
One was in the right place at the right time, and thrived. I was still searching for my pot of gold.

As a Brit, let me tell you the reasons I laugh at your country.

  1. You elect the likes of George Bush and Donald Trump and consider them intellectuals.
  2. You consider your right to carry a gun is more important than the safety of children.
  3. You’ve got one of the highest rates, if not the highest rate, of obesity in the western world and don’t seem to care.
  4. You always seem to have one of the lowest levels of global awareness out there. It seems half of Americans can’t name more than about 5 countries, can’t identify the USA on a map and think that the US is so far ahead of every other country on every metric.
  5. You think it’s just swell that a new mother leaves a hospital with a bill of around $12,000 as she enters what will likely be one of the most expensive times of her life.
  6. Your politicians only need to say a handful of charged words and your voters go wild. Listening to a US politician speak sounds like “China, Russia, bad, communism, America, freedom, good, gun control, bad, NRA, good, God loves us, vote for me, 9/11 bad.”
  7. Some politicians actually did improve your image somewhat. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, hell even Clinton was more credible than either Bush or Trump. Yet there are so many Trump supporters that he might even be re-elected. Honestly, most Brits find that bizarre. He even showed contempt for democracy by inciting riots and refusing to accept being voted out. He’s an admirer of Putin and it seems like he would institute autocracy if he could. And then you could look forward to Jared Kushner solving all the problems Trump promised he would solve before. I mean come on, when the guy’s saying he can resolve Palestine-Israel in a day, you’ve got to understand that’s a snake oil claim.
  8. You have the highest per capita prison population.
  9. You have one of the highest wealth disparities in the world.
  10. You actually believe that every country pays more tax than you, even believing that in the UK we pay 95% of tax. You must hear that and think “really, 95%?” If you think that, that’s when you’re supposed to go and fact check fox news.

The NHS was a fabulous idea- cradle to grave healthcare by well compensated professionals paid by taxation on all eligible to use.

My Mother started as nurse in 1960- she was 20. And it was like being in the army with a Sergeant Major type figure called a Matron in charge. She left circa 1995 as a Midwifery ward sister – appalled by the waste, multiple layers of management and the state of the NHS.

30 years and some trillions of pounds later things are much much worse. A few months ago in search of the Accident unit I found the brand new Oncology unit. I believe it cost over a billion quid to set up. As it was Sunday morning it was deserted. No private enterprise could build a billion quid factory and open it for only 35 hours a week.

The acres of staff parking across the NHS empty out Friday afternoons. Obviously not all units close. I did find the accident unit open. And it was massively overstaffed- perhaps essential on the off chance a major incident occurs. But probably 30 people were doing the job that 15 could have done very easily and ten could have managed. Pleasant people, mostly standing about chatting.

A friend is a pensioned off male nurse. He now does 2 shifts a week- more to keep busy but he handily gets 400 quid. He likes his job but describes it as “ a disgraceful ward, with too many chiefs commanding too few Indians”.

The NHS is currently funding the over 2000quid Visa charge to recruit from abroad. My WASP pal is the only English guy on his ward. His on/off GF is Ghanaian, so he isn’t anti foreigner but says not all speak good English and often there’s problems caused by the language barrier. As well as some problems caused by different groups carrying on beefs from their home countries.

There’s nothing wrong with employing the none indigenous as trainees- but meeting their visa and travel costs- are we that short of locals? And if so would an extra few quid as a signing bonus tempt them to join. Surely cheaper in the long run than paying annual visa fees.

I’ve just heard senior Doctors are charging 200quid a hour for overtime. The NHS also currently spends almost a million quid a week on diversity training. Wherever one looks money is literally being burnt. As an edit, misheard this on Radio 4 – it is actually 200.000 quid a year, not 200quid an hour.

The waste and make work aspect is typical of any Nationalised industry. I started my working life in the NCB. The Union rep ran the entire colliery and you really had to be a standout, and no show, to get the sack. The NHS is similar. And can’t go broke. Nor is working hard rewarded any more or less than not. We miners had the same attitude. Although a bonus scheme installed in the late 70’s did see an uptick in production. Too little too late.

Any attempts at NHS reform are met with strikes and ultimately result in just another layer of dead wood management -their sole aim is in expanding and keeping their fiefdoms.

Set against the US, where considerably more time and money per head is spent on paperwork and insurance staff to run the system. A system that can and does bankrupt the sick. And a system that seems to work very well for perhaps half or even two thirds of Americans – but fails to adequately protect more than a 100 million people.

Desk porn with Study


I was once in a bar in Cardiff, UK with my girlfriend and her best pal. Four morons came in and started intentionally getting my eye and seeing a short arse like me at a table with two beautiful girls they could only dream of started to throw across obscene, unwelcome jibes.

Ruining my friends night as well as mine – but of course engagement rarely helps either, perhaps we should have just left. Anyway, I politely asked if they might show a little respect, behave like adults and focus on their own night rather than ruining others. I was very polite but in that I have a Hugh Grant accent I think this just made things worse.

So they again managed to pass all their brain cells to just one of their number to afford him sufficient to string a sentence together. He says… You got a problem with us? Maybe you want to step outside?

To this I was able to offer a rather unexpected but factual response. “I’m a fly weight short arse mate and don;t think fights fix anything. However, seeing as my blonde friend here stands 6′1″, to your 5′10″ at best, rides a Kawasaki 1100 hence the the black leather catsuit, so suited to deploying her decades of Karate expertise- you could always ask her.”

To be fair, his mates ended up with beer up their noses as they explosively laughed into their pint pots. He looked suddenly rather less bold and they ignored us for the rest of the evening. Result!

Andy’s Journal

Submitted into Contest #243 in response to: Write a story from the point of view of a non-human character. view prompt

