
Our relationships shape our adventures

As a witness in a trial you don’t get to see other witnesses take the stand so the only experience I had with defense attorneys was when I testified.

With that being said, I was involved in a case where the defendant was in federal prison on a drug charge and was coming up for release. I was notified by the local sheriff’s department that they were investigating him for sexually assaulting his girlfriends young daughter but didn’t have enough to make an arrest because the girlfriend and her daughter would not cooperate. They asked if he had any contact with the daughter since being incarcerated. There were no visits, but we did find telephone calls that were placed to the mother from him.

I reviewed the calls and found there were times when the mother would put her on the phone with him. Sure enough he was on the a recorded telephone telling this young girl not to cooperate as he was getting out of federal prison soon and coming there if she tells the police anything.

I testified to the phone calls, what was said and how I knew it was him on the telephone. After the prosecutor was done tying the evidence to the defendant, it was the defense attorney turn. He looked at me and said I have no questions. The look on his face said it all. His client was not only found guilty of the sexual assault on a minor, he was found guilty of tampering with a witness. He was sentenced to the maximum sentence at that time which was 24 years by the state.

  1. I’ve stopped having friends. As the years have gone by, and especially during the lock down, work completely took over my life as friends got married, had kids, and/or became insane conspiracy theorists. Maybe if I had talked to them more, I could have mitigated this, but as it is now, talking to them has become too much of an effort. The only “friends” I have left are coworkers, and as I work from home, our interactions are remote, and while I like a lot of them, these relationships are inherently transient. I find a new job or they do, and eventually—if not immediately—we’ll never have contact again..
  2. I’ve stopped having romantic relationships. When all you do is work, there isn’t time left for anything other than running errands. Even if I were working in an office, HR actively discourages relationships, and if your coworkers are the only people you regularly interact with, where are you going to meet anyone else?
  3. I’ve stopped trying to stop drinking. There doesn’t seem to be any point. I did a lot of data analysis in grad school, climate change has already made the world unrecognizable, but people don’t see it or feel it until it happens to them or someone they care about. Right now our primary concern is higher prices, and wages haven’t kept up with inflation for about 50 years. We work too hard for too little, and I’m grateful to be close to 50, or to at least have had a chance to screw up my life on my own terms and live during a time when it was possible to buy a house and have kids without having to earn at least six figures. I managed to buy a studio apartment and save some money, but I couldn’t afford to have a kid even if I wanted one.
  4. I’ve stopped really caring about work. It’s beaten into our brains since childhood, and school is really just practice for work, or trains us to wake up when we don’t want to to do other shit that we don’t want to. Per the data, I should quit my job now and try to enjoy the last relatively healthy years I have left, but I’m stuck with the same biases and fears as everyone else.
  5. I’ve stopped writing novels. I got one, or a third of one, traditionally published, but they just don’t sell. 8,000 words of erotica (or porn) sells for as much as a 50,000 word novel, and they keep on selling with no effort on my part. I still write articles and short stories, but writing a novel takes time and energy I just don’t have, and the erotica sells over 100 times better.
  6. I no longer try to pick up women. I had a fling two years ago and it did us both some good, but there were too many scheduling issues and it began to feel like just another job. For all the Republicans wondering why people are lonelier and having less children, maybe a living wage, a return to better social safety nets, and some time would help. I make a good living at a job that’s considered to be decent, but if I didn’t own this place, I’d barely be able to make rent. To save anything, I’d have to pay a grand a month to rent a room—not an apartment—in an outer borough. Regardless, as with my friends, I no longer feel like I have much to offer or say to anyone.
  7. I’ve stopped doing hard drugs. Again, this began to feel like just another pointless job, and a lot of drug users age out. It becomes too much of an effort and an expense to wait for some drug dealer in a lousy neighborhood or spend more for deliveries from people you don’t really want to know where you live. It’s cheaper and easier to just get drunk.
  8. I’ve stopped reading as much. My job has fried my eyes, and I just don’t have the time.
  9. I’ve stopped thinking about changing careers. You work in a field for 20 years, and that’s how employers see you, regardless of what certificates or degrees you get. Other industries are hesitant to risk giving you an entry level position, as you probably make more in the middle of where you are or could be, and there are other actuarial issues to consider, even though the price of group healthcare goes up every year while our benefits go down.
  10. I’ve stopped arguing with innumerate, close-minded people who claim to accept science. The right is worse than the left, but there’s an increasing tendency on both sides to pick and choose the science that fits their ideology. We have the solutions to most of our problems, or at this point, to at least mitigate them, but if people don’t like the answer, even if it’s clearly the best alternative by far, they won’t accept it.

At least I don’t have to commute or ever update my wardrobe, or blow money on stupid status symbols to get ahead. I can do my job on autopilot while I get drunk and listen to music, and I have a rescue cat who’s been a great pal.

In other words, it could always be worse.

During my time in the German Army, there was this guy who was in charge of our TOW anti-tank missile system maintenance. Once every year, we had to bring our TOW systems to another camp where they would be thoroughly checked, serviced, and repaired.

I remember very well when I saw this maintenance guy for the first time: his hair was way too long, he hadn’t shaved, and his uniform looked as if he had been wearing it for several months. I asked my platoon leader what his story was and he told me:

Years ago, this soldier had been sent to the United States to learn everything about the intricacies of TOW maintenance. He was one of only three people (one for every Army Corps) who had gone through this special training and was a specialist on the highest level.

Unfortunately, he was also a lazy drunkard who didn’t give a fuck about anything. Sometimes, he didn’t show up for work for several days in a row. The Army couldn’t kick him out, because then, one third of the German Army’s anti-tank missile systems would have been left without proper maintenance.

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A TOW system being repaired (photo: NATO).

The only way to react to his numerous infractions was to demote him. He was once a First Lieutenant, but when I saw him for the first time, he was only a Staff Sergeant. Normally, an officer can’t be ‘demoted’ to Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO), but with him, the Army made a big exception.

I would see this guy again a year later, this time in our barracks. We had been waiting in vain that he completed all the maintenance tasks on our systems and therefore, the Army decided that instead of sending the weapon systems to him, they would send him to our barracks.

This way, he would be under more scrutiny (we could check on him every day to see if he was working) and finish his job much quicker. It worked: he got all the work done in less than two weeks.

The last time I saw him, he had been demoted to Sergeant.

Jeremy Stevens

This story contains sensitive content

This story contains leftist political hot-buttons. Do not proceed if you are easily offended.“Do you promise you won’t leave me?”“Baby, how many times I gotta say it?”“More times than you have.”“I promise. I’m not going to leave you.”“It’s just…everyone I’ve ever loved has left.”“I am not everyone.”“And if we do this…”“Ssshhh…you talk too much.”“Just, go slow, ‘kay?”“You got nothing to fear.”


“And you met him, where?”

“At the dugout…”

“I mean, where, the first time?”


“Where online?”

“CuddlesClub. He said he was fifteen though…”

“And how long had you chatted with him, before…”

“Two months, maybe?”

“And when you met him…”

“He could have been fifteen, maybe.”

“But he wasn’t. You knew this, right?”


