2023 04 18 15 10

Some of the worst things in the world

When I lived in Indiana, I lived in a mobile home. And I must tell you all, that for the most part, it was a metal box sitting on a plot in the middle of a mud field. Whether it was in Kokomo, Columbia City, Madison, of Anderson, it was freezing cold in the Winter, and hot, hot, hot in the Summer.

Fall and Spring were outstanding.

We adapt to life as we find it, but do not make the same mistakes that I did. Take a job for the money, in a place that is not perfect. For when I eventually moved to the Deep South, or later to Boston, I saw with my own eyes, just how much “life” I had missed out on.

Choose where you live carefully.

Pick a place. Stay there. Grow roots.

Be happy where you are. Accept your decision.


Do not make decisions based on money.

Today’s article…

China’s Defense Ministry announced that on April 14, 2023 it had conducted a successful missile intercept test of an intercontinental ballistic missile in mid-stage flight.

This was the seventh successful test in a series of seven tests, and this interceptor is believed to already have been deployed with PLA Rocket Forces.

The test is a signal to the US that Chinese forces are absolutely prepared for a United States nuclear exchange.

Europe Just Destroyed America’s Plan for China

Unfortunately it becomes highly radical, unreasonable and totally lacks confident of itself, thereby as a consequence highly dangerous for its own safety but more importantly more risky to the world.

For starters the U.S. has thrown away all forms of freedom of expression both in America and especially abroad. They have openly banned and barred news media and journalists that expressed views that are contrary to the western narratives much like the banana republics and authoritarian societies it accused others of doing.

Russia Times, Chinese News Agency and a host of U.S. media that are deemed by them to speak out against these narratives are banned from cyberspace and forced out of Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and others. Americans can only hear the narrow, bias and false narratives that the U.S. Ukraines is winning, the world support the U.S. in the war and Putin is the evil and Russia U.S. all at fault.

They start to get desperate and take dangerous and self defeating measures like banning TikTok, Huawei and a host of perceived enemies. Decoupling, and containing China, outright thievery in Syria, robbery of the Russian reserves amounting to 300 billion dollars.

Sad but true. But the U.S. will need to get worst to get better. Today must Americans are totally ignorant of the world and their declining status and that they are naive to the point of being in total denial of the collapse of the western world order. Get it over with. The unipolar world order under a single superpower the U.S. is well and truly over. BRICS alone is bigger than G7, never mind another 50 countries that are currently applying for BRICS membership!

The faster American’s take stock of this the better and faster they can move on. Stop being in denial.

7 Warning Signs You’re Living Beyond Your Means


Living beyond our means has unfortunately become all too common in our consumer-driven and debt-heavy society. With the ease of impulse buying online and the reliance on credit cards, many of us end up spending more than we earn, putting ourselves in precarious financial situations and accumulating consumer debt.

This normalized behavior often leads us to overlook the financial dangers, neglect our long-term goals, and live a lifestyle that is unsustainable and too expensive for our own good. However, just because others may be living beyond their means, it doesn’t mean we have to jeopardize our own financial priorities.

To ensure that we are not living beyond our means, it’s important to watch out for warning signs.

1. You are Living Paycheck to Paycheck

One of the first signs is living paycheck to paycheck, which 78% of full-time workers reportedly experience, according to CNBC. While this may not necessarily indicate living beyond our means, it could be a result of being underpaid, living in an expensive area, or facing other financial circumstances.

However, oftentimes, it may be due to overspending or constantly upgrading our lifestyle, resulting in barely making ends meet every pay period. It’s crucial to take a step back, carefully examine our paycheck, and track our expenses to see where our money is going. This will help us identify areas where we can cut back and spend less.

By living within our means and budgeting wisely, we can gradually escape the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. I’ve personally experienced this situation before, earning only $36,000 per year, but by curbing my overspending and implementing a budget, my financial situation could have been different.

If you feel you are not making enough money, it may also be worth considering asking for a raise or exploring ways to increase your income. It’s important to strive for financial stability and prioritize our long-term financial goals over short-term spending impulses.

2. You Have Little Saved or No Emergency Fund

It’s common knowledge that having an emergency fund is essential, but it’s surprising how many people neglect to build one. If you find yourself in any of the following situations, it may be a sign that you’re living beyond your means:

  • Your emergency fund can’t cover at least 3 months of your expenses.
  • You’re not consistently setting aside money from each paycheck for your emergency fund.
  • You don’t have an emergency fund at all.

