If Australia sleepwalks into a war with China, as many analysts fear is happening right now, then amid our strategic slumber we should at least ask one question: what would war with China mean for Australia? Put bluntly, the repercussions of Australia joining the US in any war with China over the status of Taiwan — or any other issue — may have catastrophic consequences. -ABC Australia
I really don’t want to talk too much about war. But “news” out of the United States is non-stop hate, war, death, and collapse.
OK. Let’s start with a prepper video.
A Major Warning to Everyone. This is About to be a SERIOUS Problem. Everything is About to Change.
Chicken Cacciatore

Yield: 4 to 6 servings
- Pressure Cooker
- 1 (3 pound) chicken, cut up
- 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or olive oil
- 1/4 cup diced salt pork
- 1 1/2 cups sliced onions
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tablespoons minced parsley
- 1/2 teaspoon dry oregano or 1 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano
- 1/2 cup chopped carrots
- 1/2 cup chopped celery
- 1 (16 ounce) can Italian tomatoes, chopped
- Salt and pepper
- 1/2 cup white wine
- 1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
- Coat chicken in mixture of flour, salt, and pepper; set aside.
- Put oil in a 4 or 6 quart Presto pressure cooker. Sauté pork until crisp. Add onions and sauté until light brown; remove and set aside.
- Brown chicken a few pieces at a time; set aside.
- Pour off excess drippings; stir garlic, parsley and oregano into remaining drippings.
- Return chicken and onion to pressure cooker. Add carrots, celery, tomatoes, salt, pepper, and white wine. Close pressure cooker cover securely. Place pressure regulator on vent pipe.
- Cook for 8 minutes, at 15 pounds pressure, with regulator rocking slowly.
- Cool pressure cooker at once.
- Place chicken on warm platter.
- Stir tomato paste into sauce in pressure cooker. Simmer until thickened. Pour over chicken.
Court Filing: Twitter, Inc. “No Longer Exists” — Merged into X Corp.

A court filing reveals that Twitter, Inc. “no longer exists.” It has been merged into X Corp.
Huawei TSMC say goodbye to each other.
People Keep Asking Me “What’s the big deal about de-Dollarization?” Maybe THIS can explain it to them . . .

Take a good, hard look. THIS is your future here in the USA: $29 for a Ham and Cheese Sandwich!
As countries all over the world switch AWAY from the U.S. Dollar for settling international trade, a Tsunami of “Dollars” previously held in foreign central banks, is coming back home to America. You see, by settling their international trade in their own currencies, countries no longer need to hold US Dollars.
As those dollars come back here to America, the value of the US Dollar relative to other currencies, is dropping. Our money is worth less while their money is worth more.
In the past, this was no big deal because here in America, we used to actually manufacture things. But some numbskulls in the corporate world thought it would be super-neato-keeno-swift to switch the US economy from manufacturing to a “service economy.” Manufacturing departed the USA for cheap foreign labor, and now we don’t make much of anything here anymore. We IMPORT almost everything.
Now, that bad decision to outsource manufacturing to foreign lands is coming home to bite all of us in the ass. How? Like this:

Yes, you see that correctly; $29 for a ham and cheese sandwich!
Now, admittedly, this is from Eli Zabar’s on Madison Avenue in New York City. As you might have guessed, Madison Avenue is some of the most expensive Real Estate in the world, and prices in stores along that avenue match that reality.
While this is certainly the exception to the rule, very soon, it won’t be.
Very soon, these are the types of prices that YOU will be asked to pay when YOU want food or other items you need.
Just giving you a Heads-up. The Democrats you put in control down in Washington, DC, are directly to blame for this.
They imposed economic sanctions on so many countries, for so many years, that a whole slew of those countries are now fed-up with us. They’re getting together, collectively turning their back to the US Dollar, and settling their trade in their own currencies. Now, the US can’t Sanction them anymore because the US can’t control THEIR currencies!
As more and more countries dump the dollar, what you see above, will be common. Not just with food, but with E V E R Y T H I N G.
Democrats did this.
When you can’t afford to eat or feed your kids, remember who is to blame and go pay them a visit to . . . thank them.
The Dollar’s Decline Can’t Be Stopped | A Return To Gold Is IMPOSSIBLE
BBC Confirms NATO Special Forces Troops inside Ukraine – 6 days AFTER this web site reported it to Subscribers!

