2023 09 06 20 09

Biden is shunned

One of the elements of life is to get bad news, suffer though crimes, or be misunderstood. Many times people will place blame on you, and expect you to apologize for your evil. Then they will punish you in all sorts of ways relative to their degree of power and authority.

Once you start your affirmation campaigns, you start to realize (often after years) that what you experience (good and bad) are but manifestations. These manifestations (often parts of larger constructions) that present (relative) bad or uncomfortable to you as part of moving forward to achieve your goals.

You are stuck in traffic, and you miss your plane. (Bad + Bad) You miss an important meeting. (Bad) Where decisions that affect you are made without your consent. (Bad) But when you start working you notice that your life takes a dramatic change in the direction your have been affirming. (Very Good).

Certainly there are other influences (such as fate) that will either enhance or hinder your manifestations, but no matter what remember…

…what ever you experience is part of the system that supports the manifestation of your reality.

So “Bad” just seems that way. In reality, it is a “shedding of old skin” to start a new direction, lifestyle and beginning.

Have you ever been ignored by the staff in a store because you didn’t look wealthy enough?

Ha ha. Yep. It was a real Pretty Woman moment too!

I had started with this really wealthy client and they expected me to dress the part when dealing with their customers.

So I was given a $2k clothing allowance and went out shopping. I went to a Neiman Marcus store and went to the high end section. I was ignored. Then I was told they didn’t have anything that would look good on me. (I’m a size 6 for crying out loud…) I wasn’t dressed to the 9’s —I was in my usual nice jeans, nice shirt and boots.

So I ended up in a White House, Black Market store. The ladies were awesome. I told them what I had just been through and the manager was totally horrified at my treatment. She told me not to worry and to literally ‘get ready to have some fun!’

They kept bringing me shirts and skirts and pants and dresses, all while telling me what looked good and what didn’t. And not everything that was on clearance was what looked horrible on me. It was actually a mix between the clearance and regular clothing.

By the time I was done, I had gotten $5k of clothing for about $1700. A great day!

It was literally a Pretty Woman day.

Will China go bankrupt if it is no longer able to sell to the US market?


Depending on the degree of the decoupling, it would suffer a slowdown, but the Chinese government is preparing for that scenario by expanding trade ties with other developing economies.

What are the reasons for the concentration of skyscrapers in Manhattan compared to other parts of New York City?

Manhattan Schist

Formed about 450 million years ago, it’s found under a good portion of Manhattan, but is not common in the rest of the New York metro area. It’s thick and hard, which means it has an incredible bearing capacity. Stick a massive skyscraper on top of it and it won’t move a millimeter in geologic time. Putting a skyscraper on it is like putting an ant on a horse. It hasn’t been subject to any tectonic forces in hundreds of millions of years – it essentially rides on top of a stable part of the North American plate.

Unfortunately, it is deep, deep beneath the surface sometimes. In Greenwich Village, it’s about 260 feet below the surface, so it’s not practical to dig down that far to lay a foundation. However, in many parts of Manhattan, it’s less than 20 feet below the surface – trivially easy to dig that deep and put the foundation on top of it.

What did someone say/do that made you close down your account and go to another bank?

I had a ‘hometown’ bank (The walk-in, mail in, drive -in, FLY-IN- bank had its own landing strip behind the property) ; I used it for almost 30 years. Everyone knew you, your family and even the pets names.

The founder/owner retired and sold out to Wells Fargo.

Gone were the friendly faces and wide open spaces.

No one knew my name. Partitions went up to block off the ‘important’ offices, the break room was closed to customers, where we used to sit and nibble homemade tea cookies while sipping free Dr. Pepper and coffee, conducting business there instead of an office. (I once bought a car for my son as I was leaving to work a disaster. My loan officer told me ‘When you’re back in town come by and sign the papers. Tell _____to drive careful’.)

I won’t say I hated Wells Fargo. I like the word DETEST. Maybe LOATHE. I remember being charged $5.00 (in the 90’s) to talk to an actual person instead of their ‘robot’.

The straw that broke the camels back occurred when one of my sons graduated high school with a 4.0, 4 year average. That netted him $5,000. I went to get the cash, fifty $100.00 bills. The teller asked why I wanted it. I told her it wasn’t any of her concern and asked for the money a second time. She went to get her manager. Same question. Same reply. He said he would have to make a phone call. I stopped him and asked him to give me all my money from my 2 accounts. He tried to talk me out of it. I suggested maybe it was time to call the police to help get my money.

I closed the accounts. The manager put the cash in a locked bank envelope.
I drove a half mile to the newest bank in town, one founded by the employees of my old bank (who were all fired – every one of them). I opened the door and immediately heard, ‘ Ron, What took you so long?’

I was home. The bank offered me those tea cookies. And an iced cold Dr. Pepper.

I will never use Wells Fargo bank again.

Xi Jinping avoids Biden meeting. BRICS more important than G20

Xi Jinping avoids Biden meeting. BRICS more important than G20 The Duran: Episode 1688.

How long will it take for India to surpass China’s economy, considering their advantages in democracy, better relation with the west, etc?


It hurts me to say and then write: Next few centuries or more belong to China. That is the way China and the Chinese wrote their fate.

For nearly fifty years, I worked with Canadians, Overseas, and Mainland Chinese at different levels.

(I have been in Canada for close to fifty years) and besides visiting several other countries, living next to the USA. I believe I can say a few words on this topic.

  • I was born/grew up in Punjab/India; therefore, I knew India from birth and then went to India at frequent time gaps.
  • Once reasonably recently, before COVID, I went there to get my ancestral house repaired, and one severe issue was the property. I was there for an extended period. And this trip was immediately after visiting China.