Diamond Keener

I feel used. That’s how I’m supposed to feel, that’s my purpose. But because all this time has passed, and I’ve been sitting here, just a pretty thing on your shelf. It all feels different. I don’t know you. The wry sense of humor you had is gone. The dreams, the plans. You’re not even close to where you promised me you would be. Those checklists are a real laugh now.When you open me up now, I’m unhappy, not excited. And you’re unhappy too. I’ve never wanted to talk back to you, to fight. But if I could rise up past myself and shout at you, I would.You are making a mistake. The stakes are higher. This isn’t high school. This is the rest of your life. All the time, you are running out of time, like I am running out of pages. And you will be unhappy, so unhappy. And I will be filled with your unhappiness and nothing more. Sometimes it will be masked as other things, drunkenness, indigestion. But unhappy, unhappy, unhappy, I repeat it because that is what you are repeating inside me. The word has been written down by your now sloppy hand a total of twenty eight times in the past two months. Each entry, the word comes up at least once. That’s two more times on average than you’ve mentioned her name, which I refuse to repeat. That is how I will prove to you I still have agency. I refuse to recount the source of our problems by name.I’ve watched you from where you toss me. I listen on the nights you’ve crammed me inside your backpack and spent the hours in her room. When she spilled her fancy smelly tea on me, I saw your face.You only write about how beautiful she is, what she wants, why you’re not enough. How you could be better, for her, of course. I know nothing about you, aside from how you feel about her. Which you say is love. But you never write any poems inside me that are worth a damn. It’s all blank. Platitudes. Could be generated by a computer.And I do know how you feel, which is not happy. Life is too short, that is what I want to tell you. Take your chance my friend, I would whisper this against your sweet ear. You have a gift to move, a gift for movement, which you have failed to exercise until now. But take it. Do it for me, and the boy I remember so fresh from school and still full of faith.Do you remember when I was given to you? The grand ceremony. I was wrapped in white, and tied up so tight and small with lace ribbon. It was all so elegant.Your Aunt Rachael, the one with the long pink nails, she gave me to you, and kissed your cheek. You wiped her orange lipstick from your face and stained my cover with it. It’s still there, the mark. It’s your fingerprint, the mark. I’ve memorized the pattern, every person’s is different. Yet I am the same as all the others in my image. Aside from your pen, and the sticker from Vivace Coffee you placed on my backside, you couldn’t tell me apart from any other bound thing.You used to write all the time, in very small print. To conserve space, to allow me to live with you for years and years. And I have, but it has been so lonesome.Maybe if you had kept up with me. If I had seen and known that first time around with her, the time you allude to often but never describe explicitly. You were happy then. But so much time has passed. You never wrote it down. And you never provide me any details, so how am I supposed to believe it was all so wonderful? It wasn’t simply the product of first love in a lonely youth coming to its end?What does her laugh sound like? You’ve never told me that.Last week I had a fleeting hope. It was the middle of the night. A bright spotlight in the dark bedroom shined down and you wrote so differently. Like old times. Curling, delicate, precise. Here the tides are changing, I thought as I watched the pen wrap around a different name. Not a person, but a promise to yourself. I liked the way it felt, special. It was more than just a dream, it was a sign that you were wanting something for yourself and yourself alone.Then it was as though you forgot and the whole thing was never mentioned again. She wouldn’t like it, you live by her rules. She has very specific outlines for the correct way to live. And you insist these rules are correct.You’d never allow it, something special. Because that is how you want it to be. You wish to believe your fate to be sealed and horrid. And I’m running out of time myself. You waste and waste the last bit of space, the last bit of life in me. I know what will happen when you finish me. I will be tossed away, she won’t allow you keepsakes. She will think you’ve filled me with thoughts of others, and tell you to let go of the unhappy moments.My greatest hope is that instead of the trash, I will end up in a box. Or buried behind the other texts in your tiny library. Your sweet children, the result of your disastrous marriage, will find me one day when you have died. They will read me and not know what to say. Maybe one of them will keep me, and dust me off so that I might be preserved as a memory of you. A legacy.Oh, Andy, how I wish you were brave! How I wish you could strip me of all these pages and start again. How I long to return to the time when you were just you, and I was just me, and there was no one in our way.

On a date…

Ordering food..

Me: “I want pizza.”

Him: “Do you want a salad with that?”

Me: “No, I’ll just have pizza, thanks.”

Him: “You’re sure?”

Me: “Yes.”

Him: “Ok. I’m going to order a salad”

Me: “For just you right?”

Him: “Yes.”

Me: “Ok good.”

Waitress takes our orders. Then moments later salad arrives first.

Him: “Do you want some salad?”

Me: “No, I just want pizza.” (said after looking disgusted by what’s on the salad and then gave a confused face at asking about salad again)

Him: “Try some salad.”

Me: “No thanks, I just want pizza.”

Him: “Try…”

Me: Reluctantly and frustratingly lifts fork, tries some salad. Then instantly disgusted and spits salad out into a napkin while date went to bathroom.

My pizza finally arrives.

Him(while I was enjoying my pizza): “Want some salad?”

Me: “No. I just want pizza.” (In firmer tone and now so so angry on the inside.)

Date over

Me to myself: “Never again. How many times must a girl say no? He’s controlling! Red flag. Get out now!”

Before going home: I promptly refused a second date invitation from him and almost ran home to shower smoke smell off from the pool place where we had our date.

Rules of thumb….

  1. No means no and let’s consider all situations a girl might say no to a guy not just the sexual kind.
  2. If he doesn’t listen to you on the first date, he won’t listen to you in the relationship. It will only get worse. First food, then clothing, then other personal preferences then…. bam! You’ve lost yourself and who you are. No thanks! Be nice on the date but take notes and do not subject yourself to it again.

Controlling behavior is not good in any form.

EDIT: I feel the need to give a little more detail about this salad date. Check below.

My date’s salad was a steak and bacon salad piled high with all the veggies, croutons and a lot of creamy ranch or blue cheese dressing. Pretty filling and most likely more healthful than my pizza but not by much.

Also, I actually love salad. I just didn’t want this salad or any other salad at the time. So I reserve the right to eat and refuse to eat what I want on a date or at anytime.

It a scam don’t fall for it my dear. If he can reach you he can as well reach his bank account.take a moment to think about it, he clearly has internet access, that means wherever he is he also have access to his phone, probably a nearby ATM too. He doesn’t need money for his flight home. I assume you mean back from a deployment, re-stationing or during retirement. If it’s those the military pays for it, always. The government provides all basic needs for military personnel. This includes food, housing and flights back to the US. No military member is ever stranded overseas. This is a scammer lie. Well sometimes we fall victim due to finding love and happy his coming back home to meet You but it all fake and lie. I was once a victim of military romance scam. I send money for flight ticket more than once he kept giving me reason to send more money which I fall victim cause I thought I fine love with a military personnel that has been my dream. When I fine out it all scam I was so much in pain and devastated, my whole life turn upside down. My sister introduced me to a recovery firm that help her track her scammer and got her money back. CYBER SECURITY FIRM. I don’t know what to do or say at the moment, I just decided to give it a try. I send a message to them and was ask a few questions and a proof of me been scammed. I gathered all the necessary information about the scammers to them it will help a long way in the recovery process. With they help my scammer was trace and got back my money from them. Are you a victim and want to get back your lost money kindly file a complaint to them on how to recover your lost money without any upfront fee involved. You can also reach out to them through their email address below for a successfully recovering.

I think this could be a book, but I’ll try to briefly share just a few ideas. For reference, I’m a U.S. passport holder, born in the U.S., raised in the U.S. mostly, but also Japan and China. To date I’ve lived in 15 countries, and have lived outside the U.S. a total of 10 years.

First, the U.S. is geographically quite isolated. It only shares borders with two other countries, and these are “hard borders” (in contrast to the borderless EU zone). No one really cares to go to Canada that much (most the population of the entirety of Canada lies in two zones just north of the U.S. border), and then the history with Mexico… So, not a lot of travel to these places, unless some idiots going on spring break that just have to go to Cancun. Otherwise, you have two large oceans surrounding the country. For many in the U.S., they consider “travel” to be anything outside their home city. The U.S. is big, so people might travel to another state and consider it a big deal. Many don’t even think about going overseas. So you end up with a lot of people that know nothing of the world. With so many different ethnicities in the U.S., some of those more ignorant think they don’t even have to leave the country to “know” another culture, which of course is complete BS.

