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So we danced on their grave…

Many years ago, I worked for Honda doing some R&D into crash safety mechanisms. We ran into an issue where we had actuators requiring a couple of joules to trigger them, but in the context of a car crash we only had a couple of milliseconds. This caused a near intractable problem; a joule is a reasonable amount of energy, a millisecond is a reasonable amount of time in a car crash, but a joule per millisecond is a kilowatt which is an unreasonably large amount of electricity. We just didn’t have spare kilowatts of electrical power sitting around.

One of my Japanese coworkers had an aerospace background, and suggested thermal batteries. These are batteries with almost zero self-discharge and a 20+ year shelf life. When needed, a pyrotechnic charge melts an insulating eutectic salt within the battery, which turns into a liquid and suddenly becomes a highly conductive electrolyte for the battery. When the salt is in its molten form, the battery can provide obscenely large amounts of power for a short amount of time. One American company, EaglePicher, dominates the global supply of thermal batteries.

We worked with Eagle to select a battery that met our needs in rapid melting, and tried to buy two of these batteries for our tests. We ran into an issue where they were held up in US customs in LAX for several months, requiring lots of paperwork before we could get them to the testing facility in Tochigi prefecture, Japan. When the batteries finally arrived in Japan, we understood why. They came in large boxes labeled “CAUTION MISSILE PARTS”.

In looking for a battery with light weight, good shelf life, and the ability to rapidly produce kilowatts of electricity, we had accidentally selected the exact model of battery used to power the radar in an AIM-120 AMRAAM, the advanced medium range air to air missile used by the USAF.

So, one answer to the question is that some missiles use thermal batteries.

I will note that I’m translating from Japanese. I called them “netsu denchi” at work, and I’m pretty sure the English name is “thermal battery”, but it’s a technology I’ve never worked with in English, even though English is my first language. They are also called “molten salt batteries” and I’m not sure which English name is more common.

Shorpy stuff

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China’s modernization beyond the expectations of Canadian vlogger

You use liquid propellants because it gives you better performance.

But you have to load it right before you launch it.

So satellite launches use liquid.

Missiles use solid. Solid propellant is very stable and is sealed into the rocket engine. So no air reaches the fuel. It can sit somewhere for years or a decade and still work when taken off the shelf.

Pregnant Cat Sits in the Rain, Having Nowhere to Go and Begging for Food On the Road

In 2019, a retired French police officer joined a popular game show on television. He laughed, sharing some banter with the host. Just a friendly older gentleman, having some fun. His name was François Vérove and he didn’t do very well in the show — after just two rounds, he was booted from the show. He took it in stride, and went off. Its all fun and games, right?

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In the 1980s and 1990s, a series of rapes and crimes shocked the Paris region. Nine young girls and children died in the attacks, twenty more survived. Barely. Those who survived all described the attacker as “a pock-marked man”. He would flash his police badge to get the young victims to cooperate. They would do as he told them, although authorities believed he likely made use of a false badge. The perpetrator couldn’t possible be one of them, right?

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But he was. It was police officer François Vérove all along.

Vérove changed his appearance, growing a beard to hide his facial scars, scars that were particularly bad in the lower half of his face according to some survivors. He married, fathered two children and lived a normal life. In 1997, he committed his final murder. He then stopped, afraid DNA evidence would one day catch up with him. Still, he didn’t hide — he even joined a game show, laughing with the host and audience…

François Vérove received a phone call in 2021 — all police officers active in the area the killings took place were to give a DNA sample to police to help the investigation as recent evidence had shown it may have been a cop, after all. A total of 750 men received the call. Vérove, knowing his time was up, wrote a suicide note confessing to the crime. Then took his own life. Some monsters hide in plain sight, and aren’t shy about being seen.

We had a cheap kiddie swimming pool for the summer when our sons were small. They were having a wonderful time one hot summer day jumping in and out of the pool laughing and occasionally shrieking as they splashed other. At about 11:00am, a police car pulled up in front of the house and an officer walked into the back yard. The kids were very excited to see a policeman until he sternly started lecturing me about a noise complaint from my neighbor.

I was furious (I still am 20 years later). I indignantly pointed out that the “noise complaint” was normal children’s play in the middle of the day when there were no noise restrictions. With a pompous tone, he told me to “keep it down” and he didn’t want to have to return.

