three or four times their actual price.

I know I shouldn’t be blaming France for everything since France is just exploiting our corrupt government. But France helped them become our leaders and France is always trying to tell us what to and what not to do.

Sorry for the long answer.

Time to go

For our beloved cat, it was terribly hard to decide what was best. Aside from a bit of arthritis, for 18 years old, she was physically in good shape.

But we started to notice that she was acting rather oddly. She would go behind doors, then seem to get “stuck”, and not know how to get out. She would forget where her cat box was, or where her food was.

And then later, she would sleep all day, but when the sun went down, she would pace, and howl frantically. Nothing we did would calm her.

We had the mobile vet in several times. The vet said that our cat probably had senile dementia. We tried everything the vet recommended, but our poor cat was either frantic and agitated, or so drugged and groggy that we had to carry her to the cat box. We knew it wasn’t a good life for her.

So the vet made a last visit. We sang to our cat, and told her how much we loved her. We gave her poached shrimp, her favorite food. We said good-by, trying not to upset her by crying. The vet gave her a shot, which sent her into a deep sleep. We stroked her, and said that very soon, everything would be OK. Then the vet gave her a last shot, and she went to her eternal sleep.

I often imagine her in the cat version of Valhalla. She is young and healthy again, running over green hills. She plays forever, without ever getting winded. And when she sleeps, she dreams of catching dragons. And maybe of us, the humans who loved her so much.


Simple Lox & Bagel Recipe

There’s lox & bagels and then there lox and bagels. And a couple, simple changes make this one outstanding.

Serves 2

The food of my people doesn’t get much better – unless you change it up a bit and go with an inspired yogurt/dill/caper thing instead of the usual cream cheese.


  • 4 tablespoons Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons capers, drained
  • 1/2 tablespoon dill (dried or fresh)
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • Pinch of Kosher salt & fresh ground pepper
  • 2 whole wheat bagels
  • Red onion, thinly sliced
  • 4 ounces lox
  • 1 large, beautifully ripe tomato, sliced into 1/8 inch rounds


  1. Put yogurt, capers, dill, lemon juice, salt & pepper in a bowl and mix well to combine
  2. Slice bagels in half and either toast, then butter – or butter first then grill on a non-stick surface until golden brown (grilling is better)
  3. Spread yogurt mix on 2 of the bagels, then add tomato, some onion, season with a little more pepper, lots of lox and finish with bagel top
  4. Slice and eat

Why Are So Many Bad Things Happening To America In 2022?


Have you ever wondered why we just keep getting hit by one thing after another?  I grew up during a time when it seemed like America was endlessly blessed, but now everything around us seems the opposite of blessed.

Our economy is imploding, inflation is out of control, the housing market is starting to crash, our weather patterns have gone completely nuts, the western half of the nation is enduring the worst drought in 1,200 years, we are dealing with three major pandemics simultaneously, we are losing our proxy war with Russia in Ukraine and it looks like war with China is just around the corner, and on top of everything else our political system is failing because liberals and conservatives deeply, deeply hate one another.

And if you think that there is hope on the horizon, you are going to be severely disappointed.

The current crop of politicians in Washington is the worst that we have had in our entire history, and all of the “solutions” they give us just seem to make matters even worse.

This weekend, I came across a very intriguing article in the Jerusalem Post entitled “Is God punishing the United States of America?”

It was authored by a prominent businessman named Sherwin Pomerantz, and it really got me thinking.

Could it be possible that there is a common thread that connects all of the bad things that are constantly happening to us?

In his article, one of the points that Pomerantz makes is that America’s political system is coming apart at the seams right in front of our eyes

Politically, whether people want to admit it or not, the country is in the midst of a civil war, though for the moment, not one where both sides have taken up arms, one against the other (although that, too, could eventuate).

Sadly, he is right on target.

There is so much politically-motivated hatred in our country today.  Liberals deeply hate conservatives and conservatives deeply hate liberals.  It would seem that it is only a matter of time before the entire system shatters.

On another note, Pomerantz believes that it is no coincidence that our weather patterns have gone totally haywire and that our nation is being constantly hit by natural disaster after natural disaster

Then there is the weather. On average, the US experiences fewer than 1,500 tornadoes a year. Through June, there have already been 940 reported tornadoes there, which means the country is on track to see 2,000 or more, a 33% increase year-on-year.

The nightly news out of the US for the past few months shows tens of millions of people under extreme weather risk every day, often in three different areas of the country simultaneously (upper Midwest, East coast and the Southeast region). In the west, a long period of drought has been drying up reservoirs and spawning massive forest fires. National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) statistics show that as of July 5, 34,478 fires have already burned 4,582,301 acres. This is above the 10-year average of 27,346 fires, and twice the average of 2,026,917 acres burned. The odd thing is that very little of this occurs just north of the US in Canada, or just south in Mexico. It all seems to be centered in the US.

I did find it odd that Pomerantz only briefly mentioned the drought, because it is actually a really big deal.

At this moment, the western half of the nation is in the midst of the worst multi-year megadrought that the region has experienced in 1,200 years, and this is having an absolutely devastating impact on agricultural production.

For example, we are now being warned that a very serious shortage of tomatoes could soon be coming

As endless supply chain-related food shortages force people to adjust their grocery lists, another essential ingredient is becoming scarce. Along with avocados, cream cheese, chickpeas, and olive oil, the supply of tomatoes has started to dwindle. But this time it’s California’s catastrophic drought conditions denying farmers the water needed to grow the versatile vegetable that’s to blame. Due to the shortage, the price of byproducts like ketchup, salsa, and spaghetti sauce has started to surge.

Speaking about the tomato shortage, Head of the California Tomato Growers Association Mike Montana said the golden state desperately needs rain. “We are getting to a point where we don’t have inventory left to keep fulfilling the market demand,” he told Bloomberg News. California, which grows a quarter of the world’s tomatoes, is in the middle of a historic drought that has stoked massive wildfires while drying up reservoirs. It has also become a major threat to the agriculture industry.

When I was growing up, I never once imagined that there could ever be a shortage of tomatoes in this country.

But things have changed, and life in the U.S. will never again be like it was when I was a little boy.

Although to be honest I am having flashbacks to the 1970s with all of the inflation we are witnessing right now.

In fact, if the inflation rate was still calculated the way that it was back in 1980, it would be higher than anything that we experienced during the Jimmy Carter era.

Over the past couple of years, our politicians in Washington have gone on the most dramatic borrowing and spending binge in human history, and the “experts” at the Federal Reserve pumped trillions of fresh dollars into the financial system.

Of course that was going to cause inflation, and now we have a colossal mess on our hands.

I really like how Steve Bannon recently summed up what we are now facing

Every time you get a paycheck you’re falling behind because of inflation. 

Your real wages, sixteen months in a row (now let me think, how long has the Biden Administration been around here – about 18 months). Every month since they’ve been here real wages are down.

Ok so you’re losing, your treadmill, you’re losing every day in your wages and now the little bit of equity you have in the world, the little bit of net worth you’ve got in the world, the bottom’s fallen out on that.

