Operation Sandman and the plan to put the United States to bed

Big changes all around.

When I was married to my first wife, I started to notice some odd behaviors as she sunk into the madness of her illness. They were subtle, and after a brief spell of madness, she went back to normal.

Over time, her crazy behavior become longer in duration, and more frequent.

It took me time to realize that she was slowly losing her marbles. But eventually I started to notice that some of her behaviors (independent of her bouts of crazy-town) were fixed. And very, very unusual.

The very first thing that I noticed was she no longer knew how to pose for a picture.

Every time I would try to take her picture, she would face the camera and give me the “deer in the headlights” look. I’ll tell you it really pissed me off.

Even when I took the time to pose her, the moment, when I picked up the camera, she would face it, lose her pose and give me that “deer in the headlights” look.


So… the United States is now in serious long-term psychosis. And we (as generally sane people) see this every moment the “news” reports on some event…

China cut off lithium supplies when the United States sanctioned it. That means no batteries for cars, and cell phones, and all those nice cheap “green technologies”. The oligarchy class int he USA then decided to make a quick buck by seizing by hostile takeover, the lithium mines and operations in Mexico.

Nope. Said the President of Mexico.

So then what happened?

Oh, yeah! Congress is now pushing for the Untied States to invade Mexico.

Man, this is getting to be a cross of a horror movie, and a Tim Burton surreal movie. It’s all fucking wacked. Check this out…

President of Kenya Urges Citizens To Get Rid of U.S. Dollars – soon (Operation Sandman????)


The President of Kenya today announced to all citizens they should get rid of any U.S. Dollars they may be holding because they will become worth less within weeks.

William Kipchirchir Samoei Arap Ruto, Ph.D, CGH; is a Kenyan politician who is serving as the fifth and current president of Kenya since 13 September 2022.

Prior to becoming president, he served as the first deputy president of Kenya from 2013 to 2022.

Today, in a nationally televised speech in Kenya, Ruto said  “Those of you who are holding dollars, you shortly might go into losses. So you better do what you have to do because this market will be different in a couple of weeks.”

This stunning announcement gives credibility to a RUMOR that has been circulating for over a year, that 142 countries around the world have secretly agreed to what they call “Operation Sandman.”

According to the RUMOR, Operation Sandman will “put the US Dollar to sleep” by having all 142 countries repudiate the currency on the same day, and refuse to continue accepting it for payment in Trade.

Countries around the world began planning this when they witnessed the then-Democrat-Controlled US Congress, go on a spending spree of several TRILLION Dollars in Omnibus Bills. Those countries realized there is nothing backing the value of US Dollars and they saw that the US Congress has no plans at all to reign-in spending.

One country’s Finance Ministry recently told the US, “We are no longer willing to accept ones and zeros in a bank computer as actual payment for real goods.”

The countries agreed that holding US currency was becoming foolish because it was becoming worthless on its face, thanks to all the rampant over-spending by the US Government.

Now, it appears those countries may actually take action “within a couple weeks.”

If countries around the world repudiate the Dollar as payment for goods in trade, then they would halt providing manufactured goods or raw materials unless paid in some currency OTHER THAN DOLLARS.

Since the U.S. barely does any manufacturing at all anymore, thanks to the business nitwits who thought it was a good idea to convert the US economy to a “service economy” then products we buy in stores will simply run out and we will be unable to re-stock because no one will want our money.

Among the business nitwits are also those who pushed for “Free Trade” claiming it would improve sales of American-made goods overseas if America agreed to halt Tariffs on all imported items.  The government bought-into the idea, not realizing – or not caring – that these very businessmen weren’t at all interested in selling more American goods overseas.  What they were interested in was shipping American JOBS overseas, taking advantage of cheap labor, then shipping those exact same products back to the USA to sell at the same high prices . . . . while pocketing the profit from the new, foreign, cheap labor without having to pay Tariiffs.

The Businessmen, their corporate Boards of Directors, and Commerce Organizations who touted “Free Trade” were the ones who moved American jobs overseas and now, the country barely manufactures anything, anymore.

So here we are, years later, and thanks to those businessmen, and the federal politicians who foolishly believed their lies about “Free Trade,” we have almost no manufacturing. Countries around the world seem to be actually planning to stop accepting the US dollar as payment, so we won’t be able to buy anything because it’s all made overseas now!

Retaliation against the people who did this should be swift and ferocious when Americans can no longer buy even life’s basics because corporate titans and certain others stripped our country of manufacturing.



Readers should make a list for themselves of all the “Basics” we take for granted, and make certain you have a bunch stocked up.  Things like:

  • Underwear
  • Undershirts
  • Socks (White and colored)
  • Shoes (Dress and casual), Sneakers, Boots (Hiking & Work)
  • Belts (dress and casual)
  • Sweaters
  • Coats and jackets
  • Hats
  • Bathing suits/swimwear
  • Jeans / Dungarees / Pants
  • Casual and dress shirts
  • Ties
  • Suits and Sport Coats

Head out to your kitchen and see if you need any new:

  • Pots
  • Pans  (Cast iron and non-stick)
  • Mixing bowls
  • Dishware (Plates, Dishes, Bowls)
  • Utensils (Knives (Carving, Steak, and butter), forks, spoons, spatulas,  etc.
  • Drinking glasses, cups, coffee mugs
  • Cutting boards for use with slicing meats or breads
  • Placemats (if you use them at your table)

Do you have a Sewing Box or kit?

  • Needles and thread for sewing
  • Spare buttons for shirts
  • Maybe a spare zipper or two
  • Thimbles
  • Knitting and Crochet Needles and YARN

Guys, don’t forget:  TOOLS!

  • Hammers
  • Screwdrivers (Regular 1,2,3,4 — , Philips 1,2,3,4–, Torx, and Robertson (Square drive))
  • Pliers  (Regular, cutting, Vice-grip, tin snips, etc.)
  • Wrenches (regular and pipe (Monkey))
  • Ratchets and sockets (all sizes US and Metric)
  • Saws and/or saw blades (Wood, Miter, metal, chain)
  • Chisels
  • Grease gun and cartridges of grease
  • POWER TOOLS !!!  (Drills, saws, nail guns, and the like)
  • EXTENSION CORDS (For both inside a house, and long ones for working outside)
  • Gas can(s)


The list of everyday things we all take for granted is almost never-ending.  I’m certain I missed a whole slew of things, but you get the idea.

Almost NONE of these things are made here anymore and if you’re running low or your stuff is old and wearing out, you need to get these things in your possession while you still can!

If these foreign countries do what it seems the President of Kenya has hinted they ARE GOING TO DO, then all these things become scarce overnight and will remain scarce for . . . .  YEARS!

I’m sure there are many more things that you can think of.  What ever they are, GET THEM.  FAST!

China’s 3nm phototransistor development breakthrough with brand new technology never thought of.

The United States is trying to block the development of China’s technology starting from Huawei 5G sanctions to chip sanctions upon most Chinese companies. Facing the technological hegemony of the United States, China is also looking for a way to change lanes and overtake!

Recently Dai Ching’s team at the China National nanoscience Center has made an important achievement in the field of Polaritons based on the efficient excitation and long-distance transmission of polaritons. The team successfully created a photo transistor which realized the regulation of positive and negative refraction of light at the nanoscale and significantly improved the ability to manipulate light at the nanoscale.

You must know that phototransistors are the main basis for the development of photonic chips and China’s continuous breakthroughs in the field of phototransistors have made China a leader in the field of photonic chips and has led to the world’s leading level.

