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Not everyone is a telemarketer

Like cats following the smell of fish, the Somalis followed the smell of free American money.

When a refugee arrives in the US, most come with very little to their name. They are given a one-time federal grant of $1,175, help from the resettlement agencies, and, for the first five years, federal money for things like housing, school, or finding employment. According to the Minnesota Department of Human Services, federal money for about 10,000 refugees totaled $4M in 2018.

MN Somali population lists some 60 to 80,000 people.

The 1991 Somali revolution forced hundreds of thousands to all points of the Western compass.

Tens of thousands would eventually come to the US as refugees, thanks to the Obama administration. According to the Minnesota Department of Human Services, 13,582 Somali refugees came to Minnesota between 2005 and 2018.

Why MN? The US State Department worked with private, local volunteer resettlement agencies to determine where they would live. Many of those decisions are based on employment opportunities, proximity to family, and support from local agencies.

Once these Somalis found the good life in MN, they spread the news to other refugees attracting thousands more.

And who or what else contributed to the Somali invasion? Those goodie good two-shoes liberals support from local, volunteer resettlement agencies that work with governments to help refugees find housing, schooling, and jobs. MNs agencies, including Lutheran Social Services, Arrive Ministries, International Institute of Minnesota, and Minnesota Council of Churches.

Among them, the deep strong smell of fish also attracted this Jihadist parasite to the US Congress from where this she-creature has infected our government and our cities.

The Girls’ Worst Neighbors 😤 Golden Girls

Why do people still grow rice knowing it’s not very nutritious?

Hi, Igor Rudnyckyj. Thanks for the interesting question.

Look, I know it’s incredibly difficult for people who don’t eat rice that often to understand this…

But for those of us who do eat rice often – like at least a couple times a week – here’s the thing:

We also eat OTHER things besides rice.

Yes, I know it’s hard to believe.
Yes, I know you probably nearly fell off your chair upon learning this.
And yes, I know your worldview will probably take a little time to adjust to this new reality.

But I swear it’s true.

We don’t just eat rice and only rice at meal times.
We don’t just depend on rice alone for all our nutritional needs.

We do eat other things as well, Igor.
We really do.

Like meat.
Like fish.
Like vegetables.
Like eggs.
Like tofu.
We get our nutrients from these things and from so many other different food items.

And I’m not just trying to pull your leg, I swear.

Like today, during my lunch time, I was too lazy to walk too far away from our block, so I just went down to the canteen beneath my studio.

You can see that there are other food items on my tray besides the rice.
Meat and veggies and tofu.
Those provide nutrients as well.

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t depend on rice alone for all my nutritional needs.

I eat out on the weekdays because food is so cheap here.
After I clock out, I’m too tired to be heading straight home to cook a meal then wash the dishes after, so I just have my dinner outside before heading home.

But on the weekends, I do cook at home.

And although I do like to switch it up a bit by preparing noodles or steamed buns to serve as the carb component for my at-home meals, I still do prepare rice at home as well.

Again, you’ll see that I am not just eating rice on its own.
I eat other things besides rice.

Meat and egg and veggies.
These provide nutrients as well.

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t depend on rice alone for all my nutritional needs.

Some people may say:

Oh, Dante!
Eating white rice is just like eating candy!
Eating white rice is just like gulping down sugar!
It’s as addictive as crack!
Why don’t you switch to brown rice forever more and be super healthy just like me!

Well, those people are free to enjoy the brown rice sushi below and keep to their super healthy lifestyle.
I’ll have my sushi the traditional way, thanks.

Why do people still grow rice knowing it’s not very nutritious?

Well, for the same reason:

People still eat cake when cake isn’t very nutritious.
People still eat neon-orange cheese puffs when cheese puffs aren’t very nutritious.
People still eat huge chocolate candy bars when candy bars aren’t very nutritious.
People still eat ice-cream when ice-cream isn’t very nutritious.
People still chug down soft drinks when soft drinks aren’t very nutritious.

Are you going to give them a healthy dose of grief as well, for their food choices?

Just like those of us who eat rice often, they’re probably not getting all their nutrients from those things.

Everything in moderation, Igor.

Death of a Mannequin

Submitted into Contest #150 in response to: Write a story where an algorithm plays an important role. view prompt

Candice Black

Claire stared into the mirror, scrutinizing her appearance as she had done so many times before. It was easy to do as so little of what she saw was what she wanted to see. She looked for the smallest detail confirming less divide between the internal and external person.

The stubble on her jaw stared back at her, refusing to go away even with the mountains of foundation and concealer plastered over it. The square features declining her pleas to soften. She had lived this way for a year already, waiting, always waiting, to be allowed to take the next step. She knew why they did it – the medical people – they wanted people like her to change their minds and go back to the person they were born as, but that was not her plan.

She sighed, lathered more foundation on, swallowed the hormone pills and plucked some stray brow hairs. The earliest appointment at the electrolysis clinic was tomorrow afternoon, which she had to take even though her morning psych exam would leave little time for her to get there. The treatments were excruciatingly painful, but worth it, she reminded herself.

She scooted sideways to view the tiny breasts in her side profile. The hormones were finally working, but wow were her breasts itchy all the time. She clipped her bra in place. Getting there, she thought.

She had errands to run for her mother in town, which made her shudder. She loved her mother dearly but catching the train meant she’d have to bear the staring and gawking of passengers. She was tempted to take all the makeup off and dress as a boy, just this once. It would make the trip bearable, but then they’d win.

The small-minded people shouting abuse or sniggering behind their hands would win and she’d never allow that. She thought about the old granny on the train last week asking if she was a drag queen. The rain was pelting down making lakes through town and Claire had barely made it on the train in time. She sat beside the older lady, smiled a greeting, and retreated into her personal bubble. “Excuse me but are you one of those drag queens?” the older lady asked Claire. The train was crowded but people closest had heard the exchange and turned to listen.

