2023 08 26 22 06

And the obese milking welfare…

Massive historical changes going on. Some geopolitical, and others domestic.

My you-tube channel has me locked out for a week. I got a “strike”. I posted inappropriate content on the internet that “violated Community guidelines”.

All I did was post a Chinese video about the Ukraine war.

Not that it matters. It only had 25 views total. My channel is buried deep in the sludge due to algorithm manipulation.


So much for “freedom of speech”, when Chinese can view things that are censored in the United States. But the USA censors anything made in China.


Tell me all about that delicious “freedom”TM and Democracy”TM that the USA has. Eh?

First time hearing Oliver Anthony “I Want To Go Home” Reaction

What is the smog situation in Beijing? Why isn’t it talked about as much as it used to be?


You mean the seasonal dust storms that darken the skies?

China eliminated it with draconian anti-pollution legislation, and green tree-planting efforts on the sandy soil.

This was coupled with corruption police and harsh (Chinese harsh) punishments for non-compliance of the pollution laws.

Air quality is still not perfect, but is actually much, much better than it used to be.

Worried mother cat took her kitten for medical checkup but kitten didn’t want to go!

Why does China have no illegal immigrants problem? Even people in poor neighbor countries like Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar do not want to go to China.

China at one time, did have an illegal immigrant problem. This included areas of South-East Asia, and North Korea. And even today, there is a problem. Though, the magnitude of the problem is quite small. Trivial, actually.

China is a bonafied surveillance state.

I am not using that term neither lightly, or pejoratively. It is what it is. China has a massive population. Simply massive, and to keep things running, surveillance is the “name of the game”.

When you enter China legally, your bio-metrics are entered into the national computers, and the AI algorithm tracks your every move. As long as you are not doing anything wrong, you are ignored. And that is just the way it is. Those of us who are new to this kind of government are often frightened by it. Which is a “knee jerk” reaction after decades of contrary American pre-programming.

Now, when an illegal is inside of China, that person is immediately flagged as a non-database registrant.

If you look and watch the AI monitoring video in the local police station, you can easily see who is “ok” and who is “flagged”. This is done by the rectangular box that surrounds the person.

In general, there are different colors that are used. For instance; Green is fine. Red is a concern.

Any illegal cannot operate inside of China. They will “stand out like a sore thumb”, and be unable to do anything electronic.

A police visit, followed by incarceration and deportation are the usual outcomes upon being flagged.

Tucker Carlson’s VIRAL SPEECH DESTROYS Pro Ukraine LIES


Would BRICS have expanded so quickly if the West had not introduced broad sanctions against Russia and other governments they did not approve of?

Thanks for the request.

Yes, indeed. trump didn’t dare to but Biden did pul the trigger.

Biden crossed the red line by using SWIFT to sanction Russia and even worse, froze the country’s foreign reserve. This was the death blow of the U.S. that the world feared and expected the Russian economy and ruble to crumble down like the wall of Jericho.

But Russia withstood these and all the subsequent sanctions the G7 countries could muster.

The turning point is that when all these failed and the G7 tried coercing the rest of the world to join, the Global South chose not to, not so much because they’re a fan of Russia but because they did not want to be subjected any more to the economic hegemon of the West and saw a way out.

First to break ranks were Saudi Arabia and the UAE who started accepting Yuan for their oil deals with China. And now there’s the rush to join BRICS.

BRICS is the world’s irresistible force for de-dollarization. BRICS formalized their expansion that also officially signalize the demise of the petrodollar. When mortal enemies like Saudi Arabia and Iran at war with each other could set aside their differences and agree to work together as BRICS members, who together with the UAE and Russia are now constituting the most powerful block controlling the global energy market . . . and combine this with China and India, the world’s most populous countries as consumer countries, this is part of the clout of the irresistible force.

Further, Brazil’s Lula call to wholly dump the US$ is no empty threat. A BRICS roadmap is ready to actually do this – with Brazil and Argentina leading the way. And this is how it would work – with China’s yuan to be officially used as their bridge currency for trade.

