
No one knows where he was buried

When my son was in first grade we moved across the country. First grade had been a bad experience for him. He had a young, inexperienced teacher who, it seemed, didn’t like little boys. He actually regressed that year. My husband and I decided to have him repeat first grade after we moved.

Unfortunaely, his first grade class at his new school was complete chaos. I went in to observe one day and ended up taking 3 students to the principal’s office.

The next day I went in to see the Principal and asked to have my son moved to another teacher. I explained what had happened in the past and said he could not have another bad year.

The principal was great. Within a couple of days my son was in a class with an experienced and kind teacher.

It was pretty much all uphill from there. He is now an Architect and COO of his firm.

That first teacher who had no control over her class….the principal decided to let her go.

Russian picture dictionary: Body

Nov 04 2024
Alexandra Guzeva

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Learning a language is always easier when you can visualize the words. Here’s a picture that will help you memorize words devoted to the topic of the ‘human body’!

Various fun pictures


US played ‘substantial’ role in causing Covid pandemic – ex-CDC chief

Several US government agencies helped to fund lab work that led to the creation of the coronavirus, according to Robert Redfield

US played ‘substantial’ role in causing Covid pandemic – ex-CDC chief\

Robert Redfield, a former director of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has claimed that Covid-19 was artificially developed, and that the US played a “substantial” role in starting the pandemic.

Redfield, who led the agency under the administration of US President Donald Trump, made the claim in an interview that was released on November 14, but only drew media attention this week.

Speaking to author and podcaster Dana Parish, he suggested that the virus was “intentionally engineered as a part of a biodefense program.” “When you look at the accountability for China, their accountability is not in the lab work and the creation of the virus,” but in their failure to quickly report the incident to health authorities worldwide including the CDC, when they realized the virus was on the loose, he said.

However, the US “role was substantial,” he added. “They funded the research, both from NIH [National Institutes of Health], the State Department’s USAID and the Defense Department.”

According to the former CDC chief, the “scientific mastermind behind the research” was Dr. Ralph Baric, widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts on coronaviruses.

Redfield suggested that the professor, who works at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was “very involved in this research.”

“I think he probably helped create some of the original viral line”, Redfield said, admitting he did not have any proof. “I think there is a real possibility that the virus’s birthplace was Chapel Hill.”

Redfield previously said the Covid-19 pandemic, which killed more than seven million people worldwide and caused a global economic downturn, most likely started with a lab leak in Wuhan, China, and suggested that the debate on the virus’s origins was “squashed.” He has also criticized the World Health Organization (WHO) for failing to hold Beijing accountable.

One of the prevailing theories of the origin of the Covid pandemic is that the virus was transmitted to humans from an animal, possibly a bat, at a food market. China has maintained that the virus is of natural origin, and has dismissed the laboratory leak theory as an attempt to smear the country for political reasons.


One of my old classmates was a New Orleans native and his parents still lived there when Katrina hit. Given they were elderly, he rode a bicycle and then walked a good ways thru debris to check on them. He took a pistol with him.

When he got to his parent’s house there was considerable wind damage and several trees down but they were not flooded. As he approached the back yard, he saw his parents duct taped into folding chairs and the back door wide open. He drew his gun and cautiously approached the yard when a man came out with a pillow case full of looted items. He yelled at the guy to drop it and the man reached towards his waist band, so my classmate shot him.

He checked on the guy and he was dead and then he immediately went to free his parents. They were terrified but unharmed.

He called 911 and after a considerable wait on hold, he explained to a dispatcher that a looter had been shot and asked what he should do. The dispatcher calmly told him that all units were busy and to drag the body out to the street and leave it. She didn’t ask for his name or address. So, he did what she said and then left with his parents.

Nothing ever came from it as New Orleans was martial law for many days. My classmate was upset but he knew that the intruder would likely have killed his parents, and him, had he not shot him. As one of my other friends succinctly put it, the other guy dealt the hand, he just wasn’t expecting to lose.

Maternity leave

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But where is China?

China’s national law provides 98 days of paid maternity leave.

The 98 is the minimum.

All provinces and regions (even the SARs like HK and Macau) enforce this 98 days minimum. But here’s the thing. Almost all provinces add extra days.

So most mothers get much more paid time off. With some regions up to a year.

It shows China has a commitment to families, health, and a stronger society.

Meanwhile in the FREE western world, get back to work!

Thousands of Homes Now FOR SALE Around Washington, DC – The Rats are Fleeing!

DC Homes for sale Major Dump large
DC Homes for sale Major Dump large

Within the past week, THOUSANDS of residential real estate listings have hit the market, FOR SALE.  The rats are fleeing!

The image above shows the listings.

Now that the USAID “gravy train” is gone, and other government agencies are cutting staff, a lot of the bureaucratic bigshots living in their million dollar+ homes are realizing they can’t afford them anymore.

In just the past few days, HUNDREDS of homes have been listed for sale in and around Washington, DC.

I’m hearing rumors that the “Yuppies” are “on suicide watch” because reality just checked-in to their lives!

I also hear that the ones with nose rings, cheek piercings, ear gauges, “radical-colored hair” and the like, are being told before job interviews that anyone with such things “will not even be considered for employment.”

Oh my. Cold, hard reality.

Can we get DC to set up Bleachers or other spectator gathering areas, so we can watch the lefties fall apart in real time?  Maybe we can get a TV station to provide live video feeds?

This could be REAL entertainment!

Here’s another Real Estate listing over a wider area around DC:

DC Homes for sale 2
DC Homes for sale 2

Souper Meat ‘n’ Potatoes Pie

Souper Meat ‘n’ Potatoes Pie is a family favorite vintage recipe from Campbell’s.


Yield: one 9 inch pie


  • 1 can Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup, divided
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped onion
  • 1 egg, slightly beaten
  • 1/4 cup fine dry bread crumbs
  • 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Dash of pepper
  • 2 cups mashed potatoes
  • 1/4 cup shredded mild cheese*
  • 2 slices cooked bacon, crumbled**


  1. Mix thoroughly 1/2 cup soup, beef, onion, egg, bread crumbs, parsley and seasonings.
  2. Press firmly into a 9-inch pie plate.
  3. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes; spoon off fat.
  4. Frost with mashed potatoes; top with remaining soup and cheese.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes more or until done.
  6. Garnish with cooked and crumbled bacon if desired.


* We love cheese, so I normally cover the entire top of the pie with a hefty amount of cheese, more like 1 cup.

