
Everyone do not freak out. Things are progressing forward. Its just that the psychopathic leadership doesn’t know it yet.

The “news” still continues it’s march for war buildups. The “leadership class” believe (erroneously), that all is in hand. But they are wrong. Very wrong. Their “misfortunes” in Russia, and the rest of the world, imply bigger systemic issues that are growing into large mountains that will eventually capsize their pleasure cruse.

Don’t get too caught up.

Life is good, and getting better. But you all cannot control the rest of the world from jumping off a cliff. Just don’t follow them.

Shortly after a British Airways flight had reached its cruising altitude, the captain announced:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain. Welcome to Flight 293, non-stop from London Heathrow to New York. The weather ahead is good, so we should have an uneventful flight. So, sit back, relax, and… OH…MY GOD!”

Silence followed complete silence!

Some moments later, the captain came back on the intercom.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m sorry if I scared you. While I was talking to you, a flight attendant accidentally spilled coffee on my lap. You should see the front of my pants!”

From the back of the plane, a passenger yelled “For the luvva Jaysus, you should see the back of mine!”

When I was an ENT resident, I had a patient named Alvin who had been treated multiple times for an oral cancer. What happened on a visit after a biopsy stays with me today. At that time I wrote an article about it. Kind of a long answer to your question,, but I think worthwhile:

Alvin lay on the gurney, oblivious to the huff of the respirator forcing oxygen into his lungs. Pulling the surgical mask from my face, I reached for his pulse and checked his pupillary reflexes, matching the physical input against the digital readouts on the recovery room monitor. Everything looked good except that Alvin was going to live.

Alvin, a master woodworker, had cancer. At least, he’d had it before. Four years ago a small sore on the floor of his mouth proved positive for squamous cell carcinoma. Chemotherapy, radiation and three mutilating surgeries over as many years battered the disease to a standstill.

Throughout his ordeal, Alvin was indomitable. His face disfigured by the loss of half of his lower jaw, skin burned leathery by radiation, he saw no reason to complain let alone despair. Although he couldn’t smile, he never failed to joke with the nurses and talk about the mountain cabin where he planned to retire.

When Alvin presented for his checkup, there was another lump. My heart sank. He’d had all the drug and x-ray treatments his body could tolerate. Another surgery was out of the question.

“I don’t know about this, Alvin,” I said. “I think we’d better biopsy it.”

With a voice made raspy by his treatments, he said, “Sure, Doc. No problem.”

A week after the biopsy, Alvin bounced into my office after a wave and a wink to the receptionist.

He plunked himself in front of my desk, eyes still bright but unaccompanied by the usual deep laugh lines. He unshouldered a Woodworker’s Supply tote bag and set it beside the chair. “So what’s up, Doc?” he said.

The damning pathology report lay on my desk like a sheet of lead. My voice broke on his name. I took a sip of water and pulled myself together.

“It’s not good, Alvin. The cancer’s back. I don’t think we can stop it this time.”

Alvin nodded and leaned back, staring at the ceiling for a few seconds. Leaning forward, he rummaged in his bag, extracting a package about the size of a cigar box brightly-wrapped in silver paper. He placed it on the desk and pushed it across to me.

“I know, Doc, and I knew you’d feel real bad about it. I thought this might cheer you up a little. Made it myself.”

Speechless, I carefully unwrapped a wooden box with an intricate inlay of a bird on the lid and scrolls of a yellow wood encircling the periphery.

“Not bad, eh?” he said. “Now the box is amboyna burl from Southeast Asia. One of the most exotic burls around. Chinese emperors used to hoard it like gold. Now they use it to make the dashboards on those high-end Mercedes. Just a delight to feel it in your hands, isn’t it? Like butter.”

He reached across to outline the yellow scrollwork inlaid on the sides. “Now that’s East Indian satinwood,” he said excitedly. “India and Sri Lanka. Tightest grain you ever saw. Hold it up to the light and it looks like it’s embedded with diamonds.”

