"This is outright disgusting. The USA is slipping into a medieval autocracy." -When discussing the anti-VPN, anti-Tiktok bill.
This is the BILL here.
The following is something that I wrote for Quora…
Going to war is a FAILURE of diplomacy.
China, which has endless lists of successes, is not prone to failure. From poverty elimination to coronavirus, from high speed trains, to technological advancements. China runs things with intelligence, and fully funds efforts lead by merit. For China to fail at something; anything would be truly a rare event.
The United States, at least in the last fifty years, has a near endless list of failures. It seems that there is nothing it can get right. From a simple pedestrian bridge, to building a high speed rail. From solving homelessness, to simple maintenance of roads and bridges, the United States is flailing and failing at everything.
Now, let’s talk “WAR”.
China who is able to succeed in anything it puts it’s mind to, and the United States that fails at everything. The two nation go head to head.
What is the probable outcome?
- The United States will start a war.
- It will under-estimate China.
- It will make foolish decisions.
- It will under supply.
- It will make political decisions instead of practical ones.
- It will count on allies who are unreliable.
- It’s media will spew out disinformation.
- It will bear tremendous losses.
- China will finish the war.
- Nothing will be reported.
- It’s all robotic, calculated, precise and detailed.
- It will be one surprise after the other.
- China will dictate the terms of American surrender.
And that is that.
And everyone knows that this is what will happen. You can put lipstick on a pig, but after all, a pig is still just a pig.
A Tale of two leaders–and of two regions
What a study in contrast! At exactly the time when Ma Ying-jeou, the former Taiwan leader, made a nostalgic trip to the mainland, returning to his roots for the first time and welcomed home like a long-lost son, Tsai Ing-wen, his successor, was offering herself as a pawn in America’s geopolitical game, kowtowing to China-bashing US politicians. Ma’s emotional visit was shared on social media and melted millions of mainland hearts. In a single day, it exploded with 120 million likes. With an uncanny sense of timing, Ma shows Taiwan how to repair the ruptured relationship. Tsai, by contrast, was cursed as a traitor by sputtering-mad Chinese patriots in America. One offers a common future, the other pumps boatloads of cash into the accounts of American merchants of death for deadly weapons. One promises the sunny upland of peace, the other the gates of hell.
Despite her LSE education, Tsai can’t think straight. How can she not realize that Beijing will never accept Taiwan as a US surrogate? It’s like having a foreign master in your household. During Ma’s rule, Taipei and Beijing enjoyed a long honeymoon, with the 1992 Consensus anchoring cross-strait relations, and both practically breathing through the same nostrils. Now all you hear is saber-rattling and the drumbeat of war. By prostituting herself to America, Tsai is hastening Taiwan towards doomsday. How does she sleep at night?
Beijing had pinned its hopes on Taiwan’s eventual and peaceful return to the motherland on the Hong Kong and Macau model. It works like a charm in Macau. But Hong Kong is another story.
Hong Kong is vulnerable—unlike Macau, it is only half-decolonized at best and crawling with sinister foreign agitators.
Hong Kong is historically an economic city, and its people are economic animals. Pre-Handover, they were indifferent to politics. Suddenly, they were handed more freedom than they could handle. Under the British, street demonstrations were banned. But after they left, Hong Kong quickly descended into the “protest capital” of the world—the curse of excess freedom.
A high degree of autonomy opened the floodgates to freedom, quickly weaponized by anti-China activists. What Hong Kong needed was not more freedom but better local leadership, not the likes of the disaster-prone Carrie Lam.
Neither New York nor Washington, nor London enjoys this much freedom. None allows rioters to occupy its streets for 10 months. Yet, the unrest was portrayed to the world as a fight for freedom. Hong Kong was on the brink.
Simple-minded activists never told us they were fighting for a worthless objective: Under the Basic Law, candidates for the top job must first win Beijing’s blessing. Given the poor slate of candidates, a universal vote is meaningless. The city is awash with smart money-makers, but wise leaders are a rarity.
For this useless one-person-one vote over lousy leaders, they paralyzed the city—a high price exacted for a hollow ideal.
Organizers of lawless protests included a tenured professor of law. He and his cohorts got carried away, playing superhero to American cheerleaders, making pilgrimages to Washington for photo-ops with Nancy Pelosi.
In an ugly show remote-controlled by America, rioters reached a point of no return. Local political clowns began hallucinating of winning the Nobel Peace Prize. The circus had come to town.
But soon, the pendulum has swung the other way– a belated chaos control, not a trampling on basic rights.
Unconscionable Western press came to Hong Kong blindfolded, determined to bad-mouth China and acted as American mouthpieces.
They didn’t tell the world that “One country Two Systems” was faithfully honored by Beijing, but dishonored by anarchists. Under the system, locals were not supposed to call for the downfall of the CCP. They wanted two systems but no country. Washington knew, if things went south in Hong Kong, geopolitical repercussions will spread, most notably, across the Taiwan strait. Tsai was teetering on 11% popular support. The mess in Hong Kong breathed new life into her politics.
Had Hong Kong carried off the experiment smoothly, Taiwan might have been ready for Beijing’s embrace. Instead, it now threatens to become another Ukraine, despite being Chinese territory. But China is not Russia, and Taiwan is not Ukraine.
China has a big dream, and America is determined to derail it–inadvertently aided and abetted by an incompetent local leader who in five short years sold the national reunification master-plan down the river.
Hong Kong must reboot its system, heal the wounds and seize the opportunities dangled by the Greater Bay Area. This time, give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and focus on local livelihood. As for Beijing, bring Taiwan back into the fold, using Ma’s healing ways. Dialogue, not dogged enmity. A purely domestic quarrel must never escalate into a history-ending global conflict. Outside meddlers trying to fish in troubled waters can take a long walk on a short pier.
Are Americans ready for a possible war with China?
No, not at all, America just desperate, unable to hide its bandit culture and behavior.
America is begging China for help, bandit style/ways, pointing gun at you demand help, threatening blow out if not meet demand.
America is sick, broke on the brink of collapsing, lost in all wars it found over the years. How can it fight with superpower like China.
Unfortunately, this time around China will not heal or buy the bandit culture and behavior.
China has better things to take care at home and around the world. All American provocations do not mean anything to China.
China popular idiom said, a wise man will not take near eye-sighted humiliation, revenge is a long term mission. Just like recent landing of military aircraft in Taiwan to antagonise China.
America can not effort to have another war let alone war with superpower China.
Collective Soul – Shine (Official Video)
Trump Posting on Truth Social — “World War III”

