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Possible nuclear detonation off the California Coast

I have long argued that were China or Russia to harm the United States, they would not do so using expected means. Instead they might do so using unorthodox means.

Russia pulls out it’s “Ace Card”.

After the warning by Putin with his Oreshnik missile, the West did not take the warning seriously. Yet, this was a most impressive display of power and ability.

This is from MSN

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The United States responds

Instead, the West, led by the United States decided to double down, and fired even more US and UK made and controlled missiles into Russia.

Russia made a final statement. They said that these actions now open up the West, including the United States, to target areas.

This is from Hal Turner

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It is (today) now 7 days. One full week later since this announcement.

Tsunami hits California

And there is a large underwater “earthquake” off the California coast. It began as a 6.0 earthquake, and then a second one, back to back, of magnitudes 7.0 earthquake.

This resulted in a Tsunami warning for the entire West coast of the United States. And of course, huge tsunami waves hitting almost the entirety of the California coast.

Here’s where the earthquakes originated, and showing the tsunami affected regions.

Localized Tsunami Warning Map
Localized Tsunami Warning Map

There are those that suggest that the earthquakes look more like a sudden explosion, rather than a typical earthquake. I do not know how valid these claims are. But the semantic data is certainly damning.


Discussions on X are filled with conspiracy theories and other related content.



There are two points that I want to emphasize.

  • No serious radiation has been detected. Sure there was a short spike but nothing even resembling what an atomic detonation would look like.
  • The detonation, if that is what happened, is not where a foe would seemingly place a detonation target. The better location would be between San Francisco and Los Angles. Not between San Francisco and Portland OR.

There is damage, and flooding. But from the early news reports that I can see, nothing is very serious as of yet.

Strange Coincidences

Immediately before the earthquake “detonated”, there was a United States Navy P3 Submarine detection aircraft flying in the region.

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There was even a SECOND military P-8 searching off the coast of SOUTHERN California at the time of the quake, but way far south of the quake area. It might be unrelated, or connected. It’s too difficult to know.

Russian Poseidon nuclear-tipped torpedoes

Russia DOES have weapons that can unleash Tsunami related chaos. And they are deadly and lethal. However, the damage that they would create is much larger than what this incident suggests.

Here’s what Popular Mechanics has to say…

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MM Conclusions and thoughts

  • The “earthquake” could be natural.
  • The “earthquake” could also be a Russian Poseidon conventionally-tipped torpedo. Not a nuclear tipped one.
  • The “earthquake” could also be an explosion on board a submarine.

We don’t know.

But to find out what is really going on, look for the obscure tell-tales that might surface in the nooks and crannies of the internet.

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Very few,people have any idea how much energy would be required to trigger an earthquake. In fact it’s almost certain that we simply CANNOT. No matter how hard we try. This was a couple of earthquakes…in a region famous for earthquakes. That’s all it was. The only real question is are they foreshock’s for a bigger event.


Heh, heh. Metallicman! Didn’t you know that Wired Magazine, and the likes of “Nature”, will tell you allll~ you need to know about what is and isn’t possible when it comes to *earthquakes* and Russian-Chinese military-technical capabilities?
I mean, come awwwwnnn, these publications told us that untested unlicensed MRNA genetic “therapies” forcibly injected into people without a jot of data available concerning mid- to long-term side effects are safe and effective (*cough*)… so what more assurances do you need?
It’s certain, 😂

Kinda like all those troof-tellin’, America-centric, alt-media talking heads over the past few weeks who’ve been passing off images of trashed corrugated sheds in Dnieperpetrovsk (backed up by *the science”) with holes in their rooves as the terrestrial impact points of x36 100kg each hypersonic projectiles travelling at 20 times the speed of sound! Amazingly accurate images, dontcha know, kindly provided to western media agencies by… wait for it…former ukrainian “intelligence services” (😂). They know the Russian Army has developed hypersonic shovels and remote control rocks fired by testosterone rich North Korean female teenaged conscripts from Outer Mongolia.
So ignore what the whole world witnessed as Rods of God from the Heavens descending with pinpoint accuracy. There wasn’t really that much damage…
The seismic reports detected immediately afterwards, everywhere from Baku to Lisbon effing Portugal, were merely “foreshocks” (🤣🤣) for upcoming, perfectly natural *earthquakes* in Kiev and Lvov, too.
Rather than, ya know, steel ball bearings striking ukrainian garden sheds.
I mean, EVERYbody knows that!!
Do keep up~
You’re beginning to sound like a conspeewacy theewist!
CNN and the Mail Online will set you straight!!

Last edited 3 months ago by Jambo99

Looking forward to that, as always. (Well, provided that, ya know, you’re not reporting on something else that’s Impossibly Impossible. Don’tcha know. Unless we twy weely hard! 🙃 and even then, we pwobably couldnt!)

Last edited 3 months ago by Jambo99
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