The terms of the USA – China war are now being put in place

There are many observers who erroneously believe that President Biden’s actions are independent and indicative of a senile old man controlled by others.  I disagree. He is a puppet, for certain, as are all American Presidents. And what he is doing is following the RAND recommendations for America to reign supreme over the entire world. He is following the plan.




And all the “background noise” in the media, is just that; insignificant noise.

The last (Nancy Polaski) trip to Taiwan underlined this point.

It does not matter who is the President. Whether Trump, Biden, or the Easter Bunny, the identical sequence of events will have unfolded.

Right on schedule, American Naval Forces took up position at the second island chain group. They are forming a blockade array; ready to “contain” China and prevent any thing or any one from moving in or out of Asia. It’s pretty obvious once you take a look at a map, for Christ’s sakes…

Blockade positions

So those of you still believing the American government lies;

  • Nancy Polaski was doing this on her own. (This is why she flew in President Biden’s plane, with President Bidens’ military alongside. Don’t you know.)
  • It was spontaneous. (That’s why three carrier groups just “happened” to be on containment stations within 12 hours.)
  • It was an unplanned, spontaneous, visit to Taiwan. (That’s why the entire globe was watching her plane descend into Taipei.)

Well, shame on you!

Anyways the situation (which has been building up for some time) is reaching a peak inflection point.

Being situated inside of China I can comfortably make the following statements…

  • China has been “bitch slapped” by the USA and has lost a great deal of “face”.
  • This is a WAR MOVE.

Yes. Yes it clearly is.

  • You will now hear of face-to-face private talks between ambassadors and the Presidents directly.
Both sides have called the ambassadors to meet in private chats with the respective presidents. The USA HERE. China HERE. These are face-to-face meetings that cannot be intercepted electronically.
  • When that happens, you will KNOW that discussions are in process to discuss how the WAR WILL BE FOUGHT.

It’s obvious, but must be stated.

  • The results will not be made public.
  • However, you will be able to get an idea by watching policy directives in the next two months.


  • Reunification of Taiwan will occur within a two year window. It will be either peaceful or bloody, but it WILL OCCUR and China WILL BE the victor.
  • The USA will huff and bluster, but will stay out of a conflict.
  • The USA will enact “sanctions from Hell” (again) and possibly blockade China. Already this is in the works. No surprises there.
  • There are REPORTS that the USA is automatically stealing money out of the banks of Chinese living inside of America.

So we can say…

  • Whatever happens next, a conflict is CERTAIN.
  • Overall, by all accounts, it will be America and the West that will hurt.
  • I really do not believe that the Western “leadership” has any idea of how weak they actually are. As they seem to be operating from an illusion of strength.

Of course alongside this sequence of events are all sorts of interesting items and tidbits.

But what must be understood is that the global situation has changed radically.

Global-wide thermonuclear war is a great possibility.

However, what is more likely is the rot and decay of the West will consume the “remaining elements of society”. The West’s governments will still operate like some kind of headless zombie robot. And inflation, malaise and other elements of dysfunction will continue to spread and saturate every element of society. The near $60B in funds to “build up an IC industry” in the United States will fail.

Those of you wishing for the collapse of the “evil tyrant” of Xi Peng, need to stop watching FOX “news” and get on a plane and visit China. He is outrageously popular and is working alongside President Putin to handle things on their own timetables.

The last vestiges of hope in America are now stripped away. What ever remained was shredded off and sandpapered, and sand blasted off. The Leadership of China sees America for what it is; an aggressive, military bully that lies, cheats and wants the absolute destruction of China.

They will not permit this.

Any of you out there remaining hopeful for this event train to move to some stability are sorely mistaken.

It’s over.

It’s gone.

It is now a new world and a new reality. As systems adjust to the new reality, you will see unusual stock movements, strange changes in the worth of the USD, inflation that will seem radical, even obscene, and even more bizarre actions by the Western governments.

The death throes of the dying corpse (that is the United States, and it’s proxies) are only going to get worse; more violent, erratic, and dangerous. There is no hope left to control it. It is now out of control…

Of course, the entire idea behind the United States actions was to create a remote proxy war with China; one that would isolate it and weaken it.

That is not possible now.

China is telling the United States that it WILL be a direct HOT and NASTY direct war’ China and America; face-to-face, up close.  Not a “far away”, hidden from view, easily disguised, proxy war.

China is no longer playing defensive.

China is now offensive.

What steps the USA will take will become obvious shortly.

Here we continue with the “news” of the day, some food, and other articles of interest. I hope that you enjoy this post.

Heaven and Hell

This happened to me several years ago, in 2012 to be exact. What was said was not only disrespectful, but flat out cruel and inappropriate. I’ll give a little back story, so that you can have a better understanding of the whole picture, as to why what’s been said and when it’s been said, was so much more painful and cruel.

I am originally from Eastern Europe, been living in the States for over 20 years now. I left home when I was 24 years old (I was a journalist, covering stories about war, political corruption, police brutality etc., resulting in harassment and threats towards me and my family, which became so severe and out of control, that I had to flee my country, just so that my family would be left alone and out of harm’s way). It took seven years after fleeing the country, until I was finally able to go back home to see my family. Since than I only manage to visit my family once every two to three years.

In 2012 I was going through a brutal nasty divorce. It was a volatile marriage,vand the divorce was even worse. My ex was (still is) a severe addict and after nearly 10 years of marriage from hell, I couldn’t take it anymore, it absolutely destroyed me. Thanks to my ex, I lost my health, my condo, my job. He stole nearly $100K from our bank and credit card accounts, committed fraud and tried to blame me and get me arrested for his crimes. I had to file for bankruptcy because of his debt. Harassment, threats, fake suicide attempts, couches against the front door to stop break-ins, checking my car every day before driving it, to make sure it wasn’t tempered with… Disgusting, cruel things my ex would do and say to me or about me, to justify his immoral actions. At times I was too scared to go outside. And I had no one by my side. I was all alone.

I couldn’t take it any longer, I didn’t want to be here anymore. I had to change something. I needed to change myself. I felt ugly, damaged and unloved. I did not want to be me anymore. I hated my life, I hated myself… So I jumped on the plane and went to Europe to be with my family, to feel loved.

As part of changing myself, I decided to start by changing my appearance and finally get my nose reconstruction surgery done (to fix my twice-broken nose with deviated septum causing breathing problems, aside from having a slight bump on the bridge of my nose).

As you can tell, I was not in a good place physically or mentally. The only positive thing was that I was finally spending some time with my family, after being separated from them for 13 years. I hadn’t seen most of my friends and relatives all those years. So one afternoon, a few days after my nose reconstructive surgery, my dad’s cousin came to visit. (We are orthodox Christians. This cousin was married to a Jewish man, but kept her religion. However, when life got hard in my country, due to several wars, Russian invasion, government corruption etc, this cousin abandoned her religion, converted to Judaism, and the whole family moved to Israel).

My face was all swollen and bandaged after the surgery. In severe pain.

Can anyone relate?