President Donald Trump took to his social media account this afternoon and posted “WORLD WAR III” . . . nothing else. S going to HTF is my guess . . .
I am endeavoring to find out what may be going on worldwide that would give rise to a man like him, making a posting like that. On Easter Sunday, no less.
Something’s up . . . something big.
BRICS+ is taking over and there’s nothing the West can do about it. The US dollar won’t be the worlds reserve currency and the US Govt won’t be able to print money on the backs of other nations. US Govt bonds will be junk because of insane US debt. The End
Top 10 Nations by natural resources:
RUSSIA | $75 trillion | BRICS+ |
UNITED STATES | $45 trillion | The West |
SAUDI ARABIA | $35 trillion | BRICS+ |
CANADA | $33 trillion | The West |
IRAN | $27 trillion | BRICS+ |
CHINA | $23 trillion | BRICS+ |
BRAZIL | $22 trillion | BRICS+ |
AUSTRALIA | $20 trillion | The West |
IRAQ | $16 trillion | BRICS+ |
VENEZUELA | $14 trillion | BRICS+ |
Multipolar world wins!
FRENCH PRESIDENT EMMANUEL MACRON on the plane returning from his 3-day trip to China: “Europe should reduce its dependence on the extraterritoriality of the U.S. dollar… If the tensions between the two superpowers heat up … we won’t have the time nor the resources to finance our strategic autonomy and we will become vassals.”

MACRON also said: “Europe must reduce its dependency on the US and avoid getting dragged into a confrontation between China and the U.S. over Taiwan.” So not only is France abandoning the US, they are now actively encouraging Europe to do the same. Bear in mind, France just conducted the first-ever transaction for Liquified Natural Gas in a currency OTHER THAN the U.S. Dollar! So the French are cutting off their use of our Dollars as well.
Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the “European Commission” (of un-elected tyrants) departed the PRC through a regular terminal at the airport with baggage screening and passport checks, just like any other nobody. Notice the look on her face as she has to be around us commoners . . .

China’s amazing “dis” of the head of the European Commission in this way — and in such a public manner, is a statement by China that the EU isn’t even worth paying attention to. Not militarily, and not with its “EURO” currency. It shows that the EU doesn’t matter anymore. Not in the coming version of the world.
The Germans are asking the Kremlin to allow them to produce cars in Russia. The German publication Speigel reports that it has sent a three-page letter to Vladimir Putin with a proposal to resume cooperation.
This shows that EU Sanctions against Russia are literally starting to come apart at the seams. If trade with Russia resumes in any meaningful way, the West ENTIRE plan in Ukraine and to takeover Russia, will fail before it starts.
China controls 98% of the world’s rare earth Minerals production and plans to ban their export to the US for national security reasons!
The U.S. __must__ have some of those rare earth minerals to manufacture for our Military. Without those rare earth minerals, our military might – and the accuracy of our weaponry in particular – is __gutted__. No more playing Globo-Cop; except it won’t be by OUR choice, it will be forced upon us by China.
Ukrainian medium-range air defense systems will be completely depleted by May 23.
They will be able to withstand only two or three more waves of blows. /The Washington Post, citing Pentagon documents/ Air defense systems
NASAMS, Iris-T, and Patriot Missile Systems will soon arrive in Ukraine, said Yuri Ignat, adviser to the country’s Air Force Command. Not certain if – or how many such systems – can arrive in Ukraine before May 23.
If Russia strikes 3, 4, or more times, Ukraine will be finished before May 23. This __may__ prompt a direct NATO entry, and thus . . . WW3.
Russia is moving elite units of its army, including paratroopers, to Bakhmut. Wagner PMC has suffered very severe losses, but has gained significant ground there. Now, the regular Russian Army is sending its units.
If (OOOOPS) WHEN Russia takes Bakhmut, the entire south and southeast of Ukraine will be cut off from supplies. It will likely fold fast. Again, another possible reason for NATO to come “all-in” and thus trigger WW3.
All these developments are troubling, but I am not sure any of them individually, or all of them collectively, get us to what President Trump said: “World War 3.”
More if I get it.
Greek Mint and Ouzo Flavored Meatballs (Keftedakia)