Second, they are indoctrinated to believe the U.S. is the best country. It’s in schools, it’s everywhere. And to me, it’s a fucking joke. But for many, they are quite nationalistic, and don’t even bother to understand any other countries for comparison. They don’t realize they rank last amongst “developed nations” in just about every category. The U.S. has more violence and crime, horrible access to healthcare and education, poor average wage-COL ration, low quality and overpriced food, etc. They are just blind. But they are constantly told they are the “most free,” which everyone says they value so much, yet it’s the most like a police state I’ve ever seen. If you sneeze wrong, someone will call the police. I’ve had the police called on me for literally just taking a walk in my own neighborhood, minding my own business. People have their children TAKEN AWAY FROM THEM just for letting them walk home from school. No one is free in the U.S. It’s the closest thing to fascism I’ve ever found, and I’ve lived in countries where communism was just dismantled a couple decades ago.

Third, the culture is very individualistic, to a fault. Everyone thinks everything that happens in life is because of them. Narcissism runs rampant (no surprise there, I’m sure, given the people in the news – I mean all we ever see are people like Musk and Trump and celebrities). It’s weird. Scientific studies have even proven that most of life is random. Most cultures understand “life happens,” and you do the best with what you have. In the U.S., by contrast, if you aren’t rich you’re deemed “a failure” (which makes me upset just to write – it’s just so backwards and toxic). People choose their friends based on looks and bank accounts. It’s a fucked up, toxic to no end society.

Like a few others here, I’ve crossed the line into the Land of the Stupid, and did exactly what this question asks.

I was at the San Francisco Zoo, and the area from which one observes the gorillas is several feet above the enclosure and protected by very thick and (I sincerely hope) difficult to break glass.

I observed a male gorilla minding his own business, munching on…something. Being human, I wanted to know exactly how he would react to being “challenged” on his home turf.

I made sure that he was looking right at me. Then, I puffed out my chest, and proceeded to pound on it with both fists, yelling at him the whole time. Well…he then stood up to his full height, which is WAAAY taller than you might think, and showed me how to PROPERLY do the whole chest thumping thing. And the yelling thing.

I’ve had guns pointed at me a few times in my life. I’ve been threatened with knives. I’ve even been around explosives a time or two. Never in my life have I been so frightened. Not once. I managed – barely – to not ruin my trousers, but believe me, unless you have personally witnessed the full-on, serious challenge of a gorilla, you have no idea how truly magnificent these beasts are. The raw power, the impressive size, the…majesty, I guess…is beyond the ability of any video to fully capture. And as much as I am trying, the words fall far, far short of conveying the full impact of the scene.

Suffice to say, I quickly averted my gaze, and moved on to other, FAR less intimidating animals. The flamingos were very nice to look at, and didn’t challenge me at all.

The Benny Hill Show

Golden Years

Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong. view prompt

Kendall Defoe

Nobody can hear you screw up, or so they say…Major Culpham had that thought in his head as he prepared for the day. He looked through the viewfinder and studied the material captured. All the scanning of the previous day was uneventful and he felt that he should just get this out of the way early to complete his other duties. And yet…he felt an urge to go back once more and review what he saw…and heard.Noises from afar…At any other moment, he might have laughed about it and moved on with his work. Any child knew the basics of space travel: no atmosphere, no way to conduct sound, therefore… All the movies and television shows they had watched as children were lies. Explosions in space might be colorful, but they would also be very silent. Space was quiet, peaceful, and sometimes even quite dull. You did not get to hear it.But he had heard it.Fifteen days into the mission and it came up during routine repairs at a station the ship detected on its scopes. They had been set up for the Amber Wave as it made progress beyond the main station. It was the most popular ship in the fleet, commissioned by the brightest and boldest minds of the galaxy over many decades. And, if the major was totally honest – he often was when having a moment to himself – he should have had a lesser vehicle while this one became the retirement gift to some general or lesser figure who gave a lifetime of fair (?) and honest service (did such a creature really exist?).But no, they had to give it to the major. He was a real hero with the war record, medals, private charities established in his name, and discoveries made in difficult and strange places. The Council agreed to let him have this mission. He was the right man of the right age with all of the right attributes needed for a journey through space where the chances of encountering another human were very low (even the repair stations sent out before hand were all automated). No one else could have taken such a trip for such a length of time without a crew (his psychological, emotional and synaptic studies proved this). Food and supplies were stored at the repair stops and on board (no worries about shortages or rationing when he saw the cargo hold; it was a fear they did not detect during the testing). He was the right choice.And then he heard it.It was in the middle of his second analysis of the ship (no real problems were detected). Culpham had been walking through the processing booth, waiting for the results when it was loud and clear:“HELP!”The major was a war veteran. He had heard the desperate screams of civilians and soldiers in battle. He knew what a cry for help was supposed to sound like. But he had never heard anything like that one simple word used and spoken in such a manner.It was not just spoken. He could feel it project through his uniform, down his spine, up his legs, and into his mind. It invaded his body and would not settle down.Maybe it was part of the test… After all those weeks on his own, it was possible that they wanted to run one more probe to see how he was running a mission all by himself. There was the chance that he could be monitored that way and have the information shipped back home (would the Council do that?). The ship’s diagnostic concluded with nothing more than the recognition of a possible short on the light deck (easy to handle; he had suspected it could be a problem), but nothing else was detected.Not a single sound.Maybe he should monitor his own profile. They encouraged this from time to time in battle (some of his soldiers had been taken away when the reports were filed and analyzed). Culpham sat in the main holochair and let the probe run itself (only twenty minute out of his day):“No problems located or detected with subject. All scans match with the expected results of initial settings. Subject is normal.”Every time the major saw this, he still felt uncomfortable. It was him, in the third person, with the screen indicating blood pressure, heart rate, sugar levels, salt levels, psychological disparities, weight, vision level, and on and on…Not a thing out of line.Maybe he really did imagine it all. He turned to look at another screen where he could entertain himself with an entire culture’s history of movies, television, other audio-visual and three-dimensional art. Culpham thought that a comedy would be best (how did they manage without the skill and talent of Peter Sellers before the Pink Panther series became a hit?). A simple oral command would get this started.


“Seek movie.”


The screen lit up and expanded into the empty holospace.




A list flashed before him. He would just have to name it.


“The Pink…”


And the screen flickered for a moment, and disappeared.


Now, Major Culpham was told that anything could happen on such a journey. The training included emergency measures to deal with such technological problems. He did not worry about this. Another diagnostic and this would be…


The screen reappeared.


There was only one word on it:




Major Culpham stared at it for a moment, adjusting his visors to take in a non-three-dimensional image.


And then it disappeared.


Anger was beginning to occupy his thoughts. If the computer could not detect this, and he was just analyzed and found to be sane (at least, that was how he read it), then this was actually happening to him and the Amber Wave. This was very real.


And he could use the technology around him to find out what was happening.


