"I had a great conversation with Premier Li. It was very positive and constructive," - Australian PM
Biden and Xi Peng are in Indonesia. President Biden said Bla Bla Bla. Xi Peng smiled.
The American media are all in a tizzy.
American government officials are busy working on the next assault on China. Somehow believing that their subterfuge is still working…
Let’s forget that bullshit. Check out some actual stuff.
Ladies and gentleman, China now produces 1 billion chips a day.
In a few years, China’s chip production capacity has jumped from the top five in the world to the third in the world, surpassing the United States.
Today, China’s mass-produced 28nm and 14nm processes can meet 70% of the domestic chip demand. With the simultaneous advancement of chip design and chip manufacturing technology, China’s daily chip production capacity has now reached 1 billion, and China’s chip output in the first half of the year has reached 190 billion, more than half of the 360 billion China imported chips.
China’s domestic chip self-sufficiency rate quickly exceeded 30%. Chips in mainland China have made breakthroughs in both technology and production capacity, which not only reduced the number of imported chips, but also began to enter overseas markets after the competitiveness was improved.
China’s chip exports have increased by more than 20% this year, and the number of chip exports in the first eight months has reached more than 160 billion.
Funny …

A Russian checks-out the Zhuhai airshow!
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to China? Conversely, most people who have a negative view of China have never been to China?
Very simple. Those people who’ve been to China have seen what a magnificent and wonderful country China is.
Those people who’ve never been to China get their understanding of the country from Western media, which constantly lies about China, which constantly tries to demonize China.
There is absolutely no mystery here.
Something to think about…

Power Farting

Oggy, my oldest. He is now four years old. This is him watching kitties on the iPad. I found him among a batch of kittens outside from one of our outside cats. He looked at me and meowed so hard his head shook then came running to me as fast as a six week old could. I fell instantly in love and took him inside. I sat on the couch with him and we watched the show Oggy and the Cockroaches together. He loafed in my lap and really seemed to enjoy the video. So, I named him Oggy after the cat on the show.

China is offering “friendly countries” the chance to buy a radar system that could offset the battlefield reconnaissance advantages of Western satellites.
The 10-metre-tall SLC-18 active electronically scanned array radar, which has been on display at the China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, this week, can detect and track multiple low-orbiting satellites at the same time and forecast their paths, its developer, state-owned China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, said.

- SLC-18 can detect and track multiple low-orbiting satellites at the same time
- System provides ‘situational awareness capabilities’ on modern battlefields
What kind of leader is Xi Jinping?
He’s somebody who will deal with shit. I mean it literally.
In 1974, Xi volunteered to go to Liangjiahe, a dirt-poor village in Northwestern China. His dad was getting the rough treatment during the Cultural Revolution, so he probably felt that getting out of Beijing was a safer move. So he volunteered.

There he was, second from the left.
China’s GDP per capita in the 70’s was around $100 per year, which is obviously not great. But Liangjiahe was a totally different ball game. It was a famously poor place. I would guess the GDP per capita was maybe $20 a year. No, I did’t miss any zeros. It was really that poor. There was no electricity, no indoor plumbing, no toilet, no heat, no rice or flour. Corn was a luxury, millet and wild grass were the normal diet. and people just dug dirt caves out of mountains to live. This was the cave Xi lived in at that time:

The villagers that Xi lived with – were mostly illiterate and covered in fleas. So Xi looked around, and was like, fleas, oh well, I just have to get used to it. Food? That’s OK, I’ll take a hoe and go farm with the villagers. We can feed ourselves. Electricity? Water? Nah, nothing can be done about that. So what do we have? Poop! OK, so we have poop. We can make something with that, maybe.
So he read about fermenting poop to make methane gas, and tried to build a poop-fermenter in his village, so that people can use it for light and cooking at night. He was only 16 or 17 at that time, so he wasn’t very good and got the pipe stuck, so he had to jump into the cesspool to clear the pipe, and got poop all over himself, but he got it working. The next year he traded his motorbike for a water pump and some other tools for the village, and pretty soon his village was getting more prosperous. He stayed and worked in that village for 7 years, applied to join the CCP 10 times, got rejected 9 times, and finally got admitted on the 10th time. The villagers promptly elected him the Party Secretary of the village. That was how he started his political career in China.
He’s not unique. Actually, all of China’s leaders have been through absolute hell to get to where they are. CCP tradition is that unless you start from the very bottom, you’ll never get to the very top. I mean, you are selecting 7 out of 80 million, once every 10 years, so the CCP traditionally has been absolutely ruthless in terms of discipline and promotion. Election bribery? Expel 70. Industrial accident? Send 25 to jail. Corruption? Punish 100,000 in one year. Get GDP to grow at 10%+, while keep your nose clean? OK, you get a one step promotion. A small purge once every 2 years. A big purge once every 5 years. You’ve got to beat out 80 million people to get there, and everybody is swimming as hard as you are. The ones who pop out at the end, after 35 years, are all NOT your normal people!
When Beijing announced the plan to eliminate extreme poverty in 2015, most foreign observers were dubious. Can China Wipe Out Poverty By 2020?
Since the announcement, People Daily, the top Chinese newspaper, has been literally reporting on poverty reduction DAILY – success, failure, method, strategy, recidivism, lessons learned, statistics, etc.
I suspect the guy is actually serious about it.
Cookie, the black and white beauty. She is three. She was a very tiny thing when I found her starving and sick outside of a church. I held her and thought she looked like a tiny little cookie. I called her my Lil’ Cookie Crumb. Now, though, she thinks her name is Pretty because I always tell her she is so pretty! So she responds to that word.
Oggy has always been jealous of Cookie since the day I got her. He hated sharing my attention with her. This picture is actually one of their silent squabbles. When one tries to get past, the other gets a little in front and gives the death stare. So now they are both sitting, looking at me, but not daring to go past the door.

