I learned something today. Just stop talking to Americans on social media. They are angry, rude, insulting, and just real dicks. I think that in the future, the term “American” will be synonymous with asshole.
In other “news”…
My wife was in a minor accident. A teenager, without a drivers license, and driving an unlicensed scooter ran in front of her, and it was a minor fender bender. Luckily the location had a traffic cop right there. (It happened right in front of him.)
No harm done. Some scrapes. We declined to do anything about it, and so the kid just got back up on his scoot and hurried away to work.
It could of been worse. But wasn’t. Good thing.
Today’s post.
What would few people refuse?
In 2015, a man named Joel Burger married a woman named Ashley King. Burger King decided to fully fund the ceremony:

What are the chances???
But things don’t stop there. The buzz was so much that the staff of the restaurant line decided to contact the couple and say that they would cover all the costs of the ceremony.
How not to love?
Joel and Ashley said in an interview that they have known each other since kindergarten and that they were even united because all of their classmates thought the union of their names was funny.
A great write up from Frans…
Here in China, in every hotel, big and small, they have a robot. In the bigger hotels, they have up to 5 robots.

Such a robot looks like this:

Obviously, there are many different brands, sizes and colours.

The main purpose of these robots is to bring parcels (快递kuaidi) and takeway food delivery (外卖wai mai) to the rooms of the hotel guests.
All the time, at the reception desk of the hotels it is a busy coming and going of delivery guys, bringing in parcels and food delivery boxes. Not dozens but hundreds.
It would be impossible for the reception desk personnel to deliver all these parcels to the rooms of the hotel guests.
The robots are talking all the time with a smooth voice of a young girl. The name of the robot in this hotel is “Xiao Qiu” (“little Autumn”). In the hotel in Nanjing it was “Susie”
They introduce them and greet the guests accompanying them in the elevator.
The robots manage the elevator buttons without touching the buttons. They know the exact location of every door of every room.

Frans Vandenbosch 方腾波
What was something that someone said or did that has changed you forever?
My 10-year-old daughter came home from school one day and walked into my office. I looked up, scowled and spat out, “And what do you want?”
She thought a moment and said, “You know, Dad, you sound angry. But you’re not angry at me. You’re angry for some other reason and you’re taking it out on me.”
That stopped me cold. When I thought about what she’d said, I knew she was right. And I knew that I couldn’t snap at her again, not without good reason. In fact, I couldn’t snap at anyone again, not without good reason, and that good reason would have to be very good.
And that changed my life.
What questions do you have about Taiwan’s need for weapons and equipment to deter China from invading?
Resistance is futile. Look at the map, can you find Taiwan? The only salvation is to surrender as fast as possible to avoid bloodshed. Longer the resistance the more bloodshed it will be. Look no further than Ukraine.
Passport Bros Have BLACK WOMEN ANGRY!
Look guys…
These women are hurting. It’s difficult beign a single woman! Especially if you have Children.
But stop blaming other people; (Men), your past. Your parents for your misfortune. Women are strong. Be strong.
I don’t want to offend anyone.
I feel for the women, but see the mens side of the story.

What was the most embarrassing thing you (or someone else) were caught doing at work?
Nobody ever used the formal board room.
Well, that might be an exaggeration — technically the quarterly board meetings were held there, but that was it. And I always knew when those were happening because they were a Big Deal and required days of preparation on my part every time.
As the office manager for the Houston branch of a medium-sized oil & gas company, I knew everything that went on in that space. Every morning I made the rounds of the office — straightening chairs in the two smaller conference rooms that actually saw regular use, refilling drinks in the fridge, wiping down spots the janitorial crew had missed…that office was my domain and I maintained it with pride.
Every morning I poked my head into the board room and it was always exactly as I had left it, in pristine condition, because nobody had opened the door except me.
When my fibromyalgia started a major, weeks-long flare up I did my best not to let it affect my job, but by lunchtime each day I was exhausted and in a lot of pain.
My desk was in the reception area of the office and it would obviously look less than professional for me to put my head down or otherwise try to rest there, so I took to crawling under the 12 foot long conference table in the board room to nap through my lunch hour most days.
This would usually perk me up enough to make it through the rest of the day, and since nobody ever went in there, it was no different from me walking to a nearby restaurant for my lunch break. I kept a large shawl/scarf folded in my desk that I used to cover up if it was chilly, and my three-ring binder had a puffy cover that served well enough as a makeshift pillow. Anyone seeing me walk into or out of the room would see me carrying a folded up scarf and a binder; nothing unusual.
One day I was curled in a painful ball under the table, unable to sleep (as was often the case) but enjoying the chance to relax and recharge, when the unthinkable happened — the conference room door opened and I heard multiple male voices chatting loudly.
A Senior Vice President had invited a couple of friends to the office and was giving them the grand tour before leaving for lunch with them.
I froze and took stock of my position under the table and that of my belongings. There was a non-zero chance that, from the angle of the door, the intruders would think a few chairs were pushed away from the back side of the table where I had crawled underneath (bad enough in my estimation because I always kept the conference chairs perfectly spaced and aligned) but not realize anyone was in the room.
Alas…the SVP was one of those lovely execs who doesn’t think they’re too good to push in a chair. He walked around the table and when he leaned to straighten the first chair, our eyes met.
I gave him a panicked, “No, shhhh, nothing to see here!” gesture (probably looking like I was having some sort of seizure that involved slitting my own throat) and after a startled “Oh!” he proceeded to push the chairs closer to the table but not close enough to hit me.
He then smoothly guided his friends back out of the board room and a few minutes later I heard them leave the office. I shakily bundled up my stuff and returned to my desk, wondering if I would be in trouble when he got back and how I would explain myself.
Upon his return from lunch he asked very formally if he could please see me in his office for a minute. I grabbed my notebook and pen and followed him with my head down.
After closing the door he told me to sit down and then asked me in a very kind voice if I was okay, if there were problems at home, and if I needed anything.
Tears sprang to my eyes and I fought to keep from breaking down. He knew about the fibro — all of my bosses did, because sometimes during a flare up I walk funny and fibro fog
is a real thing — but he hadn’t realized how bad it was or how hard it could be to get through a work day.
He assured me that he wouldn’t say anything to anyone and I was free to continue resting in the board room anytime I needed to. He also told me that if there were days I was having a hard time, I should let him know and he would come up with a reason for me to arrive late or leave early from the office.
I’ve never forgotten his kindness. In a situation when he had every right to demand an explanation, he offered a sympathetic ear and support I didn’t expect.
Almost four years since we each left that company, I ran into him at Jason’s Deli a couple of weeks ago. We said we should have lunch; we probably won’t, but it made me smile to see him. There are indeed kind humans out there, even as corporate executives.
The Black Woman Was Weaponized To Destroy The Black Family
Watch this. See the other side.
As someone who lives in the United Kingdom, what is the most ridiculous thing you have witnessed a tourist do?
When I was a student at Salford University I met a group of American exchange students from Detroit.
They wanted to see as much of the U.K. as they could whilst over here and one of the trips they booked was a coach tour around North Wales. Excitement started to grow when I told them Wales is another country, separate from England.
A couple of days before they were due to leave I asked if they’d managed to get their entry visas through in time. They all started to get very worried as it hadn’t occurred to them they’d need a visa.
“Don’t worry,” I said, “they hardly ever check them anyway and the coach probably won’t even stop at the border. Just wave your passport at the window as you drive past, they’ll see you’re American and everything will be fine.”
When they got back a few days later I had a massive roasting. Apparently the bus was full of Americans and the girls had asked the driver to let them know when they were approaching the border. As they drove through an entire bus full of Americans all waved their passports at the sheep in the neighbouring fields. The driver, so I’m told, didn’t stop laughing for the rest of their excursion.
Iraq has banned the US dollar

