Exactly one month after my mother died, all of the 30+ smoke sensors in the house went off simultaneously (well, within a window of a half an hour),
I was living alone in her big old manor.
And the darnedest thing happened.
I had installed the smoke alarms with new batteries around 3 to 5 years previously. One in every room. And then at 2am they all started going off. It was crazy.
I don’t recall if I ever wrote about this event.
It could have been spiritual or fate, or just dumb luck. But yeah. There I was at 2 am going though the house turning off all the smoke detectors, and removing the dead batteries.
Who’d figure.
Anything could have happened. From an electromagnetic pulse to the house alone, or just that all the batteries installed came from the same batch of batteries. Or maybe Momma wanted to get me awake for one reason or the other.
I will have to tell you all that weird electrical events seem to follow me around. I remember this strange cloud that landed above my mobile home in West Elizabeth, PA that enveloped the home in bolts of lightening. Just our place. Big cloud. Thirty or so bolts of lightening. Just around us. Damn strange.
Just a coincidence.
You know…
Anyways, that’s my story about batteries and early morning wake up calls.
Have you ever met someone and much later been sure that person was an angel? Why?
Years ago, after the birth of my daughter,I rushed to the ER with a fever of 103 with shaking chills, horrible back pain and blood pressure so low I could barely stand.
I called my urologist who told me to go to the ER ASAP explaining that I clearly had sepsis from an infection from a kidney stone that had been stuck during my pregnancy.
The ER was crowded and I was put in an overflow unit in the back. I had not been examined yet but my urologist called the hospital to explain my situation to them.
I was lying on the gurney waiting to be seen when I realized I wasn’t able to move. There was so much infection and trauma in my system that I became paralyzed.
I knew I was going to die.
I panicked. The pain intensified and my heart started beating erratically trying to keep me alive. It seemed to be jumping out of my chest wall.
I tried to lift my head to scream but couldn’t move.
I knew I had to get help. Fast. Nobody was around.
Suddenly a lovely nurse appeared by my side.
At least I thought she was a nurse. She had sea green eyes, the softest most beautiful green eyes I’d ever seen.
And soft energy to match.
Energy that comforted me in my distress.
Help I said quite feebly. I need help! I’m dying
You’ll be okay, she consoled. I’ll get you help.
Then she disappeared.
Next thing I know the hospital intercom system screamed a code blue. I think it was blue. Several medical personnel raced into the room, over to me, and rushed me down the hall to the OR where they put in an emergency nephrostomy or kidney tube and bag to relieve the pressure, saving me.
When my condition stabilized, I asked everybody about the green-eyed nurse.
I wanted to know her name so that I could mail her a thank you card because she not only reassured me but saved my life.
Everybody I asked, even ER staff who were working that night, said there was no such woman. The hospital did not employ anybody by that description. No volunteers either
There were no female nurses working in the ER that night.
That’s when I realized that she was an angel.
Somebody only I could see.
I sometimes wonder how she got me the help that I needed
But it doesn’t matter, does it?
Angels have their own ways
Why are the US troops showing their concerns about Chinese defence? Are they doing it to increase their own defence budget?
Bang on
Yes. That is exactly why they are doing it.
Believe me. The US and its Defence is better than the next five countries combined. They have more than enough to defend themselves even against the Independence Day Aliens.
Unfortunately – THE US is on a downward Path
- Almost all Manufacture in the US is defense related
- Defence Industries form 26% of the Hedge Funds , Monetary Funds, and Other equity based companies to invest in.
- Defence Industries directly employ /contract collectively over 6.5 Million People which is almost 3.75% of the Nations Population.
- Defence Industries spend Billions and Billions on Research and employ a huge number of Students and Researchers and fund their colleges
This means – The Defence Budget has to keep rising. It is like a Ponzi Scheme. Keep giving more money to defence – so that US Borrows from the Public, US pays the Defence Industries for more F-22s and suchlike that they dont need, This keeps jobs alive, This keeps shares trading at high levels.
Ultimately US incurs more and more debt (Despite export orders) and eventually it will collapse.
What is the Trick to keep increasing the Defence Budget?
Hype the Enemy!!!!
It is an old trick.
It was practiced by the Americans during the Cold War.
They declared the Mig 21 as the finest and most fearsome fighter (It was barely 70% of the hype) and tripled the budget to make their own fighters (Far superior F16s)
They declared that decent and ordinary Russian Products and Tanks were world class and much better than American equivalents to get the Congress to cough up money to build more tanks (More Tanks means more jobs, more jobs means salvaging an already mobile economy)
Even today they declare the S-400 to be much better than it actually is. It is a good piece but the Americans claim it is impregnable.
The Russians swallowed it hook line and sinker. They saw the Americans pump money into defence and the Russian loonies began to do the same pouring all their money into Military Industry (Almost 62% of the Economy) leading to utter disaster and ruin and leading to sale of missiles by generals on a retail basis in Russia.
Now they started the same tricks with China.
Claims that the J-20 which is a good fighter but barely 60% of the Su-57 or F-35 – is a class apart
Claims that Chinas defence is impregnable (When without Nukes – US can rip apart Chinas defences inside 8 days maximum)
Of course US has an agenda but the Chinese are too smart to fall for this old hat (Of course Xi is a numbskull so you never know) and wont pump money into defence like the Soviets did.
They are waiting for the US to eventually inflate to the point of no return and completely collapse after which they will pick up the pieces.
It is a Cat and Mouse Game so far.
Feminism Has DESTROYED Modern Dating & The Family, Birthrates Are COLLAPSING & Men Are Giving Up
If I get pulled over for a suspected DWI and I hold up a card that says “Do not ask me any questions, contact this [lawyer]”, without opening my window, what will the officer do?
“If I get pulled over for a suspected DWI and I hold up a card that says “Do not ask me any questions, contact this [lawyer]”, without opening my window, what will the officer do?”
Well… first of all, you don’t know why the officer stopped you. You might have been drinking, or you might think the officer is doing a DUI stop, but you really don’t know. Even when I strongly suspected a driver of being impaired, the beginning of the stop was always the same: “Good evening, sir. I’m Officer Hawk with the XYZ Police Department and the reason I’m stopping you is for disobeying that stop sign (or red light or for crossing over the center line marker, etc.).” I never thought it would be a good idea to walk up to a driver and say, “Shitfaced, huh?”
If the officer was going to tell you about a tail light out, you just upped the ante to committing an actual crime and not just a traffic infraction.
Second, there’s no problem with a sign that says, “I will not answer any questions without a lawyer present.” You absolutely have the right to remain silent. A sign would probably help instead of just sitting mute and making the officers wonder if you have a mental health issue. The real problem is when you begin attaching restrictions on what the officer can and cannot do which do not carry the support of law, such as refusing to cooperate until your lawyer is called.
And make no mistake about it — in the US, the law is clearly on the side of the police in this area. You must present your driver’s license when you’re stopped for a traffic infraction and police absolutely can order you to get out of (or back in to) your car without probable cause or even reasonable suspicion of a crime.
At any rate, the officer will probably explain, many times, that you have no right to an attorney being present simply for the traffic violation or for the DUI investigation. The officer will probably explain, again, many times, that you are committing a crime by not presenting your driver’s license or getting out of the vehicle when ordered to do so.
If you continue to ignore the officer, you will eventually be told you are under arrest and then removed from the car by whatever force is necessary.
Windows up and door is locked? The window will be broken. The officer may or may not elect to open the door before removing you from the car.
Seat-belted in and holding firmly onto the steering wheel? Expect some blows to the nerve clusters in your arm, or a brachial plexus stun, or for an officer to use a baton as a pry bar to remove your hands from the steering wheel. If you’re not smart enough to let go of the steering wheel before your wrist snaps, that’s squarely on you.
Actively fighting with officers as they pull you from the car? Expect a taser or other escalation of force as they get you into handcuffs.
As far as a DUI investigation goes, it will all depend on the circumstances. If you exhibit other indicators of impairment during the contact, the officer might decide to arrest you for DUI without your cooperation in doing any of the tests and still pursue criminal charges for obstructing a police officer or whatever laws might apply. If you actively fight with police during the extraction, you might end up being treated at the hospital for injuries sustained, in which case there will probably be a blood draw and BAC analysis done anyway.
Even if the police don’t pursue a DUI charge, you’ll end up in jail, your car will be impounded with a broken window, and you’ll have plenty of legal problems for the foreseeable future.
What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?
What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?
This wasn’t a company rule, just one my store manager implemented.
I worked for one of the Big 4 supermarkets in the UK while I was studying for my A-levels.
I worked on the Beers, Wines & Spirits (BWS) section doing a 6pm-10pm shift. The store closed at 10pm. The “Afternoon” shifts finished at 6:00pm and the “Night” shifts started at 9:30pm. In the 3 and a half intervening hours, just about every member of staff was either on the checkouts or a supervisor. I had no supervisor until the Nights started as my department supervisor clocked off at 5:30, as did most non-checkout “management”.
Well, one shift I go to the “Cage” to get some more stock to put out. The Cage phone rings and I answer. Lo and behold, it’s the store manager, who’s actually working past 6 for once.