Still, I got out of bed, threw on some Capri pants and a T-shirt and went downstairs to see this cousin I haven’t seen in over 13 years. When I walked into the room, had I not been told beforehand who she was, I would not have even recognized her, she was covered head to toe (mind you it was middle of summer, hot as hell), long dress down to the floor, long-sleeve turtleneck and Tichel (a headscarf), none of which is required by our religion, but was required by her newfound religion: Understanding the dress codes of Orthodox Jewish women and their diverse interpretations

. This was fine with me. I am not a crazy religious person, I have my beliefs and I respect others, as long as they don’t try to push their religion and beliefs on me.

Anyway, I was happy to see my relative, that’s all I cared about. I even mastered up a smile through pain and a huge cast on my face. We hugged and I started to ask how she was doing, as she cut me off and “YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!”- she said to me. It was so out of nowhere, I thought I misheard her. I looked at her puzzled. She pointed at a small tattoo above my ankle (maybe six inches big) and repeated, “You are going to hell”.

I was dumbfounded. Thinking to myself, “You were the one running around sleeping with guys (which was absolutely against our religion and culture back then), getting pregnant by one of them and forcing the poor guy to marry you. Then changed your religion because it suited your needs. But I’m the sinner and going to hell, because I have one little tattoo of a flower on my leg?!”

I was so turned off and disgusted by her at that moment. She’s in my house, being served by my parents, eating my food, and she’s basically cursing me out, instead of asking me how I’m doing, especially after not having seen me in years, just had major surgery and my face is being covered in bandages… not to mention that she was aware of my situation, how my life was falling apart and how devastated I was. Any normal person, relative or not, would have some compassion and offer words of encouragement, or just say, “Hi, how are you”, not “You are going to hell”.

But I did not want to disrespect myself and stoop down to her level, so I just simply said, “Honey, I am already in hell, but if you think you can fake your way into heaven with your headscarf, you are in for a rude awakening” and I walked out of the room.

No more Macron-Putin phone calls; France now rated ‘unfriendly’ by Moscow


Presidents Emmanuel Macron of France and Vladimir Putin of Russia have not been in telephone contact for the past two months. A  Kremlin spokesman said France is now considered an “unfriendly” country and discussions between the two leaders are “unnecessary”.

The last time the two men spoke was on 28 May. They were sharing the line with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and the problem was the fate of Ukrainian soldiers taken prisoner by Russian forces.

Before that, Macron and Putin spoke on the phone in early May, in March, and five times in the course of February as tension mounted over a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Emmanuel Macron met Putin face-to-face in Moscow on 7 February, two weeks before Russian troops entered Ukraine

Critics of the French president say Macron’s high-profile diplomatic efforts failed to prevent war. Macron supporters say he is now one of the few outsiders with a view into Putin’s mindset at this crucial time.

The Russian declaration that France is an “unfriendly” country is a reaction to French participation in the organisation of international sanctions in reprisal for the Ukraininan invasion.

France joins the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, as well as the other 26 member states of the European Union, in the category of unfriendly states.

Meanwhile, in his efforts to strengthen ties with remaining allies, Vladimir Putin told Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday that he was hoping to sign an agreement to boost trade and economic ties.

“I hope that today we will be able to sign a relevant memorandum on the development of our trade and economic ties,” Putin said as the two leaders sat down for talks in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi.

The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island

The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island.

Some call her Juana Maria. She is the basis for Karana from the The Island of the Blue Dolphins, although her true Nicoleño name was never known. She endured 18 years living alone on a tiny, isolated island 60 miles off the California coast.

In 1835, the last remaining Nicoleño people were removed from San Nicolas Island for debated reasons, but possibly related to the mission activities prevalent in California’s early history. When the ship departed, it unintentionally left the woman behind.

She remained there alone, uncontacted and isolated until 1853, when George Nidiver came to the island and located her. He returned with her to Santa Barbara.

She was the last surviving member of her tribe, and the last surviving speaker of her language. She spoke no known language, though she would often sing in her native language, the words of which, no one else could speak or comprehend.

She died of dysentery 7 short weeks after coming to the mainland. Her illness was most likely brought on by the drastic change in her diet. Her age was estimated to be in the 50s.

China’s firing of a missile directly over Taiwan a ‘significant escalation’

In what’s being seen as a “significant escalation,” Beijing committed a worrying military manoeuvre over Taiwan it has never done before.


As China’s fury with Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan continues unabated one move by the People’s Liberation Army has ramped up concerns on the under pressure island of 24 million people.

As part of the “unprecedented” military drills in the seas around Taiwan, it’s widely believed that Beijing has fired several missiles directly over the democratic nation.

While it regularly threatens Taiwan, sending a missile through Taiwanese airspace, above the heads of its residents, is a line it has never crossed before.

A China watcher has said that while tensions in the Taiwan Strait may lessen once Beijing has vented, another scenario is “mutual escalation” and the possibility “things may enter a very dangerous spiral”.

The Himba tride of Namibia

The Himba tride of Namibia are a special set of people. With their skin and hair heavily covered with reddish Paste the women walk around bare- breasted.

The Himba tride of Namibia

The men give out their wives to their visitors as a welcome “gift”. The women have no say in this. They are bound to sleep with the male visitors while their husbands sleep in another room.

Russia To Capture Kiev and Odessa over U.S. Biological Laboratories!

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stunned the collective West today when he declared that Russia “Has information that the US built two additional bio warfare labs; one in Kiev, the other in Odessa.  We will have to capture those cities to dismantle those labs to save the world from another pandemic.”

This stunning statement makes clear Kiev and Odessa are now officially targets of the Russian special military operation (SMO).

It also makes clear that Russia flatly believes it was the US through its foreign biolabs, that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, and may also be to blame for the outbreak of Monkeypox.

Now that Russia’s intention to take Kiev and Odessa is public and clear, one wonders if there will even be any country called “Ukraine” after this conflict is done?

Half-wolf as a pet

My parents once bought a puppy. He was 3/4 timber wolf, 1/4 husky.

He was beautiful. Really smelly, though … we should’ve called him Brussel Sprout.

Instead, we named him Alfie. (After Alfie Moon from Eastenders *eye roll*)

He had a dummy (pacifier), loved having his teeth brushed, and wore wireless headphones while listening to Native American music, happily howling along.

Things were perfect, but he was growing. And by growing, I mean at 6 months old he stood 6 foot tall on his back legs.

Commonly, in family homes, one person is expected to be the dog’s master. That person for Alfie was my dad.

I was Alfie’s second favourite.

The first warning sign that happened, we misread as endearing and kind of cute.

I was running in a field and fell over. I wasn’t hurt, but he bolted over to me and stood over me. My body fitted underneath him and between all four legs. He lightly growled at my Mum as she came to see if I was OK. I reassured him I was fine and he let me out from under him.

Then, my Mum’s friend came to visit and for the first time in his life, he snarled viciously at her. And if you’ve seen a wolf snarl, you know it’s a lot more threatening than that of an average dog.

Finally, my Mum and Dad noticed he had begun acting strange. He would sit awake at the bottom of the bed, staring at my Mum all through the night.

He never threatened her, but this begun to happen more and more frequently.

A trip to the vet determined that Alfie was basically acting like a snake. (Online legend) Sizing my Mother up. The vet said he would’ve ripped my mother apart eventually.