To address this, it’s crucial to carefully review your spending habits, identify any mistakes, and make necessary changes to your money management habits. While it may not be feasible for everyone to save a large percentage of their income, try setting aside 5-10% of each paycheck towards your emergency fund. After a year of consistent savings, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accumulate.

3. Carrying Monthly Balances on Credit Cards

Using credit cards for building credit and earning rewards can be beneficial, but it’s easy to fall into the trap of overspending and carrying monthly balances. This is a clear indication that you’re spending more than you can afford. Even if you’re making monthly payments, continuing to accumulate a balance and paying high interest rates can quickly derail your financial success.

To address this issue, consider making double or triple payments each month to catch up on your credit card balances. Avoid using your credit card until you have a debt management plan in place and have regained control over your spending. Before making any high-priced purchases, ask yourself if you have the cash to pay it off immediately. If not, it’s best to keep your credit card in your wallet.

4. Neglecting Retirement Savings

While not everyone may be able to save for retirement at certain stages of their lives, prioritizing retirement savings is crucial for long-term financial security. If you’re indulging in expensive vacations, constantly upgrading to the latest gadgets, or splurging on luxury items without saving for retirement, it’s a clear sign that you’re living beyond your means.

It’s important to strike a balance between enjoying the present and securing your financial future. Prioritize building an emergency fund and saving for retirement before indulging in discretionary spending. Consider creating a separate savings account for vacations and set aside a percentage of your paychecks for this purpose. Look for high-yield online savings accounts like CIT Bank that offer over 2% interest and are FDIC insured.

5. Constantly Worrying About Paying Bills

While it’s normal to have concerns about bills at times, constantly stressing and losing sleep over them may indicate that you’re living beyond your means. Everyone’s situation is unique, and some may worry about bills even if they’re living below their means. However, if you’re struggling to pay recurring monthly bills or get out of debt despite consistently purchasing expensive items, it’s a clear indication of overspending.

6. Overspending on Mortgage or Rent

Stretching your budget too thin by spending too much on your mortgage or rent can quickly lead to financial stress. Just because a bank approves a loan or suggests that you can afford a certain amount doesn’t mean it’s wise to take on that much debt. It’s crucial to do your own math and be proactive in managing your housing expenses.

As a general rule, try to limit your monthly mortgage payment to 30-35% of your gross income for a 30-year mortgage. Similarly, aim to keep your rent within 30% of your monthly income, and even lower if possible. Consider living with a roommate or significant other to reduce housing costs. You can use online calculators like HomeLight to determine how much house you can afford based on your financial situation.

7. You’re Trying to Keep Up With The Joneses

You may be familiar with the concept of “keeping up with the Joneses.”

If not, it’s the idea of trying to match or surpass the possessions, lifestyle, and experiences of your friends, family, colleagues, or neighbors. This urge may stem from the fear of missing out, especially with the prevalence of social media in our lives.

In today’s age of social media, we have easy access to glimpses of everyone’s homes, cars, travels, and material possessions. Many people feel the need to buy things solely for the purpose of posting about them and seeking validation from others. This can lead to overspending, making poor financial decisions, and unnecessary debt.

When you find yourself comparing your finances to others, it’s important to remember:

  • Focus on your own financial goals and priorities, rather than being influenced by what others have.
  • Recognize that many people who appear to have it all may also be facing financial struggles or significant debt.
  • Ask yourself if upgrading your possessions or worrying about what others have will truly make you happier in the long run.

What To Do If Your Are Living Beyond Your Means?

If you find yourself living beyond your means, don’t panic or get frustrated. It’s a situation many people have experienced, and the first step is acknowledging it and wanting to improve your personal finances.

Not everyone is willing to admit they have a financial problem or take the initiative to change it. However, here are some simple steps you can take if you’re living beyond your means:

  • Dedicate time and prioritize living within your means.
  • Create a plan to reduce your expenses, such as canceling memberships, negotiating price reductions on bills, using coupons, or being more frugal in general.
  • Consider downsizing and minimizing your possessions to save money, such as downsizing your living space, selling items you don’t need, and buying fewer material items.
  • Start budgeting more thoroughly and stick to a simple budget, such as using spreadsheets to track your expenses.
  • Pay yourself first by automating savings from your paycheck.

These tips require action and may require changes in mentality and patience. It’s important to be committed to making the necessary changes and understand that results may not happen overnight.

