2022 11 08 18 33

Rage as a tool

Rage is an emotion, and as such it can be useful or dangerous. It’s up to us to figure out how to use it adequately. Many people would use other techniques to funnel their rage so that it wasn’t destructive.

Some would run, lift weights, or apply themselves in sports.

Others would internalize it, drink, brawl, or jut be an asshole.

Still others funnel that rage into music.

Those of us who are from the United States, or from the Domain, or have survived a broken marriage, a bad boss, or a corrupt government have all experienced real cold rage. I know I have. And I do my best to control it, least my “incredible hulk” comes out.

This post is going to be a tad different.

And it isn’t for everyone. What this post contains is some pretty harsh rock-n-roll music that has often served me (personally) in releasing and dealing with rage.

As such, it’s a bid dangerous and a tad toxic if you are not ready for it.

If you are not ready, then just skip this article and wait for a calmer and gentler post tomorrow. But if you are ready, or willing, or adventuresome, then have some fun…


Here we go…



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Heyho music on the go!

Excellent selection you got here,
But on little remark – the original “wolf totem” is by far mor powerful than this wimsy crossover …
Even the video is so much more original!

If one likes that style, I can recommend tengger Cavalry with cavalry in thousands:

Best regards, MT


Forgot to post the link to the HU, here it is:


Rage is a very powerful tool. I know because I have been bottling it up for over a decade and terribly mismanaged it. One point of contention is how severely codependent, self unaware, and dyslexic I tend to be: couple this with autism and it is a challenge to properly socialize with people. When I rightfully get jilted or called out as a creep, I bottle up my pain and move along.

And it gradually accrues over the years, and it would leak out here and there in the form of rants online or edgy content to help stymie my rage, which then invites people over to ridicule me for venting and being “weak”/”petty”: you are expected to remain ever-stoic and in perfect control over your emotions.

It was not until recently (2021 ish) that I was able to find a proper outlet for my rage: exercise and writing: something that I now do consistently.

And nowadays, I funnel my rage into my reading and affirmation campaigns: I now know that it is okay to be angry, just transmute the anger into something creative and do not participate in behaviors that will lead to more disappointment, resentment, and eventually rage (in my case, my obsessive codependency and sexual addictions: a really bad combo when put together.


As Think and Grow Rich teaches , the negative emotions can help you reach your goals, but they aren’t as effective as positive emotions (faith, hope, etc).
I’m in middle America riding out a blizzard staring in disbelief at what’s become of this country. I dont have any rage. But that my change if/when my Family starts to die from the Covid vax death shot. With all of the excess deaths from the jab, rage is building. It will soon be unleashed