
Ramming the gate and the aftermath

The whole world knows the US as a barbaric nation that thinks it is exceptional in that it has the right to invade nations and do regime change if the leader refused to be subservient and submissive to the US! Everyone knows iy is the most violent and dangerous country on earth and should a nuclear war happens it must be due to the USA!

Obsessed yes but not in a positive manner at all! It tried to used their media to portray the US as the angel and others as the evil but the real majority of the world thinks better than that! Sure their slave nations such as Germany, Japan and Korea like all slaves cannot and won’t dare to accept their and their their dog nations like all the Anglophone and Saxons former despicable colonial masters cannot talk about their atrocities and crimes! But their views are bias and naive!

If you are a proud Yank I want to let you know we the world knows not only think that the US is a shameful hypocrite and we see it through! We won’t allow these regime change and barbaric behaviour to continue one more day! You guys can rand and rave all you want but the world cannot be bullied by you and your dogs and slaves! The world and planet is not owned by you or you bandits and tribes! You are but just one nation, the most oppressive nation but you can do what you want to Americans but out if your shores we will jointly and severally stop you!

Carbohydrates, saturated fats, seed oils, essential nutrients, and ultra-processed foods could all be central topics for reform in the next U.S. Dietary Guidelines, set to be updated in 2025. These guidelines, mandated by a 1990 law to be revised every five years, are crafted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). They shape dietary advice for policymakers, nutritionists, schools, businesses, and families through 2030.

The upcoming revisions will take place during Donald Trump’s second presidential term, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as health secretary. Advocates like Nina Teicholz, founder of the Nutrition Coalition, see this as an opportunity for significant changes. Teicholz, who has worked to reform the guidelines for over a decade, told Newsweek she is in discussions with the Trump administration and the Make America Healthy Again movement to influence the 2025 guidelines.

Top 10 States Collapsing Fastest in America Due to Poverty and Homelessness Crisis – Documentary

Russia has criticized President Joe Biden’s decision to pardon his son, Hunter, who was facing sentencing on federal felony charges related to gun possession and tax violations. The move marks a reversal of Biden’s earlier stance, where he had stated that he would not intervene in his son’s legal matters.

On Sunday, the president issued a “full and unconditional” pardon for Hunter Biden, according to a White House statement. *Newsweek* has reached out to the White House for additional comment.

Russian foreign affairs spokesperson Maria Zakharova condemned the pardon, calling it a reflection of the U.S. being “a caricature of democracy” in an interview with the pro-Kremlin newspaper *Izvestia*. Additionally, Kremlin propagandist Olga Skabeyeva, host of *60 Minutes*, shared her view on Telegram, sarcastically stating, “Biden has pardoned his son Hunter, according to the White House. Democracy.”

This is a complicated answer, and deserves careful consideration.

Firstly, if you are SINGLE, and involved in a monogamous relationship, it’s not proper.

I would avoid doing this thing because it is both of your personal space. Everyone needs privacy. And this is very true if you are single. Many single people are in the dating pool, whether they have announced it to their partner or not. So privacy is foremost for those who are single. Thus all phone conversations are SECRET.

Secondly, if you are ENGAGED to be married, the needs of your future spouse requires careful consideration.

An engagement specifically announces a marriage in the future. At this point, a promise of long-duration monogamous though legal means is a significant step, and the prudent thing is to place limits on the use of each others phones. I suggest mutual understandings that the phone conversations, and chats are CONFIDENTIAL. Trivial viewing of them by your partner is to be avoided, but if there is a significant concern on the part of your future spouse, the contents needs to be shared, or else the marriage date needs to be reascended.

Thirdly, if you are MARRIED, you have full right to your partners phone.

This if a fundamental attribute of the marriage contract. A contract of the unification of two single people into a family unit. This sharing of confidential information is fundamental aspect of marriage. As well as legally and philosophically, religiously and spiritually justified. Thus, for married couples, the phones are SHARED.

There are variations of the above points. And I am not here to parse the myriad spectrum of variations of the relationships between couples. But the rules listed above are straight forward and binary; “black and white”. They are crystal clear and have no ambiguity.

Goods from China will increase in price by about 10% while goods from Canada and Mexico will increase in price by about 25%. The price increase goes into Trump’s government income.

Easy way to get some extra money for the government at the expense of the people.

Higher prices will lead to lower demand and this will be a loss for US companies that are making their products in China, retail chains that import products from China as well as some Chinese factories. Everyone loses except for the US government.