This is our sweet little Leo. He is now two. A friend of mine said her mom had kittens at her house and couldn’t keep them all. My husband loves cats, but never got to have one of his own (I had both the others before we moved in together). I decided to get him for my husband, whose astrological sign is Leo. (I don’t really believe in the astrological signs, but I thought it was fun to do that).


Poland to “Nationalize” Russia’s GAZPROM Assets – Grab pipelines
The government of Poland announced today it is nationalizing the assets of Russia’s GAZPROM; and in so doing, is grabbing the YAMAL-EUROPE natural gas pipelines built and maintained by Russia’s state-owned gas company, GAZPROM.
In addition, Germany announced that it, too, will nationalize GAZPROM assets within Germany. When people do such things, it’s called “theft.” Governments, re-name it.
What this may mean for Poland and Germany is unclear since the gas lines they are grabbing would need to be filled by . . . Russia . . . the country they just stole them from. So that’s not going to happen.
Apparently, Poland and Germany think they can continue to buy US liquified natural gas (at five or ten times the price of Russian gas) and then use the stolen GAZPROM pipelines to distribute the gas. Apparently, Germany and Poland aren’t planning on Russian agents blowing those pipelines up once they get filled with U.S. natural gas . . . but that, of course, is only a hypothetical possibility.
After all, why would Russia blow up the pipelines they paid for, after they were stolen by Poland and Germany?
And why would Russia wait until those pipelines are filled with US natural gas, that Europe desperately needs to avoid freezing to death this winter? (/sarcasm off)
Moreover, German and Polish industry simply cannot afford to operate if energy costs are five to ten times higher. Industry will have to LEAVE those countries or die.
Once again, the West shows itself to have no standard of decency, no morals, and no law.
When Germany and Poland see the sudden, bright, white, flashes, they will have brought it upon themselves.
What is so special about the Saharan silver ants?
I did promise you guys that I’d write a full answer on Saharan silver ants, and it appears one of my readers has gone to the trouble of asking me the question for it!
These ants are truly remarkable creatures, easily one of the most interesting species in an already fascinating group. They can be found all across the more northern swathe of the Sahara Desert, a truly extreme habitat which has forced them to undergo some equally extreme adaptations. Here is why they are so unique.

Living out in the deserts, these insects are faced with a problem. All through the night and for most of the day, predators like lizards run amok. This leaves only a daily ten minute window in which they can emerge from their nest and look for food. There’s only one drawback – the reason there are no predators about during this window is because it’s midday, when the heat is absolutely blistering.
But the tough little critters are up to the challenge. They can withstand up to 53.6 degrees Celsius (128 Fahrenheit) by producing incredible molecules called heat shock proteins, which help maintain cell structure during extreme temperatures.

All living things use heat shock proteins, but the ants are the only organisms in the world which can manufacture them at will, before they surface, instead of as an automated response to heat after the fact.
Another way that Saharan silver ants resist the beating sun is with their signature coat of silvery hair. They are not cylindrical in shape, like most animals’ hairs, but rather they are triangular prisms. This structure makes them highly reflective; in fact, they reflect away over 90% of the light which hits them. This is why they look so shiny, of course.

In order to gather enough food to feed an entire colony for a day in just ten minutes, they have to be quick – very, very quick. In fact, relative to their size, Saharan silver ants are the third-fastest organisms on the planet, topped only by a species of tiger beetle and a Californian mite.
They can cover a full metre in a little over a second, which is over 100 times their body length! Very interestingly, they run with their front legs lifted off the ground (perhaps to increase speed, or reduce contact with the searing-hot earth), making them one of the very few quadrupedal invertebrates.

So, have I convinced you that they’re special? You could make a strong case for ants as the most fascinating of all the insect groups, and Saharan silver ants are part of the reason why. Thank you for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed this answer, and have a great day.
If the Japanese leaders are heavily corrupted by the US, then are the Japanese companies afraid that their leaders follow the US order?
If you are in a business where your biggest customer China buys 30% of all your products and worst 90% of the balance customers are manufactured in China, you will certainly not want to stop doing business with China.
What is even worst is that you know should you boycott China in 3–5 years they will bring out an alternative that is better, cheaper and more reliable that totally make your products obsolete!
Businessman are not fools. The don’t start business to fail. Politicians do daft things to win votes. They don’t care what happens next as long as they win the election hence businessman takes politician’s suggestion with a pinch of the salt.
If push comes to shove they will divest or even change nationality if they have no choice. The last thing you would do is to destroy your company to please a despicable short term minded politician.
Rhubarb Streusel Cheesecake
Rhubarb pie lovers will dig in to this change-of-pace cheesecake topped with streusel.