A whirlwind of changes is taking place in the global financial markets threatening the superiority of the U.S. dollar. A handful of countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe are looking to end reliance on the dollar and promote BRICS or their native currencies. Iraq banned the U.S. dollar, posing a hefty fine and jail term for anyone trading with the USD.
The Iraqi government banned entities from initiating business transactions with the U.S. dollar. Iraq aims to control the fluctuating black market exchange rate, that plagues the country for decades. The move is also positioned to strengthen the usage of the Iraqi Dinar in the Forex markets.
Offenders who trade in the U.S. dollar will face a penalty of up to 1 million Iraqi Dinar. Repeat offenders will also face a jail term of one year and have their business licenses overturned.
The South African BRICS ambassador confirmed that European countries have expressed interest to join the BRICS alliance. He did not reveal the names of the European nations but hinted that a global financial change is brewing. According to recent developments, all arrows point towards France and Belarus showing interest to join BRICS.
France settled an LNG gas trade with China by settling the cross-border transaction with the Chinese Yuan in March. French President Emmanuel Macron also called for the European Union to distance itself from the U.S. dollar.
Was Emperor Commodus really a bad guy as we saw in the movie Gladiator?
Great question! He was WAY worse in real life compared to Gladiator.

Gladiator portrays Commodus as this obsessive power-hungry monster concerned with the love of the people above all.
In reality, Commodus was a vain, sick, and evil bastard that caused tons of suffering to countless people and cared only for himself.
Commodus’s had a good father to learn from. His dad and Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, was a top-tier Emperor who worked very hard to maintain the strength of the Empire.

When Marcus died and passed power to his son he was at the end of a years-long war against the Germanic tribes along the border, specifically the Marcomanni. These tribes had long been a serious problem and had been raiding the Empire constantly for centuries.
Marcus was closing in on victory when he died and made his son promise to finish the wars. Once Commodus was in power though he decided that he just didn’t want to spend any more time fighting the Germans and ended the war with a crappy peace deal.

Back in Rome, there were problems. Commodus could care less though.
You see Commodus never wanted to be Emperor. He only ever wanted to be a gladiator.
So Commodus appointed his two best friends (both slaves) to run the Empire while he went off to be a gladiator.
This was bonkers FYI. Gladiators were slaves who died for the amusement of the people. To see an Emperor fight as a gladiator is like seeing the President walk the street as a hooker trying to turn tricks.
While Commodus trained and fought his buddies mucked it all up. Rome would experience a famine, economic hardship, and social upheaval all while Commodus played gladiator.
Commodus would nearly bankrupt the treasury his father had built up by throwing near-constant gladiator games. You see Commodus loved to fight in the ring, though his opponents had dull swords and could never win. Mostly though Commodus enjoyed killing animals.
Moreover, Commodus loved to kill people he deemed “weird”. This includes women, dwarfs, disabled people, mentally ill people- you name it. He really enjoyed making them suffer often slowly killing them to show off his sword or bow skills.
In the end, the idiot would leave a “people I am going to kill” list on his desk for his mistress to find. The chief name on the list was hers, Commodus’s trainer, and a number of Senators. They decided to strike first and Commodus was strangled to death in his bath.
What’s the most obnoxious instance of America-centric behavior you’ve ever witnessed?
This was just last week, I was waiting for my wife to finish shopping at the (OMG soooo expensive) Westminster Abbey shop, when a group of American girls reached the till, (checkout) for payment, one of them proudly presented her black Amex card. Now the spotty lad on the till who was doing his best to control the queue said “sorry, we don’t accept this card”. Now this is when things started to get interesting, the young girl, maybe 17 or 18 years of age, I say girl because she was no lady, screams at the boy, “of course you take it, are stupid?” Now the spotty lad kept his cool and showed her the card indicating the payment options and surprise, surprise, NO AMEX . Well the girl turns bright puce and makes another attempt to explain to ‘spotty’ he is wrong. Shouting quite loudly now she says, “you have to take it, because the brochure says ‘accepted in the best places all over the world’ Is London not one of the best places”? ‘Spotty’ said yes it is, but you still can’t use it here. The girl just looked at her friends, screaming like a two year old who has been told ‘No’ and stormed out of the shop. “You could hear a pin drop” until an elderly gentleman in the queue said “well done lad, bloody yanks think they own the place” this was greeted with murmurs of approval, and normal service was resumed.
Chinese experts have developed a bomber ammunition that resembles the Switchblade. The drone is called Yousun, but all parameters are being kept secret.
Here’s What is Known:
The hovering munition looks similar to the Switchblade drone developed by the US company AeroVironment. But the key feature of the Yousun is the ability to launch from ships and submarines.
As the drone can also be launched from under water. This will have major implications for China’s warfighting capabilities in East Asia.

The kamikaze drone is designed to destroy defensive fortifications. It is 2.5-3m long and equipped with folding wings. The video above shows the bomber unfolding its wings after launch.

