
Ode to the Sunday dinner

12345 hotline. 7 * 24-hour service.

You only need to provide feedback on the issue over the phone, and the staff will relay your complaint or request to the responsible department.

The relevant departments need to respond within the specified time.

After the problem is resolved, 12345 will conduct a follow-up and ask for your evaluation, whether you are satisfied or not.

One day at 00:10, I finished my work from a client and went home. When leaving the parking lot, I need to scan the QR code to pay, but the payment page crashes and I am unable to complete the payment, trapped in the parking lot.

main qimg 81a59480ff7b092ee710c074c55bf729
main qimg 81a59480ff7b092ee710c074c55bf729

00:20. I am looking for the phone number of the parking lot property, but it is incorrect. I then called 12345 for help.

00:30. Because I couldn’t determine how much longer I had to wait, I called the Chinese emergency hotline 110 (911 in the US).

00:40. The police rushed to the scene and helped me get out of the parking lot. They drove the police car to the entrance, and as the railing was lifted, I drove out of the entrance. I thanked the police and went home.

00:55. The person in charge of the parking lot called me, apologized, and then asked me how I was doing now. I said the police helped me out. He apologized again and told me that he would definitely correct the problem.

In 2012, Cameron would embark on a solo odyssey, a vertical freefall into the inky abyss of the Mariana Trench, the belly button of the world.

It wasn’t just some Finding Nemo sequel; this was hardcore exploration in the Deepsea Challenger, a submersible he’d co-designed—basically a lime-green torpedo with a human inside.

Dude had balls of titanium, no doubt.

See, the pressure at the bottom of the trench is insane, roughly a thousand times greater than what we experience at sea level.

Cameron’s Deepsea Challenger submersible was painstakingly engineered to withstand this crushing force, but any breach would have been catastrophic.

Imagine a hairline fracture appearing in the viewport, or a tiny leak springing in the hull. The water, under that immense pressure, would jet in with the force of a bullet, instantly obliterating the submersible and its sole occupant.

Remember the Titan submersible?

Yea it would be like that.

No gentle implosion here; it would be a violent rupture, turning Cameron and his high-tech capsule into Swiss Cheese/fish food faster than you can say “abyss.”

The frigid temperatures and complete darkness at that depth would add insult to injury, ensuring a swift and merciless end.

There would be no time for a dramatic rescue, no last-minute heroics. It would be game over, lights out, with Cameron’s name forever etched in the annals of deep-sea exploration as a cautionary tale.

But James Cameron is a badass.

So, down he plunged, sunlight fading to an eternal twilight, pressure threatening to crush him like a beer can under a tank.

At nearly seven miles down, he hit the Challenger Deep, the trench’s deepest point.

Imagine the darkness, the bone-chilling cold, the feeling of utter isolation.

This wasn’t your average scuba dive; this was like visiting another planet, except wetter and with fewer aliens—or so we thought.

Turns out, the Mariana Trench wasn’t the lifeless void scientists had assumed.

Cameron found a whole ecosystem down there—shrimp-like amphipods, weird sea cucumbers, and even some funky microbes that looked like they came straight out of a Lovecraftian nightmare.

Who knew life could thrive in such extreme conditions? It was like discovering a secret speakeasy in the middle of a desert.

Cameron also collected sediment samples and did some 3D mapping, giving us a whole new perspective on this underwater world.

It wasn’t just about the ‘wow’ factor of being one of the deepest human ever; it was about pushing the boundaries of science, like a caffeinated grad student on a deadline.

He spent roughly three hours exploring the alien landscape, collecting samples, and filming the otherworldly environment.

But technical issues with the submersible’s hydraulics cut his expedition shorter than planned.

Originally, he had hoped to spend six hours at the bottom. Still, in those three hours, he managed to gather enough data and footage to keep scientists buzzing for years to come.

An update on some of my AI generations

This is what I generated today. Many nudes. But, I am working on a kind of overall classic look. I threw in a couple of dragons and pastoral scenes to flush out the AI generation seed. Here’s what came up.

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I really like the colors, and the over all layout.

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The male looks good with a nice chest, and the fine glass of wine. This next one is a favorite. I really like the cat looking at the camera.

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THis next one is so-so. I would have preferred a schooner than a clipper ship.

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Here’s the guy clothed. I am debating which is better, with a shirt or shirtless…

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Shirtless looks good.

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It emphasizes his nice arms. I like her expression too. But, the cat needs work.

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This one is convoluted.

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Cat is messed up in this one…

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(16)

Nice rosy cheeks on the girl.

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This has promise with the great clouds but the cats are all messed up.

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So much potential in this one…

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This one is better… I really like her draped dress fabric.

