2023 05 06 10 19

It is a new world that we are moving towards – no freedom to speak and a hidden reality denied you

Well, Tucker Carlson was fired at FOX. At the same time, the ax fell on CNN. Now blogger Gonzalo Lira is arrested and silenced.

Some one, probably a “leader / dictator” in the United States gave “the order”. Sort of like this…

The Sopranos ordering hits

Chile Verde

Yield: 4 servings

2023 05 06 10 59
2023 05 06 10 59


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 3 pounds pork shoulder (bite-size cubes)
  • 1 (28 ounce) can tomatoes
  • 2 (4 ounce) cans diced green chiles
  • 1 cup water
  • Salt to taste


  1. Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil in a Dutch oven.
  2. Remove onion and garlic and brown meat in same pan.
  3. Return onion and garlic to meat, along with other ingredients.
  4. Cook slowly for one hour (or until meat is done).


This is best prepared a day in advance. To reheat, simmer 30 minutes.


Within the past 60 minutes, Russian artillery surrounding what is left of Bakhmut, has begun firing Thermite Incendiery shells upon the **entire** area still occupied by Ukrainian troops.   Whatever is left of the city after months of fierce fighting, is being incinerated.

As of 6:30 PM EDT on 5 May 2023, it is not known how many Ukrainian troops remain in the city, or how **any** of them can survive this onslaught.

Video from a Ukraine military drone over Bakhmut:


Social media Geeks have been geo-locating the video images.  Here’s what they’ve found:



And confirmed via NASA Satellite detection of the fires:



Video from Ukrainian soldiers ON THE GROUND as these shells hit:


Machaca (Shredded Beef)

2023 05 06 11 00
2023 05 06 11 00


  • 1 (2 pound) beef chuck roast
  • Water, to cover meat
  • 1/2 onion, sliced
  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 can Ro*Tel tomatoes and green chiles
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Flour tortillas


  1. Simmer meat, onion and black pepper in water until very tender, about 2 hours.
  2. Drain, and cool until meat is cool enough to handle.
  3. Discard bone and fat; shred meat.
  4. Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add onion and garlic; cook until onion is soft, 4-5 minutes.
  5. In a blender, puree Ro*Tel tomatoes (including liquid), tomato sauce, spices and salt. Add to meat. Simmer until meat absorbs most of sauce, 15 to 20 minutes.
  6. Serve with warm flour tortillas and sour cream, shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, diced tomato and salsa.

AI Takes Over Photography, Humans Forced to Find New Hobbies

grown not made1
grown not made1

Who needs humans to make things when we have AI-generated photos? Apparently, even ice cream can grow naturally in this brave new world. But if you’re wondering why the ice cream harvest only happens at night, it’s probably because it’s too scared of melting in the sun. Or maybe it’s just a winter crop, who knows? One thing’s for sure though, if these pictures were real, we’d all be a lot chubbier. Thank goodness for AI, keeping us in shape while fooling us with its realistic imagery.

h/t: sadanduseless

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Military shake up after Prigozhin video

In my opinion, Jevgenij Prigozjin showed us a face of very serious human being , who in this very moment lost men unnecessarily, for idiot reasons. 

And I am sure that he is on the right side of the fence. 

He is a caring person and as I understand, both to civilians and to the enemies, trying to save as many as possible.  

A great man, in a really big anger and sorrow for losing his men. I think that many military are like him, but they don't show it in public. 

They take their own lives instead,

Indonesia rebuffs Australia, turns to Brazil for live cattle imports

Endless Greed, arrogant, selfishness, and stupidity will end up with no friend in the coming civilised world order. 

Australia’s monopoly on live cattle exports to Indonesia is coming to an end with Brazil expected to get the green light in coming months.

High prices for Australian cattle have prompted Indonesia to look for alternative supplies and Brazil, the largest exporter of beef worldwide, has promised to....