- 2 slices Italian bread, crusts removed
- 1/4 cup ouzo
- 7 tablespoons olive oil
- 1/2 cup onion, finely chopped
- 1 pound ground turkey
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon dried mint flakes
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1/2 teaspoon oregano
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Fresh ground black pepper
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- Pour Ouzo in a small bowl. Tear bread into small pieces and soak in Ouzo 5 minutes.
- In a skillet, over medium heat, sauté onion in 3 tablespoons oil until translucent, about 5 minutes. Remove from skillet with a slotted spoon and place in a large mixing bowl. Squeeze bread dry, discarding Ouzo, and combine with onions. Add in turkey, egg, mint, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper and mix well to combine. Form meat mixture into 1-inch balls and roll in flour to coat evenly. Place on a cookie sheet and refrigerate 1 hour.
- Add remaining 4 tablespoons olive oil to a large skillet, over medium high heat, and sauté meatballs until browned, about 8 – 10 minutes.
“Tranheuser Busch?”
The public fallout and Brand destruction of “Bud Light” beer continues, with Internet meme’s and all sorts of public criticism. Sales, though, show the facts: Stunning LOSS of customers, nationwide.
The brief video below, from an affiliated Distributor for Anheuser Busch makes it plain: The company is losing customers and sales at a ferocious pace:
This PLUNGE in retail sales is a direct result of Bud Light hiring a trans-something as a spokes-something.
When I was a Regional Sales Manager for North American Van Lines, I had occasion to speak with R. Allan Brogan, a Senior Vice President of Norfolk Southern Railroad (which owned North American Van Lines) and he told me something I never forgot.
"I had to fire a couple sales guys and they were family men. I had major concerns about firing them BECAUSE they had mouths to feed. I never fired ANYONE flippantly; to me firing someone is waaaaaay serious. There was just no hope for these guys, but I still felt bad. R. Allan Brogan told me "Hal, it's not the people you fire who hurt you the most. It's the people you KEEP . . . but SHOULD HAVE fired, that hurt you the most."
I never forgot that.
With that sage advice firmly in mind, I can say with confidence that the people who PROPOSED this “Tranny” hire should be FIRED by Anheuser Busch for bad judgment. The people who APPROVED this “Tranny” hire and ad campaign for Anheuser Busch, should be FIRED.
Their poor judgment is literally destroying the Bud Light Brand and costing millions in lost sales. Out the door with all of them!
I suspect it’s only going to get worse.
Now, people are going to wonder if any guy they see drinking a Bud Light is a homo. Worse, people are going to look at any GIRL drinking a Bud Light, and wonder if she’s __really__ a girl!
No normal person wants to be associated with this “Trans” mental illness. Grown-ups playing “make-pretend” they’re something they’re not. It’s sick!
Clearly, the people at Anheuser Busch who put this project together have NO IDEA AT ALL who their customers are. I suspect that very shortly, there won’t BE very many customers anymore. NOT because customers are “Bigots” but because the Trannies and their movement are deranged perverts.
But . . .
Maybe there is a bright side to this ?????? After all, it seems to me in two days Anheuser Busch has done more to stop drinking than AA has done in 80 years.
麥小兜 – My First Song『你聽,這是我真實的聲音。』【動態歌詞Lyrics】
‘Peace In The Middle East? That’s A Threat.’
Thanks to China’s and Russia’s mediation peace is breaking out in the Middle East.
Elijah J. Magnier @ejmalrai – 4:14 UTC · Apr 8, 2023#BreakingNews:
The United Arab Emirates has begun withdrawing its forces from #Yemen. The Saudi-Emirati-Yemenite agreement will be announced soon.
The Middle East is solving its conflicts without the #US negative impact.
Elijah J. Magnier @ejmalrai · Apr 7
Great news:
#SaudiArabia will announce the end of the war in #Yemen after the Eid al-Fitr. Saudi is ending all its (high/low) conflicts in the Middle East with #Iran, #Syria, #Iraq, #Yemen & #Lebanon(not interested in the country for now) to turn towards its own development. …
Peace will also come to Syria. The foreign minister of Saudi Arabia will soon visit Damascus. He will invite Syria to rejoin the Arab League. An Arab League summit will be held next month in Saudi Arabia and the Syrian president Bashar al Assad is expected to be there.
This comes after agreements between Iran and Saudi Arabia to bury the hatchet and after agreements between Iraq and Iran to reign in a Kurdish uprising in Iran that was controlled by Kurdish forces in Iraq.
‘We can’t have that’, says U.S. president Joe Biden. He sent CIA director Bill Burns to Saudi Arabia to threaten consequences:
CIA Director Bill Burns made an unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia this week where he reportedly aired Washington’s frustrations over Riyadh’s opening to Iran and Syria through mediation brokered by US rivals China and Russia.Speaking on condition of anonymity, a US official confirmed the trip to Al-Monitor. “Director Burns traveled to Saudi Arabia where he met with intelligence counterparts and country leaders on issues of shared interest,” the US official said.
The official did not disclose the exact day of the trip but said that Burns discussed intelligence cooperation, especially in the area of counterterrorism. The CIA director met the country’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.
Burns likely threatened to withhold U.S. intelligence on terrorist groups from the Saudis. The CIA could additionally push some of its ISIS assets to make some nasty appearances in Saudi Arabia to then offer ‘help’ to ‘fight terrorism’.
I do not think that this will work. The Saudis have had enough of U.S. interference in their region. They are looking for development and development requires peace.
Thus the U.S. is upping its threat:
The US Navy deployed a nuclear-powered submarine capable of carrying 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Middle East waters via the Suez Canal, a spokesperson revealed Saturday.The Pentagon’s rare disclosure of the location of one of its Ohio-class submarines came amid heightened tensions between the United States and Iran after an American military contractor was killed by a drone attack on a US base in Syria last month.
The USS Florida arrived in the region before transiting the canal on Friday “to help ensure regional maritime security and stability,” Cdr. Tim Hawkins, a spokesperson for the US Navy’s 5th Fleet, told Al-Monitor via email.
Last week, the Pentagon extended the deployment of an aircraft carrier strike group led by the USS George H. W. Bush in the Mediterranean to support US forces in the Middle East in case of further conflagration and moved up the planned deployment of a squadron of A-10 attack aircraft to the region, CNN first reported.
Meanwhile the Zionists finally have to confront their ideological core:
Sina Toossi @SinaToossi – 15:28 UTC · Apr 8, 2023Israel’s former defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon says Jewish extremists who believe in “Jewish supremacy” & seek a “big war” are influencing the Israeli government’s decision-making. He likens their agenda to a “Mein Kampf” in reverse.
Muhammad Shehada @muhammadshehad2 · 15hExtremely important! #Israel’s *right-wing* ex-Minister of Defense, Moshe Ya’alon, sheds light on Israel’s most dangerous government & the supremacist ideology of its Finance & Security Ministers.
Listen to every word to understand the ongoing escalation!
Moshe Ya’alon describing the ideology of two current ministers: “Jewish supremacism. Mein Kampf in reverse. … To as soon as possible get to a big war. … This is what goes into the decision making process in the Israeli government.”
When government ministers seek a big war they will probably get one. A civil war between ‘liberal’ Zionists and hard core ideological Zionists, fought on the back of Palestinians, may become a prelude to that.
Iraqi Transport Minister Announces that Sumerians Launched Spaceships 7,000 Years Ago

