We are here.
Most can agree the majority of our World Citizens are as unsettled with the present American Administration as are the majority of Americans. This "UNCOOL" Administration comes across as Judgmental, Undisciplined, and Disrespectful. They seem to deny themselves any attempt to "understand" other points of view which in short time will result in others just giving up on them.
The pivot point will happen this year or the next. Not quite sure of the timing. It could be short, brief and quick, or could be a long drawn out nastiness. I do not know.
Don’t believe what you read in Western media when it comes to China
Frank Sade Bilaupaine*
How many times have you picked up a newspaper or social media platform and read something on a topic you’re familiar with and realized that you’re reading something which isn’t true? Annoyingly, it happens to us all.
When the news reports something we know is untrue and then reports on something we don’t know about, why do we believe that must be true? Well, it’s a real thing and Michael Crichton, the famous doctor, writer, scientist movie maker among many other things, gave it a name – the Gell-Mann Effect.
I’ve said it before and will no doubt say it again, when I arrived in China, I had a very different perspective on what I was seeing to what I thought I knew about China. It really didn’t take me long to understand much of it was wrong; probably about 24 hours.
What I was seeing in real life didn’t matter at that time because my media consumption was telling me China was slowing, China was collapsing, China was a bad place to be and it must have been true because even the BBC, CNN and other western media platforms said so. But… China didn’t collapse when they said it would.
As my years of living in China extended then, I started to notice things: China said it would build a bridge to Hong Kong, they said they would put 15 high speed train stations into the city where I lived, they said they would build a new university and another hospital in downtown and I’ve seen many governments promise to do things like this; but then China actually went and did them all.
In the UK, back in 2013, I read about a high-speed rail link that will be completed by 2045 and, if it ever finishes, it will be a total of 530 kilometers. Most of it is still being planned and much of it is still unapproved by Parliament – it might be finished in 2045… We shall see!
China, while in the process of a reported collapse, has put 4,100 km of new railway lines into operation across China in 2022, including 2,082 km of high-speed tracks.
Australia’s Western Sydney was promised a new Airport in 1946, yet the work finally started in 2022 and it’s scheduled to be completed in 2026. China opens an average of eight new airports a year, while reportedly collapsing.
Why is my news telling me one thing, when my ears and eyes are showing me something completely different?
I also noticed that the standard of living has improved. When I first went o Wuhan city in central China in 2012, almost not many had a car, now almost everyone does. Corruption, pollution, and crime are almost non-existent. Education, health, and the economy have all improved and yet, everything I read in the news from the likes of BBC, CNN and others about China says the opposite.
I witnessed how life in China has improved, it was clear that people in the West were being misinformed about this one topic that I actually know about. But I still wanted to believe the rest of the things I read were true – that was the Gell-Mann Effect.
I started to question the things I don’t know about. Why are Australians sure that China is a threat when China has never uttered a threatening word against Australia?
Why do people think China is waging a trade war on Australia when Australia was the country that had almost 100 items of trade from China blocked before anything happened with Barley, coal, lobsters and wine? Go look it up, it’s true.
What’s going on in Ukraine and why can’t I easily find information from both sides of this conflict?
Why did the US invade Iraq when there were no weapons of mass destruction there but that was their reason for doing so?
It’s simple, we’re being misinformed about almost everything we’re reading, hearing and watching in Western media platforms. From time to time, we know we’re being misinformed but we continue to believe it when we don’t know. That’s the Gell-Mann Effect in action. We want to believe something is true when we want it to be so.
If you want to believe China will collapse soon and you want to believe China is a threat you can read that every single day in your media but think about the logic of that. How can a country that’s been in decline for dozens of years build all that infrastructure. How is a country that has never invaded or attacked another in your lifetime be a threat? Think about this: who is telling you these things?
Remember the expression: “if you don’t read the papers you’re uninformed, if you do, you’re misinformed” and we’re all told it was said by Mark Twain, well, once again, we’re misinformed even about that – there’s no record Mark Twain ever said it but there is a similar quote from Thomas Jefferson who, in an 1807 letter said “nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper” and went on to say that “the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them.”
