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On the hunt for moths

heard from a OKC Deputy about 23 years ago.

Dude A gets released from county jail. Dude B picks him up and the go out cruising the highway that runs through OKC aggressively harassing other drivers, swerving at people and making threatening gestures, that sort of behavior. Dude B starts in on some random dude C in a beat up panel van. C waves at dude B and points off the highway to a parking lot. A and B are game to play so they follow the van into the lot and hop out ready to fight. C gets out of the van and pounds on the side of the van. Van doors fly open and the occupants get out. Said occupants being the OKC Swat team dressed in full gear for an exercise. Dudes A/B decided that they no longer wanted to fight and promptly surrendered. Deputy said they turned a pasty gray color really quick. Local media thought it was hilarious that dude A was only out of jail for an hour before getting arrested again.


The 2019 terrorist attacks in Hong Kong changed my view of the world forever.

I grew up in Australia but have spent 30 years in Hong Kong. Even until those 2019 attacks I still had the view that the West is good. But I didn’t have a view of China as, well, they had not interfered that obviously in my way of life in HK.

But when the terrorist attacks occurred, everything changed.

I saw first hand how the west totally misrepresented what was happening in HK. The west supported the violence, the killing, the oppression of our freedoms, particularly anyone who spoke out against the horrible destructive violence.

Australians openly supported the killing and bashings of hongkongers through their Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, who declared that the terrorists had a right to do what they were doing “because they were bravely fighting for something”. Bullsh#t.

And when the HK Police asked for help to protect hongkongers against the terrorist onslaught? The west took away promised equipment.

Who saved Hong Kong?

Two things happened.

Donald Trump withdrew financial support from the terrorists.

And China stepped in. Not by sending in tanks or meeting violence head on with violence. But with a protective security law. A law which other countries had but Hong Kong had not.

Overnight the hideous western-fuelled violence stopped.

But still the western media and politicians supported the terrorists.

It was then that I started reading more about events involving China. I then found out my basic inherent assumptions were wrong.

There was no Tiananmen Square massacre.

Uyghurs are not being killed and oppressed. Instead the opposite is true.

China is not going to invade Taiwan as, well, one cannot invade itself. It will, however, protect Taiwan from going independent, something Taiwan can’t do anyway because it is against its constitution.

China wasn’t increasing its violence in the South China Sea. It was protecting its historical sovereignty against bad players.

The Philippines supposed confirmation of owning its South China Sea islands due to a UN Court ruling was a lie and total distortion of the facts.

China seeks security through real peace. Not like Australia and the US that seek peace through invasions and military aggression.

Everything I read about China in the Western press, I now see that the opposite is true. To take “The Matrix” reference, I have taken the red pill and see the truth.

What are the most interesting facts about human behavior?

In actual world,no one is alone, there’ll be Atleast 4 people who wants to be with any particular person.. but most people feel alone when the person they want to be with ignores them, and they ignore those who wants them and feel like they are alone in the world

2. A child always feel it’s in trouble in any point of time ..but Children’s feel secure with adults, because they think that the adults got any situation under control

3. Same as point number 2, even girls get attracted towards guys who take social and moral responsibilities when something goes wrong or Well

4.Girls Get attracted to hard working boy,but not for a “struggling” guy

5. People mistakes motivation as knowledge, read motivation quotes and books and think themselves more superior to the people who works hard or achieving knowledge

6. Most of those who say they love travelling,are mostly lonely inside

7. Most of the students who fail to get good score in exams and spend time partying, bullying,drugs or fun, think that “bill Gates and Zukerberg are also college dropouts” and expect themselves to be billionaires in the future and appoint the class topper as their worker

8. People most times substitute the word “I LOVE YOU” to the word “I’M SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO YOU”

9. People always forget that karma exist

10) People belive and follow 100–200 years old Scientific practice , which is threatening our existence, rather than believing thousands of year old traditional practice,which leads to the survival of human race

11) People think using quora other than Facebook, Instagram etc is productive, although they waste equal time and the knowledge they get will be eventually forgotten about 99% in a month

12) devotion is an another name for love… but, people nowadays fear to God that he’ll do bad if they won’t do regular pooja ,and call that fear as devotion

13) people give priority to money and material things other than their mental health and peace of mind

14) people wants to look and be like movie heroes, but never work for what they want

NEVER HEARD Chicago Until Today – 25 or 6 to 4 LIVE TANGLEWOOD REACTION

Back in High School, I got a ticket on way of a delivery by a cop that was moonlighting, for “dumping my clutch” and “doing a burn out of the parking lot”. Yeah, I am fighting that.

Went before the judge, me, prosecutor, asshole cop. Cop restated his observations, I countered that I did not “dump the clutch and do a burnout in my 280zx as there is a 8” gutter between street and sidewalk”.

“To do a burnout of the parking lot would have led to damage to my Z as it is a low riding vehicle. Additionally, when I hit the gutter, my battery came loose, positive post contacted steel clutch line, burned a hole in it, causing a loss of fluid, and inability to switch gears. Engine sounded loud because the car was in neutral, and I was expecting second gear”

The cop should know exactly about this situation, as he had to call the tow truck that took my car to the garage for repairs. Here are the receipts.”

Judge asked me if I worked at the restaurant, “Yes, I do. Rather did, as a delivery driver cannot deliver without a vehicle”. If you worked there, then you should know how to avoid the gutter. How did you hit it so hard that you bounced your battery?

“The cop walked in front of my car while he was watching the ass of my best friend, I think”. Rest of courtroom lost it laughing, judge himself chuckled. Cop became very flustered, tried to say something and was cut off by prosecutor saying that the case should be dismissed.

“I responded that I agreed 100%, but I would like for the repair bill to be taken care of as it was the fault of the cop walking and not looking where he was going that caused the damage, while representing the police department”.

Judge agreed, case was dismissed, and I got my $37-odd dollars, which was about 10hours at minimum wage way back when.

Oh yeah, I never got to mention that my best friend was female, did have a nice ass, and liked to flaunt it whenever she could. Everybody else assumed that best friend was a guy.

