I almost became a one-shot bandit millionaire.
I was playing slots with my mother in New Jersey. I was at an end machine and putting quarters one after the other in one machine.
I was there for about twenty minutes when my mother asked me to sit closer to her.
So I got up.
And another woman took my seat. (She had been off the side watching me, and as soon as I got up, she ran to my seat and sat down.)
She put one quarter in.
And she won 3 million dollars!
Is this a joke or what?
What the fuck was I thinking when I planned this pre-birth world-line template?
Have you ever met someone really privileged who shocked you?
When I was in college, I had a part-time job in my domitory’s cafeteria. The richest person I ever knew was one of my fellow student employees. His father was the chairman of the board at a major multinational corporation, and his mother was a major stockholder in a US communications giant. They owned a Lear jet and a chalet in Switzerland. When they came to visit my friend in the dorm, he needed other students to help sign in the entourage of 2 assistants, 2 bodyguards, and a driver (dorm residents were allowed to sign in only 2 guests at a time).
About halfway through the first year I knew him, I found out that when he’d arrived on campus, he’d had no clue how to run a washing machine. His roommate had had to teach him. He told me “I knew we had them at home; I’d just never seen them.”
He also told me about how many times in his tween and teen years he’d spent Christmas with only the household staff for company because his parents had been invited to some fancy party or other in Europe or Asia, and he hadn’t wanted to go.
My friend owned his own tuxedo, and had a credit card that drew from his trust fund’s interest. So he bought his clothes and shoes at Neiman Marcus, and took friends out to lunch in swanky restaurants where they served us alcohol without batting an eye even though we were all clearly under the drinking age.
So, you’re probably wondering why this guy was working a part-time job in a campus cafeteria. Well, that was his father’s idea. Dad, you see, had worked his way through college and thought that having a job would be good for my friend’s character. So Dad refused to provide a cash allowance. And since this was the 80s, before you could use a credit card to buy fast food, my friend had to work if he wanted pocket money.
Bacon, Egg and Mushroom Burritos
Thick sliced apple wood-smoked turkey bacon, shiitake mushrooms and spinach enhance this yummy egg wrap. Perfect for breakfast or lunch on-the-go.

Yield: 6 servings
- 6 thick slices applewood-smoked turkey bacon (6 ounces)
- 4 ounces fresh shiitake or button mushrooms, stemmed, sliced
- 4 ounces (4 cups) fresh baby arugula or spinach
- 12 eggs, beaten
- 6 (7 to 9 inch) flour or whole wheat tortillas, warmed
- Cook bacon in 12 inch nonstick skillet over medium heat until crisp.
- Remove bacon; pour off all but 1 tablespoon drippings. Add mushrooms; saute over medium heat for 2 minutes.
- Add arugula; cook until wilted, about 1 minute.
- Pour eggs over mixture in skillet. As eggs begin to set, gently pull the eggs across the pan with an inverted turner, forming large soft curds. Continue cooking, pulling, lifting and folding eggs until thickened and no visible liquid egg remains. Do not stir constantly. Season with salt and pepper.
- Spoon egg mixture into center of each tortilla, dividing evenly; top each with 1 bacon slice. Fold in sides of tortillas, then roll up burrito-style.
My GF Thought I’d Be Her ATM Forever Until I Finally Grew A Pair (And A Brain) & Blocked Her Forever
What gift did you give that made you speechless by the reaction you got from it?
A few years ago my husband found out he has a sister who his mom and dad had given up for adoption. We arranged a time for her to come down and meet the entire family (parents had both died at this time). There were 5 siblings and their families. Everyone gave gifts and gift cards but I wanted to do something different. I had been scrapbooking for several years so I got a bunch of family pictures together and put them into a very nice scrapbook with journaling to explain each picture’s story. She was so appreciative and overwhelmed and kept looking through that scrapbook. Whenever we see each other she talks about that scrapbook and says how much that means to her. She said, “It’s so nice to have pictures of people that look like me.” Growing up she didn’t look like her adoptive family at all. We are all so grateful she sought us out and we are as close with her as we are with our other family members.
What was life like under communism? Do you miss anything from that time?
I was turning 17 when the communism came to an end in Nicolae Ceaușescu’s Romania. An abrupt and violent end. Unexpected in how quickly everything happened, in a space of a few days. But somehow expected as well, as a wind of change was blowing over Central and Eastern Europe for at least a couple of years before already.
How was life? For me personally, as a teenager in a standard urban family with two kids and college-educated parents, the worst was, on a trivial level, that I couldn’t find in the music stores the music I wanted to have 🙂 Western pop-rock was scarcely available on the white market and music was one of my biggest joys and constant extracurricular preoccupations.
On a more serious level, what I was hating the most was the duplicity. Saying (or at least pretending to listen and approve) one thing at school and a totally different one at home. Watching or listening to the incredibly stupid and untrue TV and radio shows run by the public stations (the only available ones), hailing constantly the happiness of the people under the wise and paternal leadership of the Communist Party and its genius secretary general, then looking around at the grim reality surrounding us: grey streets and grey buildings under a grey sky. Grumpy people running around and trying to make the ends meet, with less and less at hand as we were growing as a nation “richer and richer”. A prouder and prouder “free and independent” nation composed of humbler and humbler people, more and more deprived of personal independence and freedom, of dignity.