Major Culpham entered new information into the machine and smiled.


He was going to enjoy this trip.




From the reading on the sensors, the message – if it was a message – was coming to him from a region that no one else had scanned before; not even with a random probe. Culpham, sitting back in his chair, smiled and thought about all of the potential promotions and praise he might receive for this. A completely unknown sector…


He watched as nebulae, stars, planets and entire galaxies flitted by. It would be out of his projected route, but he knew that the risks involved would be worth it, even if it turned out to be nothing.




It was not even shocking that time.


“Yeah, yeah, I heard ya. I can’t help but hear ya.”


Culpham had made sure that the monitors were not connected with the base unit or a Council feed. To have them know that he was now talking to himself would have guaranteed that his mission would be scrapped and the flight rerouted home. He did wonder how they would do that with such a trip, but took no chances with it. There was even concern about how a man could be alone for such a long time and just interact with computer technology. Culpham settled this with his diagnostics and his obvious ease with the interactive programs on board. So, no talking to an empty void…


If it was empty…


A light began to flicker on the holoscreen to his left. This is what he had been waiting for and he smiled again while sipping a food concentrate. If that indicator was functioning properly, he was within one parsec of that message. There were no other stations for repairs or analysis, so he knew that he would have to be careful with this trip. Culpham did notice that the number of planets and debris in this area was very low. Maybe it was too low.


Was he moving through pitch blackness?


It felt as though the entire galaxy in front of him had turned into ink (a substance he had heard of once, although he doubted it still existed). There was no effect on the Amber Wave’s momentum and all the instruments were functioning properly, but it was a very chilling moment for the major. Culpham preferred the usual distractions of space travel to this great and ugly nothingness.




“Help yourself! I’m comin’…”


Maybe he was beginning to understand why he was receiving that message. The voice was definitely male (no audio adjustments were performed on that voice; the recording he managed to create had no aberrations); it was certainly in distress; it was in this area.


But where in this area?


The light began to flicker much faster, sending out a strobe effect of redness around the enclosed cabin. Culpham knew that he was near.




A slight change in tone with that one, wasn’t it? It was now asking a question. Culpham wondered why he had not really tried to engage it in conversation before making this detour.


It seemed to be asking him for a chat.


The light stopped flickering. It was now a solid red glow.


Culpham examined the co-ordinates and looked out the main view-screen.


No, no, this cannot be it. This cannot be it.


The co-ordinates were on the monitor. It was 00.000.000.


That was impossible. The number was an impossibility and the space he was in should not have been there.


But here he was and the ship had all the data needed to confirm it.




“Yeah, help. Don’t we all want some now…am I right?” Culpham was not sure he should smile now.


Now, one of the good things about the mission was the amount of equipment provided for a passenger on the Amber Wave. He had flight suits, travel suits, prepackaged food, weaponry…and the one thing he might need to solve this particular mystery: The Ro\Bon Suit.


The name was a mistake. The designers of that suit wanted to combine the words “Robot” with “Bond” to show how well any human could work with the suit. It would provide a level of flexibility to the wearer “unlike anything that the Council ever prepared or developed before” (a nice little advert for it, Culpham thought). The backslash in the name bothered him, but he did not think much of it, until he learned that someone had been very sloppy and let their finger slip when preparing to display the newest innovation of the week. No one else thought about it, but the major wondered about it. A slip of the finger…




If this really was where the yell was coming from, and all of the readings were correct, he would have to step out of the Amber Wave and walk through…that.


Not a single star or particle of matter or anything nearby.


Culpham felt a little odd about this.


The protocol clearly stated that he had to examine and study any phenomena encountered on the journey and keep a record of them. He was also still a military man. Culpham could not let himself be terrified by a cry for help; a cry that seemed to be for him only.


What could really happen to him?


He prepared for the walk outside.




At first, he thought that it was a mistake to not be tethered to the ship. Culpham had adjusted the suit to his measurements, and he found that it was even easier to use that the equipment on the ship. But there was still a worry that he might drift away to far from the Amber Wave and not be able to continue the trip; just another piece of debris stuck in space.


But no, that would not be a problem.


First, he could rest his feet on that inky blackness.


Second, he could hear the cry in his suit and detect where it was coming from.


And finally, he was beginning to recognize the voice.


It should have disturbed him, but at this point there was nothing that would have stopped him from heading into the void.


It was his own voice.




“Yeah, I am going to do just that…”


He began to move over the surface. It reminded Culpham of the rides back home that he enjoyed at birthdays and public fairs. He tried to hop on the blackness and found that there was a bit of bounce (no silliness while being monitored). Maybe he would enjoy it more on the journey back…




Major Culpham, seasoned veteran, chosen pilot for the Amber Wave, talented and skilled soldier, almost soiled the Ro\Bon Suit.


He was standing right in front of himself.


A quick psychological profile made by the suit indicated that it really was him: same age, height, blood type, physical ailments, hair and eye color. It even had the same outfit (he had to keep calling it an “It”). What was different was the face.


Fear…that was pure fear.


Culpham knew why he was here and he had to get away.


“Wait. Please. I know what you are thinking: I called you and want to trap you here.”


“Well, yeah. That was what I was thinkin’. Seems like the sensible thing based on all the readings…”


“There is so much more to tell you. You have so much to learn.”


“Okay, teach me.”




Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space? That was a damn lie. The figure had a story and Culpham had a duty. It would be best to let them talk in private as the Amber Wave awaited one of them to return and continue its travels. The journey was not yet over.

Although it’s not the same, I think the spirit of this story fits.

There was a millionaire in Arkansas named Jennings Osborne. He was known for his philanthropy, and for his huge Christmas light display. He told a story once about going to a donut shop one day, and there were some tourists in line in front of him. The tourists couldn’t make up their minds about that they wanted, and blocked access to the counter for a long time.

Finally, the clerk looked over the tourists at Mr. Osborne and asked what he wanted. Without skipping a beat, he said “I’ll take ALL the donuts”.

The tourists were left dumbfounded, and donutless!

When my town was devastated by a large tornado, Mr Osborne had a barbecue for the entire town. Everybody who came was fed. I’ll never forget that guy.

RIP, Mr. Osborne.

I was driving 50 miles, one way, to work each day and then having to wait an additional 10–15 miinutes to take a shuttle from a satellite parking lot to the hospital where I worked. After 18 months of this nonsense I was desperate to find a job closer to home.

A multinational company posted a position in an office located less than 20 miles from my home, and I applied immediately and was granted an interview. I’d spent the last 14 years working as a Tier 3 computer support tech for the state and the position I interviewed for was a Tier 1 phone support job, so though I was overqualifed for job, I was willing to make a change because the Tier 1 position paid more than what I made as a Tier 3 tech.

The interview panel consisted of three young women in their mid-to-late 30s, and the first question they asked was why I was interested in a “lesser” position. I replied that I was 62 years old and too tired to keep climbing ladders and crawling under desks, and they smiled. Then they asked where I saw myself in five years and I said that I hoped to retire soon after turning 67, and they all glanced at one another. I realized that I had just talked myself out of the job, but I remained positive and friendly as the interview continued for another 30 minutes.

