Yes. Why?
It all begins with this Bloomberg article…

The idea that it should or can shows absolutely and positively the insanity that grips the United States today.
And there is few things as insane as the American “news” today…
Check out today’s Drudge Report…

Yes, there is a massive push to destabilize China. This is part of that effort. Protests, and massive “news” coverage in the West. It’s a well established NED technique.
But keep reality in mind…

Here’s what is going on ACTUALLY…
The protest did not take place in Urumqi, Xinjiang, but thousands of miles away in Urumqi Road, Shanghai.
The crowd at the Shanghai protest came from the “Nanjing Media College” in Shanghai, a private, third-tier university where the students are largely clueless and the teachers are particularly pro-American. No matter what time of year it is, students and young people are still the best people to agitate. The location of the protest was Urumqi Middle Road, less than 500 meters from the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai.

The linking of the “Urumqi fire” to “Dynamic zero-COVID Policy” has anti-China forces operating behind it.
It is definitely a conspiracy.
Shanghai Urumqi Road Protest…

Confessions of “protesting” students on site. Saying that if anyone gets caught, they must run to their nations’ embassy. (Yes, That’s right. They are not Chinese citizens.) It also says that the Chinese officials will not be nice, and to be careful about posting on Wechat.

The text of the Shanghai Urumqi Road protest is in Traditional Chinese. Not in mainland Chinese.
The only people that use Traditional Chinese characters are those living in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Chengdu, a group of people with Hong Kong dialect shouted “Long Live Freedom, Long Live Democracy.”
Then a man with a local Sichuan accent shouted.” I want your fucking freedom!”
That’s when “the jig was up”. Everyone was aware that these “students” were not locals, and were not mainland Chinese. They couldn’t even understand the local dialect where they supposedly lived.

Two women confronted police in Guangzhou’s Haizhu Square and tried to agitate, shouting in Mandarin to the crowd behind them, “Guangzhou people are standing up!”

A group of locals scolded the two women in Cantonese.

They didn’t even understand what was being said to them!
Faced with the Cantonese language abuse of the Guangzhou crowd, they acted unusually bewildered. How can local mainland Chinese not know Cantonese they wondered.
Even Hong Kong people know and can speak Cantonese. The only Chinese people who cannot are those from Taiwan, and a handful from the extreme Western Chinese regions. Cantonese is well spoken throughout China.
A member of the “Fifth Column” tweeted a question: Why do you tip 1000 in Beijing and Wuhan. 500 tip in Chengdu but only 300 tip in Guangzhou.
Referring, of course, to the “tips” of money from the CIA / NED to protest. These come in packages and sizes.

The people sent to Chengdu speak Hong Kong dialect;
People sent to Guangzhou, can’t understand Cantonese.
The CIA should have mobilized some locals to be more convincing. They might as well have worn signs on their chests that say “I am CIA prevaricator”.

With or without Dynamic zero-COVID Policy, the U.S. will use various excuses to create color revolutions.
The Chinese National Security Agency is getting to work! Yeah. Another CIA agent arrested, and well… he won’t be alive too much longer.

Also the West has predicted wrongly.
As far as I know, it is not the CPC that supports the Dynamic zero-COVID Policy, but the grassroots in China, which is the mainstream public opinion in China.
Do you expect the CPC to go against the mainstream public opinion in China?
At least 80% of the people around me are supporters of the Dynamic zero-COVID Policy, and young people who use VPNs do not make up the majority of China, and these people who earn “tips” to protest are even less representative of mainstream Chinese public opinion.
Compare the economic stats…
China is “kicking butt”, and the United States is floundering.

Kitty sculpture.
I’d buy one.