Better late than never seems to be the catch-phrase at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Today they (finally) reported what readers of this web site knew 6 full days ago: NATO Special Forces troops are operating inside Ukraine!
The BBC Story reports to their British readers that the UK has at least fifty (50) Special Operations Force members operating inside the war zone in Ukraine (STORY HERE). But subscribers to the Hal Turner Radio Show knew this a full six days ago as reported HERE.
Once again, for all the world to see, Hal Turner Radio Show subscribers get the REAL news hours, and even DAYS before the mass media reports it . . . if they even do!
Oh, and as an added bonus . . . world famous “DRUDGE REPORT” didn’t cover this either, until the BBC did. SO much for Drudge being fast or first.
Ecstasy – ATB – Tiff Lacey (Don Rayzer Remix)
Economist Harry Dent Expects Biggest Economic Crash in Our Lifetime to Hit Between Now and Mid-June
Harry Dent, economist and author of several best-selling books, has warned that the biggest crash in our lifetime is “going to hit between now and about mid-June.” He stressed: “People are going to know this is not a big correction — it is a major crash, one that you have not seen … in your lifetime.”
The founder of HS Dent Investment Management and author of several best-selling books, Harry Dent, warned in an interview with David Lin, published Friday, that the biggest crash in our lifetime will likely happen by mid-June. Dent stressed:
We won’t see this again. We will not see a bubble economy, our kids will probably not even see a bubble economy decades and decades from now … It happens once in a lifetime at most.
He explained that the biggest crash that he is predicting is what the 2008-2009 crash should have been, noting that the S&P 500 was down 57% at that time. “About a year and a half into that crash, central banks just stepped in and just started printing money at unprecedented rates … So that recession didn’t really do its job of flushing out the greatest debt bubble in history,” Dent described, adding:
I am predicting as much as 86% [decline] for the S&P 500 in this crash and 92% on the Nasdaq … Bitcoin will go down more like 95%, 96%.
Dent expects the crypto market to crash alongside stocks, with BTC falling 95%-96% from its November 2021 high. “Bitcoin will fall from $69,000 to about three to four thousand,” he said, adding that “It’s exactly what Amazon and the dot-coms did.”
The economist has repeatedly warned about the biggest crash in a lifetime. He pointed out that after his previous warning, the Nasdaq went down 38% in October last year. “That’s just the first wave down. There’s two more to follow … We have already started the next wave down which could take the Nasdaq down to $8,000 just in this next wave, not the end of it. That’s gonna be down a little over 50%,” he detailed.
“That’s when people are going to know this is not a big correction — It is a major crash, one that you have not seen … in your lifetime, and the one that even the millennials will not see a bigger crash than this,” Dent opined.
Addressing why the recent crash happened later than he previously predicted, the economist clarified that the reason was due to central banks declaring war on recession. “Never before … have central banks declared war, literal war, on recession, and said: ‘We will not let the economy fall.’” However, Dent noted that even with all the unprecedented money printing, “we keep falling back into the recession.” He stressed: “The economy underneath is really really weak and really needs to get rid of a lot of really bad debt and zombie companies and the central banks won’t let the economy do its thing … The central banks have declared war on the free market. That’s the problem.”
The economist cautioned, “We are about to hit this third wave,” emphasizing that he does not believe that the Federal Reserve will be able to stop it. “I think it’s going to creep up on them before they can reverse the tightening,” he predicted, adding:
We have not cleaned up the massive debts and overvaluations of the biggest financial assets bubble in everything. We have never had a financial asset bubble in everything like this. This bubble has not been allowed to burst and clear out its excesses which we need to do. And I think we are into that process now.
Noting that the Federal Reserve overstimulated the economy, and now they have to “tighten strong,” Dent stressed that the Fed has “pushed up interest rates and tightened” more recently than they ever did since the early 80s. “So this is serious tightening,” he exclaimed. “Now they’re tightening and they’re thinking well the economy underneath can handle it.” However, Dent argued: “No, the economy underneath has been weak since 2008 and does not get strong until a few years from now.”
Dent further explained that what looks like a correction will turn into “a crash more like 1929 to 1932, down 86% on the S&P 500,” emphasizing that it is his “best forecast at this time.” The economist clarified: “You get a first wave down, a second wave bounce which we’ve seen, we’re already into the third wave just starting.” He elaborated:
The third wave is usually the strongest and hardest wave and I think most of that’s going to happen between now and the end of the year. And the biggest part of that third wave of the third wave. It’s going to hit between now and mid-June.
“It’s not easy to time the market as most people know, but this is so important that I am timing the market,” Dent said.
Here’s What Washington, DC Looks Like These Days
BULLETIN: 40% of NATO Electronic Infrastructure OFFLINE – Ddos attack by Russian Hackers