** This is my addition to the recipe. It adds a little extra flavor.

Meet the ‘navy-style’ pasta, the favorite dish of all Russian bachelors

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In Russia it’s called ‘Makarony po-flotsky’. This dish is ridiculously easy to cook.

You just need to mix fried minced or canned meat with pasta. One pan meal.

No tomatoes, no cheese, no nothing.

The ingredients are easy to transport and that’s what is believed to have made it popular in the navy.

The dish became widespread around the country after World War II, and for a long time was a favorite dinner for many families. And especially single men. Well, and it still is!

Would you try it? Let’s discuss in our Telegram channel!

Check out other manly Russian dishes that are easy to cook for dinner.

For a departed soul

Submitted into Contest #150 in response to: Write a story that either starts or ends with someone (or something) saying, “Please, don’t do it.” view prompt

Jincy P Janardhanan

As she sat down beside the white wrap that covered the lifeless body of her uncle, she didn’t know what to think. His feet seemed so small inside it. It was lying so close – a small stretch of her hand and she could have touched it, yet her eyes failed. She dared not to look at the shroud. It was terrifying, to know for the first time that life was so little.His life seemed so little. He had indeed lived for long – past seventy – so why should anyone worry? The closest of kith and kin could say he had lived long enough and had died content. He had a little smile on his face as he was lying down, waiting for his last respects. So why should I worry? I don’t know really. I had never known him all my life, anyway. And I’ll never know him again.He had a chance, didn’t he? Why did everyone let him die? After all, it’s a life. Doesn’t it mean anything? You feel for the birds that often come by your house, but you didn’t feel for your husband? Why is anybody talking, really? Why is everyone here, everyone who didn’t think of him when he was alive? I’m sorry my brother, I can’t stand this. You were his son, yet you let him down too. You must have been his last hope, but you failed. Literally, anyone in this room could have demanded to save him and do the surgery to keep him alive – yet no one did. Why did he have to die that way?He had four brothers and two sisters, and all of them were there, beside his dead body. But none of you was there for him, as he lay waiting for his death in the ICU for three days. He was silent, but he could still hear and feel, right? I wish he never heard any of your thoughts aloud.Dear uncle, I’ll never know you. I hope you might’ve loved me even if you had never visited me. I hope you wished no ill will. I don’t believe in afterlives, but if you had more wishes, I wish they get fulfilled even in your absence. I pray to the Almighty that your soul shall rest in peace. Amen.I couldn’t bear it. Was it pain? I don’t know. I only felt this helplessness, this belittlement of life and death right before me. It was choking me. Tears flowed relentlessly as I struggled for breath through my closed lips and dry throat. I couldn’t face anybody and I tried to look small – hugging my feet and covering my tear-stained face with my hand as I stared at a dusty corner of the room that no one noticed. I ran for life when my sister-in-law said we could take rest somewhere inside – I didn’t know what I was thinking. I had to let it all out.My silent screams echoed in the bedroom as I hugged on to my sister for dear life, away from the shroud and the dead body. I took many deep breaths and looked through the window. Everything was silent. My body felt numb. I was a machine, learning. I’ll never know how many trials it will take for me to learn this new algorithm of life.There are only a few steps here.You’re an innocent child but you grow up into an adult. You’re young and you work hard to make a fortune. You build a family to spend all that fortune. You become poor and old till nobody wants you. You die.I wish there was an element of love somewhere in the loop – there is none. History repeats. It’s money that rules the world and it’s rooted in the families. I remembered my dad. He’s a veteran and his fault? He had two girl children. He spent all his money on the dear house his father had built for their family in the olden days. He got himself a few blocks in his heart. So now he’s poor, unhealthy and father to two girls – Why should anyone want him anymore? And he was out of his home – the same home that he dreamt of sharing a part with all his brothers and their families.Does that ring a bell? Look around and check your roots. Look at the outcasts and check the crimes that got ’em off their family trees. It’s history, and it repeats. It’s the same everywhere. It’s an infinite loop – the kind that never meets its exit condition.That’s when I thought of some outliers in this history of the world – some of the biggest and richest families that every born child would know. There should have been some mistake, some kind of bug that occasionally breaks this code and that loop exits in an error 500. I saw my mom – I smiled, I know what that bug is.I started thinking, hard. I’m a developer and I’m about to start my Masters in Computer Science next year. What else should I invest in, if not in making an AI that increases this bug in families and breaks the infinite loop in history? I can’t wait. Now I know my project and purpose.She rose from her seat and washed her face several times until she was sure that no one would see her tears again. She tried putting on a smile – it was hard. She thought now she was brave enough to face the reality and looked out of her hiding place. There they were – her little cousins, too innocent to not know the weight of that shrouded body in the front room. She rushed to them, hugged them both and sat in-between them, holding their hands. They’ve come from afar upon notice of the death in our family. They didn’t know this place and were looking at different things curiously. My seven-year-old brother asks, “Are they rich?”. I was at a loss of words.I wish I could one day make an AI that stops feeding little brains the philosophy of rich versus poor, black versus white, and girl versus boy, and instead teach the philosophy of seeing people as just fellow human beings, full of life. I should probably work in education. Maybe then I could make an algorithm that learns the loop of love and whenever a little friend tries to call someone ugly, my AI would whisper in his ears, “Please, don’t do it”.

The Beverly Hillbillies 2024️

TID Nuclear Education: How America’s Secret Science Led to Multiple Nuclear Bombings of Iraq

3 years before a rogue FBI agent sent Gordon Duff the real 9/11 report, stolen nukes and ‘dustified towers’ (Truth Bomb)

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor (2011)

Over the last few days, Bob Nichols, Jim Fetzer, Lauren Moret, and Christopher Busby, published articles conclusively proving the use of nuclear weapons in Iraq.

Their research did not come from cruising internet websites but from traditional grunt work journalism, working sources within the scientific and weapons community, some with the highest imaginable security classifications level.

We aren’t talking about Depleted Uranium, dangerous, a genetic nightmare, and certainly carcinogenic, but actual nuclear weapons.

We have the hard proof, we have discovered samples of highly enriched, 95%, weapons-grade Uranium 235 in Iraq, in the people of Iraq, and since then we have found nothing but a wall of silence.

These are our two articles:

New Bombs and War Crimes in Fallujah
NUCLEAR WEAPONS! OhMyGawd They Did it!

Building Things You Just Can’t Imagine

We have clear and well-established contacts inside Livermore and Sandia Labs, where designs of nuclear weapons entered new unheard of generations, new unheard-of capabilities, over 20 years ago.

Anything you think you know about nuclear weapons is false, their size, their “output,” or the restrictions on their use.