How does life drain you in the United States of America?
I fucking hate being an American citizen and living in the U.S. I really do. I am ashamed I am a veteran of its armed forces, too. Being an American and living in this country is emotionally, intellectually, and physically exhausting because:
- Guns. Fucking. Everywhere. And no one wants to do anything about it. Even as thousands of people are killed every year because of them, they want LESS restrictions on guns.
- Voting is almost pointless at this point if you live in a conservative state. Trump is gaining steam to be a contender again in 2024, if you can believe that shit. In any other country in the world this would be impossible. Not America. In America, there is no rule of law and you can try to overthrow an election you lost and STILL get a chance to be president again, let alone be allowed to run or never be prosecuted.
- A MILLION Americans dead from a global pandemic that obliterated the economy and devastated families, and Americans insist that listening to scientists and wearing masks and getting shots is for pussies. In fact, they SUE DOCTORS to force them to prescribe HORSE DRUGS to them.
- The hostility towards science and affinity for faith is fucking unbearable. We have people — and there are a lot of people — who believe women should not be able to get an abortion, gay people should not be allowed to marry/adopt children, transgendered people should not be allowed to go to the bathroom, and climate change is just a conspiracy meant to kill American energy jobs…among other things. A sizeable portion of the U.S. (~40%) think God is in control and we should just submit to his will.
- Poor people are treated like absolute shit, particularly minorities and immigrants. We treat people of lesser means deplorably here. It’s WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY worse to be homeless and/or poor in the U.S. than it is in Europe, Asia, or Oceania. Americans were *CHEERING* when the Supreme Court said landlords could start tossing people left jobless out on their asses so they could bring in more profitable tenants. There’s zero safety net here, too. If you lose you’re job in America, your life is over.
I could go on.
Americans get more outraged that you won’t stand for the stupid flag than they do that police murder citizens for minor infractions or that the 99% are supporting the 1% of freeloaders at the top.
And the worst part is that it’s impossible to fix any of it, because the way the Constitution is written, all the states with no people control most of the government.
The Senate is split 50–50 when 50 of those Senators represent 35–40% of the population. To make any change to the Constitution you need 3/4 of states AND 2/3 of Congress, which is an impossible hurdle to clear in today’s environment.
They literally killed the EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT because conservative states oppose it. They oppose EQUAL RIGHTS for fuck’s sake.
Yeah, America sucks. It’s a marginally better country than Russia or Brazil, but that’s a low bar to clear.
**UPDATE 10/31/2022**
Brazil had the common sense to eject their far-right leader. Bolsonaro is outta there now. It seems only America is fucking stupid enough to give the guys who attempted a coup power back…voluntarily…because of inflation…which is temporary.
What a shitshow of a country the U.S. is.
China’s New Super Technology: America Offers $50 Billion
Beautiful Bagels – (using bread machine to make the dough)
“These are what I would describe as “best ever bagels”. They are crisp on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside. I’ve had this recipe for years – and was passed on to me by another bagel lover. They are especially nice eaten whilst they are still warm, spread with Philadelphia Cream Cheese, thin slices of smoked salmon, a good squeeze of lemon juice and some freshly ground black pepper!

- 3 teaspoons yeast
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 cup whole wheat flour
- 2 tablespoons gluten flour
- 1 1⁄2 teaspoons salt
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1 1⁄4 cups water
- Place all the above ingredients into bread machine, and select ‘dough’ cycle.
- Stop the bread machine 40 minutes after the mixing starts (1 hour and 10 minutes from beginning of dough cycle).
- Tip bagel dough out onto a lightly floured surface and gently knead by hand for about 1 minute.
- Cut dough into 8 pieces.
- Roll and’gently massage’ each piece into a snake.
- Dampen and overlap the ends pressing firmly to form a ring.
- Place each ring on an individual piece of baking paper already lightly sprayed with oil.
- Cover all rings with a sheet of baking paper and allow to rest.
- Meanwhile, bring a large pan of water to the boil.
- Carefully lowering each bagel one by one (about 4 at a time) into the pan of boiling water, slide the paper from each bagel ring away.
- Gently turn bagels allowing about 40 seconds on each side.
- Lift each bagel out and drain on absorbent paper towels.
- Place drained bagels on baking baking tray already lined with baking paper.
- Brush each bagel with lightly beaten egg mixed with 1 tablespoon water and 1/2 teaspoon of salt and sprinkle with lots of poppy seeds or toasted sesame seeds.
- Bake in hot oven (220’C, Gas mark 7) for about 15 minutes- or until a nice deep golden brown colour.
- Remove bagels from oven and place on wire rack.

