2023 05 30 18 04

So who is going to blink on this bullshit back-alley game of chicken?

I have a sick little girl, and we took here to the hospital late last night at 1am. Tests and medication treatment finished at 5am. And so I’m dragging today. She’s doing fine. Just on the mend.

Seems that there is some kind of virus going around hitting children. Weird thing is that it causes a really high temperature in the middle of the night. Which can be pretty serious. But everyone goes to the hospital, and gets fixed up.

All is good.

Let’s move forward…

Increase in Excess Deaths in Young People: 2023 Latest Official Data

Russia Pulls 3,000 More Tanks from Storage – But NOT ALL Going to Ukraine
World Hal Turner 29 May 2023

2023 05 30 19 21
2023 05 30 19 21

This past weekend, beginning last Friday, Russia pulled another three thousand tanks from various storage depots and began loading them on trains. Those trains are **NOT** all going toward Ukraine; they’re heading to Russia’s western Border areas.

In particular, areas near Murmansk/Kola, not too far from the Norway/Finland Border, North/northwest of St. Petersburg, near Vyborg, which is not too far from the Finland Border, then more near Kingisepp, near Narva, Estonia (from which it’s a straight line to Estonia’s Capital, Tallin.

Several trains headed toward Pskov, near the borders of southern Estonia, and northern Latvia.

Several other trains are headed toward Kursk and Belgorad.

Here is video of just ONE of those tank trains:

Those last trains heading near Kursk and Belgorad seem to indicate Russia is bolstering areas where, **perhaps** a Ukraine Counter-Offensive may attack.

The other trains, however, point to a very different situation emerging: Russia is clearly preparing its western border areas to be attacked by NATO.

Incoming Thai Government Vows Obedience to US Foreign Policy: Myanmar to be First Victim

New England Clam Chowder

This old-fashioned authentic Cape Cod version of New England Clam Chowder is a hearty dish for the dwellers of a harsh climate. The old recipe has been passed down through generations without a nod to modern preferences for low-fat fare. As such, if you’re on a low fat diet, this dish may not be for you. But for a special occasion, this original version will not be beat for flavor.

2023 05 30 18 57
2023 05 30 18 57


  • 2 quarts Little Neck clams, steamed, liquor reserved
  • 3 to 4 pounds potatoes, peeled
  • 1/2 pound lean salt pork
  • 3 large sweet onions, sliced
  • 2 whole bay leaves
  • 1 thick slice bacon (optional)
  • 2 to 3 celery stalks with green tops
  • 4 tablespoons fresh parsley, minced
  • 2 to 3 green onions or 1 leek, finely chopped (optional)
  • 1 to 2 pounds frozen sweet corn (as desired)
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 pint cream
  • 1 quart clam broth or water
  • 1/2 gallon milk
  • Pinch celery seed (optional)
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Paprika, to taste


  1. Thoroughly wash clams, scrubbing shells. If you’re using freshly dug clams, sprinkle the washed clams with corn meal the night before use, and refrigerate overnight to allow the clams to be sand free.
  2. On the day the chowder is to be prepared, steam, clean and shuck enough clams to have at least 2 quarts of clams (more is better!). Save the clam liquor (broth created while steaming). Refrigerate the cooked clams in their liquor.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the chowder base. Using a sharp knife, slice the salt pork (pancetta can be substituted) into 1/8-inch dice (including rind).
  4. In a large stockpot, on the lowest heat setting, add salt pork to pan; add bacon (also chopped). Cook over low heat for 15 minutes, allowing salt pork to render. Remove from heat and allow to sit for another 15 minutes. Add olive oil and 1 tablespoon of the butter (save remaining butter for later).
  5. Sauté thinly sliced celery (save green celery leaves for later), and sliced onion in the rendered salt pork and bacon until onions take on color, adding minced garlic during the final few minutes of browning. Add clam liquor or water, scraping browned onion bits from bottom of pan. Add 2 whole bay leaves and a pinch of celery seed, if desired. Add minced green onions or leeks. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  6. Wash, peel and cut the potatoes into one inch cubes. Add to the pot, bring to a boil for 30 seconds, reduce heat to barely a simmer.
  7. Chowder may be thickened with a small amount of all purpose flour, Wondra flour, or a few tablespoons corn starch stirred into a cup of cold broth. When adding thickeners, be sure to allow at least 30 minutes of cooking time in order to prevent an uncooked flour taste. More thickener can be added if you like a thicker chowder base; remember that milk/cream are still to be added later, so add more than you think you’ll need to compensate.
  8. After 20 to 30 minutes, check potatoes to see if they are tender. When potatoes are nearly done, add frozen corn. Be sure to use a good quality of frozen corn; the sweeter varieties improve the overall flavor of the chowder.
  9. Stir in clams and strained clam liquor (be careful not to pour in the bottom of the clam liquor which usually contains sand! Add milk and cream in the ratio you desire; for a richer chowder, add more cream and less milk.
  10. Simmer for another 15 minutes and add remaining butter, minced parsley, chopped green celery leaves and salt and pepper, to taste. Remove bay leaves (or simply don’t let them make it into a serving).
  11. When butter has melted and clams are heated through, serve in warmed bowls, sprinkled with paprika and garnished with fresh parsley. Milk crackers are a traditional accompaniment.



