The United States is absolutely insane.
It is dragging the world towards a very serious crisis.

As much as believe that China has it’s act together, there is the worry that China will not have the stomach to do what is necessary to stop it.
ALL American media is talking about a “war with China” after a “war with Russia”.
Sigh. They are FUCKING bat-shit crazy.
They are going to get us all killed.

China and Russia are NOT playing, and to me this is all a slow motion car wreck. It boggle my mind that Biden thinks that the United States will exist for his second term in office.

Kizz Daniel, EMPIRE – Cough (Official Video)
African pop
UPDATED 4:10 PM EDT — Putin Rushed To Kremlin 10:00 PM Moscow Time
Something is happening with Russia as of 3:00 PM eastern US time, which is 10:00 PM in Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin was rushed TO the Kremlin with full police escorted motorcade. This is extremely unusual, indicating something has happened (or is happening) requiring the President.
RUMORS are already running wild. One RUMOR is that Turkish President Recypt Erdogan, who fell ill during a TV interview in Moscow, may have been “poisoned.”
Another RUMOR is that Ukraine has begun using Depleted Uranium tank shells against Russian troops, which Russia previously warned would be considered a “Dirty Bomb attack upon Russia.”
No official word from any level as to the ACTUAL reason . . . . developing . . . . check back for updates.
Turkish President Recypt Erdogan’s wife and family have been urgently told to come to the hospital.
UPDATE 4:02 PM EDT — According to a statement issued by the presidency, Erdogan was taken to the hospital in critical condition and received treatment for myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack.
Big news hidden from you
Consumer Credit Drying-up — Banks HALTING Auto Loans!!!
The past 10 days in Consumer Credit have been wild and the evidence is explicitly clear: Banks are now severely restricting Consumer Credit:
— Capital One shut off all dealer floorplans (aka inventory lines of credit)
— USA Auto Sales shut down 39 dealerships after losing its Ally Bank floor plan lines of credit
— Wells Fargo laid-off all its junior Auto loan underwriters and capped future loans
This is VERY serious. This is real DOOM economically. Cars are one of the main pillars of the US economy.
Repos are rising as people can’t pay their high loan payments. In fact, the increase in car repos…300% since new year.
With banks cutting off auto credit, it isn’t just car dealerships that will feel the pinch, manufacturers will too, of course. BUT . . . . those manufacturers contract-out parts manufacturing to hundreds of smaller businesses nationwide.
All those smaller businesses will see orders dry up. The auto sales and manufacturing sector in the US accounts for over 5 million employees
The “ripple effect” of credit withdrawal will affect the much wider economy and will do so VERY FAST.
KmengKhmer – ឆ្ងាយតែកាយ (Far Away) [Official MV]
Cambodian pop music
British Intel Source CONFIRMS Depleted Uranium Shells from UK have arrived in Ukraine
***** FLASH ***** – A source within British Intelligence has confirmed to me personally that thousands of rounds of tank shells were shipped to Ukraine as supplies for donated “Challenger” tanks donated to Ukraine. Among those thousands of tank shells are . . . DEPLETED URANIUM SHELLS!
Russia has repeatedly and explicitly made clear that if Depleted Uranium shells are fired at Russian troops, Russia will regard the use of the ammunition as being a “Dirty Bomb” attack against Russia, and will respond with radioactive weapons of its own. They did not say WHICH radioactive weapons.
It is now positively CONFIRMED that the United Kingdom has, in fact, successfully delivered into the possession of the Ukraine Army, Depleted Uranium tank shells.
What this means is that now, it is only a matter of time before Russia detects that such shells have been used by Ukraine, and responds.
That response will likely come without ANY warning at all.
Readers are urged to have their preps (Food, water, medicine, first-aid gear, generator, fuel, and the like) topped-off . . . and to appraise their family members of this situation.
It’s really quite simple: When Ukraine hits Russians with Depleted Uranium shells, Russia will likely hit Ukraine with full blown nuclear weapons. If that takes place, NATO jumps-in tot he war, and it’s nuclear immediately.
OR . . .
Russia may elect to strike at the UK directly for supplying such weapons. Obviously, if THAT happens, it’s also instant nuclear war.
In either case, the fight presently between Ukraine and Russia, will very likely go nuclear, and is extremely likely to involve NATO, meaning the outbreak of literal nuclear World War 3.
This can come at any time and without any warning.
Get right with God.