Boss “Why have you left your department?”
Me “to get more stock to put out”
Boss “What if I told you we’d been fined £5,000 for having the department unstaffed?”
Me “I’d have said that it would’ve cost less to hire a 2nd person to work at the same time as me”
Boss “I don’t want you leaving BWS during your shift EVER unless you can get someone to cover”
Me “ok”
Boss “and don’t dress the shelves (pull everything forward to make it look neat) until 9:30 at the earliest”
Me “ok, bye”
So for 3 months I did pretty much no work, except for that last half hour, yet got paid for doing so. Stock piled up, giving more work for the Night teams, 4 of them had to give up an hour each of their actual work to cover what I wasn’t allowed to do. 20 man hours. Doesn’t sound a lot, but that hour they took out had to be made up by someone else. It all diluted itself to nothing by the time my next shift started.
The next time the manager was working past 6 (yep, that long), he asked me to go to his office. I told him I couldn’t as there wasn’t anyone else to cover.
He scrapped his “rule” there and then. 3 months with no productivity. 3 months he couldn’t have stayed behind 20 minutes to catch me on my way in.
Just a shame he didn’t scrap the rule before Christmas. Empty shelves where there should be alcohol on the run-up to Christmas is a big no-no.
He cost the store thousands of pounds a week (4 70cl bottles of spirits an hour was about £2,000 a week during my shifts) because he wouldn’t allow me 20 minutes a day to enable me to do my job.
He was out on his backside by Easter.
Everything Is Melting Down ALL At Once
What is something that bothers you as an Indian?
The incident happened exactly 7 months ago while I was at my uncle’s place.
The maid was working and in every 30 minutes a call was coming & she was getting disturbed from that.
I asked her about the reason and she told me that a guy was constantly disturbing her and giving rough proposals, though she didn’t even know that guy.
I was annoyed at that moment.
The guy again called after 30 minutes. This time I picked up.
He said,
Hello, aaj free ho to jungle k paas aa jana! Kuch kaam hai.
(Hello, if you are free come near Jungle. I have some work)
I said,
Hello brother, mai jaan sakta hu aap kaha se bol rahe ho and aapko kya kaam hai!
(Hello brother, can I know from where you are speaking and what works do you have.)
He replied,
Abbe, tu chup reh! Ladki ko phone de! Usse kaam hai! Beech Mai taang mat lada warna kaat doonga.
(Be silent, give the phone to the girl. I have works with her! Don’t interfere, else I’ll cut you.)
I became more annoyed and threatened him about calling police.
He replied,
Shalbani Jungle k paas ajana dam hai to! Jaha police marne ke baad aati hai waha tu meko marene ki baat kar raha hai! Haha.
(Come near Shalbani Jungle if you have courage! When police comes after death, then you are calling police to kill me! Haha.)
He even concealed his name!
That was 8 pm. I went to police station to lodge an FIR against him. But the police person wasn’t taking an FIR.
The sleeping officer told,
Arre raat ko Kya aate ho yaar! Koi faltu call kiya hoga isme Kya fir! Ghar jao and so jao phone switch off kar ke!
(Arre what are you doing here at night! Someone did a wrong call probably? Go home and sleep by switching off your phone)
I asked,
Sir our maid lives far away from us! She goes to home by cycle. What about her protection?
He replied,
Ab police ek ladki ke kisi anjan call ke liye usko protection de? Kya pata ladki ka character bhii to dheela ho sakta hai.
( Now police has to give protection to a girl for an unknown call? Who knows the character of this girl! It might be loose.)
I was so angry at that police officer. Our maid was crying in fear! We told her it’s not safe to go to home at night! She slept in our house! The next day I called that guy and he was so desparate to pick the call!
Me along with my uncle went and met with him! He was sitting in a couch like a boss. My uncle shouted loud at him. Crowd gathered at his house. We told the local villagers of his works and also the village head.
The guy apologized along with his mother.
Yeah, this is the condition of our nation when it comes to privacy. Most of them are too lazy that others’ life became others’ matter to them.
That’s why normal people don’t have any fear of police and most of the times the helpless people don’t lodge any complaints to police because they know that Most Of The Indian Police Officers will visit them when they are no more on this Earth!
This bothers me as an Indian.
What’s the best thing you ever did for yourself?
I accepted my marriage was over, my kids lost to me, and I had to for the first time in my adult life put myself first including my health and mental well being.
I was 37, had a stroke on a Friday, had my wife try to cancel health insurance through her employer on Monday morning and by Monday afternoon was asking my lawyer about the life insurance and my various accounts. When she learned she was neither my beneficiary nor executor she filed for divorce, had someone make anonymous tips to CPS to keep me from leaving the country, after committing several counts of financial fraud fled the country going back to the UK where she and the kids had dual citizenship.
My legal troubles were cleared by the time I was fit to travel, but she was not to be found. Her sisters proved the kids were still alive to the US cops who basically said it was my problem. Her three sisters did all get quietly fired from their jobs for helping her commit fraud, but since 1 was married to a cop and another a prosecutor never were charged with anything, something about improperly seized evidence. The CPS call all came from the phone of the third sister’s BIL’s phone directly to her work line at CPS the morning she fled the country.
Knowing I had lost the fight I moved back to the Philippines where I had a condo and history. I spent 2 years with a live in nurse and a housekeeper learning to walk and talk again. It was for the first time in 17 years being able to just take care of me and my own needs. It was the best thing I had ever done for myself.
Tamale Pie Stuffed Peppers

Yield: 2 to 4 servings
- 3 tablespoons cornmeal
- 1/4 cup cold water
- 1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon boiling water
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
- 1/4 pound sausage meat
- 3/4 cup finely chopped onion
- 1 large clove garlic, minced
- 1 tablespoon chili powder
- 1/8 tablespoon ground cumin
- 1/2 pound ground beef
- 1/8 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
- 1/4 cup finely chopped celery
- 1 1/2 teaspoons seeded and minced hot green peppers
- 1 large tomato, peeled and chopped
- 1 ear fresh corn
- 4 green bell peppers
- 5 pitted black olives
- 1/4 cup grated Monterey Jack cheese
- 1/3 cup grated mild Cheddar cheese
- Salt
- Gradually stir cornmeal into cold water in a small bowl. Stir this mixture into boiling water in a small saucepan. Heat, stirring constantly, to boiling; reduce heat to medium-low.
- Stir in butter. Cook, covered, stirring occasionally, for 35 minutes.
- Remove from heat.
- While cornmeal is cooking, sauté sausage meat in a large heavy skillet over medium heat, breaking up the lumps with a fork, until it begins to lose its pink color.
- Add onion and garlic; cook 5 minutes. Stir in chili powder and cumin.
- Add ground beef and continue to cook, breaking up lumps with a fork, until beef loses its color, about 5 minutes.
- Add hot pepper sauce, celery and hot green pepper. Cook 5 minutes.
- Stir in tomato; cook 5 minutes longer.
- With a sharp knife, cut corn kernels off cob, slicing about halfway through kernels. Using back of knife, scrape cob to remove remaining kernel bits and milky residue. Add corn to tomato/meat mixture. Cook 10 minutes longer.
- Add salt to taste; remove from heat.
- Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
- Cook peppers in boiling salted water for 2 minutes.
- Trim off tops with sharp knife. Core and remove seeds.
- Fill each pepper with meat mixture, packing it down firmly with back of spoon. Leave about 1/2 inch of space at top of pepper.
- Cover top of each pepper with olive slices.
- Sprinkle with Monterey Jack and Cheddar cheese.
- Spread a thin layer of cornmeal mixture over top, using 2 teaspoons per pepper.
- Place peppers in baking dish.
- Bake for 50 minutes; let stand 5 minutes before serving.
French Sculptures

What work secret did you accidentally find out that changed everything?
I worked at a company where my initial job I had full access to all financial and job information and tracked it daily. When I shifted roles, my access mistakenly wasn’t removed and I didn’t say anything – just continued with the habit.
Shortly after my role changed, I noticed the parent company seemed to be shifting things around to keep one of the leads and their key people and dump everything and everyone else. So I started saving money and paying off debts. Because the writing on the wall was telling me lay-offs were coming. The home office was setting up drought conditions to slowly kill the company I was at in such a way it would seem like market flux. But I could see ALL jobs and financials and where things were being directed. It was a deliberate and slow starvation and eventually the financial situation would force lay-offs.
I was the last member added to my team and if the strategy was last in, first out, I was gone. It was just a matter of when.
One Friday I went to lunch, about six months after I started seeing the pattern, and I told my best friend I would be losing my job really soon. I could feel it coming. Sure enough, came back from lunch and got let go. I was more surprised at how surprised everyone else was, especially the VP who had to talk to me. He got more choked up in our meeting than I did. I was relieved. The wait was finally over.
It was obvious to me the company was being killed to separate the star and the people on their team and jettison the rest. We were duplicating roles – to the home office it made sense to keep the team doing something unique and consolidate the other roles in one location – which was not in our location. Everyone else knew something was up but didn’t know they knew. There was a lot of tension. A lot of anxiety that people weren’t aware they were giving off. And no one but me knew why the office was so on edge. In the end the office was reduced to less than half its size.