I ran my hand over the polished surface, turning it to catch the light, catching some of Alvin’s enthusiasm for the natural beauty of the wood and marveling at the craftsmanship.

“The bird,” he said, “is my poor attempt at a phoenix. Lots of different woods in it for the colors: bloodwood for the fire, granadillo for most of the body, plum for the wings, some ebony for the talons. Whaddaya think?”

I stared slack-jawed at the man who’d just received a death sentence. “Alvin,” I managed, “it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Knew you’d like it,” he said, his voice smiling for him. “Thanks for being my doc. We gave it a good run didn’t we?”

Because there are two worlds: the one you see in real life and the one you see on TV or newspaper.

You watch TV, navigate through social media and you think you are well informed abou the world. And you know a lot about China. A strong dictatorship, damn commies, cheap labor and poor brainwashed people that would be amazed to see the “Free world”. The government is spying on their citizens, like CIA or NSA. But when commies do, you think is worst. Of course.

And one day, casually, you decide that you will visit China.

You arrived there and you are shocked. You can barely believe in your own eyes.

The big cities are super modern, big, shinning tall buildings. The way you pay, the way you shop, the hypermarket looks like in The Jetsons.

You are in the future.

The level of automation there is out of this world (Western world, cough, cough). You had no idea that so many online services were already available to the people. You realize you have been scammed by your own country and media.

After the initial shock, you, an an educated person after all, well traveled, you have knowledge. Knowledge from the free world.

You decide to talk to the educated Chinese. Another shock. They know more about you (you as a citizen and your political beliefs) and your country than you know about them. Where is the brainwashing?

“Hey, but they are not free” you think in relieve. What can you do that they can’t? Let’s see… protest?

As if protests are changing something…

Vote? Chinese economy is growing faster and better than democracies…

It doesn’t matter, you are a free, superior citizen of the developed world. You traveled there to China to see them! And see that the Chinese studying abroad are going back to China… Whatever, they are commies.

You visit the Rural China, you still see a lot of poverty. You feel better about yourself. Hahaha, they are still poor!

You go back to the big cities and there is no way to deny the reality: China is growing and is glowing.

You go back home and you see, China is actually a good place. Very different from what you see on TV.

That’s why year after year the “experts” in your country are predicting the fall of China. There is nothing else to do beyond pray that somehow China will stop growing and wil be the end of the Western hegemony over the world.

PS: Go on, call me Communist Party propagandist.

We start with three videos

All there (x3) must be watched. This is from Singapore, and they are a third party trying to understand China.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 2 is especially illuminating, to quiet those who insist China will fold immediately with a blockade of the Malacca Straits.

part 3



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The sad death of Australian wine

Australia killed wine trade with China. The LARGEST consumer of wine in the world.

This is what happened…

2023 05 18 06 46
2023 05 18 06 46
2023 05 18 06 48
2023 05 18 06 48

This happened a few days ago at Wal-Mart.

My son and I got in line to check out and an elderly woman with a walker was at the register. She was having a bit of difficulty with unloading her cart so the man in front of us went to help her. As we waited, my son overheard a woman behind us say “Why is it taking so long? My God, why do they let people like that in stores.”

My son turned to the woman and said “For the same reason they let people like you in here. They have to eat too. I hope you find yourself in her position one day and remember how rude you are now.”

She stood there in shock and silent afterwards. I had tears of pride in my eyes knowing that my son just put a pretentious person in their place. He went over to the elderly lady and asked if she needed help to her car and went with her to load her groceries. At 16, and mildly autistic, this was HUGE. He didn’t wait for permission, he just went and did what was right.

I wish others would do the same.

The Poverty In Mississippi Is Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Seen



2023 05 18 10 44
2023 05 18 10 44

I’ve, on occasion woken up in the middle of the night…stumbled around and accidentally stepped on my cat’s tail.

There are two things that happen at that moment, one he cries out immediately and I get off, two I pick him up, hug him, kiss his cheek and tell him I’m sorry.