This is me, a few months after the communism collapsed, on the roof of our brutalist block of communist-style flats, in the middle of a brutalist forest of similar blocks, some still under construction. I was skinny (I am still), but not necessarily because the Romanian communism had brought famine upon us, although towards the crepuscule of the regime it had come quite close to that.

What are some psychology tricks for everyday life?
- When you are in a group and notice that someone is making fun of you, look in their face and smile a little, they will feel scared
- “Emotional contagion” is a phenomenon in which people working in groups “catch” each other’s emotions and feelings, akin to viral infection.
- If you want someone to get nervous, look at their forehead
- Beware the “Love Rat”! According to research, men who believe in love at first sight and bombard their potential partners with presents and attention are three times more likely to cheat on them, compared to those who take their time.
- If you notice someone in every situation swearing at you and saying he’s joking, he hates you
- According to recent studies, the people who fuss over small errors or strongly react to small problems are usually lonely and unloved.
- Whisper something to smeone and 9/10 times they’ll whisper back
- If you think someone is lying look them in their eyes and don’t say anything
- Persistent irritability is caused by underlying physical or psychological disorders, such as depression or anxiety.
- If you want someone to tell the truth, make them laugh before questioning.
- Is someone watching you ow want to know whether they are watching you or not? yawn and they’ll yawn back
- If you tell someone to stare into your eyes, it’s now harder for them to remember anything without looking away
- If you’re trying to sleep, focus on not moving and count to 300
- Around 65% to 80% of human conversations are gossip.
- If someone interrupts u when you’re talking. just carry on speaking. They will feel stupid and you’ll feel powerful.
Gen Z Grad Faces The Brutal Reality of Job Search In 2024
What is the most condescending advice you received from someone who assumed you were poorer or less educated than them?
This has happened on two different occasions. In my home.
The first, I was looking to put in all new hardwood floors into my house. I’d done a ton of research, knew what I wanted; I just needed the materials and the contractor.
I am a single woman who owns a house. I’m on my second house that I bought and paid for myself, by the way. My father is long out of my life and the other family members who are men live so far away that I had to figure it out on my own.
So I had a bunch of quotes on the hardwood. One company insisted on sending someone to my house. He first asked if we needed to wait for my husband. “No, just me.” He said he wasn’t sure that was a good idea. I said he could wait outside for someone that looked like a husband.
He then asked if I had a basement. I told him “no”. He asked if I was sure.
I said take a look and be sure to let me know if he found one. Needless to say he didn’t find a basement or a job that night.
A few years later I needed a new furnace. This was a rush so I didn’t have as much research down. First, this one idiot told me my furnace was German and it had to be replaced because it would take 6 weeks to get parts for it (Googling the name on the furnace revealed it was from Texas… did Texas finally secede and become part of Germany?). Then they said they could give me a new furnace for $13-$18k. I said, “well, what does it cost.” $13k-$18k.
No, if I were writing a check tonight, what would I make the check out for? $13k -$18k.
Finally they said it would be like $200/month. I tried to explain that was based on a cost. He argued that when you lease a car that’s all it cost! I said no, the payments are based on what portion of the car you’re using based on a base price. He argued that no, I was an idiot.
Yes, I was the idiot who wrote a check for $8k for a new furnace. To someone else who told me the price…
What psychological tricks and hacks are useful to know?
1. Here’s how you can speak well-organized anytime anywhere.
There are 3 elements: the current status, estimation, and response.
Just presenting them in order makes you appear very organized and insightful.
For example:
“The car broke down now, judging from the current traffic on this road, it’s unlikely we’ll find anyone to tow our car, so let’s call for roadside assistance.”
2. When asking someone for a favor, start by giving them a compliment.
For example:
“I’m impressed with your work on the last project we did together, and I feel confident that I can trust you with this task as well.”
3. If you want to persuade someone, just say things that sound illogical at first but carry an vibe of mysteriousness.
This way, they will be drawn into these seemingly meaningless statements, feeling that your thought process operates on a higher level, and are more likely to agree with what you say next.
For example:
“If you can forget what you should have forgotten from the past, shouldn’t you understand the workings of the subconscious? How exactly should it operate?”
4. During an interview, present your personal desires as the company’s needs.
This significantly increases your chances of being hired.
For example:
Instead of saying you enjoy writing, express that the platform’s content captivates you, and you aspire to contribute as a valuable member of it.
5. If you find yourself easily getting into arguments with someone, try using another 3 elements: facts, feelings, and hopes.
For example, let’s say your partner kept you waiting in the cold for an hour.
Instead of saying:
“Do you enjoy making me wait? Can’t you check the time? Do you ever think about me?”
you can say:
“I waited for you for 58 minutes earlier, and this month alone, I’ve waited for you for over half an hour five times. Constantly waiting like this makes me feel like you might not be considering my time. I hope we can be more mindful of each other’s schedules.”
6. When praising others, it’s often more effective to compliment what they might not be consciously aware of.
For instance, if you praise Usain Bolt for his incredible speed, he might not feel it as much.
However, if you compliment him on something like, “Wow, I’ve noticed you have great handwriting,” he might feel genuinely pleased.
7. When expressing gratitude for a gift, forget about the price and emphasize your heartfelt appreciation.
For example:
“This bag must be expensive! ” (✘)
“I’ve always loved this bag. ” (✔)
8. If you’re on a first date with a girl and things are going really well. And you’re interested in planning another meet-up.
It’s crucial not to wait until the moment of departure. Instead, seize an good moment when you both are engaged in the vibe to propose the next date.
For example:
Person A: “These are so delicious!”