This ‘dog’ had all the love and affection in the world. He also had routine and appropriate discipline. He was very well looked after. But the 3/4 Timber wolf instinct was always, always there, even though hidden. The bigger he got, the meaner he would’ve gotten.

It would’ve cost a fortune in training, and vet bills.

He had to be rehomed, although I’m fairly certain he was put to sleep.

Unless you’re ridiculously experienced, understand canine and wolf behaviours, don’t get a wolf.

*This was in early 2000; I do have photos somewhere and when I dig them out, I’ll add them in the answer.*

EDIT: I found some photos from an old scrapbook I made!

Writer with his dog.

This one is of Alfie and my dad. Alfie was less than 6 months old here. Notice how big he is and he’s not even sat up straight.

EDIT: I understand this is a touchy subject and a lot of you have your own views about how Alfie should have been dealt with. I was very young at the time, but even now, I remember the dangers he presented.

This animal, as gorgeous as he was, was not safe for any human to be around unless they had extensive training and knowledge in wolf behaviours. He was more wolf than dog. My parents didn’t get him because they wanted to “be cool” – they got him because they didn’t know any better.

We saw behaviouralists and specialists who all determined his risk was too high. It’s quite annoying to see people on the internet, who only have a snippet of information about this animal, saying that these specialists were wrong.

No vet wants to put an animal to sleep. They will do so when it is necessary. And unfortunately, in Alfies case, it was necessary. He wouldn’t have had a decent quality of life and he certainly would not have survived in the wild. Plus, I live in the UK – we don’t have wild wolves here.

On a possible positive note: My parents believe the vet took Alfie home. They did not stay while he was “being euthanised” and the vet made it very clear he wanted to give this animal a home with someone who could afford £800 a session for the next few years. Something that would’ve been impossible for my parents.

How to Make Mulberry Pie

So each a child can make it!

Viktor Orbán laid out his dark worldview to the American right — and they loved it

The European Union’s only autocrat came to CPAC Dallas and sold American conservatives on a vision of a Western civil war.


About two weeks ago, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave a speech in which he declared “we do not want to become peoples of mixed-race.” On Thursday afternoon, he gave the opening speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, a bookend to former President Donald Trump’s closing address this weekend at the influential right-wing gathering.

That Orbán took the marquee spot at American conservatism’s most prominent jamboree despite his recent mask-off moment — one that led a longtime Orbán adviser to resign, calling his speech “worthy of Goebbels” — is a testament to his country’s place in the US right’s imagination. Under Orbán, Hungary has become for them something like what the Nordic countries are for some progressives: an idealized model of what they hope America could become. The most important difference is that the Nordic countries are firmly democratic, while Orbán’s Hungary very much is not.

Orbán was careful to reject charges of both racism and authoritarianism in his CPAC speech, mocking such accusations as “fake news” produced by “idiots.” Yet if you listened to his speech carefully, the dark heart of his project was plainly apparent: a conspiratorial belief that “globalists” were driving the West to the brink of cultural suicide, paired with an open acknowledgment that conservatives “cannot fight successfully by liberal means.” The mask was back on, but it was gossamer thin.

The purpose of the speech was simple enough: to tighten the bonds linking Orbánism with the Trumpism that dominates the American right. The Hungarian populist sees the potential in that connection. His closing lines called on conservatives across the Atlantic to “coordinate our troops” in the fight against liberalism, exhorting them to gear up to remove Joe Biden from office (“you have two years to get ready”). The stakes, in his telling, are the very future of our civilization.

“The West is at war with itself. We have seen what kind of future the globalist ruling class has to offer. But we have a different kind of future in mind,” Orbán told the crowd. “The globalists can all go to hell. I have come to Texas.”

The Hungarian prime minister’s outreach to the American right is longstanding, intentional, and very well-informed. He has met with prominent conservatives in academia and the media, even offering state-funded fellowships in Budapest, and is quite familiar with the language and tropes of the American right. His speech contained deft references to their ideas, like attacks on defunding the police and support for a flat income tax, that he occasionally sounded less like a foreign dignitary and more like a GOP candidate for office. He repeatedly pandered to the Texan audience, calling Hungary “the lone star state of Europe” and saying “we decided we don’t need more genders, we need more Rangers; less drag queens and more Chuck Norris.”

If Orbán has been courting the American right for years, his speech in Dallas was a marriage proposal — one that seems to have been accepted. The dangers of this ideological coupling should not be underestimated.

The Parable of the Village Mill

There is a mill in a village.

Workers load gunny bags of rice into the trucks everyday. They usually take 6 hours.

One day it rains heavily and the work stops for two hours.

The workers rush, run, skip their tea and somehow finish all the work in the remaining time.

Owner and manager see it from their windows.

Manager thinks:

Great! They worked so hard despite the rough weather and finished the work. I should tell the owner to give them bonus.

Owner thinks:

So it is actually a 4 hour job. And all these days they have been doing this for 6 hours? I should tell the manager to cut their salaries.

What Viktor Orbán told CPAC

Typically, foreign leaders who travel to the United States try not to get involved in American partisan politics. Addressing CPAC, an avowedly conservative organization, certainly doesn’t fit the mold.

While Orbán did pretend to be diplomatic at the outset, saying “we respect the government of the United States,” he also noted that “we are not the favorites of American Democrats” — and that the feelings were very much mutual. In the speech, he practically positioned his government as the European branch of the GOP — saying that “we should unite our forces” to “take back the institutions in Washington and in Brussels.”

“You have midterm elections this year, then presidential and congressional elections in ’24. And we will have elections in the European parliament [the] same year,” he continued. “These two locations will define the two fronts in the battle being fought for Western civilization. Today, we hold neither of them. Yet we need both.”

These faraway elections are politically twinned, Orbán argued, because both represent a struggle between traditionalist conservatives and globalist progressives. The latter camp, in his telling, is prominently represented by George Soros — a Hungarian-American Holocaust survivor and philanthropist who has become a transatlantic conservative boogeyman.

“He has an army at his service: money, NGOs, universities, research institutions, and half the bureaucrats in Brussels. He uses this army to force his will on his opponents — like us, Hungarians,” the prime minister said.

Soros and his “army,” according to Orbán, pose an existential threat to the survival of the West. They are attempting to stamp out “Christian” values — which he at times called “Judeo-Christian values,” leaving out the dubious prefix when discussing the Jewish Soros — and recreating the conditions under which Nazis and Communists once rose to menace Europe.

“The horrors of Nazism and Communism happened because some Western states in continental Europe abandoned their Christian values. And today’s progressives are planning to do the same,” he said. “They want to give up on Western values and create a new world, a post-Western World. Who is going to stop them if we don’t?”



From the 1800s to the early 1900s, a typical Malaysian or Indonesian woman would dress like this. And she was understandable, as she was not only comfortable and flexible, but she was great at working in hot weather.

It didn’t matter if the woman was Muslim, Hindu, Christian. This was socially acceptable. Not only that, but this was considered even modest.

My grandmother has photos of her mother dressed the same way.

