We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
The Chinese are getting ready for the American promises of world war 3
...Agree with the sentiment but please don't lump “The West” all together.
The being dumbed down to stupid level bit, there are stupids in America, and then there are stupids in non-American Western countries. You simply cannot compare the levels of stupid. American stupids are stratosphere level. Everyone else is still within the biosphere, a bit stupid but not that level of stupid.
I don't know if Quora has mostly an American audience, but I can say as a non-American living outside of America that I have yet to come across USA level of stupid where I am. Although the US government is really good at forcing non-US Western governments into matching the US level of stupid. My observation is about Western citizens, not their governments. We are not the same level of stupid.
We are in the thick of it. I anticipate some great change throughout this year. Ya all best be on the top of your toes. That’s for sure.
The US has jailed Harvard’s Professor of Chemistry, a renowned nano-chemist, for teaching nano-chemistry to Chinese students.
And kept him out of China for two years.
All nice and legal.
They charged him with failing to declare his taxable income from the Chinese university and for lying to the FBI when questioned and fined him $50,000, along with $34,000 restitution to the IRS.
Disgraced and bankrupt, Professor Lieber will serve two days in prison, six months of home confinement, and 18 months of supervised release, ensuring that he can’t teach in China for at least two years. (This goes way back. The US detained a famous Chinese nuclear physicist for years in the ’50s, too).
At the time of his arrest in 2020 Prof. Lieber was the peak of his career and favored for a Nobel. He hasn’t taught a class since. He is one of the people who gave America the lead in nano-chemistry and he was essentially gunned down just when he was making his greatest contributions.
Why did the US destroy this priceless national asset at the peak of his career?
To send an unmistakable message to the scientific community, “Don’t help the Chinese”.
And guess who’s helping the Chinese?
2023 04 28 15 19
Joseph Stieglitz said that, of all America’s current problems, the quality of its decision-making is the gravest. That nails it, and this exemplifies it.
Scott Ritter: “Russia IS WIPING THEM OUT, THIS IS IT” in Exclusive Interview
Argentina to stop using the USD and start using the Chinese Yuan
Just a matter of time, the dollar will become a useless currency outside America. US economy will collapsed faster than imagination.
It was another day when Korean netizens were so angry by their own president.
2023 04 28 15 49
After the South Korea-US summit on the 26th, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife attended a dinner held at the White House that night. During the dinner, Yoon talked about his favorite American song “American Pie” when he was a student, and sang a part live at the invitation of everyone.
After the singing video was uploaded back to South Korea, some Korean netizens were furious again, denouncing it as a “national humiliation”, “Those who didn’t know thought we chose an artist, not the president”. Some people mentioned earlier reports that Yoon worked hard to practice English “in order to impress the hearts of the United States”, and complained, “The president stayed up late to learn this?”
Bangladesh to Pay Russia $300 Million in Yuan for Power Plant
Bangladesh to Pay Russia $300 Million in Yuan for Power Plant – Bloomberg
You Can Now Get Cat Sticker To Cover Up Racist Graffiti You Find On The Streets
0 18
Depending on where you live and what part of the city you are in, chances are you probably walk or drive by some racist graffiti on walls, lamp posts, or on the ground quite often. Well, someone had enough of it and made these brilliant cat stickers to cover them up.
Sure, you could always report the graffiti, or attempt to clean it up yourself, but there’s just something so satisfying about taking care of it in the most clever way possible! Not only are you covering up some terrible text or picture, but you’re giving everyone a new awesome message to read that’s positive, and it has a picture of a cat that’ll draw everyone in!
cat stickers5cat stickers4cat stickers3
Taiwan: Washington’s Quest to Provoke A Chinese War
This week, the People’s Liberation Army conducted aggressive military exercises in the South China sea. This act was a forceful response to the Taiwanese President’s meeting with Kevin McCarthy, where the two figures reaffirmed a mutual interest in “defending democracy.”
The display is unusual for two reasons. The first, is that the Chinese generally shy from gratuitous displays of force, so this should be taken seriously. The military drills were strikingly reminiscent to ones conducted by Russia on the eve of the Ukraine war.
The second, is the ludicrous fact that Washington does not even recognize Taiwan as a nation.
The US government gave up claims to the territory it controlled as a semi-colony when negotiating Chinese support for a common front against the Soviet Union. Chinese ownership of Taiwan was officially acknowledged in the 1972 Shanghai Communique authored by Henry Kissinger and presented by Richard Nixon. The 1955 Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty, which compels the US military to defend Taiwan in the case of a mainland invasion, was officially terminated in 1980 when Washington formally established diplomatic ties with China.
With the Soviet Union gone and China beginning to forge its identity as a world power, the self-selected judge, jury and executioner of the “rules based international order” has decided these agreements are no longer convenient and have, over the decades, used legalisms to establish the rat-like policy of “strategic ambiguity” on the matter of Taiwan.
But things are no longer so ambiguous. Following the Ukraine script, the Pentagon and State Department are now moving forward on furnishing Taiwan with billions of dollars worth of arms on top of the steady trickle of weapons the Biden Administration has already been sending. The US has a backlog of over $12 billion dollars worth of weaponry earmarked to “Ukrainize” Taiwan combined with an anti-China disinformation campaign seeking to stoke jingoism. This is a brazen provocation. Prior to this foreign interloping, China was on track for peaceful reunification, now in the blink of an eye, we have Lindsay Graham stating he would support sending US troops to fight them over the island.
In the post-Iraq era, nobody believes the saccharine self-righteous lectures about Truth, Justice and the American Way unless they’re paid to pretend to. Geopolitical analysts across the ideological spectrum have correctly identified the imperial economics behind the US government’s bellicose finger in China’s eye: Taiwan produces the majority of the world’s semiconductors, which are requisite parts of virtually all advanced electronic innovations from smartphones to modern automobiles. Possession of a monopoly on the production of this specialized technology, observers say, would allow China unprecedented global influence.