This song takes me back to a world that doesn’t exist anymore……

Chicken ‘n’ Stuffing Bake


Yield: 6 to 8 servings


  • 1 (6 ounce) box seasoned stuffing mix
  • 3 cups cubed cooked chicken
  • 1 can condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted
  • 8 ounces (1 cup) sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons onion soup mix
  • 1 (4 ounce) can mushroom stems and pieces, drained
  • 1 (8 ounce) can sliced water chestnuts, drained
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 2 quart baking dish.
  2. Prepare stuffing mix as directed on box; set aside.
  3. Place chicken into prepared baking dish.
  4. Combine soup, sour cream and soup mix; spread over chicken.
  5. Sprinkle with mushrooms and water chestnuts.
  6. Spread stuffing over top.
  7. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
  8. Bake, uncovered, for 30 to 35 minutes or until bubbly.

US sends ‘unserviceable’ arms to Taiwan

US Inspector General admits to ‘wet and moldy’ body armor and other issues

Sep. 13, 2024 17:55

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Moldy body armor seen in pallet shipped to Taiwan on Dec. 28, 2023. (American Institute in Taiwan photos)

Keoni Everington

Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A report released by the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) Inspector General on Wednesday (Sept. 11) said that arms recently delivered to Taiwan were “unserviceable.”

In the report, the Inspector General said the DoD “did not effectively or efficiently implement accountability and quality controls for items delivered to Taiwan using the Presidential Drawdown Authority.”

It added, “More than 340 pallets of items sustained water damage while they remained at the aerial port of embarkation at Travis Air Force Base for three months pending a flight to Taiwan.”

The Inspector General concluded the problem occurred because the Army only requested a special airlift mission for the military supplies nearly two months after they were delivered to the port of embarkation. The report also said the base lacked sufficient storage capacity or ability to protect equipment from “adverse weather conditions.”

According to the report, in December 2023, the Pentagon shipped 120 of the 340 rain-damaged pallets to Taiwan, which contained body armor that was “wet and moldy.” Taiwan also received 2.7 million rounds of ammunition, including some items that were expired, loose, and improperly packaged.

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Machine guns seen loosely strewn inside cardboard box. (DoD photos)

The report revealed that Taiwan’s authorities had to spend several weeks “unpacking, drying, and inventorying the wet and moldy” presidential drawdown items.

The Inspector General warned: “More broadly, the delivery of non‑mission-capable items inhibit the DoD’s ability to achieve established security cooperation goals and may lead to loss of partner confidence in the United States.”

In July 2023, US President Joe Biden approved up to US$345 million (NT$11 billion) worth of defense goods and services for Taiwan. In its report, the Inspector General assessed the DoD’s tracking and inventorying of the presidential drawdown items and the sufficiency of its processes to ensure that the equipment met standards.

Of the 504 pallets of gear, 340, or about 67% suffered water damage while languishing at ports of embarkation for more than three months. In addition, six M240B machine guns were found to be haphazardly strewn inside a large cardboard box “without any wrapping or cushioning.”

Xi’s visit to Vietnam has raised serious concerns among observers: How to correctly interpret the situation?


Why was the Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Vietnam, weeks after Vietnam elevated its diplomatic relations with Western-aligned countries? Was how President Xi being received an indication of China’s relations with Vietnam? How good are their conditions of bilateral trades? Does Vietnam’s recent advances with Western-aligned countries trigger China’s concerns that had prompted this state visit?

In a world that is dominated by the United States, the Asia-Pacific is expected to be turbulent. In American society in which there are two political parties rivaling each other, the incumbent president’s policy is expected to be severely affected by taking the opponent’s advances into consideration.

This was exactly what had happened to China, which was negatively affected by President Joe Biden, who had to play along with what landmines that his predecessor has had to offer.

With the last ditch of U.S. efforts as demonstrated by the high-level White House officials visiting Beijing, trying to salvage the sagging bilateral relations, this damage control was successful. And this truce between China and the U.S. is expected to continue for now.

To return to the Asia-Pacific geopolitical landscape, the best we can do now is turn our attention to what is happening under our eyes.

To arrive at the correct interpretation of the recent changes, let us closely study the following newspaper report in detail.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping arrived in Vietnam yesterday – seeking to further deepen ties with the Southeast Asian nation, weeks after it elevated its diplomatic relations with Western-aligned countries.

In his first visit since 2017, Xi will meet with Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Vo Van Thuong and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry said.

“This reflects Beijing’s concerns about Hanoi’s advances with the West,” said Nguyen Khac Giang, a visiting fellow with the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore. “Concerns that Vietnam may join an anti-China alliance and gang up against China.”

The Chinese leader received a red-carpet welcome as Chinh greeted him on the tarmac. Dozens of Chinese and Vietnamese nationals gathered at the airport, waving Chinese and Vietnamese flags to welcome Xi and his wife, Peng Li-yuan, who accompanied him on the visit.

Xi’s visit marks 15 years of China being a “comprehensive strategic partner” of Vietnam, the highest official designation for a diplomatic relationship.

Vietnam plays an increasingly important strategic role in security and the economy in Southeast Asia.

Ideologically, Vietnam is closer to Beijing. It is run by a Communist Party with strong ties to China. But in recent months, Vietnam has signaled closer ties with Western countries.

In September, U.S. President Joe Biden visited Vietnam – to mark the U.S. being elevated to the same diplomatic status as China. Biden asserted that the stronger ties were not about countering China, though U.S. diplomacy across Asia and the Pacific has been focused on improving defense ties with countries to do just that.

In November, Japan and Vietnam boosted their economic and security ties – citing a “free and open Indo-pacific,” with Japan being given the same diplomatic status as China and the U.S., Japan has been rapidly developing closer ties with Vietnam and is its third-largest foreign investor.

Experts say Vietnam is hedging against its large neighbor and its geographical claims.

“You can see that they’re flexible and balancing big powers,” said Nguyen Thanh Trung, a professor of Vietnamese studies at Fulbright University Vietnam.

Vietnam is one of several countries to clash with China in the disputed South China Sea, particularly on two archipelagos, the Spratlys and the Paracel Islands. It has faced off with China’s coast guard in the past in the disputed waters.

Unlike the Philippines, Vietnam does not publicize the confrontations.

