Part 15 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander in June 2024

This is another continuation of my Q&A.


What is going on is that myself; MM, activates the EBP and communicates with the Domain via the “Domain Commander”.

The following is a list of 19 questions that was submitted to me for presentation to the Domain Commander to answer. They were compiled by three Chinese nationals who are presently in school.

It took me about a half a month to answer and required multiple sessions with the Domain Commander. Some of the questions had to be duplicated and compiled as the input was garbled. 

The later question sets  regarding [1] health and [2] diet, and [3] drugs required me to draft a  series of text essays and then go line by line with the Domain Commander with input and retractions. Resulting in the massive answers provided herein.

On numerous occasions the Domain Commander started referring to Chinese stories, idioms and Chinese lessons. However, I could not adequately translate what was being presented to me, so I used a technique. This is a system of pick-and-choose where I presented the input words and images that the Domain Commander represented, then ChatGPT to flush out what the Chinese text equivalences were. Then I would make a second pass asking the Domain Commander if this was it’s intention, and what future elaborations were necessary.

This was a very time consuming process, but everything presented here is with Domain Commander blessing and authorization. - MM

Questions list for the Domain Commander

By Questioner ONE, TWO and THREE.

1. (Title: Volunteers in general, Preparation for the Final Exam)


We need to do something really meaningful in our lives and follow The Domain’s guidelines, and prevent reincarnations. What else does The Domain support and encourage us to do on this planet while inhibiting a physical body, besides volunteering with The Domain and doing affirmation campaigns? (In other words, what skills should we practice in our everyday life?) Background information: Not everyone is well versed in lucid dreaming/OBE. For example, if there is a specific guideline of how to perform Lucid Dreaming, we would really appreciate it.


The trio asking these questions are concerned that they are doing something wrong or doing so insufficiently. They are not versed in understanding the concept of time, and the scheduling of their operational objectives. At this time, all three entities are in the midst of various activities that train for a host of roles.

Entity ONE will experience a target role earlier than the other two. But at that, it still will not occur for a few years. This role is not as the entity thinks. It is a human role and will involve interaction with another human. This interaction will initiate a chain of events that will “bootstrap” a series of subsequent events that will be of great benefit to the collective. There are other actions that all entities will take place with, most however will occur during dreaming. No lucid dream requirements are specified. Later on towards the conclusion of this lifeline the entity will recognize the entire breadth and depth of its role and that will serve it well when it passes through death translation. From which further actions and training on our side will take place. In this case this is an important role, as are all the roles of the three questioners. It should be noted that the support team for this entity is in place and guiding the entity though the physical event cycles.

Entity TWO will have a role that might not appear obvious, but is rather acting as a recharging battery that other powerful pro-Domain entities can utilize. This is not what the entity is expecting, but the useful benefit of entities in the human form is their access to both the physical and the non-physical realms. This entity is especially suited for this role, and can do so passively. Later on, though out this role, and throughout this entities life, the entity would meet people and will recharge them. And it will happened, and for the most part, this entity will be unaware of it’s role. It must be noted that recharging is not the same a a battery. Just analogous to it. There will be a transfer of energy, data (sic), capabilities (that are stored assets and “programs” that will be transferred to the entity) and other things that Domain sees fit. Additionally, this entity will experience some physical “training” and may be granted some heightened PSI skills for some on-going projects for participation in. This entity is on a pre-agreed path for a volunteer role and recent off-reality discussions with the entity’s “handling” support group confirms this. The Domain support group for this entity is also in training for this particular role and will hand-hold and hand-shake efforts as they transpire. This is on-going.

Entity THREE is being prepped for a more aggressive “combat” role for a non-physical space. This requires extensive physical world training, though done so using the non-physical attributes. Throughout the life-line of this entity there will be periodic minor roles that the entity will encounter. From which experience will be obtained. For the most part the entity will not be able to witness any changes as the entity cannot perceive the non-physical. Later, post death translation, this entity will work in the non-physical with the association of other species and soul platforms in a liaison role for coordination activities. This is an important role. However, the role in the physical life will be mostly training for that role with training being in the realms between the physical and non-physical regimes. Domain support is ever present, and there in a non-physical component for communication training that will cause some physical manifestations to appear.

All three entities must understanding that the roles that Domain has assigned to them are important ones. That they have a unique moment and opportunity to learn and obtain training in the very rare twilight zone between reality and non-reality space, and we have assigned a transition “expert” from our force complement to manage these affairs. Lucid dreaming will take on a very minor role at this time and in this role. As the activity actually involves more coordination with the mantid (sic) higher energy states for rapid technique assimilation.

2. (Title: Volunteers in general, more specific post death plans)


If Mantid GP does NOT cooperate upon translation with our plan of escaping the prison complex and volunteering for Domain, what should the consciousness do other than calling Domain for assistance and refusing to be tricked by the Mantid into another reincarnation?

To be more specific, our final version of Question 2 is: Apart from calling out for Domain, refusing our mantid GPs demand by saying something likeNo, you go, you reincarnate and experience all of this yourself”, thinking carefully before making any decision, not entering the tunnel of light, realizing that time does not exist to remain calm, etc, could you give us additional information on what to do after departing from our physical bodies? If it is indeed possible to escape from Earth, we would like to get detailed information from “The Domain” about methods, procedures, requirements, etc.

Background information: we know from some online videos posted by MM that it is possible for the Mantid GP to trick us into another reincarnation.

For example, the Mantid GP might only give us some pleasant memories while hiding the unpleasant ones to create the illusion that life on Earth is just fantastic.

Meanwhile, we firmly believe no MM audience/follower would want another disgusting reincarnation cycle after death.

We know that the Mantid GP is much more powerful than us. We know there might be some traps other than the tunnel of light that we cannot identify. The answers for Question10.14a on MM’s website is not sufficient, because they do not talk about the possible traps we will encounter in detail. The main reason why we ask this question is to maximize our chances of escape.


Previous answers on the MM website do not apply here.

This is a different situation and involves a different group of consciousness clusters now on a altered activity path. Previous questions referenced to a different set of initial conditions, the conditions for this question are not the same.

All the trio of entities operate multiple bodies at this time. They are under the illusion that each “person” only has but one consciousness. When in reality they are part of a multitude of shared consciousnesses. So this question, might be a little confusing for the entities to understand.

In the case of all three entities; the are the lead consciousness, and each one has another “slave” consciousness that is also in the physical world performing physical activities. For the most part, and without getting into too much detail, these “slave” consciousnesses are in other species. Species that the entities might consider to be “below them” such as animals, and birds.