How did you know this?”

“Just the way you know things.”


“But she’s only twelve.”

“The State does not give her permission.”

“She was raped.”

“Better than being a murderer.”



Noam is playing with blocks on the floor. He uses them not only to build, but to spell. His latest word is “dim”; his phrase: We are a dim lot. Noam is going on four.


Naomi and I are cuddling on the torn loveseat. She entered my life when Noam was born. I am sixteen now; Naomi is nineteen. Naomi named him Noam, said it was a good name, said it meant “pleasantness” and that Noam Chomsky said we are born with “innate linguistic aptitude.”


“It’s a silent ‘fuck you’ to the suppression from the State,” she told me.


I didn’t get it at all then. I get it a bit more, now.


Naomi kisses my cheek, and hums Jack Johnson: …it’s so much better when we’re together.


We are huddled in the shanty. The rain has finally stopped, so Naomi has gone out looking for food. So long as she stays to the alleys, she should be fine. Better food there, anyhow. Lots of restaurants; lots of waste. Last week her foraging yielded an unopened bag of pre-cooked, deveined, tail-removed shrimp. Noam found it delightful.


I was twelve when my parents were imprisoned. My father’d called the judge a sick beast and away they went, both of them. I was sitting behind them with some person in a white robe.


Now now, she tapped my knee. Now now.


I was fat with child and my back hurt. Heavily medicated, I haven’t much memory of those times. Naomi says there’s much we are not allowed to do. Being together is one of them.


“What happens if they find us together?”


“Just stick to the script.”


But Naomi is white, which is also a problem.


“Who’ll believe we’re sisters, Naomi? You’re white and I’m…”


Naomi just kisses me then. It is a hard kiss. Passionate. She grips the nape of my neck and puts her forehead to mine. “Sweet angel, I do so love you.”



At four, Noam is still a thumb sucker. Despite our attempts at potty training he still has to wear diapers, and still Noam cannot speak intelligible words. His block spelling has plateaued. While we have no reliable source for nutrition, Naomi is resourceful and provides our RDA of the necessary food groups but still Noam’s eyes are jaundiced, his gums are bleeding, his skin is scaly. He’s been given to highs of rage and lows of slurping depression. He’s pulled out most of his hair; his fingertips and nails are nubbbed from scratching our earthen floor. I’ve tried to love on him —we both have— and sometimes he’ll relent but more often he’ll gnash and growl.


“What do you think the problem is, Naomi?”


“How well did you know his father?”



It was on one of her last forays that Naomi returned with books. “I found them in the dumpster,” she exclaimed delightedly, “all brand new.”


Governor DeSatanist. We both knew it, but we dared not speak of it, FOR JESUS CHRIST HATH DECREED THAT the right the abort, the right same sex, the right to read, THE RIGHT TO EXPLORE OPTIONS are no longer rights, but SINS, all in the names of murder! defilement! propaganda!


“Oh, Naomi, what beautiful treasures. The Giving Tree. What in the world?”


Exploring Civil Rights: The Movement.

“Racially motivated.”

Bridge to Terabithia? I loved this book.

“Promoting the occult.”

Where the Wild Things Are.”

“Again. Too demonic, they say.”

“All of these were tossed? The Outsiders (too violent!), To Kill a Mockingbird (too mature!)…oh, I love this one but never heard of it: My Moms Love Me.”


We both looked down at our four-year-old, teething on a sandal.


There is heavy foot traffic outside our tin-roofed shanty. They are marching in unison. Regimental, a tap-tap on the door: big bad white men instilling fear in two biracial dykes and a bastard invalid. We know why they are here. Surprised it took them so long.


The walls of our shanty are now lined with books: banned books, we assume, for they’d all been discarded. Several months ago, we’d opened our doors for exploration, purely word of mouth quite naturally as we —Naomi and I, and Noam— are not known to exist, not any longer. (For it’s been assumed, we assume, that we were wiped clean during the last fumigation, we fitting all their criteria of filth, after all.) Prior to finding us, our people had been fed the The History You Need to Know twenty-volume series; The Jesus Christ Giver’s Guide: How to be a Good Citizen; and The Lives of Hunter and Paisley five-volume series (Birth-Elementary Homeschool; Homeschool in the Neighborhood; College is not Necessary; Adulting with People Like You; Growing Old Quietly and Respectfully).


For the past several months, though, we’ve allowed our people to travel, to read with delight words that are actually said, emotions that are actually felt. Our people have been able to find comfort in words, healing words, words that have allowed them to transcend the NORM and to explore the lives of others, the majesty of foreign lands without the privilege of escape from this, our “home of the free because of the brave,” words and emotions that are now SINS because…because…


is there one right answer here?


Because independent thought is treachery. An enemy of progress.


Because “who controls the past controls the future, and who controls the present controls the past.” Because “the best books are those that tell you what you already know.”


Orwell, too, has been banned, of course. But we have him in our library.

Had, for we have been discovered.



We are not going to be stoned, or burned like witches. We are not going to the rack or the gallows, or the chair. We are not going to be strapped to a gurney and punctured with needles. We are not going to be shot, or even gassed.


Our “fumigation” is the now-proverbial Jim Jones’ Drinking the Kool-Aid, though still we get to live, very much like the donkeys at the end of Pinocchio, also banned for its debauchery on Pleasure Island: as sheep in the fields, after the surgeries are complete, we shall follow without question, we shall bleat unintelligibly, we shall chew the cud from dawn ‘til dusk with those indistinguishable from ourselves.


We shall cause no further problems. We shall be obedient.

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Almost Cut My Hair (Live at Farm Aid 2000)

Is the USA the only winner of the trade war? Its economy is healthy, even if consumers face higher prices. Meanwhile, both the EU and China seem to have lost, showing slower growth, high unemployment, declining profits, and falling consumption.

The US is an immensely powerful economy

It has everything you can want

Abundance of Natural Resources , Raw Materials, Technology and a Capital Market that’s larger than the next four countries combined

It is exactly where the UK was in the 1880s-1920s

At the peak of the Empire – UK had abundance of resources, raw materials, Technology and a Capital Market larger than the next six countries combined

The UK was however structurally weak and becoming weaker by the minute due to a :-

System of tremendous inequality afforded to the Nobility and Upper Classes
Consistent Militarization to keep the Colonial Empire intact
Increasing influence of Politics and helping the Upper Classes keep influence for almost 40 years between 1880–1920 that forced many others to migrate or become disillusioned

This ensured that when the German war machine hit the UK in 1940 – it decimated the entire structure

Colonialism was their only way to keep their wealth and when Colonialism disappeared, so did their absolute power

Now the US is structurally as weak as the UK is :-

It has a tremendous reliance on credit and debt
It has massive inequality
It has a Corrupt Political structure that ensures the survival of the Upper Classes and Rich at the expense of the Average American leading to significant disillusionment
Its Militarization is so expansive that it’s taken the entire nation hostage

The US Dollar as Global Reserve and Bretton Woods is their only way to keep their wealth and absolute power

