It’s about time for some beautiful art. This time we are going to explore some fine figurative works, and they depict females.
I DO NOT WANT to hear any complaining about “looking at pretty girls”. If you don’t want to view the art, you can leave.
Long time MM readers will know all about the jackass that I am referring to.
This article has got a selection of topics. Please enjoy it. Not too much in the Geo-political stuff today. Just art, food, and some stories of interest.
I’ve got a nice cat video at the end.
What do you know…
Irresistible Vikings? Charting Sex Bias and Gene Flows Into Ancient Scandinavia

A team of genetic scientists from Sweden turned their scanners on Viking DNA samples. They have now charted the “genetic flow” of ancient Scandinavia showing that incomers genetics didn’t fare so well as the native’s DNA, and women came there from both east and west.
The discipline known as “archaeogenetics” is the study of ancient DNA using molecular genetic methods of analysis, to draw conclusions on how past cultures intermingled and interbred. Now, a new study published this week in the journal Cell presents the results of a genetic study spanning 2,000 years from the Iron Age to the present day, across ancient Scandinavia.
The new study was conducted by scientists from Sweden’s Stockholm University and deCODE genetics based in Reykjavik, Iceland. By looking at DNA samples, the migration patterns “gene flow” during the Viking age (750–1050 AD) was mapped. The researchers show that blood lineages who arrived in Scandinavia during the Viking Age “declined for reasons that aren’t clear”.
Low Level Non-Native Ancestry
To get to their conclusions the team of researchers analyzed “48 new and 249 published ancient human genomes.” Dr. Anders Götherström from Stockholm University says, “There is so much fascinating information about our prehistory to be explored in ancient genomes.” He explained that the sample set was collected from “multiple iconic archaeological sites.” These ancient DNA samples were then compared with genetic data from more than “16,500” modern Scandinavians.
Ricardo Rodríguez-Varela of Stockholm University wrote that although still evident in modern Scandinavians, “levels of non-local ancestry in some regions are lower than those observed in ancient individuals from the Viking to Medieval periods.” What this means is that ancient individuals with non-Scandinavian ancestry appear disproportionately less in the modern Scandinavian gene pool, “compared with the patterns observed in the archaeological record.”

Sandby borg archaeological excavations. (Daniel Lindskog/ Cell Press )
Three Projects Melted Together Into One
Dr. Rodríguez-Varela says that in the beginning three individual studies were being conducted on Sandby Borg , at a boat burial, and on the man-of-war Kronan. This new study brings these three projects together and analyses DNA from various times including “the Vendel period boat burials, Viking period chamber burials, and well-known archaeological sites like the Migration period Sandby Borg ringfort, known for the massacre that occurred there [in] 500 AD,” wrote the researchers.
For comparison, genetics from the 17th century royal Swedish warship Kronan were compared to the ancient samples. It was at this stage the team began to notice a reduction in DNA from non-local ancestry across the various periods and regions of Scandinavia. Looking at how ancient migrations influenced the modern Scandinavian gene pool, the team of researchers identified regional variation in the timing and magnitude of gene flow from the eastern Baltic, the British-Irish Isles, and southern Europe”.

