2023 05 05 16 1sgd2

Relax and enjoy the entry into the new normal

Ah, the people of the United States, living in the manipulation bubble, cannot see what they are doing. They think that it is normal. Right. Just..

While we HAVE passed the crisis pivot point, we still must deal with 5 – 10 years of conflict that eventually evolves into grudging change.

So yeah. Nuclear bombs, military fighting, monetary collapse and all the rest are realities that are on the horizon. It’s just that the point where the West can do as it wants and successfully get away with it is well over. At this point in time, everything is lose-lose for the West. Everything.

And the sooner the “leaders” realize the hopelessness of the situation, the quicker change be implemented.


They are high on egos, and drugs. They haven’t a clue as to how bizarre their actions appear to the rest of the world.

Australians need to wake up fast the US/UK is using it as a patsy to goad China, which is one of it main trading partners.

“The US government is permitted to have nuclear weapons in Australia. What’s more, Australians are not permitted to know whether or not this is happening. What’s more, not even Australia’s elected senators are permitted to know whether this is happening. It’s assumed to be none of Australia’s business whether there are foreign nuclear weapons in Australia.”

Article HERE

I Went To The Worst Place In Arkansas

Pine Bluff. Yeah. I attended ADC there.

US elites have plan to split Russia – security chief

The efforts are part of Washington’s desperate attempts to retain hegemony, Nikolay Patrushev has claimed
The US and its allies are seeking to preserve their power by dismantling Russia, with Western think tanks busy formulating the necessary plans, the secretary of Moscow’s Security Council has claimed.
In an interview published by the Izvestia newspaper on Wednesday, Nikolay Patrushev said the West was attempting to influence the global order through “the destruction of Russia or its weakening to the level of a third-rate country under foreign management.”

He cited a book published last year and titled ‘Failed State: A Guide to Russia’s Rupture’ as an example of academic work which suggests ways of achieving that goal for the elites in Washington.

The purported plan is to “support instability in nations neighboring Russia” and to conduct information warfare to “fan internal separatism,” Patrushev added.

The book was written by Janusz Bugajski, a senior fellow at conservative Washington-based think tank The Jamestown Foundation. The author made the case for the dissolution of Russia, claiming it had failed to become “a nation state, a civic state or a stable imperial state.”

Bugajski cited a range of factors that supposedly work against Russia, including a lack of economic growth, inequality, distrust in government institutions, the alienation of the population from the ruling elites, and “disbelief in official propaganda.”

The academic is a veteran critic of Moscow who has consulted the Pentagon and the US Agency for International Development, and according to his bio taught a course at the Foreign Service Institute at the State Department.

Patrushev claimed that the West is seeking to weaken Russian sovereignty to gain access to and exploit its vast natural resources. However, Moscow’s adversaries underestimate “the strength of our nation and the will of the Russian people to be independent,” the security official insisted.

He further alleged that Russia’s opponents are aiming to undermine the foundations of its national identity by promoting harmful ideas such as gender diversity and by attempting to revise history.

Patrushev argued that this policy actually alienates those in the West who value tradition and are not susceptible to anti-Russian propaganda. He suggested that these people are welcome to move to Russia and become citizens, as long as they respect local laws and culture.

Everyday Barbacoa Beef

This Everyday Beef Barbacoa is versatile and can be served on tortillas, chips or lettuce.

2023 05 04 18 55
2023 05 04 18 55



  • 3-5 pounds beef cheek or chuck roast, cut into 4 inch pieces
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup lime juice
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 can chipotle in adobo, diced
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 5 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 onion, diced


  • Tortillas
  • Cilantro
  • Onion
  • Lime wedges


  1. Combine all ingredients into a large bowl. Cover and marinate for 2 to 24 hours.
  2. Add marinated beef and leftover marinade to cooker. Cover and cook on LOW for 7 to 8 hours or until fork tender.
  3. Carefully remove beef from cooker with little sauce as possible. Placing on a cutting board, shred beef with two forks and return to cooker. Cook for additional 10 minutes to absorb remaining liquid.
  4. If desired, crisp meat in a cast-iron skillet before serving.

Clutch Cargo: The Low-Budget Cartoon Phenomenon

The CIA used 5 methods to plan “color revolutions” in at least 50 countries

This is the most comprehensive report on the US intelligence agency CIA that I have ever seen. A masterpiece of investigative journalism.
The Paper (澎湃新闻; Péngpài Xīnwén, literally “Rising News” is a Chinese digital newspaper owned and operated by the Shanghai United Media Group.

In the meantime, China continues to work diligently on systems to recognize and counter the color revolutions organized by the CIA.

Entire Paper HERE

English translation:

Report disclosure:

The CIA used 5 methods to plan “color revolutions” in at least 50 countries

CCTV News 2023-05-04 12:05

Global News
Investigation report:
A large number of Trojan horse programs for cyber attacks on China are linked to the CIA

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a more well-known name than the National Security Agency (NSA), is one of the main intelligence agencies of the US federal government. It is headquartered in Langley, Virginia, USA. The Intelligence Division (DI), the Covert Operations Division (NCS), the Technology Division (DS&T), and the Support Division (DS) are four departments. Its main business scope involves: collecting intelligence information of foreign governments, companies and citizens; comprehensively analyzing and processing intelligence information collected by other US intelligence agencies; providing national security intelligence and security risk assessment opinions to high-level US decision makers; organizing implementation and Guiding and supervising cross-border secret activities, etc.

For a long time, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has secretly implemented “peaceful evolution” and “color revolutions” around the world, and has continued to carry out espionage and stealing activities.

Since entering the 21st century, the rapid development of the Internet has provided new opportunities for the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to infiltrate, subvert and sabotage activities. Organizations and individuals using US Internet equipment and software products around the world have become (CIA)’s puppet “agents”, helping the agency quickly become a dazzling “star” in the cyber espionage war.

This series of reports starts with a large number of real cases that 360 and the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center participated in the investigation, reveals the main details of their network attack weapons, and discloses the specific process of some typical network security cases that occurred in China and other countries. It is comprehensive and in-depth. This paper analyzes the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)’s cyber attack stealing and related real-life harm activities, as well as its contribution to the United States becoming a “Matrix”, and provides reference and suggestions for victims of cyber attacks all over the world.

  1. Overview

From the impact of the international socialist camp in the 1980s, the upheaval in the Soviet Union and the East (“Velvet Revolution”) in the early 1990s to the “Rose Revolution” in Georgia in 2003, from the “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine in 2004 to the “Tulip Revolution” in Kyrgyzstan in 2005, From the “Arab Spring” in West Asian and North African countries in 2011 to the “Second Color Revolution” in Ukraine in 2014 and the “Sunflower Revolution” in Taiwan, China, they were all recognized by international organizations and scholars around the world as “color revolutions” dominated by US intelligence agencies. Revolution” typical case. There have also been attempted “color revolutions” in some other countries, such as the “Snowflake Revolution” in Belarus in March 2005, the “Orange Storm” in Azerbaijan in June 2005, the “Cedar Revolution” in Lebanon in 2005, and the “Saffron Revolution” in Myanmar in 2007. “, Iran’s “Green Revolution” in 2009, and so on. If we count from the Cold War period, there are countless regime change events with the color of “peaceful evolution” and “color revolution”. According to statistics, over the past few decades, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has overthrown or attempted to overthrow at least 50 legitimate governments of other countries (while the CIA has only admitted 7 of them), causing turmoil in related countries.

Comprehensive analysis of various technologies in the above-mentioned incidents shows that information communication and on-site command become the decisive factors affecting the success or failure of the incident. These technologies of the United States are in a leading position in the world. Especially in the 1980s, the United States promoted the Internet to the world and was generally accepted by countries all over the world.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Albright once threatened: “With the Internet, we have a way to deal with China.”

This statement is true, many “color revolution” incidents have the shadow of Western powers fueling the flames with the help of the Internet. After the “Arab Spring” incidents in many countries in West Asia and North Africa, some large American multinational Internet companies actively intervened, invested a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources to all parties to the conflict, wooed and supported the opposition, and publicly challenged the legitimate governments of other countries that did not match the interests of the United States. Assist in the dissemination of false information, and promote the intensification of public protests.

One is to provide encrypted network communication services. In order to help protesters in some countries in the Middle East keep in touch and avoid being tracked and arrested, an American company (reportedly with a background in the US military) has developed a TOR technology that can access the Internet and is untraceable (“Onion head” routing technology, The Onion Router). The servers in question encrypt all information that flows through them, helping certain users to surf the web anonymously. After the project was launched by American companies, it was immediately provided free of charge to anti-government personnel in Iran, Tunisia, Egypt and other countries to ensure that those “dissident youth who want to shake their own government’s rule” can avoid the scrutiny and monitor.

The second is to provide offline communication services. In order to ensure that anti-government personnel in Tunisia, Egypt and other countries can still keep in touch with the outside world, Google and Twitter quickly launched a special service called “Speak2Tweet”, which allows users to dial and upload voice for free Leave a message, these messages are automatically converted into tweets and then uploaded to the Internet, Twitter and other platforms for public release, completing the real-time report on the scene of the incident.

The third is to provide on-site command tools for rallies and parades based on the Internet and wireless communications. The RAND Corporation of the United States has spent several years developing a non-traditional regime change technology called “swarming”, which is used to help a large number of young people connected through the Internet join the mobile protests of “one shot for another place”, greatly Improve the efficiency of on-site command of the event.

Fourth, an American company has developed a software called “Riot”, which supports 100% independent wireless broadband network, provides variable Wi-Fi network, does not rely on any traditional physical access methods, and does not require telephone, cable or satellite connections. Can easily evade any form of government surveillance. With the help of the above-mentioned powerful network technology and communication technology means, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) planned and organized a large number of “color revolution” events around the world.

Fifth, the U.S. State Department regards the research and development of the “anti-censorship” information system as an important task, and has injected more than 30 million US dollars into the project.

  1. The CIA’s series of cyber attack weapons

On March 7, 2017, the WikiLeaks website disclosed 8,716 secret documents allegedly from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Network Intelligence Center, which involved the attack methods and attack operations of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hacker team. Code names, technical specifications and requirements of attack tools, etc., WikiLeaks called the relevant documents “Vault7” (dome 7), which has aroused great attention worldwide.