Person B: “These are nothing. I know a place with even better ones. How about next Saturday? I’ll take you there!”
9. For anything work-related that falls outside of your scope, the safe response is always a simple “I don’t know” added by a reason.
For example:
Person A: “Where’s Alex? Where did he go? He’s late again?”
Person B: “I don’t know, I was checking emails.”
Men are Letting Reality Happen to Women
What are some undeniable facts about life?
A woman jumps to death from the terrace of a 15 storied building.
Her husband tells the police she was depressed. Her in-laws cry because they were unable to understand the reason behind taking this drastic step.
Her parents though, alleged murder.
They say she had been complaining about domestic abuse and violence that she faced for about two years.
“She was tortured. They locked her up and didn’t give her food for days. She was beaten and pain was inflicted upon her. She would cry and tell us. Please arrest them.” The parents said.
A case is filed on the husband’s family and the matter drags to court.
The parents think that their daughter has got justice.
Makes me wonder, why are the girl’s parents also not taken into custody? They heard their daughter complain about the abuse for two whole years and they didn’t even think about taking any action? Why did they wait for her to kill herself to take these matters to the police? Why couldn’t they just take her home and stop the torture? Why come out crying only when she ended her life?
The police asked why were you silent when you knew what she was going through?
They say,
“We were waiting it would stop someday on its own. We have faith in our God. She would also not lose faith. We just hoped someday they will realise how badly they have treated her and mend their ways. But never in our dreams we thought she will take this step.”
Some undeniable facts about life you ask me?
You need to take charge and make things happen to make a difference in life. Not everything in life will happen on its own. You can’t put everything on the almighty to make it right for you.
What are some cases that literally make no sense?
Back in 2007, a sick, twisted monster named Robert A. Williams unleashed a nightmarish hell on an innocent Columbia Grad student when he broke into her apartment and unleashed an unspeakable onslaught of sadistic torture. For 19 agonizing hours, this vile excuse for a human being raped, sodomized, and brutalized the poor woman in ways that’d make even the toughest horror movie beg for mercy.

He glued her mouth shut, slit her eyelids, force-fed her fistfuls of pills, and even set her on fire. It’s like a demented game of “how much suffering can one person endure?” Begging for death, the victim pleaded with her tormentor to end her life, but the monster cruelly refused, taunting her with the chilling words, “You’re not good enough for that.” Miraculously, she survived the ordeal, and Williams was slapped with a whopping 420-year prison sentence.
So, here’s the million-dollar question: why the hell are we wasting taxpayers’ hard-earned cash on keeping this animal locked up when the death penalty exists for a reason? Or better yet, why not give him a taste of his own medicine, Black Mirror-style? Strap him in and make him relive every excruciating moment as the victim, over and over. Now THAT’S justice!
Meanwhile in Hong Kong
What happened when you returned someone’s lost wallet? Did they give you anything for returning it, and did they thank you personally (not through email)?
We found a phone, in a puddle by a beach in Cornwall. We took it back to our holiday cottage and put it in a jar of rice, to try to dry it out. Unfortunately, our charger didn’t fit it, so we couldn’t check if it had recovered until our son in law joined us, a couple of days later, and his did. The phone came back to life, amazingly, so we went to Contacts, phoned the one that said Home and left a message. Shortly afterwards, a surprised young man rang back. He had lost it when surfing, several days before, and it had lain in a salt water puddle for at least two days before we found it. He said he would come and collect it, and we said be quick, then – we are leaving shortly. He arrived with six bottles of nice wine, and was very grateful. It seemed to be working fine – photos intact, and everything. Wish I could remember what make it was!
What is one city you would never return to? Why?

I can confidently say there is virtually zero chance I’ll ever return to The Gambia’s capital city. This is not because of any bad experiences, but that it’s highly unlikely I’ll ever revisit this little African country.
For those who are not aware of where this country is located, I provide a map below.

The country is surrounded by Senegal on Africa’s western coast and is more or less moulded around the River Gambie. No doubt, the county’s peculiar formation stems from British and French colonial policy.

Banjul is a fascinating city with a beautiful coastline and close access to the humid river. I stayed near the vast sandy beaches which are genuinely beautiful, fringing the Atlantic and dotted by palm trees.

It is a very African city. Its environment is orange and dusty with extreme heat on occasions. There are overflowing food markets, lots of colourful clothes and African style mosques.
My most remarkable memory was seeing a fully dressed and booted battalion of soldiers speed marching for training through the dusty streets. Sweat poured down them like torrential rain.

I also remember seeing spiders hanging in hundreds of cobwebs covering many different houses and complexes. Travelling over incomplete roads, multitudes of spiders just dangled in the air. I’ve never seen so many large spiders in my life. Certainly disconcerting for any arachnophobes!
I played football with some of the locals and explored the famous alligator park of Banjul with monkeys lounging around in the tall trees.

The Gambia is a beautiful country, but I can’t see any reason why I’d return to it or its capital.
How has China unlike USSR stayed united inspite of vast diversity?
Simply because the USSR was in fact a loose federation of a handful of republics, and China was in fact one country. It’s really that simple.
This is Shanghai government. SHANGHAI CHINA. Check out the resume of everyone in the top echelon – mayor, vice mayors, etc. The nine-member top management team. How many of them are Shanghai local? Exactly zero. None. Not a single one. They all came from some other places in China.