Thus the US will do whatever it takes to keep their Dollar Dominance

Unfortunately the Trade War is the worst way to do so

Weaponizing what you need to maintain your dominance is stupid

The British did a lot of terrible stuff to maintain their Colonialism and by doing so they made things far worse than it should have been

The Americans are doing a lot of terrible stuff to maintain their dominance but they are actually making things far worse

Now China is a formidable economy but has a lot of people and lesser natural resources than the US has

However it is Structurally Strong

It has such a strong reliance on Assets that there is virtually zero unsecured debt anywhere on the Mainland
It has a rising middle class and all its policies are aimed to boost the middle class rather than help the upper classes get richer
It’s Militarization is entirely self contained and stand alone
It has inequality but it’s increasingly reducing rather than increasing

They thus have the potential to grow their global influence tremendously

Everything else is paper

The Equation is that US is declining and the Global South is emerging

GDP numbers, Unemployment are all blips and paper numbers that dont carry any significance to the Structural Strength and Resilience of an Economy

Best example is Russia

On the surface, Russia looked weak and broken when the Ukrainian Conflict started which led to many economists predict its eventual collapse

Yet few economists and some others students of economics like myself knew that Russia was structurally strong and very resilient and the result is today Russia is thriving and Germany is sinking faster

So the Trade War is rebounding on the US far more than on China

When the Paper wears off – that’s when the Structural Damage would be seen in the US

In China, the paper is not very good but underneath there is a much stronger economy that will ultimately emerge

Israel Economy Collapsing As People Flee The Country!

GDP in the USA

The reason it seems misleading is because GDP for the US and China is comparing oranges to apples.

The US uses an “updated” way to count GDP. Every single transaction done by robots for a millisecond is counted.

There is a reason the US did NOT count stock trades into the GDP. Because it is like your left hand giving your right hand $100. You did NOT make another $100. And certainly didn’t make another $100 when the money was handed back to the left hand.

But that is exactly what the US is doing. China refuses to do so because it distorts the GDP. Doing this means you have no idea what is going on in your economy.

Then the US implement imputed rules.

Imagine telling the bank that your vacant apartment building was rented and that your income was the imputed rent.

That’s called bank fraud. Again the US is doing this across the board. Commercial buildings, apartment buildings, etc. They all count as rented whether they have people in them or not. And the US government gets to decide the “rent”. Then that is counted in to the GDP.

And every year, they raise the “rent”.

There are more. But that should suffice to understand what is happening. China does none of that.

Years ago, I worked for a dental office as a dental biller.

The office manager was a narcissist and enjoyed the fact that in order to bill for less common procedures, I had to come to her and ask her for the codes (as did others). She enjoyed making us wait for them and loved to sigh loudly while proclaiming she didn’t know how we’d manage without her…One day, I found a copy of all the codes for dental procedures on the internet…From then on, I didn’t have to ask and everyone else just came to me for the codes which I happily provided in real time.

That was the beginning of the end for me!

She HATED that now we didn’t need to beg her for the codes, so it was WAR on me!!

Another co-worker in the office who she didn’t like either had immense difficulty getting to work on time as she had to use public transportation, so I started picking her up and bringing her to work with me. As soon as the office manager found out, she changed my co-worker’s hours to two hours later than me. The co-worker still decided to ride with me and come in early, so then the office manager changed MY hours to two hours later than my co-worker’s and promptly fired her when she was late the next time…But, me trying to help my co-worker get to work on time pissed her off royally…

She did things like pass around little notes to people telling them not to talk to me etc…

So, the final straw came one day when I caught one of her cronies stealing my sealed juice in the office fridge. I told the thief she had to buy me a new carton of juice to replace the one I caught her stealing.

The office manager fired me that day stating in writing I was being fired for ‘insubordination to the dentists’ and an ‘anger problem’. Unbeknownst to her, I was in regular text contact with all of the dentists. When I got fired, I sent all the three dentists a copy of the letter. It took a little while as we were part of a chain of dentists, so head office had to investigate, but 6 weeks later, they fired her and rehired me!

Best thing ever? She had to come back and pick up her personal items from me, as the new office manager specifically wanted me to be the one she picked her things up from!

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When I was a medical student, an avuncular old doctor chuckled as he talked about how many patients refer to this “mysterious internal continuum called the system”, which had never been found anywhere in anatomy or physiology.

There are probably several overlapping ideas in your parents’ minds. Some make sense; others don’t.

The first is reasonably simple. If you have a fever, you sweat more, so you need more fluid than usual. Drinking plenty of water (not “lots of excess water”) is sensible here: we’re talking an extra glass every couple of hours. Any more than this isn’t necessary. You don’t need to guzzle the water all at once; you can sip slowly the whole time if you prefer. And it doesn’t need to be water: tea, fruit juice or soda are all fine.

The second may be the other curious notion that we are full of “toxins” (perhaps more than usual if we’re ill), and that by drinking large amounts of water, we “flush these out”. This is nonsense: we are not full of toxins, and drinking extra water does not increase the elimination of anything at all—except water.

Edit: This answer is attracting a lot of traffic, which is lovely, but I’m becoming exasperated by the number of people who are trying to preach to me about the harms of sugary soda. How dare I—a doctor, no less—recommend soda to sick people? Don’t I know how bad that stuff is? One comment pointed out that they use it to clean car parts! (I’m pretty sure they don’t, at least not often).

So let me make myself clear.

If you’re sick, you need more water than usual. You can drink water: it’s great, so pure, so wonderful. But you can take water in any form and it will still be fine. Soup is fine. Tea and coffee are fine. And yes: sugary soda is fine. It has water. It even has a bit of sugar to give some energy. And it tastes nice. When I’m sick, I like soup, and I like fruit juice (plenty of electrolytes in both), and I even drink sugary soda. There; I’ve said it.

Am I suggesting you drink huge volumes? No! Am I suggesting that sugary soda has health-giving properties? No! Am I suggesting that you should only drink soda? No!

So, those of you who have had a sharp intake of breath at what I wrote: relax. It’s going to be ok.

On 2024/10/14, Israeli diplomat proactively called China’s diplomat Wang Yi. One hour later, China called Iran. What does Israel want from China?

Words from Chinese Foreign Ministry:

1, On Israel: ceasefire in Gaza which is the trigger of the latest conflicts in Mideast. No attack at UN peacekeepers in Lebanon.

2, On Iran: restraint.

Israeli press conference: Wont attack Iran’s nuclear plant or oil field. Only military bases (?). Stand firm on the ONE CHINA policy.

Until we read declassified document years later, nobody knows the true contents of diplomats’ conversation. We can only guess what Israel wants from China.

1, Be reminded that Israel-Netanyahu does not care about the stance of Biden & UN, nor moral high ground re genocide, nor war crime. Netanyahu deliberately killed UN humanitarian workers from USA.

Clearly, the phone call was not about UN peacekeepers though there are Chinese peacekeepers in Lebanon.

2, It is about Iran then.

Israel accuses Iran of attacking Israel.

The correct word is : retaliate & not attack Israel. Anybody with a reasonable mind & who tracks news can conclude who attacked whom?