I called my wife as I drove home after the interview and told her I’d blown it, because I was certain that I had, but around 6 PM I got a call from one of the women who interviewed me asking if I’d be willing to train in Seattle for a week if I was offered the job. She said she’d forgotten to ask during the interview. I told her it wouldn’t be a problem and forgot about it, because I thought she was just checking a box she’d missed.

Two days later, I was offered the job, and I accepted it. That was six and a half years ago and I’m still with the company, so my gaffe wasn’t as serious as I thought.

Yes. This happened in the late 90s when my daughter was 13 years old. My neighbors, (two guys in their late twenties) had two pet boa constrictors in cages on the front porch (20 feet from our front porch). Kids in the neighborhood, including my kids, would stop by to look at the snakes in the cages. The owners would feed them live mice when no one was around. That isn’t what bothered me because I know snakes have to eat. What bothered me was that they knew my daughter loved animals (she wanted to be a veterinarian) so they allowed her to hold the mice and pet them and then they let her continue watching as they threw the mice (while laughing) in the cage for the snakes to eat. My daughter came home crying and told me what happened. I went over there in a rage, wrenched open their door and started screaming at them that if they ever even looked at her again I’d kill them. I had to explain to her then that life is a circle (yeah, like the movie, Lion King). She never ended up becoming a veterinarian, by the way.

It was a sadistic thing for them to do. I had an older cousin do something similar to my sister. He used to raise rabbits for meat. He asked her to pick out her favorite rabbit so she did. He let her hold it, pet it, then grabbed the rabbit by the legs and hit it over the head with a small wooden bat. My sister didn’t cry, instead she went into shock. She was 8, learning disabled, had a serious heart condition, and adored animals. She did not talk or even move for the rest of the day.

And, just a side note, I understand the whole eating meat process, farming, feeding animals, and the circle of life, like I mentioned before but, there’s a time and a place for everything and neither of those men used common sense or showed any compassion. They were both cruel and sadistic.

Luckin for the win.

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A) cut 800 overseas military bases to ZERO. Bring all your soldiers home to retrain them for manufacturing jobs at 30%of their income!

B) turned 13 of your air craft carriers into cruise ships and earned money instead of blowing a billion a month!

C) retire 10 million CIA and NED man doing shit around the world!

D) cut away all fundings on media lies to your media to spread half truths, fabrications and propaganda!

E) stop being delusional and hiding from the truth! China has overtaken you guys since 2010!

F) Accept being second fiddle to China and learnt from them!

G) Cough all monies from your CEOs and returned them into R&D monies for your companies!

H) Reduce your wages by 70% and increase their work days to 12 hours a day!

I) Stop all wars tomorrow and bring your troops home!

J) make your president make peace with China and Russia tomorrow!

K) Be honest tell the world USA is a broke and a bankrupt nation!

L) Tell the world that the so called free market liberal democracy do not work and it needs a change!

J) Stop giving aid to 100 counties that are blood suckers like India and Philippines! Asked them to stop doing shit and stop funding them!

K) Stop funding monies to opposition abroad to cause regime change and revolution!

L) Retrained 200 million Americans to work hard and smart doing things the world need

M) Cut your military expenses to 1/4 of China!

O) Jailed anyone who lied and spread half truths! The truth will set you free!

Q) Be honest about all the lies that you have paid for and expose all lied tomorrow! Shame all who do that!

R) Bring a 100 million Chinese a month to visit USA a month!

S) enforce saving rate of all Americans and corporations from -4% to +40%!

T) Stop all helicopter monies and QE and bailing out too big to fail companies! Let them go bankrupt!

U) stop tariffs that weakened your companies right away!

V)Disband NATO, AUKUS, QUAD, G7 and be a filial part of G20!

W) be a true member of the United Nations!

X) reduce welfare spendings on unemployed tomorrow!

Y) stop all immigration and spend all monies saved to build homes for the homeless!

Z) throw away your constitutions tomorrow!

Can you do it? That is the perfect formula to make America great again! I bet you won’t! So stop talking rubbish. Never ever utter the word that destroys America. Exceptionalism.

The SHOCKING Truth About Why CHINA Is Attracting So Many AMERICANS!

Educating Anne

Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Imagine a world where exploration is forbidden, and write a story about a character who defies this rule to satisfy their innate curiosity. view prompt

Ty Warmbrodt

Under the cloak of darkness, Anne sneaks from her father’s house and follows the Wharfe River upstream heading into town. The moon is full and bright, lighting her way. The sounds of frogs singing and crickets chirping keep her company as her bare feet squish along the wet ground. Anne is on her way to do something while she still has time to do it. She turns eighteen next year and her father has been doubling his efforts to find her a husband. What she is about to do goes against society as a whole in 15th century England. She doesn’t know what it means for her future as part of the community, but this is something she must do. She has to satisfy her curious nature.She was with her parents in town today. While they were working, she came upon a man painting a picture of the marketplace. It intrigued her, his use of shape and light, how he blended the colors to match what he saw. She always wondered how paintings were made. She has only seen a couple of them in her lifetime, but they were astonishing. She didn’t understand how someone could transfer what they saw to a piece of canvas. She still didn’t, but she felt closer to understanding. She drew close to the man, looking over his shoulder, watching as he worked with much interest.“You seem fascinated,” a shaky voice cracked behind her.She turned and saw an elderly man leaning on a cane. “Sorry, I am a very curious girl. My mother says it will be the death of me. My father is having a hard time finding me a suitor because of it.”“Nothing wrong with a little curiosity. What else fancies you, my dear?”“I want to read, especially the Bible. I have asked my father to teach me. He said it is not for women to know the word of God. That it is a woman’s place to listen to her father until she is wed, then she is to listen to her husband.”“And this societal norm does not suit you. That is fascinating. What else?”“Everything, I guess. I asked my father how an onion grows, since he is a farmer. He said it was not a woman’s place to understand a man’s labor.”“Is that so. Hmm. Go on.”“I want to know how they make laws and why we make laws. They are not explained to me, but I know they exist. Some seem good, others bad, and I don’t know which ones are real. I want to know more about the people who lived before us. I want to know why the river flows in the direction it does. I want to know why the moon changes shape. I want to know how to build a house. I want to help my father’s farm become more successful. That is not even the beginning, sir. There is so much in the world that arouses questioning.”“Interesting indeed. I am Professor William Black. This is very uncommon, but so is your nature. How would you feel about an education?”“An education. What’s that?”“It’s learning how to read. It’s learning the how’s and why’s of nature and society. It’s learning mathematics, the working of numbers. It’s gaining the ability to reason for oneself. It’s obtaining the ability to think philosophically and testing theories. It’s learning to appreciate the finer things in life and understanding foreign cultures. By the time we are done, you will understand how the world works, as well as the means to satisfy all your curiosities.”“That sounds amazing, Professor! You would really do that for me?”“I would, but you have to use your knowledge for the advancement of society. Then, you must pass it on.”“I would, I honestly would, but there is no way my parents will allow me to do such a thing.”“Hmm. You see that house right there with the sloped roof. That one is mine. I will leave a candle lit in the windowsill. If you find yourself able to join me, as long as that candle is lit, come on in, Miss?”“Greenfield. Anne Greenfield.”# 

The marketplace is different to Anne at night. All the vendor carts are gone. The moon casts eerie shadows that seem to take a life of their own. Feral cats are heard screeching through the chill night air. Yet, Ann is ecstatic to walk through the empty marketplace and find Professor Black’s candle still lit. She knocks lightly on his door, and he opens it excitedly.


