Power up for insanity while we rock out to 90s era music

Yeah. The United States pokes and provokes China left and right. Still, China remains peaceful. Not doing anything. Seems out of character for a “belligerent, aggressive, evil, authoritarian communist dictatorship” eh?

The pushing is turning into shoves. And China adroitly steps to the side, like a slow-motion scene out of the movie “The Matrix”.

Soon, the United States might need to make some real aggressive provocations. Worse than ever before. I see, though my spyglass, a False Flag incident in the Taiwan waters. Don’t you know.

Let’s go through today’s pile of dung…

Chinese delegation banned from attending Queen Elizabeth lying-in-state

A nation that supports Nazi's, is banning China because of made up lies. Natural for the dim witted morons of the West. -MM

LONDON – The Chinese delegation visiting London to attend Queen Elizabeth’s funeral on Monday will not be allowed to view her coffin at the lying-in-state vigil inside Parliament, the BBC reported on Friday.

Some parliamentarians had raised concerns about inviting representatives from China after several British lawmakers were sanctioned by Beijing for criticising alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang. China denies any such abuses.

The BBC said, without citing sources, that it understood the Chinese government delegation had been banned from attending the lying-in-state after the Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament had refused them access to Westminster Hall on the parliamentary estate due to the Chinese sanctions.

The Speaker’s office declined to comment. The House of Commons said it does not comment on security matters.

A spokesman for Prime Minister Liz Truss has said it is for Buckingham Palace to set out the guest list after taking advice from the foreign office, which, according to convention, invites representatives from nations with which Britain has diplomatic relations.

China is invited to the Queen’s funeral next Monday, with Chinese Vice-President Wang Qishan expected to represent the country, a British foreign office source said on Thursday.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Mao Ning told a briefing in Beijing that she had not yet seen the BBC report.

“What I want to say is the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II is an important event for the United Kingdom. Foreign delegations participating in the event upon invitation from the United Kingdom is a sign of respect to the Queen and the importance accorded to (relations with) the United Kingdom,” she said.

“As the host, the United Kingdom should uphold diplomatic protocols and proper manners to guests.”

World leaders, royalty and other dignitaries will attend the funeral.

Visiting dignitaries will be given a timed slot to attend the lying-in-state over the weekend.

Last year, the Chinese ambassador to Britain was banned from attending an event in the British Parliament because of the sanctions on the lawmakers.


I’ve never heard anybody say Russia is a free democratic country. Who says that?

China is helping developing countries build infrastructure through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This is a fact.

Over 149 countries have signed up to BRI. Thousands of BRI projects are under way. These nations are grateful for China’s infrastructure assistance.

Western banks have tried to help these countries as well. But IMF and World Bank loans come with onerous political strings attached.

China’s loans are string-free; they’re purely business. And China is producing tangible results. In fact, China builds infrastructure much faster than anybody else in the world.

You ask about ignorance. Who is the ignorant one here? You appear to have a very poor understanding of China’s BRI.

Fuel – Hemorrhage (In My Hands) (Official HD Video)

Swedish Media Outlet Publishes Claimed U.S. Document Outlining How to CRUSH Europe Economy thru Ukraine War Effort

Jeeze Louise! -MM

Nya Dagbladet, a media outlet in Sweden, has published what it says appears to be classified US plans to crush the European economy by means of a war in Ukraine and an induced energy crisis.

Nya Dagbladet goes on to report as follows:

RAND Corporation’s think tank, which has a huge work force of 1,850 employees and a budget of $350 million, has the official aim of “improving policies and decision-making through research and analysis”. It is primarily connected to the United States Department of Defense and is infamous for having been influential in the development of military and other strategies during the Cold War.

A document signed RAND, under the opening heading of “Weakening Germany, strengthening the U.S.”, suggests that there is an “urgent need” for an influx of resources from outside to maintain the overall American economy, but “especially the banking system”.

“Only European countries bound by EU and NATO commitments can provide us with these without significant military and political costs for us.”

According to RAND, the main obstacle to this ambition is the growing independence of Germany. Among other things, it points out that Brexit has given Germany greater independence and made it more difficult for the United States to influence the decisions of European governments.

A key objective that permeates this cynical strategy is, in particular, to destroy the cooperation between Germany and Russia, as well as France, which is seen as the greatest economic and political threat to the United States.

”If implemented, this scenario will eventually turn Europe into not only an economic, but also a political competitor to the United States.”, it declares.

The only way: “Draw both sides into war with Ukraine”

In order to crush this political threat, a strategic plan, primarily focused on destroying the German economy, is presented.

“Stopping Russian deliveries could create a systematic crisis that would be devastating for the German economy and indirectly for the European Union as a whole”, it states, and believes that the key is to draw the European countries into war.

“The only possible way to ensure that Germany rejects Russian energy supplies is to draw both sides into the military conflict in Ukraine. Our continued actions in this country will inevitably lead to a military response from Russia. Russia is clearly not going to leave to the massive Ukrainian army’s pressure on the Donetsk People’s Republic without a military response. This would make it possible to portray Russia as the aggressive party and then implement the entire package of sanctions, which has already been drawn up”.

Green parties will force Germany to “fall into the trap”

The green parties in Europe are described as being particularly easy to manipulate into running the errands of American imperialism.

“The prerequisite for Germany to fall into this trap is the dominant role of green parties and European ideologies. The German environmental movement is a highly dogmatic, if not fanatical, movement, which makes it quite easy to get them to ignore economic arguments”, it writes, citing the current foreign minister of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, and the climate minister, Robert Habeck, as examples of this type of politician.

“Personal characteristics and lack of professionalism make it possible to assume that it is impossible for them to recognise their own mistakes in time. I will therefore be sufficient to rapidly form a media image of Putin’s aggressive war – and make the Greens into ardent and tough supporters of sanctions – a ‘war party’. This will make it possible to impose the sanctions without any obstacles”.