Underwater Kronan excavations. (Lars Einarsson/ Cell Press )
Charting The Flows Of Ancient DNA
The results of the DNA study show that eastern Baltic ancestry was more localized to Gotland and central Sweden. On the other hand, British Irish ancestry was widespread in Scandinavia from the Viking period. However, a drop in the current levels of external ancestry in some regions suggests ancient immigrants “contributed proportionately less to the modern Scandinavian gene pool than indicated by the ancestry of genomes from the Viking and Medieval periods,” according to the paper.
The researchers also observed that a north-south genetic cline that characterizes modern Scandinavians “is mainly due to differential levels of Uralic (Hungarian) ancestry.” (A cline is a gradient of morphological or physiological change in a group of related organisms, usually along a line of environmental or geographic transition).
How the Viking Era Influenced Gene Flow
Götherström says what the newly obtained data reveal about the nature of the Viking period “is perhaps most intriguing”. Migrations from the west impacted all of Scandinavia but the migration from the east was “sex biased,” with a majority of the incomers being female. The researchers concluded that this finding represents “a major increase [in gene flow] during the Viking period.” Furthermore, it points towards a female bias in the introduction of eastern Baltic and, to a lesser extent, British-Irish ancestries,” wrote Rodríguez-Varela.
Overall, the researchers said their new findings demonstrate that the Viking period in Scandinavia was “a very dynamic time.” And they stated that in future studies they would aim to pinpoint exactly when the north-south cline was shaped, based on ancient DNA datasets from the far north.
By Ashley Cowie
Michael Jackson and Prince on stage with James Brown (1983)
Confessions of a Male Domestic Violence Survivor
How long were you together when the physical abuse began and what did she do?
The physical abuse didn’t really start until a few years into the relationship. In retrospect, I can honestly see that it went in stages of her seeing how much she could get away with.
First, it started with constant criticism, then it turned to controlling my actions; who I could and couldn’t see, what I could do in my spare time etc… then it turned into verbal abuse and bullying and then finally it turned into regular physical violence.
But part of the reason it continued to escalate was that I would always acquiesce to everything she wanted thinking it would calm her down. But in reality, the opposite happened.
As soon as I gave into one thing something else was upset or anger her. Nothing was ever good enough and that just eventually lead to her becoming physically abusive to take her anger out.
The physical violence started with just things like slapping me, biting me, throwing things at me. But eventually, she started using weapons like broom handles, rolling pins – anything she could use to inflict maximum harm.
Then eventually she started using knives. She stabbed me in the forearm then wouldn’t let me go to the hospital until 2 days later after the wound had got much worse.
Then she sliced open my arm so badly I could literally see the muscles inside the wound. After that the violence stopped for a bit but then inevitably once things had died down a bit she knew that it was a level she could get to without risking me leaving so it started again
Can you describe a specific incident where it escalated into violence?
One time she had lodgers staying with her and one was a female German student. I was walking to her house and I happened to bump into the lodger so we walked back to the house together. For some reason it sent her into a rage that I was “talking to another woman” and she just started beating me around the head.
The problem was I pushed her away and she fell over and hurt herself. So because she was so manipulative she convinced me that I had attacked her and not the other way around. That just started a guilt spiral where I believed I deserved all the things she did to me.
What’s the worse way she beat you up?
Attacked me with a large kitchen knife that cut my arm open so badly I could see the muscles and tendons in my arm. I still have a 6-inch scar across my forearm from that.
At what point in the relationship did you see the red flags? What were those red flags?
I had only been dating her for a few months and I was at her house when this mad argument started between her and her mother. They were saying all types of vile shit to each other. Honestly I’d never heard anything like it before.
But soon I realized that was normal behaviour in her household which she just carried through into our relationship.
Did she ever try and keep you away from your family/friends?
Yes. That was one of the very first things she did. Within a few months she had isolated me from all my friends and within a year she got me to move out of my family home and stop talking to my family for the “sake of the relationship”.
Of course there were always excuses and reasons why she thought I should do what she said, but looking back it was all just a way to isolate me from anyone she thought would get in the way of controlling me. I just wish I’d seen it that way at the time and walked away. But it was my first relationship and I really wanted to make her happy so I went along with it. But sadly that was just the first step down the road towards abuse
What was the breaking point?
When she used to get verbally abusive with me. In the end I started recording the things she would say to me.
Some days she would be really nice and it would make me kind of forgive her for all the crap she put me through. But when that happened I would play back the recordings to myself to remind me.
But I think the breaking point was when I happened to be recording when our dog came into the room and I realized that I couldn’t tell if she was shouting at me or the dog – when I realized she was literally talking to me like I was a dog that was when something tripped in my brain. I know it sounds strange but when I think about it that’s the point when I realized “no this is too much”
How did you get out?
We had a friend who was much older than both of us so he was kind of like a father figure. I sat down with him and her and just told her that I can’t be in the relationship any more. I made sure he was there so she didn’t flip out and get aggressive. She put on an act around other people of course and nobody knew the extent of how she behaved so thankfully I was able to use his presence to neutralise the situation.
Then after that I just got out as quickly as possible.
How long were you in the relationship for?
10 years.
Why did you stay in the relationship for so long?
There was two reasons really. The first was that she was really good at making me feel like things were my fault. So I would end up feeling like I had pushed her to get violent or abusive because that’s what she was telling me. This was a slow burn thing done over months and even years. She broke down my already fragile self esteem in order to have total control over me. Once she did that she could get away with anything.
And secondly as you say I stuck around out of loyalty. I felt like even though the relationship was broken I could fix it if I just gave in to her demands and made her happy. Because believe it or not I did love her and of course there were good times as well as bad times. I did want to be a “strong” person in the relationship and put up with her abuse in order to keep it going.
But as I realize now there is nothing that I could have done to fix the relationship or make her happy. No matter what I did she would expect more from me. As soon as she started getting violent the relationship should have been over. But sadly I didn’t realize that at the time.
Do you think the stigma around being a male victim of domestic violence made it hard for you to seek help or leave?
I didn’t have a support network to help me because I was too embarrassed and ashamed to talk about it to anyone. If anyone asked me how things were going in the relationship I would just say good even though they weren’t.
Every time I went to emergency room for stitches or with a concussion I would lie about how it happened. One time I went to work with a black eye that she gave me and told everyone I was in a car crash. Looking back there were escape routes if I’d just used them but it was the pride and shame that stopped me. I think we need to focus on making men understand that being with an abusive partner isn’t a weakness on their part and they need to get help as soon as it starts.
But I think a big part of the fact that domestic abuse is focussed on the female victim is because male victims are so reluctant to talk about it. So it’s a catch 22 situation – men won’t talk about it because it’s not something that’s spoken about in society, but it’s not spoken about in society because no men talk about it!
When you left her was there any remorse from her? Was there any acknowledgement they’d done anything wrong?
My ex is still in the stage where she denies most things which is so infuriating. She still tries to use excuses for the way she treated me. Somehow everything was “my fault” for getting her so angry.
She shows some remorse but she’s still very manipulative. Guilt tripping and gaslighting were major tricks of her to maintain control over me.
Sadly her dad died young in tragic circumstances. If I ever try to raise the issue of what she did she will say “I know, that’s why my Dad died, it was my punishment for what I did”. She is STILL trying to guilt trip me by suggesting I’m somehow responsible for her dad dying. She knows that whatever she did to me I’d never of wanted her dad to die, so I’m 100% convinced she says it to make ME downplay what she did by making up a punishment worse than the crime so to speak.
This is a classic narcissistic attempt at switching the narrative so she’s the ‘victim’.
She did it all the time. Nothing was ever her fault. The violence and the abuse was always “my fault” for making her so angry she couldn’t control herself.
Do you feel as though male abuse, of any kind, often gets overlooked because it not being considered “manly”?
Honestly, until a few months ago I never spoke to anyone about it. I have told one of my closest friends about it who was shocked. I have scars all over my arms from being attacked with knives and I lied to everyone who saw them about how I got them.
But honestly, I’m just tired of lying and denying what happened any more. If people ask I’ll tell them. In some ways, it’s easier to talk to strangers than people I know because it’s so shameful to admit what happened. Partly because I’m ashamed I let someone physically abuse me but also because I’m ashamed of how easily I allowed myself to be manipulated by someone.
I guess I don’t want people to think I’m a weak person… at the time I didn’t think I was being weak I thought I was being strong by tolerating it for the sake of the relationship.
But I’ve still not told my dad about what she did to me and I doubt I ever will. He’s quite old school so he doesn’t talk about feelings and that conversation would just be too hard.
What happened to her?
She got into another relationship pretty quickly but the same patterns started to emerge. But in the end she pushed that guy too far and he left pretty early into the relationship. Obviously of course it wasn’t her fault – she decided to blame his sister for “turning him against her” when in reality he just had enough self-esteem to realize the relationship was toxic and go.
Does she still try to contact you?
I still have to maintain some level of contact with her due to financial commitments. Thankfully those commitments are coming to an end soon so I can eventually separate from her entirely (apart from picking up our dog to take her for a walk lol)
What kind of commitments? Spousal or child support?
We were never married and have no children. However we had a small business together and the usual things like car repayments, a joint tenancy on the apartment etc. The business is in the process of being wound up but there are still obligations. and I still pay my share of joint credit agreements.
I resent doing a lot of it but obviously, there is the legal aspect that most of the agreements are in both of our names so if I don’t pay my share she could go down the legal route to get the money off me.
How are you now?
I’m angry that I wasted 10 years of my twenties and thirties on a person who wasn’t worth my time and affection. But I thought I was doing the right thing sticking with her because she had a lot of issues in her own life separate to me.
I’m not so much angry with her though… I’m angry with myself. I’m angry that I allowed myself to be manipulated for so long.
Do you feel as if this experience made you grow/learn/become someone better?
Honestly no. Before I met her I was a happy go lucky guy who people liked hanging around with. But she would always barage me with insults about how I’m useless and she’s the only person who would ever put up with me. She would always tell me that people are bad and you can’t trust anyone in the world. Now I’m bitter and angry and very cynical. It was honestly like being a member of a cult! I am still “indoctrinated” in many respects in viewing the world the way SHE wanted me to and now how I want to.
What do you wish you had known 10 years ago?
Honestly what I wish I’d have known is that it’s fine to put yourself first. I spent so many years putting her and her family first because I thought I was doing the right thing. I took physical and verbal abuse not just from her but from her mother and sisters as well.
But I stuck around because in my mind I thought that I was somehow being “chivalrous” or whatever you want to call it. But in the end it was pointless.
Nothing I ever did was good enough, and whatever sacrifices I made to make her happy would never be enough. She would always expect more whatever I did. I should have left the first time she made me feel like shit but I just took it, and as soon as that happened it was only ever going to get worse and worse because she knew she could get away with it.
I also started to realize that people like her target people that can easily manipulate. Especially people with low self-esteem. Of course, anyone who is willing to stand up for themselves tells them to get lost soon into the relationship so they look for people like us who they know they can control.
The Neeley’s Smothered Pork Chops
“Smothered pork chop and chicken recipes are all over the South. This one came from the Neeley’s Celebration cookbook. I think the buttermilk is what makes this my favorite. I kind of adapted the original recipe a little bit to fit my family’s tastes.”