We also have access to unpublished “dark research” from the Reagan era Strategic Defense Initiative, (SDI), which was meant to produce a “space shield” for the United States.

Some of the experiments, some that went dreadfully wrong, involved the use of nuclear weapons as “spark plugs” to produce X-Ray and microwave energy capable to disabling “flocks” of MIRVs (Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles) the new tiny hydrogen bombs that fill the nose cones of missiles, or other less obvious delivery systems.

While researching such things over the past 5 years as a journalist with a defense engineering background, nothing unusual in that, I came across a number of scientific developments that even I understood.

If I can understand it, imagine what a really talented 15 years old could do? Any parent with a home computer knows exactly what I am talking about.

During my interviews, I talked with nuclear weapons specialists from the NAVY and Army, those capable of arming and operating these weapons, including individuals who have carried nuclear weapons, including one person who has carried nukes on HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening) parachute jumps on dozens of occasions.

I spent hours interviewing Dimitri Khalezov, former Soviet/Russian nuclear intelligence expert of the 12th Directorate. The stories he told were astounding, right out of science fiction but always proven right.

The major powers track nuclear material, countries building nukes, countries trying to buy them and, stranger still, those odd times when nuclear weapons are used.

This is what we proved conclusively in our scientific studies in Iraq, information that makes everything Khalezov has said much more credible, to the point of being undeniable.

Scientific teams, using the most advanced equipment found clear evidence that America used nuclear weapons in Iraq. The articles above outline the procedures that gave these results, evidence that is far less questionable than the connections between cigarettes and cancer. These are hard facts.
Looking Down the New Barrel

You can ask why we would do such things. I can’t answer, I can only guess. Typically, America’s weapons inventory includes two bizarre weapons, the “fuel-air bomb” and the “daisy cutter.”

Each is huge weapons that produce a visual signature actually far more visible than 4th generation nuclear weapons.

What do I mean by this? What is a 4th generation nuke?

I can start this path by explaining some of what we have learned. I don’t think we have touched the full extent of our weapons capability, financed by hundreds of billions of dollars of “black funding” over 3 or more decades.

What we have learned about particle physics in 30 years makes an atom bomb such as the one we dropped on Hiroshima as primitive as a Roman chariot.

The ‘Nuclear Bazooka”

What Americans are led to believe is that nuclear weapons are as big as a car, that they use uranium or plutonium “pits” the size of grapefruit or larger and all-cause large explosions and leave behind telltale mushroom clouds.

Here is a fact. America decommissioned a nuclear weapon called the “Davy Crockett,” a shoulder-fired nuclear projectile the size of a soccer ball back in 1978.

Nearly a quarter-century ago, these weapons were considered “too primitive” to be kept in use.

The cover story? They were no longer needed. The truth? 1978 was the height of the cold war. We had long put nuclear weapons inside 155mm artillery shells.

The 155mm is around 6 inches and much of that diameter is obviously steel casing. The larger 8″ and 175mm nuclear shells have been around for half a century.
3AD “Suitcase Bomb” – The Mk-54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM)

Considering the need for protection and the actual size of the projectiles, we have been making nuclear weapons that would fit in a child’s lunchbox for generations.

Then, of course, Hollywood got rumors of the “suitcase” or even “briefcase” nuke. Any piece of the 6-inch heating duct with a couple of LED’s is now a “Hollywood nuke.”

Dozens of versions of these sit on property room shelves at TV and movie studios. We have all seen them.

We have seen them because we are supposed to see them. They make us afraid and they mislead us also.

Iraq proved that. But it wasn’t just Iraq.


When is a funny story not a funny story? Years ago, Dimitri sent me a CNN report of a terrorist attack inside Russia. Back during the “workers paradise” years, the government built huge apartment blocks to provide needed housing.

I have stayed in such things, a “guest of the people,” concrete thick enough to stop artillery, toilets so powerful you don’t want to be close when you grab the 3-foot long flush lever. Oh, and long ago, there was always someone in the parking lot who wrote down your license number, the time of your arrival and departure.

If only they had cell phone cameras back then.
Russain Apartment Bombings

Anyway, a news story came out reporting that Chechen rebels had exploded a mail truck, destroying one of these enormous apartment blocks.

The government spokesman listed the explosive used as the equivalent of 300 tons of TNT. A Russian mail truck carries about 800 pounds of mail and packages. Any more and it would roll overturning corners.

For those of you even more “math-challenged” than I am, 300 tons is 600,000 pounds.

No such “accidental” press release has been made since but we have seen this level of damage before, many times, certainly all over Iraq and Afghanistan.

There, those who were near the blast area test positive for direct exposure to fully enriched weapons-grade uranium, not the “isotope” Iranian version but the real thing. You can’t fake that.

As the articles referred to above also outline, the incumbent genetic damage that comes with direct exposure to large amounts of ionizing radiation from a nuclear explosion is there also.

But then, we have an arsenal of secret weapons here, not just the secret “dial-a-nukes” used to destroy apartment buildings or simulate terrorist attacks, things anyone can learn about on the internet.

Nuclear material, certainly the highly radioactive material almost all American troops are regularly exposed to misnomered as “Depleted Uranium” but, moreover, the very real thing, fully weapons-grade pure enriched uranium can be used in “non-nuke” nukes.
All Sizes For All Kinds of Situations

Depleted Uranium is used in munitions of almost every type as a “penetrator.”

It isn’t the weight of the uranium but rather than uranium turns into plasma on impact and releases a mass of energy capable of, not just blowing a hole in a building or tank, but releasing a jet of superheated gas that destroys the world’s hardest steel and kills anyone nearby.

The use of these weapons, now available in 7.62X51 caliber, yes, the old .308 round used for deer hunting, that and every other imaginable size, are used continually.

Why not use a conventional rifle, one of those old M 14’s leftover from the 1950s that are continually reissued, quite a wonderful weapon, to shoot through concrete?

It it worked for the .50 cal sniper rifle, it will work for smaller weapons as well.

These radioactive weapons have a history. They were originally a last-ditch attempt to save NATO from the massive Soviet superiority in numbers of tanks and other armored vehicles.

Weapons platforms based around a giant 30mm gun were developed, the Apache helicopter and the A 10 Thunderbolt. Firing dangerously depleted uranium rounds, lines of Soviet tanks could be erased as though they were made of matchsticks.

We also planted nuclear “demolitions” under much of Germany, to be exploded if and when the Eastern Bloc armies broke through. Have they been dug up and removed? For those unfamiliar with this policy, the operative word is “Fulda Gap.”