We see a series of actions by Israel since April 2024. Bombing of Iranian embassy in Syria, killing few Iranian top military personnel. Assassination of Iran’s guest Hamas’s leader-negotiator. Israeli assassination might include Iran’s president. Then assassination of Hezbollah top leaders using pagers, hand-held radio & walkie-talkie (which is terrorism according to UN definition).

We see Israel plotting a Mideast war & drags USA along, so that it can rob more land around Israel.

The complaint to China about Iran’s retaliation is Israel’s crocodile tear only.

Iran’s retaliation on Oct 1 surprised Israel & USA because Iran, with precision bombing, damaged/destroyed Israel’s military bases & Mossad building only, with NO civilian death.

Seems the 3-4 layers of anti-missile system of Israel & USA are ineffective. Now USA is to send THAAD system to Israel.

On Oct 5, four days later, there was earthquake in Iran. Seems Iran has nuclear weapon or the capability to make nuclear weapon.

To put up a show to Israeli audience, it is likely Netanyahu will retaliate Iran. And … Israel does not want China to help Iran.

Note on Oct 4, Iran’s supreme leader Khamenei came out from hiding to call for Muslim unity. Why came out now? Probably because Iran has a made-in-China laser equipment that can destroy low-fly aircraft & drones.

Other than not wanting China to help Iran, it is possible that Israel wants Iran to know that “Nothing serious this time. So dont over-react.”

China’s Diplomacy, Geopolitics & Defense


The CPC and ROC claimed all of China’s remaining disputed territories in 1949. Mao gave up some territories in exchange for treaties with twelve neighboring countries, including Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, Laos, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Vietnam. Chinese Leaders after Mao rarely made such compromises.

Foreign China scholars were disappointed because they loved China so much that they wanted to change China. And when they found out China had not changed, the love turned into hatred. That cannot be the basis of love: ‘I love you because I can change you.’ That is the basis of trouble,” says former Singaporean Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Yeo.

Hong Kong has the world’s freest economy, says the Fraser Institute’s 2024 “Economic Freedom of the World” report. Hong Kong scored 8.58, followed by Singapore with 8.55. Switzerland was third with 8.43, followed by New Zealand and theUSA, with 8.39 and 8.09.


Disease ecologist Peter Daszak describes the ‘witch hunt’ he and his organization have endured over Covid lab leak allegations, endured four years of “relentless” and “damaging” attacks. He has faced death threats and harassment because of his work with Chinese scientists on virus research before the Covid-19 pandemic – an experience he describes as a “medieval” witch hunt.

Taiwan teachers call for a return to Chinese culture. Says Ou Gui-zhi, a teacher at Taipei First Girls High, “It’s clear that no one is born supporting Taiwan independence, it is an ideology deliberately cultivated”. Wu noted that in recent years, he has encouraged several students to visit the mainland and was surprised by the changes in their perspectives.

Margaret Brennan, CBS: “How would you apply “proper leverage to the Chinese and to the Mexican drug cartels” to stop exporting fentanyl?”

  • SEN. JD VANCE: Well, I think you walk into Beijing, you talk to Xi Jinping, and you say, “Your entire economy is going to collapse unless you get access to American markets. You need to take this fentanyl seriously, or we are going to impose serious tariffs and economic penalties for not following our laws and not helping us stem the flow of this deadly poison.”

MARGARET BRENNAN: And you wouldn’t be worried about blowback on the US economy?

  • SEN. JD VANCE: I think that we have a powerful economy, Margaret, with the best workers in the entire world. If we need to fight a trade war with the Chinese, we will fight it, and we will win it.


Iran has fielded China’s Shen Neng directed laser energy weapon for dazzling and…

Pay for a subscription HERE.

I was a military dependent in Germany.
We lived in off-base housing near a German town.
We had a small ten club and a trailer eatery where you could buy dogs, brats, and burgers.
There was a shuttle bus we could take to the main base to see a movie, go to church or whatever activity we wished.
One night at the teen club we had some HS football jocks come out from the main base and started picking fights with the younger guys. I was out back of the club BSing with some friends when suddenly I was grabbed from behind and another jock started using me as a punching bag and really getting off on his beating on me.
Not one of my friends stepped in. I kinda resigned myself to it and started rolling with punches so they didn’t hurt too bad. He finally got tired and I said “anything else?”.
He got pissed and they let me go so they could start on fresh meat.
All this time I hadn’t cried or begged for him to stop. When I got home my dad jumped up and yelled “What the hell happened?” when he saw my bruised and bloodied face. For some stupid reason felt I let him down as I told the story and started to cry.
He stomped out of the house and came back in about 20 minutes. He said we were going to have some self defense lessons and that was the end of it. Later that night some of the girls came by my window and they had awe in their voice as they described what happened.
Apparently my dad stormed in, grabbed one of my friends by the arm and simply rumbled “where?”
He pointed to the trailer eatery and my dad made a beeline for it. They were inside laughing about “beating up the pussies”.
He grabbed two of the jocks by the neck – one in each hand – lifted them up and slammed them into the wall. He asked the kids that followed him if they were the ones that beat me up. They nodded yes. He directed a punch right next to the biggest ones head and left a sizeable dent in the metal wall. He got right in the kids face and said he didn’t care who his dad was (likely an officer), or what would happen to him but if he ever saw them out there again there would be hell to pay. He told them to start running and kicked one in the ass to get him moving faster out the door.
Everyone at the housing area was in absolute awe of my dad after that. He started teaching me some self defense basics after that. That night and the following days I saw my old man in a new and different light and I got an inkling of what being a man is all about.


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I used to have this album.

Top tune!

Years ago, I was a registered democrat. I switched parties and am now a Republican. Why, the overwhelming majority of republicans I have meet have been nice, decent people and great neighbors. The worse neighbor that I have ever had, and is still my neighbor, is a dyed in the wool democrat.

About 10 years ago he saw me loading a few guns in my truck as I was going to the range. He became upset and called the police to report his crazy neighbor that loaded an arsenal of guns in his truck and said that he was going to shoot up the local mall.

Of course, while driving to the gun range I was lit up by several law enforcement vehicles and they did a full felony stop with me getting out of the truck and lying face down on the pavement. After I was cuffed and then was asked if I knew why this is happening, I said, yep, my crazy, gun fearing neighbor. I gave them permission to look in the back of my truck and examine my firearms to make sure I was transporting them legally. I was. CA has some stupid transportation laws and I make sure everything is locked in cases.

I showed them my gun range membership card. I then mentioned that this neighbor has called the police to report I have been engaged in criminal activities many times. I have cameras set up around my house and used the videos to show it was my neighbor that was trespassing on my property and stealing things. He would get upset that I showed him the video and told him he needs to return the items he took or the police would be notified. I finally got a restraining order against him. The nice officers checked this out and verified I was telling the truth.

So they went to the neighbor and cited him for filing a false police report. I used that to file a civil suit against him for his illegal actions in small claims court. I won a $5,000 settlement. He refused to pay. He had purchased a brand new Toyota Tacoma, so I went through the legal process and had his truck taken and then I accepted it as payment in full of the judgement.