Ok. You are screwed. 

Let me be blunt. 

Let me do some Harvard Business School math for you – You’re screwed.

The Federal Reserve is recklessly hiking interest rates in a desperate attempt to battle inflation, but everyone knew that this would inevitably cause a housing crash.

And as I pointed out last week, a housing crash has already begun.

This July, new home sales were about 30 percent lower than they were last July…

The plunge in home sales is just stunning. Sales of new single-family houses collapsed by 12.6% in July from the already beaten-down levels in June, and by nearly 30% from July last year, to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 511,000 houses, the lowest since January 2016, and well below the lockdown lows, according to data from the Census Bureau today.

Sadly, this is just the beginning.

If the Fed keeps raising rates, things will get far worse.

Meanwhile, we find ourselves battling three major pandemics all at once.

Despite everything that our health authorities have done, COVID is still with us and will be with us for many years to come.

If that wasn’t bad enough, a bird flu pandemic has erupted this year which has resulted in tens of millions of our chickens and turkeys being wiped out.

On top of that, a new monkeypox outbreak continues to spread at an exponential rate all over the planet.

Is it just some sort of a bizarre coincidence that we are now facing three major pestilences simultaneously?

Of course this article would not be complete unless I talked about the war.

We are now deeply involved in a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, and it is not going very well.

And if both sides continue to escalate matters, we could eventually find ourselves in a nuclear conflict with Russia which would have the potential to ultimately kill billions of people.

In addition, the warmongers in the Biden administration have also brought us to the brink of a war with China.  More U.S. politicians keep flying over to Taiwan, and at some point the Chinese are going to decide that they simply cannot take any more provocations.

Also, it is just a matter of time before Iran and Israel go to war.  And once that happens, the U.S. will inevitably decide to intervene.

In this article, I have covered war, plagues, economic collapse and natural disasters among other things.

Could it be possible that all of these things are happening at this specific moment in human history for a reason?

And could it be possible that we were warned in advance that all of these things would be coming?

My hope is that this article will get people thinking.

All of human history has been building up to a grand crescendo, and we get to be here for it.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of the population has no idea what is ahead, and so most of them are going to be absolutely blind-sided by the cataclysmic events that are rapidly coming our way.

Cats know more than you think

A:That I was pregnant.


5 years ago now my old man my DLH tuxedo was just acting so odd. He was obsessed with my stomach; would sleep on top on it every chance he got. The final straw was when I put down wet food and he chose to go lay on my stomach instead. That was weird he loved his wet food.

I dragged him to the vet for a check up; everything checked out fine he was completely healthy. A few days later it clicked for me. I called my best friend told her about the cat and thinking maybe he was right; so she got me a pregnancy test and what do you know that cat WAS right.

He knew our twin daughters were coming well before we did. After they were born he chose to be their guard cat. He would sleep outside their bedroom door every night. He would lay in between the two cribs on the floor for naps just to make sure his babies didn’t need anything. He never once tried to get in with them but always made sure he was watching them.

Our girls are 4 now and my old man is a much older man but he absolutely lives for them. He still sleeps in the hallway every night in between their rooms. Just in case they need anything.

I know now when he’s trying to communicate with me I need to listen and I do.

BP Refinery in Whiting Burns – ENERGY EMERGENCY DECLARED

The U.S. Department of Transportation has declared a regional emergency for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin after a fire shut down the BP oil refinery in Whiting, Ind., the largest in the Midwest, though there hasn’t been an impact on gas prices so far.

I believe 25% of the fuel for Michigan comes from that facility, this could really make things interesting.

The fire took place in the refinery’s power house and led to a loss of cooling water that could potentially damage equipment, according to Bloomberg, but the extent of the problems are reportedly limited to a small area of the facility, and no injuries were reported.

The shutdown comes at an inopportune time, just ahead of the harvest in much of the Midwest, and U.S. gasoline supplies are at their lowest August levels since 2015, according to the Energy Information Agency.

The Whiting refinery is a major storage place for crude oil used to make gasoline, and its supplies could be moved to Cushing, Oklahoma, in the event of a long-term closure, according to Bloomberg.

BP PLC shut two crude units at its 435,000 barrel-a-day Whiting, Indiana, refinery after a fire.

When a group is persecuted, what will happen to them?

  • genocide
  • Verbal violence, physical threats
  • Forced to renounce his religious beliefs
  • Forced to accept other beliefs and customs.
  • Be evicted, scattered, tost their homes.
  • Can’t own land, can’t accumulate wealth,
  • Images are perpetuated in a negative way, just like Jews were once seen as the embodiment of greed.

Am I right? If you agree with that, then let’s see whether Tibetans are being persecuted in China.

First, let’s look at a set of data comparison.

Population: in the first national census in 1953, the local government of Tibet reported a population of 1 million. In the second national census in 1964, the population of Tibet was 1.251 million, including 1.209 million Tibetans; In 2018, the statistical population of Tibet was 3.4382 million, with a net increase of more than 2million.

Education: There was no modern school in old Tibet, and the illiteracy rate of young and middle-aged adults was over 95%. There are now 2,995 schools of various types in Tibet, including 7 ordinary colleges and universities with 841,500 students, forming a complete modern education system. In the past 10 years alone, China has invested more than 165.6 billion yuan in education funds in Tibet.

Education in Tibet.

Political participation: In 2016, in the general election of deputies to the county-level people’s congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region, more than 1.81 million voters participated in the voter registration, and more than 1.72 million voters participated in the voting elections, with a turnout rate of over 95%. Currently, the Tibet Autonomous Region has 35,963 deputies to people’s congresses at all levels, of which Tibetans and other ethnic minorities account for 92.8%.

Participation in government.

Medical and health care: There were only 3 Tibetan medical institutions in old Tibet and no hospital bed. At present, Tibet has formed a four-level modern medical and health service system of autonomous regions, cities, counties, and townships, with 1,661 medical and health institutions of various levels and 18,942 beds.

Medical care in Tibet.

Transportation: There was no regular highway in old Tibet. At present, Tibet’s highway mileage has reached 118,800 kilometers. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Sichuan-Tibet Railway (part of it), and Lhasa-Japan Railway have been opened to traffic. There are 5 navigable airports, 130 domestic and international air routes, and 61 navigable cities. Tibet has formed an extensive network. A comprehensive transportation network with roads, railways and aviation as the main body.

  • Life expectancy per capita: 35.5 years in 1951 and 71.1 years in 2020.
  • GDP: 129 million yuan in 1965 and 190.2 billion yuan in 2020.
The above data are extracted from the "general introduction to the local history of Tibet", the national white paper and the Tibet Daily, etc.

In addition to that, the Tibetan people also enjoy full freedom in terms of culture and belief. For example, there are 1787 temples and other places for religious activities in Tibet, with 46000 monks living in temples. Major traditional festivals and religious activities, such as the Tibetan new year, the sheaton Festival, the wangguo Festival, the Sagadawa Festival, and the summoning of the Dafa society, are normally carried out.