China, Brazil and Argentina are already their own biggest trade partners and have begun using their own currencies in trade with China. With yuan as their main revenue currency, and like Russia with India’s Rupees, it’s the logical next step to use the yuan as their bridge currency for trade between themselves, thereby eliminating not just the U.S.$ but the FX volatility risk of their own currencies to each other.

Add to this the precedent set by the IMF accepting yuan to settle debts originally denominated in US$, Brazil and Argentina could completely not have to use the U.S.$.

To complete dethroning the U.S.$, BRICS will be issuing through their development bank a new currency backed by gold. This would serve as another role that U.S.$ had so far been the only option – as the reserve currency for the long-term depository of excess earning of countries like China, Japan and Germany, supplanting the need to buy U.S. treasury bonds.

The fiat money regime needs a reset and this is upon us.


He’s so relatable, the angst and soul in his voice is amazing.

Have you ever had a strange experience buying or selling something on Craigslist?

There had been a lot of stories on the news about people using Craigslist as a way to lure people into a robbery.

My dad really wanted to get rid of some random items he had stored in the garage, so he posted them for sale.

When he found a buyer off Craigslist, he asked me to go with him as “back up”.

I was already a little sketched out, but to make matters worse, we were meeting the buyer in a funeral home parking… after dark.

When we got there, my dad grabbed his pistol, looked at me, and said “just stay behind me until we know it’s not a set up.”

We got out of the car and slowly approached the buyer’s vehicle.

The other guy got out of his car, stood behind his door, and said

“Hey, just so you guys know, I have a gun on me.”

When we realized this guy was just as paranoid as we were, we started laughing.

The buyer and my dad spent about 15 minutes talking about their guns before they finally actually made the sale.

Craigslist is a wild place.

Rappers React To Oliver Anthony “Rich Men North Of Richmond”!

As a landlord, who was the strangest tenant you’ve ever had?

I had a man/boy with TBI(Traumatic Brain Injury). He smoked at least 3 packs a day and left the butts in Coke liter bottles out on the rear deck. He was very dirty. He screamed and blasted the stereo at all hours of the day. I was constantly calling his mother &/or Attorney. He was banging on the ceiling with a broom screaming at me during the night. I finally was able with the help of his attorney to move him out. But he took that broomstick and broke every fixture in the house, plus smashed the glass cooktop. The Attorney sent me a check for the excess cost over his security.

This one GOT to me.. Oliver Anthony – I Want To Go Home REACTION

2023 08 24 20 52
2023 08 24 20 52

What is the most outrageous “fee” you’ve ever been charged?

I own a 250 gallon propane tank and get it filled about once a year. Because I own the tank I get to choose who fills it. One afternoon a propane delivery truck comes to my home and start to set up like they’re going to fill my tank. I tell the driver that I’d not ordered any propane and I ask what’s going on? His reply was that they were in the area and saw that I’d not had my tank refilled in over 2 years so they thought that they’d just go ahead and fill it.

Well, that didn’t seem right to me. First, how did he check delivery records from his truck and why would he do so? Second, I recently had the tank filled from a different supplier so there was no room in the tank for any more. So I refused the delivery and other than putting a lock on the tank access lid thought no more about it. That is, until the bill for the delivery came. Only one item on the bill, a fee for an emergency delivery.

To their credit, when I contacted the supplier they quickly dismissed the bill.

Member of the European Parliament: “Stop Complying. Start Rebelling”

World Hal Turner 23 August 2023

MEP Christine Andersen large
MEP Christine Andersen large
Member of the European Parliament: "Stop Complying. Start Rebelling"

Powerful words from a member of the European Parliament, Christine Andersen, about the state of affairs in our world: “You cannot comply your way our of a tyranny.”

“In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite concerned about the well-being of regular people,” said Andersen.

“And it isn’t any different now,” she stressed. “You cannot comply your way out of a tyranny. It is impossible. Trying to do so, you will only feed a gigantic alligator in the hopes of being eaten last. But guess what? Your turn will come,”

Andersen also warned. “Speak up! … stop complying — start rebelling,” she urged. “In order to deal with this unfree world, to defy this unfree world, I have decided to become so absolutely free that my very existence is an act of rebellion. And that’s what we all need to do.”