Earlier the Chinese Academy of Sciences also officially announced that it has broken through the research and development of 3nm Optical chip transistors and a tube chip production line has been built in Beijing ready to start production.

This news soon caused shocks in the industry. This is undoubtedly a qualitative breakthrough for domestic chips and it also verifies the possibility of China changing lanes and overtaking in the chip field.

So what are the characteristics of optical chips why will Optical chips become the main Lane for China’s semiconductors to change lanes and overtake. Even Huawei’s Rin Zhengfei said that Optical chips are the future of chips.

There are four reasons. First Optical chips have speeds that silicon-based chips cannot match if a photon and an electron are allowed to hit a clock at the same time the result is obviously that the photon must arrive first after all the speed of light is close to 300 000 kilometers per second which is unmatched by electrical signals, the optical chip uses light waves as the carrier of signal transmission and calculation unlike traditional silicon-based chips.

Photonic chips use Global new semiconductor materials such as InP and GaAs substrates which almost completely outperformed silicon-based materials in terms of cost and performance. According to the data given by the Chinese Academy of Sciences under the same conditions the computing power of optical chips will reach more than one thousand times that of silicon-based chips which can be described as an existence against the sky.

Second the optical chip has lower energy consumption less heat generation and stronger information carrying capacity, photons not only generate less heat electrons but can also achieve considerably higher data transfer rates than electrons in this way the volume of the optical chip device will be greatly reduced.

Third, Optical chips no longer need to rely on expensive EUV lithography machines, this means that in the field of optical chip development China does not have to worry about being stuck by the United States because in terms of aspects China and the United States are on the same starting line in the field of optical chips.

Even many Technologies in China have surpassed the US solving the problem of high-end chip shortcomings. China can produce high-performance chips by itself which is undoubtedly a disaster for American Semiconductor companies after the release of the U.S chip act U.S chip Giants Qualcomm Intel and Texas Instruments all suffered backlash and their performance fell sharply.

If China succeeds in the research and development of high-end ships it means that China will no longer rely on the U.S market in the future, the loss of the Chinese market is even more of a disaster for U.S companies, the excess chip production capacity cannot be sold and in the end they can only beg China to buy.

Although the optical chip has many advantages it also faces a new problem in the current development one is how to commercialize it and the other is how to make it smaller and use it in terminal equipment.

China has already started commercialization and assembly line production of quantum chips and quantum computers it will not be too far to solve the problem of optical chips.

China is vigorously promoting the substitution of domestic chips this stems from the tremendous progress made by Chinese Chips in just a few years China has made breakthroughs in memory chips analog chips GPU chips etc..

Recently Bill Gates once again stated in an interview with the British financial times that the US’s approach cannot stop the advancement of Chinese Chips but will instead cause more losses to U.S chips American chip companies.

Chinese chip industry has not flinched and has further cultivated its own chip system promoting the development of risk V architecture is exactly China’s approach to further enhance its independent research and development capabilities of chips, this will fundamentally get rid of the U.S chip system in the end of this race.

Western world with paltry 15% global population slice wont be able to withstand against the rest – most of whom are well entrenched in Asia which includes two great powers, namely; Russia and China.

Based on Remarks today . . . War it will be

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council (Senate) Dmitry Medvedev made remarks today that seem to confirm war with the West is the choice that has, in fact, been made.

When analyzing public remarks of any leader, one must always take into account errors in translation, and more importantly, nuances in culture/language that may exist in one culture, but do not precisely translate to other cultures.   So interpreting remarks of foreign officials is a delicate task that must be undertaken with very great care.

Having said that, sometimes the meaning of a foreign officials remarks translate very precisely, and say what we actually think is meant.  Such was the case today.

Today, Dmitry Medvedev said the following:  “The consequences of the collision of the world’s most powerful armies will be terrible and there will be no victor at all.”

Pretty hard to not understand the plain meaning of that.   Let’s dissect:

“The consequences of THE collision . . . .”  Not “a collision” but rather “THE” collision.  His use of the word THE rather than “a” indicates to me that a collision IS, in fact, coming.

“. . . WILL be terrible . . .”  Not “would” or “could” but rather “WILL.”  His use of the word “WILL” rather than “would” or “could” reinforces my interpretation above that the decision to go to actual war has been made.

Lastly,  “. . . there WILL be no victor at all.”    Again, his use of the word “WILL” is now double reinforcement of the reality that the decision for an actual shooting war is already made, and worse, since “. . . there will be no victor”  that tells me it is also decided that the coming war WILL be nuclear.   After all, a nuclear war is the ONLY war that has no victor.

Medvedev is not in any way careless with his use of language.  He is clearly a highly educated man, who says what he means and means what he says.

He went on: “Russia is not fighting the Ukrainian regime, but rather the 3.6 million-member NATO army.”

That.     That right there . . .  is the hideous, ugly reality.   Medvedev knows what’s what, and he just said it publicly.   When a top elected official of a country, publicly declares that war is being waged against his land by an identified combatant, the only expected course of action is for his country to engage that combatant directly.   So this remark reinforce my interpretation of earlier remarks above.

Medvedev’s choice of words today, terrifies me.  Not because I am afraid to die — I’m not.   But because his words seem to indicate (to me) that tens of millions of us are going to die, and our world will __never__ be the same.  The good will perish with the evil.  Cities and towns will be flattened.  Disease and death will run rampant.

This is a catastrophe that does not have to be.  Yet our U.S. government, and its NATO vassals, are pursuing this course to the exclusion of almost all else.  It seems like insanity to me.

In related news, Estonia’s Foreign Minister has decided to expel one Russian diplomat.  Moscow will respond to Estonia’s decision to expel Russian diplomat — Russian Foreign Ministry.

So what little is left of “Diplomacy” is also being intentionally wrecked by our NATO vassals.

Huawei update

Huawei Technologies Co said it has successfully developed electronic design automation, or EDA tools, for chips above 14 nanometers process by partnering with domestic partners, marking a crucial breakthrough for China’s semiconductor industry amid the US government restrictions.

Nicknamed the “cradle” of integrated circuits, EDA is software widely used in the sector and is of great importance to the entire process of designing chips.

Xu Zhijun, rotating chairman of Huawei, said the company has completed the localization of EDA tools above 14nm in the chip field and will complete comprehensive verification this year.

Huawei confirmed to China Daily on Friday that Xu made the remarks in a late February meeting.

China has long relied on US companies such as Cadence and Synopsys for high-end electronic design automation tools. EDA for 14nm chips are middle-end products, but it still marks a breakthrough.

The progress is part of a broader push by Huawei to develop domestic development tools for hardware, software and chips amid the US government’s lingering restrictions.

Xu said the company has replaced 78 software tools affected by Washington’s ban, which can basically ensure the continuity of its research and development efforts amid US restrictions.

Xu said that although the company has achieved many breakthroughs in product development tools over the past three years, it still faces formidable challenges.

Huawei will redouble its efforts to attract more global talents in order to achieve a strategic breakthrough in the area, he added.

Major Chinese insurance companies have also tailor-made insurance services to promote the use of domestically developed chip products such as EDA tools, people familiar with the matter told China Daily.

Such insurance services, which have already been used to support homegrown auto chip companies in 2021, can help Chinese semiconductor enterprises lower research and development costs, and accelerate efforts to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies, they said.

Silent Hill Promotional Event In Tokyo

Models dressed as bandaged nurses take part in a promotional event for the film “Silent Hill” on June 22, 2006 in Tokyo, Japan.