Very Cool

I Supplied the Coke, Guns and Cash for ‘Scarface’
‘The plutonium Doc Brown used in the first Back to the Future picture? We just made that all up’
I grew up around the prop business. I didn’t really want to do it at first, but I decided to do it for a little while before figuring out what I really wanted to do. To my surprise, once I got into it, I really liked it.
I went to work in TV at first, but then I got lucky and got to work in features. I did 60-some pictures. My favorite projects were westerns, because I love antiques and I enjoy hunting for the real stuff. I did all the Back to the Future pictures, and the third one was my favorite because it was a western. I had to find Doc Brown’s gun, and then the effects guys added all the armatures on it.
A lot of prop guys like science fiction, but you can build anything. The plutonium Doc used in the first Back to the Future picture? We just made that all up. I doubt real plutonium looks anything like that, but how many people have seen plutonium anyway?
‘If Al Pacino didn’t feel like something was right, he wouldn’t move forward until he thought it was perfect’
Scarface was the second picture I did with Brian DePalma. DePalma was a very quiet guy — he was always thinking. Scarface was supposed to be a 61-day shoot, but it went to 120 days or something like that. We never seemed to be able to get started until 10 or 11 in the morning. I think some of that was Al Pacino.
If he didn’t feel like something was right, he wouldn’t move forward until he thought it was perfect. Also, he never worked past 6 p.m. — it was in his contract. The movie was running so far over that the studio wanted him to work later. But he found out that the studio executives were coming to the set to get him to work later, so he just didn’t show up to work that day.
‘The only gun on Scarface that wasn’t totally real was the one where Pacino says, ‘Say hello to my little friend’’
I have no idea how many guns I had to supply for Scarface. It was a lot. They were real guns, too. They’re props, but that doesn’t mean they’re not a real gun. It takes a real gun to fire a blank. The only thing that wasn’t totally real was the one where he says, “Say hello to my little friend.”
That was an M16 with an M203 grenade launcher under it. They used those in Vietnam, but you can’t really get your hands on one, so I had to get it manufactured.
Pacino must have fired a thousand rounds out of that gun, and it was hot. When Pacino got shot, he fell on the gun and he burned his hand very badly. They had to take him to the burn hospital to fix his hand, and we shut down for three to five days after that.
Also, for that final shootout, the scene was originally shot with pistols, shotguns and a few oddball rifles. We spent a week shooting it, but DePalma looked at it and hated it. He said, “Let’s get some machine guns in here!” So we shot the whole thing all over again with automatic weapons.
‘When you’ve got stacks of money, usually just the top bill is real, and the rest underneath is dummy money approved by the government’
Depending on the scene, we’d use all real money or just some real money. For something like a poker game, that’s all real cash because, at most, it’s probably only $5,000. When you’ve got stacks of money though, usually just the top bill is real and the rest underneath is dummy money approved by the government. Up close, it looks like dummy money, but from a distance, you can’t tell.
I did a picture where I needed $175,000 in $100 bills. That was Brewster’s Millions and that was the most I ever had to get. I can’t remember how much I needed for Scarface, but most of it was that dummy money because a lot of it was in stacks.
As for the cocaine, nothing fancy or real there — it was simply powdered baby milk that I bought at the market.
Russia Drops “FAB-500” Bombs in Ukraine Today

The Russian Federation has begun utilizing what they call their “FAB-500” munitions. It is a 500 kilogram high explosive bomb enhanced with fuel to create a thermobaric shockwave. (“FAB” = Fuel Air Bomb)
No living thing (with lungs) can survive the shockwave, which can actually be SEEN, as shown in the video below.

Uncaring asshole landlord

This Is How America Ends
I’m not American and I find that video heartbreaking! How American politicians are still walking this earth astounds me. They clearly don’t care about those who elected them.
Polish “Mercenaries” Open-Fire and KILL Ukraine Army Commanders Near Bakhmut

An altercation has taken place between Polish “Mercenaries” fighting FOR Ukraine, and Ukrainian Army officers commanding them.
The Polish Mercs and a grouping of about ten thousand Romanian “Mercenaries” also fighting for Ukraine, were allegedly ordered by Ukrainian Army officers to attack Russian positions around Bakhmut.
Fierce fighting has been going on there for weeks and Ukraine is losing.
The Polish “Mercs” told the Ukrainian Army Officers it would be suicide for them and the Romanians to go attack, everyone else who has done so has been slaughtered by the fortified Russian positions.
The Ukrainians then allegedly told the Polish either attack or WE will kill you for Mutiny, at which point the Polish drew their weapons and KILLED the Ukrainian commanders.
Details right now are very sketchy and people in-the-know are very unwilling to talk about this. It’s all very hush-hush and likely to stay that way.
Address Be Like Left Testicle Dick No.7

What makes Libya worse now than before when Gaddafi was in power?
- Libya has been in crisis since the fall of gaddafi in 2011
- The country has become a hotbed of islamist extremists.
- Militias had been clashing throughout since the fall of gaddafi
- Immigrants from sub saharan african countries have been subjected to modern slavery and therefore libya has become a hotbed for the mediterranean immigrant crisis.
- The country had two governments competing for power from 2014.
- Libya was once a prosperous nation under gaddafi and later own became a war torn nation