So, this is not new, consider who owns or controls your media. If you believe your government and you believe your news then that’s great for you. But please, read wisely, be critical and don’t believe everything you read – I can’t say for certain about much else, but I can absolutely and certainly say, most of the things you’re reading about China is wrong and not true.
This 75 Year Old Grandpa Visits An Animal Shelter Every Day And Naps With Cats

Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary/Facebook
A 75-year-old man visits a local animal shelter every day so he can enjoy “brushing cats” while often falling asleep on the job and napping with the felines.
Terry Lauerman decided one day to introduce himself to a local Green Bay-area animal sanctuary, telling the folks at Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary Inc. that he likes to brush cats.
According to Elizabeth Feldhausen, the founder of Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary, “He just walked in and started brushing,” noting that he never asked to be a volunteer. “So eventually we told him he was an official volunteer and had him fill out our volunteer form.”
The shelter, which opened in 2016, rescues cats with disabilities that would be at risk of euthanasia at other facilities.
Feldhausen said Lauerman visits the cage-free sanctuary daily and stays for about three hours. After he grooms a cat for a bit, he typically dozes off. “He sleeps for about an hour, then he’ll wake up and switch cats.”
Feldhausen adds: “he is able to get cats that normally don’t like to be touched to jump up on his lap and want to be held and brushed,” she said. “He knows all of their names and all of their personalities.”

Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary/Facebook
‘The Cat Grandpa’ has had a lifelong love for felines.
“I’ve always liked cats and I always had cats when I was kid, and I loved them,” he told the newspaper. “In many ways, I see my old cats in these cats here.”
The group decided to dedicate a Facebook post to him, which has since gone viral.
“We are so lucky to have a human like Terry,” the shelter wrote, alongside a few photos of Lauerman cat napping with felines. “Terry just came along one day and introduced himself. He said he’d like to brush cats. Eventually, it became everyday. He brushes all of the cats, and can tell you about all of their likes and dislikes. He also accidentally falls asleep most days. We don’t mind – Cats need this! Terry is a wonderful volunteer.”

Confessions Of A Prison Corrections Officer
What are some of the worst things you’ve seen in prison?
I remember coming onto shift one night and I look over to the eight and on the top tier the inmate had a razor stuck in the foreskin of his penis and finally got it out and cut his sack open and handed his testicales when I finally came up there to relieve the other officer.
What’s the weirdest thing you have found up an Inmate’s butt?
A galaxy note 8. Took him 3 hours to get it out.
How did they get it out?
Medical staff was down there with him getting it out and it was HANDED/RETRIEVED to the Sergeant for evidence and a report
Is prison rape as common as most people think?
Not really. ALOT of them lie about because we treat it with such seriousness and gets another inmate into trouble and into confinement immediatley.
Wouldn’t a prisoner have to be insane to lie about being raped considering the stigma it carries?
They all know it’s a game so really no stigma.
People think it’s a sure thing that child abusers will get taken out once they get to prison. Is that true?
They will most likely get beaten up but rarely killed.
How would the other inmates find out what that person is in for?
When they make phone calls they ask someone on the outside to look it up since it’s all public info especially since they’re a predator.
Aren’t the calls monitored to keep this from happening?
Yeah but they aren’t intercepted at that point in time. Someone reviews that later at night and that’s how they find out about anything dumb they might be trying to do.
How do the sex offenders behave in prison?
In my experience, S.O. inmates behave relatively well for the most part. Usually quiet and playing table games with other S.O. inmates.
Do upstanding/peaceful inmates receive a special treatment?
Kinda in a way yeah. Like me for instance if a inmate is really respectful and genuine about it if he asks me to charge his tablet during the day (they are only supposed to be charged at night) I might do it if I get a chance. I do it to show the other inmates that I can work with them if they are respectful.
Inmates get tablets now? Is there an internet connection too?
Yeah and no it’s based off a kiosk system they hook it up to if they want anything new on it.
What do they do with the tablets? DO they load games and ebooks onto them or something?