In Tibet, both Tibetan and Chinese characters are used in education, public places and social activities. There are 55 national key cultural relics protection units and 616 district level cultural relics protection units in Tibet. The Potala Palace, loprinka and Jokhang Temple are listed in the world heritage list. Tibetan opera, Gesar Epic rap and Tibetan medicine bath method are included in the world intangible cultural heritage list.

Therefore, ethnic massacres, verbal violence, personal threats and religious oppression have never occurred to the Tibetan people. On the contrary, Tibet is developing vigorously. How can you think that China is persecuting Tibetans? How can you think that China is persecuting Tibetans?

Let me tell a story. I have a Tibetan friend. One day I made a video call with her. I found her background was like a palace, very magnificent. I was really shocked when she said that this was her home. I was completely fascinated by the unique cultural symbols and decorative styles of Tibetans. I can’t help but sigh, will anyone not love this shocking and fascinating culture? We should protect this precious minority culture! Fortunately, this is exactly what China does.

I also have a few friends who have traveled by car in Tibet for half a month. They would share with us pictures of the beautiful scenery and food in Tibet every day. I found that Tibet’s infrastructure is perfect, the streets are lively and beautiful, and the people are at ease with smiles on their faces.

After my friend came back, he said to me, “This land is really magical. Faith seems to be rooted in their bones. It is romantic and touching.” So those who have really been to Tibet have seen the true face and essence of Tibet. The people who demonize Tibet on the Internet are based on imagination and stereotypes.

In short, persecution does not exist at all. No matter which ethnic group it is, it is equal and taken care of in China. Let me put some more pictures about Tibet. Language is not as powerful as real photos. You are welcome to fall in love with this pure land, and you can come here one day to travel.

Tibetans are a happy minority.

Because some cats love sharing the shower with their parents. And only cats know why they do what they do. We humans are only guessing the reasons and pretending that there are some logical explanations.


The Futility of Dialogue With Idiots & Liars

The entire crisis could have been avoided with much less loss of life if the NATO powers had responded to Russia’s long-held security concerns.

Two weeks ago, the Strategic Culture Foundation proposed an urgent, simple test: stop the artillery shelling on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. The ZNPP – Europe’s largest nuclear power station – continues to come under military attack thereby risking a nuclear catastrophe.

It is an incredible siege situation. And one that illustrates – for anyone willing to see it, that is – the profound criminality of the NATO-backed war in Ukraine against Russia. There is nothing that the NATO powers and their lying media will stoop to. In a related illustration, the British would-be next Prime Minister Liz Truss this week said she was willing to use nuclear weapons even if it caused global annihilation. This is the same psychopathic mentality that the world has to endure from such Western regimes.

This week, Russia’s envoy to the United Nations presented photographic evidence to the Security Council that showed irrefutably that the ZNPP is being shelled by the NATO-backed Kiev regime. The trajectory of fire is from the territory held by the Ukrainian military and the weaponry includes M777 howitzers supplied by the United States.

The Kiev regime’s claims are patently absurd. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claims that Russian forces are attacking the ZNPP despite the obvious fact that the Russian military took over the station in early March, days after it launched its security operation on February 24 to neutralize mounting NATO threats from Ukraine. The Western governments and news media continue to indulge Zelensky’s blatant lie by amplifying the perverse accusations of “self-sabotage” by Russia. The United Nations’ chief António Guterres has also shamefully indulged the nonsense by pretending to “not know the truth” about “conflicting claims”.

There are no “conflicting claims”. It is starkly evident that the NATO-backed Kiev regime is engaging in nuclear terrorism by willfully attacking the ZNPP. NATO and its Ukrainian proxy are using the threat of nuclear catastrophe to demand that Russian forces withdraw from the ZNPP. It is entirely fortunate that Russia’s military secured the ZNPP at an early stage. Otherwise, the Kiev regime and its NATO handlers would have had a free hand to use nuclear blackmail.

Not for the first time, this week the Western powers abused the Security Council by allowing the Ukrainian leader to address the forum. The Council’s rules stipulate that addresses can only be made by in-person attendees. Yet, for the second time, Zelensky was permitted to speak to the Council via video link. His speech was a travesty of lies, accusing Russia of nuclear terrorism among other hysterical claims of causing world hunger and global inflation.

When Russia’s ambassador Vassily Nebenzia took his turn to set the record straight at the Security Council hearing, the Ukrainian leader refused to listen, his video link conveniently cut off.

Nevertheless, the Russian envoy presented the evidence of NATO-backed military strikes on the ZNPP and went on to cogently state that the crisis in Ukraine has been systematically instigated by the NATO powers and its Kiev proxy over the past eight years since the CIA-backed coup in 2014. Nebenzia remarked on how Western powers and the Kiev regime are living in a “parallel reality”.

It is common to hear these days how the world is subjected to a post-truth condition. In plainer language that means a world of lies, falsehoods, distortions, misinformation and disinformation. The crisis in Ukraine, the NATO powers and the Kiev regime are an embodiment of this fiendish reality.

Western regimes accuse Russia of unprovoked aggression in Ukraine. (The same regimes that have slaughtered their way through Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and continue to illegally bomb Syria, to name but a few victim nations.) They declare they are defending sovereignty and democracy. This is a preposterous charade that flies in the face of facts that the Western powers weaponized a Nazi regime in Ukraine to destabilize Russia. (An echo of how they weaponized Hitler’s Third Reich for the same purpose more than eight decades ago.) The Kiev regime has been killing its own people for eight years and committed countless war crimes. The relentless attacks on the ZNPP are totally consistent with the depraved conduct. Elsewhere, the NATO-backed regime has shelled chemical and oil plants in the Donbass territory. The Western media decline to report on these violations because that would reveal the criminal mentality and practice of the Kiev regime and its NATO sponsors.

Russia’s military operation to neutralize the growing NATO threat in Ukraine has been effective. The poisonous boil has been lanced and NATO’s decades-long aggressive expansionism against Russia has been checked. Yet Western media – the propaganda ministry that it is – claim that Russia’s intervention has been a failure. The United States and its NATO allies continue to flood Ukraine with offensive weapons even while the Kiev regime is using nuclear terrorism with these weapons and while Russian forces are destroying the Ukrainian military. That’s not a contradiction; it is a green light for more war and profits for the American military-industrial complex that underpins U.S. capitalism.

The entire crisis could have been avoided with much less loss of life if the NATO powers had responded to Russia’s long-held security concerns. But that assumes the NATO powers would have been interested in avoiding war. The damning conclusion is that the United States and its imperialist allies have always wanted the present war in order to pursue a geopolitical ambition of confronting Russia. In the same way that the U.S.-led axis wants to precipitate a war with China over Taiwan and other bogus issues.

American-led Western capitalism is addicted to war for its own ghoulish survival. A world of peaceful relations is fundamentally anathema to Washington and its vassals. But the ruling regimes can’t very well admit that pernicious motive, so they have to cover up their criminal agenda with deceptions about democracy, rules-based order, human rights and other laughable pretensions. Western media provide the necessary cosmetics for the ghoulish reality. The fact is wars and destruction are the oxygen for U.S. global power and its imperial lackeys. Dozens of wars since World War II waged by the U.S. and its international crime syndicate of NATO accomplices, especially its British henchman, attest to that naked, ugly truth.

