I feel very strange right now. Internet is surreal. My Dog is dead. My entire staff are sick with COVID. Troll armies are outrageous.
And to top it all off, my sense of taste is really whacked out.
I blame Coronavirus.
Don’t you know…
Anyways, all isn’t bad. I’m busy trying to catch up with an enormous backlog of tasks that I have been sloffing off from. Sigh.
I did learn that I am now hyper susceptible to salt!!!!
Whether it is a medical issue, or a side effect of coronavirus, I don’t know. But salt really wrecks up my body now. So… potato chips… bye bye. French fries… gotta go. Soup… on the bland side.
Is this what growing old is all about?
Please enjoy today’s odd post. We need some odd in the world, eh. I hope this post will be good and righteously odd enough for you all.
Tom Selleck Photoshopped Into Waterfall Scenes With a Sandwich

When it comes to absolutely pointless photoshopping projects, this one definitely takes the cake (or sandwich). Thank God that Al Gore invented the internet back in the 1980s and we are able to share this gallery today!

15,000 Active-Duty Troops from Poland on the front lines in Ukraine!
But… but… but…

The country of Poland has, over the past months, inserted fifteen thousand (15,000) regular, active-duty, Polish Army troops into Ukraine and they are waging illegal war against Russia inside Ukraine.
This information comes from intel sources just back from the actual front lines inside Ukraine, and these sources are unimpeachable intel sources.
Many have known for months that NATO countries have been sending “advisors” into Ukraine, to “teach” Ukrainian troops how to use advanced weapons being supplied by NATO countries. But all along, NATO emphasized “we are not a party to the conflict.”
That is a lie.
NATO troops from Poland, and from the United States and United Kingdom are, in fact, participating in the war and this covert military participation is going to get a lot of us in America, and in Europe, killed, when the Russian declare us to be participants, and begin launching attacks against us, to stop what we’re doing to them.
From the United States, the military has been routinely creating false identities for Active-Duty U.S. troops, and sending them into Ukraine.
The false identities are coordinated with Ukraine so that if the troops are caught, or killed, there is no traceable tie to the USA.
It is not known if the UK is also doing this. But tonight, Thursday, December 29, 2022, around 8:00 PM eastern US Time, intel sources revealed to me personally they 15,000+ Polish troops are in Ukraine, on the payroll of the Poland Army, waging war against Russia.
As a matter of common sense, Russia now has the right to go after those troops – and they have been – but also has the right to attack the logistics locations INSIDE POLAND which are supplying those troops.
Poland and its NATO buddies think the Russians won’t dare attack because if they do, Poland will scream they’ve been attacked by Russia and invoke Article 5, Collective Self-Defense, in the NATO Treaty.
Since NATO already knows that Poland has sent active duty troops into Ukraine, and NATO has done NOTHING to stop this illegal war, it is likely that NATO would then honor Poland’s invocation of Article 5 and go to war against Russia overtly
This is how close we all are to actual World War 3, and what is taking place is not only a violation of the law, and of the NATO Treaty, it is a covert action that can have repercussions for civilians in Europe and America.
If Russia decides to declare Poland a “participant” in the Ukraine war, and attacks Poland, then YOU and I will find ourselves in a war, without our consent, by virtue of the NATO Treaty, as missiles from Russia begin raining down upon us all.
Citizens in Europe and in America must step-up to confront this illegal activity by Poland, taking place with a wink-and-a-nod, from NATO.
Citizens MUST call, write, FAX and Email their elected officials to tell them “the jig is up, we KNOW you’re waging undeclared war against Russia in Ukraine, and we want this stopped immediately before YOU get US killed.”
If citizens sit back and do nothing, this situation in Ukraine will escalate into World War 3 and it __will__ go nuclear.
Moist & Delicious Banana Nut Bread
Ok. Now, boys and girls, how about making up some banana bread, hum…?
“I got this recipe when I was 12 and have used it for the past 33 years and haven’t found one better! My son used it when he was 12 at the California State Fair and won a first place ribbon with it. It is just simply delicious & moist. I either make a loaf or put it into muffin cups & make muffins for my kids to grab in the morning on their way to school. Using margarine makes the muffins come out in a better form, but the butter has a better flavor, so I usually use 1/2 of each to get the best of both worlds.”