Exactly what you said and music
In the podcast ‘Ear Hustle‘ , they talk about racial segregation as just default. The exception, if I remember correctly, being the inmates who play the game DND. Are there programs or efforts to encourage racial integration, or is it just a matter of course?
Really just a matter of course. Now when I say that they are plenty of inmates that don’t care about racial segregation. But whenever it comes to a fight or brawl they will side with their race 99% of the time.
How much incoming mail gets read?
Everything. Multiple times.
What’s the most heartbreaking experience you’ve had?
Having a good friend of mine kill himself because his wife that worked at the same prison was having sexual relations with a couple of inmates.
How was the wife treated? What was her reaction?
She went to jail for a little while and didn’t seem to care.
Do officers get into it with the inmates?
Oh yeah. Shouting matches for the most part.
Worst physical altercation you’ve seen between an officer (maybe yourself) and an inmate?
An inmate beat the dog shit out of an officer out of nowhere cuz he was high on k2. And no the officer is not an asshole.
Have you ever met someone you genuinely believed to be innocent/wrongfully convicted?
Yeah. An inmate is in prison for life because some POS raped his 5 year old daughter and he killed them. He is a very stand up person.
How is the food they give the inmates, do you get the leftovers?
It’s not that bad for the most part. And no I bring my own stuff.
Does your facility sell the whole shabang chips? Have you tried them?
Yeah they do and no I haven’t but the inmates sat they are really good.
How is it as a career? Pay, benefits, environment, rewards, etc?
Depends on the jurisdiction, but overall, likely not bad. State COs start out at like 55k a year, with various ways to bump it up (location pay, hazard pay, and a shitload of overtime available). My state also does this thing where when you retire after 25 years, they take the beat 3 of your last 5 years, average them out, and that’s your annual pension for the rest of your life. And since most COs are in their early 20s when they get hired, they end up with a 70-90k pension for life by 50 years old. State insurance and shit is also pretty good, here.
Environment… well, it’s a prison.
What education is usually required?
High school where I’m at.
What is something that you think the general public does not know or understand about your job, or prison in general?
It’s not as bad or dramatic as people make it. As long as you’re fair and consistent and don’t let them walk over you then you will be fine. Inmates respect the staff that have time in.
What do you think of the US’s way of treating prisoners as well as the standards of the “corrections facility” you are working at?
I think it is very soft. They have 20 channel tv, tablets, endless hours of recreations, all kinds of commissary items. Don’t really seem like punishment. They are just segregated from the world. The standards on paper are great but in reality half the people don’t even follow it.
Isn’t rehabilitation something you want other than punishment?
Of course but ALOT and I mean ALOT of them don’t take advantage of it and it makes me a little biased (which I am admitting) on the subject . But I have seen plenty of inmates get their GED and have the prison give them the tools to succeed and come back 1 year or less under a different or same charge.
If you were given a blank check to reform the prison system what changes would you make and why?
Officers more pay. And more programs and better education for inmates to explore their interests so that when they get out they have all the tools ready to not come back. And better working facilities. We have 4 maintenance civilians that fix something broken all day everyday.
Serve this whole-wheat bread from the Gujarat region of India as you would pita bread. It’s good for dipping, and tastes great all by itself.

- 2 cups whole-wheat flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1/2 cup water
- Combine the flour, salt, oil, milk, and half the water in a bowl. Mix using a wooden spoon or fingers. Add more water, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) at a time until the dough forms a ball. Knead the dough with lightly oiled hands for 10 minutes. The dough should be fairly firm.
- Allow the dough to rest, covered with a dish cloth, for 15 minutes.
- Divide the dough into 4 to 6 pieces. Roll each piece into a round 1/4 inch thick.
- Heat a flat griddle or large skillet over moderate heat. Cook the dough, one piece at a time, pressing it down occasionally with a spatula, until cooked and lightly browned on the bottom. Turn the dough and repeat. The dough may balloon slightly during cooking.
- Repeat with remaining pieces of dough.
Meet Jeff Drew, the Award-Winning Illustrator Behind America’s Witty and Sarcastic Artwork

Jeff Drew, an Albuquerque-based illustrator, has gained national recognition for his exceptional and sharp-witted artwork. He has created cover illustrations for various publications across America, showcasing his stunning visual style.