But 200 years later, this style was eradicated by the influences of Islamic Conservatives. Many Salafi-influenced Imams preached against it as revealing and demeaning against women.

While it is common to see women in more traditional and rural areas of both Indonesia and Malaysia wearing this today, a woman would be harassed, fined, ordered to change or arrested if she were wearing this in certain cities and/or provinces.

And it’s important to clarify that I was not in any way saying that Indonesia or Malaysia have a clothing policy. That’s absurd. But certain provinces have certain laws that could have a woman charged with “disturbing the peace” for wearing revealing clothing. While Indonesia and Malaysia are conservative, it is by no means a Wahhabi Saudi Arabia. At least it is not a truth yet to be told.

Why Britain Changed Its China Stance

The cycles of London’s engagement with Beijing reveal how the U.S.’s ability to keep allies in line for its great-power competition is weakening.

From The Atlantic HERE

As recently as 2015, Britain boasted of being China’s “best partner in the west.” It had become a founding member of Beijing’s controversial Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, against American opposition. While still a member of the European Union, its diplomats pushed for the EU to agree to a formal trade-and-investment deal with China. And Xi Jinping had even been honored with a lavish state visit to London. For Britain, the future was unmistakably Chinese.

From 2020 onward, however, Britain transformed itself from China’s best partner in Europe to its harshest critic, sweeping away decades of foreign-policy consensus in the most drastic such shift in the Western world. Britain became the first European power to formally block Huawei from its 5G telecoms network, led the global condemnation of Beijing’s barbaric treatment of its Uyghur minority in Xinjiang, revoked the U.K. broadcasting license of China’s state-controlled CGTN, and offered a route to British citizenship for millions of people in Hong Kong who want to flee Beijing’s political repression.

The reasons for this turn were many: Brexit meant that Britain, having cut ties with its closest economic partner, the EU, could not afford to risk its relationship with its closest security ally, the United States, as well. The pandemic then entrenched public concern about Western reliance on China. And perhaps most important of all was Donald Trump. Even as he imposed steel tariffs on allies and belittled their leaders, the American president demanded that they stand with the United States against China.

Whereas Britain’s future had once seemed Chinese, it was back to being American. But in recent months, something strange started happening: London began softening its stance toward China again. Outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson this year approved a reopening of trade talks with China, and his government approved the sale of a microchip manufacturer to a Chinese company (though this is now in doubt).

Britain’s diplomatic back-and-forth in recent years has offered among the most extreme examples of how states are dealing with the wider geopolitical upheaval that has been taking place in response to China’s rise, a problem that no one yet seems to know the answer to. In Washington, a bipartisan consensus has formed around the notion that “engagement” with Beijing has failed, and that China is the only great rival to American supremacy in the 21st century. For continental Europe, Beijing is less an adversary than a risk to be accommodated, managed, and recognized, and the growth of its power an opportunity to carve out more “strategic autonomy” from the U.S. For Britain, trapped between the U.S. and Europe, it is a mixture of all of these things.

To understand what was going on, I spoke with more than a dozen senior government officials, diplomats, foreign-policy analysts, and lawmakers across the U.S., Britain, and Europe. (Many spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive government deliberations.) From these conversations a picture emerged of Britain clinging tightly to the new U.S. consensus, partly through judgment of its best interests and partly because of American pressure, while seeking to ensure its economic priorities with China are kept alive as much as possible as it faces up to the reality of the 21st century. Britain’s example shows how the widening standoff between Washington and Beijing will transform midsize powers that seek to avoid being drawn into a new cold war—and, more important, how the U.S. will not easily be able to maintain its grip on the world order that it created.

For decades, Britain followed a fairly consistent line in its policy toward Beijing, trying to balance security concerns against economic opportunities but typically erring on the side of engagement.

As early as 2003, Britain’s main telecommunications company approached Tony Blair’s government to seek permission to work with what was then a little-known Chinese company, Huawei, to upgrade the U.K.’s network. The partnership was waved through by officials who were more concerned with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorism, and Russia than some harmless Chinese firm.

By 2008, however, British intelligence agencies were warning that the Chinese state could use Huawei to gain access to Britain’s telecoms network. Soon after, the government—then led by Gordon Brown—established a watchdog to monitor Huawei, creating a first-of-its-kind arrangement involving a group of security-cleared former British officials and experts who would keep an eye on Huawei from inside the company on behalf of Britain. In effect, Britain had become sufficiently concerned about China spying on it that it demanded a special unit be created within Huawei to spy on the Chinese, but was insufficiently concerned to cancel Huawei contracts.

This was the environment in which David Cameron took over as prime minister in 2010—one in which cautious partnership with China had yielded concrete benefits for the U.K., but with hard-to-gauge costs. Over his six years in charge, Cameron would expand the relationship in an attempt to upgrade Britain’s infrastructure and open new markets for its financial-services industry. In 2014, London became one of the first international clearing centers for Chinese currency, before racing ahead of its competitors to become the major offshore center for renminbi trading. The following year, Cameron welcomed Xi to London for a state visit during which the British leader declared the beginning of a “golden era” in relations.

This was no one-off, but the culmination of a British strategy stretching back to at least the turn of the century. Britain was using its membership in the EU to turn itself into China’s financial gateway to the continent. Then came Brexit.

Following the referendum, Cameron was replaced by Theresa May, a more security-conscious China hawk who had spent the previous six years in the Home Office and was responsible for the domestic-intelligence agency MI5. In one of her first acts, she paused a decision on the construction of a British nuclear plant that was to receive Chinese investment. Then, in early 2018, on a three-day trip to China, May refused to sign off on a deal in which Britain would offer formal support for Xi’s infrastructure-building (and influence-generating) Belt and Road Initiative.

Once again, economic interests squashed political concerns. May’s early caution over China gave way to the same pressures that had pushed Cameron, Brown, and Blair: In April 2019, news leaked that May was preparing to give the go-ahead for Huawei’s involvement in building the country’s 5G network. By then, she had put aside her concerns about Chinese involvement in Britain’s nuclear industry as well. And then, once again, Brexit intervened.

May was replaced by Johnson, a far more liberal figure when it came to security and China. Immediately, Johnson slipped back into the old British policy, announcing that despite furious opposition from the U.S., the U.K. would allow Huawei to play a part in Britain’s 5G rollout. It was, in essence, a continuation of the Mayite policy—which itself was little more than a continuation of the cautious engagement that had been in place for decades.

The morning after Johnson’s Huawei decision, however, a Chinese student in Britain rang an emergency health line complaining that he and his mother visiting from Hubei felt unwell. At 7:50 p.m. that night, two paramedics dressed in hazmat suits arrived at the hotel where they were staying to take them to hospital. They would be the first people in Britain to test positive for the coronavirus. More than 200,000 people would ultimately die of COVID-19 in Britain. China’s role as nation zero, and its initial attempts to suppress news of the outbreak, would spark denunciations across the democratic world and demands for retaliation.

Even before the pandemic, opinion in the U.S. had shifted sharply against China, thanks in large part to the ferocity—and centrality—of Trump’s attacks on the country. This discord was almost inevitable anyway, given the great-power competition between the pair, but Trump played his part in speeding this process up and giving it political fire.