Has anyone witnessed someone saying “I don’t” in a wedding?
This happened here in Mumbai.
A girl was being married against her wishes.
People thought she would kill her wishes for her parents’ happiness.
Here’s how she acted bravely:
(In Islamic law a jurist has to ask the bride and the groom if they accept each other, thrice.)
1st time…
When Kazi (Muslim Jurist) asked her, “Do you accept it?”
She was supposed to say, “Yes, I accept.”
She: “Mujhe Qubool nahi hy” (I don’t accept this).
2nd time…
Kazi (Worried): “Kya tumne Qubool kiya?” (Do you accept it?)
She: “Mujhe qubool nahi hy” (I don’t accept this.)
*Now her parents got worried* *Her parents took her in a separate room, cried, argued, did everything to convince her to say yes. Finally she agreed to say yes.*
3rd time (Final time)…
Kazi (Sweat running down his head): “Kya tumne Qubool kiya?” (Do you accept it?)
*After a pause*
She: “Mujhe Qubool nahi hy” (I don’t accept it!!)
“Damnnn..!!! girl what did you do?!?” crowd uttered from all sides. There was chaos.
She refused it thrice. Now as per Islamic law, a marriage is not possible between them.
Finally, her parents had to agree to let her marry her boyfriend (a different man).
Brave girl.
Lucky is that guy, her boyfriend, to have such a courageous girl.
USA Begs Mexico On Its Knees To Not Join BRICS
The Producers (1968) The Hitler Auditions
TWO (2) ***ACTIVE DUTY *** British Soldiers KILLED inside Ukraine

Last night in Ukraine, two British soldiers were killed by Russian Su-24 bombers which annihilated their multi-million dollar UK Storm Shadow missiles at Kropivnitskiy airfield in Ukraine.
In addition, at least one (1) critically injured ***ACTIVE DUTY** UK soldier was airlifted to Poland from that same strike scene.
Thus, active duty NATO military are, in fact, inside Ukraine where they do not belong, and now, they’re getting killed.
Why China Doesn’t Identify with the West, Explained
so I decided to walk over to them and I asked her ” how was the meeting today darlin? ” she looked at me and said ” it was good, I’ll tell you more about it when we get home in a few “. I replied with ” wonderful I’ll pick up your favorite for dinner”.
The two guys left in a hurry and she told me ” you have no idea how much that meant to me …. thank you.” I said “you’re very welcome ma’am …. you can never be too careful. “
I made sure the guys left before I walked back to my car and as I was walking back all I could do was think ” I hope a man does that for my future daughter one day”.”
~ Cody Bret

China is a far better place to live than the US!! They won’t admit it, though.
She’s right. Cashless is awesome!
BRICS is moving at a rapid pace to sideline the U.S. dollar and promote their native currencies for global trade. Around 41 countries have expressed their interest to join the BRICS alliance and accept the new currency for cross-border transactions.

Russia and China are convincing many other countries to enter the bloc to dethrone the U.S. dollar. The USD’s global reserve status is being challenged by developing nations and could send the greenback on a path of decline.
10 ASEAN countries have agreed to stop trading in the U.S. dollar and will use native currencies for cross-border settlements. ASEAN is a bloc of 10 countries compromising Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The ASEAN alliance put a declaration in place avoiding the U.S. dollar for settlements and advancing the local currency usage. The Eastern countries are taking steps to end reliance on the dollar and create a new global financial order.
On the other hand, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are following suit with the ASEAN bloc. Member nations of GCC Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have expressed their interest to join BRICS. In addition, Saudi Arabia is in talks to fund the BRICS bank, commonly called The New Development Bank (NDB).
If Saudi Arabia funds the BRICS bank, the alliance could receive an economic boost and sideline the U.S. dollar. The move could attract many other countries to accept the BRICS currency and stop trading with the dollar altogether. Read here to know more details on why Saudi funding the BRICS bank is dangerous to the American economy.
The decision to launch a new currency will be jointly taken in the next summit in South Africa in August.
“We have ALIEN craft in our possession” – Govt. UFO whistleblower admits BOMBSHELL
The USA needs a new enemy.
Below another bad news for US decoupling policy:
2023 04 25: Foxconn new headquarter open in China 郑州 (Zheng Zhou) This is after experiencing the trouble in the Vietnam, India, and US factories, and APPLE transfers businesses to other Chinese manufacturers due to Foxconn other factories unable to operate smoothly in those countries as planned. So, 10 months ago, Foxconn decided to set up a second factory in Zheng Zhou. Article HERE
UPDATED 9:50 PM EDT — Ukraine begins ‘large-scale offensive’ – Russian MOD

UPDATED 9:50 PM EDT — Ukrainian forces have attacked the Russian troops along five sections of the frontline in Donbass during their “large-scale offensive,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in the early hours of Monday.
According to the MOD, the assault began on Sunday morning. “The enemy’s goal was to breach our defenses in what they assumed was the most vulnerable section of the frontline,” the ministry said in a statement.
“The enemy has failed to reach its goals and was unsuccessful,” the ministry stated.
The MOD said that Ukraine had deployed the 23rd and the 31st mechanized brigade from its “strategic reserves,” which were supported in battle by other units.
“The Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost more than 250 service members, 16 tanks, three infantry vehicles, and 21 armored vehicles,” the MOD said.
The ministry released a video of what it said were strikes on Ukrainian military vehicles.
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said on Saturday that Kiev was ready to launch its long-planned counteroffensive and that the military could not wait “for months.” The deputy head of his office, Igor Zhovkva, however, said the same day that his country had still not received enough weapons and ammunition to mount a successful campaign.
Kiev has recently stepped up the artillery and drone attacks on Russian cities, including a UAV raid on Moscow last week. The Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday evening that the troops had repelled an armed incursion into the Belgorod Region, which shares a border with Ukraine.
The Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) and the ‘Freedom of Russia’ Legion – two pro-Kiev groups made up of fighters with neo-Nazi background – claimed responsibility for that attack and similar forays into Russian territory that took place throughout this spring.
Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gudkov wrote on his Telegram channel early Monday morning that a drone strike had started a fire on “an energy infrastructure site.” He added that there were no casualties and no power outages.
Ukraine Army (UA) forces have breached the first lines of defense near Velyka Novosilka, Southern Donetsk.
The villages of Neskuchne and Novodarivka have been liberated and russians have fallen back to reserve positions in Storozheve.
Assaults ongoing.
The Reason why Men are Walking Away from Dating (Ep. 347)
I don’t want to offend anyone.
I feel for the women, but see the men’s side of the story.
“Rainy Day In Ireland”