More: Jeff Drew, Instagram, Shop

Drawing inspiration from 1950s advertising graphics, Jeff produces contemporary illustrations that pack a punch. In addition to his illustration work, he creates event posters, album covers, and product labels for various clients.

Through his illustrations, Jeff continuously pushes the boundaries while entertaining audiences with his sarcastic sense of humor. His unique and outstanding artwork is a testament to his talent and creativity, and we can’t wait to see what he comes up with next.

Russia, on Sunday, began large-scale exercises of its strategic nuclear forces, on the eve of Biden’s visit to Europe.
The exercises include large-scale maneuvers for its strategic nuclear forces.
Meanwhile, the White House has told Zelenskyy to prepare for a major Russian offensive now!
There are “no plans” for President Biden to enter Ukraine during his upcoming trip to Poland, NSC spokesman John Kirby said Sunday. HOWEVER . . . .
Biden will address the citizens of Russia and Putin, during his visit to Poland on February 21 according to John Kirby
As of today, Russia has 5977 nuclear warheads; the most in the world. They also have the most advanced nuclear missile technology in the world.
NATO has said if they see activity of Russian nuclear forces that could possibly be preparation to launch a nuclear attack, NATO will attack Russian nuclear forces ( with conventional weapons), it was said.
Russia President Vladimir Putin is testing his hypersonic “SARMAT” missile and officials in remote districts in eastern Russia have been warned to be ready for a test launch between February 15 and 25
The giant 208-ton hypersonic missile is capable of carrying FIFTEEN individual nuclear warheads including Russia’s new Hypersonic “Glide” Vehicles which cannot be stopped by any missile defense presently on earth.
Unusual Flights
As this story is written at 8:36 PM eastern US time Sunday night, there are unusual flights circling over Poland of RC-135W Rivet Joint (electronic surveillance), and Boeing E-3B Sentry (Airborne early warning and control) aircraft accompanied by KC-135T Stratotanker for refueling.
It’s unusual because they very rarely fly at night over Europe, almost never.
I can also report a nuclear armed submarine has been placed on the ‘highest level’ of combat readiness and that strategic bombers have been moved to a base in Tambov, Russia.
In a normal, rational, world, these Nuclear exercises would send a clear message. But in OUR world, this message will likely be laughed off by Biden. He doesn’t seem to care.
In fact, I think Biden wouldn’t understand a nuke being dropped on his head. In my view, he’s so addled by Dementia, he’s barely conscious.
At this point, I don’t think anything can halt what is coming.
It is not about occupation it is about survival for Russia, NATO has made it clear they intend on crushing them and dividing it up into regions and exploit their natural resources.
Russia is telling them to back the fuck up.
We are closer to WWIII today than we’ve ever been. This time, if nations continue down this road, there will be full blown world war.
Are we ready for that? Rationing? The threat of invasion? Bombings? Military policing? Internment camps? Bread lines? Hunger? Famine? Mass depopulation?
We can barely keep the supply chain going post-Covid. A world war?
Our government needs to let this Ukraine thing go. They, however, will not.
The one thing that bothers me about Biden’s trip to Poland . . . . what if it turns into an “Arch Duke Ferdinand” moment?
What if the US “Deep State” plans to kill Biden while he’s in Poland, and blame Russia?
Kamala Harris becomes President, and off to war we all go.
This week is likely to be historic. I hope you are all prepared as best you can be with emergency food, water, medicine, communications gear, etc.
Bhindi Dopeaza

- 1 pound okra
- 2 medium onions, chopped
- 1/4 teaspoon garlic paste or powder
- 1/4 teaspoon coriander paste or powder
- 1/8 teaspoon cumin
- 3 large tomatoes
- 2 tablespoons oil
- 1/2 cup chopped cilantro
- Cut the tip and the very bottom from the okra just to clean it, but do not slice.
- Heat oil in a pan over medium heat.
- Add onion and cook for 3 minutes.
- Add all ingredients except okra, tomato and cilantro. Cook for 3 minutes.