Hot Potato Salad with Bacon Specks (Mennonite)

- 4 slices lean bacon
- 1/2 cup finely chopped onions
- 1/4 cup chopped celery
- 1 tablespoon flour
- 1/4 cup hot water
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- 2 tablespoon Boiled Dressing
- 1 tablespoon vinegar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
- 4 cups diced, hot, boiled potatoes
- 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
- 1 teaspoon finely chopped chives
- Additional heavy cream (optional)
- 2 hard-boiled eggs, sliced
Boiled Dressing
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon dry mustard
- 1/2 cup vinegar
- 2 eggs, well beaten
- 1 tablespoon butter
- Salad: Cook bacon over medium heat until crisp. Remove and crumble. Drain off all fat except 1 tablespoon, return to medium heat, add onions and celery.
- Stir in flour to coat the vegetables. Add water, stir and cook until thickened. Remove from the heat and blend in the cream, boiled dressing, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Pour over the potatoes in a large bowl. Add the parsley and chives. Mix well to blend flavors. Add more cream if desired, taste, add salt if desired.
- Sprinkle crumbled bacon on top and garnish with the sliced hard-boiled eggs.
- Boiled Dressing: Combine sugar, salt, and mustard in the top of a double boiler. Add vinegar. Stir to combine.
- Add well-beaten eggs. Place over moderately boiling water. Stir until the mixture is creamy about the consistency of custard.
- Beat in the butter. Cool.
This dressing may be stored, covered, in the refrigerator, and will keep up to two weeks.
The internationalisation of EME currency trading
by J Caballero · 2022 · Cited by 6 — CNY trading rose by over 70% after adjusting for exchange rate movements, to $526 billion per day. This is unusually rapid.
Vuthea វុទ្ធា – អូនសាសន៍អី (Oun Sas Ey) ft. Siva [Remix]
Cambodian pop music
1:02 PM EDT — Within the past hour, reports began filtering-in to me CLAIMING Ukraine’s Spring Offensive has begun. Reports say there are four distinct lines of combat. NOT YET VERIFIED . . . .
If these reports can be corroborated, more details will appear as Updates below.
Should these reports prove true, RIGHT NOW is the beginning of the most dangerous time for all of us. NOW is when nukes might come into play.
I earnestly hope your “preps” are topped-off, you have cash money at home in case electronics (Credit/Debit) all go offline, and your vehicles are all fueled-up, with spare fuel in cans safely at home.
UPDATE 2:04 PM EST — I have reached out to every source I know and I CANNOT VERIFY THESE REPORTS . . . still checking.
UPDATE 2:43 PM — I am PULLING this story – I cannot verify ANY aspect of the incoming reports.
From the Kiev Independent Newspaper:
“Citizen Of The Galaxy”: Amazing Digital Cyberpunk Art By Kuldar Leement

“I’m a digital illustrator and graphic designer based in the Estonia. I have been producing personal and commissioned illustrations, digital paintings and web designs only a few years. Mainly I’m digital-painter, but You can visit my homepage and read about my education and other knowledge. If I’m working, I constantly trying to expand my range of abilities and i love to try out new techniques.”
More info: Kuldar Leement, DeviantArt, Vimeo, Society6, Behance, Facebook

Nini Music – LongMa (Taiwanese Folk Metal)
There has been a bomb detonation in downtown Seattle. A second, unexploded bomb, has also been found at a Gas station at 1st and Denny St. SWAT and Bomb Squad mobilized.
Additional Info:
Evacuation of downtown in progress due to fear of more bombs.
Police and Fire on scene:
Seattle Bomb Squad is currently attempting to Defuse a 2nd Device near the Scene of 1st Explosion.
Douglas Macgregor: “What’s Happening IS WORSE THAN ANY WAR, THIS IS SERIOUS”
Ham and Onions over Noodles
This is an old Mennonite recipe.