3 Idiotic Military Blunders That Lost Battles Before They Started
War has changed greatly over the course of history, that much is obvious. From tactics to weapons to what exactly you’re allowed to do to the opposing forces without being considered a war criminal, those interested in seizing others’ lands in pursuit of liberation, loot, or the second masquerading as the former, follow a much different path than armies of old. I’m sure medieval armies would have loved to have a remote-operated, axe-wielding juggernaut drone that could charge the opposing castle’s champions like heavy-metal Pokemon instead of getting a mace to the face, but they never had such luck.
One constant through any generation of warfare, though, is something that doesn’t have to do with armies, their armaments, or whether or not poisoning is ok. It’s a limitation that ancient lords share precisely with modern generals: the human brain’s constant capacity to make an incredibly dumb decision. Pure brute strength can only ever carry you so far, and one ill-timed miscalculation can cost you infinitely more dearly than a number disadvantage or obsolete artillery. War is a game in which many lives are on the line, and unfortunately, it can be thrown just as easily as a round of League of Legends.
Here are 3 incredibly dumb, and massively devastating, military blunders in history.
The Battle Of Agincourt
For the first incredibly deadly oopsie, let’s look at the famous Battle of Agincourt from the Hundred Years’ War. To set the scene, we can imagine the general state of things before the battle was to begin. In this corner, we have a French army of 20,000 men, primed and ready to deliver a drubbing to the enemy. In the other corner, we have the 27-year-old King Henry V of England, with only 5,500 men, most of whom were currently suffering from dysentery. As you can imagine, the French army had pretty much already marked this as a W. With almost four times the men, and with far fewer of them having active, bloody diarrhea, they were almost celebrating in advance.
However, it was what stood between the armies that would make the biggest difference: a massive, recently plowed field, turned by rain into a sea of deep mud capable of drowning a pig. The English, understandably, didn’t want to fight in the mud, but Henry realized they might be able to goad the French into taking the disadvantageous ground with, basically, a large-scale, medieval version of shouting “HEY, I BET YOU GUYS CAN’T KICK OUR ASS!” His army threw up banners and marched only a small distance forward, but this taunt was enough to send the French Army, their minds filled with an Arnold Palmer of equal parts hubris and bloodlust, charging into a literal shitstorm. Their men and horses immediately got stuck in the mud and became a human shooting gallery for the English archers. By the time the battle ended, the French would surrender after losing nearly 6000 men. The casualty count for the English? Roughly 400. If only the French had played Darkest Dungeon.
The Charge Of The Light Brigade
The Battle Of Karansebes
Though the two military blunders already covered might vary greatly in both time period and cause, they do share a single element that this final entry does not: an enemy. After all, in every fight, there is a winner and a loser (at least objectively), but it takes real talent to lose a battle in which no one else is actually participating. During the Austro-Turkish war, the Austrians managed to pull off this uniquely embarrassing feat in the “battle” of Karansebes. The tale starts, like many great mistakes, with a good quantity of alcohol.
Outside of Karansebes, a group of soldiers were getting good and soused off a supply of schnapps, now mostly known for making 18-year-olds puke at a house party. Another traveling group passing by asked to split the bottle, and were denied. Out of maybe a mixture of pride and a deep love for borrowed schnapps, this quickly turned into a fistfight. This fistfight between soldiers then resulted in a couple rogue discharged firearms.
Now, back in Karansebes, the rest of the army was on high, un-schnapps-filtered alert, and when they heard gunshots, they sounded the alarm, shouting “Turks! Turks!” believing themselves to be under attack. They shouted it loud enough for the drunken tusslers to overhear, who then, not knowing they were the false Turks in question, panicked themselves, and started charging back to camp to help protect it from… themselves.
At this point, we have two groups of Austrian soldiers. One, in Karansebes, fingers on triggers, looking for Turkish soldiers approaching from the horizon. The second, drunk group of Austrian soldiers were now quickly approaching from the horizon. You might be able to play the rest of this out in your mind. The soldier in the city fired on the group riding home. The group riding home assumed their camp had already been taken by the Turks, and fired back. And thus, that night began a battle between the Austrian army and the Austrian army that would result in thousands of casualties and included precisely zero enemies.
Even better, the real Turks did indeed arrive two days later, to find a greatly reduced, rag-tag army in the process of recovering from a battle against themselves. The city of Karansebes had rendered itself defenseless, and the Turks were then all too happy to capture it with minimal fuss. Teaching one of, perhaps, the most important military lessons of all time: don’t bogart the schnapps.
“Progress” Is Not Always A Good Thing