This launched 5 years of noise complaints from my neighbor when my sons played in the backyard. We didn’t have the money for a legal fight. I was often forced to keep my children indoors to play because she would complain whenever they were outside.

The noise complaints ended when the kids complained to me that this neighbor was trying to scare them with her car while they were waiting for the school bus. We share a long driveway with a group of houses and all the kids wait for the bus at the entrance to the driveway. I talked with the other neighborhood children who said she yelled at them to get out of her way and drove her car very close to them to scare them to jump into the bushes.

The next morning, I walked down the driveway with my sons to wait for the bus. Sure enough, as we were waiting on the side of the driveway where the bus stopped, the neighbor came whipping into the driveway at a high speed and drove within 6 inches of me. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. I told the dispatcher that my children and I were being threatened by the driver of a motor vehicle while waiting for the bus. The police were there within minutes. The officers took my report with eager embellishment from the neighborhood children until the bus arrived. The officer tried to dismiss it as the long running neighbor dispute. I pointed out that this was a threat with a deadly weapon — a motor vehicle — and that a child could end up injured or dead.

He have a small smile and said “I’ll talk to her.” He must have put the fear of god into her because we never had another complaint and she drives carefully whenever someone is walking in the driveway. I suspect the entire department was tired of her complaints. I think it helped that this was the first complaint I had ever made against her.

But this did have long term consequences. On the good side, my sons were very careful about noise and parties as teens. Today as adults they are both highly skilled esports gamers. But on the negative side, they do not do any outdoor exercise except walking (which is pretty silent). My husband and love being outdoors and my sons do not.

Why I Won’t Move To The USA – American Expat Life

Living abroad for 14 years has given me a unique perspective on the country that I come from. 

Even though I've been far removed from the goings on I've always kept up with what is happening there and have challenged myself on whether expat life is the right life for me, or would moving to the United States be a better choice. 

I believe it's important to take a look at the financial aspects of life abroad and in this episode, I'll bring up some comparisons specifically in regard to the cost of living in Portugal compared to the US, and the resulting implications for work-life balance. 

But as an American abroad, there are some elements I also can't help but look at such as the American work ethic, credit scores, and opportunities for small business. Yet while there are positives that are possible to look at, there are approaches to life I feel are more common to find among certain cultures. 

One such problem that unfortunately, I find more among many Americans is how material pursuits can overshadow some of life's most meaningful moments and details that can be missed. 

In this expat living abroad podcast episode of Not Your Average Globetrotter hosted by me, Rafael Di Furia, will take a critical exploration of American dynamics from an expat's perspective.

Many times! I was just a little girl. My Mother and I were at the grocery store when a man came up to my Mom, greeting her. She said hello as she grabbed me, pulling me behind her and pressed my body close to her. I didn’t know why she did that, the man was just saying “Hello” He bent down and asked me “And who do we have here?”

I was just about to tell him my name when my Mom blurted out “This is my youngest daughter.” He smiled and said “WOW! You have your hands full!” “8 girls and 1 boy, how do you manage?” “If you need I can take this one off your hands!”

He playfully reached around and held out his hand. It scared me. He seemed serious about taking my hand. My older sister came around the corner and saw the man reaching for me.

She told the man, “ I highly suggest you leave my Mom and sister alone!” “I’m going to tell my Father you had the gall to even greet my Mother and reach for my sister!” She was very angry.

He said it wasn’t necessary to tell my Father.( I know why now 😁)We got home and I asked why the man seemed odd(to the least!)

Mom told me “Do you know monsters are real?”

I was wide eyed and afraid. Mom told me monster’s do exist but it’s hard to tell because they look like a normal person. She said anytime you see that man walk away or find anyone around and tell them this man is bad.

Help me and make him go away. “ I will but why?” This man has been in jail because he took a child walking home and threw them in his car. He is mean to children.

A few weeks earlier 3 of my sisters were at the Five and Dime store. He took my 3 year old Cousin from my sister’s arms and started running away with him. My sisters screamed for help and yelled “STOP THAT MAN, HE JUST TOOK MY SON!” “HELP!” HE HAS MY BABY, STOP HIM!”

A man nearby tripped him, my sister grabbed my Cousin and the man started hitting him and yelled for someone to call 911. The police came and arrested him.