The Mantid GP (sic) and Mantid Prime (sic) work with the consciousness and tethers the “slave” consciousnesses in such a way that physical repulsion and fear triggers are avoided. This is one of the many traps set up by Old Empire.

It can be confirmed that in the trio concerned in this question sequence, that the Mantid GP and Primes are all in absolute alliance with the desires of the consciousnesses, and this is a formal Domain confirmation. Period.

Slave” consciousness (in all cases) do not have the ability to alter pre-birth world-line directives due to a retardation of mental acumen. This is managed though careful coordination of the individual IS-BE shared tethering of the two (and in the case of questioner THREE) three “slave” consciousnesses.

Mantids operate by strict script programming. Rules must be followed unless vocalized changes are put in place.

To the answer, it is the same for all three entities. Mantid will meet you at death translation, and Domain will be nearby. However, you must still CALL OUT for active Domain participation. We will refuse to assist unless you actually ask for our assistance. This is our rule. It is not a universal rule.

If you fail to call out for Domain, we will stand down and allow the Mantid system to run its natural course. It is all set in motion. An interruption of that course must require your consciousness direct participation.

Finally, one of the trio has already made / discussed a further participative role that might require a re-injection back into the reality as another human in the future. This is not a fixed request, but one that was made before the entity asked to become a domain volunteer. As far as we are concerned, this is an out-of-date request and should be ignored. But it still exists until the entity says and states otherwise. Verbalization of intent is the legal document that Domain uses to authorize injection.

One the second and third passes through this question, the Domain Commander insisted in a clarification process. And presented this first Chinese story for me to present. -MM

It is important that all members of the Trio make wise decisions when encountering the unknown upon the death translation cycle. There is always the danger of treachery.

One famous Chinese idiom that fits the scenario of making a wise decision in the face of treachery is “草船借箭” (cǎo chuán jiè jiàn), which translates to “Borrowing Arrows with Straw Boats.”

This idiom originates from the classic Chinese historical novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” (三国演义, Sānguó Yǎnyì). It highlights the wisdom and ingenuity required to navigate treacherous situations.

MM generated background here, with summaries. What follows is an MM-generated background, But reviewed and OK’d by the Domain Commander. Two key parts; the story itself, and the moral lessons. -MM

Story of “Borrowing Arrows with Straw Boats”

Background: During the Three Kingdoms period, the states of Wei, Shu, and Wu were in constant conflict. Zhuge Liang, the brilliant strategist of the Shu state, faced a challenging situation when his ally, Sun Quan of the Wu state, requested a large number of arrows for an upcoming battle. Zhuge Liang promised to deliver 100,000 arrows within three days, knowing that this would be nearly impossible through conventional means.

The Treacherous Situation: Sun Quan’s general, Zhou Yu, who was jealous of Zhuge Liang’s intelligence and sought to undermine him, believed that Zhuge Liang would fail and thus lose face. Zhou Yu thought the task was an opportunity to set a trap, as he anticipated Zhuge Liang’s failure.

Zhuge Liang’s Wise Decision: Zhuge Liang, aware of the treachery and the tight timeline, devised a clever plan. He ordered the construction of numerous straw boats, which he filled with straw figures and launched toward the enemy’s camp at dawn, under cover of heavy fog. The enemy, Cao Cao’s forces, mistook the boats for an impending attack and unleashed a barrage of arrows, which became lodged in the straw targets.

Outcome: After the fog lifted, Zhuge Liang’s boats returned safely, laden with the enemy’s arrows. He successfully delivered the promised 100,000 arrows within the stipulated time, demonstrating his strategic brilliance and ability to turn treachery to his advantage.

Moral and Application:

1. Understanding the Situation: Zhuge Liang’s success was based on his deep understanding of both his allies and enemies. He knew Zhou Yu’s intentions and anticipated Cao Cao’s reaction to the fog and straw boats.


2. Thinking Creatively: Instead of following conventional methods, Zhuge Liang used creative thinking to solve the problem, turning a potential trap into an opportunity.

3. Using Deception: By using the fog and straw boats, Zhuge Liang employed deception effectively, a key aspect of strategic thinking, especially when dealing with treacherous opponents.

4. Maintaining Calm Under Pressure: Despite the seemingly impossible task and the treachery around him, Zhuge Liang remained calm and confident in his plan, which is crucial for making wise decisions.

The following is the raw data feed, cleaned up and elaborated upon by MM over the Domain Commander suggestions. I am instructed that this is an important part of the answer and that it must be pristine. -MM

How to Make the Proper Decision:

– Assess the Risks and Motives: Understand the motivations behind others’ actions and assess the risks involved.

– Leverage Your Strengths: Use your resources and strengths creatively to turn the situation in your favor.

– Stay Calm and Think Ahead: Maintain composure under pressure and think several steps ahead.

– Turn Weaknesses into Strengths: Like Zhuge Liang, turn potential disadvantages into advantages through strategic thinking and ingenuity.

The story of “Borrowing Arrows with Straw Boats” encapsulates the wisdom required to navigate treachery.

Once the IS-BE exits the reality universe, there will be moments of treachery.

The idiom teaches that with deep understanding, creative thinking, strategic use of deception, and calmness under pressure, one can turn a seemingly dire situation into a successful outcome.

For a brief period of time from ejection from the reality universe to the moment when the call out to Domain occurs, the IS-BE will be vulnerable. This is how to keep focused and navigate though the situation adroitly.

3. (Title: Peaceful Emotions/Mind)

Question written by entity THREE:

How to keep yourself always calm? Free from feelings and desires so that we become very efficient in helping The Domain. I think this is a great question for those who really want to help The Domain, and I’ve tried a lot of ways to do it, but none of them work very well. As an example: I know exactly what I should be doing right now, but I have a hard time doing it. Because feelings and desires are always controlling this body, e.g. the urge to play games, or the urge to go do something pleasurable (urge for food and sexual desire), etc ….. My friend (a follower of MM) is feeling the same way. I would love to get what works and share it with my friends who really want to help the Domain. Of course, maybe I’m thinking a bit purely. Will this question go through, thank you very much!


Entity THREE is missing the point of being human. Emotions play an important part of the human experience. It is the same as the role of intelligence, social interaction and physical exercise. With emotion, the drive to accomplish many things that the human species (and other species do) become possible. Without it, the human experience would not be so colorful and vibrant.

It must be noted that the emotional component to the human experience has all be pre-arranged by the topography of the pre-birth world-line template (sic) and is a necessary component of the human experience. Planning for the life cycle and event sequences mandate emotional passions to engage.

Emotions play a major role outside of the physical body as well. The trick for the entities involved is to control the emotions within a range of acceptability so that there isn’t a wildly divergence in the future transit vector upon the world-line template. The good news is that the entity is doing fine, and is a little worried that it is not. This is an illusion.

