
Not once. Not twice, but perhaps a couple of times per week

I don’t.

Oh, it used to be. That’s for certain.

The Untied States has always been crafty; slick, and capable of surprise. But today, it’s really just a shadow of it’s former self.

It’s a plutocracy run military empire. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing, if it kept on reinventing itself. But it stopped sometime during the early 1960’s. It’s just been playing the “hand of cards” that it holds, over and over. Now everyone knows what it plays. No new surprises.

It’s in late-stage decline.

No one has been more fitting a President for a death-bed nation than “president” Biden. I think ye God’s have been prescient in this matter.

Trump was, and still is, the “dark horse”.

The question is really, can the United States take such disruption at this time after the fiasco that was the “Biden presidency”? I don’t know.

Neocon war hawk “giggles” Harris has a big red circle on her calendar for world war III.

Nothing good about that.

I’ll tell you what.

So, let’s just step back…

What makes a nation powerful?

  • A large middle class.
  • A prosperous middle class.
  • A wide and broad manufacturing base.
  • Inexpensive and healthy food.
  • Easy and cheap health care.
  • Reasonable housing.
  • No to low taxation.

If a nation has most of those criteria, then you can say that it is power in the eyes of it’s citizenry.

Sadly, the United States has NONE of that.

Let’s see how the United States stacks up this 2024…

  • Shrinking middle class, large poor class.
  • A prosperous oligarchy class.
  • Selective manufacturing in profitable sectors.
  • Expensive and unhealthy food.
  • Expensive health care.
  • Expensive housing.
  • High taxes + fees + fines

Nope, the USA is not a powerful nation. It is a dying nation.

In case you all are wondering…

I want the United States to SURVIVE.

But for it to survive, it NEEDS to change. There is no other way to say it. It has to change in a fundamental way; at a fundamental level.

War is typically the engine of change…

…but I am very hopeful for a peaceful “revolution”.

Of the two political parties in the USA, neither is capable of change.

But the Trump ticket is the BEST BET.

Even though he advocates the craziest things… such as 100% tariffs and a economic war against BRICS+… he is the best hope for Americans. You see, he understands that the Domestic needs of the nation come first.

Harris, on the other hand, is a clueless tool for the oligarchy.

I have buckled on my seat belt, and shifted gears into low gear. My foot is on the brake. But I cannot stop the speeding fiasco from hitting the wall. All that I can hope for is a reduction in the amount of damage.

Meanwhile, here is MoA’s take…

Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate, is an empty vessel. Voters have never liked her. I have seen her nicknamed Incitata. It fits. The favorite horse of Roman Emperor Caligula was named Incitatus (from Latin ‘incitare’ – ‘to encourage’):

According to Suetonius, in the Lives of the Twelve Caesars (121 AD), Caligula planned to make Incitatus a consul, and the horse would “invite” dignitaries to dine with him in a house outfitted with servants there to entertain such events. Suetonius also wrote that the horse had a stable of marble, with an ivory manger, purple blankets and a collar of precious stones.

Calligula’s idea was to mock the Senate.

The blob is doing likewise with the public by offering someone who has no initiative of her own but will faithfully defend the implementation of anything the blob will desire. She is the most more-of-the-same candidate I can think of.

Harris and Trump are the two politicians with the most negative public ratings. That they are the only choices available makes the whole theater a mockery of the public.

One can conclude that U.S. is some form of oligarchy with a facade that is supposed to look like – but is not – a democracy.

3 strikes.

Local BMW dealership. Bought a certified pre-owned car, all good, sales guy was great! No problem.

Start to service it there….service guys always trying to upcharge; deny warranty coverages, etc. Always arguing with them. Strike 1.

Go there to trade car on new model. Same salesman. Find the right car and he asks me to wait until Monday to close the deal (our discussion was on Sat) because he was off on Sunday. Fine. Ask him if he wanted a deposit; nope, “You’re a valued customer.” Back on Monday, no car. Sold and delivered on Sunday. Strike 2. Bought elsewhere.

Big worldwide BMW brake problem this year. Couldn’t deliver cars. Same dealership, after searching elsewhere (did I say that I live in Montgomery Cnty, Maryland?). Saw a car in inventory that would work. Asked sales guy (not the same one as past two transactions…) if the car was available for delivery. Answer, yes! But then added that it couldn’t be test-driven…hmmm. Wanted a deposit and a contract. Nope. Like all other BMW’s, it was subject to recall, non-deliverable. Strike 3.

You’re DEFINITELY out!

While the iPhone once stood as an unchallenged symbol of status and modernity, its grip is loosening as domestic brands like Huawei and Xiaomi rise to prominence, increasingly favored by the local population.

This shift is not just about economics; it’s deeply cultural and generational. For many years, iPhones were the hallmark of technological luxury in China. The elite and aspiring middle class saw Apple’s gadgets as a blend of prestige and pioneering technology—a way to connect with a global, modern identity. However, as Chinese technology brands like Huawei and Xiaomi have ascended, they’ve begun to symbolize national pride and technological self-sufficiency, appealing especially to the younger Chinese demographics.

The younger generation, growing up during China’s rapid rise as a tech superpower, sees high value in what local brands represent—innovation, quality, and national pride. This shift is profoundly marked among consumers who prefer to support domestic brands that now compete on an equal footing with international giants in terms of innovation and sophistication.

Apple’s iPhone, although still respected for its quality and innovation, is no longer the default status symbol it once was. The allure of Huawei and Xiaomi lies not only in their competitive technology but also in their pricing and the statement they make about the consumer’s loyalty to nationally produced goods. They are viewed as champions of the “Made in China” label, turning from a sign of economical choice to one of national pride and high-quality manufacturing.

Consequently, if Apple intends to regain or maintain its foothold in the Chinese market, it needs to do more than leverage its brand. It must innovatively connect with the Chinese consumers’ evolving identity and values, which increasingly favor national achievements and products. Apple will need to rethink how it positions itself, perhaps by highlighting its contributions to the local economy or technology sector, to resonate with the national sentiments and pride that brands like Huawei and Xiaomi currently embody.

In essence, the narrative of the smartphone market in China is changing. The story now champions local innovation and national pride, with Huawei and Xiaomi at the forefront, illustrating a significant shift in what defines status and desirability in technology among the Chinese populace. Apple’s next moves in this dynamic market will be crucial in determining its place in the evolving landscape of global tech influence in China.