Article HERE


Rumors have been circulating most of today claiming the much-vaunted “Ukraine Counter-Offensive” would begin in earnest “very soon.”  Those rumors have now coalesced to statements that claim EITHER a) The counter-offensive will begin in several hours today, OR; b) It will begin this Sunday.

Here’s as snippet of what’s appearing all day on social media:



What is clearly factual is that Authorities in Russian controlled Zaporozyhe have ORDERED 70,000 civilians to “evacuate immediately.” 

That evacuation is now clearly evident in traffic jams leading OUT of Melitopol, heading into Crimea.  Worse, there are “miles long lines” at gas stations with people trying to put fuel in their cars to make the evacuation trip.   (As usual, the “masses” are totally unprepared and now struggling to do what is needed.)



The fact that citizens are being told to evacuate from RUSSIAN-CONTROLLED areas is both good and bad.  It is good to get the civilians out of the way if Russia KNOWS the battles will be fought there.   It is also bad because it signals big questions about whether Russia can defend the land it conquered.


One source tells me that a map was ALLEGEDLY sent to him by Kyrylo Budanov showing the counter-offensive battle plan.  I am HIGHLY suspicious of this claim.

The map, shown below, seems to indicate a massive Ukrainian counter-offensive emanating from Zaporozhye, south:

2023 05 06 10 1e3
2023 05 06 10 1e3

It seems to me that no military leader worth his salt, would EVER reveal an operational plan to a “friend” before it began.

Yet, I can’t help but realize that stupid is, as stupid does, and if nothing else, the leadership of Ukraine and its military seem to me to be actually STUPID.

So I guess this map may be real.   Perhaps we’ll all find out, soon enough.

The supposed “ Plan” for the Ukrainian Offensive looks eerily like the same rough plan they tried in 2014 against the “rebels.”

When they hit stiff resistance in the cities (especially Tomsk) they will bypass it, and get caught just like in Debaltsevo in 2014.

Since the EVACUATION is factual and verified, clearly there is something “up” and we may all see the SHTF as early as tonight.  

‘Nearly A Third Of The World Economy Is Now Subject To Sanctions’

The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) just published a study about:

The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions.

The results are as any observer of such acts would expect. Sanctions are used too broadly. They hardly ever serve their supposed original purpose and do not reach their aims. They hurt the poor more than the supposedly targeted leaders of this or that country.

These numbers though are astonishing:

Over the past six decades, there has been significant growth in the use of economic sanctions by Western powers and international organizations. Less than 4 percent of countries were subject to sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union, or United Nations in the early 1960s; today, that share has risen to 27 percent. 

The magnitudes are similar when we consider their impact on the global economy: the share of world GDP produced in sanctioned countries rose from less than 4 percent to 29 percent in the same period. 

In other words, more than one fourth of countries and nearly a third of the world economy is now subject to sanctions by the UN or Western nations.

Under international law only sanction imposed by the United Nations’ Security Council have legal standing. Sanctions by the U.S. or EU are under international law an illegal use of state instruments. The U.S. is using sanctions constantly to press under nations to do its bidding. Until the recent war in Ukraine the EU has used sanctions mostly to ‘do something’ because it had run out of ideas or diplomatic abilities.

The recent sanctions on Russia proved to be hurting the Russians much less than they are hurting the people living in the European Union. It was a catastrophic mistake by EU leaders to preemptively agree to the sanctions the U.S. had been pushing for before Russia entered the civil war in Ukraine on the side of its Ukrainian brethren. The consequences had obviously not been gamed out and thought through.

When nearly one third of the world economy is under sanctions the other two-third are losing out too. It would therefore make sense for everyone to abolish all sanctions that have not been issued by the UNSC. Even UNSC sanctions should only be used sparsely and in a very narrowly targeted manner. Sanctions that hit the whole economy of a country are inhuman and should be prohibited.

Posted by b at 15:31 UTC | Comments (45)


Gonzalo Lira arrested by Ukronazis

Prolific Reporter/Journalist/Commentator Gonzalo Lira, whose videos from Ukraine about the ongoing war are viewed by millions, HAS BEEN ARRESTED by Ukrainian NAZI Secret Police.