My sisters told the police he said “Your baby has beautiful teeth but he won’t after I get ahold of him.” The cashier called my parents.(This was in the early 70’s so no cell phones)

My Father approached the man and told him what he was going to do to him and they weren’t nice things. I told this story to my son years later. I told him monster’s don’t always look like the monsters we see in movies. They look like a regular person. If you ever get a bad feeling when you’re talking to an adult, trust your feelings and run away. I want you to yell “Stranger danger” as loud as you can and run to anyone nearby.

I didn’t want to scare my son but on the other hand I did. I told him exactly what the stranger may do to him if he took him. The expression on my son’s face was pure fear. I had to tell him though because that way he’d understand. Tell your kids about “Stranger danger” and make sure they understand. It could save thier life. ❤️

"I have one question for you: can you watch Chinese or Russian TV in Switzerland?

[In Germany, we cannot. In Switzerland, we can have Russia Today, but in Germany, everything is forbidden.]

If it's forbidden, is it a democracy?

In Serbia, you can watch Ukrainian TV, Russian TV, Chinese TV, and also American TV, British TV, Swiss TV, French TV, German TV—whichever you want. That's your choice.

Who is defining what democracy is?

You know, when I was very young, almost a kid, I was very bad at drawing or painting—totally untalented.

I drew a horse, but the horse didn't look like a horse. I had to make an inscription below saying, 'This is a horse.'

That's what they do today.

When nobody sees that there are democratic forces, they say, 'We are democracy, and you are not.' And that's it."
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Excerpt from remarks by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić in an interview with Roger Köppel for Die Weltwoche, June 8, 2024.

Small Black Bundles

We all have too much to lose. Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

The Biden administration and NATO have steadily escalated participation in the Ukraine-Russia war. Recently, Biden authorized Ukraine missile attacks deeper into Russia’s territory using U.S.-made ATACMS ballistic missiles, which have a range of up to 190 miles. All of the expertise necessary to target and guide these attacks will come from the U.S. and NATO.

On May 22, Ukraine drones attacked two Russian nuclear early warning radars at Armavir. Much of the targeting and guidance expertise had to have come from the U.S. and NATO. Suddenly deprived of part of their ability to detect incoming threats, if the Russians had assumed the worse—that they were under nuclear attack and the drone strike was meant to cripple their command and control capabilities—the U.S. and NATO risked a nuclear response.


The U.S.-led alliance is at war with Russia, a fact that’s downplayed or ignored by American mainstream media. Being in a “hot” war with Russia increases the likelihood of nuclear war, triggered either accidentally or intentionally, beyond even the possibility that existed during the Cold War. That possibility was almost realized during the Cuban Missile Crisis. John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev demonstrated wisdom and courage in stepping away from the brink. Now, both sides are trash talking, threatening to use nuclear weapons. Their bluster increases the chances of nuclear war.

An American public that was recently scared into masks, social distancing, lockdowns, deadly experimental vaccines, and the evisceration of civil liberties by a germ about as dangerous as a bad flu bug seems blissfully unaware of the much more severe risks of nuclear war. American officials prattle on about “tactical” nuclear weapons, “escalatory dominance,” and “limited” nuclear war, oblivious to the reality that they control only one side of a chain of decisions to respond and escalate once a conflict goes nuclear.

It would be enlightening to review the effects of atomic bombs on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The following excerpts and quotes come from The Making of the Atomic Bomb, by Richard Rhodes, Simon and Schuster, 1986, from a chapter titled “Tongues of Fire.” The Hiroshima bomb was the equivalent of 12,500 tons of TNT and the Nagasaki bomb 22,000 tons of TNT. Current thermonuclear, or hydrogen, bombs—predominantly deployed today—have an explosive force three orders of magnitude greater, measured in the tens of millions of tons of TNT, over 1,000 times as powerful. So far, these have never been used against humans.

On the morning of August 6, 1945, 8:16:02 local time, “Little Boy,” a uranium-235 gun-type fission bomb dropped from Enola Gay, an American B-29, exploded 1,900 feet above a hospital in Hiroshima.

“Just as I looked up at the sky,” remembers a girl who was five years old at the time and safely at home in the suburbs, “there was a flash of white light and the green in the plants looked in that light like the color of dry leaves.” Pg. 713

The temperature at the hypocenter, the point on the ground directly below the explosion, was 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit.