In 2020, Qihoo 360 independently discovered an APT organization that has never been exposed to the outside world. It specifically targets China and its friendly countries to carry out cyber attack and stealing activities. The victims are all over the world. We separately number it as APT-C-39. There is evidence that the organization uses cyber weapon tools (including Athena, Fluxwire, Grasshopper, AfterMidnight, HIVE, ChimayRed, etc.) associated with the exposed “Vault7” (dome 7) data to carry out cyber attacks against victims in China and other countries. The earliest attack activities can be traced back to 2011, and related attacks have continued to this day. The attacked targets involve various countries’ important information infrastructure, aerospace, scientific research institutions, petroleum and petrochemical, large Internet companies, and government agencies.

In large-scale global cyber attacks, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) used a large number of “zero-day” (0day) vulnerabilities, including a large number of backdoors and vulnerabilities that have not been publicly disclosed so far (some functions have been verified), Establish “zombie” networks and attack springboard networks around the world, and attack and invade in stages against network servers, network terminals, switches and routers, as well as a large number of industrial control equipment. We have successfully extracted several “Vault7” (dome 7) network attack weapon samples in the cyber attack operations that have been discovered specifically targeting targets in China, and several Southeast Asian countries and European partners have also extracted almost identical The samples mainly include:

2.1 Fluxwire (flux wire) backdoor program platform

A complex backdoor attack operation management platform that supports 9 mainstream operating systems such as Windows, Unix, Linux, and MacOS and 6 different network architectures. It can form a mesh network with many “broiler” nodes that can operate completely autonomously, supporting self-repair, Loop attack and multipath routing.

2.2 Athena (Athena) program

A lightweight backdoor program for the Microsoft Windows operating system, jointly developed by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the US company Siege Technologies (acquired by Nehemiah Security in 2016), which can be used for remote installation, supply chain attacks, and man-in-the-middle hijacking attacks It can be implanted by means of physical contact installation, etc., and resides in the form of Microsoft Windows service. All attack function modules are decrypted and executed in memory in the form of plug-ins. 2.3 Grasshopper (grasshopper) backdoor program An advanced configurable backdoor program for the Microsoft Windows operating system, which can generate malicious loads in various file formats (EXE, DLL, SYS, PIC), supports multiple execution modes, and can be concealed after being equipped with different plug-in modules. Stay and perform spy functions.

    1. AfterMidnight (after midnight) backdoor program

A lightweight backdoor that runs as a DLL service in the Microsoft Windows operating system. It dynamically transmits and loads the “Gremlins” module through the HTTPS protocol, and executes the malicious load in an encrypted manner throughout the process.

2.5 ChimayRed (Chimay Red Hat) Vulnerability Exploitation Tool

A vulnerability exploit kit for MikroTik and other brands of routers, which can be used to implant lightweight network device backdoor programs such as “TinyShell” with exploits. 2.6 HIVE (Honeycomb) Network Attack Platform The “Hive” network attack platform was jointly developed by a department of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a company owned by the famous US military enterprise Northrop Grumman (NOC). It provides the network attack team of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) A persistent attack stealing method with complex structure. It manages and utilizes a large number of lost assets around the world, forms multi-layer dynamic springboards and secret data transmission channels, and uploads user accounts, passwords and private data to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 7×24 hours (https://www. cverc.org.cn/head/zhaiyao/news20220419-hive.htm).

2.7 Other Derivatives In the process of attacking and stealing secrets through the above-mentioned “Vault7” (Dome 7) cyber weapon, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) also derived and used a large number of attack samples other than “Vault7” (Dome 7) data, and the samples that have been extracted These include disguised phishing software installation packages, keylogger components, system information collection components, USB file stealing modules, and different open source hacking tools.

3. Functional Analysis of the Cyber Attack Weapon Samples of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

During the investigation of many typical cyber attacks in China, Qihoo 360 captured and successfully extracted a large number of data closely related to the Internet exposure of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “Vault 7” from the information network of the victim unit. Trojan horse programs, function plug-ins and attack platform samples. In-depth analysis found that most of the relevant program samples follow the Network Operations Division In-memory Code Execution Specification, Network Operations Division Cryptographic Requirements, and Network Operations Division Persisted DLL Specification in the “Vault7” (dome 7) data, etc. of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Malware development standards and technical specifications. These standards and norms respectively correspond to the loading and execution of malicious code, data encryption and persistence behaviors in cyber attack stealing activities, and relevant cyber weapons have undergone extremely strict standardized, process-oriented and professional software engineering management. It is reported that currently only the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) strictly abides by these standards and specifications to develop cyber attack weapons.

According to “Vault7” (dome 7) data, the above-mentioned cyber attack weapons belong to the EDG (Engineering Development Group) of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and its subordinate AED (Application Engineering Department) and EDB (Embedded Device Division) ) and other independent or joint research and development divisions. Most of these cyber weapons were born in a top secret internal network of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) called “devlan.net”. “devlan.net” is a huge network weapons development and testing infrastructure established by the Engineering Development Division (EDG) of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). According to the development log data of “devlan.net”, at least 200 engineers from EDG have been invested in the research and development of the “HIVE” (honeycomb) project alone.

Further technical analysis found that most of the backdoor programs and attack components of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) run in the form of memory-resident execution without physical files, which makes it extremely difficult to discover and obtain evidence for relevant samples. Even so, the joint technical team managed to find an effective solution to the forensics challenge. For the convenience of subsequent description and analysis, we temporarily divide the attack weapons of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) into 9 categories:

3.1 Framework platform classes. We discovered and captured attack samples and activities of Fluxwire (magnetic flux lines), Grasshopper (grasshopper), and Athena (Athena). Dome 7) The descriptions in the materials are confirmed one by one.

3.2 Attack module delivery class. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has used a large number of small malicious code downloaders with simple functions to load and execute more malicious codes and modules. The relevant samples have no special malicious functions and characteristics, but they cooperate with attack weapons such as framework platforms However, it can show a powerful secret-stealing function, and it is extremely difficult to attribute it to the source.

3.3 Remote control class. A variety of remote control plug-ins have been extracted, most of which are attack module components derived from framework platform attack weapons, and the two cooperate with each other.

3.4 Lateral Movement Classes. Among the large number of malicious program samples extracted, there are many backdoor programs installed and implanted by using Windows remote services with system administrator credentials. In addition, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) also hijacked the upgrade programs of various security products on the intranet, issued and installed backdoor programs through the upgrade function of the intranet upgrade server, and carried out lateral movement attacks on the intranet.

3.5 Information collection and theft. The joint technical team accidentally extracted an information-stealing tool used by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). NSA) dedicated information-stealing tool. This situation shows that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the US National Security Agency (NSA) will jointly attack the same victim, or share cyber attack weapons with each other, or provide relevant technical or human support. This adds important new evidence to the attribution of the identity of the APT-C-39 attackers.

3.6 Vulnerability Exploitation Class. The investigation found that since at least 2015, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has established a huge springboard resource for cyber attacks around the world, using “zero-day” (0-day) vulnerabilities to attack global IOT (Internet of Things) devices and Attack network servers indiscriminately, and convert a large number of lost devices into springboard “broilers”, or hide their own attack behavior, or blame network attacks on other countries. For example, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) used a vulnerability attack kit code-named “ChimayRed” (Chimay Red Hat) to target multiple models of MikroTik brand routers, including a large number of network devices using such routers in China. During the attack, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) will first maliciously modify the router startup script, so that the router will still execute the backdoor program after restarting; then, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) will modify the router’s CGI program to block the (CIA) to prevent other attackers from re-invading and causing loss of authority; eventually, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) will implant “Hive” (HIVE) or “TinyShell” into the router, which only the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ) exclusive backdoor program that can be used.

3.7 Masquerading as normal software. According to the network environment of the attack target, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) customized and disguised the backdoor program as an unpopular software installation package used by the target with a small number of users, and carried out precise social engineering attacks on the target.

3.8 Attack and defense of security software. The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has mastered attack tools specially used to attack commercial anti-virus software. Through these special tools, the process of designated anti-virus software can be shut down and killed remotely, so that the relevant anti-virus software can attack the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Behavioral or offensive weapons are ineffective.

3.9 Third-party open source tools. The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) also often uses off-the-shelf open source hacking tools to carry out attacks. The initial attacks of the CIA’s cyber attack operations generally target the victim’s network equipment or servers, as well as social engineering attacks. After obtaining the target authority, it will further explore the network topology of the target organization, and move laterally to other networked devices in the internal network to steal more sensitive information and data. The target computer controlled by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) will be monitored in real time for 24 hours. All keyboard strokes of the victim will be recorded, and information copied and pasted from the clipboard will be stolen. USB devices (mainly mobile hard drives) , U disk, etc.) will also be monitored in real time. Once a USB device is connected, the private files in the victim’s USB device will be automatically stolen. When conditions permit, the camera, microphone and GPS positioning device on the user terminal will be remotely controlled and accessed.

  1. SummaryThe cyber hegemony manipulated by the United States originated in cyberspace, covers the world, and affects the whole world. As one of the three major intelligence-gathering agencies in the United States, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has already shown automation, systematization and intelligence in its cyber attacks against the world. characteristics. The 8,716 documents leaked from the WikiLeaks website alone contain many important hacking tools and cyber attack weapons of the U.S. intelligence agencies, indicating that the U.S. has built the world’s largest cyber arsenal. Through empirical analysis, we found that its cyber weapons use extremely strict espionage technical specifications, and various attack methods echo and interlock. It has now covered almost all Internet and IoT assets in the world, and can control other countries’ networks anytime, anywhere. Stealing important and sensitive data from other countries will undoubtedly require a lot of financial, technical and human resources to support it. The US-style cyber hegemony is evident, and the “Matrix” is well-deserved.

This series of reports attempts to disclose the long-term attacks and stealing activities of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) targeting network targets in China, and initially explores these network attacks and data theft activities.

In response to the highly systematic, intelligent, and concealed cyber attacks launched by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) against my country, how can domestic government agencies, scientific research institutions, industrial enterprises, and commercial organizations quickly “see” and “handle” them immediately? “Particularly important. In order to effectively deal with imminent network and real threats, while adopting self-controllable localized equipment, we should organize and carry out self-inspection and self-inspection of APT attacks as soon as possible, and gradually establish a long-term defense system to achieve comprehensive and systematic prevention and control , against advanced threat attacks.

Editor in charge: Wu Zhichao
Picture editor: Shen Ke
The Paper: 021-962866

Why is China leading the World?

Russian Warships SUDDENLY Deploy to North Sea

A concentration of at least five Russian Navy warships, plus two auxiliaries, has formed in the North Sea.

If the Ukraine invasion teaches us anything, it’s that the axillaries are just as worth watching as the pointy ships.

All 5 warships are Kalibr cruise missile capable.

While there may be many explanations for this, it will likely get NATO attention.

