Believe it or not, Biden is following a publicly announced policy of pressuring China to respond and then blaming China for not responding if it does not do so.
The United States is in full free-fall collapse. But it is not my problem.
President Biden, at the G7 meeting in Japan this May, says that the cold war between the USA and China WILL THAW.
Sure. What ever you say.
Moreover, I just watched a video by an American general which strongly suggests this to be the case. 6MB Video HERE. Definitely worth a watch.
Maybe… But I DO NOT BELIEVE IT. No matter how much I want to.
I would be a fool to believe this swill..
Meanwhile, NATO is moving into Russia with AMERICAN weapons systems, and AMERICAN appearing troops in Ukraine Nazi uniforms.
What is your shortest relationship?
1/2 a date. We were seated at the restaurant, chose our meals and I excused myself to go to the restroom. Upon returning we started talking. You know, all the small talk.
At one point he mentioned that he knew I had a dog.
My dog was a big boy, about 115 pounds. I said yes, he’s a rescue and a very nice dog. He sort of frowned and said, “well I have a cat and if we end up together the dog has to go.”
I wasn’t sure I had heard correctly, after all this was a first date. Then the waiter showed up with our food. He set a lobster in front of me. I looked at the waiter and said, “Oh, I’m sorry but there has been a mistake: I ordered chicken.” My date, “no mistake, I’m not cheap; I changed your order.” Me: “I don’t like lobster.” Him: “just be grateful and eat it.” I didn’t say another word, just picked up my purse and walked out.
Wait I take it back. That was the second shortest.
My date arrived at my front door. My dog absolutely refused to allow this man through the front door. I had never seen him so determined to keep someone away from me. I trusted his instincts and told the guy, “My dog doesn’t like you and he’s a good judge of character, so the date’s off.” This man, screamed at me calling me all sorts of names, stomped down my front steps, screeched out of my drive and drove away. I gave the dog a steak for dinner.
The black and white dog was my sweet puppy, He passed on a few years ago.

Origins of the Moonwalk
The Chinese Neighborhood Committees
By Frans Vandenbosch 方腾波
Another outstanding contribution by Frans Vandenbosch. -MM
Yesterday and today, I went to one of the many local neighborhood committees, here in Shanghai to get a better understanding of the way they are caring for the people.

The office of the Neighbourhood Committee is along the (temporary) buildings of the Covid-19 testing centre.
I had a talk with Mr. Qiu, this afternoon also with Mr. Xu.

There are in total 6 unpaid volunteers working for the neighborhood committee of the 乐山四五村居民区地域图 the Residential Area of Siwu, part of the Zikawei district in Xujiahui, Shanghai. They are all 6 members of the CPC, the Communist Party of China. They love to take care for people, that’s why they do this job on top of their regular job.
The Siwu residential area has many compounds with serviced large apartments. “Serviced” doesn’t mean it is for elderly people; most people are financially well off, not necessary retired. “Well off” doesn’t mean there are no issues with these people. There are sick, disabled, mentally unstable people, many divorces, disputes about the children of the divorced couples, etc. (as Mr. Xu explained)
In total, there are 3305 people living in the Siwu area; in 16 compounds; 34 (high rise) buildings.
Mr. Xu said that he knows half of these people personally, seeing them very frequently. The others, he has spoken on regular basis, but up to his knowledge, they don’t have problems.

I asked him why he is doing all this ? “I want the people here to be happy” he said. And: “we, our team is dedicated to find a solution for each and every problem “our” people are facing”.
They are using 6 different apps (actually add-ons to WeChat) to manage and report all this. The apps are exchanging and bench-marking “standard issues” with other neighborhood committees, to assure the quality of the solutions. I didn’t asked him what’s the exact purpose of each app. (in my book there are some more details about the apps, used for neighborhood committee management)