To add additional flavor to this soup, especially when clam broth is not available, use a few teaspoons of clam base, available at restaurant supply stores.

Large chunks of white fish or lobster can be added during the last 20 minutes in addition to (or as a substitute for) the clams, for a seafood chowder.

Have no clams or fish? Try a broccoli chowder variation, using chopped broccoli as a substitute.

Two closed eyes newborn kittens said goodbye to mother cat for last time


If You Had A Gloomy Day, These Illustrations Will Probably Make Your Worries Go Away

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Watching movies while snacking in a comfy bed, drinking warm coffee in a cozy place when it’s snowing outside, or celebrating something while being surrounded by friends and family?

That is what happiness is for Shweta Singh. She is an Indian artist who creates illustrations depicting happy moments, whether one is with family, pets, friends, or alone. The passion for doodling led Singh to the creation of an Instagram page, “Doodle Shoodle,” where she experiments with different styles. The artwork is colorful and full of happiness. Do you recognize your happy moments in these illustrations?

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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Erdogan wins. What’s next for Turkey?

Chips, China and the USA

China has done well, it is karma, and getting punished is what the US deserves.

Micron is just the first US chip company to be sanctioned by China, to be followed by Qualcomm and Broadcom …..

At the US-China talks in Alaska, the US side spoke in a lecturing tone:

“We don’t like you, we despise you morally, and if there was a way to stop you, we would definitely put it into practice. We will certainly curb the rise of China. But there are a few things we need China to help us, can you help…”

This is the ugly face of the Yankees, even basic diplomatic etiquette. While they are hostile to China, they hope that China will extend a helping hand to them.

The Yankees have always used this Americentrism mentality towards the world.

But what the Yankees don’t know is that China is a country with the entire chip industry chain.

Taiwanese are Chinese after all, and CPC will be very cautious about any issues involving Taiwan.

in the past,, China remains cautious about TSMC because it is, after all, a Taiwanese company and it touches on the livelihood of the Taiwanese region of China.

However, this does not mean that mainland China is dependent on TSMC, without which it would be impossible to manufacture domestically produced chips.

The chips ban on China by the US and its allies is of no use to China.

In the end, I still don’t know who sanctioned whom!

Why are WE the “Pinnacle of Evolution” and NOT THEM?

Elon Musk: ‘The China space program is far more advanced than most people realize’

2023 05 30 20 02
2023 05 30 20 02

Elon Musk, Tesla and SpaceX chief executive officer, spoke highly of China’s space program under a tweet on Monday, saying that it is “far more advanced than most people realize.”

The Twitter boss made these remarks following a tweet from Chris Hadfield, a retired Canadian astronaut, who retweeted a report citing Wu Weiren, the chief designer of China’s lunar exploration program.

Wu said that “By 2030, the Chinese people will definitely be able to set foot on the moon. That’s not a problem.”

Treasure hunter //We found a rock treasure chest using a metal detector

My Son’s Chinese landlord in Singapore seriously wore a T shirt Jeans and basically looked like a Taxi Driver

And he had around SGD 11 Million of properties

Likewise go into a Chinese office and the space will shock you. The CEO has a maybe 12*12 space for work. The office looks like a clutter of small cubicles

Yet there will be almost $ 100–200 Million of business in those premises

So if you are looking for facts and figures of income among the Chinese business class then ITS IMPOSSIBLE except for the closest accountants

The Oriental Mindset and the European Mindset are very different with regards to wealth

Malays, Indians follow the European Mindset

Our wealth is defined mainly by Opulence of House, Large sized offices, Paper Wealth, Taxes paid etc

Chinese wealth is defined by Gold, Real Estate, Creditworthiness without collateral (Face security), Jade, Diamonds etc

So its impossible to predict how much a Chinese businessman is worth

And Malaysian Chinese are mostly businessmen because of their Bumiputra policy

Octopuses: The Superheroes of the Sea with Incredible Biology

Mother Cat Calls For Help At The Door

Philadelphia Sticky Buns

Philadelphia Sticky Buns are the famous buns of the Quaker City.