Saxx reacts Oliver Anthony Rich men north of Richmond. call this Racist next?

2023 08 21 07 54
2023 08 21 07 54

Have you ever met someone and disliked them instantly?

Originally Answered: Have you ever met someone and hated them instantly?


Heads immediately turned.

“I-I’m not stalking you…”

“SHUT UP!!!”

People’s eyes widened, and they began staring. Nevertheless, I continued.


My vocal cords started to hurt, but nonetheless, I continued screaming at the boy before me, shrieking my desire to be left alone.

At first, he was in my face. Then he was 20 feet away.

But… how did it come to this?

For nearly an entire year, this boy messaged me. Endlessly told me how he wanted to become friends with me, how he wanted to “figure me out,” told me how “we were the same,” he followed me home, taunted me, watched me, became friends with my friends, taunted me with things he supposedly knew about me, told me some personal things he knew about me. He’s slapped one of my friends. He’s dated another one of my friends before even knowing me.

When I first laid eyes on him, I knew something was off. I saw that he was an egotistical maniac.

I hated him.

And boy was I right.

Would going underwater in an upside down boat like Jack Sparrow actually work?

If you are a fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, you might remember the scene where Jack Sparrow and Will Turner use an upside-down boat to walk underwater and sneak into a fort.

But is this trick actually possible in real life? Or is it just another Hollywood fantasy?

The answer is: no, it is not possible. There are several reasons why this stunt would not work, and here are some of them:

The pressure problem.

Water pressure increases by about 1 atmosphere (atm) for every 10 meters of depth.

This means that the air trapped under the boat would compress as they go deeper, reducing the volume of air available for breathing.

For example, if they started with a boat that had 1 cubic meter of air under it, and they went 10 meters deep, the air would shrink to 0.5 cubic meters.

If they went 20 meters deep, it would shrink to 0.33 cubic meters, and so on. Eventually, they would run out of air or suffocate from carbon dioxide buildup.

The buoyancy problem.

The air under the boat would also make it very buoyant, meaning that it would tend to float up to the surface.

To keep it underwater, they would need to attach heavy weights to the boat, which would make it harder to move and balance. The weights would also add more drag, slowing them down.

The visibility problem.

The water under the boat would be very dark, since the boat would block most of the light from above.

They would not be able to see where they are going or what obstacles they might encounter. They would also have to deal with the turbulence and bubbles created by their movement.

The leakage problem.

The boat would not be perfectly sealed, so water would leak in through the gaps and holes.

This would reduce the amount of air under the boat and increase the weight of the boat. They would also get wet and cold, which could lead to hypothermia.

2023 08 24 21 13
2023 08 24 21 13

So, as you can see, walking underwater with an upside down boat is not a feasible idea. It might look cool in a movie, but in reality, it would be a very dangerous and impractical way to travel underwater.

What’s the best way to take down the CCP while I’m in China?

Next time you go to Beijing, go to Tiananmen and visit the area where Mao announced the founding of the People’s Republic. Then go to the ledge and unfurl a banner which says “Down with the Chinese Communist Party” and shout slogans against the Party.

Then jump off the ledge so that you go splat right in front of Mao’s portrait.

Make sure that you have photographers and videographers ready to record your actions before and after you go splat.

When the video goes around, all Chinese will rise up and overthrow the Party, and your name will live in history.

Savory Onion Brisket

2023 08 21 09 02
2023 08 21 09 02

Yield: 8 servings


  • 1 (4 1/2 pound) beef brisket, untrimmed
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/4 cup white wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons ketchup
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons pepper
  • 1 envelope dry onion soup mix
  • 1 cup water


  1. Brown brisket in hot oil over high heat for 5 minutes on each side.
  2. Place brisket into a lightly greased 13 x 9 inch pan.
  3. Stir together vinegar and next 6 ingredients. Pour over brisket. Add the water to pan.
  4. Bake, covered at 350 degrees F for 2 hours, basting every hour.
  5. Reduce heat to 300 degrees F and bake 1 more hour.
  6. Skim fat from drippings. discarding fat; serve drippings with brisket.