- 1⁄2 cup butter (or margarine)
- 1 1⁄4 cups sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 2 eggs (beaten)
- 3 ripe bananas, smashed (about 1 cup)
- 1⁄4 cup milk
- 2 cups flour
- 1⁄2 teaspoon salt
- 1⁄2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1⁄2 – 1 cup chopped pecans (optional) or 1/2-1 cup walnuts (optional)
- Cream butter & sugar. Add vanilla & eggs. Combine dry ingredients, add alternately with bananas & milk. Add nuts if desired. Grease & flour 1 bread pan (2-3 smaller pans) or pour into muffin cups. For loaf bake at 350 for 45-60 minute Muffins 350 for 20-25min. Enjoy!
- *Note- I usually use a smaller bread pan to make the 2 loaves, or use a larger one and just make 1 big loaf, but it will need to bake longer. I adjusted the time because people had been saying it was over baking, now people are saying it’s under baked. I would use the old fashion test of a tooth pick at 45 min, then at 1 hour — up to 1 hour & 30 min if needed. Hope that helps!

I see a lot of talk about Chinese hypersonic missiles. Is it true that they can destroy a U.S. carrier group?
Pretty good. Better than mine.
Is it true that the Chinese hypersonic missiles can destroy a U.S. carrier group?
There are no targets on the earth that cannot be destroyed by modern weapons. For example, the caliber of the Chinese Fish-6 torpedo reached 533mm. This type of torpedo is a deadly weapon against large ships. Modern torpedoes have their own navigation equipment and can sail a distance of 40-80 kilometers. Generally speaking, with the current torpedo technology, an American supercarrier will be severely damaged and lose its combat capability after being attacked by 3-4 heavy torpedoes.
Dongfeng 21 and Dongfeng 26 are land-based anti-ship ballistic missiles with two different ranges. The Dongfeng 21 has a range of 2,500 kilometers and the Dongfeng 26 has a range of 5,000 kilometers. They have the ability to launch maneuvers across regions without support and can accurately strike moving targets at sea. They are the only anti-ship ballistic missile in the world that has the ability to hit sea mobile aircraft carriers and targets.
Have the US gotten one single Chinese hypersonic missile for inspection and scientific research?
China has the best remote sensing satellites in orbit. China has the hardware and also the best image processing software running on those remote sensing satellites in orbit. That solved the missile guidance and moving target detection and identification system issues.
China has the world’s most advanced hypersonic wind tunnels. The JF-22 wind tunnel can generate an ultra-high-speed airflow of 10 kilometers per second, which is equivalent to 30 times the speed of sound. Coupled with the JF-12 reproduction wind tunnel that has been built, these two wind tunnels are the most advanced in the world. The JF-22 wind tunnel will help China occupy a new high ground in aerospace technology, which is a milestone in China’s technology from rushing up to leading in the front.