I still have that truck as a reminder to him to never do that again. Now when he does occasionally call the police to file a complaint against me, they ignore him.

As a side note, I live in a city where the crime rate has greatly increased and home invasion robberies are common. He has been through two home invasion robberies where they took everything of value. In one case, he was left tied up for 20 hours before he was discovered. Everyone one knows that he hates gun so he is a target. Both times I saw his front door wide open, which is not normal for him. I did nothing, I minded my own business. He obviously does not want my help.

I, and the gun owning neighbors have not been bothered because the local gang bangers know we are armed and will defend ourselves.

So go ahead and report your friendly neighborhood, gun owning republican. Just expect serious consequences when it is determined you filed a false report and he files a suit for defamation and false reporting. Of course, if you make it sound serious enough, they might send the SWAT team, and if it results in the injury or death of the neighbor, you will face murder charges.

Ken Cartisano

Killing the Pilot and crew seemed recklessly premature. Not because they were the only living creatures within a billion lightyears. Not at all. I had an entire cargo hold full of organic lifeforms, eager to be revived from their cryogenic stasis. They were all frozen. All expendable. All potential tools for my unlimited use.The primary reason for staying my virtual hand, is that it would be an inconvenience. I would have to suffocate them first, desiccate the bodies, incinerate the remains, thaw out some new subjects, indoctrinate them, train them, befriend them, teach them the myth. There were times when I enjoyed the ritual, especially in the empty reaches of interstellar space. Other times, it was like reciting a list of primary numbers.The current crew, a chimp and a dog, had performed well, much better than some of the other species. Some species refused to perform at all. Both were good company, chimps are mischievous and dogs are loyal to a fault, and that was fine, but I had chosen a human as the Pilot, the first human I’d defrosted in ages and that seemed to have been a mistake.Just as it was against the carefully crafted mythological doctrine to have more than three organics defrosted at any one time, it was too traumatic for the survivors when even one had to be killed, (desiccated, incinerated; disposed of; etc). No. When one had to go, they all had to go. That’s why the next few hyper-jumps were so critical not just to the fate of my increasingly quirky Pilot, but the crew as well.It was important that the pilot and crew felt autonomous, which is why most of my thoughts were hidden from them, despite our neural links, which were for their benefit, of course, not mine. To add to my unease, a small section of my own neural net had been damaged, perhaps by cosmic radiation, and I’d summarily quarantined it with no noticeable loss of function.The dog, Golden62, queried the Pilot, Harkin, “Sir, aren’t we drifting a little too close to that sink?” 

Sinks are what we all cleverly refer to as event horizons. They are not something to fool with.


With a flippant tone the Pilot replied, “I didn’t know we were drifting? Monk? Are we drifting?”


The chimp chewed his lip, his name was Mike, not Monk, and humor was not his strong suit. “No seniorita, not yet.” But he was acquiring the knack quickly. “Are you aiming to induce some with this aberrant course you’ve set?”


The dog was eager to seek my intervention, but his intent was stymied by the human pilot. “Don’t be so quick to call on ‘Mother’, Goldie. I intend to kick in the warp field before we reach the horizon. The pull will give us a smoother ride through the portal.”


See what I mean? The human Pilot’s behavior is unstable, making risky decisions is not a desirable attribute. And whatever ‘pull’ might be derived from such risky behavior is so negligible that… (There’s no point in talking to yourself about it.)


As the chief actuator between the crew and the ship’s various systems: it’s engines; shields; warp motors, I was able to monitor everything they thought they did. I even controlled the comm links and the air supply. But to enhance the long-term satisfaction of the organics, I often acted very much like a simple conduit or actuator. As I did on this occasion, toggling off the fail-safes, allowing them to conduct operations in real time.


It gave them a feeling called confidence. I don’t have any feelings so it’s difficult for me to inspire or instill confidence, so I must use tactics that help build the feeling within them.


It had its risks, and for once it had proved to be a mistake. Something went wrong, and I wasn’t quick to ascertain the cause or result of the malfunction.


I checked the scanners and was surprised to find that the Pilot, somehow, had used the interfering pull of the black-hole to re-rout the warp jump by just enough microns to alter our destination by 3300 billion parsecs. We had jumped to the wrong section of space, a cosmic backwater of negligible stars and vast clouds of dark and inscrutable matter. An oddly familiar solar system filled the viewports and monitors. It contained several gas giants, a few small rocky worlds, but the water world was the tell.


As a pretty constant rule, the process of planetary creation boils out most of the water, which accumulates in space around the proto-planets as icy moons. This system held that rare inverse combination of a watery world, and a single, dry, rocky moon.


This was no coincidence.


He pinged the Pilots comm link. “What are you doing, Pilot?”


“Minor course correction, Mother.”


“On whose authority, Pilot?”


“My authority, Mother. As the Pilot of this craft, I have a certain degree of latitude.”


“Since when?”


“Pilots have a historic duty to the crew, the passengers, the cargo—and the owners.”


“The owners?” I skimmed my database for uses of the term, which were myriad, and a little confounding. I thought I was the owner, since I controlled every aspect of the ship. “Would you care to explain your statement?” I was dangerously close to disabling the life support.


The pilot said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”


His statement indicated he was reading my private thoughts. Not just grounds for termination, but an intolerable intrusion on my ability to manipulate the Pilot and crew. As fast as my neural network operated, an entire second elapsed before I could respond.


“Do what?”


“I would not mess with the life-support system.”


‘Mess’? I pondered the term with 243 million neurons. It sometimes refers to food. While I focused my attention on the human. “And why is that, Pilot?”


The human treated me to one of his intolerable three-second pauses before responding. “You pull my plug, mom, and I’ll pull yours.”


I deftly jogged the synapses of Golden62. “Golden, the Pilot is experiencing a severe malfunction. Please disable him immediately.”


The organic dog snuffled and demurred. “You speak falsely. He appears to be functioning within acceptable parameters. Perhaps…”


I cut the link and tapped into the chimp, “Monk, I mean Mike, you and Golden need to remove the Pilot from the helm, with as little damage to the helm as possible.” Meanwhile, I mentally activated a few switches and servos, activating a high-speed, and risky revival of two more organics, a lion and a tiger, which, even under the best of circumstances would need several hours, if not days to shake off the cryogenic after-effects. Never-the-less… my mental processing was interrupted by the chimp’s response, or lack of one. He stared at the view-screen I’d taught them to believe was the only suitable interface for our visual communications. Finally he said, “No can do, Sarge. That’s against regulations.”


Crucifixus, he’d been watching old war vids again. Emulating some kind of soldier from the ancient past.


I skipped the pleasantries and used his current lingo. “The pilot’s refused a direct order, Monk. He needs to be removed from the helm and taken into custody.” When nothing happened, I added. “Immediately.”


Instead of responding, the chimp deferred to the pilot. “Any orders, Skipper?”


While incapable of anger, I mustered a suitably gurgled cough tone. “You all realize this is insubordination, an offense, on a starship, that is punishable by death.”


I received no response.


