2023 07 16 17 43

Biden says that Russia has lost but Putin doesn’t know it yet

I think that Biden is delusional and demented, and has no clue.

He believes that Europe is now ready to start “crushing” Russia. This is right after the meeting of NATO leaders. Um… sure.

I am skeptical.

America is COMING TO AN END…


What was a loophole that you found and exploited the hell out of?

In a month and a half I would have had 20 years with my company and be fully vested in the retirement system. Except that I had just received notification that I was being terminated in four weeks.

They explained a couple of reasons for it, but I knew the real reason. The new president of the company used to be general manager of one of our operating units. I worked for corporate as a “firefighter,” and I was called into that unit to fix a production issue.

The issue was fixed in three days, and I gave him a full report. He offered me a job. Now, remember, I was part of the corporate staff, but he was offering me a position in an operating unit. Yes, it’s kind of a step down, but there was a 4% raise involved. Wait, just 4%? Yep.

I respectfully declined the offer. And my corporate boss was so happy that I was staying that I got a 22% raise!

Well, the general manager was named president, and he went through his list of people who had crossed him. I was way down on his list, but I was still on the list. So was my boss.

But my boss was old enough to retire comfortably. I was 45 and nowhere near retirement age, and now it seemed like I was going to be screwed out of my pension.

I was working remotely from my home in another state at this time as they were moving the corporate office to the new president’s state.

A friend heard I was being let go, and she happened to have some HR experience. She gave me some pointers.

I called the head of HR and asked if my position was being eliminated or was I being terminated. I was told that the position was being eliminated.

That was very important information because according to the law of my state a person being terminated must be given two to four weeks notice. However, if the position is being eliminated then the person must be given no less than eight weeks notice. Hmmmm.

Apparently, HR realized what I was asking, did a little research and called me back saying that they were giving me those eight weeks, which meant I would reach 20 years and collect my full pension.

Fortunately, I was in good standing with HR. After all we worked in the same office for many years.

I was also given a year’s severance pay. Cool, I could now coast for a year.

Except three days after my termination I accepted a job offer from another company.

That’s another story.

Pentagon Dragging Its Feet Over F-16 Gifts To Ukraine

Pushed by the weapon industry the U.S. Defense Department is dragging its feet over the delivery of F-16 airplanes to Ukraine:

Pentagon: Ukraine battlefield situation currently ‘not ideal’ for F-16 deployment

The battlefield conditions in Ukraine are currently “not ideal” for the employment of F-16 fighter jets, said Lieutenant General Douglas Sims, the director of operations of the Joint Staff, on July 13.

“The conditions right now for the employment of the F-16s are probably not – they’re probably not ideal,” the general said at a press briefing.

“I mean, the Russians still possess some air defense capability. They have air capability. And the number of F-16s that would be provided may not be perfect for what’s going on right now,” he clarified.

Lockheed-Martin, which still builds and sells the F-16 to various countries, is obviously not happy that the markets will soon learn that the F-16 have no fu**ing chance against modern Russian fighter planes and air-defenses.

Their coming destruction will scream “Buy Russian!” to the world and several countries will probably switch their provider and do so.

Posted by b at 15:39 UTC | Comments (92)


With snow white 2024 gaining much criticism after the snow white leaked photos of the seven dwarfs surfaced online…..the film starring rachel zegler and gal gadot as the evil queen…bob iger and the board are now going through a phase of panic for the snow white remake….and with the snow whute plot leaks getting worse the plan to remake the snow white 2024 trailer is underway….however bob iger now has a full fledged plan to cancelling snow white all together…what the board thinks is another story in itself that we will be covering today.

The Most COLD HEARTED Interrogation Ever.

What could drive a loving mother to commit one of the most horrifying crimes of the 21st century?

Money, deception, an icepick, a simmering pot. All of these and more collide in a tragic tale that’s both heartbreaking AND gut wrenchingly gruesome

Our story takes place in a small commuter city in Florida between Daytona Beach and Orlando, named Deltona.

With a mixed demographic of both working and retired people, Deltona residents come and go often.

But sometimes, they leave, never to return again. And that’s exactly what brought Volusia County deputies to the home of 36 year old James Schaeffer on the afternoon of April 4th, 2013.

These are the interrogations of Angela Stoldt.

2023 07 14 17 20
2023 07 14 17 20

Chili Bowls

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34dd8845 3321 4b5d a363 069aa1085efd

Yield: 4 or 6 bowls


  • 16 ounces frozen bread dough
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 3 cups favorite chili
  • 1/2 cup Cheddar cheese, grated
  • 1/4 cup onions, chopped
  • Garlic powder and grated Cheddar cheese


  1. Thaw the bread dough until it is pliable. Cut the dough crosswise into 4 pieces. With lightly floured hands, shape each dough piece into a ball. Place balls 3 inches apart on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Brush balls with melted butter. Let bowls rise in a warm place until tripled in size.
  2. Bake at 375 degrees F for 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown.
  3. Remove from cookie sheet immediately and allow to cool on rack.
  4. To make chili bowls, slice off tops of loaves and hollow by pinching bread out with fingers. Brush cut side of tops with melted butter and sprinkle with garlic powder and Parmesan cheese.
  5. Toast bowls and tops by placing in the oven or under the broiler.
  6. Fill with hot chili and top with grated cheese and onions.


For smaller bowls, cut dough into 6 pieces.

15 Dinosaurs Caught On Camera And Seen In Real Life


Deliberately Making Things Worse: Biden Calls-up 3,000 Military Reservists for NATO

World Hal Turner 13 July 2023

Deliberately Making Things Worse: Biden Calls-up 3,000 Military Reservists for NATO

The (illegitimate) President of the United States, Joe Biden, has just issued a call-up of at least 3,000 Personnel from the U.S. Armed Forces Reserve and roughly 450 from the Individual-Ready Reserve in order to Augment the Forces of U.S. European Command.

The Reservists will also be involved with the upcoming Exercise “Operation Atlantic Resolve” in the Region.

This comes just one day after the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, agreed to increase NATO’s forces from 300,000 to 400,000 along Russia’s Border.

Apparently, the stunning effectiveness of the Russian army in Ukraine has significantly shaken-up the powers-that-be, not to mention the frighteningly poor effectiveness of Ukraine’s “NATO-Trained and Certified” army.

Remember, NATO began training Ukraine forces back in the year 2014 for a conflict with Russia.  From 2014 through 2022 before Russia entered Ukraine, NATO “Certified” the Ukraine Army as meeting NATO standards.

Now, almost a year and a half into the conflict between Russia-Ukraine, the world has gotten to see just how effective that NATO training and NATO Certification actually is:  Almost worthless!

As for “Operation Atlantic Resolve” that refers to military activities in response to Russian operations in Ukraine, mainly the War in Donbass.

It was funded under the European Deterrence Initiative. In the wake of Russia’s 2014 intervention in Ukraine, the U.S. and the U.K. took several immediate steps to enhance the deterrence posture along the eastern flank of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), including augmenting the air, ground and naval presence in the region, and enhancing previously scheduled exercises.

The US described the activities as taking measures to enhance NATO military plans and defense capabilities and maintaining a persistent presence in Central Europe and Eastern Europe. Atlantic Resolve rotations are overseen by a regionally aligned headquarters there.

So here we are.  

NATO is upping their troop count from 300,000 to 400,000 and Biden is calling up Reservists.

You’re smart people, ask yourselves: Do governments move this number of troops if they don’t intend to use them?

I think it is safe to say World War 3 is close at hand.  We in the West have fomented this.  We in the West are wrong; we’re backing a NAZI-infested regime in Ukraine with the intent to put U.S. Missiles in Ukraine.

Russia has already, and repeatedly warned that missiles on Ukraine soil would have about a 5 minute flight time to Moscow.  This is a “red line” for Moscow; they will not tolerate this.

Yet Biden is now calling-up Reserves.

I earnestly hope you and your family have emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on.  I also hope you have a generator for electric power once the grid goes down, and some fuel for that generator.  You should also have some amount of CASH MONEY in the house because if the missiles start flying, all credit, debit, SNAP/EBT cards will cease functioning without machines to approve the charges.  So cash will be king.  If you have cash, you can eat.  If you don’t, you don’t.

This isn’t getting better, it’s getting very much worse.   With the NATO call-up of another 100,000 troops, Russia may decide it is better to strike now, rather than wait for NATO to get so many more men into position.

It is worth noting that the last time members of the Individual Ready Reserve were recalled to active duty in a number larger than 10 was right before Desert Storm in 1990, and in 2002 before the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Project Horizon – The US Military Moon Base

In March of 1959, the US Army issued a top-secret document titled Project Horizon to the United States government. Tensions were rising amidst the ongoing Space Race between the US and the Soviets, and the document called for the creation of a lunar outpost that was of critical importance for the armed forces and the interests of the United States on the Moon. Soon, a study to determine the feasibility of constructing a military and scientific Moonbase inhabited by 12 men was set in motion, and it was required to be powered by nuclear reactors, making it self-sufficient and equipped with unguided low-yield atomic warheads to defend it from Soviet incursions. Several top engineers, including Wernher von Braun, were tasked to overview the project, but when the US learned that the USSR intended to celebrate the October Revolution in 1967 on their own Moonbase, the clock began ticking…

Italian Sausage Sheet Pan Supper

Put healthy living fennel-sausage on the menu with our Italian Sausage Sheet-Pan Supper! This fennel-sausage dish is ready to serve in just 45 minutes.