- 4 pork chops
- 1⁄8 teaspoon sea salt
- 1⁄4 teaspoon cracked black pepper
- 1 cup flour
- 2 tablespoons onion powder
- 1 tablespoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 2 teaspoons smoked paprika
- 1⁄4 cup peanut oil
- 1 medium onion, diced
- 2 cups chicken broth
- 3⁄4 cup buttermilk
- 3 teaspoons hot sauce
- Pat the porkchops dry with a paper towel and season with salt and pepper.
- Combine the flour, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne and paprika.
- Dredge the chops in flour mixture on both sides until lightly coated.
- Heat a cast iron skillet over medium heat and coat with the peanut oil.
- When oil is hot, slip in chops and fry on each side, about five minutes per side, until golden brown.
- Remove chops from pan and set aside.
- Add onions to pan and saute until fragrant, about a minute.
- Add three tablespoons of the seasoned flour left over from dredging the chops to the skillet and stir with a wooden spoon until it makes a paste.
- Slowly whisk in the chicken broth, making sure there are no lumps.
- Turn up the heat and allow the chicken broth to reduce and thicken occasionally stirring.
- Once the sauce coats the back of your wooden spoon, pour in the buttermilk.
- Add hot sauce and stir to combine.
- Return the chops to the skillet and simmer for 15 more minutes until the chops are cooked through.
Peggy Sue Got Married
10 Parents Of Children With Disabilities Reveal Whether Or Not They Regret Having Their Child
1. I have a 12 yr old with bipolar, adhd, ocd, ied, cd, etc. So mentally ill a.f.
He’s spent multiple times in psychiatric hospitals, the medicines he takes make him feel like shit, they’ve made him fat and his hair fall out. In order to make him compatible with society it takes enough drugs that he is a zombie. He has no personality and no enjoyment. You back off the drugs and he then begins the rapid cycling. But for the few hours at a time he’s not cycling he’s amazing – funny, witty, compassionate, etc. Regardless I love him whole heartedly.
Now…if I knew 13 years ago what I know now, I wouldn’t have had him. Not so much bc it’s hard for me, but bc every fucking day of his life is a struggle for him. He told me once he isn’t living He’s existing. And He’s right.
Also after he was diagnosed we did stop having more children.
2. I found out during my last pregnancy that my daughter had a severe form of Turner syndrome. She would be born with a heart defect, a kidney defect, and would’ve been mentally retarded among a list of other thing. I was against abortion and wanted to let life play out, so we decided to go through with the pregnancy despite numerous doctors warning us that our daughter would have a terribly tough life. She ended up still born at 25 weeks.
After seeing her, I felt absolutely ashamed – it was so abundantly clear that she was not built for this world. Had she survived, her every moment would’ve been suffering, all while waiting for transplants and procedures just so she could keep suffering. All of that, just so that I could feel better about my choice not to make a hard choice while I was pregnant.
I’m pregnant again now, and have agreed with my husband that if the same thing happened again – we would abort.
It’s easy not to do something like have an abortion. But once that child is born, you (and the child) don’t get a choice. The medical system will do whatever it takes to keep them alive (including prolonging their suffering).
I should’ve stopped her suffering the moment I had the chance. That is the truly noble decision and is way less selfish than allowing my child to suffer just for my own pride. I am sooo thankful that she died!!!!
3. My 9 year old has autism, and we were told he would never even talk, let alone do all the social things other kids do. We had his birthday party yesterday, and while you’d think he’s only 5 or 6 when he talks, he TALKS. Not only that, he socializes. He’s awkward as fuck about it and tends to just turns tail and wander off when he suddenly needs a break from everything and people, but he does interact.
When he was first diagnosed, I’ll admit that yes, I had some regret. I felt like an awful mother for it, too, then came to terms with the fact that my feelings were NORMAL and I needed to get used to him and everything required for his disability, including therapy 5 days a week, 45 min away in another city.
It took time, but now, no. I do not regret it or him. I’ve learned to take things as they come and cherish all of the milestones my son achieves. After all, they were things everyone said he’d never do!
4. I have a daughter with autism and epilepsy, she’s 8 years old now. I was 22 when she was born. I did cry a lot when we had her diagnose, because I realized she would be facing SO MANY challenges in all her life. I’m divorced, with shared custody. She spends half the time with her dad and half with me. Our families help whenever they can, but I had to give up my job at the time of the diagnosis, and was fired from the next one, because it’s impossible to work for 8 hours a day when I have to drive 1 hour each way for her to get her therapies. So I’m working part-time now. I don’t regret having her. I love her SO MUCH. Her smile makes my day. She taught me so many things. It is a hard life, but damn, I love her, I love her so much. She has the purest heart and soul. I’m so grateful for having her in my life.
5. I regret having my 9 year old with autism and oppositional defiance disorder every single day. She is very verbal and can be as sweet as a peach when she gets her way, but doing the hard work of parenting her correctly has been a nightmare.
She was an unwanted pregnancy when I was a dumb 20 year old. I was in a lot of psych meds before I realized I was pregnant that I think messed her brain up. I had taken plan B perfectly like on the instructions the one time I had unprotected sex, I figured that would have been the end of that worry. I didn’t realize I was pregnant until she was about 10 weeks gestation and immediately stopped taking my meds but alas. By the time I could get the money together for an abortion (the closest planned parenthood was a 7 hour drive so no-go there) the pregnancy was too far along. I wish I would have looked into adoption now.
Bio dad has never been in the picture and the first five years were pretty rough but manageable since I had family help and a super supportive husband. Once she started kindergarten she was getting suspended from school constantly for stupid shit like throwing an empty water bottle at the principal or hitting her teacher. Her IEP was essentially worthless and I couldn’t hold down a job or go to school because I had no one to watch her every single week at random times I’d get called to take her home for 2-3 days at a time. So I did what I thought was best and we packed up and moved out of state with her to a much more supportive area with better schools.
We have been here for three years and it’s been hell. Her professional supports – school, in home therapist, the community have all been outstanding but I have no support for myself besides my husband and we are moving back to our home state in three weeks because I’m becoming too ill myself from all of this. She bites, kicks, screams, runs away into traffic, calls us grotesque names when she doesn’t get her way.
Wednesday I had to call the police because she refused to get into the car when it was time to go home and when I was finally able to literally drag her kicking/biting/70lb ass into the car and close it she tried to bust the window open. She took an ambulance ride to the hospital and was a little angel for them when she calmed down and they said she wasn’t a threat and sent her home.
I am very bitter and resentful, I’ve done everything I can for her to give her a good life – she has in home specialists come to teach her coping skills 5 hours every week, she is in one of the best school districts in Pennsylvania, I pay for acting and swimming classes for her but when I sit down and have to discipline her or make her do her homework, I get verbally and physically abused and there’s only so much one person can take when you give-Give-give and get nothing in return. I feel guilty because her baby brother is neurotypical and we have a very strong bond and I love him more but I am becoming more apathetic every day to my toxic feelings towards my daughter.
Almost always I hope that when we move back home that she gets arrested and ends up in juvenile detention so she can see how good she has it at home with me and so I can get a break from her.
6. Some days I do, however most days I don’t. I would rather that he was “normal” as apposed to not existing at all. Sometimes I envy him, he doesn’t have a care in the world because he doesn’t have the mental capacity to do so. End of the day, fact of the matter is, we can’t go back in time and make changes. We have to accept life. My son will be 20 years old next year, he’s on the spectrum, has a type of dwarfism and epilepsy, unlike a lot of young adults he goes to respite with, he is very much easy to manage. He never throws a tantrum and therefore makes his care givers work a little easier.
As they say “there is always somebody worse off than you”.
7. I had Rubella (German measles) in the first trimester of my pregnancy. As a result my son was born deaf, with ADHD and is probably on the spectrum, although they didn’t diagnose it often back in the 70’s. As he grew older I realized that he was probably a sociopath as well, although that wasn’t diagnosed either. I started doing my own research and realized I had a child with massive problems and impossible behaviors that no one but me and his school system recognized. Unfortunately they decided that I was making him have the problems, so there was no help there.
I did everything possible to teach him, well…anything, but he never cared to learn. He was horrible to animals (except for his cat) until he realized that it wasn’t good for his own health to act on his impulses. Yes, I beat my kid. Not badly but it had to hurt or it was ignored. Switches that stung worked pretty well. I didn’t want to hurt him, I just wanted him to understand that behaviors have consequences. He refused to learn to sign – the Hellen Keller thing did not work for him. So, he had no language aside from pointing and typical facial expressions and gestures. I had a husband who was an over the road trucker and never home and a mother who refused to take care of herself physically and expected me to do it all. So many stories…
At any rate, when he was 10 I divorced my husband and told him that he had to take custody. He thought I was the problem anyway and did love his kid. Or at least thought he did. He found out pretty fast that the behaviors I described weren’t my imagination. When a string of babysitters quit, he married and moved across the country. Yay, for not having to deal with it any more. I met someone and put myself back together, went to college and got a degree.
One day about ten years after the divorce I got the idiot idea to check up on the kid. I got the stepmom on the phone. She said, god knows what to him. He wanted to come and visit in a few days. When I said that was impossible due to work and that I needed a week to arrange some time off. He apparently literally destroyed his room and beat up the neighbor. She told me never to contact them again. No problem. I changed my name and never tried again.
Well, it’s been thirty years and I did a google search for him. He’s in prison doing 15 to to life for raping a child. She was eleven.