The Minister for Transport in Iraq made a controversial speech at the inauguration of a new airport in southern Dhi Qar, in which he stated that ancient Sumerians built the first airports 7,000 years ago and launched spaceships from there to explore other planets. He also claimed that all the world’s angels were Sumerian. To support his claims, he referred to the work of Samuel Kramer, Russian professor and Sumerian expert, who highlighted the Sumerians’ advanced understanding of the cosmos.
The Sumerians were the first known people to settle in Mesopotamia over 7,000 years ago. Located in the southernmost part of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (modern day Iraq), Sumer was often called the cradle of civilization. By the 4th millennium BC, it had established an advanced system writing, spectacular arts and architecture, astronomy and mathematics.
The Sumerians recorded their astronomical observations as early as 3500–3200 BC. Astronomical phenomena were important to the Sumerians, who equated planets with gods that held an important role in their mythology and religion. Jupiter, for example, was associated with their main god, Marduk, patron deity of the city of Babylon.

Illustration of ancient Mesopotamia. (Credit: Jeff Brown Graphics )
Arab news channel Albawaba reported that Minister Kadhem Finjan al-Hamami made his comments during a visit to a new airport construction site in southern Iraq, near Basra, where he claimed that the Sumerians had built an airport in exactly the same location in around 5,000 BC.
“It’s a long story, maybe you don’t know about it. Maybe even people from Dhi Qar don’t know – the first airports that were built on planet Earth were built in the 5th Millenium BC in Dhi Qar,” al-Hamami said , in an Al Jazeera translation. “There were Sumerians who launched spaceships [from Dhi Qar] and headed to other worlds,” he added, arguing that all the world’s angels “were Sumerian” and stating that Sumerians were the first to discover Pluto.
The video of his statement [in Arabic] can be viewed below.
While no one in the audience questioned the Minister, listeners were quick to jump to social media to rubbish his claims. The Middle East Monitor shared comments from internet users who criticized the incompetence of the government. “Iraqi transport minister’s hallucinations about spaceships in Nasiriyah proves that the [Haidar] Al-Abadi government is full of fools, hashish addicts and the most worthless of humanity,” said Dawood Al-Basri.
To support up his claims, Finjan referred to the work of the late Samuel Kramer, who was one of the world’s leading Assyriologists and a world-renowned expert in Sumerian history and Sumerian language. In his book, ‘History Begins at Sumer’, Kramer argues that the Sumerians had the first achievements in all the major fields of human endeavour, including government and politics, education and literature, philosophy and ethics, law and justice, agriculture, and medicine. However, critics of the Transport Minister’s speech say that Kramer never mentioned ancient airports or spaceships.

The Lament for Ur at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Lament was one of several literary works that Kramer studied. ( public domain )
Nevertheless, the Minister does have a number of supporters among ancient astronaut theorists, who argue that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity, with many believing that ancient Sumer was the first place in which contact was made.