I confirmed in my mind:

Productivity/Super Safety/Shallow crime society/State of the art infrastructure/one of the best mass transportation safe and reasonably priced reliable/almost wiped out hunger/very high literacy rate and going up consistently/relatively very low corruption/drug-free society/heightened civic sense/now controlled in check population growth/for women participation in the workforce/women are very respected and cared and safe/the Chinese Government is made of very devoted and qualified people/Chinese Government does not leave anyone behind/law enforcement agencies are deemed to be friends not corrupted overweight harassers/very frugal and high saving society/

  • Chinese people are one of the most hardworking races on the earth.
  • Now I know it hurts: The hard reality is that Indian efficiency/productivity was about thirty percent of the Chinese efficiency/productivity.
  • India is one of the most corrupt countries. China may not be washed in holy water, but it is relatively clean from this evil.
  • India has a useless/failed/borrowed system from the former rulers. There is NO WORKING DEMOCRACY IN THE WORLD. It is wishful thinking, which is why The West is sinking with crime/clogged courts/lawless lands/ and the Sun is setting faster than you think.
  • India still has 200 million people who do not have three meals a day. China has almost wiped out the hunger.
  • India is a land with corrupt style regimes, super clogged courts, zero justice, appeals appeals appeals, and more appeals and no justice.
  • Go to YOUTUBE/Google/and read about the Ajmer Sex Scandal, the Nirbhay Case(Seven-year delay in delivering justice)/Kids killing their parents for money/spouses hiring hit people to get rid of the spouse/and similar gut-wrenching a piece of daily news.
  • India is no match and never will be in INFRA-STRUCTURE with China; please visit China as I did and open your eyes.
  • Women can walk alone in the middle of the night in Shanghai/Beijing. Try to do something stupid, and you will find out. Just compare this thing with India.
  • Chinese people are highly disciplined, have great civic sense, and are true Karam Yogi/Yoginis(Good deed philosophy and working diligently).
  • Chinese universities are far ahead of India: Look at the world list of top universities and find where India stands, including IIT and IIM.
  • My kids went to school/university with Chinese kids. They will eat the competition alive(which means no match for their hard work; it was great for us because our kids were now equally successful as their completion or even more).
  • A Chinese woman is a killer(In a good sense); I have seen her multitasking and giving a new horizon to the MOST hardworking human in the modern world.
  • She has NOT only claimed half of the sky her fair share but also took half the burden of hard work.
  • In my view, at present times, Chinese/Japanese/Singaporean women are the luckiest of women to gain their proper place in society and job opportunities.
  • India is the crime capital of the world, where even the MUG in the toilet of the rail compartment is chained to the wall because people steal. Try these things in China and find out the consequences.
  • China is almost free from drugs now compared to India.
  • This is a myth that Chinese people are NOT happy: That is utter nonsense. Most of the Chinese people I met in China/Canada and during the travel in Asia, except in HK/Taiwan, are very satisfied and know the future is bright for them.
  • China is light years ahead of India in literacy rate.
  • China’s mass-scale public transportation is becoming a world model.
  • China has now controlled population growth, but India is still going strong.
  • China has no caste system, and India is still pickling in the caste system.
  • The best is to go to China and come back and measure: China has surpassed some of the past highest standards set by Japan/Europe/North America.
  • China’s growth and being the ULTIMATE superpower is a reality, and in the next few centuries, China will be the ULTIMATE power.

Here is the conclusion:

“India is inferior to China in every way.”

My observations/conclusions/: India will NEVER MATCH or EVEN COME CLOSER TO CHINA: India has a failed governing system, And it is ONLY big ra ra in the eyes of the West to counterbalance Chinese Might. The West is a setting sun: It is over for them. And so-called “Democracy” failed miserably.


India has lost direction: Nudity/Vulgarity/skyrocketing drug/alcohol/consumption/shallow productivity/zero civic sense/corruption top to bottom/uncontrolled population growth/mafia style regimes/deplorable work ethics/wrong and massive use of modern gadgets/inferior infrastructure/massive hunger/slavery/caste system/low literacy rate/destitute personal safety/assets/and women in specific. Trolls will be significant nails in the coffin in starting the next war with neighboring countries. This list is a never-ending list.

In a country where people do not hesitate to script fixtures such as an inexpensive MUG to clean the user after defecating, What do you expect more?

China has a free battlefield to walk to the crown, and no one can stop her. She is already the real Queen or Chairperson of the board.

Learn to work with her: No use in fighting this might. For over 70 years, she worked extremely hard to clean the house behind closed doors.

I hope it helps.


2023 08 20 17 12
2023 08 20 17 12

Boogie Woogie Beef



  • 1 (10 3/4 ounce) can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1/2 cup red wine
  • 1 envelope Lipton beefy onion soup mix
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 2 pounds stew beef
  • 8 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced
  • 8 ounces baby carrots


  1. Mix cream of mushroom soup, wine, beefy onion soup mix and dried thyme in slow cooker.
  2. Add meat, carrots, and mushrooms; and stir.
  3. Cook on HIGH for 4 hours, then on LOW for 4 hours, or just cook on LOW for about 8 to 10 hours.

Yield: 4 servings

France Slams U.S. for Alleged Betrayal Over Niger Coup

by Angeline Tan

August 18, 2023

2023 08 21 09 58
2023 08 21 09 58

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s visit in post-coup Niger has incensed Washington’s NATO ally France, according to a weekend report by French news outlet Le Figaro, quoting a source within the French Foreign Ministry.

The United States “did the exact opposite of what we thought they would do,” the French daily wrote, according to the diplomat’s remarks. “With allies like these, we do not need enemies,” it elaborated. Paris has been demanding the reinstatement of ousted President Mohamed Bazoum ever since a new military government emerged in wake of a coup in late July.

Moreover, the French government was prepared to militarily back West African nations to assist with Bazoum’s reinstatement, as it upheld the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in its move to deploy reserve forces after the coup.

By dispatching Nuland to Niger, the United States showed that it was prepared to talk with the coup leaders instead, Le Figaro complained. “For [French President] Emmanuel Macron, the credibility of France, particularly in terms of discourse on democracy, was at stake. For the Americans, even if they are also concerned about a rapid return to constitutional order, the priority is the stability of the region,” the paper’s source within the foreign ministry declared.

Americans merely hope to “to keep their bases” in the region above all else, the diplomat said, elaborating that Washington “will not hesitate” to drop a demand for what he termed as “constitutional legality” to attain that aim.

At the moment, Paris’ worry is that Washington could ink a deal with Niger’s military government without France’s participation.

The United States has a considerable ground presence in Niger, amounting to around 1,300 soldiers and almost rivaling that of France, which has about 1,500 servicemen in the country. Furthermore, American troops are separated between two bases, situated in the Nigerien capital of Niamey and the northern city of Agadez.