Living beyond your means can affect anyone, regardless of their income level or socioeconomic status. Stories of millionaires going bankrupt or people with modest incomes retiring comfortably are not uncommon. It’s your mindset and habits that can make a difference.

Music from the Vietnam War

Ohhhh Baby!

Baked Beef Stroganoff Casserole

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cass 1


  • 2 pounds ground chuck
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 cups sliced mushrooms
  • 1(14.5 ounce) can beef broth
  • 1 can cream of mushroom or chicken soup
  • 1 (16 ounce) container sour cream
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 8 ounces wide egg noodles, cooked and kept warm
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 small can French fried onion rings


Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease a 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking dish.

In a large skillet, cook ground chuck, onion, and garlic over medium heat until meat is browned and crumbles. Drain.

Return meat to skillet and stir in Worcestershire sauce, mushrooms and beef broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 15 minutes.

Stir in soup, sour cream, salt and pepper. Remove from heat.

Combine hot cooked noodles and butter, stirring until butter melts.

Combine noodles and meat sauce.

Spoon into prepared baking dish.

Bake for 30 minutes.

Top evenly with French fried onion rings and bake 10 minutes longer.

During the Palestine campaign of World War 1, the British and Ottomans were deadlocked in a trench-warfare stalemate. The progression was extremely slow.

One day, the British learned that the Ottomans had run out of cigarettes. To try and demoralize the enemy, they sent cigarettes wrapped in propaganda to the Ottomans. As a response to this, the Ottomans threw away the propaganda and smoked the cigarettes anyway.

This is when the fun begins:

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The British noticed this behavior, and made and extremely smart move. Before a scheduled raid, the British sent more cigarettes…laced with heroin!

Needless to say they faced little resistance during the assault.

Idiocracy – Brawndo : It’s got what plants crave!

2023 04 24 17 17
2023 04 24 17 17

Top 20 Absolute Worst Things In The World

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horrible horrors1

Warning: the following post is not for the faint-hearted! Scroll down only if you are 100% sure that you can handle it!

h/t: sadanduseless

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Because of all the PRC air and naval activity around Taiwan, there has been frequent contact between PRC and ROC vessels.

These exchanges are now being reported in the Taiwan media.

ROC military aircraft issue a standard warning to PRC military aircraft.

PRC aircraft, you have already entered the ROC identification zone. Please depart as soon as possible.

One PRC pilot’s response:
This is all Chinese airspace; you will get used to it very quickly.

American Censorship Increasing (The Slippery Slope Is Undefeated)

Truth be told, the Chinese are not worried because they have discovered that Chinese goods are necessary to Americans. American goods, on the other hand, are not “relatively so necessary” for the Chinese.

At the beginning of the trade war, the Chinese were also nervous, but it soon became clear that the impact on China was very low. Chinese goods are still being exported in large quantities to the US, or through South East Asia, for example, where Chinese components are assembled and exported to the U.S. China’s export deficit to the U.S. continued to grow in 2020.

This has led the Chinese to discover the differences between China and the United States.

We all know that in recent months the cost of shipping Chinese goods by sea to the West has risen so much that the cost of shipping exceeds the cost of the goods themselves. The reason for this is that industrial processing all over the world has been ordered in large quantities to China. Because of the epidemic, Chinese production is the most reliable.

Why are American goods not so imperative in relation to China?

The US media always says that the trade deficit between China and the US is due to the restrictions imposed by China on US goods, but the US media never says that there are differences between China and the US in terms of industries, with China favouring the production of more intermediate products and the US producing more sophisticated and advanced products.

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In the processing of ordinary industrial goods, the US is clearly unable to compete with China’s low-cost labour. But when it comes to advanced technology products, the US again heavily restricts Chinese purchases. The most typical is the restriction on Huawei, which has led to a reduction in US exports to China of about US$20 billion per year, and if you add in more high-tech products, the US is losing several hundred billion dollars per year.

China would very much like to buy advanced US products, but the US does not sell them to China.

So what does the US want to sell to China?

To sell China household appliances? Or cars? Or tea? Or bicycles? Or clothing for China?

The US – wanted to sell Boeing planes to China, but the Europeans told China that, for almost the same configuration, Boeing planes are always a bit more expensive than Airbus planes, and Airbus planes are always a bit cheaper than Boeing.

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Airbus planes are a little cheaper than Boeing. Compared to Boeing’s leading position in the industry, Airbus as a latecomer is bound to buy its own stuff cheaper in order to compete for the market. The Airbus catalogue price is more of a message to potential buyers that my aircraft are of high value and you can consider them.