The Shanghai government is not run by people who want to be the king of Shanghai. It’s run by people who want to run China. Shanghai is one of their “personal five-year-plans” on the way to the top. They will stay for a maximum 2 terms ( 10 years), then they move away to their next posts, either up or down, depends on what they can delivery here. This is the same with all the other provinces and major cities, i.e., the mayor of Beijing is from Jilin province, the provincial governor of Guangdong is from Shandong province, the governor of Henan is from Ningxia, Shan’an Xi province … Basically, all public offices are financed by national tax collection, manned by a national bureaucracy with regular rotations, and defended by national armed forces, since the Han dynasty
in 200 BC – so there’s absolutely no incentive to pick a fight with other provinces. They are not your “enemies” but your future constituents. So there’s a great deal of incentive to make a good impression by reaching out and collaborate, build up a support network, so that they’ll vote you into the Politburo. That’s how you get to run the whole China.
On the other hand, the full name of USSR is “United Socialists Soviet Republics”. It was a federation of republics where each republic was run by local people who spoke a different languages, believed in different religions, and wanted to be the top dog of their own republic. In fact, the dissolution of USSR made each local ethnic elite the “king” of their own republic. Just check out their resumes. It didn’t hurt one’s political prospects to pick a fight with one’s neighbors. Instead, it may polish up one’s local “nationalist” credentials. The USSR was never set up as one country in the first place.
The truth
“The United States and NATO have never been shy about outright lying to justify their aggressive plans.
In the case of aggression against the FR Yugoslavia, carried out under the mocking banner of ‘humanitarian intervention,’ mainly civilian targets were hit: residential areas, hospitals, schools, bridges, passenger transport, and columns of refugees. Thousands of civilians were killed, including 89 children, whom the Western coalition cynically dubbed ‘collateral damage.’
Let me remind you that NATO aggression against the FR Yugoslavia began without UN sanction — it was not only a tragic milestone in the life of the Serbian people with thousands of ruined destinies and desecrated national dignity, but also a devastating blow to the system of international law and the foundations of security in Europe, established after World War II.
The US and NATO have finally come to believe in their own impunity and moral superiority — to the misfortune of those who strive to choose their own path, rather than becoming instruments for the realization of others’ interests.
On that day, the strategic balance of power collapsed, and a protracted crisis in interstate relations began, which continues to deepen.
The same thing is happening now in the Middle East.
The situation in the region is an example of the ‘controlled chaos’ theory, which underlies US policy.
However, this chaos has spiraled out of control and threatens a large-scale regional war.
The US cannot be unaware of this, but the desire to make super-profits from selling weapons in the region overrides all moral and ethical standards among Americans.
If we talk about the goals of the US in Ukraine, putting aside political motives to create a puppet state on the western borders of Russia, from which constant threats to our country would come, then everyone knows that there are large assets of American business in this country.
The most profitable ‘grain business’ is half owned by Washington.
The most fertile lands have already been purchased or taken for free by American companies.
They will squeeze everything out and leave the country to the mercy of fate.
In pursuit of elusive world dominance and military superiority, Washington and its allies are expanding the network of alliances directed against third countries and are actively pursuing a number of programs that undermine global stability and regional security.
These are the emerging alliances AUKUS (Australia, Great Britain, USA) and QUAD (USA, Australia, Japan, India) in the Asia-Pacific region, the goal of which is to militarize the region to contain China and Russia.
Recently, the magazine Politico wrote: ‘In every conflict it has been involved in, Washington has lost interest in supporting the countries involved once American businesses have squeezed everything they can out of the presence of US troops.’
The goal of the US is to wreak havoc in order to squeeze everything possible from a particular country from an economic and resource perspective.
And from a political point of view, it aims to prevent countries and regions from developing in stability and prosperity.”

Excerpt from remarks by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova in an interview with Gleb Ivanov, April 12, 2024.
Full Metal Jacket | Group Reaction | Movie Review
What are the most epic failures in history?
“Guys, I just developed this bulletproof liquid. The Germans won’t be able to kill us now!”
These words were said by Kinjekitile Ngwale, a Tanzanian witchdoctor (and the hero of this story). But first, understand what was going on in Tanzania at that time.(It was called Tanganyika)
In the late 1800s, Britain, Germany, Portugal, Belgium and France storm into Africa, grabbing as much land as they can in the name of colonialism. The Germans in particular enter Tanganyika and claim it as their own.
See those two Africans holding the dead animal? Yeah, those are slaves.
See, Germans are efficient. Instead of bringing in labour from their country, which was a tedious affair, they forced indigenous tribes to work for them. They also imposed heavy taxation on them, because why not.
Naturally, those tribes were not happy.
So what do you do when some white guys take your livestock and steal your women?
That’s where our valiant revolutionary, Mr. Kinjekitile Ngwale, comes in. He told his fellow Africans that he was a prophet sent by the ancestors to get rid of the Germans. So he became the leader of the rebellion. Just like that.
One tiny problem though…the Germans had GUNS. Lots of guns. The Africans only had spears and arrows. If you’ve ever played rock paper scissors you know how it feels when you put paper and everyone puts scissors. That’s how the Africans felt.
So Mr. Kinjekitile Ngwale came up with an idea…
Using his extensive knowledge as a witchdoctor, he mixed water, castor oil, and millet seeds. He claimed the concoction, when applied on the body, would turn the German bullets into water, essentially rendering them bullet proof. The African tribes applied this liquid and charged straight to the nearest German base, confident of their leader’s magic.