He’s 6’6 and a monster. I hope someone shoves a shiv into him so that he never gets out. I’ve worked with disabled children and loved them all. I would have given anything for him to have anything different. It’s hard to take care of a paralyzed child but dealing with one so mentally fucked is impossible. God help any of you who have to do it. You have my greatest respect.
8. My son has low functioning autism, as well as hyperactivity, various development delays etc.
I regret it every time I walk through the door to him screaming, being aggressive, snatching, and everything else. He’s 5.
He can be the sweetest boy then 10 seconds later screaming the place down, pushing, kicking etc.
Any extra money we have goes on therapy for him. We can’t go on holiday because he can’t handle it.
I hate my life and feel so sorry for his younger sister who will never have friends round, get to go on holiday, or experience a normal childhood – because everything is centred around him.
9. I have a three year old girl with Down Syndrome. We found out about 18 weeks in-utero, when the ultrasound showed a severe heart defect that would need to be surgically corrected three months after birth. She had a twin who didn’t make it. Amniocentesis confirmed the genetics the OB suspected.
At the time, my wife and I lot going on in our personal lives, major life transition type stuff. Building a home, purchasing a business, pregnant with twins… and all the bad news came extremely fast and left us basically shell shocked. We stayed up talking and crying for a couple weeks, ultimately making the decision to give the kid a chance, and knowing that if she wound up nonverbal, paralyzed, eating through a tube, zero quality of life, that whatever quality of life she had (or lack thereof) would basically be our fault for pushing through a pregnancy that had all the warnings signs of “this could end badly”.
We are three years into this now. I’m telling you, this girl is the goddamn light of my life. She spreads joy everywhere she goes. She waves and blows kisses at strangers. She gives hugs for no particular reason. Everywhere we go, people remember her. She’s walking, running, knows more sign language than I do, and picking up words left and right.
She did have her heart surgery at three months old. The defect was corrected, the surgeons saved both our lives.
I think in a lot of ways, parents hope their kids are going to be stronger in areas of their lives where they are weak. I’m pretty introverted and awkward. I feel like most of my life I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop, and when we found out about her, it felt like this was it. I was mostly angry that the shoe dropped on my kid. But now I see how much joy she brings to others, how she has no reservations when walking into a group of kids she doesn’t know, how her default mode is “happy” and how it spreads to others quickly.
Biggest things that have changed: Our life plan is no longer to get the kids to 18 and then we’re free. Our plan is that we’re a family together, and she’ll probably be living with us her entire life, and we have to be ok with that. That took a little adjustment, but honestly at this point that feels like a blessing instead of a curse. The other big adjustment is the idea that one of these days, if we don’t take care of ourselves and plan accordingly, she’s going to be alone with only the state and any surviving relatives to help her out.
They say one of the greatest tragedies is when a parent out lives there child. When I think about my future, that is actually the goal here. I’m going to do everything I can to take care of myself and my estate so that my beautiful girl has me around as long as she needs me. It’s my honor and blessing to do it. And hopefully shortly after she puts down her burdens, I’ll be able to put down mine and be satisfied with the lives we led.
10. Mom of a 15 yo boy born with Sotos Syndrome, Autism (PDD/NOS), Global Pattern Development Delay, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, and a myriad of other cognitive and intellectual disabilities.
What does all of that mean?
He is a literal giant (no…really…he is medically classified as a giant and is atypical Sotos) who very much wants to be like his same age peers but is very much in his own little world of Playhouse Disney/Disney Jr. and Star Wars.
He is a loving, sweet, funny kid until he isn’t and his triggers vary from day to day.
Then he becomes violent: physical aggression, property destruction, self-harm (choking, biting, skin picking, nose picking).
He is a very smart person who is also extremely manipulative. Whether that manipulation is on purpose, we don’t know.
My son is only 1 in 10,000 people in the world with his specific array of diagnosis and 1 of 25 with his genetic makeup. We know of only 1 other peer in the US like him and that young man lives in Michigan. We’ve never reached out to the family but we’ve thought about it.
My son requires 24/7 care. Special schools. Special camps. Meds. Doctors. Because of his size (6’6″ and 340lbs) we have to special order clothing, underwear, pajamas, shoes (size 18 4E), and socks.
We have a home care provider to give us breaks.
I recently quit working full-time because the boy was having a “crash and burn” cycle which then played a part in my own crash and burn. We are not rich but we work hard. My husband took extra shifts and I went to freelancing. We’ve gotten our son somewhat on track, but on Friday my husband called me in a panic while I was having an afternoon to myself before our daughters track meet in another town 30 min away…our son attacked him and he had to call the police.
It was kind of the “leftovers” from a meltdown requiring restraints from the night before.
I raced home. LEO’s were absolutely wonderful.
My son calmed before they arrived.
My poor husband was really upset and scratched up. We have never had to call for police help before.
It was a really sad…milestone…in our sons development.
Do I regret having my son? Yes and no.
It breaks my heart to see him struggle. It rips me to shreds to see him want to travel and drive and have friends and be a “cool dude” like he says, but it just isn’t possible (except he is cool AF to me). It is emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially draining. My husband is my 3rd husband and he is amazing. My sons father has nothing to do with him. This lifestyle can RIP relationships apart and that is hard. I don’t have friends. My daughter, who is 15 months younger than her big brother and was an “oops” baby way before we ever knew my son was high needs, suffers at times. We work really hard to give her every opportunity in the world. My parents help with her a lot. She loves her brother but does not have a high tolerance for his bullshit, so in many ways it is a typical brother/sister relationship and the most normal thing in our lives.
I don’t like that everyone struggles. I regret that part. I regret the pain this causes to my son and loved ones.
But my son saved me. I was a real piece of shit human. Not a good wife. Not even a good mom when the kids were little. I had no ambition. No motivation. I was a full blown alcoholic that was barely functioning.
I should have been dead, in jail, and all other horrible things…but he saved me. I’ve always known that I am pretty much the only person he has. I’m his human. He needs me. I understand him and know him better than anyone. I have seen people dismiss him and kind of figuratively toss him aside. I don’t really know what my “lightbulb” moment was, but I remember slapping a guy across the face for yelling at my son and calling him a bitch for screaming (he used to be echolalic) and really being mad someone would say that about my son. This was probably 12 years ago. Around the same time I also began to have a real sensitivity to the R word. To this day I partner with Special Olympics and Best Buddies to increase awareness to Spread the Word to End the Word. I was 22 when my son was born. I had a lot of growing up to do that I fought against for a long time. I was a thot before the word existed. Meanwhile I had this kid who needed an adult…and then I had another kid who needed an adult. It took me a while but I grew up. I learned special education, “the system”, doctors, lingo, and have been a fierce advocate of persons with disabilities living a good quality of life. I am NOT a psycho, puzzle piece wielding, warrior mom who is in all of the Facebook groups and area support groups. FUCK. THAT. SHIT. I do things my own way. It helps that I’m a more solitary person by nature to begin with so the isolation that can come with the lifestyle isn’t so bad for me. I’m pretty calm. I advocate strongly. I know my shit. I vaccinate (no, vaccinations did not and do not cause Autism). We don’t do the shit science diets because there is not a diet that is going to cure this and there is not a diet that will make this better. I do homeopathic things for some comfort of my own, but the pseudoscience moms can just keep all of that shit over in their corner and I’ll stay in my lane and that’s that. We DO track his food on MyFitnessPal and watch what he eats and use calories in/calories out for him. He is built like a brick shithouse. He needs a little help when it comes to food intake.
I love my son for what he has done for me – he made me see the world in a different way. He made me compassionate and kind and strong and articulate. He made me a lifelong student. He made me an expert in my kid. He made me be objective and learn how to play devils advocate. He has forced me to be social. He has shown me that other people are good. He has shown me that people who are assholes aren’t worth our time. He has shown me how to laugh and love and care without limits. He has shown me bravery and courage under fire. He has made me an expert in conflict resolution, problem solving, and research. He taught me to ask questions. He has taught me a lot of what I know about being an adult and good human. I’m learning more every day.
I don’t talk about my son a lot to other people, especially on the interwebs. I don’t post to social media much about my son because I believe that whether he understands me trying to preserve his dignity and right to privacy or not, I respect him and want to do that for him.
I talk to my husband, care worker, my own therapist, and that’s it.
So please pardon my wall of text. It’s been a rough few days with the big guy, but damnit, I love him to pieces. My kids are my world. My son saved me. My daughter did too, in a different way. I literally could not survive without these little people, who I refuse to believe are growing up. I am a young mom (38 with a 15 and 14 yo) but I’m glad for what that has done for me and them and how we’ve kind of come up together.
China law
When you are pregnant, you can [1] decide to abort a baby or [2] apply for citizenship. There are no other realistic options unless you are fantastically wealthy.
If you apply for permission to have the baby, you will need to get the baby into your hukuo (family register).
This requires a biopsy of the DNA of the unborn child.
If it is defective in any way, citizenship will not be granted, and the hospital will not be permitted to give birth.
You still have the option to give birth at home, and in another nation, but you will not be able to give it Chinese citizenship.
China, with a 1.4 billion population cannot afford to allow unrestricted citizens who have not been properly vetted for mental, physical and emotional disorders.
Just something to think about…
Exquisite Realistic Paintings By Russian Artist Serge Marshennikov