Baerbock is, i.a., well known for declaring that she will continue the suspension of Russian gas even during the winter – regardless of what her constituents think about the matter and the consequences for the German population.

– We will stand with Ukraine, and this means that the sanctions will stay, also in winter time – even if it gets really tough for politicians, she said at a conference in Prague recently.

“Ideally – a complete halt of supplies”

The authors express a hope that the damage between Germany and Russia will be so great that it will make it impossible for the countries to re-establish normal relations later on.

“A reduction in Russian energy supplies – ideally, a complete halt of such supplies– would lead to disastrous outcomes for German industry. The need to divert significant amounts of Russian gas for winter heating will further exacerbate the shortages. Lockdowns in industrial enterprises would cause shortages of components and spare parts for manufacturing, a breakdown of logistics chains and, eventually, a domino effect”.

Ultimately, a total collapse of the economy in Europe is seen as both probable and desirable.

“Not only will it deliver a devastating blow to the German economy, the entire economy of the entire EU economy will inevitably collapse.”

It further points out that the benefits of US-based companies having less competition on the world market, logistical advantages and the outflow of capital from Europe, would mean that they would be able to contribute to the economy of the United States by an estimated 7-9 trillion dollars. In addition, it also emphasises the important effect of many well-educated and young Europeans being be forced to immigrate to the USA.

RAND denies originating the report

RAND Corporation issued a press release on Wednesday denying that the report originates from them. No comments are made regarding what parts of the report are false or what is accurate, apart from simply writing that the content is “bizarre” and that the document is “fake””.

No. Australia won’t invade the Solomons. But first, some background:


Did Australia’s new Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, know that China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi would arrive in the Pacific Islands just when she was touching down? Did she know that the Australian Government triggered riots

in the Solomons last year? Did she know that Solomons appealed to China for help because of the riots?

Apparently not.

Empty-handed, she hogged every camera and drew giggles promising to treat Pacific countries with respect. As if. And though Chinese development loans are famously free of strings and bankers’ forbearance saintly, Wong virtue-signaled by promising “a partner that doesn’t come with strings attached” and one that won’t impose “unsustainable financial burdens”. Not an edifying spectacle, even to us whiteys. Imagine how it looks to the Islanders.


Foreign Minister Wang, by contrast, was laden with gifts and bubbling with ideas, among which was a code of behavior:

  1. Equal treatment
  2. Mutual respect: “China has never interfered in the internal affairs of Pacific island countries. The country neither attached political strings, nor sought any geographical selfish interests in dealing with the island countries.”
  3. Win-win cooperation
  4. Openness and inclusiveness: “The South Pacific region should serve as a stage for cooperation, not an arena for destructive competition. China’s cooperation with the Pacific island countries does not target any country and it should not be disrupted by any country. China respects the contacts the Pacific island countries have already established with other countries. China, acting in the spirit of openness, is ready to conduct the third party market cooperation with other countries in and outside the region”

PM Sogavare thanked him for defending the Solomons at the UN Security Council, and hopes for more coordination with the Chines in international affairs. He said China’s direct investment in the PIC has risen

400% since 2016, to $4.5 billion, as did the fisheries industry. He explained


China has become the biggest cooperative partner of the Solomon Islands on basic infrastructure and a reliable development partner. Our thanks to China for providing anti-pandemic supplies, rapid-test equipment and sending medical teams to this country. We also appreciate the Chinese side for sending policing supplies and police advisers to help maintain social order in the Solomon Islands after the riot in Honiara. The Solomon Islands and China have conducted cooperation on the basis of equal treatment and mutual respect, and the connection in various fields has become increasingly close, bringing tangible benefits to the Solomon Islands people, the prime minister noted.

Then Mr. Wang unpacked China’s more tangible gifts, including a five-year, fully-costed and -financed action plan to unite all ten Pacific nations with a common data network, cyber security, smart customs, a Free Trade pact, support for action on health and climate change, ‘a balanced approach to technological progress, economic development and protection of national security’.

China and the PIC will accelerate duty-free, frictionless trade, and China will give the PIC a global digital platform for its environmental message, and global audience of billions of people to see and hear it. It will build the data uplinks, lay the ocean cables, and provide 2,500 government scholarships so that young people will help the Islands enter the digital age prosperous and united.

Says Chris Devonshire-Ellis , “In recognising the Pacific Islands Community as one body, China has given the group an identity and decision-making capability previously inaccessible through traditional channels. It provides the PIC with enhanced political strength and purpose – for most of the islands have similar needs which heretofore were addressed bilaterally, if at all”.

No. Chinese economy numbers are not fake. In fact, they are understated.

Some experts on Chinese stats:

  1. Understanding China’s Economic Indicators. Tom Orlik (FT Press, 2012).
  2. The quality of China’s GDP statistics
  3. . Carsten A. Holz, Stanford University. “While some believe that the collapse of China is inevitable, others see the emergence of a new superpower that increasingly poses a threat to the US”. Assuming there was no collapse, then “extrapolating past real GDP growth rates into the future, the size of the Chinese economy surpasses that of the United States in purchasing power terms between 2012 and 2015; by 2025, China is likely to be the world’s largest economic power by almost any measure” (Holz 2006: 1). Holz’s extremely accurate forecasts suggest economic growth between 2005 and 2015 in the range of 7 to 9 percent (Holz 2006: 9).
  4. Quality of China’s Official Statistics: A Brief Review of Academic Perspectives
  5. Arthur K. Kroeber – CHINA’S ECONOMY (2016):
“The unserious ones are those advanced by nonspecialists, typically analysts for hedge funds or other financial firms, alleging that Chinese data on GDP, or energy consumption, or inflation, or whatnot are falsified by the government in order to cover up some major problem. These claims, often hyped by the media, are best ignored. Economic data in all places are subject to various problems and distortions, which are addressed by the constant revision of published data and the underlying methods used by national statistical agencies, as well as by enormous volumes of academic econometric research that seek to refine our understanding of how numbers relate to reality. …Many serious analysts do believe that the government tends to smooth out the quarterly GDP growth numbers, underreporting growth when it is very hot and nudging the figures upward when it is cool. Most other data problems and inconsistencies can be explained by ordinary analytic econometric work, without resort to conspiracy theories about deliberate falsification.