The Pentagon’s newspeak about Taiwanese sovereignty becomes increasingly preposterous when listening to some of the spastic outbursts emanating from our unelected national security hierarchs. At a March Global Security Forum in Qatar, former White House National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien stated that the United States was planning to blow up all of Taiwan’s semiconductor factories in the event of a Chinese military intervention. Such a brash action could instantly wipe trillions from the world economy and plunge the world into a depression. Some would argue that O’Brien may have been blowing hot air, but his words follow a pattern of incompetence and reckless disregard by Washington’s gay Jewish fanatics, who The Times has reported actually instructed Ukrainian forces to use HIMARs artillery to attack Europe’s largest power plant in Zaporizhzhia!
The semiconductor industry certainly plays an important role in the Sino-American stand-off, but economics alone are not the primary motive for Washington’s over-the-top aggression, which is so unhinged that it is even scaring some of its most loyal subjects.
The real dilemma for globalists is not that a non-Western state will control chip manufacturing, as some have theorized. US companies leaving China are moving chip manufacturing to nearby India and Vietnam. The real source of their protestation is that China’s influence could enable countries to have more say over their own affairs!
The Chinese government’s foreign policy doctrine is The Five Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence, which presents a direct challenge to the post-1945 Open Society model implemented by the Jewish controlled Allies, which Xi Jinping made clear in a recent meeting with Vladimir Putin. The Chinese model proposes an international system dictated by rational self-interest and Westphalian assumptions of national sovereignty. We can see this philosophy play out in Chinese brokered peace agreements between Saudi Arabia and Iran, a development that could bring stark relief to the bloody sectarianism that has engulfed the Muslim world for decades but enrages Jews in America and Israel. Xi’s offer to mediate peace between Ukraine and Russia is finding audiences in Europe and even some interest in Kiev, and China is a background participant in the Russian project to bring Syria and Turkey to the negotiating table.
The prospect of peace and stability appeals to the overwhelming majority of humanity, but the Jews and homosexual freaks flying down the wrong side of the highway at 120 miles per hour in Washington and New York are outraged because losing the monopoly on force nudges their unnatural and dangerous global aspirations to the sidelines.
Standing in the way is NATO, which is currently expanding into an Indo-Pacific “partnership” featuring liberal vassal states Japan, South Korea and Australia. This strategic alliance’s sole purpose is to manufacture a geopolitical problem for China where it otherwise does not exist. The purpose of this front is to combine economic and military power of several nations to arbitrarily dictate terms to nation-states — not only China, as the post-Soviet collapse actions of NATO have shown — and replace them with a single world order centered around enforcing the WW2 Allies’ self-serving definitions of “human rights” and “democracy.”
This ideology of “human rights and democracy” translates to establishing institutions that disempower ethnic majorities (especially in nations that embrace it), water down the state so that social and national policies are dictated by private wealthy individuals that put money and cosmopolitanism over nationhood, and full integration into an international construct of selectively enforced human rights laws that grants jurisdiction over day-to-day domestic affairs and defers an immediate influence sphere to global entities controlled by the people indoctrinated by Jews in this nonsense at elite schools in the US and parts of Western Europe.
Naturally, most countries that haven’t already been taken over reject this. That is why the post-1945 liberal order spreads death and chaos, insulting our intelligence by saying it is on humanitarian grounds. Exporting disgusting values, erasing unique peoples and cultures and cranking open markets for Wall Street predators by starting fires on every corner of the planet is a goal they strive for.
The Jew Barry Pavel, who has served in the Department of Defense and National Security Council, summarized this Bolshevistic ideology in NATO’s Atlantic Council publication in 2014. He asserts that the United States should actively combat Westphalianism by utilizing new technologies such as “3D and 4D printing, a biotechnology explosion, robotics, algorithms, big data and later, quantum computing” to manufacture subversion and instigate civil wars around the world. “It is this nexus of greater individual autonomy and more powerful and personalized capabilities that defines the coming era of people power,” Pavel declared.
Rather than US foreign policy aiming to build good-fences-good-neighbors diplomacy, Pavel recommends the tenets of Permanent Revolution, “when thinking about our world today and the value the United States places on regional stability, it becomes clear that this strategy is no longer viable. Washington needs a dynamic framework to deal with a dynamic world.”
Former Secretary General of NATO Javier Solana expressed an earlier iteration of this in a 1998 speech celebrating the bombing campaign against Serbia. Solana declared that common sense principles like non-interference and ethnic nationalism were obsolete and immoral, and that liberal values must be spread with sanctions, bullets and bombs because “democracies remain far better equipped to deal peacefully with the challenges of modernisation and globalisation” and “it remains a fact that open, multi-cultural societies are the best insurance against excesses of the kind we have seen in Bosnia.”
Traditionally, the Washington-London-Paris axis has sought passive measures when confronted by large, nuclear armed powers, though this has changed in the face of Russian assertiveness. US policy towards China since the 1980s was to shower the country with American capital at the expense of the economic interests of the domestic population, which has both failed in changing China and simultaneously played a role in turning much of the white working class against the government at home.
From the vantage point of arrogant policymakers, capitalists would benefit from the highly skilled but relatively cheap Chinese work force as well as its vast consumer market, with the downstream effect of creating a a young cosmopolitan middle class steeped in the values of Jewish low-culture — Hollywood, celebrity fixations, pop music, social media, etc. These young people would then breath in the political ideology of the American system in Western universities, which clearly didn’t work since both Trump and Biden have implemented policy denying Chinese students new visas while FBI agents badger those who are already here. US foreign policy authors also projected that local billionaires could be bought off and compromised through Jewish financial influence, thus creating a political challenge for the Chinese state that would allow for liberalization.