We start with a question…

George Galloway adumbrating some blatant realities of our times
G7 focused on China. China is focused on development and prosperity. "Losers focus on winners. Winners focus on winning. "
My GOD! This is such a great video!
Spain joins the civilized world
Spanish PM will ask Biden to listen to China, Brazil on Ukraine. Spain joins the civilized world.
Why does the PRC often talk about “reunification” with Taiwan when the PRC or CCP has NEVER been unified with Taiwan in the first place?
Taiwan became a Chinese province under the Qing dynasty in 1887, and remained one until 1895 when it was ceded to Japan at the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
It was ceded to the Republic of China as part of the Potsdam agreement at the end of WWII, and came under the control of the Republic of China government in Nanjing on Oct. 25, 1945.
Taiwan is not a nation; it is an island.
The Republic of China has had Taipei as its seat of government ever since it lost mainland China to the People’s Republic of China in 1949.
The PRC government is the successor to the ROC government, and was recognized as its successor in 1971 when it was seated in the United Nations, and became a member of the UN Security Council. All governments which have established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China agree that there is only one China, and that Taiwan is part of China. Including the United States of America.
What does this mean? It means that the dispute over Taiwan is not between the PRC and Taiwan; it is between two Chinese governments which claim to represent all of China, the Republic of China (now on Taiwan) and the People’s Republic of China.
The dispute between the ROC-PRC governments is simply the continuation of a civil war which started in 1946 and has not yet ended.
The position of the People’s Republic of China government in Beijing is that it is the legitimate successor of the Republic of China government, and therefore lays its claim to Taiwan, even though it has not yet been able to exercise full control of its claim.
The position of the Republic of China government in Taipei is that it is the legitimate government of all of China, and that all of these claims are laid out in the Constitution of the Republic of China, which is still used to govern Taiwan and offshore islands which are still under the control of the ROC government.
Even though Taiwan is ruled by the Democratic Progressive Party, which advocates Taiwan independence and lays no claims to mainland China, the DPP has continued to use the official name of the Republic of China, and follows the Constitution of the Republic of China. This is because the PRC government has stated very clearly that if any government in Taiwan were to openly declare independence from China, it would have no choice except to attack Taiwan and bring it back under control.
The only reason there has been peace in the Taiwan straits for so long is that while the two governments are rivals as the legitimate government of all of China, they agree that Taiwan is a part of the Chinese nation as a whole.
This is what has held the peace for so long.
What difference does this make to you as a non-Chinese? It means that your opinion does not matter and makes no difference. No Chinese care about what you think about Taiwan, and whether it should be independent.
Your opinion carries no weight.
So why get so worked up about it?
Fred Astaire vs. Michael Jackson
US ‘intentionally released Covid virus in Wuhan’ EU summit told | The Standard
Article HERE
The Covid-19 coronavirus was "intentionally released" by the United States in Wuhan, China, with the target to trigger a global pandemic to raise public acceptance of vaccines, a US businessman specializing in patent auditing said. David Martin, the founding chairman of M Cam asset management company, said at an International Covid Summit organized by the European Parliament in Brussels earlier this month that the US was responsible for the making of both coronaviruses causing the outbreaks of severe acute respiratory syndrome - or SARS - in 2003 and the Covid-19 pandemic in the past three years. The third edition of the summit featured speakers from anti-lockdown advocates to medical academia to discuss the global pandemic response. The speakers shed light on the possibility that the coronavirus which caused the pandemic was man-made, instead of naturally occurring. In his speech, Martin said: "The pandemic that we alleged to have happened in the last few years did not happen overnight. In fact, the very specific pandemic using the coronavirus began at a different time." He said that in 1965, scientists discovered the coronavirus as a model of a pathogen - an agent that causes disease. They also found out that coronaviruses can be modified. "Later we started learning how to modify a coronavirus by putting them in animals such as dogs and pigs," Martin said, adding that such a practice became the basis for US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer's first coronavirus spike protein vaccine in 1990. But very soon the medical sector and drug makers found out that the vaccines did not work. "Because the coronavirus is a malleable model, it mutates," Martin said. "Every medical publication concluded that coronaviruses escape vaccines because it modifies and mutates too rapidly for a vaccine to be developed." In 2002, a university in North Carolina initiated a study to develop an "infectious replication defective," which Martin interpreted as "a weapon to target individuals, but not have collateral damage." Characterizing the project as having "mysteriously preceded SARS by a year," Martin said the coronavirus that caused the highly deadly infection was not from China and that it was "engineered" instead of naturally occurring. On Covid-19, Martin said the coronavirus - named as SARS-CoV-2 by the World Health Organization - was poised for human emergence in 2016, with a preview about an "accidental or intentional release of a respiratory coronavirus" from a laboratory in Wuhan. He said the purpose of the coronavirus "release" was to boost global acceptance on universal vaccination. Explaining the common concern among the medical industry, Martin said: "Until an infectious crisis is very real, present and at the emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. "To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase the public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures, such as the pan-influenza, or pan-coronavirus, vaccine. A key drive is the media and the economics will follow the hype. "We [pharmaceutical firms] need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issue. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process," he said. The Covid infection was first reported in Wuhan, Hubei province in central China in late 2019, with initial clusters coming from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. The disease turned into a global pandemic in early 2020. As of Saturday, over 766 million infections have been recorded worldwide, with nearly seven million deaths. The source of the coronavirus remained a mystery. Some scientists believe it transferred to humans from wild animals like bats and manidaes, while some politicians, in particular those from the US, accused the Wuhan Institute of Virology - a government-controlled lab - of leaking the pathogen. A team of WHO-appointed experts inspected Wuhan in early 2021 to probe the source of the pandemic. After the 12-day visit, including a visit to the lab, the scientists concluded that it is "extremely unlikely" that the lab could have leaked the Covid-19 coronavirus.
Life Before the Internet… You had to do WHAT!
The most influential rulers in Chinese history.
- Li Shimin(李世民), one of China’s greatest emperors.
- Qin Shihuang(秦始皇),
- Han Wudi(汉武帝-刘彻),
- Li Shimin(李世民),
- Genghis Khan(成吉思汗),
- Zhu Yuanzhang(朱元璋).
After America defeats Russia and China in WW3, will every country be a democracy, and will we have achieved world peace?
More and more countries now don’t use US dollars but the other currencies in the cross-border trade settlements. The US starts to go down its own deep hole with exceptional mass shootings, bank runs, bankruptcy, mass layoffs, inflation, recession, and so on, one crisis after another.
How does America defeat Russia and China with the second-best weapons in the modern high-tech world?
How does America defeat Russia and China when its debt ceiling problem has become one of the political jokes in the world?
How does America defeat Russia and China with lies and dreams?
China and the Axis of the Sanctioned A photo Beijing released on March 6th of Chinese President Xi Jinping's foreign minister Wang Yi delivered a seismic shock in Washington. There he stood between Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s National Security Council, Article HERE
Goodbye to the American Century Not so long ago, political analysts were speaking of the “G-2” -- that is, of a potential working alliance between the United States and China aimed at managing global problems for their mutual benefit. Such Article HERE
The whole world, Russia and China win peace whenever the US can’t start a war from now on. That’s even better than the chaotically worthless democracy showcase happening every day in the US very much like the third world country.
What a job.
China rolls out ‘radical’ change to its research enterprise Facing tighter restrictions on access to key technologies and an increasingly competitive global scientific landscape, China has launched a major shake-up of its research organizations in pursuit of “self-reliance” in science and technology. The National People’s Congress last week approved a plan that will refocus China’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) on key efforts to meet top national priorities. It also creates a powerful Central Science and Technology Commission intended to enforce consistent policies across government agencies—and hold them accountable for achieving their objectives. Many details have yet to be released, but the revamp represents “the most radical change to [China’s] innovation system since the end of the Mao era,” says Richard Suttmeier, a political scientist now retired from the University of Oregon. The goal, says Denis Simon, a China science policy expert at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, is to get China “producing usable, desirable, needed technology that can be put into application sooner rather than later.” But the plan does not slight basic research, which has enjoyed a surge in funding. In part, the moves represent a response to recent decisions by the United States to restrict sales of advanced computer chips and semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China. The United States is pushing Japan and the Netherlands to adopt similar bans. This led Chinese President Xi Jinping to bluntly tell business executives at a 6 March meeting that China is facing a U.S.-led strategy of “containment, encirclement, and suppression” that poses “severe challenges for China’s development,” according to Xinhua, the official state news agency. Many Chinese scientists agree. “China indeed has to become more self-reliant because of these restrictions,” says neuroscientist Mu-ming Poo, head of the Chinese Academy of Sciences’s Institute of Neuroscience. The self-sufficiency drive “seems like a natural response from Chinese leadership,” says Emily Weinstein, an analyst at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology. The U.S. sanctions have spurred China’s officials to address long-standing and deeper problems in the country’s research environment, says Simon, a former executive vice chancellor at Duke Kunshan University in China. Over the years, China’s government gave MOST, a sprawling agency that oversees a wide range of research efforts, increased responsibility and resources “to build an innovation economy.” But, “Leadership has not been impressed by the results,” Simon says. One problem is that although MOST set research priorities, allocated money, and evaluated projects (including its own), it had limited control over how other ministries conducted their research. That led to inefficiencies and sometimes lackluster results, analysts have said. The new plan gives agencies greater responsibility for research within their mission areas and creates a more independent mechanism. From HERE
China Now Publishes More High-Quality Science Than Any Other Nation COMMENTARY | Should the U.S. be worried? From HERE
Domestic smart driving chip, HaloDrive™ 30, designed and developed by Houmo.AI 后摩智能, tied with Nvidia for the first time! Without the most advanced process technology, independent mass-produced chips have already caught up with the industry’s first-class standards.

