2023 05 08 21 32

We are well on the way towards a new reality, and for many it WILL be a prosperous one

Still sick. Pretty nasty cold. Ugh.

As soon as my daughter got over one virus, another one hit, and of course…

I ended up getting both. Sigh.

What ever you do, stay away from sick people. All it takes is one inhalation.

Nice quote

2023 06 03 18 56
2023 06 03 18 56

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson

Seems like all of the American leadership these days are senile with dementia and should be in nursing homes.

2023 06 04 09 00
2023 06 04 09 00

Singa mengaum | Kung Fu Hustle

Chinese scientists have managed to improve the stability of CL-20, the world’s most powerful conventional explosive by a factor of 500%.

While extremely powerful, the use of CL-20 thus far has been limited because of its dangerous instability. Scientists from the Sichuan Military and Civilian Co-Innovation Centre for New Energetic Materials successfully developed new nanomaterials that greatly improved the stability of the explosive.

This opens the way for CL-20 to be used more extensively in applications such as rocket propellants that provide greater range for missiles, more powerful warheads and/or lighter and more compact missiles and bombs. The material also has lower observability when used as a missile propellant. CL-20 is also a key material used for increasing the range and reducing the size of ICBMS. Some analysts believe the recent Chinese war games that simulated hypersonic missile attacks on aircraft carriers assumed CL-20 warheads.

The origins of this material are a bit murky. In 1994 Professor Yu Yongzhong a Chinese explosives expert synthesised CL-20 for the first time in his lab and reported the discovery in Chinese scientific journals. A couple years after that, US military scientists reported discovery of the same material, but claimed they actually first synthesised it in 1987. Ironically, the “CL” stands for China Lake, the military facility where the American scientists worked.

The Terminator – Fat Boy – Harley-Davidson motorcycle

Yes. I went to a high school with a girl of Dutch extraction who did exactly this. It was hilarious in class one day because there was a girl there from Botswana and apparently they could communicate. We had this insane black history teacher who just started screaming at this girl for claiming she was African, and the girl from Botswana jumped to her defense(they were really good friends) and the teacher kept claiming white people weren’t African. Apparently the girl from Botswana started swearing and insulting the black teacher in whatever language these two spoke and the girl from South Africa was laughing hysterically after a few seconds. When I asked why later that day, it turns out that the girl from Botswana had said something like “you cotton pickers don’t know a thing about Africa or real Africans and so all you can do is pretend” later the two of them tried running for class office as the “African American” candidates.

United States Senator Diane Feinstein

She’s on a number of major policy committees and is one of the people handling America’s Geo-political posture. She comes, and represents California.


Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman will form a joint navy to guarantee the security of Persian Gulf.

2023 06 03 12 07
2023 06 03 12 07

The Persian Gulf region produces nearly one third of the world’s oil and holds over half of the world’s crude oil reserves as well as a significant portion of the world’s natural gas reserves.

Iran has always called on the Persian Gulf countries to participate in establish security in this important region.

Al-Jadid Qatar news website reported that the consultations of Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman have started with the coordination of China and with the aim of ensuring the safety of navigation in the Persian Gulf.

The US sphere of influence on Gulf states is wanning fast.

2023 06 03 12 07w
2023 06 03 12 07w

In a few areas, actually. First is infrastructure. The Chinese planned waaaaaaaaaay ahead while building. That’s why there were ghost cities. The developers built huge communities before they were needed, knowing that large factories were coming soon. Above that is public transportation. Smaller cities have buses available that will take you just about everywhere within the city and bigger cities have subways as well as buses. For going between cities and provinces, China has a high speed rail system in place that is more extensive than the American highway system! For example: I lived in a city called Nanjing in China – about 200 miles/300 km from Shanghai. I could take a high speed train from Nanjing to Shanghai in about 1.5 hours!

In contrast, I took an Amtrak train from Detroit to Chicago (about 300 miles/480 km) and it took over 8 hours!

Another area China wins at is public utilities. They provide electricity, water, and gas for billions of people for very affordable prices! I paid maybe a total of $20 (US) per month for all utility bills, whereas it cost me over $100 in America! Atop of that is wireless technology (which is considered a public utility in China). I paid 100 rmb ($15) monthly for 16 GB of 4G data, with 1000 texts and 500 minutes of talk (which pretty much meant unlimited everything for me). In America I pay $50 a month for my unlimited plan. Yes, the 4G is a little faster, but that may just be because I’m not trying to access the foreign web here…

A third area (kinda related to the second) is how the CCP controls markets and prices so everyone can live a comfortable life. I ate a big plate of food at a small restaurant for between 10 and 20 rmb… ($1.25-2.50). The government controls the means of production, so there is plenty of food for everyone!