C. Charles

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Summer 1987Somewhere in the trees a cicada started to buzz and Lauren knew that they were in the heat of the day. The light from the sun beat down hot and bright, casting stark black shadows underneath brilliant highlights on the leaves of the trees around them. They were walking on a trail through a small meadow towards the next stand of trees where the trail continued.Jeff was walking through the tall grass ahead of her, a dark strip of sweat running down the back of his shirt behind his backpack, his sweat darkened hair hanging in curls down his neck. A small FM radio hung hung from his backpack and was playing the latest through its small, tinny speaker.Lauren could feel a cool, damp patch of sweat on the small of her own back and her thighs beginning to chafe. She wondered why they had started hiking for the secluded beach so late.“Jeff, this had better be worth it.” she huffed from behind him. “It’s hotter than hell and I’m starting to chafe.”“We’re almost there!” He called over his shoulder. “You’re gonna love it, it’s the best spot to swim on the whole lake.” He looked over his shoulder and smiled, raising an eyebrow. “It’s a great spot for skinny-dipping.” He said.“Keep dreaming pal.” she snapped back. Jeff turned and laughed. “I wish we hadn’t started so late.” She added.“Well if someone hadn’t been up all night smoking grass maybe we would’ve woke up earlier.” He said looking back again.“It was your idea to smoke it!” Lauren called back. Jeff laughed as Lauren rolled her eyes. “You’re such a dick.” she said with a half laugh. That made Jeff laugh harder.Lauren could feel the heat slowing her down, but Jeff kept up the pace he had started with; he never seemed to slow and seemed impossible to keep up with. “Can we slow down?” Lauren pleaded. It seemed like she was getting hotter by the second. The cicada stopped buzzing.“No way! We’re almost there!” Jeff called back. The radio on his backpack began to sputter and crackle with static.In the time it had taken Jeff to reply, Lauren had become unbearably hot. She stopped and looked around. Something didn’t look right but she didn’t know what. They were about 70 yards away from the stand of trees and the sweet relief of the shade. Lauren felt as though she could feel her skin beginning to burn. The radio’s signal was gone and there was only static coming from its small speaker.Jeff had stopped too. Lauren squinted to look at him but couldn’t squint enough to see fully through the brightness. It dawned on her; it was getting brighter and hotter by the second. Her skin felt as if it were on fire. “Jeff…” she said. She could barely make him out.“Something’s wrong.” Jeff said. There was something in his tone that made her panic. She thought she could feel her skin beginning to blister. The air was so hot she could feel it burning her lungs with every breath.“Jeff!” She cried.“Run!” Jeff yelled as he took off in a sprint. Lauren started to run after him, every breath burning a little more than the last. She reached the trees just as she thought she could feel her skin beginning to melt. She collapsed on the ground next to Jeff, the shade overhead bringing immediate relief to her skin. She struggled to catch her breath in the heat. Jeff had his hands on his knees and was panting with exhaustion. She reached up and grabbed the water bottle out of the backpack and took a long drink, water dribbling down her chin and neck, before passing the bottle to Jeff. As he drank, a wet patch formed around the collar of his shirt. They both tried to look at the meadow they had come from but neither could bear the brightness. “What the fuck is happening? I thought my clothes were gonna catch fire.” Jeff said.“ I don’t know, I’ve never experienced that before.” said Lauren. He noticed the static blaring from the radio and he turned the volume dial down until the radio powered off. “We’d better stay here until it goes back to normal.” He added. “And when it does go back to normal maybe we better go back.”“OK.” Lauren said as she began to inspect her arms. They were bright red and she could see tiny purple capillaries underneath the burned skin. The burn had taken hold in the span of two minutes. She pressed a finger into her arm and watched the pale white spot it left turn quickly back to red. She asked for the water bottle back and took another long drink before leaning back on her hands. Her head pounded with the heat and the effort of their dash into the woods.

* * *


The brightness and the heat subsided after a couple of minutes. But here was something different about the world around them; instead of returning to its normal bustling self with birds chirping, bees drifting lazily between flowers in the meadow and cicadas buzzing in the heat, the woods seemed eerily quiet and still, as if the fauna was afraid that the sun would look down in anger at them again.

Jeff and Lauren sat in the woods for ten minutes after the heat subsided, sharing the fears of the wildlife around them. Jeff stood up. “Seems normal now.” He said. “I wonder what the hell that was.” 

“I’m not sure.” replied Lauren. “But I don’t want it to happen again.”

“Whatever it was scrambled the radio signal. Before we head back I’m gonna see if I can get a station and maybe some news about it. That couldn’t have only happened to us right?” Jeff asked. Lauren shook her head. He grabbed the radio off of his backpack and walked to the edge of the trees. Lauren looked up into the sky. The once bright, white clouds backed by a brilliantly blue July sky seemed to be gathering and a breeze was blowing where the air was still and hot before.

“I think whatever that was messed with the weather too.” Lauren said as Jeff flicked the radio on. The speaker began to spill static. He started trying to tune the radio, first to the pop station, then rock and then country. The radio squealed and whistled between tunings, settling on static every time.

“Damn.” He said as he turned the radio off. “It must’ve done something to the power grid or the relay towers too.”

“I think it was a solar flare. I don’t know what else it could’ve been.” Lauren said.

“A what?” Jeff asked.

“A solar flare.” she repeated. “It’s a burst of electromagnetic radiation from the sun. We learned about them in my Astronomy class.”

“You need to know Astronomy to be a Meteorologist?” Jeff asked, helping Lauren to her feet.

“It’s an elective smart ass.” Lauren replied. “I don’t remember anyone saying it could raise the temperature on the ground 30 degrees in a minute and a half. But I do remember something about a solar flare causing fires and electrocuting telegraph operators in the 1800’s.” she said.

“Never heard of them.” Jeff said.

Lauren looked at the sky. “The clouds are closing in and the wind is picking up. I think there might be a storm coming, and it’s probably gonna be a doozy. We’d better get back before we get struck by lightning.”

“I’m waiting on you, Ms. Pavelski.” Jeff replied. Lauren shot back an unimpressed look

They set off across the meadow, back the way they came, their eyes on the sky. There was little blue showing now and the grey clouds were darkening quickly. The wind was starting to blow harder in gusts, making the grass bend and the leaves in the trees shake and dance. “Fuck.” Said Lauren. They were about halfway across the meadow. “There’s no way we’re gonna make it back before this storm hits. They weren’t even calling for any rain when I heard the weather this morning.” she said. “What are we gonna do?”

“I guess try to find a low lying area and wait it out.” Jeff said looking back. Lauren groaned when she saw the nervous look in his eyes.

Lauren felt a few fat rain drops on top of her head. She looked up into the dark and ominous sky, the wind blowing hard around her and groaned. “Dammit” said Jeff. “This is fucked.” At that moment there was a rumble of thunder. “I think I remember there being a little rock face not far into the woods that we can take shelter under.” Jeff said. The rain was starting to fall just as the clouds overhead thundered again. They both quickened their pace.

As they reached the edge of the trees there was a flash of lightning followed by a thunderclap. They began to weave their way through the path in the trees, stepping through showers of rain where the canopy overhead was less dense. The wind was blowing harder and the sound of the rain on the leaves was getting louder. Jeff said something up ahead. “What?!” Lauren yelled back.

Jeff turned to yell what he had said “I said that rock was ju-” Lightning flashed and thunder cracked simultaneously, shaking the ground underneath them. It made them jump. “That rock is just up here!” yelled Jeff over the storm. He took Lauren’s hand and began to pull her down the path. There was another flash and crash and the ground shook again, harder. The rain was breaking through the leaves overhead and soaking them.

Through the wind and rain, Lauren could feel the vellus hair on her body stand on end and she could’ve sworn that the hair on her head was beginning to lift despite the weight of the water. The air around them began to crackle and she could hear static above the noise of the storm.

A bolt of lightning struck the tree 20 feet in front of them. The force of the strike knocked them backwards, the shape of the bolt burned purple on their retinas. They both sat up and stared at the tree, mouths agape. It was split in two, each side blackened and smoking. There was a hole in the ground where the lightning had passed through the tree, exposing desiccated roots. There was even a line on the halved tree that was glowing red with heat. “Jeff…” Lauren whimpered. Jeff pulled his eyes away from the smoking, bisected tree.

“Are you all right?” He asked. Lauren nodded numbly. “OK come on!” he said, pulling her up. They started back down the path again when Jeff slowed to a stop as lightning and thunder struck again.

“Why are we stopping?!” Lauren cried.

“Look at the tree.” Jeff said absently. Lauren looked. The red line of heat that they had seen glowing on the tree wasn’t on the tree at all, but was suspended in midair and getting larger. “What the fuck is happening?!” cried Jeff. The line was casting a dim, red glow on Jeff’s terrified face.