Well then, for the Chinese, they will definitely buy Airbus planes.

I have driven cars made in the USA and also in Europe and Japan, and unfortunately, American cars have high fuel consumption and backward interior decoration. Tesla is an exception, but Tesla has opened a factory in China.

The US-China trade war has been going on for several years and the result is that China is exporting more and more to the US and the US is running a bigger and bigger trade deficit with China.

Put on the battlefield, this is a sign of defeat.

So, the Chinese don’t mind trade wars. Recently the US trade representatives are starting to seek advice on whether to remove tariffs on Chinese goods.

Star Trek nails racism

Beef Chili Cheese Fries

2023 04 18 15 10
2023 04 18 15 10


  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 cups chopped yellow onions
  • Salt and cayenne to taste
  • 2 pounds ground beef
  • 1 tablespoon chili powder
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • Crushed red pepper to taste
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves
  • 2 tablespoons chopped garlic
  • 3 cups peeled, seeded, and chopped fresh or canned tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 3 cups beefsteak or beef broth
  • 2 tablespoons Masa Harina
  • Vegetable oil for deep frying
  • 2 large Idaho potatoes, peeled and cut into shoestrings, rinsed in cool water and patted dry
  • 1/2 pound grated Cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 pound grated Monterey jack cheese
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup sliced pickled jalapenos


  1. Heat the vegetable oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add the onions, season with salt and cayenne, and cook, stirring, until they begin to wilt, about 2 minutes.
  2. Add the beef, chili powder, cumin, crushed red pepper and oregano. Season with salt and cayenne, and cook until all the pink in the meat disappears, 5 to 6 minutes.
  3. Add the garlic, tomatoes, tomato paste and 2 1/2 cups beef stock; bring to boil, and reduce the heat to medium-low. Simmer, uncovered, until the meat is tender, about 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Skim off any fat that rises to the surface.
  4. Combine the Masa Harina with the remaining 1/2 cup stock and mix to blend. Slowly add to the pot, stirring to blend. The mixture will thicken. Cook for 30 minutes, then season again with salt and cayenne. It should be thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
  5. In a heavy, deep pot or an electric fryer, heat 4 inches of vegetable oil to 360 degrees F. Fry the shoestring potatoes in batches until golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes per batch. Drain on paper towels, then season with salt and cayenne.
  6. Heat the oven to 400 degrees F.
  7. Cover the bottom of a large, glass rectangular baking pan with the shoestring potatoes.
  8. Combine the Cheddar and jack cheeses. Sprinkle the cheese over the fries.
  9. Bake just until the cheese melts, 3 to 4 minutes.
  10. Remove the pan from the oven and spoon the chili over the top of the fries.
  11. Garnish with the sour cream and jalapenos.
  12. Serve immediately.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings

Official US Policy: We Can ‘Win’ a Nuclear War

Oh Lord!

Is there any credible evidence that Ukraine’s 2014 revolution was due to a CIA coup?

The West blames Russia for everything, but let’s question the Western narrative.

We will find out evidence for the Russian perspective about the Maidan, Donbas, and direct war between the states of Ukraine and Russia.


There was no “Russia-Ukraine conflict” before the events that happened in Maidan from November 2013 and February 2014.

The Maidan was when Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian President of Ukraine was ousted by “protestors”.

The West painted Yanukovych as a Russian-puppet dictator and Ukrainian people as heavily pro-Western, pro-European and pro-American.

Now if we examine pre-Maidan Western and Ukrainian sources about Ukrainian views on the West, then the only conclusion that we can come to is that the vast majority of Ukrainians did not support the Maidan and that Yanukovych was democratically elected by the Ukrainian people.

In 2013, Victoria Nuland revealed in a speech that the US has spent 5 billion dollars since 1991 to promote “democracy” and make Ukraine a “prosperous and democratic” country (when the US says it is bringing “democracy”, it means the US is actually bringing death and destruction. We have seen how the US said it was bringing “freedom and democracy” earlier in Vietnam and most recently in Iraq and Libya but instead brought death and destruction).