Agadez is supposedly of notable significance for the United States, as it is home to a landing strip for drones and functions as a surveillance hub for a large area encompassing the area between West Africa to Libya in the north.

The Le Figaro article continued that Paris is riled by the fact that, notwithstanding that both America and France have troops in Niger, the French presence is the only one that incites unhappiness among the locals. “The United States, like our other allies for that matter, has a habit of letting us take the hits,” the French diplomat complained to the paper.

The coup in Niger happened on July 26, when the presidential guard led by General Abdourahamane Tchiani detained Bazoum and his family, quoting a “deteriorating security situation and bad governance.” The move led to harsh criticism from global powers, while ECOWAS enforced stringent sanctions on Niger and gave an ultimatum to the coup leaders to free Bazoum or be prepared for military intervention.

On Monday, Niger’s military government agreed to hold talks with ECOWAS in an attempt to lower hostilities.

Last week, Nuland visited Niger and cautioned the new military government against having any deals with the Russian private military company Wagner, apart from encouraging them to reinstate the Washington-friendly status quo.

Earlier in August, Niger’s military leaders insisted that the French forces depart the country by early September. Based on media reports last week, the commander of the French forces in Niger told Niger’s military leadership’s chief of general staff about Paris’ plans to transfer “nearly 40 soldiers” who were originally located in Niger to Chad.

“The French forces, which are present in Niger, are there, just like others, at the request of the country’s legitimate authorities, on the basis of agreements signed with the legitimate authorities to help fight against terrorism. We have suspended our military cooperation, as well as civil interaction since the [military takeover],” the ministry replied in written form to the question of whether the French troops would back out from Niger.

“We only recognize the decisions of the legitimate Nigerien authorities.”

A total of 1,500 French soldiers are presently stationed in Niger, and 1,000 are now in Chad after they were forced to withdraw from Burkina Faso and Mali after coups in those countries.

Additionally, Paris did not disclose any details pertaining to the potential withdrawal of French troops from Niger to an airbase in Chad in the future.

French troops deployed in rebel-run Niger have been limited to a military base in the national capital of Niamey, according to Russian-based news outlet Sputnik on August 12.

The troops have not left the base or explored streets of the western African city for days, according to Sputnik’s correspondent. Rebel military convoys have been regularly going around the facility without incident.

Thousands of anti-French protestors gathered outside the base on Friday to demand that Niger’s former colonial master cease its military presence in the country.

An advisor to the ousted Nigerien president told Sputnik News that France had rejected the option of withdrawing troops from Niger after the military demands.

On August 9, Niger’s military leadership raised the threat level in the country before claiming that the actions of French troops led to an assault on the Nigerien national guard. The military also posited that a French warplane entered the African nation’s airspace.

“The National Council for the Safeguard of the Fatherland informs the local and international community about the events of extreme seriousness that are taking place in Niger, about the facts of the behavior of the French forces on our territory

.… Today, August 9, 2023 at 6.30 am [5:30 am GMT], the positions of the Niger National Guard … were attacked.… The actions of the French forces were condemned for unilaterally releasing detained terrorists,” Amadou Adramane, Niger’s military’s spokesman, proclaimed.

Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was “very concerned” about the living conditions and safety of detained Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum and his family and again urged for his immediate and unconditional release, a spokesperson declared in a statement.

The establishment starts to downplay what is going on…

2023 08 20 21 18
2023 08 20 21 18

Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond (Reaction) WOW!

2023 08 20 21 24
2023 08 20 21 24

What would happen if you pulled a weapon or firearm on a law enforcement officer if you didn’t know at the time that they were law enforcement?

So some backstory.. My house was broken into in 2015. I was about 18–19 at the time and my dog attacked the perpetrators, and ended up taking a bullet for me in the process. At the time I did not own any firearms, at least not at my house. With that being said, she saved my life that night. The first shot was aimed at me, missing by mere inches. The other 2 were aimed at her, although only 1 hit her. Vet said it missed her heart by less than 2 inches, clean entry and exit wound. I ended up vacating the house after that, letting my pup (half GSD, half DSD, Sam) stay with my parents and moving to Jacksonville with my best friend.

When I came back into town, I didn’t have much to my name, forcing me to move back in with my parents, siblings, and my grandfather. My older brother had addiction problems and was on probation because he had gotten caught with a Xanax. His P.O would come to the house some nights to ensure he was following the straight and narrow, and that he was in by curfew. They were random visits with no notice.

One night, at about 9:00 pm or later, my grandfather was stepping out to smoke. Sam would often follow him out to do her business and patrol the yard looking for any threats. She had become very protective of the entire family, and she knows where our property line ends so we never leash her when going out. She never leaves the yard and a simple call or whistle brings her running back inside. It just so happens that this night my brothers P.O. was stopping by to check on him. Sam followed my grandfather out as the cop was rounding the corner, and without hesitation she attacked, grabbing his dominant arm preventing him from drawing his weapon.

I was still dealing with PTSD from nearly being killed, so my gun never left my side. I was licensed to carry, and it was never out of arms reach. Also, I know my dog. I know her sounds, her body language, everything. When I heard her from the living room, my first thought was “She’s in trouble and she needs my help”. I drew my weapon and out the door I went, brushing past my grandfather on the way. The floodlight had the entire situation lit up, so as soon as I exited I realized that she was attacking a county officer. I immediately lowered my weapon and recalled Sam. She let go and went straight inside as I holstered my pistol. The officer stood there looking at me in complete and utter shock, blood running down his arm. I apologized profusely as I tried to help him render aid to his injured arm. He calls for an ambulance, and within minutes there are 2 more units, an ambulance, and a fire truck blocking the road at our driveway.

By the end of it, he was also apologizing, saying that Sam was just doing her job. She was up to date on all of her immunizations, and does not have a history of violence. He chose not to take any legal action against us or our pup, and from that night on, he called when he pulled in the driveway before exiting his patrol vehicle. Sam is now very attached to my mother. Despite me now being moved out with a family of my own, I decided it was best for her to stay with my mother and father. I have included pictures of Sam for good measure. Best dog I’ve ever had. She is now living her days out in luxury, and never wants for anything.