Serge Marshennikov is a Russian artist born was born in 1971 in Ufa (Bashkiria, USSR). His grandfather was a general manager of a horse breeding company. His father an electric engineer and his mother a pre-school educator. As far as he can remember, Serge was always drawing, painting and sculpting, from any material he could land his hands on.

His mother encouraged Serge to study, and from an early childhood he had a succession of private teachers and attended multiple art studios. After receiving several awards for his children’s watercolor and pastel paintings, Serge decided to become a professional painter.

In 1995, Serge Marshennikov finished the Ufa Art College. By that time, he continued education at one of the most prestigious art academies in the world “The Repin Academy of Fine Art” in St. Petersburg, Russia. As one of the most talented graduates of the academy. He conducted his post-graduate studies under the personal tutelage of Academician, the Rector of the Academy, Professor Milnikov at his studio.

Serge’s graduation work quickly caught the eye of faculty members from Brownwood University in Texas, and Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene. As a result, he exhibited during his post-graduation years in the art departments of both Universities.

His amazing hyperrealist paintings of women in interior spaces are heavily influenced by the mid-twentieth century American artist Andrew Wyeth. Wyeth painted the rural farming communities of his hometowns in America with sensitivity and affection becoming arguably the most popular artist of his time.

Later he painted a series of paintings of his father’s nurse and caretaker, Helga. Indeed, these paintings are so realistic that Helga almost seems present. Similarly, it is in this way that Marshennikov portrays his sisters, depicting their skin and hair with the loving affection, which Wyeth portrayed Helga.

“I was seduced by Serge Marshennikov’s alluring female oil portrait, The Pirate Style Bed. Marshennikov uses the languorous pose of his model, a delicate swatch of lace draped over her hip, and deep folds of luxuriant bed sheets, comforters, warm pillows to convey sensuality, femininity and the promise of endless pleasure, that comes with waking each morning with original works of exquisite art,” Tomas Hall, art critique, Florida.