In 2008, 17 years after the US effort to make Ukrainians pro-Western and anti-Russia began, and the year in which the US said Ukraine would one day join NATO, 50% of Ukrainians actually opposed NATO membership and less than 25% favored it. A 2010 Gallup poll showed that 40% of Ukrainians viewed NATO as more of a threat than a protector, just 17% had an opposite view. The Gallup poll also said “In the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine that border Russia, residents are more likely than those elsewhere to perceive NATO as a threat. A September 2009 survey by the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project found a similar pattern in Ukrainians’ views toward NATO membership: People in the East and South were more likely to oppose joining NATO”.

As you can see, Gallup talked about how Ukrainians from Southern and Eastern Ukraine are more anti-NATO. Now that is proven by the 2010 Ukraine Presidential election.

The 2010 Ukraine presidential election was between Yanukovych and Tymoshenko. Yanukovych was pro-Russia while Tymoshenko is a Ukrainian politician who is pro-Western. In the 2010 Presidential election, the Southern and Eastern regions mostly voted for Yanukovych and Western regions mostly voted for Tymoshenko while other regions mostly voted for Tymoshenko but to a lesser extent compared to the Western regions.

A map of the 2010 Ukraine Presidential election.

So the conclusion that we can come to is that the vast majority of Ukrainians in Western Ukraine did support the Maidan, but Ukrainians in the Southern and Eastern regions did not support it while other regions were either neutral or supportive regarding the Maidan.

Evidence that Maidan was a coup planned by the USA.

There is one very big evidence that it was a coup planned by the USA. This piece of evidence is undeniable.

On 4 Feb 2014, 18 days before Yanukovych was ousted, a phone call of Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt who was the US ambassador to Ukraine at that time was leaked on YouTube. In that leaked phone call, they literally plan out the new regime and choose who should be in the Ukrainian government. Here is the YouTube video of the leaked phone call.

The Western news outlets reported this but they mostly focused on her saying “fuck the EU”.

‘Fuck the EU’: US diplomat Victoria Nuland’s phonecall leaked – video

The assistant US secretary of state, Victoria Nuland, has apologised after her phone conversation about the political crisis in Ukraine was leaked on the internet

‘Fuck the EU’: US diplomat Victoria Nuland’s phonecall leaked – video
The assistant US secretary of state, Victoria Nuland, has apologised after her phone conversation about the political crisis in Ukraine was leaked on the internet

So the West, especially the USA planned to sponsor a coup in Ukraine and put in a puppet government.

The big role of Nazis in the Maidan coup.

Nazis played a significant role in the Maidan according to Western sources (which date to the time of the Maidan).

The International Business Times (IBT) said on Feb 25 2014, around 3 days after Yanukovych was overthrown that:

According to a member of anti-fascist Union Ukraine, a group that monitors and fights fascism in Ukraine, “There are lots of nationalists here [EuroMaidan] including Nazis. They came from all over Ukraine, and they make up about 30% of protesters.

Ukraine Nazis: Is America Backing EuroMaidan Extremists?

US supports ultra-nationalist party leader Oleh Tyahnybok, according to AlterNet magazine.

Ukraine Nazis: Is America Backing EuroMaidan Extremists?
US supports ultra-nationalist party leader Oleh Tyahnybok, according to AlterNet magazine.

New York Times admitted (during the time of the overthrow of Yanukovych) that the Nazi right sector was at the forefront of the overthrow of Yanukovych.

Dmytro Yarosh, the leader of Right Sector, a coalition of hard-line nationalist groups, reacted defiantly to news of the settlement, drawing more cheers from the crowd.

“The agreements that were reached do not correspond to our aspirations,” he said. “Right Sector will not lay down arms. Right Sector will not lift the blockade of a single administrative building until our main demand is met — the resignation of Yanukovych.”

Ukraine Has Deal, but Both Russia and Protesters Appear Wary (Published 2014)

President Viktor F. Yanukovych agreed to reduced powers and Parliament moved to free his imprisoned rival, but many protesters want him to resign.

Ukraine Has Deal, but Both Russia and Protesters Appear Wary (Published 2014)
President Viktor F. Yanukovych agreed to reduced powers and Parliament moved to free his imprisoned rival, but many protesters want him to resign.

The war in Donbas.

The Donbas war is very important in order to understand why direct war between Russia and Ukraine is happening.

The Western narrative of the war in Donbas is that Russia funded and armed pro-Russian separatists to take over Donetsk and Luhansk, do bogus referendums and declare them independent from Ukraine creating the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR).

Evidence from Western sources that support Russian side of the story of how the Donbas war started.

Right after the Maidan, there were pro-Russia protests all over Southern and Eastern Ukraine.