How shocking is the news that Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin has been killed in a plane crash in Russia, with nine other people on board also dead?

Not shocking at all.

The Russian, American, British and Ukraine security services likely all wanted him dead. Oh, I forgot to mention the Polish security services, since the Wagner Group is active across the border in Belarus. The French might have also wanted him dead because he was recently in Niger, where the Africans in the Sahel have decided that they have had enough of the French, and Wagner Group has offered assistance.

Probably the only thing they could agree about.

Now they can go back to fighting each other.

Why do I get a say on the USA? Oliver Anthony – I Want To Go Home (Reaction)

This reactor to the video has some really good things to say about the USA.

Almost every man carried a gun in the old days in the West and shootouts were quite common. Would the same thing happen if all men were allowed to carry today?

That’s simply not true.

The old school Westerns in which the stranger strolls into the saloon and the next minute everybody is brandishing a six iron are just movies.

In reality, few people would walk around with a gun on their hip and shootouts were in fact rare. The idea of the lawless frontier is mostly nonsense.

Most of our perception of the Old West is totally coloured by entertaining fiction like Rawhide and ten-a-penny old Hollywood pictures. It just wasn’t really like that at all, not least because the majority of people weren’t wandering from town to town like Clint Eastwood, or gathering at high noon to risk life and limb in a duel.

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I remember as a boy reading a book about the reality of the life of the cowboy, and how dull and uneventful most of it was, because they were herding cattle rather than running around shooting “injuns” or blowing up bank vaults.

In reality, what really tamed the West wasn’t the pistol or rifle, it was barbed wire, for with that came manageable territories and the end of the age of the cattle drive.

DJI Defies Astronomical US Fine, Faces Probe into Drone ‘Critical Tech’!A Battle of Resolve Begun!

A non-drone company (in the USA) is suing a Chinese Drone company. All evidence suggests some pretty underhanded dealings to acquire technology..

2023 08 21 09 09
2023 08 21 09 09

What are some examples of things that sound right but are actually wrong?

English astronomer Sir Patrick Moore pulled one of the biggest April Fools’ hoaxes of all time which fooled the country into thinking they could float.

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On April 1 1976, he made an announcement on BBC Radio 2 stating that, at exactly 9:47 a.m., Pluto would pass directly behind Jupiter in relation to the Earth. This would create a noticeable reduction in gravity on Earth itself.


He said that, if people jumped at this exact time, they would be overcome by a ‘strange floating sensation’.

This was known as the ‘Jovian-Plutonian effect’.

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I’m no physicist, but in hindsight this is obviously rubbish—yet the public bought the whole thing—and I’m talking hook, line and sinker.

For a lot of people, this sounded completely right and reasonable, despite just how ridiculous it was. And fair enough—it came from a pretty reliable source.

The BBC reported getting a hell of a lot of calls from people all over the country telling them they were having bizarre gravitational experiences.

One woman claimed that she and her friends were sitting and had ‘wafted from their chairs and gently orbited around the room.’


Another woman said that she and her eleven friends were sitting at a table—and soon enough, everyone (and the table) began to ascend.

[3] (Kind of Harry Potter-esque in that scene with the inflation of Marjorie Dursley.)

The reason that Moore performed this hoax was really just to raise awareness of the fact that the whole idea of ‘planetary alignment’ and its effects on Earth are nonsensical.

‘Let us hear no more of this nonsense about the ‘planetary alignment.’ It happens every 170 years or so; nothing spectacular will be seen in the sky; and in the opinion of almost everyone, it can [a]ffect nobody and nothing.’

It’s strange how so many people thought it sounded right—but when it actual fact, it was completely wrong.

I guess a lot of it has to do with the mind—although the phenomenon wasn’t real, in a way people believed in it and so it felt real.

But a clever hoax on the part of Sir Patrick Moore nevertheless.