The most likely explanation at this stage is an unannounced exercise.

Unusually the group includes a frigate from the Black Sea Fleet, which is prevented from returning to its base in Crimea due to the war. Turkey has closed the Bosporus to warships.  It is the Bosporus which is the only entry/exit between the Black Sea and ultimately, the Mediterranean Sea.

Russian Navy vessels identified in area:

  • Black Sea Fleet Pr.11356 Admiral Grigorovich class frigate, Admiral Grigorovich (494)
  • Baltic Fleet Pr.20380 Steregushchiy class corvette, Sbrazitelnyy (531)
  • Baltic Fleet Pr.20380 Steregushchiy class corvette, Stoikiy (545)
  • Baltic Fleet Pr.22800 Karakurt class corvette, Sovetsk (577)
  • Baltic Fleet Pr.22800 Karakurt class corvette, Odintsovo (584)
  • Baltic Fleet Pr.563 Goryn class tug, Yakov Grebelsky (MB-119)
  • Northern Fleet Pr.REF-675 Kaliningrad Neft class oiler, Kama

Saturday Morning TV Memories 1964 – 1976 !

Kremlin Publicly Accuses U.S. of Being Behind Drone Attack/Attempted Assassination of Putin

The Kremlin has accused the US of being behind an “assassination attempt” on Vladimir Putin yesterday.

According to President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, Moscow is considering “various” options in response to the Wednesday morning drone attack on the Kremlin, which it accuses Ukraine of orchestrating “under the dictate of Washington.”

Washington is “definitely” behind the alleged assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin yesterday, the Kremlin has said.

Moscow claimed two drones attempted to attack the Kremlin, but were disabled and failed to cause any damage.

Russia has multiple response options, it said, but declined to comment on whether Volodymyr Zelenskyy was a legitimate target.

The Kremlin claimed the US was selecting the targets and Ukraine was merely implementing American plans, without providing evidence.

John Kirby, the National Security Council’s Coordinator for Strategic Communications, called accusations from Russia that the US directed Ukraine to carry out an alleged Kremlin drone attack and assassination attempt on President Vladimir Putin “ridiculous.”

For Kyiv and Washington to try to disown the incident was “absolutely ridiculous”, the Kremlin said.

Mr. Zelenskyy has denied that Kyiv had anything to do with the incident.

Some experts have suggested Moscow itself could have created the incident as a false flag operation, intended to boost Russian support for the war.

Moscow warns of ‘imminent and inevitable punishment’ for alleged drone attack.

“Moscow is considering a variety of options for responding to the Ukrainian attack on the Kremlin, we can only talk about well-thought-out steps that correspond to the interests of the country. The attack of Ukrainian drones on the Kremlin is now being investigated.

Uncle Buck- Buck Finds Tia

U.S. to Deploy “THOUSANDS” of Troops to Taiwan; China said “Would be Invasion Causing immediate war”

“Multiple sources” are reporting that the U.S. will deploy “thousands” of troops on to Taiwan to defend the island from China.

Last year, China made clear that US troops deploying on to Taiwan will be viewed by Beijing as an “invasion” resulting in immediate war.

More info if I get it.

Sure some neocons wish for this, were this to be attempted, full on war would occur. -MM
2023 05 05 06 17
2023 05 05 06 17
Dreaming. Thousands of deployed soldiers would be killed by the thousands. -MM

3 China Massive Culture Shocks: frustration to fascination!

I like this girl.

On The Hypocrisy Of The New EU Sanction Regime

Once upon a time the European Union rejected secondary sanctions which the U.S. used to press third party countries to follow its sanction regimes against other once:

Making use of the centrality of the US in the global economy, it has imposed ‘secondary sanctions’ on foreign firms, which are forced to choose between trading with US sanctions targets or forfeiting access to the lucrative US market. In addition, the US has penalized foreign firms for breaching US sanctions legislation.

To counter these extraterritorial measures the EU introduced a blocking mechanism:

The lawfulness of these sanctions could be contested before various domestic and international judicial mechanisms, although each mechanism comes with its own limitations. To counter the adverse effects of secondary sanctions, third states and the EU can also make use of, and have already made use of, various non-judicial mechanisms, such as blocking statutes, special purpose vehicles to circumvent the reach of sanctions, or even countermeasures.

Blocking statutes prohibit EU companies from complying with U.S. sanctions:

Pursuant to Art. 5(1) of the EU Blocking Regulation, EU operators are prohibited from complying “with any requirement or prohibition, including requests of foreign courts, based on or resulting, directly or indirectly” from a set of foreign sanctions laws deemed to apply extraterritorially by the European Union, “or from actions based thereon or resulting therefrom.” The laws in question are listed in the Regulation’s Annex; currently, all are US statutes. Art. 5(2) provides that the European Commission (the Commission) may, upon request, authorize EU operators to comply fully or partially with these laws, to the extent that noncompliance would seriously damage their interests or those of the European Union.In 2018, the Commission updated the Annex of the EU Blocking Regulation to include the (reimposed) US secondary sanctions against Iran. It also adopted an Implementing Regulation laying down the criteria that would be taken into account for the granting of compliance authorizations, and issued a Guidance Note on the application of the reactivated EU Blocking Regulation.

The blocking statute was used to reject sanctions the U.S. instated against Iran after the U.S. left the nuclear agreement.

Now however, the conflict in Ukraine has seemingly killed any resistance in the EU against illegal acts from the U.S. In fact the EU has now gone mad and is itself considering the introduction of extraterritorial measures against countries which do not follow its own sanction regime against Russia:

The European Union is discussing a new sanctions mechanism to target third countries it believes aren’t doing enough to prevent Russia from evading sanctions, particularly those that can’t explain spikes in trade of key goods or technologies, according to people familiar with the matter.The primary aim of the tool would be to deter countries from helping Russia and crack down on trade channels that Moscow may be exploiting, the people said. If that doesn’t work, the bloc would have the option as a second step of imposing targeted restrictions on key goods.

The new enforcement mechanism, aspects of which were first reported by the Financial Times, would give member states the authority to create two lists — one of affected third countries and the other of banned goods.

If the mechanism is approved by national governments, decisions on which countries and goods to list would be for member states to take unanimously, the people said. The measures were unlikely to target China at first, but focus mostly on nations in central Asia and Russia’s immediate neighbors, the people added.

Elsewhere, the proposed package would make it easier to sanction companies in third countries that are circumventing the EU’s sanctions.

The EU politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels are killing their own moral defense against the U.S. application of secondary sanctions against third parties.

How will they ever be able to again argue for their own blocking statute. Moreover what will they do when third party countries, like Turkey or China, introduce their own blocking statutes against secondary EU sanctions on their companies?

Posted by b at 15:31 UTC | Comments (26)

Chinese Culture: The values that set them apart.

I really like her message here.

Zelenski’s Regime Is Finished

Yesterday’s drone attack on the Kremlin (and other installations) mark the end of the Zelenski regime. While Russia had so far refrained from regime change in Kiev it will now have to pursue it.

The former prime minister of Israel Naftali Bennet had reported that president Putin had promised him not to hit Zelenski:

“I knew Zelensky was under threat, in a bunker… I said to [Putin], ‘Do you intend to kill Zelensky?’ He said, ‘I won’t kill Zelensky,’” Bennett recalled in the interview, which was published on his own YouTube channel.

Bennett said he called the Ukrainian president immediately after the three-hour encounter with Putin, and told him, “I’ve just come out of a meeting — [Putin] is not going to kill you.“[Zelensky] asked me, ‘Are you sure?’ I said 100 percent. [Putin’s] not going to kill you.”

Bennett recalled: “Two hours later, Zelensky went to his office, and did a selfie in the office, [in which the Ukrainian president said,] ‘I’m not afraid.’”

Well, now he has very good reason to again be afraid, very afraid. As former ambassador MK Bhadrakumar writes:

Make no mistake, this is a tipping point; the clumsy attempt on Putin’s life jolts the kaleidoscope beyond recognition. The only comforting thought is that the Kremlin leadership is not going to be driven by emotion. The considered Kremlin reaction is available from the remarks by the Russian Ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov:“How would Americans react if a drone hit the White House, the Capitol or the Pentagon? The answer is obvious for any politician as well as for an average citizen: the punishment will be harsh and inevitable.”

The ambassador went on to draw the bottom line: “Russia will respond to this insolent and presumptuous terrorist attack. We will answer when we consider it necessary. We will answer in accordance with the assessments of the threat that Kiev posed to the leadership of our country.”

I agree with Bhadrakumar that there will be no knee-jerk reaction from Moscow. But public opinion in Russia demands that there will be payback for the attack and against anyone involved in it.

Putin’s hands are tied beyond a point when the country is in rage and demanding retribution, as evident from the comments by former Russian President and current Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev: “After today’s terrorist attack, there are no options left except for the physical elimination of Zelensky and his clique.”

That Zelenski fled to Finland, then to the Netherlands and Germany after the drones hit the Kremlin is a sure sign of his complicity in the act.

When (if?) he comes back to Kiev it will be bunker life for the rest of his reign.

Posted by b on May 4, 2023 at 16:08 UTC | Permalink

Is China The American Dream ? : Chongqing China 重庆市

Tung Signa technology in Shanghai has two domestic lithography machines stationed in the production line

Recently Tung Signa technology in Shanghai has two domestic lithography machines stationed in the production line independently developed by Shanghai microelectronics

2023 05 05 09 25
2023 05 05 09 25

This represents a major advancement in domestic lithography machines highlighting that domestic lithography machines have rapidly replaced imported lithography machines

In the future the production capacity of 20 000 pieces of full process gold bumps per month can be realized

The introduction of the first domestically produced lithography machine this time is great news for China.

Shanghai microelectronics is the largest lithography machine company in China it has already mass-produced 90 nanometer lithography machines and is currently accelerating the promotion of 28 nanometer and 14 nanometer lithography machines

The lithography machine delivered this time is a packaging and testing lithography machine but this also represents a major progress in China’s lithography machine which means that the domestic 14 nanometers lithography machine will soon be mass produced

After the packaging and testing lithography machine is delivered it is expected to complete the debugging in May and complete the test and mass production next month.

It is expected that the production of twenty thousand chips per month will be completed by next year.

The first lithography machine of Shanghai microelectronics 20-year research was successfully delivered with move-in-ceremony held. This was the proud moment for China and its people.