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Two guys. Not bad. Not bad.

The cat is great too.

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This has promise…

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After a while all the nudes start to look the same…

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This looks pretty darn good…

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(14)

Nice, but the ships are convoluted.

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The cats add nothing…

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I like the wood highlights…

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Really nice arms.

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Nice background.

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This is more interesting with a kind of hidden backstory…

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Great colors.

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Nice contrasts.

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(11)

Is the cat interrupting something?

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What is he doing?

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The cat wants to know her intentions…

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Both forms are great.

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Ohhhh. I love these colors.

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Is he spitting in the cup?

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This is my FAVORITE of the entire bunch.

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Is it poisoned?

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Messed up legs. Such the pity.

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Legs are still messed up. And the cat… he’s a big one.

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I do like her dress.

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Let’s have some fun with tigers…

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She can’t get enough wine…

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Let’s have some fun with dragons…

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Not so great on the dragon front. Back to tigers on the water…

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Now this picture is a great artistic favorite. But where is the rest of the tiger?

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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(10)
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@art Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(19)
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@Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(17)
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Two tigers. Double the fun!

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@art Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(15)
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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(14)
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Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(3)
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Here’s some nice pastoral scenes…

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Not military, but lots of money. I used to work at the Federal Reserve and we had a driver come in really late one night. When we asked why, they said they got caught up at a weigh station and a rookie cop who was still in training.

Anyway, these trucks were loaded right to the edge of the 80,000 lbs. gross weight, like within a few hundred pounds. So they stop and rookie says he wants to take a look inside. The drivers explain why this is a bad idea and he doesn’t care as he must know why it’s so heavy. Even his FTO doesn’t recommend it, but the kid was in his last few days of training and the FTO was letting him call all the shots.

The drivers again tell him not to go there and they even verify the seal numbers with the paperwork numbers. Kid still doesn’t get it and he breaks the seal, with the drivers present. The drivers immediately call the closest FBI field office and hand him the paperwork that says he’s now responsible for the $800,000 worth of quarters inside and he can’t leave until Federal Agents arrive. Not leaving means, not being out of arm’s length of the doors at any time. He was told that if the weight of the load when they left the US Mint was different than what it was at arrival of the Feds, he would be charged.

To make a long story short, the Feds made a road trip out of it and the poor rookie never got a break; his FTO took a nap in the station. The kid had hours of reports to do and apologized profusely and said he’d never open one of those again.

The drivers were exhausted when they showed up and our paperwork was all jacked up because of the new seal. We got it checked in though and secured.

Update: Just over 5,000 likes. Thanks so much. I never thought I’d write something that so many people would like. Most of my stuff is short and simple. Anyway, thanks to all of you who have viewed and/or commented.

Update: Now over 17,000 likes! I can’t believe it. I’ve read quite a few of the comments, but started to give up over time. Thanks to everyone for enjoying the story. Sometimes, I miss those days at the Fed, but I’m better off where I am now.

I think so. It’s not for everyone. It depends on your individual sensibilities.

Just like anywhere else in the world, there are things you may dislike.

But I think on the whole, China is a great place to live. The cities are clean and safe and very modern. No crime to speak of. No homelessness. No drug addiction. Great transportation infrastructure. Great 5G service. Cashless payment.

The shopping malls are quite Westernized with lots of famous Western brands.

The rural areas are quaint and picturesque. Good for tourism.

If you can deal with the language barrier, you can make a good life for yourself in China.

faceoff1960 .preview
faceoff1960 .preview

Baked Lasagna




  • 3 pounds ripe tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • 3 tablespoons tomato puree
  • 1 large onion, peeled and chopped
  • 3 stalks celery, chopped


  • 3/4 to 1 pound lasagna noodles
  • Butter
  • 1/2 pound mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 pound Italian sausage or ground beef, coarsely chopped
  • 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped
  • 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 cup ricotta or cottage cheese



  1. Put all the ingredients into a large cooking pot. Cover and simmer for about 1 hour.
  2. Pass through a sieve; return to the pot, and season to your satisfaction. Continue to simmer until sauce has thickened.
  3. Just before using this sauce, stir in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of butter.


  1. Brown sausage or beef, then drain.
  2. Boil lasagna noodles. Drain and put a layer in a well-buttered casserole dish.
  3. Add a layer of mozzarella cheese, then a layer of sausage or beef and a thin layer of hardboiled egg.
  4. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan and ricotta or cottage cheese.
  5. Moisten cheese with some of tomato sauce.
  6. Continue in layers, finishing with a good thick layer of grated Parmesan.
  7. Dot with butter and bake at 350 degrees F for about 30 minutes.
  8. Serve with warm rolls or garlic bread.

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