This project has been a bust. The Chinese state remains the authority in the country, and serious domestic opposition vanished after the mass execution of CIA assets burned by double agents and intelligence community incompetence. Young Chinese students in America focus on taking STEM classes and then use it to make their own country better, while contract workers at American companies often engage in espionage and patent theft. The Chinese Communist Party has shown resolve in cracking down on billionaire interests that conflict with national well-being, even if it financially hurts in the short-term — something so unthinkable in liberal plutocracies that even the best minds in Washington couldn’t foresee it.
One highlight in this see-saw dynamic between the Chinese state and capital has been the government’s fight with Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who in 2019 signed on to a joint venture with Wall Street hedge fund firm Vanguard to create the digital bank Ant Financial. Ma was being groomed by Western media as a potential candidate for Pavel’s concept of “personalized power” as a Steve Jobs type figure that for some reason should be deferred to on political and ethical matters because he’s a good businessman. But Ma’s drift into the clutches of foreign money as well as his outspoken support for liberalizing finance provoked backlash from the Chinese state. In the years following his statements, Alibaba was subjected to record shattering trust-busting fines and a takeover of key parts of Ant Financial by state owned enterprises. Now in 2023, Ma has been stripped of his influence and jettisoned from public life. Vanguard announced last March that it was planning to abandon the Chinese market and the CCP does not care.
Vanguard is not alone. The Jewish Open Society’s battering ram of US private equity has decreased investments in China by 76% year-over-year, suggesting frustrations that go beyond “zero-COVID.” Some bad actors, such as Blackrock and Michael Bloomberg wish to keep a foot in the door, but they are being heavily scrutinized for it by Jewish Wall Street compatriots like George Soros, who is a key figure behind the Biden administration’s escalation of Trump-era anti-China saber-rattling.
Other social engineering projects have also hit brick walls. US 5th Generation warfare operatives often zero in on recruiting and manipulating homosexuals and young women in relatively developed nations, but in China, feminists lauded in the New York Times as trailblazers for seeking to create sexual harassment moral panics or import Western “battle of the sexes” politics are not imprisoned, as this would only make them martyrs, but socially shamed and mocked. The Chinese government looks the other way as young men troll them off the internet or tech companies deplatform them. Unlike many other countries that tolerate society-wrecking Jewish funded NGOs in exchange for US and European investment, Chinese authorities do not shy from cracking down on foreign NGOs using their version of the espionage act, something the US government would also do if it were ever faced with substantial outside meddling.
In the US, conservatives make a lot of noise about combating “woke” Disney, but Jewish CEO Bob Iger is much more afraid of China. Hollywood relies on the country’s massive market to stay profitable, even as they express muted anguish over the state’s policy of unrelentingly censoring the sick garbage and propaganda they put in children’s films. Bipartisan congressional hearings have even summoned movie studio heads over the issue, complaining that fear of offending Chinese sensibilities may be causing Jews in control of our creative sector to hold back from going even further in repulsing normal people.
US hard power in Taiwan is a desperate last-ditch effort to stymie the inevitable after decades of soft power have failed to undermine China’s proud Hans. The lunatics in the Pentagon prefer to engage in gangsterism and childish mischief against a nuclear power with the largest army in the world over learning to mind their own business and competing in good faith.
The drive behind every American foreign policy decision is not up for debate, it is not merely about money. Peace and diplomacy is much more profitable than war. Emanant scholar Michael Hudson, who spent years working in prominent think tanks, summarized the American national security establishment best, “I’ve met the national security types when I was at the Hudson Institute for many years. They are crazy. They are filled with hatred of the stories about their families suffering in the Holocaust. They look at the rest of the world as potential enemies who want to put them in the gas chambers. These are twisted people.”
In truth, America is as much of a police state as China, except in the latter they have the benefit of violent crime being unheard of. Here in the land of human rights and democracy we have FBI agents spying on people in our churches and sketchy indictments of political opponents for disagreeing with maybe 10% of the Washington consensus. But every system functions this way, what distinguishes the Chinese one is that it defends the interests of its majority race while the US system — private and public — operates for the exclusive benefit of a small minority that openly says it hates the majority.
We must have a state that respects and preserves our European state-building majority, makes business and finance accountable, and punishes those who deserve it. We must immediately cease our policy of starting wars, spreading anarchy, and imposing toxic values that are killing us as well as others. Our goal should be to have strong borders and a formidable defense force while engaging with the world in a constructive and peaceful fashion.
But first we must take back our nation back!
No war for Taiwan!
Taiwan is being quietly invaded
Creole Shrimp & Rigatoni with
Spicy Jalapeno Chicken Sausage
2023 04 19 15 01
Prep: 10 min | Cook: 15 min | Yield: 8 servings
12 ounces Al Fresco Spicy Jalapeno Chicken Sausage, sliced on the diagonal into 1/4 inch thick slices
3/4 teaspoon Creole seasoning
12 ounces dry rigatoni pasta
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup fresh white onion, chopped
1 poblano pepper, fresh, seeded and chopped
2 fresh cloves garlic, minced
1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes, unsalted
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1 tablespoon light, unsalted butter
1 pound raw medium shrimp, 31 to 40 per pound, peeled and deveined
2 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley, preferably Italian parsley
1/2 medium fresh lemon, zested with grater
Toss the shrimp in a medium bowl with 3/4 teaspoon Creole seasoning and set aside.
Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling water according to package directions. Reserve 1/2 cup pasta water. Drain the pasta, return to the pot and keep warm.
While the pasta is cooking, heat the oil in a large skillet medium-high heat add the onion and poblano pepper. Cook the vegetables until tender, about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in the garlic and chicken sausage, and cook one additional minute.
Add the tomatoes, salt, pepper, hot sauce and butter. Reduce the heat to medium, and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the shrimp. Cover and let sit for 3 minutes, until the shrimp are cooked through.
Stir in the reserved pasta water, chopped parsley and lemon zest.
Pour the sauce in the pot with the pasta.
Toss the pasta to coat.