I hope you enjoyed my answer!

When you decouple, it is liked cutting off the umbilical cord. There is no more that relationship. That’s something that US cannot afford as they still need China now and into the future. There is one and only China, no other country can replace China for that effective and cost-efficient supply chain and that best-in-class manufacturing capability that is too good to miss. The Americans had lost that art of manufacturing decades ago and they can’t just take it back to revive their industries and to make it competitive again.

When you de-risk which is actually what the Americans are currently doing, they can be selective on which items that they can use to suppress China where they think it hurts most and to slow down their economic-military growth and technological development and in areas where they pose the biggest threat to the American hegemony. But de-risking has to be clean and precise, it can backfire and cause even more harm to the American economy which is happening now – American semiconductor companies and their Korean/Taiwanese/EU/Japanese allies are seeing a sharp fall in revenue and may eventually lose the lucrative Chinese market which is the world’s largest consumer of semiconductor chips today.

Current silicon wafer technology has reached its technological limits and it can’t advance much without suffering lower production yields, higher production cost and lower reliability performance. Not all electronic applications require these <7nm semiconductor chips but low-voltage/power and high-speed processing consumer products like mobile phones do. But consumer type products are not a life or death type application, countries can still live without having such advanced technologies if they aren’t allowed to have them. I am still happily using an iPhone XR phone today.

China has its own self-sufficient ecosystem and has a huge domestic market consumption of its own products and services. So they can still exist and live life as per normal. Of course, China is investing and developing the next generation of advanced technologies as in the case of semiconductor applications – photonics chips, graphene chips, quantum computing chips etc…. and they are already leading the world in some of these future disrupting technologies.

So what does it mean to China? Nothing much. China had been isolated and humiliated for a century before. They do know how to survive with all the global sanctions and restrictions. But the world cannot live without China today.

Antony Blinken has a way with words. However, it would be nice if he could actually back up those words. Thus far, Blinken’s tough guy antics have only gotten US special operators slaughtered.

The latest blow came on the night of Sunday, May 21st. That night, American special operators from Delta Force, the 75th Ranger Regiment and other NATO special operations units were staying at a workshop in the Yuzhmash ICBM factory in Dnipropetrovsk. They were forward deployed in preparation for the upcoming Ukrainian offensive. A Ranger Battalion and a squadron from Delta Force were tasked with spearheading an assault on the nuclear powerplant at Energodar in the opening hours of the upcoming, Ukrainian counteroffensive. They were waiting in the ICBM factory for their orders to move out.

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However, it looks like the Rangers will be unable to complete their mission. On the night of the 21st, Russian KH-22 cruise missiles slammed into the workshop, killing all of the Rangers as they slept. After action reports from US military intelligence described it as “a burial for the living.”

It looks like as a result of the strike, the Ukrainians have been forced to call off their assault on the Energodar plant. Furthermore, it looks like that night’s attacks and other pinpoint strikes against command posts and arms depots have rendered Ukraine’s counteroffensive stillborn. That might help explain the mysterious delays behind the bold, Ukrainian counteroffensive.

It would be nice for a Western audience if Blinken’s words rang true. However, if the Russians are able to take out about 1,000 of the US’s best special operators in a night with a pinpoint strike, clearly they are the better side.

Representative Frank (NY)

He’s been reelected over and over again to the office ever since the 1950s.

2023 06 04 09 13
2023 06 04 09 13

Official Statements:

Peskov: relations between Russia and Poland are now at zero, if not at a negative level

“We have a rich history with Poland in our relations. Now, unfortunately, these relations are at zero, if not at a negative level,” Peskov said

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Cranberry Fritters

2023 05 28 17 14
2023 05 28 17 14


  • 3/4 cup fresh cranberries
  • 1 1/2 cups unbleached flour
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon milk
  • 1/4 cup dark brown sugar
  • Oil (for deep frying)
  • Confectioners’ sugar (optional)


  1. Wash cranberries and dry on paper towels.
  2. Sift dry ingredients together and mix in milk gradually to form a stiff dough. With well-floured hands, pinch off 1 teaspoon of dough and make an indentation. Sprinkle a little brown sugar in the indentation and place a cranberry in the center. Roll dough around the berry. balls should be about the size of a large marble.
  3. Heat oil in a deep, heavy kettle until the temperature reaches 375 degrees F.
  4. Drop fritter balls into the hot fat and fry, turning, until they are deep golden brown on all sides. Drain on paper towels. If desired, shake confectioners’ sugar over the fritters just before serving.
  5. Serve hot.