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Heartbreaking Truth!!! Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond | REACTION *TEARS*

2023 08 20 17 20
2023 08 20 17 20

Why did the US Army discontinue the use of the Bell UH-1 helicopter, considering its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency by modern standards?

In 1972, the Army had learned serious lessons in Vietnam about how durable a helicopter had to be to survive in a combat environment. They needed an aircraft that would not be brought down by a small arms bullet in the right place.

To that end, the Army started the UTTAS (Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System) program to develop the replacement for the Huey. All of the major helicopter manufacturers submitted preliminary designs that complied with the UTTAS specifications, including Bell. The Army selected the Sikorsky YUH-60 and the Boeing Vertol YUH-61 as competitors for the production contract. Once both companies had working de-bugged models flying, the Army conducted its own flyoff.

An incident during this flyoff influenced the final decision. One of the Army crews attempted to land one of the H-60s in what they thought was an open field, only to find out too late that it was a grove of pine tree saplings. The H-60 weed whacked the saplings around the aircraft, and the fuselage bent or broke those immediately underneath with little damage. The main rotor blades took a bit of a beating, though, and some thought Sikorsky was in trouble.

Company and Army personnel cleared their way to, and around the aircraft. They brought in the portable maintenance crane and a new set of main rotor blades and did a removal and replacement in situ. They then flew the aircraft out of there and back to the base.

In 1976 the Army selected the UH-60A as the winner of the UTTAS contract, and named it the Black Hawk.

Since then over 5000 H-60s have been produced over several models. The aircraft is a brick outhouse that, while not invulnerable, is extremely hard to bring down. It was my honor and privilege to work on all but the earliest ones as a Flight Mechanic, and, later, a Crew Chief, all in the Sikorsky Flight Hangar in Stratford.

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Top picture is a brand new UH-60M. The bottom picture is that of a Turkish Jandarma UH-60L that flew home after taking a hit from an RPG7. As you can see, the damage was extensive, but the airframe was strong enough to fly home, even with the tailcone to cabin bulkhead broken by the blast.

If I was a soldier on the ground needing extraction from a hot LZ, I would want Black Hawks to be coming for me.

SHOCKS the WEST! Europe in Panic as China Cancels $100 Billion Car Order from Germany.

2023 08 23 15 04
2023 08 23 15 04

Have you ever been in a courtroom and seen the judge reprimand the party that was suing someone?

Yes, my ex-wife took me to court for contempt 20 times. She won zero times. I filed once and won once.

My ex-wife filed for contempt for taking my sons to the doctor. They were having trouble hearing. My elder son was talking like a deaf person. I had sent her letters, faxes, and certified letters. She was acting as their pediatrician without keeping a medical record. One child had 19 scripts for antibiotics in the last year, the other 9. These were the only records I could get.

So I took them over the Easter week to an ENT. They were seen by an audiologist and the ENT. The older son was down 30 dB in hearing and the younger one was down 15 dB. There was chronic fluid in their ears. He prescribed medication and said the older son needed tubes/adenoids.

So I filled the script on my dime (the doctor did the entire eval professional courtesy). She called the ENT doctor and chewed him out. SHE WAS A PEDIATRICIAN! She filed contempt against me for taking my own kids (I had joint custody) to the doctor.

When the judge heard what this was about he asked “Did he have surgery done?” “No sir”, her attorney answered. “What did he do?” “He took them to the doctor and got medication.”

The judge looked at her and said “If these are the facts you need to drop this. If not you will pay his court costs, lawyer fees you and your attorney will be sanctioned.”

The ex demanded her attorney proceed. The judge did exactly what he said. In the future I could take them to any doctor, but just needed to notify her. She could no longer be their pediatrician.

Pretty good dressing-down of the ex who had filed the contempt.

ETA: The ex took them to three different ENT’s trying to get a different opinion. 4–0 my son got the surgery he needed and could hear. She would never admit she was wrong.

OLIVER ANTHONY “Rich Man North of Richmond” REACTION! First Time Hearing!

2023 08 20 17 33
2023 08 20 17 33

What poor person food would you continue to eat if you suddenly became mega rich?

I’m not sure what sort of food falls under “poor person food”.

But I do know that my family wasn’t very well off when I was a kid.
We weren’t exactly dirt poor – it was more like we were just struggling to get by.

I remember, early on, come meal time, we would use these carboard boxes as a makeshift dining table.

Eventually, one of my uncles – a carpenter by trade – built us this small but sturdy dining table, and the accompanying four stools.

It was a very small dining table, but given that we had all our meals there, it was a table that witnessed a lot of happy family time centered around food.

We ate mostly tofu and vegetables, with a bit of rice/noodles, a bit of egg, and bits of meat.
Every now and again, we would have fish.

Sometimes we went to bed still feeling a little hungry, but we were definitely not starving.

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Then, HK and the Mainland’s economic fortunes and interdependency really started to pick up and my parents enjoyed a significant improvement in their job prospects and investments.

We made the transition to middle class, but we never stopped eating any of the food we were already used to eating.

We still ate the same vegetable, egg, and tofu dishes we had always eaten.
No quantity drop there at all.

But there was a huge uptick in meat and seafood consumption.
And baked products.

Now we could afford meat and seafood at every meal.
And maybe once every week, or once every two weeks, we would go out for dinner at a nice restaurant.
If I felt like it, I could eat an egg tart at 4pm.

Today, of course I’m a lot more well off than when I was a kid.

But I don’t feel like I’ve stopped eating any of the “poor person food” I used to eat as a kid – they remain everyday dishes for me.

The difference is now I have a lot more options when it comes to food choices.

I can eat meat and seafood at every meal.
I can buy sourdough egg tarts from Bakehouse for my family and niece.
I can enjoy dimsum every weekend if I were so inclined.

So, in the unlikely event that I become “mega rich”, I’ll probably just continue eating the same things I always have, just that maybe I can eat more of it – if I wanted to.

I’m not one for Michelin-starrred fine-dining restaurants.
I’ve probably never been to one – I say probably here because I might have been to one without realizing it as some of my friends consider themselves foodies and like to drag me along to all these fine-dining food establishments.