He still loves the crap out of me and I love the crap out of him.

Does he know it was an accident, absolutely…you know how I know? He didn’t scratch the crap out of me or run off, he waited for the kiss and hug then made sure I was alright.

As with everyone on this planet, you get the gambit of responses. Some cats bolt some fight back and some overreact.

Chicken Fajita Pasta Toss

2023 05 13 18 58
2023 05 13 18 58


  • 8 ounces vermicelli or thin pasta, drained and kept warm
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, cut into strips
  • 1 cup quartered, sliced onion
  • 1 cup sliced red bell pepper
  • 1 cup sliced yellow bell pepper
  • 1 (7 ounce) can chiles, drained and cut into strips
  • 1/2 cup taco sauce
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 package fajita seasoning mix
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro (optional)
  • 1 lime, cut into wedges optional


  1. Heat vegetable oil in large skillet over medium high heat. Add chicken; cook for 4 to 5 minutes or until no longer pink.
  2. Add onion, bell pepper and chiles; cook, stirring frequently, for 1 to 2 minutes.
  3. Stir taco sauce, water and seasoning mix. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; cook, stirring frequently, for 2 to 3 minutes or until mixture thickens.
  4. Serve over pasta. Garnish with cilantro and lime wedges.

6 servings.

Oh, that. Yeah. That pretty much happened in the 1970’s.

As always, do not expect to be informed by reading Western (American) “News”. The term “disinfo” means to distract and inform with falsehoods.

I suppose I could throw out all sorts of facts and figures. I could show you charts. In general, the more charts thrown in an article the more believable it is. It’s a funny thing with non-critical thinkers; they see charts, but don’t understand their meanings or impacts. Colorful ones are the best. You’ll get a lot of nodding bubble heads for certain.


What is an “economic superpower”? How does it translate into lifestyle?

Or to put differently, if you lived inside of an economic superpower, what would you lifestyle be like? And it is from that angle; from that vision, from that observation that we will explore the answer to this question.

This is different from tabulated reams of data, and lectures by “blue panel experts”. This is different from “on the street” interviews, and what the “history books” say.

If you lived in an economic superpower, your life would be [1] stable, [2] comfortable, and [3] safe. Otherwise, what’s the point? A name? A title? No, don’t be silly. An economic superpower is a place where everyone lives a great life.

Let’s look at the three aspects…


You could work in your chosen profession without ever having to worry about a “layoff”, a “downsize”, a “right size” or firing. You would not need to hold multiple jobs to support your family, and a family would only need one breadwinner.


You would have a fine, well attired home. No mortgages. No need to procure loans or borrow money to support that lifestyle. You would eat well, sleep comfortably, and have access to inexpensive, but good, medical care.


Crime would not be present, and there would be few instances of fraud. There would be no crime or fraud in government, and everything would be transparent and above-the-board.

Of course, for large nations, you can never actually achieve the ideals.

But you can obtain a “best fit” ideal; one where the various three aspects were predominant in your culture. And that, this honest to goodness view of personal first-hand reality is what we need to judge what an economic superpower is. Because using this measurement, you are omitting technology. You are omitting oligarch influence. You are omitting government type and behavior. instead you are looking at the visceral aspects of society; ones that you experience.

Around 1970, the United States lost this role. At the same time, China gained this role.

And everything else is just fluff.

Numbers and opinions that are great on multiple choice questions on a test, but have no actual purpose in regards to understandings.

By comparing one’s lifestyle you can easily see whether they are living in an economic superpower or not.

The early 1970’s was the time when Americans lost the three primary elements of societal foundations that are prevalent in an economic superpower. And it was precisely at this time, when the Chinese gained them.

the american dream doesn’t exist

China has very sophisticated anti-ship missiles (including hypersonic), destroyers (Type 055, Type 052D), attack submarines (Type 093, upcoming Type 095), ASW aircraft, satellites, etc. to counter the US Navy. US carriers would be foolish to come close to China’s coast (within several thousand kilometers).