“No ma’am, I’m transitioning. It’s a long process and I’m between treatments,” Claire said.

The older lady gasped, and her hands shot up to her mouth, “no no no, that’s simply unnatural young man. God doesn’t make mistakes”, and with that the lady moved to another seat, far away from her.

The doorbell dragged Claire out of her memories, “Hello?” she said, followed by a friendly voice asking to speak to Claire. “I’m Claire,” she said, knowing what would follow.

“Sorry? Did you say you’re Claire? Um… ok sorry sir, I mean ma’am, I have a parcel for you,” the stumbling and stuttering was normal. The hormones couldn’t reverse the damage that puberty does on the male voice when it breaks, and surgery is risky and expensive and not always available. Claire let the visitor in and waited a few minutes to allow them to walk the two flights of steps to her door. This moment was even worse. The opening-the-door moment. She did it as quickly as she could, practically grabbing the parcel, signing for it, and flinging it all back at the delivery guy, and then quickly closing the door.

She sat and opened the parcel – fresh hormones, expensive ones. She finished her routine, ate some breakfast, and made for town. As expected, the stares and sniggers greeted her at every turn. It was better to turn away, but really, the misgendering was no walk in the park – he, she or it were the norm.

Oh goodie, I get to do this again tomorrow, she thought as she finished for the day and retreated home. She had studying to do for tomorrow morning’s exam. Final year criminologist here we come. She was going to change the world. She would pave the way for other aspiring varsity trans people.

She fired up her laptop and boiled the kettle. The tell-tale noises of emails coming through pinged a tune of their own.

Mug in hand and pretzel on a plate, Claire checked her emails. One screamed for attention. It was an email from her criminology Professor. She read the mail, then reread it. There was no ambiguity, no compassion, no sign of doubt. Simple and straight forward. She stared at the screen, her face beginning to flush, her hands shaking, her body going limp at the words screaming out at her.

“Dear Miss C Hudson,” the email read, “This email serves to advise you that the algorithm HonesTy1 has flagged you as ‘exhibiting suspicious behaviour’ during your final criminology exam last week. You will receive a zero mark for this exam, and you are to report to the Dean of Student Affairs for a hearing on the matter. You are entitled to have legal counsel present. Please see below for date and time of the hearing”.

Claire tried to reply to the mail to defend herself, but a simple automated response indicated that no further emails would be allowed.

She pushed her laptop away from her, trying desperately to separate herself from what was obviously a mistake. The ulcer in her stomach started to ache, the headache that had lingered on the outskirts of her mind came crashing to the fore demanding attention. She put her fingers to her temples, begging for an explanation.

She wasn’t sure how long she sat there or how long her mother was ringing the doorbell, but when her phone rang, she snapped back to reality and answered.

“Claire, where the hell are you? I’ve been ringing your bell for fifteen minutes already,” her mother said.

“Sorry mum, I’ll open for you now.” Claire stood, but her shaky legs threatened to abandon the task and she leaned on the table. She felt the tears welling up and her nose turning red under her foundation. Her mother appeared at the door and grabbed her daughter and held her close and tight.

“What’s wrong? Sweetie don’t worry about people, they mean nothing. You must be who you are.” her mother had thought it was the standard bad treatment.

Claire led her mother into the study and showed her the mail.

“What is this?” she asked

“I’m being accused of cheating mum. I never cheat. I supported this algorithm because there are so many that do cheat.”

“I don’t understand Claire.”

“Since the pandemic started, we have been doing our tests and exams online because we can’t all be in the theatre or lecture hall together. So, the powers-that-be implemented a no cheating plan called HonesTy1 – with a capital T meaning trust or truth or something like that. I was all for it because I know there are people that cheat.” Claire said.

“How does it work?” her mother asked.

“When you log in to the test, or exam in my case, you click on the algorithm extension, and it opens your camera and microphone and logs your key strokes. That’s the extent of my knowledge. I do criminology for goodness’ sake not IT,” Claire said, pacing her living room.

“Honey, if you didn’t cheat, they can’t prove it. At least there’ll be a hearing where you can defend yourself. You can take a lawyer as well. “

“Mum, these hearings are formalities. It’s where student’s futures go to die. They have already decided my fate believe me.”

“Come on Claire don’t get down on yourself. You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are. You’ll go to the hearing and explain your position and they’ll all agree that there was some misunderstanding.”

Claire loved her mother dearly and knew that she had all the faith in the world in her. She had stood by her throughout the transitioning process and even paid for a lot of the procedures out of her savings. Losing this fight just made Claire so depressed. “Thank you, mum. I’ll put on the best face I can”

“Sweetie, just a thought but maybe you should appear as Calvin instead. You’d put them on the back foot, and they may feel more kindly towards a man?”

“Oh, come on mum,” Claire turned to face her mother, “really? Not you, please.”

“Hear me out. I have supported you since Calvin died so Claire could live and I’ve never questioned you, but I know these institutions; they’ve been around since Noah fell off the ark and they don’t like people who make waves so maybe, just this once you can go in and let Calvin defend himself and Claire can stay home?”

“No, absolutely not. I will not bow to these prudes. No matter what. If they’re going to boot me out because they don’t like what they see, then they can do it to my face”. Claire’s resolve was back. She would not go down without a fight.


She wore her best pants suit, navy blue, tailored with a loose lady-like white tie and heels. High heels. The highest she could find. She was already over 6 foot tall and now she was an Amazon going into battle. She marched into the varsity, straight past the information booth, watching the lady behind the desk momentarily rise to ask where she was going, then decided against it. She entered the conference room, where the Professors, Dean of Student Affairs and two others were already seated. She surveyed the room then took her place at the table opposite them.