2023 07 14 18 01
2023 07 14 18 01

Prep: 15 min | Bake: 15 min | Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 large fennel bulb (1 pound)
  • 1/2 cup KRAFT Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing, divided
  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes
  • 1 (15 ounce) can cannellini beans, rinsed
  • 6 1/2 ounces (1/2 of 13 ounce package) OSCAR MAYER Natural Uncured Italian Style Herb Sausage, cut diagonally into 1/2-inch thick slices


  1. Heat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Cut stalks and fronds from top of fennel bulb. Chop enough of the fronds to measure 1 tablespoon; reserve for later use. Discard stalks and remaining fronds. Trim root end of fennel; remove and discard any tough or discolored outer layers. Cut fennel bulb lengthwise in half; remove and discard fibrous core. Cut remaining fennel into 1/4-inch thick slices; place in medium bowl. Add 2 tablespoons. dressing; mix lightly.
  3. Line 15 x 10 x 1-inch pan with foil; spray with cooking spray. Spread fennel mixture onto half the prepared pan. Bake for 15 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, toss tomatoes and beans with 2 tablespoons of the remaining dressing.
  5. Drizzle fennel with remaining dressing; stir until evenly coated while keeping fennel on same side of pan. Add tomato mixture and sausage to other side of pan.
  6. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until fennel is tender.
  7. Sprinkle with reserved chopped fennel fronds.

My 14-year-old son thinks it’s funny to challenge me in public where I don’t want to discipline him in front of other people. How can I address this problem?

I agree, call his bluff.

I was shopping with my 12 year old grandson and picking up some things he needed and a few things he wanted.

He was mad that I wouldn’t buy him Twinkies for his lunch.

He said his best friend got a Twinkie every day.

Now he has a weight issue, so I was trying to be sensitive when I told him ‘no’.

He argued with me over several minutes and down several aisles, growing gradually louder.

Essentially this 12 year old was giving me a scolding, in public.

I looked at him and then down at the buggy full of items I was getting him and didn’t say anything.

I just started putting things back on the shelves.

He was horrified.

He took them back off the shelves and started yelling at me.

I finished putting the items back on the shelf, put my buggy away and walked out the door.

I left him standing with his arms full of the things he wanted in the store and went back to my vehicle.

I waited there for some time until he finally came out and got in the car.

He was still arguing with me.

I simply told him that my expectations are that he always speaks to me with respect, and if he didn’t then I wouldn’t do things for him.

And next time I will drive away, and he can find his own way home.

‘Giant Crash Coming:’ Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Says BRICS Meeting Will ‘Put Nail In Coffin Of Fiat’

World Hal Turner 13 July 2023

2023 07 15 10 12
2023 07 15 10 12
'Giant Crash Coming:' Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Says BRICS Meeting Will 'Put Nail In Coffin Of Fiat'

In a tweet on Wednesday, Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the best-selling book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” warned of an impending financial crash. He suggested that the upcoming BRICS meeting could be the final blow to the fiat currency system.

He pointed to the BRICS meeting scheduled for August 22 in South Africa as a potential turning point.

“Giant crash coming. Fake money – aka fiat currency – to die.

BRICS meeting in S. Africa August 22 to put nail in coffin of fiat…fake money. Get into real gold, silver & Bitcoin asap. Take care. End of fiat (fake) money near,” he said.

Kiyosaki’s prediction comes at a time when the BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) — are reportedly considering a gold-backed common currency, which could pose a significant threat to the global fiat money system.

The author’s advice to invest in “real gold, silver & Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC)” aligns with his long-standing belief in the value of tangible assets and cryptocurrencies over traditional fiat currencies.

Previously, Kiyosaki has predicted that Bitcoin could reach $120,000, further emphasizing his faith in cryptocurrencies as a hedge against the potential downfall of fiat currencies.

Chris Hedges | United States Is CRUMBLING…

An amazing video. -MM

Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author, and public intellectual known for his penetrating analysis of contemporary social and political issues.

With a career spanning several decades, Hedges has reported from conflict zones around the world, including the Middle East, Latin America, and the Balkans.

Hedges has written numerous bestselling books, including “War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning,” “Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle,” and “American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America.”

His work has been widely recognized for its critical examination of power structures, war, and societal decay.

A former foreign correspondent for The New York Times, Hedges has received numerous accolades for his reporting, including the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting in 2002 for his coverage of global terrorism.

Today, he is an outspoken advocate for justice and human rights, unafraid to confront entrenched power structures and challenge prevailing narratives.

Hedges often emphasizes the importance of resistance against systems of power and injustice.

He has been critical of corporate capitalism, the influence of money in politics, and the erosion of civil liberties.

Hedges argues that genuine resistance requires a willingness to challenge and confront these structures, even if it means personal sacrifice and facing potential repression.

He has discussed the need for nonviolent civil disobedience as a means of resistance, drawing inspiration from figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi.

Hedges believes that traditional avenues of change, such as voting or appealing to politicians, have become largely ineffective, and that direct action and grassroots movements are necessary to challenge entrenched power structures.

Hedges also emphasizes the importance of building solidarity and community in resistance movements.

He believes that individuals must come together to challenge the prevailing narratives and create alternative systems that prioritize justice, equality, and sustainability.

2023 07 14 17 51
2023 07 14 17 51

Does Secretary Anthony Blinken’s recap of his trip to China help you feel as if you have a grip on the Biden administration’s policy regarding Taiwan, or not?

The Biden administration’s China policy changes several times every day depending on who is talking, so I don’t even follow it.

Even the Chinese government no longer follows it, which explains why they have stopped dealing with the US.

To be taken seriously as a nation or a person, say what you mean and mean what you say. If you can’t do that, then don’t say anything.

Cluster Bombs Arrive in Ukraine

World Hal Turner 13 July 2023

Cluster Bombs Arrive in Ukraine

Ukraine has received cluster munitions, a military spokesperson said on Thursday, less than a week after the United States announced it would transfer such munitions to Ukrainian forces.

Valeryi Shershen, a spokesman for the Tavria military command in southern Ukraine, confirmed a CNN report citing the commander of the Tavria forces as saying Ukraine had just received cluster munitions but had not used them yet.

Cluster munitions are “in the hands of our defense forces,” Shershen told Ukrainian television but giving few details.

The U.S. announced on July 7 that it would send Kyiv cluster munitions as part of an $800-million security package intended to ensure Russian forces that invaded Ukraine nearly 17 months ago cannot halt a Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Russia has repeatedly warned the United States that this is another escalation by the West, and that Russia has Cluster munitions of its own which it WILL use against Ukraine if Ukraine uses the ones supplied by the West.

What is the strangest failure you have ever seen on a car?

When I was about 12 or 13 my father, normally very conservative (in his actions, NOT his politics) decided to buy a brand-new innovative GM car:

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main qimg 141157c7f4c4db15b3a1f603f1d6c1c0

That’s right, a CORVAIR. It had a rear-mounted “pancake” engine that was air cooled – no radiator or fluid to maintain. And the trunk was in the front, of course.

Some months later my parents decided to take us on a trip to visit relatives who lived about 1800 miles away. We’d covered about 300 miles when the oil-pressure “idiot light” started flashing. He pulled into the first gas station and found that the engine was over a quart low so he topped it off. Another 300 miles and again, blinkblinkblink … And so it went, guzzling a quart or every 6–7 hours for the duration of the trip.

When we got back my dad took it to the dealer where he’d bought it. Naturally the “explanation” was that “they all do it” and “it’s because the engine isn’t fully run in yet”.

The oil-burning continued as did my father’s trips to the dealer … and his frustration. He finally told them he was not owning a car that chewed through so much oil and they had to fix it or somehow make good on the sale. When they told him he could have a reduced price on a replacement he hit the ceiling (and you know how high showroom ceilings can be, hah!).

He knew a guy who ran a garage and had some names at GM. My dad fired off a letter to Ed Cole, then a big honcho at Chevrolet (and eventually CEO of GM). His letter was polite but very pointed. And it got results.

The dealership called him in to show what they’d found. He knew I was already interested in cars and let me tag along. Parts of our Corvair were sitting on blocks; the engine block was on a large work table. The mechanics told him that the block didn’t have a single oil port in it; the factory had forgotten to drill them.

The engine had been running dry ever since he’d taken delivery. It was “using oil” because none was making it to the block itself and was being burned off. Even more disturbing, they said we were very lucky the engine hadn’t seized up due to lack of lubrication. To this day I have no idea how or why it ran at all.

I was too young to follow much else in the saga but I do remember us getting a replacement car soon after.

Russia will view sending F-16s to Ukraine a ‘direct nuclear threat’

World Hal Turner 13 July 2023

2023 07 15 10 14
2023 07 15 10 14
Russia will view sending F-16s to Ukraine a 'direct nuclear threat'

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov today publicly stated that Russia will view the deployment of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine as a direct nuclear threat.

