
Record albums in egg cartons

I grew up in a large city. When it came time to get my drivers licence, or get it renewed, it meant going downtown to the Department of Motor Vehicles, taking a number, waiting for a long time, then dealing with employees whose level of service was somewhere between rude and hostile. It was just a part of life.

Then I moved to a small town (pop. 4,000) in the same state, and that summer my drivers licence expired. I made a couple of inquiries of where one went to get it renewed, and I was told, “Oh, just go down to the courthouse and they’ll take care of it.”

So after work on a Friday I walked across the street to the courthouse. The building looked deserted. In the lobby was a directory. Drivers licenses were in the basement.

I found the DMV office and there wasn’t a soul in sight. I rang the bell and waited. Still nothing. I wondered where everybody was. Soon, I started looking around the building looking for signs of life.

I poked my head into the sheriff’s office. At the desk there was a grizzled old sheriff’s deputy wearing sergeant’s stripes. “Help you?” he asked gruffly.

I explained that I wanted to renew my drivers licence but there was nobody in the office. He grunted, “Yeah, everybody around here wanted to get an early start on the weekend. Go on back, I’ll get someone down there for you.” He picked up his phone and I returned to the DMV office and took a seat.

Five minutes later, the old sergeant walked in. “Guess I’m going to have to do it myself. Let’s see your current licence and paperwork.”

Despite the delay in finding assistance, I was still in and out of the office in record time, and the old sergeant, for all his gruffness, was still the most pleasant interaction I’d ever had during the process.

I knew a young girl at my school, she was 13 and one day she didn’t show up to class, now lots of people made fun of her as she had depression and apparently was an easy target.

She had really short black hair and had recently come out as lesbian and was going through an emo phase for a long time now.

Lots of people were saying “awh thank god that stupid psycho isn’t here to ruin everything” and “she always talks to herself” and “ugly bitch” ect.

Now our principal came to the door looking very pale and said ” I’m not sure if you all have noticed Melissa isn’t here today, well she has sadly passed away last night” loads of gasps and open mouthed kids in that room that day.

I later found out off her neighbors daughter that she was abused really badly and was taken away from her mom who was locked up for letting her boyfriend rape her and she was heartbroken at her new home and she hung herself in the nearby park.

I almost threw up nobody had no idea how she was feeling, later her suicide note was read out at school.

It said ” sometimes I just wished I would die and I never had the guts to do it, I apologise to everyone for being a shitty daughter, friend, classmate and human, my time has come…. sorry for the mess”

And that was it.

Probably the most I ever cried.

“It Is Getting WORSE And WORSE…” – Richard Wolff

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For me it was tapes, rather than vinyl. I had a load of “metal” tapes I recorded in “Dolby S” which I thought sounded nearly as good as CDs.

My pride and joy, in 1995, was s “3-head” Sony tape deck. Sony were awful in the nineties though but I was a fan boy for some reason. My TV, VCR, tape deck, “Super Walkman” and AV amp were all Sony and they ALL failed within a few years. I believe that Sony had outsourced manufacturing all over the place, this was before China’s rise, and had some severe quality control issues because of it.

Now it’s just FLAC files and services like Tidal. It just isn’t the same. My Panasonic walkman eventually died because the head wore away to nothing, I played it so much!

I must admit though, my Huawei Freebuds 5s with my phone produce a music quality that would have astounded me back then. Now I’m a Huawei fan boy and nothing I have bought of their’s has ever failed. It’s just hard to find their stuff here.

I am looking forward to buying a proper Huawei phone when I get to China next year. The ones available here have shitty western chipsets, so no thanks.

Just Another Asian

Guess you could say am retired from hifi scene. Used to have stacks of tapes & later, CD but hardly listen to them today. 80s music still the best. Today all I have is a valve amp Samsung soundbar with subwoofer to watch Netflix.

Friends who still into hifi scene are now playing valves/tubes pre&power amps & they tell me the Chinese made ones are the best. Apparently the valves/tubes are based on Russian military grade valves.

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