I see former co-workers out and about and they all seem much happier than they were that last half year. There’s a lot of bitterness toward the parent company though for breaking up our office and disrupting so many lives.
“Just PREPARE Yourself…” – Danielle DiMartino
Despite the fact that EUV lithography machines have long been prohibited from sale to China, the Dutch government announced that from Sep 7th, special approval will be required for the export of DUV. What potential impacts will the regulation have?
No change.
Let it sink in that in 2017 before the corporate assassination of Huawei by the American Federal government, asml sold 1b in equipment to mainland China.
Last year, 2023, they sold almost 8b, a sevenfold increase.
The mainland is now their second largest client.
American ip-based curbs have already been in place since 2022, so the appearance of a mainland-made 5nm equivalent chip made on the 7nm node in 2023 on a Huawei phone embarrassed commerce secretary Gina, especially when she was made the center of a guerilla marketing campaign promoting the phone during her trip to Beijing.
The United States doesn’t want China anywhere near sub-10nm chips, so it is applying pressure on the Dutch government to force asml to disrupt service contracts to select mainland foundries making these advanced chips.
Unfortunately, nothing but an embargo is going to work at this point. But an embargo will be so disruptive the best outcome is global goods shortage and a second round of inflation or worse, market chaos.
ASML will lose the China market for good if they fail to honor contracts. At any rate, they will be lucky to preserve 1b annual sales within the coming decade, given the Chinese determination towards tech independence.
Parents, what’s the most embarrassing thing your child repeated in public that you said in private?
Not embarrassing but it was fucking hilarious. When my daughter was 3 or 4 we were at a restaurant and it was her mom’s turn to drink and mine to drive. So my ex orders a mud slide, which came in an enormous goblet and looked like a delicious chocolate shake.
So of course the little one asks to have some. We said no. She asked again and being our rule for asking for things was no, no, never, (Meaning if we said no twice and we’re asked again never was the answer and we stood by this ) her mom said, “ You can’t have any of mommy’s drink, it has liquor in it.”
My kid responded to this by standing on the seat of the booth and screaming, “ I want liquor, I want liquor!!” My ex, the waitress, and myself all burst out laughing.
We were regulars at this restaurant and my kid is not a spoiled brat so we all knew she was doing this more so as a joke and not a whining outburst. I’m sure the other patrons found this humorous as well. She’s always been a great kid and hasn’t lost her sense of humor.
I will say when she got a little older than this maybe at 5 I warned her that if she embarrasses me in public now, I won’t punish her. I will just store that in my memory, then I’m the future I will show up to her school in my pajamas and make sure I embarass her ten fold.
I never had an issue with her in public until she was like 10 when she would do so intentionally and dare me to get her back because she “doesn’t care what people think of me just like you don’t daddy, aren’t you glad you taught me that?”
{Edit} I read the question wrong and was going to delete my answer but it took too much time typing all that in my phone so I’ll go ahead and leave it until I get some complaints.
Egypt selects Chinese J-10Cs instead of upgrading its United States’ F-16Vs
J-10C: China’s Strategic Moves with J-10C Fighter Aircraft
The J-10 was originally conceived as an air-superiority fighter for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, but the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to its shift to that of a multi-role aircraft. Produced by the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, the Vigorous Drag …

The Egyptian Defense Ministry has reportedly placed its first-ever order for Chinese fourth-generation fighters, specifically the J-10C, as of August 19. This decision underscores Cairo’s ongoing efforts to deepen strategic and economic ties with Beijing, following its recent entry into the Chinese-led BRICS bloc earlier this year.
With this acquisition, Egypt becomes the second country to procure the J-10C after Pakistan. Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports suggest that Sudan may have been negotiating a similar deal before insurgency complications in April 2024 delayed the talks. The J-10Cs are expected to replace Egypt’s aging fleet of F-16 Fighting Falcons as they are gradually phased out.
Interestingly, there is speculation that Egypt’s decision to acquire the J-10C may be an alternative to U.S. proposals for the F-16V upgrade package. The J-10C offers superior combat capabilities compared to the enhanced F-16 model, all at a comparable cost.
Beyond the three squadrons of MiG-29M fighters Egypt ordered from Russia in 2015, most of the country’s fourth-generation fighters come from Western sources. The potential purchase of J-10C fighters marks a significant shift, reflecting the evolving political landscape.
Recent reports suggest Egypt may be ordering J-10Cs, as Egyptian officials voice increasing concerns over the Western-backed Israeli military operations in Gaza. Officials in Cairo fear these operations may force the Gazan population to seek refuge in Egypt.
This possible acquisition is pivotal when considering Egypt’s current fighter fleet, which has long been viewed as inadequately prepared for a major interstate conflict.
The nearly 200 F-16s forming the backbone of the fleet are seen as some of the least capable fourth-generation fighters globally. They’re heavily downgraded and restricted to obsolete Cold War-era weaponry, completely lacking modern beyond-visual range air-to-surface capabilities.
Political hurdles
Over the years, Egypt has encountered several political hurdles in modernizing and arming its F-16s with advanced weaponry. A significant challenge has been its intricate relationship with the United States. Since Egypt’s F-16 fleet primarily comes from the U.S., arms deals with Washington are often bound by stringent political conditions.
U.S. foreign policy decisions often dictate the flow of advanced upgrades and weapon systems, based on concerns such as human rights, regional conflicts, or a nation’s alliances. For instance, following the military removal of President Mohamed Morsi in 2013, the U.S. temporarily suspended military aid, which delayed essential upgrades for Egypt’s aging F-16s.
This, coupled with U.S. control over spare parts and strict operational restrictions on the aircraft, significantly hampers Egyptian air power.
Moreover, Egypt’s French-supplied Rafale fighters, ordered in 2015, also experience notable performance downgrades. Most notably, the absence of Meteor air-to-air missiles severely limits their combat capabilities.
‘Regional hotspots’
France’s Rafale jets, although free from U.S. political constraints, have faced their own set of geopolitical challenges. When Egypt attempts to diversify its arms purchases, including reaching out to Russia and China, it often conflicts with its Western suppliers.
Western governments, including France, have occasionally been reluctant to equip Egypt with the latest weapons systems or upgrades due to worries about how these might be used in regional hotspots like Libya or Yemen. This balancing act between maintaining good relations with Western powers and non-Western allies has complicated Egypt’s efforts to modernize its fleet with state-of-the-art technology.
Additionally, Egypt’s shifting geopolitical landscape in the Middle East has influenced its defense relationships. The U.S. and European countries have aimed to retain influence over Egypt’s military activities by controlling access to advanced weaponry.
Due to restrictions on integrating advanced air-to-air missiles and radar technologies, Egypt’s efforts to modernize its F-16 and Rafale fleets have been hampered. As a result, Egypt has been seeking more independent options for its defense supplies, increasingly turning to countries like China, which impose fewer political conditions and restrictions. This trend has driven Egypt’s recent shift toward the Chinese J-10.
In contrast, the J-10C will provide Egypt with access to two of the world’s most capable air-to-air missile classes: the PL-10 and PL-15. Western sources have acknowledged that these Chinese missiles significantly outperform their American counterparts, the AIM-9X and AIM-120D.
For Egypt, which has been using Cold War-era AIM-9 variants and the outdated AIM-7, this shift signifies a technological leap spanning several decades in performance. The J-10C will stand as the most capable fighter aircraft in Egypt’s arsenal in terms of air-to-air combat and may even be the most advanced on the African continent.
The fighter has shown in simulated combat that it can outperform modern ‘4+ generation’ fighters almost twice its size, including Russian Su-35s and Chinese J-16s. Its array of compatible air-to-ground ordnance is extensive.
The J-10C is viewed as significantly more capable than any fighter in the Israeli fleet, except for its two squadrons of F-35s. This could potentially push Israel to expand its F-35 orders and invest in more advanced air-to-air missiles for its aircraft.
Images of America

Swiss Sauerkraut Casserole

Yield: 6 servings
- 8 ounces uncooked egg noodles
- 1 1/2 pounds lean ground beef
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1 (32 ounce) jar sauerkraut, undrained
- 2 ( 10 3/4 ounce) cans condensed cream of chicken soup
- 2 cups shredded Swiss cheese, divided
- Chopped red onion (optional)
- Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
- Cook and drain noodles as directed on the package.
- While noodles are cooking, cook beef, onion, salt and pepper in a 10 inch skillet over medium heat 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until beef is brown, drain.
- In an ungreased 3 quart casserole, mix noodles, beef mixture, sauerkraut, soup and 1 cup Swiss cheese.
- Bake uncovered 45 minutes.
- Sprinkle remaining cheese over top of casserole and bake 5 to 10 minutes more until cheese is melted.
- Sprinkle with red onion, if desired.
What happened that made you realize “My teacher has no idea what he or she is teaching”?
I wouldn’t say that our Elementary Maths teacher didn’t know what she was teaching, but Maths probably wasn’t her forte. She could only deliver the lessons or solutions in a “by-the-book” manner.