As soon as the Germans saw the Africans approaching, they…well…read this excerpt:
Several thousand Maji warriors, led by a spirit medium, marched toward the Reich’s compound at Mahenge. As soon as the rebels were within firing range, soldiers, backed by two machine guns, laid down a lethal fire. Row upon row of Maji warriors marched toward the guns, but were cut down.Hundreds were killed or wounded before breaking off the engagement.
Kinjeketile was later captured and hanged by the Germans for ‘treason’. Despite his grand bullet proof mishap, he is still considered a hero for stirring nationalism among the Tanzanians.
So yes. Even failure can make you a hero.
Hookup Culture
The US dangles Yemen bait, but Ansarallah doesn’t bite
The US has secretly offered a stunning array of concessions to Ansarallah to halt its naval operations in support of Gaza – to no avail.
APR 11, 2024
By Khalil Nasrallah
We favor a diplomatic solution. We know that there is no military solution.
– US Special Envoy for Yemen Timothy Lenderking
In a special briefing on 3 April – nearly six months after Yemen launched its far-reaching naval operations to debilitate Israel’s ability to conduct war on Gaza – US Special Envoy for Yemen Timothy Lenderking touted the importance of seeking diplomatic solutions in Yemen
instead of the military ones his government has been loudly advocating for months.
Lenderking’s stance contrasted sharply with Washington’s announcement in December of a multinational coalition against Yemen’s Ansarallah-led forces, aimed at safeguarding international shipping in the Red Sea and effectively protecting Israeli-linked trade from Yemen’s sweeping naval blockade.
But as tensions heighten and regional allies have hesitated
to join the US–UK coalition in fear of direct Yemeni retaliatory strikes, the US and its allies have quietly sought to entice Sanaa into negotiations through offers conveyed by Omani and other international mediators who maintain ties with Yemen’s de facto government in Sanaa.
Lenderking’s position may, in fact, reflect an astounding set of private US promises made via intermediaries to Ansarallah behind closed doors – pledges that essentially tick every box on the resistance movement’s wish list.
‘Stop your Gaza support, and we will give you everything’
Informed Yemeni sources reveal to The Cradle that the US offered Sanaa – in exchange for its neutrality in the ongoing Gaza war – “an acknowledgment of its legitimacy.”
This would involve severely reducing the role of the Saudi-backed Presidential Council led by Rashid al-Alimi and accelerating the signing of a roadmap with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to end the aggression against Yemen.
The sources further reveal that the Americans pledged to immediately release withheld Yemeni public sector salaries from the National Saudi Bank, lift the country’s siege entirely, reopen Sanaa Airport, ease restrictions on the port of Hodeidah, and facilitate a comprehensive prisoner exchange agreement with all involved parties.
In terms of reconstruction, the sources say:
[Washington] pledged to repair the damages, remove foreign forces from all occupied Yemeni lands and islands, and remove Ansarallah from the State Department’s ‘terrorism list’ – as soon as they stop their attacks in support of Gaza.
Despite these tempting offers, which have been the subject of negotiations between Sanaa and Riyadh for over two years, the Yemenis remained steadfast. Ansarallah leader Abdel Malik al-Houthi’s consistent position, as reiterated in his speeches, has been to continue operations as long as Israeli aggression against Gaza persists.
Ansarallah’s ‘military negotiation’
From the outset, marked by Israel’s declaration of a state of war following the 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood operation, Sanaa threw its weight behind the Palestinian resistance, launching comprehensive drone and ballistic missile attacks against the southern Israeli-occupied port city of Umm al-Rashrash, known as Eilat.
In response to the Yemeni salvos and interception attempts by US warships, Washington initiated a campaign of threats against Sanaa, which in turn demanded an immediate cessation of aggression against Gaza as a precondition for halting its military operations. Their exact words to the Americans were: “We are not within the circle of those you dictate to.”
Matters only intensified as Ansarallah began deploying previously unused naval strategies – not even utilized against Yemen’s aggressors, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, in nine years of battles – with al-Houthi vowingto obstruct Israeli ships in the Red Sea.
This strategy was actualized days later on 19 November, when Yemeni naval commandos stormed an Israeli-linked vessel, the Galaxy Leader, and its crew, redirecting the ship to Yemeni shores.
This daring naval action prompted the US to pursue dual strategies: the first, involving intimidation and preparation for a naval coalition to support Israel, and the second, encouraging diplomatic engagements through Arab and international mediators to halt Sanaa’s impactful naval operations.
Sanaa’s leadership not only dismissed these overtures but expanded the naval blockade to include non-Israeli vessels en route to Israeli ports and extended their theater of operations as far as the Indian Ocean– to cut off Israel’s “alternative long route” shipments.
Yemen’s firm refusal to succumb to either enticement or intimidation led the US and the UK to initiate aggressive military operations against the war-torn Persian Gulf state three months ago, aiming to neutralize the Yemeni threat and halt maritime attacks in support of Gaza under the guise of protecting maritime navigation freedom.
As a countermeasure, Sanaa escalated its military response by expanding operations to target not only US and British ships but also introducing advanced weaponry into its arsenal.
This included the sinking of the British cargo ship Rubymar, attacking other vessels, and broadening the theater of operations to the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean – a strategic move to ramp up pressure on those executing the brutal war on Gaza.
Yemen’s military checkmate
In light of the current situation, where the US has acknowledged the futility of its military strategy and is clamoring to devise a diplomatic solution, Sanaa has clearly demonstrated its relevance to any and all West Asian geopolitical calculations.