The video above was recorded by Ukrainian Police.   IT was released by them; as a warning to other Journalists or even opinion commentators, to keep your mouth shut.

THIS is what “Ukraine” is.

THIS is what “Ukraine” does.

Anyone supporting Ukraine is a NAZI SYMPATHIZER or NAZI COLLABORATOR.

Start calling them those things.  Publicly.


The Ukrainian Secret Police have issued a Statement which was auto-translated below:

2023 05 06 10 19
2023 05 06 10 19
TRANSLATED SBU Statement on Arrest
TRANSLATED SBU Statement on Arrest

His last video prior to his arrest

On The Hypocrisy Of The New EU Sanction Regime

Once upon a time the European Union rejected secondary sanctions which the U.S. used to press third party countries to follow its sanction regimes against other once:

Making use of the centrality of the US in the global economy, it has imposed ‘secondary sanctions’ on foreign firms, which are forced to choose between trading with US sanctions targets or forfeiting access to the lucrative US market. In addition, the US has penalized foreign firms for breaching US sanctions legislation.

To counter these extraterritorial measures the EU introduced a blocking mechanism:

The lawfulness of these sanctions could be contested before various domestic and international judicial mechanisms, although each mechanism comes with its own limitations. To counter the adverse effects of secondary sanctions, third states and the EU can also make use of, and have already made use of, various non-judicial mechanisms, such as blocking statutes, special purpose vehicles to circumvent the reach of sanctions, or even countermeasures.

Blocking statutes prohibit EU companies from complying with U.S. sanctions:

Pursuant to Art. 5(1) of the EU Blocking Regulation, EU operators are prohibited from complying “with any requirement or prohibition, including requests of foreign courts, based on or resulting, directly or indirectly” from a set of foreign sanctions laws deemed to apply extraterritorially by the European Union, “or from actions based thereon or resulting therefrom.” The laws in question are listed in the Regulation’s Annex; currently, all are US statutes. Art. 5(2) provides that the European Commission (the Commission) may, upon request, authorize EU operators to comply fully or partially with these laws, to the extent that noncompliance would seriously damage their interests or those of the European Union.In 2018, the Commission updated the Annex of the EU Blocking Regulation to include the (reimposed) US secondary sanctions against Iran. It also adopted an Implementing Regulation laying down the criteria that would be taken into account for the granting of compliance authorizations, and issued a Guidance Note on the application of the reactivated EU Blocking Regulation.

The blocking statute was used to reject sanctions the U.S. instated against Iran after the U.S. left the nuclear agreement.

Now however, the conflict in Ukraine has seemingly killed any resistance in the EU against illegal acts from the U.S. In fact the EU has now gone mad and is itself considering the introduction of extraterritorial measures against countries which do not follow its own sanction regime against Russia:

The European Union is discussing a new sanctions mechanism to target third countries it believes aren’t doing enough to prevent Russia from evading sanctions, particularly those that can’t explain spikes in trade of key goods or technologies, according to people familiar with the matter.The primary aim of the tool would be to deter countries from helping Russia and crack down on trade channels that Moscow may be exploiting, the people said. If that doesn’t work, the bloc would have the option as a second step of imposing targeted restrictions on key goods.

The new enforcement mechanism, aspects of which were first reported by the Financial Times, would give member states the authority to create two lists — one of affected third countries and the other of banned goods.

If the mechanism is approved by national governments, decisions on which countries and goods to list would be for member states to take unanimously, the people said. The measures were unlikely to target China at first, but focus mostly on nations in central Asia and Russia’s immediate neighbors, the people added.

Elsewhere, the proposed package would make it easier to sanction companies in third countries that are circumventing the EU’s sanctions.

The EU politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels are killing their own moral defense against the U.S. application of secondary sanctions against third parties.