“The falsification theory also fails a simple logical test. If the government publishes false data, it must either rely on this false data to make economic policy, or it must keep a secret set of true data. If it uses false data, economic policy will quickly run aground, as it did during the Great Leap Forward of the 1950s, when reliance on bogus agricultural production numbers led within a couple of years to a catastrophic famine that killed tens of millions of people. …

This leaves the possibility that the government uses a secret set of true data to form policy, while feeding lies to the public. No evidence has ever been presented that such a secret data set exists. There are certainly a few data series that are not published but are reserved for the internal use of government officials. What is interesting is how boring these prove to be when occasionally they come to light through a leak—as, for instance, when a classified unemployment figure was accidentally disclosed at a press conference. The figure was 5 percent, compared to the published “registered unemployment” figure of 4 percent. In any case, if the government really kept a full set of secret accounts, the falsity of the published data could be exposed by the same statistical tests used by forensic accountants to prove chicanery in corporate balance sheets. These tests have been applied, and have failed to show any evidence of systemic falsification. …

The more serious claim, made by several economists, is that China’s long-run growth rate has been systematically overstated, not because China sought to bamboozle the world but because its statisticians employed faulty techniques. The most recent version of this argument is by Harry X. Wu of The Conference Board, who heroically reconstructed China’s national accounts for the sixty-year period 1952–2012 in order to arrive at a better understanding of long-term trends in productivity growth. Wu concluded that, thanks mainly to weaker than reported productivity gains, China’s average annual real GDP growth during the reform era (1978–2012) was 7.2 percent, well below the official figure of 9.8 percent. …

This is an interesting exercise, but it raises some conceptual problems. If we assume that the size of the Chinese economy was accurately measured in 1978, then the lower growth rate compounded over thirty-four years implies that China’s economy in 2012 was less than half as big as the official data say it was. This is impossible, because the economy’s present size is roughly confirmed by a wealth of information, including the government’s own economic censuses, and indicators including exports, foreign exchange reserves and consumption of physical items such as automobiles, oil, steel, and cement that are independently verifiable and not subject to falsification. If, on the other hand, we assume that the economy’s reported size today is correct, then the lower growth rate compounded back thirty-four years implies that China’s economy was more than twice as big in 1978 as the government believed it to be. This is slightly more plausible than the first case, but not much. Alternatively, we can try to pick values for China’s 1978 and 2012 GDP that are not so obviously incredible, for instance that the economy was two-thirds bigger than reported in 1978 and one-quarter smaller in 2012 (in which case we need merely explain away $2 trillion—an India’s worth—of phantom output). Any way you slice it, it is quite hard to reconcile the arithmetic of these alternative growth calculations with observed reality.

An easy way to check the quality of national statistics is by comparing them to wages–which are easy to verify. Here’s what that looks like:


A story about Pizza

Boy do I have a story for you. This happened to a friend of mine. We’ll call him Austin.

Austin was a college student who worked at a small local pizza place, and got a delivery right before closing. When he took down their address he saw it was in a bad area of town and thought to himself jokingly, ‘I’m probably gonna get robbed.’ Their order was less than $20 but they asked if he could give change for $100, and he said no. ‘Well, I’m probably definitely getting robbed,’ he thought, still jokingly.

He drove to this neighborhood – not somewhere you’d want to be after 1am – and pulled up to the house. There were no lights on anywhere, but he could see an outline of two people sitting on the porch.

‘Oh my God, I might ACTUALLY get robbed,’ he thought to himself, less jokingly.

He walked up to the dark house and approached the two guys on the porch to deliver the pizza. One of them was comically short. ‘So you have change for $100?’ one of them said. Austin said no and reminded them he had told them this on the phone.

They said nothing, the short guy went inside the (still) dark house to get money.

Austin stood outside awkwardly with the other guy, who just stared at him wordlessly. 2 minutes passed, then 5 minutes, then 10 minutes. The pizza was starting to get cold. The house was still pitch black inside, the other guy just kept staring. Austin had a bad feeling and began to feel genuinely uncomfortable. He looked at his cell phone clock and saw his shift should have ended a little bit ago.

Feeling freaked out, he told the guy, ‘well, my shift is up, and I have to get home, consider the pizza free,’ he turned around and started to walk off the porch back to his car.

About halfway there, the porch light came on and he heard the door shut, and for a split second remembers seeing both their shadows, one long and one comically short.

A half second later he heard a swooping sound as they both leapt off the porch. A half second later, one guy grabbed Austin by the arm and pulled a knife on him, and the short one held his other arm.

‘You’re not going anywhere,’ he said.

The first thought to go through Austin’s head was that he was right about being robbed, the second was that this was a really crappy way to thank someone for free pizza. The third thought was a conscious effort not to crap his pants.

Now, Austin had taken karate lessons, but he had not had much practice. But being strong and stubborn, in the heat of the moment, he tore his arm free from the short guy and used his pizza bag as a shield against the knife, and turned and tried to do some kind of Mortal Kombat-esque move on the side of the guy’s face that, he said, seemed like a better idea in his head.

‘But I missed,’ Austin said at this point in the story.

Austin missed the side of his head and his fingers plunged straight into the guy’s eye socket. Austin freaked out at holding what felt like a grape and pulled his hand away, and inadvertently popped the guy’s eyeball out of the socket. You read that right.