DU Kinetic Penetrator

Let’s begin with the least harmful of the new arsenal of weapons that don’t exist. Remember what we said about “depleted uranium?”

If you could create a superheated plasma from DU, you could certainly create something far hotter, unimaginably hotter, using weapons-grade uranium.

Thus, we created an array of new explosives that use powdered uranium that creates a radioactive plasma, emits massive radiation, can vaporize steel, turn thousands of tons of concrete to fine dust yet produce an explosion that, initially at least, appears to be a conventional explosion.

This inventory gives choices. When a target of size needs to be destroyed, a small fusion-based “dial-a-nuke” can be used, one with output as little as 10 tons of TNT.

You can call it a “daisy cutter” or “car bomb.” The telltale signs of such an explosion would be a huge crater in a paved area and, within the blast radius, powdered concrete and “missing” steel.

There is no amount of TNT or other conventional explosives, not even a shipload, that can vaporize steel. Chunks of concrete can fly a kilometer, steel beams can be bent or blasted but they never turn to powder or seem mysteriously “eaten away.”
Vacuum Bomb

Photographs of the attack on the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City leave such a signature as did several other such events, the US barracks in Saudi Arabia, and the attack in 1984 on the Marine barracks in Beirut.

Dimitri Khalezov, serving in the Soviet army as a nuclear intelligence officer says that these explosions were forms of now level nuclear devices. He also said a similar device was used in the Bali attack in October of 2002.

No other person with full briefing access from a world power has ever come forward before.

Claims Khalezov made years ago have been proven true by hard science in Iraq.

The use of nuclear weapons, the controlled fusion variety, is now proven as part of a covert policy of the American military, used where their aftermath is denied by public relations machinery, where the events themselves are mischaracterized as huge conventional explosives and where any coverage by “mainstream media” is curiously absent.

We are also seeing the telltale signs of a worldwide police state.

We believe we may have captured a video of a test from Livermore Labs of a “non-fission” hybrid explosive that uses enriched uranium.

Curious? Want to believe it is a test of a rocket motor? No such projects go on there, this isn’t NASA. The burn, 122 seconds, using conventional fuel, would have depleted an oil tanker a thousand feet long. The heat? Imagine the launch area, eaten away, all-metal turned to dust, a huge hole burned in the ground filled with molten steel, superheated for weeks, even months.

Sound familiar?

Do you suspect you have seen a heat source capable of melting thousands of tons of structural steel, powdering concrete, and sending out literal seas of dust? It brings something to mind for me.


There is always a lot of talks, backchannel when anomalies are discovered. 9/11 produced several anomalies, a Pentagon attack where the named aircraft was incapable of such performance, where small plane scraps, in pristine condition, were first seen hours after the supposed “crash” and very real “hard evidence” tells us something else. Not all of the 80 plus videos really disappeared from the Pentagon attack:

With all possible movies of anything potentially computer-generated phonies, particularly anything from our government, the least reliable source on earth, it and it’s phony “mainstream media” arm, even worse in the UK, movies like this are curious. A quote from the 1980 Peter O’Toole film, “The Stuntman:”

You constantly amaze me…….. you don’t go to movies…… what are you a communist?! what were those handcuffs some sort of decoy or disguise? Did you NOT know that King Kong the first was only 3 foot 6 inches tall? He only came up to Fay Wray’s belly button……. If God could do the tricks that we could do…… he would be a happy man!

Here is an opinion, an educated one as I spent some time with a company that built military surveillance satellites which meant I met with top scientists regularly, the video above seems to have come from a satellite.
KH-11 … Imaging Satellite

The appearance of a moving platform, as though the camera were on a UAV or helicopter, is more likely an effect of software compensation for orbital trajectory than anything else.

My other wild guess is that the camera responsible was very far away, not just “miles.”

The “gut feeling” I have is based on two things. It is consistent with the first video the only “officially released” video. We could doubt the new video but there is a total lack of objective evidence to deny its authenticity.

The second video very much reflects the first but also, the pixel count on the projectile itself, matches the typical optical output of a specific orbital platform used by NORAD.

The “math guys” who examined this find one inconsistency. The plane or projectile or missile or whatever is going too fast for a standard “cruise” type missile.

This could indicate that we have an improper frame rate on our video, a likelihood, or that the missile is one designed for a supersonic, up to Mach 2.5, “run” to the target to defeat defense systems, something the US is rumored to have developed for its nuclear-tipped anti-ship missiles.

As for conventional aircraft, the highest speed possible, at altitudes well above the height of the Pentagon is under 250 knots, not 560 knots. Oh, that one was tested also. I accidentally have that video also, 240 knots:

For every bit of “movie magic” used to support any position, the official government conspiracy, which exposure of the phony Iraq intelligence should have proven unreliable many years ago, or those the government attempts to, now get this, suppress or pretend to suppress as “conspiracy nuts,” there is an underlying suppression of very real science, breakthroughs in physics and technology, that make our puny efforts to tell real from imaginary a waste of effort.
National Ignition Facility – Livermore Labs

Here is one secret. Back in 1990, we learned how to reach “critical mass” in nuclear weapons without using large amounts of Uranium 235 or Plutonium.

We found that our weapons were actually using only a small amount of the nuclear material to achieve fission or, as with thermonuclear weapons, the factored increase from use of multiple plutonium pits, up to 5 thus far, which make weapons of either vast power or “detuned” for very minor controlled output possible.

Fission reactions that once required many kilograms of highly enriched uranium are now possible with much less, so much less that we have no idea how small a nuclear weapon can be but with the possible application of nano-technology, we can exceed the wildest dreams of science fiction.

Some of this basic research comes from the “Star Wars” research and more from the suppressed experiments that spent hundreds of billions underwriting the massive super colliders we are told are teaching us how the universe was made.

I so love how billions in “black funding” manages to work itself into projects that by accident might well burn the planet to a cinder or suck half of France and Switzerland down a man-made “black hole.”

Livermore Labs – Laser Bay

Back in the 1980s, the US and Soviet Union both developed and tested “microwave/X-ray” weapons powered by hydrogen bombs.

Were I to describe what they look like, I guess I would say “take the steel frame of one of the World Trade Center towers, place an H-bomb in the basement and attach it to a mechanism that focused a beam into space that made the “phaser array” of the fictional USS Enterprise (NCC1701C) look like a child’s toy.

Congress funded this and the HAARP system, others too, based on idiotic cover stories about missile defense or communications security.

The actual reason for the development of these systems was “planetary defense.” The systems built under the guise of “Star Wars” were primarily designed for use against giant flying saucers, like out of the movie Independence Day. We built systems that could, were they needed, destroy such a threat handily. They are still deployed.