This Mini Furniture Is Designed Just For Cats

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A campaign revealing mini furniture for cats is unveiled in Japan amid a new generation of craftsmen’s hopes to build upon a once-prosperous industry. The 60-second clip shows the feline friends-come-guinea pigs getting comfy on genuine furniture scaled down to their size.

The campaign, produced by Okawa City, hopes to promote the area in Fukuoka, a hub for professional craftsmen specialising in traditional crafts such as woodworking, hardware, glass and cutlery. The prefecture, which is is home to 150 furniture-manufacturing factories, once boasted a large industry for wedding furniture specifically made from Kiri, a light but strong japanese wood used for chests and boxes.

More info: Okawa City (h/t: designboom)

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Opening a cave and extracting a strange treasure with a metal detector

This is very interesting, but WTF did he find? What is it?

DM, can you identify?

By Aaron Good Published: Jun 01, 2023 08:03 PM

The war in Ukraine appears to be heading toward either a bloody stalemate or a successful Russian war of attrition. Against this backdrop, some argue that Washington’s worst geopolitical nightmare may come true due to the Ukraine war. To the extent this is true, and US elites have only themselves to blame. By all appearances, the US has entered a phase of decline when geopolitical gambits that are meant to forestall the end of imperial hegemony only hasten its demise.

When Russia launched the military operation in 2022, many on the left were surprised that Russia did it, as it did not seem to be in the Russian national interest to do so. There had been many alarms raised in the US warning of an impending Russian invasion. But after the Iraqi WMD and Russiagate hoaxes, it is easy to understand why many thought US officials and the corporate media were, as ever, lying.

One veteran journalist who clearly saw what was coming was Joe Lauria of Consortium News. This outlet was founded by the late Robert Parry, a legendary journalist who was forced to leave corporate media because his journalism routinely exposed the hypocrisy, duplicity, and criminality of US foreign policy.

In a February 4, 2022 article, Lauria wrote that, the US plans to weaken Russia by imposing punishing sanctions and bringing world condemnation on Moscow depend on Washington’s hysteria about a Russian invasion of Ukraine actually coming true.

There is a history of the US baiting adversaries into wars that the power elite believes will redound to the benefit of US hegemony. Such was the case when the USSR invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990.

There is much reason to surmise that the US thought similarly about a Russian war against Ukraine. The strategic importance of Ukraine to Russia was well understood. After Russian military operations began, it was eventually reported that prior to February 2022, US officials had held a grim assessment of Ukraine’s chances in a war that Zelensky was apparently not trying to avoid. The Intercept wrote, “The Central Intelligence Agency was so pessimistic about Ukraine’s chances that officials told President Joe Biden and other policymakers that the best they could expect was that the remnants of Ukraine’s defeated forces would mount an insurgency, a guerrilla war against the Russian occupiers.”

Months before the war, Yahoo News, citing CIA insiders, reported that the US “is training an insurgency, [teaching the Ukrainians how] to kill Russians.” Echoing some of the darkest elements of the Cold War, the CIA had undertaken “stay-behind force training” in Ukraine.

In hindsight, we can discern that the US pursued NATO expansion into Ukraine knowing that this was a red line for Moscow – just as a Russian military alliance with Mexico would be unacceptable for the US. We now know that US officials had a grim assessment of Ukrainian chances in a war that the US understood was likely to result from Ukrainian statements and actions. We see that prior to the invasion, the US rebuffed Russian diplomacy aimed at defusing the crisis.

Rather, the US apparently wanted to use the war to damage Russia by getting the country mired in a long occupation and bloody insurgency. The US also sought to establish a sanctions regime that would cut Russia off from foreign trade, especially with Europe. This context helps explain why the US and UK scuttled peace talks that could have ended the war in Ukraine back in April of 2022.

Because the crackpot realists of the US power elite so badly misjudged the military, economic, and diplomatic aspects of the conflict in Ukraine, the war has served to accelerate the demise of US hegemony. As professional US imperialist Fiona Hill recently acknowledged, “The war in Ukraine is perhaps the event that makes the passing of pax Americana apparent to everyone.”