Numerous Stratotankers Just Went Up Over Iraq . . . 20 Missiles Just Struck 3 US Bases in Syria


Iran may be about to get hit. Three Strato-tankers just went airborne over Iraq. LIVE UPDATES BELOW . . .

-USAF KC135R 60-0365

-USAF KC135R 62-3533

-USAF KC135T 58-0069

Putting that much air refueling capability into action signifies a big air operation is about to take place. Something big is happening.

2023 03 26 18 02
2023 03 26 18 02


Receiving Intel that upwards of Twenty missiles have struck at three different US Bases inside Syria:

the US Conoco Oil Field base in the outskirts of Deir ez-Zor

Three more US bases have been targeted rockets and artillery, including: Al-Tanf, Homs governorate Koniko Gas Field, Deir Ezzor governorate


Missile strike continues at this moment and it is targeting the American base in the Koniko and Khasham field near the town of Al-Jafra, northeast of Deir Ezzor, which is used by US army.


US military official confirms to Al Jazeera that one of the American military bases in Deir_ez-Zor has been targeted by about 6 to 8 rockets, adding that “American forces are assessing casualties and damage”


US AND Coalition war planes are now striking back.

“Strong and successive explosions were heard at the entrances to the city of Al-Mayadin in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, coinciding with the flight of the international coalition aircraft over the area”



Apache helicopters and US warplanes are flying in the sky of Deir Ezzor countryside now



Warplanes are said to be taking off from the US base in Qatar. Planes are heading towards Syria. to hit Iranian militias



U.S. and Iranian/Militia Forces in the Deir ez-Zur Region have reportedly been exchanging Rocket and Missiles Fire between each other for the last few hours; Coalition Aircraft have also been attempting to Strike the Iranian Launch Sites.

Heavy US Air Force activity over parts of eastern Syria after rockets were launched at a US base



The 3 US bases in Syria are currently UNDER ALMOST CONSTANT artillery fire. Reports of damage and fire at the bases.

American planes are in the airspace of eastern Syria, some of which took off from the Persian Gulf, including the B52.



*****BULLETIN *****

5:42 PM EDT —

Preliminary reports indicate that some units of the Syrian Arab Army may be engaging US forces. It has also been reported that Syrian Armed Forces carried out attacks against Turkish forces in Syria


HAL TURNER INTEL — Speaking to some sources in Syria, the attack tonight on the US base is devastating by the sounds of it. High possibility of numerous American casualties…

Pro-Iran forces in Syria warn they may ‘respond to more US strikes’



Pro-Iranian forces evacuated all of their HQs as they attacked several U.S. bases in eastern #Syria, fearing severe retaliation.

BREAKING NEWS: Russia Moves Ten (10) Aircraft to Belarus “Capable” of Carrying Tactical Nukes; WILL ALSO STATION NUKES IN BELARUS!

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a shocking surprise announcement today that “Russia has now positioned ten (10) aircraft inside Belarus capable of carrying Tactical nuclear weapons.”  He declined to say if such weapons are already on those aircraft.

Putin also announced that actual nuclear bombs “will be stationed in Belarus from now on.”

Developing . . .


Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie

2023 03 19 16 56
2023 03 19 16 56


Flaky Crust

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons granulated sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup chilled solid vegetable shortening, cut into pieces
  • 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoon chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces
  • About 10 tablespoon ice water


  • 3 1/2 cups 1/2-inch thick slices trimmed rhubarb (1 1/2 pounds untrimmed)
  • 3 1/2 cups strawberries, hulled and halved
  • 1/2 cup packed golden brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 large egg yolk, beaten, to blend with 1 teaspoon water (for glaze)


  1. Combine flour, sugar and salt in a food processor or blender. Using the pulse feature, cut in shortening and butter until a coarse meal forms. Blend in enough ice water, 2 tablespoons at a time, to form moist clumps. Gather dough into a ball; cut in half. Flatten each half into a disk. Wrap separately in plastic wrap; refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour.
  2. Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Combine first 7 ingredients in a large bowl; toss gently to blend.
  3. Roll out 1 dough disk on a floured work surface to a 13-inch round. Transfer to a 9-inch diameter glass pie dish. Trim excess dough, leaving a 3/4-inch overhang.
  4. Roll out second dough disk on a lightly floured surface to a 13-inch round. Cut into fourteen 1/2-inch wide strips. Spoon filling into crust. Arrange 7 dough strips atop filling, spacing evenly. Form lattice by placing remaining dough strips in opposite direction atop filling, trim ends of dough strips even with overhang of bottom crust. Fold strip ends and overhang under, pressing to seal. Crimp edges decoratively.
  5. Brush glaze over crust. Transfer pie to a baking sheet.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes.
  7. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F.
  8. Bake pie until golden and filling thickens, about 1 hour 25 minutes.
  9. Transfer pie to a cooling rack to cool completely.

This is the problem with TikTok:

  • it is a Chinese company making a better product than its American equivalent
  • over 150 million Americans now used it ignoring their government warning of being spied on
  • amongst its MANY contents, it provided information that debunks the state narratives
  • it tells of corruption at the highest level of the American Government, provide concrete examples of how they are being manipulated and question why Americans are not living better lives – universal health care, better infrastructure, better education, etc
  • most of ALL it tells of the American public revulsion’s at the constant death, war and destruction that is waged against others in their name by the military industrial complex.

Therefore TikTok is a threat to those who are in power in the United States. They should fear for what they had done to the country and its people.

The attempt to ban TikTok in the United Stated have now galvanized the American TikTok community which makes up about half the American population AND this are younger Americans. More consequently and making their anger worst, as reported by the Washington Post, this action to banned TikTok was orchestrated and paid for by Meta

So it will be interesting if the State will proceed with banning TilTok.

Tacony dungeon: Linda Weston gets life plus 80 years for locking up and starving disabled people

2023 03 19 18 19
2023 03 19 18 19

A 55-year-old woman in the US has been sentenced to life plus 80 years in jail for locking up disabled people in basements and attics in order to steal their social benefit cheques. Linda Weston, the main accused, was convicted of keeping her victims locked in different US states from 2001 to 2011.

According to NBC News, when Judge Cynthia Rufe sentenced Weston to life in prison, she said: “Your acts were unconscionable. You are evil.”

She further said: “Ironically, in prison you will get three meals a day and medical and psychological services . . . something you didn’t do for your captives.”

Weston was saved from the death penalty following a plea bargain in September.

Weston was saved from the death penalty following a plea bargain in September. She pleaded guilty to 196 federal counts during the hearing and apologised for what she had done: “I am sorry. I believe in God and God knows what happened.” To which the judge, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, replied: “There are a lot of people in this courtroom who know what happened, too.”

Two of Weston’s associates — Eddie Wright and Weston’s daughter, Jean McIntosh — have pleaded guilty, while two others are awaiting trial. According to prosecutors, the group ran their operations in three other states. Back in 2011, four disabled adults were discovered locked inside a boiler room in an apartment building in a Tacony neighbourhood in Philadelphia. They were rescued by the police.

According to the prosecutors, Weston’s group tortured six disabled adults and four children by starving them. Some were even forced to drink their own urine and eat human waste. Others were encouraged to have children so the group could collect more benefits cheques.

Back in 2008 in Virginia, a woman in the group’s captivity died after suffering from meningitis, after being kept starving and locked in a kitchen cabinet for months.