George Carlin – Stand Up About Religion
This man is a genius. We call it comedy only because it’s difficult to accept that he’s right.
What is something you did as a kid that would be considered unsafe for kids now?
The idea of “helicopter parents” had not been invented or even considered. Parents expected us to be doing things on our own without any supervision. Since both my parents and any statute of limitations are long passed, it’s safe to speak about the currently unspeakable!
We would normally leave the house without telling anyone where were going. One time we all left the house, and the parental units left the house thinking we were there. We came home and the front and back doors were wide open, just the screen doors closed. We never told them, they never asked.
There were several large ravines about 1/2 mile away with pretty steep sand hills and cliffs which we climbed or even rode our bicycles down. Usually no problem, but on occasion, the front wheel of the bike would dig in and we would sail over the handlebars into the sand further downhill. If you had a good tumble, the next person might try and do it better! Some of these hills were used by adventurers on motorcycles, we were pioneers of bicycle moto-cross.
We would spend summers and warm weekends in the ravines, exploring and playing in the small river that ran through it, looking for frogs, fish, snakes, lizards or other interesting creatures.
Road hockey games, two or three to the street. Some kids had nets, and most of the time we used boots or garbage cans, or other vertical items as goalposts. A tennis ball was the “puck” of choice and as you played, the wooden blade of the hockey stick would wear down from the full 3″ height to a sharp point that could have been lethal if used with malice. At some point, one enterprising company sold plastic blades that could be attached to the stub of a hockey stick to extend its life. At the time though, regular sticks were around $5 and the blades were about $2, so you didn’t see too many. The cod word “CAR” caused the game to be quickly moved off the road. Mike Meyers grew up in a different part of the city, and a bit later, but it was a universal signal for a quick time out. We tried to play on streets that had curbs, they were much easier than the streets that still had ditches beside the road.
Firecrackers were still legal, but you had to be at least 12 to get them, so we had the older kids buy them for us. May 24th, Victoria Day, was one of the loudest days of the year. Kids would stand around and throw the 2″ ones at each other, and you’d have to duck. The only time you were ever hurt was when someone would jam one down your shirt from behind. If he could run fast, he might do it again. Mostly they were “convinced” by the rest of the guys not to do it again.
We took the bus, by ourselves to areas around town. I took swimming lessons that required 2 buses to get to, and the only thing my mom said was “make sure you get a transfer!” By the time I was 12, we’d take the bus and the subway downtown. No big deal.
We all discovered rockets and explosives, and since my dad was a chemisty prof, he had a copy of the “Chemical Rubber Company Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 1944” which contained so many things that would scare the willies out of Gen Xer parents!
Of course, the Estes rocket engines were great, simple and safe, but we wanted more! How about coloured flames? Check the book! Better propellent? Check the book!

I still have the book, and my dad even updated it to one that even had more current info! I used it in school for chemical compounds in photography. Needless to say, we lit up the nights at times. 😉
Speaking of photography, I began developing film in my early teens. Black and white chemistry is relatively safe, but the colour processes at the time included various acids and cyanide compounds, all availalble from Kodak at your local photography store. We were trusted with these poisons, and don’t forget, we usually were in the dark (actually and metaphically!) about the dangers.
We all survived. Nobody had a cell phone, nobody had to be home befpre dinner and if you were late, you’d end up eating cold leftovers.
I tried to bring my own kids up the same way, and mostly told them not to tell their Mom what we did. We’d go tobogganing on a hill with a 150′ drop, and a hill hat gave a jump at the bottom, and can remember my youngest, who was about 5 at the time flying off, spinning at least one 360 through the air and getting back up the hill for the next ride. We used to play “hockey” with a group of kids and the same young daughter, at 3 or so, had to have a stick and play. She learned to stop by crashing into someone or the boards, but would pick herself up and be giggling back into the fray. Two hours each Sunday and the kids couldn’t wait for the next week’s “game!”
Both daughters survived, one is 42 and the other 38, and those are the memories that I think they are proudest of.
What do I do when my husband gives me the ultimatum that it’s either him or my cat I’ve had for 12 years?

Al Bundy’s Best Insults
When I was 14, I laugh cause it's funny. Now I'm 34, I laugh cause it's true.
Master of the keyboard

A War on Homelessness
This came out in 1990, and every point he made hits its mark flawlessly. America hasn’t changed in over thirty years.
Cats, how did you get your names?
We adopted a young stray tuxedo cat from my cousin who found him under her porch in the middle of winter. She already had her quota of kitties (didn’t know there could be to many kitties?) so had to find him a new home.
He was very skiddish as he had to fight to survive. (We live in central Alberta and December is very cold) He was to be our oldest daughter’s companion and 10th birthday gift as her birthday is right in between Christmas and New years.
She wanted to name him ‘Venus’ after the planet because she was really into planets and space at that time.
I told her to think about rhyming words that would go with Venus because they would become nicknames, and I didn’t want to call the kitty ‘Penis’ by mistake. Lol.
So she settled on ‘Mars’, God of War and it 100% suited him.
He is such a little fighter. The first few weeks he would steal any thing remotely food-like and try to hide it. Cat food, dog food, bread, muffins you name it. (He would try to eat the bread right through the bread bag!!)
The weirdest thing he stole was a small bag of potting soil. He but a hole in the corner of the bag and dragged it across the house. We had white carpets at the time so that was fun to try to clean up.
But all in all Mars (Marsie is a nickname) fits right in with our little family. He is extremely close to our daughter and he sleeps with her every night.
He has been such a wonderful companion for her especially her going through growing up and the ups and downs of that. I’m so thankful he came into our lives when he did, he certainly is a huge blessing.