Confessions Of A Former Klansman
Who brought you into the fold of white supremacy?
I was introduced to racist ideology around the age of 14, by some other teenagers who were skinheads. I never really joined, but I shaved my head and put boots on. Not necessarily because I believed any of it. I thought it made me look edgy and tough. I moved from my all white semi rural town at 19 to an outlying suburb near a predominantly black inner city area. This is where I dealt with my first encounters with African Americans. After some ugly altercations and having a few guns stuck in my face, my immature mind decided that because I had dealt with some black people who happened to be bad, all black people must be bad. I found Klan contacts on a WN message board and reached out.
What sort of views did you hold about those of other races compared to your own? Were those outside of the WS/KKK movement seen as inferior physically, intellectually, or otherwise even if they were your own race?
There are varying degrees of this. A few get really into the whole Ubermensch thing. For the most part I was more of a segregationist. I didn’t necessarily think whites were by nature better, but that we should live separately from other races. Toward the end, I became more irrational and hate driven.
Can you describe the recruiting tactics used by the klan, or are they mainly trying to keep the members they have?
These days violence is largely by the wayside. Hate crime legislation was very effective. You see a lot of courthouse activity in the Klan now. Idea is to watch the news, find towns where a black person commits a crime against a white person. Book the courthouse for a protest. Flier the black areas with inflammatory fliers announcing the protest. The black community will show up enraged. And the few cells of white people that show up will be a mixture. By the end you’ve divided the community and found a few sympathetic whites. Wash, rinse, repeat.
So … what would be the best counter-tactic? For the black community not to show up enraged? To quietly remove all the fliers? (Or replace them with mis-labeled ones so that nobody shows up?)
Yes, ignore them. They are dying off now due to this tactic. Or, if you absolutely can’t ignore them then go but keep calm and unified. A still, calm, quiet stand . No shouting or reacting. Composed behaviour flies in the face of everything they teach about other races. Also, know that it’s likely that NONE of the membership lives near you. They’ll drive hours to do this out of town. Don’t assume the whites in town have any part in it.
Is it easy to identify those that might be sympathetic to white supremacy? Either those that are potential recruits or those that are already involved.
During my recruiting days I would frequent Tea Party events. I had to be careful. There was a certain fringe that was recruitable, but as a whole once your cover was blown they would physically eject you from the rally.
Interesting, I feel like a lot of media would have you figure it be the other way around, with most being recruitable and a few that would reject you.
Nah, as a whole we were never well received by the Tea Party, NRA, CCC, or other conservative groups.
For you, what is the most convincing argument for the notion of white supremacy? and what is the most convincing counterpoint to that?
I think in order for any argument in favor of white supremacy to become convincing you have to be willing to ignore any other perspective. I suppose the most easily abused resource is statistics regarding race and crime. The most convincing counterpoint is to take as a whole both the statistics AND the various socioeconomic causes, as well as the very basic fact that poverty increases crime in communities regardless of racial makeup.
Did your group have batshit crazy role names like grand dragon and wizard?
Why is that though?
I’m guessing the sounded a lot more badass and mysterious back in the first days. Then it was just tradition.
Do the other clans-men look down at you and possibly scoff if your white uniform isn’t pristinely white when you meet up for activities? I mean, it must be difficult to keep it immaculately white – at least keeping my white t-shirts white is difficult, they always go a little grey.
There was an elderly klanswoman who made and cared for our robes. I can’t remember ever seeing a stain on one. A robe touching the ground was disgraceful and worthy of discilpline.
What are some of the secret codes or signals white supremacists use to identify one another? I’ve seen the 88 thing but curious of other ones.
The Klan has a series of handshakes, signals, and acronyms known as klanguage. The acronyms are simple and generic, ie- AYAK= are you a klansman? AKIA= a klansman I am.
What role, if any, did women play in the Klan while you were a member? Did you have Klanswomen as a formal part of your organization, or was there a separate group for Klanswomen like there was in the 1920s?
The ladies had their own group, but we’re included in all meetings and ceremonies. One of the people running a good part of the show while I was in was female.
So what was the men’s view of the women’s group and did the two groups differ greatly in terms of tone or activities?
I saw remarkably little misogony in the Klan. I saw one case where a man put hands on a woman and spoke down to her. He was beaten and removed from the premises. Neo Nazis on the other hand are pretty misogynistic as a whole.
In your experience, how many in your white supremacy/KKK peer group fell outside the dumb redneck or skinhead stereotype? Were there suit and tie businessmen, teachers, medical professionals, lawyers, etc?
There were a good few reasonably intelligent people. Mostly middle class working was a small organization. There was one rich member who No one really knew. He once booked out an entire motel out of pocket so the group could attend a convention.
How did those outside of your white supremacist friends (such as friends/teachers in school) treat you as a result of your klan involvement? Did you find it harder to get a job and make other big life choices due to your background?
I kept the two lives very separate.
How did your parents react to this shift in personality?
Dad hated it. Mom disliked it heavily and hoped it was just a phase.
Now that you are out have they warmed to you again? Have you talked to them about it since you left?
They never gave up on me. My dad passed away several years ago. We parted on good terms.
What changed your mind and why did you quit?
Life has a way of kicking your ass when you make bad or stupid decisions. I think after a few of these ass kickings you start looking at yourself critically. This happened to me, and once I accepted that I wasn’t right about a few things from there my whole belief system kind of unraveled. At this same time, I met some black individuals who unwittingly played a part in the saga.
Can you elaborate?
I had chosen to cultivate relationships with people with radical views and a propensity for violence. I devoted myself to a terrible cause at the cost of many things in my life that should have mattered more. A close family member died, people at my job found out some of who I was, and the organization was in a state of turmoil. On the road to my family members funeral was when it all started coming together in my head. Later, I converted to Christianity. In this process I developed a habit of praying with a black co worker before work. This led to other relationships and before long I had to scrap my racism.
Do you now see other races as separate but equal or do you now see all people as the same? As a Christian, how do you feel about homosexuals?
I see the human race as one. I have no issue with homosexuals, and have friends and family who are openly gay.
What did they tell you when you told them you wanted to leave? were you worried in any way?