Ancient astronaut proponents suggest that aliens came to Earth long ago, citing such evidence as this ancient Mesopotamian cylinder seal as proof of advanced technological influences ( public domain )
CHINA Surrounds TAIWAN, USA on ALERT, Russia Moves Nukes toward
Irish Joe Biden’s Irish Sopranos
Biden’s visit is just one further shameful act of degradation of a people who once stood for something infinitely nobler than Joe and Hunter Biden.
The ostensible reasons for POTUS Joe Biden, the Grim Reaper himself, to visit his Irish colony in mid-April is, firstly to view the areas of Ireland that were unfortunate enough to spawn his ancestors and, secondly, to cash in on the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, the deal that allegedly brought peace in our time to Ireland.
Because pretending to be Irish brings political dividends and lots of uninformed votes in America, it is not currently worth dwelling on. Vichy Ireland’s Peace Process is a very different matter. This deal copper-fastened NATO rule in Ireland by allowing the gerrymandering of politics and the fruits of office flowing from it in the occupied north east to be divvied up between the Protestant Democratic Unionist Party and the Catholic Sinn Féin group, both of whose histories are mired in organised crime. It allowed the Southern and nominally independent Southern part to be fully subsumed within the American umbrella and, more importantly, it allowed its CIA and MI5 architects to bestride the narrow world, falsely claiming they were peace-makers rather than war-makers. Far from being an exercise in bridge-building that Gandhi or the Buddha himself would be proud of, it is one of the CIA’s most cynical moves of the last half century.
These latter points can be seen by how rabidly the Irish government and the toadyish Sinn Féin opposition support NATO’s Ukrainian campaign and with Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Féin’s nominal boss, demanding Russia’s entire diplomatic delegation be immediately expelled from the country over a war she and her drug dealing friends know absolutely nothing about. This is the same Sinn Féin nominal boss who was “profoundly shocked” that Jonathan Dowdall, her right-hand man, was also the right-hand man of top mobster Gerry Hutch, whose charge of murdering a top capo in the Kinahan organised crime cartel will be decided by a non jury Irish court at about the same time Biden’s plane is fecking off back to America.
The main thing, the obvious thing to emerge from the Hutch and Dowdall trials is that the Irish secret service, together with their MI5 and CIA bosses, have all of Ireland’s criminal and paramilitary groups totally infiltrated and that, far from being progressives, these drug dealers are, in effect, just an extension of the British and American armed forces. Because NATO has used the same human dregs to much the same purpose in Iraq, Syria, Ukraine and a host of other countries, the Irish experience that Irish Joe Biden is now cashing in on is therefore worth a second glance.
Although the so-called Troubles kicked off in 1969, much like Syria and Ukraine, the British and Irish security services had already laid the groundwork for the mayhem that was to follow. Protestant gangland boss Gusty Spence has recalled how British generals briefed him on what was required of his counter gang and Irish military intelligence recruited Joe Cahill and other dodgy IRA leaders to do their bidding.
Though Cahill had received the death penalty in 1942 for murdering a Belfast cop, the authorities instead hanged brave Tom Williams for it, whilst Cahill was allowed work unmolested in Harland & Wolff shipyards, whose workers had a history of murdering Catholics whenever the fancy took them. That a notorious Catholic cop killer could work there unmolested for decades defies common sense; the only explanation is that he was a protected species.
But then, as noted journalist Kevin Myers points out, the Cahill and other families that were at the centre of the Belfast IRA also had a side hustle in raping children, a low-risk crime, given their omerta practices they passed down through the generations.
Thus, when the Troubles erupted to scar entire generations of Irishmen and women, the British, Irish and American security services were ready. They would let chaos reign but then emerge with a peace process that suited their needs, rather than those of the combatants or the civilians unlucky enough to have endured hell.
As Ireland was at the centre of a major low intensity counter-insurgency operation from 1968 to 1998 and, as that campaign continues to this day, MI5 and the CIA had plenty of time to put their assets in place. John Joe McGee and Stakeknife, the bosses of the IRA’s Internal Security Unit, were both MI5 agents. As was Denis Donaldson, a long time confidant of IRA martyr Bobby Sands and Sinn Féin boss Gerry Adams, whose IRA brother and IRA father were both notorious child sex abusers and who was himself implicated in some of the worst war crimes of the Troubles. As were so many others, the list is an almost endless geometric progression.
Although I have touched on Sinn Féin’s flawed pedigree here and here, the main thing to take going forward is how M15 and their CIA bosses not only choose the ground on which they fight but fashion it to their needs. One key way to do this in Ireland was through the supergrass trials where scores of IRA diehards would be remanded in custody for years on the word of a paid MI5 agent and their places within the IRA be filled by others on the MI5 payroll, who would rise through the IRA ranks over time.
This tactic was so successful that, at the time of the Good Friday Agreement, the IRA had been reduced to a single sniper in South Armagh and recalcitrants in nearby East Tyrone were dealt with by the simple shoot-to-kill expedient, of summarily executing them, in other words.
Following the Good Friday Agreement, the British Government allowed the IRA to do some housekeeping, as British warlord Mo Mowlam euphemistically put it, to slaughter those opposed to their criminal shenanigans in plainer English. Although that housekeeping continues with Protestant and Catholic criminal gangs to this day, with more government-approved murders in South Armagh and savage beatings in East Tyrone, it has metamorphosed into the Irish wing of ANTIFA Inc, where women, children and others in the U.S. Democrats’ cross hairs are as much fair game as they are anywhere else in America’s evil empire. To see how this works elsewhere, one only has to see the criminal contribution of Ukraine’s Nazi thugs to the post-Maidan “peace process”, or the widespread slaughter of minorities and secular Sunnis by Syria’s “moderate rebels”.
Though Biden can don his leprechaun hat and claim himself to be as Irish as a crock of cow manure, the key thing to see is how the CIA, MI5 and Irish military intelligence have shifted the goal posts to such a degree that Biden is neither immediately lambasted nor run out of Dublin town for the senile creep that he is. As with Sir Keir Starmer’s British Labour Party and the joke that is the Scottish National Party, the practical effect of all this is that whatever Western resistance might emerge to NATO’s litany of war crimes, the Irish, with their joke of a Peace Process, won’t even offer token resistance to Biden and NATO’s other war devotees. Biden’s visit is just one further shameful act of degradation of a people who once stood for something infinitely nobler than Joe and Hunter Biden and their crack cocaine fueled wars of conquest, expropriation and extermination.
BRICS countries and candidate countries for the BRICS Plus
(source: The New Candidate Countries For BRICS Expansion – Silk Road Briefing).

Enigmatic Artifact: Possible Chinese Bi Disk Found in a Kentucky Garden

“It was just lying there” the finder explained as he recalled the moment and the previous two years of inquiries to understand what it was, along with his frustration of not knowing how it ended up in his garden. Afterwards, and with a look on his face that he expected me to have all the answers, asked, “How do you think it got here?”
As with other such Chinese in appearance artifacts found in North America without supporting contextual information, I could only respond that there are multiple possible explanations
A more informative answer came from the Burke Museum in Washington State, responding to the finder’s earlier inquiry and photograph. Paraphrasing… we don’t know what it is, but similar objects have been found on the West coast of Mexico and “it should not have been found in your part of the country.”
Other responses, also based upon photographs, from universities, art dealers and museums were equally inconclusive. Some thought it was a 20th century fraud, others didn’t know, and one based on personal inspection thought it to be authentic. Until it is subjected to rigorous examination its authenticity remains unknown.
What Is Known
This artifact was found in a small garden next to a pond, on heavily wooded acreage in a sparsely populated area of Harrison County (Kentucky, USA), which the owner characterizes as being “in the middle of nowhere”. Several miles away are two earthen mounds and the general area has long been popular with surface collectors of Native American artifacts.