Jetson – the Family of the Future
One of the best cartoons as a kid. Those cartoons in the 1970s were classics and hard to beat with the ones airing now. I remember the Saturday morning cartoons were what kids woke up early for…. with only 12 channels on the TV.
People Getting Coffee vs. 30 People Enjoying Coffee
Think about it. Pause. Think.

What are the benefits of going to jail/prison?
One of the benefits…if you do enough time…is that you will not do anything stupid enough again to get yourself sent back to prison.
If you didn’t do much time the first time or two you’ll probably try something else and go back to prison.
I used to see those guys coming in and out, in and out. Again and again.
There are benefits to going to prison for a good jolt. But I guess it really just depends on the person.
I know some people who did just a little time and learned their lesson, and I know some who came back again and again and again and literally didn’t learn their lesson until they got struck out and received a life sentence.
Ukro-nazis preparing another batch of “Russian atrocities™”

Very sad

What was the turning point of your life that changed you completely?
I purchased The Sunday NY Times.
I never read or bought The NY Times before that day. Today I’m an avid reader.
I am a firm believer in faith, Karma, destiny and a higher being. Just not the Church.
It was going on six months since losing my job at a CALDOR department Store (They went out of business). I became miserable and started a downward spiral into depression.
Here’s a pic for those too young to know.

The job paid $4.35 per hour in 1998. And it was my full time job. I was going to auto tech school at night hoping for a better career one day.
I started drinking heavy. I didn’t care. It was bad enough that I was already poor, on welfare and housing assistance. But when all that misery combined with alcohol, my situation made me feel even more hopeless. And I was ready to let go.
But life turned into a blessing on that fateful Sunday. I got up around 7:00AM to go buy more beer. It used to be illegal to sell beer before 12:00PM on Sundays in NY. But because I’m a regular from the neighborhood, I was allowed to tuck the bottle in my jacket.

I started to walk out after my purchase when I decided to buy a NY Daily News. But it’s too early. No daily news, only The NY Times. So I grabbed one, handed over my $1.50 and walked out.

I immediately went to the help wanted ads when I got back in my apartment. And there it was. The biggest help wanted add on the page.

$12 – $18 per hour.
For one day only 9AM-12PM. on that following Monday.
Doors close promptly at 12.
I was twenty-four years old and never came close to earning $5 per hour.
I woke up early that Monday morning. And gave myself two hours to get there for a trip that takes about one hour. I put on my Sunday best, grabbed some résumés and started my trip to the JFK Hilton.
I arrived and found the conference room and it was barren. There were only about fifty people in the conference room. It didn’t feel like a job fair. I almost turned around because I thought I was in the wrong place.
We were called in the order that we signed in. I watched as some people left after the short interview and some sat back down. I was one of the people that was told to sit back down after my interview.
Round two came as fast as round one. This company has this job fair thing down to a science. I’m called back up to the table by Mrs. Alexander. I will never forget her. She hands me a drug test cup and says follow me. A drug test! at a job fair. Probably the best way to weed out the druggies.
After that, I fill out all my employment forms. And then she says. “let’s go over some things while we wait for your results. Because of your experience and interests I have decided to hire you as a motor pool mechanic. This is your rate of pay, you will be on 90 days probation with random drug testing, report to this man at this location this time next Monday. Now read and sign your code of ethics booklet.”
(And with the most beautiful motherly I understand what you have been going through smile) Mrs. Alexander says “Congratulations Gerry and fix your tie.”
I’M HIRED! The whole process took all of 40 minutes. I went from $4.35 per hour. To $16.52 in 40 minutes. I walked out of that Hilton with tears in my eyes.
It only gets better from there. I start work and immediately fall in love with the company, the work hours, the people, and of course the pay. Life got good and was only going to get better.
I get great advice from an older worker. One can go anywhere in this company. Just get your Qualies (Qualifications) for everything, go to class for everything, read and study everything and then get your ass out of the motor pool.
So I did just that. I went from repairing company vehicles at the motor pool, to lineman electrician, and now my present position as a locomotive engineer earning six figures. Six figures with a high school degree and a technical school certificate. And I can honestly say that I do not mind paying taxes at the end of every year.
Being poor and uneducated gave me serious depression. And That Sunday NY Times was destiny.
- If the NY Daily News was available that Sunday I wouldn’t have bought The NY Times.
- The job fair had few people because poor people won’t pay $1.50 for the Sunday NY Times when the NY Daily News is only $ 0.75.
- And NY Times readers don’t usually look at the help wanted ads.
Something was definitely pulling the strings behind the scenes for me. I was going the opposite direction of where I am today.
American Cookie Cutter Suburb: Autocentric, Boring, Dystopian, Void Of Soul, Void Of Culture, Void Of Happiness