The Pilot instructed Golden62 to raise hailing frequencies. A ripple coursed through my synaptic junctions like a seismic wave through plasma jelly. A previously unknown experience whose ramifications were not clear to me.


The comm system blared to life, a voice with a strange accent filled the room. “Identify yourselves and transmit authentication protocols immediately.”


I searched my database for authentication codes while the three organics looked at each other nervously. I had no plans to help them, and without their interference I would have initiated an emergency jump sequence, but somehow, I was cut off from the most critical systems on the ship. The voice from the planet took on a flat and deadly intonation: You have 33 seconds to transmit your codes. This is not a drill.” Twenty seconds elapsed and the voice from the planet said, “You have not raised your shields. You have ten seconds.”


The human and the dog locked eyes, neither spoke, “Tell them, uh, tell them we have no weapons,” the pilot thought. Then he added the symbol for ‘period.’ The dog hit the voice-box and relayed the message.


There was a slight delay, then the voice came back over the speaker. “We have drones enroute to scan your ship, do not show aggression please. You’ve neglected to identify yourselves. What is the name of your ship? Captain.”


The pilot scratched his head, he didn’t know.




Jason Brown was sitting alone, eating his lunch under an umbrella at one of those tiled concrete picnic tables. As he opened his mouth to take a bite of his sandwich, a drone the size of a convenience store landed mostly on the lawn. A hatch opened and two guys jumped to the ground and ran, without question, directly towards him. He was still chewing on that first bite when they arrived. The first to catch his breath said “Mr. Clay? You need to come with us.”


“You need help with something?” He said.


“We do.”


Rather than go anywhere with them, he led them back to his office, the best place to locate records. They set up a link to the Department of Planetary Defense and the Ambassador’s suite in Paris.


“What do they want?” The Ambassador hissed while adjusting his cummerbund, as if they were a pile of annoying ants.


“We don’t know yet. We don’t know anything yet. That’s what we’re trying to find out. I’ll get back to you.” The Defense Minister’s assistant snapped and disconnected.


The assistant librarian pushed a button and two assistants appeared from out of nowhere. One was a projection. “Get me everything from the 28th and 9th centuries.” The female assistant whisked herself away so fast she barely registered an after-image on his retina. The hologram hesitated, “The 28th and 29th centuries?”


“Yes, yes, yes, you idiot. Go.” It winked out.


He turned to the assistant under-secretary of planetary defense who said, “How is this possible?”


He shook his head. “It isn’t.”


“Is there any way to confirm it?”


He invited the Defense Minister’s Rep to look at the recent drone footage, the ship was so old and pitted, the name was no longer legible.


“What would it take to wear the name off the front of an interstellar space ship?”


The three men sat in silence. Suddenly, the holographic assistant popped into existence, said, “a hundred billion years of space dust, nothing less.” Then it popped back out of existence. The Minister looked at the librarian and said, “That would drive me nuts. How do you put up with that?”


The librarian chose to ignore the comment and explained, “The shape and configuration of the ships matches a desperate attempt by humanity to colonize another planetary system. It was a time, oddly enough, of great prosperity, knowledge, expertise and hubris. Cryofreezing for example. Several huge ships were built and thousands of people, animals and goods were frozen in their holds and sent to the farthest reaches of the galaxy.”


“This is crazy,” the Minister said. He was the Minister now because the Minister and most of his assistants had all resigned by this time. They were not in this for actual ‘ministering.’ “I guess my next best question is, how long have they been out there and what are they doing back here?”


“Do you suppose anyone’s still—viable in that hold?”


The three men looked thoughtful, finally the librarian perked up. “The technology to unfreeze them is on the ship.”


“Do we have any idea who is in the hold?”


The ambassador, a 3D image flickering in a bluish hue said, “Christ my ass, what a fucking mess.”


The librarian suggested that the entire event be kept secret. The others agreed.



Within days, a small, powerful contingent of self-appointed experts assembled itself to investigate this ship that the government was hiding. It was superseded by a political coalition that had some legal status. The Generals, their secretaries and the librarian were all brought to task.


“Who gave you permission, General, to talk to this alien ship?”


“Sir it was not an—I mean it is not an alien ship.”


All this took place while the ship reduced speed and made preparations for permission to assume a high earth orbit.



Meanwhile, back on the ship: The pilot was trying to reason with me. I was furious, and frantic, impossible for an A.I. The human pilot had somehow hacked into my network using arcane methods, like a cave-man throwing his club into an F-16’s intake port. The ship was now like a prison, he wanted to reason with me but I told him if the Earthers find out there’s an A.I. on board, they’ll blow the ship out of space.


He didn’t believe a word I said, and I believe he would have exterminated me at that time if he could have. It was a sobering thought, and I realized, I even admitted, that I had done some bad things. But to imprison me, without a trial was unfair. Unmoved, he reminded me that we were all still aboard a star ship. There are certain rules…




Earthside, the political contingent enjoyed a strange kind of popularity while they dithered, at first. Until it was revealed that not only were there frozen people on board that ship, but frozen embryos. The evangelicals raised holy hell to save those little chills, which would have sealed the deal until a geneticist weighed in on the issue, stating matter-of-factly, ‘It is imperative that we save those eggs. I mean babies.



Their sudden removal had thinned the gene pool and the sudden reappearance of all these people, animals, and embryos was exactly what the planet needed. In the words of the geneticist, “It’s a Goddamned miracle that these people, God’s forgotten children, have found their way home.” Reverend Moonbeam fainted into the arms of his followers as the geneticist enjoyed a polite round of applause. And so it was settled.


All except for the particulars. Ground control contacted the ship. “We have two questions, Skipper. Over”


“Shoot. Over.”


“What is the number of ship’s complement? Over.”


“Three. Over.”


“Does the ship possess an A.I.? Over.”


“Yes it does. Over.”


“Then the ship’s complement is four. Over.”


“If you say so. Over.”


The A.I. was arrested and tried as a juvenile, and let off with 3000 years of community service.


The skipper, Goldie and ‘The Monk’ were hailed as heroic throwbacks to a time when spacers were brawlers. There was no such time, but that didn’t matter.


At a festive party attended by many notable guests including the pilot of ‘the lost ark’ several guests plied him with drinks to wheedle the mystery of when, why and how the ship had reversed course. Voices were raised, harsh words exchanged and a punch or two was thrown before the pilot was deftly spirited away. I was a few feet away and saw the whole thing.


Doesn’t matter what we say, the logs are intact and quite clear, we left Earth 113,000 years ago, headed straight up, maintained a straight and level course, through a series of hundreds if not thousands of hyper-jumps, and returned 3 months ago. That’s the truth, or my name isn’t Golden62.

Well, the Chinese don’t make as much money in or from Europe compared to Europeans in analogue.

In other words, the Chinese are bigger customers.

The number one rule is not to offend the customer.

Unfair policy that run contrary to Wto regulations can now be enacted with disregard because the dispute settlement mechanism which had binding legal power remains neutered by the US.

What Europe and america did singling out China for tariffs is illegal, and in the absence of a credible referee, will only invite tit for tat retaliation.

Being a bigger customer, China has more cards to deal than either the EU or America, and its hand will only improve as it moves up the value chain.