Serve immediately with grated parmesan cheese.
Clayton Morris: This is pure insanity and no one is stopping it!
We cannot even begin to fathom the non-stop ripple effects deriving from the 2023 geopolitical earthquake that shook the world: Putin and Xi, in Moscow, de facto signaling the beginning of the end of Pax Americana.
This has been the ultimate anathema for rarified Anglo-American hegemonic elites for over a century: a signed, sealed, comprehensive strategic partnership of two peer competitors, intertwining a massive manufacturing base and pre-eminence in supply of natural resources – with value-added Russian state of the art weaponry and diplomatic nous.
From the point of view of these elites, whose Plan A was always a debased version of the Roman Empire’s Divide and Rule, this was never supposed to happen. In fact, blinded by hubris, they never saw it coming. Historically, this does not even qualify as a remix of the Tournament of Shadows; it’s more like Tawdry Empire Left in the Shade, “foaming at the mouth” (copyright Maria Zakharova).
Xi and Putin, with one Sun Tzu move, immobilized Orientalism, Eurocentrism, Exceptionalism and, last but not least, Neo-Colonialism. No wonder the Global South was riveted by what developed in Moscow.
Adding insult to injury, we have China, the world’s largest economy by far when measured by purchasing power parity (PPP), as well as the largest exporter. And we have Russia, an economy that by PPP is equivalent or even larger than Germany’s – with the added advantages of being the world’s largest energy exporter and not forced to de-industrialize.
Together, in synch, they are focused on creating the necessary conditions to bypass the US dollar.
Cue to one of President Putin’s crucial one-liners: “We are in favor of using the Chinese yuan for settlements between Russia and the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.”
A key consequence of this geopolitical and geoeconomic alliance, carefully designed throughout the past few years, is already in play: the emergence of a possible triad in terms of global trade relations and, in many aspects, a Global Trade War.
Eurasia is being led – and largely organized – by the Russia-China partnership. China will also play a key role across the Global South, but India may also become quite influential, agglutinating what would be a Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) on steroids. And then there is the former “indispensable nation” ruling over the EU vassals and the Anglosphere rounded up in the Five Eyes.
What the Chinese really want
The Hegemon, under its self-concocted “rules-based international order”, essentially never did diplomacy. Divide and Rule, by definition, precludes diplomacy. Now their version of “diplomacy” has degenerated even further into crude insults by an array of US, EU and UK’s intellectually challenged and frankly moronic functionaries.
It’s no wonder that a true gentleman, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, has been forced to admit, “Russia is no longer a partner of the EU… The European Union ‘lost’ Russia. But the Union itself is to blame. After all, EU member states… openly declare that Russia should be dealt a strategic defeat. That is why we consider the EU to be an enemy organization.”
And yet the new Russian foreign policy concept, announced by Putin on March 31st, makes it quite clear: Russia does not consider itself an “enemy of the West” and does not seek isolation.
The problem is there’s virtually no adult to talk to on the other side, rather a bunch of hyenas. That has led Lavrov to once again stress that “symmetrical and asymmetrical” measures may be used against those involved in “hostile” actions against Moscow.
When it comes to Exceptionalistan, that’s self-evident: the US is designated by Moscow as the prime anti-Russia instigator, and the collective West’s overall policy is described as “a new type of Hybrid War.”
Yet what really matters for Moscow are the positives further on down the road: non-stop Eurasia integration; closer ties with “friendly global centers” China and India; increased help to Africa; more strategic cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean, the lands of Islam – Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt – and ASEAN.
And that brings us to something essential that was – predictably – ignored en masse by Western media: the Boao Forum for Asia, which took place nearly simultaneously with the announcement of Russia’s new foreign policy concept.
The Boao Forum, started in early 2001, still in the pre-9/11 era, has been modeled on Davos, but it’s Top China through and through, with the secretariat based in Beijing. Boao is in Hainan province, one of the islands of the Gulf of Tonkin and today a tourist paradise.
One of the key sessions of this year’s forum was on development and security, chaired by former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who is currently Boao’s president.
There were quite a few references to Xi’s Global Development Initiative as well as the Global Security Initiative – which by the way was launched at Boao in 2022.
The problem is these two initiatives are directly linked to the UN’s concept of peace and security and the extremely dodgy Agenda 2030 on “sustainable development” – which is not exactly about development and much less “sustainable”: it’s a Davos uber-corporate concoction. The UN for its part is basically a hostage of Washington’s whims. Beijing, for the moment, plays along.
Premier Li Qiang was more specific. Stressing the trademark concept of “community of shared future for mankind” as the basis for peace and development, he linked peaceful coexistence with the “Spirit of Bandung” – in direct continuity with the emergence of NAM in 1955: that should be the “Asian Way” of mutual respect and building consensus – in opposition to “the indiscriminate use of unilateral sanctions and long-reaching jurisdiction”, and the refusal of “a new Cold War”.
And that led Li Qiang to the emphasis on the Chinese drive to deepen the RCEP East Asian trade deal, and also advance the negotiations on the free trade agreement between China and ASEAN. And all that integrated with the new expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in contrast to trade protectionism.
So for the Chinese what matters, intertwined with business, is cultural interactions; inclusivity; mutual trust; and a stern refusal of “clash of civilizations” and ideological confrontation.
As much as Moscow easily subscribes to all of the above – and in fact practices it via diplomatic finesse – Washington is terrified by how compelling is this Chinese narrative for the whole Global South. After all, Exceptionalistan’s only offer in the market of ideas is unilateral domination; Divide an Rule; and “you’re with us or against us”. And in the latter case you will be sanctioned, harassed, bombed and/or regime-changed.
Is it 1848 all over again?
Meanwhile, in vassal territories, a possibility arises of a revival of 1848, when a big revolutionary wave hit all over Europe.
In 1848 these were liberal revolutions; today we have essentially popular anti-liberal (and anti-war) revolutions – from farmers in the Netherlands and Belgium to unreconstructed populists in Italy and Left and Right populists combined in France.
