Driving through Tanzhou is a real pain.
Right now with all the construction, and the mix of factory trucks, construction trucks, and poor village people, driving is a nightmare.

Today I had a little fender-bender.
A “armored” scooter pulled up to my side at a red light, and when we both pulled out our vehicles kissed. He was only mm from my door and pulling out left a horrible scratch. Leaving a massive scratch on two doors. No damage to that old blokes garbage contraption.
This is about two mm;
The old man; around his late 80’s was probably feeble and couldn’t understand that he can’t be so close to my car.
After all my near collision alarm was screaming. But he couldn’t hear it. Probably because he turned off his hearing aide.
Senile old man.
He drove an “armored” scooter.
Basically, it is a three wheeled electric scooter with a sturdy metal frame that a tarp or plastic sheeting can be laid over. It is popular with older folk.
You take heavy iron piping. You make a frame with it, and weld it to a scooter bike.

And yeas, Two older folk was driving this contraption. Not too well. Seeing that they must have been mm from my car side.

Now an “armored scooter” is this kind of three wheeled contraption that consists of two seats, inside a steel pipe box powered by an electric engine.
Here’s what it might have looked like twenty years ago when it was new…

No damage to their robust tank. But my car has a nice long scratch all the way down on the side.
Pissed me off.
Firstly because these unlicensed “vehicles” are banned from operating on the road, and secondly, I just repaired my car a month ago.
Ah the trials of driving in China.
Now, these bikes are very common in the rural and growing areas. Such as Tanzhou. They are cheap and are easy to use. But most people have no driver’s license and cause all kinds of mayhem.

All the cities ban them. Like Shenzhen, Zhuhai and TangXia.
Not Tanzhou yet, though.
They are dangerous. They are driven on sidewalks, in the grass, on the road, across the road in pedestrian crosswalks and in effect all over the place. They cause all sorts of trouble, and accidents like I just had.
Users of electric bikes are the latest target of Beijing’s ongoing campaign to bring order to its chaotic, traffic-clogged streets. Since April, Beijing’s city government said electric bikes, also known as e-bikes, would be banned from 10 major city centre roads, including Chang’an Avenue, a main thoroughfare, and its side streets. Users of e-bikes, which are ubiquitous in many Chinese cities, have been penalised for ignoring traffic rules and threatening public safety by mounting kerbs and colliding with pedestrians.
So yeah. They are being banned over time.
This is what my drive is like every day in Tanzhou…

Yeah. It’s a headache.
Here’s another write up…
Until you see the videos of traffic accidents involving scooters in China that you can find everywhere on the web. Until you hear the numbers of traffic accidents and deaths caused by scooters. Until you witness one of the many daily scooter accidents yourself. And on top of that, you’ll find enough videos online of exploding e-bikes while charging and setting a room on fire. It comes thus as no surprise that the Chinese government is looking for solutions for this growing safety problem that the roughly 250 million (registered) electric scooters cause in the country. In April 2019, the Chinese government announced that in the coming years, there will be more strict regulations and law enforcement regarding electric scooters and e-bikes. As a first step, it was not allowed anymore to have more than two people on the scooter, although it wasn't always strictly enforced. What the government did strictly enforce, was registering and licensing all scooters by April 15th, 2019. Any unregistered scooters after April 15 were without exception confiscated. By December 31st, 2022, electric scooters need to comply with new national standards.
As you can see it is an issue.

See the picture above?
None of those electric scooters are allowed to be on the road. But here they are. Scooting and zipping around in front of cars, trucks and pedestrians without a care in the world.
Do you see any of them being in the same lane. Nope. It’s a “Free for all”, and yeah. It’s irritating as fuck.
A normal day in Chinese traffic, scooters everywhere After having scootered around Kunming for over 3 years now, I am a bit sad but mostly happy about this new turn of events. The chaos and lack of law enforcement on certain minor areas, such as not wearing a helmet, taking 2 extra friends on your scooter etc., was something I preferred over the too-tight regulations of my home country the Netherlands. But on the other hand, I cannot drive to work without at least five times mumblingly cursing at other people who do something stupid and don't use their brain in traffic, leaving me wondering how I did not witness more accidents than I did (luckily only very minor ones where no one got injured). When you are not using your brain when driving a scooter, you are well at risk of losing said brain. The Chinese government also knows this, and that is why this May 2020 the government announced that from now on, motorcyclists and electric scooter drivers need to wear a helmet when driving as a new national law regulation. This comes paired with a campaign for car drivers needing to wear seat belts when driving, including all passengers. This will be strictly enforced from 1st June 2020.
And China IS addressing it. But here in the hinterlands, it does tend to be a little bit on the “Wild West” side.

Anyways, I will deal with the aftermath in a few months.
Gotta live with the scratch. It’s something a little like this. With some exposed metal at the end. I’ll drive it around for a few months, then repair it out.

But that’s life. *sigh*
Tariff on Chinese goods = Taxing Americans. Any Americans thought of it? Why Trump nor Harris debated on the $35 TN debt that may bankrupt USA one day, as Elon Musk said? Nobody lives on debts on credit card. Why no Americans demand remedial action to solve the $35 TN debt crisis?
In the Trump-Harris debate, Trump said the tariff (on Chinese goods) brought in billions for USA. Biden admin likes it & continues with Trump’s tariff policy. (True, trade rep K.Tai refused to cancel Trump’s tariff despite Treasury Secy Yellen asked to cancel it.)
Harris hinted that the tariff rips off ordinary Americans. Debate moderator added that the tariff causes inflation. (True, it is Americans who pay 80-90% of the tariff). He said Americans paid an average of $4000 as a result (of tariff).
1 US professor (I dont remember his name) said that tariff actually is Taxation on Americans. Politicians dare not increase tax because they will lose votes. Because no electors like tax.
What electors do not know is that there are basic expenses such as healthcare or the interest paid to the US debt ( >$10,000). USA suffers deficit because Expenses is higher than Revenue. (Elon Musk said USA is heading to bankruptcy, FAST. One day USA may not be able to pay off the principal of the debt. Maybe the interest only. Then what? Bankrupt like a homeless.
Where to find money to cover the deficit? One way is to rob foreign countries & big enterprises such as France’s Alston, China’s Huawei (failed), German’s Siemens & more. Using blackmail & threat.
Another way is to TAX Americans under a beautiful name: China has stolen US jobs & must be punished thru tariff.
Has China stolen US jobs? No. It is the US globalisation policy in which US capitalists moved their factories to Asian countries eg China, Vietnam etc because the operational cost there is cheaper. It is US capitalists who “stole” US jobs. But electors buy US politicians’ narratives, without analyzing the issue.
That is why I always tease “democratic election”. Democracy assumes ordinary electors can analyze complex issues. Assume spells ASS-U-ME. That is correct. You & me.
We hate tax but we demand goodies eg welfare from the govt for personal reasons. We force politicians to be dishonest to us & find ways to fool us. We are the ASS.
What is more terrible about the ASS is that they think democracy is supreme & other political systems are inferior. The ASS supports the mafia-like USA to democraticise other country thru riot, coup & war. The ASS loves freedom. Yet they take away other’s FREEDOM to govern their country in their way that suits their situation, culture & history. … It is the ASS who makes the world terrible.
Baked Chicken Noodle Soup Casserole

