2022 12 26 10 29

Scammers from India hacked by enraged Rufus!

Christmas holiday. Everyone in China is sick, and most are staying at home. I’m throwing up a very simple post today. Still getting better, over the Coronavirus. Please enjoy this post…

Today we are going to watch a bunch of online scammers (why are all of them out in India?) get “owned” by some hackers. You don’t need to watch all of them, but you will learn a lot from this post.

You will learn about organized smash and grabs in California, and Indian scammers getting “owned”.

Pay back time!

Check out this FUN video! If there is a video that you should watch today, then this is it. The only difference, that I would advise is to use Cadaverine. This chemical smells like a rotting corpse.

Cadaverine is an organic compound with the formula (CH2)5(NH2)2. Classified as diamine, it is a colorless liquid with an unpleasant odor. It is present in small quantities in living organisms but is often associated with the putrefaction of animal tissue.


Hacker turns on Scammers Webcam

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Nice mate and well done young man for your efforts. Thanks for posting MM.


These scumbags are not above drying up a person’s resources and then leaving them to die off. Many people have committed suicide or gone insane because of these morally bankrupt scammers.

They deserved every bit of comeuppance they got. Thank you, antiscammers, for taking down these heinous knaves who, in my eyes, are even worse than muggers and armed thieves. These career fraudsters are just a peg above human traffickers, and even then,, just barely.