It may be too early to consider this a European Spring. Yet what’s certain in several latitudes is that average European citizens feel increasingly inclined to shed the yoke of Neoliberal Technocracy and its dictatorship of Capital and Surveillance. Not to mention NATO warmongering.
As virtually all European media is technocrat-controlled people won’t see this discussion in the MSM. Yet there’s a feeling in the air this may be heralding a Chinese-style end of a dynasty.
In the Chinese calendar this is how it always goes: their historical-societal clock always runs with periods of between 200 and 400 years per dynasty.
There are indeed intimations that Europe may be witnessing a rebirth.
The period of upheaval will be long and arduous – due to the hordes of anarco-liberals who are such useful idiots for the Western oligarchy – or it could all come to a head in a single day. The target is quite clear: the death of Neoliberal Technocracy.
That’s how the Xi-Putin view could make inroads across the collective West: show that this ersatz “modernity” (which incorporates rabid cancel culture) is essentially void compared to traditional, deeply rooted cultural values – be it Confucianism, Taoism or Eastern Orthodoxy. The Chinese and Russian concepts of civilization-state are much more appealing than they appear.
Well, the (cultural) revolution won’t be televised; but it may work its charms via countless Telegram channels. France, infatuated with rebellion throughout its history, may well be jump to the vanguard – again.
Yet nothing will change if the global financial casino is not subverted. Russia taught the world a lesson: it was preparing itself, in silence, for a long-term Total War. So much so that its calibrated counterpunch turned the Financial War upside down – completely destabilizing the casino. China, meanwhile, is re-balancing, and is on the way to be also prepared for Total War, hybrid and otherwise.
The inestimable Michael Hudson, fresh from his latest book, The Collapse of Antiquity, where he deftly analyzes the role of debt in Greece And Rome, the roots of Western civilization, succinctly explains our current state of play:
“America has pulled a color revolution at the top, in Germany, Holland, England, and France, essentially, where the foreign policy of Europe is not representing their own economic interests (…) America simply said, – We are committed to support a war of (what they call) democracy (by which they mean oligarchy, including the Nazism of Ukraine) against autocracy (…) Autocracy is any country strong enough to prevent the emergence of a creditor oligarchy, like China has prevented the creditor oligarchy.”
So “creditor oligarchy”, in fact, can be explained as the toxic intersection between globalist wet dreams of total control and militarized Full Spectrum Dominance.
The difference now is that Russia and China are showing to the Global South that what American strategists had in store for them – you’re going to “freeze in the dark” if you deviate from what we say – is no longer applicable. Most of the Global South is now in open geoeconomic revolt.
Globalist neoliberal totalitarianism of course won’t disappear under a sand storm. At least not yet. There’s still a maelstrom of toxicity ahead: suspension of constitutional rights; Orwellian propaganda; goon squads; censorship; cancel culture; ideological conformity; irrational curbs of freedom of movement; hatred and even persecution of – Slav – Untermenschen; segregation; criminalization of dissent; book burnings, show trials; fake arrest mandates by the kangaroo ICC; ISIS-style terror.
But the most important vector is that both China and Russia, each exhibiting their own complex particularities – and both dismissed by the West as unassimilable Others – are heavily invested in building workable economic models that are not connected, in several degrees, to the Western financial casino and/or supply chain networks. And that’s what’s driving the Exceptionalists berserk – even more berserk than they already are.
Watch “Ditch The Boeing? U.S. Orders 20 Chinese C919 Planes For $2.2 Billion,Why is that?
The new trend and reality:
World prefer any currency but dollar
US lost market to China on high tech products from passenger planes, chips, ev cars, solar power system, nuclear power plants, military weapons export….
The coming collapsed of the USA is by all mean highly predictable.
Tucker Reappears In 8PM Time Slot, But Not With Fox — Which Just Suffered “Catastrophic” Ratings Crash
After Tucker Carlson’s surprise split from Fox News, the #1 rated cable news host in history re-emerged from his home office on Wednesday to offer a stunning 8PM monologue covering his thoughts on the media landscape, and his future.
According to Carlson, one of the things one notices when one takes a little ‘time off’ is “how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. They’re completely irrelevant. They mean nothing.
“In five years we won’t even remember that we had them… and yet, at the same time, the undeniably big topics – the ones that will define our future – get virtually no discussion at all. War, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, natural resources. When was the last time you heard a legitimate debate about any of those issues?”
“Debates like that are not permitted in American media,” Carlson continued, adding “Both political parties, and their donors, have reached consensus on what benefits them – and they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it.
“Suddenly the United States looks like a one-party state,” Carlson said.
Carlson doesn’t think this will last, however, noting that while the above is a “depressing realization,” he doesn’t think this is permanent.
“Our current orthodoxies won’t last. They’re brain-dead. Nobody actually believes them. Hardly anyone’s life is improved by them. This moment is too inherently ridiculous to continue, and so it won’t.
The people in charge know this, that’s why they’re hysterical and aggressive. They’re afraid. They’ve given up persuasion – they’re resorting to force. But it won’t work. When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. At the same time, the liars who’ve been trying to silence them shrink – and they become weaker. That’s the iron-law of the universe; true things prevail.”
Tucker rhetorically asked “Where can you still find Americans saying true things? There aren’t many places left, but there are some – and that’s enough. As long as you can hear the words, there is hope. See you soon.”
Fox News, meanwhile, suffered a ‘catastrophic drop in viewers’ following Carlson’s ouster for still-unknown reasons, according to The Federalist‘s Sean Davis.
This is devastating…
World’s largest battery maker (CATL) announces major breakthrough in energy density
2023 04 28 15 47
In one of the most significant battery breakthroughs in recent years, the world’s largest battery manufacturer CATL has announced a new “condensed” battery with 500 Wh/kg which it says will go into mass production this year.