China also has the world’s most advanced stealth fighters in the J-20 and upcoming J-35.

America brags about its ageing F-22 (production discontinued in 2011) and its underpowered F-35, which has a shorter range, lower ceiling, lower speed, and smaller payload than the J-20. LOL.

The Pentagon is not stupid. They won’t engage China.

Answers don’t seem to address the question: if you don’t want US to get involved with the battle of Taiwan, which might trigger WW3, what can you do as an individual?

If that’s the premise of the question.

My friend posted an email that he sent to his district congressman last year when Russia invaded Ukraine, his demand was the opposite, he requested the congressman to support sending US military into the war!

Now that’s ww3 that almost happened, last year.

Now this is a smart guy, smarter than me, how could he have made such a stupid decision?

Me and another friend were ridiculing him, that we would buy guns and armor for him, so that he can volunteer for Ukraine. Hey if you wanna die don’t represent us. You can volunteer to fight, we will root for ya, even buy your gears!

The topic of nuclear Armageddon came up, I asked him, you and me both live in tier one cities, the first wave to be vaporized, have you thought of that? Never mind the guy who lives in Texas or Ohio, who might go berserk to be tough with Russia, it’s for us to die when shit happens, not him. And we can support Ukraine all we want (through funding the war, supplying weapons and intelligence to coordinating attacks, to sanctions which we don’t agree with again but that’s at least not the line in the sand), but hey NO that’s NOT our war!

You see Russia or China or whichever nuclear country that we decide to attack, they would make sure that DC, NYC, the Bay Area, Los Angeles, and maybe Chicago (sorry Chicago don’t think you were that important but you would probably be totally ok to be missed in the top 5 must hit list for America) bite the dust.

So let’s go B——n? Well f* you too if you think that our lives can be collateral damage in MAD. Great gracious that B——n didn’t think so, sometimes it’s good to back down.

So call and email your congressman, and other representatives – if you want my vote don’t do anything silly on that front, you are triggering ww3. Unfortunately that’s all you can do.

Btw, that friend has completely come to his senses after a few months of the war and now totally agree with me. That is not our war, support all you want, but if you wanna join do it yourself, die for Ukraine but don’t represent me!


I also want to talk a bit about my perspective on Taiwan, since most Americans don’t know that ww3 could be happening on that side of the world and what our government and representatives are doing about it.

We are provoking the hostilities.

2023 05 18 10 23
2023 05 18 10 23

We are flying military aircrafts regularly near their air space.

We are patrolling our great navy carriers near their waters.

BUT it’s our right amirite? Yeah pretty much if a peeping tom wants to it is also his right, as long as he keeps enough distance, but that’s not hostile? Com’on.

Also don’t forget if peeping tom isn’t even your neighbor, there’s something called restraining order (in fact even if he were your neighbor).

Oh that’s not all that is happening in that area, that’s what we have been doing for decades.

What we are doing now is to go to slap them in the face, by doing something we don’t do before but are doing now often to infuriate them, we visit their wife during some sort of divorce.

BUT it’s our right amirite? Sure bet. A man visits your wife who hates you, sleeps over at her place, hey he’s not banging her promise. That’s not being hostile? Ok maybe he will make sure that you see them banging, is it hostile enough for ya?

BUT what about freedom? and democracy!

Wah I got to see a porn movie that also educates us about democracy.



(I usually don’t want to talk about war with Russia and China but if it’s before we go for ww3, at least don’t pretend that it’s a joke, do people’s lives look like a joke to you?)

Chinese Culture: The values that set them apart.

I lived in China for 8 years and honestly, those were the best and happiest years of my life. Cheers!

My brother, cousin and I are adopted.

I asked my mother when I was little why she couldn’t have her own children. She said she had a hysterectomy.

I didn’t think much of it then but as I got older I realized she had only been 30 when my older brother was adopted. I thought it was unusual to have the procedure done in her 20’s.