All three of them started screaming at the same time, the one guy because his eye had just been torn from its socket, Austin because he realized what he had just done, and the short guy because he had just witnessed the whole thing -and ran screaming into the darkness somewhere behind the house.

Austin picked up the dropped knife and called 911 while the guy lay writhing on the walkway.

Upon telling the operator what had transpired, about five police cars show up and the officers think the situation is hilarious, calling the guy on the ground ‘pirate.’

They ask Austin to describe the short guy and he does, and one of them says, ‘hang on,’ and two disappear behind the house.

10 minutes later they come back with him.

They all know this guy, evidently they had been to that house many times before, and he was a repeat offender.

‘Mikey, we meet again! Didn’t you just get out of prison?’ one of them said.

Austin went to the police station to give a statement where several employees in earshot asked him to relay the story again.

Austin got a nice raise and worked at the same pizza place until he graduated.

The reasons are quite diverse:

  1. The US is now run by the wealthy elite, the capitalist owner class, who don’t give a rat’s ass about the nation’s welfare. Their sole objective is to line their own pockets.
  2. There is no profit in building infrastructure. To the wealthy elite, infrastructure is a money sink.
  3. The US prefers to spend the money on militarism to support its imperialism. It uses its military power to steal natural resources from other countries. It overthrows foreign regimes it doesn’t like.
  4. The US knows it can no longer build infrastructure like it used to in the 1950s and 1960s. It takes too long. It costs too much money. Look at the “Big Dig” in Boston, for example. Or the high-speed rail line in California. China can build infrastructure 10X faster and more economically!

Cats are so easy to care for. They eat a little food. They poop and pee a little in the cat box, and with the new, high-tech litter, you hardly even know it’s there. They have evolved into adorable beings, so that they don’t frighten us, and we’re in awe of their cuteness.

They have poses: bread loaf and Sphinx, which bring smiles to our faces.

They don’t love us to death, and we don’t have to walk them three times a day, causing harm to our arthritic knees.

We’re never to be seen walking shamefully behind them, picking up their warm, foul loaf with a plastic bag. Other than their “meaty breath,” they smell only of a warm lavender candle or fresh hay.

What’s the burden?


This was crazy. It’s about one of these.


In ~2003, North Central Ford of Richardson Texas agreed to sell me the lst 2004 Ford GT that they got, at MSRP. That was going to be ~$150K. At first, I had to explain to the Sales Manager what it was, show him the first picture of it that he’d seen, and a picture of the Prototype at Pebble Beach in 2002. He said he figured I was a legit buyer because I went there in my BMW Z8, a comparably priced limited production car, that he did actually recognize.

On my 2nd visit, I got the Sales Manager to sign a 1-page (3–4 sentence) agreement letter. Afterwards, I dropped in the dealership to see him about every 90 days to follow up on the car’s highly anticipated delivery, and to remind them of our agreement, which he always acknowledged verbally. On two such visits, I brought along a car-guy buddy as “witness” to our agreement. Some of these meetings were simply quick meet & greets in the hallways where the terms of my deal were discussed briefly.

In late ‘04, when I became aware that the 1st cars were being shipped and in transit, I went by the dealership again, for about the 5th time, but I was told that the former Sales Manager no longer worked there, so I asked to see the new Sales Manager, and someone took me upstairs to his office.

I made the new Sales manager aware of the details of the deal I’d made with the dealership before he worked there, and he said “well, that’s bullshit. There is no way we’re gonna do that. That car is all over the press. We are going to sell that car on EBay Motors for $300K.” I re-iterated that we had an agreement in writing signed by his predecessor, and, at his request, showed him a copy. He read it and said “Well, the agreement says what you said it does, but we ain’t going to do that.”

I said “Well, you leave me no choice but to pursue this by other means.” and he said “Good luck!”. As I turned to walk out of his office, I turned back briefly and said “I assure you, luck won’t have anything to do with it.” (I couldn’t resist)

I found a young freshly-minted SMU JD-grad lawyer, and when the car showed up 2 days later, my lawyer filed a lawsuit and got a judge to put a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) on the car. It prohibited the dealership from offering it for sale, removing any of the shipment protection materials, dis-allowing anyone (including their employees) from driving it, until further notice. Even the mechanics in the service department couldn’t put a wrench on it.

I went up there, and went to the service department where the Service Manager let me come in their shop in the back and look, but not touch. This was the 1st or 2nd Ford GT delivered in the DFW metroplex. This was a big deal. There was a story on the cover of the Dallas Morning News business section.

There were dozens of people back there in a service bay, ohh-ing and awe-ing, including a a new car salesman that didn’t know me. I told him I was ready to pay cash at MSRP, but he said that “the car has a little legal cloud hanging over it” but as soon as that was cleared up, he could sell it to me for $240K, and wrote that number on the back of his business card without even writing down my name. The car had the TRO court order taped to the driver-side door glass.

The judge in this case made us go to mediation before it could go to trial, and so me and my young lawyer met with the recommended licensed mediator (a former Dallas judge) and the dealership brought in 2 suits from the headquarters that owns the dealership – Sonic Automotive of Nashville, TN (same guys that own the Texas Motor Speedway Indy/NASCAR track in Fort Worth), not to mention owning about 200 other car dealerships. They claimed to be representing the 2nd biggest car dealership company in the nation, after Auto Nation.

After polite introductions in the main conference room, the parties were situated in separate conference rooms, and the mediator started playing shuttle diplomacy, going back and forth between us, giving the other party’s argument and pushing for a settlement. As one point she told me and my lawyer that they knew I had high-end cars, and at trial they would show that I was an “opportunist, not a genuine Ford product buyer, and and they would characterize me as just an exotic car flipper hoping to profit unfairly”.