The icing on the cake is the price of these lithography machines which is only one-seventh of the price of ASML equivalent lithography machines which shows the ultra low cost advantage of domestic lithography machines such a low-cost Advantage will help greatly reduce the cost of Chinese Chips.

lithography machines are not the only ones for making chips in addition to being divided into EUV, DUV and UV, according to the advanced level of the light source they can also be divided into front-end lithography machines for chip manufacturing and back-end lithography machines for packaging and testing.

This time the company introduced a gold bump packaging and testing lithography machine which belongs to the back-end lithography machine for packaging and testing in the field of packaging and testing lithography machines.

28 nanometers to 7 nanometers lithography machines are all immersion lithography Machine Technologies which means that China has successfully developed the 28 nanometers lithography machine to handle the key technology of immersion lithography machines.

Since the difficulty of developing 14 nanometers and 7 nanometers lithography machines has been greatly reduced, as a result ASML’s 1980 lithography machine will also lose its competitiveness.

If China successfully develops (front end) immersion lithography machine technology then ASML will lose a large chunk of market and may return to the days when it was lingering, so of course it is afraid.

This is the great news for China and a shocker for ASML who may want to change its attitude in the coming days.

50k Volts of Compliance Make Her Plank Like It’s 2011 – Florida Friday!

United States debt in comparison…

This was from last year, and does not include the massive increase in debt since December 2022.

massive debt
massive debt

The Sopranos – S06E06 – Spotted in a fag bar in New York – Allegedly!

Taking on China and Russia

Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Two-front War

Waging a two-front war usually ends in defeat. Just ask Hitler.

The US Anglo-Zionist Empire not only faces a two-front war against Russia and China, but as technology entrepreneur, publisher, free speech activist, writer, and journalist Ron Unz pointed out in his article, “Did the Neocons Save the World from the Thucydides Trap,” reckless neocon aggression helped create the Eurasian juggernaut.

Their war crimes aside, old-school arch-globalists like Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger knew the strategic value of keeping Russia and China separated.

If the neocons wanted to take out Russia first, they should have offered China sweet trade deals, reaffirmed their support for the One China policy, and made Emperor President Xi’s birthday a public school holiday.

If China was the big prize, the neocons should have backed Nord Stream 2, promised Russia future NATO membership, and invited President Putin to Disney World.

Instead, the neocons tried to turn money laundering bio lab Ukraine into a NATO missile silo to threaten Russia while simultaneously antagonizing China using Pelosi bat landings and balloon shootdowns in hopes of making Taiwan a second Ukraine.

Like toxic foam that covers the surface of a polluted pond, in a neoliberal kakistocracy, the most venal depraved moronic scum float to the top. In addition, end-stage empires often act irrationally. Both conditions explain current US strategy.

For the record, I’m taking a bit of creative license with the term two-front war. I mean it in the sense of the US taking on a China-Russia united front, and the domestic, international, military, and economic implications that accompany that.

Technically, US vs China-Russia is a global conflict, with proxy wars raging in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and the likely future inclusion of the Latin American and Asian theaters.

Enough ethnoreligious hotspots exist to set off proxy wars across the planet. All that’s needed for conflagration is a CIA gas can and book of matches. The problem with that approach is the CIA can’t control what rises from the ashes. Any Phoenix will likely be China-Russia friendly.

Beyond proxy war lies the danger of direct superpower confrontation. With its forces on the ground in Ukraine, the US-NATO alliance comes close to crossing the line with Russia. US vs China is still in the nascent cold war stage.

For the neocons to wage an international two-front war, they also need to juggle a two-front anti-Russia/anti-China domestic propaganda campaign. The animosity between America’s “left” and “right” makes it difficult to bring both groups under a united war banner.

The “Russia-Russia-Russia” Blue and Yellow flag emoji weekly boosted knee-benders hate “Hitler-Putin” because he represents anti-wokeness and Western Civilization. However “liberals” lack visceral hatred toward China as Netflix programming has made it difficult for them to imagine a non-White villain.

While it would be easy to rile up “support the troops” Breitbart “conservatives” against the “godless Asiatic Chicoms,” many on the reactionary right view Putin as a defender of traditional values.

If the neocons managed to subdue their massive egos, they could put their two-front domestic psyops dilemma into one of Pentagon HAL’s simulation programs and follow the computer’s advice. Pentagon HAL could offer the following four suggestions:

HAL INPUT 1- Let the simulation program manage all components of the two-front war without “human” neocon interference. While this might prolong the life of the empire, it won’t prevent collapse, as the foundational rot is too far advanced.

HAL INPUT 2- When the US Ponzi economy crashes, blame it on a “Chicom-Putin/Hitler” financial cyber attack. Losing their bank accounts would unite both sides of the right-left divide into signing on to WW3. Under martial law, the US could transition into a wartime resource economy, issuing biometric ID food ration/vaccine cards and tent city housing vouchers.

HAL INPUT 3- Withdraw from Ukraine and declare victory. Then stage a military coup/civil war, crush the “wokies,” and replace the rainbow flag with the Cross.

In a divine revelation and post-sex scandal comeback, Pastor Jerry Falwell Jr. reveals that “China Flu” was a Chicom bio-attack and that the Chicoms also took down the Twin Towers, killed JFK, and buried Jimmy Hoffa under the Meadowlands Sports Complex. A unified US populace wages a “Christian Nationalist” crusade against “anti-Christ Chicomunism” to save Israel and usher in WW3 and the Rapture.

Falwell further states that after radioactive flames engulf the planet, Scotty beams up the Americans to Heaven, where they hang out with “Mushroom Cloud Jesus” and Ronald Reagan for all eternity.

HAL INPUT 4- Intensify the public dumb-down program. Soon every US citizen will be able to hold multiple opposing views while operating within the greater collective: “War with Eurasia. War with East Asia. War with Eurasia and East Asia. Who cares? Just give us our soma, cat videos,* and Soylent Green Doritos.” (*Cat videos really are funny. Ha ha ha.)

Propaganda in a full-spectrum totalitarian idiocracy would need to be even dumber than what’s currently produced by Deep State corporate media.

While I’m confident Pentagon HAL could provide other ideas on how to make the US public fall in love with a two-front war, no computer simulation can handle the real-world international challenge presented by a China-Russia alliance. And it’s not just China and Russia. They have allies. And future allies.

Before discussing the relations of the US and the China-Russia alliance in regards to the rest of the world, I’ll need to scale things down to a micro-fish filet. With infinite twists and turns, the unique complexities of each nation-state, and cosmic dice that may or may not be loaded, you could fill up the pre-nova Sarpeidon library with this topic alone.

Lacking access to Pentagon HAL forces me to plug everything into the Tao. A few small quirks in my operating system allow for a small margin of error. That said, it’s time to step into the transporter. Coordinates- Palace of Yamamah, Saudi Arabia. Beam us down Scotty. Hand phasers on stun.

China amazed the world with its brokered peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran. After FDR met with King Ibn Saud on the USS Quincy, Saudi Arabia became a vital US ally. So much so, that President Nixon made the Saudis a foundational component of the US petro-dollar.

While no fan of the House of Saud mafia crime family, I welcome their groundbreaking drift toward China. A black raven omen for Anglo-Zionist Middle East hegemony.

Except for its role as CIA prison black-ops site and buffer for Israel, Jordan has negligible value to the US. Qatar, UAE, and Kuwait exist as US military bases and will break free the first chance they get.

Egypt remains America’s last major Muslim ME ally. If a Nasser officer corps strongman with Sino-Russian leanings overthrows Egyptian zio-puppet Sisi, the US suffers the de facto loss of its Middle East empire.

Barring a few notable exceptions (who I’ll discuss later), most Asian (oriental) countries want good relations with China and Russia. I think if forced to choose, the majority Asian bloc, including West-friendly Thailand, go with China.

The Asian “stan” countries know their future lies with China and the BRI. The mighty Taliban’s victory over ZioCorp removed any doubts.

Pentagon’s AFRICOM controls a network of military bases and CIA-funded gangland militias that stretch across Africa. This gives America the ability to sow chaos throughout the continent, as well as sabotage China’s infrastructure and business projects. In the end, China wins, as Africa’s nation-states strongly favor a Sino-Russian alliance.

A long history of CIA-sponsored coups, assassinations, and corporate plunder destabilized and impoverished Latin America. The only Latin American nations loyal to the US are those ruled by CIA-backed oligarch families. The supermajority of Latin Americans prefer China and Russia over the US, and any successful populist coups will follow that sentiment.

While I think India likely favors a China-Russia future, I still consider it a wild card. A CIA-instigated Indo-China border dispute could push India toward the US.

Furthermore, in general, the H1-B US Brahmin* Big Tech class (and its associated professional class) is obsequiously servile to their Rothschild Zionist and corporate benefactors. I don’t know how much sway US Brahmin Big Tech scribes hold over their subcontinent counterparts.

(*I’m using Brahmin as a figurative ethno-power bloc descriptor in relation to domestic US ethno-hierarchy, and not criticizing individual Indians. I dug Aravind Adiga’s novel, “The White Tiger” and activist/scholar Vandana Shiva took on Bill Gates. The same applies for “Rothschild Zionist.” I’m not attacking innocent Jews.)

If most of the world aligns with China and Russia, what about the US Anglo-Zionist Empire’s major “true-blue” allies?” Where do Israel, the UK, Australia, NZ, Canada, Scandinavia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe (esp. Poland), Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Ukraine fit into the empire’s defensive framework?

To Israel, the US is a lobotomized goose that lays golden eggs. Should the goose ever get a hysterectomy, Israel would cut loose and try to negotiate its own China deal. If forced to choose between the Samson Option and a China-brokered two-state solution, I think Israel opts for the latter.

The UK’s hyper-corrupt Goldman Sachs Brahmin dork oligarch Prime Minister perfectly represents the nation destined to become a bankrupt Air Strip One. Or perhaps a multicultural Clockwork Orange. Beyond its use as an international banking and nuclear strike force hub and its SAS military advisors, the UK provides scant offerings in a global dogfight.

Vassal state Australia is captive to America’s China policy. As per journalist Caitlin Johnstone’s article, “Australia Pays Washington Swamp Monsters For War Advice,” US neocons hold official key positions in Australian military and state agencies, not unlike the Israeli nationals embedded in top US government slots. If WW3 goes down, frontline Australia could star in a real-world “Mad Max” sequel.

The best WEF-controlled New Zealand can hope for is to become a WW3 billionaire bunker.

Canada contains vast deposits of energy. Beyond its use as a police state gas station, I don’t place much stock in Canada’s military capabilities. Modern Canada is not D-Day “lumberjack” Canada.

In either a cold or hot war, I doubt Scandinavia poses much threat to the China-Russia alliance, as it’s currently in a cultural-spiritual-economic death spiral.