“Miss Greenfield! Welcome. I was hoping you would find a way. I took a nap after our meeting just in case this was the way. Snuck out, did you?”


Shyly, Anne says, “Yes.”


“No need to be embarrassed. You are about to embark on an adventure that will make it all worthwhile.”


At his desk, by candlelight, Professor Black starts her with the alphabet before moving on to numbers, telling her that they will be the foundation for everything she will learn. He plays her a song on the piano and they discuss the elements of the music, going over pieces of the song several times so Anne can familiarize herself with the concepts. Anne is having so much fun learning these things, she loses track of time.


She runs out the door with a thank you to her teacher. She storms through the marketplace and into the wilderness. She stumbles over a tree branch, skinning her knee, and dirtying her dress. She looks up and sees the sun rising. When she gets home, she knows she is too late. Her father is normally in the field and mother will be cooking breakfast. She pushes open the door to find her parents sitting at the table with furious expressions.


“Where have you been young lady, and do not lie,” her father growls.


“I met a man at the market, a professor. He offered me an education. I knew you would have said no, father, so I snuck out and went to his home,” Anne replies meekly.


“Blasphemy! Women do not need educations! They need men! Is this man ready to marry you? Taking a young woman into his home during the depths of night. Have this man no decency?”


“He is quite the gentleman, but he’s old enough to be my grandfather. I’m not going to marry him!”


“We’ll see about that! As God as my witness, you will not be sneaking in and out of my house to do the devils work with this professor. You’re of age. You’re past the age. If it wasn’t for you constantly questioning everybody about everything, I would have had you married off a long time ago. If this man wants the right to educate you, he can earn it proper. Let’s go. I want to meet this professor.”




There is an impolite knock on the door that nearly causes Professor Black to spill his tea. He didn’t get much sleep last night and is looking forward to a little rejuvenation, but that will have to wait. Grabbing his cane, he heads for the door, albeit not fast enough. Another loud bang erupts from the entryway.


“Hold on, hold on, I’m almost there.”


Upon seeing the old man, Robert Greenfield’s demeanor softens a little, but he keeps his tone firm. “Sir, we need to talk about my daughter,” he says, pushing Anne through the doorway.


“Ah, you must be young Miss Greenfield’s father. I’m Professor William Black. Nice to make your acquaintance,” the old man says, offering his hand.


Robert ignores the gesture and pushes by him. He gazes around the professors home. It is filled with books, scrolls, maps, and art. He has a piano with a violin on top. On his desk sits an abacus, a writing quill, and some parchment. “I understand you are educating my daughter, putting ideas in her head. Women don’t need such things. That’s why they have husbands and fathers.”


“But for someone as quizzical as Anne, life will be much more fulfilling if she were educated.”


“What education do you need to birth babies and do as you’re told.”


“One of the things she wants to learn is farming and how to improve your harvest. Have you ever considered teaching her yourself and leaving things for her to manage.”


“Not once. That brings me to why I am here. She is of marrying age, but she is difficult, too curious for her own good, and opinionated. Nobody wants her and after last night, I am tired of her. If you are willing to do it properly, she is yours. Then you can educate her all you want.”


“I am a smidge too old to remarry, but I have a son who lives in town. He is a business proprietor, mainly soaps, but he does well. He is closer to her age. Care to arrange a meeting.”


“Yes, I do. When?”


“Come back tomorrow for lunch. He will be here.”




The following day, Robert and Anne put on their Sunday best and returned to the professor’s home. There they meet Robyn Black, a tall man with dark hair and dark eyes who possesses a charming smile. Anne is not only taken by his looks but by his manners. She has never been treated like such a lady in all her life. He is, however, twenty years older than she, which might explain the chivalry.


“Miss Greenfield, my father has told me a lot about you. You desire to be an educated woman. That is not common. Quite frankly, it is unheard of. What do you plan to do with all this knowledge once you obtain it.”


“For one, Mr. Black, I will find gratification in gaining said knowledge. I am a very curious woman. For two, I do want to have a family and I do not want to raise idiots. I do not want them to believe things just because someone told them so. I want them to be able to search out the truth on their own. Too many liars in the world, Mr. Black. And three, I believe by educating my children I can provide them with more opportunities, so they can live better lives.”


Turning to the professor Robyn says, “You are right, father. I like her. She will make the perfect wife, mother, and a shrewd business partner behind the scenes once she finishes her education.” Turning to Robert he asks, “May I ask for your daughter’s leave to accompany me in the garden. I would like to get to know more of her.”


Anne sits on a small swing tied to a tree branch in the garden while Robyn pushes her. He tells her of his business ventures and his travels. Anne listens intently, mentioning that someday she would like to travel too. She shares her stories of life on the farm, some of them bringing laughter to the garden. They walk arm-in-arm about the garden. Anne stops to inspect and smell each variety as they pass them by, asking Robyn each one’s name. When they rejoin their fathers inside, Robyn is so enchanted by Anne’s curious ways, playful banter, and the way she carries a conversation, that he asks Robert for her hand in marriage.


Robert agrees, but with terms. “Anne is to stay with me until she is married. All educational activities are to cease until after she is married. Anne, once you are married, I don’t want you around the farm ever again, or associating with your brothers and sisters still living in the community.”


Robert breaks his daughter’s heart, but she accepts his terms.


Robyn and the professor waste no time in arranging the wedding ceremony. Asking Robert his opinion on the wedding plans, location, and guest list, Robert says, “Her mother and I will be the only ones in attendance only to give her away. Do as you please.”


Despite being a small wedding, it takes months, nearly a year, before the day comes that Anne sees Robyn again. Invitations had to be sent and arrangements had to be made for traveling families, but it was all worth it. Robyn looks dashing standing at the end of the aisle with the professor at his side. Anne feels beautiful in her mother’s wedding dress, holding a bouquet of wildflowers she picked herself before the ceremony.


Anne looks for her father and her mother after the ceremony, but they are nowhere to be found. This momentary sadness disappears when Robyn takes her by the arm to meet her new family before the celebration begins. It’s a night of music, accompanied by singing, dancing, drinking, eating, and laughing. Robyn’s family tells Anne tales of Robyn from birth to manhood, which has Anne laughing to the point of tears. She is having the time of her life until she feels a longing for friends and family back home.


“What is it, child,” the professor asks, taking a seat next to her.


“Nothing. It’s just that I was having the time of my life until I thought about those I’ll be leaving behind. Why is my father being so cruel about this.”