The Ukrainian comedian-turned-president Zelensky is a liar and idiot. But he is only a bit-player in a bigger circus of imperial kabuki. His regime has used human shields and civilian centers as cover for its despicable ends. It has committed false-flag massacres in a vile attempt to blame Russia. It has diverted Russian gas from European markets while refusing to pay its energy debts. And it continues to extort Western taxpayers to foot the bill for its depredations – all too willingly obliged by Western regimes. To pay for the global-scale extortion racket, the Western public is being told to take cold showers and get used to “the end of abundance”, as France’s President (and former bankster) Emmanuel Macron haughtily advised this week.

The farce this week at the UN Security Council in which Western powers brazenly snubbed the evidence of their own criminality while giving a platform to Zelensky to peddle his ridiculous lies demonstrates a profound dilemma. Any attempt to engage idiots and liars through reasoned dialogue is doomed to fail. When dialogue and diplomacy are made futile then conflict is made all but inevitable. That dilemma has been a constant hallmark of relations with Western powers for many years. The present crisis in Ukraine is the tragic outcome. Lamentably, more such crises can be expected because the idiots and liars never stop.

Western regimes are collapsing from their own inherent loss of legitimacy. That loss is entirely due to their lies becoming more manifest despite their servile media facade. Collapse can be good. It is incontestably good in the case of ending endemic corruption. The ineffable danger, however, is what Western elites will do to avoid historic collapse. As the NATO-backed Kiev regime is demonstrating through its nuclear terrorism and as Britain’s idiotic politician Liz Truss revealed by her demonic embrace of global annihilation.

How To Make Perfect Pot Roast (From the Stovetop To the Oven) | A Roast Beef Dutch Oven Recipe

Savory, fork-tender PotRoast smothered in a rich brown gravy just might be the most wanted comfortfood dish of all.

Delicious Pot Roast.

This one, in particular, shines far above the rest thanks to a few simple steps other recipes are leaving behind.

This is everything you need to know to make a killer Pot Roast every single time.

Today, in addition to a must-have recipe, we’ll cover the simple formula for a foolproof, perfectly tender pot roast, how to know if you’ve been searing all wrong, easy steps to add more flavor to your roast, and lastly, how to take your gravy from good to great without a reduction!

Start with a chuckroast and pat it dry so you can get a really good sear!

Then, add the seasoning.

Rub it all over and make sure you get all around the sides too, allowing for flavor in every single bite.

Sprinkle the roast with flour next — this will help to develop a nice crust on the roast.

Dice up your pot roast veggies — carrots, onions, and garlic is all you need.

We’re keeping it simple for this braise! Braising means that you are cooking something under low heat, for an extended period of time, partially submerged in liquid.

This method of cooking can be used for all different sorts of proteins and even vegetables, but it also happens to result in the most tender, most flavorful roastbeef ever!

We’ll be braising the beef in a Dutchoven, a great cooking vessel that goes from the stovetop to the oven in one fail swoop.

After the beef is seared, the vegetables go in the pot, and then it’s time for the gravy to come together.

Look out — this one is fairly incredible!

It’s loaded with red wine, beef broth, and fresh herbs. No need to reduce it later; the flour will take care of that right off the bat! Transfer the roast to the oven to finish cooking.

Once you try this roast beef recipe, you will never go back! Enjoy!


When it comes to making a perfect, fork-tender pot roast, it’s all about cooking the right cut of meat low and slow, at the right temperature, in the right amount of liquid…for the right amount of time. When all of these factors come together perfectly, you are guaranteed a fork-tender pot roast every single time. The best cut of beef for a fork-tender pot roast is beef chuck shoulder roast, and a three-hour braise is perfect for a 4-5 pound chuck shoulder.

Braising sounds technical, but all it means is that you are cooking something partially in liquid (not necessarily submerged), in a covered dish. Dutch ovens are going to be your best friend for this cooking process.


Dutch ovens are by far the best product out there for braising meats, which is exactly how we are going to be cooking our pot roast. Using the Dutch oven for cooking your roast beef allows you to build an incredible amount of flavor in just one vessel. It is also an excellent even-heat distributor because of its thick cast iron makeup. Here is a simple overview of how we will cook out roast beef in the Dutch oven:

  1. Season and sear the meat.
  2. Sauté the vegetables.
  3. Add in the braising liquid and the roast.
  4. Cook low and slow for 3 hours.


The perfect pot roast recipe is all about building flavor, and the sear is where the flavor begins. After the roast is seared, it leaves behind a plethora of savory fats and juices on the Dutch oven floor. Then, the vegetables take a turn in all that beefy goodness, picking up on all those left-behind flavors. Once the vegetables have softened slightly, a bold braising liquid goes in, picking up on everything both the beef and the vegetables had to offer.

But, before we can get to the end, we must start at the beginning, and as I said before, it all begins with a proper sear.


  1. To prepare the roast, you should first pat it dry with a paper towel to remove any excess water from the cut of beef. This step is essential to getting a good sear on the roast before braising, which in turn, equals flavor.
  2. When searing a roast, you want to be sure that your meat is not going into the Dutch oven ice-cold. For the best sear, allow your roast to sit out at room temperature for about 30 minutes.


Once the excess water has been removed, season the beef liberally with your favorite seasoning. Adding the seasoning directly to meat will help to build flavor. I use my personal favorite, TAK House Seasoning. It’s a mix of Kosher salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder, and it’s perfect for beef.

In addition to a fair amount of seasoning, we’ll also coat the roast in flour before searing.


The type of oil you use for the process of searing is important. To get a good sear on the meat you must work with medium-high to high heat. Canola oil has a high smoke point, which means that it does not quickly burn, or quite literally begin to smoke as fast as let’s say, butter, which has a low smoke point. You can use an oil other than Canola, just make certain it has a smoke point of 400° or higher.


After a nice crust has been developed from searing, the beef goes out, and the vegetables go in for a quick sauté. This is an elegant, yet simple pot roast, and calls for only onions and carrots from the vegetable department. The carrots add a subtle sweetness to an otherwise savory dish, and they’re absolutely perfect coated in a thick and luscious pot roast gravy.


To achieve a thicker consistency for your pot roast gravy, adding just a little flour to the vegetables before adding in your braising liquid is key. This approach also eliminates the need for any sort of stovetop reduction after the pot roast has finished its stint in the oven.

OMG! Pot Roast.


Earlier, we touched upon a couple of things throughout the searing process that would help us to build flavor in our pot roast. Now, we’ll bring that flavor full circle with a perfect ending of red wine, beef broth, and fresh herbs. A bold red wine like merlot or cabernet sauvignon will enhance the flavor of your pot roast and take it from good to spectacular.

After you’ve added your braising liquid to the mix, your roast goes back in, the Dutch oven is sealed, and it will need to cook for three hours total. Half-way through the cooking process, you’ll turn your roast, ensuring both sides are picking up on all of those amazing flavors.