Possible Chinese Bi-disk, 2.5″ diameter, Chinese script, Harrison County, KY USA. Credit: Precontact, Indigenous Peoples Research Foundation 2015©

Possible Chinese Bi-disk, 2.5″ diameter, Bird and Dragon Motif, Harrison County, KY USA. Credit: Precontact, Indigenous Peoples Research Foundation 2015©
Based upon a specific gravity test and visual inspection, the disk is Nephrite Jade and has areas of a white surface film, which is concentrated around the bas-relief features. Interestingly, one side is darker than the other. The depictions of a possible Shui dragon and a partial bird, both playing prominent roles in Chinese mythology, add to the Chinese theme of the disk, along with the four script characters.
The history of the bi extends back to Neolithic China some 5,000 years ago. The earlier versions were simple disks with no ornamentation, but became increasingly ornate with motifs representing deities associated with the cardinal directions and heaven and earth images. Aside from its religious symbolism, the bi also represented the person’s high social status and that he was of high moral character… and it ultimately accompanied the person in his grave.

Perforated Disc (Bi) with Dragons. China, Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 ( CC BY 2.0 )

Perforated Chinese Disk (Bi) with unfinished Relief Spirals, circa 481-100 BC. ( Public Domain )
Until such time when more definitive testing results are available, the enigmatic artifact remains a mystery to be solved.
Sixbomb (식스밤) – Step To Me /東大門ミリオレライブ/스텝 투 미
How to Take Off a (Political) Straitjacket
“Why does Russia think NATO is the biggest threat?”
Because it’s what makes the most sense for our political class right now.
At the start of his rule, President Putin had no problems either with NATO or with its enlargement. There’s no record of his anti-Westernism ahead of his moving to the Kremlin. Moreover, after the Washington ’99 summit, he quietly asked the Americans if he could join the club, too.
Road fork
But about 15 years ago, Russia entered a period of turbulence. The model of commodity-fueled growth from the 2000s exhausted itself. Radical nationalists were gaining ground. And the ruling oligarchical clans got a piercing sense of danger. Any rotation of power would lead to some new hungry predators grabbing their riches and tearing to pieces themselves and their families.
How to get out of such an impasse? Anywhere in what people in my time in propaganda called the “Third World,” the easiest way has always been “FIGHT THE WEST!” and “DOWN WITH AMERICA!”
In 2012–13, President Putin obviously made a decision to raise this flag. Then, barely a year passed before Crimea was captured. The Ukraine war started in anything but name.
Now you see why Putin must be our President for life?
No grand vision
Most in the West seem to believe our hybrid war with them sprang from Putin’s “imperial visions.” That’s silly.
It’s fully a product of our internal politics. Ever since 2014, the war has been Putin’s perfect tool for defanging the radical nationalists—the most numerous and largely invisible threat to our state-oligarchical elite.
“Liberals” in Russia are a joke as a political force. Most of them are easy to buy. Among the rest, the principled ones are easy to scare enough for them to flee to the West. After all, it’s where their home is, isn’t it? And the most obstinate can be eliminated like Nemtsov or locked up behind bars. There are not too many of them, no problem.
The enemy inside us
The radicals are different. They’re hard to spot. The most dangerous of them are the silent ones lurking among the security services and the military. They are Ridley Scott’s xenomorphs, waiting for their hour here and there inside the body of our Derzháva (“the mighty State”).
The beasts are ready to burst out any day they decide their moment has arrived.
This is why it’s so imperative to keep the State busy with what seems like a radical nationalist project. It’s the Russian Reconquista. As long as they believe that it’s exactly this, President Putin and his men are safe in the Kremlin. And hey, many thanks to Western propaganda! They repeat in a thousand voices that this is the “USSR 2.0” going on, too!
Why the West?
There are three major reasons why the West—and not China, or the “Great Displacement” by the Muslims from the south—was picked as a mortal threat to Russia’s existence.
- Foreign invasions from the west (Napoleon, the Keizer, Hitler) are deeply embedded in our collective memory.
- Rotation of power and civil society are distinctive Western concepts, toxic to our Statist foundation.
- Centuries-long pent-up hate among the lower classes against anything they associate with progressivist activism on the part of our State. Our rulers’ modernization projects rarely failed to bring pain and misery to millions of their subjects. When Putin says the Westerners are the ones to blame for all our carnage, this deeply resonates with something in our national archetypes.
Below, a piece by Vitaly Podvitsky from the early days of Putin’s second presidency. Vladimir Putin is St George striking the serpent of Russophobic globalism in the shape of Obama.
To us, Obama was easily the most harmless American president since Reagan. His administration considered us a “regional power”, and was asleep at the wheel when the Ukraine war broke out in 2014. What made him the most hated US president for our propaganda? My bet is on the unique combination of “black” + “clueless” + “progressive” + “American.” Go Brandon, try to beat that!
The SUN is SETTING on the U.S.
Controversial Claim by Geologist: Mysterious tracks in Turkey caused by unknown civilization millions of years ago

In what is sure to cause controversy, a researcher has claimed that the mysterious and ancient ruts which crisscross the Phrygian Valley of Turkey were caused by an unknown and intelligent race between 12 and 14 million years ago.
Dr. Alexander Koltypin , geologist and a director of the Natural Science Scientific Research Centre at Moscow’s International Independent University of Ecology and Politology has recently completed investigations at the site in Anatolia which is marked with strange ruts, described as “petrified tracking ruts in rocky tuffaceous deposits’ made from compacted volcanic ash,” according to MailOnline.