Continue talking about wars and victory on paper to kill time while the Chinese scientists are building better systems in more and more fields.
Sorry for you.
Soul Train Line I Don’t Want To Lose Your Love Emotions
Awesome dancin’.
TSMC Workers Routinely Asked to Find ‘Bomb’ Notes in Machinery: Report
To ensure thorough testing and maintenance workers must find all 'bomb' notes or lose 'points'. TSMC clean room workers are routinely tasked with finding 'bombs' in machinery, according to Taiwan's United News Network (UDN). We have put 'bombs' in inverted commas, as the staff undertaking equipment testing and maintenance will find sticky notes with 'bomb' written on them located on various components instead of potentially explosive devices. Article HERE
Police Interview Of A Master Manipulator
In this jcs inspired video, we take a look at the interrogation of Pam Hupp. After inheriting two life insurance policies and then making a suspicious 911 call, the police begin an investigation into Pam Hupp and what they find is shocking
A Chinese girl posts some pictures of her life…
Today is May 24th 2023, i am close to 21 years old now. i am a Chinese girl from a tier-2 city of northern China, i just show my life here. This is a small night market of my hometown.

There are a lot of foreigners Think China is a backward, depressed, isolated, no freedom and human right country. I want to say China is not what they think of. Indeed China has some problems but every country does. i hope more people could visit China and see the ordinary people’s life.
The Whispers – “And The Beat Goes On” (Official Video)
An Unusual, Luxurious Sleeping Bag That Looks Just Like A Life-Sized Bear

Amsterdam-based Japanese artist Eiko Ishizawa has transformed the average, functional sleeping bag into an exquisite work of art with her luxurious creation that closely resembles a life-sized bear, humorously referencing the safety hazard that comes with camping in the woods.

Inspired by a real-life event where a “problem bear” had wandered from the Italian Alps to the Bavarian side of the mountains in 2006, the life-like sleeping bag, measuring an approximate six feet in length, is a heartfelt tribute to the unfortunate demise of the bear, which was eventually hunted down for fear of its threat to the inhabitants around it.

Lab monkey prices soar in U.S. after China cuts off exports – Nikkei Asia
Article HERE
The Gap Band – Early In The Morning (Official Music Video)
The United States is the only major country on Earth without universal healthcare, that’s an absolute disgrace… And you know if it was like “I don’t want to pay for another person’s healthcare” that would still be fucked up but I could kinda understand.