Ukrainians in the south and east oppose pro-Western leadership

While the regions remain reliably pro-Russian, fears of separatism may be overblown considering complex narratives

Ukrainians in the south and east oppose pro-Western leadership
While the regions remain reliably pro-Russian, fears of separatism may be overblown considering complex narratives

The pro-Russia “separatists” and “terrorists” were actually originally called “protestors” by the Media.

Pro-Russia protests in Ukraine

Pro-Russian demonstrations took place in several cities in Ukraine in on Saturday.

Pro-Russia protests in Ukraine
Pro-Russian demonstrations took place in several cities in Ukraine in on Saturday.

Pro-Russia protesters seize eastern Ukraine state buildings

Protesters waving Russian flags seized the regional administrative building in Kharkiv, the third state premises in eastern Ukraine to be occupied by pro-Russian demonstrators on Sunday, Russian news…

Pro-Russia protesters seize eastern Ukraine state buildings
Protesters waving Russian flags seized the regional administrative building in Kharkiv, the third state premises in eastern Ukraine to be occupied by pro-Russian demonstrators on Sunday, Russian news…

The pro-Russia protesters stormed the government buildings in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk.

Ukraine: Pro-Russians storm offices in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv

Pro-Russian protesters storm government buildings in three eastern Ukrainian cities, calling for a referendum on independence.

Ukraine: Pro-Russians storm offices in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv
Pro-Russian protesters storm government buildings in three eastern Ukrainian cities, calling for a referendum on independence.

Pro-Russia protesters occupy regional government in Ukraine’s Donetsk

Pro-Russian demonstrators occupied the regional government building in east Ukraine’s city of Donetsk on Monday, besieging lawmakers as they voted to support the protesters but stopped short of meeting their demands for a split from Kiev.

What Is The Referee Doing When He Grabs The Wrists Of A Fighter After They’ve Been Knocked Down?

First and foremost he is ensuring the fighter is lucid and responsive.

corales vs castillo
corales vs castillo

First thing he does is grab the gloves and wipe the knuckle area(s) on his shirt as they likely picked up some dirt/sand/debris from the ring floor.

He often requests the fighter tries to bring his hands up against resistance, expecting a decent push (if it is weak, he will end the fight).

He will instruct the fighter to bring his hands to the defensive position and reaffirm the fighter is lucid and in control.

During this whole thing (which takes only several seconds) he will maintain almost if not entirely unbroken eye contact.

A sharp, lucid fighter will stare him back down, confirm he is ready and able to continue when asked, and at the end of the 10 second count, he expects the “rattle” to all but disappear.

A fighter who needs to be excused from the contest will likely not display crisp movements and balance, wavering eye contact/gaze, and a drunken-like movement.

I am from Taiwan.

It is highly unlikely for a future conflict between the PRC and the ROC/Taiwan to run a course even remotely resembling the Russian-Ukrainian conflict currently unfolding.

The reason lies in the mentality of the people of Taiwan, who are all about demagoguery, chest thumping, and empty bravado not backed by real commitment.

I have commented on this point in many previous Quora answers.

Those most vocal about resisting China to seek independence are often the same people who evaded military service, sent their entire family (if not themselves) to emigrate to foreign countries, or engaged in lucrative businesses on the mainland.

The Taiwanese history of the past few centuries is replete with quislings who sold out to multiple waves of outside invaders to acquire fortune and social status with impunity, with loot and family eminence benefiting generations of descendants until today.

The current Taiwanese president and her former head of the Executive Yuan are two living examples of this quisling culture unique to Taiwan.

It will happen one more time when the PLA comes.

This has not been the tradition of Ukraine apparently.

The kind of destruction of infrastructure during the current conflict did not happen on an extensive scale until the stubborn resistance by the Ukrainians left Russia with little option, who initially sought an approach of minimal collateral damage in order to keep the option of an early ceasefire negotiation alive.

Russia turned to the strategy of heavy, indiscriminate bombardment only after the fierce resistance obviated such a possibility.

I am very impressed by the admirable and courageous resistance put up by the Ukrainians, no matter how they have been misled by their politicians.

Knowing Taiwan well, I also know it is preposterous to expect the Taiwanese to put up even 1% of the fight of the Ukrainians.

If it ever comes to a military conflict with the PRC, 99.9% of the Taiwanese you see today thumping their chests and chanting slogans will be nowhere to be seen, unless they are waving welcoming banners to the PLA.