“I don’t know.” Lauren said. “But I think we should leave.” She began to pull Jeff down the path but he was frozen in place. The line was now six feet long and getting wider. It was glowing so brightly that it was casting red light on the trees around them. “Jeff, we have to go!” She screamed at him. “For fuck’s sake Jeff LET’S GO!” she screamed, pulling him harder. He shook himself and began to follow her, his eyes wide with fear.

They started down the path, the red glow blanketing the woods around them as if they were in a photo lab dark room. Leaves and dirt from the forest floor were flying past them. Lauren felt as if every step was getting harder to take, like she was walking through mud. She noticed that the wind had changed direction; instead of blowing at their backs, it was coming towards them.

She tried to take another step but couldn’t. She felt like a coin being pulled across a table by a magnet and the pull was getting stronger. They fell backwards from the force. They started to be dragged across the ground, the woods around them bathed in red, the trees creaking and bending towards the growing light. They slammed into a tree and struggled to their feet, Jeff against the tree and Lauren pressed against Jeff’s back. “It’s trying to pull us in!” Jeff yelled.

They heard cracking as branches snapped from the trees around them. The wind was roaring loudly; Lauren was screaming and could hear and feel Jeff screaming too. The cracking around them grew louder and deeper and Lauren watched through squinted eyes as trees began to break and be ripped from the ground. The tree they were being pressed against was pitching towards the light. Lauren could feel the tree straining and creaking through Jeff’s body and she knew it too would be ripped from the ground at any second. Lauren heard Jeff try to say something but couldn’t make it out.

The tree split at the trunk and was propelled forward, Jeff and Lauren hurtling after it. Lauren managed to get a look at the light as she flew towards it. It was now a massive red orb glowing so brightly it burned her eyes like the sun had earlier. It seemed to be swallowing the entire forest. As they got closer, she began to feel like she was being pulled apart, like every fibre in her body was being stretched to its breaking point. Her last thought before colliding with the orb was that they were going through the gate of Hell.


* * *


Lauren could hear howling wind and what sounded like sobbing. She was laying on her back and her head throbbed with pain. She opened her eyes and saw dark, swirling clouds overhead. Clouds like she had never seen before. She sat up and her body ached. She touched her head where the pain was strongest and felt that her hair was heavy, matted and sticky.  Blood she thought.

She looked around. There were trees, branches and leaves strewn all around her. Otherwise, the landscape was near barren. In the gloom she could make out small plants and shrubs like those found in the Arctic tundra. She got unsteadily to her feet and felt dizzy and weak from her head injury. “LAUREN!” She heard from behind her. She turned to see Jeff laying on the ground. It was his sobbing she had heard. “I thought you were dead!” he cried.

“Jeff…” She said dazedly. “Oh my God, JEFF!” She began to make her way towards him through the debris.

“Lauren please help me!” He cried.

“Oh my God your leg!” She gasped. One of his legs was crushed beneath a large tree like the one they had tried to hide behind. “I’m stuck and I can’t feel my leg.” He sobbed. Lauren could see the bottom of his leg sticking out from underneath the tree, purple, swollen and bloody. She was sure it would have to be amputated. She turned and vomited, making Jeff cry harder.

“I’m sorry.” She said weakly, wiping her mouth. She ran over to him and fell to her knees and held him, stroking his hair. “I’m going to try and get you out of here.” She said shakily. “Where are we?”

“I don’t know!” He sobbed. “But I want to go home. Please take me home! Please take me home!” He repeated over and over. He was in shock.

“Oh God.” Lauren said, standing up and stepping over the tree. “OK. Try to relax. Let me see if I can move this tree.” She knew she couldn’t.

Movement in the distance caught her eye and she whipped her head to look. There was a creature moving on all fours from left to right ahead of them, only there was something strange about the way it moved. “There’s something over there.” Lauren said.

“I want my Mom. Please take me home! Please take me home!” Jeff blubbered.

The creature began to sprint towards them at ferocious speed, without breaking stride. Lauren realized it had looked unnatural before because it had been moving sideways like a crab. The creature was closing the gap at an immense pace, clouds of dust rising behind it.

Lauren screamed and leapt over the tree to where Jeff was. She stumbled around him and bent down, wrapping her arms under his to pull. His words melted into screams, sharp and shrill like blasts on a whistle. She was pulling as hard as she could to no avail. Jeff’s body was ripped from Lauren’s arms accompanied by what sounded like someone tearing a wet shirt in half. She fell backwards.

Lauren watched as the creature rose up and placed its front legs on the tree. It had reached them in total silence. Hulking, grey and leathery, it stared at them with yellow, demonic eyes. It was like no Earthly creature Lauren had ever seen. “IS THAT MY LEG?!” Jeff screamed. Jeff’s severed leg was hanging out of its mouth. The creature bit down and they could hear the bones splintering in its teeth. Lauren felt her bladder let go, warm urine pooling beneath her.

The creature discarded Jeff’s leg and dropped its body, preparing to pounce. The creature leapt in what seemed like slow motion. Its hips and shoulders jutted at strange angles. Its large yellow eyes rolled back in its head, like a shark. Its enormous mouth was open, revealing rows and rows of sharp, bloody teeth. As the creature flew through the air, Lauren covered her face but it was no use. The creature was upon them.

I was pregnant, and as big as a house. My car broke down in the barrio (Cubans, I think) when an old man got up from his porch, came down to the car, and fetched me back up to his porch to sit in his chair. “Come! Sit! No worry; I fix!” And for the next hour and 20 minutes, he worked on my car, in the heat of the afternoon, while I sat, bemused, in his chair.

He called out to his neighbors. Two other men came down to help. They argued in Spanish too fast for me to follow, with lots of hand-waving and raised voices. At one point, he suddenly stopped, went inside while his neighbors kept poking at my car’s innards and arguing, and fixed me a sandwich. He sent someone for parts.

Finally, he climbed inside, and started the car. Then he got out, beaming as he helped me down off the porch and into the driver’s seat, and told me it was good to go. I tried to get him to take money, for the parts at least, but he refused. “Name your son Jesus; after me. It was fun. Thank you for letting me help.”

“But, why? All of this! The help, the expense?!”

“You’re like the Madonna. Pregnant, far from home, in need of help. So, I helped. It’s for Her I do this. And, it was fun; Thank You!”

I burst into tears. Christian charity, hospitality, and gentlemanly behavior, for the love of God. So, I thanked him again, and drove off.

PS:I had a daughter, not a son, so no, we don’t have a baby Jesus. To protect her privacy, I won’t tell you her name.

I am a lazy cook, so when I saw this recipe, I knew I had to try it. It’s delicious!