But it doesn’t even work that way, through taxes they’re still paying for other people’s healthcare, more than in countries with socialised healthcare!! The US people are so divided at the negotiation table with the insurers that they get an absolutely shit deal.
How much fear should the US have from Russia now that no Air Defence system can stop the Russian super hyper sonic missiles that no one have but Russia?
You should learn to stop worrying and love the bomb.
American “leaders” have set the US on course with oblivion. They aren’t going to stop now.
Just enjoy the time you have left with your family and accept it. The psychopaths won. You lost.
Either way, the people of the US aren’t going to make it.
IT’S OVER, Putin just WIPED out Ukraine for Good
By John Menadue
May 23, 2023
There is a sharp contradiction at the heart of the Albanese government’s attempt to stabilise trade with China, whilst at the same time preparing for war with China in support of the United States.
Trade Minister Don Farrell has just returned from a visit to China. He described his visit as ‘a step in the process of stabilising our relationship with China’, a $300b two way trade relationship which underwrites our economic prosperity.
As the minister suggested and as we are seeing there are clear signs of improvement in trade relations that were so damaged by the Morrison Government.
One particular matter that is outstanding is Australian and Chinese membership of the trade agreement, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Eleven countries, mainly in our region have signed the Agreement. Unfortunately, the Agreement has not been ratified because Donald Trump withdrew from the Agreement. That resulted in vassal states like Australia and Japan deciding not to proceed.
At his press conference in China Don Farrell gave a yes/no answer about the CPTPP:
Journalist: “Minister did you discuss the CPTPP?”
Minister for Trade: “Yes, we did. We discussed that. The Chinese Minister indicated that they would like to be considered for accession to the CPTPP. I indicated that we still hadn’t finally resolved the issue of the United Kingdom’s accession. We do believe that that’s imminent, but it still hasn’t been finally resolved. Of course, accession to that agreement requires the consent of all the parties.”
But the main discussion in China was of course about how to repair the trade relationship that was blown off course, which Our media, with their anti-China paranoia, blame China for.
Our White Man’s Media (WMM) , ever so keen to join the anti-China band wagon, will not do some easy research and homework with a few examples about how the problem started.
- The anti-China drive was led first by Malcolm Turnbull and his advisor John Garnaut.
- Australia began with anti-dumping tariffs in 2017 on Chinese steel and aluminium products that the WTO later found illegal.
- When Turnbull banned Huawei operating in Australia in August 2018, we were the first government in the world to do so.
- We then banned Chinese foreign investments in 2017/2018, including China Mengniu Dairy Co’s proposed $600 million acquisition of Lion Dairy & Drinks, despite the Foreign Investment Review Board’s agreement to the deal. There was hardly a security risk here with a dairy company!
- We introduced foreign influence laws in 2018 directed against China that proved so wide that Turnbull himself had to declare that he was an agent of foreign influence after participating in a South Korean forum.
- In April 2020, Foreign Minister Marise Payne, trying to ingratiate the Morrison Government with Donald Trump, announced on ABC Insiders Program that she wanted a non-WHO investigation unit (from many countries) to investigate origins of Covid in China. To join the anti-China psychosis Labor Opposition backed her. This was despite President Xi telling the World Health Assembly that China would support a ‘Comprehensive Review’.
This was the final straw and China in 2020 started imposing quotas, quarantine and other restrictions on selective Australian exports (coal, beef, barley, timber logs, wine, lobster, etc).
The political and media establishment in their ignorance and prejudice were surprised by the Chinese reaction. Our WMM thought the Chinese would as usual be a push over. How dare an Asian country do such a thing to us!
Together with the US we squawked about Chinese ‘coercion’ but our ally the US proceeded to grab as much of our lost sales in China that it could. Our WMM was silent.
In fact, the US should be the last country in the world to complain about coercion and sanctions. The US is the country above all others that imposes sanctions.
According to the Centre for Economic Policy in the US only four per cent of countries were subject to sanctions in the 1960s. Imposed mainly by the US and to a much lesser extent by the EU and the UN. Today 27 per cent of countries are subject to sanctions.