Imagine if an American president actually spoke of such things? He would obviously be locked up, wouldn’t he?

This segment is one of the 5 times President Reagan mentioned the threat of alien invasion. Weapons designed and tested by both the US and the Soviet Union, ones we have heard of, are of immeasurable power.

The “kinetic interceptors” and lasers discussed but never developed as missile defense were nothing but humor. Any missile defense can be defeated easily.

Livermore Labs Have ‘Extra’ Security with Gattling Gun Guards

Years ago, Dimitri Khalezov told me that the World Trade Center was destroyed by nuclear weapons.

The “debunking” of his claim was based primarily on the fact, or what some believed to be a fact, that the United States would never, under any circumstances, use nuclear weapons.

It was also based on very purposeful disinformation about the nature of our nuclear arsenal and advances in physics since 1908, essentially the year the atomic bomb became a possibility.

One of history’s nasty little secrets is that Germany had a nuclear weapons program at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute outside Berlin during World War I, one managed by a former Swiss patent clerk. Ah, but who wants to rewrite the bizarre fiction we call “history”…

The issue today, regarding Khalezov’s claims and, more importantly, regarding the kind of people we are and how divorced our military and government are from the will and conscience of the people, that issue is brought to the surface by the proofs from Iraq.

Key statements within this news report make it very clear how misguided Americans have been.

What is proven by this?

America has used nuclear weapons on numerous occasions against targets easily destroyed by our most primitive existing conventional munitions.
The ability to use such weapons with the shield of deniability based on how absurd, how inhumane, and how utterly insane their use has been, has, in itself, been the rationale that has made their use possible.
Once one accepts that rationale, one now is proven, it opens the door to question every story America tells its people as being patently absurd, to the point of telling utterly outlandish lies.

What Have They Been Hiding About 9-11?

What policy does this prove?

What it tells us is that using insanely dangerous weapons, particularly using technologies that have never been publicly acknowledged, and hundreds of weapons fall into that category, few as dangerous as those whose use we can now prove, is, in itself a form of “perfect lie.”

Were one to discuss 9/11, for instance, you could destroy the twin towers with nuclear weapons with absolutely no questions being asked, even if “first responders” began dying of radiation sickness.

All you had to do is claim that “radiation trapped in aging wallboard” simulated the effects of a nuclear explosion.

Then, of course, with no studies commissioned, no data kept, atomic explosion related maladies such as multiple myeloma no longer matter.

With science as it is, “dark science,” nuclear weapons as they are commonly known to most people are an anachronism. Rather than a large bomb to attack an imaginary underground terrorist complex, we would use a nuclear weapon instead.

How can we get away with it?

This is a video of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld discussing the same terror facilities I mention.
Thermonuclear warhead

A network of such facilities, as attributed to by our former Defense Secretary could only be destroyed using massive thermonuclear weapons. Nothing else could touch them.

The problem, of course, is that after 10 years of searching for these facilities, nothing larger than a small garage was ever found, and it was in a former Soviet facility that had been abandoned for many years.

Yet, no one asked for Rumsfeld to account for his wildly insane claims, claims we now can reasonably assume were acted upon by the use of nuclear weapons on empty, we hope empty, mountain regions of Afghanistan.

In Iraq, these nuclear weapons were used on at least one city where there were no “hardened targets” whatsoever, no armored forces, no “deep bunkers.”

Then when intelligence sources come to us saying these same weapons have been used in our own cities, on our own people, blamed on terrorists, perhaps an earthquake or some other disaster, what and who can we believe anymore?

Was this all a simple genetic experiment, as our video above seems to prove so conclusively?

Why kind of people do such things? What kind of people allows themselves to elect public officials who try to withhold such information?

Our readership certainly indicates enough Americans see this, and you don’t get much more public than this. What kind of people does nothing? What kind of people demand no accounting?

Searches for “Criminal Defense Attorney” and “Swiss Bank” Skyrocket in Washington, DC

Searches for Swiss Bank[1] large
Searches for Swiss Bank[1] large

Google searches for certain terms have literally skyrocketed of late, specifically in Washington, DC.    On January 20, upon the inauguration of Donald Trump, searches for “criminal defense attorney” were three times higher in Washington DC than the entire rest of the United States!

People living and working at Washington, D.C., appear to be very nervous about their potential legal exposure with President Trump back in the White House.

A Google feature that tracks search trends shows that searches for the term “criminal defense lawyer” started to soar in America’s capital city in January.

Google Searches criminal defense attorney DC
Google Searches criminal defense attorney DC

As DOGE began uncovering waste, fraud and abuse throughout USAID and other entities, and clawed-back some $59 million from New York State Bank Accounts after money was sent to pay luxury hotels housing illegal aliens, that same city (Washington, DC) saw searches soar for “Swiss bank” (yellow), “offshore bank” (green), “wire money” (red) and “IBAN” (blue):

Searches for Swiss Bank
Searches for Swiss Bank

HMMMMMMM.  A new President comes to town – after being beaten-up by Lawfare for years – and suddenly, a whole slew of people in the town that the lawfare emanated from, are seeking “criminal defense attorneys.”

AND . . .

When that new President’s DOGE Team starts clawing-back millions in federal money that should not have gone out, a whole slew of other people in that same city, start searching for “Swiss Banks” . . . .  why?   To hide what they stole, maybe?

A whole lot of politicians are screeching about the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) successfully finding out where all the cash has been going.  In my opinion, the ones who screech the loudest/longest, are the ones trying desperately to hide what they did.

The Honeymooners Full Episodes 38 Dial J for Janitor

Has the IDF, unable to make progress militarily against Hezbollah now reverted to what its good at and is now bombing civilians in residential blocks, which it then lyingly calls ‘military installations’ or something equally improbable?

Israeli Army was always trained for rapid movement and flanking

The distances are never large so the emphasis has always been quick advances and swamping and encircling the enemy ans cutting them off with the army and using their Airforce to cut off any Air cover

Unfortunately they simply cannot hold a line for 20–30 days let alone 50 days Or grind their way

That’s an exclusively Russian speciality and likely Iranian and Hezbollah speciality given that

A. Iranians have had over 70 Military drills with Russians in the past 10 years

B. Hezbollah have had Wagner training for five years plus Iranian Advisors

The GRINDING YOUR ENEMY tactic is something US or Israel are clueless about

They like speed, the SHOCK AND AWE strategy

Using Air Forces
Using Land Army to swamp into the enemy territory

Unfortunately for Israel, neither tactic is working well

They are bombing civilians & they advanced 830 meters in the past 17 days and 40 Km in the past 52 days

And their WIA is 5000 at least (WIA = Wounded in Action)

It’s Vietnam all over again

Israel cannot win

Their sole hope is the US enters into the war and somehow turns the tide

That of course would make the hatred of the US the worst in the history of the post WW World among the muslim nations

No American or Israeli would be 100% safe anywhere except maybe Poland

In 1982 , they were within the outskirts of Beirut in 7 days

Now they have barely made 43 Kms in 52 days

You do the math!!!!