“I cannot speak what another man thinks, but what you are venturing on is not a normal practice in society. Your father might find shame in this. You might change society, Anne. Someday, maybe all women will receive an education when society sees it is beneficial for women to be educated. You’re an explorer and a pioneer. Be proud of what you are venturing on and use it wisely. Perhaps one day, your father will come to his senses, and you will see the people from your past again, but now it is time to focus on your future.”


Anne leans over and kisses the professor on the cheek. “Thank you for everything, the faith, the encouragement, the teachings, and, most of all, that handsome man you call a son.”




Anne and Robyn spent a month in London after their wedding. She continued her education as soon as she got home. She and Robyn had five kids: two boys and three girls. The boys grew up and took over the family business, expanding it. The girls found work in the homes of royals due to their educations, which they passed on to the noble’s children whom they raised. Anne’s curiosity was never quenched, but at least she got to spend her life watering it. She and Robyn traveled a lot, mainly because Anne was obsessed with history. She frequented the libraries, which some people found peculiar. What Robyn loved most about Anne was that he was no longer alone at night. Instead, he had a beautiful woman whose views and opinions challenged his own, leading to discussions that kept them up half the night. She had one theory, though, that Robyn couldn’t help but laugh at. Who would ever believe that the Earth was round.

I had been diagnosed with Endometrial cancer, had had a hysterectomy, and due to a wound infection was back in the hospital. The wound had dehisced- it was now a huge open wound. The infection was so severe, they put in a urinary catheter. I had been through chemo, radiation, and now I had this massive open wound across my belly from hip to hip.

I’d been through the mill, and was anxious just to go home and start to heal.

My first husband- a man who was proud to have been a volunteer first-aider for 20+ years saw the wound, then saw the catheter and said

“You’re not coming home with that pissbag.” and then “And, you stink- that cut smells horrible”.

And he left. I felt like the wind had been sucked out of me. It wasn’t my fault it stunk… that’s what infected wounds do.

The nurse came in, and asked when I was leaving- I explained, and she said “but you can’t stay here”.

These were the days before cell/ mobile phones. I called my Mom and Dad’s house, they weren’t in. I left a message on their ansaphone to please call or come up to the hospital.

I remember sitting there, and feeling an incredible and indescribable freezing chasm inside me, like someone had reached inside and pulled my heart out. I felt like I should have died. I couldn’t go. I couldn’t stay. I could hardly walk. I was in unbelievable emotional and physical pain. I was exhausted. I felt absolutely alone… it was horrible. It was 30 years ago- and as I write this, my insides are struggling with the memories of the pain and the rejection.

Fortunately for me, my doctor came in, I explained everything, and she said it was reasonable for me to stay another week… after all, I still had a wound. She ordered an IV, changed my antibiotics to IV, and ordered patient controlled analgesia by IV. As I nurse, I know she did those things to ensure I could stay.

My heart was broken at the rejection I felt. I cried for days. The doctor got a hold of my husband and read him the riot act, complete with four part harmonies and a 21 gun salute… she was livid and held nothing back. I’d never imagined someone like her could speak to someone the way she spoke to him. He was escorted from the hospital unit when he went to take a swing at her and she kicked him in (as she called it) his “Cere-ballum” (his nuts).

Yes, police got involved, my folks, his folks, hospital social worker- I felt like a non-entity. All these people in the room wound up arguing about who was gonna be stuck with me. His mom asked me to stick with him, and I agreed. She was a lovely woman, but his dad- his dad sided with his son.

I finally did go home, and because in the US if you can leave the house you don’t get home nursing care, and I could leave the house albeit with exceptional difficulties, I was on my own. I used to sit and put a huge mirror in my lap so I could see into the wound, I would clean it, pack it and dress it. My husband had admitted that he was afraid he was going to “catch” cancer from me, which explained some of his behaviour. It hurt so bad- he would do anything for anyone else… but he couldn’t do t for me.

We broke up, long story, and I wound up moving to England to be with a man I met on the internet.

Fast forward 20 years. I am now with husband 2, and have been diagnosed with cancer, again. The fear and panic rose- hubby knew all about the first time, I could not hide the massive ugly ropey scar… and his reaction to me saying “I have cancer” was to put his arms around me and say “No, WE have cancer. You are not going through this alone. You don’t need to face anything alone. I am with you every step. I might not know what to do, but if you teach me, I will learn…”

And he has. He gives me the injections I need. When I had a wound after surgery, he helped dress it. When I got septic and was very clueless with delirium, he was patient, loving, and did everything for me from feed me to wiping my bottom. And he does it all without making me feel shame, or fear, or embarrassment. He just *loves* me, and that love is in everything he does.

I made a much better choice with my second husband than with my first. In the first cancer episode, I had to fight alone and I felt so alone I can hardly even face it now… but the second time, I feel like I have a knight standing by me. As I write this, I can still feel the memories of rejection and loneliness, and I still have an irrational fear it will happen again- but my husband understands and leaves me notes. Although not an artist, he makes them little works of art with coloured ink, little pictures he’s drawn, and they always say the same things- “I love you. You’re not alone. WE can do this. I’m with you….”

I am very lucky.

The United States wants to collect protection fees, but Taiwan Province has to pay them.

On October 26th, the US Department of Defense announced that the US State Department had approved a new round of arms sales to Taiwan.

The Taiwan Province authorities plan to deploy these three sets of “National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems” around Taipei, Qingquangang Base of the Air Force, Jiashan Base in the East and Taitung Base.

What is the actual effect of this system? In fact, in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, this system is very lame and has obvious shortcomings.

First, the protection space is small.

Second, the launching method is backward. This system uses a fixed launcher, which is close to a “living target” in the actual battlefield. On February 27, 2024, the Russian army reported that it destroyed the transmitter of NASAMS air defense system, and related pictures were circulated on social platforms.

Third, it is impossible to intercept ballistic missiles. This has been confirmed in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. On December 28, 2023, Russia launched a missile attack on Ukraine. At that time, the air defense system intercepted most of the missiles, but none of the eight Kh-22 supersonic missiles were intercepted. Moreover, the Kh-22 missiles were designed in the Soviet era and the age was very long.

It can be seen that this air defense system, which the Taiwan authorities have invested heavily in this time, is not enough to “establish a perfect missile defense system” as it advertised.

In fact, the most advanced anti-missile system needs multiple systems to form a three-dimensional protective net, which is an expensive and time-consuming project, and the Taiwan authorities have neither time nor financial resources to implement it.

Why does the Taiwan authorities want to buy this system that can be described as “unable to get up”? To put it bluntly, the United States wants to collect protection fees, and Taiwan Province has to pay them.

Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in 2022, the global arms sales of the United States have increased substantially.

According to the data of the US Department of Defense, in fiscal year 2023, the United States completed more than $80 billion in transactions through arms sales systems in other countries and regions, setting a historical record.