My mom was born in 1916, so a risky procedure, I would think in the 1930’s. I found out her younger sister had a hysterectomy at a early age as well.

Then, in my 50’s I got the whole story from an older cousin.

My Adopted mom’s mother had made a deal with a devilish doctor ( probably for sexual favors) to perform hysterectomies on her daughters while they were CHILDREN.

I believe my mother was eight and my aunt perhaps six!!!!

My mom and aunt didn’t remember anything of the procedure.

They didn’t know what had been done to them until in their 20’s, when my Aunt Etta was talking to her fiancé ( my uncle Bill) and as all young people in love do, they were discussing how many kids they wanted, and my GRANDMOTHER from the next room, yelled in to them, “ You won’t be having any children! I took care of that! I’m not having your body ruined like mine was!”

That is how my mother and aunt found out they would never have children…. thanks to a sadistic and psychopathic grandmother and some crazy, immoral doctor in Dallas, Texas in the 1920’s.

Not that Way: The Superb Concept Art Works of Oliver Ryan

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Oliver Ryan is a UK based concept artist and illustrator working in games and animation.

More: Instagram, Artstation

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Be a good guy

2023 05 18 11 05
2023 05 18 11 05

The ASEAN finance ministers and central bank governors meeting agreed to reinforce the use of local currencies to ensure financial stability.

To facilitate regional economic integration, leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) made a declaration on advancing regional payment connectivity and promoting local currency transaction on Wednesday during the two-day ASEAN Summit

2023 05 18 10 47
2023 05 18 10 47

The leaders of 10 Southeast Asian nations, members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), have agreed to “encourage the use of local currencies for economic and financial transactions.” The group comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. This move will help them reduce their reliance on the U.S. dollar.

Southeast Asian Countries’ De-Dollarization Efforts

The leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) gathered in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, for the 42nd ASEAN Summit on May 10-11 under the chairmanship of the Republic of Indonesia. ASEAN members comprise Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. This year’s 42nd ASEAN Summit under Indonesia’s chairmanship is themed “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth,” held from May 9 to 11 in the Indonesian town of Labuan Bajo.

Ahead of the summit, the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) had expected that Indonesia could drive regional de-dollarization through its 2023 ASEAN chairmanship. Ajib Hamdani, head of Apindo’s Economic Policy Analyst Committee, said in an official statement that de-dollarization has become a global phenomenon and, to some extent, an economic orientation.

Leaders declared to commit to advancing regional payment connectivity by utilizing emerging opportunities brought by innovation to facilitate seamless and secure cross-border payment, taking country circumstances into consideration. They also agreed to encourage the use of local currencies for cross-border transactions in the region and support the establishment of a Task Force to explore the development of an ASEAN Local Currency Transaction Framework.

ASEAN is seeking to improve its regional payment connectivity through initiatives such as the recently launched Indonesia-Malaysia quick response (QR) standard, which allows citizens of both countries to use QR codes and their local currencies to make payments in the other. The bloc is also encouraging the settlement of regional accounts in local currencies rather than with the US dollar, the go-to currency for international trade.

“This is in line with the purpose of ASEAN centrality, so that ASEAN can be much stronger and self-reliant,” President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said of the currency policy recommendation

An official declaration released by the chairman at the conclusion of the summit states: “We adopted the ASEAN Leaders Declaration on Advancing Regional Payment Connectivity and Promoting Local Currency Transaction to foster bilateral and multilateral payment connectivity arrangements to strengthen economic integration by enabling fast, seamless, and more affordable cross-border payments across the region.”

The declaration continues:

We commit to encourage the use of local currencies for economic and financial transactions among ASEAN member states to deepen regional financial integration and promote the development of currency market in local currency to strengthen financial stability in the region.

Among ASEAN countries, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines been developing their capacity for local currency settlement since 2017. Recently, the region has established the similar framework with China, Japan and South Korea.

ASEAN leaders have also agreed to explore the development of a unified ASEAN local currency transaction framework that would help countries in the region transition away from established trade currencies like the US dollar.