Pennsylvania Dutch Sour Cream Cabbage

- 1 medium head cabbage, shredded
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil (for frying)
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 pint (2 cups) sour cream
- 2 cups distilled white vinegar
- Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
- Add cabbage, salt and pepper and cook until tender, 15 to 20 minutes.
- Mix sugar and flour together in a medium bowl, then add sour cream and mix well; finally stir in vinegar and mix well.
- Add mixture to cabbage and simmer all together until desired consistency is reached.
AFRICAN Woman DEFENDS Passport Bros And CLAPS Back At Black American Women
So much pain. Ugh.
The answer is in how you deal with it.
On 2023/6/3, a US destroyer & a Canadian cruiser sailed thru Taiwan strait. China warned them to leave but they did not. A Chinese warship sailed in front of the US destroyer & forced it to change direction. It was close to collision (137 meters apart). USA scolded China for dangerous sailing. China scolded USA for non-Innocent Passage. What is Innocent Passage under UNCLOS ?
There was a journalist(s) on the Canadian warship. Experience tells us that the Jun3 incident was a plot by USA+Canada to give people an impression that China was aggressive. After all, in the 20th Defense conference, China Defense Leader talked to counterparts of many countries. Except USA.
Anyway, what is Innocent Passage under UN Convention of Law Of Sea? Below are my over-simplified points.
Innocent Passage ie friendly, thru the waters of coastal state means …
the passage does not harm the peace, good order or safety of coastal state.
The following action is NOT Innocent Passage (ie hostile) to the coastal state
1, do military
2, do military drill
3, do surveillance
4, do propaganda to harm the defense & safety
5, aircraft carrier with warplanes taking off or landing
6, shoot, load or unload artillery equipment
7, break custom, immigration or health-related eg illegal drug
8, cause pollution
9, fishery
10, research or survey
11, interrupt communication system
Coastal state has the right to prevent non-innocent passage, by …
1, set up its own laws
2, ban fishing
3, temporarily block Innocent Passage
4, self determine another seaway as Innocent Passage
5, set up a system to monitor the passing ships
6, patrol
7, to suspicious ships, coastal state can go on board, inspect, search, detain & take proper action
8, order to leave before certain date
Let us play judge re the Jun6 incident.
1, China has warned US+Canadian warships to leave. China said USA+Canada were non-Innocent Passage ie hostile. I have not heard USA or Canada refuted.
When a US warship sailed thru Taiwan strait the 1st time after Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, the artillery on the US warship pointed at the sky. Have US+Canadian warships done so this time? Or have they covered their cannonballs? Or more.
Tell us their friendly side, please. So that we can help them scold China.
2, UNCLOS says coastal state can set up its laws to prevent non-innocent passage. Plus point 7 re suspicious. That gives China lots of room to maneuver.
Like it or not, under ONE CHINA principle, Taiwan is part of China. Taiwan strait is an inner sea of China.
It is not up to USA to unilaterally say this or that. Today’s Latin American, Middle East, Africa or ASEAN do not take US order. Needless to say today’s strong China.
3, What is Freedom of Navigation in terms of dispute?
In short, it is another state challenging the Innocent Passage of the coastal state.
9 Filipinas CLAP Back HARD | They ❤️ Passport Bros
They do not want to be the scapegoat.
Only in the United States, the cradle of Democracy
This is Dianne Feinstein

- she is 89 years old
- she is a Senator
- who almost never show up at the Senate
- she is reported to have cognitive issues, similar to President Joe Biden
- as well as suffering from some very painful disease
- during the course of her tenure in office, she has amassed over $200 million in assets
Elected American officials are allowed to put their own interests and ego over the interest of the American people. Americans deserve better. They deserve leaders who can lead them to a better place.
Passport Bros Are WINNING With FILIPINA Women!
Again. They are sick and tired of being blamed.
On Saturday June 3, 2023, a historic event happened in the Taiwan Strait.
A Chinese warship intercepted an American destroyer. The USS Chung-Hoon claimed to have asked the Chinese ship to stay away from it but the Chinese responded "Move, or there would be a collision". Eventually, the USS Chung-Hoon changed course and slowed down to avoid a crash. That's the right attitude and the right language when dealing with an international bully. There is a time for diplomacy but there is also a time for right assertiveness. And right now, so-called diplomacy would undeniably be cowardice. Tot Ziens ! Quan Article HERE
You Can Talk About PA55PORT BRO5 But Don’t Talk About Them | LESSON LEARNED
Fighting back.
Russian Ministry for Civil Defense Has Got a Bizarre Honey Cake Employee Now

In the city of Tula the Russian EMERCOM (Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Management and Natural Disasters Response) has got a new mascot and employee – the honey cake of Tula (which is the symbol of the city). Mr. Honey Cake even has his own offical ID and a medal for propaganda of the rescue work.
h/t: englishrussia

The US Has NO CHANCE of Defeating China in Taiwan
Allies after allies now turned against the United States
The newly re-elected Government of Turkey’s Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, speaking to a crowd from a balcony promised that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan would:
- “wipe away whoever causes trouble” for Turkey “and that includes the American military.”
- Earlier, he declared that those who “pursue a pro-American approach will be considered traitors.”
- Keep in mind that Turkey has been a member of NATO AND the most critical NATO member after the United States