Its stunning achievements of the past six months include Sanaa’s ability to disrupt the Israeli economy by cutting off or lengthening trade routes for Israel’s essential imports. This can be seen most notably in Eilat, where the operational disruption of Israel’s southernmost port has led to significant job cuts by the port’s operating company and paralyzed shipping entirely.
Ansarallah has also thwarted retaliatory measures by the west’s most celebrated naval forces, made a mockery of their ramshackle “coalition,” and created complex challenges for US hegemonic ambitions in the Persian Gulf, both presently and in the long term.
Moreover, Yemen has showcased remarkable political and military maneuverability, demonstrating that a single resolved Arab state can provide the Palestinian resistance with a potent negotiating tool.
Importantly, through its military operations in the region’s waterways, Sanaa has solidified its position within the Axis of Resistance, transforming into one of the most effective forces in the Axis’ Unity of Fronts strategy. All, while drawing British and American naval assets into vulnerable – and unwinnable – positions and successfully hindering Israel’s shipping connections with the world.
A rising regional power
According to al-Houthi’s most recent count, Yemen’s numerous military operations have launched over 520 missiles and drones to target naval assets and areas in southern Israel. Ninety vessels have been targeted to date, with 34 operations conducted only between 4–5 March using 125 ballistic and winged missiles and drones.
In contrast, the US and UK have launched nearly 500 raids since their ill-conceived naval coalition began ops, resulting in the martyrdom of nearly forty Yemenis.
Six months into the war, Yemen continues to demonstrate its strategic capabilities on land, in regional waterways, and even in the world’s oceans. Yemeni officials hint at further military “surprises” still to come, which they may deploy depending on Israeli actions in Gaza and the broader region, as well as the actions of its US enabler, which Sanaa views as the most destructive and destabilizing force for West Asia’s security and stability.
Black Sabbath “Heaven and Hell” REACTION & ANALYSIS by Vocal Coach/Opera Singer
- Girls often understand what a guy is implying, but they may feign innocence.
- Women tend to develop feelings for those who maintain distance from them.
- Many women enjoy engaging in what society deems “promiscuous” behavior, yet they recoil from being labeled as such.
- When deeply in love, women may exhibit childish tendencies around their partners.
- If a woman truly loves a man, she’ll likely inform him when other men attempt to flirt with her.
- Cooking for someone often signifies care and affection from a woman.
- A woman may choose to be intimate with a man based on his character and identity.
- Beware of the woman whose father was the first to break her heart; she may have deep-seated trust issues.
Green Chile Ground Beef Burritos
Burritos with a ground beef filling are a favorite in our family.

- 2 pounds ground beef
- 1 onion, diced
- 2 (4 ounce) cans diced green chiles
- 3 cups water
- 4 cloves garlic, pressed
- 3 to 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour*
- 1 to 2 cups water*
- 1 can El Pato tomato sauce*
- Brown ground beef; add onion and garlic and toss until onion is soft.
- Add green chiles.
- Sprinkle flour over it to make a crumbly mix.
- Add water and El Pato to desired thickness. Simmer.
- Serve on warm tortillas, with any topping you like…sour cream, salsa, cheese, cilantro, jalapeños, etc.
* or use 1 can El Pato green enchilada sauce – or use homemade
My boyfriend broke up with me because I told him I wanted to wait. Is it my fault for denying his “needs”? He is 21 and I’m 19, we had been dating for a year and a half now.
You’ve been dating him for a year and a half at age 19, and told him that you still want to wait — that is your right. You get to decide who you want to have sex with, and when, and that includes the right to wait for as long as you want, or even to never have sex at all if that is your wish.
He, on the other hand, clearly wanted sex to be part of his relationship, and after waiting for you for a year and a half, he found he could no longer be happy in a sexless relationship, and what you are offering is not what he wants — so he did the rational thing and left you in order to search for a partner that has desires more in line with his.
Many of the other answers here place blame on him, and for example claim that if he truly loved you, he’d be willing to wait, or that clearly he was only interested in getting laid. Such allegations are unjust, it’s quite possible to genuinely love someone, but still to realize that you have to leave because the two of you aren’t compatible. And accusing someone of only wanting to get laid after staying in a sexless relationship with you for a year and a half is utterly unreasonable. (in addition to that, there is NOTHING wrong with wanting sex as part of a relationship and being unwilling to stay in sexless relationships.)
But other answers place blame on you and say for example that it’s “selfish” for a woman to refuse to sleep with her partner. This is nonsense. Sex should be mutual and pleasurable and wanted by everyone involved, and is not some kind of service that women should “provide” to men if you’re not into it. Your body is your own, and you should say yes to sex when you genuinely want to, and only then.
Neither of you are to blame. You want different things, so you’re not compatible with each other, and you’re likely both better off looking for a partner that shares your ideas about what a relationship should be like.
What are some things that psychologists know, but most people don’t?
- You have a desperate need for mental engagement. You are starving but then you suddenly see the new trailer of Sherlock Holmes. Before you know it, hours have passed without any sensation of hunger.
- Sleeping in a cold room can help you slim down. According to research conducted by commonwealth university, just one month of sleeping in a 66-degree room helped increase the subject’s fat-burning ability by 10%.
- The researcher found that you can read faster with a single wide column, but still, people prefer shorter lines & multiple columns.
- You Quit in 2 situations
- When a challenge is tougher and you have beginner-level skills.
- When you have advanced-level skills and the challenge is too easy.