Now the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict have caused the demand for weapons in many countries to grow rapidly, which is exactly what the United States wants. As a country that has made a fortune from war, the United States is naturally overjoyed at such demand, and even has to sell goods if there is no demand to create demand.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why the United States recently crossed the Taiwan Province Strait with Canada to provoke China, while holding joint military exercises with Japan to approach the nearest island of Nagano with Taiwan Province, and at the same time sending personnel to participate in the South Korean “national defense” military exercise to intensify the contradictions on the peninsula.

Obviously, under the background of the tense situation in the Middle East and the anxiety of the American election, it is beneficial for the politicians to continue to please the real big money owners-military enterprises by disrupting the regional situation with all their efforts in the form of military exercises and arms sales.

However, the United States has done much more to “collect money and not deliver goods”. At the end of September, a report from an American think tank pointed out that in August 2024, the United States announced 22 new arms sales to other countries and regions, of which 10 pieces of military equipment coincided with weapons projects owed by Taiwan Province. So far, the value of weapons owed by the United States to Taiwan Province has reached $20.5 billion.

There is still a long way to go between “approving arms sales” and “acquiring armaments”, and the Taiwan Province authorities know in their hearts that they can only “have a hard time”.

In the mid-1980s, I was hired by a company that was a leading manufacturer of door locks, to convert a COBOL program running on their mainframe into C so it could run on an IBM PC instead, and directly control a key cutting machine (before, the COBOL program would output punch cards, and these would have to be carried from the computer center to the key cutter area on the factory floor).

The program that ran on the mainframe generated the different combinations that were cut into the door keys to make them unique. As I remember, there were six different cuts made on each key, and each cut could take on 10 different levels, 0–9.

But it wasn’t as simple as just generating six digit random numbers, as there were physical constraints on the key cutter to be considered. For example, a key couldn’t have a 0 cut next to a 9 cut, as the slope would be too steep. At the same time, the distance from one cut to another had to be over some threshold; you couldn’t have a key with a combination like 4–4–5–5–4–5 as it would be almost level. So there were a lot of these rules buried into the COBOL program, along with a pseudo-random number generator.

In any case, it was not as if there were

(or 1 million) possible combinations that could make valid keys. Probably only a couple hundred thousand.

Cranberry Biscotti


Yield: about 2 1/2 dozen


  • 2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 large egg whites
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries, coarsely chopped
  • 3/4 cup sliced almonds


  1. Heat oven to 325 degrees F.
  2. Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and nutmeg in a large mixing bowl.
  3. Whisk the eggs, egg whites and vanilla extract together and add to the dry ingredients, mixing just until moist, using a hand mixer on medium speed. Add cranberries and almonds and mix thoroughly. Turn out onto a floured surface and divide batter in half. Pat each half into a log about 14 inches long and 2 inches wide. Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake 30 minutes or until firm.
  4. Reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees F. Leaving the baked log on the cookie sheet, cut crosswise into 1/2 inch slices. Turn the slices cut side up on the cookie sheet and return to the oven; bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until firm and dry.
  5. Cool and keep in a tight container.

Fathers and mothers stealing other children toys and another is the local authorities allowing business concerns to take over the public beaches with their umbrellas and family people need to pay for these umbrellas and not allowed to bring their own.

Another is families leaving rubbish behind them on the beach.

Lately, after many years, one sea turtle laid its eggs on one of our beaches during a night and the beaches were too noisy with the swimmers during the day and the beach was too lit up with the powerful light for the benefit of Tourists and those Barbequing during the night , thus disturbing the “ eggs in the sand “ and they died with the disturbance, After that new enforcements were applied and the year after we had some successful hatchings, I prefer having turtles as visitors rather than the illegal and illegal and the tourists coming in large numbers disturbing more than the turtle’s nests.

The bulk of what US owes China is in the form of Treasury Bills held by China.

This has been declining. About 3 years ago, the holdings were worth $1.3 trillion. This fell to $774.6 billion at August 2024, after the sales of $1.9 billion during the month.

China is the second largest holder after Japan’s holdings of about $1.2 trillion. Japan is net buyer, but its economy is stagnant, which limits its appetite. UK, the third largest holder, has the similar story.

China’s holdings per se should not be a problem for the US, only just over 2% of its national debt.

Of the major foreign holders, China has the most money to buy more. Yellen twice visited China but failed to convince it to buy. Instead, it is selling. Other holders take note and may follow it. This could be a problem for the US.

US has to issue new bills worth trillions of dollars to refinance matured bills and to finance fiscal deficits. Foreign holders hold about 30% of the outstanding issues. If they stay away from Treasury auctions, the weight of subscription will fall heavily on tenders by domestic institutions, and in the ultimate on the Fed.

The big problems for the US are the growing trade deficit, the growing fiscal deficit, and the growing national debt.

The growing trade deficit will put pressure on the exchange value of the dollar, amid the erosion of demand for dollar due to dedollarisation.

The growing fiscal deficit causes the growing national debt. This is a political hot potato which no one wants to touch. The national debt increased almost $3 trillion in the 12 months through October to $35.95 trillion. The interest bill alone is pushing $1 trillion and will exceed it next year.

China is not the primary cause of these problems. But its absence from Treasury auctions and selling its holdings add on the burden for the US.

You’ll love this shiner from the 1990’s.

Hell, I didn’t even know they had a movie!

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The NHS here is an interesting phenomenon. There’s such a huge waste, mainly in “managing” exactly how to waste the resources, but the public facing reality is of a remarkable overworked collection of STOs. Who’re now largely from foreign countries, that manage to work in a system that is obviously overloaded by the country’s significantly larger than admitted population.

If this system worked, I believe it would have been used in China as the “NHS, with Chinese characteristics.” It doesn’t work though and I have no idea how it could. As mentioned in the article you posted, it just has too many negative incentive to waste money.

As a Brit though, I know that we love the NHS as much as Yanks love their guns! It’s never fun to deal with, especially in an emergency.

I believe it currently functions simply because of the amazing amount of STOs that work for the good of others. So many of the UK trained nurses and doctors leave the country to places such as the US because of the money. My recent experience with being treated by several foreign-born individuals here actually made me realise that the NHS is now a magnet for STOs from Africa! Perhaps I was just lucky with my experiences as there are many awful stories of things going awry, caused by frankly unqualified recruits from abroad. That and a lack of accountability which allow terrible things to happen. It can’t not survive much longer like this.

For us Brits, it’s normal to be treated for things and never be questioned about money. If the population was really the supposed 66 million that they claim it, would be working fine.

I’m old enough to notice that there’s likely twice that population here in reality, just by walking around daily. I’ll be leaving a country, later this year, which does not resemble the one I grew up in. That was obviously intentional, which is sad. There’s no possibility of Trump-like maverick here that could change Britain’s course, so things will continue along this path for the foreseeable future. It’s s shame but karma is a bitch and this country has a huge debt to pay in that regard. I won’t miss “Broken Britain,” but I will miss what it used to be. Just like you reminisce about the US’s lost past, I guess I’ll reminisce about the UK’s past when I’ve been living in China for a few years. Oh well, such is our existence in this bizarre place!

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