Personally, I wonder why this took so long
- the US supported an attempted coup against Erdogan. The leader of the coup is based in the US; and
- American proxies, based in Syria, have launched attacks in Turkey
- however, it does NOT surprise me that it is the Muslim countries that are now strongly speaking out against the US because the US and its western allies have killed and dislocated tens of millions of them in just the last two decades alone
A powerful Muslim world is currently increasingly convalescing behind the BRI world and will provide decisive military support to China in any future conflagaration.
Biden Is ‘In Denial’ Over Collapse Of Empire – Economist Richard Wolff
What was the most badass “I rest my case” moment you’ve ever witnessed in court?
Back in the early 2000’s I worked for Mega Evil Douchebag Corp (might not be the actual name, but that’s how I remember it…). MEDC main business was giving credit cards to people with bad credit. Seriously, you could have a single digit credit score and these people would say yes.
Due to the type of people this attracted, nearly 80% of people defaulted on their cards, usually after the first bill arrived and they realised it wasn’t free money. As staff, I also had a card, but with better rates and a considerably higher credit limit.
Because of the number of defaults, MEDC had a contract with a particularly belligerent debt collection agency. These debt collectors would come to the office once a month, go to the records room and be handed a pile of defaulted accounts. Every month they would leave with bin bags full of paperwork.
One day I had cause to go to the records room and I was amazed at what I saw. The room was exactly as the name suggests, a room full of customer records, but that’s as far as it went in terms of an accurate description. The records were everywhere. Piles on this desk, piles on that desk. Heaps on the floor. Boxes in no discernible order. It was a mess – and that’s being polite.
The debt collectors used to go into this room and were only supposed to take records from a particular desk. In fact, they took whatever they wanted.
One month, they managed to get my paperwork by mistake. This began more than six long months of letters, phonecalls, emails and debt collectors turning up at my door threatening me with bankruptcy and prison if I didn’t pay the full sum I owed them.
I didn’t owe them anything. My account was still open and my card in regular use. One of the conditions of having a card as a staff member was you had to pay the balance in full every month. I did, and could prove it.
Being debt collectors, and therefore not the brightest of individuals, they wouldn’t accept “go fuck yourself” as payment for a debt I didn’t owe, so I told them to take me to court. Eventually they did.
When I got to court I saw their solicitors huddling together, no doubt discussing how they were going to crush me under their mighty law degrees. I represented myself.
In the actual courtroom, I was sat on one side, on my own with just a glass of water and my wallet on the desk. They were sat on their side, all shiny briefcases, stacks of folders containing damning paperwork and expensive suits. I saw them look over at me a couple of times, knowing they were going to win. I just sat there quietly.
The judge walked in, introduced himself, and for my benefit, explained how this hearing would work. I sat, listened and nodded appropriately.
Before we started, he asked me why I was representing myself. I explained this was an easy case and I didn’t feel the need to waste money on a solicitor. I was also asked why I didn’t have any paperwork with me and I explained that I didn’t believe I needed any and was confident in my ability to defend myself, but that I would be asking the courts indulgence to break a minor rule during my defence, but I would explain at the time what I wanted to do, and why.
It was all very friendly. Then it was like he flipped a switch in his brain to turn “judge mode” on.
The debt collectors solicitors started as they were bringing the case against me.
According to them I had entered into a contract with Mega Evil Douchebag Corp for the supply and use of a line of credit, by means of a MEDC credit card. I had the benefit of that card (legal speak for “he used it”). I had failed to make payments as obligated by the contract, and payment demands. After a period of time, MEDC cancelled the line of credit, the card and the account, and sent the account to collections. Collections tried to contact me on many occasions, were unable to do so, and eventually sold the account to the debt collectors. The debt collectors then tried collecting the money owed over six months and were unable to do so, as I repeatedly refused to pay.
In evidence of their allegations they had the original MEDC card paperwork and all the account statements. They also provided copies of all the letters they sent me demanding payment, and proof of receipt of several of them. They stated that I told them over the phone I didn’t know who MEDC were, and that I never had a card with them.
It was a cut and dry, air-tight case. They had the contract, they had the letters, they had everything they needed to get a judgement in their favour.
In fact, they had nothing.
Now it was my turn.
I stood and immediately apologised for wasting the courts time. I opened my wallet and took out the obviously well used Evil Douchebag credit card and explained I never denied having one, or regularly using it. I then took out my company ID card, showing I was an employee of MEDC and then explained what that meant in terms of having one of their cards.
I asked for the statements being used against me and they were handed over. I showed the judge each and every time I had made full payment against the amount owed (which was every month as per the staff conditions). I then explained that the account had not been closed and sent to debt collectors as it was still open, and had been used that week to buy petrol.
The judge stopped me and asked the solicitors if my account was open or closed. They confirmed it was definitely closed.
He asked me to continue and it was at this point I asked to break the rules. I told the judge I could definitively prove their entire case was bogus by making a simple phonecall. I asked the clerk to call the customer services number on the statements the solicitors provided against me and the judge agreed. I went through security and connected to a customer rep. I asked for my current balance and the amount owed on the next payment. I then asked him to confirm if the account was listed as open or closed. He – of course – said it was open. I finally asked if he could check the notes screen for any Collections Dept activity and he said there was none. That’s where I ended the call.
I thanked the judge and quickly explained that since I studied law at A-level, there was something I had always wanted to say in open court, even though it wasn’t the done thing in the UK, and before he could say anything, I said “I rest my case”.
The judge just about went mental. He dismissed the case immediately, but refused to let the solicitors leave until they had explained why they were chasing me for a debt I very clearly didn’t owe. He wanted to know how their clients added fees were calculated, and exactly what was being charged for the “court fees” I was being charged too. He also told them that whilst I had no evidence of what was said when they visited my home and told me they would make sure I went to prison, he was inclined to believe me. Not only that, but he would now be watching out for cases involving their clients and be more inclined to accept verbal evidence than he normally would.
I just sat there and watched them squirm as they couldn’t answer any questions he wanted answers to. The judge told me I was free to leave if I wanted to, but the solicitors weren’t going anywhere until he had answers. As I left the courtroom, they were on the phone with their clients demanding those answers.
The judge told me “well done” as I left, smiling. I sincerely doubt the solicitors were smiling for quite some time afterwards.
Were the Chinese in the Korean War the toughest soldiers that U.S. troops ever fought?