Finland’s entry into NATO represents the last spoonful of arsenic. As a NATO member, Finland will be forced to purchase overpriced and unreliable MIC weapon systems with its social welfare fund. Third-world police state dystopia follows.

Norway’s old-school NATO and in too deep to buck. Sweden’s screwed whether it joins NATO tomorrow or the day after. Goodbye ABBA.

Japan is a valuable asset to the US Anglo-Zionist Empire due to its geographical location and high-tech manufacturing capability. Retooled Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Toyota plants could certainly produce plenty of killer robots and next-generation drones. However, Japan can’t touch China’s production output.

Given its proximity to both Russia and China, if things go hot, Las Vegas odds say Japan commits harakiri for ZioCorp’s honor.

I hope a divine wind blows through Japan’s collective neural network before the “land of cherry blossoms” passes the point of no return.

Taiwan? Except for a few CIA brain-chipped suicide bombers, when PLA troops march through Taipei, the cheering crowds will welcome them with flowers. I think the Taiwanese are too smart to end up like the Ukranians.

As reported by Global Times, South Korea’s current President is a neocon-programmed automaton bent on wrecking his country for the glorification of ZioCorp. However, many S. Koreans loathe the prospect of another American-instigated Korean war and resent US military occupation and neoliberal debt slavery.

The South Korean flag displays the yin-yang symbol. The 5 tenets of taekwondo are courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit. If Tao knocks on South Korea’s door tomorrow, who answers?

Product of a looting dictator father and shoe-crazed mother, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is a well-compensated US State Department foreign contractor. Unlike Marcos, the previous president was China-Russia friendly. What if China started bankrolling Philippine political parties like the US does?

Western Europe, plagued by ziobankster austerity, forced MIC purchasing, deindustrialization, neocon terror attacks on vital energy infrastructure, hyper mRNA vaccination, and weaponized immigration, is on an Oswald Spangler death trip.

Brute force US military occupation, an EU surveillance state, and corporate media brainwashing keep Western Europeans in line. However, even worms like former Rothschild banker Emmanuel Macron and neoliberal technocrat Olaf Shultz want to maintain good relations with China.

Like its US counterpart, Western Europe’s political class would airlift its entire native citizen-serf population into a giant volcano for a few extra bucks and an ADL head pat.

Even so, EU technocrats realize the US Titanic suffers from a breached hull. How much and fast the water is pouring in is a matter of debate. One solid bet. Before the US sinks, it throws Europe into the icy water.

Should Western Europe escape total annihilation, it will need a Chinese Sun Tzu / Marshall Plan to rejoin civilization.

If a major economic downturn forces the US to reduce its European military presence, Western Europe bolts to China. And despite “Putin is Hitler” mass hysteria, by default, to Russia.

We may one day witness a true Eurasian (Europe-Russia-China) bloc that extends from the beaches of Normandy to Shanghai.

As reported in Philip Giraldi’s article, “Perspectives from Eastern Europe,” the Polish-led Eastern European bloc stands with the US Anglo-Zionist Empire. A somewhat understandable situation, given Eastern European-Soviet history. However, the Poles and their friends need to realize that Putin’s Russia is not Soviet Russia. Beyond the historical trauma, Poland wants a chunk of Ukraine. Following WWI, Poland snatched Germany’s “Polish Corridor” and “Free City of Danzig.” That didn’t work out well for the Poles. Neither will their Ukraine land grab.

Ukraine is finished. Whatever is not seized by Russia in the east gets vacuumed up by BlackRock corporations in the west. To maintain appearances, the BlackRock western zone might keep the Ukraine name.

Using Zelensky as their corporate Kaganovich, the Rothschild Zionists manifested a second Holodomor. Mega-death WW2 started shortly after the first Holodomor. Are we entering another historical rhyme cycle?

The US Anglo-Zionist Empire’s foreign alliance rests on “gun to the head” diplomacy. By contrast, the China-Russia foreign alliance is a “coalition of the willing” in the true sense of the term. Except for Israel, the UK, Eastern Europe, and maybe Japan, the world’s nations want to join the China-Russia alliance.

But what about the US military as a stand-alone outfit? Can it take on China-Russia?

As exemplified by current Secretary of Defense and former member of Raytheon’s Board of Directors Lloyd Austin, the Pentagon’s top brass are incompetent bloated venal careerists who lack rudimentary military proficiency.

Chinese and Russian military leadership outshines its US equivalent by many suns.

The Pentagon/MIC top brass view the future of warfare as a purely technological affair, i.e., killer robots backed by drone jet fighters and battleships managed by AI Pentagon HAL, with human cog positions filled by undocumented “dreamers,” purple-haired gender fluid gamers, H-1B techies, and poor people seeking military food ration cards.

In a technology-driven war, the China-Russia scientific alliance infinitely outbrains Dr. Strangelove. China’s “Artificial Sun” just broke the world record for a sustained nuclear fusion reaction. (Fission bad- Chernobyl. Fusion good- how the sun generates energy.) Check out Russia’s hypersonic missiles.

War is more than weapons. Soldiers need boots, uniforms, knapsacks, medicines, and canteens. The US outsourced its manufacturing base to China. It could take decades to rebuild. To demonstrate the industrial chasm between the US and China, compare Amtrak to China’s high-speed rail network. The US builds tent cities. China builds trains.

In human warrior vs human warrior, the nationalist-motivated Russian and Chinese fighting man outmatches his globalist US counterpart.

While the lower US military ranks still contain some “warrior” types, that demographic is systematically being weeded out. Good. Only a moron would fight for ZioCorp.

In the weirdest ever case of mismatch, the war machine appropriated the rainbow flag for its official symbol.

That’s not to say gay guys can’t fight.

To borrow from the Rolling Stones’ “Memo from Turner,” openly gay National Socialist SA leader Ernst Röhm was a “lashing, smashing hunk of man,” and from my viewpoint, ‘homo thugs’ make the top 5 scariest muthas list.

But that’s not who the Pentagon/MIC is looking to recruit. They want the Pete Buttigieg type. A blue and yellow patched rainbow armband hundred times boosted PrEP popper who wants to swallow up nation-states in a child groomer-Goldman Sachs pincer movement.

If America’s humiliating defeat by the amazing Taliban offers any indication of US military prowess, I think the China-Russia alliance comes out on top in a conventional war.

As an aside, shortly before the collapse of the USSR, the Soviets lost Afghanistan. With America’s recent ejection by Taliban forces, are we witnessing another historical rhyme cycle?

Given America’s astronomical accruement of bad karmic debt, a US collapse would open the floodgates of hell not unlike the torrent of blood elevator from “The Shining.”

The only thing worse than collapse is if AI, killer robots, and other high-tech police state innovations allow a financialized aristocracy to rule over their lab rat epsilon subjects in perpetuity.

Factoring in ruling class cognitive limitations, the probability of complex system breakdown, the history of empire, the destruction of the education system, the pathological corruption, and the nature of entropy- I lean toward collapse.

The best last chance escape-hatch for America is either a military coup led by a benevolent populist dictator who retracts the US back to its continental borders or a quasi-peaceful breakup that splits the US into ideological and ethno states.

Both outcomes require dismantling the Federal Reserve and purging the current ruling class.

Enough hope porn.

What if the US starts WW3 and starts to lose? A desperate US Anglo-Zionist Empire could unleash a US version of the Samson Option. I don’t think that will happen- at least not intentionally, as most global elitists don’t want to spend the rest of their lives in underground bunkers.

However, a Skynet technical glitch could set off an accidental nuclear launch. Or maybe a rogue Dr. Strangelove wakes up with a head cold.

The international bankers know the empire is doomed. For them, the US nuclear arsenal serves as a “threat weapon” against China: “Let us in, or we shoot.”

If faced with the loss of global financial control, would the Rothschild-Rockefeller bank cartel blow up the planet? I don’t know. The US is the only country that ever dropped nuclear bombs on its enemy.

If it goes down, the radioactive cockroaches might get their shot.

Biggest Differences Living in China VS America

Half of U.S. Tax Payments from Income Tax Filing Day – SPENT! Treasury Down to $188 Billion

Americans filed their taxes for the year 2022 just two weeks ago . . .  and HALF the money they paid, is already spent!  According to data released by the US Treasury, the US Government is down to its last $188 Billion!  June 1, it all stops . . .

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen penned a letter to Congress last week telling them that unless the US Debt Ceiling is raised, the U.S. Government “will not be able to meet its commitments BY June 1.”

That’s not Hal Turner or some talking head saying that . . .  It’s the Treasury Secretary of the United States saying it.

A simple analysis of Yellen’s words makes clear it’s not just Debt servicing or interest payments they won’t be able to make, it’s all their “commitments” they won’t be able to meet.   What ARE those commitments?   Welfare, SOCIAL SECURITY, Medicare, Food Stamps, Obama phones, Section 8 Housing, and the like!

Worse, after June 1, the government will be in DEFAULT on more and more of its obligations, thereby smashing and wrecking the “full faith and credit” of the United States.

Who around the world will bother buying US Treasury Debt after we default?   No sane person!!!!

If this takes place, the cities will likely fall apart first.  It will be chaos as those with their hands out for money, don’t get any.  There will likely be food thefts, riots, roving gangs taking what they want by force.

As the cities are emptied of food, the roving gangs will move outward into the suburbs.

This could turn into a “Mad Max” scenario, in very little time.

Below is the chart released by the US Treasury showing they have only $188 Billion left, and that they have already spent HALF of the Tax Revenue Paid By Americans just two weeks ago:


Starship Troopers: Sgt. Zim takes all challengers HD CLIP

Russian Warships SUDDENLY Deploy to North Sea

A concentration of at least five Russian Navy warships, plus two auxiliaries, has formed in the North Sea.

If the Ukraine invasion teaches us anything, it’s that the axillaries are just as worth watching as the pointy ships.

All 5 warships are Kalibr cruise missile capable.

While there may be many explanations for this, it will likely get NATO attention.

The most likely explanation at this stage is an unannounced exercise.

Unusually the group includes a frigate from the Black Sea Fleet, which is prevented from returning to its base in Crimea due to the war. Turkey has closed the Bosporus to warships.  It is the Bosporus which is the only entry/exit between the Black Sea and ultimately, the Mediterranean Sea.