And these are just Hezbollah and Hamas

Imagine Iran and the Houthis

And imagine the Russians weighed in on the side of Iran

These are some troubled times

Fiancée Abruptly Dumps Boyfriend, Throws TANTRUM When He Abruptly Takes Away Her Car, Laptop, Etc…

I was coming back from Greece. I had an unopenned pack of shrink wrapped olives. The TSA guy pulled them out, and told me that I wasn’t allowed to take liquids, aerosols or gels onto the plane. I gave them a dumb look. (Given, I’d been in transit for 12-ish hours, without much sleep.)

He repeated that “You aren’t allowed to take liquids, aerosols or gels onto the plane”. I asked him which of those the olives were. The junior screener got his manager, who (while making a gesture to let me through) said “Olives aren’t liquids”.

I laughed about it later, once out of earshot of security.

A well educated elderly lady with cancer of the larynx (voice box) was admitted for a laryngectomy ( removal of voice box). I went over the procedure with her, the potential risks/benefits and outcomes meticulously and in detail, got the consent signed and prepped her for surgery.

Day of surgery dawns and she calls me 10 minutes prior to being shifted to the operating room and tells me that she has decided not to undergo the procedure that day and wants it to be postponed 2 weeks.

I was a first year Surgical Oncology resident and as all first year residents are, was overworked, under nourished and sleep deprived. I could not focus beyond the lost OT time, the list being undone and the imagined anger of my seniors’ to an incomplete OT list.

I ticked her off that this is not time to tell, should have told the previous night, how OT time is precious specially in a busy charitable hospital like ours and how it could have been used to operate on some other patient and used to save life etc.

There was a small tear in her eye that made me stop my ranting and then she haltingly, almost hesitatingly told me, “Sir I am a grandmother to a 4 year old girl, I just realised that I can never again speak to her, there is a lot that a grand mother has to tell her grand child, I want to record voice to be given as message to to her on her birthday, one message for every year till she turns 18.

I was stunned. All the harsh words haunting me, piercing my entire being. I realised that day, we are treating a disease for sure, but more important is to treat the patient in whom the disease resides.

That brief moment in time taught me more about humility, compassion and empathy than anything I had ever learnt. Every time I get angry at a patient, her face dances in front of my eyes, I calm down and make efforts anew.

Mrs. X is etched in memory and forever changed my path.

The Making of Star Trek The Original Series!

China is a huge country with very humble people that are resilient and can take a beating.

Take the trade war and tech war of recent years for reference, China did fight back against the US, but mostly it focused on mitigating the American attack and improving its self-sufficiency. For example when the US had Canada kidnap the daughter of Huawei’s founder and went around the world pressuring countries to ban Huawei, China did not ban iPhone in China in retaliation, or nationalize its factories in China. Instead China hit back hard at Canada, jailing two Canadian spies and sentencing a Canadian drug dealer who was supposed to serve 15 year sentence, to death. When the US increased tariff on Chinese cars, China invited Tesla to build its Gigafactory in China, with free land and tax exemption, robbing the US of a star factory.

If the US does go to war with China, China will respond with the most limited force. For example, China may only sink the carriers coming towards China, or damage them enough so that they have to sail home, not destroy all American carriers around the world like the new US defense secretary suggests, not even every ship in the carrier battlegroup, to leave it open for the US to turn back and negotiate and not leave too much hard feelings for trade and cooperation with the US after the war.


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As a consumer in the UK, I have yet to see a single product marked “Made in USA” (other than specific sports items & sweets in dodgy money laundering stores)

The Chinese however, are a massive exporter to the UK & EU. If it’s not in the stores, Amazon or Temu etc, will have dozens of companies selling the same or similar product.

Iphones, are made in China. Apple tried to make them in the USA, but couldn’t do it without doubling costs. China gas access to more chips, electronic expertise and R&D depts in the private sectors.

I’m certainly not saying the UK is particularly any better in exports (we’re not) but we do have certain high end audio/visual companies, we still make cars, just not British owned anymore.

Face it, you want it, China makes it, Amazon will get it to you tomorrow. No one can compete.


How many people believe that idiocracy has begun?

The opening scene of Idiocracy is iconic. A smart, responsible couple with great jobs and high IQs fails to produce a child. First because they’re not ready, then because they’ve waited too long and ran out of time. Soon, they’re done for. Cut out of the human genepool.

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The same opening scene intercuts the scenes of the smart, struggling-to-conceive couple with a young football player named Clevon. Clevon has a below-average IQ but he’s a strong, outgoing athlete who irresponsibly sleeps around with many women. Clevon has many children.

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The movie eventually shows what the “Clevon family tree” looks like 75 years later — it’s quite impressive, as you might imagine. He created an absolute shitload of little Clevon’s over the years, who then went and did the same…

I’m not sure if we can quantify or count exactly how many people believe this sort of reality is where we are right now, or where we’re heading. But invariably some of the smartest people I know have either a very small family (one or two kids) or zero. Sometimes zero by choice. Sometimes zero because of bad luck, or because they waited too long…

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Centuries ago, the smartest of people would have large families, too. Choosing not to have a family or to only have a small family was unheard of, and the means to restrict conception weren’t readily available. Now we’re in an age where anyone who has the desire and means NOT to have kids, likely won’t have them. And all those who either put no thought into it or just “go with the flow” are the ones whose genepool is set to inherit this earth.

McHales Navy Season 3 Episode 20

Cutlets with mashed potatoes: Russians’ favorite cafeteria food

This taste is familiar to everyone from childhood.
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When Russians eat in Soviet-style ‘stolovka’ cafes and office canteens, this dish surely is among the most popular ones.

Also, after being somewhere abroad for a long time or just out of home – cutlets with mashed potatoes (‘kotletki s pyureshkoi’) is the first thing they would cook. Ok, maybe, second, after borsch.

It is also something that every Russian babushka cooks for her beloved grandchildren.

Here are a few secrets behind the delicate taste. For cutlets bread is added to minced meat. And mashed potatoes are made with milk and butter. (And make sure you peel the potatoes before boiling them!)