“Good morning, Miss Hudson. I see you don’t have counsel. Are you sure you want to proceed without legal representation?”

“I’m sure.” Claire said. The two Professors sat either side of the Dean. Claire recognized the Dean from the photo that hung in the lobby. He was in his late 50s, greying but well groomed. The professor to his left sent her the email and he looked quite sheepish. She glared through him, wandering if this was all his doing. The other people in the room were female, probably another professor and secretaries. Claire felt the waves of hostility washing over her, her future bleeding out on the brown 80’s carpet.

The Dean read out her ‘crimes’, then played a 60 second video clip as proof. It showed her looking away from her computer screen, looking down at her lap or the table, talking out loud to herself.

“As you can see, the algorithm logs everything and is quite precise about your behaviour. We employ this method to ensure that human error is eliminated. Do you have anything to say in your defense Miss Hudson?” the Dean asked

Claire explained that she looks around when she’s thinking and sometimes, she fiddles with her fingers in her lap when she’s nervous. She reads the questions out loud to understand them better and not because there is someone in the room helping her. They never believed her.

“It is impossible, or nearly impossible, to prove a negative, but you all know that. For every explanation I have for my behaviour you can counter it without much thought. This isn’t about cheating. It is about you.” Claire pointed at each person in the room. Her face blazed red, her nostrils flared, and her fingers shook, but she stood her ground. “You simple minded fools; you live in your tiny worlds and expect what you’ve always had to remain the same. You expect me to sit like a mannequin, no, actually, you expect me to be a man, not a woman, not a trans woman,” she was shouting now, slamming her hands on the table. “I will not be society’s punchline.”

“Calm down Miss Hudson, you aren’t helping yourself by exhibiting this behaviour.” The Dean said.

“Don’t tell me to calm down. You’re accusing me of something I didn’t do, and you don’t even have proof that I did. You have nuance and innuendo. But I suppose that’s enough, isn’t it? I’m the very thing you hate. The proverbial elephant in the room. The boy that became a girl. And you can’t put me into one of your boxes because I don’t fit so you’d prefer to get rid of me.” The pent up anger from years of abuse came flooding out. Claire looked each person in the face when she spoke, making sure they knew who she was. And then security was there.


The tears streamed down her face as security led her out of the university, stripping her of her access card and ID card. People stared at her, whispered about her. Nothing spreads faster in a university than a secret, she thought.

Once outside, the pouring rain drenched her suit immediately. She could feel the layers of makeup bleed form her face, her mascara jumping the sinking ship. She bent down and removed her heels and made her way to the train station, keeping her head down to avoid unwanted attention.

Her anger and hatred slowly turned to sadness and embarrassment. She had made a fool of herself. She should have taken counsel with her. She shouldn’t have let them see her cry. Her feet were freezing by the time she got to the station and she was soaked through, but instead of going to the ticket counter she walked along the wall near the tracks.

She climbed over the barrier, out of sight of the waiting passengers and kneeled on the tracks. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander. It was finally over.

Linda’s Own Midwestern Pot Roast

Once you cook pot roast in this manner, you will always want to make it this way. It’s fall-apart tender. The secret to good pot roast is coating it with flour and browning it well before baking.



  • 1 (5 pound) chuck or blade cut beef roast
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon seasoned salt or Chef’s Salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 cups hot water mixed with 2 teaspoons bouillon granules or 2 cups beef broth
  • 1 large onion, cut into wedges
  • 5 carrots, cut into 2-inch lengths
  • 3 or 4 russet potatoes, peeled and quartered
  • 4 stalks celery, cut into large diagonal chunks


  1. Mix garlic powder, seasoned salt and pepper with flour. Cover all sides of the roast with the flour mixture.
  2. Brown roast in oil over medium-high heat in a large, heavy Dutch oven, making sure the oil is hot when you place the roast into the oil.
  3. Pour the bouillon water around meat; arrange vegetables around and on top of meat.
  4. Cover tightly; bake at 325 degrees F for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. The meat should tear easily with a fork.
  5. Remove meat to a serving platter.
  6. Serve with the gravy made during roasting. If desired, thicken gravy with a little flour and water mixed together.


Many times I will add one envelope of dry onion soup mix sprinkled over the roast and vegetables before baking.

Herman’s New Wheels | Compilation | The Munsters


If China invades Taiwan, Taiwan will fall to China in a matter of days or weeks.

Taiwan’s military is completely outmatched by China’s military. China has the world’s largest army. China has the world’s largest navy.

China has advanced stealth aircraft. China has advanced hypersonic missiles. China has a very advanced air force.

Taiwan’s military gear is essentially hand-me-downs from the United States. It’s total junk compared to what China has.

Moreover, the United States will NOT come to Taiwan’s defense. The United States will NOT fight for Taiwan. Why?

Because the United States cannot risk all-out war with China. It would result in total devastation to the entire planet. This is the same reason the United States did not directly engage with the Russians in Ukraine.

The Taiwanese may be insane, but the Americans are not.

I looked at the other answers here. Many of them foolishly believe that China will try to occupy Taiwan with boots on the ground.

This is unnecessary. China can cause Taiwan to surrender by doing three things:

  1. Blockade the island. Prevent resupply from the outside world. Nobody will dare to challenge the blockade.
  2. Wipe out Taiwan’s critical infrastructure. Without electricity, communication, fresh drinking water, etc., the island will readily capitulate.
  3. Destroy Taiwan’s ports and airfields with bombs and missiles.

China can take its time with an amphibious assault. Wait for the Taiwanese to be tired, hungry, thirsty, in the dark, without communication, and full of fear. Resistance will be futile.