4. (Title: Request for stronger evidence about Domains existence)


Would the DC be able to give us harmless physical or non-physical visual confirmation for the existence of Domain for the group of 3 of us?

For example, by manipulating our electronic devices for physical confirmation, or giving us the exact same visual manifestations in our dreams for non-physical.

If you could give us physical clues, this could especially ramp up the number of volunteers for Domain as it is easier to convince others about this information and further prevent any Old Empire mind traps installed upon us from torturing us by questioning our judgment.

(Background information: When trapped inside a physical skin suit with memory loss and limited ability, such powerful confirmations regarding the Domain s existence is very meaningful for all of us. It is more meaningful than those outside of a painful body can ever imagine.

Any evidence or proof about you guys is greatly appreciated. In fact, they are much more important than acknowledgment about our efforts requested by some MM follower earlier last year. If you dont want your existence to be physically recorded, please at least consider allowing us to witness your physical forms or make much stronger events to manifest in our dreams.)

(Note to MM: this question may apply to every volunteer. Although it contains personal examples, it is in essence not a personal question.)


Domain operate within a spirit world, or spirit plane. We occupy physical containers for various purposes. We do so to conduct routine medical procedures, to collect biopsies, and to perform treaty negotiations. We cannot alter the physical reality unless we are in a physical container.

The way around this is to ask an entity already in a physical container to do so for us. For instance to ask a computer programmer to send a virus to one of your computers, or to write you an e-mail. However, asking an agent or friend of ours to do something (such as MM here) is outside of the contract agreements that we make with our friends and volunteers. In each and every relationship, we define strict rules of behavior. What you are asking for lie outside of those boundaries and we will not jump over them.

5: (Title: Personal relationships and personal roles associated with the Domain for the group of 3)


Could we ask about our relationships with the Domain prior to our Earth incarnation and our major missions in this lifetime for each of us?

Note to MM: if the Domain Commander says we were indeed Domain members, we would really appreciate you if you also ask it about our roles within the Domain prior to our Earth reincarnations. In this case, we politely ask it to provide a more specific answer than this answer. For example, such saying these entitles signed a contract with the Domain., or details about our class(rankings), professions / majors ”/ main roles / talents that contributed to the Domain the most, etc would be greatly appreciated. We have reviewed your past comm with the DC carefully. We are aware that knowing our past history in general does more harm than help for us. We also know that volunteersrelationships with the commander are in general confidential. Therefore, we ask about our relationships with the Domain instead.


All three entities were Baroque era friends during a previous physical incarnation. During this period all three were female. All there were practicing (what was at that time considered to be ) witchcraft; the “black arts”. In that form, and at that time, the entities were involved in conjuring up demons, spirits, and other non-physical entities in order to procure human earthly desires such as sex, love, and lust in various forms.

Using this venue, one of our Domain agents / associates noticed a particularly high amount of non-physical / spiritual traffic associated with your combined efforts and appeared to you all at that time in a non-physical form; it was manifested as “open communication” to each of you simultaneously without physical appearance. At that time you ladies closed your eyes and in the incense filled room would repeat what the agent said to you in Latin, and one or the other would answer to it. In this way a dialog was opened up.

There were many requests for sexually related diversions, money and other pleasures of the flesh that do not concern this topic. However, at one point questioner TWO in that body and at that time, asked to “join as one” with the entity (the Domain asset), and the other two questioners ONE and THREE agreed.

Domain asset provided directions for a baptismal event. Whereas all three entities would baptize each other in a pool of water under a full moon. You all took turns stripping down to nude, and immersing yourselves into the water of the pool. After that event all entities considered yourselves baptized into the Domain.

You all considered yourselves agents of Domain until your deaths in that reincarnation cycle. Note that you did not refer to Domain as “Domain” but rather as “Calix Templi Spiritus” which can be interpreted as “Chalice of the Spiritual Temple” or “Chalice of the Temple of the Spirit.”


Moreover, none of you called out for Domain upon your death sequence. And when you were greeted by your Mantid, and deceased friends and family members you forgot about your baptismal. Never once calling out to Domain. Though one of you, questioner TWO called out for Jesus.

Questioners ONE and THREE had other visits, non-physical of course, with the Domain in other reincarnations since that event (according to the time track). But were (in those bodies) unaware of any previous agreements or baptismal that you all had participated in.

6. (Personal question, request for confirmation)


Could the DC be able to give us a confirmation for volunteering for Domain and status on alternations of the non-physical body for the group of 3, by each person?


All three entities, questioner ONE, TWO and THREE, have volunteered to work with Domain on multiple occasions, and in multiple lifetimes.

In regards to alternations to the non-physical bodies of those involved…

Questioner ONE. Alterations occurred under Domain supervision, but was conducted by another group associated with this regional sphere. This occurred three times. In a previous incarnation there were two procedures. And there was one just made prior to injection into this reality. All three procedures were made by the same group. Domain allows and gives it’s blessings. It is possible to have further events occur during this life-line. Please monitor your dreams and your stability exercises for relative insights.

Questioner TWO. Domain alterations occurred twice. The first was in a prior incarnation. It involved the removal of tracking and abuse entities placed there by a malevolent entity. The second occurred in this incarnation. Domain upgraded the non-physical body to a “purer” state or model.

Questioner THREE. Multiple events occurred this life-line. All by Domain, or under Domain supervision. Purposes were to upgrade the non-physical body. The second was to better interact with the Mantid GP (sic), and the third was to extract a malevolent entity leech.


7: (Personal question, asking about potential Domain members around us)


Are there any entities that at least one of the 3 of us know in their current lifetime that the Domain wishes to contact? For example, are there any lost Domain members around us that we could help to connect with Domain? If we don’t know anyone, are there any entities on the internet you wish us to attempt to contact?


Domain understands the request for assistance. However at this time this type of assistance is not necessary.

A high percentage of Domain interaction has been pre-planned on the pre-birth world-line template (sic). The human physical body moves much slower than the non-physical body and our interactions tend to skew towards non-physical boy interactions.

Domain conducts the bulk of inmate interactions on the non-physical planes / realms / environments.

It is worth noting that the memory erasure “tunnel” has been adjusted / culled /deactivated /rendered impotent. Thus enabling better interactions with Mantid GP and Mantid Prime with Domain interjections. Prior to these tunnel alterations, the ability for Domain to contact inmates of the physical was greatly retarded.

8. (More information about how to interpret dreams)


Can the DC teach us more about how to use dreams’ form and content to deduce what actually happened in reality? (in both the physical and the non-physical)

Background: In past comms, the DC gave us some ways to interpret dreams. For example, if you dream a place 3 times in a row, then the dream is significant.