. . . . People exposed within half a mile of the Little Boy fireball, that is, were seared to bundles of smoking black char in a fraction of a second as their internal organs boiled away. “Doctor,” a patient commented to Michihiko Hachiya a few days later, “a human being who has been roasted becomes quite small, doesn’t he?” The small black bundles now stuck to the streets and bridges and sidewalks of Hiroshima numbered in the thousands. Pg. 715

The blast wave rocketed several hundred yards from the hypocenter at 2 miles per second before slowing to 1,100 feet per second, destroying everything in its path and throwing up a huge black cloud of smoke and dust.

That boy had been in a room at the edge of the river, looking out at the river when the explosion came, and in that instant as the house fell apart he was blown from the end room across the road on the river embankment and landed on the street below it. In that distance he passed through a couple of windows inside the house and his body was stuck full of all the glass it could hold. That is why he was completely covered with blood like that. Pg. 716

Perhaps the black bundles’ instantaneous deaths were a blessing. From a grocer who escaped into the street:

The appearance of people, was . . . well, they all had skin blackened by burns. . . . They had no hair because their hair was burned, and at a glance you couldn’t tell whether you were looking at them from in front or in back. . . . They held their arms [in front of them] . . . and their skin—not only on their hands, but on their faces and bodies too—hung down. . . . If there had been only one or two such people . . . perhaps I would not have had such a strong impression. But wherever I walked I met these people. . . . Many of them died along the road—I can still picture them in my mind—like walking ghosts. . . . They didn’t look like people of this world. . . . They had a very special way of walking—very slowly. . . . I myself was one of them. Pgs. 717-718

From a young woman:

I heard a girl’s voice clearly from behind a tree. “Help me, please.” Her back was completely burned and the skin peeled off and was hanging down from her hips. Pg. 718

A young sociologist:

The most impressive thing I saw was some girls, very young girls, not only with their clothes torn off but with their skin peeled off as well. . . . My immediate thought was that this was like the hell I had always read about. Pg. 718

A five-year-old boy:

That day after we escaped and came to Hijiyama Bridge, there were lots of naked people who were so badly burned that the skin of their whole body was hanging from them like rags. Pg. 718

A five-year-old girl:

People came fleeing from the nearby streets. One after another they were almost unrecognizable. The skin was burned off some of them and was hanging from their hands and from their chins; their faces were red and so swollen that you could hardly tell where their eyes and mouths were. Pg. 719

The burns, heat, and sounds of horror were unbearable. From a junior-college girl:

Screaming children who have lost sight of their mothers; voices of mothers searching for their little ones; people who can no longer bear the heat, cooling their bodies in cisterns; every one among the fleeing people is dyed red with blood. Pg. 719

Compounding the horror and agony were the fires and smoke. From a five-year-old girl:

The whole city . . . was burning. Black smoke was billowing up and we could hear the sound of big things exploding. . . . Those dreadful streets. The fires were burning. There was a strange smell all over. Blue-green balls of fire were drifting around. I had a terrible lonely feeling that everybody else in the world was dead and only we were still alive. Pg. 720

From a seventeen-year-old girl:

I walked past Hiroshima Station . . . and saw people with their bowels and brains coming out. Pg. 721

To escape the raging fires, many people went to fire reservoirs or one of the seven rivers that flowed through Hiroshima. From a physician sharing his horror with Michihiko Hachiya, director of the Hiroshima Communications Hospital, who kept a dairy of the bombing and its aftermath:

I saw fire reservoirs filled to the brim with dead people who looked as though they had been boiled alive. In one reservoir I saw a man, horribly burned, crouch beside another man who was dead. He was drinking blood-stained water out of the reservoir. Pg 724.

From a young ship designer trying to reach a train station to return to his home in, of all places, Nagasaki:

I had to cross the river to reach the station. As I came to the river and went down the bank to the water, I found that the stream was filled with dead bodies. I started to cross by crawling over the corpses, on my hands and knees. As I got about a third of the way across, a dead body began to sink under my weight and I went into the water, wetting my burned skin. It pained severely. I could go no further, as there was a break in the bridge of corpses, so I turned back to the shore. Pgs. 725-726

From one of Dr. Hachiya’s patients:

The sight of the soldiers, though, was more dreadful than the dead people floating down the river. I came onto I don’t know how many, burned from the hips up; and where the skin had peeled, their flesh was wet and mushy. . . .