In October, President Xi told the Vietnamese president that amid “changing international landscapes” the two nations should continue to develop their “traditional friendship.”

The two spoke after attending China’s Belt and Road Forum. Vietnam is likely to sign some infrastructure agreements with Beijing, as it has paid close attention to the development of the Chinese-built high-speed rail in Laos, completed in 2021.

“The Vietnamese prime minister wants to focus on more infrastructure,” said Nguyen, the professor. “He thinks it’s key to economic growth.”

China has been Vietnam’s largest trading partner for several years, with bilateral trade turnover of $175.6 billion in 2022. Imports from China, including crucial inputs for Vietnam’s manufacturing sector, make up 67 %. However, the trade is at a deficit in China’s favor.

China has over $26 billion invested in Vietnam, with more than 4,000 active projects.

Xi’s 2017 visit to Vietnam was for an Asia-Pacific economic summit in the coastal city of Danang. (Source: MDT/AP)

The fact that Vietnam is upgrading its relations with the United States and Japan may be a strategic response to the two countries overtures for future advances. For Vietnam, this move can also be used as a “hedge” for rainy days when time is right to settle its territorial claims with China.

For now, Vietnam is clearly and closely following the principles of trade development and settling territorial disputes through diplomatic solutions, in the same strategic direction which China is following. For example, “The Vietnamese prime minister wants to focus on more infrastructure.” He thinks it’s key to economic growth.” China and Vietnam are trade partners working closely together to accomplish “a community of shared interests.”

The facts that Vietnam was rolling out the red carpet for President Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan, the nation’s First Lady, with an army of flag-waving children and women are strong signals, and signing dozens of trade agreements show that their bilateral relations are obviously on good terms.

Conclusively, China and Vietnam have far more interests in common than the territorial disputes. With China and Vietnam sharing the same ideological and political principle, and pursuing the same economic development goals, bilateral relations are optimistically expected to remain stable.



I was an Agent with the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics. One day, I was visiting a County Narcotics Agent at the Sheriff’s Office. At that time, I had adopted the persona of a lone wolf biker. I wore a pony tail, full beard and dressed in Jeans, boots and leather. I kept a rim of engine grease around my finger nails. I was, I admit with a degree of modesty, highly effective. A new Detective was in an adjacent office suite. He was tasked with locating an address out in the county. A detective Captain noticed me and said “Take Dutch there with you. He’ll find it.” We got in the Detective’s car and drove off. The Detective was very standoffish towards me. I asked to stop at a gas station to buy a cold drink. The Detective declined to do so. OK. We located the address, I snapped a few pictures and we returned to the S.O. We walked in and I took of my jacket. The Detective saw my Badge and a Colt 1911 in an inside the waist band holster. The Detective exclaimed “I didn’t know you were a Cop! I thought you were a snitch!” Well, that explained a lot!

Russian President Putin meets with visiting top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday met with visiting top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi in St. Petersburg, Russia, saying Russia is willing to strengthen the synergy of development strategies with China and push Russia-China relations to a new level.

Wang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, expressed China’s confidence in the mutual trust and friendship between the two countries.

China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era is developing in a sound and steady manner, Wang noted.

He said, “China is willing to maintain strategic communication with Russia to unite more like-minded countries and advance the process of a multipolar world.”

Speaking on the upcoming BRICS summit to be held in Russia’s Kazan next month, Wang told Putin that China will offer full support to Russia and work with BRICS countries to make “BRICS contributions” to building a global community of shared future.

According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, they also exchanged views on the Ukraine issue, and Putin reiterated that Russia is always open to peace talks, saying that he appreciates the six common understandings China and Brazil reached in May on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

For his part, Wang reaffirmed that China is committed to promoting the political settlement of the crisis and stands ready to work with all parties to bring together objective, rational and balanced voices from the international community.

Tommy James&the Shondell_Crytal Blue persuasion

Diner snapshots


The Renova Decision

Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong. view prompt

Jeff Macloud

The seven members of the executive council aboard the Amazonian were all but touching shoulders around the grey rectangular conference table. Deputy Governor Hunter Bryant, his tunic unbuttoned at the top, wiped sweat from his temples with his sleeve. Climate control was a major issue on the 923 year-old ship.Cleo el Masry, the vessel’s operations chief paused for effect, wrapping up her report on the impending deceleration decision. She sat back, her legs crossed at the knees, her hands smoothing the wrinkles out of a precisely tailored zip-up jumper that revealed nothing except that she was aggressively fit and fastidious. Most men found her beautiful. Hunter knew they had no chance.“The new probes have given us what we needed to know. The bottom line is,” she said, “Renova is teeming with life. That indicates a much higher probability of danger to any settlement. We need additional security forces, updated weapons, and a lot more ammo.”Rupert Shumar’s chair scooted and banged against the wall behind him as the science lead stood, “Bullshit!”Here we go again, Hunter thought, watching Rupert’s face redden all the way up past his balding hairline.Rupert aimed his wrath at Hunter. “You know the protocols. We should divert and avoid Renovan life,” turning now to face Cleo, ”not murder it.”


“That protocol—,” Cleo began but stopped short at the withering scowl on Hunter’s face.


Hunter knew that what he lacked in looks had been compensated two-fold in presence. He could hold a room.


“Rupert,” Hunter began, “please have a seat.”


Rupert sat, his bulk making the chair squeak.


Hunter continued, “The protocol applies to intelligent life only, and…,” he held a hand up and shot a warning glare at Rupert who was bracing himself to stand again.


Hunter finished, “the protocol clearly lists examples of technological signatures we can use to define intelligence.”


“There is no evidence of intelligent life,” Cleo said, her cool tone contrasting with the room’s heat.


“As we know it,” Rupert corrected.


“As we know it,” Cleo allowed. “However, we have developed options that conserve life of all origins,” she looked at Rupert, who didn’t acknowledge her. “You’ll find them at Tab O on your tablets.”


“If we decelerate,” Rupert said without looking up, scrolling, “it cannot be undone.”


“But,” Cleo countered, “we have six months to deal with anything that pops up. Lots of smart people, too.”


Hunter glanced at the time. “I need to present our progress to the Governor over lunch. What about the rest of you? Let’s start on the left with life support. Max?”