Expect some retail chains to close down and some freight forwarders going bankrupt. China will react to the new tariffs by stopping imports of agriculture products from the US, resulting in some farmers filing for bankruptcy.

Casino (Robert DeNiro) | How To Make A Lot Of Money | Extended Preview

The United States is in free-fall collapse right now. It is failing at every level. And, thus, the only reason why the people haven’t stood up and revolted is because of the iron-grip control that the government has over the media.

Donald Trump really needs to perform emergency surgery.

To do this, he needs hard; roll-up-the-sleeves players. He needs loyal, abrasive, and even scary bullies to accomplish his tasks. And that is whom he has chosen. Every one of them.

Now, it goes without saying, but I will say it anyways; Everyone in the Washington Beltway HATES China. They are all China-haters. Have you watched the Congressional grilling of the Tiktok CEO? I suppose that this is the natural outcome of multiple billions of dollars over the last eight years in the anti-China narrative.

So that is what the USA is today; a nation of rabid anti-China haters. And Donald Trump picked or selected, the most aggressive, bullish of the bunch for his staff picks.

Of course, mind you, they will continue the Biden anti-China banter, and we all can expect more aggressive moves in and around China. Oh… to “contain China”, and to “fight for democracy, and freedom” and other such nonsense. Yeah. Sail to the other end of the world to pick a fight with China. Stupid shit.

But that is the United States today.

I know that many of youse guys don’t like my bluntness, but you all know it is true. All you need to do is look at a globe, and then scratch your head and ask “What the fuck are we doing way over there, messing with China?”

OK. So the United States is going to continue the Biden hostility against China, and the poking of the dragon will continue.

But China is ready.

The United States is not; it is at it’s weakest. There has NEVER been a weaker moment in the entirety of the history of the United States than now.

The outcomes;

  • Poke the dragon, and it lashes back. It turns the American eagle into Sunday Dinner.
  • Try to put the dragon into a cage. It melts the bars of the cage with it’s mighty flames.
  • Try to starve the dragon. It burns all the fields that the American eagle nests in.

Everything is a losing move.

I understand what Donald Trump is trying to do, and why. But when it comes to Geo-politics, he needs diplomats, not bullies. A bully-approach towards China will fail to achieve his objectives.

I anticipate another “Anchorage, Alaska meeting”, only this time the Chinese response will be veiled and deadly. Do not fuck with China. The dragon has claws too.


Damn! This is one hell of a B-grade science fiction movie from 1958.

Abigail Romick

I hold my breath, sweat trickling down the side of my otherwise composed face.”Sanna 195-C” the professor calls, resulting in a daunted looking girl with mousy brown hair being pushed from the crowd.She’s wearing the same white uniform as the rest of us. She looks like us, she dresses like us, she came from the same situation as us. She is like us, yet they shove her forward trying to avoid expulsion from the program into the world outside, a world of certain death. Is this what we have come to? She looks around the crowd frantically searching for a friendly face in this unforgiving crowd.Her eyes and mine lock, hers a delicate blue full of pleading and sorrow, mine stone cold. I don’t budge.She looks like she’s about to have a panic attack as the professor nods at the two burly looking guards leaning against the wall near the only door leading to the main hallway. They grab her by the arms as she tries with all that’s left in her frail bones, frantically clawing at their arms and kicking at their shins, in an attempt to escape their grasp.“Termination”.I turn my head away trying to avoid the scene. We knew we wouldn’t make it. Not all of us, not a large number of us, but maybe if we were lucky a handful would live to see the next day, or the next 109,500.I cast one last look at Sanna, oh Sanna, why Sanna? Why my sister by all, but blood? My little sister that I promised I’d protect with my life.Lier.Coward. Traitor.Each thought comes like a slap in the face. They’re all true. I can move. I can argue I can fight I can what?… Sentence us both to death?I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder, the fists I didn’t realize I was clenching release as the tension escapes my body. Turning I see the grim face of Joyce. Otherwise known as Joyce 299-C, she is the epitome of dour. That has to be ironic.Her eyes soften as they meet mine. “It will be okay” she whispers in a tone that falls somewhere on the spectrum between comforting and empty.I want to hug her, to pull her close that way no one could ever take her from me. She’s all I have left of my once perfect world, well almost perfect. There was never such a thing as perfect. There was littering, minor crime, political debates that ruined Thanksgiving, but I would take listening to uncle Dan go on about how blahdy blahdy blah is so great because they did blahdy blah blah which makes them ‘way’ better than blah blah blah than suffer through this. At least then Sanna and I would be enduring our suffering together. Sanna…They’re probably wiping her arm down with an alcohol wipe preparing to slip the thin needle of the syringe into a vein on her wrist as if she was receiving her yearly vaccinations. Like they’d care if the wound became infected, she’d be long dead before it would matter… Dead. Sanna dead…Like Reina? Images of a witty green-eyed redhead, pale complexion lightly dusted with freckles, fills my head.