US leaders have only themselves to blame. The pursuit of open-ended global primacy was always madness. In decades past, US leaders tried and failed to turn the US away from empire. Now that the curtain is falling on US global hegemony, can new post-Biden leadership succeed where these men failed?

Native American Ravioli

2023 05 28 17 19
2023 05 28 17 19


  • 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil


  1. Pour the flour into a mound on a flat working surface. Make a depression in the center with your hand that almost reaches through to the board. Crack the eggs directly into the well and, with a fork, whip in the salt and oil, mixing the flour in from around the edges. Mix and knead the dough with your hands for 8 to 10 minutes, until the dough has a smooth and elastic consistency. If the dough seems a bit dry, add a little water; add a little more flour if it seems too moist.
  2. Once you have obtained the desired consistency, cover the dough with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  3. Divide the dough into handsful and roll out each section to a very thin, even, almost translucent thickness. Use your imagination to cut the dough into any size or shape.

Any filling can be used to make the ravioli.

Blue Cornmeal Ravioli: Substitute a combination of 1 cup finely ground blue cornmeal and 1 1/2 cups flour for the flour in this recipe. Increase the number of eggs to 5.

“Our daughter is gone!” Abandoned French Palace with Tragic Story explored

IC chip wars

TSMC moves to America

Article HERE

TSMC can’t find the staff. But if you look deeper Western media already trying to come up with excuses for America’s impending failure to steal technology from one of their vassals.

Here is the real reason:

  • American education system has failed; American workers are too uneducated to compete.
  • America’s government is too corrupt at all levels to build any real infrastructure.
  • American society has outsourced its social safety net to rent-seeking middlemen. These leech productivity from society, actually productive industries, and workers. Making production in the USA unviable.

But it’s apparently the fault of the Chinese (RoC types are always labeled as Chinese when it’s convenient).

Why the Hunter Biden “laptop issue” is so significant

2023 06 04 06 58
2023 06 04 06 58

Is this a ‘Bot or for-real?

2023 06 04 09 17
2023 06 04 09 17

Velociraptors Long Grass

Persian Gulf States to Form Joint Navy in Coordination with China

When US lost the trade and technological war against China, and lost Ukraine war to Russia, the world no longer afraid of US because the “perceived US position of strength to force the world to obey” diminished. As a result, all the victims of the mafias suddenly and voluntarily joint china to endorsed the policy of mutual respect and win win. The crusader regimes will be down faster than imagination.
UAE withdraws from US-led Middle East Maritime Security Alliance | Al Mayadeen English
Persian Gulf States to Form Joint Navy in Coordination with China | National Review

Is this a ‘Bot or for-real?

2023 06 04 09 18
2023 06 04 09 18

Satanic Treasure 🔞 Where To Find The Hidden Treasure In The Old House of Satanists ❌ HUNTER

The world is catching on…

Well, Western media just going to write whatever BS, quote “anonymous sources”, publish rumors and innuendos, WHY do they even NEED to be at the meetings? Any meetings?

It seems the “meetings” would be a complete waste of time and money for the Western media folks. So, it’s only for their “human rights” that they do not be subjected to such “meetings”?

2023 06 04 09 22
2023 06 04 09 22

India, China, every BRICS and global south country needs to learn this.

Is this a ‘Bot of for-real?

2023 06 04 09 19
2023 06 04 09 19

Men In Black 3 (2012)


Stop Saying ’Sorry’ If You Want To Say ‘Thank You’: A Seriously Insightful Cartoon

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We often apologise assuming that people will appreciate our politeness and good manners. But in most cases, the other party is much more pleased to hear words of gratitude from you rather than an apology. Talented illustrator Yao Xiao, using everyday situations as inspiration, helps to explain why «thank you» is sometimes better than «I’m sorry» in this cartoon.

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Of course I can’t know for sure, but am encouraged by a video of George Galloway filmed last year in Belgrade by the remaining ruined buildings left by the US/NATO Winston-Smith-Memory-Holed bombing campaign against Serbia in which the Chinese Embassy was attacked. The former British MP said the world has changed since 1999 with BRICS outpacing the G7 and the Global South (the “world” that doesn’t exist on CNN, MSNBC, etc.) ditching the increasingly erratic US $: “Nobody’s going to bomb another Chinese Embassy now!”