Remember, the braise is quite likely the most important part of the whole recipe, and allowing your pot roast to cook low and slow for the right amount of time will ensure a perfectly tender pot roast every single time.

As soon as the cold winds finally start to drift into Texas, we gladly welcome them with open arms. And naturally, I begin to yearn for those hearty and warming dishes we love so much, and I don’t know that there is another meal in existence that speaks more loudly to this craving than this here very pot roast.

Braised low and slow until fork-tender, smothered in a rich and savory gravy, and variegated with soft, sweet carrots. It is the epitome of comfort food. It’s a recipe that requires only simple preparation, time, and a hearty appetite.


Is The 1008 Point Stock Market Crash A Sign That Another 2008 Is Coming?


In 2008, we experienced a nightmarish financial crisis that was felt in every corner of the globe.

Is such an event about to happen again?

On Friday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 1,008 points as panic swept through Wall Street in the aftermath of Jerome Powell’s dramatic speech in Wyoming.

Powell made it exceedingly clear that interest rates are going to continue to go up, and that deeply alarmed investors.

Some very vocal influencers in the financial community had been anticipating that the interest rate hikes would be ending soon, but now Powell has completely dashed those hopes.

Wall Street is going to have to finally face reality in the weeks ahead, and it isn’t going to be pretty.

When I heard that the Dow had fallen 1,008 points on Friday, the last two digits immediately stood out to me.

We all remember what happened the last time a year ended in “08”.

Could this be a sign that another 2008 is coming?

Before you dismiss such a notion, there are other times when a stock market crash has seemed to have been a sign of things to come.

For example, on September 29th, 2008 the entire world was stunned when the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 777 points.  That was a new all-time record, and fear swept through Wall Street like wildfire.  The following comes from a CBS News report that was published in the immediate aftermath of that market crash…

Wall Street watched Washington with shock and fear as the bailout package flamed out on Capital Hill.

And as that $700 billion financial rescue plan went down, the Dow went down like a sub, hurtling the Dow Jones industrials down nearly 780 points in its largest one-day point drop ever, reports CBS News correspondent Anthony Mason.

“Nobody could believe it,” said Ted Weisberg of Seaport Securities. “The fact that it did not get done is just mind-boggling.” The result on Wall Street was a history-making 777-point nosedive. The Nasdaq plunged almost 10 percent.

Many thought that it was rather odd that the stock market would fall 777 points just as a 7 year Shemitah cycle was ending and a new 7 year Shemitah cycle was beginning.

Rosh Hashanah started on the evening of September 29th, 2008, and all throughout history we have seen really big things happen on or around the times of major Biblical festivals.

Ultimately, the weeks following September 29th, 2008 were some of the most difficult that we have ever seen for Wall Street.  A great financial crisis shook the entire planet, and the U.S. economy plunged into what would become known as “the Great Recession”.

7 years later, there was another stock market crash in 2015.  It was immensely painful at the time, but not a lot of people remember it today.

Now another 7 years have passed, and it appears that we are on the verge of yet another major panic on Wall Street.

Interestingly, another cycle seems to be repeating as well.

As I discussed the other day, this is the 14th anniversary of the housing crash of 2008.

But what most people don’t remember is that there was another housing crash 14 years before that in 1994.

And if you go back 14 years before that, you will find that the U.S. housing market was crashing in 1980.

Now the U.S. housing market is crashing again, and this one could turn out to be the most painful of them all.

If the Federal Reserve would just stop raising interest rates, we may have had a shot at avoiding a complete collapse of the housing bubble.

But that isn’t going to happen, and Jerome Powell made that exceptionally clear on Friday morning

In a keynote speech at the Federal Reserve’s annual Jackson Hole Economic Symposium Friday morning, Powell said that the path to reducing inflation would not be quick or easy, adding that the task, “requires using our tools forcefully to bring demand and supply into better balance.”

“Using our tools forcefully”?

That doesn’t sound good at all.

And during his speech he actually seemed to promise that “some pain” would be coming for U.S. households and U.S. businesses…

“While higher interest rates, slower growth and softer labor market conditions will bring down inflation, they will also bring some pain to households and businesses,” he said. “These are the unfortunate costs of reducing inflation. But a failure to restore price stability would mean far greater pain.”

Even with four consecutive interest rate hikes, including two back-to-back 75-basis-point increases, Powell stressed that the Fed is not in a place to “stop or pause” — an unwelcome sign for investors who were predicting a rate cut next year.

So more interest rate hikes are coming.

Will it be a half a percentage point next month or will it be three-quarters of a point once again?

Only time will tell, but either choice will accelerate the collapse of the housing market and will bring even more pain for Wall Street.

Something that I will be watching very closely is the derivatives market.  As Alasdair Macleod recently explained, the derivatives bubble has expanded to a size that is almost unimaginable…

By far the largest problem in a period of credit contraction is to be found in over-the-counter derivatives. These are unlisted contractual agreements between counterparties, including commodity contracts, credit default swaps, equity linked contracts, foreign exchange derivatives, and interest rate derivatives. According to the BIS’s database, in December 2021 the notional amounts outstanding of all contracts was $610 trillion. These positions are the total of seventy dealers’ returns in twelve jurisdictions, capturing an estimated 94% of the total covered in the BIS’s triannual survey, suggesting that the true total outstanding is closer to $650 trillion.

Once this derivatives bubble finally bursts, it will be an event that will be absolutely cataclysmic for the global financial system.

I have been specifically warning about the dangers posed by the derivatives bubble for many years, and it is only a matter of time before it comes crashing down.

Unfortunately, what Jerome Powell and his minions at the Fed are doing threatens to greatly destabilize financial markets.

Wall Street is not prepared for an interest rate shock, and I believe that Fed officials are making a tragic policy error.

Sad discovery

My uncle Don was an odd guy. It wasn’t until my teen years that I really understood that. When I was younger, he was friendly to me, so that was enough. He was a loner, particular, moody, intense, especially after he divorced and separated from his wife.

No kids.

My uncle’s mother, (my grandmother), was tough by many standards both flattering and not. She was Catholic, with a big crush on the priest of the local church, Father Kramis.

During Don’s growing up, she was, as my dad called it, “a barmaid”. A title chosen specifically for its implications. Clients became husbands. Husbands chosen from the Petri dish of a low-end bar. She was married three times. It was something she was bad at, and her choices in men got worse over time. My uncle’s father was the second, after my father’s. A violent drunk, I heard. Life for Don growing up held a lot of misery.

At maybe 15 years old, Don was sent to the seminary in Kenmore Washington. For his mother, ”priest” was the highest honor and greatest social standing one could attain. No doubt, a play on her part to both make him a better child than his birth order or genetics established but also to get out of the burden of his care. She was no cook, no housekeeper, he probably felt lucky if she gave him any positive attention at all.