Like Tyler? My mind fogs over, the humorous, quite clumsy, blond boy who had quite literally had to use duct tape after he broke his glasses for the third time, in one MONTH.

Like Dante? The ever sarcastic, dark-skinned, computer whiz, and genius in all subjects relating to tech.

A dam breaks inside of me and tears spring to my eyes as I crumple to the floor. I don’t notice the firm squeeze on my right arm. I don’t notice as others turn to stare in my direction slipping me looks of sympathy, pity, and dread. I don’t even notice as the professor calls my name. All I can think about is our little family. Sanna: dead, Reina; dead, Tyler; dead, Dana; repurposed for experimental use, Jonathan; repurposed for experimental use, Martin; expelled, Ximena; Stasis. They’re gone, only Ximena has a running chance of survival, maybe Joyce.

Strong hands grip me by the arms yanking me to my feet. I turn, finding myself face to face with one of the very guards that lead my sister down her path to the afterlife. I can only conclude that he has come to do the same for me. I do not resist.




The guards drag me down the hallway, the throat of the beast that is this foundation. They bring me to a sterile room at the end of the hallway strapping me to an operation type table.

I stare blankly as a woman in a pristine lab coat tests the bubbles in a syringe. Part of me is horrified, these will be the last faces I see in my present life. I will never laugh again. I will never dance again. I won’t even get to have my first girlfriend. At the age of 15, I’ll have died, having the only female I’ve ever kissed be my own mother. Pathetic, I startle a laugh out of myself.

Screw them all, if I’m going to die, I’m going to die laughing.

That was the last thought I had before the world went dark.




I didn’t expect to open my eyes again so you can imagine my shock when I find that the blinding light is NOT guiding me to the afterlife but instead is the light of the facility.

“What the,” I start out only to realize it came as nothing more than muffled groans. Clamps release from around my wrist as a clear fluid drains from the bottom of the chamber. Chamber? I didn’t fall asleep in a chamber.

Plastic breathing tubes remove themselves from my throat for what has to be the first time in 300 years. I gasp partly out of shock, partly because even after three minutes of sitting incomprehensibly, I hadn’t yet dared take so much as half a breath out of fear of shattering the illusion, but it doesn’t break. It’s real. And so is Jocey walking straight towards me.

China don’t and won’t lose if the US carries on the trade war! If the trade war reduce China’s growth form 6.5% to 5.0% It is only making Growth more sustainable and more manageable. But while it may do that it is also cutting US growth by 2.5% to 1% and that for a nation with debts of 36 trillion dollars growing at 1 trillion dollars every quarter very unsustainable and it will destroy the USA! So bring it on any day! The world will have a market without the US overconsumption and that is a good thing not a bad proposition.

But your homelessness will grow so will unemployment and poverty! Real income will come crashing down! Inflation will hit 25% per annum at least! You will waste resources producing stuffs you are not good at while wasting opportunities doing stuffs you ought to focus on! Who is the loser, you can answer it yourself!

Yes, I believe that.

Yes, I agree.

BRICS is making great strides in breaking free from the Western hegemony.

We’re witnessing the UK and EU coming apart at the seams.

The USA has lost all credibility on the world stage. Even most of its allies are turning against it.

Well, an infamous president that imposed martial law was assassinated by his own security tzar.

He has a name that is synonymous with Korea in my mind.


Whatever happens next, YOON SUK YEOL will be a Korean pariah for a long time to come.

In short, he screwed up, and the opposition was preparing to impeach and remove him from power.

He responded by declaring a self coup, imposing martial law to block parliament and hijack the political process.

If the soldiers fire on the crowd, all bets are off.

If there is a standoff, it depends on what uncle Sam does.

If the army switches allegiance to parliament, it is game over for the president, but there is no guarantee peace will be automatically restored.

This will probably repeat in Europe as governments collapse like dominoes.

I don’t know what to make of it all yet.

Too much too fast.

The gods must be crazy.

Hellscape in Taiwan Strait?

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