2023 05 30 19 01
2023 05 30 19 01

Yield: 2 dozen sticky buns


  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 1 packet active dry yeast
  • 1/4 cup warm, not hot, water
  • 5 cups sifted all-purpose flour, or more
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup shortening
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 cup raisins or currants
  • 1 cup dark or light corn syrup


  1. Scald milk; cool to lukewarm.
  2. Dissolve the yeast in water for 10 minutes and combine with milk.
  3. Make a sponge by adding 2 cups of flour, salt and 1 tablespoon sugar, beating until smooth. Set aside in a warm place.
  4. Beat shortening until light. Whip in 3/4 cup sugar and add eggs one at a time, beating each in thoroughly. When the sponge is bubbly, gradually beat in shortening mixture, then stir in remaining 3 cups all-purpose flour. Cover and let rise in warm place until double in bulk.
  5. Divide dough in half and roll each portion to 1/4 inch thickness. Spread with softened butter . Sprinkle with mixture of brown sugar and cinnamon. Scatter on nuts, raisins or currants; dribble with part of syrup. Roll as for a jellyroll and cut into 1 1/2 inch lengths.
  6. Stand buns in 2 deep 9 inch pans that have been well buttered and filled with syrup to a depth of 1/4 inch. Cover. Let rise until double in bulk.
  7. Bake at 350 degrees F until brown, about 45 minutes.
  8. Turn out of pans immediately.

Helpless kitten tries to wake mama after she passed away saving him from Dogs’ Attack!


A top commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the country will unveil a homegrown hypersonic ballistic missile in the near future.

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“The hypersonic missile has passed its tests and will be unveiled soon,” Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Division, said on Monday.

He added that the new missile is capable of bypassing all air defense missile systems and targeting the enemy’s anti-missile systems.

The IRGC commander described the development of the missile as a “great leap in the field of missiles.”

“The hypersonic missile has a high speed (around 12-13 Mach) and can maneuver both in and out of the Earth’s atmosphere,” Hajizadeh said.

Hypersonic missiles can fly at speeds at least five times faster than the speed of sound, making them virtually impossible to intercept.

“The missile has a high velocity and can maneuver both in and out of the Earth’s atmosphere,” Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Division, told reporters on Thursday.

“The new missile can pass through all missile defense systems, and I don’t think that the technology capable of countering it will be achieved in the decades to come. It can target the enemy’s anti-missile systems, and its production marks a huge leap in the development of a new generation of missiles,” Hajizadeh pointed out.

2023 05 30 20 19
2023 05 30 20 19

Despite being under sanctions for decades, Iran has become self-sufficient in designing and manufacturing different types of military equipment, including missiles.

RED ALERT! NATO CLOSING BORDERS. S-400’s and NUKES are Mobile, Air Raids NOW, MAJOR Issue in Taiwan


It already has.

Korean War – Conventional

Americans will know this war as the “Korean War”. And it was a bloody fiasco for all sides. Millions of Chinese died, and thousands of American and allies died. But at the end, the Chinese attained their objectives; the United States left China, and evacuated South Korea (in a rout, no less). The only Americans who still remember this war, and the massive hardships associated with it, is the United States Marine Corp.

Bio-weapon carpet bombing

This was followed by bio-weapon carpet bombing that began immediately at the conclusion of the conventional fighting. This lasted for decades. It started in the mid 1950s, and continued into the 1970s. This was a major CIA enterprise.

Eventually, the Chinese got to be pretty good at detecting bio-weapons, tracking the viruses, and devising strategies to counter the bio-weapons assaults. And over time, the effect of the bio-weapon carpet bombing became softer; lighter, and ineffective.

Engineered Famine

Thus, this method of warfare evolved into a new type of assault; a new kind of warfare. Rather than kill the Chinese people directly though viruses, the United States decides to starve China into submission. Thus, famine attempts were bio-weapons and genetically engineering insect strains were introduced inside of China to induce starvation and famine.