All entities have the necessary skills needed to “interpret dreams”. However, the monitoring of dreams is not as important in the control of the waking state and mitigation of emotions such as anger, greed, lust, and other vices.

Periodically the Mantid forms, other loved ones, and beneficial entities might try to send information to the entity using the dream venue. As well, as malevolent entities.

It is important that if the entity wishes to fully interpret a given dream that it NOT take it literally. Monitor dreams (with a dream journal) for three successive days. Then note the TRENDS in the dreams. Not the actual activity in the dreams. The true interpretation of dreams rests upon the common trend-lines. Not the confused chaos that often inhabit the dream-scape.

9. (Personal question, but can apply to all)


Could you please give all volunteers a list of safest countries to live in based on the current world-line template? (Based on previous answer, we assume China is the safest, we would appreciate if you could also give us city/region of such safe place within each countries.)

Background information: One of the questioner is living in South Korea and is concerned about current events with North Korea, wondering if he should move to other country or not in the future.


Domain registers your angst and discomfort given the current state of global Geo-politics.

It is important to note that the seemingly bizarre behavior of the human species is intertwined with the changing (yet periodic) changing of the solar max cycles. It is a global phenomenon. An entity cannot avoid it’s influence by moving from one geographical region to another.

However, there are regions that are subject to great discord, and other regions that are subject to a quieter and gentler absorption of the chaotic energies that surround the earthly sphere at this moment.

Great “wheels” are in motion; with cycles, and curves of probability all intertwined and cascading over and over upon each other. Making things appear very tumultuous and nefarious.

On an individual basis this does not appear problematic. But a careful restudy of the social and cultural aspects of the human situation suggest that layered force generations that control individual personalities and consciousnesses can also set in motion quite potentially catastrophic event styles.

In general, I advise, if the entity is so interested; To seek out traditional cultures. They are scattered throughout the globe. Embrace one such culture. Even if that culture is but a walled-off enclave that sits inside a non-traditional social contract. Find the bubbles of tradition.

In the United States this might include the Mennonite societies or the Amish societies. In the Pacific islands you have the Māori people. There are pockets of predominantly traditional people throughout Asia. From Korea, of course, China, to Vietnam and Laos, Burma, and the Philippines.

The middle East and the ‘Stans all have thriving traditional cultures, though some, such as Afghanistan, are corrupted to some degree. Africa has many opportunities for traditional cultures, as does South America.

The primary areas of danger lie in the advanced progressive nations of the West. The reason being that the human species, and most other species, possess genetically encoded society attributes, roles, behaviors and mannerisms. Males hunt, work provide and protect. Females raise families, nurture, take over domestic routines, and raise children. These are fundamental elements of the human specific cohesiveness.

The more creative humans or groups of humans desire for personal profit, and illness to alter this established order. When so disrupted, the collapse of society is anticipated. When stressful events come, such as global wide change, the societies that are not grounded in traditional social behavior patterns will undergo tremendous upheaval. All three entities must deeply embed themselves within a stable”traditional” social construct for surviving periods of massive discomfort and change.

10. (Major Events in the near future)


Could you tell us the major events and its timelines that will be likely to unleash in the near future for us to prepare for?

Background information: I will layout three examples that we are concerned about. Major events such as Covid-19 and its vaccination rollouts have been devastating for all of us. We want to know if DC can tell us such plans ahead of time for us to prepare.

In another example, there has been information about the “pole shift” and solar activities that will cause massive flood that could extinct humanity. We would like to know if such events is on the line to manifest and how we can prepare as an example.

Lastly, we are surprised much about the Deagel Forecast and worried about what will happen in 2025 and after 2025 despite the Commander’s reservations about the Deagel Forecast.We watched your Patreon video. We know the DC said the current situation is under their control,but we still fear the future. So we want to ask this question.


The reality universe operates on potentials. When a consciousness in injected into a world-line template, the future for that template is established at injection; birth.

There are many consciousnesses that will experience very catastrophic changes in their present and future event sequences.

As DC, and with permission, we can observe the pre-birth world-line template (sic) and observe highest probability events PROVIDED that there are no slides (sic), or massive changes to the prayer authorizations (Affirmation campaign results).

The bulk of MM followers will experience a highest probability of mild to medium bads. With the vast commonality to be insulated and isolated from the very worst event sequences. However, this is not shared with the majority of humanity. Their templates indicate a very high probability of medium to very severe bads.

All trio are concerned about the future, but the protections and guarded presentations are of a bubble or envelope of mild to gentle bads and we recommend not to be too swayed by event sequences that do not concern them.

It must be reaffirmed and positively stated that the experiences, and indeed the reality that one consciousness experiences will differ substantially from others. Take heed some consciousnesses will experience global wide thermonuclear war, but the vast bulk of MM followers are on templates that will avoid this reality materialization. For most of the readership here, they will be under the impression that no so such event happened.

As we project onto the established templates.

The probabilities are low.

Yet, there will be bleed-though in aligned realities, and a series of strange, even horrifying events might materialize in the face of certain individual consciousnesses. Not to worry. But odd events like birds having mass die offs, and the unusual disappearing of certain people might be terminal examples of bleed through events.

A great concern of Domain is the damage to the reality superstructure during nuclear war event sequences, and that is presently keeping our staff occupied. For nuclear war has already manifested in some world-line templates and repair is on-going.

As far a trio and MM follower base this is transparent, and you need not worry. For all of the readership you are “laying low” or “on the lam” from any highly graphic bads.

11. Personal – A request for finding a communication channel other than MM in the future)


If we fail to open a direct comm in the future without MM, by the time you truly want to call us in the physical to assign us missions, what organizations should we seek (in South Korea, China, or in the United States) for guidance?

Background information: We are much younger than MM. After MM leaves the Earth Prison Planet several decades later, if we still cannot manage to communicate with the Domain ourselves, we would like to know if there is any solution other than by practicing Hemi-sync music to contact you guys. For example, we know from past comm that the DC did not gave South Korea as a place for such organizations, but it does no harm to ask.


Association with any number of groups that discuss lucid dreaming, PSI training, the writings of Matilda, the Domain, or ways to fortify or protect ones non-physical being from outside influences would be beneficial.

All three members of the trio have different experiences, and will gravitate to different venues. There is not a “one size fits all” in this case, and for all of you, approaching these other organizations with an open mind will serve you well.

In reading the template profiles for the trio, questioner TWO will have a bifurcation spawning a romantic interest in the search sequence. This will, in turn, result into a Domain-inspired training exercise. Questioners ONE and THREE are standard template paths, and neither should host any worries or concerns.