So jump forward a few decades to my uncle, a trucking mechanic, living alone in the Industrial District, South of Downtown Seattle. An area a little like a truck stop, although more sprawling, with a house or two sprinkled in as legacies. It was an oddly promiscuous area. Eerily quiet late, yet with random singular people as if aliens on a poignantly desolate background. Devoid of trees, cars, open businesses, with wide open streets for long haul trucks to easily navigate. At one point, the Green River killer had his heyday with prostitutes near here.

Don had been an alcoholic for years, but AA helped him find sobriety. He was a private guy, with a lot of idiosyncrasies. He was passionate about music and keeping his tools in order, but a wreck of a guy in many indescribable ways, looking back on it now.

When I was young, I never really gave all this a second thought, just accepted it as his nature, less curious to explore the whys and why-nots. My father and uncle, step brothers, were at turns friendly and estranged, year to year. My father would occasionally stop by to visit, but Don would never let my dad in. One time dad got a peek into the interior and it was a hoarders glory, piled high to the ceiling, so he knew it wasn’t personal.

Years pass. My uncle, when he was maybe in his late 50’s, was swindled out of his life’s savings. He loaned his long-term, “like-family” boss and his wife $20K to help them float heir truck repair shop. Come to find the money was more like a nest egg for their future. Soon after, they ran off, leaving him broken and unemployed.

It was a lousy life filled with sadness, failure, misplaced loyalty, an inability to nurture relationships. Eventually it became obvious he was sick with something terminal, we didn’t know what because he never saw a doctor in his adult life. So with much sadness, and no way to reach him physically or emotionally, he died facedown in the dirty shag carpet hallway of his apartment. My dad received a call from someone we didn’t know two or three days after the fact.

This story has two punch lines.

When my parents went to clean out his home, among the heaps and mounds of a rotten life were dozens and dozens of high heeled shoes, both well- and never-worn, women’s clothing, size XL, and a sturdy noose. It was a revelation that brought clarity to a lot of things: the solitude, the neighborhood, the sadness. I recall my parents both deeply rattled from the experience. Like someone might feel after watching a dog being hit by a car, traumatized, yet removed and either unable or unwilling to describe it in greater detail.

Something that had occurred to me at various points in my adult understanding of people, was that Don had been in the seminary at the height of its pedophilia reign, when it ran wild and unchecked. Soon after Don died, I researched online with some odd stake in what I might find.

Sure enough, Don was a student at St. Edward’s Seminary. I found Father William Queenan’s name in a database of abusive clergy with multiple accusers. The more I searched, the more certain and sad I became that this was the culminating experience that robbed Don of his ability for successful self determination. It was one of those moments of total clarity. Everything crashed into place.

When my parents had cleaned out his home, they collected a couple of small boxes of his life, things some unknown bystander might judge as valuable, stored now in the cold basement of their house. For who, and why, I have no idea. Inside one box was Don’s high school yearbook from the seminary. On a visit soon after my new-found knowledge I discovered the book, the page with Don’s photo, a few scattered dispassionate autographs, and on the page where Father William Queenan‘s name had been, a slightly jagged yet precise, almost cross-like hole where the picture of him as well as Rev. John Sproule and the Rev. Adrian Mercier had been. Surgically removed by my uncle.

I thought of all the junctures in what I knew of Don’s life, every disconnect and question fell one to the next with bizarre clarity. He died at about 60, finally free from a world that showed him little mercy.

Even though I wasn’t born when I believe he was being preyed upon or was too young to have understood his pain at the time, I feel I failed my uncle. I have such admiration for the victims of priests who have been able to move past abuse in those formative years to regain some sense of happiness and success in life. Because that would be no easy thing. That much I really understand now in a way I hadn’t before,

I’m sorry Don, I hope you’re in a better place. You are an inspiration to me now as I raise my children with as much love as I can give them, and I do my best to protect them from what can be a cruel world.


Accidental Porsche Customer

This happened in a suburb of Detroit, MI circa 2014. I was in the market for a SUV, as my 2007 Civic was recently totalled in an accident (not my fault). The insurance gave me a car for one month for free and I had to get a new vehicle by the month’s end.

A little personal background about me. I am an Indian citizen from Tamil Nadu but living here in the US for 12 years. I am economically stable and only 2 years back I had bought a brand new house in a nice neighborhood. I think twice before I spend and check the pros/cons of the purchase. I had no intention of indulging in luxury cars. But, the accident changed everything. Since the Civic was a daily driver, I needed to make up my mind fast and get a new one. Since this is Michigan, I opted for a new 4WD SUV for the harsh winters. Now that I am flush with cash from the insurance for the totalled Civic, I contemplated a mid-level luxury SUV.

I wanted a Porsche Macan since it was touted as a sports car/CUV in ads, but it had a wait list of 6 months.

So, I had the BMW X3 -M package or Audi SQ5 as my best alternatives.

I called the local BMW dealer and asked for an appointment at 12 PM on a Saturday. This was totally unnecessary because you can just walk-in and see the cars in any dealership. But, I just did this.

Yes, I do have the Indian accent and yes, my surname is long.

So, the dealership knows whom they are expecting. In the call, I made myself very clear that I am looking for a brand new BMW X3. No used models or old versions.


I went to the dealership the following Saturday, 5 minutes early. Yes, I was decently dressed. I was greeted by the employee at the desk and was politely asked to wait for my sales representative who it seems was dealing with a customer. There was a couple of customers just looking around and 3 sales reps ALONE in their offices. I waited for 15 minutes and became restless. Once again I approached the desk and asked for my rep. I was told it will take approximately 30 more minutes for him to come see me. I did not show my impatience and asked if any other employee can talk to me. They said everybody else was busy. I told them that I was highly disappointed with them and I will take my business next door to Audi. They said good luck sir and bade me goodbye.

The Audi dealership

The Audi dealership was very professional, but I didn’t like the model. So, I came back home contemplating what to do next?

The next day, I got a call from the BMW dealership (not the same Sales rep) who apologized and invited me back.

Although I was upset and did not want to go back, the draw of BMW was too great, and I desperately need a car to my work. So, I got appointment for the following Saturday.

This time Ms. X greeted me and the customer experience was pleasant. She had recently joined BMW from a different brand, and I can see that she doesn’t have any airs associated with her. I took the X3 for a test drive, and I liked it. We came back to her office and crunched the numbers for payment.

She took me through their online website, specced up the X3 to my liking with accessories and came up with a number. I had done this many times before through their website, same webpage, and I know what the number is going to be. I have not started my negotiation yet.

At that instant, her Manager butted in. He introduced himself and started talking. He told me point blank that whatever the numbers offered by Ms. X were final and only for this day. Take it or leave it. Ms. X was horrified. I asked politely, saying that I need more time to think over the number. He reiterated that the deal stands for only today. I said that I am not going to commit to anything right now, and after that he bade me goodbye.

Ms. X apologized a lot on the way out and asked me to think it over. But, I made up my mind to go to another BMW dealer in another neighborhood.

Dealer -2

This was the worst experience ever.

Now that I already have a number in my hand, I thought that it would be easy.

The second dealership was bigger than the first. I was dressed in a suit. The Sales rep went through all the initial hoops, and I told him that I had done this before in Dealership-1 and asked him to give me a fair deal.