“Thank you, deputy governor.” Max DuPont said wiping his brow, his voice low and gravelly despite his height. “Alexa, bring up my graphics on the table hologram, please.” He waited five seconds for that to occur, then continued. “First, if we choose to divert, food production needs to be prioritized to rebuild our stockpiles. We may need to ration certain items for some time. Next graphic please. Second, our gravity systems are in bad shape and need upgrades and repairs if we extend the mission. We are hoping for a deceleration scenario.”


“Thanks, Max,” Hunter said. “Alexa, use life support’s data to estimate priorities and timing for gravity system repair, starting in two weeks. Deliver those to my tablet before noon.”


“Certainly, Deputy Governor.” Alexa said.


Turning to his right now, “Medical?”


Kimbe Otumbo, unusually tall and bespectacled, stood to speak. “Yes, thank you, deputy governor. Colleagues, I’m honored to be h–,”


“I apologize, Kimbe. I have ten minutes before the governor’s lunch meeting.” Hunter knew Kimbe relished his chances to speak. He wasn’t arrogant or selfish. He was thorough. And he loved his job.


“Certainly,” the doctor fumbled with his glasses and set his tablet on the table. “Well, since time is limited, may I remind everyone that the data to support what I’m about to claim is at Tab M. As my colleague Cleo loves to say, there is a bottom line to my report. If we divert to Duonova, we – your mental health professionals – worry about panic and anxiety at levels conducive to mass hysteria and revolt.”


The table was hushed and still. The only sound was the clinking of Hunter’s glass as he swirled his ice water. He looked to Cleo. “Have we seen spikes in mental-health related deaths or crime?” Cleo, as operations lead, had executive responsibility for security and prisons, among many other departments.


Cleo nodded, “Alexa, bring up graphic thirty-seven from my briefing set. You all know the history. We have been focused on mental health for over two centuries now. Here’s the chart.”


Two centuries earlier, a design flaw caused a structural failure that slowed the Amazonian’s velocity and added 225 years to its mission. Three hundred and seventy-two deaths over two years were directly attributed to the accident. Most were either suicide, murder, or health problems related to drug and alcohol abuse. Nearly everyone on the Amazonian had family history with the tragedy. The chart had a massive spike, followed by a steep decline, that arrested about 200 years ago and was now a slow, steady climb with pot-holes and speed-bumps but no major changes.


“No spikes, lately” Cleo said, “but mental health-related stuff has been on a steady upswing for about two-hundred years, give or take.”


“What about the “Renova or Bust” lunatics?” Hunter asked.


“The “ROB” faction remains a challenge,” Cleo replied. “We all know about the two mass killi—”


Max chimed in, “Life support has those loopholes closed. Our security is tight. We will not allow that to happen again.”


Cleo held both hands up, “I wasn’t pointing fingers, Max.”


Hunter wondered if that were true.


Hunter, looking at the clock, pushed things forward. “Cleo, send me everything new on the ROB terrorists – membership, activity, anything the governor might ask about.”


Cleo nodded.


Hunter gestured to the medical officer, “Thanks, Kimbe,” and continued around the table.


Culture and Education agreed with Medical’s assessment of the mood of the population. They had run their own studies, which largely aligned.


Maintenance and Waste Management presented the top five problems with divert: shortage of electronics parts, shortage of propulsion parts, erosion of general education and the quality of maintenance training, recycling bottlenecks causing trash buildup, and security during any kind of uprising.


“OK, everyone. I will get this in front of Governor Fushima.” Hunter was standing to leave when Rupert spoke up.


“I think we, as a council, need to speak directly to the governor before she makes her decision.” Rupert said, eyes on his empty water glass.


Hunter cleared his throat. “I will deliver your concerns and recommendation to the governor and she will let everyone know what she decides.”


“So,” Rupert said, “the biggest decision any of us will ever be a part of comes down to one person’s whimsy,” and he looked into Cleo’s eyes this time, “or maybe two people’s whimsy.”


“Why are you so fucking dramatic,” Cleo said through her teeth, leaning across the table within strangling distance of Rupert. “Clarissa was elected. I assume you voted.”


“Clarissa,” Rupert repeated, grinning. “Well, I didn’t vote for your Clarissa. And I didn’t vote for you,” Rupert replied.


Cleo started to stand up.


“I meet,” Hunter broke in, “with the majority and minority leaders of both houses after I talk to the governor today. Congress is involved. The media will play their role. Nothing is being subverted here.”


“Yeah, well,” Rupert said. “I don’t trust any of the junta. No offense.” He stood and left the small room, bumping Cleo as he exited.


Hunter stood up. “Perfect timing.”


Everyone let out a nervous chuckle.


“I’ll talk to you all tomorrow. Same place, same time please.”




“How were Rupert and Cleo?”


“Both arrogant. Cleo lets Rupert trigger her. She referred to you by first name in front of the council.”


Fushima grimaced. “I’ll talk to her.”


“Everyone knows, governor.”


“Not everyone. She needs to be careful.” The governor paused, then restarted.


“So,” she pushed the plate away and reclined, her chair protesting, “you’ve told me what they want, but not what you think.”


“I think you should decelerate.”


“Why?” Her tone reminded Hunter of his wife, long dead.


He blew out a breath. “Three reasons. One, nobody is interested in extending the mission 900 years. Two, we know very little about Novaduo compared to Renova. And, three,” he paused, thinking he might not say it, but deciding to, “you want to be the first Renovan president.”


“I do want to be president, Hunter,” Fushima paused, still smiling, eyes narrowed. “What do you want.” It was more of a challenge than a question.


Hunter lowered his head and clasped his hands in front of him as if in prayer. He had been dreaming lately of storms, the kind he saw and heard on the ancient videos from Old Earth, howling wind and the roar of heavy rainfall. The power and majesty of nature.


”To fall asleep in the rain,” Hunter said.




Later that night, in his dream, Hunter heard a familiar electronic tone through the pattering of raindrops on a metal roof. It sounded like an alert on his communications tablet. Seconds later, waking, he realized it was in fact his communications tablet. Rubbing his eyes, he said, “Alexa, who’s at the door?”


“Science director Rupert Shumar with Marine Corps Corporal Stewart.”