The JF-22 ultra-high-speed wind tunnel is a super-large shock wave wind tunnel. Its research and development goals are to solve the experimental research problems of ultra-high-speed flight technology in response to the major needs in the field of space-to-ground flight technology and the frontier exploration of high-temperature aerodynamics of China.
The surface temperatures can reach as high as 10,000 degrees Celsius when a craft flies at such a superspeed. When the temperature reaches 2000 degrees Celsius, oxygen molecules will become oxygen atoms or even ions, nitrogen molecules will become nitrogen atoms, and some very complicated situations will appear. Each aircraft or weapon model must undergo about 10,000 tests in the special wind tunnels before production.
The number of hypersonic vehicles that China has tested in one year is equivalent to the sum of the United States in 10 years. Moreover, the success rate of China’s hypersonic test flight is surprisingly high, and there has never been any news of a crash.
The Chinese researchers also designed hypersonic engines that have never been seen anywhere else in the world, and China’s success in the field of hypersonic research and development is largely due to the unique technology used in their wind tunnels. The Chinese scientists and engineers are not war madmen caring only about the most destructive warheads.
Aviation studies flights within the atmosphere, and aerospace studies flights outside the atmosphere. When flying at hypersonic speed, the resistance of the wing is too large, and the heat generated by friction will also burn the wing. A wave rider is used at the hypersonic speed because the effect of the shock wave is equivalent to that of the wing. The shock wave generated by supersonic flight is like an invisible steel umbrella, which is pushed forward by the wave rider. The higher the speed, the sharper the umbrella tip. If the umbrella shape has a certain angle of attack as a whole, and the aircraft rides on the lower umbrella surface, it can take advantage of the compression lift generated by the shock wave front to fly, so the wave rider is named.
At the same time, the shock wave is also the key to thermal protection. The dense shock wave becomes the subject of aerodynamic heating, and the aircraft itself is in the relatively cool shock wave wake. Thermal protection is another reason why hypersonic vehicles need to use wave riders. It also makes the aerodynamic and thermodynamic issues of hypersonic flight highly intertwined, which greatly increases the difficulty of hypersonic vehicle design. The relationship between the shock wave and the wave rider is not rigid, and changes with the attitude and speed in the dynamic, which makes the already complicated problem of hypersonic flight even more complicated.
Not only aircraft design, but scramjets also benefit from hypersonic wind tunnels. The key to scram is to reduce drag in the intake port and maintain stable combustion in the combustion chamber. It is necessary to achieve precise, stable and reliable control of airflow and shock waves in the intake port and combustion chamber.
When the space-to-earth shuttle vehicle re-enters, its speed reaches M26, so it can neither descend too fast, causing the structure to heat up too quickly, nor fly for too long, causing too large cumulative temperature rise. A more advanced design could greatly increase the availability of the space shuttle by getting rid of the constraints of pre-planned maneuvers.
In fact, the hypersonic flights may have an even greater impact on our daily lives. Hypersonic flight technology will allow humans to go anywhere in the world within 1-2 hours, and it will also reduce the cost of space launches by more than 90% and may even popularize space travel.
From the successful landing of Tianwen No. 1 on Mars to the realization of the 10,000-meter deep dive of Haidou No. 1, from the breakthrough of artificially synthesized starch to the quantum computing superiority of Zuchong No. 2 and Jiuzhang No. 2, the achievements of China in the field of science and technology in recent years are obvious and exciting to all. In a 2021 Global Innovation Index report released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, China ranked 12th in the world, two places ahead of 2020.
The new generation of carrier rockets has fully entered the stage of applied launch, which marks that the carrier rocket research and development capabilities and industrialization development level have reached a new level in China. The two-stage solid-fuel rocket of Dongfeng-17 hypersonic missiles can shoot it out to a range of 1,800 to 2,500 kilometers at a speed of Mach 10.
The Dongfeng-17 hypersonic missiles must have a sufficient number, and when dealing with an aircraft carrier battle group, it will reach about 8, and the probability of severely damaging the US aircraft carrier will be greatly increased. It is necessary to launch multiple Dongfeng-17 rounds at a time. The more the number, the greater the possibility of penetration.
The detection range of the U.S. aircraft carrier battle group and the number of anti-aircraft missiles of the Aegis warships are large. However, the U.S. military’s medium- and short-range air defense missiles are not 100% sure that they can intercept Dongfeng-17 with a speed exceeding Mach 10.
The People’s Liberation Army can also launch other cruise missiles and drones to consume the air defense missiles of the US aircraft carrier battle group, interfere with its combat efficiency, and increase the probability of hitting.
The technology provides guarantee for the large-scale application of global network of Beidou navigation satellites and 5G. The application of new energy vehicles and artificial intelligence is accelerated, and the number of high-tech enterprises exceeds 200,000. The demand for science and technology for economic and social development, improvement of people’s livelihood and ecology, and national security has never been as important and urgent as it is today. China is focusing on strengthening basic research and tackling key core technologies. It has a strong background in scientific and technological innovation and strong stamina. Original achievements with international influence have emerged in iron-based superconductivity, quantum information, synthetic biology and other fields.
The Absurd West, the Strange East: The Grotesque Paintings of Lui Liu

Lui Liu was born in March 1957 in North China and came to Canada in 1991. Speaking both Chinese and English fluently, Lui Liu possesses superb painterly techniques, his unique language that finds a wide range of audience around the world. His acquisition of techniques started during China’s Cultural Revolution when he was a young boy painting posters on the streets and continued in the most prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

Through his paintings, Lui Liu creates a surreal world that transcends cultures and spaces. Growing up in China and living in the west give him a dual role of being an insider and outsider of both worlds and afford him to “stand alone facing east and west, as he chooses,” wrote Barry Callaghan, a renown Canadian writer.