Lavrov said Russia has privately warned the US, Britain, and France of the dire risks of the planned move to give Kyiv the advanced warplanes. He made clear that the use of F-16 – for which Ukrainian pilots are now being trained – was ‘just one more example of an extremely dangerous turn of events.

‘We have informed the nuclear powers, the United States, Britain and France, that Russia cannot ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear weapons. ‘No amount of assurances will help here.’

 ‘In the course of combat operations, our servicemen are not going to sort out whether each particular aircraft of this type is equipped to deliver nuclear weapons or not. We will regard the very fact that the Ukrainian armed forces have such systems as a threat from the West in the nuclear sphere.’ he continued.

He warned: ‘The United States and its NATO satellites are creating risks of a direct armed clash with Russia, and this is fraught with catastrophic consequences.’ The ultra-loyalist chief diplomat said: ‘The conditions for Russia’s use of nuclear weapons are clearly defined in our Military Doctrine. ‘They are well known, and I will not repeat them once again.’

NATO Defending Freedom Or Causing WAR | The Duran | Cyrus Janssen & Reporterfy

Join us for a riveting live stream as we delve into the heart of global affairs and shed light on the upcoming NATO meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania. Our esteemed guests, The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris, alongside Cyrus Janssen and Reporterfy Media, will guide us through the intricate web of international relations.

In this highly anticipated broadcast, we’ll explore the pressing issues dominating the geopolitical landscape. The NATO meeting in Vilnius will take center stage as we analyze the organization’s role in fostering regional security and stability. Our knowledgeable panelists will provide invaluable insights into the strategies, challenges, and aspirations of NATO and its member states.

But that’s not all. We’ll also dive deep into the multifaceted relationship between China, Taiwan, the USA, and Russia. From escalating tensions to potential conflicts, our experts will offer a comprehensive analysis of the intricate dynamics shaping these global power dynamics. As we navigate the complex interplay between these influential nations, we’ll seek to unravel the implications for the international community.

This live stream promises to be a thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating event, combining expert analysis with insightful commentary. Join us as we unravel the complexities of the NATO meeting, scrutinize the China-Taiwan-USA-Russia conflict, and gain a deeper understanding of the intricate global chessboard.

Tune in for a captivating conversation that will broaden your perspective and deepen your understanding of the global stage. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage with our esteemed guests and gain valuable insights into the most pressing issues defining our world today.

Talking about China starts at 43:00.

Democrat Candidate for Elected Office CAUGHT Soliciting 14 year old Boy for sex, on Internet

Nation Hal Turner 14 July 2023

2023 07 15 10 15
2023 07 15 10 15
Democrat Candidate for Elected Office CAUGHT Soliciting 14 year old Boy for sex, on Internet

Brief video below shows an alleged candidate for elected office in Illinois Massachussetts, as he is intercepted during a planned meeting with who he THOUGHT was a 14 year old BOY, for sex, arranged on the Internet.   He allegedly told the “14 year old” that he wanted to “worship his balls.”

2023 07 15 10 16r
2023 07 15 10 16r

When the perp realized he was being video recorded and had been tricked; that he wasn’t really meeting a 14 year old boy to sex, the perp briskly departed the meeting place, proceeded to his automobile parked nearby, with the license plate shown below, and departed the area:

2023 07 15 10 1tttt6
2023 07 15 10 1tttt6

US should stop playing tricks with China; otherwise, it will capsize: Global Times editorial

By Global Times Published: Jul 14, 2023 12:10 AM Updated: Jul 14, 2023 12:05 AM

In the past couple of days, the US has suddenly brought up the “all-purpose spare tire” of hyping up issues related to China – the so-called Chinese hacker problem. The spokesperson of the US White House National Security Council claimed that US officials have discovered China-based hackers exploiting vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s cloud service to breach email accounts in the US. They then notified Microsoft, which later conducted tracking and investigation.

The matter has been extensively covered by the US media, causing a lot of fanfare. Subsequently, anonymous US officials jumped out and said they could not make a judgment on whether it is truly related to China. This reveals their sense of guilt, because they have never been able to present evidence.

They always surreptitiously throw mud at China and then retreat, trying to avoid a possible retaliation from China. This process and technique have become so familiar to the US that they can execute it skillfully even with their eyes closed.

Let’s look at the initial source of the news, which is the US White House National Security Council. Nowadays, in the US and Western countries, everyone can imagine what it implies for institutions with “national security” in their names. In the past, such news was often released by the US National Security Agency, which is essentially the US cyber command, the world’s largest hacker organization. This time, the news is released by the White House National Security Council instead, but it does not change the fact that the US is engaging in “thieves crying thief.”

Let’s take a look at the timing chosen by the US for this hype. It is reported that the hacked emails allegedly involved US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. On July 13, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce disclosed that it was in communication with the US regarding Raimondo’s visit to China, while also calling for lifting the unilateral sanctions on Chinese companies imposed by the US. In other words, Raimondo is about to visit China if nothing else. Is it a coincidence that the US suddenly reveals a Chinese hacker attack incident at this time? Based on the consistent approach of the US side, it is possible that they are using this as a means to gain the upper hand in public opinion and a bargaining chip for negotiations regarding Raimondo’s visit to China.

Just before US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to China in June, the US hyped a round of “Chinese hacking incidents.” The whole process is almost the same as this time. But last time it was said that Chinese hackers had been “targeting critical US infrastructure and pursuing development of capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and Asia region during future crises.” This time, it was claimed that “Chinese hackers” had breached e-mail addresses, and the attack was also said to have been discovered in June.

If we observe the recent years of the US hype about “Chinese hackers,” there is a general pattern. These incidents usually occur at critical points in China-US relations, coinciding with a period of “lack of progress” in issues related to China in the US. Thus, “Chinese hackers” or “Chinese spies” are timely fabricated to fill the void. Whether it’s hackers or spies, the US is an expert in this field and knows that such smearing is difficult to prove or disprove. It only causes trouble for others, and that’s the intended purpose.

The current China-US relationship is at a crucial, delicate, and uncertain juncture. The high-level communication between the two countries is recovering relatively quickly. However, the unfavorable winds and countercurrents emerging from the US side have largely interfered with the positive progress brought about by communication.

On July 13, Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, met US Secretary of State Blinken on the sidelines of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia.

It was the second meeting between the two in a month. The US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry and US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo are both due to visit China in the near future.

This has raised expectations in the international community for a turnaround in China-US relations. China always holds an open and welcome attitude toward such communication and exchange, but we advise the US not to play dirty, otherwise, it will not only get a slap in its face, but also ruin the opportunity for the US-China relations to return to a healthy and stable track.

Cheez-It Chicken Casserole

2023 07 14 18jyt 01
2023 07 14 18jyt 01


  • 1 package chicken tenders
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 1 (8 ounce) carton sour cream
  • 1 box Cheez-It crackers, crushed
  • 1/2 cup melted butter


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Fill casserole dish with boneless, skinless chicken breast tenders; sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  3. Spread sour cream over chicken.
  4. Sprinkle crushed Cheez-It crackers over sour cream.
  5. Pour melted butter over Cheez-It crackers.
  6. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes or until golden brown.
2023 07 14 18 02
2023 07 14 18 02

Being accepted to Harvard Medical School without all the prerequisites and without taking the MCAT.

It was the fall of my junior year at MIT. I was studying/hanging out with a girl I had a crush on (a senior) and she was upset that her MCAT scores were not good enough. I was flipping through the brochure for Harvard Medical School, and saw what I thought might be a major loophole. I told her not to give them the MCAT scores, as they were not really an admissions requirement. Of course she didn’t believe me, and challenged me to apply and see if that “loophole” worked.

So I did.

I sent in my application on the very last day applications were accepted, despite being a junior and not having all the prerequisites, finishing my application at 4am after studying for a couple exams and doing a problem set or two.

Not surprisingly, a few weeks later I received a letter from the Dean of Admissions for Harvard Medical School, informing me that there was no record of me having taken the MCATs, so unless their information was incorrect, they would have to withdraw my application.

I called up the admissions office, and after several tries was finally able to speak to the Dean:

Dean Paul, I received a letter telling me that you would have to withdraw my application because I haven’t taken the MCAT.

I understand. Is that incorrect; have you taken the MCAT?

No, I haven’t.

Well, then I’m sorry, but we will have to withdraw your application; the MCAT is an admission requirement for Harvard Medical School.

With all due respect sir, I beg to differ. The MCAT is not an admission requirement for Harvard Medical School.

Wait, you’re telling me, the Dean of Admissions, what the admission requirements are?

Yes sir; I believe you are referring to the paragraph on page 29 that lists the entrance requirements for Harvard Medical School, and includes the MCAT on that list.

Yes, exactly.

Well, it clearly states that the MCAT is an entrance requirement; it doesn’t state that the MCAT is an admission requirement. So if you admit me in April, I will gladly take the MCAT over the summer and have it for you by the time I enter in September.