“The launch of condensed batteries will usher in an era of universal electrification of sea, land and air transportation, open up more possibilities of the development of the industry, and promote the achieving of the global carbon neutrality goals at an earlier date,” the company said in a presentation at Auto Shanghai on Thursday.
CATL’s new condensed battery will have almost double the energy intensity of Tesla’s 4680 cells, whose rating of 272-296 Wh/kg are considered very high by current standards.
CATL chief scientist Wu Kai says the condensed battery integrates a range of innovative technologies, including the ultra-high energy density cathode materials, innovative anode materials, separators, and manufacturing processes, offering excellent charge and discharge performance as well as good safety performance.
2023 04 28 15 4a8
What makes CATL’s announcement this week truly groundbreaking is that the condensed battery will go into mass production this year.
This Is What Disney Princesses Would Look Like If They Were Anime Characters
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For many years Disney princesses and their strong personalities have been inspiring illustrators, photographers and artists who keep trying to re-imagine the cartoon beauties’ iconic looks. Today we’ll show you what Disney’s royal ladies would look like if they were anime characters, as drawn by a talented Pakistani artist, Maryam.
Dulac Dirty Rice has it all. It gets color from the bell peppers, crunch from the pecans, sweetness from the raisins and saltiness from the bacon.
dulac dirty rice
Yield: 8 (1 cup) servings
1 pound ground beef
2 1/2 cups water
1 package ZATARAIN’S® Dirty Rice Mix
2 tablespoons butter, divided
1/4 cup pecan pieces
1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper
1/4 cup chopped yellow bell pepper
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup crumbled cooked bacon
1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions
Cook ground beef in large skillet over medium-high heat until no longer pink. Drain fat; set aside.
Add water to same skillet; bring to boil. Stir in Rice Mix and ground beef; return to boil. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer for 25 minutes or until rice is tender.
Remove from heat. Let stand for 5 minutes.
Melt 1 tablespoon of the butter in medium skillet on medium heat. Add pecans; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until lightly browned. Add to rice mixture.
Melt remaining 1 tablespoon butter in same skillet. Add bell peppers and raisins; cook and stir for 3 minutes or until tender.
Add to rice mixture; stir until well mixed.
Sprinkle with bacon and green onions before serving.
Putin just DESTROYED NATO’S top Ukraine leaders with this attack, U.S. is silent.
San Francisco Target Places Entire Aisles Behind Security Glass Amid Shoplifting Crisis
A viral TikTok video shows a Target store in San Francisco, with at least one entire aisle of products behind security glass amid years of failed social justice reforms that have sparked a shoplifting crisis.
Footage of the store’s interior posted to TikTok last week showed at least one aisle of cosmetics and toiletries under lock and key. The New York Post reported the store’s “entire inventory is on lockdown.” The store is located on Folsom Street near the city’s Mission District, an area known for lawlessness.
In a statement to Fox News, a Target spokesperson said:
“Like other retailers, organized retail crime is a concern across our business. We’re taking proactive measures to keep our teams and guests safe while deterring and preventing theft.
“These mitigation efforts include hiring additional security guards, adding third-party guard services at select locations, and using new technologies and tools to protect merchandise from being stolen.”
The spokesperson continued:
“We are working with legislators, law enforcement, and retail industry partners to support public policy that would help achieve our goals of creating a safe environment in our stores and keeping our doors open in communities across the country.”
It comes as no surprise that Target has a history of contributing millions to “national social justice initiatives.” Some of these progressive initiatives, aimed at reforming policies in predominantly liberal urban areas, have had unintended consequences. For instance, the easing of theft rules in California led to a surge in shoplifting.
Target may be hesitant to shutter its stores in San Francisco due to its commitment to progressive values.
However, other retailers have had enough and have fled the metro area. Just last week, Whole Foods closed its flagship store in the downtown district due to “high theft” and hostile visitors.”
YouTuber Guilty For Selling ‘Metal Cards’ That DoJ Says Are “Machine Gun Conversion Devices”
A Wisconsin gun dealer whose YouTube channel has 180,000 subscribers was convicted of “conspiring to transfer unregistered machine gun conversion devices” that were nothing more than metal bottle openers etched with patterns called “lightning links” that, when milled, can convert a semiautomatic AR-15 rifle into an automatic machine gun.
Gun dealer Matthew Hoover, who operated the CRS Firearms channel, was found “guilty of conspiring to transfer unregistered machine gun conversion devices that they referred to as “Auto Key Cards,”” the Department of Justice wrote in a press release. He was convicted of four counts of transferring unregistered machine gun conversion devices and faces 45 years in jail.
Also facing severe jail time is Kristopher Justinboyer Ervin. The DoJ said he was convicted “of seven counts of transferring unregistered machine gun conversion devices, three counts of possessing unregistered machine gun conversion devices, and one count of structuring cash transactions to avoid currency transaction reporting requirements.”
Ervin faces a maximum penalty of 110 years in federal prison. Sentencing for the two is scheduled for July 31.
Hoover and Ervin sold lightning links, etched into metal cards, which he referred to as “Auto Key Cards,” from around $40 for one version to more than $180. Hoover touted the cards on his YouTube channel.
2023 04 26 12 04 30
In one video, he said:
Auto Key Cards “are awesome because they’re stupid cheap.
“You could drop it in your rifle or, you know, if you’re actually gonna do this legally, this is just a bottle opener.
“What this is, is a novelty.
“So if someone sees it, they’re like, ‘hey, what is this?’ You explain to them that because laws are so ridiculous and so out of control, if I were to cut on these lines, I would become a felon. How ridiculous is that? It’s just a conversation starter.”
The DoJ said it took ATF agents about “40 minutes” to remove the pieces from the metal card via a Dremel rotary tool.
Last Thursday, defense attorneys for the men argued the firearms law doesn’t cover their clients because it doesn’t restrict items that could ‘potentially’ be made into conversion devices.