Me? I’m more fascinated by what my parents, or my friends, or even myself, whip up at home.
Because for me, home cooked food is where the magic is at.

That little wooden dining table, with its unique array of scratches and stains, is now long gone.

But the memories associated with it, of family meals filled with delicious food, contentment, and happiness – well, except for when my sister and I were literally fighting over who got to eat the fish eyes, which saw the unleashing of lightning fists and heaven-splitting kicks – are still here, cuddling each other affectionately in the amphitheater of my mind.

The Science of Ancient Acoustic Levitation | How The Pyramids Were Built?

LEVITATION. The ruins of several ancient civilizations – like the pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge in the UK, and many others – are monuments constructed of massive stones.

How the great pyramids of Egypt were built has been the subject of debate for a long time.

The fact is, no one really knows for certain exactly how some of these megaliths were constructed.

Some researchers think ancient cultures may have mastered levitation through sound which allowed them to easily manipulate massive objects.

Unfortunately, anyone suggesting the use of this kind of technology is attacked and labeled a “pseudoscientist”.

Abul Hasan Ali Al-Masudi is known as the Herodotus of the Arabs. Like everyone, he was awestruck by the pyramids.

He wrote a very intriguing passage about how the giant stone blocks were transported — through levitation.

The Great Pyramid of Giza does possess some extraordinary acoustic properties, and can dramatically amplify sounds at certain frequencies.

The Egyptians clearly knew a lot about sound science. Let’s explore the Coral Castle in Florida, built by Edward Leedskalnin, who cut, transported and sculpted over 1,000 tons of rock into a sprawling complex — alone, without heavy machinery.

We’ll visit The Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek in Lebanon which boasts the largest stones ever carved by human hands.

Nan Madol is an archaeological site in Micronesia.

It’s been called the Machu Picchu of the Pacific.

The engineering of Nan Madol is so complex, no one can figure out how it was built.

Let’s hear the story told by Dr. Jarl about Tibetan monks who lifted stones by chanting and playing instruments — which Jarl put on film.

There is science behind all these stories, yet “mainstream” academia dismisses each and every one as pseudoscience.

Why is it wrong to want to explore ancient knowledge that contradicts modern beliefs?

Isn’t this the exact purpose of science?

What pistol would you want in a post-apocalyptic scenario?

This one.

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The Howdah Flintlock shotgun pistol in 20 gauge.

In a true post apocalyptic scenario, every kind of ammo that needs modern day machining will be way too valuable to be used for hunting or fighting. Modern ammo will be the new currency, more precious than gold and diamonds. Even percussion caps are way too valuable, in a society with no electricity it would be almost impossible to make them from scratch.

This pistol here is different. All you need is a good stack of flints and you are all set. Black powder CAN be made with primitive technology, basically from human urine (matured in a heap) and charcoal. You can load pretty much anything into the gun. Steel or lead balls, with a patch if the size is too small. Nails, even stones.

Erasing Android Code, Chinese Tech Giant Surging Where Apple and Google Wouldn’t Dare!

“When they cut off our food supply, won’t we be left helpless?” This was the shocking statement made by Ren Zhengfei when Huawei’s mobile phone business first entered the international market.


Russian Transport Jet Arrives in Mali; Wagner PMC Forces Deploying to Niger

World Hal Turner 20 August 2023

Russian Jet Wagner Troops Mali to Niger large
Russian Jet Wagner Troops Mali to Niger large
Russian Transport Jet Arrives in Mali; Wagner PMC Forces Deploying to Niger

A Russian plane has landed in Bamako airport, Mali carrying hundreds of Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) fighters it allegedly picked up from Syria. Wagner is on its way to Niger to protect that country from “outside forces.”

Wagner PMC has recruited thousands of veterans of the Syrian civil war, mostly men who fought on behalf of the Syrian government and defeated ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the FSA. These men have incredible combat experience against terrorists.

Syria is one of the first places where Wagner PMC proved its combat superiority to the whole world. Without their efforts, the Syrian president would’ve gotten the Gaddafi treatment from the west a long time ago. But he prevailed, thanks to RUSSIA and its elite fighting force, Wagner PMC. 

Upon arriving Niger, Wagner reportedly told the new Niger administration never to worry about any foreign army on Niger soil and specifically assured the leadership that Wagner will take on the Americans head on, if they ever dare to get involved in the conflict with ECOWAS, or try to deploy their drones. 

At the moment, there are about 5,000 RUSSIAN funded volunteer fighters in AFRICA: They are mainly active in Mali, Libya, Sudan, Central African Republic, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

Wagner will undertake the protection of Niger’s presidential palace in its capital city of Niamey, and the main infrastructures of the country potentially threatened by the impending Nigerian-led military action.

With a personnel capacity of about 230,000 men, neighboring Nigeria is expected to contribute far more soldiers to the operation against Niger than any other country in the bloc. However the two countries with the strongest armies in AFRICA, Egypt and Algeria have warned against any military intervention in Niger, and vowed they’ll not stand idly and let that happen. 

Reportedly, the morale of Niger’s military personnel is at an all time high right now, given that nearly the entire population of Niger are in support of the military and thousands have signed up to fight with the Russian volunteer force, Wagner, in defense of their homeland.

Reasons Behind The Rise of Passport Bros

So sad. So sad.

2023 08 21 11 02
2023 08 21 11 02

What was your “we shouldn’t be doing this” moment?

Trouble is always only a stone’s throw away.

I was a beach boy. Forests, hiking, mountains and campfires were not my thing, but my parents (certainly with immense reservations from my mother) thought it would be good to expose us (3 girls and 2 boys aged 13-8) to the other side of nature.

My godfather worked for the US Forest Service and had access to a no-electric, outside-water-pump, outhouse-equipped, cabin deep the Maine woods. He and his wife had four intrepid sons aged 7 to 13 or so.

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So that’s how six young boys ended up trekking through the hot, sticky woods on a late July afternoon.

I was miserable. I hated washing in freezing water, smelling of smoke, sleeping on hard floors and eating beans and hot dogs.

Even worse I hated my trek mates. As is perfectly normal for that age, they spent all their efforts trying to out-curse and out-dare each other. I was a toothpick-thin, half-blind kid who read at least a book a day. This was not my scene.