Beer Bread
Combining two of my favorite foods.
“Per Google.com, the #1 recipe for Beer Bread in the world! There are a few recipes for beer bread out there, but none as simple (and tasty!) as this one. You can even mix it in the baking pan for easy cleanup. This is sensational when served with soups or just as a snack, but don’t expect it to be around very long when your family gets a taste of it! Be sure to use a sheet pan on the shelf below the pan to catch any excess butter that may drip during cooking.”

- 3 cups flour (sifted)
- 3 teaspoons baking powder (omit if using Self-Rising Flour)
- 1 teaspoon salt (omit if using Self-Rising Flour)
- 1⁄4 cup sugar
- 1 (12 ounce) can beer
- 1⁄2 cup melted butter (1/4 cup will do just fine)
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Mix dry ingredients and beer.
- Pour into a greased loaf pan.
- Pour melted butter over mixture.
- Bake 1 hour, remove from pan and cool for at least 15 minutes.
- UPDATED NOTES: This recipe makes a very hearty bread with a crunchy, buttery crust. If you prefer a softer crust (like a traditional bread) mix the butter into the batter instead of pouring it over the top.
- Sifting flour for bread recipes is a must-do. Most people just scoop the 1 cup measure in the flour canister and level it off. That compacts the flour and will turn your bread into a “hard biscuit” as some have described. That’s because they aren’t sifting their flour! If you do not have a sifter, use a spoon to spoon the flour into the 1 cup measure. Try it once the “correct” way and you will see an amazing difference in the end product.
- I have had many email from you kind folks about using non-alcoholic beverages instead of beer. That is fine to do but I highly recommend adding a packet of Dry Active Yeast or 2 teaspoons of Bread (Machine) Yeast so that you get a proper rise.
- The final result should be a thick, hearty and very tasteful bread, NOT A BRICK! ;).
- Thank you all for the incredibly nice comments and those of you who left a bad review – learn to sift sift SIFT! You will be amazed at the results you get.