At the end of March, the ASEAN finance ministers and central bank governors met in Bali, Indonesia, and agreed to take steps to reinforce the use of local currencies in the region and reduce reliance on the U.S. dollar or other major international currencies for cross-border trade and investment in an effort to ensure financial stability and avoid spillovers such as high inflation from the global crisis.

Bank of Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo said in April that Indonesia is following the BRICS’ de-dollarization lead . The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are working on a common currency to reduce their reliance on the USD; their leaders plan to discuss this topic at their upcoming leaders’ summit.

Multiple people expect a common BRICS currency to erode  the U.S. dollar’s dominance, including a former White House economist who warned that if the BRICS nations used only their common currency for international trade, “they would remove an impediment that now thwarts their efforts to escape dollar hegemony.” Investment analyst Jon Wolfenbarger cautioned that a successful BRICS currency could result in the U.S. dollar losing its reserve currency status. This would hurt U.S. living standards and lead to less power for the U.S. government.

A woman called my newsroom crying. Nobody wanted to deal with her. So they sent her to me. She was crying and hard to understand, but the basic story went this way…

She had bought a used car. She needed it badly to get to the THREE jobs she held to support her children by herself. No husband. Less than two weeks after buying the car, it broke down. She called the dealer who had told her it had a 30-day warranty.

He told her he couldn’t help. But, she told him, you said it had a 30 day warranty. His response — too bad. When she complained, he told her — “lady, you’re dealing with the big boys now.”

She was crying as she told me this. I was — to put it mildly — angry.

My response to her — let me call you back.

I called him. I explained the problem and when I did not get what I considered a good response, I “explained” things to him:

  1. He needed to respond appropriately to her and solve the problem.
  2. If he did not respond appropriately, I would have my entire investigative news team look into his operation.
  3. He did not like that.
  4. Cautionary note here: My response – YOU picked the wrong person to fight with, and no, NOW, you’re playing with the Big Boys, expletives to follow…

He took back her car.

Gave her a slightly newer model without any problems.

She called crying and thanked me.

I may have cried a little bit too.

Picture worth a thousand words. …


2023 05 18 10 w49
2023 05 18 10 w49

Although the Biden administration has been trying to disassociate its policy towards Africa from its confrontation with China and Russia, a senior administration official who spoke on a call with reporters ahead of Harris’s trip acknowledged that “Obviously, we can’t ignore the current geopolitical moment. It’s no secret that we are engaged in competition with China. And we’ve said very clearly we intend to outcompete China in the long term.”

2023 05 18 10 50
2023 05 18 10 50

For decades, the United States treats African countries like charity cases. That was exacerbated during the Trump administration, which largely ignored the continent. Former US President Donald Trump even insulted some African countries as “shithole countries” in a 2018 meeting.

At the same time, China, as a strategic competitor of the United States, has continuously strengthened its investment in Africa, helping African countries build roads and other infrastructure, and establishing more solid economic and political relations. That was determined by how differently China views Africa than the U.S., with the latter tending to see Africa as a series of problems–wars, famines, something like that, while China seeing it much more of an opportunity.

2023 05 18 10 5w1
2023 05 18 10 5w1

Vice President Kamala Harris landed at Zambia’s Kenneth Kuanda International Airport, a project upgraded by China.

Aiming to reset U.S.-Africa relations, several Biden administration officials paid visit to the continent. The vice president is the fifth Biden official in three months to visit the continent. For Harris, the first Black U.S. vice president, it also carries especially high stakes. Harris’ arrival marks the latest, most high-profile official to visit Africa this year, reportedly to pave way for President Joe Biden’s visit later in the year.

However, the change of the Biden administration does not mean that the United States has begun to pay attention to Africa’s development. The essence of Biden’s policy logic is no different from that of its predecessors, or even all their predecessors. What the United States cares most about in Africa is to ensure the influence of hegemony, and to deal with the “competition” of other major powers outside Africa, which is the source of all motives for the United States to ignore or attach importance to Africa.