- 1 envelope Lipton chicken noodle soup
- 2 1/2 cups boiling water
- 3 tablespoons butter
- 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- Dash white pepper
- 1 (7 ounce) can chicken
- 2 cans peas with pearl onions
- 1 cup buttered bread crumbs
- Heat oven to 450 degrees F.
- In small saucepan cook soup mix in water.
- In medium saucepan, melt butter.
- Blend in flour and pepper.
- Gradually stir in hot soup and cook until thickened.
- Add chicken.
- Fold in peas and onions.
- Turn into a 1 1/2 quart casserole.
- Top with bread crumbs.
- Bake for 15 minutes.
Three Dog Night – Eli’s Coming (1969)
How long did it take you to realize that the way you were brought up was, in no way, normal?
When I was fifteen. I stayed the weekend with my best friend from church and her family. Her parents not only were together, but they appeared to actually…like each other! And her siblings seemed to genuinely enjoy being with each other.
There was no shouting or screaming. No cold-wars of silence. There was no disrespect. There was plenty of teasing, but it was good natured and funny—not sarcastic or embarrassing. Mistakes were met with grace and misbehavior had appropriate (not over the top) consequences.
A father, mother, two daughters, and a son, as well as a grandmother and various pets made up that warm and loving family. I was treated like one of the family. I felt welcomed and safe. I felt like I didn’t have to walk on eggshells and that I could breathe. In fact, interaction with their family during my teen years showed me that I could one day have a normal, happy family of my own.
Up until that point I had not wanted to marry or have children because I was so miserable growing up in the circumstances that I faced. And though all four of us children eventually moved away, married, had kids, even had divorces—I still remained in contact with them.
Six years ago, my best friend died in her sleep of a stroke. I made the trip back to our hometown one last time to say, “See you later! Love you most!” I miss her still. And I am thankful for the safe haven and lessons learned in her family.
Can the bank sue you for spending funds deposited into your account due to bank error?
I once had a couple thousand dollars deposited in my account. I was very young but I knew that there was no conceivable way that I put that money there. It was NOT mine.
I just left it there. It was super hard. I was struggling like most college kids on their own struggle. About 8 months later I get a demand letter.
Now I had lawyers and accountants in my extended family. I knew they likely would charge me but they would give good advice and not gouge me. The lawyer responded. We went to court.
The lawyer told me not to say a word. (I am overly helpful)The first had the letter read into the record. It basically accused me of taking the money and putting it there. Then he went through the transactions (numbers and such) He was able to track down where the money was supposed to go and who did the actual mechanics of getting it into my account (it can be just mistyping the account number) Basically making it clear I did not do anything that would constitute theft. (wrong doing)
This was a long court case but I thankfully no longer had to be present. Basically I gave the court the money deposited that was not mine. The court got it where it needed to go and the teller/ manager was prosecuted. Evidently he had been doing this kind of thing for years. He misroute where he thought it would be overlooked and then into an account that had little activity (I did almost everything with cash)
Then he would threaten. And of course the young thing would cry and be scared and do what ever he wanted. But that money then went into his pocket , the majority of the time. This was way back in the 70’s. This have probably changed. The bottom line is to ask yourself, is this money mine? If it is not then you have no right to spend it. And yes you do need to pay it back to the person that rightfully owns it.
My GF Insisted She Got A Motel Room W/ Her Male Friend “Just To Smoke”…I Insisted She Take A Hike
What does a soldier feel minutes before combat, fear or anger?
You don’t feel anger in these moments. Anger is a luxury reserved for the couch potatoes who stay at home while you face death. You, my friend, have more important things to worry about.
During these endless minutes before battle, most combat soldiers try to distract themselves from the rising tide of fear. You’ve already received your orders; your gun and gear have been checked countless times, so there’s nothing left to do but wait.
This is a critical moment because, as long as you’ve been busy, comrade Fear didn’t dare show up. Now the road is open for him, and if you’re not careful, he’ll consume you, paralyze you, and even leave you panic-stricken.