How will they ever be able to again argue for their own blocking statute. Moreover what will they do when third party countries, like Turkey or China, introduce their own blocking statutes against secondary EU sanctions on their companies?

Posted by b at 15:31 UTC | Comments (51)


Leopard Tanks Arrive By Rail in Odessa

Images (above and below) have appeared on social media showing either Leopard 2A4 or 2A6 tanks, on a train in Odessa.     Odessa is a terminal railhead for trains coming from Romania.

It is not known if these tanks are to be used for an Amphibious landing into Crimea, or if they will be used elsewhere, but here they are:


It appears Russia is commencing its retaliation for the Drone attack upon the Kremlin.  Multiple fighter/bombers and strategic Bombers are in the air. Air launched cruise missiles already inbound to Ukraine!  Live updates below . . .

Reports of several TU-95Ms bombers airborne. Seems to be flying in radio silence mode.

Kirovohrad region, air raid alert! – Regional Military Administration. Proceed to the shelters.

Ukrainian sources report on the launch of X-101 cruise missiles from over the Caspian sea, no missiles currently over Ukraine however.

Multiple Ukrainian sources are reporting missile launches from Russian strategic bombers.

CONFIRMED: 4 Tu-22M3s have taken off . . .


Tupolev Tu 22M3M 2
Tupolev Tu 22M3M 2


10:31 AM EDT —

Additional missile launches reported from the Caspian Sea. NOTE: It takes a while before these missiles reach Ukraine.

The Russian strategic bombers have switched to combat frequency.

Air raid sirens sounding in Kyiv. Head to the nearest shelter.


Residents report explosions in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region. We are waiting for the official information.

Kyiv city, Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions, air raid alert! – Regional Military Administration. Proceed to the shelters.


10:34 AM EDT —

An air alert declared in Kyiv and other regions of Ukraine.


Ukrainian TG channels report RuAF missile launches from the area of the Caspian Sea

Missiles over Kharkiv and Donetsk oblast.



10:38 AM EDT —

Russian strategic bombers are firing missiles at front-line areas in eastern Ukraine. Many explosions reported in Kramatorsk. I can’t remember this happening before.

More on air alerts in Ukraine: Ships with launch vehicles left the Black Sea. A massive launch on Ukraine is expected. There are already explosions in Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Strategic aviation was also raised into the sky.

Reports of Russian Kh-22 missiles hitting Ukrainian targets Kramatorsk and Sloviansk in Donetsk.


10:48 AM EDT —

Loud speakers in the Zaporizhia region inform residents that they need to evacuate. An estimated 70,000 residents will be forced to evacuate.

It looks like Slavyansk and Kramatorsk were hit hard.

Kamikaze drones towards Kyiv and Poltava, not missiles.


11:34 AM EDT —

The head of the Nikolaev region, Vitaliy Kim, urged local residents not to film or post on the Internet the movement of Ukrainian military equipment in the region in the near future.

Russian Kh-22 missile hit the NKMZ machine-building and steel-making plant in Kramatorsk:

Ramzan Kadyrov says Chechen forces will replace Wagner in Bakhmut

Blast Off into Hilarious Sci-Fi with These Humorous and Creative Posters


@SmallWorlds’ Twitter account is on a mission to make 2023 a little bit funnier with their daily sci-fi story idea posters. These clever and hilarious ideas will keep you entertained for the whole year. Some of the concepts may even surprise you (but not in a weird way, you pervert!). Check out our top picks below and get ready to blast off into a world of laughter and creativity.

More: Twitter h/t: sadanduseless

FmZ ywAacAMvZvf
FmZ ywAacAMvZvf
FmtRwy4aAAA hbD
FmtRwy4aAAA hbD
Fmq eonaAAAlQI8
Fmq eonaAAAlQI8
FmKUvQhaEAA 4l0
FmKUvQhaEAA 4l0
FmG7PxsakAA6 1b
FmG7PxsakAA6 1b

British Army General: Britain Has only 22 HOURS of Ammunition for War

British General Rupert Jones publicly stated today “We have ammunition for only 22 hours of a great war. He warned that Great Britain and its allies are extremely UNPREPARED for a serious war.