Taiwan is beefing up its communications infrastructure to ensure that it remains connected to the rest of the world in case of any emergency. Cindy Wang reports on Bloomberg Television. (Source: Bloomberg)

2023 06 04 14 25
2023 06 04 14 25

China HUGE Breakthrough in Missile Chip Tech Amid US Chip Sanctions


Is this a ‘Bot or for-real?

2023 06 04 09 20
2023 06 04 09 20

We listed our house in 2016 during a red-hot sellers market. In the Pacific Northwest, houses were selling in 1–2 days. We were hoping to sell quickly because we’d just built another home and two mortgages would be a lot to handle.

When the house finally listed we had a full price offer of $275k on the first day and we were thrilled. We didn’t think twice about accepting it with only one contingency – a home inspection, which is common here. We arranged for the inspection which would take one week.

You know there’s often more to the story. *Image from CBS News.

We were a little concerned when the buyer asked to have an HVAC inspection using their own company instead of using the home inspector, but we gave our permission without asking why.

Their HVAC company did their inspection a few days before the previously-arranged home inspector was supposed to show up. We were presented with a quote for $15k to fix several problems: AC too small, gas fireplace won’t ignite, the furnace was not installed to building code, and the furnace didn’t work. The first words out of my mouth were “what the F?”.

Since it was springtime, we’d been running the AC and furnace on and off before showings so we knew they worked. We contacted the owner of our HVAC company who installed the furnace only three years before and he came out immediately to check on all these issues. We contacted the buyer’s realtor and we all went to our house to check out this mystery.

Our HVAC guy:

-measured the AC unit and determined it was sized properly for our home.

-the fireplace igniter was disassembled by “someone”. We put it together and it started right up.

-now the HVAC guy went into our crawl space where he confirmed the furnace was installed to code.

-we tested the furnace and it wouldn’t start. Our guy tested a few things and finally removed the steel face and found the igniter power wire had been unscrewed and the nut carefully set to the side for a quick reattach!

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Not my furnace but you get the idea. A nut was carefully removed and wire pushed aside. *Image from Google images.

We’d been sabotaged.

With the buyer’s agent standing right there, I asked why her client had done such an obvious job of messing with the system. She quickly became very nervous and near tears but I had a feeling she wasn’t involved. In her nervousness, she started telling us that she’d visited at least 20 houses with these people and they’d made many lowball offers, always sticking to prices that were too low. We assumed they had made a plan to buy and then demand price concessions after “inspecting” the HVAC. They probably had a family member that worked there or arranged for a kickback. In my head I’ve made the plot much more sinister over the years.

I told my realtor we weren’t going to work with this buyer. No deal. We’d take the property off the market before selling and if they pressed us they would regret it as we had a lot of evidence that they’d tampered with our HVAC systems. They walked away with their earnest money (pun intended).

Since we had offers so quickly we increased the price by $10k and removed the “pending” status. After a few days we had an all cash offer which we accepted.

So, the silver lining … a learning experience! I’m happy we had a trustworthy realtor on our side. He said he’d never seen a situation like this one.

Abandoned: Europe’s Largest Underground Airport explored

China exports to South Korea is 0.7% of Chinese GDP, exports to Japan is 0.94% of Chinese GDP. Both are great trading partners but still relatively insignificant.

Every Rodney Dangerfield line from Caddyshack

Many Americans think that Donald Trump resembles Rodney in this video.

Back in the late 90’s I worked on a net caffe back in Venezuela, and among other things we provided tech service. One day a client called about a computer she had that ate diskettes.

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These things for the younger folk.

So we asked her to bring it in, and I open it to see what’s up. She had a computer case that had a disketter opening, kinda like this one:

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but there was no diskette drive inside the hole, so she would push them and they’d fall into the case. There were 20 diskettes inside.

No more meetings, no more talks on the phone with chief Lloyd Austin

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Experiencing a series of vicious acts, violence and provocations as well as the general lack of trust, China has now decided not to answer phone calls from Lloyd Austin, chief of U.S. defense ministry.

Prospects for a renewed high-level military dialogue between China and the U.S. remain dim, with Beijing saying their defense chief will not hold a bilateral meeting while both are attending a weekend security conference in Singapore.

Closely monitoring the moods of the PLA and comparing the other Chinese departments with their U.S. counterparts, Beijing believes that the Defense Department under Lloyd Austin is the weak link in the United States.

Beijing is now deeply concerned that US and China are most likely to trigger conflicts between the two armies of the world’s largest superpowers.