He went to talk to his Manager, who literally stormed into my room where I was sitting. He asked what my profession is, and what I do for living. I said that I work for X company in top management and live in X affluent neighborhood.

Since he was blunt and had no qualms asking questions to gauge my financial conditions, I put away all my pretensions and did what I came to do. Point blank, I asked how much deal he can give me. He got agitated and pointed that they won’t undercut another dealership and asked me to take my business elsewhere.

It was totally ridiculous. Right on his wall, there was a big poster proclaiming, “Whatever deals Audi give, We give Better!!”

I came out frustrated and thought of taking the Audi.

As a last resort, I contemplated Porsche, even though I knew I couldn’t get it immediately.

Fortunately, there was a Porsche dealer in the same building with Audi (as both are VW subsidiaries) in another suburb.

Immediately, I went there.

Porsche dealer

There were only 2 guys in the dealership that afternoon. One of them took care of me immediately even though I didn’t have any appointment. That was the best experience ever. They confirmed that 4 new Porsche Macans arrived only the previous day from Germany. He enquired whether i would like to have a test drive immediately. I took it. The Sales guy was very calm and answered every question.

Once inside his office after the test drive, he showed the brochures. Once in a while, other employees passing by his office said hi, and told me how lucky I was to get a Porsche and how sporty it is. Of course, I negotiated the price, and they gave me a fair deal. I told them that I would need one more day because I wanted to show it to my wife. He accepted gladly.

The next day my wife test drove it, loved it, and we brought a black Porsche Macan Sport home. It was 20 grand more than BMW but it was worth it. For the next week, I called him many times if I got any queries. He was happy to talk to me. Every time I go for servicing, I see him and talk to him.


After all these days, the one thing I remember clearly is the warm welcome I received from Porsche the moment I stepped inside. I felt that I belonged there.

Yes, my next car is going to be a 911.

Has WWIII Started?

The fact that NATO is stepping up its combat support for the Ukrainian military in Britain and on other member states’ territories is clear proof that the U.S.-led axis is at war with Russia. This is no longer a proxy war, but rather a full-scale multi-level war.

“We will not fight a war against Russia in Ukraine.” So said U.S. President Joe Biden back in March this year while also bragging at the same time about pumping Ukraine with lethal weapons to ensure that the NATO-backed Kiev regime would not be defeated.

Biden’s nationwide speech added with a foreboding intonation: “A direct confrontation between NATO and Russia is World War Three, something that we must strive to prevent.”

We should have expected that appalling, fatuous contradiction to sooner or later become manifestly untenable. Indeed, the American people and the world have been conned by a warmongering puppet in the White House.

In reality, it looks like the Biden administration and its NATO partners have done everything to strive toward making war against Russia happen. This American president’s words (like those of his predecessors) have no credibility. Despite his apparent grave warning about preventing WWIII, the manikin in the White House has facilitated this very outcome in the abject service of U.S. imperialist interests. Biden has been a loyal servant of American warmongering for over 50 years, supporting every criminal war that U.S. imperialism has waged. However, it’s a mistake to blame Biden personally, a so-called Democrat. He is but the figurehead for a system that needs war in order to function. If for talk’s sake, Donald Trump or some other Republican politician happened to be in the White House, we would no doubt see the same despicable dilemma.

There are increasing reports of military attacks on Crimea and other parts of the Russian Federation. The Belgorod Region neighboring Ukraine has been bombed several times with villages being evacuated. A Ukrainian drone also reportedly tried to attack the Kerch Bridge which connects the Russian mainland with Crimea. The 19-km bridge was opened in May 2018 by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a cost of $3.7 billion.

It is not clear yet what are the exact causes of these explosions. Initially, Russian authorities claimed they were accidental fires, but now they are admitting acts of sabotage being committed. Western media reports claim U.S. and NATO missiles or drones are involved. The United States is increasing its supplies of long-range offensive weapons as well as C-4 explosives for sabotage operations. Up to $40 billion worth of munitions has been pledged by the U.S., Britain, Poland, Germany and other NATO powers to support the Nazi-infested Kiev regime in its war against Russia. Ukraine has descended into an orgy of Western militarism.

The Kiev regime’s military conduct is being overseen by American and British intelligence. Attacks on Crimea and presumably other parts of the Russian Federation are approved by Washington and London.

In addition to an unprecedented flood of NATO weapons into Ukraine, it is increasingly apparent that the U.S.-led axis is training Ukrainian forces.

This week it was reported that Ukrainian soldiers are being trained in Britain to go fight. At a Copenhagen conference last week, British recruitment and training programs for Ukraine were supported by other NATO members including Denmark, Canada, Poland and the Baltic states. The U.S. and its NATO allies have been running combat training in Ukraine for years. That was partly the reason why Russian forces went into Ukraine in February this year to neutralize a growing national security threat.

The fact that NATO is stepping up its combat support for the Ukrainian military in Britain and on other member states’ territories is clear proof that the U.S.-led axis is at war with Russia. This is no longer a proxy war, but rather a full-scale multi-level war.

Another ominous development was the deployment of American B-52 long-range bombers to Sweden this week. The Nordic country is a soon-to-be new member of NATO along with Finland. The combined move is intended as a calculated threat to Russia’s Arctic region. The Arctic has long seen increasing NATO forces menacing Russia, but the first-ever deployment of nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to Sweden is an “important signal”, as Sweden’s Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist gloated.

All of this shows a heinous, relentless logic for war. Biden’s public misgivings about World War Three were just contemptible piffle. The United States has been gearing up for hostilities against Russia since at least the CIA coup d’état in Kiev in 2014. It really doesn’t matter who sits in the White House. Obama, Trump, Biden, like others before them, are all just message boys for U.S. imperialism. The American ruling regime has a desperate addiction to war to revive its diminishing global power and failing capitalist economy. That’s why Washington is hellbent on recklessly stoking dangerous tensions with Russia and China, as Russia’s Putin pointed out this week.

The sheer array of military involvement in Ukraine and the new, dangerous phase of striking Russian territory means that the U.S.-led NATO axis is de facto at war against Russia. The axis consists of 30 nations (not including Sweden and Finland) plus other non-NATO allies such as Australia and New Zealand. Weapons of increasing long-range offensive capability, as well as training of military forces, are flowing to Ukraine from all of these U.S.-led nations.

Last December, Russia appealed for a diplomatic resolution of long-held strategic security concerns regarding NATO and Ukraine. Those appeals were arrogantly shunted away by Washington and its vassals. Earlier apparent reservations among NATO members about sending lethal weapons to Ukraine have been jettisoned too. Evidently, so too abandoned are erstwhile reservations about starting an international conflict.

The United States, Britain and other imperialist powers are callously turning on the taps to make a bloodbath in Ukraine. The fascist regime they are backing in Kiev is wantonly using nuclear terrorism by attacking the largest nuclear power station in Europe at Zaporozhye. And yet the Western sponsors continue to double down on the provocations to Russia, provocations that now appear to include military strikes on Russian sovereign territory.