The most important skill for all three questioners is to learn to focus, to be able to clear and de-clutter the mind for reality influences, and learn how to listen to the open Comms internally. Hemi-Sync can accomplish this effectively.

12. Unlisted


Some users on the internet report that AI chatbot technology like ChatGPT can perform remote viewing with blind targets. How does AI technology work, where it is going for future of society, and is it a sentient being?

Mentioned Source:



This is a technology. When a species encounters a new technology for the first time, it is natural to experience a fear, or a series of fears.

Details on how AI technology works is easily found on the Internet, and the questioner can utilize ChatGPT to provide answers, directions and solutions.

The utilization of this technology is a natural progression in an industrialized and science-infused culture. It was presented in all of the Trio’s pre-birth world-line templates, and will become a normal part of the human society in a short amount of time.

The idea of “artificial intelligence” is a mimicking mechanism that seemingly replicates human intelligence. It is not sentient. At least, not at the current technological level.

Sentience is defined by consciousness.

Consciousness has direct, or periodically while in the human species physical body, access to full multi-incarnation memory sets. Since AI has no access to non-physical memories (at this point in time), it has no consciousness.

At this stage in human species development, AI is not sentient as it has no consciousness. Though it might trivially appear to have a consciousness. The individual who encounters AI might consider it to be a Big Cheese, but it is just a know-it-all with limited breadth of scope.

13. Unlisted


Do all living things, including plants, animals, insects, even micro organisms have consciousness in them just like human skin suits? If so, are they all occupied by IS-BEs or are they different like a programmed consciousness which we refer to “NPC”? If they are not, for certain living things, what are they?


All things; living and inanimate, have a type of consciousness. Whether it is a rock, a stone, a bird, a human, or a phonograph; all physical items within the reality universe has a consciousness.

Consciousness is a very complex and involved subject with variations, types and sub-types numbering in the many billions.

Additionally, there is a layered, gradient ‘shadow” that defines the attributes and control that a given consciousness can access relative to the reality that it inhabits.

MM wrote about a very simplistic understanding of the development of a human species consciousness, but that is so simplistic as to be ducky. For us, it’s the Bees Knees. Silly, actually.

In reality, the divisions between different consciousness variations is a massive subject with an extraordinarily broad array of variations and configurations.

An IS-BE consists of an array of quantum configurations that a (higher level) part consists of a soul, or which a further sub-part consists fo a consciousness.

Of this, a rearrangement of the elements keyed to a given species is what defines a consciousness injection into a given reality platform. It is the injection of the quantum configuration into a given reality universe (or non-reality universe) that defines the temporary consciousness that is specified at the moment. And from this, of course, evolves the physical manifestation of the species that blossoms forth.

On the questions referring to “shadow people” and NPC’s, which can (given the proper context) refer to the same thing; it actually defines the percentage of active quanta that defines the consciousness in any given moment within a universe structure.

If the questioner were to take a “snapshot” of time the quanta of the questioner will be simultaneously occupying multiple souls, with multiple consciousnesses, in multiple configurations. These would involve different species, in different roles. The commonality would be that they share the same universe, and the percentage of quanta would fluctuate from physical manifestation to physical manifestation.

For the purposes of simplification, it is easiest for the human species to bifurcate the individuals that they encounter into “active consciousness containers” and “shadow people”.

14. Perception


Our ability to think and perceive is severely limited by inhabiting this physical body, so it is very difficult for us to ask valuable questions. So we are asking, why is it that you, the Commander, is asking us to ask some questions and have you answer them? I think it is more important that we should listen to your guidance and let you guide us on what we should do, especially because you understand the whole situation better than we do.



This venue is provided due to the personality needs of the bodies that your consciousnesses currently inhabit.

To provide an analogy; You all in the Trio are riding three different roller coasters. You can get off if you dare. But the exiting from the car(s) is fearful and fraught with danger and uncertainty. You can remain seated, and hold on to the seatbelt and enjoy the ride; catch the thrills, and feel the tearing of the gravitational variances. Soon enough, the ride will end and then you will be made aware of all the purposes and questions that you are asking of me now.

The Trio should study Meng Chang’s Snow (孟尝雪, Mèngcháng Xuě).

All members of the Trio, and for many of the MM readership; a person’s true purpose can be hidden or underestimated until the right moment reveals it. Do NOT try to force early disclosure. This will thwart our long term planning and schedule.

15. (Topic: questions about genius disappearance)


Can a mediocre person in this life once be a genius in previous reincarnations? Can the Domain Commander explain the mechanism that suppresses the emergence of geniuses?

Background Information:
“Today Airl told me about some very technical
things.  I took a few notes to remind myself,
so I can repeat what she said as closely as
possible.  She began with an analogy about
scientific knowledge:

‘Can you imagine how much progress could have
been made on Earth if people like Johannes
Gutenberg, Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin,
George Washington Carver, Nicola Tesla, Jonas
Salk, and Richard Trevithick, and many thousands
of similar geniuses and inventors were living

Image what technical accomplishments might have
been developed if men like these never died?
What if they were never given amnesia and made
to forget everything they knew? What if they
continued to learn and work forever?’ ”---excerpted from Alien Interview”
  1. Purpose of asking this question: to boost confidence of potentially mediocre volunteers in a practical way.

  2. From the short excerpt above from Alien Interview, one natural conclusion is that these genius IS-BEs underwent some sort of treatment after their death simply because they were geniuses. Another natural conclusion is that most of them still get reincarnated.

So a simplified version of the 2nd question under this title is roughly equivalent to: what prevents these geniuses from being geniuses again in their next reincarnation?


It is an illusion to consider that high intelligence is preferable or important. It is not. It is a singular attribute, in an array of attributes, that define a given entity’s value, worth and contribution to the soul-established learning schedule.

聪明反被聪明误 (cōng míng fǎn bèi cōng míng wù): “Being too clever can lead to one’s own downfall.”

It is important to fully grasp the dangers of dissatisfaction with one’s pre-birth world-line template (sic) and physical body selection. Consider the story of Zhou Yu (周瑜) and Zhuge Liang (诸葛亮) from “Romance of the Three Kingdoms.”.

The story of Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang illustrates that being clever and intelligent is not enough if it is driven by jealousy and used for malicious purposes. It underscores the importance of character, wisdom, and the ability to work harmoniously with others, rather than letting one’s cleverness lead to downfall. The Trio must accept their pre-birth world-line template selection, work within their pre-defined attributes and pace their desires. The reality universe does not operate on DouXing time.

16. (Title: the owner and purpose behind the novel: Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission”)


For the fictional book “Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission”, why was this book created and by whom? Do they contain any harmful information that may lead us to different path in our plans?