Traditionally, China has always been faithful to their policy of peaceful and cooperative relations with the US, especially the military wing, believing that any armed conflict can trigger a war which is beyond calculation.

The Chinese leadership has decided to take a peaceful and preventive measure by sending the message unmistakably to the American side, hoping to forestall a future war that they believe is down the road.

The Chinese have an adamant sense of history: They have in their hearts reserved a special place for their American friends, and how much hate they have for their “foes”, the barbaric Imperial Japanese Army.

Today, the Chinese are still “fighting” these Japanese “foes”; the non-stop production and viewing can testify that they watch anti-Japanese war movies every day.

The message? China’s trying to avert any military conflict, but it’ll fight back if provoked.

FM spokesperson Mao Ning blamed the U.S…

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning most recently blamed the U.S., saying Washington should “earnestly respect China’s sovereignty and security interests and concerns, immediately correct the wrongdoing, show sincerity, and create the necessary atmosphere and conditions between the two militaries.”

She gave no details, but tensions between the sides have spiked over and Washington’s military support and sales of defensive weapons to self-governing Taiwan, China’s assertions of sovereignty to the contested South China Sea and its flying of a suspected spy balloon over the U.S.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is scheduled to address the Shangri-La Dialogue on Saturday, while Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Li Shangfu will speak at the gathering on Sunday.

Austin met previously with Li’s predecessor, Wei Fenghe, at last year’s Shangri-La Dialogue – which appeared to do little to smooth relations between the sides. In his address to the forum, Wei accused the U.S. of seeking to contain China’s development and threatening to assert its claims to Taiwan by military force.

China refused to take a phone call from Austin… insisting that communications on the military level have yet to show signs of improvement

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden cordially met on the sidelines of the Group of 20 meeting of large economies last November in Indonesia. Unfortunately, contacts have proceeded only sporadically since then, with only side meetings on neutral territory.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken canceled a visit to Beijing in February after the U.S, shot down a Chinese “spy” balloon that had crossed the United States. He later met with the Communist Party’s senior foreign affairs adviser Wang Yi in Austria.

China refused to take a phone call from Austin to discuss the balloon issue, the Pentagon said. Always beset by mistrust and accusations, communications on the military level have yet to show signs of significant improvement.

Beijing was reportedly angered by Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s April stopover in the U.S. that included an encounter with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. China’s PLA holds military exercises and sends fighter jets, drones and ships near the island “to advertise its threat to attack and wear down Taiwan defenses.’

Moreover, “China protests movements of U.S. Navy ships and aircraft through the Taiwan Strait and close to Chinese-held islands in the South China Sea, dispatching its own ships and planes and raising the possibility of confrontations or collisions.” (Source: MDT/AP)


Last century’s Sino-Japanese war might be over, but the aftermaths of horror of war – such as hard-feelings and the anti-Japanese sentiments are still here to haunt the nation.

Remarkably, Germany’s leaders did an excellent job in easing the pains inflicted by the atrocities of the Nazis. Remember the picture of Chancellor Willy Brandt kneeling before the million Jewish victims massacred?

Japan’s leaders have never done that; they have even erased this memory by white washing the “rape of Nanking”, a genocidal chapter in their bloody acts of atrocity.

Western anthropologists have observed that the Americans are reality bound, whereas the Chinese are past oriented in culture.

Some American leaders are mistaken as they perceive China as a “threat” to American national security. False!

Chinese students pose a “threat” to their American competitors; they are culturally and genetically prone to “academic achievements – a syndrome pushing them to succeed.” True!

The American public are manipulated by media to the point that they believe the Chinese president got carried away with the “no limits” friendship with Putin, who’s invading Ukraine. If one goes by the number of Chinese students attending colleges and universities in the U.S., the picture’s crystal clear. They prefer America to Russia.

If unprovoked, no Chinese has ever and would never think of harming the Americans, who are held high in regard as “professors of great learning”; the Chinese see themselves as “learners in apprenticeship”. Such perception has been around since the end of WWII.

The Chinese are happy to see their leaders getting along well with their American counterparts, Katherine Tai, the Secretary of Trade and Commerce, and Janet Yellen, the chief of finance, just to name a few.

The Chinese just can’t accept Lloyd Austin; they fear that he might “lead or mislead” the two nations to the tragedy of “sleepwalking” into war.