Check out our ultimate guide on how to cook cafeteria-style cutlets and mashed potatoes

Ocean Of Guilt

Submitted into Contest #150 in response to: Write a story that either starts or ends with someone (or something) saying, “Please, don’t do it.” view prompt

Nil Charbonneau Le Berre

“Please, don’t do it.” Those were the words that always seemed to echo in my head when I was about to finish a robot. Only this time, it was stronger. It was the first robot to have feelings, and I was the creator, the genius. But the voice continued, like an alarm, it shouted and whispered and pleaded and cried. But it was always too late. There wasn’t any sense left to reach anymore. Merely blank, absent-minded actions. A thick fog clogged my view. All I could see were the cables, shooting out, like red bloody veins, of their square metal cage and my hands, covered by white plastic surgical gloves. A vision flashed before my eyes. They were stained. Stained by blood.”You know whose blood that is…” The alarm said. I shook my head. No. No, I don’t. I did, though. No. Stop. I tried to concentrate on my work. Already, concentration was but a far-fetched conception. All that was left now were my mere perfunctory movements, guided by my instincts, or a greater force, the force of fame, the force of power. The force of our leader, Isaac. I was being controlled, and it felt great.What the… my ears. My ears! They hurt. Something was ringing, like a cry of suffering animals. My heart raced. It pounded like wild stallions running in a field, like a gigantic hammer falling heavily on my chest. Suddenly, curtains fell over my eyes.I couldn’t see anything. I was blinded by the noise. My organs were all screaming in agony. No! It didn’t matter. I was going to finish this, even if I turned blind. It was simple, wasn’t it? I’d built robots thousands of times, I knew what to do, even for such a complex one.”No! No, it isn’t simple. Stop! Think about the consequences. About what you did.” The alarm hollered. But I shook my head, dismissing reason. I mustn’t think about it.”Just a bit more…” I muttered, as if asleep. I was close. But at what cost? Stop! Enough thinking. Thinking is bad. Bad, bad!”No, thinking is human!” The voice screamed. “That stupid Isaac got inside your head. Thinking is human… thinking is human… thinking is human… human… human… human… human…” Echoes. No more echoes… Please. No more thinking… I tried to shut down my brain, but it was hard. The alarm was out to get me.”Thinking is human…” the alarm repeated.I felt ropes tighten around my neck. I knew perfectly well what I was doing, and yet, I didn’t. Why was I doing it? Why did I do what I did? Why didn’t I simply let her go? Stop! Get back to work! I had to keep on going, to shut off this stupid voice that kept on screaming at me.”THEN HUMAN IS BAD!” I screamed. “Bad, bad, bad!” I cannot be human. I have to obey. I have to obey. The ringing got louder. No… No, enough! My vision cleared slightly. I could see my white hands and the cables. I was almost finished, the suffering was almost finished.”Just a bit more…” I was trying to reassure myself. I was on the verge of tears.  I had to finish. I saw the blurry faces of my colleagues, but most importantly, their eyes, filled with greed and impatience that stared at me hungrily. I twisted one last time; the cables were done and organised.I held my breath. It was time. I put my tools down on the table’s hard surface with a clatter. My wide eyes stared at what I had created with wonder. I reached for the metal trapdoor on the robot’s abdomen. The edges were so sharp, it felt so smooth and perfect. The metal was cold against my fingers. All I had to do was close it and plug the cable that dangled from it in the power outlet… A second… Just a second for the robot to charge… And then, fame. The glad shouts and satisfied comments of my colleagues, their fakely warm hugs, and fame. Fame and recognition.”Come on…” they pressed. Their voices were distant and slowed down as I plunged deep inside a suffocating ocean. I was getting closer, closer to a sweltering underwater cave of unconsciousness. There, my every move would be guided by something, someone. My thoughts would be controlled. Everything would be so easy, so simple. Nothing to worry about. I could be just like the robot I was creating. I would be famous. Just living my entire life in a deep abyss. I shivered with pleasure; I wanted that. I wanted it so bad, but the voice wouldn’t have it.”Greta was human.”I almost fell back in disarray. My head shot out of the ocean I had plunged in, the one I was drowning in. My eyes widened. Greta was human, it was true! Then I heard her voice.”You’re killing me. You’re killing me, dad!” She was screaming at me. She slammed the door. She shouldn’t be screaming at me. “You’re always trying to find something for your robot. I don’t give a damn about your robot!” She had said as I went in the corridor after her.I shook my head. I couldn’t think about this! I grabbed my robot, the fruit of so many years’ work, and ran. Ran like a crazy man across the cold tiles of the laboratory. Behind I heard the surprised shouts and boisterous screams and footsteps of my colleagues trying to grab me, bring me back to my work. But I ran. I didn’t even bother to open the door. I braced myself and ran through it, bursting into the corridor. I kept running, running to the emergency staircase, and raced down the steps four by four, jumping over the last six ones, and shot out onto the road, where I kept running, onto the highway, not stopping for the planes or the cars, not stopping for the robots carrying the women and men, nor for garbage-bots laying down heaps of metal scraps and rotten tree sized pumpkins, I ran. But my legs were already giving out, my breath was short and I ached all over. But I kept running, I ran up to my building, where I ran up the stairs, and pushed open my apartment door. I bolted the five locks and pushed my sofa to block it. I rushed to my large window,collapsed on the floor, the robot on my chest, as the curtain’s metallic sheet slowly started its descent. I turned and looked at the grey sky. How sad it looked. Once, when I was thirty, I travelled to Africa to see the real sky. I wanted to know if the paintings and descriptions were real. But when I got there it was only to see that the richer countries had planted industries in it, and it was already filled with ugly clouds. Most of those industries, sadly, belonged to Isaac. Someone told me that when I was small, about three years old, I had seen the sky, but I don’t really remember it. With a clack, the curtain hit the ground. I clutched the robot. It would only be mine, not the world’s. It had always been mine. Its thoughts, its feelings. The world wouldn’t have my child’s brain at their mercy. Fame didn’t seem so desirable anymore. I knew what I had to do to bring it to life. I knew what I had already done to bring it to life. I heard her again.”Dad! What are you doing?!”Nobody would know what happened. Nobody would find her where I was bringing her. That’s when I knew what I could do to give my robot feelings. All I had to do was simple. All I had to have was just in front of me.I looked at the robot, and darted into my room. As I fell to my knees and put the plug in the outlet, I caught a glimpse of a picture. Greta’s picture. In that split millisecond, time stopped, my heart melted. Her soft, pure hazel eyes, her short brown hair made me want to cry. She was waiting for me. I remember her face, in tears, as she took her bag and her belongings.”You’re killing me, dad. Killing me!”She also said that, as a child, she had sometimes gone for full days without food because I was too caught up in my creations. That had been the first time I had wanted to go back in time.”I’ll be waiting for you, dad. Once you understand.”And she had left. I remember my red anger as I pursued her in the corridor, scalpel in hand, and her terrified high pitched screams when I brought her inside. And her mercy pleads.”Stop! Stop dad, you’re killing me, you’re killing me! Please don’t do this! Don’t do this!”I remember holding them, so slippery and slimy. It was still throbbing slightly, and blood was oozing out. I just had to do a simple transfer. No more waiting. I had waited for so long already. Once she was in what I had created, everything would be simple. I thought that she would forgive me.But I understand now. I had to leave this robot behind and join her. Only, it was too late. The plug was in.Ding! The robot lifted its head. In its pitch black beady eyes, you could distinguish confusion. But when it looked at me… I saw the disappointment. The sadness. I saw Greta.I ran out of the room to the kitchen and aggressively pulled each drawer, fumbling for a knife. I had to end this. Again. I couldn’t live with it. I couldn’t. As I ran back to my room, I heard the angry voices of my ex-colleagues pounding on my door, trying to open it, but I ignored them. I dived into my room and lifted my knife. The robot looked at me fearfully, but with a wondrous gaze. An almost loving gaze. I stood there, and a connection seemed to weave itself, one single thread, between us. Greta was already dead. Was she though? This wasn’t her… though there was a part of her in there. But I remember.As my white gloves put the brain in, I felt enlightenment. It was a new beginning. For me, for her.But I know now that it is too late to find her. I felt drops running down my cheeks. I had wasted my daughter’s life. But now I had a second chance, an opportunity. I was offered a do-over. My knife hung by a thread in the air. I had done it once, why couldn’t I do it again? The robot lay trembling on my wall, as it whispered that heart-breaking:”Please, don’t do this. ”