General Ray Davis USMC fought the Imperial Japanese Army, North Korean People’s Army, Chinese People’s Volunteers, and the North Vietnamese Army during his storied career. He was awarded the Medal of Honor while commanding an infantry battalion in 1950 during the Chosin Reservoir Campaign. I had the pleasure to meet him one afternoon in Virginia. During our conversation, I asked him for his opinion on the combat performance of the various enemy armed forces he fought over the course of three different wars. His response is provided below.
- The Imperial Japanese Army was the toughest adversary he ever encountered on the battlefield. Japanese soldiers used their weaponry with great skill. Their camouflage and concealment was first rate. Their iron discipline and refusal to surrender made Imperial soldiers extremely difficult to defeat. They always fought to the death when overrun.
- Chinese People’s Army volunteers were good soldiers. A lot of them were former Nationalist soldiers who had received excellent combat training from US Army instructors during WW II. The communist cadre provided mostly excellent leadership. Most CPV command groups had worked together in combat against the Japanese and the Nationalists before the Korean War and were thoroughly trained and experienced in the art of war. But the average Chinese soldiers lacked initiative and Chinese commanders tended to double down on failure during offensive combat. If one attack failed, a second, third, etc attack would generally use the same avenues of approach and tactics even though every proceeding attack failed. Chinese weaponry was a mixed bag. Logistics appeared terrible. Uniforms were unsuited for winter combat in Korea. Thousands of Chinese died from exposure and inadequate food and medical supplies. If the cadre became casualties, Chinese soldiers tended to surrender or retreat. Overall, the Chinese were tough soldiers, but the average soldier wasn’t as committed as an Imperial Japanese soldier.
- The North Koreans were tough soldiers, but he only fought them briefly in Korea. Like the Chinese, North Korean units were prone to surrender or sudden withdrawals if their leadership cadre became casualties.
- The North Vietnamese Army was highly disciplined, well led, and wielded its weaponry with great skill. NVA commanders refused to allow their units to be wiped out in unequal battles against US forces. They knew how to hit hard and when to break contact. NVA commanders always realized it was better to withdraw and live to fight another day rather than be annihilated on the battlefield. The NVA and the NV government focused on fighting the long war and outlasting US political will. They succeeded. Nonetheless, Davis assessed that the Imperial Japanese soldiers were tougher overall adversaries.
I hope this post answers your question.
What is the most offensive thing you overheard someone sitting near you on a plane say?
Being disabled and looking like I do there are two things I always get to overhear. Going through TSA my name comes up red flagged. Meaning check him completely.
A customs agent told me “it’s due to your Military career and past knowledge.”
What the hell does that mean? I’m in a wheelchair and have metal in my leg, shoulder, and back. I am a wand beep show. All hands pat downs in a wheelchair. You need two hips to stand, so I can’t stand. Any chance I am taking over the plane? Gunpowder tests on hands AND ARMS. OK so the Navy/CIA service made me an enemy of the state or something?
I think it is BS and it’s profiling but my wife said “no it’s not.”
Then you have people whispering when we get on first. “Bet they fake it to board first…”
I tore into a woman I heard say that. I yelled so loud the airport got quiet. Does it look like I’m faking it? I tried to get out of wheelchair and fell. Hurt. But I felt better with that. Maybe she’ll get it some day.
My wife wasn’t happy about my antics but I’m so tired of it. And she knows. On the plane though I overheard a mom telling their kid there is no difference between disabled people and us. Except a part of their body just doesn’t work like ours. She had me in tears. The best explanation of a disabled person I have ever heard explained. And plainly so a child could understand it. The kid kept asking me if I needed any help?
The F-35 stealth fighter’s Pratt & Whitney F135 engines have cost the Pentagon $38 billion of dollars in unexpected maintenance costs due, according to a new report by auditors from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)

The engine’s cooling capacity in particular has been wholly insufficient to meet the power demands of the fighter’s sensors and electronics, with the F135 having been commissioned when the F-35 was still conceptualised as a much lighter and cheaper fighter with lower power demands closer to the size of its predecessor the F-16.
The engine has gained growing criticism over the past year, with its role being particularly critical for the US Military and for NATO more broadly as the F-35 is the only post fourth generation fighter in production outside China and Russia – and the only peer level challenger to the Chinese J-20 stealth fighter in terms of avionics, stealth and the integration of key next generation technologies.
The F-35 is relied on by the U.S. Air Force, Navy, Marines and the services of multiple allied states from Japan and South Korea to Israel and a fast growing number of European NATO members, with a lack of remotely comparable competition from other Western fighters ensuring a very large market share.
The F135’s outstandingly low availability rates and excessive maintenance needs have nevertheless continued to ground F-35s at six times the standard rate of other fighter classes, with Pentagon officials having highlighted issues with the F135’s power module as a key cause for the fighter’s low mission capable rates.
The Producers (1968) – Springtime for Hitler
My mom recently died and her landlord let family members go in and pack up her apartment after I told her not to let anyone in there. Can I sue her?
When a good friend, from the Marine Corps, was K.I.A., his eldest brother cracked open the deceased’s apartment, before the funeral had taken place. My friend’s widow, also deployed, hadn’t even been notified, yet. By the time she knew of the situation, their home had been ransacked by nearly twenty members of two families.
I called the brother, and offered him an out, which he blew off. Over the next ten days, I contacted each of the offending parties; only two responded, and not favorably. Then, acting on the widow’s behalf, I hired an attorney and filed police reports. I went to the D.A., who filed 98 separate charges against all of the perpetrators, including the management and owners of the complex.
After sixteen months of legal crap, nine of the family members(one was an attorney, another a university economics professor) were convicted of misdemeanors, spent between thirty and sixty days in jail, and paid both restitution and fines of $500.00–6,000.00. The eldest brother, an electrician and small-business owner, now a felon, spent eight months in jail; the widow sued him and won a $450,000.00 settlement. The apartment complex ended up terminating the managers; and, they paid the widow $2.9M.
Not one of these people had been a criminal, prior to the incident. They were simply ignorant, greedy assholes, who deserved everything they got.
The EU’s delegation to China has become a joke on Chinese microblogging platform Weibo. Its official Weibo account was titled “EU in China” (欧盟在中国), but its IP address indicates that it is operated in the United States.

Updates: The German embassy in China also manages its official Weibo account from the United States.
After learning that they had become the laughing stock on Chinese social media, both the EU delegation to China and the German embassy in China quietly switched their IP addresses back to Beijing.

Pennsylvania Dutch Chili

- 1 pound homemade noodles or 1 (12 to 16 ounce) bag wide egg noodles
- 1 can baked beans
- 1 cup spaghetti sauce or less (or 1 small jar)
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1 onion, chopped
- Brown ground beef and onion.
- Cook and drain egg noodles.
- Combine everything. You may need additional sauce if you have leftovers and warm them up later. Chili should be thick, not soupy.
- Serve with crusty bread.
Modern Women Mocking Passport Bros get Stitch and Humbled
What is the name of the mysterious creature that is said to inhabit Loch Ness?
Let it be well understood that there is no hard and tangible proof that Nessie actually exists. Studies and efforts to discover this enigmatic creature has provided tantalizing glimpses of what might be a small colony of deep-dwelling marine crates that resemble a elasmosauros.

A plesiosaurus, while superficially similar to an elasmosauros, is much smaller, and does not fit the observed and photographs of this creature.

Photographs of this creature taken underwater clearly show fin, neck and head structures that are in alignment with known anthropological evidence.
This is not the only instance of this creature surviving into contemporaneous history. From time to time, fishermen, and others have found, photographed, and even captured entire carcasses of this creature.