Is there anything better than a dish that travels from across the globe right to your Midwestern kitchen, bringing a harmony of flavors and an easy clean-up? That’s what this Easy Sheet Pan Beef Bulgogi brings to the table. Bulgogi, a traditional Korean barbecue dish, typically involves grilling marinated beef to perfection. It’s sweet, slightly salty, and wholly satisfying. While the authentic dish involves some specific cooking techniques and equipment, my take simplifies the process without sacrificing that rich, savory-sweet flavor we’re all here for. It’s perfect for anyone who loves the idea of globetrotting with their taste buds but needs a quick weeknight solution!
Pair this beef bulgogi with steamed white rice or fluffy quinoa to soak up all the delicious marinade. I love piling mine high with vibrant sides like quick-pickled cucumbers or kimchi to add that punchy, tangy contrast. A side of sautéed veggies, like bell peppers or snap peas, can really round out the meal with freshness and crunch.
Servings: 4 servings
– 1 1/2 pounds ribeye steak, thinly sliced
– 1/4 cup soy sauce
– 2 tablespoons brown sugar
– 3 cloves garlic, minced
– 1 inch piece of ginger, grated
– 2 tablespoons sesame oil
– 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
– 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
– 1 medium onion, sliced
– 2 green onions, chopped
– 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
– Optional: 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes for heat
1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (205°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper for easy clean-up.
2. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, brown sugar, minced garlic, grated ginger, sesame oil, rice vinegar, and black pepper. If you’re a fan of a little kick, toss in those optional red pepper flakes!
3. Add the thinly sliced ribeye to the marinade and ensure each piece is well-coated. Let this sit for about 15 minutes to absorb the flavors—perfect time to slice up that onion!
4. Spread the marinated beef in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet—no overcrowding, please! Scatter the sliced onion over the top.
5. Slide that sheet pan into the oven and let it cook for about 15-20 minutes, or until the beef gets that caramelized edge we all crave.
6. Garnish with green onions and sesame seeds for a burst of fresh flavor and a bit of a crunch.
Variations & Tips
– No ribeye? No problem! You can use flank steak or even thinly sliced sirloin. Just make sure your meat is sliced thinly for the best texture.
– To make this dish even more filling, add some thinly sliced carrots or bell peppers to the pan before cooking. They’ll roast up nicely with the beef.
– Marinade time can be flexible—for those super crazy days, even a quick 5-minute soak can work, but if you’ve got the time, let the beef sit for up to an hour to really deepen those flavors.
– Leftovers (if there are any!) make an amazing filling for tacos or topping for salads the next day. Trust me, this beef bulgogi is the gift that keeps on giving.

That is nonsense. Many female births were simply not registered.

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What is Japan’s stance on the Taiwan conflict?

Japan wants to use the Taiwan question as an opportunity to break through the “peaceful constitution” formulated after World War II.

The ultimate goal of Japan’s excessive pro-Americanism, ostensibly “obedience,” is actually to free Japan from the shackles of postwar regulations and to become a country without shackles. As you can imagine, Japan is expected to be in bed with the G7 in order to please its American masters.

Japan’s biggest problem is that it does not acknowledge the heinous crimes committed in history, and once it becomes a wild horse off the leash, I am afraid it will still cause harm to the world and has to be guarded against.

At this stage, Japan’s secret mind is seeing the decline of the United States and its inability to check other countries, and Japan hopes to take this opportunity to realise its ambitions and grow in strength.

In this situation, Japan used the excuse of interfering in the Taiwan question to break through the post-war “peace constitution”, and the Americans would not object, and will loosen the leash for Japan.

But, the risk Japan needs to take is the possibility of being knocked back to the Stone Age by China and Russia.

Japan, of course, knows clearly that China, the United States and Russia, it can not afford to offend any one of them. Therefore, at the critical moment, Japan will ride the wall and see the situation. After all, as the only country on earth to have been bombed by atomic bombs, the Japanese know the horror of a nuclear explosion. Nor did Japanese want to suffer a second nightmare.

As a former lackey in bondage to the United States, helping the U.S. deal with China and Russia is not Japan’s purpose – Japan’s real goal is to break away from the U.S. grip and take the opportunity to achieve a breakthrough in the post-war peace constitution and become a “normal country”.

Taiwan is just 1 pawn to be used by various countries.

As in all things, the proper answer to this question is found in Islam!

As the Qu’ran teaches us, a defeated people ‘must be made to feel subdued.’

Muhammad teaches that you have to TEACH people that they lost! It’s really brilliant.

The methods he uses are this: First, the losers must become ‘dhimmi’ – ‘one whose responsibility is taken’. Second class citizens. No votes, no power.

Second, the Dhimmi must pay the ‘jizya’ – a tax on every head for the ability to live.

Those two things – no rights, and must pay a tax to live – are how you make a lost people ‘to feel subdued.’

So to achieve this; first! The Palestinians must lay down their weapons and surrender completely. No ‘taqiyya’, no dissembling, no faking. This is not a ‘hudna’ or temporary cease-fire to re-arm – it is a complete unconditional surrender.

Second, they must remain in their ghettos, namely Gaza and let’s say Section A of the West Bank for now. (The word ‘ghetto’ is here chosen intentionally.)

Third, all of the money that had gone to UNRWA must go to Israel. Israel, being stupid, will spend some part of it on the Palestinians; but should keep the greatest part for themselves as conquerors.

With this, the Palestinians will have to rebuild; only garnering scraps and crumbs from Israel as a pass-through on the ‘jizya’ that they are paying to live.

If they can go, say, 20 years without another violent incident – no terrorism, no intifada-ing, no stabbing, not a single rock thrown – then perhaps they might graduate to become citizens of their own country in some two-state process. They have to EARN it through submission.

Until then, they must undergo a harsh ‘Dhimmitude’ as it is called.

It’s the only way.

Don’t argue with me, argue with Muhammad! He’s the one who set this down!

The answer to this question WW3 is already underway. The West’s lack of understanding when Russia was asking us to see how the Russian speaking people in east Ukraine were being treated by Ukraine nationalists. We did not listen so Russia had to take matters into its own hands. The sanctions against Russia by western countries are not working and they never will. Tariff’s on goods from China will not work.

Take BRICS for example Brazil, Russia, India and China and who has joined recently South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, United Arab Emirates. These are some of the biggest mineral rich countries in the world.

These are countries that can trade and flourish amongst themselves they do not need us in the west. We will be left behind. Germany are already suffering since the Gas stop flowing from Russia. Their private citizens have their electricity cut off during the day so Germany can run it’s industry. Something I know for a fact because I have a friend who lives in Berlin. We do not hear of this on our news media. Companies like VW are laying off workers because they cannot compete with cheap cars coming from the east. Something there management said would never happen.

The trade war has already began and if I know my history trade wars lead to wars of conflict.

One other conflict which will turn the tide even faster on an unexpected world. The slaughter of the innocent in the middle east. Initially by Hamas now by Israel and now Hezbollah have joined the fray. Iran has flexed it’s mussel also in the conflict. My heart sinks when I see innocent children being killed, because adult people do not know how to live in Peace. I pray each night for peace in the world. My fear is no one is listening.

I would go as far as to say that the USA will support these ongoing conflicts because they want to take out Iran once and for all. Iran to the US is still the axis of evil. First named by George W. Bush of Iran, Iraq and North Korea. There are more American military bases in countries surrounding Iran than there are in the rest of the world.

In regards to the European Union. The longer the conflict in Ukraine goes on, the economies in Europe will suffer. Russia will not and if Ursula Gertrude von der Leyen had her way she would try and create a European army and call it the Fourth Reich.

She wants a direct war with Russia to get us to do what Hitler could not do. Her German arrogance and pride is in abundance and so visually obvious every time I see her speak. She wants to lead the Fourth Reich.

I hate to say it but world war 3 is possible and it’s happening right now. Until with get a person into power with diplomatic negotiation skills for peace the world is FUCCCCKED. God bless to all and have a nice day, because there are an awful lot of people in the world who are not.


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A Dodge dealer refused to correct my fuel tank size issue.

In 1988 I bought a brand new Dodge Dakota pickup truck. I drive a lot in some very rural parts of California. So I ordered the extra range fuel tank. It should have held 20 gallons versus the normal 16 gallons. It cost me a little extra.

After a couple of months I noticed that I never put more than 15 gallons in my tank. I had to assume that they had installed the small tank in my truck. So I took it to the dealer and asked them to investigate.