First, some background: we were a class of 42 students in our O-Level year (Secondary 4 in the British system, 16 years old) taking both Elementary Maths and Additional Maths (the harder subject). From hindsight in the following year, a junior told us that our class had 41 of us scoring A1 for Additional Maths, and one scoring A2, when he complained that we had set a very high bar for his class. So, we were actually the top class of our year, not just in Additional Maths but also Elementary Maths, plus all the other six subjects.
Here is the first story. The previous teacher in Secondary 3 had already completed the entire O-Level syllabus for Elementary Maths, one year ahead of time, and we were already done with the ten-years series (a compilation of O-Level examination papers) as homework. Secondary 4 was really just more revision. Unfortunately, that teacher was transferred to a new junior college (for 17–18 years old). He was that good.
And we were assigned a new teacher, who probably wasn’t aware of our progress. In one of the first lessons, we were terribly bored because we could work out the answers in our heads. We were quiet.
She thought we didn’t understand it and asked, “Do you understand the explanation?”
“Nooooo…” went the usual naughty back-benchers.
“Should I explain it again?”
And she repeated it, word for word. The class was surprised. Word for word?
“Do you understand it now?”
“Nooooo…” and subsequent lessons just went that way.
Second story. Our classroom was next to a laboratory where they conducted experiments for the Basic Electricity and Electronics subject. One of those experiments was to demonstrate the danger of connecting an electrolytic capacitor with the wrong polarity in a direct current (DC) circuit. It would be a controlled explosion of a small electrolytic capacitor.
And there was that mini explosion next door during one of the Elementary Maths lesson.
“Who brought a firecracker?!”
“Who played with a firecracker?”
Everyone looked at each other. “Nobody.”
“I heard it! Whoever did, better own up!”
One of our more alert classmate, because the rest of us were sleepy, said, “It’s next door. It’s an experiment.”
“Nonsense! Own up or I’ll search your bags.”
No amount of explanation convinced her. We even suggested that she should walk over and check with the other teacher. And so she searched our bags, finding nothing. Class dismissed.
Final story. Not knowing who was the teacher-in-charge, I joined the school Maths Club. And in the very first get together, we were asked to complete a 4×4 magic square and the first person to offer the solution would get a prize. Yes, she was the teacher in charge. By that time, I have already figured out one solution (there could be more than one way to solve it) and raised my hand. As I wrote down the first three numbers of the top row, she stopped me and asked me to go back to my seat. She said it was the wrong answer. Needless to say, I double checked my answer back at my seat, knew it was correct but held my tongue.
Another school mate raised her hand, went to the board and wrote the standard solution (yes, there is a very easy solution that involved simply swapping the numbers of the four corner squares and the four inner squares. You can Google it.).
She was praised and offered the prize. Then my schoolmate pointed out that my answer should also be correct (she was one of the smartest in school). I was invited to write my answer down for everyone to see. And the teacher? Mumbled something and moved on to another topic.
After that, I just do my other assigned homework during Elementary Maths class, and she didn’t bother me. ::shrug::
Atheist Dies & Finds There Is Life After Death (Near-Death Experience)
Have you ever gotten in serious trouble, and had your parents take your side?
I used a master combination lock as a brass knuckle in middle school.
This guy had harassed me all year. I was small. He was big. Earlier that day we’d cleaned out our lockers and he’d taken the opportunity to walk up behind me and use a shoelace like a garrote on me. I told. Like it wasn’t obvious from the marks on my neck anyway. When a teacher asked me, I just told her.
Between classes one of his friends came up to me and said that this guy was going to break my nose so I’d always remember him and never rat him out again.
Now, my parents had complained to the school. Repeatedly. He’d attacked me earlier that year and the principal had convinced them not to press charges.
I kept the lock in my hand, with my middle finger in the clasp and the lock in my palm. The bell rang and I went in the hall to my next class. He was in the hallway.
I still don’t know if he was going to actually hit me in the hallway, but he did have his right hand cocked back. I swung up once and it went high, right below his left eye. The next one landed dead center in his mouth. I felt teeth break and cut my finger.
He crumpled over bleeding and crying. I didn’t know what to do and had my hands at my sides when a teacher grabbed me.
I was sitting in the principal’s office getting screamed at. I was going to jail. I was going to be in big trouble. I was going to have a criminal record. I had used a weapon on a defenseless kid.
They called my dad. Not mom who normally handled this.
Dad showed up.
Dad was pissed.
I’m going to remember this like it was yesterday forever. I swear I thought he was going to kill me. Then the exchange:
Principal: your son attacked another boy with a weapon.
Dad: is he under arrest?
Principal: we’re going to have to conduct—
Dad: is he under arrest? Yes or no?
Principal: once the resource officer does an investigation–
Dad (looking at the marks on my throat): you mind explaining how the hell my son got these in his neck?
Principal: well we think there was an altercation with this boy and your son earlier but I don’t think the two incidents–
Dad: are you out of your g*ddamn mind? You’re telling me you sent my son back to class with ligature marks like this and didn’t think to contact us then?
Principal: well that was horseplay then and your son clearly used a weapon here so I think that—
Dad: shut up. Look at his neck. You mean to tell me those weren’t made with a piece of rope or something? By a kid we’ve already complained about? A kid who’s nearly a foot taller and thirty pounds heavier than my son? (Turning to me) wait outside.
Principal: he can’t leave yet.
Dad: is he under arrest?
Principal: well, no, but—-
Dad: then we’re done. I need the names of everyone involved in this, their titles, and the name of the lawyer that represents the city school.
Principal: I really don’t think it’s appropriate to ask that right now.
Dad: Then I’ll get it through subpoena.
We went out to the car. He checked my neck again. Took me to the pediatrician and got it photographed. Two police officers took a statement and looked at my neck as well.
I kept thinking dad was going to explode on me for using a weapon in a fight. He always said it was okay to finish but not start a fight. This time though he was conciliatory.
“Given your options I’d probably do the same thing. ”
Since school was out I sat home for a few weeks. We got a letter demanding we pay for the other guy’s teeth. I heard dad talking on the phone to his attorney, eventually laughing. They never got anything from us, after they got the response which included the pictures of the marks on my neck the other guy’s parents stopped trying to contact us.
I actually saw him a couple years ago; he was changing oil at one of those oil change places.
If BRICS countries, especially China and Russia, want to reduce reliance on the US dollar, why don’t they accept payments and lend in their own currencies?
China exported a total of $ 3.38 Trillion of Goods and Services in 2023
Of this the Markets that paid in Dollars and Euros and Pounds stood at $ 2.367 Trillion
China imported $ 2.561 Trillion of Goods and services in 2023
Of this China paid $ 1.377 Trillion of Goods and Services in Euros and Dollars and paid for the balance $ 1.183 Trillion of Goods and Services in – RMB (42.61%), Rubles (21.40%), Reals (8.45%), Yen (6.92%), SGD (5.45%), HKD (5.27%)
You see the problem?
This means China paid $ 1.377 Trillion in Euros and Dollars but received $ 2.367 Trillion in Euros and Dollars
This means a whopping $ 990 Billion in US Dollars and Euros surplus
How can China reduce reliance on the USD or Euro?
When nearly 2.4 Trillion of their Exports are paid for in these currencies
Either they have to export another 1 Trillion of Goods and services from the Countries using these currencies
Or they have to cut out a whopping 1 Trillion worth of exports to these countries and divert them to other countries that pay in BRICS currencies
Neither is a possibility today
India exported $ 561.99 Billion of Goods and Services in 2023
Of this $ 551 Billion was paid to India in US Dollars, Pounds and Euros and $ 10.99 Billion in AED (38.60%), Rubles (27.34%), RMB (21%), Yen (14%)
India imported $ 662 Billion of Goods and services in 2023
Of this India paid $ 632 Billion in Euros, Pounds and Dollars and $ 30 Billion in AED, Ruble and RMB
India runs a $ 81 Billion Deficit in US Dollars and Euros
Russia exported $ 353.26 Billion of Goods and Services in 2023
Of this $ 187.88 Billion was paid in US Dollars and Euros and Pounds while $ 145.38 Billion was paid in RMB, Ruble & AED
Russia imported $ 30.27 Billion of Goods and Services of which only $ 7.12 Billion was paid in US Dollars, Euros and Pounds
Thus Russia runs a surplus of $ 180.76 Billion in Dollars, Pounds and Euros
If you add all the BRICS members, you will see that the net surplus in Dollars and Euros for their entire trade is $ 1.474 Trillion
Only India with $ 81 Billion is running a deficit
If BRICS wants to reduce USD and Euro dependence:-
SOMEONE MUST ABSORB THIS $ 1.474 Trillion Surplus within BRICS and provide equivalent value of Goods and Services
So how can BRICS throw off the US Dollar or Euro?
They must either sacrifice $ 1.5 Trillion of Exports combined or increase their imports by $ 1.5 Trillion
So they do accept their own currencies but the US and Euro and Pound markets are too huge and generate too huge a surplus
Pay each other in their own currencies but sell to US and EU and Britain in Pounds and Dollars and Euros
What was the most obvious lie a car salesman ever told you to try to sell you a car?