It is my personal belief that these are slow-moving bottom feeder creatures that inhabit the great depths of the ocean and enclosed seas. Over time, one day, absolute proof will be gathered that will end the mystery of Nessie once and for all, but until that happens, the interest in this OOPART borders on the “Science Fiction”.
NY Times admits they don’t like Chinese but they need Chinese talent to maintain the American hegemony.

Hongkong media SCMP has tracked the number of US warplanes/warships at China’s door-step. 1,200 times in 2022 ! If this is not deliberate provocation & fight-picking by USA, what is it? Who is aggressive?
The key word here is : DOOR-STEP
Door-step in this article means outside your property line. Not inside.
Let say I walk at your door-step. On the street which is a public area. I have not entered your property line.
I carry something that looks like a rifle to you. Bullet-proof vest & helmet.
I have a track record that I made trouble for other households in the society.
How will you react to my appearance at your door-step if it is daily?
Now …
replace “I” with “USA”. “my rifle” with “US warplanes/warships”. “me at your door-step” with “USA at the door-step of China”.
Remember I am outside your property line. Same for US warplanes/warships outside China’s borderline according to UNCLOS.
2, now replace “my daily” with “USA’s 1,200 times”
How will you react to my appearance at your door-step, daily?
If this is not DELIBERATE provocation & picking fights, what is it?
There is police/law to stop my malicious action towards you. If there is not, will you do everything to protect your family?
There is ICC & UN laws eg Non-Innocent Passage as I said in other articles. But ICC is believed to be “controlled” by USA. USA was not charged for war crime in the 2003 Iraq war.
Hence China must protect itself.
Only a bully or mafia is that unreasonable.
3, now replace “my freedom to walk on public street” with “US freedom of navigation”
Only a bully or mafia will turn the logic upside down & conveniently use Freedom as god.
It is this type of twisted logic that USA justified their action to instigate riots/coups/wars in the world 82 out of 100 times, since WW2. Causing millions of deaths & human suffering.
4, We must ask :
Why USA instigated riots/wars in Middle East for the past 20 years. OIL.
What about China? Rise of China that, in US words, threatens US status on world stage.
China works hard to better itself & thus achieves a lots. IMF said China contributes 30% of world GDP.
Am I not allowed to get A+ in my exam just because you get B- in yours?
Only sore losers have the type of mentality to contain others.
Search Quora for a question:
On 2023/6/3, a US destroyer & a Canadian cruiser sailed thru Taiwan strait. China warned them to leave but they did not. A Chinese warship sailed in front of the US destroyer & forced it to change direction. It was close to collision (137 meters apart). USA scolded China for dangerous sailing. China scolded USA for non-Innocent Passage. What is Innocent Passage under UNCLOS ?
How can I get my neighbor to stop pushing her kid off on me? I gave a ride to my neighbor’s child from the bus stop to her house and now every day the mother seems to expect me to do it. She now asks for rides in the morning as well.
I remember this situation when my children were little. I had two children in school. Grade three and grade two. The neighbour thought it was my children’s responsibility to take and protect her child to and from school. She said her child was the youngest, which she was not younger than my son. And she told my children that her child had to ride her bike in the center of the three children. My neighbour also told my children that they were not allowed to return home without her daughter.
I could not believe this when I heard my neighbour yelling all these rules to my children. I knew this would not last long as her child was a brat and the novelty of riding her bike would not last long. Right, as I was, after a week, this child cried to her mother and from then on, this child was driven to and from school. . . . However, my children were never offered a ride!
The only answer I can tell you is to be really bold like my neighbour was. Just tell your neighbour that it is not a convenient situation for you to be giving a ride to your child. Tell her straight that you do not want the responsibility of making sure her child gets home. It is a responsibility that is not yours and you no longer want to be giving rides to her child.
Explain to her that you enjoy having a good neighbour relationship, but anything to do with parenting and responsibilities has to remain within each home.
Be strong and whatever your neighbour says is not your problem. Know what you want for your children and your family. Fight for it.
What are some signs that someone doesn’t respect you?
There are outward signs, but there are very slight covert sneaky signs.
- They interrupt you quite a bit (they don’t care about what you’re saying or that you’re talking at all)
- They try to convince you of what you don’t believe – always wanting you to agree with them (in small ways they do this so they can go in for the kill on larger things later)
- As an addendum to #2, they try to convince you in random ways that you can’t think for yourself so they can later make you actually believe you cannot “human” on your own and you’re defective. Forget the fact that you’ve survived this long without even knowing them.
- They take your ideas and make them their own.
- They bait and switch you. They make you believe one thing in private, then do the opposite in public. They also will convince you to do something and then act like its the worst thing in the world after its done. For example, a husband finally convinces his wife to cut her hair short because she would look so sexy, chic, cute, fierce, all those adjectives. Maybe even that she’ll be his little Halle Berry kitten. Then in public or among friends, he’ll go on and on about how beautiful women are when they’re hair is long and how he looooooves long hair.
- They love bomb you. Anyone who flatters, says you’re they’re “soul-anything” right away or their “bestie” at an alarmingly fast rate, is setting you up for devalue. They love to put you on high so they can pull the rug from underneath you. Always remember flattery is dangerous. It’s akin to violence. Trust and believe that. And beware of the one who wants to know “all about you” and “I know you so well”, or “wow, You know me so well” before a natural passage of time.
- A person who doesn’t respect you will not take your No for an answer. They will question you, try to make you doubt yourself, and dismantle your sense of reasoning every time.
- They’re not interested in anything you’re interested in; on the flip side, they will feign interest to bate you in, and then show no lasting interest or no emotion. They shortly begin to act like they’re tolerating you or your interests, successes, etc. They also are not happy for you when you are happy about something.
- A person doesn’t respect you when they are short tempered with others but nice to you. Also, if you’re only good to be with in private but never in public, No respect for you.
- I’ll stop at 10 because the list goes on but over all the things, TRUST. YOUR. GUT. If your physiological responses are popping off in a negative way around this person, or you feel red flags, or just that something isn’t right….You’re right!
I hope this tiny little list has helped identify some of things you may possibly have experienced. There are things that we sometimes overlook in the spirit of being gracious or forgiving but the signs are there. We have to learn to manage them or we will end up all of a sudden like the guy who took a nap on a small raft- he eventually woke up and didn’t see land.
Stay awake and best to you