And they had no faces! Their eyes, noses and mouths had been burned away, and it looked like their ears had melted off. It was hard to tell front from back. Pg. 726

From a man trying to help his wife escape the city:

While taking my severely-wounded wife out to the riverbank by the side of the hill of Nakahiro-machi, I was horrified, indeed, at the sight of a stark naked man standing in the rain with his eyeball in his palm. He looked to be in great pain but there was nothing that I could do for him. Pg. 725

Many of those who didn’t die in the first few days seemed to improve, but then sickened. American psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, who interviewed survivors, explained:

Survivors began to notice in themselves and others a strange form of illness. It consisted of nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite, diarrhea with large amounts of blood in the stools; fever and weakness; purple spots on various parts of the body from bleeding into the skin . . . inflammation and ulceration of the mouth, throat and gums . . . bleeding from the mouth, gums, throat, rectum, and urinary tract . . . loss of hair from the scalp and other parts of the body . . . extremely low white blood cell counts when those were taken . . . and in many case a progressive course until death. Pg 731

It was radiation sickness, or what the Japanese called “atomic bomb illness.”

Direct gamma radiation from the bomb had damaged tissue throughout the bodies of the exposed. The destruction required cell division to manifest itself, but radiation temporarily suppresses cell division; hence the delayed onset of symptoms. The blood-forming tissues were damaged worst, particularly those that produce the white blood cells that fight infection. Large doses of radiation also stimulate the production of an anti-clotting factor. The outcome of these assaults was massive tissue death, massive hemorrhage and massive infection. . . . Pgs 731-732/

An estimated 140,000 were killed by the end of 1945 and 200,000 within five years from the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. The Nagasaki bomb killed 70,000 by the end of 1945 and 140,000 within five years. For both cities, the five-year death rate was about 54 percent of the population. The percentage killed was an inverse function of distance from the hypocenter. At Hiroshima, almost 100 percent were killed at the hypocenter, and the percentage declined to “only” 10 percent two miles away from it. Property damage was extensive. Of Hiroshima’s 76,000 buildings, 70,000 were damaged, of which 48,000 were totally destroyed.

Many of the Americans who made the decision to drop the bombs thought it would prevent the massive loss of allied lives that an invasion of Japan presumably would have entailed. The destructive force of the bombs and the aftereffects of radiation were generally underestimated. Demonstrating to the world, particularly the Soviet Union, the power of the bomb, and preventing a Soviet invasion of Japan were at least as compelling as military necessity for dropping the bombs. Those who thought the bomb was unnecessary included General Dwight Eisenhower, General Douglas MacArthur, Admiral William Leahy, Major General Curtis LeMay, General Hap Arnold, Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, Brigadier General Carter Clarke, and Ralph Bard, Under Secretary of the Navy.

Almost eighty years later, it’s important to realize that as devastating and deadly as the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were, they would be relatively tiny compared to what would happen today. The blast, fires, and radiation from one thermonuclear bomb, with a yield of 1,000 times that of the Nagasaki bomb’s 22,000 tons of TNT equivalent, would obliterate a city and surrounding countryside and kill tens of millions of people.

For America’s rulers, the other big difference between then and now is that the other side has its own bombs. Because some of the major nuclear powers’ missiles are carried on submarines, there is no way anyone’s response capability could be wiped out with a first strike. A nuclear strike against Russia or China would mean nuclear bombs dropped on American targets.

What should stop American rulers dead in their tracks is that Russia would be better able to withstand a nuclear attack than the U.S. Russian missiles are faster and more maneuverable and their antimissile technology is superior. Russia is much larger than the U.S. and has more room to hide. Their civil defense measures are far more extensive. Russia, as its history repeatedly demonstrates, knows how to play defense, even in the face of staggering losses.

Before the bomb, wars were often won by the side that was able to escalate to a point where the other side couldn’t match it. The World War I standoff was broken when the U.S. entered the war. The idea of escalatory dominance makes no sense when either side of a conflict can escalate to nuclear war and the other side can respond in kind. Seeking escalatory dominance risks escalatory annihilation of both sides, and perhaps of the entire global population.

These considerations would prevent, among rational people, any sort of threat or provocation that could lead to nuclear war. That the U.S. is playing nuclear chicken with Russia is all the proof one needs that its rulers are insane. They may take comfort from their supposedly bomb-proof bunkers and airborne command-and-control centers, but bombs detonated simultaneously in Washington, New York, and Silicon Valley would wipe them out before they ever reached those bunkers or jets.

