Space Trucker Bruce is a low-budget science fiction comedy that is just precious. It’s at the tail end of this post.
Did you guys know that I am full of shit? Yessur!
Here’s what I had to deal with on a weekly basis all FUCKING YEAR.

Where is this jackass from?

As I have said before, if you don’t like the content, you can FUCKING LEAVE.
I am not a racist, but if you are purple, and you stole my car, and punched me in the face, I’m going to tell the world that a purple jackass did me bad. Sheech! Stop hiding behind excuses.
Lot’s of bad people in this world. Many are white. many are black. Many are yellow. All are not my problem. And they shouldn’t be yours. Just do your best to stay away from bad people irregardless of their skin color.
Personally, I happen to live “black people”. I fell in love with a few wonderful ladies, don’t you know. Big hair, soft skin, big black-hole eyes, tender voice, devoted, and detailed…

Not to mention some of my best friends are of color. Including some very important folk when I was in the ADC. One in particular is finally getting out this up coming year. He did his time, and he’s a different person I am sure.
I married a Chinese girl, and I have a Chinese family. But I could have just as easily married a Zambian girl and had a Zambian family, or a Nigerian lass, and had a Nigerian family. And let’s not forget my precipitous fall into the arms of the ladies of the Deep South. Oh Lordy!
If I use a Saker article, and the jackass is a racist, please don’t transpose it on me. There’s often some treasured content there, but some of the people there, that write and frequent there,tend to be radical and assholish.
I shouldn’t of put it in the content. My bad.
But … come on. Get off my God-dam case, will ya?
Good bye!
Door slams shut.
Meanwhile, I got this notice from You-Tube.

You know, all what I did was put of Chinese TicTok videos on an American platform. I guess that Chinese can view things that Americans cannot.
It’s a fact of life.
The 2023 Chinese New Year is arriving.
I will be traveling to visit relatives, and enjoying the holidays. As such, all MM activity will stop. No need to panic, but I will not have any time to devote to MM. This is true for the platform, as for the you-tube and Patreon videos.
In any event, please have a great holiday and enjoy the new year.
Keep in mid that TODAY is Chinese New Year EVE. It’s the year of the Rabbit, and I am doing my affirmation campaigns.
All will be quiet for at least a few day. Maybe a week, perhaps two. Do not freak out. Please. You can message me, but I will be very active, and will not have time to devote to MM.
Detox from MM if you can.
Here’s some movies. Mostly comedies. Though this first one is a most excellent Chiense movie that was on You-tube, but taken down…
No worries. It’s up again.
If you haven’t watched this movie yet, I strongly suggest that you do. It’s 2 and a half hours long, though. Perhaps you can break it up and watch it over a week…
The Battle At Lake Changjin
This video is back up on you-tube after it was taken down by an American company that claimed that they owned the copyrights to the Chinese movie. It turns out that they were just lying.
Fucking assholes.
It’s up in two locations. Here’s the other…
The Teahouse of the August Moon Trailer
Here’s another good movie. A personal favorite of my father. It’s funny and humorous, and I think that you all would love it.
Actual Movie in segments…
Broken up with some missing segments. But enough there. Perhaps 95% to show you what it’s all about. Just click on the side bar for each chapters…
Spaced Invaders (1990) ORIGINAL TRAILER
A fantastic funny comedy from the 1980s…
Spaced Invaders (1990)
Full movie.
SPACE TRUCKER BRUCE Sci-Fi Comedy Full Movie
Seriously this is exactly what I needed in my life at this moment. This is what happens when you just throw yourself into something creative for a really long time and follow it through to the end. Thank you for making this. congratulations on finishing it. Bravo on it actually being entertaining and making people laugh. I wish there were more people in the world like this.
Well dayum, MM; life on planet earth, ya?
Have a great 🐇 lunar new year with the family. Report back with some details of the celebrations if you can, that would be an interesting post. About all I know about it is major fireworks and feasting. It will be happening where where I live as well, but on a much smaller scale. Lot’s of Asians here.
Happy Chinese New Year MM & family.
Hi there,
ACK, initiating MM detox now.
Happy CNY,
Have a great time and take care!
Best regards and see you soon,
Happy Chinese New Year!
HNLY mate to you and your family. Don’t let the trolls get you down cobber, Every time you ban one it’s a win for YOU man. You are a strong person mate and your better than that crap. Cheers mate