Baby It’s Cold Inside – WKRP in Cincinnati

I’m an older man, but for a couple of years starting about age 13 I would babysit for a couple of Church families (the worst entitled people, at least that Church at that time, sorry) for .75 cents per hour. This one family I distinctly remember to this day. I walked over to their place about a mile away in a not so great neighborhood known for its gangs back then, and when I showed up the woman told me about their 4 kids and new baby. Three boys from age 8 to 5, a 3 year old girl, and about a 10 month old baby girl. They had neglected to mention an actual infant had to be cared for.

After introductions at 5 pm, where I was full of questions as I knew nothing about babies and thought I was only sitting small children, she started up with the chores: first thing she pointed out was an enormous pile of dishes in the sink and on the counters, overflowing onto the kitchen table. No dishwasher, they all had to be hand washed and dried and put away. Then mop the kitchen and dining room floors. At first I was totally thrown by her gall, as I understood the job to be babysitting only, but didn’t know how to object, so I just started washing right away and didn’t finish all that while stopping periodically to round up and monitor the kids until nearly 8 pm, working non-stop with the kids parked in front of the TV. I put the baby in a bassinet on the table, and luckily she was sleeping most of the time.

Then take the garbage out, and head to the back yard for my next assignment on the written list she left of weeding the garden patch and watering the garden, back lawn, trees and shrubs. I had to bring the kids outside with me so I could watch them while weeding and watering in the dark with a single dim back porch light going, and they were cranky and cold and getting into the dirt, throwing garden tools, spraying the hose, etc. I put the sleeping baby in her bassinet on a chair with a blanket and had the oldest boy call out if she woke up, which she did after 45 minutes, so I quit and we went back inside.

Then make dinner for the four kids, which consisted of a single can of Campbells tomato soup, which wasn’t nearly enough, while the kids wanted to gorge on an old bag of marshmallows. She had left a bottle for the baby and instructions on how to warm it, which I tried to do but not have it be too hot, then fed her while the boys and their little sister tore up the house. The baby wet herself and I did my best to change her, but basically just wrapped her with a tucked and folded cloth diaper held by one pin, which was the bare minimum I could figure out. Then I was trying to hold her after dinner at the same time while giving the kids their baths and getting them into their pajamas, so they didn’t get into bed until nearly 11 pm, when I was told 9 pm was to be their latest bed time.

She had a basket full of laundry she wanted washed, so I got that going, then corraled the kids to get them to bed. My next job was to pick up and dust the destroyed family room, and run a carpet sweeper over the rug, empty the diaper pail and wash it out, then finally polish the wood furniture. I finished everything about 12:45 am, just barely in time (I thought) for their 1 am scheduled return. I had laid the baby down in her crib, and mercifully she had gone right to sleep. I sat and watched TV, and around 3 am they FINALLY showed up.

The first thing the woman did was not ask about her kids, but to check on the accomplishment of her assigned chores, only commenting that I didn’t wash the last 4 bowls and spoons from the kids dinner, despite my having hand washed and dried a literal shit ton of dishes that she must have been saving up for me for two weeks! She was also upset that I hadn’t taken the clothes I washed and hung them up outside on the clothes line, but I had completely forgotten about them after the washer finished.

Then the charade began: the husband “Virgil” did the “pat your pockets” and look confused thing when he asked me how much he owed and I said $6 for the 8 hours. At first he disputed the time, said it hadn’t been a full 8 hours, then commented, “Weren’t you just sitting watching TV when we got here?” (Yeah, I was, and what’s your point?) After the casual search for money routine he reluctantly pulled out a dollar bill and stared at it, then asked his wife if she had any money. She looked puzzled. Money? What for? LMFAO! He said, you know, and motioned to me. Oh! Nope, no money, sorry! He said “Hey, I’ll have to owe you, OK?” WTAF! I didn’t even get the dollar! 🤷‍♂️ He made it clear the night and the conversation was over, and opened the door. I went outside thinking he was going to follow me to give me a ride home, but nope, LOL! The door shut behind me! So now I’m walking home at 3:15 am in a neighborhood where someone of my complexion is sure to get an ass beating if caught, so I jog home as fast as possible. When I get home 11 hours after leaving my Dad is up with the light on, and is pissed that I didn’t call him, and wants to know what I did all night and how much I got paid.

I related all my chores for the night, to include watching 4 little kids and the baby, and he’s really getting steamed because I was supposed to babysit, not be a house slave, then I thought he’d have a stroke when he heard about the money.

We saw these people week after week in Church, and wouldn’t you know it old Virgil was so sorry! But he _always_ seemed to be broke every week when I asked him for the $6 he owed! For two solid months, nothing. Flake lying user SOB. In the meantime Virgil brings his car to my Dad who was a part time mechanic for a new head gasket. They agreed on a price up front (head gaskets were a hell of a lot less work back then), and my Dad does the work, but on the bill adds a $20 “late charge.” Virgil is upset and demands to know what that’s all about, and my Dad tells him it’s for the $6 he owes me “plus interest,” LOL! Dad won’t give him the keys until he pays us both, in cash. 😊. Which he did, slowly and reluctantly as if he was giving us part of his soul, bitter at being stuck and not being able to do anything about it.

Anyway, from that point on Virgil and his slob user wife we’re on my “do not babysit” shit list, and I warned everyone in Church and school that I knew that might possibly be a babysitting candidate about what deadbeats they were.

Misc Pictures


Why doesn’t the USA make a new fighter jet or advance military equipment? Russia and China make new equipment, and why doesn’t the USA?