Very Serious Shortages Of Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Tamiflu, Albuterol And Tylenol Have Erupted All Over The United States
Hospitals are filling up all across America, and there are extremely alarming shortages of some of our most important medications. Health authorities are warning that RSV, the flu and COVID are combining to create a “tripledemic”, and there are simply not enough medications to go around. Personally, I am most concerned about RSV. It is spreading like wildfire from coast to coast, and we are being told that very young children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable. I wrote an entire article about the RSV outbreak earlier this month, and since that time things have gotten even worse. Our medical system is being absolutely flooded with sick kids, and this has caused very serious shortages of amoxicillin, augmentin, tamiflu and albuterol…
America is facing a shortage of four key medications used for common illnesses in children as virus season comes back in full force. Officials have declared a shortage of first-line antibiotics amoxicillin and Augmentin, which are used to treat bacterial infections. Tamiflu, the most common flu medication in the US, and albuterol, an inhaler for asthma and to open airways in the lungs, are also in short supply, according to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
But we haven’t even gotten to the heart of flu season yet.
In fact, the beginning of winter is still about a month away.
So what will things look like by the time we get to the middle of January?
At this point, things are already so bad that we are also starting to see a very serious shortage of tylenol…
A children’s Tylenol shortage currently affecting Canada has carried over into the United States, pharmacists in multiple American cities have warned. The drug’s short supply, experts say, stems from a recent spike in pediatric sickness as seasonal bugs come back with a bang after being suppressed during COVID-related lockdowns.
This is nuts.
In all my years, I have never heard of a shortage of tylenol in the United States.
Unfortunately, we now have millions of people with compromised immune systems all over the country, and so RSV and the flu are hitting us extremely hard.
One doctor told CNN that “I’ve never seen anything like this”…
“In my 25 years of being a pediatrician, I’ve never seen anything like this,” pediatric infectious disease specialist Dr. Stacene Maroushek of Hennepin Healthcare in Minnesota told CNN. “I have seen families who just aren’t getting a break. They have one viral illness after another. And now there’s the secondary effect of ear infections and pneumonia that are prompting amoxicillin shortages.” The reason for shortages is due to increased demand, especially with a surge in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and flu cases. The combination of RSV, flu and COVID circulating has been called a “tripledemic.”
This is going to be one long winter for our medical system.
As I mentioned earlier, hospital beds are rapidly filling up all over the nation…
These surges have filled children’s hospitals across these states. The Children’s Hospital of Alabama, the state’s largest pediatric hospital located in Birmingham – 91 per cent of beds are filled, according to official figures. Vanderbilt University Medical Center, which includes the largest children’s hospital in Tennessee, is at 98 per cent capacity as of Tuesday.
And as I discussed in my article about RSV earlier this month, there are some hospitals that have already filled up all of their beds.
Of course most children that get sick don’t end up in the hospital.
Most of them just stay home and are cared for by their parents until they recover.
In October, more Americans missed work to take care of sick children than ever before…
More than 100,000 Americans missed work last month – an all time high – because of child-care problems, many of which come down to sick children and sick daytime caregivers.
Sadly, we will almost certainly set another new all-time record this month.
It sure would be nice if the federal government would step in and help to ensure that everyone has enough medications to give to their children during this medical emergency.
But instead of doing that, the Biden administration has decided to give another 4.5 billion dollars to Ukraine…
The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and in coordination with the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Department of State, is providing an additional $4.5 billion in direct budgetary support to the Government of Ukraine. The funding, which will help alleviate the acute budget deficit caused by Putin’s brutal war of aggression, was made possible with generous bipartisan support from Congress. The Government of Ukraine will receive the funding in two tranches before the end of 2022.
In addition, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has just announced that the Ukrainians will be receiving another 400 million dollars in military aid…
Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced a new $400 million military aid package to Ukraine on Wednesday. The package will include “additional arms, munitions, and air defense equipment from U.S. Department of Defense inventories,” Blinken said in a statement, which didn’t provide many specifics on the weapons heading to Ukraine. It is the 26th time the administration is using the presidential drawdown authority, which allows the United States to take from its stockpiles and provide those weapons to Ukraine.
Rather than giving so much money to the Ukrainians, why can’t we spend it on some antibiotics for our children?
It seems to me that our priorities are really messed up.
The RSV outbreak that we are witnessing right now is really serious. If you have young children, you will want to closely monitor developments in your local area.
After a couple of really tough years, a lot of people had been hoping that we would experience a “return to normal” in 2022.
But as I keep warning my readers, we have now entered an era of great pestilences.
This year we have seen the bird flu kill tens of millions of our chickens and turkeys, a global monkeypox epidemic has spread all over the globe, and now RSV and the flu are ripping across the nation.
We really are living in unprecedented times, and the challenges that we are facing are only going to get even greater as the months roll along.
“SARMAT” Nuclear Missile Goes Into FULL Production