By May 2020, the U.S. had increased pressure on Britain and other European allies by unveiling sanctions on Huawei that, in effect, stopped it from being able to use American technology, a move that meant the British security services could no longer guarantee Huawei’s safety, because the company would soon be using non-Western technology that the British did not fully understand. This, in fact, was the very reason the U.S. had imposed its sanctions, and they served as a hammer blow to Britain’s strategy of careful engagement with China. In July 2020, Johnson’s government became the first in Europe to announce that Huawei would be banned from Britain’s 5G network. Liu Xiaoming, the Chinese ambassador in London, said Britain’s decision on Huawei, as well as the U.K.’s policies toward Xinjiang and Hong Kong, had “poisoned the atmosphere” between the two countries and Britain would “pay the price.” The Chinese state media threatened “retaliatory responses.”

In the end, London’s long-held strategy thus collapsed not through its own proactive choice but because of choices being made elsewhere. British foreign policy was forced to adapt to a world it did not want, and had tried to avoid.

When I put this to British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, she rejected (albeit somewhat unconvincingly) the idea that Britain had, effectively, been made to change its China policy.

Truss, the favorite to replace Johnson as prime minister, told me that the Russian invasion of Ukraine had brought together countries against Russia, some of which might not be liberal or democratic but that nevertheless did not want to see “a world where might is right.”

In reply, I suggested that, in part, might is right. After all, we live in an American world, where the U.S. uses its power to set the rules. “I don’t agree with that,” Truss replied. “We don’t live in an American world. We live in a world where there is a coalition of nations who … subscribe to the values of freedom and democracy.”

I cited the example of China. As late as 2019, Britain was trying to push ahead with the Huawei 5G deal. “We changed because the Americans changed,” I said.

“That was not the reason we changed,” she responded.

I pushed back. “The Americans changed the rules of the game, and we didn’t have the ability to guarantee the security” of the telecoms network.

Again, she was insistent. “That was not the reason we changed. We changed because it was the right thing to do. I was in the government when the policy changed, and we changed because it was the right thing to do.”

I pointed out that the same government, made up of the same people, had made a different decision earlier in the same year about what was right before changing its mind.

“Well, that is true,” Truss replied. “Every government, Tom, has its internal discussions and I can’t reveal the internal discussions that took place on both occasions. However, we did it because it was the right thing to do.”

Whatever your conclusion, to look at British foreign policy now is to see almost a complete overlap with the U.S., whether on the Iranian nuclear deal, climate change, the importance of spending more on defense, NATO, the threat posed by Russia, or—now—China. One of the lessons of the Huawei policy shift, and Britain’s shift more broadly, is that the U.S. can still force its allies into line if it is prepared to take its gloves off.

But under the surface, things are not quite so simple.

There are signs that, actually, Britain’s old policy is once again being quietly rebuilt. Amid intense U.S. pressure, including threats to curtail transatlantic intelligence sharing, Britain changed tack, falling into line. Yet since then, Britain has drifted back toward its position of cautiously opening up to China as far as it feels is safe—in part spurred by a frustration with Washington.

In February, it emerged that Johnson had given the green light to reopen trade talks with China that had been paused for years. Then it was revealed that the U.K. government had apparently approved the sale of a British microchip factory to a Chinese-owned firm, only for that decision to be kicked into the long grass. On each occasion, the announcements sparked a backlash among China skeptics in London. May’s former chief of staff, Nick Timothy, who had pushed for stricter controls on any economic opening to China, reacted with resigned alarm. “It seems we will never learn,” he wrote. Tough policies over Xinjiang and Hong Kong remain in place, but the recent reports point to a softening of the hardest edges of Britain’s China policy. The reasons indicate the limits of Washington’s leadership in its confrontation with Beijing.

Today, some within the British government share a sense that Brexit and Johnson’s previous, seemingly warm relationship with Trump continue to be held against the U.K. by some in the Biden administration. Despite Britain’s being the most hawkish European ally on Russia and China, spending more than 2 percent of its GDP on defense, and supporting U.S. efforts on curtailing Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the U.K. believes it is treated as just another ally, criticized for its push to renegotiate its Brexit deal with the EU and ignored in its ambition to strike a free-trade deal with Washington. If this is the case, some in London wonder, why not be more independent where Britain’s core national interests are concerned?

In one sense, what does Britain have to lose from exploring deeper economic ties with China? The Biden administration has made clear there will be no trade deal with the U.S. anytime soon and, besides, the EU continues to pursue its own policy of engagement with China, despite continuing Chinese economic support for Russia during Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The rationale that long drove British policy is reasserting itself: The size and wealth of China mean that Britain simply cannot afford not to engage. With Britain outside the EU, economic growth sluggish, debt high, and few other obvious alternatives to increase trade, will any future prime minister really be able to ignore what China has to offer?

Britain’s apparent return to a more open China policy is a reminder of the difficulty Washington is going to have constructing and leading any kind of alliance—democratic or otherwise—to contain Beijing. Though it can use a policy of maximum pressure to force some countries into line, as it did with Britain over 5G—effectively removing London’s ability to sustain an independent policy—such a stance can go only so far. The U.S. remains powerful enough that its sticks can and do work, but without any carrots at all, this strategy will have limits.

Perhaps the main lesson of Britain’s experience with China is that core national interests are likely to reassert themselves in the long term, no matter which party, prime minister, chancellor, or president is in power in Britain, France, Germany, and elsewhere. In London, Johnson has pursued a policy that would have been familiar to any of the previous four British prime ministers this century, Labour and Conservative among them. The same is true of the EU. Such is the depth of economic entanglement with China today that it will take far more than talk of “democratic alliances” and threats to the rules-based order for Brussels, Berlin, Paris—and London—to seriously change course.

What does that mean for the U.S.? If it wants to construct a coalition behind its attempt to contain China, it will need to be prepared to threaten and cajole, yes, but also bribe far more effectively than it has until now. No longer is America the only dog in the pound, even if it still has the biggest bark.

Service to self asshole gets played

I rented a house on a month to month basis. It was an old house, not updated and didn’t come with a refrigerator. I was young and didn’t have much money, everything I had was precious to me & had a use—only the necessities, nothing extra. Because of that, I also treat other people’s things with respect. I took really good care of this little house, sprucing it up with flowers, keeping the grass cut, curtains in the windows, no clutter, rent always on time, etc.

I was using a cooler & trying to figure out what to do about getting a fridge when I found one in the shed on the property. It was………… vintage.

But it worked! With some help, I got it inside, cleaned it out and that problem was solved. I even bought some appliance paint and painted it to look like brand new (-ish, it was at least 40 years old)


Unfortunately, after just 6 months, I received a job offer in another (big) city, the city landlord actually lived in, in a very nice area. I gave 30 days notice to the landlord. Surprisingly, he was very nasty about it, claiming this was a huge headache for him because now he would have to go through all the trouble and expense of renting the house again and that he was a very busy man who didn’t have time for this. I refrained from asking him why he was investing in rental property, especially in another city, if he was so busy.