As of 12:56 PM eastern US time today, 11 April 2023, 40% of NATO’s electronic infrastructure has been paralyzed by Russian KillNet hackers.
As a result of a powerful DDos attack, the resources of the Combat Development Command, the NATO Provision, Support, and Procurement Agency, and cyber training centers are “OFFLINE”.
The NCI agency was also hacked, and all the employees’ personal data was stolen.
Pictured is the front page of the NCI Agency, which provides, deploys and maintains communications systems for decision makers and NATO commanders.
Russian hackers from KillNet reported that as a result of hacking into NATO networks, they managed to obtain important information that may be of interest to Russia.
Waiting for the end of the world
We were waiting for the end of the world Waiting for the end of the world, waiting for the end of the world Dear Lord, I sincerely hope You're coming 'Cause You really started something Elvis Costello, Waiting for the End of the World, 1977
We cannot even begin to fathom the non-stop ripple effects deriving from the 2023 geopolitical earthquake that shook the world: Putin and Xi, in Moscow, de facto signaling the beginning of the end of Pax Americana.
This has been the ultimate anathema for rarified Anglo-American hegemonic elites for over a century: a signed, sealed, comprehensive strategic partnership of two peer competitors, intertwining a massive manufacturing base and pre-eminence in supply of natural resources – with value-added Russian state of the art weaponry and diplomatic nous.
From the point of view of these elites, whose Plan A was always a debased version of the Roman Empire’s Divide and Rule, this was never supposed to happen. In fact, blinded by hubris, they never saw it coming. Historically, this does not even qualify as a remix of the Tournament of Shadows; it’s more like Tawdry Empire Left in the Shade, “foaming at the mouth” (copyright Maria Zakharova).
Xi and Putin, with one Sun Tzu move, immobilized Orientalism, Eurocentrism, Exceptionalism and, last but not least, Neo-Colonialism. No wonder the Global South was riveted by what developed in Moscow.
Adding insult to injury, we have China, the world’s largest economy by far when measured by purchasing power parity (PPP), as well as the largest exporter.
And we have Russia, an economy that by PPP is equivalent or even larger than Germany’s – with the added advantages of being the world’s largest energy exporter and not forced to de-industrialize.
Together, in synch, they are focused on creating the necessary conditions to bypass the US dollar.
Cue to one of President Putin’s crucial one-liners:
“We are in favor of using the Chinese yuan for settlements between Russia and the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America."
A key consequence of this geopolitical and geoeconomic alliance, carefully designed throughout the past few years, is already in play: the emergence of a possible triad in terms of global trade relations and, in many aspects, a Global Trade War.
Eurasia is being led – and largely organized – by the Russia-China partnership.
China will also play a key role across the Global South, but India may also become quite influential, agglutinating what would be a Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) on steroids. And then there is the former “indispensable nation” ruling over the EU vassals and the Anglosphere rounded up in the Five Eyes.
What the Chinese really want
The Hegemon, under its self-concocted “rules-based international order”, essentially never did diplomacy. Divide and Rule, by definition, precludes diplomacy. Now their version of “diplomacy” has degenerated even further into crude insults by an array of US, EU and UK’s intellectually challenged and frankly moronic functionaries.
It’s no wonder that a true gentleman, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, has been forced to admit, “Russia is no longer a partner of the EU… The European Union ‘lost’ Russia. But the Union itself is to blame. After all, EU member states… openly declare that Russia should be dealt a strategic defeat. That is why we consider the EU to be an enemy organization.”
And yet the new Russian foreign policy concept, announced by Putin on March 31st, makes it quite clear: Russia does not consider itself an “enemy of the West” and does not seek isolation.
The problem is there’s virtually no adult to talk to on the other side, rather a bunch of hyenas. That has led Lavrov to once again stress that “symmetrical and asymmetrical” measures may be used against those involved in “hostile” actions against Moscow.
When it comes to Exceptionalistan, that’s self-evident: the US is designated by Moscow as the prime anti-Russia instigator, and the collective West’s overall policy is described as “a new type of Hybrid War.”
Yet what really matters for Moscow are the positives further on down the road: non-stop Eurasia integration; closer ties with “friendly global centers” China and India; increased help to Africa; more strategic cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean, the lands of Islam – Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt – and ASEAN.
And that brings us to something essential that was – predictably – ignored en masse by Western media: the Boao Forum for Asia, which took place nearly simultaneously with the announcement of Russia’s new foreign policy concept.
The Boao Forum, started in early 2001, still in the pre-9/11 era, has been modeled on Davos, but it’s Top China through and through, with the secretariat based in Beijing. Boao is in Hainan province, one of the islands of the Gulf of Tonkin and today a tourist paradise.
One of the key sessions of this year’s forum was on development and security, chaired by former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who is currently Boao’s president.
There were quite a few references to Xi’s Global Development Initiative as well as the Global Security Initiative – which by the way was launched at Boao in 2022.
The problem is these two initiatives are directly linked to the UN’s concept of peace and security and the extremely dodgy Agenda 2030 on “sustainable development” – which is not exactly about development and much less “sustainable”: it’s a Davos uber-corporate concoction. The UN for its part is basically a hostage of Washington’s whims. Beijing, for the moment, plays along.
Premier Li Qiang was more specific. Stressing the trademark concept of “community of shared future for mankind” as the basis for peace and development, he linked peaceful coexistence with the “Spirit of Bandung” – in direct continuity with the emergence of NAM in 1955: that should be the “Asian Way” of mutual respect and building consensus – in opposition to “the indiscriminate use of unilateral sanctions and long-reaching jurisdiction”, and the refusal of “a new Cold War”.