A service guy crawled under the truck with a flashlight. He showed me that there was nothing on the tank that told him the size. There was no part number of anything that they could reference.

So they told me that in order to work on it, they would need to drop the tank. But that I would need to sign a waiver that released them from liability if my truck should later catch fire. I refused to sign such a waiver, and they refused to fix my truck.

They then suggested that I prove to them that it wasn’t a 20 gallon tank by running it dry, then putting 20 gallons in. I refused to do that too. It had fuel injectors. I wasn’t going to risk running out of fuel on a freeway, or in the middle of nowhere. And damaging my engine and injectors. Just to prove to them that they screwed up.

So they refused to investigate and we never got past it.

I escalated my problem to Dodge corporate. They wrote back and told me to take it up the dealer that I bought my truck from. The same stupid dealer that refused to simply replace the tank with the correct size. And wanted me to damage my engine to prove that Dodge screwed up.

So I never got my money back. They never fixed my tank.

I wrote back to Dodge telling them that they lost a customer for life. And that every time I saw their name on the gate of my truck it served to remind me how they don’t care about their customers. They didn’t bother to respond.

So I will never buy another Chrysler product in my life. And I will tell everyone who cares to listen about how little they care about their paying customers.

That was Crown Dodge in Ventura California, if anyone cares. Amazingly they are still around.

U.S. Diplomatic Staff UNDER ATTACK in Congo

DRC Attack US Diplomats large
DRC Attack US Diplomats large

Flash: Currently, US Diplomatic personnel in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are under attack.

Their homes have been overrun by violet mobs.

An Emergency situation is unfolding and a possible evacuation order is now imminent.

Developing fast.  Check back for more.


As of now, shelter in place orders are still in effect for US personnel. No embassy personnel that I can find have been injured, but many have had their houses completely looted.

Families are being evacuated on ordered departure to Brazzaville across the river.

The situation remains tense.

I didn’t get furious. I got vengeful.

I had neighbors on both sides. On one side were two ladies, of the lesbian persuasion & their three children. One weekend I saw them putting a security camera on their front porch, kind of aimed toward my property.

The next weekend I caught them outside & we had a conversation. Somebody was messing with their property & damaging their kids stuff.

I set up some infrared cameras in my back yard connected to a laptop in my utility room. A couple of nights later there was my neighbor from the other side cutting across my backyard to their house.

I made a barbed wire “tangle foot” net & laid it between the storage buildings I had back there. I would go out after dark & arrange it & pull it back in the morning.

We had great fun watching him trip & fall into the net & then try to extricate himself in the dark, which he finally did. I made DVDs of it & distributed it to other neighbors.

We were mostly conservative politically. But, nobody liked seeing our peaceful neighbors, whose biggest transgression was having the best landscaping in the neighborhood, being messed with.

My mother’s husband showed up at my door at 7 am. He never visits without an invitation. Let alone at 7 am.

“There’s been an accident. Dale’s in Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto. He broke his neck. It doesn’t look good.”

Dale was 24. One year my junior. He was tall, good looking, athletic, fun and down to earth. He had a young wife, a new home, a 2 year old daughter and a 3 week old son. This couldn’t happen. But it did.

Dale had a C3–4 break with a 2–3 disability. In layman’s terms, he was paralyzed from the neck down. A hair’s breadth better than Christopher Reeve. Dale needed the ventilator only in the beginning. His life hung in the balance and the scales were tipped by sheer will—-Dale’s will to live. The prognosis was 3- 5 years.

Dale lived for 19.

One of my favourite memories of Dale is of him sitting in my mother’s living room with the instructions for the VCR spread across his lap. Mel, my eldest was 9. Megan, my other daughter, and Erin, his daughter were both 7. David, Dale’s son was 5.

Dale got those kids to connect the VCR to the TV so they could watch movies together at the farm. This was back in the 80’s when VCR’S were just becoming popular. Dale never hooked one up before his accident. It was all foreign to the kids. Our mom was a major technophobe.; she had fled to the barn to look after the horses before I got there.

And the VCR worked!

The life lesson?

Well, there are a bunch of them:

  1. Don’t take life for granted. It can be turned upside down at the speed of light.
  2. Sometimes lives are lengthened by sheer willpower.
  3. Most of the time “I can’t” really means “I choose not to.” Dale was physically incapable of hooking up the VCR. He chose to guide those kids to success.
  4. Kids listen better when they feel needed and respected.
  5. That saying, “Those who can, do and those who can’t, teach” has a deeper layer of meaning for me than it does for most others.
  6. Just because someone is helpless doesn’t mean they are useless.

Dale got to watch his kids grow into amazing young adults. He organized adventures and ensured every joyous moment was captured on film. He enriched all our lives.

25 years later, I still cry when I hear The Hollies sing, “He ain’t Heavy; He’s My Brother”.

7. As long as you are alive, those who have gone before live on in your heart.

8. Added October 25, 2024 What I didn’t realize until until today was was that my brother’s voice became his lifeline to the world. It was the one thing he could fully control, and he wielded it with wisdom, humor, and strength. Through his words, he not only taught, but he inspired, encouraged, and stayed connected with all of us. His voice became a testament to the indomitable spirit that lived within him.

Will Boobs Unite or Divide Us? – Dumpster Fire 136

In my opinion, no it is not. When I first started, it definitely was.

I started in the early 2000s and I absolutely loved being a police officer. There wasn’t so much hate towards police and city government would actually let you do your job. If somebody shoplifted, they went to jail. If a homeless guy was out on the street smoking meth, he got locked up.

About 10 years into my career, that all changed. Started changing around the Michael Brown incident but really changed after George Floyd.

The easiest way for city and county government not to get involved in incidents is just to have their police do less. Basically not allow cops to be cops.

This is why you have seen crime go up. Most police officers aren’t really allowed to do their jobs. Here’s a good example.

The city I worked and always had a ton of shoplifters. The court system was pretty hard on them because it made it hard on business owners. About 10 years into my career, they didn’t even want us to arresting shoplifters anymore. They wanted us issuing citations. What do you think happened? Shoplifting got worse. There was less consequences. A lot of people shoplift to sale stuff and buy drugs. They can shoplift a lot more stuff and get a ticket and go about their way.

Though shoplifters would never appear for court so the judge would issue a ton of bench warrants on them and when we did go arrest them, it overflooded the county jail. Then we were told not to go looking for warrants. Think about that. A police officer not going out and serving warrants. Crazy, I know.

So to answer your question, nope. Not worth it at all today. I’m glad I don’t work as a street cop anymore. I loved the early part of my career but the last part of it absolutely sucked. It sucks to watch people and businesses be victims of crimes and you’re not allowed to do a whole lot about it.

That’s the exact reason that a lot of your bigger cities like San Francisco have went to crap.

Ok, I lived back in Pennsylvania, I worked at Bucks Maximum Security Prison.

I was the intake coordinator for the behavioral health ward.

Remember the saying the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, it was amazing to me how many inmates want to live in the silence of the lamb ward.

But no it’s a poppin place.

One day the warden introduced me to a hulk of a guy, 6”3, easily 220, tatoos from head to toe.

The warden said that Patrick was here for testing could I sit here with Patrick, handcuffed to the chair, brought him a donut and coffee.

We started to talk, about nothing and he had a beautiful laugh. I mean gut wrenching laugh.

Patrick was having tests done throughout the week so Patrick would always be waiting for me,

I brought a coffee and donut and it was nice.

On the last day he was being tested the warden came in with Patrick, and he left saying see ya later pockets.