Russia’s “Sarmat” strategic missile has gone into serial production. What do you need to know about the powerful superweapon of the Russian Federation?
This is the most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile in the world, surpassing the American ones in all respects.
– 1.5x range.
– by tripling the number of warheads.
– by take-off weight by 6.5 times.
– by the total power of the core charges by 7 times.
– by combat load by 9 times.
The Sarmat has Avangard hypersonic capsules that are totally IMMUNE to all known missile defenses, while the U.S. Minuteman III has no hypersonic capsules.
The Sarmat can also deliver a high-precision non-nuclear strike, in which the kinetic energy creates destruction similar to a nuclear explosion, but without radiation.
The Sarmat will be silo and mobile-based, while the U.S. Minuteman III is silo-based only.
The Sarmat is the latest rocket to enter service in 2022, while the U.S. Minuteman III entered service 50 years ago.
The Sarmat is one of six new Russian strategic weapons unveiled by Russian president Vladimir Putin on 1 March 2018. The RS-28 Sarmat made its first test flight on 20 April 2022, and the Russian government expects the missile is entering service in 2022. On August 16, 2022, a state contract was signed for the manufacture and supply of the Sarmat strategic missile system.
Egg Muffin sandwich
“Just like McDonalds, but you can control the ingredients. Great for work or breakfast on the go!”

- 1 English muffin
- 1 egg
- 1 slice light cheese
- 1 strip bacon, cooked (optional)
- salt and pepper
- Toast the english muffin.
- In a microwaveable cup roughly the same diameter of the muffin, add the egg, a tablespoon of water.
- Beat the egg, add the bacon (or sandwich meat, or nothing).
- Microwave on high for 1 to 2 minutes (until egg is cooked) while muffin is toasting.
- Assemble the muffin and let stand for a few minutes to melt the cheese.

The Wandering Earth (English dubbed) full 2hr movie
Here’s a real treat. This is probably one of the best science fiction movies to come out in the last five years. But, it’s Chinese, and thus has been outright banned, and blocked and generally given the worst reviews ever…
Too bad. It is awesome.
Good basic science fiction fare. No transgender or woke anything. Good story-line, great subplots, and great special effects. And the woke folk that write reviews HATE it.
It’s on you-tube (much to my surprise), and you all had best check it out before (yet again) the neocon war-mongering cabal puts this movie on it’s “copyright protection” bans.
I suggest you all watch this movie, and have fun. It’s long at 2 hours and is in English. Dubbed, but well done, and it will be a great adventure to enjoy. Watch it if you can spare the time!
There is also a Chinese version, HERE. If that version above has been banned for “national security” reasons.
Hi there!
Thank yo iso much for your work,
I appreciate it big time.
A word on the wandering earth:
The movie is based on a short story by cixin liu,
Imho one of the greatest sci-fi authors of our time.
If you like the setting, just wait until you read the three-body problem, and it’s successors the dark forest and death’s end.
Not only was it extremely insightful for me as a reader to have discovered a non-western writing style, but these stories are really really exciting and eye-opening!
Where every western author has failed to provide a glimpse of the future of what else can there be apart from dystopia and zombies, liu manages to take your hand and mind and grants us a view into the future where we can be heading if we overcome our current stupid-bully state.
If somebody feels so guided, I can pass my books,
Just drop me a line.
Best regards and have a nice weekend!
I watched Wandering Earth last year on Netflix. Great movie and I think I’ll watch again. Thank you for all these posts with so many talented souls on display. It has all been a real treat! You rock, MM