Ah, I don’t think that’s what it means.

I realize it may not be what you intended, but I’ve checked with two of my linguistics professors, including a Nobel prize winner, and they agree that is what the paragraph means.

Hmmm. Well, I’ll talk to the members of the committee and get back to you.

A couple of days later he called me back and told me that the committee had discussed the matter, and that while it was not what they intended, they agreed that it did indeed mean just that, so they would not withdraw my application.

At first I was very pleased, then I realized was that all that meant was that they were not going to officially withdraw my application, but they could still just unofficially withdraw it; i.e. ignore it and reject me, so I really didn’t think about it much, until I got a call to come in for an interview (that’s a whole different story!).

April rolled around, and a thick envelope arrived with my acceptance letter. Then a couple of weeks later I received another letter reminding me that I had not yet fulfilled all the entrance requirements, including the English and Biology requirements and the MCAT, and asking me to let them know when I would fulfill these.

Of course, the next year the language in the brochure was changed to close this loophole!

The Amazing Millennium Falcon Bedroom

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Redditor Dericrw and his wife built a Star Wars bedroom for their son, in the hopes that he will sleep in his own room. Who could resist? The sleeping pod of the Millennium Falcon is the size of a twin bed and is bolted to the ceiling joists. The rest of the ship is painted on the wall behind it. Check out the inside! It has a fan for air circulation and LED lights.

More info: Reddit (h/t: neatorama)

What was Chiang Kai-shek’s greatest mistake?

After the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949, Zhou Enlai, premier of the PRC, maintained a secret correspondence with Chiang Kai-shek which went through an intermediary in Hong Kong. They had a personal relationship from 1921 to 1927: Chiang Kai-shek was the principal of the Huangpu Military Academy and Zhou Enlai was political commissar. Zhou Enlai also helped to keep Chiang from getting killed in the Xi’An incident in 1936.

In early 1975, Zhou Enlai wrote to Chiang Kai-shek urging a political compromise so that Taiwan, the seat of the Republic of China government, could be united with the People’s Republic. Chiang, Mao and Zhou were all in their 80s, and knew that they would not live much longer, and Zhou wanted Chiang to think of his role in history. He said that while the Nationalists and Communists were enemies, they were all Chinese patriots who had taken different routes to make China strong again. It was time to set aside their differences and come together before they died. In order to reach a compromise, Zhou offered the position of premier, his position in the PRC government to Chiang Kai-shek.

Chiang did not respond and died in April 1975. Zhou died in Jan. 1976 and Mao died in Sept. 1976.

If Chiang had taken up the offer, there would have been no Taiwan independence issue exploited by foreign powers, and China would have been united.

The US would not have been able to use Taiwan as an issue years later.

In the end, Chiang was true to his character. He had no plan beyond “recovering the mainland” and his own legacy fell apart in Taiwan as pro-Taiwan independence candidates and politicians took over the Republic of China government, and have dismantled his role in Taiwan’s development, framing him as a killer and persecutor of the Taiwanese.

His own personality prevented him from having the vision to think about how to protect his own legacy. Unlike Mao, he had no plan.

He could not accept that Mao was the better leader and had won.

This character trait continued with Chiang Kai-shek’s son, Chiang Ching-kuo, who had been friends with Deng Xiaoping while they were studying in Moscow in the 1920s and 1930s. Deng made numerous overtures to CCK for unification, but just like his father, he rejected them.

He died in January 1988.

America’s Lost Classical Architecture

2023 07 15 11 39
2023 07 15 11 39

The US is trying to use foreign mercenaries to plug gaps in Ukraine – they are in for a rude awakening

The propaganda machine is inciting ordinary citizens to go to war in Ukraine – where they go through hell

Western mercenaries from countries other than the US are dying for Washington’s interests while President Joe Biden warns Americans themselves to stay away.

Most of the foreign mercenaries in Ukraine at this point aren’t American, according

to Russia’s Channel One news. It’s actually Poland and Canada that lead the charge, with the US coming in third. And now reports are starting to emerge of US intelligence attempting to fill the void with even more foreign recruits to fight for US interests against Russia in Ukraine. The Russian Ministry of Defense estimates that about 2,000 of the approximately 7,000 ‘volunteers’ have been killed.

Recent reporting reveals a troubling trend among Western mercenary deaths: combatants whose military experience is virtually non-existent. Presumably it all looked like good Hollywood action hero fun from afar — until the bullets started whizzing by.

In a story published in May about two Canadian mercenaries who volunteered for Ukraine’s “International Legion” and were killed in the Artyomovsk (named Bakhmut by Ukraine) battle, the CBC revealed that one had previously served in the Canadian Forces as a medic and had been photographed working in search and rescue in Kharkov. Kyle Porter, a 27-year old from Calgary, had been in touch with Canada’s state broadcaster. “Let me figure out how I am going to survive the next few days,” he wrote. “It was a meat grinder the first time and I’m not expecting it any better this time around.” You’d think he’d have taken an offramp at that point. Nope, not Rambo here.

The question that everyone should be asking is how on earth Canadians, whose combat experience amounts to administering band-aids and applying tourniquets, could subsequently end up serving on the front lines — all while the Canadian government seemingly just shrugs. We’re talking here about a government that legislated zero-risk against overwhelmingly survivable Covid, but now can’t even be bothered to save unprepared Canadians from a much more likely death in Ukraine.

Last May, the CBC reported on yet another Canadian veteran, identified only as “Shadow,” describing how he and his colleagues had repeatedly come under fire in the Donbas. While “Shadow” might seem like a code name for a main character in a Hollywood movie about a badass who goes around single-handedly meting out justice, in reality he’s a meteorological technician who “experienced combat for the first time as a volunteer in Ukraine,” according to the report . The weather guy probably shouldn’t be placed in a position to be “blown out of their sniper’s nest by a shell.”

For all his weather expertise, Shadow doesn’t seem to be too well-versed in grand chess geopolitics either. “If NATO had stepped in, the war would have been done in like less than a week, but because everyone sat back and watched, well, we are seeing all those civilians dying,” he told

the CBC. Actually, direct NATO military confrontation with Russia would have resulted in World War III, and probably a few more civilian deaths than Shadow imagines.

The other Canadian mercenary whom Shadow was “assisting,” and whose own superhero name is “Wali,” has been described by the Western press as a “sniper” who had been working as a …software engineer. He, at least, had the sense to bail shortly after arriving in Ukraine, citing shoddy organization. “You had to know someone who knew someone who told you that in some old barbershop they would give you an AK-47,” he said .

It doesn’t look like much has changed since then. The International Legion mercenaries are still largely underqualified for combat, under supported, or both.

American Cooper “Harris” Andrews, died during battle in Artyomovsk in April, according to Fox News.

Described as a Marine with five years experience, he was discharged in January 2022 from Camp Lejeune — as a ground electronics transmission system maintainer. Shortly thereafter, he left for Ukraine where he was then close enough to the battlefront that he was killed by a mortar shell. What’s next — recruiting chefs from Western armies and sending them into the line of fire?

Two other American mercenaries caught recently near Kharkov reportedly complained of poor Ukrainian intelligence and lack of preparation for combat, according to Russia’s Channel One.

One pretty clear indication of that being the case is when the American “trainers” sent to Ukraine, legitimate special forces with combat and intelligence expertise, don’t end up faring much better than the amateurs. Former Green Beret Nicholas Maimer, was killed when his position came under artillery fire in Artyomovsk, Fox News reported in May.

There’s also the obvious question of how much mission creep exists for such “trainers.” After all, once you’re in the Wild West of a combat zone, it can be a slippery slope from training to fighting. What sounds to the average person back home like a classroom role or a desk job could, in reality, end up being something else entirely.

The pool of foreign personnel in Ukraine is dwindling, either because they end up killed or they come to their senses beforehand. Now, unconfirmed reports have emerged from the Middle Eastern press that US intelligence is recruiting a new batch of mercenaries in Syria. One would think that Turkey’s efforts over the past few years to recruit CIA and Pentagon trained “Syrian rebels” to fight in the Western-sparked Libyan civil war would have drained that particular talent pool, but it’s not hard to imagine the desperate measures needed for now desperate times.

Washington is unwilling to send troops en masse to die fighting Russia in Ukraine, to the point where the deaths of American military “trainers” are still considered terrible aberrations. Why, then, should anyone else, from any other country, be goaded or guilted or seduced into fighting in yet another Washington-led NATO conflict?

20 Rare Historical Photos That Scientists Can Not Explain

LOL. This is fun. Watch, but don’t take too seriously.

As a black person, when did you realize that not all black people are your allies and not all white people your enemies?

Well, let’s see. I grew up in one of the worst hell holes of a neighborhood in Chicago. Used to hear lectures of “black unity” and how we have to look out for one another and the white man is evil all the freaking time while at the same time, most of the same blacks calling the white man the enemy would go out and rob other blacks.