I purchased a brand new, off the lot Ford F-150 Platinum truck with all of the bells and whistles… The sales lady was a very professional looking person, dressed sharply, quick on her feet answering questions, the minute my wife shows up starts down selling knowing my wives don’t want their husbands buying the platinum, gold plated, ultimate, maximum, super charger package… but I was not to be denied. Anyway, I was repeatedly told, free oil changes and car washes for the first year that I owned the truck. “Yeah, just give us a heads up and for the first year, free oil changes or free car washes.”
“Great” I say, ready to drive off the lot. “your first oil change is due in 5,000 miles, call service to schedule when you get close.”
And like clockwork I call service to get my first free oil change and free car wash. Everything goes well.
It’s time for my next oil change and I was at 9,850 miles. I call service and schedule my next oil change, and they had me come in a few days later. Checked me in. I waited, my name was called. “that will be $47.50 for the oil change and $7.50 for the car wash.”
“I was told the oil changes were free the first year that I own the truck.” The service manager smiles and says “that’s correct, but its Its first year or 10,000 miles, whichever comes first” and you are at 10,025.”
I said “excuse me.” and walked back in the dealership, found the sales lady and as I am approaching her desk, she calls out to the manager “Jerry… upset customer. Deal with it!”
They comped my second oil change. Apologized for the misunderstanding “but its clearly stated on page 66 of the sales agreement in section 102 that the sales offer is free oil changes for the first year OR 10,000 miles sir, whichever comes first!” He says this as he his standing in front a large poster board sign stating “free oil changes for the first year you own the car!” and something yellow and small in a different language, in 2 font, at the bottom of the poster, telling me that ”transparency and honesty is paramount here at Honest John’s Ford.” tongue in cheek, fingers crossed behind his back.
BIG BIG Trouble Ahead!
What countries will you never visit again?
I will never visit USA (amended: West Coast USA) again. Here is why:
- Places I’ve been to (every single one of them) were stained with the smell of weed. It was literally everywhere – in hotel rooms, on the beach, at parking lots. It felt like it was normal. For us, Europeans, it certainly isn’t and not a part of a good holiday experience!
- The people freaked me out sometimes. It felt like there were so many homeless, crazy, unstable people. I have never seen so many in my life, not even in the darkest corners of my own country. Not even in Egypt! Walking around in Walmart was scary as hell! Knowing that any of them could have a gun made it even worse!
- Prices with hidden tax – you never know how much you are paying in the end. In my country it’s always clear – you pay the price that is given. In the USA, you always have to guess or ask. Also, the prices for most products were too high – much overrated!
- Fake friendliness everywhere – they smile as long as you are paying, but talk behind your back. It doesn’t apply to everyone, of course. Some people are genuinely nice. But they are rather an exception.
- I have already seen what I came here for – Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego. I’ve been to main attractions. The rest of the country doesn’t offer much of interest. Except maybe for Niagara Falls, but these can be seen from Canada as well. To be honest – there is hardly anything USA has to offer that is not present in other countries. For example Miami and its beaches can be as well enjoyed in Cuba – much cheaper!
- I have a pending parking ticket from Santa Monica which I still haven’t paid. Car rent company keeps sending me tickets. I have never seen this ticket on the car!
Don’t get me wrong, I loved some parts. The trip was awesome, but I was happy to get home at last! You can read about my travels
Why is the threat of nuclear weapons being used against us considered so serious, even though no nation has ever actually used them (to our knowledge)?
In a word; ESCALATION.
Please read until the end.
The USA has a defence policy of “Launch on warning”. Russia has the same but also is thought to employ “dead man’s hands”. They do this because of the fear of a Decapitation Strike, a first strike tactic. Both sides live under the fear of nuclear strikes designed to remove all senior military and political leaders, and it is a fair worry given how fast modern ICBM (land launched) and SLBMs (sea launched)system operate. A sea launched depressed trajectory missile could take Washington/Pentagon out in as little as ten minutes from launch detection to detonation. Ten minutes in which to find the US president, get them to make a decision, open the nuclear code “football” and transmit the orders. Land launched missiles take 24 minutes to reach the USA and vice versa, still very little time to decide, target and launch. So in light of this the decision to launch middles is made upon warnings alone, specifically Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites. These can detect an engine start within 0.5 seconds. They watch the launch and flash the first warning. They watch the boost phase and post boost phase. At what is called rollover they have a pretty good idea where the missile is going. Ground based radars of the BEMEWS line and early warning radar site in the UK and Poland are the second part of launch verification. At this point the launch order for retaliation is given. Because land based missile bases and bomber bases will be the first targets they have to be launched (use them or loose them).
Once launched no missile can be stopped, there is no self destruct so the course is set.
Once the other side sees the massive retaliatory strike it launches, and it holds nothing back. Dead Man’s Hand means that regardless of any further orders of any type Russia will expend its entire inventory. Less than 20 minutes will have passed. And almost the entire land launch inventory of both sides will have been launched. The bombers now in the air will reach their targets in a few hours, but after their missions they will have no place to return to. They are effectively on suicide missions. Orders will have gone out to ballistic missile subs via US Navy TACAMO aircraft within two hours of first detection they will be emptying their tubes. Land attack cruise missiles from attack subs will launch about the same time or in some cases later. This process cannot be stopped, it’s a one way ticket.
Why is Launch on Warning a problem?
It is not perfect. Satellites can be fooled, radar can be fooled. In one famous incident Russia almost started a war when the moon rising over Norway was interpreted as a mass missile attack. The USA once thought a flock of migrating geese was an attack. In the 1950 early warning radars were so subject to false readings that the USA relied on keeping a B52 circling Thule radar base in Greenland because that would be Russias very first target and seeing it vaporised from a B52 was the best verification there was of an attack!!!!! Today the USA system is much better, the satellites are now absolute marvels at what they can detect. BUT the Russian system still lack some crucial abilities (such as direct look-down) so false warnings are still very possible.
So the USA and Russia are relatively stable, even led by reasonable adults – until Trump came along of course. North Korea is especially dangerous because they introduce so much uncertainty. Any nation with a religious bent can also be a problem. The religious nut-bags of Iran and the self absorbed religious nut-bags of Israel for instance, who knows what would happen if they got the launch codes.
So we come back to Launch On Warning and just how fast a situation would escalate and how utterly unstoppable it is.
I hope this has given you some food for thought.
What is the lifestyle and cost associated with living in a converted bus, van, or truck? Is it a viable long-term option, even for short periods of time?
I bought a 2021 Airstream Interstate 24 GT van in 2021 and traveled around the U.S. for four and a half months. I drove 13,000 miles in that time, looking for a house. I had the time of my life, but it wasn’t cheap.
As a viable long-term option, there are some big considerations. For one, if you do your own conversion, every dime you spend doesn’t come back in resale. No bank will finance someone’s conversion. Second, a useful van for a range of weather conditions is a very complicated thing. It seems simple until you realize how difficult it is to manage condensation without ceiling vents, heaters, and AC, not to mention the insulation and overall build. Then there’s the matter of pipes freezing and keeping tanks above freezing no matter what. This is why conversions are so expensive.
If you want to stop somewhere without a hookup and remain warm and dry, you’re now talking about a generator. They need fuel, and that too gets complicated, so it’s better to stay in an RV park that has showers, power, pump-out, etc. But this comes with a cost. You can stay in places costing as little as $30.00 a night, but you might get shot. These are the equivalent of the worst neighborhoods imaginable, except everyone is closer together. You can listen to the fights all night long.
If you want to stay in a decent RV park, expect to pay closer to $60.00 a night. This would be one where you can’t reach your neighbor from your window. So, you’re looking at an expense of roughly $1,800 a month. Don’t think you’re going to remain in state or national parks because we have this thing called winter. Most RV parks in the north shut down, and your RV starts to freeze up if it’s not protected, so you head south. Guess what? So did everyone else who’s in the same boat, so you’re back to hunting for a decent place, and that takes time. It’s staying at any one place for a minimum of three days because it was so difficult to find good places. Horrible ones are everywhere. I had a few nights in those places, and I couldn’t wait to get out. Sure, you can stealth it a bit, but not much. Truck stops are the best, but just for overnight; then, get moving. Walmart and others are now kicking out overnighters.
Size matters- If you’re going with a bus, they get 4 MPG, so figure a buck a mile. That 13,000 miles would be $13,000 in fuel in a full size bus. I’ve done that too. The Sprinter was 20 MPG, so $2,600 to go 13,000 miles.
Go the route of a big RV and you need a Jeep in tow. That’s work too. The Sprinter was way better. Buy a good used one.
I had the time of my life, but I did it right—with the right rig, with the right planning, and with an exit strategy. Do it on the cheap, and it’s not going to be as much fun or as glamorous as you think.
She Died and Visited Heaven? Doctor’s Near-Death Experience Sheds Light on Life After Death
Was it fair to relieve a U.S. Navy Commander for being photographed firing a weapon with his scope on backward?
As someone who not only served on the USS John S. McCain, but also under him when he was the XO, I can explain what most likely happened.