A Ukrainian soldier in a trench on the eastern frontline. (Picture: Leah Millis)
To fill these agonizing minutes, every soldier has a different method: some pray, others chain-smoke, or write letters. Many just lie down and try to empty their minds of any thoughts.
Of course, this doesn’t always work, and you’ll see soldiers puking their guts out. It sounds terrible, but as bad as it is, throwing up is also a way to distract yourself. Better to feel sick than to be overwhelmed by fear.
As soon as the fighting starts, on the other hand, your feelings of fear recede. Your mind becomes occupied with survival.
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If you plead not guilty to a speeding ticket, what is your defense in a court of law?
I was accused on doing 34 in a 30 zone, on an area where the speed limit changes from 40 to 30.
I never got the ticket- I only found out about the issue when I got a court summons. There had been an enforcement van looking for speeders.
At this point, I need to mention that I am a wheelchair user, with an assistance dog, and an adapted wheelchair van. My van was in the shop and I had a hire vehicle when I got the ticket. The original ticket was misdirected to the car hire company and got lost in the works there.
When I got to the court, it was not accessible. The list showing which courtroom I was in was in tiny font that was unreadable unless you got right on top of it, which I couldn’t do because it was posted on a plinth about 4 feet above me, on a base up three steps.
There had been no signs or directions showing how wheelchair users access the building. A porter (who ignored me for half an hour by speaking on his phone about how unfair it was that he have to help someone when there should have been signs….) showed me how to get to the correct court, which required me taking the leg rests off my chair and sending my assistance dog up with the porter.
Because of all the issues trying to identify and get to the room, I wound up being late even though I arrived nearly an hour early.
The magistrate started chastising me for my lack of respect being late. She asked what I had to say for myself.
I said I felt it was hypocrisy to hold me to such a high standard, when the court- the place where the law should be followed- failed to comply with human rights legislation. I explained how the building was non-compliant and outlined the access issues…
She countered with I should have told the court I needed reasonable adjustments. I proved I had called to do exactly that but was told no such thing was available. (I had a recording). She sighed, and said “clearly, the world and the court in particular has a way to go…” and I said yes, it was hard to be held accountable for things that happen because of discriminatory actions, or just because people who should know better fail to ensure things are accessible.
She said that was true, no one should be punished if the issue was lack of access, or complications related to failure to accommodate disability.
I finally offered my plea “not guilty”.
The cop was livid, and explained everything you never wanted to know about how the radar, camera, etc. all caught me on the verge of causing the collapse of the UK.
I said “I couldn’t see the speedometer” and explained about the vehicle being temporary, and that since it was temporary they had just cobbled my “steering wheel ball” and it blocked the speedometer. I explained that I had the vehicle only for 3 days so was trying not to use it. I said I tried just to keep pace with traffic, and not be unreasonably fast.
Then the cop said what was so important that you just had to drive that day? If you couldn’t see the speedometer, why did you not take a taxi?
I explained that there were no wheelchair taxis in my specific area.
He said “I think you are making that up”. I told him I wasn’t. He asked for a moment to check what I said as I was “perjuring” myself. The magistrate gave him 5 minutes.
He came back and said “there are…” and then I showed him how those cars were for wheelchairs that folded. Mine didn’t. He checked with someone else, and they backed me up.
The magistrate was losing patience with him. He then said “So you couldn’t get a taxi, but, what was so important you had to go out instead of waiting for a car where you could clearly see the speedometer?”
And I told the court, truthfully, that I was bringing my 9 year old nephew to the hospital to spend time with his dying mother- the hospital had told us “come right away”.
“She died a few hours after we got there” I said truthfully.
The cop then said “Do you have any proof? Don’t you know you are supposed to wait until the end of the school day- if it was several hours until she passed, couldn’t he have waited until the end of school?”
When he said that, I felt the tears start on my face. I don’t know if it was pain, anger, frustration or what. Before I had a chance to answer, the magistrate said “Constable Soandso, you are completely lacking in common sense, empathy, and given how irritated I am becoming, survival instinct….” and she told him to sit quietly whilst she sorted things.
She then asked if I could now see the speedometer. I said yes. She asked if I’d had any other tickets, and I said “not in the UK” and she said “that’s all that matters”.
She then said “Charges against you are dismissed”.
The cop took it personally and muttered “I will get you next time” under his breath. The Magistrate heard it, called him back, told him to apologise to me immediately, and offered to charge him with contempt. I asked her to please not, as I didn’t want him to have hard feelings against me, and she said if he ever issued me a ticket again to ask for her.
I was then invited to leave whilst they continued their discussion.
Have you ever found out by pure chance that one of your friends is really rich?
It started in the Walmart parking lot.
I saw a motorhome that was exactly the same model as my own.
So I was looking at the twin of my RV when the owner came up to me and looked at me curiously.
I introduced myself.
I explained to him that I owned the same model and that I was having some mechanical problems with the vehicle.
We got along well, exchanged emails and decided to stay in touch.
Then we started camping together – a few times a year.
Our motorhomes were old.
Our new friends led a modest life.
They clipped coupons and shopped at second-hand stores.
After we had been meeting regularly for a few years, an earthquake hit California and our friends told us they had to leave early to “check the cars”.
I was astonished.
My friend explained to me that he had a car collection.
The vehicles were stored on pallets in California.

He felt like he had known us for years and so he told us that he was the CEO of a technology company in Silicon Valley.
And he told us that they knew we loved them so much.
Because they were who they were.
And not because they had a lot of money.
China’s Tech + Economy Week
5% GDP growth looks baked in.
Huawei is building a $1.66 billion Shanghai R&D center to develop lithography machines to make logic chips on 14nm/16nm FinFET and more advanced processes. ASML controls well over 90% of the lithography tools market, so Huawei-developed machines will have to be at least 28nm or 14nm/16nm-capable.
China is now three years behind TSMC, Japan’s IC analytical lab: “The area of SMIC’s 7-nm mass-produced chip is 118.4 sq. mm., while TSMC’s 5-nm chip is 107.8. The two chips have similar performance levels”. The gap between SMIC and the world’s most advanced chips is now 3 years.
Nvidia’s best AI chips are 40% cheaper to rent in China than in the US, a sign that the advanced processors are easily reaching the Chinese market despite Washington’s export restrictions: $6/hour vs. $10/hour for the same setup.
China spent more on chipmaking equipment than South Korea, Taiwan, and the U.S. combined: $25 billion in the first half of the year.
Huawei’s new $2,800 trifold phone attracted 3 million personal orders in its first three days on sale, for revenue of $8.4 billion.
De Beers leaves the lab-grown diamond jewelry business as China arrives. In central China, the nexus of the country’s diamond industry, new technologies caused a boom in synthetic diamond production; now, with prices falling through the floor, companies are wondering what’s next.
China will launch its Tianwen-3 mission to Mars in 2028, two years earlier than previously planned, which would see Martian samples returned to Earth by July 2031, handing China the lead in the race for Mars and becoming the global leader in space exploration.
China’s low latitude long range ionospheric radar (LARID) detected plasma bubbles over both the Pyramids and over Midway Islands, almost simultaneously. Equatorial plasma bubbles are electron-depleted regions that can be hundreds of kilometers in diameter and play havoc with GPS positioning and satellite communications. China is the first country to detect plasma bubbles on radar.
China’s reusable test spacecraft, launched, Dec 2023, returned to its scheduled landing site on Friday after 268 days of in-orbit operation, demonstrating the growing maturity of China’s reusable spacecraft technologies.
A jellyfish-inspired luminous artificial spider silk for surgical sutures has a maximum breaking stress of 1,017 MPa and maintains luminosity after 60 hours of UV exposure. It helps surgeons ensure a safe and complete suture.
Tsinghua can train optical neural networks without GPUs. The new FFM learning method allows the optical system to learn and adjust itself in real-time, much like a self-driving car continuously adapting to road conditions. This on-site learning approach eliminates the need for complex simulations and allows the system to account for its own unique quirks and imperfections.
Dilma Rousseff: “By promoting transactions in local currencies, we facilitate investment growth, help governments and the private sector overcome the cash flow mismatch between projects and financing, provide greater predictability and reduce the costs associated with currency hedging”.
Digital RMB volumes to the end of June hit $988 billion, up from $932 billion at the end of May, or $56 billion/ month. The digital RMB is also used for high value corporate transactions, including cross border.
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) issued its first digitally native note (DNN) on Euroclear’s Digital Financial Market Infrastructure (D-FMI). The initiative was supported by BMO Capital Markets as dealer and Citi, serving as dealer as well as the issuing and paying agent on the transaction.
The US dollar’s hegemony ends January 1, folks:

- Hilton opens its 700th hotel, to add 100 more p.a. across the country.
- BYD sold a record 373,083 vehicles in August, with strong growth in overseas markets.
- Imports and exports to Africa are 1.19 trillion yuan, YTD, up 5.5%. China imported $3.5 billion of agricultural products from Africa, an increase of 7.2%
- Export of ships, automobiles, wind turbines grew 45%, 36% and 253% respectively,
- January-June freight revenue reached a whopping 484.1 billion yuan, an increase of 4.7% YoY.
- China rail completed a record 2.1 billion passenger trips in H1, up 18% YoY.
Electricity consumption, a proxy for GDP, suggests that China’s economy is twice as big as America’s:

Combined revenues of the top four sportswear brands – Anta, Li-Ning, Xtep, and 361 – grew in H1 to $8.3 billion. Anta’s revenue, $5 billion, was up 14% YoY, with net profit of $1.4 billion, for 13.6% growth.
Is Marriage Worth It For Men?
Was there a time when you warned everybody, no one listened, and something bad happened?
There was a young lady, who worked as a barista at our local Starbucks coffee shop. She had a boyfriend who had just bought a brand new motorcycle. I asked her about it…
She said it was a Japanese sport bike. I asked her how old her boyfriend was and how long he had been riding motorcycles? She responded that he was 19 and that he was a new rider. She said he wanted to take her out for a ride that weekend and that she was looking forward to it.
I told her I had ridden motorcycles for over 40 years, and I advised her to please not ride on the bike with him. She seemed like a really smart girl and was open to listening.
I let her know that modern sport bikes and young beginning riders are a bad and dangerous combination. My advice to her was to support her boyfriend and encourage him to take the Motorcycle Safety Foundation rider course, but to not ride with him until he had spent a couple years learning how to safely control a powerful, lightweight sport bike by himself.
Two weeks later I saw her again at Starbucks and asked how she was doing. She appeared very sad and distressed. She said her boyfriend did go riding that weekend with several other friends, but that she told him she wouldn’t go riding with him, as I had advised.
Unfortunately he crashed and died. In this situation, my warning to this smart young girl resulted in her avoiding a tragic disaster. Something very bad happened, but not to her…
NOTE – There seems to be a lot of upvotes. Just want to say: “Thank You” to those who read and upvoted my true story. I hope everyone has an opportunity to make a positive change in someone’s life… CC
Wallace and Gromit