On the other hand, when I was sixteen I got a little part time gig delivering newspapers early in the morning. The driver of the truck was white and there was another white guy who rode along with us. These guys treated me like a younger brother and got me into rock music. The driver knew of my intentions to join the Navy someday and one morning at the end of the shift he took me to his parents’ home to introduce me to his dad, who was a Navy veteran. His parents were very kind and welcoming and his dad gave me a few pointers on what to expect in the Navy.

During basic training, there were no black, white, brown or yellow recruits. We were all part of a unit and we looked out for another.

What is one thing that I can learn from you today?

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A man who donated his mothers body to Alzheimer’s research found out she was strapped to a chair and blown up. In 2013, after Jim Stauffer’s mother died of Alzheimer’s he donated her body to the Biological Research Centre thinking it would be used to study the disease that killed her. Instead, 3 years later he learned that the BRC had sold her body the US Military to study the damage done by roadsides bombs.

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At a nurse’s suggestion, the family contacted Biological Resource Centre, and within the hour, BRC dispatched a driver to collect Doris. Jim Stauffer signed a form authorizing medical research on his mother’s body, but also checked a box prohibiting military, traffic-safety and other non-medical experiments.

Ten days later, Jim received his mother’s cremated remains, but what the BRC failed to mention was that they only cremated her hand and shipped the rest of Stauffer’s body to a taxpayer-funded research project for the U.S. Army.

Jim Stauffer is now suing the company along with 32 other people who’s family members bodies were used in tests without their consent.

The Soviet intelligence and their spy gadgets

In 1965, the Soviet intelligence agency, the KGB, developed a ring with a tiny camera embedded in it, which was used for espionage purposes. The ring was worn by Soviet agents who were tasked with gathering sensitive information from foreign governments and institutions.

The camera in the ring was incredibly small, and could take high-quality photographs without arousing suspicion. This allowed Soviet agents to gather valuable intelligence without being detected.

The use of spy gadgets like this ring was a common practice during the Cold War, as both the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in espionage and counter-espionage activities. These activities often involved the use of advanced technology and innovative techniques, as both sides sought to gain an advantage in the ongoing struggle for global dominance.

Today, the ring serves as a reminder of the lengths to which governments will go to protect their interests and gather intelligence.

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Ukraine soldiers being FORCED to do this!

Why do the Chinese not care about the lack of freedom?

I had a perfect answer for you, which is from French entrepreneur and Internet influencer Arnaud Bertrand, who compared Chinese and Western systems of governance during a debate held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by the American nonprofit educational organization Intercollegiate Studies Institute on April 5.

The following is edited excerpts of his perspective on freedom.

We’ve progressively come to have a rather skewed understanding of freedom in the West, where we equate freedom with individual freedom, when it’s actually very much not the same thing. When you have a broader understanding of freedom as we used to have in the past, it becomes quite obvious that China might not in fact be the unfree place most people in the West picture it as, and vice versa: The West might not be quite so free.

A prominent example of this is China’s war on poverty. Unarguably an immense success: the largest and fastest reduction in poverty the world has ever seen. Even China’s biggest detractors agree with this.

The fact is that the extreme poverty has, by and large, been totally eradicated in China. I’ve traveled all over China, and the results are obvious. Can anyone genuinely make the case this made people less free, that they were freer when they were poor? Of course not, poverty is the antithesis of freedom. When you live in poverty, you’re quite literally a slave to your condition.

In contrast, there is a lot of poverty in countries like France and the U.S. You go to certain areas of Paris and you see hundreds of tents of homeless people. Any one of you can go to China today, travel all around the country and it’s extremely unlikely you’ll see homeless people on street.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 20.03 million people lived in deep poverty in 2021. Those in deep poverty represented 6.2 percent of the total population and 48.4 percent of those in poverty. Among them, a larger percentage of children under 18 live in deep poverty than adults in any age group. As defined by the bureau, “deep poverty” refers to living in a household with a total cash income below 50 percent of the national poverty threshold.

A recent study from the Urban Institute also revealed that, in 2022, a total of 25 percent of U.S. adults experienced food insecurity, meaning they sometimes can’t afford to eat. In France we’re at 14 percent of the population living under the poverty threshold. Can we genuinely say that those people are really free?

Many have forgotten this but Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1941 gave a so-called Four Freedoms speech in which he defined “freedom from want” and “freedom from fear” as two of the four freedoms America ought to achieve. He, too, recognized poverty alleviation was fundamental to freedom.

On the subject of “freedom from fear,” ask yourself a simple question: Do people feel free to walk alone anywhere in America at any time of the day or night? Do people have this freedom?

This freedom, by and large, does exist in China. The statistics are absolutely incredible: You’re 70 times more likely to be victim of a violent crime in the U.S. than you are in China. This is anecdotal, but in my seven years in China, not only have I never been a witness or victim of any crime but I’ve never had anyone in my acquaintance who was. It is a very, very safe country. This freedom from fear does exist.

The biggest form of freedom, a freedom that Charles de Gaulle, former French President, used to describe as the precondition for all other freedoms, is your independence as a country, your collective freedom to determine your own future.

Can anyone argue that when you’re a so-called “vassal state” or when you’re in a larger state’s so-called “sphere of influence,” you’re really free? Anyone can see that’s not quite true.

America isn’t of course anyone’s vassal state, quite the contrary in fact. But there is something that limits America’s freedom in that regard: its system of alliances. America is in many, many alliances: NATO, AUKUS, the Five Eyes, with Japan and so on and so forth. And of course this, too, limits your freedom of action since, on paper at least, you are committed to certain actions even if they might not be in your interest at that point in time. As we’ve painfully learned from World War I, alliances can be incredibly constraining and destructive.

China is unarguably the freest country in the world in this regard, as it cannot be even remotely considered as being any country’s vassal state and it just doesn’t do military alliances—it doesn’t have any. In fact, many argue that it’s precisely this independence that’s driving the current attempt to contain China. This high level of sovereignty allows China to focus on internal development and to maintain its freedom of action on the international stage.

US 3,000 reservists, mission creep or trip wire. Putin to ditch grain deal

2023 07 15 11 04
2023 07 15 11 04

Do any of Mao Zedong’s descendants hold power in the CPC?


His grandson is the target of frequent jokes because he has an unearned title in the military.

Chinese enjoy making public fun of people who have anything which they have not earned and deserved, because they respect earned accomplishments.

Inherited wealth and accomplishments are NOT respected in Chinese society.

The head of the “Wagner Group,” Yevgeny Prigozhin, expressed his views on the root of the problems in Niger:

💬 “I will answer what is the basis for the change of power in Nigeria. The basis is the economy. The population of Niger has been driven into poverty for a long time.

For example, a French company that extracted uranium sold it on the market for $218, while paying Niger only $11 for it. You can work with investors on a 50-50 or 30-70 (%) basis, but it’s impossible to give back to the indigenous people of the country, who were born in this country, who live in this country, and who expect that the natural resources of this country belong to them, and according to the Constitution, they belong to them, only 5% of the wealth you receive.

To cover up these economic crimes, the country was saturated with a huge number of terrorists. This enormous number of terrorists, theoretically, should have been controlled by a vast number of different troops, financed by the UN, the European Union, Americans, the British, and others. As a result, the population of Niger, which should have been free and happy due to the economic opportunities in their country, was robbed, and to keep them silent, they were kept in fear for decades.

To show that these thieves and plunderers are needed in the state’s territory, I mean Western countries like France, the USA, and so on, crowds of soldiers were sent there who did nothing but received enormous budgets that were also embezzled at various levels. That’s why the transformation in Niger was simply necessary.

The power that was in league with Bazoum (ousted president) and his followers, simply covered up, allowing the coalition of people who plundered the nation to be present in Niger’s territory. That’s it. Therefore, this is a liberation struggle, a liberation movement for the independence of this country, and God grant them success.”

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The Most Arrogant Killer Ever

JCS criminal psychology Interrogation video.

2023 07 14 17 22
2023 07 14 17 22

My boss just loudly reprimanded me in front of my coworkers. How do I finish my day?

I was a young 2nd officer of a cargo ship when, in a tricky situation, the captain started to scream at me. I shouted back: ”Come down to help us instead of just shouting, or give me more people to help. Otherwise FU”. He never ever said anything bad or shouted at me again.

I was working with that captain for two years and whenever he got the upper hand on someone he was a mean bastard. For those who dared to answer back he was all right. I hated that kind of cowardliness and treating weaker crew members like shit.

The good thing is that I learned how not to behave and I was working as a captain for 10 years and hope I didn’t treat people badly.

This photo is of me when I later (for 25 years) was working as a ship’s pilot.

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What is the most expensive meal you have eaten? How good did it taste?

I still remember the most expensive piece of food I’ve ever eaten, since it was also the only one that made me actually cry.

It happened in a two star Michelin restaurant. I’ve never been to a place like that before, but a group of investors had a big feast, and invited me over as the ‘futurist’ entertainment for the evening… and covered the cost for my meal as well.

The first few courses were nice. Nothing amazing, but definitely not bad either. But the fourth course really did the trick for me. It was a small glass with a peking duck soup, with some extra spices on top. And as soon as I sipped from it, I started crying. I just couldn’t control myself – my emotions welled up. Tears were actually falling down my cheeks.