- All your habits of thinking & acting are stored in your subconscious mind. Even just thinking about doing something different from what you’re accustomed to, will make you feel tense and uneasy.
- The research found that for each hour a person between the ages of 40 and 59 spends watching TV, their risk of developing Alzheimer’s increases by 1.3 %.
- Listening to high-frequency music makes you feel relaxed, calm, and happy.
- Fake smiles can hurt you. The researcher looked at the behaviour of bus drivers, & found that these people withdraw from their work by putting smiles for show & it has long term deleterious health effects.
- Psychologists found that people struggling to make complex decisions did best when they were distracted and were not able to think consciously about the choice at all.
What you Gain from this space by becoming its member.
- No more random motivational screenshots & one-liner answers, you will get facts that are backed up by the latest research papers.
- Now you don’t need to waste your valuable time on understanding the difficult terms of a research paper.
- No Bullshit, pure research-based information with real references which you can check by yourself.
China takes a hard line with Yellen
The fact that Lavrov met with Xi while Yellen was there speaks volumes !
“In light of the recent aggressive statements by the French political leaders, who openly announced plans to send troops to Ukraine, I should like to bring up the anniversary of a crushing defeat that Paris sustained in Vietnam, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the French colonial empire.
We believe that remembering those events should be a warning for all those in the Elysee Palace who have been literally haunted by Napoleon’s shadow these days.
The Battle of Dien Bien Phu, often referred to as the Vietnamese Stalingrad, claimed thousands of lives.
The brutal confrontation took place from March 13 to May 7, 1954 and marked a turning point in the eight-year war between the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and France’s colonial forces.
In 1946-1954, France, supported by Washington, unleashed the Indochina War in a bid to maintain its influence in the region after World War II.
It should be specifically noted that the French colonial troops were a motley mix of foreign legionnaires, mercenaries of all stripes, including Nazi fugitives hiding from trial and hoping to start over with a clean slate with Paris’s help.
However, they dirtied it again, as the brutality of their methods had no limit.
Just like the Americans who came to the Vietnamese land later, what they did was close to scorched-earth tactics.
For 54 days, the Vietnamese revolutionary army demonstrated extraordinary military valour in the battle of Dien Bien Phu. They also appeared exceptionally skilled in the art of war.
In fact, it became so bad that the French soldiers hastily left their positions as soon as they heard that the Vietnamese were advancing.
The decisive phase of the battle, the general assault, began on May 1.
By that time, the garrison’s morale was close to rack bottom – the French were in panic.
The total death toll was over 2,000 killed on the French side. Nearly 12,000 French troops were captured – only a few managed to escape from Dien Bien Phu.
The most capable French troops in Vietnam – paratroopers and legionnaires – almost ceased to exist.
The surrender of the French garrison of Dien Bien Phu on May 7, 1954 finally broke the morale of the French command, extinguishing any faith or hope for a good ending of the war in Vietnam.
Before the start of active operations, the hawks in Paris boasted they would ‘defeat the crowd of Vietnamese peasants armed with flintlock rifles and bamboo sticks in just a couple of weeks.’
Along with a crushing military defeat, France suffered high reputational losses, as its international influence as a former member of the anti-Hitler coalition fell dramatically.
The very next day after the fall of Dien Bien Phu, ceasefire talks began in Geneva.
The war ended with a convincing victory of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the withdrawal of French troops in July 1954.
Ten years later, in 1964, remembering that defeat, French President Charles de Gaulle warned US President Lyndon Johnson against a military operation in Vietnam, prophetically calling it a very risky venture.
But France then had an independent voice and the capacity to pursue an independent foreign policy.”

Photo: Vietnamese President Hồ Chí Minh and members of the Party Central Committee (from left to right: Phạm Văn Đồng, Trường Chinh, and General Võ Nguyên Giáp) convened to decide the opening of the 1953-1954 Winter-Spring Offensive and the Điện Biên Phủ Campaign. The meeting took place in Phú Đình Commune, Định Hóa District, Thái Nguyên Province, in 1953.
Excerpt from remarks by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova during the briefing, April 10, 2024. Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Is it possible for China to use its anti-ship ballistic missiles, such as the DF-21D, to attack US carriers at sea if needed?
The worst case for the US is that the US starts a war and all US ships within 2,000 miles of the China will be sunk.
Not only does China has the DF-21 which has a range of 1,200 miles. That is actually a medium range ASBM. It hit Mach 10 at terminal phase. China also has DF-26, which hits Mach 18 at terminal phase.
China is now onto their second generation hypersonic wave glider. These are even scarier than the ASBMs. As they come in at a hundred feet above the Ocean surface. At Mach 8 for the one type and Mach 12 for the second type.
The second generations has a range of almost 5,000 MILES. In other words, it can hit Hawaii and ships on the other side of Hawaii, towards the CA coast.
So yeah, the US should not be messing with China as the Chinese can sink all US ships in the Western Pacific if they want to.
Carne Asada Guacamole Cheese Burrito

Cook: 1 hr 30 min | Yield: 4 servings
Carne Asada
- 1 pound sirloin steaks
- 1/4 cup coconut sauce
- 1/4 cup lime juice
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 ripe avocados
- 1/4 cup red onion, diced
- 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
- 1 small jalapeño, seeds removed and finely minced
- 1 tablespoon lime juice
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 4 burrito size tortillas
- 1 cup shredded cheese (Cheddar, Monterey Jack or a blend)
- Fresh cilantro leaves
- Limes, cut into wedges
- Marinate the Carne Asada. In a shallow dish, combine the soy sauce, lime juice, garlic, chili powder, salt and pepper. Place the steak in the marinade, turning to coat it evenly. Cover the dish with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or preferably overnight, to allow the flavors to meld.