One may have already gleaned that from the fact the entire British Army has only 77,000 troops; not even enough to fill Wembley Stadium in London!

This being the case, why is Britain poking the Russian Bear so aggressively in Ukraine?  Clearly Britain cannot defend itself.

It seems to most educated observers that the British seem to be trying to commit national suicide with what they’re doing in Ukraine.

Of course Russia is likely aware of the actual lack of British strength and has thus far not responded militarily to what the Brits have been doing with Ukraine.  In fact, it seems to even the village idiot that all Russia has to do is to ignore Britain and watch that nation kill itself!

Much the same can be said of ALL of the NATO nations.   With the exception of the US, much of NATO is nothing but a military paper tiger.

The US, though, is not in much better shape.   It has sent hundreds of tons of ammunition, countless rockets and missiles, and literal boatloads of military equipment; most of which Russia has already destroyed on Ukraine battlefields.

The much vaunted Ukraine “Counter-offensive” has yet to materialize in any meaningful way.  Ukrainian troops are surrendering en-masse in places like Bakhmut.

Ukraine has already LOST this conflict.  It should surrender. Today.

Zelenski’s Regime Is Finished

Yesterday’s drone attack on the Kremlin (and other installations) mark the end of the Zelenski regime. While Russia had so far refrained from regime change in Kiev it will now have to pursue it.

The former prime minister of Israel Naftali Bennet had reported that president Putin had promised him not to hit Zelenski:

“I knew Zelensky was under threat, in a bunker… I said to [Putin], ‘Do you intend to kill Zelensky?’ He said, ‘I won’t kill Zelensky,’” Bennett recalled in the interview, which was published on his own YouTube channel.

Bennett said he called the Ukrainian president immediately after the three-hour encounter with Putin, and told him, “I’ve just come out of a meeting — [Putin] is not going to kill you.“[Zelensky] asked me, ‘Are you sure?’ I said 100 percent. [Putin’s] not going to kill you.”

Bennett recalled: “Two hours later, Zelensky went to his office, and did a selfie in the office, [in which the Ukrainian president said,] ‘I’m not afraid.’”

Well, now he has very good reason to again be afraid, very afraid. As former ambassador MK Bhadrakumar writes:

Make no mistake, this is a tipping point; the clumsy attempt on Putin’s life jolts the kaleidoscope beyond recognition. The only comforting thought is that the Kremlin leadership is not going to be driven by emotion. The considered Kremlin reaction is available from the remarks by the Russian Ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov:“How would Americans react if a drone hit the White House, the Capitol or the Pentagon? The answer is obvious for any politician as well as for an average citizen: the punishment will be harsh and inevitable.”

The ambassador went on to draw the bottom line: “Russia will respond to this insolent and presumptuous terrorist attack. We will answer when we consider it necessary. We will answer in accordance with the assessments of the threat that Kiev posed to the leadership of our country.”

I agree with Bhadrakumar that there will be no knee-jerk reaction from Moscow. But public opinion in Russia demands that there will be payback for the attack and against anyone involved in it.

Putin’s hands are tied beyond a point when the country is in rage and demanding retribution, as evident from the comments by former Russian President and current Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev: “After today’s terrorist attack, there are no options left except for the physical elimination of Zelensky and his clique.”

That Zelenski fled to Finland, then to the Netherlands and Germany after the drones hit the Kremlin is a sure sign of his complicity in the act.

When (if?) he comes back to Kiev it will be bunker life for the rest of his reign.

Posted by b on May 4, 2023 at 16:08 UTC | Permalink

Deputy Foreign Minister: “US and Russia on the Abyss of Open, Armed Conflict” and Washington “Should Think About Its Own Safety”

After the recent drone incident at the Kremlin, which Moscow has called a US-backed attempt by Ukraine to assassinate President Vladimir Putin, the US and Russia are on the verge of a shooting war with each other, a senior Russian diplomat has said.