We are a very smart people, and we know what the Westerners like to see on their English-only NY Times, BBC and Fox News, thus we know how to put up the best performance for you.

It costs us nothing more than some saliva and a few keyboards.

One will be totally delusional, as are many Western politicians, to expect scenes like IRA gunmen or PLO suicide bombers to be duplicated in Taiwan.

No, it will not happen.

The Taiwanese are not Ukrainians, and China will not be forced to make the same decision that Putin had to make.

It will be a walk in the park. Zero infrastructure destruction.

The only way to make the Taiwanese fight like hell would be to not allow them to make money. If China closes down the Taiwanese stock market or raises profit tax to 60%, then expect the biggest revolt in the history of Taiwan.

Why Do Japanese Homes Lose All Their Value After 15 Years?



Japanese homes only last an average of 30 years, and lose all of their value after 15. As a result, rather than being an investment that a family can build equity in, Japanese homewoners scrimp and save only to see what is often their life’s biggest investment lose 1/15th of its value each year. How did this come to be?

After WW2, the Japanese slapped together a lot of crudely built homes to house its population.

Those home were so shoddy that they didn’t have much resale value, years later, as it was actually cheaper to tear them down and rebuild them than to repair them. And that became kind of a “thing,” in Japan.

They would manufacture cheap, pre-fab homes that were not designed to last a long time, and building codes changed and improved, so it was more practical to just tear them down and rebuild them. And all of that became a part of modern Japanese culture.

People just view older homes as “crap,” no matter what their actual condition or appearance, so nobody really bothers to properly maintain them and fix them up for resale, because they know they’re not going to get that money back.

China’s Space Dominance SHOCKS! American Scientist

Author: Alastair Crooke

The Chinese, quite possibly, are genuinely perplexed at the US and European strategy: Why does the US not back-off now from this Ukraine war?

2023 04 24 16 56
2023 04 24 16 56

President Macron and EU Commission head, Von der Leyen, are back from China. Their visit achieved little that was tangible (except for a few contracts for French businesses), but the atmospherics were terrible. And von der Leyen reportedly cut her trip short.

President Xi was as courteous and patient as ever, but even he failed to hide his grimaces, as Macron went on, and on, about China’s responsibility to roll back President Putin over Ukraine. Xi’s frustration showed plainly when Macron did not seem to hear his repeated response that both Russia and Ukraine have their security concerns, and that ‘no’, China is not about to intervene in the conflict. Macron however, just persisted — and at length.

So what was this visit all about? Well, essentially, it related to the fact that Secretary Blinken has been unable to reinstate the visit to Beijing that he cancelled in the wake of the US shoot down of the Chinese weather balloon. And nor has the White House been able to schedule a phone call between Presidents’ Biden and Xi. Beijing remains non-responsive to both.

So Macron took up an earlier invite to Beijing, and Von der Leyen tagged along to show EU ‘solidarity’ (but was largely ignored).

Ostensibly, Macron’s message was that France wanted to keep some commercial links with China open (in spite of US pressures to isolate China economically), but the European pair travelled essentially as American emissaries.

Their tasking was well understood by China. This sentiment was succinctly framed by the former editor-in-chief of China’s Global Times, Hu Xijin, who is close to Central Committee thinking, who gave us the ‘Big Picture’:

“The US repeatedly claims that China is preparing to provide “lethal military aid” to Russia in the ongoing Ukraine conflict. China has firmly denied the allegations: I believe the US is engaging in a ‘pre-emptive accusation’ to prevent China from weighing in on the conflict”.

“[The] Ukraine war has been going on for more than a year: And according to the West’s previous calculation, Russia should have already collapsed by now. They didn’t expect that Russia can still sustain it until now – and in recent days, Russia is advancing the encirclement of Bakhmut, a key hub for the supply route of the Ukrainian troops.

“It is a war of attrition between Russia and the West. Ukraine provides the troops. It is receiving all its military supplies, including ammunition, from NATO. And whilst NATO is supposed to be much stronger than Russia, the situation on the ground doesn’t appear as such – which is why it causes anxiety in the West.

“The West has found it much more difficult than expected, to defeat Russia. They know that China has not provided military aid to Russia. But the question that haunts them is this: If Russia alone, is already so difficult to deal with, what if China really starts to provide military aid to Russia, using its massive industrial capabilities for the Russian military? Russia alone … is more than a match for the Collective West. If they [the West] really forces China and Russia to join hands militarily – the question that haunts them is that the West will no longer be able to do as it pleases. Russia and China together, would have the power to check the US”.