- Cut the avocados in half, remove the pits, and scoop the flesh into a bowl. Mash the avocados with a fork until it reaches your desired consistency (chunky or smooth).
- Add the diced red onion, chopped cilantro, minced jalapeño, lime juice, salt, and pepper to the mashed avocados. Mix everything together until well combined. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed.
- Heat grill or stovetop grill pan over medium-high heat. Remove the marinated steak from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes.
- Grill the steak for about 4 to 5 minutes per side, or until it reaches 145 degrees F for medium rare or your desired level of doneness. Transfer the grilled steak to a cutting board and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing it thinly against the grain.
- Heat the tortillas in a dry skillet or over an open flame until they become warm and pliable. On each tortilla, place a generous amount of cheese. Add a few slices of the grilled Carne Asada on top of the guacamole. Garnish with fresh cilantro.
- Serve the Carne Asada Guacamole Cheese Tacos immediately with lime wedges on the side for squeezing over the tacos.
Per serving: 550 Calories; 266.6 Calories from fat; 29.6g Total Fat (9.1g Saturated Fat; 12.2g Monounsaturated Fat); 84.2mg Cholesterol; 1015.3mg Sodium; 40.2g Total Carbohydrate; 9.4g Dietary Fiber; 33.5 g Protein; 18mg Iron; 895.3mg Potassium; 0.3mg Thiamin; 0.3 mg Riboflavin; 13.9mg Niacin (NE); 0.8mg Vitamin B6; 1.3mcg Vitamin B12; 5.2mg Zinc; 32.8mcg Selenium; 105.3mg Choline
This recipe is an excellent source of Protein, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin (NE), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Selenium, and Zinc. It is a good source of Potassium, Iron, and Choline.
What are the strangest things you’ll find in a desert?
Imagine being lost in the desert, desperate for water. Crawling through the sand. Praying to find something.
Your hike went wrong and now you can’t find anyone. You are sure you’ve gone miles in the wrong direction.
You lay in the sand. Waiting to die.
You hear a phone ring.
That’s right. A phone. There are phone booths in the middle of deserts – sometimes.
One such phone booth was situated in the Mojave Desert, 12 miles from the nearest type of pavement.
A man, Godfrey Daniels, read in a magazine, about this strange desert phone booth.
He then became obsessed with this phone booth. Who calls this phone booth? What is it for? How? What? Why? What does it all mean?
Who would answer a phone booth in the middle of nowhere?
He then began calling this phone booth every single day. Trying to find out who would answer.
Every day, he got up, he called the booth. Then, later in the day, he called again. This continued for months.
Eventually, he called and it was busy. This was a major breakthrough. It meant someone was using the phone!!!
He waited a few minutes. Then he called again. Still busy. Waited a few minutes – called again.
A woman picked up.
They talked for a bit. She was a local miner who occasionally used this phone booth. That’s all she knew.
He then made a website about this mysterious phone booth. And people from all over the country started calling it, wondering who would answer if they decided to call the desert.
(Source: The Mojave Phone Booth. Betsy Malloy.)
This phone booth took on this mystical status in American sub-culture for a brief time in the late 1990s, referred to as “The loneliest phonebooth on earth.” It became a minor spiritual destination.
LA Times reporter John Gigliorma made a journey out to the booth and met all sorts of people that arrived for any number of reasons, boredom, curiosity, spiritual journeys, adventure – as it would be like visiting mars, wanting proof it existed, wanting to see who would call them while they were there.
He even met a man, Rick Karr, who said he’d been commanded by God to go answer the phone. Karr spent 32 days camped out by the booth answering phone calls. (Source: Reaching Way Out. LA Times. Glionna, James)
Eventually, the chaos got to be out of hand and the park service requested the phone booth be removed as it was creating litter and a safety hazard as randoms from the internet had no business being in this extreme region (also home to Death Valley).
In turn, the phone company had it taken out.
But then –
Someone came and put a gravestone commemorating the Phone booth.
But the gravestone started to attract more trouble as people began arriving from all directions to pay tribute.
The park service eventually had the gravestone removed as well and that concluded the legacy of this magic phone booth.
RIP Mojave Phone Booth.
What sentence has someone said to you that is still stuck in your head?
Around 1988, our strict Muslim, much older next door neighbor signaled me to come into her home. I noticed that she had nervously glanced around before extending the invitation, and rushed me inside before closing the door.
During our brief visit, she talked of being a pediatrician in Iran before the Shah fell. She also mentioned she needed two items for the meal she was preparing, but she had to wait for her son to return to take her to a nearby grocery. It was a gorgeous California day, and failing to remember what I had learned about strict Islamic doctrine from two Iranian college friends, I offered to walk with her to the store. She recoiled in horror, so I changed my offer to drive her. Her response remained mortified, her countenance stiff, her eyes glaring at me.
Several uncomfortable moments passed; I decided I should leave and started to rise from my chair. She grabbed my arm, gripping it tightly and quietly said:
“You are proof there is hope for the rest of us.”
I consider her statement among the most profound ever said to me.
Western Woman DISRESPECTS Passport Bros, INSTANTLY Regrets It!
It’s 2024. This is reality.