- 3 cups chopped fresh rhubarb
- 3/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1/4 cup water
Crust and Topping
- 2 cups Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour
- 2/3 cup packed brown sugar
- 2/3 cup cold butter
Cream Cheese Mixture
- 2 packages (8 oz each) cream cheese, softened
- 2/3 cup packed brown sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 container (8 oz) sour cream

China Coast Guard burns 1.49 tons of methamphetamine
- Source
- China Military Online
- Editor
- Li Jiayao
- By Ma Shilong and Jiang Qiuyi
BEIJING, Nov. 11 — China Coast Guard (CCG) Taizhou Bureau in Zhejiang Province, joining with local police and procuratorate, launched a destruction activity for the drugs seized in a major maritime smuggling case on November 4. Witnessed by law enforcement officers from the three units, 1.49 tons of drugs were burned in an incinerator for harmless destruction.
It is learnt that the drugs were seized from the “6.01 Major Maritime Drug Smuggling Case” investigated and handled by the Zhejiang Coast Guard and local police in 2018, during which a total of 164 boxes of methamphetamine were seized with a total weight of 1.49 tons. After two years of pursuit, review, prosecution and judgment, the case was sentenced in Taizhou Intermediate People’s Court on June 13, 2020, and 18 suspects were severely punished by law.
Henry Kissinger said U.S. is aimlessly heading toward edge of war against Russia and China. Do you agree with him?
Of course he is 100% correct.
That’s coming from a person who deplores his role in murdering 3 million Vietnamese.
But credit must be given when credit is due. He has the good sense to normalised relationship with 20%of humanity half a century ago.
And his good sense made him see that the US is absolutely wrong to aimlessly lure Russia and China into animosity with the US. It is needless, it is not winnable, it is not helping America a bit.
In fact it is like nailing the final nail in the coffin for America the hegemonic power. The British as much as I deplore them for colonialism have to good sense to not show their cards in starting war in India or it’s colonies. It’s better to be perceived as strong then to be called as weak.
Americans and westerners who still think that we are in 1945, don’t know how strong China really is. I fear for them.
Chinese J-20 and J-16 fighter production rates are going through the roof
China has been building mass scale of manufacturing photonic chips factories now & will be ready to supply the world by year 2023. The photonic chips are 1,000 times better & faster than the 3-5nm chips manufactured by Taiwan & South Korea. Why?
Why has China been building multi-material, cross-scale photonic chip production lines?

The potential of traditional silicon-based chip materials has basically been exhausted, and it cannot meet the needs of further development of the industry in the future. The use of new materials is the way out to fundamentally solve the problem of chip performance. Photonic chips have become a frontier industry that countries are competing to deploy. Besides, it is difficult for advanced equipment to be fully autonomous, so China has also urgently adjusted its strategy. At present, the development direction of the semiconductor field is mainly divided into two steps. One is to focus on technological breakthroughs in silicon-based chips and wait for opportunities to increase. The second aspect of the autonomy ratio of domestic chips is to find alternative chip technologies. The industry is gradually becoming intelligent. With the support of the 5G technology and systems, the era of the Internet of Everything has begun to take shape, and the demand for chips has increased exponentially. However, traditional electronic chips seem to be powerless. The manufacturing process is extremely complicated, and the core technology is monopolized by the US companies, which has led to rising chip sales prices. After the formation of the monopoly market, it has caused great trouble for the development of international chip manufacturers. The follow-up will definitely not meet the needs of the times, and photonic chips becomes a good substitute.
The photonic chip adopts a new chip design architecture idea, which will be able to greatly improve the performance of existing electronic chips and solve the problems of power consumption, memory access capability and overall computer performance that cannot be solved by electronic chips.
In the field of photonic chips, Chinese companies have mastered many core technologies, and they are currently in their infancy, and many technical patents have not been registered. Therefore, it is a clear choice to increase research and development efforts in this regard. The structure of the photonic chip has low process requirements, generally a hundred nanometer level is enough. The domestic 90nm lithography machine equipment and technology can achieve mature mass production in China.
The focus of photonic chips is on the external extension and preparation, not on the lithography, which means that there is no need to rely on high-end lithography machines, which is also the reason for increasing the domestic layout. Only by getting rid of the dependence on EUV lithography machine can the Chinese gain an advantage in the chip field and achieve the ultimate lane change and overtaking.
The second-generation semiconductor materials such as indium phosphide and gallium arsenide used in photonic chips are naturally stronger than the track materials of silicon based electronic chips.

According to the forecast of professional institutions, the scale of photonic chips will exceed 100 billion US dollars in the next five years. The domestic research and development of photonic chips has already taken the lead in the world.
The typical players of the Chinese domestic optical chips have chosen the IDM mode. On the one hand, IDM can respond to market demands in a timely manner and flexibly adjust various process parameters in the product production process. On the other hand, it can efficiently troubleshoot problems and accurately address problems in product design, production, and testing. In addition, the IDM model has formed a complete closed-loop process that is not only independent and controllable, but also can effectively protect intellectual property rights.
In the past eight years, the domestic optical chip market has climbed from US$800 million to US$2.08 billion, with an average annual compound growth rate of about 17.3%. At the same time, according to the plans for 5G, data centers, the construction of a new computing power network system integrating data center, cloud computing and big data, to guide the computing power demand in the east to the west in an orderly manner, optimizing the construction layout of the data center, and promote the coordinated linkage between the east and the west, and Dual Gigabit networks, it is expected that the domestic optical chip market size is expected to further expand to US$2.4 billion in 2022.
It is necessary for China to make up for shortcomings in the field of traditional electronic chips as soon as possible, and efforts in the layout of new circuits such as photonic chips as soon as possible. With two-pronged approach, efforts will be made to seize the opportunity of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation.
To summon…

What do Saudis think of MBS?