PLAAF say they found a weakness in their system and they notify the Military Council

The MC says “FIX IT”

The China Aerospace Corporation is told to fix it and given a blank cheque with only one condition “You better not pocket any money or else…”

With 400 Aerospace Engineers and a good number of physicists and mathematicians, a Design with modifications is introduced, prototype is ready in 15 months and line goes commercial in 42 months

By the 4th year you have the first aircraft delivery and by the 8th year you have minimum 128 New Aircraft with the new design ready

Ultra fast decision making


The USAF say they found a weakness in their system

Immediately Northrop Grumman or Boeing or Raytheon or McDonnell Douglas will say “There is no weakness”

They will use their paid Ex Air Force Generals to say the same thing

The USAF Guys have to go to the Pentagon and hope someone listens there

If they do, Pentagon has to go to the Washington DC

Finally after 2 years (By which time China has already made a new prototype) DC will approve and Pentagon will ask for designs

Immediately the lobbyists will jump in and the process goes on for 6–9 months

One Senator will fight for one Lobby

Another Senator for another Lobby

Finally Designs are submitted and approvals take another 6–9 months

Again a Tame Raytheon Senator will summon Boeing CEO for a grilling and a Tame Northrop Grumman Senator will summon a Raytheon CEO for grilling

By this time it’s been 42 months and it’s close to a Presidential Election

If there is a new president then things will automatically halt as the new Secdef could be an ex consultant board member of Raytheon😁

Finally Pentagon and USAF pick a contractor and say “Make me a Prototype “

The Contractor says “Oh Sure!!!! Prototype Design fee is $ 33 Billion”

They haggle for another 3–6 months

Finally they go to make a prototype which takes 2 1/2 years

They promote it as the next Millenium falcon through tame defense magazines

They go to commercial production finally and get the first aircraft after 2 1/2 more years and it takes them 3 years more for 32 Aircraft with the latest state of the Art technology according to them

So it has taken 12 years from the day the design flaw was pointed out to the day you have minimum 2 Squadrons of improved aircraft

By this time China already have 8 Squadrons of New Improved Aircraft and it’s been 4 years already and they are creating prototypes of the next variant

I don’t say this

Every USAF guy says so

Talks about Bureaucracy

Talks about Lobbying

Talks about Corruption in Washington DC

To ensure that this delay doesn’t cause panic, the Lobby first says “Don’t worry, our existing craft are enough for the Chinese inferior variants”

And six months later…

When Defense Budget time comes they say “Oh the Chinese have the latest technology and they will beat us unless you authorize another $ 80 Billion immediately for a new aircraft purchase”


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What are some things about eastern militaries that westerners don’t seem to understand (Russia, Ukraine, China etc.)?

Westerners pretty much don’t understand everything, as a result they make massive assumptions. One of the biggest assumptions is the American problem.

What is the American problem? – Many Americans seem to think that once the US was founded in 1776. History outside stuff stopped happening outside the USA. They’re that arrogant.

As such if there is any contact militarily. Then their opponents are frozen in time and never advance whatsoever. Oh and their coping strategies usually based in racism and white supremacy.

Never advance whatsoever

A great example is how westerners talk about Iraq and the T-72. Ah yes the Iraqi T-72 must be wholly representative of all Soviet tanks (it wasn’t). Or how Russia is just a bigger Iraq! China is just a bigger Iraq!

Or how they talk about how NATO air power will crush Russia in minutes because guess what? Russia is just a bigger Iraq.

It gets to ridiculous levels Alex Mann for example, he’s hilarious. He put some of his more humiliating answers behind a paywall. He wrote once about how TW has a STATE of the art military more advanced than anything PRC China had. He was under the impression that the Chinese military of 1540 was representative of the Chinese military today and that we used crossbows.

This was repeated by another recent poster about the US military falling behind and others catching up. He wrote about how China only had 20 years experience with aircraft and had decades of catching up to do. I of course humiliated him with the 1950s AIM9B story. He had no response and blocked me of course.

The funniest ones are the british.

One was when the Queen Elizabeth Carrier took a tour to China with 25 borrowed F-35s. There were confident assertions that the single carrier could defeat the ENTIRE PLA alone.

Or how the Challenger 2 was UNSTOPPABLE. You can search through Quora about how it would take THERMONUCLEAR WEAPONS to stop a Challenger 2. They constantly repeat the BS story about taking 70 RPG hits as gospel.

Their views are rather common and not outlier views.

coping strategies usually based in racism

This is the big one.

You can see it everywhere. It’s Chinese/Russia is has to be INFERIOR to the stuff produced by westerners! It has to be!

Or the HUMAN WAVE attack trope… which is rolled out constantly whenever they’re beaten. Many westerners seem to lack much perspective though. Every time they or their allies are beaten? It’s always HUMAN WAVE attack no matter what. Apparently because only westerners with their SUPER ARYAN brains can work out tactics.

The Human wave attack is of course largely a myth. But guess what? Westerners still repeat this today about Ukraine despite there being no actual video footage of it.


Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Attack!”

U.S. Foreign Aid Is Embarrassing Itself

Three days ago the President of China Xi Jinping opened a Chinese financed a deep-water port in Chancay, Peru.

LIMA, Nov 14 (Reuters) – Chinese President Xi Jinping launched a week-long diplomatic blitz of South America on Thursday by inaugurating a massive deep-water port in Peru, a $1.3 billion investment by Beijing as it seeks to expand trade and influence on the continent.

Xi and Peruvian President Dina Boluarte participated on Thursday by video link in the opening of the Chancay port, about 80 kilometres (48 miles) north of Lima on the Pacific Ocean, and signed a deal to widen an existing free trade agreement.Xi said that Chancay, a 15-berth, deep-water port, was the successful start of a “21st century maritime Silk Road” and part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, its modern revival of the ancient Silk Road trading route.