Another victim died due to starvation in 2005. “You are evil and done a bad job on me. I’m trying to get over this and get this part behind me,” one of the victims, Drwin McLemire was quoted as saying by NBC.

Weston’s group stole more than $200,000 (£131,939) in social security benefits from victims, some of who were forced into prostitution, prosecutors said. “When the individuals tried to escape, stole food or otherwise protested their treatment, Weston and others punished them by slapping, punching, kicking, stabbing, burning and hitting them with closed hands, belts, sticks, bats and hammers or other objects, including the butt of a pistol,” US District Attorney Zane Memeger said in a statement quoted by The Washington Post.

This is absolutely correct.

  • Let me note which country is fully and unconditionally with the U.S. For me it is UK and Canada.
  • Next which country are trapped into fully supporting the U.S. For me it is the former colonial powers, France, Spain, Belgium and Netherlands.
  • Then there are those countries using the U.S. to balance and threaten Russia. For me these countries are Poland, Scandinavian nations. Sweden, Finland, Norway, Lithuania and some small Eastern European mainly former Soviet satellites nations needing counterbalance having poke Russia’s eyes constantly.
  • There are Anglo nations that has some blood bonds such as Australia and New Zealand. And finally there are 3 slave vassal states that essentially has no rights of their own effectively.

These countries today represent 13% of the worlds population and add up to 2 dozen nations or a mere 12% of world’s nations.

The rest of the world which represents 87% of the world’s population are totally aware of the evil nature of the U.S.

The U.S. game of impoverish these countries while hypocritically lying about human rights, democracy, freedom while ganging up with their cronies to threaten the world.

The Ukraine war is the one that break the camel back.

Today these 150–160 nations are openly and publicly opposing the U.S. hegemony. And fully backing the multi polar world.

To the world this is the only way forward to contained the US from threatening the world.

To me even these 13% of the world is also not fully supporting the oppression of the developing world. A good 50% of them don’t even support their government. Frankly the U.S. command less than 5% of the worlds opinion.

True these countries are rich but also true is that all these nation are failing and stagnating.

For me it us game over for the U.S.

Of course the U.S. and their hang ons partners won’t admit it and to me the harder they fight it the more they will be hurt. And more of their allies will leave them.

I don’t credit Russia or China.

They did not win it.

The U.S. lost it. By over interference, over exuberance, overspending, over estimating itself, over warmongering and underestimating the rest of the world.

The gathering storm

The crisis of American national power has begun. America’s economy is tipping over, and Western financial markets are quietly panicking. Imperiled by rising interest rates, mortgage-backed securities and U.S. Treasuries are losing their value. The market’s proverbial “vibes”—feelings, emotions, beliefs, and psychological penchants—suggest a dark turn is underway inside the American economy.

American national power is measured as much by American military capability as by economic potential and performance. The growing realization that American and European military-industrial capacity cannot keep up with Ukrainian demands for ammunition and equipment is an ominous signal to send during a proxy war that Washington insists its Ukrainian surrogate is winning.

Russian economy-of-force operations in southern Ukraine appear to have successfully ground down attacking Ukrainian forces with the minimal expenditure of Russian lives and resources. While Russia’s implementation of attrition warfare worked brilliantly, Russia mobilized its reserves of men and equipment to field a force that is several magnitudes larger and significantly more lethal than it was a year ago.

Russia’s massive arsenal of artillery systems including rockets, missiles, and drones linked to overhead surveillance platforms converted Ukrainian soldiers fighting to retain the northern edge of the Donbas into pop-up targets. How many Ukrainian soldiers have died is unknown, but one recent estimate wagers between 150,000-200,000 Ukrainians have been killed in action since the war began, while another estimates about 250,000.

Given the glaring weakness of NATO members’ ground, air, and air defense forces, an unwanted war with Russia could easily bring hundreds of thousands of Russian Troops to the Polish border, NATO’s Eastern Frontier. This is not an outcome Washington promised its European allies, but it’s now a real possibility.

In contrast to the Soviet Union’s hamfisted and ideologically driven foreign policymaking and execution, contemporary Russia has skillfully cultivated support for its cause in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. The fact that the West’s economic sanctions damaged the U.S. and European economies while turning the Russian ruble into one of the international system’s strongest currencies has hardly enhanced Washington’s global standing.

Biden’s policy of forcibly pushing NATO to Russia’s borders forged a strong commonality of security and trade interests between Moscow and Beijing that is attracting strategic partners in South Asia like India, and partners like Brazil in Latin America. The global economic implications for the emerging Russo-Chinese axis and their planned industrial revolution for some 3.9 billion people in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are profound.

Inside presidential administrations, there are always competing factions urging the president to adopt a particular course of action. Observers on the outside seldom know with certainty which faction exerts the most influence, but there are figures in the Biden administration seeking an off-ramp from involvement in Ukraine. Even Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a rabid supporter of the proxy war with Moscow, recognizes that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s demand that the West help him recapture Crimea is a red line for Putin that might lead to a dramatic escalation from Moscow.

Backing down from the Biden administration’s malignant and asinine demands for a humiliating Russian withdrawal from eastern Ukraine before peace talks can convene is a step Washington refuses to take. Yet it must be taken. The higher interest rates rise, and the more Washington spends at home and abroad to prosecute the war in Ukraine, the closer American society moves toward internal political and social turmoil. These are dangerous conditions for any republic.

100 Items You Need, That DISAPPEAR FIRST During War

This list was made by a person who survived the Bosnian War. It shows the 100 items to disappear first in war.  As Americans decide whether or not the government of the State of New York should be allowed to continue to exist, over the pending Trump arrest, perhaps this list may come in handy if Civil War erupts.

It was written by a survivor of the war, they shared it with the world, now I share it with you.

Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. Noisy…target of thieves; maintenance etc.)
Water Filters/Purifiers
Portable Toilets
Seasoned Firewood. Wood takes about 6 – 12 months to become dried, for home uses.
Lamp Oil, Wicks, Lamps (First Choice: Buy CLEAR oil. If scarce, stockpile ANY!)
Coleman Fuel. Impossible to stockpile too much.
Guns, Ammunition, Pepper Spray, Knives, Clubs, Bats & Slingshots.
Hand-can openers, & hand egg beaters, whisks.
Honey/Syrups/white, brown sugar
Rice – Beans – Wheat
Vegetable Oil (for cooking) Without it food burns/must be boiled etc.,)
Charcoal, Lighter Fluid (Will become scarce suddenly)
Water Containers (Urgent Item to obtain.) Any size. Small: HARD CLEAR PLASTIC ONLY – note – food grade if for drinking.
Mini Heater head (Propane) (Without this item, propane won’t heat a room.)
Grain Grinder (Non-electric)
Propane Cylinders (Urgent: Definite shortages will occur.
Survival Guide Book.
Mantles: Aladdin, Coleman, etc. (Without this item, longer-term lighting is difficult.)
Baby Supplies: Diapers/formula. ointments/aspirin, etc.
Washboards, Mop Bucket w/wringer (for Laundry)
Cookstoves (Propane, Coleman & Kerosene)
Propane Cylinder Handle-Holder (Urgent: Small canister use is dangerous without this item)
Feminine Hygiene/Haircare/Skin products.
Thermal underwear (Tops & Bottoms)
Bow saws, axes and hatchets, Wedges (also, honing oil)
Aluminum Foil Reg. & Heavy Duty (Great Cooking and Barter Item)
Gasoline Containers (Plastic & Metal)
Garbage Bags (Impossible To Have Too Many).
Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Paper Towels
Milk – Powdered & Condensed (Shake Liquid every 3 to 4 months)
Garden Seeds (Non-Hybrid) (A MUST)
Clothes pins/line/hangers (A MUST)
Coleman’s Pump Repair Kit
Tuna Fish (in oil)
Fire Extinguishers (or..large box of Baking Soda in every room)
First aid kits
Batteries (all sizes…buy furthest-out for Expiration Dates)
Garlic, spices & vinegar, baking supplies
Big Dogs (and plenty of dog food)
Flour, yeast & salt
Matches. {“Strike Anywhere” preferred.) Boxed, wooden matches will go first
Writing paper/pads/pencils, solar calculators
Insulated ice chests (good for keeping items from freezing in Wintertime.)
Workboots, belts, Levis & durable shirts
Flashlights/LIGHTSTICKS & torches, “No. 76 Dietz” Lanterns
Journals, Diaries & Scrapbooks (jot down ideas, feelings, experience; Historic Times)
Garbage cans Plastic (great for storage, water, transporting – if with wheels)
Men’s Hygiene: Shampoo, Toothbrush/paste, Mouthwash/floss, nail clippers, etc
Cast iron cookware (sturdy, efficient)
Fishing supplies/tools
Mosquito coils/repellent, sprays/creams
Duct Tape
Laundry Detergent (liquid)
Backpacks, Duffel Bags
Garden tools & supplies
Scissors, fabrics & sewing supplies
Canned Fruits, Veggies, Soups, stews, etc.
Bleach (plain, NOT scented: 4 to 6% sodium hypochlorite)
Canning supplies, (Jars/lids/wax)
Knives & Sharpening tools: files, stones, steel
Bicycles…Tires/tubes/pumps/chains, etc
Sleeping Bags & blankets/pillows/mats
Carbon Monoxide Alarm (battery powered)
Board Games, Cards, Dice
d-con Rat poison, MOUSE PRUFE II, Roach Killer
Mousetraps, Ant traps & cockroach magnets
Paper plates/cups/utensils (stock up, folks)
Baby wipes, oils, waterless & Antibacterial soap (saves a lot of water)
Rain gear, rubberized boots, etc.
Shaving supplies (razors & creams, talc, after shave)
Hand pumps & siphons (for water and for fuels)
Soysauce, vinegar, bullions/gravy/soupbase
Reading glasses
Chocolate/Cocoa/Tang/Punch (water enhancers)
Woolen clothing, scarves/ear-muffs/mittens
Boy Scout Handbook, / also Leaders Catalog
Roll-on Window Insulation Kit (MANCO)
Graham crackers, saltines, pretzels, Trail mix/Jerky
Popcorn, Peanut Butter, Nuts
Socks, Underwear, T-shirts, etc. (extras)
Lumber (all types)
Wagons & carts (for transport to and from)
Cots & Inflatable mattress’s
Gloves: Work/warming/gardening, etc.
Lantern Hangers
Screen Patches, glue, nails, screws,, nuts & bolts
Wine/Liquors (for bribes, medicinal, etc,)
Paraffin wax
Glue, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, etc.
Chewing gum/candies
Atomizers (for cooling/bathing)
Hats & cotton neckerchiefs

The Tiktok hearings are the beginning of the end of domestic contentment…

Watching the hundreds of videos all point to an element of great unrest.

  • The Congressmen and Senators are idiots who don’t understand the basics of life.
  • They want to ban a Chinese app that everyone uses, event though the CEO has been trying to accommodate their desires.
  • The app is bringing American together and this entire event is causing people to argue that the government does not represent the people.
  • No first Amendment rights.

Popular meme from this battle…

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Uh Oh! Gold Jumps $64.30 an Ounce – TODAY


The Spot Price of Gold Bullion jumped $64.30 per ounce today (+3.34%), reaching a cost of $1987.30 per ounce during regular market-day trading.   Once the market closed, Gold continued to rise, reaching $1993.70.  as of 5:42 PM eastern US Time (+3.68%).

This is taking place because people are pulling cash out of Banks and out of Stock Markets, and rushing to WHAT THEY ***THINK*** is the “safety” of Gold.   In fact, what most of them are doing is buying “Paper” Gold . . . . allowing someone ELSE to hold the actual metal for them.    If things in the financial markets continue NEXT WEEK, as they’ve been going this week, all those “Paper” Gold holders . . . . may find out the hard way, they have nothing.  Only people who took actual delivery and have the gold in their own hands, are safe.

According to a new study reported by the Wall Street Journal, one-hundred eighty-six (186) additional banks have the same issues that faced Silicon Valley Bank before it collapsed.

Given that this is now being publicly reported – albeit DELIBERATELY after the markets closed on Friday — this weekend could result in an actual “Black Monday” when markets re-open on the 20th.  (We will all have to watch pre-market conditions when futures trading opens up Sunday night.)

Fed BigBanks RegionalBanks
Fed BigBanks RegionalBanks

Given all the government activity last weekend, as Silicon Valley Bank and then Signature Bank collapsed, it is entirely feasible that government action may also take place this weekend.

What will YOU do if the government orders a “Bank Holiday” next week, and none of the banks can open?   What will YOU do if all the ATM’s, credit, and debit cards are OFFLINE for a Bank Holiday?   That could mean every store would be CASH ONLY;  No credit, Debit, or even EBT cards!   How will you eat?  How will you put fuel in your car?

You had better prepare while you still have a slim window to do so: This weekend.



Russian SubmarineMissileLaunches large
Russian SubmarineMissileLaunches large

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy said tonight his government will “launch salvos of missiles from submarines . . . in the neutral waters of the Pacific Ocean, relatively close to the coast of the United States, equipped with imitation nuclear warheads.”

The date of this ‘exercise” is not yet known.

This will be Russia’s response to the United States sending B-52’s to within ten miles of Russian territory (an island in the Baltic Sea) wherein they practiced launching nuclear cruise missiles at St. Petersburg, Russia, earlier this week.  That incident, earlier this week, was reported HERE

From the Russian Foreign Ministry: “We urge the United States to think about the consequences of its increasingly aggressive actions fraught with direct military confrontation with Russia.”

Hal Turner Analysis

Things are not getting better, folks.  They’re getting very much worse.

Get right with God.

Southwest Skillet Pot Pie

2023 03 19 17 00
2023 03 19 17 00



  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 (15 ounce) cans mixed vegetables, drained
  • 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 (4 ounce) can diced jalapeno peppers, drained (optional)
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1 (1 1/4 ounce) package taco seasoning mix
  • Salsa and sour cream


  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup yellow corn meal
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 (4 ounce) can chopped green chiles


  1. Filling: In 10-inch skillet, brown and cook ground beef; drain thoroughly. Return meat to pan. Add onion; return to heat and cook until tender. Add mixed vegetables, beans, jalapeno peppers, water and taco seasoning. Cook over medium-high heat until most of liquid is gone.
  2. Crust: In medium bowl, combine flour, corn meal, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add milk, egg, oil and chiles; stir until flour is moistened. Spread evenly over top of meat mixture in skillet. Cook, covered, over low heat for 30 to 35 minutes or a wooden pick inserted into crust comes out clean.
  3. Serve hot with salsa and sour cream.

Serves 4 to 6.

You can also bake this in the oven. Using an ovenproof skillet, bake at 375 degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes, or until crust is lightly browned.

Peach Pie

This is a wonderful way to prepare pie the old-fashioned way in a cast iron skillet.