Jovian–Plutonian gravitational effect – Wikipedia


Martin Wainwright on some of the silliest April Fool tricks


Planetary Alignment Decreases Gravity

HEAR THE PAIN & SOUL!! Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond

2023 08 21 08 04
2023 08 21 08 04

Surovikin Reportedly Fired/Resigned as Chief of Russian Aerospace Force

World Hal Turner 23 August 2023

Surovikin large
Surovikin large
Surovikin Reportedly Fired/Resigned as Chief of Russian Aerospace Force

Gen. Sergei Surovikin, a top Russian general who has been out of public view since the Wagner mercenary rebellion, has now reportedly been dismissed as head of the country’s aerospace forces, Russian state media reported today.  

“The ex-Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of Russia Sergei Surovikin has now been relieved of his post, Colonel General Viktor Afzalov, Chief of the General Staff of the Aerospace Forces, is temporarily acting as Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces,” Russian state news agency RIA reported, citing a single unnamed source.

Russian news outlet RBK and Rybar, a popular Telegram channel close to the country’s defense ministry, reported on Tuesday that Surovikin had been removed from his position. RBK reported, citing unnamed sources “familiar with personnel changes in the defense ministry,” that Surovikin was relieved of his duties due to a “transfer to another job,” and is currently “on a short leave.

The Izvestia newspaper, reported what it said was Surovikin resignation from the post, citing its own unnamed sources. 

Alexei Venediktov, former head of the Ekho Moskvy, a prominent independent radio station that was shut down by authorities within days of the Ukraine invasion was the first to report that Surovikin had been dismissed on Tuesday, but said the general was being “retained by the defense ministry.”

What have you heard accidentally after someone thought their phone call with you was over?

My 85-year-old grandfather is still learning to use his Android phone at a slow pace. Every day before lunch, I get a call from him enquiring if I had my food on time.

Grandpa : “Did you eat? If not, shall I bring you some dish?”

Me : “No, thatha(Grandpa in Tamil). I had my lunch an hour back.”

Sometimes, I wouldn’t pick up his call because I know the obvious question. I did not even have the courtesy to return the call because of my mood swings.

One afternoon, he forgot to click on the End call option and so did I. After what must be around 20 seconds, I realized it and checked if he was still on line.

Grandpa (to Grandma) : “Sandhya picked my call! I must have dialled it in the right procedure today. Anyway, she had her lunch. I am yet to check on Savi (my mother).”

Grandma : “You can check after having your lunch. Shall I serve you your food at least now?”

Grandpa : “No no! Let me check on them first. What if either of them forgot to eat.”

Hearing this made me pause for a moment and realize that in this fast paced world where we are all running towards eternity, not many people put you before themselves.

Moreover, he thinks he hasn’t dialled the right number when I don’t pick the calls.

From then on, I never miss his lunch call. Even on my bad days, it is a tiny, but happy reminder that someone remembers me in spite of their own bustling life.

THIS BROKE ME! First Time Hearing Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North of Richmond REACTION

2023 08 21 08 00
2023 08 21 08 00

Wasabi-Beer Braised Brisket

Enjoy the heat of wasabi with the complex flavors of beer in this beer-braised brisket, thinly sliced and served on a wheat baguette.

2023 08 21 09 04
2023 08 21 09 04

Yield: 12 servings


  • 1 beef brisket flat half (4 to 4 1/2 pounds)
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon peanut or vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 medium onions, each cut into 12 wedges
  • 1 bottle (12 ounces) beer
  • 1 bottle (12 ounces) chili sauce
  • 2 teaspoons wasabi paste
  • Coleslaw (recipe follows)
  • 3 whole wheat baguettes, cut into 10 to 12 pieces (4-1/2 to 5 inches each), split


  1. Heat oven to 325 degrees F.
  2. Press garlic evenly onto all surfaces of beef brisket.
  3. Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat until hot. Place brisket in skillet; brown evenly. Remove brisket from skillet; season with salt and pepper.
  4. Add onions to large stockpot or large baking pan. Place brisket over onions. Stir in beer and chili sauce; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover tightly. Continue cooking in 325 degrees F oven for 3 1/2 to 4 hours or until beef is fork-tender.
  5. Meanwhile, prepare coleslaw.
  6. Remove brisket; keep warm. Skim fat from cooking liquid; bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, 5 minutes. Stir in wasabi paste.
  7. Carve brisket diagonally across the grain into thin slices. Return beef to cooking liquid; keep warm. Divide beef and onions evenly over roll bottoms; close sandwiches. Serve remaining sauce for dipping, if desired. Serve with coleslaw.
  8. Coleslaw: Combine 1/2 cup rice vinegar, 2 tablespoons peanut or vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil, 2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger and 2 teaspoons honey in large bowl. Add 1 package (16 ounces) coleslaw mix and 1 package (8 ounces) shredded red cabbage; toss to coat. Season with salt, if desired.