Noble Family disappears: Time Capsule Château left Abandoned


Today, this June 2023, China is the dominant nation in the world.

In every metric, China dominates.

Some metrics are obvious and astounding. Where it is obvious that China is the predominant nation in the world in that particular role.

  • Lifestyle for it’s citizenry.
  • Destruction of poverty.
  • Elimination of air pollution.
  • Manufacturing ability.
  • New technologies.

And so on and so forth.

It is no mistake that the rest of the world (well, the nations that are not proxies of the United States, that is) turn to China. They turn to China for trade. For economics. For science, and manufacturing. They turn to China for help and assistance. They turn to China for guidance, and direction.

They turn to China.

Now that being the truth, you have a multi-billion anti-china funded effort. This effort is designed to keep the American public, and the citizens of the proxy nations, ignorant of reality. Anything positive or neutral is withheld, and colored with outrageous lies. There’s no other way to describe the war propaganda; it’s untruths, and lies that are the direct opposite of the truth.

And if you, the reader are not aware of this, shame on you.

The rest of the world is turning into a multi-polar world based on individual national sovereignty, They no longer use American currency, follow and obey American laws, rules and conventions, and are distancing themselves from the insanity that has gripped the United States and dragging it downward.

There are exceptions.

A “color revolution” in Thailand, and South Korea has placed “puppet governments” in power. And the first things that these puppets do is pull their nations closer to the United States, and then engage in a war where many of their countrymen are killed.

It’s the United States method of Geo-Politics.

But, back to the question about China.

Do you know what the United States will look like in 2040? Do you know the projections? What are the economic, social, scientific, and cultural changes that will manifest int he United States in 2040?

Well, you don’t know.

Because there just isn’t any writings, projections, or videos about this subject. The United States has no plans for this far in the future. Instead the United States fully intends to “kick the can down the road” and let someone else deal with the various messes and problems that are sprouting up left and right everywhere.

RAND studies are looking at regional wars, and proxy war and color revolutions well into the next decade. But NOTHING about building the American domestic society. Nothing about the future of schools, society, and infrastructure. It’s almost as if those issues are not important.


China knows.

China knows what the world will look like in 2040.

I see a prosperous China. Where China is a wealthy nation. Far wealthier than anything in Europe today.

I see a vibrant, and healthy Africa. Crime being eliminated, and social services expanding as industry does as well.

I see South America growing and modernizing. And like Africa, a strong middle class.

I see Chinese bases on the Moon, and the start of a Chinese colony on the surface of Mars.

I also see some amazing breakthroughs in national governance across the world where nations restructure their nations to be more efficient like China, and to punish the evil and greedy like China has.


I see a bright future ahead.

And it is all starting today with the global leadership of China.

The Ukrainian Military Is In Bad Shape

Erik Kramer and Paul Schneider are two former U.S. special operations soldiers who have been in Ukraine since 2022 to train Ukrainian troops.

At War on the Rocks they paint a dark picture of the state of the Ukrainian military. Their intent is to get money for more training, thus the real picture may be less dark than they describe. But even if one takes that into account it is still a sad state for an army that has been at war for more than a year. Some excerpts:

Based on our nine months of training with all services of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, to include the Ground Forces (Army), Border Guard Service, National Guard, Naval Infantry (Marines), Special Operations Forces, and Territorial Defense Forces, we have observed a series of common trends: lack of mission command, effective training, and combined arms operations; ad hoc logistics and maintenance; and improper use of special operations forces. These trends have undermined Ukraine’s resistance and could hinder the success of the ongoing offensive.

What ongoing offensive?

Under mission command, the German Auftragstaktik, the leader disseminates his intent (“to attack through the northern woods to take town x”) and authority to subunits that is passed down with the mission to empower subordinates at all levels. Each subunits can make its plans to coordinate and execute the mission as best as possible. The contrast is an order command where every detail of execution is ordered from the top down. Both have advantages but to have a mixed system, as Ukraine currently has, is the worst of all places.

In our experience, across many units and staffs, the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not promote personal initiative and foster mutual trust or mission command. As Michael Kofman and Rob Lee recently discussed on the Russia Contingency podcast, elements of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have an old Soviet mentality that holds most decision-making at more senior levels. Amongst military leaders at the brigade level and below, our impression is that junior officers fear making mistakes.