So I asked why does the warden call you pockets, he was only shackled to the floor, he stood up and dropped his pants.

He had cut his skin where most pants pockets were, only from a young age he wanted pockets out of his skin.

So for twenty years he cut through skin muscle and making them deep enough ment cutting cartilage over and over.

He asked if I wanted to feel them I was fascinated.

This was like fine leather on inside and out about 7 inches deep.

And with that I’m done

I’ll tell you a little story. There was this county jail in the Deep South. One day an offender arrived that had been raping and killing elderly women.

Now this particular jail had a large yard with weight lifting equipment, so most folks made it to recreation. There was a recreation CO that treated inmates respectfully and in a friendly manner and a lot of cons liked him. This officer was well liked because he would go the extra mile to help a guy out if that individual was doing their time right.

Maybe a con could get a free phone call in a private office or received extra trays. In return guys with pull on the yard made sure this CO remained safe and maybe provided him with an occasional favor.

This grandma raper was trying to keep a low profile and had only been locked up in this facility a day when he attempted to go out to recreation and act like he was one of the boys.

The recreation officer casually discussed the case with an influential con. Anyone who was about anything had already been filled in on the details of this particular individuals crimes and it was known that the recreation officer was going to be way on the other side of the rec yard that morning.

The story goes a bunch of White inmates (the offender was White) were joking around and shooting the shit while paying close attention to the grandma rapist in an indirect manner. A con caught the rapist laughing at something one of the guys said and asked him “What’s so funny grandma raper?” The rapist swallowed his smile and suddenly looked terrified. To make a long story short the rapist left the yard in an ambulance and after he left the hospital was taken to a different correctional facility. He and his attorney sued the facility where he received his beat down. I never heard how that turned out.

Even convicts love their grandmas. Elderly convicts are for the most part treated respectfully by youngsters and others on the yard. Many facilities have geriatric wings. Thanks to the phony War on Drugs and the Feds life without parole sentences, there is an inordinate number of elderly cons these days.

John Jones

                In the vastness of time, space, and reality, unusual things sometimes happen. Call them portals to other realities or maybe a hiccup in quantum space-time or possibly a powerful being with a sense of humor decides to have some fun with us. Whatever the reason, it happened. Just ask Greg Schank.Greg Schank walked out of the car dealership with a huge grin. He had another outstanding month, selling more cars than the next three salesmen combined. It was the third month in a row he had taken the top spot. He had another plaque going up on the wall of the dealership, with an obesely fat commission check coming his way. On top of that, the owner had taken him aside and given him a bonus check to show his appreciation.”Lucy, I’m home,” he said in his best Ricky Ricardo voice as he walked in. There was a thunder of paws. A three-year-old, one hundred and thirty pounds of pure muscle, Mastiff juggernaut came around the corner at a full run. “Slow down, slow down,” he exclaimed. She didn’t. In her excitement, like a defensive lineman taking down a quarterback, Lucy took him right off his feet. Greg flew back, his head hitting a doorframe before he landed flat on the kitchen floor.Blackness.It was the final two laps of the Nascar Talladega race. In the number four car, Greg was holding onto the lead, but the number eight car was on his ass.”He’s trying to move inside you,” his spotter Johnny J radioed him.”I see him.” Greg hit the turn, slid down, and blocked the attempt to pass him.”Good move, he’s backed off some, but you know he’s going to try it again on the last corner. He’s got to do it there or you win. Be ready for it.””Got it.” He flashed past the white flag indicating the last lap. He put the hammer down, pushing the car to its limits. Coming into the last turn he had to let up some, taking the turn, high up near the wall.”Here he comes, Greg. You hold him off, you got this race.”Greg used the banked turn to slide down, trying to block the passing attempt as he had done on the previous lap. The number eight car didn’t back off this time and tapped him on the back quarter panel. At speeds of up to two hundred miles per hour, things happened fast. The impact pushed the car’s backend off Greg’s line and air pressure did the rest. His car slammed into the wall. He rebounded off but was now going sideways. His tires grabbed the track, but his directional speed caused the car to start rolling over. It bounced and went airborne. His car hit, pieces flying everywhere, and then went airborne again. His crash harness kept him inside but as he hit the track another car T-boned him, driving him back into the wall and the car started flipping end over end. With a tremendous impact, his car landed on its roof, disintegrating around him.Blackness.Greg came up out of the crystal clear, turquoise water of the Caribbean. He pulled off his flippers and then the mask and snorkel. He ran up to where Karli was sitting on a blanket under a coconut palm. He gave her a conch shell he had picked up off the bottom. The two of them weren’t romantically involved, they just liked doing things together with no strings attached. Friends with privileges was the term they used. They were here with a group of people but the two of them had wandered off, deciding to spend the afternoon by themselves on a secluded beach.”Nice conch,” Karli said, looking it over. “The water is really calm today.””It’s beautiful out there. It’s clear all the way to the bottom. Lots of fish and coral out at the reef.” He picked up a towel. “You having a good time?””Sure, what’s not to like? I like everyone we’re with, but it’s nice to get away for a while. Plus, it’s beautiful here, peaceful and you looked pretty good coming out of the water,” she said with a grin. “I could use a cold drink though.”Greg finished drying off, reached into the small cooler, and pulled out a bottle. “Beers are all we have. The frozen drinks will have to wait till later.” He popped off the cap and handed it to her. He got another one for himself.”Works for me.” She took a long pull on the bottle. “That’s better.””You know, sitting under a coconut palm can be dangerous,” he said. “That would hurt getting bopped with one.””What are the chances of that? Quit being a scaredy cat. Come on, sit down here and pay attention to me. We’re alone on a tropical beach and there is absolutely no one around. It’s hot and so I’m thinking of taking off this suit.”Greg grinned at her. “You know, it is kind of hot and you would definitely be more comfortable that way. Good thinking.” Karli grinned back and began showing him what she meant. A breeze suddenly kicked up. The coconuts above them trembled and one let go. With his attention completely focused on Karli, he never noticed. If it was a movie, it would have fallen in slow motion, landing gracefully in the sand. Since it wasn’t, the coconut fell with gravity pulling it down at normal speed. It could have landed anywhere around them, but it had Greg squarely in its sights. He never saw it coming. With a loud bonk, it impacted his head.Blackness.Greg stood over his ball eyeing the putt. It was twenty feet, slightly downhill, breaking right. Not an easy putt, but he saw the line, made a practice stroke, took a breath, and let it roll. Tracking right on his line, it hit the edge of the hole. He thought it was going to lip out. Instead, it took a lap around the inside of the cup and dropped. Grinning, he went over and pulled it out of the hole.”You must have been practicing. You’ve been killing it all day out here,” his buddy JJ said. “One more hole and you will have officially kicked my ass.””Just one of those days where everything is working. That almost never happens. Either my driver’s working and my irons suck or they’re both working and I can’t putt. It’s these rare days that keeps me coming back.””Yeah well, next time you’re giving me strokes.””Bullshit, just golf better.”

“Stick it where the sun don’t shine and don’t be getting all cocky on me just because you have one good round,” JJ said, punching him in the arm. “Maybe that will throw off your swing.”

Greg went up to the eighteenth tee and striped one right down the middle. “Or not,” he said grinning, flipping JJ the bird.  JJ hit his drive, not a bad shot but a little right towards the trees between the fifteenth and eighteenth fairway. It landed in the rough. JJ was good with the shot, he was normally in the rough anyway.