As a Saudi woman, I believe Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is the most significant change not only for Saudi Arabia, but also for the entire Middle East.
He is the youngest leader Saudi has ever had — 34 years old — and this is why Saudi Arabia is changing quite rapidly.
He implemented liberal social and economic reforms in a decisive and bold manner, because 70% of the Saudi population are under the age of 30, and are very well-educated and open-minded. He launched the kingdom’s Vision 2030 (which is a set of social and economic reforms). Within only five years, he was able to acheive the following:
- Women were given their full legal rights.
- Diversified the Saudi economy away from oil (non-oil revenues are now 48% of the annual budget).
- Opened up the country for foreign tourism and investment (for the first time ever).
- Curbed the power of radical clerics.
- Adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards radicalism.
- Led a top-down corruption combating campaign ($100 billion was retrieved to the Saudi economy).
- Launched mega projects to develop the tourism sector such as the Red Sea Islands, NEOM, Amaala, Qiddea, etc.
- Invested in renewable energy (Saudi Arabia is planing to export renewable enrgy to the rest of the world, reamining yet again, an anergy provider).
China to turn the tables on the US within two years.
Within 2 years, China would be in a position to dictate terms with the US. This is the reason the superpower is worried and rattled.
Read the following content:

From kilo watts to Mega watts to petawatts. The yield of Chinese DEWs to multiply in two years. New scientific breakthroughs by Chinese researchers in the use of relativistic klystron amplifier technology demonstrate that future DEW systems will most likely be far more potent than existing ones.
A project in progress by researchers in Shanghai, who declare they will be capable to fire a 100-petawatt laser shot by 2024 – an output more than 10 times the capacity of the world’s largest nuclear power plant which spotlights this Chinese prowess.
And the other sparkling substance with regards to this subject is that the US is nowhere close to achieve this parity.
Which has a better standard of living, Singapore or Hong Kong?
I have lived in both countries. I am a citizen of Singapore and a permanent resident of HK
Housing: the houses and condos are bigger in Singapore. Condos are usually full facility places with swimming pools, sauna, tennis courts and bbq pits. HK apartments are usually poorly equipped with management fees that are expensive with the only facility being a security guard and an aircon lift lobby. Cost of ownership or rental in Singapore is cheaper. For Singaporeans there is also the opportunity to own public housing flats (unlike HK) which are less than half the price of private apartments. The quality of these flats are now very good and lowers cost of living for the average Singaporean.
Food: Both cities are are fairly similar. I lived as a local in both cities and found that eating at singapore hawker centers are cheap, clean and good. Cheaper and cleaner than HK. Also with more variety in Singapore due to its multiracial population. High end restaurants, both places are equally expensive. For Mid-tier restaurants I found HK to be cheaper. Food hygiene in Singapore is of a higher standard than in HK. In HK the government tends to be reactive and in Singapore the government is more proactive in this regard. Hence we read often of cholera or typhoid outbreaks in HK or tainted seafood or meats etc.
luxury items: HK tends to be cheaper. But everyday down to earth stuff , prices are about similar.
Taxation: if you are mid to low salaried range then tax is lower in Singapore. If you draw more than USD $250k per annum and a local, then HK may be better.
transport cost: Public transport is slightly cheaper in Singapore. Car ownership cost more in Singapore. But if you can afford a car in Singapore, there are more things you can do with it. Driving up to Malaysia is fun and suddenly the cost of things drop by half. In HK you can’t freely drive into China without a whole lot of formalities. Normal HK registered cars can’t go into China. There are more people who own cars in Singapore than HK because of the availability of parking spaces in Singapore compared to HK, although cars can be as much as twice the price in HK.
children: Singapore pursues a policy which is friendly to having children whether in terms of tax, education and so on.
Safety: Both HK and Singapore are safe places with low crime rates, although in HK beneath the placid surface of society, the triads are still functioning actively. But seldom this affects the everyday life of normal citizens. Triads were wiped out in Singapore by the 1970s by tough laws. This is is not to say there are no gangs in Singapore. There are. But these are usually small time ones.
HK: within HK there are more places to visit over the weekend compared to within Singapore. But in Singapore you have the benefit of being able to drive your car into Malaysia and explore all the way to Thailand, and if you feel like it, drive into Thailand. Singapore is also a hub for budget airlines that fly to holiday destinations around the region. Eg. Phuket is only 1.5 hours flying time and can be as cheap as USD80 for a return flight.
healthcare: Both places have good healthcare but Singapore probably has a edge on this being a med-tourism destination.
Language: for foreigners to move around, Singapore has the advantage that most people speak English although at varying levels of competency depending on their level of education. Most Singaporeans speak at least 2 languages if not 3 or 4. Sadly HK is largely monolingual in Cantonese only. Of course there is a portion of HK society that speak some English but that is the Exception rather than the norm.
Overall I have enjoyed my time staying in both countries and both have their strengths. I think in terms of standard of living both are equally high. if you have kids and enjoy a family oriented life style, Singapore would be a better place. But that is not to say there are no exciting places and night spots in Singapore. It has its equal share of such places.
Looking cute…