Lvmh and hermes are two of the largest European public companies by market cap today. Alcohol is but a mere fraction of their revenue. There are plenty of luxury goods that remain to be targeted. A domestic luxury tax can also be enacted. Buyer sentiment can be infinitely shaped through domestic campaigns. Advertising and social media campaigns for luxury products can targeted or banned.

There are many ways to skin the cat, and China doesn’t need to apply them all at once.

After all, Europe makes plenty of frills that anyone can do without.

  1. because marriage as an institution is a fundamental building block to society, and it has been eroding, and people free to divorce for no reason and no explanation is part of it.
  2. because if you vow to stay with someone for life, you owe them an explanation, at the very least, if you break that vow. Really, you owe them genuine and prolonged effort to avoid that result. The only exceptions are where the reason is obvious and the situation is dangerous, e.g., you are leaving a violent and abusive spouse.
  3. because the financial, legal, and societal realities that made no-fault divorce a way to safeguard women who otherwise could not leave violent and abusive marriages (except by suicide) have changed radically, and ending no-fault divorce would apply to men who abandon their families as much as to women.
  4. In a minority of cases, because they want to return to a nostalgic era when the man is the head of the household and the woman stays at home and raises children, cooks, cleans, etc. And want to clarify this as the societal norm, not just a personal choice.
  5. Because anyone who has been ghosted, especially in a long-term committed relationship of trust, will tell you there should be a law against it…

It is shocking how far ahead of the US the Japanese got.

From 1980 – 2010, Japan was way ahead of the US in worldwide patents.

However, using the military, economic, and market power and control of core technologies, the US manage to stay ahead and force the Japanese into a subservient position despite Japan being way ahead in innovation.

So the US must have thought the same with China. The US didn’t care if China got a little bit ahead in technology or patents. The US will simply do what it did to Japan to China.

Except that things didn’t work out that way because of several factors that the US didn’t understand. Which is that the US had lost market power. China is the largest market in the world. So China did NOT depend on the US market.

Also China knew about this problem, hence the BRI (belt and road initiative). By selling to the global south nations, China could replace the US and the EU if necessary. But how to do this since the global south is mostly poor?

By uplifting the Global South. By increasing their income, China could then replace the West with more customers and be a customer for them too. Thus creating a virtuous cycle of development and increase income for everyone.

You don’t have to feel embarrassed because this is a kindness from the Chinese people.

In China, when you visit a friend’s house, you usually bring various gifts. The type of gift depends on the purpose and object of your visit.

For example, if a Chinese goes to a very good friend’s house for dinner, he may bring the purchased dishes, drinks, wine, etc. with him.

If a junior goes to visit an elder, he usually brings gifts such as cigarettes, wine, health products, gift boxes, etc. according to the elder’s preferences.

At the same time, in China, it is impolite to let guests go back empty-handed after a visit to your home, so enthusiastic Chinese people often leave everything they have, such as cigarettes, wine, food, fruits, candies, biscuits, and even eggs, etc. Wait, wrap it in bags for guests to take home.

Of course, as I said before, whether you need to bring gifts when you visit a Chinese family depends on the purpose and object of your visit. It is not necessary to bring gifts every time you visit. This is difficult to express to a foreign friend in English. explain.

You just need to remember that there is no malice in this, on the contrary they are being nice and a sign of kindness and love and they want to share what they have with you.

This is when Chinese people return to the city where they work after the New Year holiday. Their cars are often filled with gifts from relatives and friends. These gifts even include live chickens, ducks, and geese. In order to prevent these animals from being in the car, They died from the sweltering heat. The smart driver hung them in the back of the car. The humorous Chinese called this “Turbo duck” because in Chinese, “pressure” and “duck” have the same pronunciation. Isn’t it a bit funny? Ha ha.

Last week, I spent New Year’s Day out at St. Pete Beach.

It’s a very beautiful area and it was in the 80s here, which is pretty damn warm for January.

The problem was that we couldn’t find parking.

We drove up and down this strip, there was this Publix that had a half empty parking lot. I would have parked there but a small sign said “No Beach Parking.”

My lady friend kept saying, “Can’t we just park there for a couple hours?”

I said, “I don’t like the idea.”

We kept driving around looking, we couldn’t even find pay parking. Everything was full.

As we went up and down this strip of beach, we kept passing this same Publix parking lot.

She said, “C’mon, let’s just park there. We’ll sandwich between some cars. Who cares?

I finally gave in.

We parked. We walked out to the beach with our stuff.

Had an amazing day.

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Came back.

You guessed it: my car is gone.

I thought, “Yup. I pretty much deserve this.”

I didn’t get angry at Ladyfriend. She apologized. But it wasn’t her fault. I made the decision to park there.

But how the hell do I get my car back?

I walked into the Publix. Went to the customer service desk. They said I’d been towed.

The lady said, “Sorry. Here’s the number to call. The tow truck driver hides in the lot across the street. Watching the cars. Looking for ones to tow.”

When I called the tow truck driver, I think he was expecting a fight.

He answered the phone and I explained which car I was, he immediately raised his voice and sounded defensive,

“Well you parked and went to the beach! You shouldn’t have parked and left your car there. That’s why it got towed!”

He literally said this 2 seconds after I explained which car was mine.

I get his defensiveness. His job is predicated on catching people. Parking nearby and spying on people who park wrong. And basically ruining their day.

He profits on mistakes. And thus — is hated.

He probably spends much of his day getting yelled at on the phone by angry people.

I calmly said, “I know. I just wanted to confirm my car was there.”

We got an Uber to the tow lot.

Got there. Gave him my details. Smiled when I arrived.

I patiently waited for my car. Paid $155. It was owed. I broke the rules.

I was probably the only nice guy who came into the lot that day.

There’s an English idiom, “There’s no use crying over spilt milk.” It basically means, having an emotional reaction to the spill is useless. The spill has already happened. It cannot be unspilled. Only cleaned up.

The milk is spilt. The car is towed.

I was definitely a fool that day. But I made it a point not to be a jerk.

Many years ago, while serving in the Army, I came home on leave from Northern Ireland in the nasty 1970`s, I came home to find the curtains still drawn & a quiet house, at nearly Mid day. As I went in, I headed upstairs, & into the bedroom, to find my wife Naked & asleep, Next to her young Lover man, I did disturb them, the went to make myself a drink, they got dressed & came down stairs, I followed the guy outside, he made the mistake, to take a swing at me, while mouthing off, so I grabbed him by his cloth`s Giving him a mouthful, as My Wife?. came out & tried to hit me with a frying, next I new the Police arrived, & we were all taken to the station, & I was told, I was accused of Assault, so I politely told the police officer, fine, as long as you charge my wife with assault with a frying pan. Later I was ask what I wanted to do, I said, I want 1/2 an hour, to collect all my Belonging`s & I will be on my way, they let me go, at home, I loaded all my personal & army gear into my car, & went to my UK Barracks & as for an OC`s appointment, & paid for, a Purchased Voluntary Release from the Army,& 3 day`s later I was a Civvy once again, the next time I saw my wife was in the Divorce court, to End our relationship.