The U.S. is, according to Newsweek, considering Peru to be in its “backyard” (for the record: the distance between Washington DC and Lima, Peru, is 5,700 kilometer):

However, a Chinese state-owned enterprise running a deepwater port so close to U.S. soil has Washington worried. The project marks another significant expansion of China’s presence in a part of the world the U.S. considers its sphere of influence.”On the big geostrategic issues, the Peruvian government is not sufficiently focused on analyzing the benefits and threats to the country,” an anonymous U.S. official told the Financial Times late last year.

.U.S. Southern Command chief Army General Laura Richardson characterized China’s infrastructure projects across the Caribbean, Central and South America as a security threat. “They’re on the 20-yard line, in the red zone to our homeland,” Richardson told Newsweek last year, referencing China’s closer proximity.

Not to be outdone by China’s generous investment the U.S. decided to publicly counter it. A day after Xi opened the port megaproject U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken dropped into Lima:

Secretary Antony Blinken @SecBlinken – 2:28 UTC · Nov 17, 2024Today we announced that the United States will support the city of Lima in building a new passenger train line that will expand access to reliable and affordable transportation for over 200,000 people every single day.
Embedded video

In his speech Blinken said:

“Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance.” Paul Simon, one of our great poets, wrote that line in one of his songs, and I think it speaks powerfully to each of us. Trains connect people. They bring communities together. They take distances down between us. And they are not just a symbol, but the practical manifestation of possibilities – the possibilities that come when we connect to each other. They’re so much a part of the national mythology of the United States, our own extraordinary construction project. And I’m so grateful today to be part of this project in helping create greater connectivity here in Peru.And so this is an exciting day in our partnership: The United States will support the City of Lima as it develops the new passenger train line that’s going to connect downtown to the eastern suburbs. The Caltrain rail system in California, as you’ve heard already, will contribute more than a hundred high-quality railcars and engines, and American companies will provide over 50 percent of the services for this project and the supplies for the project, from signaling equipment to railroad tracks to engineering and design expertise.

Caltrain? Why Caltrain?

Caltrain finds international buyer for retired diesel fleetSFGate

Caltrain is sending its retired diesel fleet to Lima, Peru, where it will have a second chance at life by providing commuter rail service. On Saturday, the U.S. Department of State, Lima representatives and several world leaders will celebrate the next stage for the trains while gathering for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in the Peruvian capital.

“These trains have a long and proud legacy of service that we’re proud to pass along to the people of Peru,” Caltrain Board Chair Dev Davis said in a news release. “The F40s hold a special place in the heart of train enthusiasts, and there’s no better task for them than to keep helping people get where they need to go.”Caltrain received $6.32 million from the deal, which involved selling 90 passenger cars and 19 diesel locomotives. Sam Sargent, Caltrain’s director of strategy and policy, told SFGATE on Friday that there were other buyers interested in the fleet, but the department was drawn to the offer from the Municipality of Lima, Peru, since it wanted to purchase the fleet wholesale.

The locomotives Caltrain is selling(!) to the city of Lima are 40 years old. As are the passenger cars they will be pulling. The locomotives’ exhaust fuming engines had been made inoperable to get funding for the new electric trains:

To send the trains to Lima for further use, Caltrain had to first procure a waiver from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District so the trains could still return to service.

The people in Lima will surely notice how much more the U.S. is caring about its ‘backyard’ than China is.

Posted by b on November 18, 2024 at 8:08 UTC | Permalink

The Beverly Hillbillies -Episode 32- The Clampetts in Court | Classic Hollywood TV Series

To Die for Beef Roast

This is one of the best roasts you will ever taste. Carrots, potatoes and celery can also be added, if desired.



  • 1 beef roast (any kind)
  • 1 envelope Hidden Valley Ranch salad dressing mix
  • 1 envelope brown gravy mix
  • 1 envelope Italian dressing mix
  • 1/2 cup warm water


  1. Place roast in slow cooker.
  2. Mix contents of all 3 envelopes and sprinkle over roast.
  3. Pour water into the bottom of the slow cooker.
  4. Cover and cook on LOW for 6 to 7 hours.