And that led Li Qiang to the emphasis on the Chinese drive to deepen the RCEP East Asian trade deal, and also advance the negotiations on the free trade agreement between China and ASEAN. And all that integrated with the new expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in contrast to trade protectionism.
So for the Chinese what matters, intertwined with business, is cultural interactions; inclusivity; mutual trust; and a stern refusal of “clash of civilizations” and ideological confrontation.
As much as Moscow easily subscribes to all of the above – and in fact practices it via diplomatic finesse – Washington is terrified by how compelling is this Chinese narrative for the whole Global South. After all, Exceptionalistan’s only offer in the market of ideas is unilateral domination; Divide an Rule; and “you’re with us or against us”. And in the latter case you will be sanctioned, harassed, bombed and/or regime-changed.
Is it 1848 all over again?
Meanwhile, in vassal territories, a possibility arises of a revival of 1848, when a big revolutionary wave hit all over Europe.
In 1848 these were liberal revolutions; today we have essentially popular anti-liberal (and anti-war) revolutions – from farmers in the Netherlands and Belgium to unreconstructed populists in Italy and Left and Right populists combined in France.
It may be too early to consider this a European Spring. Yet what’s certain in several latitudes is that average European citizens feel increasingly inclined to shed the yoke of Neoliberal Technocracy and its dictatorship of Capital and Surveillance. Not to mention NATO warmongering.
As virtually all European media is technocrat-controlled people won’t see this discussion in the MSM. Yet there’s a feeling in the air this may be heralding a Chinese-style end of a dynasty.
In the Chinese calendar this is how it always goes: their historical-societal clock always runs with periods of between 200 and 400 years per dynasty.
There are indeed intimations that Europe may be witnessing a rebirth.
The period of upheaval will be long and arduous – due to the hordes of anarco-liberals who are such useful idiots for the Western oligarchy – or it could all come to a head in a single day. The target is quite clear: the death of Neoliberal Technocracy.
That’s how the Xi-Putin view could make inroads across the collective West: show that this ersatz “modernity” (which incorporates rabid cancel culture) is essentially void compared to traditional, deeply rooted cultural values – be it Confucianism, Taoism or Eastern Orthodoxy. The Chinese and Russian concepts of civilization-state are much more appealing than they appear.
Well, the (cultural) revolution won’t be televised; but it may work its charms via countless Telegram channels. France, infatuated with rebellion throughout its history, may well be jump to the vanguard – again.
Yet nothing will change if the global financial casino is not subverted. Russia taught the world a lesson: it was preparing itself, in silence, for a long-term Total War. So much so that its calibrated counterpunch turned the Financial War upside down – completely destabilizing the casino. China, meanwhile, is re-balancing, and is on the way to be also prepared for Total War, hybrid and otherwise.
The inestimable Michael Hudson, fresh from his latest book, The Collapse of Antiquity, where he deftly analyzes the role of debt in Greece And Rome, the roots of Western civilization, succinctly explains our current state of play:
"America has pulled a color revolution at the top, in Germany, Holland, England, and France, essentially, where the foreign policy of Europe is not representing their own economic interests (…) America simply said, - We are committed to support a war of (what they call) democracy (by which they mean oligarchy, including the Nazism of Ukraine) against autocracy (…) Autocracy is any country strong enough to prevent the emergence of a creditor oligarchy, like China has prevented the creditor oligarchy."
So “creditor oligarchy”, in fact, can be explained as the toxic intersection between globalist wet dreams of total control and militarized Full Spectrum Dominance.
The difference now is that Russia and China are showing to the Global South that what American strategists had in store for them – you’re going to “freeze in the dark” if you deviate from what we say – is no longer applicable.
Most of the Global South is now in open geoeconomic revolt.
Globalist neoliberal totalitarianism of course won’t disappear under a sand storm. At least not yet.
There’s still a maelstrom of toxicity ahead: suspension of constitutional rights; Orwellian propaganda; goon squads; censorship; cancel culture; ideological conformity; irrational curbs of freedom of movement; hatred and even persecution of – Slav – Untermenschen; segregation; criminalization of dissent; book burnings, show trials; fake arrest mandates by the kangaroo ICC; ISIS-style terror.
But the most important vector is that both China and Russia, each exhibiting their own complex particularities – and both dismissed by the West as unassimilable Others – are heavily invested in building workable economic models that are not connected, in several degrees, to the Western financial casino and/or supply chain networks. And that’s what’s driving the Exceptionalists berserk – even more berserk than they already are.
Pepe Escobar is a Eurasia-wide independent geopolitical analyst and author. His latest book is Raging Twenties (Nimble Books, 2021). Follow him on Telegram at @rocknrollgeopolitics
Russia, China record highest trade surplus in 2022, says data
Russia and China have topped the list of countries that registered the highest trade surplus in 2022, according to a report by the national statistical services of both countries, reports state-owned RT news.
China positioned itself as the top among the major economies as its surplus trade grew by 30 per cent last year to an all-time high of $877.6 billion.
It exported nearly $3.59 trillion worth of goods—a growth in export value of about 7 per cent compared to the last year. While imports surged only by 1.1 per cent to roughly $2.72 trillion.
Russia was placed second as its surplus increased by 1.7 times over the year to a record $333.4 billion. The country’s total exports reached $591.4 billion, up 19.9 per cent from 2021.