Repeated travel with vehicles eventually cut into the soft, volcanic rock in Turkey. Credit: Alexander Koltypin, Dopotopa.com
The tracks cut across the landscape of the Phrygia Valley, dating back to various historical periods, according to conventional academia. The earliest roads are thought to have been made during the Hittite Empire (circa 1600 BC – 1178 BC). As time went on, paths were cut deeply into the soft rock by the Phrygians, then by the Greeks, and Alexander the Great with his armies. They eventually became part of the Roman road network, writes Culture Routes in Turkey .

Relief in basalt depicting a battle chariot, Carchemish, 9th century BC; Late Hittite style with Assyrian influence. Did such vehicles leave the tracks in the ancient Phrygia Valley? (CC BY 2.0 )
Koltypin and colleagues have examined the rocky fields interlaced with deep grooves, and have suggested that it was indeed vehicles which caused the tracks, but not lightweight carts or chariots. Instead he suggests the “unknown antediluvian all-terrain vehicles” were huge and heavy. In addition, he dates them back to approximately 14 million years ago, and claims they were driven by an unknown civilization.
He told MailOnline, “All these rocky fields were covered with the ruts left some millions of years ago….we are not talking about human beings.”
The geologist says with certainty that the ruts are prehistoric without a doubt, due to the weathering and cracks observed.
“The methodology of specifying the age of volcanic rocks is very well studied and worked out,” Koltypin said.

The deep tracks run along the landscape, some reportedly as deep as 3 feet (1 meter). Credit: Alexander Koltypin, Dopotopa.com
The scientist notes that the distance between each pair of tracks remains consistent, and that the measurement fit that between the wheels of a modern vehicles. However, the tracks are much too deep for today’s cars, raising more questions about what sort of transport device was being used.
The deepest ruts are three feet (one meter), and on the walls of these ruts are horizontal scratches, very much appearing to have been left by the ends of axels poking out of ancient wheels.

Photograph showing the scratch marks along the side of the tracks. Were these caused by ancient axels? Credit: Alexander Koltypin, Dopotopa.com
News site Express reports that Koltypin believes the deep channels were cut into the soft, wet soil and rock due to the sheer weight of the large prehistoric vehicles. He says, “And later these ruts – and all the surface around – just petrified and secured all the evidence. Such cases are well known to geologists, for example, the footprints of dinosaurs were ‘naturally preserved’ in a similar way.”

The prehistoric mysterious vehicle tracks as found in the Phrygian Valley of Turkey, with a modern car for scale. Credit: Alexander Koltypin, Dopotopa.com
Koltypin is aware that his claims are controversial, but says mainstream academia will not address the subject matter as it will “ruin all their classic theories.”
“I think we are seeing the signs of the civilization which existed before the classic creation of this world. Maybe the creatures of that pre-civilization were not like modern human beings,” he proposes.
Very similar interesting and mysterious tracks exist in other locations of the world, notably in the Maltese archipelago. These ancient grooves continue to puzzle researchers. Some of the strange tracks of Misrah Ghar il-Kbir deliberately plunge off cliffs or continue off land and into the ocean. It is not yet known who made the tracks, or why.
Like the channels at Malta, questions remain surrounding the deep tracks cut into the stone in the Phrygian Valley.
Koltypin’s research work continues as he investigates anomalous sites, but it will likely be some time before established academia embraces his unconventional theories.
Korean boy kpop.
Bank Robbery
During a robbery in Zimbabwe, the bank robber shouted to everyone in the bank: “Don’t move. The money belongs to the State. Your life belongs to you.” Everyone in the bank lay down quietly. This is called the “Mind Changing Concept” Changing the conventional way of thinking.
When a lady lay on the table provocatively, the robber shouted at her: “Please be civilized! This is a robbery and not a rape!” This is called “Being Professional” Focus only on what you are trained to do!
When the bank robbers returned home, the younger robber (MBA-trained) told the older robber (who has only completed Year 6 in primary school): “Big brother, let’s count how much we got.” The older robber rebutted and said: “You are very stupid. There is so much money it will take us a long time to count. Tonight, the TV news will tell us how much we robbed from the bank!” This is called “Experience.” Nowadays, experience is more important than paper qualifications!
After the robbers had left, the bank manager told the bank supervisor to call the police quickly. But the supervisor said to him: “Wait! Let us take out $10 million from the bank for ourselves and add it to the $70 million that we have previously embezzled from the bank”. This is called “Swim with the tide.” Converting an unfavourable situation to your advantage! The supervisor says: “It will be good if there is a robbery every month.” This is called “Killing Boredom.” Personal Happiness is more important than your job.
The next day, the TV news reported that $100 million was taken from the bank. The robbers counted and counted and counted, but they could only count $20 million. The robbers were very angry and complained: “We risked our lives and only took $20 million. The bank manager took $80 million with a snap of his fingers. It looks like it is better to be educated than to be a thief!” This is called “Knowledge is worth as much as gold!” The bank manager was smiling and happy because his losses in the share market are now covered by this robbery. This is called “Seizing the opportunity.” Daring to take risks!
So who are the real robbers here?
Armies of Azerbaijan and Armenia FIRING at each other along border

