OK, so as of late, I have been experimenting with this “new” kind of Artificial Intelligence system. This one takes a sentence, a statement and then generates art from it. It’s fun, cool and quite an amusement. Something that I am just starting to “toy around with”.
This one takes a little bit of time to figure out and work with, but it’s not that difficult.
You upload a “seeder” image. Blur it to represent the amount of change you want, pick a style. Write a description and the AI does the rest…

Here’s some examples when I typed in a sentence, and then clicked on the style icon…
I think that it is fun.

Now, let’s put a completely different image in the system. Everything else stays the same…

Some notes
This is part of a much larger “package” of tools for image manipulation and what-not. All in all it holds promise.
Go HERE to see the full “toolbox”.
Money issues
You need to purchase “credits’ to continue using this product.
It shows promise, but playing around for ten minutes isn’t enough time for me to judge it’s worth and utility.
I probably will get back to it and play around some more. Just not right now. I have others that I will evaluate before then.

Your Turn
Go click on this link to try it yourself…