On the fifteenth tee which paralleled the eighteenth hole, Jim, Jim Bo to his friends, took a huge swig of beer before he went and stood on the tee box. He thought he had mad golf skills and the more he drank, the better he thought he played. He had at least six beers so in his mind he was on top of his game. The reality was very different. His golf buddies knew the truth, but there was no telling Jim Bo that. Since he always brought a case of cold ones, except for busting his chops on occasion, they let him have his fantasy. He took a couple of huge practice swings.

“I’m going make this one scream,” he said laughing.

“Just try to keep it on this hole, Jim Bo. We’re tired of looking for your ball,” one of his golf buddies said.

“Screw you, you’re all just jealous.”

“Jealous of a banana slice? I don’t think so. You’re up.”

“Grip it and rip it,” Jim Bo said. He loosened up his shoulders, addressed the ball, and swung with everything he had. It was another huge banana slice, heading over the trees toward the eighteenth fairway. “Damn it,” he exclaimed loudly. “You put that thought into my head.”

“Maybe you should yell Fore, I thought I saw a cart over there.”

“Screw that, there’s nobody over there and if there is, too bad for them,” Jim Bo said nastily, still pissed off about his drive.

Greg found JJ’s ball in the rough and waved to him. “It’s over here.” JJ drove the cart over and surveyed his next shot, pulling out a seven iron. Greg stepped back to give him room, smiling at his ball fifty yards ahead, sitting pretty in the middle of the fairway. It was a beautiful day.

With Greg watching, JJ made a practice swing, lined up the shot, and let it rip. It was a beautiful, high draw that landed in the middle of the green, ten feet from the hole. It was his best shot of the day.

Jim Bo’s ball soared over the trees towards the eighteenth. Since he never yelled Fore, neither Greg nor JJ saw it coming.

“Finally, caught one flush,” JJ said. He turned to Greg who gave him a thumbs up, right before Jim Bo’s ball hit Greg in the forehead.



Sergeant Greg Schank sat behind the wheel of his squad car while his partner Jonesy was getting them coffee from a food truck. They had been partners for two years. Greg couldn’t remember having a better one. They got along great and had pulled each other out of jams more times than he could count. Greg was studying for the lieutenant exam which if he passed and was promoted, got him off the street. It meant losing Jonesy as a partner, but he had worked hard for this. Besides, Jonesy knew and understood. It was the way of things.

“Attention all units, we have a 10-46, bank robbery in progress at Union Bank, 1421 Canal Street. All available units respond.”

It was only three blocks from where they were. “Unit 19 responding. ETA, five minutes. Hey Jonesy, forget the coffee,” he yelled. “We got a 10-46. Move it.”

His partner came at a run and jumped in. Lights flashing and sirens blaring, they took off. They screeched to a halt, both of them jumping out guns drawn just as the McHale brothers came running out of the bank, money bags in hand. Seeing the police, they opened up with assault weapons, causing Schank and Jonesy to dive behind their squad car.

“Just great, pistols against AK47s,” Jonesy exclaimed.

As the McHale brothers kept moving away still firing, Jonesy popped up shooting several rounds in their direction. The two bank robbers turned and hosed down that end of the squad car, one round clipping Jonesy in the shoulder. He went down. Greg grabbed him by his bulletproof vest and drug him further behind the car.

“Where you hit?”

“Shoulder just grazed me. I’m okay. Don’t let them get away.”

“Unit 19, shots fired at the police. Officer down.”

“10-4, Unit 19. Backup and ambulances are inbound to your location.”

“Go Sarge, get them.”

Bent over, Greg used other cars as cover as he ran after the McHales. They lost track of him in their haste to get away before more cops showed up. Greg got parallel with them, rose up, and shot one several times in the chest.

“You shot Mike, you son of a bitch,” the remaining McHale said. With his rifle on full auto, he hosed down where Greg was. He ducked behind the car and moved further ahead. Greg kept moving, reloading as he went. He swung around the front of the car and opened fire. Thinking he was still back where he had shot Mike, McHale never saw him. He took two rounds in the chest which pushed him back against the building. His finger was clamped on the trigger and he kept firing until the clip ran dry. He slumped to the sidewalk dead. One bullet caught the corner of the building behind Greg and ricocheted back across the street, catching Greg in the back which his vest stopped. The impact, however, knocked him forward, his head hitting the car and he fell back.



Slowly coming to, it felt like someone was wiping his face with a warm, wet, smelly washcloth. Greg struggled back to consciousness, trying to remember what happened and where he was. It slowly dawned on him that he was lying on his kitchen floor, but he couldn’t remember how he got there. That happened once in a while when he had been drinking too much, but he was pretty sure that wasn’t the case this time. His head was throbbing like a marching band was playing in it. He put out his hand and found a hairy face an inch from his. He slowly, painfully opened his eyes to see Lucy right there, licking him frantically.

“Okay, okay, girl, back up a little before you lick my face off.”

Lucy started barking excitedly, prancing around him now that he was awake. Groaning and holding his head, he managed to get to his knees and then holding the kitchen counter, got the rest of the way to his feet. He held on tight to it until the room stopped spinning. He now remembered getting leveled by Lucy. He petted the excited dog.

“Wow, you should be playing for the Dallas Cowboys,” he said to her. Other than a huge lump on the back of his head, he felt better. All the experiences he had in the five minutes he was knocked out, flooded back.

“That was the weirdest thing ever. What was all of that?”


Across the Greg Schank multiverse, all the Gregs were waking up, remembering the same weird happenings. They had all experienced this jumping around the different realities, living brief moments of each other’s lives. In the final second that their realities stayed connected, they all had the same thought.

“I would have won that NASCAR race.”

The End


The freshest bagels you’ve ever tasted! With Rhodes dough, it couldn’t be easier.


Prep: 20 min – Bake: 20 min – 8 servings


  • 16 Rhodes™ Dinner Rolls, thawed but still cold
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • Grated cheese, seeds or spices


  1. Combine 2 rolls together into a nice round ball. Put both pointer fingers through center of the ball and stretch to form a large hole.
  2. Repeat with remaining rolls.
  3. Place bagels on a large sprayed baking sheet.
  4. Cover with sprayed plastic wrap and let rise 30-45 minutes.
  5. In a large saucepan, bring 6 inches of water with baking soda to a boil.
  6. Slip bagels, one or two at a time into gently boiling water. Boil for 30 seconds on each side.
  7. Remove with slotted spoon; drain on cooling rack for a few seconds.
  8. Return to sprayed baking sheet and sprinkle with cheese or seeds if desired.
  9. Bake at 375 degrees F for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

The head of the New Development Bank, based in Shanghai, is Dima Rousseff, who was a past president of Brazil, and is a close ally of Lula, Brazil’s current president.

New Development Bank is the BRICS central bank.

Katherine Tai was speaking out of turn and out of place; she should not have said anything.

I have been married for 17 years with two amazing children. I spent the first 15 years in a constant state of confusion and self doubt. Every time I tried to leave, he would remind me that I had no job (I used to work but I had to stop because he made it as difficult as possible for me to keep a job, and we had no help from anyone). He would turn things around to make me feel that I wasn’t a good mother (I literally was a full time single mother all those years, he had a business and was rarely around). Everything we did together as a family was a nightmare, he changed plans last minute, we constantly had to be with his family or doing what he wanted. Whenever I tried to talk to him it would end up with an argument and him hurling insults. I felt overwhelmed and trapped and stayed as compliant and quiet as I could while bringing up the children and trying to keep things normal.

Then one morning he returned from a biking trip with a friend and immediately started on at me that the kids weren’t dressed and how lazy and crazy I was. I flipped out and started screaming at him to leave us alone, to get out and stop abusing us. He screamed back and I took the kids and my bag and left the house. As I was leaving there was a police officer outside. I walked past him and into a cab with the kids and went to a local Mall.