- Add okra, then cook for 6 to 8 minutes.
- Garnish with tomato and cilantro.
- Serve with rice, naan or pita bread.
12 People Reveal What’s It Like To Be Related To A ‘Karen’
(art: @yunacunn)
1. My mom is a Karen whose name is actually Karen. Simply put, I haven’t seen her in over a year because I couldn’t take it anymore. Living with her was just an exhausting nightmare.
Karen’s world revolves around Karen. Nobody else’s issues matter. If you tell her that you had a bad day, she’ll give you 20 reasons why her day was worse. You worked 60 hours this week? Well, when she was your age, she would work 80. You’re in the hospital after having major surgery? She has a pinched nerve in her arm, which is somehow worse. Your boyfriend cheated on you? She couldn’t even begin to tell you about all the heartbreak she’s experienced in her life.
She complains left and right about anything and everything. If you’re taking a week break after just getting back from college, she’ll ask why you haven’t gotten a job yet and claim you’re lazy. If you’re out to eat at a restaurant the food is always too cold or too burnt or too salty. You can only ever go to the places SHE wants to go to, because everything else is crap. My entire graduation dinner she complained about how cold the food was.
She THRIVES in getting attention and constantly seeks it, but she has very few ACTUAL friends. Facebook is her lifeblood and she’s always looking to start something on there. She’s the queen of sharing uninformed, misguided, conservative propaganda, which always starts fights in her comments. Also, if a tragedy happens in the family (like the passing of my teenage cousin), she’ll make a big scene on Facebook and expect condolences from anyone and everyone, and makes note of the people who don’t give her what she wants.
Don’t even get me started on the blatant racism. I’ve heard everything from, “watch out for black people on the subway. They’ll try to take your purse” to “It should be illegal for those Muslims to cover their faces. You should be able to see someone’s face.” One of my best friends is black and she once told me, “He’s one of the good ones. They should all be like him.”
2. Was married to a male Karen. Everything, and I mean everything, could set him off.
We were at a local taproom and his iPhone automatically connected to the Wifi. Keep in mind, he had full bars on our cell service. The WiFi was being wonky and wasn’t working. The manager, super nice guy, comes over and asks how we are doing, while he washes some glasses in the dish pit on the other side of the bar. The following conversation ensues, keep in mind, my husband is super irritated at this made up problem because our cell service is working just fine and he can literally just turn off the WiFi:
Husband: Your WiFi is fucking trash.
Manager: I’m sorry. We recently upgraded our internet, and Cox is sending us a new modem. It’s supposed to be here this week.
Husband: If you say you have WiFi, you should make sure it actually works.
Manager: I know. I’m sorry. I’d be happy to restart the modem to see if that helps.
Husband then ignores him and continues to talk under his breath about a made up issue.
This was my life for almost five years. The sense of entitlement was frustrating enough in public, but more so at home. I had apologized to more servers, retail workers, neighbors, and random people in public for him in five years than the rest of my life outside of him.
You know what, now that I’m talking about it, maybe he’s not so much a male Karen. He’s more like a piece of shit.
3. My sister is a Karen. Everyone feels so sorry for her husband. Everything is his fault. He is treated like a slave. She only addresses him by yelling. She constantly insults him. We have no idea why he hasn’t divorced her or flipped out and attacked her. We have all told her to cool it and her response is that he’s just so stupid. I could go on and on but my sister really is a horrible person.
4. My sister AND sister in law are both Karen’s. I will show up to restaurants 15 min early to warn them. I tell them if it’s not done to their liking they WILL hear about it and they will make your shift hell. I’m just there as a warning.
I used to work in restaurants and those people made life hell. I do what I can to help. Generally my drinks are better and we get a free appetizer as soon as those two tornados walk in all hell breaks loose. Not enough ice, table is too cold, it’s too loud, etc. I also tip really big because I DON’T want to be associated with the two tornados.
I live overseas so I only see them 2 weeks out of the year. So it’s manageable. I only put up with their attitude because they could take my nieces and nephews away from me. I pick my battles. I need my nieces and nephews to know I’m always here for them and they can talk to me about anything. I can’t risk our relationship being tampered with, especially since I only see them 2 weeks a year.