Russian Navy vessels identified in area:

  • Black Sea Fleet Pr.11356 Admiral Grigorovich class frigate, Admiral Grigorovich (494)
  • Baltic Fleet Pr.20380 Steregushchiy class corvette, Sbrazitelnyy (531)
  • Baltic Fleet Pr.20380 Steregushchiy class corvette, Stoikiy (545)
  • Baltic Fleet Pr.22800 Karakurt class corvette, Sovetsk (577)
  • Baltic Fleet Pr.22800 Karakurt class corvette, Odintsovo (584)
  • Baltic Fleet Pr.563 Goryn class tug, Yakov Grebelsky (MB-119)
  • Northern Fleet Pr.REF-675 Kaliningrad Neft class oiler, Kama

Vito Was Blowing The Security Guard – The Sopranos HD

What China Is Really Playing at in Ukraine


Beijing is fully aware the NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is the un-dissociable double of the U.S. war against its Belt and Road Initiative.

Imagine President Xi Jinping mustering undiluted Taoist patience to suffer through a phone call with that warmongering actor in a sweaty T-shirt in Kiev while attempting to teach him a few facts of life – complete with the promise of sending a high-level Chinese delegation to Ukraine to discuss “peace”.

There’s way more than meets the discerning eye obscured by this spun-to-death diplomatic “victory” – at least from the point of view of NATOstan.

The question is inevitable: what’s the point of this phone call? Very simple: just business.

The Beijing leadership is fully aware the NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is the un-dissociable double of an American direct war against the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Until recently, and since 2019, Beijing was the top trade partner for Kiev (14.4% of imports, 15.3% of exports). China essentially exported machinery, equipment, cars and chemical products, importing food products, metals and also some machinery.

Very few in the West know that Ukraine joined BRI way back in 2014, and a BRI trade and investment center was operating in Kiev since 2018. BRI projects include a 2017 drive to build the fourth line of the Kiev metro system as well as 4G installed by Huawei. Everything is stalled since 2022.

Noble Agri, a subsidiary of COFCO (China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation), invested in a sunflower seed processing complex in Mariupol and the recently built Mykolaiv grain port terminal. The next step will necessarily feature cooperation between Donbass authorities and the Chinese when it comes to rebuilding their assets that may have been damaged during the war.

Beijing also tried to become heavily involved in the Ukraine defense sector and even buy Motor Sich; that was blocked by Kiev.

Watch that neon

So what we have in Ukraine, from the Chinese point of view, is a trade/investment cocktail of BRI, railways, military supplies, 4G and construction jobs. And then, the key vector: neon.

Roughly half of neon used in the production of semiconductors was supplied, until recently, by two Ukrainian companies; Ingas in Mariupol, and Cryoin, in Odessa. There’s no business going on since the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO). That directly affects the Chinese production of semiconductors. Bets can be made that the Hegemon is not exactly losing sleep over this predicament.

Ukraine does represent value for China as a BRI crossroads. The war is interrupting not only business but, in the bigger picture, one of the trade and connectivity corridors linking Western China to Eastern Europe. BRI conditions all key decisions in Beijing – as it is the overarching concept of Chinese foreign policy way into mid-century.

And that explains Xi’s phone call, debunking any NATOstan nonsense on China finally paying attention to the warmongering actor.

As relevant as BRI is the overarching bilateral relationship dictating Beijing’s geopolitics: the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership.

So let’s transition to the meeting of Defense Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) earlier this week in Delhi.

The key meeting in India was between Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his Chinese colleague Li Shangfu. Li was recently in Moscow, and was received by Putin in person for a special conversation. This time he invited Shoigu to visit Beijing, and that was promptly accepted.

Needless to add that every single player in the SCO and beyond, including nations that are for the moment just observers or dialogue partners as well as others itching to become full members, such as Saudi Arabia, paid very close attention to the Shoigu-Shangfu camaraderie.

When it comes to the profoundly strategic Central Asian “stans”, that represents the six feet under treatment for the Hegemon wishful thinking of using them in a Divide and Rule scheme pitting Russia against China.

Shoigu-Shangfu also sent a subtle message to SCO members India and Pakistan – stop bickering and in the case of Delhi, hedging your bets – and to full member (in 2023) Iran and near future member Saudi Arabia: here’s where’s it at, this the table that matters.

All of the above also points to the increasing interconnection between BRI and SCO, both under Russia-China leadership.

BRICS is essentially an economic club – complete with its own bank, the NDB – and focused on trade. It’s mostly about soft power. The SCO is focused on security. It’s about hard power. Together, these are the two key organizations that will be paving the multilateral way.

As for what will be left of Ukraine, it is already being bought by Western mega-players such as BlackRock, Cargill and Monsanto. Yet Beijing certainly does not count on being left high and dry. Stranger things have happened than a future rump Ukraine positioned as a functioning trade and connectivity BRI partner.

WAR IS COMING, Putin just scored a DEVASTATING blow to the U.S. and Europe!



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Creative expression

Creative expression allows you to explore and express your emotions in a healthy and constructive way. Whether through painting, drawing, writing, or dancing, creative expression is a powerful tool that can help you process your feelings and reduce stress.

If you’re new to creative expression, starting can be as simple as picking up a pen and paper and writing down your thoughts, drawing a picture, or dancing to your favorite song. You don’t need to be an expert or have formal training; just let your emotions guide you and allow yourself to be fully present in the moment.

Here’s how to get started with creative expression:

  • Choose your medium—from painting and drawing to writing or dancing; pick a form of creative expression that resonates with you.
  • Create a safe space—find a quiet and comfortable place to be alone and focus on your creative expression.
  • Let go of expectations—don’t worry about creating something perfect or meaningful; just let your thoughts and emotions guide you.
  • Be present in the moment—allow yourself to fully immerse in the creative process and let go of any distractions or worries.


It’s time to dust off that gym membership you haven’t used since New Year’s.

When we engage in physical activity, our bodies release endorphins, natural chemicals that make us feel good. Exercise is not only great for our physical health but also for our mental health. It helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and improves mood.

Starting an exercise routine doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as going for a walk, taking a yoga class, or doing a home workout. The key is finding an activity you enjoy and can do consistently. Starting small and gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your exercise can also help you stick to it.

To get the most out of your exercise routine, make it a habit. Scheduling your workout time in your calendar, setting achievable goals, and tracking your progress can keep you motivated. It’s also important to listen to your body and give yourself rest days.

Mindfullness Mediatation

Mindfulness meditation is a powerful technique that helps you become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in the present moment. By cultivating this awareness, you can gain greater insight into your own patterns of thought and behavior and learn to respond to stress and difficult emotions more skillfully.

To start practicing mindfulness meditation, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit undisturbed for a few minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, noticing the sensation of air moving in and out of your body. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath without judging yourself.

As you continue to practice, you can begin to expand your awareness of other physical sensations and thoughts that arise. Remember to approach these experiences with curiosity and openness rather than judgment or resistance.

Social Support

You don’t have to go through this by yourself—and you shouldn’t. Connect with others and receive emotional, informational, and tangible support. Whether through family, friends, or support groups, social support is a powerful tool that can help you reduce stress, build resilience, and improve your overall mental health.

Social support is an effective coping mechanism because it provides a sense of belonging and connectedness. It’s a chance for you to feel less isolated and alone. Involving other people in your mental health journey can motivate, encourage, and hold you accountable to stay on track with your goals and overcome challenges.

If you’re looking to build your social support, here are some tips to get you started:

  • Identify your support system—consider who you can turn to for emotional support, advice, or practical help.
  • Communicate your needs—be clear about what kind of support you need, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Nurture your relationships—make time to connect with your support system regularly through phone calls, text messages, or in-person meetings.
  • Be a supportive friend—remember that social support is a two-way street. Be there for your friends and loved ones when they need you, and offer your own support and encouragement.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, is one of the best coping mechanisms for mental health because it helps you identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors contributing to your mental health struggles. CBT is a goal-oriented and structured approach that focuses on the present moment and helps you develop effective coping strategies to manage your symptoms.

If you want to start CBT, find a licensed therapist specializing in this approach. Together, you’ll work to identify your negative thought patterns and behaviors and develop practical skills and strategies to manage your symptoms.

Here’s a short guide to starting CBT:

  • Identify your goals—think about what you’d like to achieve through therapy and share this with your therapist.
  • Develop a plan—work with your therapist to develop a plan of action.
  • Identify negative thought patterns—learn to identify negative thoughts and beliefs contributing to your symptoms.
  • Challenge negative thoughts—practice challenging and reframing negative thoughts to reduce your impact on your mental health.
  • Develop coping strategies—work with your therapist to develop practical coping strategies to manage your symptoms in challenging situations.

Sleep Hygiene

This is not the time to skimp on sleep. Sleep hygiene refers to practices and habits that promote restful sleep. Poor sleep quality can seriously impact our mental well-being (hello, increased stress, anxiety, and depression!). But good sleep hygiene can help us get the rest needed to manage our emotions and maintain a positive outlook.

Quality sleep is essential for our bodies and minds to recover from the day’s stresses. When we sleep, our brain consolidates memories, processes emotions, and regulates our mood. Without sufficient sleep, we are more vulnerable to negative thoughts and emotions, making it difficult to cope with daily challenges.

To start improving your sleep hygiene, try implementing some of the following practices:

  • Set a consistent sleep schedule—go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine—wind down before bed with relaxing activities such as reading, meditation, or a warm bath.
  • Limit exposure to screens—avoid using electronic devices such as phones, tablets, or computers before bedtime.
  • Create a comfortable sleep environment—keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.
  • Exercise regularly—physical activity can help promote restful sleep.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is a powerful technique to manage stress and anxiety, reducing the muscle tension that comes with them. It works by systematically tensing and relaxing each muscle group in the body, helping to release physical and emotional tension.

When we experience stress or anxiety, our muscles tend to become tense and tight, which can cause physical discomfort and make our mental state worse. By consciously tightening and relaxing each muscle group, we can release this tension and create a sense of physical relaxation.

Here’s a short guide to practicing progressive muscle relaxation:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, focusing on your breath as you inhale and exhale.
  3. Start at the top of your head and work your way down your body, tensing and then relaxing each muscle group for a few seconds.
  4. Take a few deep breaths between each muscle group, allowing yourself to fully relax and release any tension.
  5. Once you’ve completed the entire sequence, take a few moments to breathe deeply and reflect on how you feel.

Positive Self-Talk

Be kind to yourself—you’re going through a lot right now.

Positive self-talk involves intentionally replacing self-criticism with positive and encouraging statements, improving self-esteem, boosting confidence, and reducing anxiety and depression. One of the reasons positive self-talk is such an effective coping mechanism is that it can help shift our mindset from self-doubt and negativity to self-love and positivity.

