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Presidential Candidate Trump was shot while in Pennsylvania

Forces have commenced CIVIL WAR in the United States, as one of them shot President Donald Trump at a Rally in the “Blue” state of Pennsylvania. Trump was hit in the head, but it appears to have been a grazing wound, tearing-open his ear.

During a Campaign Rally in western Pennsylvania, the former president and presumptive Republican nominee was showing off a chart of border crossing numbers during his last rally before the Republican National Convention opens Monday when bangs started ringing through the crowd. Trump could be seen reaching with his right hand toward his neck. There appeared to be blood on his face.

He quickly ducked behind the riser as agents from his protective detail rushed the stage and screams were heard in the crowd of several thousand people. The bangs continued as agents tended to him on stage.

Unconfirmed reports claim EIGHT SHOTS were fired.

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If you look at the footage carefully you can see where Trump instinctively jerked his head a few centimeters to his right milliseconds before the first shot whizzed (which was the shooter’s best chance at a pop on target).
There’s luck, and there’s Luck. That neck-jerk more than likely saved his life. Happens a lot more than many would realize under live fire conditions. If you’re Number isn’t up, it isn’t up, as per the PBWLTemplate. Did Trump’s consciousness know a few seconds before he did a bullet was on the way, and save its host’s life?
I think we’re looking at the next President if the election goes ahead this November, even though many people in the know say there won’t be an election and Martial Law declared instead following some “event”.
We’ll find out soon enough.

Last edited 8 months ago by Jambo99

I don’t believe in God but when I watched how his ear was grazed, confirm God is back from vacation

Just Another Asian

This just seal the deal for DT.

On the fence voters just made up their minds.


A fake event can have the same persuasive results as a real event.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Just watched Storyful News & Weather on YT on the Trump shooting. Looking at the crowds of ordinary Americans having their day of democracy, felt a pang of pity for them. If the shooter(3) had been reckless, how many will be shot dead for nothing. Then I thought about Communist China and Chinese happily dancing in the park every evening. It’s obvious China is a much better place to be. I hope after this, President Trump will be a better person & adjust his attitude towards China. Be humble and respectful. Stop participating in regime change and killing other nations’ leaders like how Gen Soleimani was assassinated during his tenure. Did he order the killing? Maybe it was the Dems/Deep state. I don’t think USA will change for the better even if he gets to be POTUS. Communism is not suitable for Americans. Chinese are brought up with reason & logic from very young, to focus on education, self-improvement, respect for older people, to express gratitude as we should, to worship our ancestors, and so on. We are so different from the west. Oh, before I forget, when news first broke out, NY Post reported shooter was Chinese. What if Trump supporters loaded up their guns and went out and shot all Asians who looked like Chinese? You know, MM, Americans are deeply hated in my country, not welcome. US msm are full of lies or twisted facts, but underlying motive is always to promote racial hatred, enmity and violence against Chinese. As time goes on, I find more people hate the USA. Some expressed hope that it will be wiped out completely in a nuke war exchange. After Sunday, I began to feel bad for Trump’s supporters. These are good folks, innocent, sincere and whether one likes or hates Trump, he must be accorded full protection as a former President. Why is he treated like garbage? I feel angry over this. Americans lack professionalism. Lastly US msm is going overboard with their vindictiveness, malice, hatred, hostility, insults against Trump, but 30 hours later, someone called for Trump’s assassination. Joe Fucking Biden said it’s time to put Trump into the bullseye. The sitting president calling for the all out murder of President Trump. He didn’t face any consequences.

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