According to the data, energy sales constituted the bulk of Russia’s foreign exports, reaching $383.73 billion—a 42.8 per cent year-on-year increase. Imports, however, slid 11.7 per cent to $259.1 billion compared to the previous year.
The report notes the impact of Western sanctions on Russia, and President Vladimir Putin’s efforts to promote self-sufficiency and import substitution measures on dwindling imports.
Saudi Arabia positioned itself third after registering its highest trade surplus since 2012 at $221.3 billion, followed by Norway, Australia and Qatar.
According to the Sputnik news agency, 26 major economies recorded a trade surplus of $2.45 trillion in 2022, compared to 32 countries with $2.1 trillion a year earlier.
The only country that managed to move from a trade deficit to a surplus last year was Nigeria.
Whereas, Germany saw its figure drop 2.4 times to $85.34 billion, slipping to the seventh spot from the second place a year earlier.
The data was presented by the national statistical agencies of the world’s 60 largest economies. Sputnik and RT conducted a study based on this data.
(With inputs from agencies)
What is like to come to a supermarket in China?
The simple reason why the US wants ‘full spectrum dominance’ of the Earth
The United States demands that the world bow down to its leadership. A failure to do so is met with the full force of the international military-industrial complex controlled by the US.
Imagine the uproar if China or Russia—or any other country for that matter—said it aimed to exercise military control over land, sea, air, and space to protect its interests and investments.
This amazingly has been the stated United States policy since 1997.
Full spectrum dominance, as the doctrine is known, is the reason the United States behaves the way that it does on the international stage.
The United States demands that the world bow down to its leadership. A failure to do so is met with the full force of the international military-industrial complex controlled by the US government.
Enforcement has included everything from the funding of opposition forces in sovereign nations, the removal or even assassination of political leaders who refuse to toe the line, economic sanctions, and military intervention.
Of course, there are choices to be made by the United States about which approach—or combination of approaches—it might take. There are also decisions to be made about the degree of action within each approach.
But fundamentally the point is that Washington believes it has a right to inflict on the rest of the world its interpretation of democracy—which seems to essentially amount to agreeing with whatever course of action the United States wants to take.
So what is full spectrum dominance really for?
There’s a famous scene in the Oscar-winning film Reds where the great revolutionary journalist and activist John Reed, played by Warren Beatty, was asked at a dinner what the war in Mexico he had just returned from was all about. Before sitting down he said just one word: profits.
The United States is interested in safeguarding the profits of monopoly capital, which carries politicians in Washington around in its pockets like loose change.
The United States also will not tolerate others, such as China, muscling in on potential new markets or swaying people away from its sphere of influence.
China is seen as the biggest threat to the profits of the companies that currently decide pretty much what we will eat and even when we can eat it.
Anyone who expects the Chinese to simply sit back and take the provocations dealt out by the two-faced United States is living in cloud cuckoo land.
China’s State Council Information Office recently issued a report that accused the United States of being the world’s biggest offender of human rights.
In “The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2022,” the Chinese government said the United States “has sanctions in place against more than 20 countries, including Cuba since 1962, Iran since 1979, Syria since 2011 and Afghanistan in recent years.”
Calling the United States out as the most prolific enforcer of unilateral sanctions in the world, the report said Washington pursues power politics in the international community, frequently uses force, provokes proxy wars, and is a saboteur of world peace.
The report added that under the guise of anti-terrorism activities, the US has killed some 929,000 civilians and displaced some 38 million others in 85 countries.
Between 2017 and 2020, the United States launched 23 “proxy wars” in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific region, the report stated.
The report said that violations of immigrant rights and the refusal of Washington to close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp created “an ugly chapter of unrelenting human rights violations.”
The report slammed the United States for holding up to 780 people at Guantanamo, most of whom were held without trial for years, while subjecting them to cruel and inhumane treatment.
Essentially the United States will go to any lengths to enforce what it sees as its unipolar dominance of the world.
As far as it is concerned, “might is right,” and there are no consequences for its behaviour.
There is no legal redress as the United States is not part of the International Criminal Court—which it lauds for threatening to prosecute Russian President Vladimir Putin, even though Russia is also not a signatory.
It has a veto at the United Nations and much of the world relies on its military shield as well as the mighty dollar with which to trade.
Given the cards stacked against those of us who oppose US full spectrum dominance and the seemingly invincible power of the biggest bully on the planet, the question is: What can we do?
The answer to full spectrum dominance is full spectrum resistance and organising.
It is necessary to gear our efforts away from piecemeal change and toward revolutionary transformation.
This will mean bringing together unions, climate activism, equality organising, and a range of other social and economic movements in a serious change away from liberal posturing.
The guardians of capital are highly organised and put the resources where they need to go to protect and expand what they have. Activists generally just pretend that we are organised and fall out with each other at the first available opportunity.
I am not arrogant enough to believe I have all the answers. But what I do know is that we have to gaze beyond the Global North for what radical transformation might look like.
It really is time to shift the paradigm and bring movements together to work out how to pool our resources for real results—full spectrum resistance and organising.
Chili Elegante