I told the mediator to tell them that my rebuttal in court would be: “I have an 11 year old Jeep, a 6 year old BMW, a 4 year old BMW and a Yukon Denali. Furthermore, I haven’t sold but one car in the last 5 years. But at trial, and I will insist on a jury, I will characterize them as … car dealers … and as redundant as it may sound, dishonest ones at that. And I will make it stick.”

Suddenly it became a price discussion. I agreed unilaterally to add $10K (good faith, for a total of $160K), but they insisted on the $300K number. Then, I let them know that they had quoted $240K to me, and I could prove it. We went back and forth on whether or not that was a bone fide offer, and I then provided more information – that $240K was also what they quoted a friend of mine who went by to look like I did but later in the day. He would be called by me as a witness. They caved, and agreed that $240K was their “best & final” asking price. But I rejected the new offer. I wasn’t done with them yet.

After a few back and forth rounds about how rock-solid my MSRP deal was, they offered a cash settlement of $20K for me to just abandon my lawsuit and walk away. I said “Tell them no, and that if I see them again, it will be in a downtown Dallas County courtroom”. The mediator tried to talk me out of taking such a hard stand, but carried the message to them anyway.

She came back in about 10 minutes and asked if we could agree on a cash settlement somewhere in the middle, and I said yes, of course, but it would have to be smack dab in the middle between my best offer of $160K and their best asking price of $240K. In other words, we were $80K apart, and if they want to write a check for $40K, I’ll go away and abandon my claims to the car. Otherwise, I’d pursue my rights to buy the car for the $150K list price in my 1-page agreement.

The mediator came back and said we had a deal, and we signed a settlement agreement that they were able to prepare quite quickly. And two hot-shot Nashville lawyers went home with their tails between their legs, probably more concerned about catching their flight.

Three days later, I got a $40K check, and paid my lawyer $6K for about an hour of prep and 2 hours of an arbitration meeting that had left his head spinning.

And literally the next day, Ford recalled all the Ford GTs nation-wide due to upper-A-arm cracks, so the initial Ford GT owners had to put their brand-new cars back in the shop and wait about 6 months to get them retrofit with yet-to-be-designed beefier A-arms.

That was the best car deal I ever did. No tax, no title, no license, no insurance, no gas and a nice financial result for me (and my new lawyer buddy). I bought a 1/18 scale model Ford GT that’s on my trophy shelf, with the Sales Manager’s business card tucked under its tiny little windshield wipers.

Is that crazy enough?

Puddle Of Mudd – Control

Meanwhile in Spain…


In our capital of Port of Spain we have a major homeless problem and it is advised that you don’t give them any money. This story is an example of why.

Some years ago there was a homeless man that would come in front of the bank pictured above and sit on the sidewalk. There is a taxi stand alongside that bank and the taxi drivers would watch as the man sat there convulsing and twitching in some sort of drug induced euphoria. He wore something that resembled a dirty loin cloth, that did little to cover his privates from being displayed to the public, which included parents walking with their little children.

A sympathetic taxi driver approached him and spoke to him gently telling him of the situation and that he needed to cover up for the sake of the children in the area. The taxi driver then went to his trunk and opened it. He was also a gardener and inside the trunk contained several gardening items which included a shovel and a pair of old jeans. The taxi driver gave the homeless man the jeans and told him that he would give him $20 to wear it from now on. The homeless man agreed and was happily rewarded with $20. He went his merry way and all was well for the rest of the evening.

However the following the day, the homeless man returned. This time he was stark naked. He sat on the pavement and proceeded to stroke his semi erect penis in full view of the public and the taxi drivers who stood in shock and disgust. He recognized the taxi driver from the day before who gave him the $20 and brandished a wide smile. It was as if he told himself that he found a good means to make money and the more obscene he behaved, the more repulsed he made people feel, the more money he could coerce people to pay him to stop.

The taxi driver calmly told him to come to him as he went and opened his trunk. Inside the trunk was the driver’s gardening items which included the shovel and another pair of jeans. The homeless man smiled, expecting to be given the jeans and quite possibly double the amount of money from the day before. Instead he watched as the taxi driver whipped out the shovel and in an instant he felt the searing pain of the back of the shovel as it whacked against his raw, exposed buttocks.

The homeless man ran off to the distance whilst the taxi driver hurled obscenities towards him saying that he would, ‘F**king kill him the next time he comes here with his p***k hanging out.’ The entire taxi stand and several pedestrians applauded the vigilante taxi driver. From that moment on the homeless was never seen near that area again.

Was it nice what the taxi driver did? No.

Was it justice? Damned right it was.

You have a highly Westernized view of freedom. China holds a different view of freedom, one that is much more practical than ideological.

China protects its people and keeps them safe. It knows that Western influence can be corrosive and harmful to society. Have you ever asked yourself why Western societies, for example, in America, are so fucked up?

And, by the way, the West also practice censorship, much more so than the Chinese. If you’re unaware, then you’ve not been paying attention. Or you have blinders on.

Puddle Of Mudd – Blurry (Album Version) (Official Video)

I am a Chinese citizen, 53 years old this year. I have been extremely anti-CCP since I was 15 years old, and until 2010, I was still a radical anti-communist.

After 2010, my anti-communist stance began to falter. I became a mild anti-communist.

By 2015, I was neither against the CCP nor for them, when I was neutral.

By 2017, I started to support the CCP a little bit.

By 2019, I had become a staunch supporter of the CCP.

When I was in college, my classmates were 100% anti-communist, we all participated in the protests that swept the country in 1989, and one of my classmates and I went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to participate in the protests.

Throughout the 1990s, my classmates and I also adhered to an anti-communist stance. One of my classmates and I tried to form a secret political party to overthrow the CCP.

In the 2000s, some of my classmates began to change their views, and I was one of the last to change their views.