Let’s get the obvious out of the way. No, it was not because of the photo. If it was, he would have been relieved months ago. It also wasn’t (mostly) his fault the scope was on backwards, or the vertical grip was all the way to the magazine where it shouldn’t be. That fault belongs to the armorer, a Gunners Mate. And the one currently in charge does not know shit about guns. So it wasn’t due to a joke, or malice, but of stupidity and incompetence. That’s not to say the responsibility lies solely with the armorer. Part of it rests with CDR. Yaste who, after looking through the scope, should have known something was wrong. Part of it also rests on the Navy’s social media managers for not reviewing the photo. They should have learned after their last PR failure with the photo of an HT wearing gloves that said “I EAT ASS ” on the knuckles. But to no one’s surprise, they didn’t.
It’s also not the crew themselves who caused the loss of confidence. Over the years I have served on that ship (2019-2023), morale was abysmal. Us lower enlisted hated just about every second we had to be working there. Working on average 14 hours a day, last minute BS tasking to keep us there longer, lack of care from the senior enlisted and officers, etc. Covid with an 8 month deployment didn’t help the matter either. It had slowly improved over my time on board thanks to the bad leadership rotating out (and believe me, it was alot of bad leadership), but it was a very slow process. With the new XO and CDR Yaste taking over (as I was checking out), things have definitely improved. Focusing much more on the mental health of the crew, ensuring they got as much liberty as possible. Believing that work and the ship shouldn’t be their entire life. From those I’m still in touch with, they liked the man, and had confidence in him leading the ship.
So if it wasn’t the crew who lost confidence, what did? Well for those who haven’t served on a ship, things break. And the older the ship and equipment are, the more often it breaks. And depending on what broke, takes longer to troublshoot and repair. And when certain things break, the ship becomes less effective in combat. The ship is over 30 years old, so of course things were going to break down on a transit halfway across the world. And when they got to 5th Fleet (the Middle East) some important equipment broke. Specific ones that made CDR Yaste tell those in charge of him that the ship couldn’t assist. And higher ups HATE being told you can’t do something, even if it’s out of your control. So that’s what most likely caused the “loss of confidence”. Is it guaranteed that’s the reason? No, there certainly could be something else behind the scenes that we don’t know of. But of someone with insider knowledge of how this stuff works, this is the most plausible explanation.
Have you ever gotten in serious trouble, and had your parents take your side?
I used a master combination lock as a brass knuckle in middle school.
This guy had harassed me all year. I was small. He was big. Earlier that day we’d cleaned out our lockers and he’d taken the opportunity to walk up behind me and use a shoelace like a garrote on me. I told. Like it wasn’t obvious from the marks on my neck anyway. When a teacher asked me, I just told her.
Between classes one of his friends came up to me and said that this guy was going to break my nose so I’d always remember him and never rat him out again.
Now, my parents had complained to the school. Repeatedly. He’d attacked me earlier that year and the principal had convinced them not to press charges.
I kept the lock in my hand, with my middle finger in the clasp and the lock in my palm. The bell rang and I went in the hall to my next class. He was in the hallway.
I still don’t know if he was going to actually hit me in the hallway, but he did have his right hand cocked back. I swung up once and it went high, right below his left eye. The next one landed dead center in his mouth. I felt teeth break and cut my finger.
He crumpled over bleeding and crying. I didn’t know what to do and had my hands at my sides when a teacher grabbed me.
I was sitting in the principal’s office getting screamed at. I was going to jail. I was going to be in big trouble. I was going to have a criminal record. I had used a weapon on a defenseless kid.
They called my dad. Not mom who normally handled this.
Dad showed up.
Dad was pissed.
I’m going to remember this like it was yesterday forever. I swear I thought he was going to kill me. Then the exchange:
Principal: your son attacked another boy with a weapon.
Dad: is he under arrest?
Principal: we’re going to have to conduct—
Dad: is he under arrest? Yes or no?
Principal: once the resource officer does an investigation–
Dad (looking at the marks on my throat): you mind explaining how the hell my son got these in his neck?
Principal: well we think there was an altercation with this boy and your son earlier but I don’t think the two incidents–
Dad: are you out of your g*ddamn mind? You’re telling me you sent my son back to class with ligature marks like this and didn’t think to contact us then?
Principal: well that was horseplay then and your son clearly used a weapon here so I think that—
Dad: shut up. Look at his neck. You mean to tell me those weren’t made with a piece of rope or something? By a kid we’ve already complained about? A kid who’s nearly a foot taller and thirty pounds heavier than my son? (Turning to me) wait outside.
Principal: he can’t leave yet.
Dad: is he under arrest?
Principal: well, no, but—-
Dad: then we’re done. I need the names of everyone involved in this, their titles, and the name of the lawyer that represents the city school.
Principal: I really don’t think it’s appropriate to ask that right now.
Dad: Then I’ll get it through subpoena.
We went out to the car. He checked my neck again. Took me to the pediatrician and got it photographed. Two police officers took a statement and looked at my neck as well.
I kept thinking dad was going to explode on me for using a weapon in a fight. He always said it was okay to finish but not start a fight. This time though he was conciliatory.
“Given your options I’d probably do the same thing. ”
Since school was out I sat home for a few weeks. We got a letter demanding we pay for the other guy’s teeth. I heard dad talking on the phone to his attorney, eventually laughing. They never got anything from us, after they got the response which included the pictures of the marks on my neck the other guy’s parents stopped trying to contact us.
I actually saw him a couple years ago; he was changing oil at one of those oil change places.
What is the strangest patient interaction you have had as a doctor?
‘Doctor, please admit my mother for few days under your care’.
I had just started my career as a cardiologist in Trivandrum. The middle-aged lady was my patient for around one year now; suffering from a disease called ‘dilated cardiomyopathy’ (poor heart function) but was stable on treatment, with very little symptoms.
‘Why hospital admission? She is just fine;’ I said
I knew why the admission request.
Most health insurance companies reimburse only if a patient is sick enough to be admitted and not under outpatient treatment.
‘I don’t admit patients just because an IP patient is reimbursable’ I said firmly – a philosophy that I follow even today.
‘No, no sir, don’t get me wrong. It is not for reimbursement; it is something else. Please don’t misunderstand me, I practice astrology, and as per my calculations, my mom has a very bad time in the next 3 days. Please help me.’
I obliged, writing on the case-file as ‘admitted as per by-stander’s request’ in bold letters.
A day later, during morning rounds, I saw her; she was fine; told her that there is nothing to worry. As I got out of her room, her son was waiting outside with a very worried face.
‘Sir today between 11 AM and 12 noon is the most critical time for her’.
Confident and trained in evidence based cardiology, I had far more capability of understanding a patient’s pathobiology than the astrology-expert son, but as per protocol, I just smiled.
‘She looks fine, her ECG is stable, ECHO is good, biochemistry is good. Don’t worry at all’.
What I didn’t tell him was that, astrology or such other paranormal stuff never impressed me. I believe, they are built upon exploiting the fear of an unknown, unpredictable future.
At 11-15 AM code blue is called. The lady had suffered a cardiac arrest.
She was resuscitated, and revived but had suffered a CVA (stroke). She was shifted to ICCU; she remained on a ventilator for 2 days, weaned off but died after 2 weeks due to aspiration pneumonia and sepsis.
The son thanked us for all the care and concern.
A month later he came home for a courtesy visit.
‘Sir I am a govt. employee and have very little to offer you. I do write horoscopes for a living. Can I write the horoscope for your son and daughter sir? This is all that I can do to thank you for looking after my mother; she was so fond of you’.
I froze for a moment.
A perfect fortune teller trying to tell me the future of my kids? No, never.
I thanked him profusely and told him that I shall phone him if I need his help; my way of telling him NO. I think he understood.
A prediction that I would die next Sunday would make me stop do everything because it would become pointless to work. Similarly, a prediction that I would become a billionaire next Monday would also result in similar end result.
It is the dream of a better future tomorrow, that drives all of us, to try and do our best today. No fortune-teller has the right to take that dream away from me.
MM experiments today
Theme is argument during making coffee.
I really like this one…

I then focused on women and blue Spring skies…

This isn’t all that bad…

Are they singing?

Early morning light… You can almost hear the roster crowing.

Hate the horns.

How do mortgage and home loans work in India and China? What is the rate of interest and EMI?
China – Maximum Repayment Period is 360 months or until the 70th Birthday of the Primary Borrower whichever is lesser
India – Maximum Repayment Period is 360 months or until the 70th Birthday of the Primary Borrower whichever is lesser
Interest Rate
China – 1.25% above the Base Market Rate for 5 Year Yields which comes to 4.20% per Annum
India – 1.20% above Base Market Rate for 5 Year Yields which comes to 9.15% per Annum
China – First time buyers can get upto 80% of the Value of the Property OR 112.50% of the Value of the Land whichever is higher
Second time buyers can get upto 65% of the Value of the Property or 82.50% of the Value of the Land whichever is higher
India – Borrowers can borrow between 75% to 85% of the Market Value of the Property
How to pay margin?