2023 03 19 16 58
2023 03 19 16 58


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/3 cup shortening
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup milk
  • 8 fresh peaches


  1. Sift flour; measure and add salt and baking powder. Sift again. Cut in shortening as for pastry. Add milk all at once, just enough to make a soft dough. Turn out on a floured board and roll a round piece 1/4 inch thick and several inches larger in diameter than the skillet used. Place dough in bottom of skillet, letting edges hang over the outside. Then fill with sliced peaches and sprinkle with a mixture of 3/4 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1 tablespoon flour. Dot with butter. Fold edges toward center to partially cover the pie. Leave center of pie uncovered.
  2. Bake at 400 degrees F for 25 to 30 minutes.
  3. Serve warm or cold.

U.S. Air Force Attacks Allegedly IRANIAN Assets Inside Syria; Numerous Dead

A U.S. Government Press Release reads as follows: Earlier today, a U.S. contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and one additional U.S. contractor were wounded after a one-way unmanned aerial vehicle struck a maintenance facility on a Coalition base near Hasakah in northeast Syria at approximately 1:38 p.m. local time.

The intelligence community assess the UAV to be of Iranian origin.

“At the direction of President Biden, I authorized U.S. Central Command forces to conduct precision airstrikes tonight in eastern Syria against facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC),” said Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III. “The airstrikes were conducted in response to today’s attack as well as a series of recent attacks against Coalition forces in Syria by groups affiliated with the IRGC.”


Hal Turner Remarks

And there’s your “False Flag” that now gives a green light to US Forces to attack Iran itself (perhaps along with Israel).

Did you catch the paragraph which read “The intelligence community assess the UAV to be of Iranian origin.”     OHHHHHHH!   The “Intelligence Community?”  Do they mean the same nitwits that came to a consensus that President Trump got elected through “Russia Collusion?”   Yea, that’s them.  The same nitwits who couldn’t figure out that the entire Russia Collusion nonsense came from the Hillary Clinton Campaign!  That’s the level of dingbat, and asshat, presently infesting the US “Intelligence Community.”  Soy boys and girly men most all of them, I think.

Here we go.   The US will use this as a pretext for attacking “nuclear sites” inside Iran.  Just watch.

In Moscow, Xi and Putin Bury Pax Americana

China is richer than the next 9 richest countries in the world! …
2023 03 25 20 27
2023 03 25 20 27

Famous Music Hits Turned Into Vintage Ad Posters

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David Redon wanted to take music hits and treat them like they were vintage ads, that the artist was the product and the title was the baseline. We can highlight the fact that David Redon adapted wonderfully every visual code of the first printed ads.

More: Instagram, Behance

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It’s Fake Nikes, Fake Reeboks, Fake Rolexes but Original Shoes

It’s the Brand that is Counterfeit

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main qimg 00c4ed36e15a3358c84ea6ea6b43f7f5

A Nike Factory works on the SAME MOULD and MATERIAL as a Factory making non branded shoes.

The Feet Energy Shock Absorber Pad is patented design from Nike and that’s the difference

Nike also has special color pattern dyes that are unique and custom made from Ohio

Nike also has Industrial stitch fasteners that are patented designs (Stitching the threads) and custom made threads

This FESA Pad costs 50% of the Manufacturing cost.

In China, they make Pads that are around 60% -70% of Nikes quality and the Pattern Dyes are 90% similar and made in China

China makes 90% of the Worlds Stitch Fasteners and Threads for shoes barring a few big brands like Nike Or Adidas. So they can easily get a fastener and thread at maybe 1/3 to 1/4 the price

Difference is the Cost per Pair for this Non Branded Shoe is 1/6th of what it costs to manufacture a Nike.

So a Nike costs 225 -400 Yuan to manufacture in China and retails for 650–1200 Yuan

A Fake Nike costs 62 Yuan to manufacture in China and retails for 190–270 Yuan

The Fake Nike is 70–75% the Quality of Nike

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main qimg 0ccfbaca2b58d21dab8f81aaf1fedc48

It has a roaring market of practical Chinese teens who want cool brands but dont want to pay the brand premiums or the cost of design related R&D

No Issues

It’s even encouraged

So Fake Nikes are pretty easy to make

The Same Mould , Materials, Similar Pads and Similar Dyes (Local Produce and not Imported from Akron Ohio) at 16–20% of a Nikes manufacturing cost

China has NO ISSUES

The Problem will come when the Fake Nikes ARE SOLD AS ORIGINAL

That is a Crime and Counterfeiting is charged and you face 3–7 Years Jail for First Offence and 5–15 Years for subsequent offense

So if a Fake Nike retails for less than 300 Yuan, no issues. Even Cops will buy some grinning. You have a problem? Go to the copyright commission

If a Fake Nike retails for 600–800 Yuan, that is the same or close to the retail price of an Original Nike, YOU ARE DEAD!!!

Our Chinese friends are very practical but they have their own codes when it comes to trade

They may cut corners but CHEATING is something they cannot stand

An Exporter who sells you Lead containing toys for 9 Yuan Retail ($ 1.20) that the Importer in US will retail for $ 4.99 , doesnt bother anyone in China

An Exporter who sells a Toy for 157 Yuan Retail ($ 24.40) with a ‘Special Fee’ and a No Lead additive guarantee, that the Importer in US will retail for $ 69.99 , will be Blacklisted and Jailed and fined massively


2023 03 26 17 5wt3
2023 03 26 17 5wt3

Something’s up. Several UNIQUE and very important vessels for early-warning-detection of nuclear missile launches, have been suddenly deployed from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1) a floating, self-propelled, mobile active electronically scanned array early-warning radar station.

2023 03 26 17 55
2023 03 26 17 55

The Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1) is a floating, self-propelled, mobile active electronically scanned array early-warning radar station is designed to operate in high winds and heavy seas. It was developed as part of the United States Department of Defense Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) Ballistic Missile Defense System.

The radar is mounted on a fifth generation CS-50 twin-hulled semi-submersible oil platform. Conversion of the vessel was carried out at the AmFELS yard in Brownsville, Texas; the radar mount was built and mounted on the vessel at the Kiewit yard in Ingleside, Texas.

It is nominally based at Adak Island in Alaska, but has spent significant time at Pearl Harbor in test status.   When it departed Pearl Harbor today, it was ***NOT*** on any heading back toward Alaska.  It seems to be heading out into the Pacific toward . . .  Asia.


Yesterday the U.S. Navy Mobile Aerial Target Support System (MATSS-1) IX-524 towed barge also left Pearl Harbor, Hawaii – March 22, 2023 as seen below:

2023 03 26 17fd 55
2023 03 26 17fd 55

The MATSS systems aboard this particular vessel provide advanced remote telecommunications capability that extends the reach of the 42,000 square-mile Pacific Missile Range, the world’s largest instrumented multi-environmental range capable of supported surface, subsurface, air, and space operations simultaneously.

AND THIS . . . 

SS Pacific Tracker (WQVZ) ballistic missile test tracker leaving Honolulu, Hawaii – March 22, 2023.

These types of vessels, there are only five of them in the world,  are maintained in ROS-5 status and this one has been activated by TOTE Services in response to a no-notice mission activation.


Lastly, an Ohio-class nuclear ballistic missile submarine left Pearl Harbor directly from the Beckoning Point Deperming Facility – March 22, 2023, shown below:

2023 03 26 17 56
2023 03 26 17 56

Deperming, or degaussing, is a procedure for erasing the permanent magnetism from ships and submarines to camouflage them against magnetic detection vessels and enemy marine mines.