- 6 slices ham 3 x 3 1/2 x 1/4 inches
- 3 onions, sliced
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- Hot noodles
- Fry slices of ham until nicely browned.
- Remove ham from pan and add onion slices. Cook until slightly browned.
- Add sour cream. Let come to a boil and pour over hot noodles.
Thị Mầu – Hòa Minzy x Masew | Official Music Video
Vietnamese pop music
9 Rules for How to Make a Perfect Cup of Coffee
Become a coffee guru with these simple steps on how to make a perfect cup of coffee at home.
Jeffrey Sachs Interview – China’s Reaction to US technology Containment
The 5 Best Mix-Ins to Add to Your Coffee
1. ¼ cup whole milk or oat milk
Whole milk is actually the #1 pick for the best coffee mix-in if you ask Rachel Fine, RD, a registered dietitian and owner of the nutrition counseling firm To The Pointe Nutrition in New York City. That’s because if you haven’t already, there’s no better time than now to change your tune about thinking low- and non-fat is always best.
“A splash of whole milk proves to me that we can enjoy the ‘real deal’ and benefit physically, mentally and emotionally from it,” Fine says, since it doesn’t make her feel like she’s restricting or choosing the “diet culture”-promoted option she doesn’t truly love. Since vitamin D (which is found in whole milk, but not skim) is a fat-soluble vitamin, your body benefits from the fat that the milk offers. Plus, “fat helps to satisfy us! When we feel satisfied, we’re more likely to cultivate a more mindful experience around food and beverages, even our coffee breaks,” Fine says.
Reaver is fond of adding the oat-based milk Oatly (buy it: $4.99 for ½ gallon, Target) to her coffee. “It has all the creamy goodness of half and half without the saturated fat,” she says, and is a great option for those who don’t do dairy.
2. ½ cup protein shake or 1 scoop of protein powder
For even more protein than either of the dairy “dos” above, try ½ cup of a premade protein shake, such as OWYN Protein Shake (buy it: $7.99 for four 11.15-ounce shakes, Target). A half-cup pour will add about 7 grams of protein and less than 1 gram of sugar to your coffee. Or try adding a scoop of chocolate protein powder like Vega Protein and Greens Chocolate (buy it: $25.61 for 1.8 pounds, Amazon) to your iced coffee. “This much will also add a lot of creaminess to your drink without relying on high-fat creamers,” Reaver says. As an added bonus, that more-than-an-egg-amount-of-protein will help you stay fuller longer after breakfast. (Because you’re eating a healthy one of those too, right?) “When we feel satisfied, we’re less likely to struggle with overwhelming cravings and obsessive thoughts around food,” Fine says.
3. 1 teaspoon sugar
If you’re in the mood for a hint of sweet to balance out the bitter notes in the coffee, add a small spoonful of sugar. Mary Poppins and dietitians approve of real sugar, in moderation.
“There’s a misconception about sugar in our culture,” Fine says. “But when used in ways to enhance flavor, a little can go a long way!”
A squeeze of honey or maple syrup would also do the job nicely.
4. 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
This is a cool weather seasonal favorite of Reaver, who says it’s a dreamy, antioxidant-rich way to stir up a makeshift mocha. Whether you enjoy it in your hot or iced coffee, you can rest easy knowing that this coffee mix-in can help lower your stress levels—research stands behind this!
To max out your health benefits, seek out a powder that’s 100% cacao and unsweetened. (We love Navitas Organics Cacao Powder; buy it: $7.82 for 8 ounces, Amazon)
5. 1 teaspoon cinnamon
On a similar note, you can crank up the antioxidants and add a warm, pumpkin spice latte-like note to your coffee by sprinkling on or stirring in a small spoon of cinnamon. Reaver enjoys this when she’s in the mood for a hot mug.
The 6 Worst Mix-Ins to Add to Your Coffee
Fine advises her clients to steer clear of any “fake foods” that are “products of diet culture and promote an overall less satisfying experience around coffee.” These include:
- Skim milk
- Artificial sweeteners
- Fiber powders
Both artificial sweeteners and fiber supplement powders “can cause stomach discomfort, gas, bloat and pain,” Fine adds, and skim milk is a less-flavorful, watery-tasting trade for whole milk.
Reaver councils her clients that “coffee should be a morning drink not a morning milkshake!” Just because the bulletproof trend that made waves in the early 2010s doesn’t mean it’s a nutrition-smart choice. So Reaver ranks her top three worst mix-ins as:
4. Butter
5. Half-and-half
6. Coconut oil
“Adding these three types of fats to your morning coffee may seem insignificant, but can add up to significant increases in your cholesterol levels. All three are high in saturated fats. Get this: Just 2 tablespoons of half-and-half in your coffee daily for one week is the equivalent in saturated fat to a full hamburger each week,” Reaver says.
Butter and coconut oil are both primarily the same saturated fats that can increase LDL, or “bad” cholesterol levels.