They asked for my regalia and sent me packing. Right before I left the greater movement I was beaten badly, but it was not by the klan, and was my fault for the most part.
Do you still have contact with people inside of the Klan or who are white supremacists generally? Were you ever concerned for your safety when you decided to leave?
I do not have any contact with anyone from that life. I was not concerned for my safety when leaving the Klan. I was when I left the greater movement, and there are people in other groups that probably wouldn’t mind stomping me.
Do you still have prejudiced thoughts/feelings and if so, how do you deal with that? Do you just ignore them or do you actively tell yourself that they are the wrong way to think?
You know, I do. I just have to constantly remind myself that my hang ups are perception and not reality. I like to think I’ve made some progress though.
Have you since seen or talked to anyone that you may have treated unfairly due to your previous views to apologize to, or reconnect, with them? if so what was that like, if not, would you like to?
One. The black gentleman I began praying with daily was very caught off guard and hurt when I told him. I big part of me wishes I had packaged it better somehow.
How would you go about opening a discussion with people who still hold these beliefs?
Most importantly, shelve emotion or else don’t have to conversation. Appeal to their humanity first, find things to relate through. Develop a relationship and the conversation will come. When it does, be firm but be softspoken and rational.
Do you think it’s possible in any way to have a discussion with someone like this if you aren’t white?
I held a middle class career in place during all this. That isnt something you manage these days without the ability to deal cordially with other races. I was pretty good at keeping career and aterhours life separate. I think in some cases its possible. I think in others i have known personally it would end badly and wouldnt take long to get there.
What could have stopped you from going down that road? Would friends or family interjecting have helped stop you or would it push you further along?
I think if I had more experiences growing up that introduced me to other races and cultures early on it would have been much harder for me to buy into racism as a way of life.
Do you have any tattoos you regret? Did you get cover-ups?
Still got it, right over my heart. I want it covered up bad.
How would you describe your political views today?
That’s a hard one. I’ve become a lot more socially liberal. The fiscal conservatism is still lurking about and I do really like personal freedom. Maybe I’m on the libertarian spectrum?
Do you enjoy foreign cuisine? Indian food? Chinese takeout? Jerk chicken?
Yes. Nothing bonds me to a new culture faster than food.
Far Right DEMANDS HUGE CUT In War Spending!
True? Or a stunt?
What’s it Like To Listen To Music on $59,000 Headphones?
Sennheiser HE-1
Man, I’m not going to lie… they really f*cked me up.
Blown away would be an understatement.
Over the years I’ve made a few playlists of songs I think sound particularly good on headphones. Also songs that have been particularly meaningful to me.
And when rolling through those tracks, I was simply overcome with emotion.
If I had to describe the sound in one word it would be “overwhelmingly beautiful.”
Honestly, beautiful to the point that I couldn’t comprehend that something could sound so good, so sweet, so earnest, so real.
And over the course of the first ~20-30 songs…
*I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS NEXT PART* I felt a tear forming. And then tears forming. And before I knew it I was just outright sobbing. Sobbing at the beauty of the music. The pureness and earnestness of the sound. The sweetness of it. All wrapped in this feeling of nostalgia, past memories, and a deeper sense of humanity.
Frankly speaking, it’s the hardest I’ve cried in nearly a decade. I rarely cry.
So for me, this was a very touching and probably once-in-a-lifetime experience (the first time is always the sweetest right?).
Just wow.
I spent the next 8 straight hours going through all the songs I could think of that ever meant anything to me. It was like experiencing some of them for the first time again. That’s priceless tbh.
Did not move, just stayed in bed for 8 straight hours. No breaks. Melting away in audiophile nirvana.
Before I knew it it was 6am and I had to pry myself off the headphones to get to bed.
It’s now a new day, and here I am writing this.
So how do these compare?
How do they compare to the LCD-4s I know so intimately and the other TOTL cans I auditioned? To my ears, none of them come anywhere close. Nothing has moved me to tears before — so I would say that’s something special.
The HE-1s break the wall of audio fidelity to the point it sounds like you’re in the studio with the singer or instrument. That’s seriously impressive.
Using Schindler’s list as an example…
I’ve heard this song hundreds of times.
But through the lens of the HE-1, I was suddenly brought back to the music wing of my high school hearing real violins playing. Real live string instruments have such a distinct sound and it’s something the HE-1 is able to capture and miraculously reproduce.
Hearing that for something as iconic as say Schindler’s list is quite the experience.
Everything from techno, trance, pop, ballads, orchestras, soundtracks, etc. all sound stellar.
So imho, the HE-1 is orders of magnitude better than the LCD-4 (which I adore) and the other headphones in that range.
But is it worth $59k?
Here’s how I see it… a mid-tier Rolex or entry/mid-tier Audemar Piguet is roughly in the same ballpark cost. So if you’re in a position to buy one of those AND you have a history of deep enjoyment of audiophile headphone sound, then it’s something worth considering.
That being said… I randomly fell down the headphone rabbit hole when I was young and took to it. I still don’t know a single person in my network and extended network that share the same interest. In contrast, I know countless people that would enjoy a Rolex or whatever. So I guess it’s a pretty niche market to begin with.
Eurythmics, Annie Lennox, Dave Stewart – Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Official Video)
Saint Aebbe Cut Off Her Nose to Spite Her Face
If you’ve ever heard the saying “cut off your nose to spite your face,” have you ever wondered where it came from? Legend has it that Saint Aebbe, also known as Saint Ebba or Æbbe the Younger, was a pious woman who disfigured her face to protect her chastity from invading Vikings in the 9th century, giving birth to this famous saying in the process.
This bizarre English idiom is still in use even today, though its modern-day meaning has different connotations to the original. These days it is used to describe a self-destructive act or overreaction, usually motivated by anger or revenge, and whose ultimate consequence is to do more harm to oneself rather than the offending party.
Apparently, a group of Vikings, led by children of Ragnar Lothbrok , arrived on the shores of Scotland around 870, and ended up burning and sacking Coldingham. When Aebbe the Younger, the Abbess of Coldingham Priory on the southeast coast of Scotland, discovered they had arrived, she cut off her own nose in a desperate bid to avoid being raped by the invaders.
She was also said to have convinced the other nuns to cut off their noses. The sight encountered by the Vikings must have been truly hideous. Nevertheless, while they escaped forcible violation, their actions still irked their assailants who continued to burn down the convent. The nuns were killed in the flames. Their purity had been preserved but they ultimately came to an untimely demise. In some accounts, the day of their martyrdom is given as the 23rd of August.