“Alexa, audio please.” There was a tone, then Hunter said, “Rupert, it’s late.”


“I know!” Hunter heard Rupert’s high-pitched response through the door before the tablet audio caught up.


“Alexa, open the front door,” Hunter said. He heard the men’s footfalls on his entry floor a few seconds later. He met them outside his bedroom in his robe.


Rupert held paper reports out to him. Hunter was awestruck at holding paper in his hands. He’d only held real paper twice before in his life.


After scanning the reports, Hunter asked, ”Those probes have been circling Renova for three days. Why am I just seeing this now?”


“Because we weren’t looking for that,” he said pointing at a specific paragraph, mindful that the Corporal didn’t have a need to know what they were discussing, “and we weren’t looking there.”


“Who figured it out?”


“Me. And Yevchenko.”


“Dissenting opinions?”




“OK. Can I keep these?”


“Sign for them with the corporal here. Burn them when you’re done.”


Hence the paper, Hunter thought.




“Welcome everyone,” Hunter said. “Sorry for the lack of read aheads but this meeting is for your ears only. Thanks for leaving your tablets outside.”


Everyone nodded.


“Governor Fushima has approved the release of the following statement for you only, no staff, no media, no notes.”


Again, nods around the table.


“We have irrefutable evidence of intelligent life on Renova.”


Everyone looked at the science lead, who was looking at his hands.


“Rupert?” Hunter prompted.


“If you want the science, I’ll be happy to discuss once I’m told it’s OK. The approved statement for now is that unique and specific chemical signatures are escaping the surfaces of large bodies of water on Renova in types and quantities that do not occur in nature. Industrial processes are the only viable source. We now believe, with more than 90% certainty, that Renova contains intelligent aquatic life.”


“Fish people,” Kimbe said. “Fascinating.”


“Do not say ‘fish people’ to the media, Kimbe,” Hunter said, half smiling, half chastising. Nervous chuckles eased the tension.


Cleo got to the point, though. “So, divert is automatic. Intelligent life means divert.”


“Governor Fushima can make any decision she thinks best,” Hunter said. “But yes. The protocol is clear.”


Everyone was staring at Hunter, brows furrowed. Only Rupert seemed relaxed.


“Please be ready,” Hunter said when it was clear nobody had an immediate question. “This is going to anger a lot of people. And, remember, this announcement will be made by Governor Fushima and no one else.”




Cleo, Hunter, and Governor Fushima met an hour later in the tiny conference room. Sweat dripped off Hunter’s nose onto the screen of his tablet. “Why aren’t we meeting in your apartments, governor?” He asked, wiping his face with a cloth napkin.


“Because I assume they’re bugged.”


Hunter shook his head. Cleo didn’t react at all, which told Hunter she already knew.


“Cleo, did you read all of the Renova report?” the governor asked.


“Yes, and everything we have on intelligent aquatic life.”


“Do you think it’s possible for us to settle unnoticed by the Renovans long enough to allow us to gain a foothold and prepare a defense?”


“Based on what I’ve read about their most likely technologies, it’s probable.”


Hunter jumped in, annoyed at the obvious tag-teaming of Fushima and Cleo, “But that doesn’t change the protocol, which is clear.”


Fushima shook her head in understanding, “Yes, of course. But I have authority to make my own decision, correct?”


“I’m surprised you’re even considering it, Governor, Hunter said. “You’ll be impeached if you disregard the protocol without justification.”


“It’s my job to look at all angles,” the governor said. And she switched her attention back to her operations chief.


“Cleo, if I announce divert, what will the ROB terrorists do?”


Cleo had Alexa pull up a graphic with three options. She went through them in order. First, they would probably attack life support, most likely water generation and gravity in the agricultural section of the ship, in an effort to force deceleration because of resource scarcity. If that didn’t work, they would attempt assassination hoping to replace Fushima with a leader sympathetic to their goals. Third, they would attempt mutiny within the crew.


Governor Fushima’s nearly painted on smile vanished. “You think ROB has access high enough to pull off mutiny? Who?”


Cleo shrugged, “We’ve done years worth of scrubbing. No one seems likely.”


“And yet you think it’s plausible.”


Cleo shrugged, “If I was running ROB, it’s what I’d do. Besides, they’ve had nine centuries to install sleeper agents.”


The governor looked closely at Cleo and Hunter. She’s paranoid, Hunter thought. He wondered how deeply Cleo was in on the governor’s plans.


“Alexa, analyze communications of the executive council over the last thirty days for suspicious or disloyal behavior. Report for my eyes only.”


“Yes, Governor.”


Hunter and Cleo both shifted their gazes from the governor to each other. Hunter realized Cleo was being held in the dark as well. Something was up.


Hunter leaned forward, “Governor, have you already made your decision?”


Fushima eyed Cleo, then said, “Yes.”


“So we’re diverting to Duonova, then.”


Fushima looked at her watch and left the room. Hunter watched Cleo chase after her.




Hunter found Rupert waiting at his door when he returned to his quarters to freshen up.


“Rupert, you know we can’t talk here.”


“Please tell me you’re pushing to divert, Hunter.”


“Is your report accurate and honest?”


“Wha—of course it is!”


“Then how could I do anything else?”


Hunter watched Rupert scan him, deciding something.


“I’m hearing that Fushima is still considering deceleration,” Rupert finally said.


“From who,” Hunter responded, resisting the urge to grab Rupert by the collar.


“People talk. I have sources, just like everyone else.”


Hunter looked Rupert in the eyes, scanning.


“Rupert,” Hunter said, “do not do anything stupid. You are too valuable to our mission.”


“If we decelerate, knowing there is intelligent life on Renova, my mission is over. Because I will resign.”


“Don’t overreact. Your people look to you for leadership.”


“I am leading. I’m doing the right thing.” Rupert turned and walked away.




Two days later, Hunter watched the governor’s address like everyone else, on the ship’s video conferencing system. Fushima was brief.


“Citizens of the Amazonian, I urge calm as you digest the news I”m about to give you. We have clear evidence of intelligent life on Renova. This means we cannot settle the planet and must divert to Duonova.”