Tucker “Gets It” – Putin Doesn’t Want American Missiles on His Border
Auditions Gone WRONG! Top 10 Singers Who Think They Can Sing!
Funny and sad. I have mixed feelings.
Why Putin’s Winter Offensive Will Prompt US Entry Into the War
“The war in Ukraine is not a Call of Duty fantasy. It is an enlargement of the human tragedy that NATO’s eastward expansion created. The victims do not live in North America. They live in a region that most Americans can’t find on a map. Washington urged the Ukrainians to fight. Now Washington must urge them to stop.” Colonel Douglas MacGregor, The American Conservative
Volodymyr Zelensky did not fly across the Atlantic so he could deliver a speech to the US Congress. That was not the purpose of his trip. The real objective was to produce a galvanizing event that would create the illusion of broad-based public support for the war. That is why the speech was broadcast on all the mainstream media channels and that is why Congress repeatedly greeted Zelensky with raucous applause. Once again, the cadres of voracious elites who control the political levers of power in America, are determined to drag the country to war, which is why they portray a cross-dressing “thug in a gym suit” as a Churchillian figure of unshakable principles. It’s all public relations. It’s all an attempt to garner support for a conflict which will soon involve young American men and women who will be asked to die so that wealthy elites can maintain their grip on global power.
Zelensky’s trip to Capitol Hill was timed to coincide with Putin’s winter offensive, which is expected to crush the Ukrainian Armed Forces and bring the war to a swift end. The Biden administration understands the situation but does not have weaponry or manpower to impact the outcome. That doesn’t mean, however, that Washington doesn’t have a plan for prolonging the conflict or beefing up its combat forces. It does have a plan, that is evident by the way the administration has rejected negotiations at every turn. What that tells us is that Washington is still committed to defeating Russia whatever the cost. In practical terms, that means that the US must create an incident that will serve as a justification for escalation. The incident could be related to Zelensky’s unexpected trip to Washington or, perhaps, it could be linked to the detonation of a nuclear device somewhere in Ukraine. Check out this excerpt from an article at RT:
The risk of Kiev attempting to build a so-called ‘dirty bomb’ remains, a senior Russian diplomat has said….
“Ukraine has the potential necessary to make a ‘dirty bomb,’ it doesn’t take much effort. Especially since Ukraine has been a nation advanced in nuclear technology since the Soviet times, [and] has many technologies and expertise,” Mikhail Ulyanov told journalists on Wednesday, as quoted by RIA Novosti…
General Igor Kirillov, the commander of the Russian military branch responsible for protecting troops from weapons of mass destruction, claimed in October that Kiev was “at the final stage” of producing a dirty bomb.” (“Radioactive threat from Kiev persists – Moscow“, RT)
The means by which a false flag is carried out, is completely irrelevant. What matters is that — according to political analyst John Mearsheimer– “The United States is in this to win”, that is, the US foreign policy establishment is not prepared to let the Russian army prevail in Ukraine and impose its own settlement. They’re going to find a way to intensify the conflict and bring foreign troops into the theater. That’s the objective, and that’s what they’ll do once they’ve figured out an excuse for escalation. Bottom line: The US is not going to throw in the towel and call it quits. This is a long-term project that could drag on for years if not decades.
Political analyst Kurt Nimmo thinks that NATO might join the fighting. Here’s a short blurb from Nimmo’s latest at Global Research:
If Olga Lebedeva and Pravda.ru can be believed, NATO is on the verge of entering the war in Ukraine.
“Such announcements were heard from officials of the Polish Ministry of Defence, the General Staff of the NATO alliance, officers of the French army and (of course) the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence,” according to Lebedeva.
“The main reason would be the very next Russian general offensive that NATO is planning and which according to it would decimate the Ukrainian army not only in the Donbass but also on the Kiev side (many Russian units are in combat situation in Belarus at the borders with Ukraine),” explains Rusreinfo.ru, a Russian website.
But NATO has always been very clear: Ukraine CANNOT LOSE. For Washington, the only solution would therefore be for NATO forces to enter Ukraine, hoping that this will end the Russian offensive. The calculation is that Vladimir Putin will not want to directly face NATO with the possible (nuclear) consequences, and will therefore then retreat.” (“NATO Decides to Attack Russia in Ukraine– Ukraine is unable to defeat Russia. The next step is for direct NATO involvement“, Kurt Nimmo, Global Research)
Nimmo could be right but, maybe not. It appears to me that NATO is hopelessly divided on the issue. A number of NATO countries will not join in a war against Russia regardless of the circumstances or the amount of pressure from the White House. The more likely scenario was presented by Colonel Douglas MacGregor who laid it out in an article at The American Conservative on Tuesday. Here’s what he said: .
The Biden administration’s unconditional support for the Zelensky regime in Kiev is reaching a strategic inflection point not unlike the one LBJ reached in 1965… Like South Vietnam in the 1960s, Ukraine is losing its war with Russia… The real danger now is that Biden will soon appear on television to repeat LBJ’s performance in 1965, substituting the word “Ukraine” for “South Vietnam”:
“Tonight, my fellow Americans I want to speak to you about freedom, democracy, and the struggle of the Ukrainian people for victory. No other question so preoccupies our people. No other dream so absorbs the millions who live in Ukraine and Eastern Europe… However, I am not talking about a NATO attack on Russia. Rather, I propose to send a U.S. led coalition of the willing, consisting of American, Polish, and Romanian armed forces into Ukraine, to establish the ground equivalent of a “no-fly zone.” The mission I propose is a peaceful one, to create a safe zone in the Western most portion of Ukraine for Ukrainian Forces and refugees struggling to survive Russia’s devastating attacks…”
NATO’s governments are divided in their thinking about the war in Ukraine. Except for Poland and, possibly, Romania, none of NATO’s members are in a rush to mobilize their forces for a long, grueling war of attrition with Russia in Ukraine. No one in London, Paris, or, Berlin wants to run the risk of a nuclear war with Moscow. Americans do not support going to war with Russia, and those few who do are ideologues, shallow political opportunists, or greedy defense contractors.” (“Washington is Prolonging Ukraine’s Suffering“, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, The American Conservative)
This, I think, is the much more plausible scenario. The Biden Administration will enlist a handful of countries that agree to troop deployments to west Ukraine ostensibly for humanitarian reasons. At the same time, they will allow disparate Ukrainian forces to continue the random shelling of Russia-controlled areas as well as locations on Russian soil. There will undoubtedly be an effort to control the skies over west Ukraine (no-fly zone) and to conduct attacks on Russian formations in the east. Most important, vital supplylines from Poland will remain open to accommodate the flow of men, munitions and lethal weaponry to the front. MacGregor appears to anticipate these developments given his comments at the beginning of the article. Here’s what he said:
During a speech given on November 29, Polish Vice-Minister of National Defense (MON) Marcin Ociepa said: “The probability of a war in which we will be involved is very high. Too high for us to treat this scenario only hypothetically.” The Polish MON is allegedly planning to call up 200,000 reservists in 2023 for a few weeks’ training, but observers in Warsaw suspect this action could easily lead to a national mobilization.
Meanwhile, inside the Biden administration, there is growing concern that the Ukrainian war effort will collapse under the weight of a Russian offensive. And as the ground in Southern Ukraine finally freezes, the administration’s fears are justified. In an interview published in the Economist, head of Ukraine’s armed forces General Valery Zaluzhny admitted that Russian mobilization and tactics are working. He even hinted that Ukrainian forces might be unable to withstand the coming Russian onslaught.” (“Washington is Prolonging Ukraine’s Suffering“, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, The American Conservative)
The plan to lure Russia into a war in Ukraine goes back at least a decade. And what we know now from comments by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, is that Washington never sought a peaceful resolution to the conflict but worked tirelessly to install a Russia-hating regime in Kiev that would help it to prosecute its war on Russia. The gathering of nearly 600,000 Russian combat troops in or around Ukraine threatens to derail Washington’s strategy and end the war on Russia’s terms. Washington can’t allow that to happen. It cannot allow the world to see that it was beaten by Russia. Thus, Washington must pursue the only option left to them, the deployment of US troops to Ukraine.
Perhaps, cooler heads will prevail and the administration will pull back from the brink, but we think that is highly unlikely. We think the decision has already been made: We think the United States is going to war with Russia.
People In Medieval Art Who’re Getting Murdered But Just Don’t Give A Damn
Odd ball truths.
Lie here.
Hidden under the dust of history.

Medieval manuscripts were the imageboards of their day, full of murderous illustrations, however for some strange reason many people look as if they were bored with life anyway and their killer did them a service all while enjoying it himself.
Scroll down to see the funniest examples of medieval art where people are getting killed but just don’t give a damn.

The utter insouciance and joy some of these butchered medieval guys show is honestly inspiring. I wonder what the context behind these paintings are: Turn the other cheek or Suffer in The Name Of type messages?
Great to see your feeling a little better man. Most in this country believe the media and are of the opinion the Russian military is all but destroyed and a Ukrainian victory parade in red square is inevitable. I think not, when General Winter sets in we will be seeing battles of encirclement and the destruction of the remains of the Ukrainian military. It’s sadly what the US require to ‘morally” in their eyes enter the Ukraine in the guise of NATO and engage the Bear and the US will do it, they have given themselves no choice in this matter and are waiting for the ‘moral red flag”to cross the border. This is really one big cluster fuck that the sheeple cannot see and are they somewhat delusional with regards to their opinions which are based upon ignorance and mistruths . Love the last painting mate, ‘I have just been cleavered by an axe, O well shit happens. Again great to see you a little better man. All the best cobber.