But to use mission command down to the lower levels of a Platoon one needs noncommissioned officers (sergeants) to run the show. Those the Ukrainian military had are by now probably dead:

Having trained every component of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, we have continually seen a lack of an experienced noncommissioned officer corps. It is common to see field grade officers running around during training counting personnel and coordinating for meals. In the United States, it takes years to develop just a junior noncommissioned officer.

The next big lack is combined arms training and use. Tanks protect the infantry, the infantry protects the tanks, the artillery covers the battlefield to allow tanks and infantry to maneuver, command takes care that all three coordinate their actions.

The armor/infantry relationship is supposed to be symbiotic, but it is not. The result is that infantry will conduct frontal assaults or operate in urban areas without the protection and firepower of tanks. Also, artillery fires are not synchronized with maneuver. Most units do not talk directly to supporting artillery, so there is a delay in call for fire missions. We have been told that units will use runners to send fire missions to artillery batteries because of issues with communications.Most of the military’s operations are not phased and are sequential. Fires and maneuver, for example, are planned separately from infantry units — and infantry units plan separately from supporting artillery. This mentality also carries over to adjacent unit coordination, which is either nonexistent or rare and causes high rates of fratricide. Unit commanders have concerns about collaborators and thus are hesitant to pass on critical information that can be used against them to sister units.

These issues are compounded by unreliable communications between units and with senior leadership. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have a hodgepodge of radios that are vulnerable to jamming. Further, battalion missions are mainly independent company operations that do not focus on a main effort coupled with supporting efforts. The armed forces do not combine effects, so operations are piecemeal and disjointed. The separate missions are not supporting each other, nor are the missions of lower level units “nested” under a higher level mission. Sustainment is not synchronized with operations, either.

Due to the wild mix of weapons and for lack of trained mechanics logistics and the maintenance of equipment are a mess.

This lack of coordinated maintenance and logistics also translates into medical care. Medical evacuation and care are haphazard. Experienced Ukrainian combat medics have repeatedly stated that many of the evacuees would have survived it they had reached definitive care in a timely manner. The Ukrainian Armed Forces can solve this issue with a systematic logistics process.

Ukrainian special forces are mostly used as infantry even as they should be used for more demanding missions. There also are gimmick missions:

Ukraine special forces units comprised of international volunteers shop around their services to conventional unit commanders without a mission being tied to a strategic or operational goal. One example of a mission was a conventional brigade commander who had reported to his command that he had occupied a village taken from the Russians. When he realized that the information he had was mistaken and they had stopped short, he asked the international special operations forces unit to go into the occupied village and take a picture of a Ukrainian flag placed on top of a building in the center of the village.

A suicide mission to hide the commanders false reporting …

The authors claim that most of the above problems could be fixed by more ‘western’ training which they are more than willing to sell. However, what has become of the last armies ‘western’ forces have trained in Iraq and Afghanistan? Both fell apart. An army must reflect the local society and culture. It can not be formed top down by outside forces.

Since 2015 the Ukrainian army has been build up and trained by U.S. and British forces. What the WotR authors describe is the result of that.

Posted by b on June 3, 2023 at 17:01 UTC | Permalink

Inside This Secret Masonic Crypt will Shock You! (R$E)

China is scaring America in several ways:

  1. China is about to overtake America as the world’s largest economy, probably by 2028.
  2. China and BRICS are creating alternative reserve currencies to the US Dollar. China is accelerating global de-dollarization.
  3. China is surpassing America technologically in most fields. In space exploration, China landed on the far side of the moon, China landed a rover on Mars, China built the Tiangong space station. China leads in 5G/6G. I could go on and on and on.
  4. China is gaining substantial diplomatic credibility and influence around the world. BRI, BRICS, RCEP, SCO…these things keep US officials up at night. China recently brokered the Saudi-Iran peace deal.
  5. China is modernizing its military with amazing military tech. Hypersonic missiles. J-20 and J-35. Type 003 Fujian with EMALS. Powerful destroyers and nuclear attack submarines. I could go on and on and on.
  6. China’s extraordinary manufacturing capacity means that China could outlast the USA in any war. Building ships, planes, tanks…you name it.
  7. China is such a crucial part of America’s supply chains, including military supply chains, China could strangle the United States.

US politicians are shitting their pants.


NATO will officially be invading Serbia, a non-E.U. European country even after protest by Belgrade.

A Staunch Chinese ally in the region.

“Wokeness” is the new COINTELPRO. Pink fascism is the du jour variety

2023 06 04 08 52
2023 06 04 08 52

Dr. Strangelove: Check List

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