Heading back to the cabin alone crossed my mind, but I was sure I would lose my way.

But fate and book-knowledge ended up leaving me no choice.

Dennis, the oldest, spotted a wasp’s nest hanging from a branch about 10 meters away. He announced a contest to see who could hit it with a rock.

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He picked one up and let it fly.

I didn’t wait to see if his aim was true. I flew like the wind. Running was about the only thing other than reading that I was good at.

The first rock missed, but the second hit home and the nest hit the ground. I was a good hundred meters away when the screaming started.

My brother escaped with six stings. Two of the others required a trip to the doctors and medication.

Throwing stones at a wasp’s nest is a bad idea.

What happens when Congress passes a resolution?

2023 08 21 11 05
2023 08 21 11 05

In 1971, Waco representative Tom Moore Jr passed a resolution honouring Albert Desalvo, also known as the Boston Strangler. It was to honour the serial killer for his dedication and devotion to population control.

2023 08 21 11 06
2023 08 21 11 06

The resolution was unanimously passed by Congress, but the whole thing was an April’s fool’s joke. It was also Moore’s intent to show that resolutions were passed in Congress without anyone looking at them or researching the issue presented to Congress.

OLIVER ANTHONY | Rich Men North Of Richmond Reaction

2023 08 20 17 35
2023 08 20 17 35

The USA does not maintain official ties with Taiwan. Then, why does she support Taiwan Militarily and economically? Why not recognize her as a sovereign nation and rally world support instead of allowing the existing volatile situation?

The US, along with the UK, are what we call in China as “shit stirring stick”.

They stir the shit to disgust everyone around, therefore they don’t stir shit near them.

Of course, they call it as “off-shore balancing”.

Both of them are good at one thing: first creating problems, then jumping out to “solve” it.

After WWI, the US fully supported Nazi Germany, because:

  1. it must ensure that Germany is able to pay the war reparations;
  2. both the US and UK wanted to “balance” the European continent and were afraid of France being too outstanding.

And the result was the WWII.

Germany became super nationalist and racist, and France was much weaker than expected to stop Germany.

Essentially, they need people whom living away from them to constantly fight each other, so that they could stay out enjoying peace and intervine from time to time.

It also what the Belgians did in Rwanda. They created 2 ethnic groups based on wealth, and appointed the minority as the ruling class, so that once they left, the majority group would for sure want a revenge.

President Paul Kagame banned the 2 ethnic groups and made everyone just Rwandan, and the west is not happy about him.

Right now, the US is in deep shit.

2023 08 21 11 08
2023 08 21 11 08

The interest rate of 10 year treasury is already 4.3%, which is already suppressing the real economy.

The US will also face very high interest expenditure in the next few years. In 2022, the interest expense was 718 billion USD, not very far from the military expense, and it will breakthrough 1 trillion soon.

Therefore, it needs other places in chaos, to squeeze more USD out and back to the US to support its treasury. After all, even with AA+ rating, the US and its treasury are still safe to invest, just don’t know for how long.

Immortal Joe only needs 500 billion USD more till 2024 election. Even if something bad happened after the election, it would either be the problem of another POTUS, or the voters could not do anything about it.

So what we can see is that the US has been stirring shit around the world, to cause more chaos.

Ukraine is a success, since Europe is already in technical recession due to high energy price and escaping capital.

However, China is not about to bite, nor DPP authority in Taiwan. Xi Jinping is not going to attack Taiwan this year, and Tsai Ing-wen is not Zelensky.

The US couldn’t possibily care more, but focuses on gaining money by selling outdated and futures weapons to Taiwan.

Veteran Reacts To Oliver Anthony – I Want To Go Home

What fascinates me the most is how he’s able to put so MUCH in so few words. It’s astounding to hear.

What advice would you give to a young, aspiring doctor?


They can make you or break you.

Your barely dry diploma is not equivalent to their years of experience.

When I was a senior resident, I had the pleasure of managing Neil. Neil had an MD for about 5 minutes, at the time.

Neil did not take my advice.

Neil looked down at the nurses from the lofty heights of his 5 minutes of experience.

Neil snorted in derision at the slightest error on the nurses’ part.

Neil was an ass, in general, to all the staff.

I got a call from the charge nurse on the Cardiac Care Unit.

“Hi. This is Dr Boehm. I’m returning a page.”

“Get that little shit under control or I’m going to kill him.”

“Oh dear. What did he do now?”

“He is pontificating to me (a nurse with 27 years experience) on the best way to replace potassium IV.”

This was a very simple task, done many times a day so I felt her pain.

“I’ll talk to him, again.”

“No, I’m taking matters into my own hands.”

Uh oh. That didn’t sound good.

That night Neil got paged something like 59 times.

The nurses had all kinds of intriguing questions and problems that needed his immediate attention…at 3 am.

“How do you spell your last name?“

“How do I pronounce the name of this drug?”

“Did you know that the day before yesterday, at 11:20 am, Mr Smith had a good bowel movement?”

“How do you spell your first name.”

“Just wanted to let you know that Mr. Jones reached the caloric goal, set by the dietician, four days in a row, last week.”

Interns never get much sleep but the nurses made sure Ole Neil got none…ever.

Zilch. Zero. Nada.

The nurses call this “potty training”.

The residents call this “status page-icus”.

My advice to you?

Don’t be Neil.

The Blind Side: What’s Really Going On in China? My True Story…

2023 08 21 10 48
2023 08 21 10 48

Have Intel, Qualcomm and nVidia lost the Chinese chip market because of US tech sanctions?

Here is how things were in 2010…

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This is how things are today…

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What one policy must India learn from China?

The Property Laws

In China, every land is owned by China. You have only the land usage rights. Even the farmers don’t own the land they use as they only have the tilling rights. If you don’t build any property on the land provided to you, it goes back to the government. Individuals can privately own residential houses and apartments on the land, although not the land on which the buildings are situated.

It helps in avoiding a separate class of people called as landlords. It helped China create infrastructure projects really fast.

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China started these reforms in the 1970s which not only made the country strong but the government as well.

China’s Response To Evergrande Is Angering The West

Evergrande has filed for bankruptcy but does this mean China’s economy is about to collapse? China always had a real estate problem and instead of stimulating, they are actually trying to ride the wave towards a stronger economy.