In short, Hu Xijin is expressing this paradox: The US and Europe know that China is providing no military aid. In China’s view, Russia is managing handily in confronting the entire West in Ukraine — ‘singlehandedly’. It therefore does not need China’s help, so why, has the US effectively pursued a policy of forcing “China and Russia to join hands”?

The answer, Hu says, is that that were China and Russia to join hands militarily – well, that would be paradigm change. US hegemony would no longer be able to do as it pleases. Russia and China together would have the power to check the US, whenever it oversteps its boundaries.

The Chinese, quite possibly, are genuinely perplexed at the US and European strategy: Why does the US not back-off now from this Ukraine war? For, should the West continue to escalate, with more and more NATO military support, ‘what if’ this ultimately does result in China and Russia militarily ‘joining hands’. Bang! Paradigm change will be done.

Does the US want that? Clearly not. It would result in the humiliation of the US and NATO. So, why persist with a project which looks to end badly — and which shamefully is sacrificing so many lives?

Is there some unperceived strategy here, or is it just about having favourable 2024 US Presidential ‘optics’, irrespective of strategy: i.e. placing a short term Presidential ‘look’ above a long-term US strategic loss?

A major difference between US AI and China AI is that China AI is all about implementation.

In research, US has about 60% of the world’s top 1000 top researchers, and China less than 10%. The top US researchers are both academia and industry, while the top Chinese researchers are generally in the industry, while academia lags behind the US substantially. Chinese research papers have increased in quality rapidly over the years, but it will take a long time to catch up with the US. (For more details on this, see my book AI Superpowers)

Deep learning is the single greatest invention so far in the Era of Discovery, which was led by the U.S.. But since the deep learning breakthrough, we’ve already entered the Era of Implementation where what matters is execution, product quality, speed, and data. And that’s where China comes in.

China’s technological execution is built on incredible work ethic. Nearly abandoning of my wife in the delivery room is nothing compared to the entrepreneurs in China. As a venture capitalist in China, I once saw a startup claim that it offered great work-life balance because it was “996”. What’s 996? 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week. Most other startups in China are 997.

Chinese product quality has improved dramatically due to intense competition. Silicon Valley competition resembles the old wars where each side takes its turn to fire. In China, competition is like gladiators in the coliseum, fighting to the death with no holds barred. Fierce competition pushes entrepreneurs to improve the product at lightning speed, and to develop impregnable business models. As a result, Wechat and Weibo have evolved into arguably better products than products from Facebook and Twitter.

Chinese market rapidly embraces new products and new paradigms. Just within the last 3 years, mobile payments have emerged as the dominant transaction tool, replacing cash and credit cards. Total transaction in 2017 was $18.8 trillion, even larger than China’s GDP. How’s that possible? China’s mobile payments are built on the world’s best infrastructure: nearly zero-transaction-fee, micropayment-capable, and peer-to-peer. Over 700 million Chinese users can pay each other, whether for online, offline, loan, or gift, whether to your child, a farmer in a village, or even a beggar.

All of this is amplified by China’s enormous market size, which generates the treasure trove of data which is the critical rocket fuel for AI. China’s data edge is 3 times the US based on mobile users ratio, 10 times the US in food delivery, 50 times in mobile payment, and 300 times in shared bicycle rides. (The few paragraphs above come from my TED talk this year).

All this rich data is used to make Chinese companies’ AI work better. Today, China has the world’s most valuable companies in computer vision, drones, speech recognition, speech synthesis, and machine translation. The total valuation of Chinese computer vision companies is about $10B, and the total valuation of Chinese speech recognition companies is also about $10B.

Internet is an area where AI giants blossomed. The same is true for US and China. For US: Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft. For China: Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu. These seven companies have a disproportionate share of AI people (in particular Google has the most).

China has a number of industrial AI opportunities in “late mover advantage”, that is when the industry lags the US, AI can make a big difference. We’ve seen this in payments, and will soon see it in retail, healthcare, and education (for AI & education, watch the upcoming 60 Minutes).

So, not unexpectedly, in VC funding, China has 48% of the world’s funding, while US 38%.

This is a true masterpiece. Really.

Check out this screen shot.

2023 04 24 17 10r
2023 04 24 17 10r

And this one…

2023 04 24 17 1re2
2023 04 24 17 1re2

I just love it. LOVE IT!


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