Moscow has repeatedly warned that “decision-making centers” will be targeted if its territory is attacked. That warning implies Western capitals are vulnerable. Russia has also warned that if its national security is threatened then it reserves the right to use nuclear weapons for defense. The unthinkable is becoming thinkable. Western states are in thrall to a warmongering agenda and media system that acts like a propaganda ministry for war. Shamefully, there are scarcely any political voices in the West calling for diplomatic negotiations for peace.

The madcap U.S.-led Western powers do not seem to recognize any boundaries. The whole conflict over Ukraine demonstrates the relentless logic of belligerence towards Russia that the Western ruling regimes are addicted to, in the same way as they are towards any other nation that is perceived as an obstacle to global power ambitions. The Western regimes are helplessly, hopelessly charted for war regardless of the democratic interests and wishes of their populations or the constraints of international law. So much for rules-based order! Western rulers and their puppets in office are leading their people and the rest of the world over the abyss.

Incredibly, it seems, the same vile political and economic forces that created two previous world wars are salivating again. And they are unleashing their apocalyptic desires with the same lies and self-righteous deceptions.

Nigeria is just like the United States

In Nigeria, there is a local means of transport called Okada. Essentially, it is a motorcycle functioning as a taxi. It gets around fast. Lagos has some insane traffic and whenever encountered, I park the car and take an Okada to my destination. Gets there fast and saves hours of time. Last Wednesday, I took one to make it to a 12 o’clock meeting. And we got hit by a car. My arm split into two but I wasn’t the most injured. My Okada driver had his tummy ruptured by the bike’s handle bars, his foot got stuck in the bike’s wheels so it got chewed and he hit his head on the asphalt. There was blood every where. He was in bad shape.

The car that hit us belonged to an Uber guy. He had a passenger in the back. A young lady that had a birthday present to deliver. I got into the car and asked him to drive us to the nearest hospital. The lady insisted we drive her to her destination first so she can deliver her present or she will lose money, the uber guy obliged. Well, because she was paying for the trip and we weren’t. So we burnt an extra 30 minutes with a guy bleeding out and me, with a broken hand. Basically running errands.

When we got to the hospital, they blatantly refused to attend to us unless if we fill in a form and make a down payment of the equivalent of $150. I had the money on my card, so I paid. The Okada driver didn’t. And they refused to touch him. With blood everywhere and the guy passed out, I begged them to, amidst the pain and confusion, I offered to pay for him and before the payment and form filling was complete, he died. Most probably from bleeding out.

I managed to get some first Aid and then proceed to a different hospital where I had the surgery. I was more angry than in physical pain. As I witnessed total decay of all humanity. Even from a hospital. Simply because of….


What is wrong with our society today is how much power we have given money.

Money is the new God. And we are all its relentless worshipers.

Smashed arm.

A Rufus Santa

I am a professional Santa; I do TV commercials and movies.

It was Christmas morning, and I was just leaving a local hospital where I delivered presents to people that were confined in the hospital. As I was leaving, a young girl approached me with tears in her eyes and said, “Santa I think you forgot my family.” I asked the child, “Have you been here all night?” She told me yes. Her mother was very sick. I walked over to the father and asked him what was going on. His wife was terminally ill and he was working two jobs to try to make ends meet. I asked if he was going home any time soon. He was just leaving to go feed his four children.

I watched as he left, and his car was leaking water. I went to a local store where I purchased $1000.00 worth of presents to deliver to two local hospitals. I talked to the manager. Her name was Fatima; she said, “I thought you were done shopping already this year.” When I told her what was going on, she chipped in $250.00 for presents and got me a discount on everything I bought. I told her I was off to deliver the presents; she asked if she could tag along. She disappeared to get her coat and came out dressed as an elf.

We delivered the presents and left. The father wanted an address to send a thank-you note. I smiled and said, “The North Pole, of course.” Fatima went to the hospital alone and gave the mother an Android pad. I think Fatima is an awesome, giving, and kind person. She restored my faith in people.

A Rufus Santa.

Diplomatic Immunity, American-Style


This is Forky.


My sister found him in the trash, thus his name. She couldn’t keep him. He didn’t get along with her cat—or I should say her cat did not tolerate baby behavior. She asked if I would take him, and I couldn’t leave him behind.


Here he is just after I got him home.


And a more recent picture. He’s almost a year old, but never reached full adult cat size. He’s healthy, but blind in one eye, likely a result of an injury sustained as a baby.

He’s my first cat. Or rather, he’s the first cat that is truly mine. The others I have were either dumped here or left behind by a dead relative.

I didn’t intend to keep him, but after a few days with him I knew. He’s supposed to be here.

Võ Thi Thang

Võ Thi Thang smiling after being sentenced to 20 years hard labor in a prison camp by the South Vietnamese government. After being sentenced she reportedly smiled at the judge and said “20 years? Your government won’t last that long.” – 1968

She was released on 7 March 1974 under the Paris Peace Accords, having served less than six years of her sentence.

Võ Thi Thang


When I got my cat Atlas three years ago, she was sick. We probably got ripped off, but we took her to the vet and she eventually got better.

The poor girl was probably sick of being alone in the empty vet, so when we got her home, she quickly warmed up to us, namely, me and my dad.

Since she was my cat, I took care of her food, water, and litter duties. This probably helped her decide her favorite human, but somehow my dad won her over. She would come to him for scratches instead of me, sit on his chest instead of mine, and listen to my dad’s ‘stay’ command. He still jokes about how he’s the alpha.

However, during the following years, she got closer to me. She would nap in my room, follow me around occasionally, and ask me for pets. I heard that blinking slowly meant “I love you” in cat language, so I started doing that while whispering “I love you,” “Good girl,” and other things. She still chooses to ignore my calls to her, but her favorite human is probably a tie between me and my dad.

So, I think if you want to be your cat’s favorite human, you have to: do all her chores consistently, not be pushy when wanting to pet her – just let her come to you – talk to her often, especially when petting her, and just be patient. Sorry if my answer was a bit irrelevant lol. Here’s a pic of Atlas to make up for it


A Down Under tale

I live in Australia, which is famously full of animals that can kill you. This is of course exaggerated to folk lore status. However..there is one serious danger which should never be underestimated… not ever swim in rivers in the Top End. There are warning signs everywhere, They are usually a simple very obvious pictogram, but frequently look like this


Note the warning is written in English, German and I’ll say Chinese, but I’m not sure. In my travels round Australia I met a lot of German tourists, lovely people every one of them, but if anyone is going to cool off in a river on a hot day, despite warnings, it seems to be a German.

This was the case as we were camped by a river in the Kimberley area, close to a group of German backpackers, and sure enough one went for a swim. He was fine, but I encouraged him to get out, and warned him about crocs.

He was sure they only lived in the Northern Territory, and thought I was a panic merchant. The next morning there was a croc sunning on the opposite bank, and I pointed it out to him, and told him..”it (http://him….it) knows where you swim, and is waiting for you to go in again”. That’s why the signs are in German.



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