Now, my comrades to the meal took notice, and demanded to know what it was all about. One of them, sensing a ‘ratatouille’ moment, called the chef (his personal friend) from the kitchen. They all surrounded me, and waited for me to answer.

Finally, I told them how the taste of the soup sent me back thirty years into the past, to when I was a wee sick child in the hospital, cold and scared and miserable. I hated the hospital food, and the only thing I liked in that place was the 0.5 Dollar chicken soup in a plastic cup from the automated kiosk in the corridor – your basic monosodium glutamate with hot water.

And that soup was exactly the same taste as the Peking duck soup from the two star Michelin restaurant.

They silently absorbed the revelation, and then the stone-faced chef went back to the kitchen without uttering a single word, everybody went back to eating their dishes, and I was never invited again to another Michelin-grade restaurant.

But I still think it was the best soup I ever had.

US-Saudi-Ukraine peace summit, doomed to fail

2023 08 05 08 28
2023 08 05 08 28


Could the USA ever defeat China in a long-term military conflict?

This is by MM today. -MM


I know that there are many sipping the “electric kool aide” from the Western media. You all want to believe that America; a nation of Rambo heroes. Where everyone fights for democracy, freedom and individual rights.

You can believe what ever you want.


[1] All credible military studies and war games say otherwise. Not one single RAND study, and military (not supplier) sponsored studies indicate otherwise. In fact, every study show catastrophic defeats at all levels for the United States.

[2] The United States hasn’t won a war against a peer since 1945. There was a short “victory” in Grenada. But aside from that, the United States military has been a glorified police and occupation force against very weak nations that it exploits.

[3] Wars can only be fought with a willing population. During the Vietnam war, the televising of its horrors turned many, many Americans against war. Since that pivotal moment, the American government took control of the vast bulk of media. And today controls either directly, or “in the shadows” all discourse in the USA. From Twitter, to Facebook, to mainstream media to blogs.

Were a war to erupt between the United States and China, China would be destroying American cities, and resources. This would be brazen, horrific and “in your face”. There will be no way for the American government to control the “spin”. As a result, the already balkanized (and armed) American population will be difficult to corral. Only a small percentage of Americans would approve of the war.

Nothing quite ruins your day as having your place of employment bombed and gutted, food is unavailable, as is wifi, and the President is openly lying to you when your personal experience says otherwise. Without popular support, what remains of the USA will implode. China will hasten this process. You can guarantee it.

[4] China is far too big to be defeated. Most people in the West are really unaware of how huge; gigantic; and colossal China actually is. Five (x5) United States can fit inside of one China. There are more Chinese people speaking English than the entire rest of the world combined. The Largest city in the United States is NYC with around 8 million. That qualifies as a town by Chinese standards. The Pearl River delta ALONE is approaching 100 million.

[5] China is a warrior nation. This runs counter to the anti-China propaganda. But it is the truth. China has been fighting battles with thousands of men, in organized assaults at a time when the Europeans were still living in caves and discovering fire. The Qing absorbed the life-blood of the Khan, and the Chinese people have become absolutely terrifying warriors. Battle training and disciplinary is mandated by law to start in first grade.

[6] China is ABOVE peer-capable in military. Again, a hidden truth that must be denied at every turn. China flies stealth bombers, fighters, drones, and uses weapons so advanced that the West hasn’t been able to keep up with naming them. They have search-and-destroy flying grenades, robotic suicide dog-bots, sonic bombs, enhanced neutron (clean green energy) nuclear bombs, penetration creepy-crawlers, railguns, and stuff that nightmares are made from.

[7] China is a nuclear nation without the limitations of public opinion. China will not hesitate, or doubt their use of nuclear weapons. They just do not care what the rest of the world thinks. If your nation is angry, and don’t want to trade with China….fine! Enjoy a life without iphones, cars, tampons, Viagra, televisions, computers, and blood pressure medicine. China “holds all the cards”.

[8] China is peaceful until it isn’t. China is this huge sleeping dragon. It allows you to play around next to it. But it watches you with a careful eye. One misstep, one dangerous move, and you are gone.

2023 07 15 11 00
2023 07 15 11 00

There are many that place “The blanket of scoff” on the idea that China is dangerous. Along with them is a well NSA funded anti-China narrative that is designed to “armor up” Americans and those in the West to HATE China, as well as NOT TO FEAR it. Just do as you are told, and march to your death. Brave Australians to fight China. The Japanese to invade Taiwan. South Korea to be a staging base. The Philippines to base bombers to bomb China…

The entire world KNOWS the plans that the United States has for China.


So does China.

To think that somehow China would allow the United States to poke it into a war, on American terms, where the United States defines the battlefields and the the proxy client nations march to their death is DELUSIONAL.

China will not allow that to happen.

A conflict with China will not, and never be, “long term”. It will be a long drawn out period of de-faning, followed by death blows.

There are many, many instances in Chinese history where military leaders employed a strategy of attrition and destruction of resources to weaken their enemies.

One notable example is the campaign of the famous military strategist Sun Tzu during the Warring States Period (475-221 BCE). Sun Tzu is believed to have used a combination of psychological warfare, deception, and destruction of resources to wear down his enemies and force them to surrender without engaging in direct combat.

His famous book, “The Art of War,” is still studied today as a classic military strategy guide. And his techniques are well employed daily by Chinese military leaders and businessmen alike.

Another example is the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), which employed a strategy of “defensive warfare” against the Mongol Empire. Rather than seeking to conquer the Mongols, the Ming focused on fortifying their borders and destroying resources, such as crops and water sources, to weaken the Mongols and prevent them from launching further attacks.

During the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 CE), the warlord Cao Cao used a tactic of burning and destroying crops and villages to deprive his enemies of resources and weaken their armies. This strategy was particularly effective against the armies of Liu Bei, who relied heavily on civilian support.

During the Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864), the Taiping rebels led by Hong Xiuquan fought against the Qing Dynasty. The Taiping rebels employed a scorched-earth strategy, burning crops and villages and killing civilians to weaken the Qing army and terrorize the population. This led to widespread famine and displacement, with millions of civilians dying from starvation and disease. The rebellion ultimately failed, but its impact on Chinese society was profound.

The use of attrition and destruction of resources as a military strategy has been employed throughout Chinese history, with examples ranging from the Warring States Period to the Ming dynasty and beyond. These tactics have been used to wear down enemies, weaken their armies, and force them into surrender without engaging in direct combat.

Here are a few more examples of military leaders in Chinese history who employed the strategy of attrition and destruction of resources:

1. Zhang Xianzhong: During the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Zhang Xianzhong led a rebellion against the imperial government. He followed a strategy of scorched earth, burning crops and killing civilians along his path, to prevent the Ming armies from resupplying and isolating them. This weakened the Ming forces and allowed Zhang to gain control over much of Sichuan province.

2. Yuan Shao: During the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 CE), Yuan Shao led a coalition of warlords against his rival Cao Cao. When Cao Cao’s forces advanced towards his territory, Yuan Shao ordered the destruction of crops and villages along the way in a scorched earth strategy. This not only weakened Cao Cao’s army but also deprived them of resources, forcing them to withdraw.

3. Li Zicheng: In the mid-17th century, Li Zicheng led a peasant rebellion against the Ming dynasty. He followed a similar strategy as Zhang Xianzhong, burning crops and killing civilians to weaken the Ming forces. This strategy was successful in helping Li Zicheng to capture the capital, Beijing, and overthrow the Ming dynasty.

4. Mao Zedong: During the Chinese Civil War (1945-1949), Mao Zedong’s communist forces followed a strategy of guerrilla warfare, which included the destruction of infrastructure and resources, such as bridges and railways, to weaken the Nationalist government’s control over the country. This strategy ultimately led to the communist victory and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

5. Zhuge Liang: During the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 CE), the famous strategist Zhuge Liang led the Shu-Han army against the Wei army. When the Wei army advanced towards the city of Chengdu, where Zhuge Liang was based, he ordered the destruction of crops and the poisoning of wells to deprive the enemy of resources. This weakened the Wei army and forced them into a retreat.

6. Yue Fei: During the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279), the general Yue Fei led a campaign against the Jurchen Jin dynasty. Yue Fei employed a scorched-earth strategy, burning crops and destroying infrastructure along the Jurchen army’s path to prevent them from resupplying and isolating them. This weakened the Jurchen army and allowed Yue Fei to win several battles.

7. Qi Jiguang: In the late Ming dynasty (1368-1644), the general Qi Jiguang led a campaign against the Wokou pirates, who were raiding the coast of China. Qi Jiguang employed a strategy of attrition, cutting off the pirates’ supply lines and destroying their ships and resources. This weakened the pirates and forced them to surrender.

8. Lin Biao: During the Chinese Civil War (1945-1949), the communist general Lin Biao led a campaign against the Nationalist government’s forces in Manchuria. Lin Biao employed a strategy of guerrilla warfare, destroying infrastructure, such as railways and bridges, to prevent the Nationalist forces from resupplying. This weakened the Nationalist forces and allowed the communists to gain control over the region.