In China, many of my peers have gone through a spiritual journey similar to mine, from opposing the CCP to supporting the CCP.

So, when you ask “What actually happens to citizens of China who do not support the CCP?” I will tell you a fact: Most of the people who were once against the CCP have now become supporters of the CCP.

Based on my observations, my remarks probably represent the vast majority of those who have ever opposed the CCP.

In response to a request from some in the comments:

Many people ask me the reason for the change of opinion, but this question is difficult to answer completely, because so much has happened in 30 years, my change of opinion is the result of all the things that have happened in 30 years, a highly educated Mature-minded adults usually do not change their beliefs quickly because of a few events.

While I can’t list all the reasons that influence my opinion, there are two main reasons that led me to go from a radical anti-communist to a staunch CCP supporter:

1. I have seen with my own eyes the various changes that have taken place in China in the past 30 years;

2. I have visited Western countries many times and browsed a lot of Western media, so I have a more direct and in-depth understanding of Western countries.

I myself have been a news reporter for a few years, and I am very aware of the various methods used by the media to manipulate public opinion. Therefore, I will not unconditionally trust any media, nor will I be brainwashed by the media. I have my own means of checking the facts and all my opinions come from the facts and not any media reports.

It’s also not true that someone commented that I became less radical as I got older, from being an anti-communist to accepting and conforming to reality. In fact, the 50-60-year-old Chinese are still the group with the highest proportion of anti-communists among all Chinese people. People of this age are more supportive of the CCP than us. They did not become anti-communists because of their youth.

It will take China at least 45 minutes to take control of Taiwanese territory if war breaks out.

Taiwan is already deeply integrated with China, its main, most profitable trading partner and employer.

All China needs to do is announce, “”As of midnight tonight, all goods and personnel moving into and out of Chinese Taipei must clear China Customs and Immigration. The Taiwan Straits are now PRC domestic waters and all aircraft must observe reunited China’s combined ADIZ. The PLAN and PLAAF will patrol and enforce the orderly observance of this process”.

No power on earth can stop, or even delay, this process without being destroyed. Taiwan is visible from the PRC and, unlike Ukraine, has no contiguous neighbors.

And China’s army, navy, and air force are bigger and more powerfully armed than American forces in the West Pacific.

Everlast – What it’s Like (Official Music Video)

My first wife was very angry at our divorce.

We had 3 dogs—standard poodles that I adored. When I left the home and the marriage….she was adamant that I couldn’t take or see the dogs.

She took me to small claims court for….DOG SUPPORT!

The judge was measured….asking about all of the expenses and damages. I was sweating by the time the judge asked me what I had to say for myself.

I said simply that it would be one thing if I had access… but…

The judge interrupts and said….I agree.

Judgement for the defendant plus costs. As my ex wife was about to lodge a protest…the judge said… it’s about choices ma’am….you chose to block access… and ma’am….as much as dog lovers think their pets are kids….they don’t have the same standing as children.

As the judge stood up….he was looking down….shaking his head… and laughing.

I celebrated for a week!

“Why is Russia invading Ukraine?”

In our official propaganda, Ukraine has been a US springboard for future conquering, dismembering and enslaving Russia. An alleged “genocide” of ethnic Russians in self-declared states of Donetsk and Lugansk is a proof to that.

To prevent the ongoing genocide and future threats, President Putin sent the troops that now have been de-Nazifying and de-militarizing Ukraine for the last five days.

This move was based on a following set of working assumptions by our president.

Russia’s Top Five Assumptions for Invading Ukraine:

1. Ukraine is governed by a US puppet regime not embedded in the Ukrainian society.

2. The dysfunctionality of the Ukrainian state and political divisions between their oligarchs make it possible to overthrow them in a swift military operation.

3. Large parts of Ukraine secretly sympathize with Russia and are ready to embrace new pro-Russian rulers.

4. Civil society does not exist. Pro-Western activists are a small group of paid agents that can be chased out of the country, arrested, or killed.

5. The West is too weak and divided to stand up for Ukraine.

Below, one of our loyalist political cartoons by Yevgény Samóilov illustrating the core of President Putin’s assumptions.

A motley crew of Ukrainian nationalists are addressing an unenthusiastic public. To the right, mayor of the city of Kiev Klichko

. The person wearing a Stalhelm to the left is there to show a “Nazi presence” at the forefront in Ukrainian politics.

The hydra of Anglo-Saxon globalism manipulates all of them. The poster fixed to the pulpit says “Raise up, Ukraine!” The discarded ones on the floor say, “Raise up, Syria!”, “Raise up, Egypt!”, “Raise up, Libya”. This implies that the Arab Spring a decade ago was a product of American machinations, just like what happens now in Ukraine.


We really can’t call those dirty work against China by US a “tactic”. Seriously. There is no wisdom at all in the actions, only malice.

Take us individuals as example, if you are the top student in your class, or the top staff in your company, and then suddenly you find another student or colleague is going to surpass you soon by studying/working hard and intelligently.

Then, as a normal and smart reaction, what should you do?

You may work harder to better yourself, to further improve yourself, anyway, you still have a lot of potential to be a better self.

Or, to join hand with the one catching up, to work harder together to create a better overall atmosphere for your class or company to achieve greater performance as a whole — we have seen reports of university students of the same dormitory helping with each other so that all of them passed the post-graduate exams here in China.

So this can be realistic and practical.

But, you may also place all kinds of obstacles to the one catching up, making his/her road as bumpy as possible, by threatening, coercing, bullying, smearing…by whatever dirty work you can come up with, just to ensure your win and the others’ lose.

And obviously, the US is taking the third road to contain China’s development.

(Why the US will gain nothing from seeking to contain China)

So, actually, the US not only does not improve itself to be a better one, instead, it is investing too many of its efforts to stop China’s development, meanwhile too few efforts to solve its piles and piles of domestic turmoils.

