Default generate a mens adventure picture in the style of Mort 3(3)

Rain, rain go away, come back on another day

It was a rape case.

I was the Defendant’s attorney and, while rape cases were, of course, not my favorite, I took this one on just like my other cases—with the goal of getting the best resolution for my client.

I met with the client (“D”) in jail. He told me that he and the complaining witness (CW) had been in a romantic relationship for a few years. They’d recently broken up and he was packing his clothes, when CW arrived at the apartment earlier than he’d expected. They started talking , one thing led to another and…in flagrante delicto, someone shows up at her door. That’s when CW decided it was rape, according to D.

I’d heard enough lame stories to appreciate that, if D was making this up, at least he’d put some thought into it.

So I did some research and learned:

* CW had no bruises anywhere on her body, despite her statement that D pushed her on the bed and forcibly held her down while committing the act;

* CW’s clothes were not torn, despite the fact that, given the circumstances, it would have been nearly impossible for D to have gotten her clothes off of her without ripping them;

*CW acknowledged that D did not have a weapon; and

* The “someone” who showed up at CW’s door was…wait for it…CW’s new boyfriend.

I took this evidence to the prosecutor and told him I thought he was probably prosecuting an innocent dude. He interviewed CW, who admitted that she was having consensual sex with D, and was embarrassed (em-bare-assed) when her new beau showed up, so she claimed it was rape.

Every time someone asks, “How can you defend people, knowing that they’re almost certainly guilty?” I tell that story.

D could have been sentenced to 20 years to life. He did a few days and didn’t have a rape conviction on his record, because he had a defense attorney.

That one case justified all of the other cases I had in which my clients had less-than-clean hands.

On a personal note, while I was glad that justice was done, it really pissed me off that this young woman was prepared to let D go to prison so she didn’t have to admit to her new BF that she was boffing her old BF. Every false rape claim, even though the rate of false rape claims is no higher than any other false criminal complaints, makes it that much harder for victims to come forward.

And this, boys and girls, is why criminal defense attorneys are your friends.

EDIT: Many readers have commented that CW should have been charged with perjury. While I definitely understand that feeling, I also get why women aren’t prosecuted for false rape claims. First, women would be less likely to report rape out of fear that they will be prosecuted if their case can’t be proven. Second–and this one is REALLY important–women who make false claims would be far less likely to ‘fess up if they knew it’d land them in the slammer. So yes, it’s very unfair that CW walked away unscathed, but the very fact that she wouldn’t be prosecuted helped make it easier for her to retract her statement. It’s not ideal, but at least it makes sense.

This is surprisingly excellent.


Maybe a small-scale war.

Regardless of the scale, a war is not avoidable because WAR is in the DNA of USA & PH under Marcos is happy to make it happen for USA.

In the 2024 Defense Summit in Singapore, China spokesman asked PH pres Marcos Junior …

1, Why Marcos Jr mentioned USA 11 times in his speech. (I add) Is PH working for USA?

2, Your father (ie Marcos Senior) signed TAC (Treaty of Amity & Cooperation in Southeast Asia 东南亚友好合作条约) to jointly maintain peace in SCS. What do you (ie Marcos Junior) think of TAC?

When PH creates conflicts in SCS since March 2023, has PH complied with TAC? Has PH broken peace?

Marcos Jr was visibly uncomfortable & stammered he does not know what TAC is.

How uncomfortable? Marcos Jr gave a wry smile, straightened his clothes & touched his ear.

history of TAC:

TAC was signed in 1976/2/24 by 5 countries: Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand. Later more countries joined TAC. A total of 51 countries as of 2023. China joined TAC in 2003. USA in 2009. Japan 2004. Australia 2005.

On 2002/11/4, based on UN Charter, UNCLOS & TAC, China & 10 ASEAN countries signed DOC (Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in South China Sea 南海各方行为宣言). Philippines signed DOC too.)