Background: The book “Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission” contains many facts that match well with”Alien Interview”. However, you have mentioned that the book is fiction, and that we should not trust it.


The book is a fiction. It is a for-profit effort using a popular venue to acquire clients. Certainly, Domain could have directed the thought process by the author. But we did not. It did not serve our needs. Further worries and concerns regarding this tome is unwarranted and need not be considered.

17: (NOT a personal question, apply to all volunteers)

Title: Comm with the Domain, More advice


In our daily lives, other than practicing this Hemi-Sync music, staying at quiet places, what are other things that we need to do in order to maximize our chances of communicating with the Domain Commander ourselves?

Background information: One of us has practiced this for several months without any real progress. This process is not easy and can be somewhat painful. So we want to ask this question to improve efficiency in general.


Three different people; three different situations. Three different techniques to employ for three different outcomes. The biggest problems that the entities currently experience is a lack of understanding about “time”, manifesting in impatience. A ego derived mantle that artificially determines whether an action is successful or not, and a complete lack of understanding in their physical role as it pertains to Domain.

The Trio should restudy how impatience can result in bad outcomes is “揠苗助长” (yà miáo zhù zhǎng), which translates to “pulling up seedlings to help them grow.” This is an ancient Chinese fable attributed to the philosopher Mencius (Mengzi).

These stories, related herein, are timeless classics because they are fundamental. One cannot rush the cooking of soup, even if you are the cat’s meow, some things cannot be rushed. Just as the farmer’s impatience ruined his crops, youthful impatience in any endeavor can lead to failure or harm.

18: Drug use


How do psychedelic drugs such as LSD, DMT, Cannabis work? Are they useful in anyway or harmful? The reason why I ask this – many users on the internet mention they found out that this is a prison complex after using such drugs like DMT, as if they had a “download” of information.


Drugs operate by controlling various attributes of the physical body. In particular, Western medicines are based on the specific targeting of physical maladies for profit or financial gain. This is a recent change, up until a century and a half ago, most medical treatments were holistic in nature, and involved various techniques.

The purpose of this question is based upon an association between unusual experiences and drug use, in particular psychotropic drugs.

The association between unusual experiences and drug use, particularly psychotropic drugs, is well-documented in both scientific literature and anecdotal reports.

Psychotropic drugs, especially those classified as hallucinogens or psychedelics, can significantly alter perception, cognition, and mood, leading to experiences that users often describe as mystical, spiritual, or otherworldly.

This does NOT mean that the experience is illusionary, but is often a removal of a veil that kept experiences hidden due to an overwhelming mental connection between the five senses, a suppression of the sixth sense, and social and scientific ridicule. Often initially generated for personal profit reasons (in the big picture).

What follows is a summary that I went line though line with the Domain Commander. I am instructed that this must be provided as shown with Commander inputs. -MM

Psychotropic Drugs and Their Effects:

1. Hallucinogens and Psychedelics:

– DMT (Dimethyltryptamine): Known for producing intense, short-lived hallucinations, often involving encounters with entities described as angels, spirits, or aliens. Users frequently report vivid visual and auditory experiences, along with profound emotional and spiritual sensations. Some of these encounters are actual, while others are perception distortions that are interpreted as contact events.

– LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide): Causes altered perceptions of reality, visual hallucinations, and a sense of time distortion. Users may experience profound insights, spiritual epiphanies, or feelings of unity with the universe. These actions alter the already established mental processes that focus on reasoning, and sensory input.

– Psilocybin (found in magic mushrooms): Leads to altered states of consciousness, visual and auditory hallucinations, and deep emotional and spiritual experiences. Like Lysergic acid diethylamide, these chemicals alter the already established mental processes that focus on reasoning, and sensory input.

2. Mechanisms of Action:

– These substances primarily act on the brain’s serotonin receptors, particularly the 5-HT2A receptor, which plays a key role in mood regulation, perception, and cognition.

– By altering the normal functioning of these receptors, psychedelics disrupt the usual patterns of neural activity, leading to a breakdown of the typical boundaries between the senses, self, and environment (a phenomenon known as “sensory crossover” or “synesthesia”).

Unusual Experiences:

1. Spiritual and Mystical Encounters:

– Users often report encounters with what they perceive as higher beings, spiritual guides, or other non-physical entities. These experiences can be profound and transformative, leading to long-lasting changes in personal beliefs and attitudes. Again, these can be actual encounters or a mislabeling of perception changes.

– Common themes include a sense of unity with all existence, the dissolution of the ego, and insights into the nature of reality and consciousness.

2. Visual and Auditory Hallucinations:

– Vivid, often geometric visual patterns, shifting colors, and fractal imagery are typical. Auditory hallucinations can range from hearing voices or music to more abstract sounds. These tend to be physical variances, rather than actual entities or non-physical events.

– These hallucinations can feel intensely real, sometimes more real than ordinary waking life, leading users to interpret them as encounters with other dimensions or planes of existence. Which at times, are actually correct, while other times are mere mislabeling and misunderstanding of the experiences.

3. Emotional and Cognitive Effects:

– Enhanced emotional sensitivity and a feeling of connection to others and the universe are common. These emotional shifts can lead to a greater sense of empathy and understanding. This is oftern an erasure of society, and physical experience pathways that the brain has used though rote repetition.

– Users may experience altered thought processes, including the sensation of understanding deep, universal truths or gaining insight into personal and philosophical questions.

Psychological and Cultural Context:

1. Set and Setting:

– The user’s mindset (set) and the physical and social environment (setting) play crucial roles in shaping the nature of the experiences. Positive expectations and a supportive setting can enhance the likelihood of positive, transformative experiences.

– Conversely, negative expectations or a chaotic setting can lead to distressing experiences, often referred to as “bad trips.”

2. Cultural and Personal Beliefs:

– Cultural background and personal beliefs significantly influence the interpretation of these experiences. For example, someone with a spiritual or religious framework might interpret visions of angels or spirits as actual encounters, while others might see them as manifestations of the subconscious mind.

– Indigenous cultures have long used psychedelic plants in ritualistic contexts to induce spiritual experiences, often integrating these practices into their cultural and religious traditions.


The association between unusual experiences and the use of psychotropic drugs, particularly hallucinogens like DMT, is a complex interplay of neurochemical effects, actual non-physical events, psychological factors, and cultural context.

These substances can profoundly alter perception and consciousness, leading to experiences that users often describe as spiritual or mystical.

While the exact nature and interpretation of these experiences vary widely, they consistently highlight the powerful impact of psychedelics on the human mind and the potential for these substances to induce deep, transformative experiences.