There is an ancient Chinese saying, “When you are sailing against the current, you’ll either go ahead or keep falling,” or “He who does not advance loses ground.”

This is exactly the case the current US is in — it was once advancing very fast, but today, it has stopped growing, for the US, stopping there means falling behind in a rapidly developing world of today.

Meanwhile, China has been focusing on its internal issues, including but not limited to: building better infrasctructure across the country, providing better education, medical care, more job opportunities, etc. for its people, alleviating millions and millions of its people out of extreme poverty, catching up in the high-tech fields, upgrading its industrial system, fostering closer and muturally beneficial relations with more countries, increasing trade and other exchanges with more countries, helping other developing and under-developed countries and regions to improve their economy, etc.

Though there are still lots of domestic issues to tackle with, Chinese leadership know clearly what they are, and are struggling to find better solutions to deal with them, for example, its fight against corruption which has indeed brought concrete results with thousands and thousands of corrupted officials being discplined, published, or even jailed; its fight against pollution, as a Beijing dweller for more than two decades, I have personally witnessed the deterioration of the air quality in the city, but now also the coming back of the blue sky and clean air. There are many other similar examples.

In short, the US has nearly stopped growing but is still investing too many of its efforts to “solve” its “enemies,” while China focuses more on its own business and is making more friends around with its sincere help and efforts. By comparison, even if China only makes small steps forward, it’s moving faster than the one who stands still, let alone China is taking strides, even with leaps and bounds, on its road of development.

Back to my metaphor, as two students in a class, or two colleagues in a company, who do you think will laugh to the last?

So, my suggestion to the US, is as always: choose to be a nice guy, instead of a demon, to take the second road I listed above, to join hands with China, to bring a better tomorrow for both the US and China, and to the whole class or the company — our Earth, who is already suffering.

But will the US listen to me? Unfortunately, NO!

I have had a few. All asked and answered in the United States by Americans.

Politics #1
Him “You got a democracy down there in Australia?”
Me “ 98% of people vote in every election – It is compulsory”
Him “That sounds like communism to me. “

Our government goes to a lot of effort to make sure everyone has a chance to vote.


Aussies voting in the Australian region of Antarctica


Aussies voting at the beach.

Politics #2
(Someone campaigning for an American electoral candidate.)
Her “Here is some information on Senator X”
Me: “Sorry we can’t vote here, we are Australian.”
Her “It doesn’t matter what state you come from, vote Republican!”
(Thanks to Peter and Sherry for this one)

Driving #1
Him: “You drive on the left? Hell that must be hard. “
Me “It isn’t really, most of us do it.”
Him “Still that’s gotta be hard”
Me “Not, really, the steering wheel is on this side of the car.”
Him “What? How do you get it over there?”
Me “Well some people pay the dealership to do it, but most of us buy a keg of beer, get a few mates over and do it ourselves. You can get a kit with videos and everything.”

Driving #2
(Actually asked in Hawaii.)
Him “How long did it take to drive here?”

Him “If I go down to Australia, can I bring me back one of those cola bears?”
Me “You mean koalas?”
Him “Yeah, like the ones in the Qantas ads”
Me “The Bald Eagle is your national bird right?”
Him (Puffs up with pride) “Sure is!”
Me “Can I bring one of those home with me?”
Him “I see your point.”

Many people asked this one.
Him “You sure speak English good”
(In my head I’d reply “Rather better than you do.” But out loud I’d say “Thank you.”
Him “What language do you speak down there in Australia?”
Me “We speak Stralian mate.”
Him “Say something in Stralian”
Me “Javagoodweegend” [ Translation: Did you have a good weekend] Him “What did you say????”
Me “It’s a traditional greeting we say on Mondays.”
Him “Only Mondays?”
Me “Yeah, unless Monday is a holiday, then on Tuesday we say ‘Javagoodlongwegend’ “

Then I’d get them to practice it.
There are many Americans wandering around today thinking that they can speak Stralian.
(I share credit with Derek for this one)

I am not sure where I got this one from, it wasn’t asked of me, so I can’t claim it.
Him “So you drive on the left?”
Aussie “Yeah, all the time”
Him “ So you leave the freeway from the fast lane????”


American living on the lower North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand here.

My lifestyle is different than when I lived in the US, and my quality of life is better.

Housing –

In the US I lived in a 3600 sq ft (~350 sq m) McMansion in an affluent suburb of Dallas. While it was a nice neighborhood there was a lot of pressure to put up a certain facade of just how successful I was. It cost a minor fortune to heat and more importantly, cool. It was filled with stuff that I rarely used and didn’t miss when I got rid of it.

In NZ, I live in a 110 sq m home (~1200 sq ft) home and I don’t have any pressure to outdo my neighbors. I heat my home with a wood stove using about $400 worth of firewood for a winter. To cool my home in the summer, I open the windows.

True, insulation and double glazed windows are only just becoming a “thing” in NZ homes, but we retrofitted for those when we bought the house.

Education –

Our eldest went to school in the US where the bulk of their time was spent in classroom learning so they could score well on a standardized exam.

Our youngest is in primary school in NZ and spends part of his day in classroom learning too, plus a good part of his day outside learning how to garden, care for animals, build things and swim.

Work –

I still work for the same company as I did in the US, where I worked 10-14+ hours per day and often on weekends I and while on vacation.

In NZ, in the same job, same company, I work 7.5 hours per day and more every once in a while. I’m encouraged to take my vacation and shut off while out of the office.

Food –

In the US we ate out a fair amount, but still less than most. We drank milk that was full of hormones and eggs that had been stripped of their protective coatings and required refrigeration. We couldn’t grow our own garden because it was simply too hot where we lived.