Nil Charbonneau Le Berre

“Please, don’t do it.” Those were the words that always seemed to echo in my head when I was about to finish a robot. Only this time, it was stronger. It was the first robot to have feelings, and I was the creator, the genius. But the voice continued, like an alarm, it shouted and whispered and pleaded and cried. But it was always too late. There wasn’t any sense left to reach anymore. Merely blank, absent-minded actions. A thick fog clogged my view. All I could see were the cables, shooting out, like red bloody veins, of their square metal cage and my hands, covered by white plastic surgical gloves. A vision flashed before my eyes. They were stained. Stained by blood.”You know whose blood that is…” The alarm said. I shook my head. No. No, I don’t. I did, though. No. Stop. I tried to concentrate on my work. Already, concentration was but a far-fetched conception. All that was left now were my mere perfunctory movements, guided by my instincts, or a greater force, the force of fame, the force of power. The force of our leader, Isaac. I was being controlled, and it felt great.What the… my ears. My ears! They hurt. Something was ringing, like a cry of suffering animals. My heart raced. It pounded like wild stallions running in a field, like a gigantic hammer falling heavily on my chest. Suddenly, curtains fell over my eyes.I couldn’t see anything. I was blinded by the noise. My organs were all screaming in agony. No! It didn’t matter. I was going to finish this, even if I turned blind. It was simple, wasn’t it? I’d built robots thousands of times, I knew what to do, even for such a complex one.”No! No, it isn’t simple. Stop! Think about the consequences. About what you did.” The alarm hollered. But I shook my head, dismissing reason. I mustn’t think about it.”Just a bit more…” I muttered, as if asleep. I was close. But at what cost? Stop! Enough thinking. Thinking is bad. Bad, bad!”No, thinking is human!” The voice screamed. “That stupid Isaac got inside your head. Thinking is human… thinking is human… thinking is human… human… human… human… human…” Echoes. No more echoes… Please. No more thinking… I tried to shut down my brain, but it was hard. The alarm was out to get me.”Thinking is human…” the alarm repeated.I felt ropes tighten around my neck. I knew perfectly well what I was doing, and yet, I didn’t. Why was I doing it? Why did I do what I did? Why didn’t I simply let her go? Stop! Get back to work! I had to keep on going, to shut off this stupid voice that kept on screaming at me.”THEN HUMAN IS BAD!” I screamed. “Bad, bad, bad!” I cannot be human. I have to obey. I have to obey. The ringing got louder. No… No, enough! My vision cleared slightly. I could see my white hands and the cables. I was almost finished, the suffering was almost finished.”Just a bit more…” I was trying to reassure myself. I was on the verge of tears.  I had to finish. I saw the blurry faces of my colleagues, but most importantly, their eyes, filled with greed and impatience that stared at me hungrily. I twisted one last time; the cables were done and organised.I held my breath. It was time. I put my tools down on the table’s hard surface with a clatter. My wide eyes stared at what I had created with wonder. I reached for the metal trapdoor on the robot’s abdomen. The edges were so sharp, it felt so smooth and perfect. The metal was cold against my fingers. All I had to do was close it and plug the cable that dangled from it in the power outlet… A second… Just a second for the robot to charge… And then, fame. The glad shouts and satisfied comments of my colleagues, their fakely warm hugs, and fame. Fame and recognition.”Come on…” they pressed. Their voices were distant and slowed down as I plunged deep inside a suffocating ocean. I was getting closer, closer to a sweltering underwater cave of unconsciousness. There, my every move would be guided by something, someone. My thoughts would be controlled. Everything would be so easy, so simple. Nothing to worry about. I could be just like the robot I was creating. I would be famous. Just living my entire life in a deep abyss. I shivered with pleasure; I wanted that. I wanted it so bad, but the voice wouldn’t have it.”Greta was human.”I almost fell back in disarray. My head shot out of the ocean I had plunged in, the one I was drowning in. My eyes widened. Greta was human, it was true! Then I heard her voice.”You’re killing me. You’re killing me, dad!” She was screaming at me. She slammed the door. She shouldn’t be screaming at me. “You’re always trying to find something for your robot. I don’t give a damn about your robot!” She had said as I went in the corridor after her.I shook my head. I couldn’t think about this! I grabbed my robot, the fruit of so many years’ work, and ran. Ran like a crazy man across the cold tiles of the laboratory. Behind I heard the surprised shouts and boisterous screams and footsteps of my colleagues trying to grab me, bring me back to my work. But I ran. I didn’t even bother to open the door. I braced myself and ran through it, bursting into the corridor. I kept running, running to the emergency staircase, and raced down the steps four by four, jumping over the last six ones, and shot out onto the road, where I kept running, onto the highway, not stopping for the planes or the cars, not stopping for the robots carrying the women and men, nor for garbage-bots laying down heaps of metal scraps and rotten tree sized pumpkins, I ran. But my legs were already giving out, my breath was short and I ached all over. But I kept running, I ran up to my building, where I ran up the stairs, and pushed open my apartment door. I bolted the five locks and pushed my sofa to block it. I rushed to my large window,collapsed on the floor, the robot on my chest, as the curtain’s metallic sheet slowly started its descent. I turned and looked at the grey sky. How sad it looked. Once, when I was thirty, I travelled to Africa to see the real sky. I wanted to know if the paintings and descriptions were real. But when I got there it was only to see that the richer countries had planted industries in it, and it was already filled with ugly clouds. Most of those industries, sadly, belonged to Isaac. Someone told me that when I was small, about three years old, I had seen the sky, but I don’t really remember it. With a clack, the curtain hit the ground. I clutched the robot. It would only be mine, not the world’s. It had always been mine. Its thoughts, its feelings. The world wouldn’t have my child’s brain at their mercy. Fame didn’t seem so desirable anymore. I knew what I had to do to bring it to life. I knew what I had already done to bring it to life. I heard her again.”Dad! What are you doing?!”Nobody would know what happened. Nobody would find her where I was bringing her. That’s when I knew what I could do to give my robot feelings. All I had to do was simple. All I had to have was just in front of me.

I looked at the robot, and darted into my room. As I fell to my knees and put the plug in the outlet, I caught a glimpse of a picture. Greta’s picture. In that split millisecond, time stopped, my heart melted. Her soft, pure hazel eyes, her short brown hair made me want to cry. She was waiting for me. I remember her face, in tears, as she took her bag and her belongings.

“You’re killing me, dad. Killing me!”

She also said that, as a child, she had sometimes gone for full days without food because I was too caught up in my creations. That had been the first time I had wanted to go back in time.

“I’ll be waiting for you, dad. Once you understand.”

And she had left. I remember my red anger as I pursued her in the corridor, scalpel in hand, and her terrified high pitched screams when I brought her inside. And her mercy pleads.

“Stop! Stop dad, you’re killing me, you’re killing me! Please don’t do this! Don’t do this!”

I remember holding them, so slippery and slimy. It was still throbbing slightly, and blood was oozing out. I just had to do a simple transfer. No more waiting. I had waited for so long already. Once she was in what I had created, everything would be simple. I thought that she would forgive me.

But I understand now. I had to leave this robot behind and join her. Only, it was too late. The plug was in.