How the inflation numbers are calculated

Ignoring food, gas, electricity. Brilliant!
Have you ever seen a rude customer be “put in their place” by another customer?
I was on an airplane flying from New York to Florida. As the plane was filling up, I heard an argument starting up a couple of rows behind me. A man was pressuring a woman to change seats with him. She had an aisle seat and he was next to her in the middle seat.
He kept telling this lady that he just didn’t want to be in the middle seat, that he’d be more comfortable on the aisle, blah blah blah. She quietly informed him that she had reserved that particular seat and wasn’t going to give it up.
This didn’t stop him. He kept blathering on about how he wanted her seat. A flight attendant happened to be walking past and overheard. She interrupted the guy and told him to respect the woman’s wishes. The guy got mad and demanded to speak to the head flight attendant — who happened to be standing a couple of feet away, and had overheard the whole conversation. She in turn told the guy to leave the woman alone. He told her he’d report her to the airline, blah blah blah.
This was getting old, really fast.
Finally a man seated behind the complainer jumped up and shouted “Why don’t you just shut the f**k up and sit down right now so the plane can take off? Nobody here gives a f**k where you’d be more comfortable!”
And that ended that. Bravo, sir.
The US Economy Is Flashing RED
Why does China not want Uyghurs to be independent and rule over their rightful land?
Before criticizing China’s stance on Uyghur independence, ask yourself why the US wouldn’t allow Hawaii or New Mexico to break away. China’s position is a matter of national unity and historical continuity.
China does not want Uyghurs to be independent and rule over their so-called “rightful land” because it is about preserving its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Similar to how the US wouldn’t allow New Mexico or Hawaii to become independent, or how the UK wouldn’t let Ireland break away, China’s approach to the Uyghurs and the Xinjiang region is rooted in a long history of maintaining a unified nation. The Chinese government views Xinjiang as an inseparable part of its territory, with centuries of historical and cultural ties.
Historically, the region known as Xinjiang has been governed by various Chinese dynasties, including the Han and Tsing. This long-standing governance is a significant factor in China’s stance. The Uyghurs are only one of many ethnic groups in the region, and the area has seen a blend of cultures and peoples, including the Hui Muslims and Han Chinese. This multicultural blend is another reason why the Chinese government regards Xinjiang as an inalienable part of the Chinese nation.
The broader context of national sovereignty is crucial here. Allowing any part of China to become independent sets a precedent that could lead to further fragmentation. This fear of disintegration is something that many countries share. For example, Spain vigorously opposes Catalonia’s independence, and Canada has taken substantial measures to ensure Quebec remains part of the nation. These nations’ efforts to maintain their integrity reflect China’s own concerns and actions.
Moreover, the narrative that Xinjiang is a rightful land for Uyghur independence often overlooks the intricate history and complex demographics of the region. The idea that every ethnic group should have its own independent state undermines the concept of multicultural nations. China’s strategy has always been to integrate various ethnic groups into a single national identity, fostering unity and preventing secessionist tendencies.
There is also an element of economic and strategic importance. Xinjiang is rich in natural resources and holds strategic significance due to its geographic location, serving as a critical gateway in China’s Belt & Road Initiative. The loss of such a region would not only impact China’s economy but also its geopolitical strategy. Hence, the Chinese government aims to ensure stability and development in Xinjiang as part of its broader national interests.
Critics often target China for its policies in Xinjiang, framing them as oppressive or colonial. However, understanding China’s actions requires a broader perspective. The intention is not to suppress Uyghur culture but to integrate and develop the region in line with national goals. Comparing it to other international contexts helps clarify this stance. Just as the US, the UK, Spain, and others fiercely protect their territorial integrity, China’s actions in Xinjiang are consistent with a global pattern of ensuring national unity and stability.
Ultimately, China’s perspective on the Uyghur question is driven by historical precedent, concerns over national sovereignty, and strategic interests. While the criticisms abound, it is crucial to recognize that many other nations would, and indeed do, act similarly under comparable circumstances.
Gregg Allman – Laid Back Era
What happened to your school bully?
So when I was a freshman in high school, there was this guy we’ll call John. Dude for some reason decided to single me out and screw with me every chance he got. Typical story: he’s a big, thick, loudmouth football player upperclassman who saw me as an easy target. Also typical of people like this, he was really stupid. Also like many football players, he thought being big and strong and a football player would make him a natural wrestler.
So this is where our buddy John went wrong, because I was also a wrestler. A good one, very good in fact.
For those who don’t know, wrestling is a different kind of conditioning, and if you’re not in wrestling shape, you’re gonna be dead within a minute no matter how many miles you run each day. Also, everyone is the same size on the mat (for reference, he’s about 210 and I’m 145ish at this time).
During practice, our coach ran a drill where we would get into groups of four and rotate in and out for two minute periods of live wrestling. I got paired with John the first day and proceeded to go out of my way not just to destroy him, but embarrass him. I would take him down, gain his back, and as he’s trying and failing to get out, I’m verbally punking him out: “Come on, football star! I thought you were some kind of badass! Maybe you should bring your girl down here so I can take her down too!” Maybe not verbatim, but more or less that kind of stuff.
The two minutes was up, he got in my face and pushed me, I responded by spitting in his face, he took a swing, and by the time he got it off I was already behind him tying up around his waist, and dumped him backwards on his head, then got on top and started smacking anywhere on his head he wasn’t covering up while continuing to say things I’d get thrown off Quora for saying here. Coach comes and separates us, we both got chewed out, and he never showed his face in the wrestling room again.
Everyone else in the wrestling room saw and heard what happened, and not only was John not bullying anyone after that, I strangely never had an upperclassman decide to get cute with me again. We also didn’t have many more football players coming down to my mat thinking they were going to big time us afterward.
The two morals of this story: first, if you think the skinny kid who takes down the school bully is only a fictional thing, think again. Second: never, ever screw with a wrestler.
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What advice can someone who has been in prison for a long time give to new inmates?
- If you’re under 30, get yourself a “shower buddy” to keep watch and shoo away any old perverts who try to get too close to you – for whatever reason.
- Don’t believe TV shows about prison. They either make prison look glamorous or portray problems that don’t exist in real life, while simultaneously ignoring the real problems.
- The “tough guys” are usually the worst betrayers, especially when dealing with rivals and jealousy. Don’t be disrespectful to them, but don’t hang out with them.
- If you don’t use drugs or drink, enroll in Alcoholics Anonymous or a drug rehabilitation program. Completing one of these programs will look good at a parole hearing or with your future parole officer. These programs don’t work anyway, except to recruit informants.
- Even if you don’t like it, accept whatever is given to you. Maybe you can exchange it for something you want, like or need.
- Wherever you are, sit with your back to the wall.
If that’s not possible, sit facing the door. - In every prison, 25 to 35% of the inmates are “confidential informants.” So whatever happens is with the knowledge and consent of the staff.
Do not trust prison hotlines or prison psychologists. - No matter how well behaved you are, only informants get lenient probation. Depending on the crime, only informants can get probation at all. Good behavior will give you a lifestyle that meets the minimum required by law.