“We are working on preventing a fall of our relations with the US into the abyss of an open armed conflict,” Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in a TV interview on Friday. “We are already on the verge of this abyss.”

Ryabkov described officials in Washington as “opponents” and “enemies” of Russia due to what he called Russophobic policies which are being pursued in spite of the risks.

“The anger and hatred towards Russia with which Washington acts in a situation in which it frankly should think of its own safety, is inexplicable,” he said.

At the moment, “no real diplomacy” regarding the Ukraine conflict is possible between the two nations, because the US “has bet on further escalation,” according to Ryabkov.

The deputy foreign minister said Washington tends to dismiss the statements of Russian officials, citing remarks made by Secretary of State Antony Blinken regarding Russia’s claim that Ukraine was behind the drone attack on the Kremlin.

“I would take anything coming out of the Kremlin with a very large shaker of salt,” Blinken told the Washington Post.

“We leave it to Ukraine to decide how it is going to defend itself,” he added. Kiev denies having any involvement in the attack on the Kremlin.

The US government is treating “any signals coming from Moscow as an element of a disinformation campaign,” Ryabkov said. Meanwhile, Russia is “literally ready to use any means at its disposal” to deter threats to its security and the safety of its leadership, he added.

He also reiterated the Russian claims that Washington shares responsibility with Kiev for the incident, which the US denies. Their statements of non-involvement are “not convincing anyone,” and are reminiscent of “how they attempted to pretty much blame us for the bombing of the Nord Stream,” Ryabkov said.

“IT COULD START IN HOURS”- Russian Official, EVACUATION Underway, Nuclear Plant Incident Likely

Chorizo and Cheese Empanadas with Avocado Crema

2023 05 06 10 57
2023 05 06 10 57

Empanadas stuffed with ground pork, chiles, onion and a superb mixture of spices. An avocado, sour cream, cilantro and lime sauce is the perfect complement to these empanadas.

Prep: 25 min | Cook: 2 hr | Marinate: 12 hr | Yield: 48 to 64 servings



  • 1 pound ground pork
  • 2 pasilla chile peppers, or other mild dried red chiles*
  • 1 guajillo chile pepper, or other mild dried red chile*
  • 1 onion, cut into large chunks
  • 4 tablespoons cider vinegar
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tablespoon sweet paprika
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano, preferably Mexican
  • 2 teaspoons salt, plus more to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 pound queso blanco, or other mild, semi-hard cheese, grated
  • Empanada dough, or store-bought empanada shells to make about 48 (6 inch) or 64 (5 inch) empanadas**
  • All-purpose flour, for the work surface
  • About 6 cups canola oil

Avocado Crema

  • 1 avocado, peeled, pitted, and quartered
  • 1 cup cilantro, roughly chopped
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream
  • Juice of 1/2 lime
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


  1. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, toast the chiles, turning occasionally, until blistered and fragrant, 4 to 5 minutes.
  2. Transfer the chiles to a bowl of hot water, cover and set aside for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the chiles from the water and stem and seed them.
  4. Place the chiles, onion, vinegar and garlic in the bowl of a food processor or the jar of a blender and process to purée, scraping down the bowl or jar as needed.
  5. Transfer the chile mixture to a large bowl and add the pork, paprika, oregano, salt, coriander, cumin, pepper and cinnamon, mixing until well combined.
  6. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  7. In a large skillet over medium heat, cook the pork mixture, breaking it up with a spoon or spatula, until no longer pink, 5 to 6 minutes.
  8. Set aside to cool slightly.
  9. Meanwhile, in the bowl of a food processor, combine avocado, cilantro, sour cream, lime juice and olive oil and process to purée, scraping down the bowl as necessary.
  10. Add salt to taste and set aside in the refrigerator.
  11. Stir the cheese into the pork mixture.
  12. Arrange a 5- or 6-inch round of empanada dough or an empanada shell on a lightly floured work surface.
  13. Spoon 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of pork mixture on top, moisten the edges of the shell with water, and fold the shell over the filling, pressing it with a fork to seal.
  14. Repeat with the remaining shells and pork mixture, flouring the work surface as ncessary.
  15. Heat the oven to 200 degrees F.
  16. Arrange two or three paper towel-lined baking sheets in the oven.
  17. Pour canola oil into a large, heavy saucepan or small stockpot to 1 inch deep and warm it to 350 degrees F over medium heat.
  18. Cook the empanadas in batches, turning occasionally and adjusting the heat to maintain 350 degrees F, until golden, 3 to 4 minutes.
  19. Transfer to the prepared baking sheets to keep warm.
  20. Serve the empanadas with the avocado crema on the side.