Is it okay to wear other race’s cultural clothing?

I think the Xenomorphs don’t wear clothing, and I doubt most people would want to wear the bulky armor of the Predators.

But if you’re asking whether it’s okay to wear another (human) culture’s traditional clothing, my question to you would be: why wouldn’t it be okay?

I recently wrote a very short answer to the question:
Which Chinese fashion is still not adopted in Western countries?

I got a few replies, from non-Chinese Quorans, who mentioned that their wearing hanfu might be considered “cultural appropriation”.

Although I haven’t polled every Chinese, I’m pretty confident that the vast majority will consider “cultural appropriation” a load of bunkum.

If my non-Chinese friends were to wear hanfu, I think I’d be busy smiling, unleashing a lot of “wows” and “you look great!” and taking a thousand and one pictures on my phone (and probably on their phones too) rather than spend even one microsecond feeling offended by their wearing hanfu.

I don’t think Chinese are alone in this when it comes to “cultural appropriation”.
I believe that people from the vast majority of cultures would feel flattered and genuinely appreciative of your taking an interest in their traditional clothing.

So why not go ahead and don that traditional attire you’ve always wanted to try on?

Here are some pictures of Chinese and non-Chinese wearing hanfu.

Chinese wearing hanfu:

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Non-Chinese wearing hanfu:

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Oliver Anthony Performs Rich Men North of Richmond for a wild crowd in North Carolina

2023 08 21 08 10
2023 08 21 08 10

Is the CCP able to continue defying the laws of economics and pull off another economic miracle?

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Why not wait and watch?

You predicted their doom before based on complete garbage

You predicted Russia’s doom before based on gutter garbage

Let’s wait and see what happens

China has been predicted to collapse maybe 10,000 times so far based on absolutely zero economics

Maybe this time you will be right?

The point is the Chinese don’t give a damn what you think

They restructure their economy, They use experts and see what can or cannot be done and they do everything within the scope of economic forces

Ultimately neither the Chinese nor anybody else can hide Economic resilience or Economic Doom

Problem is the day you realize you were dead wrong about China for the 10,000th time, you would promptly change the goalpost and move on to something else

Let’s wait and watch

I put money on the Chinese as always

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I always liked Efficiency and Ability more than Gas and Propaganda

Let’s see how it goes

Guitar Teacher REACTS: OLIVER ANTHONY – I Want To Go Home

What was the best revenge you’ve ever gotten?

2023 08 24 21 09
2023 08 24 21 09

My dad was a coal miner in Yorkshire, UK. He started work aged 14 in 1935 and retired aged 60 in 1981.

Circa 1978 (when I was 15), he complained that somebody kept stealing his Kit Kat chocolate biscuit from his snap tin (sandwich box). This kept happening and he was getting really pissed about it, as much the principle as anything else: Miners didn’t steal from their workmates. Except that one was now doing that. Like most working guys those days, he had his routine. Lunch was a flask of tea, sandwiches and a chocolate biscuit. If somebody steals part of your lunch when you’re down a coal mine for 8 hours, you can’t just nip out to a nearby shop.

I was pissed too when he told me what was going on. He was a nice old guy and I didn’t like anyone doing anything bad to him. Nobody was gonna hurt my dad with impunity. So I had an idea.

Very carefully, I unwrapped a Kit Kat (the two-fingered variety). In the 70′s Kit Kat biscuits had an inner wrapper of aluminium foil and an outer wrapper of paper which you could slip off sideways (not the one-use sealed plasticated-paper wrap like now that you have to tear to open).