A sixteenth-century depiction of Aebbe the Younger, a saint supposedly martyred by invading Vikings around 870. ( Public domain )
These events were first recorded in Chronica Majora by the Benedictine monk Matthew Paris (circa 1200 to 1259), written over 300 years after the events actually took place. They also made an appearance within the Flores Historiarum , though it has remained impossible to prove, or disprove, these accounts for lack of archival evidence. It’s also impossible to know if this was truly the origin of the saying.
While it sounds like a truly horrific turn of events, nose mutilation was actually a pretty common form of punishment and torture throughout ancient world. Known as a rhinectomy, the removal of the nose was a type of corporal punishment in ancient Egypt, whereby the noses of certain criminals were cut off as a permanent sign of their crimes and they were then banished to Rhinocolura. There are also accounts from the Persian Empire, ancient Greece, medieval Europe and pre-Columbian America.
According to Plutarch’s De Exilio , King Lysimachus of Thrace cut off the nose and ears of a subject who insulted his wife. He also gouged out his eyes to ensure the message was received loud and clear. Heracles in Thebes was given the nickname Rhinokoloustes, meaning “the nose-docker,” since he reportedly had the noses removed of all messengers sent by Orchomenos to demand tribute. Even the Old Testament recommended rhinectomies in the case of prostitution.
Charlie’s Present To Peggy Couldn’t Be Any More Romantic! | Peggy Sue Got Married
Fantastic Crispy Tempura Batter Shrimp
“Whenever I have tempura at a restaurant it is always so light and crispy, the boxed store-bought stuff is okay providing you rush to the table within minutes to eat it or it gets soggy and soft, I have tryed many tempura recipes over my 35 years of cooking I have to say this one is the best, it produces a very light crispy coating that holds up well — I have used this to make tempura veggies and froze them after deep-frying in this batter, and just reheated them in a small amount of oil, also with bite-size meaty pieces of fish and with about 15 large peeled shrimp cooked about 3 minutes — remember the tempura must sit out at room temperature for 10 minutes before using, If you want to make a double recipe of tempura, then make two exact recipes using two separate bowls, do NOT double the recipe and make it all in one bowl it will not work — use only rice flour for this anything else will not work the same and use only a light-coloured beer.”

- 3⁄4 cup beer (do not use a dark beer!)
- 3⁄4 cup rice flour
- 3⁄4 teaspoon salt
- 1⁄4 – 1⁄2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder (optional or to taste)
- vegetable oil (for deep frying)
- seasoning salt
- In a bowl whisk beer with the rice flour until very smooth.
- Add in salt and garlic powder and cayenne (if using).
- Let sit out at room temperature for 10 minutes.
- Heat oil to 375 degrees.
- Dredge the fish or veggies into the batter coating completely with batter, letting any excess drip off.
- Deep-fry turning once until golden (about 3 minutes).
- Transfer to a piece of brown paper (a brown paper bag will do for this!).
- Season with seasoning salt.

Kitten Abandoned In The Rain, Cold, Shrinking for Protect Herself – No one heeded his plea for help
His cries were breaking my heart! 💔 I would never be able to just walk past him either. And what an incredible fur pattern. Never seen anything like it! He’s gorgeous.
Cheers mate, thanks for todays post. I fully understand 10 years in hell mate like yourself. I could not walk away from my biological and step daughters and leave them with “the monster” and I felt it was my duty to endue whatever was thrown at me including physical violence. I was totally prepared to sacrifice myself for the little ones. She left and took the children, I could only get Eliza back and to this day still feel the guilt of not being there for Jess my steppy. By leaving Theresa saved both myself and Eliza without realizing it. Music does that magical thing mentioned above in my head also. Pure bliss with the frequencies that resonate and emotions attached. Thanks again man.
You grew with that Tas! Oh man….
It was a test of character WT. Templated into my life as a test of StO sentience. I believe I passed mate.
As someone who writes millions of words on erotic fanfiction involving huge-chested anime girls, I have no problem seeing pretty images of women.
It actually gives me more muse to write more erotic stories to occupy myself as everything else slowly turns to shit around me. Yes, people demand I stop writing about it for obvious reasons, but I tell them to piss off because I do this writing for me, not them, and it is a great way to funnel my energies and creativity without any real consequences.
Anywho, my own mother was told by her doctors, peers, and even family to have me aborted when I was in the womb. She was on medications/narcotics when pregnant, and they figured I would be born with defects (they were right). She was still adamant enough to ignore their demands, and so I was born.
And honestly speaking, despite all of the horrible shit I had to suffer because of my impediments and illnesses, I enjoy being alive in this world. Yeah, I still have lots of unresolved trauma, but at least my Prayer Affirmations are a good way to transmute all of that into something better.
Beautiful little white tiger. My cats became crazy when I played the video and they heard him crying. They went looking for him.