“These are easy things to skip with your coffee to reduce your risk of heart disease—the number one cause of death for Americans,” she says.
Sirusho – PreGomesh | Սիրուշո – ՊռեԳոմեշ
Worst foods for healthy blood pressure
The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend eating no more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day, which is 1 teaspoon of salt. But, the American Heart Association has even stricter guidelines, recommending no more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day. The average American consumes 3,440 mg of sodium per day. Men consume more than women with an average of 4,240 mg of sodium per day compared to the average intake for women, which is 2,980 mg per day.
But don’t throw out the saltshaker just yet. Only 11% of sodium intake in the U.S. is from the salt used in the home. Most is from processed foods and eating out. Here are the biggest offenders.
Mixed Dishes
According to the Dietary Guidelines, 44% of the sodium that Americans consume comes from mixed dishes—21% from burgers and sandwiches, 7% from rice, pasta and grain dishes, 6% from pizza, 6% from meat, poultry and seafood dishes and 4% from soups.
Two slices of cheese pizza can have more than 1,200 mg of sodium, nearly half the recommended daily max. Top your pizza with processed meats like pepperoni or sausage and you could be eating close to a day’s worth of sodium in one meal.
Red meat, processed meat and cold cuts
Speaking of processed meats, not only are they linked to a shorter lifespan, but they’re also one of the worst offenders for blood pressure and heart health, due to both sodium and saturated fat. Red and processed meats are the reason burgers and sandwiches top the list when it comes to sodium intake. These products can vary in sodium content, but here are some averages from the USDA database:
- 2 sausage links: 698 mg sodium
- 4 slices bacon: 660 mg sodium
- ½ cup pepperoni slices: 1,090 mg sodium
- 3 slices deli turkey: 783 mg sodium
Packaged grain mixes
Quinoa, brown rice and barley are heart-healthy grains packed with fiber and protein—but not if you buy them in a bag mixed with salty seasonings. Turn the bags over while shopping and check the nutrition label for sodium. Anything with a Daily Value of 20% or more is considered high in sodium. Choose products with a DV for sodium less than 20% when you can. The best option is to buy plain whole grains and season them yourself. Many brands and stores now carry shortcut options, like frozen brown rice and 10-minute barley, without added salt.
Canned soups
“Low sodium” or “no salt added” canned soups are the best options for healthy blood pressure. One can of minestrone soup can have over 1,500 mg sodium, more than the American Heart Association says you should consume in one day. One can of tomato soup typically has about 1,000 mg sodium.
Fast food
It’s no secret that traditional fast food chains like McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s serve foods loaded with salt like burgers, chicken fingers and french fries. But seemingly healthy restaurant chains like Panera, Subway and Sweetgreen, for example, serve foods laden with sodium too. Any time you eat food prepared outside your home—whether it’s Panera, Chinese takeout or a fancy restaurant—you’re bound to consume more salt than you would if you made it yourself. Of course salt is added to make foods tastier, but also be aware that larger portion sizes when you eat out contribute to higher sodium counts. Since many fast food restaurants list the nutrition online, check the menu before you go to pick out a lower-sodium option that you can enjoy.
Fried foods
Fried foods are bad news for blood pressure. They are typically full of saturated fat and also often pack in the sodium. Opt for boiled, broiled or roasted (or try your air fryer) to lessen the pressure on your vessels and heart.
Frozen meals
Frozen dinners, even ones advertised as “healthy,” are a culprit for raising blood pressure. Check the nutrition label for a Daily Value of sodium less than 20% for the meal. Meals with meat and cheese are higher in sodium. If you want to stock your freezer, buy plain frozen fruits and vegetables, which are low in sodium, as well as other single-ingredient frozen foods.
Salty snacks
Think chips, nuts and popcorn. For healthy blood pressure, choose unsalted or reduced-sodium versions most of the time.
While two pickle spears only have about 6 calories and no fat, they typically contain more than 700 mg sodium. That’s 30% of the recommended daily sodium limit and doesn’t include the high-sodium sandwich you may be having alongside. Eat pickles in moderation for healthy blood pressure.
While alcohol isn’t high in sodium, drinking too much alcohol over time is associated with high blood pressure. The Dietary Guidelines recommend men drink no more than two drinks per day and women drink no more than one drink per day. A drink is defined as 5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer or 1.5 ounces of liquor. There is no reason to start drinking alcohol if you don’t currently drink.
Best foods for healthy blood pressure