Having found a nice fresh soft brown dog turd out on the pavement, I used a knife to fill in the gap between the two fingers, creating a strip of shit maybe four inches long, a quarter inch wide and a quarter inch deep, right down the centre of the bar, where it wouldn’t be obvious. Technique-wise, it was like pointing masonry. Only somewhat smellier. Then I carefully re-wrapped the Kit Kat.

Dad thought it was a great joke and took it with him to work as usual. Halfway through his shift, he heard some guy further down the coalface barfing his guts up and spitting profusely. He couldn’t stop work to find out who it was as he drove a massive coal-cutting machine (known as working “on the chocks”). Sure enough though, come break time, he opened his snap tin to find the Kit Kat gone. That, however, was the last time it ever went missing again.

My dad died of emphysema and pneumoconiosis in 1993, the usual coal miners’ diseases. To his dying day though, he would still fall about laughing when regaling friends with the story of how his son had “put paid” to the Kit Kat thief with a shit sandwich.

Ep. 18 | Alarming Assessment of U.S. Military Decline and Ukraine War Dangers, Col. Douglas McGregor

This is REALLY good.

What was your best “Thinking outside of the box” idea at your place of employment?

One of my many contract engineer jobs was at a company that manufactured security doors. My main task during my 6 month contract was to find ways to improve their product and/or save costs. That’s kind of what I do everyplace because… well, that’s what I do.

So, by the time I get hired by a place, they have already gone through the most obvious solutions that they could think of. Generally what’s left, really needs to be found someplace out of the box. I enjoy finding these solutions, when others couldn’t. But there is one particular idea that sticks out as one of my most unconventional, which was a really big success. And it was at this door manufacturer, where it appeared.

One of their issues was that it took too damn long to put a door together along their assembly line, and there were numerous bottlenecks. One of the bottlenecks was at the station, near the end, where the 14″ square security-glass window was installed. Security glass is the glass that has that grid of criss-crossing wire embedded in it. Installing that glass securely, so that it couldn’t be removed from the outside required a complex framework of retainers that were first welded in place to the door, and then needed an additional steel frame that then screwed into the welded frame, holding the glass in place. There was always a terrible log-jam here, what with all the precision welding and screwing. It was ripe for an out of the box idea.

On the first day, it came to me… and it was brilliant, if I do say so myself.

I eliminated everything except the glass. No frames that had to be made, no drilling, no welding, no screwing, no second frame… all that was gone. All we had left was door and square of glass. The new process removed about 20 minutes from each door. That was about 20% of the entire time it took to make a complete door, start to finish.

In place of all the metal frames, welding, drilling and screwing, I used… Velcro!

I Velcro’d those windows in, directly to the door. This was the strongest Velcro that was made. Super Industrial strength. I used permanent glue to glue the “hook” part of the Velcro to the door, and the same glue to attach the corresponding “loop” part of the Velcro all around the edge of the glass, then just pressed them together, and… Bob’s your uncle! Done.

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To un-attach one part of the Velcro from the other part, a screwdriver was needed to carefully pry the glass away all around the edge. Took less than a minute, but could only be done from the inside-side of the door. And the Velcro was stronger than the glass itself. Smashing the glass in from the outside would break the glass before it released the Velcro.

Yeah, I’m kinda proud of that one. When I first mentioned it, they all said that was ridiculous. It was a “Security” door, after all. Not a basketball shoe.

What was ridiculous was the ridiculous success of the process. They all gave it their best shot at finding the flaw in the idea. Nope. It held tight no matter what was thrown at it. They’ve since permanently changed how they install their security glass. Your own security door, in fact, may have a Velcro attached window. No hardware at all. No worries, though. It works! Even if you know it’s Velcro, and you’re a potential burglar… it still works.

And with that… my horn-blowing in this article has come to an end. Thank you very much!

Life On The Streets Of China | SHOCKING AMERICANS !

2023 08 21 09 07
2023 08 21 09 07

Have you ever seen a pickpocket in action? What did you do?