Given how the Chinese never had a vote in their government ruled by Chinese Communist Party, should media when reporting make the distinction between China and the regime ruling China, when referring to ‘China’ in their reports?
Your ‘given’ is false. The Chinese do have a vote in their government. There are free elections at the local level. Local officials then get to vote for officials at the next level of government above them and so on all the way to the top where the Politburo votes for the national leader.
This is similar to Western democracy. For example, in America you vote for local electors who then vote for the President. American citizens at the bottom do NOT directly vote for their President.
Similarly in Canada where I live. We vote for our Members of Parliament but we do NOT directly vote for the Prime Minister. The choice of national leader is determined behind closed doors by members of the party majority.
The ONLY difference between Chinese democracy and Western-style democracy is that Western democracy is based on competition between multiple parties. In China, there is only one ruling party, the Communist Party of China (CPC).
Competition between multiple parties is a fundamentally flawed concept. Elections become a popularity contest; it does not matter whether the candidate is intelligent nor competent nor experienced.
A multi-party system allows for compromised policy creation. And worries about winning the next election often hinder the execution of long-term policies. Such policies can even get overturned after the next election.
Historically, the Chinese people have always been led by a strong central government, whether it was an imperial dynasty or the CPC. Thus, there is no need to make a distinction between government and the people; they are two halves of the whole.
In what way did living in a foreign country cause you to now be unable to function in your own country?
I have lived in ten countries, and every one of them ruined being German for me a little bit:
Austria: Turned me into a charmer, bonvivant, and small talker. Germans now find me too hedonistic and chatty for comfort.
Canada: Fundamentally changed my expectations regarding friendliness towards strangers. I employ Canadian friendliness with strangers at all times now, and it can be too much for where I’m from. People tend to think I am trying to sell them insurance, or vacuum cleaners, or convert them to some religion when I do that in Germany.
USA: Living there has blown my German preciousness about earthly possessions to smithereens. I am just no longer impressed by glitzy things, because I know they’re a dollar ninetynine at Valumart.
France: Has really stiffened up my professional backbone. I love French professionalism, even if it’s close to being a robot. The serious way I handle work these days is too much for Germans. But I am sticking to it. Work hard, play hard.
England: I can’t put my finger on it exactly, but my years in England have made me a far better person in terms of social skills than I ever was before. Empathetic expression, conversation pace, wit… my fellow Germans consider me British these days because of the way I handle interactions. And I know when to shut up now.
New Zealand: Once you’ve lived in New Zealand, you’ll be hard to impress with scenery. When friends and family send me pictures of their “wonderful views” of German mountains or ocean, they cannot imagine how boring I find those. I’ve seen some seriously amazing stuff in NZ, you know.
China: My years in China have ruined German food for me. Real, authentic, Chinese food with its complexity of flavours, ingredients, and textures makes German food as interesting as a three-part cardboard train kit. If I can get real Chinese food, I will choose it over German food without a further thought.
India: Living in India has opened my eyes to the mechanics of networking. By comparison to normal Germans, I am able to make contact with key people now that they would find inexplicable and downright spooky. Need to talk to the president? No problem, we’re Facebook buddies.
Sweden: When it comes to work place- and correspondence tone, Sweden has spoiled me for life. Never again will I be able to work in Germany, or handle letters from German state offices without needing a stiff drink. The Swedes are so much more gentle.
So, I suppose I am now a softly spoken, over-friendly guy who likes overdoing it in the enjoyment department, works like a robot, doesn’t go for brand names, knows everyone, and expects some serious scenery.

What kind of Americans think China is a threat to the US and want to contain China? Do they have valid reasons? Can they do it?
Many Americans assume all nations are going to be like themselves – competitive, aggressive, exploitative. Many expect threatening behaviour even when it doesn’t exist. Many Americans see China as a threat.
But what Americans didn’t see was that they were being offered an opportunity. An opportunity that was buried by all the propaganda.
The opportunity was to join in world wide integrated trade and development with the belt and road initiatives. It was an opportunity to join in developing huge potential markets in Africa, central Asia, India and South America whilst at the same time lifting billions of people out of poverty and debt, renewing their own economy, fixing the environment and ameliorating global warming.
Marx was right. Capitalist America was so busy competing for crumbs and ignoring its own citizen’s needs, it didn’t see a future where four times as many of earth’s citizens could become consumers of American products. For instance, it destroyed those who would have helped a whole continent, Africa, develop – The Libya Arab Jamahiriya and it would do the same to China if it could to prevent the rise of a modern, egalitarian, educated, tech savvy Africa.
The US is still focused on nuclear, oil and coal when much of the world is already leapfrogging over expensive old technologies and straight into cheaper, environmentally clean ones. Thus sadly, America’s people are being left behind. Its leaders are stuck in the past with its ideologies of greed, lacking dreams of a better future for all.
Rather than containing China, America should look critically at itself first, and then join China and the rest of the world in creating the future. A future that would benefit Americans as well as everyone else. But it probably won’t, and if it succeeds in containing China, I suspect China will simply leave it behind.
What is the reason China does not like to use its massive military power to solve problems? Is it true that China does not like to use military force?
This is absolutely correct. China does not like to wage war. China does not like to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations. China does not like to overthrow foreign regimes.
China treats all nations with dignity and respect. Except when a country (*cough*America*cough*) disrespects it.
China prefers to use diplomacy.
China prefers to trade with nations, no matter what kind of government they have. The Taliban? Who the fuck cares?
Medicated enough?