Although the U.S. spares no effort to woo Africa, the current China-Africa trade volume is still five times that of the U.S.-Africa trade, and China’s direct investment in Africa is still twice that of the U.S. These are indisputable facts. In addition, China’s aid to Africa has not only about building a large amount of infrastructure, but also created millions of job opportunities for Africa. Therefore, it is self-evident how African countries and peoples should choose, to cooperate with China for tangible development or to be placed at the “strategic bottom” by the United States.

Chicken with Lime Butter

2023 05 13 18 59
2023 05 13 18 59


  • 6 chicken breasts, boned and skinned
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 8 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon minced chives
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh dill weed
  • Juice from 1 Mexican lime


  1. Sprinkle chicken on both sides with salt and pepper. Put oil in pan and cook over medium heat. Add chicken and sauté for about 4 minutes on each side or until lightly browned.
  2. Reduce heat to low and cover; let cook for 10 minutes or until fork can be inserted in chicken with ease.
  3. Remove chicken and keep warm. Drain off oil and discard.
  4. In saucepan, add lime juice and cook over low heat until the juice begins to bubble. Add butter, constantly stirring until butter thickens. Stir in chives and dill weed.
  5. Spoon over chicken and serve.
  6. Garnish with lime slices and dill weed.

They Really Did It! | The U.S. Confiscates Russian Assets

2023 05 13 19 14
2023 05 13 19 14

This is true. The US is in a state of apparent decline, and this decline may be even irreversible. At this rate, within 10 years or so, the Chinese GDP per capita will match the US, and the standard of life will be higher, because the GDP in China is distributed more evenly among the population. No small testament to this is that China already, recently exceeded the U.S. in life expectancy, one of the main indicators of national wellbeing, if not the main one.

Because of the above-said decline, the US is losing world influence, which is leading to the formation of new big economic alliances like BRICS, and the new “no limits” strategic and economic alliances between Russia and China. The decline is also leading to the beginning of de-dollarization, a very dangerous trend for the US.

I hope the U.S. and its allies take heed of all this and make the necessary adjustments…the day before yesterday. This is not the time for intolerance, intransigence, and being uncompromising….

First Love.

2023 05 18 11 03
2023 05 18 11 03

Second Love.

2023 05 18 11 033
2023 05 18 11 033

Third Love.

2023 05 18 11 0w4
2023 05 18 11 0w4

30 Patriot missiles in 2 minutes. Zelensky returns to Kiev

US Navy, Chinese PLA Engaged In ‘Dangerous Encounter’ Near Hong Kong; US Forced To Destroy Its Own Sonars – Media


In a stunning revelation, it has been disclosed that China and the US were engaged in a high-stakes military confrontation mere 150 kilometers away from Hong Kong in early 2021. 

The intensity of the situation prompted the US to take a bold step and destroy its floating sonars to prevent them from falling into Beijing’s hands, reported SCMP. 

One day before the deadly riots on January 6, 2021, supporters of former President Donald Trump had gathered outside the Capitol building in Washington. 

On that same day, the report said three US military aircraft embarked on an unusual submarine hunt, conducting operations remarkably close to China’s shoreline. 

A team of Chinese military scientists has released the first open report on the January 5 incident, which includes a significant disclosure. 

The report disclosed that a US anti-submarine plane flew close to Hong Kong, reaching as close as 150 kilometers (93 miles). 

The report further said that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) acted swiftly by deploying a classified counterforce during the US naval exercise, but the nature and size of this response remain classified.  

Led by Liu Dongqing from PLA Unit 95510, the research team emphasized that US activities significantly threatened China’s national security. The study highlighted that such actions could severely impede the critical missions of Chinese submarines during wartime.  

The report said that US spy planes strategically placed sensors in the waters near the Dongsha Islands, which are also referred to as the Pratas Islands. These islands consist of atolls and reefs under Taiwan’s control. 