We have seen the result in widespread death and suffering caused by US sanctions in Iraq, Iran (the most sanctioned country in the world), Afghanistan, Venezuela and now Russia. The unintended consequences result in death and starvation. But the US in desperation and belief in its own ‘exceptionalism’ tries to impose more and more sanctions and coercion on countries that don’t follow its rules.
China should not have imposed sanctions on us even though Australian actions triggered the Chinese response. Sanctions and coercion have unintended consequences.
Hopefully we can now get Australia/China trade back on track.
But there is an elephant in the room we want to avoid and not talk about.
We have a whole raft of policies and programs that assume that China may invade us and the best way to avoid that is to support the US in a whole range of ways. In becoming an enthusiastic US proxy for war on China we make ourselves very vulnerable from our major trading partner.
The Minister for Defence and our embedded media warn us every day about the China threat – the Chinese military build up – despite the fact that the US spends more on defence than the next nine countries combined.
We are at the same time supporting more and more US bases like Darwin and Tindal to develop the capacity to attack China, and have entered into the AUKUS agreement, which is not to defend Australia, but to assist the US in a first strike nuclear capacity against China.
We have a long history of fighting in other people’s wars – at great cost to Australia. But there is now a big difference. IF we are drawn into a US war with China the results for us would be catastrophic.
There is a massive contradiction between stabilising our trade relations with China and our casting of it as a mortal military threat.
That position is not sustainable. We are planning to support an American war on China yet expect China to remain a loyal trading partner.
Penny Wong and Don Farrell can hardly keep saying they are stabilising the relationship with China when Richard Marles is out there almost every day dog whistling about the China threat. But perhaps he has been on the Washington drip feed for so long he doesn’t understand the immense contradiction in our relations with China and the enormous risks we are running.
We want improved trade relations with China whilst acting to support a US war with China. Something has to give.
Hopefully the Chinese are smarter than we are and take a longer view.
France Can’t Lecture Africa About Democracy As It Does Business With Corrupt Governments
The rest of the world is really STANDING UP.
At the end of April The Economist spoke to Mr Kissinger for over eight hours about how to prevent the contest between China and America from descending into war.
Mr Kissinger is alarmed by China’s and America’s intensifying competition for technological and economic pre-eminence. “We’re in the classic pre-world war one situation,” he says, “where neither side has much margin of political concession and in which any disturbance of the equilibrium can lead to catastrophic consequences.”
Mr Kissinger believes that AI will become a key factor in security within five years. He compares its disruptive potential to the invention of printing, which spread ideas that played a part in causing the devastating wars of the 16th and 17th centuries.
“[We live] in a world of unprecedented destructiveness,” Mr Kissinger warns. Despite the doctrine that a human should be in the loop, automatic and unstoppable weapons may be created. “If you look at military history, you can say, it has never been possible to destroy all your opponents, because of limitations of geography and of accuracy. [Now] there are no limitations. Every adversary is 100% vulnerable.”
He also cautioned against misinterpreting China’s ambitions. In Washington, “They say China wants world domination…The answer is that they [in China] want to be powerful,” he says. “They’re not heading for world domination in a Hitlerian sense,” he says. “That is not how they think or have ever thought of world order.”
In Nazi Germany war was inevitable because Adolf Hitler needed it, Mr Kissinger says, but China is different. He has met many Chinese leaders, starting with Mao Zedong. He did not doubt their ideological commitment, but this has always been welded onto a keen sense of their country’s interests and capabilities.
Mr Kissinger sees the Chinese system as more Confucian than Marxist. That teaches Chinese leaders to attain the maximum strength of which their country is capable and to seek to be respected for their accomplishments. Chinese leaders want to be recognised as the international system’s final judges of their own interests.