Anyway, he was arrested – a neighbour had heard my desperate cries and called the police.

He was given a restraining order for a week and then he came back home. I thought he’d understand how his behaviour had affected us, that being arrested may have shaken him up to the realisation that he had abused his family. But no. He was more angry than ever, blaming ME for it all, he even insinuated that he was released because the police actually wanted to arrest ME!!

That was my waking up moment. I had allowed him to behave in a monstrous way because I didn’t realise it was monstrous. I genuinely believed that I had a problem. Over the years I’d seen a psychiatrist, a therapist etc, I thought I was doing something to make him unhappy, that the criticisms were valid. I had a father and brother who behaved like that, I guess I thought it was normal. He’d isolated me from friends, work, family. He’d convinced me I was crazy, problematic.

No more. I suddenly realised in that moment that it wasn’t me! Our kids are amazing because of how I brought them up. I am a strong, brave, incredible woman and I wasn’t going to allow anyone to treat me like this again.

Of course being apart brings its challenges, we need to co-parent and he’s not changed. But we are free from him, I am building my life up again and I’ve created a stable and calm home for the children. I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to wake up, and I’m sorry for the damage those years of abuse did to my children, but what’s done is done.

Apricot Ginger Biscotti


Yield: about 12 biscotti


  • 1/3 cup (about 2 ounces) dried apricots
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon water
  • 1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons (about 1 ounce) chopped candied ginger


  1. Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Lightly butter a cookie sheet and dust with flour, knocking out excess flour.
  2. In a bowl soak apricots in boiling hot water to cover 5 minutes. Drain apricots well and pat them dry with paper towels. Chop apricots fine.
  3. In another bowl lightly whisk together eggs and transfer 1 teaspoon egg to a small bowl. Whisk water into the 1 teaspoon egg and reserve egg wash.
  4. In a large bowl with an electric mixer blend flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add remaining egg and vanilla extract and beat until a dough forms (dough will be sticky). Stir in apricots and ginger.
  5. Turn dough out onto a floured surface and knead 6 times. Working on cookie sheet, with floured hands form dough into a 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch rectangle. Brush rectangle with some reserved egg wash and bake in middle of oven for 30 minutes.
  6. Cool rectangle on cookie sheet on a rack 10 minutes.
  7. Loosen rectangle from cookie sheet with a metal spatula and carefully transfer to a cutting board.
  8. Cut rectangle crosswise into 1/2 inch thick slices. Arrange biscotti, cut side down, on cookie sheet and bake 10 minutes on each side, or until pale golden.
  9. Transfer biscotti to rack to cool.


Biscotti keep in an airtight container at room temperature for 3 days or frozen for 1 month.

Why did Russia cancel the SU-57 and T-14 Armata if they are both considered to be game-changers?

The thing when you make advanced aircraft from design to final production is that technology changes rapidly by the time you start production.

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You may have a cutting edge design but by the time it goes through to prototype after 4 years and to commercial production after 8 years – it’s already been 12 years and your technology while definitely not obsolete may no longer be CUTTING EDGE

Air Defense Radar and Missiles evolve much faster than advanced aircraft

So a cutting edge design in 2005 capable of beating any Air Defense system in 2005, may end up by 2017 when it is ready to roll off the line, to be incapable of penetrating the latest Air Defense systems of 2017

It just takes TOO DAMN LONG

The SU 57 is a 2004 design

At every stage there has been improvement in Radar, Navigation, Avionics and Stealth

So every time you have to modify your Aircraft to incorporate the latest changes in technology

You create 3–4 prototypes

Then again just before you begin commercial production, a new radar would be available that could help immensely

So a new design will be integrated and once again new prototypes will be produced with the Russian Air Force demanding the same

These are Advanced Aircraft

Not Stock Aircrafts like the Mig 25s Or Sukhoi 34s/35s

It’s why the SU 57 hasn’t been commercialized in large numbers

You can’t spend 30 Billion Rubles per aircraft and then end up having it easily spotted on an advanced radar and have it’s stealth functions embarrassed

Take the F-35

Most of its technology was state of the art and it’s stealth was latest in 2007–2009 period when it’s prototypes were displayed and orders placed

Even when they were delivered in 2015


Iranians have Radar capable of spotting them and locking them !!!!

So investing in Advanced Stealth Aircraft is not the best thing to do today

Better invest in

More Missiles with superb guidance
Hypersonic glide missiles
Normal glide bombs
Electronic Jamming
Satellite Navigation
Intelligent Surveillance

Besides Russia doesn’t need Advanced Stealth to beat EUROPE

And Russia certainly doesn’t have Aircraft Carriers to transport the SU 57s to the Atlantic and use them against the US or UK and if they fly them – where will they refuel?

In the US the Stealth Aircraft is just a CASH COW to make a few contractors and senators rich

It has zero practical purpose in a prolonged war against an Enemy with decent Air Defence

In Three to Six months – any Stealth Fighter and Bomber will develop a signature that neutralizes any and all threats it can make

Thank heaven Russia woke up and decided to become more practical and spend the money on things that can help like Soldiers, Hardy Aircraft, UAVs and Artillery

As for the Armata

Maybe it’s too expensive and the T90 can do the same job at lesser price???

My parents did love me very much, and I loved them. Yet, my mother said something, when I was 20, and I wish to forget it, but am unable.

Here is what happened: I was engaged, and my father did not like my fiance. He wanted me to break up with him, and I did not obey. Then one morning, as I was going to be on my way to university, my mom stopped me. She said: if you don’t want to obey us any more, then we are not obliged to look after you.

I left without a word that morning, and when I got to the university I asked to talk to somebody in the students’ office. I told what happened, and because of that I needed to quit and get a job. The reaction was: “No, you don’t need to quit. We’ll increase your scholarship, and you can stay at the students’ residence for free, and eat there for free.”

As I got home started to pack up. My dad told me that it will kill him if I move out. He had a heart condition. I stayed, but made a condition: My parents can’t interfere with my life. Agreed. I graduated eventually, I married my love, and was happy with him for 64 years, until he died.

This happened in 1997 while I was still on active duty in the Navy. At the time I was in charge of running off our daily reports and creating any new ones to generate any required information pertaining to personnel issues. I did have a backup for my position. I had just had knee surgery and was in a locked leg brace from hip to ankle. I was also still so fresh out of surgery that the sterry straps were still firmly in place. Oh, and I was on authorized convalescent leave and was NOT cleared to drive. My senior chief called and demanded I come in to create a report, they needed certain information in order to submit it to our bosses in another part of the state and apparently my backup wasn’t comfortable attempting it. My husband wasn’t home and I told him I wasn’t supposed to be driving yet. He didn’t care and ordered me to report. Since I was formally on leave, I told him I wouldn’t be in uniform, I didn’t have one ready and ironing was out of the question. I drove myself in, luckily that particular surgery was on my left leg, took all of five minutes to create and run the report and left without getting so much as a “thank you.” Turns out, the could have called one of our sister sites to get walked through the development of the required report, my senior chief just had it in for his first class Petty Officers and was hoping I’d refuse the order. My husband was so angry to arrive home and find me gone, and then to discover the reason why. He’d already been retired for nine years by then and he knew that was not the way the situation should have been handled. He’s a retired Chief Petty Officer and had zero respect for my senior chief already, this was just the incident that capped it.

Oh, the lower case senior chief was intentional, had I been writing about the rank itself or another person, the rank would have been capitalized to show proper respect. This man deserved none.

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