Here’s a short guide to practicing positive self-talk:

  1. Start by becoming aware of your negative self-talk. Notice when you’re being self-critical and pay attention to the words and phrases you use.
  2. Challenge your negative self-talk by asking yourself if it’s true. Often, negative self-talk is based on irrational or unfounded beliefs.
  3. Replace negative self-talk with positive statements. For example, if you think “I’m not good enough,” replace it with “I am capable and deserving of success.”
  4. Practice positive self-talk regularly, especially when you’re feeling down or stressed. Repeat positive affirmations to yourself throughout the day to reinforce positive thinking.

Box Breathing

Box breathing, also known as square breathing, is a simple breathing technique to improve overall mental health. It involves taking slow and deep breaths, using a specific pattern of inhaling, holding, exhaling, and holding.

Box breathing helps regulate our nervous system, calming our mind and reducing the physiological response to stress. When we experience stress or anxiety, our body’s natural fight-or-flight response is triggered, causing an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and shallow breathing. By consciously slowing down our breathing and taking deeper breaths, we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and a sense of calm.

Here’s a short guide to practicing box breathing:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths, focusing on your breath as you inhale and exhale.
  3. Begin by inhaling slowly and deeply through your nose for a count of four.
  4. Hold your breath for a count of four.
  5. Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth for a count of four.
  6. Hold your breath for a count of four.
  7. Repeat this cycle for several minutes, gradually increasing the duration of each count as you become more comfortable.

Gratitude Practices

Gratitude isn’t just for Thanksgiving. It’s an excellent coping mechanism for mental health. Focusing By focusing on gratitude, we can shift our perspective and cultivate a positive mindset. One reason gratitude practices are so effective is that they help us appreciate what we have rather than strive for more.

A way to practice gratitude is to take a few moments each day to reflect on what you are grateful for. This could be anything from a warm cup of tea in the morning to a supportive friend or a beautiful sunset. Another way to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal, where you write down three things you are grateful for each day.

Here’s a guide to practicing gratitude:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to relax and focus on your thoughts.
  2. Take a few deep breaths and reflect on what you are grateful for.
  3. Write down three things you are grateful for, focusing on the feelings of appreciation and positivity that come with each item.
  4. Take a moment to appreciate what you have written down and feel the gratitude and positivity they bring.

Uncle Buck – Bug’s Apology (full scene)

How To Set Healthy Boundaries In A Relationship?

Are you a doormat? Do you lead your own, independent life? Are you in charge? Or, on the other hand, does your wife or girlfriend tell you exactly what to do?

If you’re giving her the reins to your existence, I’ve got news for you. You need to learn how to set healthy boundaries in a relationship.


In a romantic relationship devoid of these boundaries, you end up bending over backward to please your partner which might lead to problems and you being unhappy in your relationship after a certain point.

Stop being a ‘yes’ man.

There’s a common misconception here. You think that if you set a boundary with your partner, you’re blocking them out. Incorrect. If you want to have a healthy, high-quality relationship with her, you need to let her know where your boundaries lie.

It’s not about keeping her out or even keeping her at arm’s length. It’s about not self-betraying in order to please her.

If she’s the woman that you think she is, she will respect you and the boundaries you draw up. She will give you that level of respect.

I’ve worked with many men that have found themselves in relationships where the boundaries have gone out of the window. Since they failed to set these boundaries from the offset, their partner has walked all over them.

They’ve found themselves becoming stressed, angry, upset… and not been able to pinpoint the cause of their problems.

The reason is obvious to everyone but them: there are no boundaries in place. That’s why I wanted to share a guide on how to set healthy boundaries in your relationships.

Tending to this part of your love life doesn’t have to be a chore. Taking the time to do this can help you gain the respect, love, and trust that you deserve from a partner.

Within this guide, I will dispel some of the myths surrounding setting boundaries and why you should do it.

Breaking Bad – Diner Scene

10 Major Reasons Why a Woman Leaves Her Man: A Brutally Honest Guide


Let’s face it. We’ve all been there.

You’re in a happy relationship and think you have everything under control. You’re crazy about her, and she’s crazy about you. And you genuinely cannot remember the last time you were this happy in a relationship.

You even begin to wonder if you found “the one.” At the very least, you fully expect it to turn into a long-term relationship; in the best-case scenario, you’ve found your life partner.

Then, you are blindsided. You get into a sudden argument, and—to your surprise—she walks. And there you are, left wondering just what went wrong. Even worse, you’ll probably never get a straight answer about what went wrong.

I’ve seen failed relationships like these destroy men. Many guys can’t recover from the heartbreak of their relationships ending so abruptly.

That being said, as a professional men’s coach, I can assure you that there are patterns to these things if you know how to look for them. 

Today, I will give you some objective observations about why relationships fail and take a deep dive into what you can do to prevent it from happening to you.

This knowledge should be used to improve yourself and become a more grounded man so that you can build stronger, healthier relationships going forward.

But first, let’s talk about how you shouldn’t handle these situations.

Look, rejection never feels good. I don’t care if we discuss a relationship or a job promotion. Being told that you’re not good enough for something just plain sucks.

Naturally, the first thing you may want to do when this happens is to seek the support of your friends or family. These people will often come together and take your side to make you feel better.

This is entirely understandable, but taking a moment and being introspective is essential. After all, a man who refuses to admit he’s done anything wrong is doomed to repeat his mistakes.

I can tell you that I see many men who, as a defense mechanism, convince themselves that the failed relationship was entirely their girlfriend’s fault. Usually, this isn’t the case.

The truth is many men are unaware of their shortcomings. They fail to realize what they did to cause the relationship to go south. I always advise my clients to take a moment and think about the history of the relationship and consider what warning signs they may have missed.

More often than not, the signs were there all along. Unfortunately, when many men realize this, it is already too late.

That being said, here is a list of the ten most common reasons why a woman will leave her man and some actionable tips you can employ right now to stop them from happening to you.

1. She feels a lack of emotional support and a feeling of connection

I still remember a man I met who was about to propose while on vacation with his girlfriend. The entire trip was carefully crafted to be as romantic as possible, and he was confident that she would say “yes.”

To his surprise, though, she said “no.” Not only did she reject his proposal, but a big argument ensued that ended the relationship then and there. She booked a flight back home, and he had four days to wallow in his failure.

I remember him giving me this big speech about how he felt a deep emotional connection with her that was unlike anything he had ever felt.

He told me he couldn’t comprehend why she said they felt their bond “wasn’t deep enough” for marriage.

He failed to understand that a feeling of connection is unique to everyone. It was a profound connection to my client, but to his partner, it wasn’t anything noteworthy.

It doesn’t mean either person was being untruthful in any way, simply that they had different expectations.

A woman needs to feel like she can confide in anything in you and that you are genuinely interested in her feelings. If she doesn’t, she’ll eventually seek that connection somewhere else. 

In the case of this particular client, after we talked it out, he realized that he was neglecting his girlfriend’s emotional needs—and that he had been for quite a while. There were noticeable clues that she was unhappy, but he failed to realize it.


Well, that leads me to my next point…

2. You are taking her for granted

My client had become so convinced that his girlfriend was deeply in love with him that he got lazy. The things he said and did that made her fall for him in the first place got put on the back burner.

He was overconfident and didn’t realize he wasn’t the supportive man she needed. In this circumstance, it seemed my client knew how to be emotionally supportive, but he just stopped prioritizing it.

Suppose you’ve been caught in a never-ending cycle of short-term relationships. Even though you want something long-term, those relationships never materialize, and you’re not sure why.

In that case, it’s probably because your partners aren’t getting the emotional support they crave.

Ask yourself, “Am I being lazy?” Because if you want your relationships to go the distance, you must put in the effort. It’s that simple. 

Despite what many people think, relationships aren’t that complicated. All you need to do is maintain the chemistry that sparked the attraction in the first place. The rest will take care of itself.

And this is what leads me to my next point:

3. You failed to level up your communication skills

Think back to when you first started dating your partner and the things you used to talk about. Generally, people don’t get into deep introspective conversations on the first date. For the most part, when two people are just getting to know each other, casual topics take center stage

This is fine in the beginning because there is a strong physical or sexual attraction driving the relationship. Your conversations don’t need to be the most profound because other factors keep you both interested.

But as the relationship progresses and that physical attraction begins to cool, women often look for deeper communication. And that is where I see so many men fall short.

Actively listening, empathizing, and expressing your feelings clearly and respectfully take communication to the next level.

For example, take a look at how the two of you argue. While I’ll be the first to admit that arguing is not an indication that there is something wrong with the relationship, you need to be aware of how your arguments get resolved.

If you constantly brush off her concerns and disputes and never have a resolution, she will feel like you aren’t listening to her and don’t value her opinions. I often see couples argue, stop talking for a while, and then drift back together once their tempers have cooled.

They don’t discuss the issue because they don’t want to deal with the stress and spark another fight. The problem is that when you do this, you’re not fixing the underlying problem. Just because you’re on speaking terms again, it doesn’t mean there isn’t resentment underneath.

If you can’t level up your communication skills in a way that is befitting of a serious relationship, then you’ll never have one. 

Admittedly, practical communication skills require years of practice and don’t come naturally to many men. If you think this statement applies to you, hiring a men’s coach to provide professional guidance might be the perfect solution.

4. You are jealous and/or insecure

While a bit of jealousy is natural—and arguably healthy—excessive jealousy that stems from personal insecurities can drive a wedge between you and your partner. If you constantly question or doubt her loyalty, it won’t be long until she grows tired of it.

As cliché as it is, trust is essential to any relationship, and if you lack trust, you need to examine why that is.

I understand that certain things can happen throughout a relationship that gives you reasonable cause for not trusting your partner, but I’m not talking about those here.

I’m talking about deep-seated insecurities that have nothing to do with your current relationship. These are issues that arise from past relationships or something else entirely, such as something that happened in your childhood.

Whatever the reason, it’s your job to work on yourself to become a trusting and confident partner. Besides, you will drive yourself crazy if you don’t, and your relationships will be guaranteed to fail. 

How do you do that? Well, it all depends on you and your unique circumstances.

For example, if a past partner cheated on you, and now you walk around with a lingering fear that every woman you date will do the same, you need to address that directly.

On the other hand, if your parents constantly put you down as a child, you may suffer from low self-esteem in adulthood. The causes are different for everyone, but the one thing you don’t want to do is bury or repress those emotions.

If you’re unsure what’s causing your problems, a men’s coach can help you get to the root cause of your jealousy and insecurities and teach you how to heal and move on.

