OK, so as of late, I have been experimenting with this “new” kind of Artificial Intelligence system. This one takes a sentence, a statement and then generates art from it. It’s fun, cool and quite an amusement. Something that I am just starting to “toy around with”.

My first attempt

Alteration 1

The results

Alteration 2
Rabbits instead of cats. Same style generator.

The results

Alteration 3
Changed the preset to Anime.

Your Turn
Go click on this link to try it yourself…
NightCafe(Visited 297 times, 1 visits today)
The art here is super realistic and quickly made.
Imagine how streamlined and advanced this will be in China in two decades or so.
Here’s some art that I made last light with DeepAI.

And another

And another

And another

And finally

That’s pretty remarkable. Great choice of theme. I like it ! Actually, since you first made us all hip to this generator, I’ve been thinking of some geopolitical images such as the panda bear (China) swatting an old, feeble, uncle sam, (USA) towards a hammer/sickle , (Russia), then getting sliced and pounded. It was just a thought that somehow Popped into my mind. I think I’ve been taking in a bit too much geopolitical info. But yeah, MM, your art is pretty cool. Just like you! Best regards, OG
OG, thanks for that. I am comparing various programs, and I have found some great ones. Some free ones, and some terrible ones. I will continue to put out the articles, and in the meantime, I invested $5 to run one of the programs and am having a lot of fun with it. All of the programs allow a limited amount of time for free image play-around. I love it.
I can see this as a basic generator, and then I could use oil paints to transfer the image onto a proper canvas.
The following are some idea generations that I might want to try this out with.
Concept idea 1

Concept idea 2

Concept idea 3

Concept idea 4

Concept Idea 5

Concept Idea 6