She warned that unlawful activity would be dealt with severely. She asked citizens to report any activity by the Renova or Bust terrorists.




The first violence happened four hours after the broadcast. Gangs broke into shops and looted.


The ship’s news services reported on the violence, “Security forces have killed twenty-five and wounded hundreds as ship-wide violence erupted following Governor Fushima’s decision to divert to Duonova.”


Damn them, Hunter thought, for ignoring the murdered and wounded cops.


“Detention centers are filled past capacity as the crackdown intensifies.”


The looting turned into rioting.




Mid-riot, someone blew up the water production facility of the agricultural sector.


ROB did not claim responsibility, but their graffiti tags turned up everywhere.


Hunter guessed insiders had to be involved. It was a very precise attack, the damage conveniently contained.




Governor Fushima was forced to reverse her decision.


“Due to the criminal and immoral actions of a few terrorists,” she announced on video, “our mission must end at Renova. We no longer have enough water resources to divert.”


She assured the ship’s population there was plenty of water capacity to complete the deceleration and settlement.


“We will begin deceleration operations in three days. In six months, we will be Renovans.”


The rioting died.




Hunter, exhausted after sleepless days of emergency response leadership, found Rupert at his quarters door again.


He was in no mood to talk. Rupert wasn’t interested in talking, either. He handed Hunter a silicon envelope containing a letter of resignation along with a portable storage fob.


“What’s this?” Hunter indicated the fob.


“You’re a good man, Hunter,” Rupert said. “It’s a shame you were caught up in this. You might have made a good president.” He walked away.


Hunter found a single audio file on the fob. He transferred it to his tablet then listened to it. There were two voices. He didn’t know the first, but he recognized the second voice, Clarissa Fushima.


First voice: “Everything is set at the water plant.”


Fushima: “Do it now. Before the riots die down.”

No tattoos, no piercings, beautiful lady with a beautiful song. What happened to people.

1. When you’re winning keep your mouth shut.

2. Don’t tell people your plans. Wait till the results speak for themselves.

3. Never expect to get what you give. Not everyone has a heart of flesh.

4. Every day you wake up, you have a new job… to be better than yesterday.

5. You will never get what you want until you are grateful for what you have.

6. Sometimes what you’re trying to hold onto is exactly what you should let go.

7. If you want to buy things without looking at the price, work without looking at the clock.

8. God puts people in your life for a reason, and removes them from your life for a better reason.

9. The devil wouldn’t be attacking you so hard if there wasn’t something valuable in you. Thieves don’t break into empty houses.

10. You’re going to piss a lot of people off when you start doing what’s best for you.

11. You will lose a lot of friends when you get really serious about your life goals.

12. Life does not get EASIER. You just get STRONGER.

What is the extent of Filipino land ownership on disputed islands in the South China Sea?

I know this is hard for Filipinos to accept, but I’ll tell you anyway, NONE.

Back in 2017, Philippine Foreign Minister Yasay took a stand on the South China Sea.

While attending a hearing in the Philippine Congress on the same day, he said that the Philippine government’s official position on the disputed waters in the South China Sea is that “the Philippines is in legal possession, but does not have ownership.”

What does that mean?

“The Philippines has no title to the territories it has usurped in the South China Sea”, which belong to China.

However, China-Philippines relations have only been eased for a few years, and I didn’t expect the Philippine president to change his attitude, why?

China and the Philippines have had a lot of friction over the years over the sovereignty of the islands and waters in the South China Sea. Nonetheless, the relationship between the two countries was not that bad in these years during the administration of former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who has always taken a moderate and consultative approach to respond to the maritime disputes between China and the Philippines. However, since new President Marcos Jr. came to power, the relationship between the two countries seems to have undergone some changes. This change is mainly centered on the topic of sovereignty disputes over islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

The Marcos Jr. administration has taken a more drastic approach to the South China Sea disputes, with Philippine vessels intruding into the vicinity of Ren’ai Reef in August this year; on September 8, two Philippine replenishment vessels and two marine police vessels intruded into the waters near Ren’ai Reef; on September 22, Philippine official vessels trespassed into the waters near Huangyan Island, and even attempted to ram into the lagoon of the island; on October 10, a Philippine naval gunboat invaded into the waters near China’s Huangyan Island; and early October also engaged in exercises with the United States and Japan, etc. The Philippine Navy has also been conducting exercises with the United States and other countries. On October 10, a Philippine Navy gunboat trespassed into our waters near Huangyan Island; in early October, it also conducted exercises with the United States and Japan, among other countries.

China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea, and the Philippines dares to come to frequent provocations, which is nothing more than the Americans behind the scenes stirring up trouble again.

Not long ago, a British international law expert published a new book, “History and Sovereignty in the South China Sea”, in which he clearly stated and rigorously argued that China has indisputable sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea.

Carty’s love affair with the South China Sea began in 2009. That year, he came from the University of Aberdeen in the UK to teach at the University of Hong Kong in China. At that time, the South China Sea disputes were rapidly heating up due to the intervention of extra-territorial powers, such as the Philippines, which claimed sovereignty over the economic exclusive zone and islands in the South China Sea. The South China Sea issue became one of the international hotspots as the countries concerned frequently demonstrated their strength. “According to my understanding at the time, it was the Americans behind this who were instigating and stirring up trouble.” Kati recalled. He decided that when he returned to the UK, he would check the British archives to see if there was any information in this regard. “Surprisingly, I found a large number of archives directly related to the sovereignty issue of the Spratly Islands. Those British archives showed that the Spratly Islands belonged to China.”

After that, Carty went back to the French archives. He found that the French had also written that the Xisha Islands belonged to China.

The despicable maneuvers of the Philippines and the United States are doomed to be a pointless struggle, and the fact that the South China Sea belongs to China is an undeniable fact in the international arena.

My grandma was an abusive alcoholic and drug addict. But I never saw her that way.

She took me in when my own parents abused me. She worked the rest of her life at a shelter for homeless children. She always made mash potatoes and gravy and made sure I was fed. She was my hero and my advocate. So when I “ran away” from home at 16 and the local police told my parents they were done being parents to me, I stayed in various places until her health began to decline. I moved out to her farm and stayed with her to take care of her, as I always had. I made her food, helped her around the house. Watched late night TV with her and talked to her about what I was studying. One day she got a minor infection and went to the hospital. This wasn’t an unusual but this time something was different. Over the course of the next few days, she apologized to me over and over for not being kinder to my mother and not being the grandmother I deserved. I told her time and time again not to worry, she had been all I needed. I held her hand and comforted her.