See, Marcos Jr has broken both TAC & DOC. Others eg Australia & Japan also broke TAC. No need to talk about USA the global mafia.

I was feeling remarkably unencumbered and clearheaded by the time I was released from detention, due to being denied easy access to alcohol and drugs while incarcerated.

The problem was I wasn’t prepared to deal with my addictions intelligently at that point in my life, so within a few hours of hitting the streets, it was a return to business as usual for me substance abuse wise.

My license was suspended, so I called up my dealer who ran me by the liquor store after he’d sold me a pocketful of OC’s and Blue Boys.

(2 birds/1 stone)

I tried AA at the insistence of my probation officer, but my larger problem was narcotics at the time.

I tried NA at the insistence of my AA sponsor, and ended up doing lines of crushed 80mg tabs in the men’s toilet with some other attendee during the smoke breaks.

I’m of the opinion that county jails should be more aggressive about identifying symptoms of alcohol and narcotics withdrawal and offering inmates treatment options — either individual or group therapy.

It could certainly have an impact on recidivism.

Anything’s better than nothing.

(…which is what you can expect.)

Roadhouse Chili Pizza

Roadhouse Pizza 1576x2048
Roadhouse Pizza 1576×2048


  • 1 Boboli or homemade crust
  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 8 ounces canned chili with beans
  • 7 ounces canned diced tomatoes, drained
  • Hot pepper jack cheese, shredded


  1. Heat the oven to 450 degrees F. Spray or grease a pizza pan or stone.
  2. In a large skillet, brown ground beef and onion over medium heat; drain.
  3. Add chili and tomatoes; mix well. Spread the mixture equally over crust and top with cheese.
  4. Bake on the bottom rack of oven for 8 to 12 minutes or until cheese is melted and crust is piping hot.

I was boarding a plane with my carry on when the attendant said the bins were all full and I would have to have them put my bag in the hold. I wasn’t happy, but obliged. When I got seated I realized my purse and boarding pass for the next leg of my journey were in my carry on. I ran back to tell her. She said, “Oh well. Nothing we can do about it now.” At that moment a man came up from the hold and asked what was wrong. When I told him he asked what my carry on looked like. Fortunately, it was an animal print. He went and got it and let me retreive my purse and boarding pass. The attendant had this nasty look on her face the entire time. She was not an attendant from our flight, so she soon disappeared and as our attendants were preping for take off I noticed they were closing completely empty overheads. I shouted out, “She lied to us.”

Biden, Russian military decimated. US/NATO, 5 land corridors to fight Russia. US $50B Ukraine loan


This guy is the “president” of the United States?

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I think that climate change is both real and has been hijacked for profiteering.

Here in the U.K. the climate has obviously changed if you’re old enough to remember it. Summer Is now just a few short blasts of 30c sun and we’re done, but Winter has disappeared. Most Winters we might see an inch or two of snow a couple of times.

When I was a kid the winters were real and snow would last weeks and weeks. Back then the schools wouldn’t close because of weather and I remember walking to school in chest high snow many times. Now, a squirrel sneezes an the schools shut down. Just like the way the trains stop if a leaf falls on the track.

So, not much summer and winter is missing so we just have grey and wet weather most of the year. I will not miss this. I dunno where I’ll end up in China but I’m sure it’ll be nicer than this grey-themed depressing island! I think I’ll be in Shanghai at first but my (eventual) other half’s family is in Shenzhen, so who knows?


” I don’t know who started [..], but we were the ones darkening the skies. ”
Morpheus to neo, matrix, 1999

The reason the weather in the second half of the 20th century was different to now is, That g3oneg1neering and 5ol4r R4d1ati0n M4nag3ment (SRM) in particular was not that that advanced and in widespread use as of today.

I mean, those with eyes to see just have to take a look at the murky skies we have here in the west most of the year now and they will see.
Another reason to go east soon, just to have look at the skies with my own eyes there

However, best regards and have a nice Sun(ny)day you all..!

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