While this is bad for the global economy in the short term, it’s actually good for China long run.

2023 08 23 15 19
2023 08 23 15 19

Here’s what you must know!

Are noodles good with eggs?

One dish that probably every Chinese can cook is scrambled eggs with tomatoes, the de facto national homecooked dish.

There have been many times when I’ve been at home and just want a quick meal without spending a lot of time slaving over the stove.

When those times hit, one of my go-to’s is to prepare scrambled eggs with tomatoes – the very, very juicy & wet version – then just add some cooked noodles (whichever type I have lying around, really).

I’ll also blanch some greens and add them on top or as a side dish.

It’s very simple, unglamarous, and not sexy in the least, and probably a nightmare for people who MUST eat meat at every meal, but it’s cheap, easy to make, quick, and filling.

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HUGE SETBACK! China smashes USA and Mongolia’s 100,000 Tons of Rare Earth Cooperation

China and Russia can close their ports to Mongolia so that Mongolia cannot transport the rare earth to the usa. Secondly, China can restrict the export of knowledge and equipment for the refinement process of rare earth to Mongolia and the west. Thirdly Russia and China can restrict their air space for flights to and fro Mongolia in order to block any transportation of rare earth through the air.


What historical patterns can we observe in the United States’ negotiations with China?

The US plays the short game and looks for media impact and immediate results.

China is slower to act and does not show its hand until the right moment. China is playing the long game.

In history, when you have two powers of roughly equal strength confronting each other, the side which plays the long game wins.

Oliver Anthony – I Want To Go Home “Official Video” 2LM Reacts

As if “Rich Men North Of Richmond” didnt cut deep enough here’s another dagger to intake and im not going to spoil this reaction. Get in here, grab a tissue and enjoy!

Military takeover in Gabon brings fresh headaches for France in Africa

TEHRAN – In another blow to France this week, Gabon’s military overthrew the very wealthy President Ali Bongo soon after he was declared the winner in elections that had been roundly condemned as fraudulent.

Over the past three years, military officers have thrown the presidents of Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea, Chad, more recently Niger, and now Gabon.

All six African states have one thing in common.

They are all former colonies of France and have seen a sharp rise in anti-French sentiment, with the former colonial power standing accused of using its military presence in the region, in particular the Sahel, to increase instability.

France is clearly seeing how its military presence in Africa is slowly diminishing.

This is while the local population in these countries that had or continue to have French military presence on their territory have been living in poverty, seeing no financial benefits of the natural resources on their land.

France’s strong ties with the former West African presidents also saw close economic ties to those natural resources.

In Mali, two coups took place, the first in August 2020 and the second nine months later; President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was overthrown by the military who accused the president of the worsening security situation. Similar accusations were directed at France.

In September 2021, Guinea’s Special Forces overthrew President Alpha Conde.

In April 2021, Chad’s military took power after President Idriss Deby was killed on the battlefield while visiting troops fighting militants.

In January 2022, the military in Burkina Faso overthrew President Roch Kabore, accusing him and France of doing little to tackle the militancy.

In late July, the military in Niger overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum, accusing him of forging closer ties close with France as the security situation in the country deteriorated.

This week military officers in Gabon led by General Brice Nguema seized power. The officers have placed Bongo under house arrest and installed Nguema as head of state, ending the Bongo family’s 56-year grip on power.

The coup saw large crowds flooding the streets of the capital Libreville in support of the military’s move.

About a third of Gabon’s 2.3 million population are living under the poverty line.

In a televised address Nguema said that the military would proceed “quickly but surely” to return civilian rule, but that it would avoid elections that “repeat the same mistakes” by keeping the same individuals in power.

“Going as quickly as possible does not mean organizing ad hoc elections, where we will end up with the same errors,” he said.

Bongo was first elected in 2009, taking over from his late father, who came to power in 1967. Opponents say the ruling family did little to share Gabon’s oil and mining wealth.

For years, the Bongo family resided at a luxurious palace overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. According to a 2020 investigation by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), a global network of investigative journalists, the family owns expensive cars and properties in France and the United States, often paid for in cash.

Military leaders ordered the arrest of one of Bongo’s sons, Noureddin Bongo Valentin, and several members of Bongo’s cabinet on accusations ranging from embezzlement to narcotics trafficking.

State broadcaster Gabon 24 said on Thursday that duffel bags stuffed with cash wrapped in plastic had been confiscated from the homes of various officials. Footage from the broadcaster shows a raid on the house of a former cabinet director.

Standing next to Bongo Valentin, the new military ruler told the channel that the money was part of Bongo’s election fund. Money that the military rulers say was used in a corrupt election campaign.

The news emerging from the African country will be seen as yet another headache for France, on the backdrop of military coups in other regional countries where Paris had military ties signed by its former presidents.

France has hundreds of troops permanently stationed in Gabon, including at a military base in the capital, Libreville.

Paris also has a wide range of economic interests linked to Gabon’s mining and oil sectors.

Meanwhile, tensions are peaking in Niger amid mass weekend anti-French rallies as the strained relations mount between the country’s new military government and its former colonial power.

An organization set up after the coup named the Patriotic Front for Niger Sovereignty has led the public’s demands for military officers to take a hard line against France.

The protests, organized by the M62 grouping, have been taking place in central Niamey to demand the departure of the French contingent. “We don’t need these people (French troops) here, we’re ready to die to get them out,” one demonstrator said.

France has around 1,500 troops in Niger, many of them stationed at an airbase near the capital.

Niger’s pro-military civilian organizations had called for a massive march on Saturday on the French base, followed by a sit-in until the troops leave.

The new rulers have been engaged in a political battle with Paris, stripped France’s ambassador of diplomatic immunity and ordered police to expel him, according to a letter seen by news outlets.

Last Friday, authorities gave the French envoy, Sylvain Itte, 48 hours to leave Nigerian soil.

The envoy “no longer enjoys the privileges and immunities attached to his status as a member of the diplomatic personnel in the French embassy,” according to the letter sent to the French foreign ministry.

France refused the demand, saying the military rulers had no right to carry out such an order.

Relations with France spiraled downwards after the July coup as Paris continues to stand by the ousted president Mohamed Bazoum and refuses to recognize Niger’s new rulers.