Is it safe to visit China as an American?
It’s laughable you even have to ask. I’ve been to China five times and it’s 100 times safer than the US. The cops often don’t even carry guns. You can walk around any city at 3am with your wallet glued to your forehead and nothing would happen to you. There really aren’t even that many scams for tourists compared to other countries, especially outside Beijing and Shanghai.
But this is why Americans are viewed as so insular and ignorant. Why did you even ask this? You just assume that China is some big bad evil communist country like the American media and society has brainwashed you into thinking?
True story: first time I went to China in 2010 I was literally blown away at how developed and advanced it is. It’s literally 30 years ahead of the US at least in terms of its infrastructure such as airports, bullet trains, subways, sidewalks, roads, etc. But my brainwashed mind had believed the American spin about China that it was some evil shithole. Oh and I also never found it was some police state. I could buy a beer at a store and drink it on the street and that was no problem, try that in America.
So anyway, if you have to ask if it’s safe to visit it probably means you should not even bother going because the real issue is your internalized American fear of the unknown.
This China’s New MD-22 Hypersonic-aircraft will make the SR-72 Obsolete
A very bad boy…

Chocolate Mint Brownies
Indulge in a classic bar with three delicious layers—fudgy brownies, minty filling and chocolate glaze.

Brownie Base
- 1 box (16 oz) Betty Crocker™ Supreme original brownie mix
- Water, vegetable oil and egg called for on brownie mix box
- 2 tablespoons butter, softened
- 3 oz cream cheese, softened
- 2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
- 3 cups powdered sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon mint extract
- Betty Crocker™ green gel food color
- 1/3 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1 1/3 cups semisweet chocolate chips
- 1/3 cup butter

That prick…

The Worst Famine In The US Killed 3 Out Of 4 People; Lessons for Preppers
For as long as there have been people, there’s been famine. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors developed agriculture because, although most people’s diets actually got worse when they started farming, it was easier to build up the stores needed to survive a future shortage.
Famines still happened, though; bad weather, disease, or pests could destroy the crops, and that usually meant starvation would follow. Famines are described in the Bible and the works of Greek and Roman historians. They regularly devastated Europe through the Middle Ages and as late as the 1840s, when blight ravaged the whole continent’s potato crop (not just Ireland’s) and killed over a million people.
What fewer people know is that famine has also reared its ugly head in the USA – and reduced some of the earliest settlers to squalor, degradation and finally cannibalism. It was an episode that threatened the whole idea of European settlement in North America; it also contains a lot of lessons for preppers.
The Optimists
Settlement of North America by English speakers goes back to the Virginia Charter; issued by King James I in 1606, it authorized English subjects to set up colonies in a swathe of land up the East Coast from what’s now North Carolina to well into modern Canada. Would-be settlers didn’t waste much time; an expedition was quickly organized, and set sail from Plymouth on December 20 the same year. On May 13, 1607 they landed on the coast of Virginia, and established a settlement named in honor of their King – Jamestown.
The original group of settlers was small and all-male, comprising 104 men and boys. They were adventurous, confident people, determined to build a life for themselves in a vast new land. They were also almost completely unprepared, and lacking many of the skills and supplies they would need to survive long-term.
These colonists were setting out to live in a place they had never visited before and knew little about. Surely they would have made sure they could survive in the worst-case scenario of what they would find there? Well, no. They didn’t.
Virginia was unsettled, but not totally unknown. Explorers had sailed along its coast and even landed there. The Jamestown settlers knew the land was inhabited, and that led them to make some dangerous assumptions. In the end, those assumptions would destroy the colony.
The colonists had no plan to make themselves self-sufficient in food, which any prepper knows is a basic survival requirement. Instead, they planned to rely on trade with the indigenous people, supplemented by some farming and occasional supply ships from England. That was a mistake. To compound it, they chose a settlement location based on how easy it was to defend. That’s an important factor in choosing a settlement, but it’s not the only factor.
Jamestown was located on a small island in the James River, separated from the mainland by a narrow channel. That channel made the island easy to defend, but it also meant there wasn’t a lot of game on it; the settlers couldn’t rely on hunting as a food source. Much of the island was also tidal wetlands, which couldn’t be farmed, and it was close enough to the sea that the water in the James River was brackish and undrinkable. As a place to build a self-sufficient settlement, it couldn’t have been much worse.
Despite its faults, though, Jamestown grew steadily for the next two years. Only 38 of the original settlers survived the first winter, but another hundred men joined them in January 1608. More arrived in October, including the colony’s first two women, and another 250 through the summer and fall of 1609. It seemed that Jamestown was a success – but that was all about to change.
I wonder…