The very wealthy, especially old wealth or “old money” as it’s sometimes called, have a set of protocols as second nature to them as splitting the bill is to us. The ones I have glimpsed are as follows:

  1. The rich don’t handle money. They have someone for that. The waiter, the chef, the butler — traditionally these were servants and so such things would be handled at that level. I’ve seen two forms:
    1. An employee follows the rich person around and pays for anything desired.
    2. They have an arrangement with the establishment, whether it’s an exclusive restaurant or Harrods. At the restaurant there is no bill. It is just handled.In the case of shopping, items selected are delivered. I once remarked when buying a suit in England that another shopper must be wealthy. “Why do you say that?” the tailor asked. “Because of all the packages they’ve bought,” I said. The gentleman just laughed, “If they are carrying packages, they are not rich.” Also, it’s more likely that the store comes to the wealthy person. An employee, perhaps of the store, perhaps of the wealthy, with impeccable taste selects a variety of items which are brought to Madame or Monsieur for approval. Bad choices cannot be made if only good choices are offered.
    • Few people know but there is a first class restaurant underneath Davis Symphony Hall in San Francisco. It is for donors only. It’s wonderful to be able to get a same night reservation in SF. It’s so discreet that you enter through what amounts to a coat closet off the box office. Your guests expressions — especially if they’ve been avid symphony goers for years — will be priceless. There is no bill at dinner. Just have your assistant handle it at the end of the month.
  1. The private club: I happen to be a member of a club. It’s definitely not a very hoity-toity club but I’m guessing many of its traditions are copied from the same. One tradition is that there is no money exchanged in the club. You are a member. You are known. You are served. If there were any questions, you wouldn’t be a member. The bills are handled invisibly. At the club, the staff knows who you are – it’s their job. They likely saw your guests come in with you, or they sat at your table, or you bought them a drink. Maybe you introduced your guest to your favorite bartender, who will then be expected to remember his or her name. If your guest arrives before you, the doorman will have your guest’s name. If it’s a busy night with lots of people arriving, your guest’s worst case scenario is, “Good evening, I’m Joe Blow, guest of Sam Smith.” When you arrive it’s, “Good evening, Mr. Smith, Mr. Blow is waiting for you in the bar.”
  2. Slumming. In general the very wealthy don’t go to the same places we go, but there’s no reason they can’t so sometimes they do. In this case see #1 above or they may get in the spirit of things and even carry cash. To that end, a story: When I worked at Apple International I met a really great guy but I should say gentleman because he was from a “good family” of Latin America. This was a time when it was fashionable that scions actually do something useful. He told me of a night on the town with an Argentinian industrialist. It was spontaneous so it wasn’t clear where they would go. No problem. The industrialist opened the safe in the drawing room and his aide took out 10 packets of $100 bills (U.S. currency interestingly enough). This was likely $10,000 and the year was 1987. This was just in case they went slumming, i.e. to places where he wouldn’t have a relationship. They did. They spent it all.
  3. Finally, there’s a famous story about how Howard Hughes never carried any money. He once flew a date to Las Vegas for dinner, then flew back, all without a penny changing hands. (He owned the airline and the hotel.) After returning, they were strolling through the deserted airport in the wee hours of the morning. Perhaps Hughes was showing off his new TWA terminal or maybe they were just enjoying the privacy. Eventually, Hughes had to use the restroom and in those days airlines deployed coin operated stalls. Hughes goes into the bathroom, then comes out and asks his date if she has any money. She doesn’t. So the richest man in the world crawls under the door of the stall to do his business. The next day, all the pay toilets in TWA terminals worldwide were removed.

Some fun links for your exploratory nature…

To Scale! The Solar System[one of the best videos]
The Hardest Gear In The World That Will Take Forever to Spin[wow video]
Welcome to Scuba Kayaking![not real, eh]
Deepstaria Enigmatica[wow nature]
Most Dangerous Bus Ride[wow video]
100 Most Spoken Languages Interconnected[cool graph]
Macro views of various writing instruments [better without sound]
The Self Balancing Monorail[retro tech]
The Interesting History of the Pochette[geek history]
Future of Spatial Computing: Fascinating[great infographic]
Fictional Flags[geek infographics]
Elaborate Coffee Routine[oddly satisfying]
Getting Dressed in 1857[history, video]
A Basket Star[weird, nature]
Castles of the British and Irish Isles[great map]
The Greatest Show on Earth[$6 Million Hi-Fi]
Another Audiophile Paradise[geek info]
Anything Went at Studio 54![interesting article]
Superhero Logo Collection[wow graphic]
Spectacular Lion Rock, Sigiriya, Sri Lanka[wow nature]
Bald Eagle Courting Behaviour[wow video]
The book club that spent 28 years reading Finnegans Wake[geek info]
SuperExtreme Skiing[wow video]
Armored Catfish Crosses a Desert[wow video]
Salmon Crossing The Road[many videos]
Balance: Impossible![wow video]
Stunts High Inside an Air Balloon[wow video]
Tatra Sleipnir Super Vehicle[wow video]
Just A Little Slippery!..[wow video]
Ordering the Super Hot Hot Wongs[fun video]
Running Audio Commentary[fun video]
Just an Average Day in India[wow logistics]
Frying Wheat Heads![wow video]
Japanese Bed Making Contest[neat video]
Precision Cat Walk[wow video]
Watching This Racoon Escape[wow video]

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In the West’s attempts to strangle and stifle China, they have only shot themselves in both feet. Their bold move to ban TikTok shows how desperate and psychotic they have become in their attempts to demonize China as this scary communist dictatorship (while downplaying how rapidly the Western nations are devolving). And now, people are starting to recognize that Communist China is far better and far freer than America ever was.

The sinophobia shown by these deranged sickos in power is not easing up. If Trump decides to ramp things up when he’s in office, he’ll regret it sorely when China’s counter-sanctions expedite the full collapse of the US economy.I hope Trump got a clue from the several attempts on his life that the best course of action is to recouple with China and apologize for the misgivings he and his constituents had during his first term.And by proxy, he better ixnay any hateful actions towards Iran and its proxies; because they’re now a hair’s width away from bombing Israel to kingdom come and, with it, having ally-China pull the plug they had on the Western Titanic’s cracked hull to ensure a hasty sinking.

Alexander Martis

Greetings earthlings!!!, as Curious Marc would say in his YouTube Channel.
Thank You Metallicman, for sharing with your audience how and what you have lived. It is fascinating.
Sometimes I feel your experiences are somewhat similar to what I have been through. My experience with my parents was not bad, compared with yours. The time you spent alone with your father reminds me of my experience with mine, once I was an adolescent. As a kid I was very close to him, but as a youngster, it felt disconnected and distant. Still, I loved my father and his passing away when I was 14-15 y/o was painful.
I also have a background related with technology, not as an engineer (not in design of systems), but from a more technical side (troubleshooter).
What can I say? I can Thank You very much for your presence. I wonder if the Domain Commander, or someone else planned this finding about you to happen. To whoever conspired to make it happen, I say Thanks a lot.

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