* Look for dried chiles in the ethnic section of your supermarket and at Latin markets.

** Use Michelle’s empanada dough recipe or look for empanada shells—preferably muy hojadrosa (“very flaky”) style—at Latin markets, at gourmet food stores, and online.

Empanadas make a deliciously different lunch or dinner and need nothing more than a crisp green salad on the side. They’re also perfect for parties, right at home with other hot or cold appetizers. To make this recipe more quickly, substitute Mexican-style chorizo for the meat mixture. If you prefer, you can bake the empanadas instead of frying them.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has unveiled a new high-performance processor chip and a new operating system, based on the popular open-source chip design standard known as RISC-V.

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main qimg ab0540604c228eb81df8887c34f7e3ef

The chip has been named Xiangshan open-source high performance RISC-V processor, while the operating system is called Aolai.

These technological achievements represent China’s commitment to building an open-source chip ecosystem with a new blueprint to support its digital economy and promote international cooperation in chip development, experts and officials said on Friday.

For decades, computer chip designs have been expensive and hard to license. Global chip designers, such as Intel and ARM, have long kept their blueprints a secret, meaning consumers had to buy manufactured chips directly or pay more for a customized design.

RISC-V, which means an instruction set architecture rooted in reduced instruction set computer principles, has been open and free to use since its launch in 2010 and everyone can use it to design a chip tailored to their needs. As a result, MIT Technology Review named the chip design as one of the breakthrough technologies of 2023.

About 3,100 members worldwide, including companies and academic institutions, are now adopting the new design to build RISC-V chips, according to MIT Technology Review. “In a few years, RISC-V proponents predict, the chips will be everywhere,” the publication said.

Yin Hejun, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said during a session of the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum in Beijing that processor chips are the foundation of information technology and the digital economy.

Over the past four decades, open-source software ecosystems have revolutionized the global information technology industry.

Some notable examples include Bluetooth, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and PDF, all of which are based on open standards whose design specifications are publicly available, allowing consumers and product makers to access the same functions across various devices.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences attaches great importance to building open-source technology ecosystems. In 2018, the academy launched the China RISC-V Alliance to facilitate the construction of a RISC-V ecosystem.

In the future, the academy will continue to support innovations based on RISC-V, enhance international cooperation, and foster new industries and applications using the new design to strengthen the global chip supply chain and open-source ecosystem, Yin said.

Yu Yingjie, vice-mayor of Beijing, said RISC-V, x86 and ARM are becoming the three pillars of the global chip ecosystem, creating new opportunities.

The city will take advantage of its rich resources in human, policy and capital to create a high-quality open-source chip industrial hub that can yield innovation and contribute to the development of the global information technology sector, he said.

Sun Ninghui, a noted computer scientist and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said the Chinese Academy of Sciences had been developing open-source processor chips since 2015, achieving multiple breakthroughs and cementing China’s position as a global front-runner in open-source processors.

The Xiangshan chip and Aolai operating system are two notable achievements that showcase China’s commitment to strengthening the global chip supply chain and creating an open-source chip ecosystem that can benefit the world, he said.

5 MINUTES AGO, This is BREAKING news for the U.S.! with Clayton Morris


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