The Fatal Food Supply Mistakes
Jamestown was situated on land that belonged to the Powhatan tribe, and relations between Chief Powhatan – father of the famous Pocahontas – and the settlers had often been tense. However, by mid-1609 personal respect between Chief Powhatan and leading colonist Captain John Smith had brought a truce, and the Powhatan tribe was the main source of the colony’s food.
Unfortunately, in August 1609 Smith was badly injured in a gunpowder explosion, probably an assassination attempt. His wounds were too severe for the colonists to treat, so in October – with winter approaching – he left for England on one of the ships that had brought more settlers. The leadership of the colony was taken over by John Ratcliffe, who didn’t have Smith’s knack of dealing with the natives, and Chief Powhatan decided to end the truce.
Chief Powhatan’s strategy was simple. He’d been observing the settlers since they arrived, and knew how precarious their food situation was, so there was an obvious way to force them to leave and get rid of the colony on his tribe’s land – starve them out.
Supply ships from England throughout 1609 had brought several hundred new colonists, but they hadn’t brought a lot of food. Most of the rations that had left England had been on a ship which separated from the supply fleet in a storm and ended up wrecked on Bermuda. Jamestown had pinned all its hopes on buying food from the Powhatan, and now that source was suddenly cut off.
To make matters even worse, a drought in the summer had wiped out almost all the crops in Jamestown’s small farms. Granaries and root cellars were virtually empty. Now, deliveries from the Powhatan stopped and the tribe began killing any settler who ventured onto the mainland to hunt. Jamestown went into the winter of 1609/10 with close to 500 residents, but stores to feed barely a tenth of that number until spring.
The Starving Time
Most of Jamestown’s early history is well enough known; settlers kept diaries, wrote letters home and sent reports to the Virginia Company and the King. In fall of 1609, though, the historical record suddenly goes dark. There are few detailed accounts of what happened in Jamestown between Captain Smith’s departure for England on October 4 and the arrival of two ships from Bermuda on May 23, 1610. Why? Probably because nobody who lived through that winter in Jamestown wanted to talk about what they did to survive.
The accounts that do survive tell of desperate measures. A few Indians were still willing to supply small amounts of food – but only in exchange for essentials that the colonists wouldn’t normally even consider trading. In early winter, many Jamestown residents gave away the tools they needed to build, farm and work at their trades. Some even traded the weapons they needed to defend themselves. It still wasn’t enough.
For archaeologists, rubbish heaps are a gold mine of information. Plant remains and household rubbish can tell us a lot about how people lived in the past, but few things are more informative than animal bones. If your dog dies and you’re not very sentimental, you might throw its body in the trash – but you won’t joint it first. That winter, the people of Jamestown were cutting up their dogs and throwing the bones in the trash. By that point the horses had probably all been eaten, and when the dogs were gone cat and rat bones started turning up in the rubbish heaps. Unable to hunt, the colonists were eating every animal they could get their hands on. But soon the animals were all gone, too, and at that point truly horrible things began to happen in the starving settlement.
Dark rumors about the colonists’ desperation have made it into the history books. There are tales of freshly buried corpses – and there were many burials that winter – being dug up overnight and butchered for meat. A husband was supposedly burned at the stake for killing his wife and hiding her salted flesh in his house. Foraging parties came back a man short, and some of them probably weren’t killed by Indians. These were all just stories, though. Then, in 2012, proof was found that the people of Jamestown really did resort to eating each other.
Cannibalism has happened often enough in human history that archaeologists are familiar with the distinctive cut marks left on the bones of victims. When the skull, jawbone and one leg of a girl aged about 14 were found in the cellar of the old Jamestown fort, where the colonists sheltered from Indian attacks that winter, archaeologists examined the remains for clues to what killed her. What they found was gruesome – she’d been butchered with an ax or cleaver, and the flesh cut from her bones with a knife.
There’s no possibility that this luckless girl was cannibalized by the Powhatan and her remains retrieved later; while the Indians pillaged parts of the settlement, the fort was held by the colonists through the winter. The girl hadn’t been given a decent burial, either. Her remains were found mixed in with a jumble of other bones, including a horse, dogs and squirrels.
Did hungry colonists kill the girl for food, or strip away her flesh after she died of some other cause? We’ll probably never know. But, once the taboo against eating human flesh has been broken and the recently dead consumed, it’s not such a big step to start wondering which of the living could be eaten next.
Being Prepared
The Starving Time of 1610 is a horror story from the distant past, but it contains lessons no prepper should forget. The colonists’ biggest mistake was not being self-sufficient in food. They survived for a while on outside sources, but when those sources were cut off by conflict with the Powhatan and winter storms in the Atlantic, starvation became inevitable. If you plan to survive long term, you need to ensure that you can feed yourself from sources you control and that you have reserves to keep you going if crops fail or you’re under siege for a while. Otherwise, you could end up as a footnote in some future archaeologist’s paper about 21st-century cannibalism.

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This Chinese Drone does Something the US doesn’t.
You all, must watch this video.