I moved out but before leaving I made sure it was in exactly the same condition as before I moved in. I left nothing behind, everything was clean and neat so he could immediately begin showing the house. I did however leave the working refrigerator, plugged in and running, in the kitchen. Thoroughly cleaned out.

A few weeks later, I received an envelope in the mail from the landlord. I expected it was my the check to return my deposit. Oh no! It was a BILL for what he claimed was hauling trash, old clothes and junk out of the house and leaving it in such bad condition that it took him weeks to get it clean enough to rent again.

I was furious! I needed that money since I’d had to pay a deposit on my new place plus the moving costs – it wasn’t a lot, $500, but it was a lot to me! I made an appointment for a free consultation with an attorney who suggested that I file in small claims court against him. He advised me to employ a little known rule in our area that allowed me to not only recover the deposit, but a $20 ‘late fee’ for every day he held it past my move out date because technically he was supposed to meet me there on the last day & go over everything and return my deposit. Of course anyone who has ever rented knows that rarely happens but they usually get their deposit returned in a few weeks so they don’t mind. He told me most landlords don’t show up because they know they’re going to lose unless they have a really good case.

I took his advice and filed the claim. When the date came I appeared in court. To my surprise, landlord was there! He had taken time out very busy schedule to come and argue returning a rental deposit to a 23 year old young woman making barely above minimum wage! He stated his case, that I had rented the house then moved out 6 months later, leaving the property littered with garbage, piles of dirty clothes, cat pee soaked carpet (I didn’t even have a cat) and a ton of rotting food in the fridge. He claimed he had to rent a truck to haul it all away. He also complained that I was constantly late on my rent & caused him tremendous hardship. I was stunned. He was so arrogant & superior acting, very cocky and confident. The magistrate asked if he had been able to rent the property again, he said that he had. When asked how long it was vacant, he said about 10 days.

It was my turn to speak. I denied all of his claims. The magistrate asked if I had any proof to support my argument. The landlord smirked at me, thinking the young small town girl wouldn’t have thought to bring anything to prove my case.

He was wrong.

I pulled out my little file and inside was a copy of every rent check with the date it was deposited & cleared, clearly stamped on the back. I also had a pack of photos, with a copy of the local newspaper in every shot to prove the date. The photos were of every room in the house, the outside, the shed, everything. I explained to him that he had rented me a house with no refrigerator and that I had in fact provided him with a nice working fridge as was seen in the photos. I also showed him an ad for the house, that landlord had run 2 days after I moved out. And that he was charging $75 more a month because “appliances included”.

The magistrate looked at the checks, then at the photos, then studied the ad, then at me for what felt like a long time. He then smiled at my landlord and said, “Please provide Miss Smith with a check in the amount of $1800 within 5 days from today. If you are late by even one day, the amount doubles every day until we’ve reached the limit of damages allowed in this court. You should be ashamed of yourself for taking advantage of your renters, especially for the amount you’re charging! This young lady improved your property to enrich you $75 more per month and according to this ad, that you placed 2 days after she moved out, you described the property as “immaculately cared for, sparkling clean home with restored vintage appliances”. How is this possible just two days after you claimed she left it in such a terrible condition? You’re on my radar Mr. Asshole. You and landlords like you. Don’t let me see you here again.”

I received my check by courier the next day. To be truthful, I kinda was hoping he’d be late lol!

Cuban Style Picadillo | Ground Beef Recipes

China halts military and climate ties with the US over Pelosi’s Taiwan visit


China is halting cooperation with the United States in a number of areas, including dialogue between senior-level military commanders and climate talks, in retaliation for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

China’s Foreign Ministry also said it was suspending cooperation with Washington on the prevention of cross-border crime and drug trafficking, and on repatriating illegal migrants, among eight specific measures.

In a statement released soon after Ms Pelosi left Japan on the final leg of her Asian tour, China also cancelled a planned bilateral meeting on a maritime military security mechanism.

Beijing separately announced that it would personally sanction Ms Pelosi and her immediate family in response to her “vicious” and “provocative” actions.

“Despite China’s serious concerns and firm opposition, Pelosi insisted on visiting Taiwan, seriously interfering in China’s internal affairs, undermining China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, trampling on the one-China policy, and threatening the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait,” a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said in a statement.

Enraged after Ms Pelosi became the highest-level US visitor in 25 years to the self-governed island that Beijing regards as its sovereign territory, China launched military drills in the seas and skies around Taiwan on Thursday.


One of Ghengis Khan’s descendants wouldn’t marry a man unless he could beat her in a wrestling match.

This famous Mongolian princess’ name was Khutulun. She was born in the 1260s and had 14 brothers. Surprisingly, she was favored out of all the children. The reason for this was because of her military skill.
With so many brothers, you can imagine how much testosterone was in the house that made her so good at combat. She was considered one of the best female warriors at the time.

When she got older, just like Disney’s Merida, she claimed that she would only marry her suitor if he bested her.

But unlike Merida, she wanted to wrestle, not shoot bows and arrow. If he won, he would get to marry her. If she won, she would get a horse.

Once, a man bet 1000 horses, and she was told to lose on purpose since he was good guy. She decided to leave 1000 horses richer. I suppose that toughness runs in the family.

Khutulun was undefeated despite her physical disadvantage. Even Marco Polo reported so. By the end of her life, she had 10,000 horses. While this statistic was most likely hyperbole, she still had many. She did eventually get married since that was the norm, but she didn’t wrestle him because she didn’t want him to lose.

Netflix’s Marco Polo even features her because of her unusual, inspiring traits. Khutulun is an interesting example of female strength and tested the boundaries of society even a long time ago.

Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Spurs Chinese Battery Giant to Pause Plant Debut

  • CATL holding off for now on North America plant announcement
  • Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan has stoked US-China tensions


A giant Chinese supplier of electric-vehicle batteries decided to push back announcing a multibillion-dollar North American plant to supply Tesla Inc. and Ford Motor Co. due to tensions raised by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, according to people familiar with the matter.

Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd., the world’s biggest maker of batteries for electric vehicles, has been considering at least two locations in Mexico near the Texas border, as well as sites in the US, for the plant. China’s CATL has been in an advanced stage of site selection and negotiating incentives, in anticipation of announcing its selection in the coming weeks.

Why Cleopatra met Caesar

Egypt is a whole thing- it’s complex.

Important stuff 1

Alexander arrived in Egypt in 332 BC. He did his thing and conquered Egypt. After his death, one of his Generals, Ptolomy, would take control of the Egyptian throne. From here on out, Egyptian Pharaohs (now called Kings) were Greek. The Ptolemy’s were big on inbreeding which helped keep the power in the family.

Cleopatra was not the 1st Cleopatra- she was Cleopatra VII (7th).

No Cleopatra was not having an easy few years in Egypt. Her brother and husband (maybe) Ptolemy XIII wanted control. The two began to fight a Civil War in the streets of Alexandria.

Cleopatra was a genius. She was politically sharp, charming, spoke 9 languages, and had a feel for court politics. That said Cleopatra was no warrior- not even remotely.

Pretty soon Cleopatra was defeated and had to abandon Alexandria for Thebes with a number of her troops. She and her sister Arsinoe made their way to Roman Syria where they planned to invade from. They were soon blocked by the army of Ptolemy XIII.