Nothing is more insane than the desire to destroy one’s self. Among the West’s rulers, this subconscious desire manifests itself in their reaction to a global realignment of power. Their proxy war and sanctions against Russia have been disastrous failures. Russia and China lead a confederation of a majority of the world’s countries that threatens to eclipse the U.S.-led global billion. Western economies rest on a tottering foundation of debt. The totalitarian plans of globalist string-pullers are floundering on the plans’ inherent unworkability and the resistance of millions of people, empowered by decentralizing communications, computing, and weapons technologies (see “Ants at the Picnic,” Parts One and Two).

In their desperation, Western rulers have reached this point: “If we can’t rule the world, we’ll destroy it.” Facing the loss of their exalted positions and potential prosecution for their many crimes, don’t put it past this human excrement to start a nuclear war in a burst of terminal nihilism. Their cohorts in Israel (a nuclear power) may reach the same point in the Middle East—suicide is better than concession.

Even yesterday’s COVID cowards seem indifferent to today’s much more substantial dangers: instant incineration, boiled organs, skin peeling, eyeballs popping, ears melting, body-wide burns, deadly radiation sickness, and, for those that survive, the complete destruction of everything they have and their way of life. There would be hundreds of millions or billions of small black bundles. The death toll would be a several orders-of-magnitude multiple of COVID and its deadly vaccines’ combined final tally. Incidentally, climate would change for the worse, but the climate-change crowd seems unconcerned.

Many Americans may share their rulers’ death wish. Those of us who don’t must do what we can to stop the insane and their insanity. We can start by refusing to support any politician who advocates escalation in either Eastern Europe or the Middle East, rather than diplomacy, negotiations, and peaceful resolutions. Not one dime or weapon more should go to Ukraine or Israel, who both seek full-fledged U.S. military involvement in their wars—escalation that could lead to nuclear war and annihilation. There is no U.S. “interest” that justifies running that risk, certainly not an “interest” in maintaining a faltering empire.

Admittedly a political boycott of war mongering politicians is only a small step, but it’s more than anyone’s doing now. The “movement” would gain membership after the first nuclear bomb detonates, but by then it may well be too late.

Please share this article as widely as possible.

USA is NOT betting on Taiwan.

USA knows it cannot militarily fight China in case of a Taiwan war. Simple reason: distance.

Besides, USA is using China’s Beidou (Chinese version of GPS) which surpasses GPS. China will turn off Beidou in case of a Taiwan war.

A year or 2 ago, there was a China-USA standoff at Guam. Finally, USA left.

What USA is doing with Taiwan is ARMS SALE. Taiwan is a US cash cow. Taiwan has paid dont-know-how-much to buy US weapons but has not received the weapons yet. See, Taiwan is a typical cash cow for USA.

By the way, Taiwan is a province of China, UN says so. Taiwan is China’s internal affairs. UN charter approves any country to protect the integrity of its territory. No country can tolerate secession. Not your country. Not China either.

So China is not invading Taiwan, but to suppress secession. Let’s make that clear.

Vintage illustration


Western chip sanctions guaranteed to fail as thousands of top Chinese scientists return home

S-500 Deployed Earlier Than Expected; Posture Now Consistent with Nuclear First-Strike

Yesterday, this website and radio show reported that Russia had suddenly commenced nuclear launch exercises with their naval group off the coast of Florida.  What I chose to **not** report was that at the same time, Russia expanded its ongoing “Tactical nuclear weapons exercises” from the Southern Military District to also include the Leningrad Military District near St. Petersburg.

The unannounced missile drills off the coast of Florida was nerve-racking enough; but the added information about the expansion of tactical nuke drills to the area around St. Petersburg was just emotionally over the top.

TODAY things got exponentially worse.

Overnight, Russia deployed the second generation of its S-500 air defense systems . . .  around Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Russia’s strategic nuclear missile silos.

This second generation system – the undisputed pinnacle of air defense systems in the world – was not expected to be ready for deployment for at least another six months.

The fact that Russia deployed them last night, and did so in very significant numbers for which mass-production wasn’t even known to be ready, never mind active, around Moscow, St. Petersburg AND their strategic nuclear missile silos, has now changed the balance of power completely.