Interlude 1

During the late 1970s and into the 1980s, the United States made agreements with China, and the overt attempts at famine ended. Instead black operations, hidden no doubt, to start color revolutions were put in place.

Tiananmen color revolution

The NED tried their first Chinese color revolution in the “Pro Democracy movement” of the 1990s. Which failed for a multitude of reasons. But, both the United States and China learned from that event.

Interlude 2

Aside from a couple of “punches” by the United States (such as the Belgrade embassy bombing, and the carrier trip down the Taiwan strait) the United States spent it’s time readying for the next big attempt. Preparations took time, but pre-positioned elements of color revolutions were placed in the mainland, in Uighur-controlled Xinjiang, in Tibet, and in Hong Kong.

Then Edward Snowden comes to HK before going to Russia and provided the Chinese everything about the NED, and CIA prep work. Decades of work, and long-duration agents, were rounded up and killed. Those that were not, only made it out alive by going black and leaving everything behind. The horrors that the captured CIA operatives experienced sent shock-waves and shivers throughout the various agencies involved. The Chinese do not play.

Donald Trump initiates war

Oh, he talked a good talk, and spoke about never having a war. But there are many ways to conduct a war, and his administration was very active in them. Following in the pre-prep planning by the Obama Administration, The following wars came into being under Trump….

  • Trade War (failed)
  • Technology War (on-going)
  • Color Revolution in Tibet (failed)
  • Color revolution in HK (failed)
  • Taiwan color revolution (partial success)
  • Engineered famine through Drone dispersal (failed)
  • Submarine War in the South China Sea (on-going)
  • January 2020 Coronavirus on CNY in Wuhan (failed)
  • July 2020. The diarrhea Tick Virus assault in Beijing (failed)
  • August 2020. The vomiting humanized swine flu virus (failed)
  • The USN Naval flotilla engagement in 2020 (a dud, and resulted in the firing of Mark Esper)
  • Insurgency in XinJiang (Failed)
  • AUKUS (In process)
  • Nuclear systems in Australia (success)

Biden continues the war efforts…

Now, President Biden took the actions by President Trump and put them on “overdrive”. He also added some new wars…

  • NATO+ in the Pacific. (In process)
  • QUAD in the Pacific. (In process)
  • Nuclear systems in South Korea (success)
  • Nuclear systems in Japan (in process)
  • Interruption of the BRI (in process)
  • Militarizing Taiwan (in process)

And many more.

As I see it, the United States has been actively fighting a war with China. It is being so poorly reported that it is a stealth war, with certain fear-mongering hypes over blown, and many tactical events unreported.

Now, if you, the reader, desires to pretend that there has never been any hostilities at all, and that one day, there might be a war… then that’s fine.

I don’t care.

Seeing what I see; a historical BIG PICTURE… it is clear that the United States has no brakes or reverse gear and the current geo-political trajectory will absolutely result in conflict.

But, you know, I am of a conservative bent, and I like to believe that the United States would never be so stupid to attack the nation that [1] it owes so much debt to; [2] the nation that is nuclear armed and not afraid to use them, and [3] the nation that makes EVERYTHING the United States uses.

No American leader would ever be so absolutely stupid to do such a crazy thing.

Not even Biden.

11 Things You Should Do More Often for Your Cat

New England Lobster Pie

2023 05 30 18 55
2023 05 30 18 55

Yield: 4 servings



  • 10 tablespoons (1 1/4 sticks) butter, divided
  • 1/2 cup good-quality sherry
  • 2 cups lobster meat, in bite-size pieces
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cups Half-and-Half
  • 4 egg yolks, beaten


  • 1/2 cup cracker meal
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • 4 tablespoons melted butter


  1. Heat oven to 325 degrees F.
  2. Filling: Melt 4 tablespoons of the butter, add sherry, and boil 1 minute.
  3. Add lobster and remove from heat.
  4. In a medium saucepan, melt remaining butter.
  5. Add flour and cook, stirring, until mixture bubbles. Remove from heat.
  6. Drain and reserve the sherry from the lobster meat, then slowly stir sherry and Half-and-Half into the mixture until thoroughly blended. Return to heat and cook, stirring constantly, until sauce is smooth and thick.
  7. Spoon 4 tablespoons of the sauce into a small bowl.
  8. Add beaten egg yolks, 1 tablespoon at a time, stirring well after each addition.
  9. Return egg mixture to sauce and mix well. Stir over low heat about 3 minutes; do not allow to boil.
  10. Remove from heat and add lobster.
  11. Turn into four individual ramekins or a small, deep pie plate.
  12. Topping: Combine all ingredients, blend well, and sprinkle over pie(s).
  13. Bake for about 10 minutes to heat through.