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that he spoke on a daily basis with his former ally, Bazoum.

“I speak every day to President Bazoum. We support him. We do not recognize those who carried out the putsch. The decisions we will take, whatever they may be, will be based upon exchanges with Bazoum,” said Macron.

Niger’s military government, which seized power on July 26, has accused Macron of using divisive rhetoric in his comments about Bazoum and of seeking to perpetrate France’s neo-colonial relationship with its former colony.

The new rulers accuse France of fueling instability on their territory. They also accuse France of using its purported military presence in Niger to battle militants as a pretext for tapping into the country’s uranium and oil reserves.

On August 3, Niger’s new rulers denounced military agreements signed between Bazoum and France.

French military spokesman Colonel Pierre Gaudilliere has warned that “the French military forces are ready to respond to any upturn in tension that could harm French diplomatic and military premises in Niger”.

Algeria, Niger’s influential northern neighbor, has held talks with West African leaders in a bid to avoid any military intervention in Niger and has proposed a six-month transition.

Amid threats of a military intervention in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso have been quick to offer support, saying any operation would be deemed a “declaration of war” against them.

Recently, all three states have publicly condemned France for fuelling regional instability.

Burkina Faso has approved a draft law authorizing the dispatch of troops to Niger, according to a government statement in Ouagadougou.

Niger’s military government, which seized power on July 26, has accused Macron of using divisive rhetoric in his comments about Bazoum and of seeking to perpetrate France’s neo-colonial relationship with its former colony.

The new rulers accuse France of fueling instability on their territory. They also accuse France of using its purported military presence in Niger to battle militants as a pretext for tapping into the country’s uranium and oil reserves.

On August 3, Niger’s new rulers denounced military agreements signed between Bazoum and France.

French military spokesman Colonel Pierre Gaudilliere has warned that “the French military forces are ready to respond to any upturn in tension that could harm French diplomatic and military premises in Niger”.

Algeria, Niger’s influential northern neighbor, has held talks with West African leaders in a bid to avoid any military intervention in Niger and has proposed a six-month transition.

Amid threats of a military intervention in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso have been quick to offer support, saying any operation would be deemed a “declaration of war” against them.

Recently, all three states have publicly condemned France for fuelling regional instability.

Burkina Faso has approved a draft law authorizing the dispatch of troops to Niger, according to a government statement in Ouagadougou.

Niger’s new leaders say they are seeking a three-year transition period to restore constitutional order.

Nigerian President Bola Tinubu, head of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), has suggested a nine-month transition back to democracy for Niger’s new rulers in the bloc’s first apparent timeline since the July coup.

It was the first time an ECOWAS official has publicly discussed a possible transition period for Niger’s military rulers.

However, France and the United States have demanded a swift return to Bazoum’s presidency.

Putin: “RUSSIA Is INVINCIBLE,” Niger STORMS French Military Base

I’ve read the history of France in Africa. You could not make up a horror movie more chilling than what they have done to those poor Africans. Even today, the hutzpah of them lecturing Africans and smugly telling them they would not exist but without France is an insult.


Huawei’s Mate 60 Pro 5G phone shakes up EVERYTHING

The big news is Huawei’s launch of the Mate 60 Pro phone at 6,999 yuan during US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo’s visit to China. Early reports suggest that this model has already sold out, which is a strong sign of support for Huawei after standing up against US sanctions for nearly five years.

The US Commerce Department placed a ban on Huawei supplies for everything in 2019 under the Trump administration, and this has continued under the Biden administration. The sale of 5G chips to Huawei were cut off under Biden. This means that Huawei’s launch of a high-end 5G phone while Secretary Raimondo is visiting China is a direct and very strong pushback to the US.

The question now is how did Huawei get the Kirin 5G chips which are made in China? There is a lot of debate and discussion, ranging from the US gave special permission, to it being a special secret Chinese project complete with a secret 5G chip production line. Obviously, this is not good news for TSMC, since TSMC makes the 5G chips for Qualcomm.

For the US, it means that the Commerce Department sanctions have not worked, and that the Chinese not only will not stop research and development as the US wants, but are going to move much more aggressively into multiple fields, and directly challenging the US and US brands. Signs are that the Chinese will do as they have in other industries: they will move so fast and iterate new products so quickly so that others will not be able to compete unless they move their research and production into China. Then the Chinese will drop prices of their products so that they pick up market share all over the world. Early signs of this are already showing: RISC-V architecture is becoming popular in China, and the Chinese companies have agreed to cross-license their designs, so that RISC-V will compete directly with Intel and ARM.

This poses a problem for Western decoupling: What will they do when China cuts back or completely cuts off rare earth sales to chip manufacturers outside China? And how will they protect their own products in their own markets when the Chinese products have more features and are cheaper? Western policymakers do not seem to have thought this through when they placed their sanctions on Huawei and other Chinese technology companies.

Lots of interesting discussion in Putonghua on the Matepro 60 launch and what it means in China.

Reaction – I Want To Go Home by Oliver Anthony

Be the Rufus!

“Just spent 2 hrs with a elderly man at Kroger. It started with me just smiling at him, making eye contact…. As I walked past him he looked like he needed something.

I went back and asked him if I could help him. Tears welled up in his eyes and he said, “I have colon cancer and I have had a really bad accident, if I get up out of this cart everyone will know…

What should I do?”.

The look of his dignity lost left me with a lump in my throat.

From that moment on, Kroger staff quickly fetched us wipes, undergarments and discreetly took him to their employer bathroom Area where he was given clothes.

He cried and apologized.

He said he had to hurry his wife was at home alone.

When we walked to the register we found his groceries all bagged and somehow paid for.

He cried harder.

He said he fought in Vietnam and Korean War and loved his country, but up until day he said he thought his country forgot about him.

We both cried and I shared with him my own struggles and fears… He gave me words of wisdom and encouraged me that maybe after all, humanity still does care about one another.”

What Happened to Millionaire’s Row in Detroit?

This is America. This needs to stop.

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Rod Cloutier

You are right about manifestation. You get all of it, the good and the bad. The wonderful and the terrifying. The entire experience in full, with no exceptions.

Got some good things, but took some hard knocks getting them