Budweiser’s DESPERATE Partnership With Harley Davidson & The Military
Why can’t the US engineer a coup … to topple the Beijing government ?
A coup is possible ONLY if there is a strong opposition and the government is UNPOPULAR.
China has a meritocracy system of appointing leaders. Only the leaders proven (by actual performance) are promoted up the bottom ranks…strictly based on ACTUAL EXCELLENT performanceS and then elected to be the President after 30 to 40 years. As a result, the President is the most popular man in the country.
Harvard university (USA) conducted a 10 year study in China. They found that over 95.5% of Chinese support the Chinese government. (see Harvard report below)
However, the US tried many times … to use regime change … to topple the Beijing government and to replace the Chinese leader with a US puppet (just like the USSR).
The US tried this…several times. The last one in Beijing was the failed TAM uprising in 1989.
As a result of TAM, China has banned public protest and street demonstration (like in Singapore). This effectively prevented NED (from the USA) from instigating a regime change in China.
Ref: Long-term survey reveals Chinese government satisfaction
Thought Bud Light was bad? Target is now a “BIND” over their new Trans Clothing lineup
El Paso Red Sauce
This El Paso Red Sauce improves with age.

- 1 large can whole tomatoes
- 1 small can whole chile peppers
- 4 to 6 jalapeno peppers
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 tablespoon vinegar
- 1 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- Pulse a few times in a blender or chop by hand.
- Let stand several hours at room temperature, then refrigerate in a glass jar.
China NOW Controls the Tech That Will Define the 21st Century!
Mearsheimers Latest Talk On The War In Ukraine
Yesterday the well known international relations scholar John Mearsheimer gave a talk (video, 1:33h) about the war in Ukraine to the Committee for the Republic.
Ukraine can not win this war because the kill ratio in this war is in its disfavor. Mearheimer estimates that two Ukrainians die for one Russian soldier but says that many of his friends think that the ratio is more like 3:1 or 4:1. The reason for this is the WWI-style static war in which artillery is the most deadly weapon. Russia has an immense artillery advantage. During an offensive the attacker will often have more casualties than the defender. But in this war the Ukraine side has been (counter-)attacked most of the time while the Russians defended.
The Ukraine also has a much smaller population than Russia. The current ratio is about 5 Russians for 1 Ukrainian. With a much smaller population and much higher casualties the Ukraine will run out of able bodies way before Russia does.
Mearsheimer expects that Russia, which already has incorporated four Ukrainian oblast plus Crimea, will take another four oblast from Ukraine. (I predicted this on February 24 2022, the day the war began. Those eight oblast plus Crimea are historically Russian land inhabited by Russian people. During the last thirty years they have consistently voted for pro-Russian candidates while the people in west Ukraine consistently opted for anti-Russian candidates.) Ukraine will end up as a dysfunctional (and poor) rump state.
Mearsheimer says that there will be no peace agreement in Ukraine. The war is seen by both sides as existential. Ukraine insists of regaining territory it sees as part of the country. Ukraine wants security guarantees from the ‘west’ which Russia opposes. The problem of hyper-nationalism (fascism) on the Ukrainian side also makes peace impossible. Then there is the problem that Russia, after having been lied to over the Minsk agreements, has zero trust in any ‘western’ word.
I Found A Place In Alabama That’s Actually Thriving
Lone Star Steak Sauce

- 1/2 cup butter
- 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
- 3/4 teaspoon black pepper
- 2 drops Tabasco sauce
- 1/2 cup lemon juice
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
- Salt to taste
- Combine all ingredients.
- Heat until butter melts. Broiler juices may be added.
- Serve with steak.

Oh SH*T, Putin and China just declared economic war on the West with this move, Biden responds
The United States and the other G7 nations just declared open economic war on China. China responded with a ban on U.S. chip manufacturer Micron.
Things just got out of hand. At the G7, the leaders threatened to undermine China’s economic growth unless it implemented some changes.
Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping, at the Asian Summit, unveiled a grand plan for Central Asia’s development, from building infrastructure to boosting trade, taking on a new leadership role in a region that has traditionally been a Russian sphere of influence.
We are watching the West get ready to collide head-on with the East.
What is your opinion on the future conflict between the US and China over semiconductors?
The damage is already done. Donald Dragonslayer stormed into a dragon’s den armed with a wooden sword. He failed to slay the dragon, but he did manage to wake up the dragon.
Donald Dragonslayer’s war on China isn’t just a war against the leadership and the Communist Party. Dragonslayer’s war is a war against that whole population. We’re in the process of making enemies out of one-fifth of the world’s population who were formerly admirers of America and dreamers of the “American Dream.” There are more people in China who speak English than there are in the United States – as a second language of course. They have been preparing themselves to deal with American civilization on a long term basis. Now, Donald Trump, Robert Lighthizer, Peter Navarro, and Mike Pompeo, have poisoned that relationship beyond repair. China will never ever NEVER allow itself to be in a position where it is dependent on the United States for anything. They will be a trading partner, but not a dependent ever again. Count on it.
Chinese universities are graduating 4x times as many engineers and scientists as the American universities graduate. China will just go on developing its own semiconductor industry and out compete the Unite States in the world market. China is making friends in the world while we’re making enemies.
Morning drive Polk Mountain NC to Mooresville NC on country roads – ASMR
Iran-Russia railway deal could be game-changer for global transit
TEHRAN – Iran and Russia, both under harsh Western sanctions, on May 17 inked an agreement on the long-stalled construction of a railway connecting the northern Iranian cities of Rasht and Astara.
The railway is key to the International North-South Transit Corridor (INSTC).
Spanning 162 km (100.6 miles), the railway is a crucial element of the INSTC. The corridor integrates road, rail, and sea transportation, facilitating the movement of goods between Russia and India via Iran.
Through a video link, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin addressed the ceremony in Tehran where the two countries’ transport ministers signed the agreement.