The Ohio class of nuclear-powered submarines includes the United States Navy’s 14 ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) and its four cruise missile submarines (SSGNs). Each displacing 18,750 tons submerged, the Ohio-class boats are the largest submarines ever built for the U.S. Navy.

They are the world’s third-largest submarines, behind the Russian Navy’s Soviet-designed 48,000-ton Typhoon class and 24,000-ton Borei class. At 24 Trident II missiles apiece, Ohio-class boats carry more missiles than either the Borei class (16, 20 by the Borei II) or the Typhoon class (20).

Like its predecessor Benjamin Franklin- and Lafayette-class subs, the Ohio-class SSBNs are part of the United States’ nuclear-deterrent triad, along with U.S. Air Force strategic bombers and intercontinental ballistic missiles. The 14 SSBNs together carry about half of U.S. active strategic thermonuclear warheads.

Although the Trident missiles have no preset targets when the submarines go on patrol, they can be given targets quickly, from the United States Strategic Command based in Nebraska, using secure and constant radio communications links, including very low frequency systems.

All of these unique and dangerous systems departed Pearl Harbor suddenly, within the past 24 hours.   Something BIG is up.  This is no joke.

Hal Turner Remark: Seeing this, I am convinced we are in the endgame and things are coming to an explosive end. We are all living on borrowed time now.


New Attack: U.S. Army Logistics Convoy Blown Up in Iraq

2023 03 26 17 31
2023 03 26 17 31

A strike drone attacked a US logistics convoy in Babil Governorate (Iraq).

No word yet on deaths or injuries.   No indication if this is the start of large new attack(s).

Word from Intel circles is already saying “Iran.”

More if I get it, but not too much more is expected tonight.

“I Want More Squirrels in Gwent”: Fantasy Illustrations by Anna Podedworna

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Anna Podedworna is a Polish artist, primarily known for her series of works for Gwent, Cyberpunk 2077, League of Legends and Magic: The Gathering. For fans of the “Witcher” universe Anna is a native person in general – she has drawn so many cool illustrations for the cards that they have long become icons of the series of games.

In a recent interview Anna shared an interesting story related to Gwent: “My favorite card is the recently released Squirrel. It was the last card I illustrated for Gwent. There’s even a little story about it. The first director of Gwent had a strong dislike for squirrels. After discovering this fact, I set out to collect as many squirrels in the game as possible.

My first attempt at implementation was the “Iorveth: Meditation” card, but of course that wasn’t enough. Unfortunately, many of my attempts were tragically thwarted. Later, when I already knew I was leaving the company, a decision was made: it was now or never. I illustrated the damn squirrel and left it to the developers. They did not disappoint.

Anna summed up the interview by saying, “I want more squirrels in Gwent.

More: Instagram, Artstation

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119001836 192578368938993 584529965931407066 n
118792008 143023237467878 1358924252852534950 n
118792008 143023237467878 1358924252852534950 n
118189302 599692477376643 948011884908229856 n
118189302 599692477376643 948011884908229856 n
117816864 197927181746387 5754578996471993086 n
117816864 197927181746387 5754578996471993086 n
117315282 936521953524658 2385172916734566068 n
117315282 936521953524658 2385172916734566068 n
117068524 164492441883020 8385962221118364891 n
117068524 164492441883020 8385962221118364891 n
115805413 808482372889549 8629922744170373058 n
115805413 808482372889549 8629922744170373058 n
102375488 691539261628900 6665985840882320308 n
102375488 691539261628900 6665985840882320308 n
99436718 107494360883127 5629902327356064509 n
99436718 107494360883127 5629902327356064509 n
98103790 188718755627148 2851223612376719037 n
98103790 188718755627148 2851223612376719037 n
97158679 246883573092260 7326512451929307574 n
97158679 246883573092260 7326512451929307574 n
96023215 574149996537884 423075408618026134 n
96023215 574149996537884 423075408618026134 n
94896231 664123417715919 4060407902522325661 n
94896231 664123417715919 4060407902522325661 n
93253952 256485612175597 8335996641597239411 n
93253952 256485612175597 8335996641597239411 n
92083553 240322110449998 5489756946689110781 n
92083553 240322110449998 5489756946689110781 n
91649092 914633972324610 5665388651873438138 n
91649092 914633972324610 5665388651873438138 n
91535587 2881730851915143 8246592146477752917 n
91535587 2881730851915143 8246592146477752917 n
90429114 208439590253017 2298378042150029012 n
90429114 208439590253017 2298378042150029012 n
88163851 220621512644852 2373598856171138103 n
88163851 220621512644852 2373598856171138103 n
83940956 2548751368740271 5784880775338666700 n
83940956 2548751368740271 5784880775338666700 n
80572295 861464277610381 1289040236928324876 n
80572295 861464277610381 1289040236928324876 n
79364111 1832045293598031 8634103581079845508 n
79364111 1832045293598031 8634103581079845508 n
77236097 470465507223612 6955854459392018988 n
77236097 470465507223612 6955854459392018988 n
75553967 1530165657122307 669134481580012445 n
75553967 1530165657122307 669134481580012445 n
73414984 110253763581437 3726438354590968428 n
73414984 110253763581437 3726438354590968428 n
73217029 1497684773720676 7693472666998457899 n
73217029 1497684773720676 7693472666998457899 n
72579509 2337391619906571 6816279297250455749 n
72579509 2337391619906571 6816279297250455749 n
72268884 485245628746654 3407933602999881824 n
72268884 485245628746654 3407933602999881824 n
71548319 179515706548544 5895838573870200786 n
71548319 179515706548544 5895838573870200786 n
71182983 163655691420121 8970071646349434384 n
71182983 163655691420121 8970071646349434384 n
71041918 158063291947463 5810652367673523673 n
71041918 158063291947463 5810652367673523673 n
69370972 182239426274425 8235674650202229336 n
69370972 182239426274425 8235674650202229336 n
67759587 3398083593535188 5392863679065808452 n
67759587 3398083593535188 5392863679065808452 n
66829305 150054816073164 2790644282240229077 n
66829305 150054816073164 2790644282240229077 n
66465520 413619529245816 1920253229789734980 n
66465520 413619529245816 1920253229789734980 n
65739834 148542126254482 7431921600163138125 n
65739834 148542126254482 7431921600163138125 n
65260153 340262646921595 3825971907957733352 n
65260153 340262646921595 3825971907957733352 n
62150854 362294061140023 2814397845294050751 n
62150854 362294061140023 2814397845294050751 n
61285650 2333772336867825 4056681565826307106 n
61285650 2333772336867825 4056681565826307106 n
60966253 574385696382308 1629848041431256757 n
60966253 574385696382308 1629848041431256757 n
59323890 2132871330115135 7863330736451880595 n
59323890 2132871330115135 7863330736451880595 n
58749548 2331047073830790 8727846977449897752 n
58749548 2331047073830790 8727846977449897752 n
54204729 1513632612102869 7132266705950607638 n
54204729 1513632612102869 7132266705950607638 n

“China’s hyperspectral detection satellites oversee the Western Pacific battlespace and airborne lasers detect waves and temperature variations generated by moving targets.

The West Pacific Surveillance and Targeting satellite, along with fifteen Yaogan-30 satellites in low-earth orbit, operating as triplets positioned in close proximity, geo-locate military platforms by measuring the angular or time difference of arrival of their intercepted electromagnetic signals.