“As long as you do not cut it out … you have not broken the law,” Ervin’s lawyer, Alex King, told juries.
Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Laura Cofer Taylor told jurors before they began deliberating:
“Where is the line? That’s really a question you all will have to face.”
Meanwhile, firearm expert Brandon Herrera made the point, “If selling a template is treated like selling a machine gun itself — then how is distributing a 3D printing file any different issue?”
China passed another milestone in its bid to reduce reliance on the dollar, as yuan usage in its cross-border transactions jumped ahead of the greenback’s for the first time in March.
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The local currency’s share of China’s cross-border payments and receipts rose to a record high 48% at the month end from nearly zero in 2010, according to research by Bloomberg Intelligence citing data from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. The dollar’s share declined to 47% from 83% over the same period, the figures showed.
The ratio is calculated based on the volume on all types of transactions, which includes securities trading through the links between mainland China and Hong Kong’s capital markets. It doesn’t represent transactions used by the rest of the world — the yuan’s share in global payments was little changed at 2.3% in March, according to Swift.
“The rise in yuan usage could be a natural consequence of China opening up its capital account, with rising inflows for China bonds and outflows for Hong Kong stocks,” Stephen Chiu, chief Asia foreign-exchange and rates strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence (BI) research wrote in a note.
The rising share allows local firms to reduce the risks of currency mismatch in transactions, a spokeswoman at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said at a Friday (April 21) briefing. China will further expand yuan settlement in cross-border transactions, the State Council said in a guideline aimed at boosting foreign trade issued Tuesday.
This surprised even me.
2023 04 27 18 29
To be clear, these are nuclear ARMED submarines, not nuclear POWERED submarines, which is what Australia is supposed to be getting.
2023 04 27 18 30
A nuclear armed submarine in South Korean waters would be able to hit Beijing within a few minutes.
The Cuban Missile Crisis was fought over land-based missiles (far less dangerous) in a territory that was 90 minutes away from Washington DC by missile.
This is so much worse.
This is even worse than just giving nuclear missiles directly to South Korea. At least those missiles would be ground based.
Yes, missile interception tech is far more advanced now than it was in the 1960s, but there’s zero margin for error when it comes to nuclear missiles. A single hit would mean tens of millions of casualties, as well as the decapitation of Chinese leadership.
I suspect that this deal was the quid pro quo for South Korea effectively donating 500,000 artillery shells to Ukraine.
I honestly don’t know how Beijing should respond to a provocation of this scale.
This is beyond the pale, and should be ringing alarm bells all over the halls of power.
Whatever Xi has planned for Taiwan, he needs to move up the time table because Biden is not going to stop here.
What happened to the US’s Build Back Better World initiative and Europe’s Global initiative? Has anything been build under those initiative?
President Biden’s “Build Back Better” Initiative is being implemented by the USDA (The United States Department of Agriculture).
, and are now engaged in trying to get money to fund it.
So far, as far as I can determine there aren’t any hard and tangible funding sources. They have managed to obtain a small number of promises that are conditional on this or that. But as of today, this is an unfunded initiative. The funding of $4B have went to the USDA to organize the program and build a webpage. But there are no funding sources for actual structures.
From the webpage…
USDA is currently in the process of creating funding opportunities and will announce opportunities for our customers in the coming months.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced its intent to invest more than $4 billion to strengthen critical supply chains through the Build Back Better initiative. Funding announcements under the Build Back Better initiative will include a mix of grants, loans, and innovative financing mechanisms for the following priorities, each of which includes mechanisms to tackle the climate crisis and help communities that have been left behind…
In short…
The USDA government agency was funded with $4B up to oversee the effort.
Their job is to collect money from private companies and individuals.
There have been NO TANGIBLE collection of funding for any projects under this initiative at this time.
Why do so many foreigners go to China and think China is good?
I’ve lived for substantial time in 3 Asian cities (Singapore, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen), and they all surprised me on the upside. In the case of China, here’s why I like it:
it’s modern, and continues to develop all the time. They have modern cities, excellent transport infrastructure (highways, airports, high-speed trains network which is unmatched in the world, excellent public transport and taxis), excellent hotels, malls, restaurants and cafes, beautiful parks, etc.
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There’s a feeling of safety and freedom in Chinese cities, which impress with their size. There’s no one to tell you what to do, and you can see from the behavior of the diverse crowd, people just do what they want. In most places you won’t see any police. In some others they are present in security posts. They just do their job, i.e. sit there silently and behave reasonably, adding to the security and order. Do you know that police in China doesn’t have firearms? They are just like a part of the crowd, only doing their job.
friendliness of Chinese people. You will always get help, no matter that you can’t speak a word in Chinese besides 你好, or they can’t speak English. They’ll spend their time and go out of their way to explain you how to get somewhere, or how to buy a train ticket, they’ll patiently and enthusiastically explain how to get what you need. They’ll be positive and practical all the time while helping you.
they are non-dogmatic. The people are simply pragmatic and hardworking, they want to live good lives, and feel responsible for their well-being. They are not brainwashed (something which is actually more typical to Western countries, and you can see it on Quora too). The main philosophy of China is just common sense and being a good person.
business is in the genes of Chinese. Small shops and restaurants are ubiquitous, which makes me think self employment and small business must be a major kind of employment. The government creates excellent business infrastructure. For example, the hi tech city area in Shenzhen is very impressive and has lots of spaces to support innovations and startups. China hosts some of world’s biggest trade shows and exhibitions. It’s easy to see trends in the world economy here.
they are connected and communal. It’s easy to talk with people and make friends, especially if you are open and respectful.
technologically, China is of course advanced in many ways. For example, electric transport has been very developed here for years. You can find electric bikes, personal transportation vehicles (like kick scooters or mono wheels), electric taxis and cars, even electric buses (the photo below is a bus charging station).
some things are convenient. The Chinese messenger app (WeChat) is very advanced and makes it easy to make payments and much more; it’s a technology marvel. For example, in some cafes you can scan QR code on your table, which brings up the menu on your phone; you can make an order and it will be sent to your table. You can pay with your mobile phone almost everywhere, you don’t need cash or credit card. It’s fine to leave your wallet at home if you have a phone with you.
still kept (and in some cases even exaggerated) some of its sweet traditions. Well, their language itself is ancient to begin with. In the very developed Chinese cities you’ll see many people still trying to live simple ways. Outdoor tai chi, dragon boat festivals, traditional medicine, etc., add charm to the urban culture.
it’s vast and intellectually stimulating. It’s very geographically diverse, has rich history, and Chinese are passionate about learning and self development, they’re smart and focused. I love book shops here and book cafes; Shenzhen’s central book store claims to be the largest in the world.