Slow Cooker Ribs


Prep: 5 min | Yield: 6 to 8 servings


  • 3 to 4 pounds pork baby back ribs
  • Kosher or sea salt, to taste
  • Ground black pepper, to taste
  • 2 cups barbecue sauce, divided (store-bought or homemade)*


  1. Line a baking sheet with foil.
  2. Remove the membrane from the back of the ribs: use your fingers to get underneath and loosen the membrane along one side of the ribs, and then pull off the membrane.
  3. If needed, cut the racks of ribs into smaller sections so that they will fit better in your slow cooker.
  4. Season both sides of the ribs with salt and pepper. If you’re cooking them immediately, proceed to the next step. If you want to season your ribs overnight for deeper flavor, cover them and keep them in the fridge until you’re ready to cook them.
  5. Measure one cup of barbecue sauce. Place one rack or section of ribs in the slow cooker and cover it with a layer of barbecue sauce. Repeat the process with the remaining racks or sections of ribs and what remains of that one cup of barbecue sauce.
  6. Cook on LOW heat for 8 to 10 hours, or on HIGH heat for 4 to 5 hours, depending on how many racks of ribs you are cooking and the temperature of your slow cooker. (If you have a small slow cooker and end up having to stack your rib sections more than two high, they will need more time to cook fully.) Burnt barbecue sauce is a pain to clean off of your slow cooker, so don’t leave these too much longer than the suggested cooking time. When the ribs are tender, gently remove the racks and lay them out on your foil-lined baking sheet.
  7. Reuse those meaty juices and combine the liquid from your slow cooker with the reserved barbecue sauce, then reduce it over medium heat until the sauce reaches your desired consistency. (This is optional, you can also discard the liquid from your slow cooker and just use the remaining BBQ sauce as is.)
  8. Allow the ribs to cool slightly before cutting them into individual ribs or portions. Brush the remaining one cup of barbecue sauce on top of the ribs.
  9. If desired, you can also place the ribs under the broiler for a few minutes to caramelize and set the sauce.
  10. Serve the ribs with extra BBQ sauce.


* I prefer Sweet Baby Ray’s.


The Curse Of The Mummy’s Tomb 1964 Film in English, Terence Morgan, Ronald Howard, Fred Clark

Full movie for free.

Yes, but it was a weird situation.

I can’t drive due to medical reasons, so I bike everywhere. I have biked 20 miles into town for groceries and back home, I’ve biked out to the stores, post office, library, everything. Well I wasn’t paying attention to the time and it was starting to get dark, that time when the street lights start coming on and all and I still had a long way to get home. Suddenly I hear a loud BEWOOOP! from behind me and told to stop. I do so, and am freaking out cuz I’ve got the lights on the bike, im on the right side, I’m on the shoulder of the road (highway) and I’m certain I’m fine.

Turns out he has seen me biking before and knows I have a decent ride to still go, and it was a Friday night so lots of people go out to drink and he didn’t want to get a call bout some nut having flattened a bicyclist on the road or worse. So he offered to put my bike in the back and give me a ride home.

Fairly risque.

So this guy getting a tour of the hospital before his big surgery. As he passes a room he looks in and sees a man reading a Playboy and masturbating. Shocked he turns to the doctor and asked what is going on.

The doctor explains that Mr. Thompson has a condition that requires him to masturbate every day otherwise he will be in great pain. He will get an operation to fix that soon.

As they continue down the hall he looks in another open door. There he sees a man getting oral sex from a very beautiful nurse. Again he is surprised and asks the doctor what is going on.

His doctor tells him, “Mr. Jones has the same condition as Mr. Thompson but he has a better medical plan.”

U.S. pawnshop owner donating WWII album to China received a warm welcome in China

Two years after donating a World War II photo album, Evan Kail arrived in Beijing on Saturday to begin his first trip to China.

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His visit drew huge online and offline crowds. Tens of millions joined live streams to welcome him, while many greeted him at the airport.

Evan said, “I received the warmest welcome when l got off the plane. I still can’t believe all the people that were waiting to say hello. It really warmed my heart and l’m so excited to be here.”

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On Sunday, when Kail came to Tiananmen Square to watch the flag-raising ceremony, he received an old-fashioned military coat from a young man. This is the coolest coat he has ever had and Chinese people are very hospitable, said Kail.

Kail said he would stay in China for about a month and visit a few cities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Nanjing.

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i read the title and got all excited… i thought that the tomb of Genghis Khan was finally discovered… hmmm. with the help of ‘Poe’…
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBearHug


Bubonic plague could be the “wild card”?

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