- Never listen to family who says, “Behave well and you’ll be out soon .” Never listen to what outsiders say about prisons.
Not even your lawyers. Even if you put a probation clause in the agreement, it won’t be honored if there is a hearing at the time. If your offense was so serious that you had to put a probation clause in the agreement, you will be granted a hearing – but your probation will be denied. - If you have cause, you can sue the prison.
But don’t use the internal grievance system.
Don’t tell other inmates about your appeals.
And remember that judges and juries in civil courts have a very strong bias against inmates, no matter how compelling your case is. - Never try to form a prisoners’ union.
The Great Red Spot
Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong.… view prompt
K.R. Danielsson
June 22nd, 2100. Time: 0300.
They say Jupiter is a star that failed—a sun that could’ve ignited if it were eighty times larger. We’re not sure why it never completed its cycle of transforming into a sun. But could you imagine if it had? Two gravitational forces on both sides of the Earth could have torn us apart. Maybe. Science is more of a practice than a mastery.
As we departed from Earth on April 2100, Jupiter was in a state of ambiguity. The perpetual storm once believed to be shrinking, had instead swelled to engulf half the planet. It grew hotter and brighter, and from our distant view on the surface of Earth, it appeared as a small, ominous blot of light in the sky. Concerns began to flurry, and the call for exploration became undeniable.
Were we all going to die?
Was the world as we knew it about to undergo an immense change?
Hell, I didn’t know. All I knew was that I was going to space.
Two months later, as I sit and write this log in a speeding hunk of nuclear-powered metal, I prepare to investigate the danger from afar. Our science has improved tremendously. I look at my spacesuit propped on a mechanical mannequin in the corner of my dorm. The only thought remaining in my head today is this: will the suits protect us if we decide to land? Or will I burn into a distant memory?
July 4th, 2100. Time: 1200.
July 4th. It would be a holiday in the United States. Fireworks, hotdogs, cheeseburgers, and cornhole are more than likely in high demand right about now. Even now, as we pass through magnificent colors and sights, marveling at the vastness of our galaxy, I miss the fireworks with my family. Sometimes, it is best to stare and wonder than jump at discovery.
As I was sitting to write this entry, our engineer had to make quick repairs to the eastern airlock. The high speeds at which we are traveling have taken their toll on the room. For our safety, the east wing is blocked off.
August 15th, 2100. Time: 0900.
Four months in, we have reached Jupiter. The technology performed better than all expectations. The eastern wing has been fully repaired, and now, we safely orbit Jupiter, staring down at the Great Red Spot. Now, it is more of a metastasizing cancer on the planet. Our ship’s computer systems warn from getting any closer. The planet has become hot… almost comparable to our sun.
It has made my crew, and I wonder if Jupiter was never a failed sun. Could it be a sun in the making, proving our initial practice of space exploration wrong? Perhaps it even proves everything we thought we knew about space is wrong.
Captain O’Leary Jones. ASSET One.
As the Earth’s calendar closes the page of August 15th, 2100, Captain O’Leary closes his journal and shoves it gently into his desk. For the last four months, he has been religiously journaling the trip to Jupiter. His hair is graying, which he blames solely on the stress of navigating a spaceship. That kind of thing wears on a person. Especially if the destination is an unknown fate.
The ASSET One, short for Allied Scientists Space Exploration Team, is sent into a gentle propulsion backward to keep the vessel aligned with the storm’s center. The readings on the thermometer in his dorm are spiking too high. They must back off the planet to cool down before returning to gather more readings.
So far, after a full day of letting the sensors scan and formulate the sonar readings, they know nothing of the storm nor the fate of Jupiter, let alone that of their home planet. It worries O’Leary. His wife and sons are back home. He hates the idea of them being engulfed in a battle between two suns. If science has one thing right, it is the strength of gravity. Two will surely spell ill fate.
Lost in the scary thoughts of possibility and death, a knock pounds from his closed dorm door. “Sir,” says a Russian-accented woman. “The navigation system has begun to back us off from the planet. It is lunchtime. Do you want the chef to whip you something together? I hear he’s making freeze-dried steaks.”
O’Leary fights the bile forming in his stomach. Freeze-dried steaks are always a little slimy. He’d rather eat MREs like he did during his stint in the Marine Corps.
He looks down at his pale skin and the dark red hairs on his muscular forearms. The ship’s gym has allowed him to retain most of his muscle mass and bone density. He can still grab three hundred pounds when lying on the bench.
Running a hand through his graying red hair, O’Leary stands from his desk, grabs the black hat that reads “Captain” on the front, and plants it on his head. He stares at his badge, a gold-plated circle with a spaceship orbiting a planet, sitting on his shelf. Sighing, he walks for the door.
The door glides open, and he is face-to-face with Alina Popov, the team’s computer specialist. She ensures all computers are functional, accurate, and running. Any time reports return about planetary readings, Alina’s sole job is to report them. During the exploration, they’ve become something close to siblings. The narrow-faced woman wears long blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a charming smile. They agreed that they must let their families meet for a good old-fashioned American cookout when they return home.
O’Leary looks past her shoulder. The door opposing him is the engineer. He is standing in his doorway, rubbing sleep from his puffy eyes. If anyone were to have a more challenging job than O’Leary himself, it would be Fu Li, the slightly overweight Chinese engineer.
“Fu,” O’Leary laughs. “Go get some steak-slosh. It’ll perk you right up.”
Bobbing his head in acknowledgment, Fu Li places his crewman cap on his head. A formality that, while a little unnecessary by now, helps with morale.
“Right away, sir,” groggily says Fu, dragging his flip-flop-covered feet down the hallway. “Maybe it’ll be more steak than slime!” he mumbles.
Alina laughs and follows Fu’s path through the hallway to the left. O’Leary follows her. Behind him, stemming from the rooms further behind his, he hears the sound of his fellow shipmates scuffling down the hall. Lunchtime on Earth is usually met with energy. In space, where it is always dark outside, it is always time to sleep.
When they gather in the cafeteria, Bo Carson waddles his slightly fat stomach from behind the kitchen area. It is a small square room on the ship with a single sink and options for hot and cold. Today, science has allowed for a specially crafted stove aboard the ship. On this stove, they can quickly heat things up but for no longer than ten minutes. Often, the food is lukewarm. Very rarely, despite Bo Carson’s expertise in cooking, is the food better than horrible.
Bo is holding a plate of rehydrated steaks. The room is warm, meaning he did his best to cook away the slime of rehydration. O’Leary holds the hope that the meat will be horrible or even a little better today. They have hit the rock-bottom equivalent of food. Can it be much worse?
The four of them gather at the small table, take their seats, and nudge one another with elbows to get some space at the metal table. Thanks to artificial gravity, nothing or no one floats.
“Well,” Bo says, setting the serving platter down on the steel. “I did my best, ladies and gents. I figured with everyone slaving away over Jupiter, it wouldn’t hurt to drool over some good, non-slimy steaks.”
Edward Harvey, a six-foot-four-inch black guy from the UK, laughs, reaches over the metal surface, and plops a steak onto his plate. Clapping his hands and scraping his utensils, he digs in with a quick “thank you” to Bo.
Everyone else follows suit.
O’Leary is amazed at the taste of the meat when he puts the first slab in his mouth. It’s no roadhouse steak from his hometown, but it’s better than it has been for the last four months. It beats the chili, the hotdogs, the soups, and even the MREs.
“What’s the deal with Jupiter?” Bo asks, plopping down onto a bench seat. “Heard the computers last night, chatting up a storm, they were. Something about rising heat, spreading storms, chaos, etcetera.”