Ding! The robot lifted its head. In its pitch black beady eyes, you could distinguish confusion. But when it looked at me… I saw the disappointment. The sadness. I saw Greta.

I ran out of the room to the kitchen and aggressively pulled each drawer, fumbling for a knife. I had to end this. Again. I couldn’t live with it. I couldn’t. As I ran back to my room, I heard the angry voices of my ex-colleagues pounding on my door, trying to open it, but I ignored them. I dived into my room and lifted my knife. The robot looked at me fearfully, but with a wondrous gaze. An almost loving gaze. I stood there, and a connection seemed to weave itself, one single thread, between us. Greta was already dead. Was she though? This wasn’t her… though there was a part of her in there. But I remember.

As my white gloves put the brain in, I felt enlightenment. It was a new beginning. For me, for her.

But I know now that it is too late to find her. I felt drops running down my cheeks. I had wasted my daughter’s life. But now I had a second chance, an opportunity. I was offered a do-over. My knife hung by a thread in the air. I had done it once, why couldn’t I do it again? The robot lay trembling on my wall, as it whispered that heart-breaking:

“Please, don’t do this. ”

Photo: Chinese Navy in 2024.

The current Chinese Navy has a total of 680,000 tons of surface combatant vessels (cruisers,destroyers and frigates), which is actually very close to the 870,000 tons of the US Navy.

It can be predicted that in the next 3-4 years, the Chinese Navy will add about 180,000 tons of new destroyers and frigates, while the US Navy’s fleet of cruisers, destroyers and frigates will remain basically stable. So in about three years, China will catch up with the United States in surface combatant ships.

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Currently, China comfortably stands as the world’s second-largest navy, by tonnage.

The biggest gap between the Chinese and American navy is aircraft carriers. The United States has 1.1 million tons of aircraft carriers, and China only has 130,000 tons (an additional 80,000 tons are about to be commissioned).

But on the other hand, China only intends to fight the United States within the coverage of its land-based aircraft. In this way, it is actually US aircraft carriers V.S Chinese Air Force. The Chinese Air Force has 2,000 fighters and 200 bombers and hundreds of available land airports, while all US Navy aircraft carriers can carry a maximum of 550 fighters, also the US usually only deploys 3-4 aircraft carriers at the same time (the rest are in maintenance and training).

China’s rocket force is also an important force they rely on, which has a stockpile of more than 2,000 short to medium-range missiles that can threaten U.S. aircraft carriers and U.S. military bases within the first island chain.

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A Chinese rocket force exercise

For submarines, surely the US’ bigger nuclear-powered attack submarines will perform better in the ocean, but in the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait where the water depth is generally shallow, diesel-electric submarines are actually more suitable.

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Water is shallow within first island chain

China also attaches great importance to the construction of its anti-submarine fleet. Currently, there are 40 type 054A frigates and 50 type 056A frigates in service. By 2027, 10 new 054A frigates will be added, so there are a total of 100 anti-submarine frigates, which means 100 towed sonars in a small area, or eight times the number of British Royal Navy total anti-submarine frigates. This would be a terrifying density of anti-submarine units, and considering the shallow water depth and the narrow water area, submarines are definitely not suitable for deployment there.

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Type 056A frigates’ towed sonar, China has near a hundred anti-submarine frigates.

So my conclusion is:

The Chinese Navy as a whole has not caught up with the US Navy. In a navy-to-navy confrontation in the central Pacific ocean, China will lose.

But, China is not intend to do that, their goal is anti-access, which does not require a navy comparable to the US Navy, but a comprehensive force of navy, air force, missile forces, etc.

I think of several.

My Dad needed to drive through Hays, Kansas. He stopped in at a cafe for coffee. When he left, he forgot his hat. About three months later, he needed to go through Hays again and went to the same cafe. When he entered, the proprietor looked at him and instead of greeting him said, “You forgot your hat” and pointed him to a rack or shelf where the hat was waiting.

My grandparents lived near Bayard, Nebraska. Grandma told the man who ran the local bakery that he should make rye bread the way the local German-Russians liked it, without caraway seed. He asked for and got her recipe. After that, he used her recipe. She no longer had to bake it herself.

One time when I visited Bayard, Grandma asked, “Would you like chicken noodle soup tomorrow?” I said yes and thought of Campbell’s canned soup. She said, “I’ll call the egg lady and have her kill a chicken. I already made noodles.” She meant that she had started with flour and egg months earlier and made noodles. (Yes, the soup was very good.)

In the early 1970’s, I was walking near the town square in Macomb, Illinois. I heard someone call me by name from across the street and ask, “How’s your conduct?” It was a local judge, the father of a guy I’d gone to school with. I called back, “Not bad. How’s yours?” He answered, “Exemplary!” I think it was a couple of years later that he was removed from his judgeship for bad behavior.

As a young adult, I once used my parents’ phone to call the operator to ask for a certain person’s number, probably a new one that was not yet in the phone book. She said, “That number is such-and-such, Jim.” She knew my voice. I recognized hers, too. I’d gone to high school with her five years earlier.

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Hello MM
i have recently discovered that the word’ accountability’ does not exist in the spanish language, previously i was in difficulty at using the words ‘nurturing’, ‘conscience’ and many others… no such words that relate to the concept that relate to an experience in spanish…hmmm… they prefer to mix the concept with the word ‘guilt…
‘weird ‘arrested development’ of human values….
while ‘accountability’ is an atrophied inner ‘chip’ in the last few generations in the english-speaking mother-tongue world, is it similar in the chineses language in use today ??
with reference to the ‘baby milk account’ in this post—-
similarly with the concept/word of ‘timing’—–
Caen the ‘life-coach Poe’ shed some light on the matter ???
Cheerful Love Grizzly Bear hug

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