This is where Caesar enters the picture.

Important stuff 2

Rome and Egypt had a complex relationship. The last King of Egypt was Ptolemy XII Auletes (they all have the same name). He had been exiled for a time and hung around in Rome where he took a liking to Roman culture. When Ptolemy XII Auletes returned to power he realized that Rome could be a powerful ally and stabilizing force for Egypt. So he left 2 stipulations in his will when he died.

  1. Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII were to rule jointly
  2. The people of Rome were executors of the will

This basically made Egypt a Roman vassal. Rome had now been invited, by the King, to oversee and protect the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra. Now Rome didn’t really press this issue. Rome did however lend tons of money to the Egyptian King which helped him maintain his throne.

Important stuff 3

Caesar’s enemy, Pompey Magnus arrived in Egypt hoping for an army and some help beating Caesar. Instead, his head was cut off.

Caesar arrived shortly after and was given the head of Pompey by Ptolemy XIII. Caesar was not happy about this. His plan was to bring Pompey back as an ally and subordinate, signaling to Rome that everyone was ok and everyone was on Caesar’s side.

So Caesar and Ptolemy XIII did not get along from the start. Then things get really complex.

Caesar occupies the Royal Quarter with his troops, saying he is gonna hang around until the massive debt Egypt owes Rome is paid. Caesar needed money and he hoped to get it here. So Caesar was basically occupying the Royal Quarter with his troops awaiting payment.

Pretty soon Alexandria revolted and a full-on siege broke out. After lots of brutal fighting Caesar released Ptolemy XIII with the promise that Ptolemy XIII would calm the crowd and help find a peaceful solution to all this mess. Once out Ptolemy XIII egged the crowd on and things got worse.

Cleopatra, who had ears everywhere, is well aware of these details and decides to meet Caesar. She is smuggled into his room and the two meet face to face. Most accounts say she seduced him which makes sense. Cleopatra may or may not have been beautiful but she was smart, of royal blood, and capable. Caesar loves capable people.


Cleopatra is in a tough spot here. This meeting with Caesar is not for fun. This is a political movie and she has goals.

  1. Get herself on the throne
  2. Get rid of Ptolemy XIII and his court
  3. Make an ally out of Rome

This is tricky. Rome is far stronger than Egypt and everyone knows it. Cleopatra has to assert power without actually having any. Long story short, she nails it. She starts up a political and romantic alliance with Caesar and the two become very close.

Caesar wins the siege, kills Ptolemy XIII in battle, and puts Cleopatra on the throne. The 2 then tour Egypt in a big love boat (literally). This signals that Rome supports Cleopatra and this is enough to keep her in power.

Egypt retains a degree of autonomy (more than expected) and Cleopatra has her power base totally secured.

US threatens war on China over Taiwan – with nuclear implications

Check out this summary of the situation.

U.S. Lashes China With Stricter Export Bans on Chip-Making Tech

The Fourth Crusade to the Byzantine Empire

The effects of the Fourth Crusade to the Byzantine Empire were both political and psychological.

The sack in itself was incredibly brutal, and the pillaging of one of Christendom’s holiest cities was perceived with outrage from both the Greeks and the Latins. The atrocities committed during the sack — the massacre of thousands of Greeks, raping of nuns, execution of monks, desecration of tombs, and rampant pillaging of the city would devastate Constantinople. Europe’s wealthiest city went into rapid decline after that, reversed only when the Turks took the city in 1453.

The sack was the culmination of centuries of tensions between Latins and Greeks, stretching from the iconoclastic edicts of Leo the Isaurian, increased by the crowning of Charlemagne, exacerbated by the Great Schism of 1054, aggravated by the Norman conquest of Byzantine Italy, and deeply intensified under the Komnenoi dynasty. For all of their skill, the concessions that the Komnenoi had given to Latin merchants caused them to become dependent on the Latins.

Although Manuel’s pro-Latin approach warmed relations between Western Europe and the Empire, it also earned the ire of much of the lower classes. This culminated in the Massacre of the Latins in 1182, where a mob spurred on by Andronikos I Komnenos slaughtered some 20,000 Latin merchants and their families.

The city’s sacking was very devastating, and the Empire lost its monopoly over silk trade. But the sack was not even the worst part: that would be the Partitio terrarum imperii Romaniae

(Partition of the lands of the Empire of Romania).

The former Imperial lands were divied up by Frankish barons thus ushering in a period commonly referred to as the Frankokratia

(Frankocracy). Various Latin-controlled states were formed; a Catholic Emperor of Constantinople was crowned that year by a Latin Patriarch, while Southern Greece and Thessaly was divided up by Latin noblemen.


Multiple states and fiefdoms were formed: the Kingdom of Thessalonica with its capital in Thessalonica; the Principality of Achaea with its capital in Andravida; the Duchy of Athens with its capital in Athens; along with a variety of small Latin principalities located in Greece and the Aegean Sea. Venice came to exert control over Crete and other Aegean isles which it maintain for several centuries, with the collapse of Constantinople causing the collapse of the other provinces as well. Within a few years, most of the former Empire’s lands had been overrun by the Crusaders.

Three remnant Greek states would continue to survive: a state in Nicaea composed of most of the Romans’ Asia Minor territories and founded by the Laskarids; a branch of the Komnenos family would found a state centered in Epirus; while a Greek state in the East that had seceded from the Empire shortly before the sack would survive as a Georgian vassal and later as an independent kingdom with its capital at Trebizond.


All three states initially claimed the Imperial mantle, although only Nicaea would retake Constantinople in 1261. The ruler of Epirus would take the title of Despot as the state came under Venetian control, while the Emperor of Trebizond would abandon his claim to the Imperial throne in favor of a most Eastern title. But despite this, these nations would wage perpetual war against both each other and the Latins.

Meanwhile, the Latin rule in Greece was viewed unfavorably by the population. Exploiting this, the newly-reformed Bulgaria would expand their lands into Thrace and Greece in the early 13th century and deal crushing defeats to the Latin Emperor. Nicaea would have more success; it would eventually swallow up much of the former Imperial lands in Europe and held off the Seljuks for a while.

But the 57-year-period in which the former Empire were under the control of the Crusaders was devastating for the former Greek-speaking, land-owning aristocracy that had supported the Imperial state for so long. With the Latin conquest, it was almost completely annihilated in Europe and a power vacuum was formed. The Palaiologi would liberate Constantinople in 1261 and restore some stability, but the ambitions of restoring the Latin state would force them to adopt a Europe-first policy to expel the Franks from Greece, something that would consume much of the Empire’s time.

From here, the Anatolian lands would be ill-defended and a power vacuum would form; the Turkish Ghazis would eventually swallow up the Empire’s Asian lands until the city’s fall in 1453.

On a psychological level, the sacking of the city solidified the animosity between the Greek-speaking Orthodox Christian Romaioi and the Western Catholic Latins. The Empire fell into decline despite the vigorous attempts of the Palaeologi Emperors, and became an Ottoman vassal in the late 14th century. John VIII Palaiologos would desperately attempt to reunite the Churches in 1439 and even adopted Catholicism, but was met with riots from the infuriated populace and clergy who had not forgave the Western Powers for the sack of the city.