China – Chinese People use their HOUSING FUND where 16% is employer contribution and 8% is employee contribution. Employee can contribute another 16% of his salary if he so wishes
Thus every month upto a maximum of 40% of the Employees salary and a minimum of 24% of the Employees salary is deposited towards Housing Fund
The Average 12 year corpus of a Housing Fund would be 291,000 CNY
You can pay all of your Housing Fund provided the Housing Fund has a minimum balance of 1000 CNY
For the balance, they use their Savings or Borrow from friends or Borrow against their Pension Fund
India – Indians pay out of Savings or borrow against their PF or take other Loans
Interest calculation
China – EMI consists of Principal plus Interest. Every month 50% of the Installment is for Principal and 50% is towards Interest
Focus is on Principal repayment
India – EMI consists of Principal plus Interest. Initially 88% of EMI is towards Interest which reduces to 12% by the 220th Month (For a 240 month loan)
Focus is on Interest
Total Amount paid
China :-
House Price – 3 Million RMB
Housing Fund – 291,000 RMB
Savings – 509,000 RMB
Loan – 2.4 Million RMB
Mortgage – 14,942 RMB a month
Total Principal Paid – 2.4 Million RMB
Total Interest Paid – 2.152 Million RMB
Interest as % of Principal = 89.67%
House Price – ₹ 1.2 Crore
Margin – ₹ 24 Lakh
Loan – ₹96 Lakh
EMI – ₹ 79,211/- per month
Total Principal Paid – ₹96 Lakh
Total Interest Paid – ₹ 1.852 Crore
Interest as % of Principal – 192.90%
EMI / Mortgage as part of Median Income
China – 14,942 RMB Mortgage payment against a Median of 38,611 RMB Post Tax for an Upper Middle Class 2 Person Household which comes to 38.69%
India – ₹79,211/- Mortgage payment against a Median of ₹ 1.50 Lakh Post Tax a month for an Upper Middle Class 2 Person Household which comes to 52.80%
Taxes required to be paid
Property Value – 3 Million RMB
Deed Tax – 0.03% – 900 RMB
Registration Fees – 0.05% – 1500 RMB
Notarization Fees – 0.1% – 3000 RMB
Digitization Fees – 300 RMB
Total – 5700 RMB
Transfer Fee (Resale) – 20,000 RMB or 1.5% Property Value whichever is LESSER
Amount as % of Price – 0.19% (New Property)
Amount as% of Price – 0.86% (Resale)
India :-
Property Value – ₹ 1.2 Crore
Stamp Duty – 6% – ₹ 7,20,000/-
Registration Fees – 1% – ₹1,20,000/-
Cess – 50% of Registration Fees – 60,000/-
Total – ₹ 9,00,000/-
Amount as % of Price – 7.5%
Thus in China, the Taxes and Duties to buy a house are barely 1/10th of that of India
Documentation and Verification
China :-
Since 2009, Paper Deeds are no longer accepted in Paper Format and must be converted into a Digital Mapped Format
No Lawyer needs to examine title for Residential Properties
The Chinese Provincial Authority in whose jurisdiction a property exists, issues a CERTIFICATE OF LEGAL TITLE for a mere 80 RMB and a NO HOLD LIEN CERTIFICATE for a mere 240 RMB
Everything is Digital
Properties in 13 Provinces are MAPPED TO BEIDOU and have a mapping coordinate link provided to locate the property at a later date
India :-
Everything is still PAPER
Lawyers needed to examine Title Deeds
Everything is still done with Paper Survey Maps
Capital Gains Tax on Property
China –
- Zero Capital Gains for sale of First Property
- 1% Capital Gains Tax plus additional 0.75% Capital Gains Tax for every 5 years of holding a Property upto a Maximum of 3% for sale of second and third properties
- 10% Capital Gains Tax for sale of Fourth Property and more
India –
- 20% Capital Gains Tax on sale of any and all Property
Liability for Illegally Constructed Property
China :-
- Provincial Authority is fully liable to compensate the buyer 110% to 140% of the total value of the Property within a period of 60 days. It’s their business to prosecute the builder. If the Provincial Authority disputes the claim, they must deposit entire amount in ESCROW
- Courts decide Liability which could take 30 years
- Meanwhile Buyer is SCREWED
Non Payment of Mortgage :-
China :-
- Borrower must pay at least one Mortgage payment fully plus any accrued interest for a 90 day Period
- Non Payment of Mortgage Amount plus Accrued Interest beyond the 90th day will make the Mortgage Stressed
- Bank provides 240 Days to the Borrower to Restructure the Loan Or Standardize the Loan during which the Bank won’t contact the Borrower but the Borrower can’t borrow from anyone else
- Bank may repossess the Property after the 330th Day of Non Payment and sell the Property Or hold the property in which case a 90 Day Notice is mandatory for the Borrower to leave the property
- The Average time to deal with a Delinquent Home Mortgage is 18 months
- Borrower must pay at least one Mortgage payment fully plus any accrued interest for a 90 day Period
- Non Payment of Mortgage Amount plus Accrued Interest beyond the 90th day will make the Mortgage Non Performing
- Bank may file a case under SARFESI ACT and repossess the Property and Auction off the Property
- The Average time taken between Default and Auction is 5 Years and 4 Months
Conclusion :-
Property Buyers get a better deal in China
They pay lesser EMI as percent of Income
They are protected from Illegal Construction and Bad Buyers
They have very less Capital Gains Tax
They pay almost no Taxes for Registration Or Stamp Duty
Nurse Dies During Aneurysm; Shown The Secrets To Existence During NDE
Are we effectively trapped by having to deal with China? Its so messed up that certain countries want (nuke) war with China (the U.S) but if we cut them off, we lose everything. How did the world entrap ourselves with China like this?
The trouble with the world today is that we are totally integrated and cannot easily be separated and not affect each other. Life was simple once we fish and farm in our land and in our part of the world. So if we destroy another nations our wealth and resources are not affected.
Today if the US attack China it will automatically get into a hyper inflation causing a civil war in America! When it stop selling Chips to China, China says good I will stop buying all chips from the US and without their business the US go bankrupt like Intel is right now!
The US can say ok I won’t sell you the high end chips technology but the fact is the US don’t own all the technology! So it can’t. It has to bribed other nations to do the same shit and all that cost plenty of money. Money that the US won’t have if it stop selling to China!
The US dollar has its value only because the world uses it. If they stop the US dollar may be worth 25 cents overnight and all hell will break lose. Take US companies. Apple sells and makes more money in China than they do in America. So it really cannot do shit on China and all it did after Biden forced them was to shift a small production from China to India. And their company nearly blow up. The defect rates of their products went up 500% and it had to reduce its price and profit to sell off these made in India phones.
Just think of Mac Donald’s and Starbucks, for every new outlet open in the US, China opens 10 of them! Can the CEO do shit on China? The won’t dare to do so! Even Hollywood, if the US do a movie to attack China it just won’t sell in the biggest market for them! There lies your problem.
What happened to your school bully?
I was horribly bullied in middle school, new kid, poor, grandma bought my clothes (not my choice), started school early so I was the youngest in my grade, my hair was really short and almost fully white (blonde to a fault haha), didnt know most new music besides radio stuff. One bully in particular was extra harsh on me, would trip me, pants me, make fun of me, threw dog poop at me, pushed me into some spiky berry bush in front of our school, and the thing that finally got me was he would call my grandma names. I could take the abuse of myself, I already had low self esteem so you couldn’t hurt me more than I hurt myself, but my grandma survived a lot and I knew and saw some of the stuff she endured. I had a lot of respect for her, she was basically my mom and dad and grandma, my parents skipped out on any parent duties and abandoned me so she took me in and raised me. I flipped on him during one long session of him just going at the name calling for over an hour then he started on my grandma and I had enough, I flipped my desk over and it was on. He was about 6″ taller than me and at least 30 or 40lbs more than me and 2 years older than me. He swung at me and hit me right in the face, I was so angry I barely felt it and laughed at him (adrenaline musta been in hyperdrive), he had a pencil in his hand and swung at me with that was well but missed, I grabbed a pen off a desk and swung it at him right as he was lunging towards me. Next thing I know the teacher had pushed both of us hard to seperate us and we both fell over. My bully was holding his face and crying a lot, like that heaving cry. I saw blood on his hands. He was taken to the nurse and I was taken to the office. I was told that I had stabbed him in the eye, luckily it was the tear duct and not the eyeball itself. My grandma was called, his parents were called, the police were called. We all had a big ole talk, and the parents decided not to press charges because they already knew that their son was a major bully and I was his main target. I was in tears not cause I was in trouble but because I actually hurt someone, I have always been gentle and hurting any living thing is hard for me, and I hurt another human. The police still took a statement and I was suspended. My grandma beat the crap out of me when we got home and I ended up locking myself in my room for days until everything calmed down.
Flash forward to next year, all the bullying stopped, no one wanted to mess with me anymore, although everyone thought I was a psycho which carried on until I move from the area.
Flash forward to my mid 20’s bully adds me on FB with an appology for years of bullying me. Decide to check out his page, he is now a she and is in a committed relationship with a man. I knew from meeting his parents they were not the type who would accept that, dad was a big burly ex football player. This changed my whole perspective on him (her) from this person was just evil and mean, to “yeah they were definitely going through some stuff in middle school”. We talked a bit and have been friendly since.