We soon learned that it wasn’t the infection that was really to blame for her downhill slide, it was her organs. Her liver had been in failure from the alcohol for years and it had finally caught up with her. In the hospital though last few days, she only responded to my voice. She called out to me. And i told her it was okay and I was there.

The last night I told her was, “I’ll be back later, I love you!”

She responded, “I love you too sweetie.” It was the last lucid thing she ever said. By the next morning, she was gone.

I have no regrets in our relationship. I tried to love her with grace and compassion despite her circumstances.

First Time Hearing Christopher Cross – Sailing | REACTION

Welcome to yacht rock,...

My mother was the most devious and successful bill collector I ever met.

A man once owed her a reasonably significant amount of money and it had gone unpaid long enough that I really didn’t think she had any chance. I would have written it off as poor judgment for not getting the money upfront, which was the usual policy.

She was undeterred, and refused to accept any advice about letting it go. And the thing was, she took in that much money every day or two in a very successful business, and it actually didn’t make sense for her to waste so much time on it.

What did she do? She asked everyone she knew about the man and after a month of this someone explained to her that he followed a particular religion. She happened to know that the particular sect of that religion – the man happened to be a member of that sect, something she also learned through her digging – had one day of the year where they couldn’t ask God for forgiveness until they had paid all their earthly debts that they were capable of paying, and God knew what they knew so there was no point in lying. Because apparently, it turns out you can’t lie to God and pray to him for forgiveness all at the same time.

She also discovered through her exhaustive research that the religion had a sort of clause that if someone had a dispute with a follower, that a meeting could be arranged through their religious leader, a sort of sit-down in which the religious leader would act as an arbiter.

To my utter amazement she waited two months until the week of that religious holiday, contacted the religious leader, and as advertised (it wasn’t advertised at all, it was something that usually only the faithful knew about), the meeting was arranged. She brought the bill, showed it to the man in front of his religious leader, and told him that he was not going to get any forgiveness from God until the debt was paid.

The man and the religious leader, she said, looked at her with a combination of astonishment, horror, and admiration.

She said the man agreed to pay her what he owed, but she told him that they had already had that agreement the first time and the man hadn’t kept his word, so she wanted payment at that actual time, and she was prepared to wait until he returned.

The religious leader concurred, the man left for an hour while my mother waited, and when he returned, he paid her in full.

The follow-up is that he showed up at her office a few weeks later and asked her if she wanted to do collections for him for a hefty fee. She declined. She was only interested in his debt, not even for the money itself, just because she felt misled and effectively swindled by him and she wanted the payment on principle.

What are some of the bloodiest days in history?

The 9th of March 1945

I suspect the bloodiest single day in history was the evening of the 9th March 1945. It was then that the United States air force undertook ‘Operation Meetinghouse’. In three hours ( between 1736 and 1930) 496,000 incendiaries were dropped on Tokyo, destroying 267,000 buildings, leveling 41 square kilometers of the city, wiping out 100,000 people and injuring a million more.

The Second World War in the Pacific was reaching its conclusion with the bombing of Japanese Cities. Curtis LeMay directed these operations and laconically described his policy as ‘Bomb and burn them till they quit’. Le May’s tactics for attacking Tokyo was to firebomb at low altitude so that high levels of accuracy could be attained. Master bombers – a set of four B29s – were sent in to direct a much larger strike force of 325 aircraft. These were stripped of defensive armament (because the Japanese airforce was useless by this point) and assigned massive loads. Many crews balked at this – believing that that flying in so low would be highly dangerous (in the event planes returning from the raid were coated in soot).

After the raid one pilot – Robert Ramer – described his experiences:

‘The whole city of Tokyo was below us stretching from wingtip to wingtip, ablaze in one enormous fire with yet more fountains of flame pouring down from the B-29s. The black smoke billowed up thousands of feet causing powerful thermal currents that buffeted our plane severely, bringing with it the horrible smell of burning flesh.’

Before the raid 1.7m people had been evacuated from Tokyo – however 6m remained in the city in tightly packed industrial and housing districts – many of them made of wood & paper. As the bombing began people tried to flee or seek shelter but a strong north westerly wind sent a wall of flame across the city. Temperatures on the ground reached 1,800 degrees in some areas.

As far as I know the Tokyo Raid remains the single most destructive bombing in history in terms of immediate deaths (ahead of the Hiroshima bombing- which may have caused the bloodiest single hour in history).

This is of course speaking in terms of acts of war. If you were going by natural disasters then probably something like the Boxing Day Tsunami caused the bloodiest day in history.

Trump’s threat to punish countries that drop US dollar will speed up de-dollarization

Chicken Spaghetti Casserole


Yield: 8 to 10 servings


  • 4 cups boiled chicken, chopped
  • 1 cup celery, sliced
  • 1 cup green bell pepper, diced
  • 1 cup onion, diced
  • 2 cans cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 16 ounces uncooked spaghetti noodles, broken into thirds
  • 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. In 2 1/2 quart casserole dish mix together chicken, celery, bell pepper and onion.
  3. Blend together soup and broth and add spaghetti pieces.
  4. Pour soup mixture over chicken and mix all together.
  5. Sprinkle with cheese.
  6. Bake, uncovered, for 45 minutes.

I was born unfortunate looking. I got teased and bullied unmercifully.

One day in 5th grade my father saw me crying in my room. I told him why. He told me I was a hero. He said that when they were picking on me, they were leaving a weaker child alone He told me it was a special job to save the weaker kids from the bullies and he knew I could take it.

I never cried again. In fact, I got my list of bully comments. If they called me crosseyes, I’d say “ is that the best you can do? How about you have blue eyes, one blew this way, the other blew that way. “

I was secure in my secret hero cape. Things did change. Lots of surgeries. In fact in 1980 a newspaper snapped a pic of me at the Indy 500 and ran it titled “ Perfect 10”. I was 32. But it didn’t matter because I was a hero and looks didn’t matter, they could just bring it on.