These few (out of many) examples demonstrate how Chinese generals and military leaders have used the strategy of attrition and destruction of resources throughout history to weaken their enemies. While this strategy can be effective in military terms, it can also have a significant impact on civilian populations and non-combatants, as noted earlier.

These examples demonstrate that the strategy of attrition and destruction of resources has been used by military leaders in various periods of Chinese history. While it can be a brutal tactic, it has proven to be effective in weakening and defeating enemy forces long before they are able to gather their strength to ready up for a long battle or conflict.

The use of the strategy of attrition and destruction of resources in warfare throughout Chinese history has often had a devastating impact on civilian populations and non-combatants.

Scorched-earth tactics, for example, involve the intentional destruction of crops, livestock, and other resources that civilians depend on for their survival. This can lead to famine, disease, and displacement, as well as the loss of homes, property, and livelihoods. Civilians who are caught in the crossfire or who live in areas controlled by the opposing forces can also face violence, abuse, and forced conscription.

Furthermore, the destruction of infrastructure, such as bridges, roads, and railways, can disrupt trade, transport, and communication, which can further harm civilian populations. This can lead to economic instability, social unrest, and political instability, which can have long-term consequences.

In some cases, military leaders have intentionally targeted civilians as part of their strategy, using violence, rape, and other forms of abuse to terrorize the population and undermine support for their enemies. This can lead to widespread trauma, physical and emotional harm, and the breakdown of social and cultural institutions.

Overall, the use of the strategy of attrition and destruction of resources in warfare has had a significant and often devastating impact on civilian populations and non-combatants throughout Chinese history. And the populations once weakened create a situation where the nation is UNABLE to fight long and protracted wars without internal domestic collapse.

It is simple, really.

It will begin with [1] a drawn out period of de-fanging the American out-of-control beast.

Pluck, by pluck.

Inflation, raging unemployment, money that is useless, inability to get healthcare, massive drug abuse, and a collapse of the industrial base will be just a bad fore-taste of the deadly future that awaits when the United States walk into the rat-trap set for it.

Then, trapped, check-mated, and helpless with come [2] the one-two blows that China and Russia (oh, yeah, China and Russia are none nation now. Or haven’t you noticed?) will unleash.

Don’t like that?


Here’s the High Tech capital (Pasadena California) in the United States “today”. Ruined by the out-of-control government that makes the grandiose statements that only the putile ignorant believe.

See what the grand and strong America looks like when “you pull the curtain back” and see it for what it actually is; a toothless old fumbling man with dementia.

I argue that the moment that the United States declared war with China back in 2014, China sat-up and took notice. They formalized their plans and initiated counter-military actions. As the United States follows it’s well-worn RAND play-book, so is China. And today we are seeing the fruits of this on-going “stealth” war.

Stealth… because it is not being reported.

You can expect the civilian populations of the United States and its proxy nations to suffer. You can expect raging inflation, a drop in basic services, and a gradual encroachment of madness in the “leadership” cadres.

Along with that, will be an emptying of the national treasuries of the belligerents, as well as a destruction of military systems to a point where basic parts, ammo and fundamentals become unobtainable. You will note a cannibalization of existing weapons systems, and an outrageous propaganda machine geared up for a “hot conflict” that the United States will be unable to implement.

The United States today is like a “junkie” that needs his “fix” of drugs. He hates the drug dealer that sells it to him, and he hates his life, but he knows that he cannot go “cold turkey” without the drugs. So he yells, and screams. He screams to everyone how bad the “drug dealer” is, but is so nice an friendly when talking face to face with the dealer.

He knows, as bad as his situation is, it can be many, many, MANY times worse if the “drug dealer” closes him out, and turns his back on him. The drug dealer not only has control over his needs, but is healthy, powerful, and has abilities that the junkie doesn’t.

Bottom line…

Do not fuck with China.

They will fuck you right back.

America’s Secret Space Program and the Alien Connection: Solar Warden

This is a perfect example about “going down the rabbit hole”.

Please DO NOT take this seriously. It’s not real,

Why is the US so worked up over a 28nm equipment from China when it can’t make even 3nm chips?

2023 08 05 08 26
2023 08 05 08 26


That’s because this 28nm DUV Lithography machine is FULLY INDIGENOUS and has come to the commercial line in 3 Years and 10 months

There are 15,800 components in this machine and everyone if them is MADE IN CHINA

The Wafer layering is also Chinese

The Final Tested 28nm Chip had a 94.1% yield which is only 1.7% lower than the 95.8% that a 28nm chip made with Western equipment delivers

Even 7% was acceptable by the Chinese (88.8% Yield) so a 94.1% yield was OUTSTANDING

The Chip is estimated to be priced at 4840 Yuan for a stack compared to 5410 Yuan for a stack of 28nm chips that use Western Equipment and are made in China

That’s a 12.50% price cut

Experts estimate that the same 28nm chips being made in Taiwan or Korea using Western equipment would cost 7200 Yuan or almost 50% higher than China’s price

This Machine is now commercial which means by 2027 it will replace existing western DUV equipment completely and also have enhanced quality

This means China have gained full Independence in their 28 nm Chips from any Western Control and technology

Until now it was possible only for 90 nm Chips and above

Thats not why the US is mad though

This was something that was expected by the US the minute the same equipment passed protocol stage in 2018 May with a 59% Yield (Now 94.1%)

It entered Commercial phase in 2019 December

The US is mad because China can use these 28 nm Chips and stack them and get the equivalent of 14 nm and even 7 nm chips

China has made massive strides in stacking

It means China can now have fully Indigenous 14 nm Chips at 89% of the quality that the West delivers and Indigenous 7% Chips at 70.1% of the quality that the West delivers

Now these stacked chips cannot be used commercially as their price would be too high (A 28 nm Chip stacked as a 14 nm would cost 91400 Yuan a stack against a mere 11260 Yuan that it would cost for a Western Equipment made 14 nm Chip in China and 16220 Yuan for a stack made in Taiwan)

However they can be used in Defence applications and National Security related applications where China won’t mind the higher price in exchange for more flexibility

Better to have 71% Quality home chips at 11 times the price for Defence Equipment than have none at all and have a 100% disadvantage with the West

Thats why the US is hopping mad

A Senator named Tom Cotton said this was all Bidens fault and he was too slow and gave too much time for China to catch up

China still has a long way to go

China is around 3/4 the way there

It still needs the last 25% of the race against the toughest of circumstances

Pineapple Tequila

Keep a large jar of this tequila working on your kitchen counter. It makes terrific margaritas. After the mixture has been topped with fresh tequila two or three times, you can finely dice the softened pineapple, warm it in butter with extra brown sugar to taste, and serve it as an ice cream topping.

2023 07 15 12 23
2023 07 15 12 23


  • 2 large just-ripe pineapple, trimmed, peeled, cored, cut into 2-inch chunks
  • 2 (1 liter) bottles gold tequila
  • 2 cones (5 ounces total) piloncillo or 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 2 whole vanilla beans


  1. In a large, decorative jar, combine the pineapple chunks and tequila.
  2. Add the sugar and vanilla beans.
  3. Cover and let the tequila stand at room temperature, stirring it occasionally, for at least 1 week.


Variation: Use rum instead of tequila.

Have you ever had a “why did I do this” moment?

I went to college almost exactly 1,000 miles from my hometown. That’s about 16 hours if you drive it. When I was in college, I would drive home once per year. I’d drive straight through, stopping only for gas, food, and bathroom breaks. Not to rest.

I’d leave at 3am, and get there around 7 or 8pm that evening.

Those were fun trips. I was young, single, and free. I had the windows down, going 80mph down the highway, usually smoking a cigarette with the music blasting.

Years later, in my early 30s, I thought I could still do that. Not the smoking part—I quit that after college. And not the loud music part-I preferred talk radio at a reasonable volume by then. And I didn’t like the windows down as much. Too windy and noisy and it lets dust into the car.

But still, I thought it would be fun to drive the 1,000 miles, without stopping, to visit my mom.

I left at 3am. By noon, I realized I had made a mistake. I was exhausted. I tried drinking coffee, but that didn’t help. By 2pm, I realized that I wasn’t going to make it. I had to find a hotel. If I continued driving, I would be a danger to myself and others.

My exact thoughts were: “Why did I do this? I’m too old for this shit.”

So I called my mom to tell her I’d be a day late, found a hotel, spent the night, and finished my trip the next day.

I’m planning another solo road trip this summer, to somewhere even farther away. But now I have a minivan, so I’m just going to take the seats out of the back, put in an inflatable mattress, and sleep there whenever I feel tired. I hate paying $100 or more just to sleep at a hotel.

What is China’s secret weapon?

American “news” constantly underlines that China “only” has 400 nuclear weapons. While MM has told you that the amount is 10x that.

A Pentagon report states that China has enough launchers to support the MM statement, though they still argue for small numbers of nukes…


What’s the most gruesome, disturbing thing you’ve ever witnessed? Not videos you watched, but actual real life, in-person experiences.

My mother sold vegetables at the local market, and every now and then she would send me to the shops.

