OK, so as of late, I have been experimenting with this “new” kind of Artificial Intelligence system. This one takes a sentence, a statement and then generates art from it. It’s fun, cool and quite an amusement. Something that I am just starting to “toy around with”.

DeepAI offers an easy-to-use text-to-image generator that produces decent results with the right prompts. There are many image styles on offer, and almost half of those are free.
The free ones include basic text-to-image, cute creatures, fantasy worlds, cyberpunk, old, renaissance painting, and abstract, among a few others.
All of these styles produce images according to that theme, pretty much like the other tools on this list. However, among these styles, there is a logo generator as well that you can use to produce interesting logo ideas. It’s particularly useful for artists who are looking for inspiration to build on or to overcome a block.
Here’s some examples when I typed in a sentence, and then clicked on the style icon…

Pretty good.
You need to play with it, because if you use the wrong feed generation icon, your images won’t look “right”.
Here, I used the architectural icon for a house-based sentence…

I think that it is fun.
Some of my art renderings…
This one tuned out pretty good…

Your Turn
Go click on this link to try it yourself…