Overall, China is fast pace, generally efficient, straightforward, but you need to get used to it and learn ways of doing things. They may be not what you are used to coming from another country.
Not looking good moving forward
De-Dollarization Is Happening at a ‘Stunning’ Pace — Bloomberg
2023 04 27 19 49
The dollar is losing its reserve status at a faster pace than generally accepted as many analysts have failed to account for last year’s wild exchange rate moves, according to Stephen Jen.
The greenback’s share in global reserves slid last year at 10 times the average speed of the past two decades as a number of countries looked for alternatives after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered sanctions, Jen and his Eurizon SLJ Capital Ltd. colleague Joana Freire wrote in a note. Adjusting for exchange rate movements, the dollar has lost about 11% of its market share since 2016 and double that amount since 2008, they said.
“The dollar suffered a stunning collapse in 2022 in its market share as a reserve currency, presumably due to its muscular use of sanctions,” Jen and Freire wrote. “Exceptional actions taken by the US and its allies against Russia have startled large reserve-holding countries,” most of which are emerging economies from the so-called Global South, they said.
Jen is the former Morgan Stanley currency guru who coined the dollar smile theory.
Last year, Bloomberg’s gauge of the greenback surged as much as 16% as the conflict helped fuel a rise in global inflation that triggered widespread interest rate hikes which sank bond and currency markets alike. It finished the year up 6%.
Biden’s Dollar Weaponization Supercharges Hunt for Alternatives
Smaller nations are experimenting with de-dollarization while China and India are pushing to internationalize their currencies for trade settlement after the US and Europe cut Russian banks from the global financial messaging system known as SWIFT. There’s also concern the dollar may become a permanent political tool, or be used as a form of economic statecraft to put extra pressure on countries to enforce sanctions that they may disagree with.
The US currency now represents about 58% of total global official reserves, down from 73% in 2001 when it was the “indisputable hegemonic reserve,” the Eurizon pair said.
That said, the dollar’s role as an international currency won’t be challenged anytime soon as developing countries don’t yet have the ability to divest from the greenback for transactions due to its large, liquid and well-functioning financial markets, Jen and Freire wrote.
Still, the persistence of those conditions “is not preordained” and there may come a time when the rest of the world actively avoids using the dollar, they wrote.
“The prevailing view of ‘nothing-to-see-here’ on the US dollar as a reserve currency seems too innocuous and complacent,” the two wrote. “What needs to be appreciated by investors is that, while the Global South is unable to totally avoid using the dollar, much of it has already become unwilling to do so.”
All of the gaslighting, Vault-7 propaganda and Anti China rhetoric were so dense I would have had a better chance of getting away with mugging an MTA Securityman than I would, convincing her that my decision to move to China was sane and rational given what was going on now. She actually thinks I would fare better in a post-collapse America (despite having always been abused and ignored here,) than I would, going to a nation whose society will still be fully functional.
I just got a job as a cleanup guy, cleaning houses all over NYC. I am going to save up my money to make my big move.
Do not put it off. Focus, and them implement. You are not the only MM follower who left NYC. Focus, plan and then implement.
I read the discourse. It is astounding. How in HELL can anyone believe that nonsense? Is the anti-China bullshit that deep in the USA? It’s known as Dunning-Kruger: too stupid to know that they’re stupid.
One girl for every 180 males…WTF? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Never been to a KTV. Ha Ha Ha.
I’m going to make a video from this. I promise. You can give them the link later on.
She’s got all of my accounts blocked after that massive brouhaha instigated by Radiation-wavelength machines manipulating her into spouting all of that sinophobic swill.
That’s okay. she’ll figure out sooner or later that my decision to move to China was far less suicidal and insane than she was ELF-manipulated to assume.
Contrast Why so many Foreigners go to China to the argument I had recently with a former penpal who I thought would help me with my move.
All of the gaslighting, Vault-7 propaganda and Anti China rhetoric were so dense I would have had a better chance of getting away with mugging an MTA Securityman than I would, convincing her that my decision to move to China was sane and rational given what was going on now. She actually thinks I would fare better in a post-collapse America (despite having always been abused and ignored here,) than I would, going to a nation whose society will still be fully functional.
I just got a job as a cleanup guy, cleaning houses all over NYC. I am going to save up my money to make my big move.
Do not put it off. Focus, and them implement. You are not the only MM follower who left NYC. Focus, plan and then implement.
I read the discourse. It is astounding. How in HELL can anyone believe that nonsense? Is the anti-China bullshit that deep in the USA? It’s known as Dunning-Kruger: too stupid to know that they’re stupid.
One girl for every 180 males…WTF? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Never been to a KTV. Ha Ha Ha.
I’m going to make a video from this. I promise. You can give them the link later on.
She’s got all of my accounts blocked after that massive brouhaha instigated by Radiation-wavelength machines manipulating her into spouting all of that sinophobic swill.
That’s okay. she’ll figure out sooner or later that my decision to move to China was far less suicidal and insane than she was ELF-manipulated to assume.
Yeah. I was pretty surprised by her ignorance.