They’re dying! Excess deaths growing each day. See the disturbing findings found on Facebook


It all started in 2012; ShanXi, China. When a photo of a “smiling” local official at a major traffic accident scene was released to the public.

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There were 36 people killed in the fatal accident, the smiling face quickly aroused “emotional” Chinese netizens to start a background check on official’s personal conduct.

In less than five days, Chinese netizens made an album of all the brand watches this local official has ever worn in public.

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A total of 11 different brands; with tag price from ¥10k ~ ¥500k, something an average Chinese government official should not have to be able to afford.

More of his “valuable” continues to come to light.

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Two days later, a local college student filed a Government Information Disclosure application to Provincial Department of Finance. Requesting for “major traffic accident smile-official’s” 2011 annual salary and financial disclosure. The smile-official refused, claiming all his watches were purchased using legitimate income. (That’s when Beijing comes in.)

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It was after smile-official has been sentenced to 14 yrs of imprisonment that people have come to realize he has a naturally smiling face. Smile was his natural face expression. LOL!

This guy is known in China as “the bro with watch.”

The next photo is what I think is the Best Photograph of Government Corruption: When Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visit an earthquake affected area, accompanied by local officials.

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His action was literally saying: “No, I’m not wearing any expensive watch.” Which made Chinese netizens to dig-up his old photos, and found some really~ expensive watches. This dumb-ass got busted too, known in China as “the bro with no watch.”

Thanks to the internet and social media, netizens of China continues their corruption watching….

Excess Mortality in the US Has Always Been High - Now It’s Worse Than Ever

How To Take Care Of A Sad Person In Ten Easy Steps

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We all deal with sad people in different ways. Some people are experts in the art of comforting others. Some freeze up like they’ve just seen a ghost. Some awkwardly pretend that nothing is wrong, and some become sad themselves, which then results in the sad person having to comfort them. For those of you who aren’t so great at “being there” for others, help is at hand thanks to these sweet illustrations by John Saddington. Just follow the simple 10-step guide and you’ll soon have your sad little subject wrapped up like a warm and happy sushi roll.

h/t: boredpanda

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Couple Adopt The Saddest Cat: An Hour Later Something Unbelievable Happens

Genghis Khan in China is called 一代天骄——God’s favored one.

2023 06 03 08 50
2023 06 03 08 50

Genghis Khan has a bad reputation outside East Asia.

In China, the Ming and Qing dynasties all believed that Genghis Khan was a man with the mandate of heaven.

Besides, Yue Fei’s opponent is the Jin Dynasty, not Mongolia.

When Wen Tianxiang was born in 1236 , Genghis Khan had passed away.

There have been various nomadic heroes in northern China from the Han Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty. There are also many nomadic heroes who established empires. Only Genghis Khan’s Mongolian Empire invaded the West from northern China.

Besides, the feud of the Mongol Empire is the Jurchen Jin Dynasty.

At that time, the Jin Dynasty was the common enemy of Mongolia and the Song Dynasty, and the two countries joined forces to eliminate the Jin Dynasty.

Genghis Khan died in 1227, and the first war between Mongolia and Song Dynasty was in 1234. People in the Song Dynasty did not have any bad impression of Genghis Khan.

Asking history-related questions requires some knowledge of history.

I’m curious, there are tons of Genghis Khan questions on this site, but these people don’t even get the basics of history.

I found that both Westerners and overseas Chinese on this website have a poor understanding of basic history. Can’t you even use Wikipedia?

Before Genghis Khan, no one unified the Mongolian tribes, which were vassals of the Jin and Liao dynasties.

There were a large number of soldiers from the Jin and Liao dynasties in the Mongolian expedition to the west, and of course there were soldiers from the Song Dynasty.

Guo Kan – Wikipedia

General Guo Kan(郭侃) is the Han general who marched west from Mongolia.

There are a large number of northern Chinese soldiers in the Mongolian army. Many of these people became generals and participated in the Western Expedition.