The Fourth Crusade did not necessarily cause the decline of the Byzantine Empire: but it certainly sped it up. The Empire had been in decline for the past quarter-century with the reformation of a Bulgarian state, the splintering of the Empire in Cyprus, the rapid distintegration of its ability to defend itself (exemplified first in the Norman sack of Thessalonica and then in the Latin conquest of Romania), all coupled with a series of internal issues. But it certainly administered the coup-de-grace to the Empire, after it which it could never really recover.

Rand Paul’s hearing…

Well worth a long listen.

Some Truths

1) Time passes much more quickly than you realize.

2) If you don’t take care of your body early then it won’t take care of you later. Your world becomes smaller each day as you lose mobility, continence and sight.

3) Sex and beauty fades, but intimacy and friendship grows.

4) People are far more important than any other thing in your life. No hobby, interest, book, or work is going to be as important to you as the people you spend time with as you get older.

5) Money talks. It says “Goodbye” If you didn’t plan financially for your old age when you are young you will wish you had.

6) Any seeds you planted in the past, either good or bad, will begin to bear fruit and affect the quality of your life as you get older for the better or the worse.

7) Jealousy is a wasted emotion. People you hate are going to succeed; people you like are going to sometimes do better than you did. Kids are going to be smarter and quicker than you are. Accept it with grace.

8) That big house you had to have becomes a bigger and bigger burden even as the mortgage gets smaller. The cleaning, the maintenance, the stairs, all of it… becomes less attractive every day. Your possessions own YOU.

9) You will badly regret the things you DIDN’T do far more than the things you did that were “wrong” — the girl you didn’t kiss; the trip you didn’t take; the project you kept putting off; the time you could have helped someone. If you get the chance – do it. You may never get the chance again.

10) Every day you wake up is a victory.
Bonus: It’s never too late to become what you wanted to be or might have been if you START RIGHT NOW!

11) What people think of you is none of your business. Ignore them, whether it is good or bad, and keep your eyes on your goals. The biggest liar in the world is “They say…”.

Apple Apologizes

Not a MM story. -MM

A few weeks ago, my cat Apple threw up on my bedroom floor (well, at least he was considerate enough to get off my bed before doing his business). After cleaning up, I was constantly being followed by him, meowing almost desperately after me around the house, which is something he never does. I figured out that he was trying to say sorry and be forgiven, so I pet him and told him: “it’s okay”. Satisfied with the result, he walked away and ignored me for the rest of the day.


China water torture

But the so-called Chinese water torture has been considered by many historians and researchers on the subject as one of the worst ever created by man, especially because of its psychological implications that could drive those tortured to madness.

Chinese water torture focuses on making the victim fear for his life from something relatively harmless. In this case, she was mentally conditioned to believe that the drops of water repeatedly dripping over her head were poisonous.

And even if it was just tap water, with no strange smells or tastes, just the idea that he could die would lead the tortured to intense psychological tensions.

This process could easily cause the person’s troubled mind, tormented by their captors and for days without sleep and cold from the water, to start deceiving them, causing them to have strange and unreal sensations, such as imminent death.


It’s a new world. But do not, under any circumstances, believe that this is just a random event sequence brought about by American leadership madness.

It isn’t.

It’s all part of a grand plan. And all the discomfort that you will experience in the future is all part of that plan.

You all have had years to ready up for this moment. If you are not ready now, and making moves to protect yourselves during the Western collapse, you had best either get completely drunk, or start hustling. The inflection point has occurred a few days ago. Now, the “machines of change” are rumbling into life.

Take care everyone.

I believe in you.

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on “Viktor Orbán laid out his dark worldview to the American right — and they loved it”, to say the rest of the EU is democratic while Hungary is not, that is really thick. Just take Spain and Italy: they are doing exactly the same as Hungary and Poland, placing the judiciary under government control, but alas, they are allowing thousands of immigrants into these countries, so the EU Commission keeps quiet. I fully understand Orban’s words where he declared “we do not want to become peoples of mixed-race.” This is what is happening all over the EU: the Netherlands has more mosques than churches, France has several cities that are majority Muslim, in some cities on the coast of Spain there are “Sharia patrols” calling out women for not being dressed properly (according to them)…. and much more. But the MSM is SILENT.


Viktor Orban also despite *other* issues, recognized that his county was on a non-replacement of population trend line and has been doing ALL he can to support policies that allow families to be larger: subsidies for housing, for education, for women staying home. All of which HAS resulted in an improvement in replacement numbers, although not as robust as needed – they need to keep going in that direction. Now, I don’t know how widely the Clot Shot/Kill Juice (Moderna/Phizer specifically) was up taken in Hungary.. so I cannot answer to the continued fertility trends remaining the same (the Clot/kill shot and mRNA juice promotes infertility, sterility and spontaneous miscarriages). But he has been to my mind the only one who HAS thought about the issue and tried seriously to do something about it.
The fence to keep out the ‘refugees – Middle Eastern men mostly let’s note – was a positive step in asserting control of his territory AND acknowledging they did not have either the desire or the ability to assimilate such culturally linguistically and religiously different people.

Continuing on the population trend however…In general populations are dropping in every country barring the Continent of Africa. Even China has now dropped into negative replacement or will in the near future as less and less the young want to have children. The extreme end of that game is Japan – where they have to import farmers now from other Asian countries…You can look that up to confirm it. If those pop trends stay the same, and are INCREASED or can be INTRODUCED in Africa.. we will have no issues with food OR global resources.

You must realize the whole population/depopulation has been promoted since the 1950s at least. And when you consider that the population growths in Africa were artificially supported by the supply of foods to famine stricken areas where populations should not have been supported because the area was not suited to carry them, but instead should have been aggressively promoted for smaller families and female education …

well then what does this tell you? It tells me that the issue has been artificially manipulated and promoted. This entire depop has been long planned and long thought on.. to change the entire composition, power structure, balance and belief structures of the globe through eradicating groups of people (whites and Europeans) the notion of countries and nation states (EU, etc) and CULTURE (no more diversity in languages, foods, songs, traditions and thought or religion as well.)

Beyond the East vs West dichotomy, in a broader sense, the people directing these events (and there ARE groups and peoples dedicated to this) over whelmingly want CONTROL over humanity. Absolute control.

You may not decide anything for yourself without permission, you may not have any thoughts not ‘approved’. And they will use starvation, censorship, the social credit score, TECHNOLOGY like artificial telepathy, mind control systems, G5 and cell phones and more to cut you off from the ‘approved’ society if you prove disruptive. In fact maybe that’s why we all had to be forced and coerced into taking the poison clot/kill juice, so that these tech systems can be introduced to our bodies and brains.

I know that Metallic Man promotes China Glorious and Good relentlessly, but I for one would NEVER want to live in that type of drone society where my freedom to make decisions was denied.

If I do not control my body, OR MY THOUGHTS what then am I but a slave? Man is not meant to exit in such a fashion. And I would wager that far from the cities in the smaller areas of China away from cities, and in the saner areas of the globe, and among the EU and Russia and Brazil and India.. many do agree with this.