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is proven to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease compared to a typical American diet. The DASH diet, also called the DASH eating plan (as it’s more a way of eating than a diet), includes eating fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, chicken, fish, beans and nuts. It’s low in red meat, sugar-sweetened beverages and processed foods with added sugar and salt.
Potassium helps lower blood pressure by helping the kidneys flush out excess sodium. Men should consume 3,400 mg of potassium per day, and women should aim for 2,600 mg per day (2,900 mg/day if pregnant; 2,800 mg/day if breastfeeding). Potassium is listed on the Nutrition Facts panel, making it easy to see if you’re getting enough to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. See our list of high-potassium foods.
Calcium and magnesium are also important nutrients for healthy blood pressure, as they help blood vessels relax.
One medium banana has 422 mg of sodium-flushing potassium. Mix bananas into oatmeal or top your toast with peanut butter and a banana for breakfast.
One medium white potato has 620 mg of potassium, while one sweet potato has 540 mg of potassium. Make your own french fries by slicing potatoes and roasting them in the oven with a little salt and other spices like pepper, paprika or rosemary. Drizzle them with olive oil for heart-healthy fats. Learn more about what makes potatoes healthy.
One cup of beets has 440 mg of potassium, while one cup of beet greens has 245 mg of potassium. Studies show that both beets and beet juice can lower blood pressure, due to their high concentration of nitrates, which help improve blood flow (learn more about the health benefits of beets).
Three cups of raw spinach delivers 475 mg of potassium, and this veggie is super versatile so it’s easy to eat—make a spinach salad, scramble into eggs, throw into a smoothie, or sauté for a side dish. Leafy greens are also high in calcium and magnesium.
Beans and legumes
Beans and legumes are high in potassium and magnesium. One cup of white beans delivers 615 mg of potassium and 89 mg of magnesium. Men should get 420 mg of magnesium per day and women should get 320 mg per day. Just rinse beans if buying them canned to help reduce sodium.
Plain yogurt
Yogurt is naturally high in calcium; choose plain over flavored yogurts (and add your own fruit or a little bit of sweetener for flavor). Go for low-fat varieties most often to limit saturated fat intake. Most men and women should aim for 1,000 mg of calcium per day. Women over the age of 50 should get 1,200 mg per day. One cup of low-fat yogurt has 415 mg of calcium. Mix heart-healthy berries into plain yogurt or swap out sour cream for plain yogurt in tacos or chili.
Other tips for healthy blood pressure
- Cook food at home more often instead of eating out.
- Buy foods labeled as “low sodium,” “reduced sodium” or “no salt added.”
- Buy canned foods less often and opt for fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables most of the time.
- Rinse canned beans and vegetables before eating.
- Read nutrition labels and choose foods with less than 20% Daily Value of sodium per serving.
- Choose fresh meat and seafood more often than processed and packaged meats.
- Buy unsalted savory snacks like nuts.
The Bottom Line
All foods can fit in a healthy diet, even a diet to help lower your blood pressure. Limit the foods on the worst-offenders list, like pizza, sandwiches and burgers, along with foods eaten at restaurants, processed meats, frozen meals and canned soups. The DASH diet is proven to help lower blood pressure. Limit processed foods and choose whole foods most of the time, like fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, plain whole grains, beans and legumes, low-fat dairy, and low-sodium nuts and nut butters.
Vini Vici – Universe Inside Me 🎧 ….Africa Zaouli Dance 👍….Le Zahouly Danse
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Here’s how to shop for safer chocolate brands and keep yourself healthy.
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The United States is going to get everyone killed
Yes it is.

The horror…

The Eagles – Hotel California – Reimagined on the Traditional Chinese Guzheng | Moyun
OK, so we’re all agreed she’s freaking incredible, right?
America Has Dictated Its Economic Peace Terms to China
By refusing negotiation over China’s rise, the United States might be making conflict inevitable.
US sanctions China into its own self-destruction ❗
Intel Corp. is expected to post its worst quarterly loss on record Thursday, and analysts are hoping it is rock bottom for the struggling chip maker. Intel INTC is scheduled to report earnings after the close of markets on Thursday, and analysts on average expect the Silicon Valley giant to report a loss of more than $3 billion, or 76 cents a share, according to FactSet. That would be by far the largest quarterly loss on record for the company: In records dating back to 1993, Intel has never reported a GAAP loss of more than...
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