Below them, the Caihong-T4, a massive, solar-powered drone, loiters for months at a cloudless altitude of sixty-five thousand feet, while below, the fifteen-ton, one-hundred fifty-foot wingspan Divine Eagle High Altitude Stealth-Hunting Drone reads electronic signals from aircraft long before they approach their targets.

Below the drones are AWACS, whose solid-state detectors have twice the range of US rotating domes, relay targeting information to domestic and Russian-built S-400 anti-aircraft/anti-missile batteries.

Jin Canrong, the PRC’s senior defense policy advisor, says China has deployed weapons that can destroy in minutes every military base in its region, see all stealth bombers and submarines, and take out every aircraft carrier within two thousand miles of shore.

"The first salvo of 1,000 CJ-10 missiles would cripple seventy percent of US bases in the region and create a strategic dilemma for the White House. 

"Since no Chinese missile struck the United States, an American retaliatory strike on a target within China would be an escalation 

"Within hours, Seattle or Los Angeles would be destroyed – knowing that the US has no missile defense while both Russia and China have advanced systems".”

China Is Playing Her Hand, Moving to Save the World from the Satanic American Empire

A co-worker of mine figured out why her electric bill had tripled with the help of their neighbor’s cats. For three months one summer their electric bill suddenly went through the roof. They checked out all their appliances, air conditioning, etc. and couldn’t find the problem. Then one cool evening she looked out the window and noticed there were several neighbor cats lying on her driveway. This was an “Ah Ha!” moment. She had a driveway heater with a switch in the basement that was used very briefly when the driveway was icy in the winter. Turns out a workman who was doing a job in her basement was looking for a light switch and flipped on the driveway heater switch. When no light came on, the guy figured that light was broken and found a different light, The driveway switch wasn’t labeled (at least not then). So her driveway had been continuously drawing electricity all summer. Only the neighbor cats could detect the difference in temperature on the driveway and would “chill out” there on cool evenings. It took her 3 months to notice the abundance of cats lying on her driveway and connect that with the driveway heater and the high electric bill.

Head of Ukraine Central Bank Buys new Rolls Royce “Ghost”

2023 03 26 17 53
2023 03 26 17 53

Andrey Pyshniy, Head of the Central Bank of Ukraine was able to buy his Rolls Royce Ghost, worth $400,000.

How much of that was skimmed off US “military aid?”

Keep forking-over more money, America.  You can SEE all the good it’s doing in Ukraine.

What does a modern naval battle in South China Sea between China and the US look like?

Enjoy this little bit of truth…

  • Firstly, it will NOT occur in the South China Sea.
  • Secondly, it will be a missile war.
  • Thirdly, Aircraft carriers will not play a major role.
  • Fourthly, mainland America will get to become participants in the war.

I taught in the UK, in state schools back in the 90’s and a lot of time was wasted in pandering to the worst behaved students. The management teams were trying to avoid being too “autocratic” and focusing on rewarding the badly behaved students to bribe them to not misbehave. The well behaved and smart students were often neglected. There was a lot of politically correct propaganda too. Moving to China to teach adults was like Heaven in comparison.

In China, in general, society is more advanced and evolved than in the west. I don’t mean just based on infrastructure, technology or wealth. In Chinese society there is much more respect for humanity, family, community and society as a whole. There is a respect for sensible, considerate behaviour and not this egoistic, narcissistic extreme individualism that is prevalent in the west. Responsibility is championed. In the west, it is rights first, responsibility second.

In the west, and you can see it with the dreadful politicians, there is so much time wasted on self centred, emotional drama. It is as if society learns from the awful soap operas. “Me, me me” mentality.

In China; it is “Us, we can work together and achieve” and with no pathetic self centred, emotional drama. Look at the state of the west now; war and weapons all over the world. I am 100% certain that Chinese education, culture and society is far more advanced than the western ones; especially the UK and USA.

Saudi Arabia Unloading U.S. Treasuries; Lowest level in 7 years!


Loss of confidence in the US Dollar is growing. Saudi Arabia has begun earnestly dumping US Treasuries, with the Oil-rich nation now having fewer US Treasuries than anytime in the past 7 years.

This trend with Saudi Arabia is being mirrored by many other countries which are fearful the US has already over-spent itself (into oblivion) and will NOT be able to actually repay the money it owes.

Other countries have also been unloading US debt notes.

As the US sees it’s hegemony over the world slipping away, they are becoming more and more warlike; seemingly TRYING TO START WW3.

Also known as "suicide by cop" -MM

Such a war would result in tens of millions of Americans killed, which is exactly, precisely what the US NEEDS TO HAPPEN, so they can cry for debt relief and get out of the debts they owe.


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“The only thing I ever wanted in my life was to see this whole system come crashing down, and here it is.”

Although I agree, I’m not holding my breath.

“But God is good and everyone is going to get what they deserve.”

I’ll believe that when I see it – including for me and mine. Never was true in the past, why would it be true now?


Have a little faith mate. Not in some daft god bollocks but in yourself and your kin.

I believe things are being put in order here and are now guided from “outside” rather than “above.”

While things do seem to take longer than we’d like, I’m sure we’ll all be faring far better in our near futures.


Once again, that is my hope.


Provided that we will be in the survivors (30-50% for the West and 60-80% for the rest) there will be a better but extremely different future without wars.

Have you any idea what radiation alone will do to the planet?
Have you any idea what societies will face with something like half of all males aged 18-55 dead or severely crippled?

Unfortunately even that will last no longer than 25-50 years and then it will get far worse than it is now.

In God we trust primarily but what we are able to do for a better future (or not that bad) we are obliged in trying as hard as possible.


If you believe a “war” is imminent – which I do not – all theater.
If you believe in “atomics” – which I do not – all scare, and make-believe.

I envision a hard financial collapse – not for the rich though – they will hide for a while.

Last edited 1 year ago by DSKlausler

My friend their many times stated ultimate target of a planetary total of 500.000.000 humans and of total control is in the stage of mass killing in a scale never seen before.
Wealth for them is basically means and not goal.

This stage will involve
a> corona but mainly ‘experimental’ ‘death shots’ (this phase clears the fools and the scared) and other bioweapons.
b> war not only between countries as in the two previous WW but also civil within states (this phase kills not only mainly Christians but also Muslims and God knows if it will involve 200 millions Chinese)
c> through planned famine and ‘physical’ catastrophes.
Their immediate aim is within this very decade to eliminate maybe more than half of us.

Make no mistake as ‘humans’ they also are error prone but they are steps ahead and they can control (only by what is already revealed regarding mind and behavior tampering) practically anyone that (fortunately not yet everyone) relies only in material grounds.
And of course these inhuman creatures always have B and C plans if they lose control of all previous mentioned planed ‘events’

So long as we have this amazing leap in technology (that has neither Techne nor Logos) and backwardation regarding moral values we are doomed.

Techne : Art in the strictest possible form
Logos : logic in the absolute sense which surely takes into account our insignificance that can only make us grand through freedom to obey our conscience and God Almighty that sacrificed his only Son (LOGOS) to make us through Grace dwellers of his Kingdom.


China”s biggest accomplishment in terms of society and education I believe that each citizen or at a minimum party member is taught to be responsible for each other. It is why china can ropeverything and build a hospital in a week. Meritocrioucy is rewarded and encouraged. When i grew up in the US in the 1950’s and 1960’s it waslike that. The US has lost all that so long ago.

Well some outlets are reporting the day of the sandman is Aug 1. Lets hope it aint so.