In NZ we have fruit and nut trees and a lovely garden that produces all year. Our milk is hormone free, our eggs are local and sometimes still have a few feathers stuck to them. We don’t eat out much, but prefer to have friends over, or go to their places.

Free time –

We are never too far from a beach or a mountain hiking trail in NZ, but in the US this would require a long drive in most places.

Security –

In the US I was always afraid that one misstep or accident would ruin myself and my family. Either a health issue or accident can bankrupt most Americans. I also worried that some idiot with a gun may shoot me or my family.

In NZ that is not something we worry about. If we have an accident, it will be covered by ACC. And we don’t have a litigious society, so I’m not worried that someone will maliciously try to ruin me. Plenty of people have guns here in NZ, but we use them sensibly and responsibly.

In summary, life is less complex in New Zealand, we have less stress and pressure, plus we get to live in some of the most beautiful land in the world. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Staind – Outside (Official Video)

Xiaosong Gao, a famous Chinese TV presenter and producer, once interviewed Yukimura, a Japanese chef. He asked Yukimura if he could use some simple words to summarize the difference between Japanese and Chinese cuisine. Yukimura said,

Japanese cuisine is Water, while Chinese cuisine is Fire.

Xiaosong said he got goosebumps on arms when he heard this.

I would say, so did I.

I’m not sure if this metaphor means anything to the people who’re not so familiar with Asian culture. Born and raised as a Chinese, I felt it mind-blowing. Water and Fire are always among the very basic elements in Asian culture. Yukimura’s summary does explain the difference between Chinese food and Japanese food just right. Let me show you some example of the dishes.

Chinese food – Chongqing Hotpot


Chinese food – Mapo Tofu


Japanese food – Nagashi sōmen


Japanese food – Sushi


I’m not saying all Chinese foods are spicy and hot or all Japanese foods are delicate and peaceful like what I’ve shown in the examples, but you get the idea.

As a Chinese, I know that there is a very important term in Chinese cooking is Huo Hou (火候, fire timing). It basically means the art of controlling the strength of fire and how the food are cooked on the fire (in a pot or not). But in fact this is the most hard-to-explain technique that a Chinese chef needs many years to master.

Most of Chinese food needs the perfect combination of different kinds of spice to be added or long time cooking so the taste of food can be stimulated and extracted out and dissolved in the broth or juice.

It’s just like fire, they are strong, shining, and you can’t help but to embrace them when seeing or smelling them.

On the other hand, most Japanese food are delicate, small-portioned, beautiful while at the same time using as little spice as possible. It’s just like water, they are pure, clear, making you comfortable. Like water can fit into whatever shape container, Japanese food can comfort you when you are in whatever mood or appetite.

Alice In Chains – Nutshell (MTV Unplugged – HD Video)

I hope you all “get” me.

New change at the Pentagon waters down focus on Taiwan

From Politico. Hum…

The Pentagon has made administrative changes in how it handles Taiwan policy, a shift that lawmakers and former officials say sends the wrong signal to Beijing as the Chinese military steps up drills around the self-ruled island.

The move — which involves placing the Taiwan portfolio under the office responsible for China policy — could provide a new line of attack among President Joe Biden’s opponents who claim he is weak on China.

The changes come as officials are increasingly worried about Beijing’s aggression toward Taiwan, particularly after a crisis erupted in the Taiwan Strait in August after China launched unprecedented military exercises, including sending missiles over the island, in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taipei.

“Anything that dilutes America’s focus on helping Taiwan to defend itself is a really bad idea,” Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) told POLITICO. “Pulling Taiwan back into a portfolio dominated by China sends the wrong signal to Beijing — that they can dictate our relationship with the island democracy. Or worse, it will facilitate consultation with Beijing on our approach to Taiwan’s security needs.”


Chinese President Xi Jinping warns Central Asian neighbors against allowing CIA “color revolutions.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping warned his Central Asian neighbors on Friday not to allow outsiders to destabilize them with “color revolutions” and offered to set up a regional counterterrorism training center.

Xi’s comments at a security summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin and leaders from Central Asia, India and Iran reflect official Chinese anxiety that Western support for pro-democracy and human rights activists is a plot to undermine Xi’s ruling Communist Party and other authoritarian governments.

“We should prevent external forces from instigating a color revolution,” Xi said in a speech to leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, referring to protests that toppled unpopular regimes in the former Soviet Union and the Middle East.

Xi offered to train 2,000 police officers, to set up a regional counterterrorism training center and to “strengthen law enforcement capacity building.” He gave no details.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SEO) was formed by Russia and China as a counterweight to U.S. influence. The summit is part of Xi’s first trip abroad since shortly after the coronavirus pandemic began 2 1/2 years ago, highlighting the importance to Beijing of asserting itself as a regional leader.

The group also includes Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Iran is an observer and has applied for full membership.

The one-day summit in the ancient city of Samarkand occurred against a backdrop of Russia’s attack on Ukraine and fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, a “dialogue partner” of the group, attended the summit and planned to hold talks with Putin on the status of a deal under which wheat exports from Ukraine through the Black Sea resumed.

Xi is promoting a “Global Security Initiative” announced in April following the formation of the Quad by the U.S., Japan, Australia and India in response to Beijing’s more assertive foreign policy. Xi has given few details, but U.S. officials complain it echoes Russian arguments in support of Moscow’s actions in Ukraine.

China’s relations with Washington, Europe, Japan and India have been strained by disputes about technology, security, human rights and territory.



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MM: I love music. You just hit THREE Alice In Chains. Coincidentally, just days ago, I posted Down In A Hole from that same great MTV Unplugged show over at PieceOfMindful.

Great choices.

Ohio Guy

Bookmarked this post. It’s a keeper. What a surreal selection of music videos! The mind of MM is on fire ! Thank you soooo much. All is right in my reality right now!