5. You are neglecting your growth

It’s always important to prioritize self-improvement and personal growth in your life. To be a strong, grounded man—to be a true leader—you should constantly search for ways to become a better person and partner.

This can come in many ways, shapes, or forms, but generally, you need to show that you are willing to learn from your mistakes, take responsibility for them, and grow as an individual.

In other words: stop acting like a little boy and start acting like a man.

Unfortunately, many men fail to realize when they’ve become stagnant. If your partner is career-oriented, entrepreneurial, and ambitious, it’s only natural that she will seek a like-minded partner.

If you were at one point but have now lost that drive, it may be causing tension in your relationship.

In the end, she will lose respect for you, and then you will lose her. 

Again, it’s about not getting lazy in your relationships.

For example, just because you and your girlfriend decided to move in together and split half the rent doesn’t mean you get to sit on your ass and play video games all day.

Whatever expectations you have from each other need to be communicated to form a lasting relationship.

6. You are being financially irresponsible

Whether casually dating or building a life together, your finances will eventually intertwine. And yes, money isn’t everything, but financial stability is essential to a relationship.

If you’re reckless with your finances—even if that recklessness doesn’t personally affect your partner—it could be a red flag for her.

If a man fails to hold a steady job and bring home a decent income, it is often seen as a sign of weakness. And if you’re unwilling to contribute to shared expenses, she may view you as unreliable or untrustworthy.

Sure, you might have a five-year plan to become a billionaire, but it likely won’t matter to her if your actions fail to convey that. If you’re constantly overspending, racking up debt, and have no real plan to stop the financial bleeding, it’s completely natural that she’ll have concerns.

I should also note that I’ve seen the opposite be true, where a man has tons of money in his bank accounts but keeps it a secret because he wants to ensure the woman he is dating isn’t into him only for the money.

While this concern is valid, it doesn’t justify hiding things from your partner. In the end, this will only add distrust to the relationship.

The longer you stay together, the more your finances will become intertwined, so it’s better to be open with these things.

7. You are disrespectful or exhibit controlling behavior

This should go without saying, but no woman wants to be in a relationship with a man who disrespects or tries to control her. If you in some way try to insult or try to control your partner’s behavior, I can guarantee she won’t be hanging around for long.

Sometimes I’ll see guys who belittle or talk down to their women and act as if they’re doing so in a playful or joking manner.

They don’t realize that while it might all be fun and games to them, it would be highly offensive if the shoe was on the other foot.

Furthermore, if done in a group or social setting, it usually just comes off as a desperate cry for attention and makes them look like immature little boys.

If you need to boost yourself up by putting your partner down, that is a severe issue that needs to be addressed.

And in short, don’t do it.

Similarly, if you exhibit controlling tendencies, that’s another thing that cannot be ignored. As I mentioned earlier when I was talking about insecurities, behaviors like this usually stem from external factors, and they need to be remedied as soon as possible.

If you think you have a problem respecting your partner or have been accused of being overly controlling, you may need the help of a coaching expert who can help you bring the root causes to the surface.

8. You were guilty of infidelity

Infidelity is a common deal-breaker in relationships. Even if your partner has no concrete proof that you were cheating, just the suspicion alone is usually enough to cause severe tension that leads to the end of the relationship.

If you’re unhappy in your current relationship and develop an interest in someone else, it will save you significant stress and aggravation to break up.

Even if it truly is a one-time occurrence, cheating usually leaves lasting scars on the relationship.

Once a woman has a reason to doubt your honesty or loyalty, it probably won’t take long before she decides she’s better off without you.

I’ve met many men with girlfriends or wives who tolerated their cheating ways for years. They naively believed they were invincible, could walk all over their partners, and would tolerate it.

Then one day, when their wives or girlfriends suddenly packed up and left, they were left there twiddling their thumbs, trying to figure out what to do.

9. You do not satisfy her in the bedroom

This is probably the one item on this list that bruises more egos than others. The fact is, a healthy sexual relationship is a massive part of any romantic relationship, and it’s something you need to pay attention to.

If you’re the only one who’s enjoying sex and you routinely go through the motions and leave women unsatisfied, you’re just asking for trouble.

Sex, just like any other aspect of a long-term relationship, requires effort to maintain. Assumedly, your sex lives were pleasing at the start of the relationship—otherwise, you wouldn’t have made it this far—so ask yourself, what happened?

As difficult as it might be to admit, acknowledge if you are responsible for letting things stale.

And if you think to yourself, “Wait, she wouldn’t leave me just because of bad sex, would she?” well, what would you do if the roles were reversed?

What’s problematic here is that it’s doubtful you’ll find any conclusive evidence that bad sex caused a failed relationship. Nevertheless, if your past relationships lead you to believe this was the case, you need to address it moving forward.

10. She outgrew you (or you outgrew her

It’s just a fact of life: people grow apart. Their goals, aspirations, and interests change, and before long, whatever initially attracted two people to each other feels like nothing more than a distant memory.

Many things can cause these divisions, whether changing careers, having children together, or just realizing that you aren’t quite as compatible as you initially thought.

I often hear men say that that phrase—”We’ve grown apart”—was said to them, but they still don’t fully comprehend what it means.

Men often miss the subtle (or not-so-subtle) clues from their partners that something needs to change; they are given an ultimatum without even realizing it.

For example, if your girlfriend or wife tells you that the two of you should go to couples therapy, it’s a sign of serious problems. But beyond that, she believes the two of you are past the point of reconciling those problems on your own and now need professional help.

Some men dismiss the idea of couple’s therapy and are then surprised when she walks out on the relationship. This is another case where a failure to communicate quietly kills your chemistry, whether you realize it or not.

Simply put, in any long-term relationship, you will both change; that much is a given. The real test is how well you can adapt to that change.


If you’re reading this article, it means one of two things: either you were recently dumped, or you fear that you’re headed down that path.

Either way, just that you are here, reading this is a step in the right direction.

Becoming the best version of yourself is as much about you as it is about the people in your life. If you can’t reflect on your behavior and identify the areas where you need to improve, you’ll be caught in a vicious cycle of failed relationships.

If you’re feeling lost, confused, and unsure where to start, seeking help from a professional men’s coach is the best way to start. Having guidance and support from a group of men who have lived through the very things you’re struggling with can prove invaluable in the long run.

The thing is, you have to be willing to put in the work, and not everyone is. But if you’re one of those men out there who is genuinely ready for a transformative program that will change your life and allow you to achieve things you previously only dreamed of, there’s no better time to start than now.

So, if you believe you’re one of the select few who can handle the intensive, introspective training that I can offer you, why not prove it?

My team of coaches and I have created a “band of brothers” that provide tangible benefits as soon as you join. We are completely unlike other men’s mentorship groups out there and proud of it.

There are no whiners or little boys around these parts. Just serious men who are serious about becoming the absolute best versions of themselves.

If you’re ready to learn more, click the link below to get started.  I’ll see you on the inside.

Creamy Santa Fe Cutlets

2023 05 04 18 57
2023 05 04 18 57

Yield: 4 servings


  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 pound 1/4 inch thick pork cutlets
  • 3 teaspoons oil
  • 1/2 cup salsa
  • 1/2 cup frozen corn
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro


  1. Combine flour, salt and pepper; dredge pork cutlets in flour mixture.
  2. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a nonstick skillet. Sauté half the cutlets 1 1/2 minutes per side until cooked. Remove to a side plate.
  3. Repeat with remaining oil and cutlets. Cover to keep warm.
  4. After removing cutlets from skillet, add salsa, frozen corn and water. Simmer for 1 minute.
  5. Off the heat, stir in reduced-fat sour cream and chopped cilantro.

Unexpected Finds In Houses

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The dangers of AI…

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2023 05 05 16 10
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Once again an outstanding article but i do believe most of your readers know whats coming. Obviously my journey in life is much different than yours. You are majeatic and a physicist. I am nearly clueless about any of thaat. I have read most all you have written and in particular what has my interest in your thoughts is the separation from the physical and non physical bodies.you have provided great incite into quanta and how it works. I gotta tell you i am afraid to ask you this question because i have never seen you really answer it. I will go first i believe in one source of good and evil, of all deminsions that we have yet to see. I know there is much you cannot talk about. But it is because of reading your work while my jpurney was lost for a bit, its back. There is one evwrlasting and neverending source of life. In no way am i a bible thumper. I try study old texts of the sumers caanites and all arabhic resulting in war is religon and caanon. Is that himan history? Lumeria, atlantis, these fake places? Look at your own ooolong (spelling) these are not new. The glyphics of annanuki centuries ago…inscribed in rocks and tablets.

I leave you with my story from my auntie…80 yrs old, church everyday, bakesales all of it. About 20 yrs ago the night her husband, my uncle died she tell a story of drive home after wake husband. On her drive she somehing she cannot believe. She see this reptile looking animal eating a cow on the road in front of her. Of course she believe she upset husband died but she didnt forget. Next day she call police. 15 cow mutilations that night. 2 days later as this was like 1975 a usaf man showed up at her door. Took the story she had to tell. He told here there a creatures like that here and of course he deny.

You a good man Mm but yyou not know all

Alexander Martis

Hello everyone.
Sometimes I feel it is hopeless to comment, sometimes I feel commenting is a way of combating evil through the written words.
Quoting the Metallicman:
They are high on egos, and drugs. They haven’t a clue as to how bizarre their actions appear to the rest of the world.”
We have to continue our affirmation campaigns, no matter how helpless it seems.
There is a scene from one of the Harry Potter movies, where Harry is complaining that he is tired of the training being put through by Professor Snape. The professor tells him something like there was no time for whining. “The Dark Lord never rests” said Snape.
This applies to us and what we are going through. It is hard and can get worse, but we have to persist.
The way Tom Loungo puts it is very appropriate. He describes the ruling class in the west, particularly in the United States as vandals. Evidently they are vandalizing, stealing as much as possible while trying not to make it apparent, a liquidation of the country, driven by a burn-to-the-ground hatred of the United States. All this after having used the USA resources to commit atrocities, particularly in the financial domain, towards the rest of the planet. A ruling class consisting of fools, prisoners of their vanity, that are very dangerous to the world.
A ruling class that is under the influence of, according to the Bible, of Satan, according to Clif High, of strange energies from space, and according to the Domain Commander, to the Old Empire. Seemingly different, but all speaking of the same evil, destructive force.
We have to strike back through affirmation/prayer campaigns.
Metallicman, thank you again for creating a space for guys like me to vent and learn. I maybe right or wrong, but I am willing to continue my pursuit for the truth. I hunger for it, and cant get enough satiety to make me stop.
Please take care of yourself. We need you.