Alina nods through a mouthful of meat and says, “I was up all night with the computers. Some sensors didn’t read the heat like the others, so they needed to be recalibrated before we burned up. For whatever reason, Jupiter is becoming the hottest planet in our solar system.” She leans her head towards O’Leary. “Almost makes me think that O’Leary was right about Jupiter being a sun in the making. Perhaps we never truly knew what made a sun.”
O’Leary’s muscles begin to turn numb at the remark. He stayed up all night, praying his hunch was wrong. It was two weeks ago that he first thought of the possibility. A week later, he shared it with the crew when he noticed Jupiter’s heat rising steadily. And now, even Alina has agreed on the chance of generations of scientists being fooled by God’s creations. It doesn’t settle well with O’Leary Jones.
The only hole in the theory, the one thing that makes the captain believe he is wrong, is the size of Jupiter. While it is heating up and becoming too hot to handle, it is not growing in size. So far, all he has is a theory.
Fu adds his thoughts. “What if it is something like nuclear power, but natural? An accumulation of energy and power from a neverending storm. Maybe the planet has just entered a self-destruction.”
Edward nods. He is a recent graduate of the physics program at MIT. He left with his doctorate and could become the youngest professor at twenty-eight if this mission succeeds. “That is a prospect,” he says somewhat nervously. “I wonder how dangerous that could be, though. A self-destructing planet would still break ideas believed for decades in the scientific world. And what of the pieces? They’d be pulled toward the gravitational force. Towards Earth.” Shrugging, playing off the worries, he drinks some water and adds a cut of steak into his mouth.
O’Leary stares at his plate, kicking the food around with his fork and knife. Before embarking on this quest, he was appointed to control the entire crew. The mission coordinator said he was hand-picked due to his experience in leadership, stressful circumstances, and coursework in space. They told him they could think of no one better for such a mission. At first, it was exciting and an honor. With the last few months collecting in his head, he has come to find it a curse. Why him?
Overhead, coming from the many speakers on the ship, the computers begin to talk. “Temperature rising. External heat source too close.”
O’Leary squints at the words. They just moved back to the safe zone. How could the external heat still be hitting them? Dropping his utensils and sipping a quick gulp of water, he jogs through the winding hallways and passes the dorms. He sprints faster as the computers repeat themselves, declaring the external heat a hazard. Behind him, he hears the running of the other shipmates.
He enters the control room after coming too fast for the doors to open fully. His head pounds from where he hit it on the automatic doors. A massive window looks out at Jupiter and the darkness of space around them. Computers line the floor that sits five feet below from where he stands. Taking the ladder to his right, he drops to the floor with the computers. Now, the window appears to be bigger. It is rounded, reaching around the front of the ship like one giant visor.
Jupiter is entirely red. The darkness is not dark anymore. The planet has produced its own light, highlighting the vastness of space as if the ASSET One were orbiting the sun.
Alina comes beside him. She gasps. “Is that good?”
“No,” says Bo, standing beside a series of weather-detecting computers. “The storm is picking up.” Before becoming a chef, Bo was a weatherman. That was why he was picked to join the expedition. If they were to monitor a storm on a foreign planet, why not have an astrologist onboard?
“Picking up, how?” O’Leary snaps, hurriedly running to the nose of the ship, stopping at the glass to look down at Jupiter. “The planet is blazing red. No storm can cause that.” Pattering against his chest like a jackhammer, O’Leary’s heart circulates too much blood and makes him dizzy. He extends a hand on the glass to steady himself.
Sweat drops off the tip of his nose. It shocks him. He hasn’t sweat from fear since his first deployment. Shaking relentlessly, his knees threaten to give away.
“Shit,” he murmurs. “Someone,” he shakily says, “Someone check the temperature readings.” Against his hand, the glass is starting to feel like a stovetop busy cooking dinner. Removing the palm of his hand from the glass, he leaves his fingertips on the surface. “Our glass is warm. Actually, it is burning.” The words leaving his mouth are hushed and restricted by the pounding of his heart.
Alina talks from the temperature screens. “It’s nearing a million degrees Fahrenheit. Still not as hot as our sun, which is twenty-seven million.”
O’Leary nods. “Bo, is this possible from the weather?”
Fu talks. “A neverending storm. I swear it! All that chaos and never a single moment of rest. It was bound to end badly!” He runs a hand through his bald head, massaging the wrinkles in his scalp. “What can we do?”
“Nothing,” O’Leary breathes. “We are not God. We do not control the weather or decide when planets do whatever they do.” He backs up and looks down at his fingers, all holding blisters on the tips. “This has gone horribly wrong.” He looks out at the distant planet, strangely marveling at the beauty of the red-hot surface. “Edward, check to see if our satellites are still reaching our comms.”
“Yes sir,” the young graduate responds, quickly walking to the communication station off to the back left of the room. The sound of the fans and virtual linkage whirs and dings in O’Leary’s ears.
He begins to grind his teeth, a habit he’s had since boot camp.
“I’ve got mission control,” Edward says.
“Good. Put them on for me to talk.”
Edward exhales a shaken breath and turns the internal speakers on. The coordinator’s voice enters the room like a smooth drum. “What is your status, Captain?”
“The investigation is still ongoing. So far, Jupiter has risen to a million degrees Fahrenheit and is climbing. Our ship is backing us off due to a pre-installed safety protocol. Jupiter is toiling in heat.”
“Is the whole planet red?” gulps the coordinator.
“I can’t see the backside, but I’d believe it safe to assume so.”
Alina comes to O’Leary’s side with a tablet. On the screen are two side-by-side images of Jupiter. One is marked from the year 2024, and the other is just seconds ago. According to the planet’s scannings, Jupiter has grown in size.
Sweat forms at his hairline.
Everything that once kept him doubtful of his fears has now evaporated in the intense heat of Jupiter.
“Captain,” asks the coordinator. “Any information?”
O’Leary turns his head and looks back at Edward. Pausing, he thinks of his kids and his wife. They are probably at home right now, enjoying their time together by watching television, playing a board game, or even tending the farm. The same goes for other families. Looking at Alina, he ponders the same thing about her family.
He looks out the window. Despite the fear in the coordinator’s voice, the man is experiencing hope.
“Captain,” repeats the man a million miles from his location.
He slices his throat with his hand, silently telling Edward to silence his line. When the man nods, O’Leary sighs and talks aloud. “When Jupiter reaches its final stage, we’ll have already been dead. Or, that is what I assume our chances are. We could hightail it back to Earth, hope to see our families, and put them into pure fear before demise. Or, we can sit here together as friends and allies and watch the end. It is a group decision.”
“Captain!” shouts the coordinator.
“But our boss is getting impatient.”
“What will you tell him, Captain?” asks Alina.
“I’ll tell him the truth. We aren’t sure what Jupiter is doing, so we’ll stay and monitor it.” He shrugs. “Hold onto some hope. Maybe it will find stability, and all our fears will be for nothing.”
Acceptance pours into Captain O’Lear Jones’ heart and mind. Even if they put the ship at full speed, they’d never return to Earth if Jupiter decided to morph into a sun or self-destruct.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, isn’t it?” Alina asks, pulling a chair up to the window and sitting down, facing the planet.
“I knew something would go wrong,” Fu says, sitting on the floor by the glass and watching the heat rise through teary eyes. “I knew it.”
O’Leary looks at the last two members of the crew. Edward says nothing. He walks to the glass, folds his hands behind his back, and stares into the red abyss.
Bo tells them it was an honor to cook and study the weather. He always wanted to see something magnificent.
For O’Leary, he shakes at a sudden realization. Jupiter will expand, heat up, and before gravity can form, it will explode. Its transformation was too quick.
Broken, he watches the new sun’s first and last sunrise.
Chicken Divan
A great way to turn leftover chicken or turkey into a meal complete with veggies.