***Edit: Thanks to a commenter this list will be extended. By the time we’re adults, we all have observed or experienced some form of these things from the casual encounter with a stranger, to professional interactions, to that of our closest relationships. The things listed are meant to cover some of all of those kinds of relationships. So this might get a little deep but, here we go…
11. A person doesn’t respect you when you see or even detect that downward look, the roll of the eyes, that negative energy, or that smirk that communicates contempt. You don’t even have to be talking directly to them. You can see it from the corner of your eye- You are NOT imagining it. This is a real thing and they know you’re absorbing it.
12. They call you out without saying your name or reveal something very confidential in a public space (whether on social media or within a group of people). This is done without cause and whether this exposes you or not the point is, they know that YOU know they’re talking about YOU. Also, they will have you with them at public events and then actively ignore you. Provable only by you.
13. You tell them what hurts you and they use those very things to hurt you. They like to open up wounds.
14. They “collect” things you say to fire back at you at a later time, like ammunition. You get the sense that telling them things is unsafe even tho they welcome you to open up to them.
15. You have a strong feeling that there’s a hierarchy between you and them; them being superior and you being inferior/subordinate. When there is no employment situation, its disrespectful. (Even in employment, it can translate to subhuman treatment). But if this is a personal relationship its being done on purpose. They tend to find things you need help with or to make better. Sometimes they outright tell you that they want to mentor something in your life, or that they feel like your big brother/sister. Warning: they want you beneath them. In life, period; and they want you not trusting yourself.
16. They do not respect your boundaries. (addition to #7). For example: If you’re sick, somehow to them you’re not sick enough not to do the thing they want you to do or your level of illness is questionable to them when they want something. They have the overtone of making you feel better or cheering you up but really grooming you to do their bidding.
17. They do “nice” things for you as a deposit in the bank of “trust” so that they can get what they want out of you. Fake altruism.
18. They Do Not sincerely apologize.
19. They “joke” with you at your expense. Humiliating you. The same things they like you for, they hate you for. Disrespect on tap.
20. They rope in others to prove that you’re wrong about something that doesn’t merit right or wrong. Or to make you feel like you’re walking around looking and being foolish. In the meantime, they make you look defective to others. They will even get others to do their bidding and appeal to you; strengthening their claim that you’re just wrong.
21. They make a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to you. Always making things a right or wrong…fault or no fault, where there’s no merit for it. They make you feel like other people’s actions, the weather, a circumstance… is your fault too.
22. They make you feel obligated to cater to them. They don’t say it, but they clearly communicate it.
23. They do offenses with plausible deniability. For instance, they offend you in a way that if you complain about it, they can easily deny it. THEY know and YOU know they did it on purpose but its hard to prove. Anyway, its very damaging.
24. They give unsolicited advice. They use words like “why don’t you do..” and “you should…’
25. When they give unsolicited advice, they follow up to see if you’ve done it. Then treat you like you’ve committed a crime if you chose to do something else.
26. You are treated like the pet of a hot and cold owner; coddled and abused across the board.
27. They ask entrapping questions and double bind you; meaning they put you between a rock and a hard place- damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Numerous ways this can be done. Either way, your response or action will be wrong.
28. They create drama situations, vilifying you while they play the victim. They do NOT care about your discomfort, setting “standards” you can never reach and always raising the bar.
29. They will build you up to let you down. Telling you they will do something you’re depending on them to do and they have no intention of doing it all, while having you in wait and on hold.
30. They monopolize your time. They will insert themselves in your space if it serves them. They love to know your coming and going so they can influence what and when you do things. If you deviate, it throws them off and they WILL let you know it.
31. Silent treatment (plausibly deniable- but deserved its own place on this list).
32. You’re at the climax of a story and suddenly “wait, hold on…let me call you back” – or something of the sort. Something could legitimately come up but in this case its a trend that you notice. Not your imagination, not a coincidence. Even still, they can deny it. When you try to revisit it- the long deep inhale and hard loud exhale (Grrr).
33. You’ve worked hard on something your’e proud of or that they encouraged you to do and boom!- reaction of a corpse. Or they give the weakest of responses that actually speak loudly that they could care less; its nothing to them. Or they actually find a fault in it. Well how bout that?
34. They gaslight you, re-write history and have circular conversations where you cannot get your problem resolved. Then try to convince you that you are the one who cannot have a progressive conversation.
35. They say disrespectful things within earshot of you- but deny saying anything when you confront them.
36. They speak too low for you to hear them when you’re in personal quarters. Or they claim to have responded when they didn’t- saying you didn’t hear them.
37. When you ask them to clarify something they say “I just said it” or ‘I explained it to you”. And you’re to fend for yourself to figure it out. You’ll be wrong. They want it that way.
38. They twist your intent and badger you with noble things (rules, morals, principles)- when you’ve violated none of such things. Just a way to make you seem like you have because you haven’t given them their way.
39. They use their measure of “power” to sabotage your opportunities while flattering you for having those opportunities (keep in mind, flattery is akin to violence- its aggression).
40. They flat out tell you that ‘They don’t care’! Listen when they say this in any way, shape, or form that they say it. They’re having an honest moment with you. Don’t take it for granted. They mean it.
I’m interested in any additions to this list. It gets pretty intricate. But the heir of disrespect in so prevalent that it has become like the fabric of our everyday interactions, cloaked in normalcy. However, an ancient book does say that these days we live in are “critical times hard to deal with…men (people) will be lovers of themselves…haughty…unthankful, disloyal…not open to any agreement ” and so on. (2Tim. 3: 1–5 NWT)
Be kind, be on guard, and practice the Golden Rule. We all know how we want to be treated. Let’s extend that good treatment to others.
I wish the best to you all
Hey, Sa Ra Garvey. He’s someone I subscribed to long ago: he loves going into detail about the hypocrisy of Feminists when presented with people like Passport Bros and MGTOW.
It’s hard to feel bad to people who advocate and turn a blind eye to the advocating of androcide without any backlash or scrutiny, and androcide is technically happening in the West (through high rate of male suicide due to studious lack of therapy and mental help support for men, the dropping of testosterone due to high pollution in the environment and toxins in food, high incarceration rate for men because of the aforementioned and false accusations/refusal to pay child support, etc).
If we’re the scum of the Earth and the bane of their existence, there should be no problem about us taking heed to their demands to fuck off: but these videos say otherwise. Besides, if they knew what was going on in the Hegeomic West, they would get their passports and move to the East, too (but they’re too busy balking and pissing about tho men who are).