Time heals all wounds, and I am learning to let go of the past and move forward.
Tavern Meatballs and Cabbage

Yield: 4 servings
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1 clove garlic, pressed
- 1/2 cup bread crumbs
- 3 tablespoons prepared mustard
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1 medium onion, sliced
- 1 (10 3/4 ounce) can beef broth
- 1 cup dairy sour cream
- 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
- 1 pound cabbage, shredded
- Combine beef, garlic, crumbs, mustard, Worcestershire and salt. Form into about 25 meatballs.
- In a large skillet, heat oil and brown meatballs on all sides.
- Remove meatballs from skillet.
- Drain excess skillet drippings reserving 2 teaspoons.
- Add onions and sauté until soft.
- Combine beef broth, sour cream and flour. Pour into skillet.
- Add meatballs.
- Cover and simmer 30 minutes.
- Stir in parsley.
- Steam cabbage for 3 to 5 minutes until cabbage is tender-crisp.
- Arrange cabbage on a serving platter.
- Spoon meatballs over all.
- Serve immediately.
US War on China is a War on the Entire World
By Brian Berletic and first posted at NEO, New Eastern Outlook
US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has recently claimed the US is not “looking for a crisis.” This is said, of course, with an important caveat – no crisis is sought as long as China subordinates itself to the United States.
Because China, like any other sovereign nation, based on international law, is obligated to resist foreign subordination, the US continues speeding toward inevitable war with China.
Although China has formidable military capabilities, causing doubt among many that the US will actually ever trigger war with China, the US has spent decades attempting to create and exploit a potential weakness China’s current military might may be incapable of defending against.
Washington’s Long-Running Policy of Containing China
Far from a recent policy shift by the Biden Administration, US ambitions to encircle and contain China stretch back to the end of World War 2. Even as far back as 1965 as the US waged war against Vietnam, US documents referred to a policy “to contain Communist China,” as “long-running,” and identified the fighting in Southeast Asia as necessary toward achieving this policy.
For decades the US has waged wars of aggression along China’s periphery, engaged in political interference to destabilize China’s partners as well as attempt to destabilize China itself, as well as pursued likewise long-running policies to undermine China’s economic growth and its trade with the rest of the world.
More recently, the US has begun reorganizing its entire military for inevitable war with China.
Cutting Chinese Economic Lines of Communication
In addition to fighting Chinese forces in the Asia-Pacific region, the US also has long-running plans to cut off Chinese trade around the globe.
In 2006, the US Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) published “String of Pearls: Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising Power Across the Asia Littoral,” identifying China’s essential “sea lines of communication” (SLOC) from the Middle East to the Strait of Malacca as particularly vulnerable and subject to US primacy over Asia.
The paper argues that US primacy, and in particular, its military presence across the region, could be used as leverage for “drawing China into the community of nations as a responsible stakeholder,” a euphemism for subordinating China to US primacy. This, in turn, is in line with a wider global policy seeking to “deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy.”
Under a section titled, “Leveraging U.S. Military Power,” the paper argues for and expanded US military presence across the entire region, including along China’s SLOC, augmenting its existing presence in East Asia (South Korea and Japan), but also extending it to Southeast Asia and South Asia, recruiting nations like Indonesia and Bangladesh to bolster US military power over the region and thus over China.
It notes Chinese efforts to secure its SLOC, including with a mutually beneficial port project in Pakistan’s Baluchistan region, part of the larger China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the construction of a port in Sittwe, Myanmar, part of the larger China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC). Both projects seek to create alternative economic lines of communication for China, circumventing the long and vulnerable sea route through the Malacca Strait and the South China Sea.
Both projects have since come under attack by US-backed militancy with regular attacks still taking place against Chinese engineers across Pakistan and a large-scale armed conflict backed by the US currently unfolding in Myanmar which regularly sees opposition forces target Chinese-built infrastructure.
Thus, US policy has sought and has since achieved the region-wide disruption of China’s SLOC as well as efforts to circumvent choke points (CPEC/CMEC). Other potential corridors, including through the heart of Southeast Asia, have also been targeted by US interference. The Thai section of China’s high-speed railway to connect Southeast Asia to China has been significantly delayed by the US-backed political opposition openly trying to cancel the project.
In many ways, the US has already created a crisis for China, albeit through proxies.
Targeting Chinese Maritime Shipping
Under the guise of protecting “freedom of navigation,” the US Navy has positioned its warships and military aviation around the world’s most important maritime passages including the Strait of Hormuz in the Middle East and the South China Sea – the east approach to the Strait of Malacca – along with plans to establish a significant naval presence on the Strait’s west approach.
The US realizes that Chinese military power is extensive enough to significantly complicate, if not outright defeat, US military aggression along Chinese coasts. The US instead imagines targeting China far beyond the reach of its warplanes and missile forces.
The US Naval Institute published, “Prize Law Can Help the United States Win the War of 2026,” the third place entry in the “Future of Naval Warfare Essay Contest.” It warns that a “close naval blockage” is infeasible due to China’s formidable anti-access area-denial (A2AD) capabilities.
It instead argues for:
…a distant blockade—“intercept[ing] Chinese merchant shipping at key maritime chokepoints” outside China’s A2/AD reach—would be generally sustainable; flexible in tempo and location; pose manageable risks of escalation; and impede China’s resource-hungry, import-dependent war effort.
Part of this “distant blockade” would be a campaign of targeting, seizing, and repurposing Chinese shipping vessels to augment the US’ lagging shipbuilding capabilities and the dearth of maritime resources it has created.
Far from a random essay representing a purely speculative strategy, the US has already taken steps to implement its “distant blockade.” The entire US Marine Corps has been tailored solely to wage war against Chinese shipping across the Asia-Pacific and beyond.
The BBC in its 2023 article, “How US Marines are being reshaped for China threat,” would report:
The new plan sees the Marines as fighting dispersed operations across chains of islands. Units will be smaller, more spread out, but packing a much bigger punch through a variety of new weapons systems.
The “new weapons systems” are primarily anti-shipping missiles. Operating on islands and in littoral regions, the US Marines have been transformed into a force almost solely for disrupting Chinese shipping.
Together with plans to seize Chinese vessels, the US has positioned itself not as a global protector of “freedom of navigation,” but the greatest threat to it. Considering China’s status as the largest trade partner of nations around the globe, US plans to target Chinese shipping isn’t a threat to only China, but to global economic prosperity as a whole.
US War with China is War with the World
The danger of Washington’s desire for war with China and implementing its “distant blockade” to strangle China’s economy into ruins is a danger for the entire world. While preventing the global economic damage this strategy will cause after it is put into motion may be impossible, targeting the various components the US is using to encircle and contain China ahead of this conflict is possible.
US political interference and the political as well as armed opposition it has created and is using to cut China’s various economic lines of communication, can be exposed and uprooted by national and regional security initiatives.
Securing national and regional information space is the simplest and most effective way to cut the US off from the populations it seeks to influence and turn against targeted nations to achieve the political and security crises it uses to threaten trade between China and its partners. Passing and enforcing laws targeting, exposing, and uprooting US interference, including the funding of opposition parties, organizations, and media platforms by the US government’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is also essential.
Recent moves by the US to target foreign media organizations and their alleged cooperation with American citizens has created a convenient pretext for other nations to cite when targeting and uprooting NED-funded activity.
While taking these steps will have their own consequences, including retaliation from the US itself, the alternative – allowing the US to prepare and eventually carry out its “distant blockade” against China and its global trade partners – will be even more consequential.
Only time will tell if the emerging multipolar world is capable of seeing and solving this future crisis the US has spent decades preparing to create, or if the political leadership in Southeast and South Asia will fear short-term consequences at the expense of allowing and thus suffering catastrophic consequences in the intermediate future.
Brian Berletic is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”
What made your day today?
Every day before I leave for work, I wave good bye to my 2 year old daughter.
After pretending to leave, I would close the door, wait for few seconds, then open the door again to give her a flying kiss from the door and leave.
This routine surprise makes her smile as she enjoys the little game of ours everyday.
However, today, I had an urgent meeting to attend and was super late for work.
So, I just waved her good bye, closed the door and left.
As I climbed downstairs, I could feel a sense of guilt slowly engrossing my mind.
“She will surely be waiting for me to surprise her. Should I go back?
I can’t else I’ll be late. She will understand. Will she? ”
With these thoughts in mind, I reached downstairs and approached my cab.
Just as I was about to board it, something struck my mind.
“Wait for a few minutes, I forgot something” I told my driver and rushed back upstairs.
As I opened the door, I saw her, still waiting for the surprise with anticipating eyes.
Her expressions changed as she saw me.
She was ecstatic and gave a broad smile. I hugged her and asked for a sweet good bye kiss.
I was so glad I came back.

Davy Knowles w/BAND OF FRIENDS – Tattoo’d Lady/Bad Penny/Shadowplay – 4/12/18
Davy Knowles is some Hell of a savant with this lead guitar stuff.
Playing “Rory Gallagher” tunes with his old band. Now called “Band of Friends”.