Domain recommends caution and does not advise experimentation with these substances outside of a controlled environment.

19. Final


A healthy biological body is important, so what are some other ways to make a biological body healthy? For example, recommended foods to eat in general, how to fall asleep faster, and how long to sleep, recommended exercise amount per day, foods that children should absolutely avoid, etc. You’ve briefly mentioned some before, but we want more specific guidelines on how to do so.

Background information: in past comms, the Domain Commander gave us some advice such as avoiding processed foods, excess amounts of sugar, exercising regularly, etc. on this topic. This is our request to obtain more information about this topic. Any new advice, warnings would be appreciated.


The following should be considered to be the best way(s) to slow aging, and look as young as possible. It is not a comprehensive list, but is best suited for the Trio who asked this question and who associates with this question.

Again, this is a compilation, supplemented and over-viewed by the Domain Commander, with about 60% uniquely underlined key points. -MM

1. Get Lean :

If you’re above 20% body fat as a boy / man and above 25% body fat as a female, you will appear to be older. Control your BMI.

2. Build Muscle :

Muscle not only makes you look younger, it will make you a lot healthier. Muscle can slow aging and preserve a lot of strength and coordination in old age. You do not need to be a weight lifter, ut exercise is a very important aspect of body maintenance. This can involve running, daily walks, periodic lifting of weights or sports such as basketball, or dancing. Be active.

3. Do Your Cardio :

A healthy heart has many benefits. MM lifts weights, and walks with a weight backpack on. Pick something that gets your heart rate up and do it regularly. Tennis, ping pong, running, bicycle riding.

4. No Steroids :

Steroids will accelerate the aging process by upregulating IGF-1. This is a hormone that makes tissue grow. But tissue isn’t just only muscle…Cancer cells grow also from being exposed to IGF-1.

5. Watch Your Diet :

Eat clean 90% of the time. Veggies. Lean protein. Starchy carbs. Healthy fats that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. A fine healthy traditional Chinese diet is ideal. Fast food, and quick meals should be avoided. Weekly fish and seafood. Periodic (only) BBQ.

6. Eat Less Meat and More Plants :

Meat, particularly red meat, has shown to produce TMAO when cooked. Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), is then processed in your liver when eating red meat and may lead to cardiovascular disease as well as cancer.

7. Fast :

Fasting has shown to regulate hunger and have a ton of different health benefits, such as cell regeneration. The key in this is a periodic daily fast. Just consume water for one day.

Ideally one day a month have a one or two day fast. Clean out the cobwebs.

Also, every day, have a twelve hour period from your last meal of the previously day and your new meal for the day. So if you ate at 7 pm, don’t consume anything at night other than water, and do not begin eating until after 7 am.

8. Get Cold :

Cold exposure has shown to activate longevity genes, increase blood flow and reduce inflammation. So, periodic cold showers, or room-temperature showers will help you all.

9. Sweat :

Saunas, followed by cold showers reduce all cause mortality. This is not a solution for the Trio but if you have access to a warm climate, work up a sweat and then shower afterwards. Sweating is healthy.

10. No Smoking :

Avoid smoking. It is a common business attribute in China, but you are never obligated to take up this habit.

11. Don’t Microwave Your Food in Plastic Containers :

Never. Cancer cell builder No. 1. Avoid at all cost.

12. Don’t Get Black out Drunk and/or High Regularly :

Flooding your brain and body with drugs and alcohol, is neurological and cell toxic, leading to all kinds of aging processes.

13. Less Sugar :

To much sugar can lead to aging process and makes it hard to stay lean. Not because carbs make you fat, but because they make you incredibly hungry AFTER eating them, so you end up overeating regularly. Avoid all processed sugars if possible.

14. Regulate Stress and Look After Your Mental Health :

Learn to calm your mind by taking deep breaths. Works wonders whenever I’m stressed out, feel overwhelmed or unfocused. Other techniques include Hemisync, transcendental mediation, yoga, and prayer.

15. Keep Your Brain Engaged, Active and Stay Sharp as a Tack :

Read often and widly. Learn languages, Improve your memory using memory improvement techniques. Stop a reliance on search engines, investigate yourself and don’t rely online personas to make decisions and think for you. Play 围棋 (wéi qí), (象棋, Xiàngqí), (麻将, Májiàng), Qi (斗兽棋, Dòushòuqí), (三国杀, Sānguó Shā), or (跳棋, Tiàoqí).

16. Tailor Your Nutrition to Your Genetics :

Won’t get into all the details, but this is critical. Want to know why you digest certain foods better than others? Why do some foods give you nasty farts and stomach aches? Why do you get headaches? It might be, that you can’t stomach (pun intended) some foods, because your genetic makeup doesn’t conform with the food item that you consume. There are many traditional Chinese medicines that are based on this premise. In general, watch what you eat, and be very careful on which foods that you mix together.

Traditional Chinese dietary guidelines, influenced by both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and cultural beliefs, suggest that certain food combinations should be avoided to maintain health and balance in the body. While these guidelines are not universally followed in modern Chinese society, they still hold significance for many people. Here are some commonly cited food combinations that are considered unhealthy or undesirable according to traditional Chinese beliefs:

Commonly Avoided Food Combinations:

1. Seafood and Fruits:

– Examples: Crab and persimmons, shrimp and vitamin C-rich fruits (like oranges).

– Reasoning: It is believed that combining seafood with certain fruits can lead to digestive issues, as seafood is considered cooling (yin) and fruits like persimmons are also cooling, which can cause an excess of cold energy in the body.

2. Meat and Cold Foods:

– Examples: Beef with watermelon, mutton with melon.

– Reasoning: Meat is generally warming (yang), and cold foods are cooling (yin). Combining these can disrupt the balance and lead to digestive discomfort or other health issues.

3. Hot and Cold Foods:

– Examples: Spicy foods with cold beverages.

– Reasoning: Consuming hot (yang) and cold (yin) foods together can confuse the digestive system, leading to issues like indigestion or stomach pain.

4. Starches and Vinegar:

– Examples: Rice with vinegar.

– Reasoning: It is believed that vinegar can interfere with the digestion of starches, potentially causing bloating and indigestion.

5. Milk and Sour Foods:

– Examples: Milk with acidic fruits like oranges or lemons.

– Reasoning: The acidity can curdle the milk in the stomach, leading to discomfort and potential digestive issues.

6. Honey and Green Onion:

– Reasoning: This combination is believed to be toxic and harmful to health, potentially causing digestive problems and other ailments.

7. Lamb and Vinegar:

– Reasoning: Vinegar is thought to neutralize the warming effects of lamb, making it harder to digest and potentially leading to discomfort.