The deployment of these sensors indicates the involvement of the United States in monitoring activities in the region, adding to the complexity of the situation surrounding these contested waters.

In contrast to other disputed islands in the South China Sea, where the United States has been conducting freedom of navigation operations to challenge what it perceives as China’s excessive claims, the Dongsha Islands are claimed solely by Taipei and Beijing. 

In this case, the absence of broader territorial claims by other countries sets the Dongsha Islands apart from other contentious areas in the region.

8 Chinese work ethics that WILL improve your life

  1. You move on. You don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself.
  2. You are kind, fair, and unafraid to speak up.
  3. You embrace change. You welcome challenges.
  4. You stay happy. You don’t waste energy on things you can’t control.
  5. You are willing to take calculated risks.
  6. You celebrate other people’s success. You don’t feel threatened by other’s achievements.

China Accuses US Of Monitoring, Blocking, And Containing Chinese Subs

The United States, according to Chinese researchers, has devoted significant efforts to target China’s submarine forces in recent years specifically. They contend that this intensified focus is part of a larger pattern of increased US military activities within the South China Sea region.  

2023 05 18 10 38
2023 05 18 10 38

The report added that the US utilizes sophisticated tools such as sonar buoys and sensors to locate submarines even when operating at significant depths below the surface. 

The scientists from the PLA assert that the techniques employed by the United States pose a “severe threat” to China’s submarines, significantly impeding their ability to operate covertly within the region. 

According to Liu’s team, the US uses a deliberate tactic of flying spy planes at low altitudes of around 60 meters, which is relatively close to the ground and poses safety risks. 

This tactic enhances the ability to detect and track submarines, especially by anti-submarine patrol aircraft such as the US Navy’s P-8A.

The report revealed that the US military deployed several aircraft to locate Chinese submarines, which operated in a coordinated manner to achieve their goals. 

The team led by Liu Dongqing from the PLA’s electronic warfare unit noted that the US intended to monitor, block and contain China’s activities. 

The US military maintained a persistent presence in the area by conducting multiple flights over an extended period, enabling them to gather extensive information about Chinese submarine activity and enhancing their situational awareness and surveillance capabilities.

In response to the US efforts, PLA researchers have proposed measures to counteract them, as suggested in the latest study.  

China’s electronic warfare capabilities could disrupt or jam US floating sonar systems, hindering submarine detection. China is also developing realistic decoys to deceive US sonar systems by mimicking submarine sounds and movements. 

The Chinese military also collaborates with private companies to enhance submarine stealth technology. 

That being said, the disclosed information highlights the escalated military activities and countermeasures being taken by both sides. 


2023 05 18 11 06
2023 05 18 11 06

1. Get up early every morning.

2. Save money every month.

3. Start your business.

4. Write down your goal everyday.

5. Start Investing.

6. Be with capable people.

7. Get into the habit of reading books.

8. Exercise daily for one hour.

9. Create multiple sources of income.

And last

10. Set long term goals.

I went to a mall in my hometown 2 weeks ago to redeem a gift voucher I got from my parents about 3 years ago.

I parked in the basement and walked up to the doors where a guy wearing a staff uniform was waiting and opened the door for me, as I stepped inside he joined me and pressed the button to go the a certain floor without asking me where I’m going.

As the doors started closing my gut told me to GTFO because something is off about this guy.

I stepped out pretending that I forgot something in the car, the guy didn’t follow me out.

I decided that it was nothing and shouldn’t stress about it. So up I went to the 3rd floor, as I stepped out a bunch of security guards came running toward the lift and chased me out and took the lift to the next floor.

I asked one of the people what happened and no one knew.

Maybe 10 minutes later there was an announcement saying that the 5th floor and the elevators on that side of the mall is closed due to security reasons.

Turned out that the guy who was with me in the lift slashed the next guy who entered’s neck with a carpenters knife (killing him) and tried to attack the security guards when the doors opened.

My gut really saved me that day

Three Steps

2023 05 18 11 00
2023 05 18 11 00


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