Years ago, a local thief burgled A house while a man was working from home. He did not feel well, and had stayed home.

He heard a noise he should not have heard, and he knew he was the only person who should be in the house.

Let me give you the layout of the house. It was a three floor with a short stair, a landing , and another short stair for each flights.

In each landing was a small table, and a hardwired landline phone.

The home owner was an avid hunter, and had several guns, but they were locked up and on the wrong floor for where he was. He could not go to get them without alerting his intruder.

What he did have access to, was his hunting compound bow, which was hanging on the wall. He gathered it quietly and sat on the top step.

His intruder came up the steps, and past the wall that decided the stairs for each floor. He passed the phone table , and proceeded up the next flight a step or two before realizing what he was seeing. The home owner was at full draw with a hunting razerhead arrow centered on his chest. He paused. The home owner quietly said to” use the phone, call 911, and turn yourself in. Do it now, very carefully. “ he very carefully did.

They waited like that for a few minutes until the police arrived. The cops knew the thief from a long line of illegal activity. After the Cuffs went on, one cop asked “why didn’t you run? Dodge a few feet, and you would have been beyond the wall and gone. Why didn’t you try it?”

Thief said “most people with hand guns would have missed. They don’t practice, they are rushed, they are scared, they may have never fired it even. They would miss. Someone with that kind of equipment, would not miss.” He knew he would have died before reaching the wall.

Thief had more fear of a bow in the hands of a hunter, than a gun in the hands of the average home owner.

The opening sentence: The United States is China’s best teacher

Analyze their main terms (from Chinese media)

1. Prohibition of export and output of technology

It means that patent authorization, source code, design schemes and manufacturing know-how are all put into the scope of control.

2. Encourage the construction of CKD factories outside China

Encourage Chinese companies to produce Chinese cars globally, but only to take advantage of local cheap labor and tax advantages.

3. Key components are prohibited from being produced abroad

High-value parts, such as batteries, motors, electronic equipment, and key parts must remain in China. This is also the “China + 1” strategy that China has been implementing

Next, why do they do this?


1. Geopolitical issues

Globalization has been destroyed by the United States.

High technology is used as a weapon to attack China’s manufacturing industry.

The United States has imposed strict export controls and technological blockades on China in the past few years, especially in key technologies such as semiconductors and 5G communications, which poses a serious challenge to China’s development.

The traditional model of the United States providing technology + Chinese-made products and sharing the world’s business together no longer exists.

On the other hand, the United States is also trying to “hollow out” China’s foundation. Reduce purchases of Chinese goods through tariffs and trade penalties. Push manufacturers to go outside China for production and manufacturing. This is undoubtedly digging into China’s corner.

The United States hopes that China: “can no longer manufacture products, especially high-profit products.”

Against this background, the Chinese government’s regulations banning the export of electric vehicle technology can be seen as a “reciprocal” move to deal with external pressure and potential threats.

Chinese companies have invested in this field for more than ten years and have achieved global leadership, especially in key areas such as battery technology, drive systems and charging infrastructure.

Since superior technology is used as a weapon to attack China, China can also use it as a weapon for defense.

Conclusion: The United States is China’s best teacher.

2. Economic competition issues

In the next 50 years, the West will continue to maintain its advantage by using the green economy to occupy the commercial high ground and lock in the technological upgrades of developing countries through carbon emissions. This was originally a good plan for Western countries, and it was also the key driving force behind the Paris Climate Agreement.

But no one expected that China would rise rapidly in this field and quickly defeat all Western opponents.

The electric vehicle industry is one of the industries with the greatest growth potential in the world in the next decade. Countries have introduced policies to support the development of their own electric vehicle industries, such as the EU’s Green New Deal and the US Infrastructure Investment Act. The reason behind these policies is to deal with climate change, but in fact, it is more about business.

According to market data, the global market share of Chinese electric vehicle companies has increased year by year, especially in the fields of battery technology and vehicle manufacturing, which have formed a large leading advantage. However, technological advantages must be transformed into large-scale production and manufacturing before they can be converted into wealth.

If you only have technology, but transfer the industry to other countries, it will eventually lead to technology loss and industrial hollowing out. This is also the problem faced by the West in the past 40 years, and the Chinese are unwilling to repeat the same mistakes.

Therefore, the Chinese not only need to keep the secrets of technology, but also need to keep the industry in China.

The United States hopes: “Manufacturing returns to the United States; if not, go to other poor countries”

China hopes: “Manufacturing stays in China”

They all recognize the importance of manufacturing.

Conclusion: The United States is China’s best teacher

3. Supply chain security

The price of a Volkswagen ID4 in China is 1/2 of that in Europe. Insiders understand that this is by no means caused by wage differences. This is the advantage brought by China’s industrial chain: all parts are supplied at low prices, without long-distance transportation and imports.

China has the most complete and developed system in the electric vehicle industry chain in the world. From upstream battery raw materials and parts production, to midstream vehicle manufacturing, to downstream market sales and services, China’s electric vehicle industry chain is far more autonomous and controllable than other countries. This makes China not only dominate the domestic market, but also occupy an important position in the global electric vehicle industry chain.

This also blocks the possibility of other “low-wage countries” competing for China’s manufacturing industry: it is not enough to have cheap workers. When all your parts need to be imported from China, the products you produce cannot be good quality and cheap.

The Chinese government’s requirements this time are not only to block the export of technology, but also to require key components to remain in the country: this means that companies like CATL will find it difficult to build more factories outside of China in the future.

The United States has seized most of the semiconductor industry chain, and China once believed that global industrial division of labor is the best model.

But when the United States seized some links in the supply chain (such as lithography machines) and used them as weapons to attack China. The world found that the supply chain has also become a threat.

The United States: Control and transfer key supply chains, which can be used to attack China at any time

China: No longer believe in global division of labor, must master key supply chains

Conclusion: The United States is China’s best teacher

Simple summary:

This is a trade protection act against the electric vehicle industry. An act of self-defense against the US economic and technological attacks.

I still want to repeat one sentence: America is China’s best teacher

Scientific Evidence of the Afterlife

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