Heavy Fighting between Azerbaijani and Armenian Forces is being reported North of the Village of Tegh near the Lachin Corridor in Eastern Armenia. What started as a Small Skirmish earlier now reportedly involves Artillery and possible Heavy Armor. Fighting took place near Tegh during the Border Clashes in 2021 as well.
Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan confirmed the death of at least 6 Azerbaijani soldiers. It is __said__ that Armenia has suffered substantial losses of troops in today’s fighting.
Armenia’s MoD says that Azerbaijani forces are firing mortars in the vicinity of the armenian village of Tegh.
Armenian Forces are Shelling the Positions of the Azerbaijani Army across the Border near Tegh utilizing 120mm Mortars and 152mm Self-Propelled and Fixed Artillery.
Azerbaijani Sources are claiming that they have seen indications that Armenian Tanks and Armored Equipment is currently being Transferred to “Forward Positions” near the Fighting along the Border with Azerbaijan and along the Lachin Corridor.
Azerbaijan accuses Armenia of using Iranian shahed drones to target troops. Armenia is denying reports
– Reports that Armenia has abandoned posts in Tegh in anticipation of Azerbaijan drone attack.
– Armenian parliament cancels meetings
Greek Orange Cake in Orange Syrup (Pontica)

- 1 cup orange juice
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 stick butter, melted
- 6 eggs, separated
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 teaspoon grated orange rind
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 cup flour
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
- First make the syrup by combining the orange juice, water and sugar in saucepan. Bring to a boil; reduce the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes. Remove the syrup from the stove and allow to go cold.
- Butter an 8 x 12-inch baking pan with all the melted butter. Mix the flour and baking powder together in a small bowl. Beat the egg whites until stiff and they can form a peak.
- In a large bowl, beat the egg yolks until light yellow; add the sugar, orange rind and vanilla and blend well.
- To the egg yolk mixture add the egg whites a little at a time, alternating with 2 tablespoons of flour mixture until all used. Pour the batter into the pre-buttered baking pan.
- Bake for 35 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.
- Remove the cake from the oven and allow to cool slightly. Remove the cake from the baking pan and cut into diamond shapes. Place the cake pieces on a large plate that will trap the syrup when poured over.
- Pour the cooled syrup over the still warm cake. Allow the cake to cool completely before serving.
Rema, Selena Gomez – Calm Down (Official Music Video)
African pop music. I will be present much more African music as Africa is going to replace America as a middle class of value.
Testosterone Levels in Men Chart
There is a tremendous benefit for men who are experiencing symptoms of fatigue, muscle loss, joint pains, stiffness, hair loss, low libido, erectile dysfunction, mental fog, depression, or memory loss to contact their doctor to discuss the possibility of getting a blood test for Low T. These are all possible signs that testosterone levels are below what is needed by the body for optimum functioning.
Take a look at the normal testosterone levels in men by age chart below as a reference:
Age Years | Free Testosterone Average Range | Total Testosterone Average Range | Normal Total Testosterone |
30 – 40 | 8.7 – 25.1 pg/mL | 219 – 1009 ng/dL | 600 – 675 ng/dL |
40 – 50 | 6.8 – 21.5 pg/mL | 201 – 993 ng/dL | 500 – 550 ng/dL |
50 – 60 | 7.2 – 24.0 pg/mL | 170 – 918 ng/dL | 400 – 450 ng/dL |
Over 60 | 6.6 – 18.1 pg/mL | 156 – 700 ng/dL | 300 – 350 ng/dL |
What is considered normal testosterone levels in men by age varies considerably, as shown above. A man in his early fifties who falls at the low end of the average range will most likely be experiencing many of the symptoms associated with Low T. Treatment with bioidentical testosterone therapy will be beneficial at this point.
No More Conspiracy Theory; They ADMIT Using Chemtrails!

Former CIA Director John Brennan gave a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations and in it, he admitted government is engaged in “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI)” which, he claims, can slow or halt “Climate Change.”
So all of us who have seen these “chemtrails” with our own eyes, but been called “Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy Theorists” are proven right once again; they ARE spraying from planes – deliberately. And we’re all breathing it.
Within the US Constitution, there is no power delegated unto Congress, to allow them to engage-in, or even pay for, this type of atmospheric experimentation. It is a power NOT granted to the UNITED STATES.
Worse, they are doing this activity based on a “theory” of “Climate Change.”
So, since it is only a theory, it is now clear they are experimenting UPON THE AIR WE BREATHE, to examine their little pet theory.
I have not, do not, and will not, consent to be experimented upon.

Our 14-year-old dog Abbey di*d last month. The day after she passed away my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could so, and she dictated these words:
Dear God, Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick. I hope you will play with her. She likes to swim and play with balls. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her. Love, Meredith
We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven.
That afternoon she dropped it into the letterbox at the post office. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.
Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, ‘To Meredith’ in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it.
Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, ‘When a Pet Dies.’
Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope. On the opposite page were the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:
Dear Meredith, Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help and I recognized her right away. Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by. Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank you.
Deagel Map summary
Deagel.com’s [infamous] 2025 forecast was removed from their website sometime in 2020. The content is reproduced here for reference and educational purposes. This map is a visual summary of the forecast percentage population change by country, 2017-2025.

Hey there, I hope you al are doing well.
On the topic of the budlight brand suicide –
My guess is that this could have been placed *deliberately* to distract from the RESTRICT (your freedom) act?!
A question for MM & MM community. What is your take on these three Alien Interview videos? It seems to me they are real and were released by a special effects film company so everyone would assume they are fake. My apologies if you’ve already addressed this topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2xXu8_2Exo
Hi MM. As the title of the piece suggests, it is already far too late and rage will ensue in whatever form that will be.
Sadly, albeit 99.999% unlikely this is all fixable by 3 things. 1. End to the us led unipolar world and join in with the rest of the world. 2. Reatoration of the justice system worldwide. 3. Return to respect to soveirgnty and deweaponizing of money