She sold stuff like tomatoes, onions, garlic, ginger, et.c. and on that particular day she sent me to buy a box of chicken seasoning. We called them Maggi Cubes and they came in small packets like this.

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This has nothing to do with the Maggi Cubes, or my mother’s vegetables.

So, while exiting the shop with my box, I heard a commotion outside. My nosy self quickly walked towards it, where I saw people dragging a man to a car while everyone else stood by and watched. The man looked faint and fucked up, but that didn’t stop the people from roughly dragging him to the car and shoving him inside, all the while cursing at him.

“Brukim pes blo disla rascal ya!”

“Stealman ya!”

“Paitim em ya!”

From what people were yelling I deduced he was a thief. A pickpocket.

Ah, of course. Leave it to us Papua New Guineans to mind our own business when it’s a man beating the shit out of his wife in public but bring out the vigilante squad when it’s a harmless little pickpocket.

From listening to people who were standing around tsk-tsking and talking, I figured out he had tried to pick someone’s phone. The people assisting him to the car weren’t taking him to the hospital; they were taking him to the police station.

Something else they said caught my attention.

“Ol katim han blo em.”

“Ol man lo hap ya, ol holim han blo em stap.”

I looked to where they were pointing to; it was a smaller crowd. I inched closer, and there it was.

A severed hand. The pickpocket’s hand, apparently.

Some guy was holding it up like a trophy. People crowded around to take photos.

I would have taken a pic too but I felt queasy and left. Now I realise no picture is needed; that disturbing scene has been seared into my mind.

For a phone a man loses his hand while corrupt politicians steal much more and walk free. Such is life.

Of all the crimes we suffer from in the land of PNG, pickpocket is the least common. If you’re caught pickpocketing, people would handle you themselves before turning you over to the police to deal with what’s left.

What are some weird facts about Japan?

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There are Temples in Japan where the ceilings are drenched in blood of dead Samurai. In 1592, Toyotomi Hideyoshi constructed the Fushimi Castle after he united Japan. After the death of Hideyoshi’s the Kingdom began to fragment and the warlord Tokugawa Leyasu occupied Fushimi Castle with 2000 men.

In 1600, an army of 40,000 men under the command of the Samurai Ishida Mitsunari, marched against the castle. Tokugawa’s companion, Torii Mototada decided to remain in the castle with the 2000 men, while Tokugawa’s marched west.

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Mototada and his men defended the castle against overwhelming odds for 11 days. On the 11th day, with only ten of his men left alive, Mototada realised he had lasted as long as he could, and rather than surrender he and his remaining men committed Seppuku (ritual suicide via disembowelment).

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Though Mototada died, he succeeded in holding Mitsunari long enough that his campaign was critically delayed, leading to his defeat and execution.

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The Gruesome mass suicide of the defenders drenched the floors of the castle with blood, and though the castle was later dismantled, its wood was used in the construction of five temples across Kyoto. And to this day, bloodstains from the siege can be seen on the ceilings of some of these temples.

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As a police officer, has someone you pulled over ever threatened to call “Daddy”?

Originally Answered: As a Police officer, has someone you pulled over ever threatened to call “Daddy”?

Oh yeah….. and it was the Sheriff’s 18 year old daughter. (Sigh) I pulled her over at 2:00 a.m. for running a red light. From my initial contact, based upon her language, attitude, and the odor of alcohol, I determined she was inebriated.

I removed her to the rear of her vehicle. The entire time she was screaming that she was THE Sheriff’s daughter. I knew that. The first step I conduct in my field sobriety tests is the HGN. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus. That’s where I “wave” my pen in front of your eyes, asking you to track the movement of my pen. It requires me to place my body in close proximity to the body of the detained individual. On this night, that was my mistake. She sucker punched me in the face. Broke my nose.

Hard to believe a 120# female could punch like she did. She knocked me to the ground. I hit my dispatch panic button, and the world responded. The next I knew, she’s cuffed and stuffed, and the paramedics are wanting to transport me.

We finally all arrive at the jail, and my supervisors interviewed me again. They were more concerned about my health than anything. I kept asking for a status on my prisoner, and their only response was “who gives a …. , let’s get you taken care of..”

Then the Sheriff arrived. He spoke with my supervisors… both of them, the Lieutenant and the Sergeant. He spoke with my fellow Deputies who also responded. Then he spoke with his daughter… confined in a holding cell.

Then he approached me, and asked how I was. He really was concerned about my health, and the state of damage to my gear. We talked for several minutes. He apologized profusely for his daughter’s behavior. I kept telling him it wasn’t his fault. And then he said, and I’ll never forget this….. “…., this is a direct order. You will charge this miscreant with Underage consumption, Operating While Intoxicated, Assault on an officer causing injury, and Resisting arrest. You do that, and do it now… or I’ll have your badge.” And with that, he spun on his heels and left without another word to anyone.

The Prosecutor reduced some of the charges (imagine that) but she ended up with time served (bail, for some unknown reason took 2 days), a large fine, and suspension of her DL for 6 months.

Additionally, the Sheriff had her apologize in person in front of the entire Patrol Division, (60 deputies) and I understand the entire Corrections (jail) Department (100 officers).

EDIT: Wow I never thought I’d get this much response. Thank you all. This is a very humbling experience.

Perhaps I should get knocked on my azz more often. LOL NOT.

Please allow me to elaborate on a few of the comments:

*The Prosecutor reduced her charges through a very necessary plea bargain process. It’s not perfect, but it’s usually the best form of justice served in our County. We have 80 ADA’s and only 5 Judges. Judicial gridlock would occur with out this process.

*”Her sentence was too light.” Legally? Perhaps. But here’s the rest of the story….. She had a full ride scholarship to a Big 10 University. She lost it. She lost the car her Father was providing. She lost the nice part time job she had. For the next year, instead of enjoying life as a college student, she worked 70 hrs. a week at a convenience store, to make the weekly payments on a Buy Here Pay Here junk car. And to pay her newly instituted rent at her parents’ home.

She’s now in college…. paying her own way. She’s an often sought speaker at MAAD and AA meetings. She always starts out the same way…. “Let me tell you about the most stupid decision I ever made….. which caused the most miserable night of my life.”

I see her often. Our Agency has family BBQ’s and other events. We all know each others’ family. We all see each other often. She’s a good kid. A good kid who made a poor decision.

And now, she’s paying the price. I’ve let it go. I hope you all will too 🙂

Col Macgregor On Gonzalo Lira DISAPPEARANCE

The same disregard with human rights and the rule of law in Julian Assange’s case.


What’s the point to life? You just end up dying anyway; why not die now?

My mother died of a heart attack at 72.

During a dark period of my own, I asked her if she had ever considered ending her life. She said she had, and I asked what had stopped her.

She replied, “Curiosity, I guess. I wanted to see what would happen next.”

I don’t consider suicide a sin or a crime. I think it’s a failure of the imagination. The pain of the current moment eclipses the knowledge that there will be many more moments, and you just don’t know what they will bring.

About 35 years ago, after a break-up with a girl, I cocked a pistol and held it to my own head. I was alone in my apartment, and in great emotional pain. I couldn’t imagine anyone ever loving me again. Obviously, I didn’t pull the trigger.

Since that decision not to end my own life, I moved to Los Angeles, became a successful voice actor, and was cast as a series regular on a Cartoon Network show that ran for 6 years and won an Emmy. People have told me, on multiple occasions, “You were the voice of my childhood.” I also met my wife and stepson and traveled the world.

My advice, for what it’s worth: Don’t kill yourself, because then, you’ll never find out what happens next.

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you for being nice?

Originally Answered: What is the best thing that ever happened to you for being nice?

Going anonymous because don’t want the attention.

When I was in college a new person moved across the hall from me in my building.

One day I came home and heard him crying and hysterical in his apartment. I listened for a minute, but finally knocked on the door, as it sounded like he needed help.

He came to the door. We had seen eachother a couple times but never really talked. He had recently moved to New York from China for grad school in biology, and spoke very little English. He explained that he had lost his lab position, had stopped going to class, and would soon fail out and would have to return home. Said he would be the shame of his family.

He explained that he had no other options.

Luckily I worked in the biochemistry department, and had a lot of contacts there. I spent some time with him and helped make a plan to get back on the right track. I introduced him to some professors and administrators in the university, reviewed his letters and emails, and helped him get a job in my cancer research lab, even though he had no experience in cancer research.

I gave him some of my favorite American novels and he read them and seemed very grateful.

I moved a couple years later, but we have stayed in touch; I’ve helped him out with writing and encouraged him along the way when he comes to me with concerns.

It’s been 15 years since we met. He completed two Masters degrees at a great university, and a PhD and now has a position developing drugs to treat and cure cancer.

I like to think I’ve helped to impact his trajectory for the better.

NEARLY EVERYONE IN THE WORLD FEEL THIS!! 😰 Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond | reaction

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Hi MetallicMan ! 🙂 Which Biden ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ixrVnQHDPU
And also, which Putin, which Macron, tc…. May be also which many other sosie/clone/android/masked puppets of the deep state, or of break away sociey, or of the Domain, which i wonder what is left nowadays ? (If ever you would try to ask your BPE system, please)