The One Chart That Explains Everything

Look at the chart above. The chart explains everything.
It explains why Washington is so worried about China’s explosive growth. It explains why the US continues to hector China on the issues of Taiwan and the South China Sea.
It explains why Washington sends congressional delegations to Taiwan in defiance of Beijing’s explicit requests.
It explains why the Pentagon continues to send US warships through the Taiwan Strait and ship massive amounts of lethal weaponry to Taipei.
It explains why Washington is creating anti-China coalitions in Asia that are aimed at encircling and provoking Beijing.
It explains why the Biden administration is stepping up its trade war on China, imposing onerous economic sanctions on its businesses, and banning critical high-tech semi-conductors that are “are essential not just… for virtually every aspect of modern society, from electronic products and transport to the design and production of all manner of goods.”
It explains why China has been singled-out in the US National Security Strategy (NSS) as “the only competitor with both the intent and, increasingly, the capability to reshape the international order.”
It explains why Washington now regards China as its biggest and most formidable strategic adversary that must be isolated, demonized and defeated.
The chart above explains everything, not just the hostile diplomatic jabs that are designed to discredit and humiliate China, but also the openly belligerent policies that are aimed at Russia as well.
People need to understand this. They need to see what is really going on so they can put events in their proper geopolitical context.
And what “context” is that?
The context of a Third World War; a war that was thoroughly-planned, instigated and (now) prosecuted by Washington and Washington’s proxies. That’s what’s really going on.
The increasingly violent conflagrations we see cropping-up in Ukraine and Asia are not the result of “Russian aggression” or “evil Putin”. No. They are the actualization of a sinister geopolitical strategy to quash China’s meteoric rise and preserve America’s dominant role in the world order. Can there be any doubt about that?
No. None.
This is why we are experiencing the redivision of the world into warring blocs. This is why we are seeing the roll back of 30 years of Globalization and massive suppyline disruption. And this is why Europe has been thrust headlong into frigid darkness and forced deindustrialisation. All of these suicidal policies were concocted for one purpose and one purpose alone, to maintain America’s exalted spot in the global system.
That is why all of humanity is presently embroiled in a Third World War; a war that is designed to prevent China from becoming the world’s biggest economy; a war that is designed to preserve US global primacy. Check out this excerpt from an article at the World Socialist Web Site:
An October 19 Financial Times article by Edward Luce, entitled “Containing China is Biden’s explicit goal,” sounded the following alarm: “Imagine that a superpower declared war on a great power and nobody noticed. Joe Biden this month launched a full-blown economic war on China—all but committing the US to stopping its rise—and for the most part, Americans did not react. “To be sure, there is Russia’s war on Ukraine and inflation at home to preoccupy attention. But history is likely to record Biden’s move as the moment when US-China rivalry came out of the closet.” Moreover, last week, a top Biden administration official indicated that the US was preparing new bans on China in key hi-tech areas. Speaking at the Center for a New American Security, Alan Estevez, the under-secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security, was asked if the US would ban China from accessing quantum information science, biotechnology, artificial intelligence software or advanced algorithms. Estevez admitted that this was already being actively discussed. “Will we end up doing something in those areas? If I was a betting person, I would put down money on that,” he said…. Luce concluded his Financial Times article cited above by declaring: “Will Biden’s gamble work? I’m not relishing the prospect of finding out. For better or worse, the world has just changed with a whimper not a bang. Let us hope it stays that way.”…(“Biden’s technology war against China”, World Socialist Web Site)
Once again, look at the chart. What does it tell you?
The first thing it tells you is that the hostilities we see in Ukraine (and eventually Taiwan), can be traced back to a fundamental shift in the global economy.
China is growing stronger. It’s on a path to overtake the United States economy within the decade.
And with growth, come certain benefits. As the world’s biggest economy, China will naturally become Asia’s regional hegemon.
And, as Asia’s regional hegemon it will be able “to settle regional disputes in its own favor and to de-legitimize U.S. regional and global leadership.”
Can you see the problem here?
For nearly two decades, the US has oriented its foreign policy around a “rebalancing of forces” strategy called the “pivot to Asia”.
In short, the US intends to be the dominant player in the world’s most populous and prosperous region, Asia.
Can you see how China’s rise derails Washington’s plan for the future?
The United States is not going to let this happen without a fight. Washington is not going to let China muscle-it-out of the markets that it plans to dominate. That’s not going to happen.
And if you think that’s going to happen, you’d better think again. The United States will go to war to avoid a scenario in which the US plays “second fiddle” to China.
In fact, the foreign policy establishment has already decided that the US will engage China militarily for that very objective.
So, our thesis is simple; we think WW3 has already begun.
That’s all we’re saying.
The ructions we see in Ukraine are merely the first salvo in a Third World War that has already triggered an unprecedented energy crisis, massive worldwide food insecurity, a catastrophic break-down in global supply lines, widespread and out-of-control inflation, the steady reemergence of extreme nationalism, and the redivision of the world into warring blocs. What more proof do you need?
And it’s all economic. The origins of this conflict can all be traced back to the seismic changes in the global economy, the rise of China and the unavoidable decline of the United States. It is a case of one empire replacing the other. Naturally, a transition of this magnitude is going to generate tectonic changes in global distribution of power. And along with those changes will come more flashpoints, more devastation, and the looming prospect of nuclear war. And this is precisely how things are playing out.
So, how does the chart explain what is happening in Ukraine?
Washington’s proxy war in Ukraine is actually aimed at China not Russia.
Russia is not a peer competitor and Russia does not have the economic wherewithal to displace the United States in the global order. NordStream, however, did pose a significant risk to the US by greatly strengthening Moscow’s economic relations with the EU and particularly with Europe’s industrial powerhouse, Germany.
The Moscow-Berlin alliance—which was mutually beneficial and key to German prosperity—had to be sabotaged to prevent further economic integration that would have drawn the continents closer together into the world’s biggest free trade zone.
Washington had to stop that in order to preserve its economic stranglehold on Europe and defend the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Even so, no one expected the US to blow up the pipeline itself in—what appears to be—the greatest act of industrial terrorism in history. That was truly shocking.
In essence, Washington sees Russia as an obstacle to its “pivot” plan to encircle, isolate and weaken China. But Russia is not the greatest threat to US global primacy; not even close. That designation belongs to China.
The Third World War is being waged to contain China not Russia. What the war in Ukraine suggests is that—among foreign policy elites—there is general agreement that, The road to Beijing goes through Moscow.
That appears to be the consensus view. In other words, US powerbrokers want to weaken Russia in order to spread US military bases across Asia. Ultimately, the military will be called upon to enforce Washington’s economic rule over its new Asian subjects. If that day ever comes.
We think it is extremely unlikely that Washington’s ambitious plan will succeed, but we have no doubt that it will be implemented all the same.
Tens of millions of people are likely to die in a desperate attempt to turn-back the clock to the fleeting ‘unipolar moment’ and the equally short-lived American Century.
It is a tragedy beyond comprehension.
You’re Fucked