I am a retired British Police Officer and was standing on a crowded train in Italy with my wife. I saw a woman and child enter the carriage. The woman had a large but open empty bag and the child immediately left her side and started mingling with the other standing passengers. I knew what was happening and got ready to pounce. I waited as I wanted to catch them in the act. However, just before I took action my wife shouted, “Attention everyone there is a pickpocket here and she is trying to steal your belongings”.

She had effectively stopped the crime but prevented my intervention. At the next station, we all alighted including the potential thieves. I asked my wife why she had done that and she responded that she knew what I was like and what I would be planning and didn’t want to spend the day in an Italian Police Station making statements when we should be taking in the local culture. Actually, I thought we might have been about to get immersively intertwined with the local culture, but I took her point.

What product has a common use that surpasses its intended use?

WD-40 isn’t just for squeaky doors.

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main qimg 97728ece5f1bc8d2ab1328a7c727d984 lq

It’s rumored that before John Glenn circled the earth in 1962, NASA engineers slathered the Friendship VII with WD-40 from top to bottom, thinking it would reduce friction upon re-entry. That’s probably not the best example, but the company publishes a PDF on their website (linked below) with roughly 2,000 other uses.

Some highlights:

  1. Removes grime from book covers.
  2. Prevents mud and clay from sticking to shovels and boots.
  3. Removes grease and oil stains on clothes.
  4. Softens new baseball gloves.
  5. Cleans chrome fixtures in bathrooms.
  6. Makes puck slide faster on a hockey table.
  7. Cleans and softens paint brushes.
  8. Cleans and protects cowboy boots.
  9. Removes crayon from walls, carpet, wall-paper, plastics, shoes, toys, chalkboard, monitors, screen doors, and rock walls.
  10. Eases arthritis pain (spray the painful joint.)
  11. Cleans piano keys.
  12. Removes super strong glue from fingers.
  13. Keeps wicker chairs from squeaking.
  14. Removes scuff marks from ceramic floors.
  15. Cleans and protects copper pots and pans.
  16. Polishes and shines sea shells.
  17. Removes water spots from mirrors.
  18. Removes tea stains from counter tops.
  19. Keeps pigeons off window ledges (they hate the smell).
  20. Removes ink from carpet.
  21. Keeps metal wind chimes rust free.
  22. Prevents mildew growth on outdoor fountains.
  23. Removes gunk from plastic dish drainers.
  24. Cleans dog doo from tennis shoes.
  25. Removes tomato stains from clothing.
  26. Gets ink stains out of leather.
  27. Removes roller-skate marks from kitchen floor.
  28. Removes black streaks from RV’s and siding.
  29. Unkinks gold chains.
  30. Penetrates frozen mailbox doors.
  31. Removes tar from shoes.
  32. Cleans silver plates and trays.
  33. Removes soap scum in the bathroom
  34. Polishes wood.
  35. Takes the squeak out of shoes.
  36. Removes a stuck ring from a finger.
  37. Wipes off graffiti.
  38. Removes Silly Putty from carpet.
  39. Loosens burrs, thistles, and stickers from dogs and horses.
  40. Removes bumper stickers from cars.
  41. Removes duct tape.

Working Class Anthem Attacked By Establishment As “QAnon!”

Jimmy Dore responds.

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Rod Cloutier

Went to a job interview once, about 15 years ago. When I got there there were no chairs in the reception area, so I had to stand. The receptionist made me wait 45 minutes because the boss was in a meeting. When the boss came out, he said to me, I sent you an e-mail an hour ago rescheduling for tomorrow. Which of course I did not get because I was already on my way there when he sent it.

He agreed to interview me anyways. I got to his office, and took one look at the guy, burly muscular man with and open shirt and a gold chain with a medallion around his neck. He took one look at me, mid-thirties at the time, in a low cost suit.

I instantly did not like him and he instantly did not like me either. That fast, one look and I knew the job wouldn’t work. We chatted for 5 minutes and then I promptly left.

You are right there are people you can instantly dislike.


“When you enter China legally, your bio-metrics are entered into the national computers”

Does this apply to visitors? I know a coworker that went there recently and he said he just walked off the plane with no problems, and he didin’t have to do anything during his stay.