5. Not married to a Karen, but married someone with a Karen for a sister. Sister in law is the freaking worst. I hate more than anything going out to dinner with her, listening to her order food and talk to the servers. Holidays are also terrible, she sends out long lists of expected gifts list. She celebrates every holiday and birthday specifically for presents even when it not appropriate.
Funny thing is one time I was away from the dinner table when the bill came and SIL waited for me to return to pay the bill by actually handing it to me. She didn’t give it to her sibling/my SO or pay her half, but expressly handed it to me to pay.
6. My moms a Karen. Literally overreacts to everything. Whenever something doesn’t go her way- you guessed: gotta speak to the manager or whoever is in charge. Sometimes really embarrassing to go out in public with her because she’ll just yell at the service workers for the smallest of things. Also she has a bob cut.
7. 4 years of a toxic relationship though. I broke up with her on Monday, again. We’re kinda fucked financially because of this lockdown so we are just feeling things out for a month before we decide forsure. This cycle is on repeat.
I constantly have to cut her off and speak over her because of the way she treats people. Waiters, sales assistants, gym staff, neighbours , landlords, randoms we meet in bars etc.
Note: we were both waiters at the beginning of our relationship so she has worked in the industry, but still lacks empathy. She blames the waiter if something is out of stock etc.
My second major issue. We are both English second language teachers. She teaches kindergarten, while I teach highschool. Now that we are working from home I hear how she speaks to her students and it’s really opened up another aspect of her personality that I don’t like. She will berate a student for not understanding instead of evaluating her ability to explain. Shitting on 3 year olds in their second language doesn’t fly with me.
A lot of her behaviour stems from a self defence mechanism due to insecurity, but that’s not an excuse. She doesn’t realise how mean she is to people, including myself.
I’m a people pleaser that would rather sacrifice my own comfort than someone else’s. She expects me to be an asshole to people because I’m a biggish guy with tattoos, I don’t exactly look soft. It’s toxic as hell, please help.
8. Not married to one but my mom is absolutely one. I spend most of my time with her in public apologizing to people after she’s walked away. The one and only time it comes in handy is when I’ve bought cars and had her come in during the price negotiation phase – she’s knocked off thousands purely due to how unpleasant she is and how much people want her to just get the hell out of the door.
9. My ex wife is a Karen, in every sense but name. It was always so embarrassing. She was incapable of treating anyone like a human for the most trivial of occurrences. It was hell for me, as a person that’s pretty forgiving and don’t seek out confrontation. So in a 1 word description it was Hell. Lol
10. Engaged to one, she was raised as a princess by here military raised father. However she’s super down to earth but god forbid you work in the service industry and mess something up. She worked at IHOP during college so it humbled her compared to her family. She just writes reviews now (good or bad) and emails corporate to complain. If something is wrong with my food she refuses me to sit there and eat it. Which I hate but I have gotten her better about it (I believe). So maybe she is just a recovering Karen at this point.
11. I’m not married to a Karen but someone in my family decided to make a Karen family and let me just say.. it is freaking hell! I do not go to any social event if said Karen will be there (keeps the peace in my family tbh) nor do I go alone with Karen. She is a nightmare to everyone in her path, from car guards to cashiers, even her friends… No one can be better than her or smarter than her and she’s just freaking exhausting man. The worst part is… Her kids are becoming just like her
12. My mum is a bit of a Karen, and we’re pretty much no contact now so that should tell you everything you need to know. Whenever we’d go out to eat it’s always too cold, they don’t have the brand of sparkling water she likes, they’ve put ice in her drink when she didn’t want it, she always has to make some kind of modification to her order etc. the list goes on.
It got to the point where if we were out shopping and she said she needed to return something I’d just go somewhere else because I couldn’t stand watching her be rude and argue with the staff.
My parents are divorced and I live with my dad now instead. Part of the reason I barely see my mum is because I’d have to meet her in public (go for a coffee or something) and I just can’t deal with the way she behaves in these places so I don’t go.