Yelu Chucai(耶律楚材), the prime minister of Genghis Khan and Wo Kuotai, he assisted the two great Khans for 30 years.

He is a Confucian scholar in the traditional Chinese sense. He is a Khitan, which means that he was from the Liao Dynasty(辽朝) before, and later became an official in the Jin Dynasty(金朝), and finally served as a prime minister in the Mongol Empire.

According to Mongolian history books, when Yelu Chucai(耶律楚材) passed away, the country was in grief, and many Mongolians were in pain, as if they had lost their relatives, and there was no music in the Great Mongolian Kingdom for several days.

In the beginning, the Mongol Empire slaughtered all the cities without surrendering. Later, it would retain certain engineers, craftsmen and soldiers. This is Yelu Chucai’s suggestion, don’t be too cruel.

Yelu Chucai(耶律楚材) was the first prime minister who told the Mongolian army not to be too brutal.

Qiu Chuji(丘处机), a Taoist master, went to the Western Regions at the age of 73 to communicate with Genghis Khan on health preservation and governance, and advised Genghis Khan not to kill too much.

People in Central Asia and West Asia should be grateful to this Taoist priest, originally the Mongols intended to kill everyone.

Qiu Chuji(丘处机) was originally a Taoist priest who didn’t care about anything at all. When he received a letter from Genghis Khan, he went to the Western Regions, and he kept telling Genghis Khan not to kill too much.

This is Genghis Khan’s letter to Qiu Chuji.


Taoist Qiu, you left me in spring and walked all the way to summer. It won’t be too hot along the way, right? Can you get used to riding a horse?Did the officials treat you badly on the way home?When you went to your hometown, how did the local officials and people treat you?

I miss you often and hope you miss me too.

The Mongol Empire was killing too much at that time. Many Confucian scholars and Confucian officials persuaded the Khans of the Mongol Empire to put the people of the world first through decades of persuasion. It is better to keep these people to collect taxes than to kill them all.

In the world view of the Mongols at that time, East Asia was regarded as the center of civilization, and other places could be completely destroyed.

The Jin dynasty(金朝) was the feud of the Mongols, and the Mongols didn’t kill all the Jurchens, because the Jurchens could serve as soldiers and farmers.

At that time, the tea, porcelain, iron pots, and books needed by Mongolia all came from the Song Dynasty(宋朝).

Guan Yu(关羽) was deified for the first time because of the Mongolian khan.


The above titles were given to Guan Yu(关羽) by the Mongolian Khan.

Kublai Khan(忽必烈) and Ali Buge(阿里布哥) competed for the Khan position by relying on the northern Han people.

At that time, Kublai Khan led the northern Han people, Khitan people, and Jurchens to attack Ali Buge’s army.

Some Mongolians don’t like Kublai Khan, and for this reason, Kublai Khan broke Mongolian traditions.

Therefore, Kublai Khan was called the first person to fight against Mongolia by some Chinese .

Wanyan Chen Heshang(完颜陈和尚) was a famous general in the Jin Dynasty(金朝).

This man repeatedly defeated the Mongolian army.

In 1230 AD, this general led 400 elite cavalry to defeat 8,000 Mongolian troops.

In 1230 AD, this general led 3,000 soldiers to defeat the Mongolian army,liberated a city.

In 1231 AD, the general led 1,000 cavalry and 10,000 infantry to fight the Mongolian army, beheading thousands of Mongolians, and Mongolia was defeated.

Do you know who the commander of this Mongolian army is?He is Subedei(速不台) .

In 1232 AD, this general led an army to a decisive battle with the Mongolian army.

When the Jin army was defeated, he asked the Mongolian soldiers to take him to the front of the Mongolian general.

He just wanted to die, and he didn’t want to be captured.

Before he died, he said, I was the one who defeated your Mongolian army three times before. If I died in chaos, you would have thought I had escaped. I will die in front of you today to let the world know my name.

During the Ming Dynasty, some Mongol Khan negotiated peace with China. From then on, the hatred between the Han and Mongols gradually dissipated.

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Alexander Martis

Hello Metallicman.
I wish your daughter a prompt recovery. Family is first, always.
I also wish you and your loved ones to be safe, protected from all evil and healthy.
I declare it, I affirm it.
Infinite blessings for you, your loved ones and your audience all over the planet.

Just Another Asian

Get well soon wishes to your little girl. Big hugs works as well as medicine.