Raisi thanked Putin and the Russian government for their involvement in the initiative and referred to it as an “important strategic step” in bilateral cooperation that will benefit all countries involved in the INSTC. Putin, for his part, called the occasion a “landmark moment for the entire global transport infrastructure.”
The deal came a day after Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization chief Alireza Payman-Pak announced that Russia’s second-biggest bank, VTB, had opened a representative office in Tehran.
Peyman-Pak said that the office, which marks the first “direct presence” of a Russian bank in Iran, will be used for foreign currency transfers.
State-owned VTB was sanctioned by the EU, UK, and the US following the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in Feb. 2022.
The railway deal has been hailed by state officials and media in Iran as part of a significant future source of income.
Raisi’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Political Affairs Mohammad Jamshidi has predicted that the earnings from the INTSC would be able to rival Iran’s oil revenue. In this vein, the ISNA news agency on May 17 estimated annual revenue of $20 billion from the Corridor.
The Jam-e Jam newspaper described Iran as the “golden path of trade” in an article highlighting the potential benefits of the railway.
Meanwhile, the Tasnim News Agency said ahead of the deal that the “curse” that has so far stalled the railway project would be broken through “Russian partnership.”
India, Iran, and Russia initially struck an accord in 2002 to forge the INSTC. The ambitious undertaking aims to create a new transit route linking India to Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Russia via Iran’s southern and northern coastal regions.
The corridor is seen by Russia as a potential rival to the Suez Canal, a far longer route for trade with northern Europe.
Iran has been a key player in the INSTC and stands to benefit greatly from its full realization. As reported by, the Raisi government has seemingly banked significantly on transit becoming a top revenue generator. But Iran stands to gain from the project in more ways.
The operationalization of the corridor could mean improved relations between Iran and India, aligning New Delhi more closely with Tehran’s regional interests.
A vital element of the INSTC, the Rasht-Astara railway project has been stalled for years due to costs, engineering, and logistical complications.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stressed the importance of completing the stretch of railway in his July 2022 meeting with Putin in Tehran.
VTB’s new office in Tehran is part of Iran and Russia’s ongoing efforts to connect their banking systems.
The two countries signed an agreement on Jan. 29 to link their inter-bank messaging systems.
Due to Western sanctions, both countries have been cut off from SWIFT—a leading Belgium-based financial messaging service.
Both Iran and Russia are looking to reap the potential economic benefits of increased transit amid Western sanctions.
The Raisi government seeks to mitigate the adverse effects of sanctions through de-dollarization of trade and the establishment of direct banking and payment channels outside the international banking system.
Dr. Bijan Khajehpour, managing partner of the Vienna-based Eurasian Nexus Partners, told that if the legal structures are put in place, it could take only a few months for VTB’s new office to process transactions. However, Khajehpour cautioned that “usually, it is the lawyers who delay such processes,” adding that “to complete the picture” it is also necessary to consider that VTB is subject to Western sanctions and that its operations in Iran “will have to rely on the agreements and structures between Moscow and Tehran, such as a non-SWIFT messaging system.”
On the political side, a successful increase in transit revenues will reinforce Iran’s “Look to the East” policy of strengthening ties with neighboring countries and eastern powers as a response to western pressure. This could encourage Raisi’s hardline supporters, who have touted Iran’s place in an emerging multipolar “new world order.”
Russia has failed to hide its angry of the rising ties between Iran and Russia. The U.S. State Department deputy spokesperson has expressed alarm about the Rashst-Astara railway deal. At a news conference on May 17, Vedant Patel stated, “We of course would find deeply concerning any steps or any project being undertaken to go around sanctions.”
In response Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said the Joe Biden administration’s concerns about Tehran’s expansion of trade cooperation with other nations is “unjustified and invalid”.
Kanaani said the most recent agreement with Russia is in line with Iran’s emphasis on the policy of good neighborliness.
He stressed that the cornerstone of closer ties with neighbors is “cooperation for common security, development, and welfare.”
JOE COCKER The Letter 1970
Who is in charge – President Biden or the State Department
an Administration in chaos. The Americans have very little credibility left
they cannot even get the simplest things correct
the Mighty have fallen far
This is reality, we cannot be bested by these lots

Huawei Responds To UK Ban With $1.25 Billion Charge And Withdrawal
The boxing man in the soul train vid is the best! 😁