There’s no gentle way to say this, so I’m just going to say it: This posture is one that would be expected if Russia was planning a nuclear first-strike upon the West, and was readying to defend itself from the counter-strike.

Looking at the timing of all of this, underscores the harsh reality:

Russia announced Tactical nuclear weapons exercises about three weeks ago, and began them two weeks ago in  their Southern Military District.

Russia then sortied eleven nuclear missile submarines into the Atlantic Ocean, about ten days ago.

About three days later, Russia then sortied twenty-seven (27) additional nuclear missile submarines into the Pacific Ocean.

Russia then waited about a week (for the subs to get into position????) and EXPANDED the Tactical nuclear exercises to also include the Leningrad Military District around St. Petersburg.

This means the ENTIRE Russian border with the West, is presently seeing the movement of actual, Tactical nuclear weapons, brought to within striking distance of NATO forces and NATO member countries!

Last night, Russia made a surprise deployment of their newest S-500 “Prometheus” air defense system around Moscow, St. Petersburg, and their strategic ICBM silos.

Added together, E V E R Y indication is that Russia is fully prepared now to launch a severe nuclear first-strike, and successfully defend itself from a counter-strike.

The only things the Russians have not yet done are declare a General War Mobilization of the entire population, and begin moving people into Bomb shelters.

Everything else is already done.

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Any person who have NO physical implant have opened the comm yet?
( I mean truly open it in the sense of hearing explicit voices or 100 percent sure they get some input) . Really hope they can write a document about the details behind the comm. I listen to Hemi-sync like groping in the dark. It’s been almost 7 months, which far exceeds the Commander’s initial evaluation( 1 month at most). I need some guidance.


I am fine with long waiting, what I find hard to accept is the big discrepancy between its prediction and reality. The ratio is more than 1:6. This discrepancy does cause a lot of doubt, so if any person who have succeeded by Hemi-sync solely, I would appreciate some guidance.


I do NOT necessarily need the comm NOW. I need PROOF that without an implant, normal people can open it. I can listen to Hemi-sync for 10 years or more, I have that dedication provided that someone else who succeeded tells me how to train. But what if this is a dead end?
I also don’t understand that number you got from it. You said it said 1 week- 1 month, then I’ll open the comm, which is deception in my opinion. Was it trying to draw a pie(画饼,an Internet slang in China)for me?

All I ask is personal description from some volunteer here. I don’t even want to ask the Commander or you now.You guys are busy enough.However, at least if I succeed in opening the comm , I would help someone by telling them how to open it, and I would email any entity wanting the comm more than 1000 words about how to open it.


You are right, it seems I am not qualified. Then the Commander should have said so in the beginning.

I will wait for service for other entities who have succeeded to post some guide. There is nothing more I want to say now.


I guess I just have to accept the fact that EBP is the only effective way. No one else showed up to humiliate me and tell me I am wrong.(I was wishing someone else could humiliate me in this way)

It is impossible to open the comm in one month by Hemi sync. “in one week” is more like a fairy tale.


And those who think they succeed in opening the comm probably don’t. I had such an experience once, when I asked the Commander about my relationship with the lost battalion. It was the result of ego, not the Commander’s input.

They are just like me, unqualified, in the sense that they cannot differentiate the input from self-talk. We cannot hear explicit voices or exact words. All we would have, even after long term training of years, would perhaps contain vague ideas with emotions at best.

This is my assumption about Hemi-sync.EBP is the option that truly works.


heh heh, I love reading these polite-to-begin-one-offs who soon reveal their true passive-aggressive colours (followed by the inevitable, straight up insults) after a few gentle ripostes on your part, Metallicman. And as you’ve said so many times, this material isn’t for everybody. If only you had a penny for each of them, I’d say. You’d be looking at ownership of several apartment buildings, never mind the individual apartments.
I guess even the Galaxy hoppin’, Dimension surfin’ Domain Commander has a thing or to learn still about fitting himself to somebody else’s view of how things should be.
You couldn’t make it up if you tried, right?


You’re speaking my language, amigo. Crazy ex’s crazy family?
Weirdos in Weirdsville eating WW2 ration baked beans (or something)?
Cats witnessing it all and meaowing: thank Catgod I’m not one of them…
All check on this end.
I had a few stories myself I’d considered sharing, but on second thoughts… 😁… as you say: maaayybee not to everyone’s taste!!

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