Yield: 8 to 10 servings
- 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon butter, divided
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 cups Half-and-Half
- 1/2 cup cooking sherry or water
- 2 (10 3/4 ounce) cans condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted
- 2 (10 ounce) packages frozen cut or chopped broccoli, thawed
- 1 cup cooked rice
- 3 to 4 cups cubed cooked chicken
- 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
- 1 cup soft bread crumbs
- In a small saucepan, melt 1/4 cup butter. Add flour, stirring until blended. Stir in the Half-and-Half and cooking sherry or water; cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. Cook and stir for 2 more minutes. Blend in soup until smooth; remove from the heat and set aside.
- Place broccoli in an ungreased 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking dish. Cover with rice and then half of the sauce. Top with chicken.
- Stir shredded cheese into remaining sauce; pour over the chicken.
- Melt the remaining butter and toss with bread crumbs. Sprinkle over the casserole.
- Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees F for 35 to 45 minutes or until heated through.
“The BIGGEST BUBBLE In History Is About To BURST…” – Harry Dent
Why is Mongolia not arresting Putin during his state visit, since it’s a member of the international criminal court? And is this proof, the court has no real power over people that really matter? (Netanyahu, Putin, etc)
Think arresting Putin is straightforward because Mongolia is an ICC member? Geopolitical complexities and national interests often dominate the scene, sidelining international legal mandates. Mongolia isn’t arresting Putin during his state visit, and that’s because real-world politics are far messier than the theoretical powers of international courts.
Let’s dive into why. Mongolia is nestled between two gigantic neighbors—Russia and China. This geographic reality shapes almost every aspect of its foreign policy. Arresting Putin would be like poking a bear, a very big bear that Mongolia relies on for trade, energy, and political backing. They simply can’t afford to rock the boat. Think about it: if your survival depended on keeping a tough neighbor happy, would you risk arresting their leader? Of course not.
Putin’s state visit is another layer of this puzzle. He’s not just dropping by for a casual visit. His trips are meticulously planned, with heavy security that would make any attempt to arrest him nearly impossible. Plus, this visit is about strengthening economic ties and cooperation. Mongolia stands to gain a lot from maintaining a good relationship with Russia. Turning a diplomatic event into an arrest scenario would throw Mongolia into diplomatic chaos they couldn’t handle.
The bigger picture here is the role of the ICC. In theory, it’s there to hold powerful leaders accountable. But in practice? It’s pretty toothless when it comes to big players like Putin. The ICC doesn’t have its own army or police force. It relies on member states to enforce its rulings, and those states often have their own geopolitical considerations that trump international law. Seen from Mongolia’s perspective, arresting Putin wouldn’t just be difficult; it would be national suicide.
This isn’t just Mongolia’s dilemma. It’s a global issue. Take Netanyahu or other leaders from powerful nations— they manage to sidestep the ICC’s reach, protected by a thick web of international politics and strategic alliances. The ICC’s intention of global justice often comes up against the hard reality of national interest and power dynamics, leaving it largely ineffective against the world’s most influential figures.
Let’s be real, international justice sounds great on paper, but it’s heavily skewed by these power dynamics. Countries like Mongolia have to make decisions that ensure their survival and prosperity, not just conform to international norms. They’re not against justice; they’re just trying to navigate a world where powerful neighbors can dictate their fate.
Until we find a way to bridge the gap between global justice ideals and political reality, we’ll keep seeing a selective and inconsistent application of international law. The Mongolia-Putin situation is a prime example of this. It’s not that Mongolia doesn’t respect the ICC; it’s that they can’t afford to act on its mandates without risking their own stability. So, while critiquing Mongolia might be easy, understanding their geopolitical tightrope walk can offer a much clearer picture of why the ICC struggles to exert its influence over the most powerful individuals.
This isn’t about Mongolia being weak; it’s about a global system that hasn’t yet figured out how to balance justice with real-world politics.