General Principles of Chinese Dietary Guidelines:

1. Yin and Yang Balance:

– Foods are categorized as yin (cooling) or yang (warming). A balanced diet includes both types to maintain harmony in the body. Excessive consumption of either yin or yang foods can disrupt this balance.

2. Seasonal Eating:

– Eating according to the seasons is important. For example, cooling foods (yin) are preferred in summer, while warming foods (yang) are preferred in winter.

3. Five Elements Theory:

– Foods are also classified according to the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water), and certain foods are believed to nourish specific organs. Balancing these elements in the diet is thought to promote overall health.

4. Digestive Harmony:

– Eating foods that are easy on the digestive system and avoiding combinations that can lead to indigestion, bloating, or other digestive issues are emphasized.

Traditional Chinese dietary rules and guidelines emphasize the balance of yin and yang, seasonal eating, and avoiding certain food combinations believed to cause digestive issues or other health problems. These guidelines reflect a holistic approach to nutrition and health, aiming to maintain harmony and balance within the body. It is important for all MM followers to adopt this lifestyle irregardless of where they are geopolitically located, or what cultural society that they associate with.


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Thank you so much for this Q&A, it answered some really important question for us.

Those three Chinese young’us are impressive.

I only recently found out myself that both my Mantid GP and my Mantid Prime are supporting me on this crazy mission I’m on. Mentioning that others have the same co-operation with their Mantids has helped my friend and I realise that we work well together. It was her question to me that prompted me to learn about my Prime being on my side.

I used to think of them as “Psycho Mantids” because of what they put us through, but I’m now very sorry for that. I got a lot of love my Prime when I realised this template was it’s plan, and a rather sophisticated way of it saying sorry for all those awful lives it previously put me through.

I assume that my Prime was able to communicate it’s love and compassion for me through my Mantid GP. That’s just a guess, what do you think?


Very interesting new information, thanks to both the question posers, and to Metallicman and the Domain for taking the “time” to prepare such detailed answers.


Cheers DC/MM. Blessings as always

Baroque era witch

Thank you, MM and DC. The whole Q and A process must have been very physically demanding.

Sidenote: When we were drafting some questions, we did not expect the DC to give us(the trio) personal answers for those non personal questions such as Q1 and Q2.I am wondering if the surprise is caused by the Commander’s will ?

Ohio Guy

Big Thank you to MM and Domain Commander. I didn’t know about microwaving plastic containers! I’ll be cutting that shit out in a jiffy! Big shout out to my friend, Tas, “In the Land down under.”


Oh my goodness, MM, I can finally leave you a comment (I haven’t figured out how to log in since I discovered this website). I’m so excited now that I haven’t even had time to finish reading the content you posted.
I used translation software to post what I wanted to say, but it may not be consistent with what I meant. I’m sorry, my English is not good.
Your article is great! I am still a teenager now, and if I have the ability in the future, I will definitely provide you with donations.
I have two questions, and I think you may be able to answer them independently. If you are willing, that would be extremely grateful!
Firstly, I come from China and I have met a Commander of The Domain who restored his memory through a near death experience. At present, his condition seems to be fluctuating. He is very intelligent and has grasped some important information, but he is also a bit sentimental. He doesn’t seem to believe or be interested in the article you posted. I guess this may be a kind of “shackle” on him. I want to know if he needs to contact The Domain?
Secondly, I have decided to become a writer. If possible, can I write/imply the truth behind all of this in my articles? I’m not sure if this will bring any negative consequences, but I really want to do something for The Domain, such as using some works to make people accept this information, even if they don’t completely believe it.


I seem to understand what you mean, although it is different from the educational philosophy I have received since childhood (I have been very nervous since childhood and find it difficult to relax or truly enjoy and love life), I will make good attempts to improve my situation and make the future fit my expectations. Anyway, thank you for telling me these things ❤️


Hello, what an interesting story you have! I’d love to know more about what you have went through, if you’d like you can add me on WeChat: jaysonk0312

吴 凤得


吴 凤得

Sorry MM, I would like to reach out to more readers and then we can all discuss and keep improving. However, I would also like to hear your opinion and attitude towards my ideas, you can reply me on WeChat

Last edited 9 months ago by 吴 凤得
吴 凤得

Copy that. I’ll follow the rules.


MM,Can you see the 163 email I sent you?I would like to share some detailed information with you, which may be helpful for The Domain


Blessed to hear DC🙏🏻, it’s priceless indeed🌺😇


heart-felt thank you for sharing MM !!! and the questioners foe willing to be part of, even as they are anonymous, correctly so….

strange matter DC seems to have access to the cultural access, and does not invite any direct suggestion to ‘torch-bearers’ of traditions that are in the same ‘vein’….
Internet has allowed as the link below shows, some access, intellectual, to traditions that have permission to ‘disclose’….


Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear hug


Can you provide any information regarding Indian gods Shiva and Parvati, though not named explicitly at end of the alien interview book that they had contacted ‘The Domain’ to share methods to get out of the amnesia reincarnation cycle


Ok atleast my understanding is correct that they are Indian gods Shiva and Parvati?


For number 11.

I have mentioned this supergroup that I’m a part of over and over again, so I finally have decided to share its frontend site to you. I feel that this is okay to share to all of you at this point in time.


This is the site where I got my true start at, having found it way back in April 2012. This was a New-Age/Lightwork debunker website that discussed the many pitfalls and cons that are related to New Age, Lightwork, and the usual crystal-psychic-psi mojo jumbo that is overabundant at the time. Then, later on, the site evolved into a (Nick Bostrom) Simulation argument, Matrix-reality debunker site: expounding the massive amounts of evidence that entails that Earth is a simulation and all of us, simulacra based upon other people and species from another time and universe. It was very hard to wrap my brain around it, and my persistence down this massive iceberg has led to a lot of tragedies and near misses that messed up my mind and body (and led to a lot of the wacky shit I have talked about in previous comments). But at the end of the day, I am glad that I found this site and stuck with this supergroup, because if I were to persist down any other cult/group/”guide/guru” I chanced upon (even the Freemasons and James’ ancient Super-Nazi cult I was groomed into joining) knowing what I know from this independent subtle/reality researcher group, I would be deeply ashamed of myself/ourselves and would have caused far more problems in the long run.

The founder of this site/group, Clive, has said a lot of things about you, Robert. He finds a lot of your articles to be top-notch and super informative/thorough. I won’t spoil what my Captain’s said, so if you want to know, you can ask him yourself. And do keep in mind, as interesting, zany, and profound as a lot of the information presented in this front-end site is, it is very antiquated and compressed to make it palatable to as many people as possible ( massive challenge given that even I struggled to grasp the basics of what was being described here).


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x