- Pressure Cooker
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1 pound ground beef
- 2 onions, chopped
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 2 cups celery, cut into 1 inch diagonals
- 1 green bell pepper, cut into 1/2 inch strips
- 1 (16 ounce) can tomatoes
- 2 teaspoons salt
- Dash cayenne pepper
- 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder
- 1/2 cup red wine
- 1 (#300) can kidney beans
- 1 (4 ounce) can button mushrooms
- Heat pressure cooker. Add oil and brown meat. Add onion, garlic, celery and green pepper. Sauté lightly. Add tomatoes and liquid drained from beans and mushrooms,
- Combine salt, pepper, chili powder and wine. Mix well. Close securely. When it comes to pressure, reduce heat to medium and cook for 8 minutes. Cool cooker at once.
- Add beans and mushrooms and reheat to boiling. Keep at low simmer for flavor development for a few minutes, if time permits.
- Serve with warm garlic or corn bread.
10 Lessons from 10 Years in China (This Will Shock You)
Nuke Leak in American Nuclear Aircraft carrier
The nuclear leak on the Reagan has been ongoing for at least TWO MONTHS, but the US still cannot handle it until it is exposed. Wait, isn’t that the best ship in America? Who should be held accountable for this matter? Are the child laborers in the shipyard suitable?

Sophie B. Hawkins – Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover
A little trip to New York City…
The Autochrome: A Revolutionary but Brief Moment in Photography History

The Autochrome was a groundbreaking photographic process that revolutionized the industry in the early 20th century. Developed by the Société Lumière in 1907, the Autochrome was the first industrial color photography process available to the public. American photographer Edward Steichen even described it as the “most beautiful process that photography has ever given us to translate nature.” This new process quickly gained popularity and created a craze for color photography.
h/t: flashbak

However, the Autochrome was not without its drawbacks. The plates were expensive, fragile, and difficult to expose. They also could not be easily reproduced, making it challenging to create multiple copies of the same image. Despite these limitations, the pleasure of capturing images in color was so great that many photographers embraced the Autochrome and developed their own unique styles.

The Autochrome’s popularity was relatively brief, lasting only about two decades. By the 1920s and 1930s, the process had fallen out of favor, as newer and more advanced technologies emerged. Nevertheless, the Autochrome remains an important milestone in photographic history, and the pictures created with this process are still admired for their beauty and unique aesthetic.

Today, the Autochromes are featured in exhibitions such as the one at Jeu de Paume, where the AN collection, curated since 2006 by Soizic Audouard and Élizabeth Nora, is displayed alongside a fascinating collection of Autochromes from the First World War kept at the Médiathèque du patrimoine et de la photographie. While the Autochrome may no longer be in use, its impact on photography and its role in shaping the art form will not be forgotten.

Film Noir: Somewhere In The Night. A Masterpiece by Joseph L. Mankiewicz | Full Movie!
This truly is wonderful. Take the time to watch it.
The film tells the tale of a man called George Taylor, who returns home to the U.S. from fighting in World War II.
He is suffering from amnesia, having been badly injured by a grenade. He tries to find his old identity, following a trail left behind by the mysterious Mr. Larry Cravat. He ends up stumbling into a murder mystery involving Nazi loot.
A recent film critic Dennis Schwartz praised the film, writing, "A dark moody noir tale about a marine who gets blown up by a grenade in the South Pacific during a skirmish in WW-II and survives, only to become an amnesia victim...
Mankiewicz does a nice job of creating the dark noir mood.
The film is spiced up with comedy, excellent performances, plenty of suspense, plus a tense voice-over by John Ireland, and it manages to keep the pot boiling with a quintessential amnesiac story."
UK special forces=SBS=Nord Stream.